{include:Teesworks - keywords - menu}

EN010103-002424-NZT DCO - 6.4.11 ES Vol III Appendix 9C WFD Assessment - Oct 2022 (D11) (Tracked).pdf:24:The EA noted in the meeting that recent pollution Further information regarding the bentonite drilling fluid and

EN010103-002424-NZT DCO - 6.4.11 ES Vol III Appendix 9C WFD Assessment - Oct 2022 (D11) (Tracked).pdf:80: comprises of bentonite as the primary base (a mined clay) which is delivered

EN010103-002424-NZT DCO - 6.4.11 ES Vol III Appendix 9C WFD Assessment - Oct 2022 (D11) (Tracked).pdf:80: mix tank with potable water. In addition to the bentonite, the drilling fluid

EN010103-002424-NZT DCO - 6.4.11 ES Vol III Appendix 9C WFD Assessment - Oct 2022 (D11) (Tracked).pdf:80:9.7.36 Bentonite is a naturally occurring material, is recyclable, has a non-

EN010103-002424-NZT DCO - 6.4.11 ES Vol III Appendix 9C WFD Assessment - Oct 2022 (D11) (Tracked).pdf:80:9.7.37 The drilling fluid would consist of a low concentration bentonite-water

EN010103-002424-NZT DCO - 6.4.11 ES Vol III Appendix 9C WFD Assessment - Oct 2022 (D11) (Tracked).pdf:80: Risk of Bentonite Breakout / Frac Out

EN010103-002424-NZT DCO - 6.4.11 ES Vol III Appendix 9C WFD Assessment - Oct 2022 (D11) (Tracked).pdf:80: bentonite back to the entry pit.

EN010103-002424-NZT DCO - 6.4.11 ES Vol III Appendix 9C WFD Assessment - Oct 2022 (D11) (Tracked).pdf:81: The risk of a bentonite breakout during drilling cannot be fully assessed

EN010103-001652-Climate Emergency Policy and Planning - Written Representations.pdf:229:This technique would have involved the use of bentonite to lubricate and consolidate the sand around the drilling

EN010103-001652-Climate Emergency Policy and Planning - Written Representations.pdf:229:head, which could have potentially suffocated the ‘Posidonia oceanica’ due to the bentonite debris. The

EN010103-001979-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Tracked) August 2022 (D5).pdf:36: Water based drilling fluids will be used which will include Bentonite.

EN010103-001979-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Tracked) August 2022 (D5).pdf:36:Bentonite Breakout Clean up In the event there is a Bentonite breakout on land, the following To be confirmed in Final Appointed Contractors

EN010103-001979-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Tracked) August 2022 (D5).pdf:41: Water based drilling fluids will be used which will include Bentonite.

EN010103-000891-NZT DCO 6.2.5 ES Vol I Chapter 5 Construction Programme and Management.pdf:16: vehicle. Bentonite will used as the drilling mud – a naturally occurring clay

EN010103-002074-NZT DCO 9.28 - Applicants' Responses to Deadline 5 Submissions August 2022 (D6).pdf:43: intertidal zone response to a potential bentonite breakout. The extension down the beach is required to ensure that the ramp profile

EN010103-001738-NZT DCO 9.8 Appendix GH.1.1b Preliminary Onshore Ground Investigation for GIR Report - June 2022.pdf:11:Table 6-6 Cement/Bentonite Grout Mix for Fully Grouted VWPs ……………………………………………………………….. 35

EN010103-001738-NZT DCO 9.8 Appendix GH.1.1b Preliminary Onshore Ground Investigation for GIR Report - June 2022.pdf:35:2. N/A – no bentonite seal inserted at base with bedrock assumed to act as an impermeable stratum.

EN010103-001738-NZT DCO 9.8 Appendix GH.1.1b Preliminary Onshore Ground Investigation for GIR Report - June 2022.pdf:36:VWPs were installed in a cement/bentonite grout mix which was prepared as described in Table 6-6.

