Table of Contents

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R/2019/0427/FFM - Whole South Tees Site - Preliminary

R/2019/0427/FFM-Officer Report - demolition, preparation and temporary storage of soils and use in remediation land at former South Bank Works, Grangetown Prairie, British Steel and Warrenby Area

R/2020/0247/CD-Compliance Officer Report - discharge of conditions 6 (remediation works) and 11 (CEMP) of R/2019/0427/FFM

R/2021/0057/VC-Officer Report - variation of condition 2 of R/2019/0427/FFM to allow additional storage mounds

R/2021/0316/VC-Officer Report - variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of R/2019/0427/FFM

R/2019/0767/OOM - Energy Recovery Facility - Outline

R/2019/0767/OOM-Officer Report - ERF

R/2021/0152/CD-Officer Report - discharge of conditions 4 (CEMP) and 7 (archaeology WSI) of R/2019/0767/OOM

R/2021/1046/CD-Officer Report - discharge of condition 7 of R/2019/0767/OOM

R/2020/0270/FFM -

R/2020/0270/FFM-Officer Report - road widening, new roundabout and works to Holme Beck - land at and adjoining Eston Road including gateway junction off A66 to Middlesbrough Road east Grangetown

R/2020/0800/CD-Officer Report - discharge of condition 3 (CEMP) of R/2020/0270/FFM

R/2021/0100/CD-Compliance Officer Report - discharge condition 4 (scheme to deal with contamination) of R/2020/0270/FFM

R/2021/0725/CD-Compliance Officer Report - discharge of condition 8 (finished levels and drainage details of R/2020/0270/FFM

R/2021/0296/NM-Officer Report - non-material amendment to R/2020/0270/FFM to amend the north link road, east link road, emergency access and works to Holme Beck

R/2021/1058/NM-Officer Report - non-material amendment to amend the north link road to provide additional footway for R/2020/0270/FFM

R/2020/0318/FFM -

R/2020/0318/FFM-Officer Report - ground remediation, removal of former rail embankment and works to Holme Beck and Knitting Wife Beck

R/2021/0372/NM-Officer Report - non-material amendment to conditions 2 and 3 of R/2020/0318/FFM change drawing references

R/2020/0799/CD-Officer Report - discharge of condition 4 (CEMP) of R/2020/0318/FFM

R/2020/0730/CD-Compliance Officer Report - discharge of condition 5 (scheme for site contamination) of R/2020/0318/FFM

R/2022/0049/CD-Compliance Officer Report - discharge of condition 8 (works to water course) of R/2020/0318/FFM

R/2021/0085/NM-Officer Report - non material amendment of R/2020/0318/FFM to reference necessary dig depths as part of approved remediation scheme

R/2020/0357/OOM - South Bank - Outline

R/2020/0357/OOM-Officer Report - demolition and development on STDC land east of Smiths Dock Road and west of Tees Dock road

R/2022/0475/NM-Officer Report - non-material amendment of condition 3 of R/2020/0357/OOM - increase maximum height and reduce maximum area

R/2022/0454/CD-Compliance Officer Report - partial discharge of condition 5 (CEMP) of R/2020/0357/OOM

R/2021/0269/CD-Officer Report - partial discharge of condition 4 (phasing) of R/2020/0357/OOM

R/2022/0746/CD-0746 - partial discharge of condition 5 (CEMP) of R/2020/0357/OOM

R/2021/0729/CD-Compliance Officer Report - discharge of condition 6 (habitats regulation assessment) of R/2020/0357/OOM

R/2022/0435/CD-Compliance Officer Report - partial condition 6 (habitat regulations assessment) of R/2020/0357/OOM

R/2021/0624/NM-Officer Report - non-material amendment of condition 8 (environment and biodiversity strategy) of R/2020/0357/OOM

R/2021/0924/CD-Officer Report - discharge of condition 9 (water framework directive WFD assessment) of R/2020/0357/OOM

R/2021/1096/CD-Compliance Officer Report - partial discharge of condition 12 (surface water treatment and management plan) of R/2020/0357/OOM

R/2022/0366/CD-Officer Report - partial discharge of conditions 12 (drainage), 13 (foul and surface water) and 32 levels of R/2020/0357/OOM

