[[sediment_data_explorer]] is able to read data from a number of different sources which use a range of different units to report the measurement of the same chemicals the table below shows how all the data sources are standardised to that of the MMO Sediment Template. |Chemical|MMO Template||Dredge Data Dump||Disposal at Sea||Socotec Interim Results|| | |Units|pp|pp|Multiplier in Program|pp|Multiplier in Program|units|Multiplier transfer to MMO format| |Trace Metal|mg/kg|ppm|ppm|1|ppm|1|mg/kg|1| |Organotins|mg/kg|ppm|ppm|1|ppm|1|µg/kg|0.001| |PAH|µg/kg|ppb|ppb|1|ppb|1|µg/kg|1| |THC|mg/kg|ppm|ppm|1|ppb|0.001|µg/kg|0.001| |PCB|mg/kg|ppm|ppb|0.001|ppb|0.001|µg/kg|0.001| |Organochlorine|mg/kg|ppm|ppb|0.001|ppb|0.001|µg/kg|0.001| |BDE|mg/kg|ppm|ppb|0.001|ppb|0.001| | |