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MLA/2015/00334 - updated 25th May 2024

Initial Application - Submitted 29-Jul-2015

Case ref: MLA/2015/00334/12

Licence ref: L/2017/00012/10

Project title

Able Seaton Port berths, Holding Basin and Channel

Project background

Requesting new licence to replace previous one L/2012/00160/8.

Objective is to improve access into Able Seaton Port by deepening approach channel and maintaining access thereafter.

The facility is an emerging business and works will be undertaken on demand in accordance with commercial developments.

Programme of works

There is an immediate need (Q1/2017) to dredge the approach channel and holding to -6.5mCD in order to receive the Shell Brent Delta module.

As discussed at a meeting with MMO (Adam Chumley/Matthew Kinmond) on 26/10/16, further dredging campaigns will be undertaken in response to commercial demand.
Volumes of material to be dredged and disposed of are given in the attached spreadsheet.

Dredging to be undertaken on a 24/7 basis to maximise use of plant.

Tees Bay A - Disposal of dredged silts and soft material.

Tees Bay C - Disposal of dredged clay.

Able Seaton Port Holding Basin and Channel -

  • Deepening of Seaton Channel, Seaton Channel Holding Basin and Quays 10 and 11 - Navigational dredging (capital)
  • Maintenance dredging of Seaton Channel, Holding Basin and Quays 10 and 11 - Navigational dredging (maintenance)
  • The use of Erosion Mats for mitigation purposes - Maintenance of existing works
  • TERRC Basin, Quays 7, 8 & 9 - Lowering of the TERRC Basin to -8.5mCD - Navigational dredging (capital)

Applicant details


Response Documents - Licence L/2017/00012/1


Case Consulation Responses

Natural England - 1 - Northumbria

Consulted on 23 November 2017. Responded on 11 December 2017. The consultee was asked for their comments on an older version of this case (MLA/2015/00334/3). They responded: TERRC Basin.docx

Environment Agency - North East Area

Consulted on 23 November 2017. Responded on 13 December 2017. The consultee was asked for their comments on an older version of this case (MLA/2015/00334/3). They responded: Dear Sir/Madam, Please find attached Environment Agency response to application ref: MLA/2015/00334/03. If you have any questions regarding our comments, please do not hesitate to contact me using the details provided on the attached response. Regards, Louise Tait The consultee included the following files with their response: EA Response to app ref MLA201500334.pdf

Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science - SEAL

Consulted on 23 November 2017. Responded on 24 November 2017. The consultee was asked for their comments on an older version of this case (MLA/2015/00334/3). They didn't have any comments.

The consultee included the following files with their response:

20171124 MLA201500334 Tees Bay, Seaton Port Berths, Holding Basin and Channel Marine Licence Final Advice Minute + QC.docx

Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science - SEAL

Consulted on 29 August 2018. Responded on 26 September 2018. The consultee was asked for their comments on an older version of this case (MLA/2015/00334/4). They responded:

Please see attached.

The consultee included the following files with their response:

20180925 MLA201500334 Able Seaton Port Marine Licence Advice Minute + JL QC (003)+ CC QC.docx

Environment Agency - North East Area

Consulted on 29 August 2018. Responded on 21 September 2018. The consultee was asked for their comments on an older version of this case (MLA/2015/00334/4). They responded:

Dear Sir/Madam,

Please find attached response from the Environment Agency on application ref: MLA/2015/00334/4.

If you have any questions in respect of the response, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Louise Tait

The consultee included the following files with their response:

EA response to application ref MLA2015003344.pdf

Natural England - 1 - Northumbria

Consulted on 29 August 2018. Responded on 26 September 2018. The consultee was asked for their comments on an older version of this case (MLA/2015/00334/4). They responded:

Please find NE's attached response letter.

Many thanks,


The consultee included the following files with their response:

MLA201500334-4, NE Response to AA for ABLE Dredge Extension, 26.09.18, JP.pdf

Document Consulation Responses

NE (1 - Northumbria)

Variation 11 HRA. Consulted on 2 May 2023. Responded on 22 May 2023. The consultee was asked for their comments on 20230425_MLA201500334_Variation 11_HRA_v4.docx . They responded:

Please find attached supporting document.

The consultee included the following files with their response:

431900 MLA_2015_00334 MMO_Consultation_Response Able Port Tees.pdf

Return Consulation Responses


R6.2 Consulted on 27 March 2020. Responded on 27 April 2020. The consultee was asked for their comments on these documents:

They responded:

Please see my advice attached.

The consultee included the following files with their response:

20200427 MLA2015003344 Able Seaton L201700012 Mid-licence Marine Licence Advice Minute+sJB.docx



Variation 1 - Submitted 15-Mar-2017 Accepted

View Variation

What would you like to vary about your current licence(s)/response(s)?

To include the removal of silt sediment which has accumulated on the grounding bed situated within the Dry dock which is now open and cofferdam partially removed

Why would you like to vary your licence(s)/response(s) in this way?

To allow the precise grounding position of barges onto the grounding bed. The grounding bed is 200 meters long and 70 meters wide.Situated within the Dry Dock. In order not to disturb the Grounding Bed the operation would be carried out by divers using hand suction equipment dispersing the silt into the surrounding area within the water body. The maximum anticipate amount that may have to be removed in any campaign would be in the region of 700 dry tons. Ref. for Sampling Please see Sam/2015/00048

What date would the varied licence(s)/response(s) come into effect?


Closed Date


Response Documents - Licence L/2017/00012/2

Marine Coordinate Schedules.pdf 8 KB07-Apr-2017
Decision Letter (Marine).pdf 641 KB07-Apr-2017
Licence Document (Marine).pdf 93 KB07-Apr-2017
Returns.pdf 13 KB07-Apr-2017

Additional Documents: Information box,No published documents


Variation 2 - Submitted 28-Jun-2017


View Variation

What would you like to vary about your current licence(s)/response(s)?

The MMO will amend the licence quantities so they match the applicant's calculations.

Why would you like to vary your licence(s)/response(s) in this way?

The way the MMO calculates the wet tonnes from the m3 is not the same way as the applicant. The licence was updated with the figures the MMO had calculated therefore the applicant would like the licence updated with the figures he provided as this will affect the amount he can dredge and dispose of under his licence.

What date would the varied licence(s)/response(s) come into effect?


Closed Date


Response Documents - Licence L/2017/00012/3

Licence Document (Marine).pdf 92 KB18-Sep-2017
Returns.pdf 13 KB18-Sep-2017
Marine Coordinate Schedules.pdf 8 KB18-Sep-2017
Decision Letter (Marine).pdf 641 KB18-Sep-2017

Additional Documents: Information box,No published documents


Variation 3 - Submitted 11-Oct-2017 : Withdrawn View Variation

What would you like to vary about your current licence(s)/response(s)?