R/2022/0186/CD-Compliance Officer Report - discharge of condition 13 (foul and surface water) of outline planning R/2020/0357/OOM

R/2022/0354/CD-Officer Report - partial discharge of condition 14 (written scheme of investigation - archaeology) of R/2020/0357/OOM

R/2021/0268/CD-Officer Report - partial discharge of condition 16 (site investigation) of R/2020/0357/OOM

R/2021/0422/CD-Officer Report - partial discharge of condition 16 (site investigation) of R/2020/0357/OOM

R/2021/0439/CD-Officer Report - partial discharge condition 16 (further site investigations) R/2020/0357/OOM

R/2022/0096/CD-Compliance Officer Report - discharge of condition 16 (further investigation of contamination)R/2020/0357/OOM

R/2021/0713/CD-Compliance Officer Report - partial discharge of condition 16 (additional investigation and mitigation) of R/2020/0357/OOM

R/2022/0515/CD-Compliance Officer Report - partial discharge of condition 17 (remediation strategy) of outline planning permission R/2020/0357/OOM

R/2022/0411/CD-Officer Report - partial discharge of condition 18 (noise) of R/2020/0357/OOM

R/2022/0342/CD-Compliance Officer Report - partial discharge of conditions 21 (piling risk assessment) and 25 (gas risk assessment) of phase 3 of R/2020/0357/OOM

R/2022/0526/CD-Compliance Officer Report - partial discharge of condition 28 (construction traffic assessment) of outline planning permission R/2020/0357/OOM

R/2022/0951/CD-Compliance Officer Report-awainting decision 230105 - partial discharge of condition 31 (design statement) of R/2020/0357/OOM

R/2021/0905/CD-Officer Report - partial discharge of condition 32 (finished floor levels) of R/2020/0357/OOM

R/2021/0473/ESM-Officer Report - reserved matters application for 76,200sqm floor space after outline R/2020/0357/OOM

R/2021/0878/ESM-Officer Report - preserved matters application for hardstanding area of R/2020/0357/OOM

R/2022/0343/ESM-Officer Report - application for the approval of reserved matters - appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of R/2020/0357/OOM

R/2020/0465/FFM -

R/2020/0465/FFM-Officer Report - deomolition, remediation and preparation of land at Metal Recovery Area NW of PD Ports, NE of Sembcorp pipeline corridor and Tees Dock road, SE of former SLEM waste management facility and SW of Highfield environmental facility

R/2020/0743/CD-Compliance Officer Report - discharge of condition 4 (environmental accounted to remediation) of R/2020/0465/FFM

R/2021/0067/CD-Compliance Officer Report - discharge of condition 3 (CEMP) of R/2020/0465/FFM


R/2020/0281/PND-Officer Report - prior notice of demolition of 5 quayside heavy duty oil tanks and associated structures on Grangetown Prairie

R/2020/0283/PND-Officer Report - prior notice of demolition of locomotive repair shed, oxygen plant tanks and buildings on Grangetown Prairie site

R/2020/0302/PND-Officer Report - prior notice of demolition of buildings on South Bank site

R/2020/0539/PND-Officer Report - prior notice of demolition demolitions between River Tees and Darlington to Saltburn railway line and east of Smith Dock Road

R/2020/0679/PND-Officer Report - prior notice of demolition Ladle Repair Workshop Dorman Point

R/2021/0397/PND-Officer Report - Prior notification of demolition of South Bank coke ovens battery plant and structures and buildings

R/2021/0589/PND-Officer Report - prior notification of demolition of basic oxygen steelmaking plant obsolete buildings and structures

R/2021/0608/PND-Officer Report - prior notification of demolition of Redcar Steel Works side coke ovens, battery, HFO tanks, power station, gasholder, blast furnace and sinter plant

R/2021/0610/PND-Officer Report - prior notification of demolition of South Bank coke ovens and ancillary buildings

R/2021/0728/PND-Officer Report - prior notification of demolition of Dorman Long Tower

R/2020/0598/FF-Officer Report - retrospective demolition of gatehouse and construction of new gatehouse at Steel House Gateway off A1085 Trunk Road

R/2020/0599/AD-Officer Report - internally illuminated LED display screen mounted on rail bridge at Steel House Gateway off A1085 Trunk Road

