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Applications details - R/2021/0753/FFM

Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council Planning (Development Management)

APPLICATION NUMBER: R-2021/0753/FFM-Officer Report




Permission is sought for the change of use of land to B2/B8 use, the laying of hardstanding and the erection of HISEC super 6 CPNI boundary fencing on land east of Dockside Road, South Bank

The application relates to land within the wider Teesworks site. The site is situated on the western edge of the wider site adjacent to Dockside Road. It is noted that the works have already taken place in advance of the application being determined.

The application has been accompanied by relevant plans of the site and the following supporting documents:

During the consideration of the application additional information has been provided in support of the application in response to comments made by the LLFA. This information has been the subject of a further consultation process.


Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 requires that applications for planning permission be determined in accordance with the development plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise.


National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)


SD1 Sustainable Development

SD2 Locational Policy

SD3 Development Limits

SD4 General Development Principles

SD7 Flood and Water Management

LS4 South Tees Spatial Strategy

ED6 Promoting Economic Growth

TA1 Transport and New Development


R-2021/0846/FFM-Officer Report Erection of perimeter fencing (maximum height 2.9m high); single cabin; generator; 5 CCTV cameras and posts and 2 lighting towers Approved 07/01/22


The application has been advertised by means of a press notice, site notice and neighbour notification letters.

As a result of the consultation period no written responses have been received

Cleveland Police ALO

With regards to this application, the standard of the proposed boundary treatment is of an acceptable standard and in relation to the overall proposal I recommend applicant contact me for further liaison.

Northumbrian Water

Having assessed the proposed development against the context outlined above I can confirm that at this stage we would have no comments to make, as the application documents indicate that surface water will discharge to the existing watercourse.

Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council (Planning Strategy)

The application site is vacant brownfield land and was historically used for economic and employment purposes associated with the iron and steelmaking industries.

The site is allocated in the Local Plan for economic development uses under policy ED6, which confirms that proposals falling within use classes B1. B2 and B8 and suitable related sui-generis uses will be supported. Therefore, subject to meeting general development requirements and all other relevant polices in the plan, the proposed re-use for logistics activities is considered policy-compliant and will promote, within the South Tees Development Corporation area, the achievement of economic objectives set out under policy LS4.

Furthermore, the site falls within the boundary of the ‘Teesworks’ redevelopment site and the proposals would complement the substantial development proposals on adjacent land for up to 418,000 m² gross industrial and commercial floorspace and ancillary uses, including storage and parking areas, which received outline permission in March 2020.

Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council (Local Lead Flood Authority)

First Response – 14/12/21

The LLFA have reviewed the application and would offer no objection to the proposed development. However there is insufficient information submitted that details how the site will dispose of surface water to the watercourse and any supporting calcs. The LLFA therefore recommend that a condition be attached to any approval - (Happy for it to be included within a detailed CEMP condition, if required) or alternatively, further details to be submitted of a surface water management plan.

Final Response – 17/02/22

The LLFA would offer no objection to the proposed drainage system as detailed in the doc. 41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RPOW- 0001_A-P01. The development shall be carried out in strict accordance with the above FRA and Drainage Strategy.

The development and strategy for disposing of surface water complies with Policy SD7 of the RCBC Local Plan.

Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council (Environmental Protection) (Contaminated Land)

I note that an Enabling Earthworks and Remediation Strategy Report has been submitted in support of this application.

The report states that it is not the intention of this Remediation Strategy to fully address geotechnical development constraints at the site as these are the responsibility of the final developer and dependent on a specific redevelopment scenario. It is anticipated that appropriate engineering controls will be developed by future site users at detailed design stage.

The application is to specifically change the use of land to b2/b8 use with the laying of hardstanding and in order to facilitate development a temporary cover system is to be installed across the footprint of the site; this temporary cover system will comprise a minimum of 200mm of site won or certified imported materials (which may include the Mudstone currently being brought onto site from an off-site source). The presence of the cover system will need to be considered when the final construction phase planning and design are finalised.

I have no objections to the proposed development providing that the development is carried out in line with the Enabling Earthworks and Remediation Strategy Report and that at the future detailed design stage any further works carried out by the final developer will render the site suitable for use.

Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council (Environmental Protection) (Nuisance)

I note that an Enabling Earthworks and Remediation Strategy Report have been submitted in support of this application. Section covers Dust,

Noise and Vibration and states that an Air Quality and Dust Management Plan (AQDMP) will be prepared as a component of the CEMP. Provided that the development is carried out in line with the Section of the Enabling Earthworks and Remediation Strategy Report I have no objections to the above proposal.


The main considerations in the assessment of the application are;

The principle of development

The application site is located within the development limits and within an predominantly industrial/commercial area. The broad principle of the proposed development in this location is acceptable and the proposal accords with the aims of policy SD3 of the Redcar and Cleveland Local Plan.

Policy LS 4 (South Tees Spatial Strategy) of the Local Plan sets out a series of key economic, environmental and connectivity objectives for the South Tees area. One of particular relevance to the proposed development includes:

a. deliver significant economic growth and job opportunities through the South Tees Development Corporation and Tees Valley Enterprise Zone at Wilton International and South Bank Wharf;

b. support the regeneration of the South Tees Development Corporation area through implementing the South Tees Area Supplementary Planning Document;

The proposed development will contribute to and help to achieve the above objective and, therefore, comply with the wider spatial strategy for the area and Policy LS4 of the Local Plan.

