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Estuaries and coastal waters specific pollutants and operational environmental quality standards (EQS)

This worksheet contains one table.

Some abbreviations are used in this table, O is operational, SP is specific pollutant.

0,0 Substance0,0 Annual average EQS (micrograms per litre)0,0 Maximum allowable concentration EQS (micrograms per litre)0,0 Category
0,0 Abamectin0,0 0.0030,0 0.010,0 O
0,0 Ammonia - un-ionised0,0 210,0 Not applicable0,0 SP
0,0 Arsenic0,0 250,0 Not applicable0,0 SP
0,0 Azinphos methyl - dissolved0,0 0.010,0 Not applicable0,0 O
0,0 Bentazone0,0 5000,0 Not applicable0,0 O
0,0 Benzyl butyl phthalate0,0 0.750,0 10 (95th percentile)0,0 SP
0,0 Biphenyl0,0 250,0 Not applicable0,0 O
0,0 Boron0,0 7,0000,0 Not applicable0,0 O
0,0 Bromine -total residual oxidant0,0 Not applicable0,0 100,0 O
0,0 Bromoxynil0,0 1000,0 1,0000,0 O
0,0 Carbendazim0,0 Not applicable0,0 Not applicable0,0 SP
0,0 Chloride0,0 Not applicable0,0 Not applicable0,0 O
0,0 Chlorine0,0 Not applicable0,0 10 (95th percentile concentration of total residual oxidant)0,0 SP
0,0 4-chloro-3-methylphenol0,0 400,0 Not applicable0,0 O
0,0 Chloronitro toluenes0,0 100,0 Not applicable0,0 O
0,0 2-chlorophenol0,0 500,0 Not applicable0,0 O
0,0 3-chlorophenol 4-chlorophenol - total or individual monochlorophenols0,0 500,0 2500,0 O
0,0 Chlorothalonil0,0 Not applicable0,0 Not applicable0,0 SP
0,0 Chlorotoluron0,0 20,0 Not applicable0,0 O
0,0 Chlorpropham0,0 100,0 400,0 O
0,0 Chromium (III) - dissolved0,0 Not applicable0,0 Not applicable0,0 SP
0,0 Chromium (VI) - dissolved0,0 0.60,0 32 (95th percentile)0,0 SP
0,0 Cobalt - dissolved0,0 30,0 1000,0 O
0,0 Copper - dissolved (Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) less than or equal to 1 milligram per litre (mg/l))0,0 3.760,0 Not applicable0,0 SP
0,0 Copper - dissolved (Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) greater than 1mg/l)0,0 3.76 + (2.677 x 1) μg/l 0,0 Not applicable0,0 SP
0,0 Coumaphos0,0 0.030,0 0.10,0 O
0,0 Cyanide0,0 10,0 5 (95th percentile)0,0 SP
0,0 Cyfluthrin0,0 Not applicable0,0 0.001 (95th percentile)0,0 O
0,0 Cypermethrin0,0 0.00010,0 0.0004 (95th percentile)0,0 SP
0,0 Demetons0,0 0.50,0 Not applicable0,0 O
0,0 Diazinon (sheep dip)0,0 0.010,0 0.26 (95th percentile)0,0 SP
0,0 Dibutyl phthalate0,0 80,0 400,0 O
0,0 3,4-dichloroaniline0,0 0.20,0 5.4 (95th percentile)0,0 SP
0,0 Dichlorobenzene - total dichlorobenzene isomers0,0 200,0 2000,0 O
0,0 2,4-dichlorophenol0,0 0.420,0 6 (95th percentile)0,0 SP
0,0 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D)0,0 0.30,0 1.3 (95th percentile)0,0 SP
0,0 Dichlorvos0,0 0.040,0 0.60,0 O
0,0 Diethyl phthalate0,0 2000,0 1,0000,0 O
0,0 Diflubenzuron0,0 0.0050,0 0.10,0 O
0,0 Dimethoate0,0 0.480,0 4 (95th percentile)0,0 SP
0,0 Dimethyl phthalate0,0 8000,0 4,0000,0 O
