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EN010103-001057-NZT DCO 6.4.1 ES Vol III Appendix 1A EIA Scoping Report Part 1.pdf:49:  International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) 9613-2: 1996 ‘Attenuation of

EN010103-001137-NZT DCO 6.4.46 ES Vol III Appendix 24A Planned Development and Development Allocations.pdf:11: buildings; site mounding; on-site attenuation ponds, Note that this application is a variation of condition -

EN010103-001137-NZT DCO 6.4.46 ES Vol III Appendix 24A Planned Development and Development Allocations.pdf:11: helicopter landing site, attenuation ponds, landscaping, MTS 39 months for Lady Cross Plantation and

EN010103-002552-NZT DCO 5.13 - HRA Report (Clean) - Nov 2022 (D12) (1).pdf:134: provided in Figure 8 which shows limited attenuation of wave heights for a 1 in 10-year

EN010103-002080-NZT DCO 2.1 - Draft DCO (Comparison with (D5) August 2022) - August 2022 (D6).pdf:45: (a) surface water drainage systems, storm water attenuation systems including storage basins,

EN010103-002258-NZT DCO - 5.13 - HRA (Tracked) - Sept 2022(D8).pdf:134: provided in Figure 8 which shows limited attenuation of wave heights for a 1 in 10-year

EN010103-002551-NZT DCO 5.4 - DAS (Tracked) - Nov 2022 (D12).pdf:81: Attenuation

EN010103-001667-Natural England - Written Representations (WRs), including summaries of all WRs exceeding 1500 words.pdf:38:11 Robertson WD, Van Stempvoort ER & Schiff SL. 2019. Review of Phosphorus attenuation in groundwater

EN010103-001667-Natural England - Written Representations (WRs), including summaries of all WRs exceeding 1500 words.pdf:40:distance to the Habitats site as there will be the capacity for further attenuation and dilution before the site.

EN010103-001667-Natural England - Written Representations (WRs), including summaries of all WRs exceeding 1500 words.pdf:41:cases). There will be further processes of dilution and attenuation between the drainage field

EN010103-001764-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix PPL.1.3c - Teesworks Design Guide - June 2022.pdf:39:surface water management and attenuation systems

EN010103-001764-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix PPL.1.3c - Teesworks Design Guide - June 2022.pdf:39: infiltration, attenuation and conveyance techniques

EN010103-001764-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix PPL.1.3c - Teesworks Design Guide - June 2022.pdf:39:management and attenuation will be defined in the suite

EN010103-001117-NZT DCO 6.4.20 ES Vol III Appendix 12C Preliminary Ecological Appraisal Part 4.pdf:8:TN22 Flood water attenuation pond, banks are dominated by rough grassland and

EN010103-002424-NZT DCO - 6.4.11 ES Vol III Appendix 9C WFD Assessment - Oct 2022 (D11) (Tracked).pdf:52:pollutants given the body), via attenuation

EN010103-002424-NZT DCO - 6.4.11 ES Vol III Appendix 9C WFD Assessment - Oct 2022 (D11) (Tracked).pdf:66: an attenuation pond.

EN010103-002424-NZT DCO - 6.4.11 ES Vol III Appendix 9C WFD Assessment - Oct 2022 (D11) (Tracked).pdf:91: attenuation capacity is required.

EN010103-002424-NZT DCO - 6.4.11 ES Vol III Appendix 9C WFD Assessment - Oct 2022 (D11) (Tracked).pdf:102: collected and discharged to Tees Bay via on-site attenuation storage

EN010103-002424-NZT DCO - 6.4.11 ES Vol III Appendix 9C WFD Assessment - Oct 2022 (D11) (Tracked).pdf:111: the use of attenuation ponds. There are no planned discharges to

EN010103-002424-NZT DCO - 6.4.11 ES Vol III Appendix 9C WFD Assessment - Oct 2022 (D11) (Tracked).pdf:157: to Tees Bay via on-site attenuation storage facilities. Where there is the potential for

EN010103-002424-NZT DCO - 6.4.11 ES Vol III Appendix 9C WFD Assessment - Oct 2022 (D11) (Tracked).pdf:167:will include surface water attenuation features which will allow settlement of solids and breakdown of

EN010103-002053-NZT DCO 5.4 - Design and Access Statement - Tracked - August 2022(D6).pdf:78: Attenuation

EN010103-001246-EA_NZT_OFFICIAL_171221_Redacted.pdf:25:ecological habitats. Any SuDS must be lined and positively drained (attenuation