Taking the above into consideration the proposed development is considered to comply with Policy SD3 and LS4.

The impacts on the character and appearance of the area

The application site, as detailed earlier in the report, is situated within the wider Teesworks site. The location of the site and the prevailing built form is industrial with a number of buildings and structures of significant scale in the surrounding area, with on-going works relating to demolition and remediation to establish suitable build platforms across the wider Teesworks site also currently taking place.

The development when considered in the context of the wider site and the anticipated future development on neighbouring plots is considered to be of a scale and design that is in keeping with the area and the future character of the area. It is noted that through a separate permission the site will contain a various fences, cabins and lighting columns.

The development will respect the character of the site and the surroundings and the application accords with National Policy in the NPPF and policy SD4 (b)(i)(j) and (k) of the Redcar and Cleveland Local Plan.

The impacts on neighbour amenity

The application site, as detailed earlier in the report, is situated within the wider Teesworks site. There are limited neighbouring commercial occupiers that would be impacted upon by the provision of new development given its scale and nature.

The works are not considered to have any impact on neighbouring buildings with regard to amenity or privacy and the application accords with part b of policy SD4 of the Local Plan.

The impacts on highways safety

The development is not considered to impact on the local road network given the nature of the development.

It is considered that impacts on the road network have been assessed through previous applications including R-2020/0357/OOM-Officer Report and the ongoing outline applications across the wider site. These matters have been and continue to be assessed by National Highways and the Council’s development engineers.

The application is therefore not considered to raise issues in terms of highways safety and the application accords with part p of policy SD4 of the

Redcar and Cleveland Local Plan.

The impacts on ground conditions

The application has been supported by South Bank Initial Freeport Area, Enabling Earthworks and Remediation Strategy Report, prepared by Arcadis, dated August 2021.

The submitted information has been considered by the Council’s environmental protection officers who have raised no objection to the principle of the proposed development given its end use. It is noted that the report makes reference to how unexpected contamination would be dealt with at the site, and this is also considered to be an accepted approach. It is considered that the development should be conditioned to be carried out in accordance with the submitted document.

The development is therefore not considered to present a risk to human health during the construction and operational phases, therefore the proposal is in accordance with Policy SD 4 of the Redcar and Cleveland Local Plan.

The impacts on drainage

The application has been supported by a Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy, prepared by Wood, dated June 2019, with other supporting documentation of the works that have take place at the site.

The submitted documentation has been considered by the LLFA who have raised no objection to the development providing that the development is carried out in accordance with the submitted strategy. It is considered that the development should be conditioned to be carried out in accordance with the submitted document.

Given the scale and design of the proposed development there is not considered to be a flood risk resulting from the development. The proposed development is therefore considered to comply with Policy SD7 of the Redcar and Cleveland Local Plan.

Other Matters

The application raises no issues in terms of crime prevention and the application accords with part m of policy SD4 Redcar and Cleveland Local



Taking the content of the report into consideration, the development is considered to be acceptable in principle.

The layout, appearance and scale of the development is considered to be appropriate in the context of the wider site as well as the wider Teesworks site.

Technical matters relating to drainage, contamination/nuisance and highways have been considered by the relevant statutory consultees, none of which have raised any objection to the proposed development subject to suitable conditions.

The proposed development is therefore considered to comply with national policy set out within the NPPF and policies SD1 (Sustainable Development) SD2 (Locational Policy) SD3 (Development Limits) SD4 (General Development Principles) SD7 (Flood and Water Management) LS4 (South Tees Spatial Strategy) ED6 (Promoting Economic Growth) N4 (Biodiversity and Geological Conservation) of the Redcar and Cleveland Local Plan.


Taking into account the content of the report the recommendation is to:

GRANT PLANNING PERMISSION subject to the following conditions:

1. The development shall not be begun later than the expiration of THREE YEARS from the date of this permission.

REASON: Required to be imposed pursuant to Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

2. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:

Location Plan (Dwg No. TSWK-STDC-SBK-ZZ-DR-C-0038) received by the Local Planning Authority on 02/09/21

Site Plan (Dwg No. TSWK-STDC-SBK-ZZ-SK-C-0004 Rev A) received by the Local Planning Authority on 09/09/21

Finished-Pre Fines Levels (Dwg No. TSWK-STDC-SBK-ZZ-DR-C-0056) received by the Local Planning Authority on 04/02/22

REASON: To accord with the terms of the planning application.

3. The development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy (Wood) (June 2019) unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority.

REASON: To ensure the development is supported by a suitably designed surface water disposal infrastructure scheme and to minimise the risk flooding in the locality.

4. The development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the Enabling Earthworks and Remediation Strategy Report, (Arcadis) (August 2021) unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority.

REASON : To ensure that risks from land contamination to the future users of the land and neighbouring land are minimised and to ensure that the development can be carried out safely without unacceptable risks to workers, neighbours and other offsite receptors.


Statement of Co-operative Working: The Local Planning Authority considers that the application as originally submitted is a satisfactory scheme and therefore no negotiations have been necessary.

Case Officer

Mr D Pedlow

Principal Planning Officer

David Pedlow

3 March 2022

Delegated Approval Signature

Claire Griffiths

Development Services Manager
