Planning Application Details for - R-2022-0366-CD
Official consultation has expired
Condition number
Condition Details
Prior to the commencement of the development, or in accordance with the phasing plan agreed through discharge of condition 4, details shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority of the Surface Water Management and Maintenance Plan, unless otherwise agreed in writing Thereafter it shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details.
REASON: To ensure the development is supported by a suitably designed surface water disposal infrastructure scheme which is appropriately maintained and to minimise the risk flooding and contamination of the system during the construction process and in the locality minimise.”
REASON FOR PRE-COMMENCEMENT: A pre-commencement condition is required to ensure that excavations and groundworks do not compromise the installation of the approved surface water drainage infrastructure.
Prior to the commencement of the development, or in accordance with the phasing plan agreed through discharge of condition 4, a detailed scheme for the disposal of foul and surface water from the development hereby approved shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority in consultation with Northumbrian Water and the Lead Local Flood Authority. Thereafter the development shall take place in accordance with the approved details.
REASON: To prevent the increased risk of flooding from any sources in accordance with the NPPF.
REASON FOR PRE-COMMENCEMENT: A pre-commencement condition is required to ensure that excavations and groundworks do not compromise the installation of the approved surface water or foul drainage infrastructure.
Prior to the commencement of development or in accordance with the phasing plan agreed through the discharge of condition 4 final details shall be agreed of the finished floor levels of the development and the development completed in accordance with the approved details.
REASON: To confirm the finished floor level of the development in the light of any necessary groundworks to meet the requirement of other planning conditions and confirm the overall height of the final scheme in the context of the information provided in the Environmental Statement.
REASON FOR PRE-COMMENCEMENT: A pre-commencement condition is required so that the final agreed levels for the site are not compromised by the start of groundworks.
Date Letter Sent
Expiry Date
Councillor S Jeffrey (SOUTH BANK)
Councillor Sandra Smith (SOUTH BANK)
Engineers (Local Lead Flood Authority)
Northumbrian Water Ltd
No Neighbours Found For This Application
If you are unable to find the decision notice that relates to this planning application, please email and we will provide this document to you.
Application Form | ||
218kb | 19/04/2022 | |
152kb | 19/04/2022 | |
Plans and Supporting Documentation | ||
4620kb | 19/04/2022 | |
2837kb | 19/04/2022 | |
9867kb | 19/04/2022 | |
3832kb | 19/04/2022 | |
Consultee Responses | ||
52kb | 11/05/2022 | |
49kb | 27/05/2022 | |
Officer Report | ||
403kb | 14/06/2022 | |
Decision Notice | ||
539kb | 14/06/2022 |