We wish to include in our present licence. (L2017/00012/2) to dredge an area within the now wet dock (Previously a dry dock) adjacent to berths 8 and 9 from the present depth of 6.5 meters to 8.5 meters. to accommodate semi submersible Rigs. With reference to the limitation of dredging during various periods we would request that this area be exempt due to its location within the dock. Samples have been taken SAM/2017/00066 awaiting results (CEFAS).

Why would you like to vary your licence(s)/response(s) in this way?

We have international clients waiting to transport their Rigs to our site for maintenance and repair in addition the berths could be used for lay by and layup purposes. The plan attached gives the site and the co-ordinates. In addition to the volumes. The area is within the TERRC Site coloured light blue.

What date would the varied licence(s)/response(s) come into effect?


Closed Date


Response Documents: Information box,No published documents

Additional Documents

20171110 SAM201700066A Able Seaton Port Berth 8 9 MMO Results Template.xlsm SAM/2017/00066/A Able Seaton Port Berth 8 & 9 02/10/2017 544 KB10-Nov-2017
|20171110 SAM201700066A Able Seaton Port Berth 8 9 MMO Results Template.xlsm SAM/2017/00066/A Able Seaton Port Berth 8 & 9 02/10/2017 544 KB10-Nov-2017
20171110 SAM201700066A Able Seaton Port Berth 8 9 MMO Results Template.xlsm SAM/2017/00066/A Able Seaton Port Berth 8 & 9 02/10/2017 544 KB10-Nov-2017
20171110 SAM201700066A Able Seaton Port Berth 8 9 MMO Results Template.xlsm SAM/2017/00066/A Able Seaton Port Berth 8 & 9 02/10/2017 544 KB15-Nov-2017


Variation 4 - Submitted 09-Feb-2018 Accepted

View Variation

What would you like to vary about your current licence(s)/response(s)?

Include the TERRC Basin in the areas to be dredged, refer to drawing ASC-001-0009D attached which incorporates the relevant co-ordinates. The dredge depths are shown on the drawing. Permission is sought for the following dredging activities in the wet dock (the area encompassing the TERRC basin, the grounding pad and Quays 7, 8 and 9): * Trailer Suction hopper dredger * Plough dredging * Backhoe dredging * Cutter Suction dredging * Water Injection dredging

Why would you like to vary your licence(s)/response(s) in this way?

The Basin provides access to Quay 6 which is a new facility that was opened in May 2017. Without dredging it will be inaccessible to the type of vessels that need access.

What date would the varied licence(s)/response(s) come into effect?


Closed Date


Response Documents - Licence L/2017/00012/4


Variation 5 - Submitted 02-Sep-2020 Withdrawn

View Variation

What would you like to vary about your current licence(s)/response(s)?

Where the current licence does not permit the use of erosion control matting, Able wish to vary the licence in order to add the erosion control matting to the existing licence.

Why would you like to vary your licence(s)/response(s) in this way?

We are proposing to carry out capital dredging of our Quay 10 and 11 at Seaton Port. This will include dredging at the eastern end adjacent to land fronting the Power Station. The Power Station want us to have the ability to install erosion control matting over the interidal flats where we are proposing to steepen the existing slopes. The attached marine license does not permit the use of erosion control matting

What date would the varied licence(s)/response(s) come into effect?


Closed Date


Response Documents: No published documents

Additional Documents: No published documents


Variation 6 - Submitted 04-Sep-2020 Accepted View Variation

What would you like to vary about your current licence(s)/response(s)?

Internal MMO variation request to correct coordinates which are misaligned on the licence. This should be treated as a V0. Please see attached email chain for details. Please note timeframe is short due to dredging works due to start on the 15th September but consider this is reasonable considering it is only a minor admin change.

Why would you like to vary your licence(s)/response(s) in this way?

The licence coordinates are incorrect, which means there could be issues in carrying out the activities, as well as enforcement requirements. It therefore needs to be amended.

What date would the varied licence(s)/response(s) come into effect?


Closed Date


Response Documents - Licence L/2017/00012/5


Variation 7 - Submitted 14-Sep-2020 Accepted

View Variation

What would you like to vary about your current licence(s)/response(s)?

Activity 1.1 – Licensed Activity Activity to be updated to include an additional 30,000 tonnes of clay to be removed from the holding basin. It should be noted that the Holding Basin and Quays 10&11 are recognised under the same activity, therefore, only the additional quantities are to be revised.

Schedule 5 – Dredge Location Scheduled Document Please find attached an updated plan (ASC-001-00009 Rev G) of dredge locations to include the area as noted in this application. This drawing shall replace the existing plan found in the Licence schedule. As the plan shows, Quay 10 now includes an area of the holding basin, which is to be dredged to -13.5mCD. The location is shown from points 13-16.

Schedule 4 – Dredge Quantity Scheduled Document Please find attached an updated dredge quantity table, to include the additional material to be removed. An additional 30,000 tonnes of clay will be removed from the holding basin during a capital dredge.

Why would you like to vary your licence(s)/response(s) in this way?

An application to vary the existing marine license L/2017/00012/4 is being submitted; to allow the licence holder to deepen an area within the holding basin, from -9.5 mCD to -13.5 mCD. This would essentially result in a section of the Holding Basin becoming part of Quay 10. To do this it is proposed that an additional 30,000 tonnes of virgin material is to be removed, by undertaking one capital dredging campaign in November 2020. Please see attached cover letter.

What date would the varied licence(s)/response(s) come into effect?


Closed Date


Response Documents - Licence L/2017/00012/6

Schedule 6 ASC-001-00009 G Dredge Locations.pdf 869 KB28-Oct-2020
Marine Coordinate Schedules.pdf 9 KB29-Oct-2020
Decision Letter (Marine).pdf 675 KB29-Oct-2020
Licence Document (Marine).pdf 134 KB29-Oct-2020
Returns.pdf 33 KB29-Oct-2020

Additional Documents: No published documents


Variation 8 - Submitted 03-Nov-2020 Accepted View Variation

What would you like to vary about your current licence(s)/response(s)?

Where the current licence does not permit the use of erosion control matting, Able wish to vary the licence in order to add the erosion control matting to the existing licence. To support this update, I have appended a document which outlines the summary of changes and provides a review of the original HRA assessment. Amend the existing coordinates on the main licence for 'Able Seaton Port, Quays 10 and 11' as there is an error. Additional coordinate has been provided. No areas outside existing 'licenced area' will be affected. The area included within the revised coordinate was also assessed in the original HRA.

Why would you like to vary your licence(s)/response(s) in this way?

