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MLA/2020/00506 - updated 15th February 2024


Initial Application - Submitted 06-Nov-2020

Case ref: MLA/2020/00506/2

Licence ref: L/2021/00333/2

Project title: South Bank Quay - Phase 1

Project background

South Tees Development Corporation (STDC) is proposing to construct a new quay at South Bank in the Tees estuary (referred to hereafter as the proposed scheme). The proposed scheme is required to support STDC’s landside proposals for general industry and storage or distribution uses within part of the South Industrial Zone (which has been subject to a separate planning application - reference R/2020/0357/OOM). It is envisaged that the new quay would be utilised predominantly by the renewable energy industry, as well as supporting more general industrial and storage/distribution activities.

In summary, the proposed scheme comprises demolition, capital dredging, offshore disposal of dredged material, placement of rock in the berth pocket and construction and operation of a new quay (to be set back into the riverbank).

The proposed scheme would require works in both the marine and terrestrial environments and requires Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in support of a marine licence application to the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) and a planning application to Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council (RCBC).

As the proposed quay is to be constructed in the riverbank (i.e. on land), construction of the new quay has not been included in this marine licence application.

The development of the proposed scheme is to be undertaken in phases. This marine licence application covers the works required for Phase 1 of the proposed scheme only. A separate marine licence application has been submitted for Phase 2 of the proposed scheme.

Programme of works

STDC is intending to commence construction of the facility during 2021 to enable operation of the facility by 2023 (an approximately three-year construction phase). Working hours are proposed to be 24 hours a day during the construction and operational phase. For the purposes of the EIA it has been assumed that construction works could be undertaken at any time of the year (i.e. no seasonal restrictions on works are proposed). Further detail regarding the proposed programme of works is outlined in Section 3.9 of the EIA Report.


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Other information

Applicant details

Mr John McNicholas / 01642 xxx xxx


Date application submitted: 06-NOV-2020

Date application validated: 10-OCT-2022

Date initial decision made: 17-DEC-2021

Date decision made for latest variation: 28-FEB-2023

Status: Variation Requested - Completed - (Discharging Conditions)

Application and Documents

Response Documents - Licence L/2021/00333/1

h Fileh Sizeh Commenth Date
Standard_Marking_Schedule.pdf38 KB|Licence Schedule 7|27-Sep-2021
Condition 5.2.11 disposal exclusion zone coordnates.docx12 KB|Licence Schedule 8|07-Oct-2021
Decision Letter (Marine).pdf1 MB||17-Dec-2021
Marine Coordinate Schedules.pdf14 KB||17-Dec-2021
Licence Document (Marine).pdf129 KB||17-Dec-2021
Returns.pdf18 KB||17-Dec-2021

Additional Documents

mla-2020-00506.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/02 18:09 by