EN010103-001738-NZT DCO 9.8 Appendix GH.1.1b Preliminary Onshore Ground Investigation for GIR Report - June 2022.pdf:36:Table 6-6 Cement/Bentonite Grout Mix for Fully Grouted VWPs

EN010103-001738-NZT DCO 9.8 Appendix GH.1.1b Preliminary Onshore Ground Investigation for GIR Report - June 2022.pdf:36:Bentonite 0.3

EN010103-001738-NZT DCO 9.8 Appendix GH.1.1b Preliminary Onshore Ground Investigation for GIR Report - June 2022.pdf:107:For preliminary assessment it is considered the provision of permanent sleeving (e.g. bentonite / vermiculite)

EN010103-001738-NZT DCO 9.8 Appendix GH.1.1b Preliminary Onshore Ground Investigation for GIR Report - June 2022.pdf:108:requirement for bentonite / vermiculite sleeving of the pile.

EN010103-001759-NZT DCO 9.8 Appendix GH.1.1a Factual Report Part 1 - June 2022.pdf:11:first cohesive layer was determined. Aquifer protection was installed, comprising a bentonite pellet seal, was

EN010103-001759-NZT DCO 9.8 Appendix GH.1.1a Factual Report Part 1 - June 2022.pdf:11:through the bentonite seal and subsequent strata until scheduled depth. On completion the AEG rotary

EN010103-001759-NZT DCO 9.8 Appendix GH.1.1a Factual Report Part 1 - June 2022.pdf:27: Bentonite Seal

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:281:2 BENTONITE …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:281: 2.1 WHAT IS BENTONITE …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:281: 2.2 BENTONITE USES ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:281: 2.3 BENTONITE CONCENTRATIONS ………………………………………………………………………………. 5

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:281:3 RISK OF BENTONITE BREAKOUT ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:281: 3.1 BENTONITE LOSS TO SURFACE ……………………………………………………………………………….. 5

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:281: 3.2 BENTONITE LOSS TO VOIDS onshore & offshore ………………………………………………………. 6

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:281: 3.3 BENTONITE LOSS OFFSHORE ………………………………………………………………………………….. 6

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:281:4 BENTONITE BREAKOUT MITIGATION …………………………………………………………………………………………. 6

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:281:6 BENTONITE BREAKOUT CLEANUP ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 10

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:281:7 EXAMPLE BENTONITE MATERIALS SAFETY DATA SHEET……………………………………………………………… 11

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:282:This document is written to provide the reader with a high-level overview of the use of ‘Bentonite’ in the trenchless

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:282:This Technical Information Note (TIN) is to summarise bentonite drilling fluid, potential risks and subsequent

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:282: The risk of bentonite break out at the Teesside and Humberside landfall is understood to be small to

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:282: 2. Routes which pose a high risk of bentonite break out will be eliminated.

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:282: 2 BENTONITE

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:282: 2.1 WHAT IS BENTONITE

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:282: bentonite as the primary base (a mined clay) which is delivered to site as a dried and finely ground powder.

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:282: This is rehydrated in the temporary mix tank with potable water. In addition to the bentonite, the drilling

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:282: 2.2 BENTONITE USES

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:282: Drilling fluid, a composite made of Bentonite and water has the following functions:

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:283: 2.3 BENTONITE CONCENTRATIONS

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:283: The drilling fluid consists of a low concentration bentonite – water mixture. Depending on the

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:283: (80kg) of dry bentonite clay per m3 of water.

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:283: The use of bentonite has a number of benefits:

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:283: There is little to no valuable evidence from onshore government bodies regarding the use of bentonite (due

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:283: 3 RISK OF BENTONITE BREAKOUT

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:283: 3.1 BENTONITE LOSS TO SURFACE

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:284: small pump with flexible hose to pump the bentonite back to the entry pit.

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:284: Drilling fluid (bentonite) can sometimes break out of the bore in case of highly fissured clay, gravels or where

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:284: The risk of a bentonite breakout during drilling cannot be fully assessed beforehand4 however any decrease

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:284: 3.2 BENTONITE LOSS TO VOIDS ONSHORE & OFFSHORE

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:284: 3.3 BENTONITE LOSS OFFSHORE

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:284: 4 BENTONITE BREAKOUT MITIGATION

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:286: the risk of bentonite break out.