We are proposing to carry out capital and maintenance dredging at Quay 10 and 11 at Seaton Port. This will include dredging at the eastern end adjacent to land fronting the Power Station. This request is to have the ability to install erosion control matting over the area of the berth where slopes will form from dredging activities. This is to protect the land adjacent to the berth from erosion impacts.

What date would the varied licence(s)/response(s) come into effect?


Closed Date


Response Documents - Licence L/2017/00012/7


Variation 9 - Submitted 06-May-2022 Accepted

View Variation

What would you like to vary about your current licence(s)/response(s)?

The existing Seaton Port Approach Channel is proposed to be widened from 85m to 100m and this will involve the capital dredging of around 75,000m3 of clay and silt material. Therefore the changes to the licence will include the following: - Amendment to Marine Licence Schedule 3, which will consist of updating the coordinates for the site “Seaton Port Approach Channel”, to include the widened channel. - Amendment to Activity 1.2, which will consist of updating the quantities to include an additional 145,000m3 of material. - To include an -0.5m over-Dredge allowance for each dredging activity (the total volumes will not change) Please see attached Covering Letter for further information.

Why would you like to vary your licence(s)/response(s) in this way?

Currently, access to ASP is constrained by virtue of the approach which requires vessels to navigate along a 120m wide channel that is dredged to -6.5m CD within which lies an 85m wide channel, dredged to a depth of -9.5m CD. Buoys mark the shallower 120m wide channel, whilst the 85m channel is unmarked. ABLE proposes to develop the site by widening the 85m channel by 15m to provide a 100m channel dredged to -9.5m CD. The Buoys could then be relocated to mark the deeper channel. This would enable a wider range of vessels associated with OWF development to access the facility.

What date would the varied licence(s)/response(s) come into effect?


Closed Date


Response Documents - Licence L/2017/00012/8

Marine Coordinate Schedules.pdf9 KB09-Sep-2022
Decision Letter (Marine).pdf 1 MB09-Sep-2022
Returns.pdf 36 KB09-Sep-2022

Additional Documents: No published documents

Licence Document (Marine).pdf 138 KB09-Sep-2022


Variation 10 - Submitted 28-Sep-2022 Accepted View Variation

What would you like to vary about your current licence(s)/response(s)?

1) Incorrect Coordinates

Upon review, 6no coordinates on Licence Schedules (Able Seaton Port Holding basin and Channel) are to be amended correctly.

Historically Seaton Channel has been dredged to a depth of up to - 5.8mCD and a width of up to 164m. Seaton Channel joins the River Tees at a location that is maintained by PD Ports at -11.7mCD (refer to Admiralty Chart for Tees and Hartlepool Bays). The intersection between Seaton Channel and the River Tees is formed by a slope falling (at around 1:3) from Seaton Channel to the River Tees. See attached drawing ASC002-00003 where the slope has been annotated. One of the original objectives of the MLA was to obtain consent for lowering Seaton Channel to -9.5mCD over a width of 85m up to its intersection with the River Tees.

The coordinates for Seaton Channel in the original MLA were specified at the top of the slope connecting Seaton Channel to the River Tees. The substitute coordinates submitted in Variation 10 amends the coordinates so that they are located at the bottom of the slope. See attached of PDF table

2) Incorrect Quantities

Following a review of the Marine licence we request the following nonmaterial corrections in addition to the coordinate corrections:

  1. Due to historic errors, the disposal tonnages are not consistent with the dredge volumes. In particular: a.V3 of the Licence permitted 1,212,000 wet tonnes of clay to be deposited but this have been 1.221,000T (555,000m3*2.2); b.V6 of the Licence increased the permitted capital dredge volume of clay in Activity 1.1 from 545,000m3 to 575,000m3 but there was no commensurate increase in the permitted disposal tonnage as there should have been; c.V8 of the Licence increased the permitted total capital dredge volume in Activity 1.1 by 145,000m3, but again there was no commensurate increase in the permitted disposal tonnage as there should have been. We request changes to the disposal tonnages so that they are consistent with the dredge volumes. A spreadsheet is attached to evidence the working. No new dredging is being requested. These are simply corrections to the disposal tonnages that have occurred due to historic drafting errors.
  2. We request a change to the volumes provided in Activity 1.2 as the volumes of silt and clay have been wrongly transposed from V6 of the Licence and both were incorrectly identified as silt in V7.
  3. We request that where annual volumes are specifically stated for Site 2, these volumes can be carried over to subsequent years as dredging may not occur every year but silt will still accumulate.
  4. V8 allowed for Seaton Channel to be widened and a consequential additional capital dredge of 145,000m3 . We advised that this would be silts and clays. All of the material is expected to be dredged by BHD and will comprise silts/soft clays and stiff clay. We propose amending Activity 1.1 so that the whole of the additional dredging is classed as clay and that Activity 4.1 is amended to permit the anticipated 50,000m3 of silts/soft clays to be deposited in Tees Bay A.
  5. A number of dredging methods are consented within the Licence but Activity 1.1 only describes backhoe dredging, we request that the methodology is extended to include TSHD which is consented for other Activities.
  6. We request a change to the text describing the methodology of Activity 2.1 to remove reference to 30,000T of clay which is not in any event listed in the quantities for that Activity.
  7. We request that Activity 2.3 is split into two Activities, one covering the capital works and the other the maintenance works.
  8. We request changes to the description and methodology of Activities 3.1 and 4.1 to remove inconsistencies in the current wording.
  9. We request corrections to the description of the source of material specified in Activity 3.1 and 4.1

All of our proposed textual changes to the Licence are included in the attached WORD document with the changes tracked for transparency.

Why would you like to vary your licence(s)/response(s) in this way?

An administrational change to ensure consistency. Dredging is proposed to be undertaken in November in line with the mitigation.

What date would the varied licence(s)/response(s) come into effect?


Closed Date


Response Documents - Licence L/2017/00012/9


Variation 11 - Submitted 14-Mar-2023 Accepted View Variation

What would you like to vary about your current licence(s)/response(s)?

The proposal will deepen a minor area of the existing dredged “Holding Basin” from -9.5mCD to -13.5mCD, which is the same depth as Quay 10 and 11. This will result in increased activity of dredging and disposal of 1,250m3. The dredge will be completed within one day and undertaken by a backhoe dredger with disposal at Tees Bay C, in alignment with Marine Licence L/2017/00012/9 Changes 1.Dredge Quantity in Activity 1.1 to increase by 1,250m3 2.Disposal Activity 3.1 - 1,474,000 tonnes will increase to 1,476,750 tonnes. 3.Updated Dredge Location Plan Schedule Document - “Dredge Location Drawing ASC-001-00009 (L)”.

Why would you like to vary your licence(s)/response(s) in this way?