0,0 Dioctyl phthalate0,0 200,0 400,0 O
0,0 Doramectin0,0 0.0010,0 0.10,0 O
0,0 EDTA0,0 4000,0 4,0000,0 O
0,0 Fenchlorphos0,0 0.030,0 0.10,0 O
0,0 Fenitrothion0,0 0.010,0 Not applicable0,0 O
0,0 Flucofuron0,0 Not applicable0,0 1 (95th percentile)0,0 O
0,0 Fluoride - dissolved0,0 5,0000,0 15,0000,0 O
0,0 Formaldehyde0,0 Not applicable0,0 Not applicable0,0 O
0,0 Glyphosate0,0 1960,0 398 (95th percentile)0,0 SP
0,0 Hydrogen sulphide0,0 Not applicable0,0 100,0 O
0,0 Ioxynil0,0 100,0 1000,0 O
0,0 Iron - dissolved0,0 1,0000,0 Not applicable0,0 SP
0,0 Ivermectin0,0 0.0010,0 0.010,0 O
0,0 Linuron0,0 0.50,0 0.9 (95th percentile)0,0 SP
0,0 Malachite green0,0 0.50,0 1000,0 O
0,0 Malathion0,0 0.020,0 Not applicable0,0 O
0,0 Mancozeb0,0 20,0 200,0 O
0,0 Maneb0,0 30,0 300,0 O
0,0 Manganese0,0 Not applicable0,0 Not applicable0,0 SP
0,0 MCPA0,0 800,0 8000,0 O
0,0 Mecoprop0,0 180,0 187 (95th percentile)0,0 SP
0,0 Methiocarb0,0 Not applicable0,0 Not applicable0,0 SP
0,0 Mevinphos0,0 Not applicable0,0 Not applicable0,0 O
0,0 Nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA)0,0 3,0000,0 30,0000,0 O
0,0 Omethoate0,0 Not applicable0,0 Not applicable0,0 O
0,0 PCSDs0,0 Not applicable0,0 0.05 (95th percentile)0,0 O
0,0 Pendimethalin0,0 Not applicable0,0 Not applicable0,0 SP
0,0 Permethrin0,0 0.00020,0 0.001 (95th percentile)0,0 SP
0,0 pH0,0 Not applicable0,0 6Not applicable8.5 (95th percentile)0,0 O
0,0 Phenol0,0 7.70,0 46 (95th percentile)0,0 SP
0,0 Pirimicarb0,0 10,0 50,0 O
0,0 Pirimiphos-methyl0,0 0.0150,0 0.050,0 O
0,0 Prochloraz0,0 40,0 400,0 O
0,0 Propetamphos0,0 0.030,0 0.10,0 O
0,0 Propyzamide0,0 1000,0 1,0000,0 O
0,0 Silver - dissolved0,0 0.50,0 10,0 O
0,0 Sulcofuron0,0 Not applicable0,0 25 (95th percentile)0,0 O
0,0 Sulphate0,0 Not applicable0,0 Not applicable0,0 O
0,0 Styrene0,0 500,0 5000,0 O
0,0 Tecnazene - total0,0 10,0 100,0 O
0,0 Tetrachloroethane0,0 Not applicable0,0 Not applicable0,0 SP
0,0 Thiabendazole0,0 50,0 500,0 O
0,0 Tin (inorganic) - dissolved0,0 100,0 Not applicable0,0 O
0,0 Toluene0,0 740,0 370 (95th percentile)0,0 SP
0,0 Total anions0,0 Not applicable0,0 Not applicable0,0 O
0,0 Triallate0,0 0.250,0 50,0 O
0,0 Triazaphos0,0 0.0050,0 Not applicable0,0 O
0,0 Tributyl phosphate0,0 500,0 5000,0 O
0,0 1,1,1-trichloroethane0,0 1000,0 Not applicable0,0 O
0,0 Triclosan0,0 0.10,0 0.28 (95th percentile)0,0 SP
0,0 Triphenyltin and its derivatives0,0 Not applicable0,0 0.0080,0 O
0,0 1,1,2-trichloroethane0,0 3000,0 Not applicable0,0 O
0,0 Vanadium0,0 1000,0 Not applicable0,0 O
0,0 Xylene0,0 300,0 Not applicable0,0 O
0,0 Zinc - dissolved plus ambient background concentration. For saltwater, an Ambient Background Concentration of 1.1 µg/l is recommended.0,0 6.80,0 Not applicable0,0 SP
DOC/2) –0.5
estuaries_and_coastal_water_-_pollutants_and_eqs.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/02 18:09 by