EN010103-002248-NZT DCO 9.36 - Nutrient Nitrogen Briefing Paper - Sept 2022(D8).pdf:36:attenuation storage facilities. Some additional effluent will be generated within the Carbon Capture Plant

EN010103-002248-NZT DCO 9.36 - Nutrient Nitrogen Briefing Paper - Sept 2022(D8).pdf:41:attenuation features which will allow settlement of solids and breakdown of contaminants. Therefore, it

EN010103-002547-NZT DCO 4.15 - Landscape & Biodiversity Plan - Nov 2022 (D12).pdf:1: Attenuation

EN010103-001408-NZTDCO 6.3.7 Rev 2 ES Addendum Vol II Figure 4-2 Indicative Landscaping and Biodiversity.pdf:1: Attenuation

EN010103-001064-NZT DCO 6.4.11 ES Vol III Appendix 9C WFD Assessment.pdf:46:pollutants given the body), via attenuation

EN010103-001064-NZT DCO 6.4.11 ES Vol III Appendix 9C WFD Assessment.pdf:80: attenuation capacity is required.

EN010103-001064-NZT DCO 6.4.11 ES Vol III Appendix 9C WFD Assessment.pdf:92: the use of attenuation ponds. There are no planned discharges to

EN010103-002406-NZT DCO - 9.34 Updated List of Developments - Oct 2022 (D11) (Tracked).pdf:25: mounding; on-site attenuation ponds, Swales commenced prior to the 14 August (R/2014/0626/FFM) was for (minor amendments)

EN010103-002406-NZT DCO - 9.34 Updated List of Developments - Oct 2022 (D11) (Tracked).pdf:25: landing site, attenuation ponds, landscaping, MTS 39 months for Lady Cross

EN010103-002550-NZT DCO 5.4 - DAS (Clean) - Nov 2022 (D12).pdf:74: Attenuation

EN010103-001683-Marine Management Organisation - Responses to the ExA’s ExQ1.pdf:25: attenuation pond with the intention being that the design of the pond will be agreed later as a

EN010103-002312-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Tracked Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:18:Resources runoff will be discharged to an attenuation pond prior 11: Surface and foul water drainage

EN010103-002312-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Tracked Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:24: the PCSW system, consisting of an attenuation pond,

EN010103-002312-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Tracked Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:24: PCSW system (including attenuation pond, oil

EN010103-002312-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Tracked Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:25: run-off back to the PCSW attenuation pond.

EN010103-002312-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Tracked Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:50: in future flows (e.g. in attenuation ponds in the surface

EN010103-002321-NZT DCO 9.36 - Nutrient Nitrogen Briefing Paper (Tracked) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:47:attenuation storage facilities. Some additional effluent will be generated within the Carbon Capture Plant

EN010103-002321-NZT DCO 9.36 - Nutrient Nitrogen Briefing Paper (Tracked) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:52:attenuation features which will allow settlement of solids and breakdown of contaminants. Therefore, it

EN010103-002321-NZT DCO 9.36 - Nutrient Nitrogen Briefing Paper (Tracked) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:194: to Tees Bay via on-site attenuation storage facilities. Where there is the potential for

EN010103-002321-NZT DCO 9.36 - Nutrient Nitrogen Briefing Paper (Tracked) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:204:will include surface water attenuation features which will allow settlement of solids and breakdown of

EN010103-002043-NZT DCO 2.1 - Draft DCO August 2022 (D6).pdf:44: (a) surface water drainage systems, storm water attenuation systems including storage basins,

EN010103-000926-NZT DCO 6.3.7 ES Vol II Figure 4-2 Indicative Landscaping and Biodiversity.pdf:1: Attenuation

EN010103-000901-NZT DCO 6.2.15 ES Vol I Chapter 15 Ornithology.pdf:91: • provision of a stormwater attenuation pond or wetland (depending on

EN010103-002074-NZT DCO 9.28 - Applicants' Responses to Deadline 5 Submissions August 2022 (D6).pdf:92: assessment of attenuation of attenuation of EMF strengths, shielding and cable burial depth will not identify significant effects and due to this lack

EN010103-002533-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons Tracked Nov 2022 (D12).pdf:29: o surface water drainage systems, storm water attenuation systems

EN010103-001466-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons - Apr 2022.pdf:28: o surface water drainage systems, storm water attenuation systems

EN010103-000892-NZT DCO 6.2.6 ES Vol I Chapter 6 Alternatives and Design Evolution.pdf:15: and attenuation ponds required for retention and to manage surface

