Planning Application Details for - R-2021-0296-NM

Official consultation has expired

Condition number
Condition Details

The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans: Site Location Plan received by the Local Planning Authority on 01/06/2020 Detailed Design of Eston Road Highways Scheme General Arrangement Key & Notes (STDC_HWY-ATK-HGN-PR-DR-CH-000001 Rev. C02) received by the Local Planning Authority on 07/04/2021 Detailed Design of Eston Road Highways Scheme General Arrangement (STDC_HWY-ATK-HGN-PR-DR-CH-000002 Rev. C02) received by the Local Planning Authority on 07/04/2021 Detailed Design of Eston Road Highways Scheme General Arrangement (STDC_HWY-ATK-HGN-PR-DR-CH-000003 Rev. C02) received by the Local Planning Authority on 07/04/2021 Detailed Design of Eston Road Highways Scheme General Arrangement (STDC_HWY-ATK-HGN-PR-DR-CH-000004 Rev. C02) received by the Local Planning Authority on 07/04/2021 Detailed Design of Eston Road Highways Scheme General Arrangement (STDC_HWY-ATK-HGN-PR-DR-CH-000005 Rev. C02) received by the Local Planning Authority on 07/04/2021 Detailed Design of Eston Road Highways Scheme General Arrangement (STDC_HWY-ATK-HGN-PR-DR-CH-000006 Rev. C02) received by the Local Planning Authority on 07/04/2021 Detailed Design of Eston Road Highways Scheme General Arrangement (STDC_HWY-ATK-HGN-PR-DR-CH-000007 Rev. C02) received by the Local Planning Authority on 07/04/2021 Detailed Design of Eston Road Highways Scheme General Arrangement (STDC_HWY-ATK-HGN-PR-DR-CH-000008 Rev. C02) received by the Local Planning Authority on 07/04/2021 Detailed Design of Eston Road Highways Scheme General Arrangement (STDC_HWY-ATK-HGN-PR-DR-CH-000009 Rev. C02) received by the Local Planning Authority on 07/04/2021 Detailed Design of Eston Road Highways Scheme General Arrangement (STDC-HWY-ATK-HGN-PR-DR-CH-000010 Rev. C01) received by the Local Planning Authority on 07/04/2021 Detailed Design of Eston Road Highways Scheme General Arrangement Overview Plan (STDC_HWY-ATK-HGN-PR-DR-CH-000011 Rev. C01) received by the Local Planning Authority on 07/04/2021 Detailed Design of Eston Road Highways Scheme SUDS and River Restoration Plan & Section 1 of 3 (STDC_HWY-ATK-HDG-PR_XS-DR-CD-000001 Rev. C01) received by the Local Planning Authority on 07/04/2021 Detailed Design of Eston Road Highways Scheme SUDS and River Restoration Plan & Section 2 of 3 (STDC_HWY-ATK-HDG-PR_XS-DR-CD-000002 Rev. C01) received by the Local Planning Authority on 07/04/2021 Detailed Design of Eston Road Highways Scheme SUDS and River Restoration Plan & Section 3 of 3 (STDC_HWY-ATK-HDG-PR_XS-DR-CD-000002 Rev. C01) received by the Local Planning Authority on 07/04/2021 REASON: To accord with the terms of the planning application.
The approved works to Holme Beck, including any works to remove the existing culvert or to create new culvert, shall be carried out in accordance with the details contained on the approved plans refs Detailed Design of Eston Road Highways Scheme SUDS and River Restoration Plan & Section 1 of 3 (STDC_HWY-ATK-HDG-PR_XS-DR-CD-000001 Rev. C01), Detailed Design of Eston Road Highways Scheme SUDS and River Restoration Plan & Section 2 of 3 (STDC_HWY-ATK-HDG-PR_XS-DR-CD-000002 Rev. C01) and Detailed Design of Eston Road Highways Scheme SUDS and River Restoration Plan & Section 3 of 3 received by the Local Planning Authority on 07/04/21, unless details of any alternative design and arrangements for Holme Beck, including culverting are first submitted to and approved by the local planning authority prior to them being carried out. REASON: To ensure the development is carried out in accordance with the approved details relating to works involving the culvert.

No Consultees Found For This Application

No Neighbours Found For This Application

If you are unable to find the decision notice that relates to this planning application, please email and we will provide this document to you.

Application Form
189kb 07/04/2021
173kb 07/04/2021
Plans and Supporting Documentation
239kb 07/04/2021
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429kb 07/04/2021
Officer Report
71kb 13/05/2021
Decision Notice
106kb 13/05/2021