{TOC} Applications details - [[this>Teesworks/Planning/R-2021-0268-CD|R/2021/0268/CD]] ===== Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council Planning (Development Management) ===== APPLICATION NUMBER: [[R-2021-0268-CD-Officer Report|R-2021/0268/CD-Officer Report]] LOCATION: LAND AT SOUTH TEES EAST OF SMITHS DOCK ROAD AND WEST OF TEES DOCK ROAD SOUTH BANK PROPOSAL: PARTIAL DISCHARGE OF CONDITION 16 OF !OUTLINE PLANNING PERMISSION [[R-2020-0357-OOM-Officer Report|R-2020/0357/OOM-Officer Report]] RELATING TO PHASE 1A !OF WORKS ONLY ===== APPLICATION SITE ===== The application relates to the discharge of conditions relating to planning application [[R-2020-0357-OOM-Officer Report|R-2020/0357/OOM-Officer Report]] The planning permission sought consent for outline planning application for demolition of existing structures on site and the development of up to 418,000 sqm (gross) of general industry (Use Class B2) and storage or distribution facilities (Use Class B8) with office accommodation (Use Class B1), HGV and car parking and associated infrastructure works all matters reserved other than access and was approved conditionally on 03/12/2020. ===== CONDITION DETAILS ===== The following information has been submitted for partial discharge of condition 16 in so far as it relates to Phase 1A of the development 16 Prior to the commencement of the development, or in accordance with the phasing plan agreed through discharge of condition 4, further site investigation shall be carried out and reported to the Local Planning Authority. Thereafter the development shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details and mitigation measures therein, unless otherwise agreed in writing. REASON: To ensure that risks from land contamination to the future users of the land and neighbouring land are minimised. REASON FOR PRE-COMMENCEMENT: A pre-commencement condition is required because the risk form contamination will be present on the commencement of works. Reuse of Railway Embankment Material at Teesworks MRP Memo (Ref; 10035117-AUK-XX-XX-COZZ-0279-01-Railway_Bund_Memo) Prepared by Arcadis – Received by the Local Planning Authority on 29/03/21 Base of Railway Embankment plan (Drawing No. CW106) Prepared by Hall Construction - Received by the Local Planning Authority on 29/03021 ===== CONSULTATION RESPONSES ===== ==== Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council (Environmental Protection) (Contamination) ==== Provided additional sampling and testing of the material is undertaken upon import at a frequency of one sample every 500m3 and the remedial strategy for the MRP agreed with RCBC for concentrations of contaminants in surface soils are below the assessment criteria (LQM S4UL and Arcadis derived) for human health via the direct contact and dust inhalation pathways, and that, measurable quantities of asbestos fibres are be below the quantification limit of 0.001% I have no objections to the partial discharge of condition16 ===== PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS ===== In granting the original permission, a condition was attached to the approval relating to the phasing of the development. The condition relating to phasing was condition 4, which has been submitted for initial discharge based on the information currently held by the developer. The application for discharge of condition 16 relates to Phase 1A of this proposed phasing plan, and the submission is therefore considered on the basis of a partial discharge. The submitted information has been considered by the Council’s Environmental Protection team. Discussions have taken place between the EHO and the applicants consultant during the consideration of this application. Given the undertakings set out within the supporting memo supporting the application, no objection has been raised to the proposed works. Given the response from the EHO it is considered that condition 16 can be partially discharged in so far as it relates to Phase 1A of the development. ===== RECOMMENDATION ===== Taking into account the content of the report the recommendation is condition 16 can be partially discharged in so far as it relates to Phase 1A of the development. Case Officer Mr D Pedlow Principal Planning Officer David Pedlow 18 May 2021 Delegated Approval Signature Claire Griffiths Development Services Manager 18/05/2021