The work is essential to accommodate a new installation vessel (already chartered) that will collect offshore wind turbines from ASP. As the installation is planned to commence in April 2023, dredging is required as a matter of urgency to allow the installation vessel to load-out the wind turbines from the quay (where they are being stored) for onward transport and installation at the offshore windfarm site (Dogger Bank A, B and C). To load out the turbines, the installation vessel must jack up from the sea-bed and its jack up feet must bear onto level ground. As existing, the feet will straddle an area dredged to -9.5m CD and an area dredged to -13.5m CD. Failure to load out the turbines will cause the whole project to be jeopardised. The extent of the proposed dredging is insignificant, making up 0.08% of the current total disposal allowance. The area of the extension is sited within a previously dredged area and adjacent to the area dredged in January 2023. Extensive maintenance sampling in this location has been undertaken and approved previously by the MMO to allow for undisrupted dredging activities. Notably, the Dogger Bank project is one of the largest projects of its kind in the world, and of great importance to the UK’s long-term national energy security (powering 6 million British homes). Any delay to the project will have significant consequences.the MMO to allow for undisrupted dredging activities.

What date would the varied licence(s)/response(s) come into effect?


Closed Date


Response Documents - Licence L/2017/00012/10

Schedule 7 - Sampling locations.pdf 795 KB06-Jun-2023
Decision Letter (Marine).pdf 1 MB12-Jun-2023
Returns.pdf 44 KB12-Jun-2023
Licence Document (Marine).pdf 140 KB12-Jun-2023
Marine Coordinate Schedules.pdf 9 KB12-Jun-2023

Additional Documents


Variation 12 - Submitted 07-May-2024 Open View Variation What would you like to vary about your current licence(s)/response(s)? Update of Schedule 3 of the licence to reflect the co-ordinates approved in Variation 11, illustrated on Drawing ASC-001-00009 L, which forms Schedule 6 of the licence. The discrepancy between the approved co-ordinates in Schedules 3 and 6 is illustrated on attached drawing ASC-006- 00022 A.

Why would you like to vary your licence(s)/response(s) in this way?

The Dredge Location Drawing ASC-001-00009 L co-ordinates for dredging were approved through the previous variation application (Variation 11) , however the licence schedule documents are inconsistent due to the Schedule 3 co-ordinates having not been updated to correctly reflect the newly approved polygon for dredging in Schedule 6. In order to provide clarity to dredging contractors and provide a consistent set of approved dredging co-ordinates, it is requested that the approved co-ordinates included within the attached Drawing ASC-001-00009 L are included within Schedule 3.

What date would the varied licence(s)/response(s) come into effect?


Response Documents: No published documents

Additional Documents: No published documents


Natural England - 1 - Northumbria Consulted on 23 November 2017. Responded on 11 December 2017.

The consultee was asked for their comments on an older version of this case (MLA/2015/00334/3). They responded:

Please detail your advice here.

see supporting document

The consultee included the following files with their response:

TERRC Basin.docx

Environment Agency - North East Area Consulted on 23 November 2017. Responded on 13 December 2017.

The consultee was asked for their comments on an older version of this case (MLA/2015/00334/3). They responded:

Dear Sir/Madam,

Please find attached Environment Agency response to application ref: MLA/2015/00334/03.

If you have any questions regarding our comments, please do not hesitate to contact me using the details provided on the attached response.


Louise Tait

The consultee included the following files with their response:

EA Response to app ref MLA201500334.pdf

Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science - SEAL Consulted on 23 November 2017. Responded on 24 November 2017.

The consultee was asked for their comments on an older version of this case (MLA/2015/00334/3). They didn't have any comments.

The consultee included the following files with their response:

20171124 MLA201500334 Tees Bay, Seaton Port Berths, Holding Basin and Channel Marine Licence Final Advice Minute + QC.docx

Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science - SEAL Consulted on 29 August 2018. Responded on 26 September 2018.

The consultee was asked for their comments on an older version of this case (MLA/2015/00334/4). They responded:

Please see attached.

The consultee included the following files with their response:

20180925 MLA201500334 Able Seaton Port Marine Licence Advice Minute + JL QC (003)+ CC QC.docx

Environment Agency - North East Area Consulted on 29 August 2018. Responded on 21 September 2018.

The consultee was asked for their comments on an older version of this case (MLA/2015/00334/4). They responded:

Dear Sir/Madam,

Please find attached response from the Environment Agency on application ref: MLA/2015/00334/4.

If you have any questions in respect of the response, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Louise Tait

The consultee included the following files with their response:

EA response to application ref MLA2015003344.pdf

Natural England - 1 - Northumbria Consulted on 29 August 2018. Responded on 26 September 2018.

The consultee was asked for their comments on an older version of this case (MLA/2015/00334/4). They responded:

Please find NE's attached response letter.

Many thanks,


The consultee included the following files with their response:

MLA201500334-4, NE Response to AA for ABLE Dredge Extension, 26.09.18, JP.pdf

NE (1 - Northumbria) Variation 11 HRA. Consulted on 2 May 2023. Responded on 22 May 2023.

The consultee was asked for their comments on 20230425_MLA201500334_Variation 11_HRA_v4.docx. They responded:

Please find attached supporting document.

The consultee included the following files with their response:

431900 MLA_2015_00334 MMO_Consultation_Response Able Port Tees.pdf

CEFAS (SEAL) R6.2 Consulted on 27 March 2020. Responded on 27 April 2020.

The consultee was asked for their comments on these documents:

MAR00562 Interim (003).xls MAR00562.pdf MAR00562.xls MMO_Results_Template - MAR00562.xlsm

They responded:

Please see my advice attached.

The consultee included the following files with their response:

20200427 MLA2015003344 Able Seaton L201700012 Mid-licence Marine Licence Advice Minute+sJB.docx


Notification of commencement MLA/2015/00334/R1 Open

The licence holder must notify the MMO prior to the commencement of the first instance of any licensed activity. This notice must be received by the MMO no less than five working days before the commencement of that licensed activity.

Subreturns Ref R1.1 Open Deadline No less than 5 working days before works start in 2019

Ref R1.2 Discharged Deadline No less than 5 working days before works start in 2020 Date received 16 Jan 2020 Date discharged 17 Jan 2020 Licence holder comments Able UK intend on commencing works on this exempted activity as described in the plan attached

ASC-002-00002 A Marine License L_2017_00012_4 Sampling Locations.pdf 1 MB

Created By: mr richard cram 16-JAN-2020 17:08:18

Ref R1.3 Discharged Deadline No less than 5 working days before works start in 2020 Date received 02 Sep 2020 Date discharged 16 Sep 2020 Licence holder comments Able UK intend on commencing works consisting of dredging as per licence

Ref R1.4 Discharged Deadline No less than 5 working days before works start in 2020 Date received 11 Nov 2020 Date discharged 17 Nov 2020 Licence holder comments Able UK intend on commencing works consisting of dredging as per licence

Ref R1.5 Discharged Deadline No less than 5 working days before works start in 2021 Date received 08 Sep 2021 Date discharged 09 Sep 2021 Licence holder comments Please can we notify you as we intend on commencing dredging at the locations on the drawing (the green HOLDING BASIN and the orange 65M CHANNEL)to a target depth of 9.0 mCD using the UKD Marlin commencing on 13th September 2021 for approx. 48 hours.