R/2020/0684/ESM - South Bank Quay Phase 1 - Environmental Statement

R/2020/0684/ESM-Officer Report - land at South Bank Wharf demolition of quay structure and development of new Quay

R/2021/0943/CD-Officer Report - discharge of conditions 3 (CEMP) and 9 (piling risk assessment) of R/2020/0684/ESM

R/2021/0855/CD-Officer Report - partially discharge condition 4 (parts 1,2 & 3 contamination mapping) of R/2020/0684/ESM

R/2021/0674/NM-Officer Report - non-material amendment of condition 5 (surface water management) of R/2020/0684/ESM

R/2022/0587/CD-Officer Report - discharge of conditions 5 (surface water) of R/2020/0684/ESM

R/2022/0145/CD-Officer Report - discharge of condition 6 (WSI archaeology) planning permission

R/2020/0724/PND-Officer Report - prior notice of demolition of buildings on South Bank

R/2021/0166/FFM-Officer Report - phase 4 Grangetown Prairie site ground remediation and preparation of site

R/2021/0405/FFM-Officer Report - land within STDC adjoining River Tees and Hanson Cement - engineering operations associated with ground remediation and alterations to acccess

R/2021/0432/FFM-Officer Report - Redcar Steelworks land between Tees Dock Road and A1085 Trunk Road - soil treatment area hard standing, water and soil treatment

R/2021/0906/CD-Officer Report - discharge of condition 4 (sediment and contaminated water) of R/2021/0432/FFM-Officer Report

R/2021/0465/FFM-Officer Report - land South Bank Tees Dock Road - erection 3,396sqm floorspace

R/2021/0534/FF-Officer Report - land to south of the Redcar Steelworks for erection of substation and associated hardstanding

R/2021/0753/FFM-Officer Report - land east of Dockside Road change of use of land to B2/B8 use, laying of hardstanding and the erection of boundary fencing

R/2021/0754/FFM-Officer Report - land east of Dockside Road proposed new access road application site and description

R/2021/0846/FFM-Officer Report - land east of Dockside Road South Bank erection of fencing, cabin, generator, CCTV cameras, posts and lighting towers


R/2021/0879/FF-Officer Report - land at Priarie site erection of a training facility with associated landscaping and parking areas

R/2022/0731/CD-Compliance Officer Report - discharge of condition 3 of R/2021/0879/FF-Officer Report

R/2022/0048/NM-Officer Report - non-material amendment to vary conditions related to landscaping works of R/2021/0879/FF

R/2021/0944/AD-Officer Report - display of 3 non-illuminated fascia signs


R/2021/1048/FFM-Officer Report - former Redcar Steelworks (Teesworks) land to west of Warrenby - engineering operations associated with ground remediation and preparation of site

R/2022/0755/CD-Compliance Officer Report - discharge of conditions 3 (CEMP) and 6 (land contamination) of R/2021/1048/FFM

R/2022/0050/FFM-Officer Report - Steel House alterations of existing office building, car parking and landscaping

R/2022/0231/FF-Officer Report - STDC land eat of Smiths Dock Road and west of Tees Dock Road - extension of surface water management infrastructure

R/2022/0242/FF-Officer Report - Dorman Point - erection of a LV substation and associated hardstanding

R/2022/0355/FFM-Officer Report - land at South Bank off Tees Dock Road for erection of industrial facility, associated structures, hardstanding and landscaping works - related to SeAH R/2022/0354/CD

R/2022/0679/CD - discharge of conditions 3 (foul and surface water) and 5 landscaping of R/2022/0355/FFM

R/2022/0494/FFM-Officer Report - north of Teesworks area and north east of Steel House - removal of mounds, temporary haul road, bridge and works

R/2022/0779/CD-Compliance Officer Report - discharge of condition 3 (CEMP) of R/2022/0494/FFM-Officer Report

R/2020/0411/FFM-Officer Report-requested 230105 - Construction of Redcar Energy Centre

R/2022/0176/CD-Officer Report - discharge of contions 47 and 62 for MGT Teesside from R/2008/0671/EA

R/2022/0205/SC-Screen Option Report - screening option for demoliton of jetty at Bran Sands