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:288: 6 BENTONITE BREAKOUT CLEANUP

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:288:The execute contractor shall develop and produce a detailed bentonite breakout plan / methodology, as a minimum

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:289:7 EXAMPLE BENTONITE MATERIALS SAFETY DATA SHEET

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:293: Technical Information Note – Bentonite Breakout

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:293: Score ‘2’ = Severe, A Major bentonite breakout is very unlikely if all the mitigation measures are followed. However, there is always a chance that for example an old borehole was missed

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:294: Technical Information Note – Bentonite Breakout

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:295: Technical Information Note – Bentonite Breakout

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:296: Technical Information Note – Bentonite Breakout

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:297: Technical Information Note – Bentonite Breakout

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:297:Bentonite

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:297:Bentonite Spillage If wet creates slip hazard 3 Do not wash down spillage area. Contain, L

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:297:bentonite splits) Remove all trace from allotments.

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:297:Bentonite break Contamination of groundwater 1 Precautions to be centred on vigilance, control, L

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:297:from drill bore bentonite. (Inert but classed as

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:298: Technical Information Note – Bentonite Breakout

EN010103-002423-NZT DCO - 6.4.11 ES Vol III Appendix 9C WFD Assessment - Oct 2022 (D11) (Clean).pdf:23:The EA noted in the meeting that recent pollution Further information regarding the bentonite drilling fluid and

EN010103-002423-NZT DCO - 6.4.11 ES Vol III Appendix 9C WFD Assessment - Oct 2022 (D11) (Clean).pdf:77: bentonite as the primary base (a mined clay) which is delivered to site as a

EN010103-002423-NZT DCO - 6.4.11 ES Vol III Appendix 9C WFD Assessment - Oct 2022 (D11) (Clean).pdf:77: with potable water. In addition to the bentonite, the drilling fluid contains

EN010103-002423-NZT DCO - 6.4.11 ES Vol III Appendix 9C WFD Assessment - Oct 2022 (D11) (Clean).pdf:77:9.7.36 Bentonite is a naturally occurring material, is recyclable, has a non-

EN010103-002423-NZT DCO - 6.4.11 ES Vol III Appendix 9C WFD Assessment - Oct 2022 (D11) (Clean).pdf:77:9.7.37 The drilling fluid would consist of a low concentration bentonite-water

EN010103-002423-NZT DCO - 6.4.11 ES Vol III Appendix 9C WFD Assessment - Oct 2022 (D11) (Clean).pdf:77: Risk of Bentonite Breakout / Frac Out

EN010103-002423-NZT DCO - 6.4.11 ES Vol III Appendix 9C WFD Assessment - Oct 2022 (D11) (Clean).pdf:77: bentonite back to the entry pit.

EN010103-002423-NZT DCO - 6.4.11 ES Vol III Appendix 9C WFD Assessment - Oct 2022 (D11) (Clean).pdf:77:9.7.43 The risk of a bentonite breakout during drilling cannot be fully assessed

EN010103-001150-NZT DCO 6.4.48 ES Vol III Appendix 24C Statement of Combined Effects.pdf:54: construction, and associated bentonite and/or barite (materials

EN010103-001150-NZT DCO 6.4.48 ES Vol III Appendix 24C Statement of Combined Effects.pdf:54: bentonite and barite are PLONAR). It is

EN010103-000895-NZT DCO 6.2.9 ES Vol I Chapter 9 Surface Water, Flood Risk and Water Resources.pdf:79: water-based mud (WBM) containing bentonite and barite, fine particulate

EN010103-000900-NZT DCO 6.2.14 ES Vol I Chapter 14 Marine Ecology and Nature Conservation.pdf:57: mud (WBM) containing bentonite and barite, fine particulate materials, which

EN010103-000900-NZT DCO 6.2.14 ES Vol I Chapter 14 Marine Ecology and Nature Conservation.pdf:57: such as limestone; Bentonite is a clay-based material, typically produced from

EN010103-000900-NZT DCO 6.2.14 ES Vol I Chapter 14 Marine Ecology and Nature Conservation.pdf:60: be a small release of water based mud (WBM) containing bentonite and barite.