ASC-001-00009 H Dredge Locations 2016.pdf 877 KB

Created By: mr richard cram 08-SEP-2021 17:05:16

Ref R1.6 Discharged Deadline No less than 5 working days before works start in 2022 Date received 08 Dec 2022 Date discharged 14 Dec 2022 Licence holder comments Able intend to commence dredging at the location shown on the accompanying drawing.

ASP-006-00317 B Dredging Position 1 for Voltaire.pdf 578 KB

Created By: mr richard cram 08-DEC-2022 13:09:37

Ref R1.7 Discharged Deadline No less than 5 working days before works start in 2022 Date received 05 Jan 2023 Date discharged 09 Jan 2023 Licence holder comments This is an update on the notification submitted on 8/12/22. Works are now extended to cover the areas shown on the accompanying drawing.

Ref R1.8 Discharged Deadline No less than 5 working days before works start in 2023 Date received 20 Jan 2023 Date discharged 25 Jan 2023 Licence holder comments This is an update to the drawing submitted under R1.7 showing both capital & maintenance dredge works on Q10& Q11.

ASP-006-00324 E Schedule of Dredging Works. Dec.2022-Jan 2023.pdf 225 KB

Created By: mr richard cram 20-JAN-2023 17:55:48

Ref R1.9 Discharged Deadline No less than 5 working days before works start in 2023 Date received 12 Jun 2023 Date discharged 12 Jun 2023

2023-06-11 Notification (5day).pdf 651 KB

Created By: mr richard cram 12-JUN-2023 13:26:33

Ref R1.10 Responded Deadline No less than 5 working days before works start in 2024 Date received 13 May 2024 Licence holder comments Works are due to start in the w/c 20 May 2024.

Works will include capital dredging of Seaton Channel and maintenance dredging of the TERRC Basin.

Works are likely to take between 6-8 weeks

Ref R1.11 Open Deadline No less than 5 working days before works start in 2024

Ref R1.12 Open Deadline No less than 5 working days before works start in 2025

Ref R1.13 Open Deadline No less than 5 working days before works start in 2025

PAH Sampling MLA/2015/00334/R10 Open

Annual sediment sample analysis for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) at sample locations SC1, SC2, and SC3 of Licence Schedule 7 (Sampling locations) must be undertaken and the analysis results submitted to the MMO. Year one samples must be taken in December 2023 and Year two samples taken in December 2024. The relevant sediment sampling and analysis must be completed by a laboratory validated by the MMO at least 6 weeks prior to the end of years one and two from the date of issue of the licence variation. This must be submitted to the MMO for review for two years consecutively unless otherwise agreed and/or required by the MMO.

Subreturns Ref R10.1 Responded Deadline 6 weeks prior to the end of years one and two Date received 21 Mar 2024 Licence holder comments PAH results for SC1, SC2 and SC3 included in the attached files. All sites were sample in December 2023 but sample SC3 was damaged in transit and re-sampled in February

Ref R10.2 Open Deadline 6 weeks prior to the end of years one and two

PBDE Sampling MLA/2015/00334/R11 Open

Annual sediment sample analysis for Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PDBEs) at all 14 of the sample locations in Licence Schedule 7 must be undertaken and the analysis results submitted to the MMO Year one samples must be taken in December 2023 and Year two samples taken in December 2024.

The relevant sediment sampling and analysis must be completed by a laboratory validated by the MMO at least 6 weeks prior to the end of years one and two from the date of issue of the licence variation. This must be submitted to the MMO for review for two years consecutively unless otherwise agreed and/or required by the MMO.

Subreturns Ref R11.1 Responded Deadline 6 weeks prior to the end of years one and two Date received 21 Mar 2024 Licence holder comments The sample results are detailed in the attached files. All sites were sampled in February 2024.

Ref R11.2 Open Deadline 6 weeks prior to the end of years one and two

Agents / contractors / sub-contractors MLA/2015/00334/R2 Open

The licence holder must notify the MMO in writing of any agents, contractors or sub-contractors that will carry on any licensed activity listed in section 4 of this licence on behalf of the licence holder. Such notification must be received by the MMO no less than 24 hours before the commencement of the licensed activity.

The licence holder must ensure that a copy of this licence and any subsequent revisions or amendments has been provided to, read and understood by any agents, contractors or sub-contractors that will carry on any licensed activity listed in section 4 of this licence on behalf of the licence holder.

Subreturns Ref R2.1 Open Deadline no less than 24 hours before the commencement in 2019

Ref R2.2 Discharged Deadline no less than 24 hours before the commencement in 2020 Date received 26 Mar 2020 Date discharged 16 Sep 2020 Licence holder comments Plough dredging of the Grounding Bed planned to commence on 30 March. License issue to Dredging Company.

Ref R2.3 Discharged Deadline no less than 24 hours before the commencement in 2020 Date received 16 Sep 2020 Date discharged 16 Sep 2020 Licence holder comments Capital dredging to commence on 15th September please see email attached

Ref R2.4 Discharged Deadline no less than 24 hours before the commencement in 2020 Date received 11 Nov 2020 Date discharged 17 Nov 2020 Licence holder comments Capital dredging to start on 14/11/2020

Ref R2.5 Discharged Deadline no less than 24 hours before the commencement in 2021 Date received 08 Sep 2021 Date discharged 09 Sep 2021 Licence holder comments Vessel Name: UKD MARLIN Masters Name: James Wright Vessel Type: Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger IMO Number: 9064176 Operator: UK Dredging Start Date: 13th September 2021 Duration: Approx. 48hrs Licence: L/2017/00012/7

Ref R2.6 Open Deadline no less than 24 hours before the commencement in 2022

Ref R2.7 Open Deadline no less than 24 hours before the commencement in 2022

Ref R2.8 Discharged Deadline no less than 24 hours before the commencement in 2023 Date received 07 Jan 2023 Date discharged 09 Jan 2023 Licence holder comments PD Ports, Andrew Ridley,

Ref R2.9 Discharged Deadline no less than 24 hours before the commencement in 2023 Date received 07 Jan 2023 Date discharged 09 Jan 2023 Licence holder comments Rohde Nielsen, Paul Hoggaard,

Ref R2.10 Responded Deadline no less than 24 hours before the commencement in 2024 Date received 23 May 2024 Licence holder comments Boskalis Westminster Ltd - Gerrit Jan van den Bosch PD Ports - Andrew Ridley

Ref R2.11 Open Deadline no less than 24 hours before the commencement in 2024

Ref R2.12 Open Deadline no less than 24 hours before the commencement in 2025

Ref R2.13 Open Deadline no less than 24 hours before the commencement in 2025

Vessels MLA/2015/00334/R3 Open

The licence holder must notify the MMO in writing of any vessel being used to carry on any licensed activity listed in section 4 of this licence on behalf of the licence holder. Such notification must be received by the MMO no less than 24 hours before the commencement of the licensed activity. Notification must include the master's name, vessel type, vessel IMO number and vessel owner or operating company.

