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Report ID: INCA 202035: Lackenby: Ecological Impact Assessment: Ian Bond: December 2020 - R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby EcIA Rev A

Report ID: INCA 2022-42: Steel House Park and Ride Facility: Ecological Impact Assessment: Graham Megson: September 2022 - R-2022-0816-FFM-INCA2022-42 EcIA Steel House Park and Ride

Job number - Arup - 602510-87: South Tees Development Corporation: Eston Road Highway Scheme: Ecological Impact Assessment and Biodiversity Net Gain Assessment: Issue | 29 May 2020 - R-2020-0270-FFM-2020_05_29_STDC Eston Road EcIA_Issue

Job number - Arup - 276320-00: South Tees Development Corporation: Metals Recovery Site: Ecological Impact Assessment and Biodiversity Net Gain Assessment: Issue | 14 August 2020 - R-2020-0465-FFM-MRS EcIA Report_Issue

Job number - Arup - 602510-87: South Tees Development Corporation: Prairie Site Remediation: Ecological Impact Assessment: Issue | 24 June 2020 - R-2020-0318-FFM-Prairie Site Remediation EcIA_Issue

Report ID - INCA 2021-83: NZT Remediation: Ecological Impact Assessment: Ian Bond: November 2021 - 2021-83 EcIA NZT Remediation Rev A

Report ID - INCA 2021-29: South Bank Site Remediation: Ecological Impact Assessment: Revision A: Final: Graham Megson: May 2021 - R-2021-0405-FFM-210512, EcIA for South Bank Site Remediation_INCA_RevA Final


INCA Advice Note 21-09 - Quay 1, South Bank - biodiversity unit loss - R-2021-0830-CD-INCA21-09 Quay 1 South Bank biodiversity units Rev A

Report ID: INCA 2021-67: South Bank Access Road: Ecology report: Ian Bond: July 2021 - R-2021-0754-FFM-INCA2021-67 South Bank access road - Ecology report

Report ID: INCA 2021-33: Bravo 10 pipeline bridge: Ecology report: Revision A: Draft: Graham Megson: May 2021

R-2021-0676-FF-210518_Bravo10 Ecology report_ RevA_INCA

Report ID: INCA 2021-59: Habitats Regulations Assessment: Stage 1 Screening and Stage 2 Appropriate Assessment: South Bank reserved matters: Ian Bond: July 2021 - R-2021-0729-CD-INCA2021-59 HRA - South Bank reserved matters

Report ID INCA 2022-30: Invasive Non-Native Species Monitoring Plan SeAH Facility, South Bank, Middlesbrough: Mark Morris: June 2022 - R-2022-0454-CD-INCA2022-30 SeAH Facility, INNS 210622

Report ID: INCA 2021-30: South Bank Quay Enabling Works: Habitats Regulations Assessment: Stage 1 Screening and Stage 2 Appropriate Assessment: Graham Megson: April 2021 - R-2021-0465-FFM-INCA 2021-30 HRA South Bank Quay enabling works

Report ID: INCA 2021-56: Habitats Regulations Assessment: Stage 1 Screening and Stage 2 Appropriate Assessment Land at South Bank: Ian Bond: July 2021 - R-2021-0465-FFM-INCA2021-56 HRA land at South Bank

Report ID: INCA 2022-12

Habitats Regulations Assessment: Stage 1 Screening and Stage 2 Appropriate Assessment SeAH Steel Monopole Manufacturing Facility: South Bank: Mike Leakey: March 2022 - R-2022-0435-CD-INCA2022-12 HRA - SeAH South Bank Rev 1

Report ID: INCA 2021-XX: Teesworks Foundry Site Demolitions: Ecological Screening assessment: Graham Megson: August 2021 - R-2021-0608-PND-210801_Ecolgy screening (EIA criteria) for Teesworks demolitions_INCA_RevA - concludeds EIA is not required

Report ID: INCA 2022-41: Steel House Park and Ride Facility Shadow Habitats Regulations Assessment: Stage 1 Screening and Stage 2 Appropriate Assessment: Graham Megson: September 2022 - R-2022-0816-FFM-220831_ HRA for Steel House Park and Ride_INCA_RevA (002)

Report ID: INCA 2021-30: South Bank Site Remediation: Shadow Habitats Regulations Assessment: Stage 1 Screening and Stage 2 Appropriate Assessment: Revision A: Final: Graham Megson: May 2021 - R-2021-0405-FFM-210512, HRA for South Bank Site Remediation_INCA_RevA Final

teesworks_-_ecological_impact_assessments.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/02 18:09 by