EN010103-000900-NZT DCO 6.2.14 ES Vol I Chapter 14 Marine Ecology and Nature Conservation.pdf:111: bentonite clays. However, evidence from similar projects indicates that effects

EN010103-000900-NZT DCO 6.2.14 ES Vol I Chapter 14 Marine Ecology and Nature Conservation.pdf:112: proposed materials for which are bentonite and barite. Both bentonite and

EN010103-001771-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix GH.1.2 Foundations Options Report - June 2022.pdf:25:that may be considered is the provision of permanent sleeving (e.g. bentonite / vermiculite) around the bored piles

EN010103-001771-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix GH.1.2 Foundations Options Report - June 2022.pdf:27: Suitable for water bearing ground where deep casings or bentonite Soil or rock removed during boring can be inspected for comparison

EN010082-000196-EN010082-6.3.6-ES Annex D3-Site Condition Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:41:well casing was sealed with bentonite and capped with a flush well cover.

EN010082-000196-EN010082-6.3.6-ES Annex D3-Site Condition Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:78: Concrete Bentonite seal Arisings Filter pack Slotted pipe Plain pipe Sheet 1 of 1

EN010082-000196-EN010082-6.3.6-ES Annex D3-Site Condition Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:79: Concrete Bentonite seal Arisings Filter pack Slotted pipe Plain pipe Sheet 1 of 1

EN010082-000196-EN010082-6.3.6-ES Annex D3-Site Condition Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:80: Concrete Bentonite seal Arisings Filter pack Slotted pipe Plain pipe Sheet 1 of 1

EN010082-000196-EN010082-6.3.6-ES Annex D3-Site Condition Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:81: Concrete Bentonite seal Arisings Filter pack Slotted pipe Plain pipe Sheet 1 of 1

EN010082-000196-EN010082-6.3.6-ES Annex D3-Site Condition Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:82: Concrete Bentonite seal Arisings Filter pack Slotted pipe Plain pipe Sheet 1 of 1

EN010082-000196-EN010082-6.3.6-ES Annex D3-Site Condition Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:83: Concrete Bentonite seal Arisings Filter pack Slotted pipe Plain pipe Sheet 1 of 1

EN010082-000196-EN010082-6.3.6-ES Annex D3-Site Condition Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:84: Concrete Bentonite seal Arisings Filter pack Slotted pipe Plain pipe Sheet 1 of 1

EN010082-000196-EN010082-6.3.6-ES Annex D3-Site Condition Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:85: Concrete Bentonite seal Arisings Filter pack Slotted pipe Plain pipe Sheet 1 of 1

EN010082-000196-EN010082-6.3.6-ES Annex D3-Site Condition Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:86: Concrete Bentonite seal Arisings Filter pack Slotted pipe Plain pipe Sheet 1 of 1

EN010082-000196-EN010082-6.3.6-ES Annex D3-Site Condition Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:87: Concrete Bentonite seal Arisings Filter pack Slotted pipe Plain pipe Sheet 1 of 1

EN010082-000196-EN010082-6.3.6-ES Annex D3-Site Condition Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:88: Concrete Bentonite seal Arisings Filter pack Slotted pipe Plain pipe Sheet 1 of 1

EN010082-000196-EN010082-6.3.6-ES Annex D3-Site Condition Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:89: Concrete Bentonite seal Arisings Filter pack Slotted pipe Plain pipe Sheet 1 of 1

EN010082-000196-EN010082-6.3.6-ES Annex D3-Site Condition Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:90: Concrete Bentonite seal Arisings Filter pack Slotted pipe Plain pipe Sheet 1 of 1

EN010082-000196-EN010082-6.3.6-ES Annex D3-Site Condition Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:91: Concrete Bentonite seal Arisings Filter pack Slotted pipe Plain pipe Sheet 1 of 1

