
Estuaries and coastal waters priority hazardous substances, priority substances and other pollutants environmental quality standards (EQS)

This worksheet contains one table.

Some abbreviations are used in this table, PHS is priority hazardous substance, PS is priority substance, OP is other pollutant, PAH is polyaromatic hydrocarbons.

Updated 21 February 2022

SubstanceAnnual average environmental quality standard (micrograms per litre)Maximum allowable concentration environmental quality standard (micrograms per litre)Animals and plants (micrograms per kilogram)Category of environmental quality standard (PHS is priority hazardous substance, PS is priority substance, OP is other pollutant)
Aclonifen0.0120.012Not applicablePS
Alachlor0.30.7Not applicablePS
Anthracene0.10.1Not applicablePHS
Atrazine0.62Not applicablePS
Benzene850Not applicablePS
Benzo(a)-pyrene (BaP) (see PAHs below for AA and biota EQS)Not applicable0.027Not applicablePHS
Benzo(b)-fluor-anthene (see PAHs below for AA and biota EQS)Not applicable0.017Not applicablePHS
Benzo(k)-fluor-anthene (see PAHs below for AA and biota EQS)Not applicable0.017Not applicablePHS
Benzo(g,h,i)-perylene (see PAHs below for AA and biota EQS)Not applicable0.00082Not applicablePHS
Bifenox (Methyl 5-(2,4-dichlorophenoxy)-2-nitrobenzoate)0.00120.004Not applicablePS
Brominated diphenylether (total PBDE or congener numbers 28, 47, 99, 100, 153 and 154)Not applicable0.0140.0085 in fishPHS
Cadmium and its compounds (dissolved)0.2Not applicableNot applicablePHS
Carbon tetrachloride12Not applicableNot applicableOP
Chlorfenvinphos0.10.3Not applicablePS
C10-13 chloroalkanes0.41.4Not applicablePHS
Chlorpyrifos (chlorpyrifos-ethyl)0.030.1Not applicablePS
Cybutryne 0.00250.016Not applicablePS
Cyclodiene pesticides (total aldrin, dieldrin, endrin and isodrin)0.005Not applicableNot applicableOP
Cypermethrin8 x 10-66 x 10-5Not applicablePS
DDT (total)0.025Not applicableNot applicableOP
Para-para-DDT0.01Not applicableNot applicableOP
1,2-dichloro-ethane10Not applicableNot applicablePS
Dichloro-methane20Not applicableNot applicablePS
Dichlorvos6 x 10-57 x 10-5Not applicablePS
Dicofol3.2 x 10-5Not applicable33 µg/kg in fishPHS
Di(2-ethylhexyl)-phthalate (DEHP)1.3Not applicableNot applicablePHS
Dioxins and dioxin-like compounds Not applicableNot applicable0.0065 in fish, crustaceans and molluscsPHS
Diuron0.21.8Not applicablePS
Endosulphan0.00050.004Not applicablePHS
Fluoranthene0.00630.1230 in crustaceans or molluscsPS
Heptachlor & heptachlor epoxide0.000000010.000030.0067 in fishPHS
Hexabromocyclo-dodecane (HBCDD)0.00080.05167 in fishPHS
Hexachloro-benzeneNot applicable0.0510 in fishPHS
Hexachloro-butadieneNot applicable0.655 in fishPHS
Hexachloro-cyclohexane0.0020.02Not applicablePHS
Indeno(1,2,3-cd)-pyrene (see PAHs below for AA and biota EQS)Not applicableNot applicableNot applicablePHS
Isoproturon0.31Not applicablePS
Lead and its compounds (dissolved)1.314Not applicablePS
Mercury and its compounds (dissolved)Not applicable0.0720 in fishPHS
Naphthalene2130Not applicablePS
Nickel and its compounds (dissolved)8.634Not applicablePS
Nonylphenol (4-nonylphenol)0.32Not applicablePHS
Octylphenol (4-(1,1',3,3'-tetramethyl-butyl)-phenol)0.01Not applicableNot applicablePS
Pentachloro-benzene0.0007Not applicableNot applicablePHS
Pentachloro-phenol0.41Not applicablePS
Perfluorooctane sulfonic acid and its salts (PFOS) 0.000137.29.1 in fishPHS
Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) - Benzo(a)-pyrene (BaP), Benzo(b)-fluor-anthene, Benzo(k)-fluor-anthene, Benzo(g,h,i)-perylene and Indeno(1,2,3-cd)-pyrene. Benzo(a)pyrene can be considered as a marker for the other PAHs, hence only benzo(a)pyrene needs to be monitored for comparison with the biota EQS or the corresponding AA-EQS in water0.00017Not applicable5 in crustaceans or molluscsPHS
Quinoxyfen0.0150.54Not applicablePHS
Simazine14Not applicablePS
Terbutryn0.00650.034Not applicablePS
Tetrachloro-ethylene10Not applicableNot applicableOP
Tributyltin compounds (tributyltin-cation)0.00020.0015Not applicablePHS
Trichloro-benzenes0.4Not applicableNot applicablePS
Trichloro-ethylene10Not applicableNot applicableOP
Tricholoro-methane (chloroform)2.5Not applicableNot applicablePS
Trifluralin0.03Not applicableNot applicablePHS