Planning Application Details for - R-2021-0057-VC

Official consultation has expired

Condition number
Condition Details

The development hereby approved shall be begun not later than 27/09/2022. REASON: Required to be imposed pursuant to Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans: Approved plans for application R/2019/0427/FFM Drawing No. STDC-SCW-XX-PLA-0001 received by the Local Planning Authority on 01/07/19 Drawing No. STDC-NEZ-WA-PLA-0006 received by the Local Planning Authority on 01/07/19 Drawing No. STDC-SIZ-MR-PLA-0004 received by the Local Planning Authority on 01/07/19 Drawing No. STDC-SIZ-GP-PLA-0007 received by the Local Planning Authority on 01/07/19 Drawing No. STDC-NEZ-WA-PLA-0005 received by the Local Planning Authority on 01/07/19 Drawing No. STDC-SIZ-LA-PLA-0001 received by the Local Planning Authority on 01/07/19 Drawing No. STDC-SIZ-SB-PLA-0001 received by the Local Planning Authority on 01/07/19 Drawing No. STDC-SIZ-GP-PLA-0006 received by the Local Planning Authority on 01/07/19 Drawing No. STDC-NEZ-WA-PLA-0004 received by the Local Planning Authority on 01/07/19 Drawing No. STDC-NEZ-WA-PLA-0003 received by the Local Planning Authority on 01/07/19 Drawing No. STDC-SIZ-GP-PLA-0005 received by the Local Planning Authority on 01/07/19 Drawing No. STDC-SIZ-GP-PLA-0004 received by the Local Planning Authority on 01/07/19 Drawing No. STDC-SIZ-GP-PLA-0003 received by the Local Planning Authority on 01/07/19 Drawing No. STDC-SIZ-MR-PLA-0003 received by the Local Planning Authority on 01/07/19 Drawing No. STDC-SIZ-WA-PLA-0001 received by the Local Planning Authority on 01/07/19 Drawing No. STDC-SIZ-MR-PLA-0001 received by the Local Planning Authority on 01/07/19 Drawing No. STDC-SIZ-GP-PLA-0001 received by the Local Planning Authority on 01/07/19 Drawing No. STDC-SIZ-WA-PLA-0002 received by the Local Planning Authority on 01/07/19 Drawing No. STDC-SIZ-MR-PLA-0002 received by the Local Planning Authority on 01/07/19 Drawing No. STDC-SIZ-GP-PLA-0002 received by the Local Planning Authority on 01/07/19 Approved Plans for application R/2021/0057/VC Drawing No. STDC-SCW-XX-PLA-0002 Rev A received by the Local Planning Authority on 21/01/21 Drawing No. STDC-SIZ-SB-PLA-0002 received by the Local Planning Authority on 21/01/21 Drawing No. STDC-SIZ-SB-PLA-0005 received by the Local Planning Authority on 21/01/21 Drawing No. STDC-SIZ-SB-PLA-0006 received by the Local Planning Authority on 21/01/21 REASON: To accord with the terms of the planning application.
With the exception of soils used to level ground required to host the temporary storage mounds hereby approved, all soils placed into the temporary storage mounds shall be used in operations associated with ground preparation and remediation works within 10 years of the date of planning permission. REASON: In the interests of amenity
The work will be carried out in accordance with the submitted flood risk assessment and drainage strategies (June 2019, Wood and January 2021, JBA) and consistent with the layout identified in STDC-SCW-XX-PLA-0002 Rev A Materials Storage Site Location Plan with mounds received by the Local Planning Authority on 21/01/21. The storage mounds must be sited exclusively in Flood Zone 1 REASON: To prevent flood flows from being displaced and prevent increased risk of flooding elsewhere.
The works carried out will be in accordance with the Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy Docs ref. 41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 including all appendices dated 01/07/2019 and South Tees Site Company Stockpile 5, FRA and Drainage Strategy Addendum, First Issue, January 2021. (FAO-JABU-XX-TN-Z-0001-S30-P01-South_Tees_Stockpile_5_FRA.docx) received by the Local Planning Authority on 21/01/21. REASON: To prevent increased risk of flooding
The approved remediation scheme must be carried out in accordance with its terms unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Following completion of measures identified in the approved remediation scheme, a validation report that demonstrates the effectiveness of the remediation carried out must be produced, and is subject to the approval in writing of the Local Planning Authority. REASON: To ensure that risks from land contamination to the future users of the land and neighbouring land are minimised, together with those to controlled waters, property and ecological systems, and to ensure that the development can be carried out safely without unacceptable risks to workers, neighbours and other offsite receptors.
In the event that contamination is found at any time when carrying out the approved development that was not previously identified it must be reported in writing immediately to the Local Planning Authority. An investigation and risk assessment must be undertaken and where remediation is necessary a remediation scheme must be prepared and submitted to and approved in writing to the Local Planning Authority. Following completion of measures identified in the approved remediation scheme a validation report must be prepared, which is subject to the approval in writing of the Local Planning Authority. REASON: To ensure that risks from land contamination to the future users of the land and neighbouring land are minimised, together with those to controlled waters, property and ecological systems, and to ensure that the development can be carried out safely without unacceptable risks to workers, neighbours and other offsite receptors. and part d conditions onto any planning permission which may be granted:
