{TOC} Applications details - [[this>Teesworks/Planning/R-2022-0746-CD|R/2022/0746/CD]] Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council Planning (Development Management) APPLICATION NUMBER: [[R-2022-0746-CD-0746 Officer rep|R-2022/0746/CD-0746 Officer Report]] LOCATION: LAND AT SOUTH TEES DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION EAST OF SMITHS DOCK ROAD AND WEST OF TEES DOCK ROAD SOUTH BANK PROPOSAL: PARTIAL DISCHARGE OF CONDITION 5 (CEMP) OF OUTLINE PLANNING PERMISSION [[R-2020-0357-OOM-Officer Report|R-2020/0357/OOM-Officer Report]] FOR DEMOLITION OF EXISTING STRUCTURES ON SITE AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF UP TO 418,000 SQM (GROSS) OF GENERAL INDUSTRY (USE CLASS B2) AND STORAGE OR DISTRIBUTION FACILITIES (USE CLASS B8) WITH OFFICE ACCOMMODATION (USE CLASS B1), HGV AND CAR PARKING AND ASSOCIATED INFRASTRUCTURE WORKS ALL MATTERS RESERVED OTHER THAN ACCESS ===== APPLICATION SITE ===== The application relates to the discharge of conditions relating to planning application [[R-2020-0357-OOM-Officer Report|R-2020/0357/OOM-Officer Report]] The planning permission sought consent for demolition of existing structures on site and the development of up to 418,000 sqm (gross) of general industry (Use Class B2) and storage or distribution facilities (Use Class B8) with office accommodation (Use Class B1), HGV and car parking and associated infrastructure works all matters reserved other than access. and was approved conditionally on 03/12/2020 ===== CONDITION DETAILS ===== The following information has been submitted for condition 5 5 Prior to the commencement of the development, or in accordance with the phasing plan agreed through discharge of condition 4, a Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) for the development shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, or any other subsequent variation approved in writing. The CEMP will include measures relating to highways, ecology, materials and health and safety with particular reference to those matters below. The development shall thereafter take place in accordance with the approved details. * Invasive Non-Native Species (‘INNS’) Management Plan * Construction Traffic Management Plan (‘CTMP’) * Construction Waste Management Plan (‘CWMP’) * Materials Management Plan (‘MMP’) * Health and Safety Plan for asbestos and watching brief where necessary * Car Parking Management Plan and Servicing Management Plan REASON: To ensure the environmental effects of construction are appropriately managed. REASON FOR PRE-COMMENCEMENT: A pre-commencement condition is required as the environmental impact of the development will occur on the commencement of development. Construction Environmental Management Plan (Rev B) (September 2022) received by the Local Planning Authority on 09/09/22 Invasive Non-Native Species Monitoring Plan (June 2022) received by the Local Planning Authority on 09/09/22 ===== CONSULTATION RESPONSES ===== ==== Natural England ==== Natural England is not able to fully assess the potential impacts of this proposal on statutory nature conservation sites or protected landscapes or, provide detailed advice on the application. If you consider there are significant risks to statutory nature conservation sites or protected landscapes, please set out the specific areas on which you require advice. The lack of detailed advice from Natural England does not imply that there are no impacts on the natural environment. It is for the local authority to determine whether or not the proposal is consistent with national and local environmental policies. Other bodies and individuals may provide information and advice on the environmental value of this site and the impacts of the proposal on the natural environment to assist the decision making process. Generic advice is provided in Annex A attached. ==== Environment Agency ==== No response received at the time report prepared ==== Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council (Development Engineers) ==== No objections to the partial discharge of condition 5 ==== Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council (Environmental Protection) ==== No response received at the time report prepared ===== PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS ===== In granting the original outline permission, a condition was attached to the approval relating to the phasing of the development. The condition relating to phasing was condition 4, which has been submitted for initial discharge based on the information currently held by the developer. The information that has been submitted in support of this application relates to the Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) pursuant to the proposed SeAH development (Phase 3 of the outline approval [[R-2020-0357-OOM-Officer Report|R-2020/0357/OOM-Officer Report]]). The submitted CEMP is an updated version of a previously approved document, that was considered by the LPA in the discharge of the condition previously on 01/07/22. The updated CEMP is largely unaltered apart from a change on page 19 (Figure 5) which details the introduction of a second access point via the Lackenby gate (East) from the Trunk Road. The previous CEMP only illustrated access via Dockside Road (west). No objection has been received from the Local Highway Authority with regard to the additional access point, and therefore in so far as highways matters, the updated document is considered to be acceptable. The submitted information has previously been considered by various internal and external consultees including; Natural England, Environment Agency (EA) and RCBC Environmental Health. None of these consultees raised any objection to the information that was submitted previously and remains unaltered through the current submission. While it is noted that a number of these consultees have not responded on the current version of the CEMP and the INNS, it is considered that as the changes only relate to the additional access point the lack of comment does not prevent the condition being discharged at this time. Comments were previously received from PD Ports. As a landowner of neighbouring land to the site in question, comments were made about potential access to the site via road network under PD Ports control. Any such matters that result as part of the development process fall outside of the control of the Local Authority and would be a matter to be resolved by the interested parties. Based on the information provided in so far as it relates to Phase 3 of the outline application (Reserved Matters for first end user SeAH Monopile Manufacturing Facility), it is considered that condition 5 can be partially discharged ===== RECOMMENDATION ===== Taking into account the content of the report the recommendation is to partially discharge condition 5 of application [[R-2020-0357-OOM-Officer Report|R-2020/0357/OOM-Officer Report]] in so far as it relates to Phase 3 of the outline application (Reserved Matters for first end user SeAH Monopile Manufacturing Facility). Case Officer Mr D Pedlow Principal Planning Officer David Pedlow 27 September 2022 Delegated Approval Signature Claire Griffiths Development Services Manager 27/09/2022