EN010082-000196-EN010082-6.3.6-ES Annex D3-Site Condition Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:92: Concrete Bentonite seal Arisings Filter pack Slotted pipe Plain pipe Sheet 1 of 1

EN010082-000196-EN010082-6.3.6-ES Annex D3-Site Condition Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:93: Concrete Bentonite seal Arisings Filter pack Slotted pipe Plain pipe Sheet 1 of 1

EN010082-000196-EN010082-6.3.6-ES Annex D3-Site Condition Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:94: Concrete Bentonite seal Arisings Filter pack Slotted pipe Plain pipe Sheet 1 of 1

EN010082-000196-EN010082-6.3.6-ES Annex D3-Site Condition Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:95: Concrete Bentonite seal Arisings Filter pack Slotted pipe Plain pipe Sheet 1 of 1

EN010082-000196-EN010082-6.3.6-ES Annex D3-Site Condition Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:96: Concrete Bentonite seal Arisings Filter pack Slotted pipe Plain pipe Sheet 1 of 1

EN010082-000196-EN010082-6.3.6-ES Annex D3-Site Condition Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:97: Concrete Bentonite seal Arisings Filter pack Slotted pipe Plain pipe Sheet 1 of 1

TR030002-000468-Section 6 App 6.2 Land Quality Generic Risk Assessment.pdf:35: bentonite and bentonite cement seal.

TR030002-000468-Section 6 App 6.2 Land Quality Generic Risk Assessment.pdf:35: Boreholes where no well was installed were backfilled with bentonite cement grout.

R-2022-0342-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0395-03-GE Plot.pdf:93: Bentonite Seal

R-2021-1048-FFM-4153 & 4154 Area A Former Steelworks Redcar Contract 1 & 2 (Area A) (Final report).pdf:22: Bentonite Seal

R-2021-1048-FFM-4339 Preliminary Onshore GI for NZT (Draft Report).pdf:11:first cohesive layer was determined. Aquifer protection was installed, comprising a bentonite pellet seal, was

R-2021-1048-FFM-4339 Preliminary Onshore GI for NZT (Draft Report).pdf:11:through the bentonite seal and subsequent strata until scheduled depth. On completion the AEG rotary

R-2021-1048-FFM-4339 Preliminary Onshore GI for NZT (Draft Report).pdf:26: Bentonite Seal

R-2021-1048-FFM-Appendix1.pdf:18: HDPE standpipe, a gravel filter pack and cement / bentonite grout).

R-2021-0100-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-01-Prairie_ESA_Addendum.pdf:50: Bentonite Seal

R-2021-0100-CD-STDC_HWY-ATK-HGT-PR-RP-CE-000005_App_B-2_Part1.pdf:20: Bentonite Seal

R-2021-0100-CD-STDC_HWY-ATK-HGT-PR-RP-CE-000004_App_B-1_Part1.pdf:20: Bentonite Seal

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:278: Stiff sandy gravelly clay to 10m Bentonite seal 3.0-4.0 mbgl

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:278: Bentonite seal to surface

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:278: Mudstone to 15m Bentonite seal to surface

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:281: glacial till) Bentonite seal to 0.3mbgl appears to be natural ground.

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:281: Bentonite seal to 0.3mbgl

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:281: Bentonite seal to 0.3mbgl

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:298: Location ID Bentonite (m3) Gravel Filter Pack (m3)

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:493:where necessary, by the use of bentonite seals in boreholes. Where contamination is

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:602:achieved where necessary by the use of bentonite seals in the boreholes. Where contamination is

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:644: This was achieved by the use of bentonite seals in the boreholes, as detailed in the

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0125-02-MPA_Shallow_Soils_Part1.pdf:56: Bentonite Seal

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0125-02-MPA_Shallow_Soils.pdf:56: Bentonite Seal

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:15: This was achieved by the use of bentonite seals in the boreholes, as detailed in the

