{TOC} Applications details - [[this>Teesworks/Planning/R-2021-0924-CD|R/2021/0924/CD]] ===== Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council Planning (Development Management) ===== APPLICATION NUMBER: [[R-2021-0924-CD-Officer Report|R-2021/0924/CD-Officer Report]] LOCATION: LAND AT SOUTH TEES DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION EAST OF SMITHS DOCK ROAD AND WEST OF TEES DOCK ROAD SOUTH BANK PROPOSAL: DISCHARGE OF CONDITION 9 OF PLANNING PERMISSION [[R-2020-0357-OOM-Officer Report|R-2020/0357/OOM-Officer Report]] FOR AN OUTLINE PLANNING APPLICATION FOR DEMOLITION OF EXISTING STRUCTURES ON SITE AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF UP TO 418,000 SQM (GROSS) OF GENERAL INDUSTRY (USE CLASS B2) AND STORAGE OR DISTRIBUTION FACILITIES (USE CLASS B8) WITH OFFICE ACCOMMODATION (USE CLASS B1), HGV AND CAR PARKING AND ASSOCIATED INFRASTRUCTURE WORKS ALL MATTERS RESERVED OTHER THAN ACCESS ===== APPLICATION SITE ===== The application relates to the discharge of condition relating to planning application [[R-2020-0357-OOM-Officer Report|R-2020/0357/OOM-Officer Report]] The planning permission sought consent for outline planning application for demolition of existing structures on site and the development of up to 418,000 sqm (gross) of general industry (Use Class B2) and storage or distribution facilities (Use Class B8) with office accommodation (Use Class B1), HGV and car parking and associated infrastructure works all matters reserved other than access and was approved conditionally on 03/12/2020 ===== CONDITION DETAILS ===== The following information has been submitted for condition 9 9 Prior to commencement of development, or at such a time agreed in the phasing plan, a high level Water Framework Directive (WFD) assessment is to be submitted to, and approved in writing by, the local planning authority. This assessment shall include the entire site and consider the impacts of the full development proposal. The scheme shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details, unless otherwise agreed in writing. REASON: To ensure that the development would not lead to deterioration or prevent the attainment of Good Ecological Status of any waterbody under the Water Framework Directive (WFD) objectives. ===== CONSULTATION RESPONSES ===== ==== Environment Agency ==== NO OBJECTIONS to the discharge of condition 9. We note that the WFD assessment will be revisited and updated when further designs are available to ensure that the final designs are compliant. Discussion and engagement with the Environment Agency will also be required to confirm the way forward for the detailed Water Framework Directive assessment. ===== PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS ===== The submitted WFD assessment has been considered and assessed by the Environment Agency as they were the consultee that requested the condition be attached to the outline approval. The EA have advised that based on the information submitted, that condition 9 can be discharged. It is noted that the WFD assessment will be revisited and updated when further designs are available to ensure that the final designs are compliant. Discussion and engagement with the Environment Agency will also be required to confirm the way forward for the detailed Water Framework Directive assessment which related to condition 10 of the outline approval. ===== RECOMMENDATION ===== Taking into account the content of the report the recommendation is to discharge condition 9 Mr D Pedlow David Pedlow Case Officer Acting Development Services Manager 4 January 2022 Delegated Approval Signature Adrian Miller Head of Planning and Development 4 1 2022