Planning Application Details for - R-2023-0227-CD

Official consultation has expired

Condition number
Condition Details

Upon the approval of the Reserved Matters, and prior to the implementation of the approved scheme, the development shall be the subject of an updated Habitats Regulations Assessment and additional supplementary air quality assessment. The HRA and additional air quality assessment shall confirm, based on the approved detail of the development and its processes, the conclusions of the Environmental Impact Assessment and Air Quality Assessment that the development will not give rise to significant adverse impacts on designated sites. Where significant impacts not previously identified are assessed to arise from the approved detailed scheme, the additional information shall set out those mitigation measures to be employed to minimise or eliminate such impacts. REASON: Whilst the Local Planning Authority and Natural England are satisfied based on the information submitted with the outline application, that the development is unlikely to have significant impacts on local designated sites, this conclusion partly based on modelling of data and an outline planning application with limited information as to the final technical design of the development, the Local Planning Authority considers it appropriate to adopt the precautionary principle to confirm those conclusions once the detail of the scheme and its operational process are confirmed.
Prior to the commencement of the development final details shall be agreed of the finished floor levels of the development and the development completed in accordance with the approved details. REASON: To confirm the finished floor level of the development in the light of any necessary groundworks to meet the requirement of other planning conditions and confirm the overall height of the final scheme in the context of the information provided in the Environmental Statement. REASON FOR PRE-COMMENCEMENT: A pre-commencement condition is required so that the final agreed levels for the site are not compromised by the start of groundworks.
No development, other that site preparation works, and construction of the works compound shall take place unless details have been submitted and approved of a landscaping scheme for the site. The scheme shall include size, type and species of plant and the proposed layout and surfacing of all landscaped areas. A programme of implementation and subsequent maintenance shall also be submitted, and the development completed in accordance with the approved details. REASON: To ensure the satisfactory implementation of the approved scheme in the interests of the visual amenity of the locality and the appearance of the development.
A detailed scheme for vehicular access and egress to the site during construction and once operational shall be submitted and approved by the Local Planning Authority. This scheme shall demonstrate how the majority of vehicles to / from the development shall access/egress via Eston Road. Thereafter the scheme shall be implemented prior to construction of the development in accordance with the approved details. REASON: On order to confirm the access arrangements to the site for construction and operational traffic as set out in the Environmental Statement

Date Letter Sent
Expiry Date

Councillor S Jeffrey (SOUTH BANK)
Councillor Sandra Smith (SOUTH BANK)
Engineering Team (Highways)
Environmental Protection Team
Natural England

No Neighbours Found For This Application

If you are unable to find the decision notice that relates to this planning application, please email and we will provide this document to you.

Application Form
290kb 27/03/2023
Plans and Supporting Documentation
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Consultee Responses
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Neighbour representations
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