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:315: Bentonite Seal

R-2021-0432-FFM-4155 The Former SSI Steelworks, Redcar - Contract 3 (Final Report).PDF:22: Bentonite Seal

R-2020-0730-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-02-Prairie_ESA_Addendum_Part5.PDF:161: Bentonite Seal

R-2020-0730-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-02-Prairie_ESA_Addendum_Part1.PDF:50: Bentonite Seal

R-2020-0730-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part2.PDF:27: Bentonite Seal

R-2020-0318-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-01-Prairie_ESA_Addendum.pdf:50: Bentonite Seal

R-2022-0237-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0452-01-P4_GI_AD Part 2.pdf:26: Bentonite Seal

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part2.PDF:27: Bentonite Seal

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-02-Prairie_ESA_Addendum_Part5.PDF:161: Bentonite Seal

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-02-Prairie_ESA_Addendum_Part1.PDF:50: Bentonite Seal

R-2023-0277-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-623-01-Data Gap Areas GQRA.pdf:75: 7. Borehole backfilled with bentonite pellets and arisings upon completion.

R-2023-0277-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-623-01-Data Gap Areas GQRA.pdf:76: 7. Borehole backfilled with bentonite pellets and arisings upon completion.

R-2023-0277-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-623-01-Data Gap Areas GQRA.pdf:77: 7. Borehole backfilled with bentonite pellets and arisings upon completion.

R-2023-0277-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-623-01-Data Gap Areas GQRA.pdf:78: 7. Borehole backfilled with bentonite pellets and arisings upon completion.

R-2023-0277-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-623-01-Data Gap Areas GQRA.pdf:79: 7. Borehole backfilled with bentonite pellets and arisings upon completion.

R-2023-0277-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-623-01-Data Gap Areas GQRA.pdf:80: 7. Borehole backfilled with bentonite pellets and arisings upon completion.

R-2023-0277-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-623-01-Data Gap Areas GQRA.pdf:81: 7. Borehole backfilled with bentonite pellets and arisings upon completion.

R-2023-0277-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-623-01-Data Gap Areas GQRA.pdf:82: 7. Borehole backfilled with bentonite pellets and arisings upon completion.

R-2023-0277-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-623-01-Data Gap Areas GQRA.pdf:83: 7. Borehole backfilled with bentonite pellets and arisings upon completion.

R-2023-0277-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-623-01-Data Gap Areas GQRA.pdf:84: 7. Borehole backfilled with bentonite pellets and arisings upon completion.

R-2023-0277-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-623-01-Data Gap Areas GQRA.pdf:85: 7. Borehole backfilled with bentonite pellets and arisings upon completion.

R-2023-0277-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-623-01-Data Gap Areas GQRA.pdf:86: 7. Borehole backfilled with bentonite pellets and arisings upon completion.

R-2023-0277-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-623-01-Data Gap Areas GQRA.pdf:87: 7. Borehole backfilled with bentonite pellets and arisings upon completion.

R-2023-0277-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-623-01-Data Gap Areas GQRA.pdf:88: 7. Borehole backfilled with bentonite pellets and arisings upon completion.

R-2023-0277-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-623-01-Data Gap Areas GQRA.pdf:89: 7. Borehole backfilled with bentonite pellets and arisings upon completion.

R-2023-0277-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-623-01-Data Gap Areas GQRA.pdf:90: 7. Borehole backfilled with bentonite pellets and arisings upon completion.

R-2023-0277-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-623-01-Data Gap Areas GQRA.pdf:91: 7. Borehole backfilled with bentonite pellets and arisings upon completion.

R-2023-0277-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-623-01-Data Gap Areas GQRA.pdf:92: 7. Borehole backfilled with bentonite pellets and arisings upon completion.

R-2023-0277-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-623-01-Data Gap Areas GQRA.pdf:93: 7. Borehole backfilled with bentonite pellets and arisings upon completion.

R-2023-0277-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-623-01-Data Gap Areas GQRA.pdf:94: 7. Borehole backfilled with bentonite pellets and arisings upon completion.

