{TOC} Applications details - [[this>Teesworks/Planning/R-2020-0598-FF|R/2020/0598/FF]] ===== Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council Planning (Development Management) ===== APPLICATION NUMBER: [[R-2020-0598-FF-Officer Report|R-2020/0598/FF-Officer Report]] LOCATION: FORMER STEEL HOUSE GATEWAY REDCAR GATE OFF A1085 TRUNK ROAD REDCAR PROPOSAL: RETROSPECTIVE DEMOLITION OF EXISTING GATEHOUSE; REDEVELOPMENT OF SITE TO PROVIDE NEW SINGLE STOREY GATEHOUSE WITH ASSOCIATED CAR PARKING AND LANDSCAPING ===== APPLICATION SITE AND DESCRIPTION ===== Permission is sought retrospectively for the demolition of existing gatehouse; redevelopment of site to provide new single storey gatehouse with associated car parking and landscaping on land at the former Steel House gateway, Redcar gate, off A1085 Trunk Road, Redcar. The application relates to the proposed entrance to the STDC site off the Trunk Road. The site is situated within a mainly commercial/industrial location with the STDC site located to the north and west of the site. The replacement gatehouse is to have maximum dimensions of 26.3m by 7.5m with a maximum height of 3.7m. the gatehouse is to be finished in grey cladding panels with a glazed corner feature. The application has been accompanied by site layout plans and proposed elevation and floor plans of the new gatehouse. ===== DEVELOPMENT PLAN ===== Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 requires that applications for planning permission be determined in accordance with the development plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. ===== NATIONAL PLANNING POLICIES ===== National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) ===== REDCAR & CLEVELAND LOCAL PLAN (2018) ===== SD1 Sustainable Development SD2 Locational Policy SD3 Development Limits SD4 General Development Principles LS4 South Tees Spatial Strategy ED6 Promoting Economic Growth PLANNING HISTORY [[R-2020-0599-AD-Officer Report|R-2020/0599/AD-Officer Report]] Display of internally illuminated led display screen mounted on railbridge to replace existing signage. Pending determination ===== RESULTS OF CONSULTATION AND PUBLICITY ===== The application has been advertised by means of a site notice. As a result of the consultation period no written responses have been received. ==== SABIC Cross Country Pipeline ==== The planning application will not affect the SABIC Cross Country Pipeline apparatus ==== CATS ==== We accept planning application as it’s of a distance not to affect equipment of the Central Area Transmission System buried assets, owned by Kellas Midstream and operated by its affiliate CATS North Sea limited, on whose behalf we act. ==== Northern Gas Networks ==== No objection ==== Northumbrian Water ==== No objection ==== Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council (Environmental Protection) (Contaminated Land) ==== No objection ==== Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council (Environmental Protection) (Nuisance) ==== No objection ===== CONSIDERATION OF PLANNING ISSUES ===== The main considerations in the assessment of the application are; * The principle of development * The impacts on the character and appearance of the area * The impacts on neighbour amenity * The impacts on highways safety * The principle of development The application site is located within the development limits on the at the entrance to the STDC site. The principle of the replacement gate house and associated car parking and landscaping in this location is acceptable and the proposal accords with the aims of policy SD3 of the Redcar and Cleveland Local Plan. The impacts on the character and appearance of the area The proposed gate house is located at the entrance to the STDC site. The development is therefore going to the focal point for those approaching and entering the site. The replacement gatehouse is to be positioned in a similar location to the existing gatehouse that is set back from the main highway to the southeast. The proposed landscaping is considered to provide a suitable entrance to the site. Given the location of the building and the surrounding land uses, the proposal is suitable in relation to the proportions, massing, height, size, scale, materials and detailed design features and the application would respect the character of the site and its surroundings. The application accords with part j of policy SD4 of the Redcar and Cleveland Local Plan. The impacts on neighbour amenity Due to the scale and location of the gate house and associated works there are no overbearing impacts and the development raises no issues in terms of overlooking or loss of privacy. The development will not have a significant adverse impact on the amenity of occupiers of existing buildings and the proposal accords with part b of policy SD4 of the Redcar and Cleveland Local Plan. The impacts on highways safety The works proposed include a remodelling of the road network at the entrance to the site including the provision new parking bays, car park and landscaping. The application raises no issues in terms of highways safety and the application accords with part p of policy SD4 of the Redcar and Cleveland Local Plan. Other matters The application raises no issues in terms of crime prevention and the application accords with part m of policy SD4 Redcar and Cleveland Local Plan. ===== CONCLUSION ===== For the reasons outlined above the proposal is considered acceptable. The development will not have a significant adverse impact on neighbour amenity and the proposal raises no issues in terms of highways safety or crime prevention. The scale and design is acceptable and the proposal would respect the character of the site and surroundings. The proposal accords with policies SD3 and SD4 of the Redcar and Cleveland Local Plan. ===== RECOMMENDATION ===== Taking into account the content of the report the recommendation is to: GRANT PLANNING PERMISSION subject to the following conditions: 1. The development shall not be begun later than the expiration of THREE YEARS from the date of this permission. REASON: Required to be imposed pursuant to Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans: Location Plan (Dwg No. SD-00.01) received by the Local Planning Authority on 21/10/2020 Masterplan as Proposed (Dwg No. SD-10.01 Rev A) received by the Local Planning Authority on 21/10/2020 Plans as Proposed (Dwg No. SD-20.01) received by the Local Planning Authority on 21/10/2020 Elevations and Sections as Proposed (Dwg No. SD-30.01) received by the Local Planning Authority on 21/10/2020 REASON: To accord with the terms of the planning application. ===== STATEMENT OF COOPERATIVE WORKING ===== Statement of Co-operative Working: The Local Planning Authority considers that the application as originally submitted is a satisfactory scheme and therefore no negotiations have been necessary. Case Officer Mr D Pedlow Principal Planning Officer David Pedlow 17 December 2020 Delegated Approval Signature Claire Griffiths Development Services Manager 18/12/2020