{TOC} Applications details - [[this>Teesworks/Planning/R-2021-0067-CD|R/2021/0067/CD]] ===== Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council Planning (Development Management) ===== APPLICATION NUMBER: [[R-2021-0067-CD-Compliance Officer Report|R-2021/0067/CD-Compliance Officer Report]] LOCATION: LAND AT METALS RECOVERY AREA NORTH WEST OF PD PORTS; NORTH EAST OF SEMBCORP PIPELINE CORRIDOR AND TEES DOCK ROAD SOUTH EAST OF FORMER SLEM WASTE MANAGEMENT FACILITY AND SOUTH WEST OF HIGHFIELD ENVIRONMENTAL FACILITY SOUTH BANK PROPOSAL: DISCHARGE OF CONDITION 3 OF PLANNING PERMISSION [[R-2020-0465-FFM-Officer Report|R-2020/0465/FFM-Officer Report]] FOR DEMOLITION OF EXISTING BUILDINGS/STRUCTURES AND ENGINEERING OPERATIONS ASSOCIATED WITH GROUND REMEDIATION AND PREPARATION OF LAND FOR DEVELOPMENT ===== APPLICATION SITE ===== The application relates to the discharge of conditions relating to planning application [[R-2020-0465-FFM-Officer Report|R-2020/0465/FFM-Officer Report]] The planning permission sought consent for demolition of existing buildings/structures and engineering operations associated with ground remediation and preparation of land for development and was approved conditionally on 12/11/2020 ===== CONDITION DETAILS ===== The following information has been submitted for condition 3 3 No phase of development shall take place until a Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) for that phase of the development has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved CEMP shall be adhered to throughout the construction period of that phase. The CEMP shall include details of any phasing of the approved works across the site and shall demonstrate how the mitigation measures set out in the submitted Habitats Regulations Assessment, Arup, dated 14 August 2020 have been incorporated in to the construction methods and how they will be implemented. The CEMP shall also include the following details: * The method to be used to control the emission of dust, noise and vibration from construction works, including any details of any mitigation measures required; * Measures to control the deposit of mud and debris on adjoining public highways; * Site fencing and security; * Temporary contractors’ buildings, plant, storage of materials, lighting and parking for site operatives; * The use of temporary generators; * The arrangement or turning of vehicles within the site so that they may enter and leave in forward gear; * A risk assessment of construction activities with potentially damaging effects on local ecological receptors including any measures to protect those receptors during construction; * Roles and responsibilities for the implementation of the CEMP requirements and measures; and * Measures to control invasive plant species. REASON: In the interest of neighbour amenity, highways safety and protection of sites of ecological value in accordance with policies SD4 and N4 of the Redcar and Cleveland Local Plan. REASON FOR PRE-COMMENCEMENT: The information is required prior to any works commencing on site as it relates to construction details which are often the first works on site and relate to site preparation. CEMP – Received on 27/01/21 ===== CONSULTATION RESPONSES ===== ==== Natural England ==== NO OBJECTION Based on the document submitted, Natural England considers that the information provided is sufficient to enable the discharge of Condition 3, subject to the incorporation of the suggested changes below, and has no objection. ==== Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council (Development Engineers) ==== No objections to the discharge of Condition 3. ==== Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council (Environmental Protection) (Nuisance) ==== No objections to the above proposal ===== PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS ===== The submitted CEMP has been considered by RCBC Development Engineers and Environment protection teams with regard to their individual areas. Neither have raised any objection to the condition being discharged. The CEMP has also been considered by Natural England. While no objection has been raised with regard to the majority of the CEMP, comment has been made with regards to impact on breeding shelduck as set out on page 21 of the CEMP. Amended wording has been suggested, which has been agreed with the applicant prior to the determination of the application. An informative condition is therefore attached with the proposed wording for clarity. Taking the above comments into consideration it is recommended that condition 3 be discharged. ===== RECOMMENDATION ===== Taking into account the content of the report the recommendation is to discharge condition 3. Informative Note: The applicant is advised of the agreed amended working within the CEMP relating to breeding shelduck on p21 of the document. The agreed wording is now; If screening is not possible; a SQE should undertake surveys before any work commences and throughout construction to determine if breeding shelduck are disturbed from the construction works. If shelduck are found to be disturbed works will cease in the vicinity of the disturbed birds immediately, and will not re-commence until, the SQE has identified and ensured that suitable mitigation has been implemented in full, which may ultimately involve screening. Case Officer Mr D Pedlow Principal Planning Officer David Pedlow 23 March 2021 Delegated Approval Signature Claire Griffiths Development Services Manager 26/03/2021