R-2023-0277-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-623-01-Data Gap Areas GQRA.pdf:95: 7. Borehole backfilled with bentonite pellets and arisings upon completion.

R-2023-0277-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-623-01-Data Gap Areas GQRA.pdf:96: 7. Borehole backfilled with bentonite pellets and arisings upon completion.

R-2023-0277-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-623-01-Data Gap Areas GQRA.pdf:97: 7. Borehole backfilled with bentonite pellets and arisings upon completion.

R-2023-0277-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-623-01-Data Gap Areas GQRA.pdf:98: 7. Borehole backfilled with bentonite pellets and arisings upon completion.

R-2023-0277-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-623-01-Data Gap Areas GQRA.pdf:99: 7. Borehole backfilled with bentonite pellets and arisings upon completion.

R-2023-0277-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-623-01-Data Gap Areas GQRA.pdf:100: 7. Borehole backfilled with bentonite pellets and arisings upon completion.

R-2023-0277-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-623-01-Data Gap Areas GQRA.pdf:101: 7. Borehole backfilled with bentonite pellets and arisings upon completion.

R-2023-0277-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-623-01-Data Gap Areas GQRA.pdf:102: 7. Borehole backfilled with bentonite pellets and arisings upon completion.

R-2023-0277-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-623-01-Data Gap Areas GQRA.pdf:103: 7. Borehole backfilled with bentonite pellets and arisings upon completion.

R-2023-0277-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-623-01-Data Gap Areas GQRA.pdf:104: 7. Borehole backfilled with bentonite pellets and arisings upon completion.

R-2023-0277-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-623-01-Data Gap Areas GQRA.pdf:105: 7. Borehole backfilled with bentonite pellets and arisings upon completion.

R-2023-0277-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-623-01-Data Gap Areas GQRA.pdf:106: 7. Borehole backfilled with bentonite pellets and arisings upon completion.

R-2023-0277-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-623-01-Data Gap Areas GQRA.pdf:107: 7. Borehole backfilled with bentonite pellets and arisings upon completion.

R-2023-0277-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-623-01-Data Gap Areas GQRA.pdf:108: 7. Borehole backfilled with bentonite pellets and arisings upon completion.

R-2023-0277-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-623-01-Data Gap Areas GQRA.pdf:109: 7. Borehole backfilled with bentonite pellets and arisings upon completion.

R-2023-0277-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-623-01-Data Gap Areas GQRA.pdf:110: 7. Borehole backfilled with bentonite pellets and arisings upon completion.

R-2023-0277-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-623-01-Data Gap Areas GQRA.pdf:111: 7. Borehole backfilled with bentonite pellets and arisings upon completion.

R-2023-0277-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-623-01-Data Gap Areas GQRA.pdf:112: 7. Borehole backfilled with bentonite pellets and arisings upon completion.

R-2023-0277-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-623-01-Data Gap Areas GQRA.pdf:113: 7. Borehole backfilled with bentonite pellets and arisings upon completion.

R-2023-0277-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-623-01-Data Gap Areas GQRA.pdf:130: 7. Borehole backfilled with bentonite pellets and arisings upon completion.

R-2023-0277-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-623-01-Data Gap Areas GQRA.pdf:131: 7. Borehole backfilled with bentonite pellets and arisings upon completion.

R-2023-0277-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-623-01-Data Gap Areas GQRA.pdf:132: 7. Borehole backfilled with bentonite pellets and arisings upon completion.

R-2023-0277-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-623-01-Data Gap Areas GQRA.pdf:133: 7. Borehole backfilled with bentonite pellets and arisings upon completion.

R-2023-0277-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-623-01-Data Gap Areas GQRA.pdf:134: 7. Borehole backfilled with bentonite pellets and arisings upon completion.

R-2023-0277-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-623-01-Data Gap Areas GQRA.pdf:135: 7. Borehole backfilled with bentonite pellets and arisings upon completion.

R-2023-0277-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-623-01-Data Gap Areas GQRA.pdf:136: 7. Borehole backfilled with bentonite pellets and arisings upon completion.