The licence holder must ensure that a copy of this licence and any subsequent revisions or amendments has been read and understood by the masters of any vessel being used to carry on any licensed activity listed in section 4 of this licence, and that a copy of this licence is held on board any such vessel.

Subreturns Ref R3.1 Open Deadline no less than 24 hours before the commencement in 2019

Ref R3.2 Discharged Deadline no less than 24 hours before the commencement in 2020 Date received 26 Mar 2020 Date discharged 28 Jul 2020 Licence holder comments Vessel : Tees Guardian Official number 920811 (no IMO due to size) Owner/operator – PD Teesport ltd Vessel type: Tug/workboat Master/s: K.Daniels, R.Bunn, M.Pearson, K.Yale

Ref R3.3 Discharged Deadline no less than 24 hours before the commencement in 2020 Date received 16 Sep 2020 Date discharged 17 Nov 2020 Licence holder comments Backhoe Dredger “Odin” Master: Bram Geluk MMSI number: 209453000 Operating company: Boskalis Westminster Ltd

Split Hopper Barge: “B1001” and “B1002” and “B602” (3 barges in total) Unmanned IMO number: N.A. Operating company: Boskalis Westminster Ltd

Ref R3.4 Discharged Deadline no less than 24 hours before the commencement in 2020 Date received 11 Nov 2020 Date discharged 17 Nov 2020 Licence holder comments • BHD HH 12/Cat390. • Baars Split Hopper Barges B1001 and B1002 • Tug; Sea Bronco or Similar, to be confirmed • Survey vessel: F48 tug Sea Bronco

Ref R3.5 Discharged Deadline no less than 24 hours before the commencement in 2021 Date received 08 Sep 2021 Date discharged 09 Sep 2021 Licence holder comments Vessel Name: UKD MARLIN Masters Name: James Wright Vessel Type: Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger IMO Number: 9064176 Operator: UK Dredging Start Date: 13th September 2021 Duration: Approx. 48hrs Licence: L/2017/00012/7

Ref R3.6 Open Deadline no less than 24 hours before the commencement in 2022

Ref R3.7 Open Deadline no less than 24 hours before the commencement in 2022

Ref R3.8 Discharged Deadline no less than 24 hours before the commencement in 2023 Date received 07 Jan 2023 Date discharged 09 Jan 2023 Licence holder comments 9th Jan: Masters name: Andrew Ridley Vessel Type: Hoertnesse IMO number: 7817189 Operating company: PD Ports

Ref R3.9 Discharged Deadline no less than 24 hours before the commencement in 2023 Date received 07 Jan 2023 Date discharged 09 Jan 2023 Licence holder comments commencing 11th/12th Jan Masters name: Paul Hoggaard Vessel type: Heimdal R IMO number: 9127320 Operating company: Rohde Nielsen

Ref R3.10 Responded Deadline no less than 24 hours before the commencement in 2024 Date received 23 May 2024 Licence holder comments Commencing 24th May 2024. Details of all vessels involved with licensed activities included in attached table

Ref R3.11 Open Deadline no less than 24 hours before the commencement in 2024

Ref R3.12 Open Deadline no less than 24 hours before the commencement in 2025

Ref R3.13 Open Deadline no less than 24 hours before the commencement in 2025

Alternative use of dredged material MLA/2015/00334/R4 Open

The MMO must be supplied with a written statement setting out the continued consideration of alternative options for the use of the dredged material yet to be disposed of no later than 1 February each year.

No disposal of material after 1 March each year may be undertaken until this statement is approved in writing by the MMO.

R4.1 Consideration of alternate use of dredged material for 2018 - 2019

R4.2 Consideration of alternate use of dredged material for 2019 - 2020

R4.3 Consideration of alternate use of dredged material for 2020 - 2021

R4.4 Consideration of alternate use of dredged material for 2021 - 2022

R4.5 Consideration of alternate use of dredged material for 2022 - 2023

R4.6 Consideration of alternate use of dredged material for 2023 - 2024

R4.7 Consideration of alternate use of dredged material for 2024 - 2025

R4.8 Consideration of alternate use of dredged material for 2025 - 2026

Subreturns Ref R4.1 Discharged Deadline 01 Feb 2018 Date received 09 Feb 2018 Date discharged 14 Feb 2018 Licence holder comments We have considered alternative uses for dredged material, but know of no option other than disposal at sea.

Ref R4.2 Discharged Deadline 01 Feb 2019 Date received 17 Jan 2020 Date discharged 20 Jan 2020 Licence holder comments We have considered alternative uses for dredged material, but know of no option other than disposal at sea.

Ref R4.3 Discharged Deadline 01 Feb 2020 Date received 17 Jan 2020 Date discharged 20 Jan 2020 Licence holder comments We have considered alternative uses for dredged material, but know of no option other than disposal at sea.

Ref R4.4 Discharged Deadline 01 Feb 2021 Date received 08 Jan 2021 Date discharged 08 Jan 2021 Licence holder comments We have considered alternative uses for dredged material, but know of no option other than disposal at sea.

Ref R4.5 Discharged Deadline 01 Feb 2022 Date received 17 Feb 2022 Date discharged 22 Feb 2022 Licence holder comments We have considered alternative uses for dredged material, but know of no option other than disposal at sea.

Ref R4.6 Discharged Deadline 01 Feb 2023 Date received 17 Jan 2023 Date discharged 26 Jan 2023 Licence holder comments We have considered alternative uses for dredged material and have identified an alternative use for some of the excavated clay to be used as capping material at our Seaton Meadows landfill.

Ref R4.7 Discharged Deadline 01 Feb 2024 Date received 15 Jan 2024 Date discharged 07 Feb 2024 Licence holder comments We are no longer the owner or operator of Seaton Meadows landfill. We have further considered alternative uses for the dredged material, but know of no option other than disposal at sea.

