===== Overview ===== 1973 Film the Estuary: The Transporter Bridge: {{youtube>hkdofJSByPU}} Foyboatmen: {{youtube>oHqfACLdX24}} Greatham Creek: {{youtube>-S2npO6L3kw}} March 2022 - drone flight around the Tees Estuary across from North Gare to South Gare, gives a good overview of the geography of the Tees Estuary, a useful overview to make sense of maps. {{youtube>uJ6FjyMb7lg}} ===== South Gare ===== ===== South Bank ===== Walks amongst the abanonded docks which have now been developed into the South Bank Quay - not easy to see specific features, but gives a good idea of what had to be removed in the very early stages of the South Bank development around the time of the 2021 crab die-off. April 2020: on the river banks {{youtube>_SZmnHJW5a0}} April 2020: on top of the dock {{youtube>HFwP0PoSQLo}} April 2020: on the river bank {{youtube>EBUr9Irm4eI}} May 2020: on the river bank {{youtube>ENahuYRyNsE}} June 2020: on the river bank {{youtube>QlxeG3v66lY}} October 2021:on the river bank {{youtube>f_trCLWTYxY}} ===== Greatham Creek ===== Filmmaker Warren Harrison captures the memories and experiences of people who grew up as part of a unique community at Greatham Creek, a salt-marsh near Hartlepool in the Tees Valley. One of those who’s memories are recorded is photographer Ian Macdonald whose haunting images of the creek are used in the film along with family photographs, archive film provided by the North East Film Archive and contemporary footage - [[https://www.yfanefa.com/record/67544|The Creek]] A social documentary but with some interesting views of the creek. [[https://inca-teesvalley.co.uk/case-studies/the-sabic-brine-fields/|SABIC brine fields article]] by INCA mentions use of the underground caverns for the storage of large volumes of materials. When ICI existed the caverns were used for ethylene, which is probably SABIC's current use as they own the ethylene cracker at Wilton. Salt caverns are regularly mentioned for the storage of hydrogen in future. Flood repairs at Greatham Creek December 2013 {{youtube>rK2Zhlac2SU}} November 2014 - Environment Agency constructing intertidal habitat to replace nature lost due to climate change. {{youtube>C41fcSb5TIs}} April 2015 - Environment Agency film explaining how changing Greatham Creek from a brine field to a salt marsh is protecting the area from flooding. {{youtube>hWLzIl1ZRwU}} November 2018 - Environment Agency timelapse of the breach at Greatham Creek South {{youtube>kXdif_fHmYU}} March 2021 - Greatham Creek Conversation a b/w artistic film of the Creek with some of it history. {{youtube>NGJZn_nXDIo}} ===== Tees Tidelands Programme: ===== A £30million programme of work to help the River Tees Estuary adapt to climate change, restore valuable habitat for internationally important wildlife and reconnect the river’s tributaries has launched in Teesside. With funding of more than £30million, the Tees Tidelands programme will realign flood defences, restore mudflat and saltmarsh habitat, and remove tidal barriers so migratory fish can return to rivers where they have been absent for hundreds of years. January 2024 - 16minutes - Environment Agency advertorial but does make it starkly how almost all the intertidal areas have been removed from the Tees Estuary. {{youtube>32664Vyy5-c}} February 2024 - 5minutes - Environment Agency Advertorial - Tees Tidelands Introduction. {{youtube>aUPmWhpoHFM}} ===== North Gare Beach ===== May 2018 - short drone video over North Gare / Teesmouth National Nature Reserve {{youtube>cPFphPNszqk}} August 2023 - shows the Samphire growing extensively behind the remaining channel bank. {{youtube>buNHqSdWLns}}