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Applications details - R/2020/0281/PND

Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council Planning (Development Management)

APPLICATION NUMBER: R-2020/0281/PND-Officer Report



The Grangetown Prairie site is approximately 60 hectares in size and forms part of the wider South Tees Development Corporation site.

The buildings proposed for demolition are located within the Prairie site and away from public access. They have a combined floorspace of 1,115 sqm and comprise a former locomotive repair shed and oxygen plant tanks and associated buildings. The buildings have become redundant and obsolete and, therefore, are proposed to be demolished to make way for redevelopment in the future.


The application seeks prior approval for the demolition of buildings and structures at Old Wharf Tank Farm. This comprises of 5no. quayside Heavy

Fuel Oil Tanks and associated structures and pipework. The work includes removing above ground structures and backfilling local voids but not actively breaking or removing slabs. The applicant has provided the following description in a supporting letter outlining the works that are intended to take place.

All demolition works shall be carried out in accordance with the BS Code of Practice for Demolition BS6187. All work shall conform with all relevant legislation, and in particular legislation dealing with health & safety, safe access, safe places of work, hazardous substances and protection of species.

As set out in the accompanying demolition method statement, the outline sequence of works to be undertaken by an appointed contractor is expected to be:

  • Erection of temporary barriers / fencing and signage to supplement existing site boundary;
  • HFO removal and Decontamination of tanks and pipelines;
  • Removal of non-notifiable asbestos;
  • Existing services location, isolation, and removal within building. Any remaining live underground services to be identified and protected;
  • Oil decontamination;
  • General soft strip of boiler houses and offices followed by demolition of top of slab;
  • Demolition of five HFO tanks, pipelines existing structures to top of slab;
  • Crushing of demolition rubble to 6f2 specification and infill of voids;
  • General levelling of site to existing site contours using site won material; and
  • Removal of all arising off site including recycled metal.

The application has been supported by Demolition Method Statement as required by legislation which sets out the detail of the proposed demolition scheme. The applicant has again provided a short summary of the key points relating to the proposed demolition works within the supporting letter.

1 For any particular job, the quietest of plant or machinery will be used;

2 All equipment on site shall be maintained in good mechanical order and serviced in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions and fitted with the appropriate silencers, mufflers or acoustic covers deemed necessary for the site setting;

3 Plant shall not be left idling during breaks or when non operational it shall be switched off/isolated;

4 As far as reasonably practicable any physical demolition will be carried out utilising the established method causing the least noise and vibration;

5 Vehicle movements to and from the site will be managed to prevent vehicles waiting or there being a high number of movements close together;

6 As far as reasonably practicable vehicles shall be loaded in such a way as to minimise noise and vibration;

7 The demolition plant to be used shall comprise a mixture of track-mounted hydraulic excavators with Grab and Shear attachments;

8 Water-based dust suppression equipment shall be fitted to direct water at the work-face if required;

9 All wagons transporting materials off-site shall be appropriately sheeted to minimise the escape of dust and debris;

10 Drip trays shall be used during the servicing and refuelling of plant;

11 All fuel and oils for plant and equipment shall be stored in bunded containers;

12 During the works a watching brief will be in place to ensure controls in place to control dust migration are suitable. Demolition dust will typically be controlled by applying water spray manually and remotely using a cannon or similar;

13 The site drainage interceptor will be inspected, emptied and cleaned prior to commencing works. Drainage points will be managed throughout the works to capture any potential accidental spillage. Drain points will be identified prior to commencing and will be managed as works proceed to prevent flooding.

Upon completion these will be capped as required and interceptor decommissioned; and

14 That there is a control of the hours of demolition of hours, proposed to be 7.00am to 6.00pm Monday to Saturday.


The proposal to demolish the vessels and associated pipework falls within the definition of Schedule 2 Development as specified in the Town and Country

Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017, but the demolition is not considered to result in significant environmental effects, due to the location of the structures to be demolished with the significance not being beyond the local area.

Prior Approval for demolition deals only with the method of demolition and the after care of the site and this issue is examined below.

The proposed structures to be demolished are considered to be in a visually non prominent location surrounded other industrial buildings and structures.

While the demolition and clearance of the site will leave an empty part to the site, it is considered that their removal would not have a significantly detrimental impact upon the surrounding area either with regard to general amenity or visual appearance and will allow for future development of this site and the wider STDC site.

Contact has been made with Natural England with regard to any impacts on the ecology from the demolition. Advice has been given that based on the information provided there is no objection to the works.

The proposed method of demolition and retention of the site thereafter is considered to be acceptable given the location of the site and the potential development that will take place at the site in future years.


Taking into account the content of the report the recommendation is to:


Case Officer

Mr D Pedlow

Principal Planning Officer

David Pedlow

1 July 2020

Delegated Approval Signature

Claire Griffiths

Development Services Manager


r-2020-0281-pnd-officer_report.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/02 18:09 by