Ref R4.8 Open Deadline 01 Feb 2025

OSPAR returns MLA/2015/00334/R5 Open

The MMO must be informed of the location and quantities of material disposed of each month under this licence. This information must be submitted to the MMO by 15 February each year for the months August to January inclusive, and by 15 August each year for the months February to July inclusive using the MMO's online system.

R6.1 OSPAR reporting disposal for 1 February 2017 - 31 July 2017

R6. 2 OSPAR reporting disposal for 1 August 2017 - 31 January 2018

R6.3 OSPAR reporting disposal for 1 February 2018 - 31 July 2018

R6. 4 OSPAR reporting disposal for 1 August 2018 - 31 January 2019

R6.5 OSPAR reporting disposal for 1 February 2019 - 31 July 2019

R6. 6 OSPAR reporting disposal for 1 August 2019 - 31 January 2020

R6.7 OSPAR reporting disposal for 1 February 2020 - 31 July 2020

R6. 8 OSPAR reporting disposal for 1 August 2020 - 31 January 2021

R6.9 OSPAR reporting disposal for 1 February 2021 - 31 July 2021

R6. 10 OSPAR reporting disposal for 1 August 2021 - 31 January 2022

R6.11 OSPAR reporting disposal for 1 February 2022 - 31 July 2022

R6. 12 OSPAR reporting disposal for 1 August 2022 - 31 January 2023

R6.13 OSPAR reporting disposal for 1 February 2023 - 31 July 2023

R6. 14 OSPAR reporting disposal for 1 August 2023 - 31 January 2024

R6. 15 OSPAR reporting disposal for 1 February 2024 - 31 July 2024

R6. 16 OSPAR reporting disposal for 1 August 2024 - 31 January 2025

R6. 17 OSPAR reporting disposal for 1 February 2025 - 31 July 2025

R6. 18 OSPAR reporting disposal for 1 August 2025 - 31 January 2026

Subreturns Ref R5.1 Discharged Deadline 15 Aug 2017 Date received 09 Feb 2018 Date discharged 26 Feb 2019 Licence holder comments None

Ref R5.2 Discharged Deadline 15 Feb 2018 Date received 09 Feb 2018 Date discharged 26 Feb 2019 Licence holder comments Submitted

Ref R5.3 Discharged Deadline 15 Aug 2018 Date received 25 Feb 2019 Date discharged 26 Feb 2019 Licence holder comments No dredging has been undertaken within this time period

Ref R5.4 Discharged Deadline 15 Feb 2019 Date received 30 Nov 2021 Date discharged 13 Dec 2021 Licence holder comments No dredging has been undertaken within this time period

Ref R5.5 Discharged Deadline 15 Aug 2019 Date received 30 Nov 2021 Date discharged 13 Dec 2021 Licence holder comments No dredging has been undertaken within this time period

Ref R5.6 Discharged Deadline 15 Feb 2020 Date received 30 Nov 2021 Date discharged 13 Dec 2021 Licence holder comments No dredging has been undertaken within this time period

Ref R5.7 Discharged Deadline 15 Aug 2020 Date received 30 Nov 2021 Date discharged 13 Dec 2021 Licence holder comments No dredging has been undertaken within this time period

Ref R5.8 Discharged Deadline 15 Feb 2021 Date received 30 Nov 2021 Date discharged 13 Dec 2021 Licence holder comments submitted

Ref R5.9 Discharged Deadline 15 Aug 2021 Date received 30 Nov 2021 Date discharged 13 Dec 2021 Licence holder comments No dredging has been undertaken within this time period

Ref R5.10 Open Deadline 15 Feb 2022

Ref R5.11 Open Deadline 15 Aug 2022

Ref R5.12 Open Deadline 15 Feb 2023

Ref R5.13 Open Deadline 15 Aug 2023

Ref R5.14 Open Deadline 15 Feb 2024

Ref R5.15 Open Deadline 15 Aug 2024

Ref R5.16 Open Deadline 15 Feb 2025

Ref R5.17 Open Deadline 15 Aug 2025

Ref R5.18 Open Deadline 15 Feb 2026

Sampling MLA/2015/00334/R6 Open

A relevant sediment sampling plan request must be submitted at least 6 months prior to the end of years 3 and 6 from the date of issue. The relevant sediment sampling and analysis must be completed by a laboratory validated by the MMO at least 6 weeks prior to the end of years 3 and 6 from the date of issue.

The licensed activities must not recommence until written approval is provided by the MMO.

Subreturns Ref R6.1 Discharged Deadline 01 Sep 2019 at least 6 months prior to the end of year 3 Date received 11 Mar 2020 Date discharged 11 Mar 2020 Licence holder comments Refer to SAM/2019/00053

Ref R6.2 Discharged Deadline 25 Jan 2020 at least 6 weeks prior to the end of year 3 Date received 10 Mar 2020 Date discharged 20 May 2020 Licence holder comments Results updated to include the PBDE data.

MAR00562 Interim (003).xls 179 KB

Created By: mr richard cram 20-FEB-2020 14:37:29

MAR00562.pdf 521 KB

Created By: mr richard cram 10-MAR-2020 11:46:50

MAR00562.xls 196 KB

Created By: mr richard cram 10-MAR-2020 11:46:52

MMO_Results_Template - MAR00562.xlsm 623 KB

Created By: mr richard cram 10-MAR-2020 11:46:52

Ref R6.3 Open Deadline 01 Sep 2022 at least 6 months prior to the end of year 6

Ref R6.4 Rejected Deadline 25 Jan 2023 at least 6 weeks prior to the end of year 6 Date received 25 Jan 2023

Ref R6.5 Discharged Deadline at least 6 weeks prior to the end of year 6 Date received 05 Apr 2023 Date discharged 18 May 2023

ASC-002-00004 A Seaton Channel Sampling Locations 2022.pdf 795 KB

Created By: mr richard cram 05-APR-2023 12:52:37

MAR01671 MMO_Results_Template Rev 1.xlsm 603 KB

Created By: mr richard cram 05-APR-2023 12:52:41

MAR01671.pdf 525 KB

Created By: mr richard cram 05-APR-2023 12:52:42

Ocean Ecology PSA confirmation.msg 239 KB

Created By: mr richard cram 05-APR-2023 12:52:44

MAR01671 MMO_Results_Template Rev 1.2.xlsm 597 KB

Original file had positive longitudes entered as positive, so use this corrected file MAR01671 MMO_Results_Template Rev 1.2.xlsm 597 KB

Created By: Adam Tillotson 11-MAY-2023 14:30:38

Ref R6.6 Discharged Deadline TBC Date received 11 May 2023 Date discharged 18 May 2023 Licence holder comments As per letter dated 9th May 2023, in response to the discharge of conditions 5.2.13 & 5.2.14, please find attached updated results template with the correct coordinates.

