Table of Contents

This paper sets out the terms of reference for the Crustacean Mortality Expert Panel (CMEP).


To provide an independent scientific assessment of all the possible causes of the mass crustacean mortality incident in the north-east of England which occurred between September and December 2021 using all relevant available data.

Aims of the expert committee

The panel will focus on scientific issues and will not consider government processes during the investigation of the mortality events, food safety, nor the economic implications of the deaths.

Governance and operation

The task and finish group will be chaired by Professor Gideon Henderson, Defra’s Chief Scientific Adviser (CSA).

The chair will liaise with the government CSA who will have input and help guide the expert panel, including agreeing membership, and inputting to discussion and the report. All requests for input from those outside the CMEP membership (including those in government marine agencies and from officials in Defra’s Marine and Fisheries team) will be recorded and included as an annex to CMEP’s final report. It is anticipated that most such requests will be for access to data. The CMEP will work independently of ministers, but the final report will be presented to ministers.

CMEP members will have access to all available data, and will use this data, together with their expertise, to conduct detailed analysis of the possible causes for the unusual crustacean mortality event.


The first meeting of the panel will be held in mid-December.

The expectation is to be able to report findings early in the new year, this will be confirmed at the first meeting.


A final report around the key questions and recommendations

Expertise needed on the group

Expertise required

The following expertise is recommended for the group. For detailed work they could chair sub-groups under the main group which can co-opt additional members.

It is recommended that members are not affiliated with institutions previously involved in the investigation.

Members’ names will not be released during the process of consideration of CMEP. It is anticipated that the full membership list will be released after the work of CMEP has completed.


Due to the urgency of the situation, there will be direct recruitment into the group based on subject specific expertise, following consultation with senior academic marine scientists in the UK community. Institutes with previous involvement in the debate will be avoided to avoid conflict of interest and maintain the independence of CMEP.

Conflicts of interest

Members will be asked to declare conflicts of interest before the meeting via email to the secretariat. If a conflict of interest becomes apparent during the meeting, members must inform the chair.


Members must not disclose any information which is confidential in nature or which is provided in confidence without authority. This duty continues to apply after the group has stood down.

The provisions of the Official Secrets Act 1911 to 1989 will apply. Unauthorised disclosure of any information gained could result in membership being terminated early, or even criminal prosecution.


Claiming remuneration and travel expenses (when applicable) for work is optional for external members. Current remuneration rates along with Defra’s policy on claiming travel expenses will be shared with members in advance of their appointment.

Changes to these terms

These terms of reference may be amended at any time in consultation with the group