None of the soils placed into the temporary storage mounds hereby approved shall be transported upon the public highway network unless an assessment of the impacts of transporting soils upon the public highway network is prepared, submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. Any such assessment shall include a transportation management scheme that identifies mitigation measures required to manage the movement of soils on the public highway network. Thereafter, any such transportation on the public highway shall be carried out in accordance with the approved transport management scheme. REASON: In order to ensure no adverse impacts arise on local amenity or the safe and effective operation of the public highway.
Prior to the final use of the soils in the implementation of this planning permission, further Ecological Assessment(s) shall be carried out and submitted to the Local Planning Authority in respect of those areas where the soils are to be used for ground preparation and remediation works. The Assessment (s) shall include up-to-date surveys that identify any priority habitats, ecological networks or protected and priority species. If significant harm to biodiversity cannot be avoided as a result of the final use of the soils, appropriate mitigation including by way of on or off-site compensatory provision, shall be identified in the Ecological Assessment and carried out within the timescales set out in the approved Assessment. REASON: In the interests of conserving biodiversity.
The development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the Reptile Mitigation Strategy (October 2019, INCA) received by the Local Planning Authority on 10/10/19 to discharge conation 10 of application R/2019/0427/FFM. REASON: In the interests of preventing harm to protected species
Prior to commencement of any phase of the movement of earth associated with the formation of the approved temporary storage mounds or its final use, a Construction and Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) for that phase shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved Plan shall be adhered to throughout the implementation of the permission. . The Plan shall provide details of the following; i) The parking of vehicles for site operatives and visitors; ii) Loading and unloading of plant and materials; iii) Storage of plant and materials used in constructing the temporary storage mounds; iv)Measures to control the spread of dirt and debris on the private road network; v) Methods of demolition of any structures to be demolished in order to form the approved temporary storage mounds; vi) Measures to control the emission of noise, dust and vibration during the formation of the temporary storage mounds. . vii) A scheme for recycling/disposing of waste resulting from demolition works that are required to form the approved temporary storage mounds. REASON: In the interests of neighbour amenity and maintaining good Air Quality
Statement of Co-operative Working: The Local Planning Authority considers that the application as originally submitted is a satisfactory scheme and therefore no negotiations have been necessary.
Informative Note: The Local Planning Authority acknowledge that Condition 11 (CEMP) of application R/2019/0427/FFM has been partially discharged in so far as it relates to Warrenby Site (3B). A CEMP will need to be submitted for the remaining storage areas to fully discharge the condition.
Informative Note: The Local Planning Authority acknowledge that the required two weeks notice has been given in relation to Condition 6 of application R/2019/0247/FFM. Condition 6 can however not fully be discharged until a validation/verification report is submitted to the Local Planning Authority following the completion of the works.

Date Letter Sent
Expiry Date

Engineering Team (Highways)
Engineers (Local Lead Flood Authority)
Environment Agency
Environmental Protection Team
Health & Safety-Food (Food Team)
Natural England
Network Rail
Northern Gas Network
Pipeline CATS
Pipeline CATS

Date Sent
Date Reconsulted
Expiry Date


If you are unable to find the decision notice that relates to this planning application, please email and we will provide this document to you.

Application Form
720kb 21/01/2021
172kb 21/01/2021
Plans and Supporting Documentation
6383kb 21/01/2021
709kb 21/01/2021
691kb 21/01/2021
959kb 21/01/2021
893kb 21/01/2021
692kb 21/01/2021
818kb 21/01/2021
Consultee Responses
5972kb 02/02/2021
86kb 03/02/2021
2448kb 03/02/2021
674kb 11/02/2021
239kb 15/02/2021
239kb 15/02/2021
251kb 15/02/2021
455kb 17/02/2021
46kb 09/03/2021
Officer Report
105kb 29/03/2021
Decision Notice
130kb 29/03/2021