Ref R6.7 Open Deadline TBC

Local Office Notification MLA/2015/00334/R7 Open

The North Shields Marine Office must be notified of the timetable of works/operations at least 10 days prior to any activities commencing.

Subreturns Ref R7.1 Discharged Deadline at least 10 days prior to any activities commencing in 2019 Date received 07 Dec 2022 Date discharged 14 Dec 2022

Notification of Dredging Works - Dec '22 dredge.msg 1 MB

Created By: mr richard cram 07-DEC-2022 16:23:37

Ref R7.2 Discharged Deadline at least 10 days prior to any activities commencing in 2020 Date received 26 Mar 2020 Date discharged 16 Sep 2020 Licence holder comments E-mail sent to North Shields Marine Office.

Ref R7.3 Discharged Deadline at least 10 days prior to any activities commencing in 2021 Date received 08 Sep 2021 Date discharged 09 Sep 2021

RE Able UK Notification of starting dredging works in September 2021.msg 1 MB

Created By: mr richard cram 08-SEP-2021 17:09:18

Ref R7.4 Discharged Deadline at least 10 days prior to any activities commencing in 2022 Date received 07 Dec 2022 Date discharged 14 Dec 2022

Notification of Dredging Works - Dec '22 dredge.msg 1 MB

Created By: mr richard cram 07-DEC-2022 17:01:16

Ref R7.5 Discharged Deadline at least 10 days prior to any activities commencing in 2023 Date received 06 Jun 2023 Date discharged 07 Jun 2023

ASP Marine Licence L2012000129 Condition 5.2.8 .msg 797 KB

Created By: mr richard cram 06-JUN-2023 12:39:27

Ref R7.6 Discharged Deadline at least 10 days prior to any activities commencing in 2024 Date received 08 May 2024 Date discharged 09 May 2024 Licence holder comments Copy of e-mail notification attached

Ref R7.7 Open Deadline at least 10 days prior to any activities commencing in 2025

Ref R7.8 Open Deadline at least 10 days prior to any activities commencing in 2026

Local Office Notification MLA/2015/00334/R8 Open

The District Marine Office must be notified within 10 days of completion of each of the dredging campaigns.

Subreturns Ref R8.1 Open Deadline within 10 days of completion of each of the dredging campaigns in 2019

Ref R8.2 Discharged Deadline within 10 days of completion of each of the dredging campaigns in 2020 Date received 21 Jul 2020 Date discharged 17 Nov 2020 Licence holder comments notification on 16th July 2020 given by email to see email attached

Licence number L2017000124.msg 260 KB

Created By: mr richard cram 21-JUL-2020 13:05:53

Ref R8.3 Discharged Deadline within 10 days of completion of each of the dredging campaigns in 2020 Date received 12 Oct 2020 Date discharged 17 Nov 2020 Licence holder comments notification on 12th October 2020 given by email to, and SM-MMO-SH - MFA Marine Consents (MMO) <

Able UK - Seaton Port L2017000124 - OFFICIAL NOTIFICATION Dredging stage completion .msg 277 KB

Created By: mr richard cram 12-OCT-2020 13:53:03

Ref R8.4 Discharged Deadline within 10 days of completion of each of the dredging campaigns in 2021 Date received 16 Sep 2021 Date discharged 17 Sep 2021 Licence holder comments Good Afternoon

Please can I confirm completion of these dredging works on Monday 13th September

RE Able UK Notification of starting dredging works in September 2021.msg 382 KB

Created By: mr richard cram 16-SEP-2021 16:27:42

Ref R8.5 Discharged Deadline within 10 days of completion of each of the dredging campaigns in 2020 Date received 16 Dec 2020 Date discharged 16 Dec 2020 Licence holder comments notification on 12th October 2020 given by email to, and SM-MMO-SH - MFA Marine Consents (MMO) <

Able UK - Seaton Port L2017000124 - OFFICIAL NOTIFICATION Dredging stage completion 2020.msg 240 KB

Created By: mr richard cram 16-DEC-2020 08:44:20

Ref R8.6 Open Deadline within 10 days of completion of each of the dredging campaigns in 2022

Ref R8.7 Open Deadline within 10 days of completion of each of the dredging campaigns in 2022

Ref R8.8 Open Deadline within 10 days of completion of each of the dredging campaigns in 2023

Ref R8.9 Discharged Deadline within 10 days of completion of each of the dredging campaigns in 2023 Date received 13 Feb 2023 Date discharged 14 Mar 2023

Ref R8.10 Open Deadline within 10 days of completion of each of the dredging campaigns in 2020

Ref R8.11 Open Deadline within 10 days of completion of each of the dredging campaigns in 2020

UKHO notification MLA/2015/00334/R9 Open

The Source Data Receipt team, UK Hydrographic Office, Taunton, Somerset, TA1 2DN (Email:; Tel: 01823 337900) must be notified of completion of the licensed activities, no later than 3 weeks after their completion.

A copy of the notification must be sent to the MMO within one week of the notification being sent.

Subreturns Ref R9.1 Open Deadline within one week of the notification being sent in 2019

Ref R9.2 Discharged Deadline within one week of the notification being sent in 2020 Date received 12 Oct 2020 Date discharged 17 Nov 2020 Licence holder comments Email confirmation sent to (Email:

Able UK - Seaton Port L2017000124 - OFFICIAL NOTIFICATION Dredging stage completion .msg 277 KB

Created By: mr richard cram 12-OCT-2020 13:54:22

Ref R9.3 Discharged Deadline within one week of the notification being sent in 2020 Date received 16 Dec 2020 Date discharged 16 Dec 2020 Licence holder comments Email confirmation sent to (Email:

Able UK - Seaton Port L2017000124 - OFFICIAL NOTIFICATION Dredging stage completion 2020.msg 240 KB

Created By: mr richard cram 16-DEC-2020 08:46:26

Ref R9.4 Discharged Deadline within one week of the notification being sent in 2021 Date received 16 Sep 2021 Date discharged 17 Sep 2021 Licence holder comments Good Afternoon

Please can I confirm completion of these dredging works on Monday 13th September


FABLE UK MMO licence notification to the Coastguard for dredging works at Able Seaton Port Quay 10.msg 595 KB

Created By: mr richard cram 16-SEP-2021 16:29:04

Ref R9.5 Open Deadline within one week of the notification being sent in 2022

Ref R9.6 Open Deadline within one week of the notification being sent in 2023

Ref R9.7 Open Deadline within one week of the notification being sent in 2024

Ref R9.8 Open Deadline within one week of the notification being sent in 2025

Ref R9.9 Open Deadline within one week of the notification being sent in 2026

mla-2015-00334.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/16 16:43 by nefcadmin