Planning Application Details for - R-2022-0176-CD

Official consultation has expired

Condition number
Condition Details

The commencement of the development shall not take place until there has been submitted to, approved in writing by and deposited with the Council a scheme for transporting those involved in the construction and operation of the development by means other than by single passenger car occupancy. The approved scheme shall be adhered to throughout the period of construction and operation of the development unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Council.
The commissioning of the Development shall not commence until a scheme covering the monitoring and delivery to and from the Site by road of biomass fuel and post-combustion residues has been submitted to, approved in writing by, and deposited with the Council. The scheme shall include provision for it to be reviewed annually with the Council. Reason: To ensure that the delivery of biomass fuel and disposal of postcombustion residues by road are managed and do not harm the free flow of traffic on the highways network.
The commissioning of the Development shall not take place until there has been submitted to and approved in writing by, and deposited with, the Council, in consultation with the Environment Agency, a scheme for the monitoring of air pollution including nitrogen oxides in the vicinity of the Development. The scheme shall include the measurement location or locations within the Council area from which air pollution will be monitored and the methods to be used and the frequency of measurement. The scheme shall provide for the first measurement to be taken not less than 12 months prior to the commissioning of the Development and for the final measurement to be taken not more than 24 months after the commissioning of the Development. The Company shall supply full details of the measurements obtained in accordance with the scheme to the Council as soon as possible after they become available.
(62) At least 4 months prior to the operation of the Development, the Company must submit to and approve in writing with the Council a report on Combined Heat and Power (CHP) feasibility assessing potential commercial opportunities for the use of heat from the Development. The report must provide for ongoing monitoring and full exploration of potential commercial opportunities to use heat from the development as part of a Good Quality CHP scheme (as defined in CHPQA Standard issue 5), and for the provision of subsequent reviews of such opportunities as necessary. Reason: To ensure that waste heat is available for use to the benefit of the local domestic, commercial and industrial users when the demand arises.

Date Letter Sent
Expiry Date

Councillor S Jeffrey (SOUTH BANK)
Councillor Sandra Smith (SOUTH BANK)
Engineering Team (Highways)
Environmental Protection Team
Greener Future - Climate Change
National Highways

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