EN010103-000892-NZT DCO 6.2.6 ES Vol I Chapter 6 Alternatives and Design Evolution.pdf:15: sized for three power attenuation ponds to water from a smaller

EN010103-002526-NZT DCO 2.1 - Final draft DCO (Tracked) - Nov 2022 (D12).pdf:44: (a) surface water drainage systems, storm water attenuation systems including storage basins,

EN010103-002320-NZT DCO 9.34 - Updated List of Developments (Tacked) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:24: mounding; on-site attenuation ponds, Swales commenced prior to the 14 August (R/2014/0626/FFM) was for (minor amendments)

EN010103-002320-NZT DCO 9.34 - Updated List of Developments (Tacked) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:24: landing site, attenuation ponds, landscaping, MTS 39 months for Lady Cross

EN010103-002062-NZT DCO 7.12 - Habitats Regulations Assessment Report (Change Request) (Clean) August 2022 (D6).pdf:129: provided in Figure 8 which shows limited attenuation of wave heights for a 1 in 10-year

EN010103-002319-NZT DCO 9.34 - Updated List of Developments (Clean) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:24: mounding; on-site attenuation ponds, Swales commenced prior to the 14 August (R/2014/0626/FFM) was for (minor amendments)

EN010103-002319-NZT DCO 9.34 - Updated List of Developments (Clean) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:24: landing site, attenuation ponds, landscaping, MTS 39 months for Lady Cross

EN010103-000824-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons.pdf:27: o surface water drainage systems, storm water attenuation systems including storage

EN010103-002553-NZT DCO 5.13 - HRA Report (Tracked) - Nov 2022 (D12).pdf:135: provided in Figure 8 which shows limited attenuation of wave heights for a 1 in 10-year

EN010103-001992-NZT DCO 9.24 - Written Summary of ISH4 August 2022 (D5).pdf:34: mounding; on-site attenuation ponds, Swales commenced prior to the 14 August (R/2014/0626/FFM) was for amendments)

EN010103-001992-NZT DCO 9.24 - Written Summary of ISH4 August 2022 (D5).pdf:34: parking and helicopter landing site, attenuation MTS 39 months for Lady Cross (York Potash))

EN010103-002176-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Sept 2022(D7) (Clean).pdf:18:Resources runoff will be discharged to an attenuation pond prior 11: Surface and foul water drainage

EN010103-002176-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Sept 2022(D7) (Clean).pdf:24: the PCSW system, consisting of an attenuation pond,

EN010103-002176-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Sept 2022(D7) (Clean).pdf:24: PCSW system (including attenuation pond, oil

EN010103-002176-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Sept 2022(D7) (Clean).pdf:25: run-off back to the PCSW attenuation pond.

EN010103-002176-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Sept 2022(D7) (Clean).pdf:50: in future flows (e.g. in attenuation ponds in the surface

EN010103-002532-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons Clean Nov 2022 (D12).pdf:29: o surface water drainage systems, storm water attenuation systems

EN010103-000898-NZT DCO 6.2.12 ES Vol I Chapter 12 Terrestrial Ecology.pdf:53:  Provision of a stormwater attenuation pond or wetland (depending on

EN010103-001918-NZT DCO 2.1 - Draft DCO (Comparison with June 2022) - July 2022 (D4).pdf:38: (a) surface water drainage systems, storm water attenuation systems including storage basins,

EN010103-002251-NZT DCO 2.1 - Draft DCO (Clean) - Sept 2022(D8).pdf:44: (a) surface water drainage systems, storm water attenuation systems including storage basins,

EN010103-001914-NZT DCO 9.19 - Further Response to Written Question GEN.1.37 - July 2022 (D4).pdf:25: mounding; on-site attenuation ponds, Swales commenced prior to the 14 August (R/2014/0626/FFM) was for amendments)

EN010103-001914-NZT DCO 9.19 - Further Response to Written Question GEN.1.37 - July 2022 (D4).pdf:25: parking and helicopter landing site, attenuation MTS 39 months for Lady Cross (York Potash))

EN010103-001914-NZT DCO 9.19 - Further Response to Written Question GEN.1.37 - July 2022 (D4).pdf:38: site attenuation ponds, Swales and internal roads following the progression of

EN010103-001914-NZT DCO 9.19 - Further Response to Written Question GEN.1.37 - July 2022 (D4).pdf:38: parking and helicopter landing site, attenuation ponds, landscaping, restoration ha

EN010103-001468-NZT DCO 5.4 - Design and Access Statement - Tracked - Apr 2022.pdf:78: Attenuation

EN010103-002052-NZT DCO 5.4 - Design and Access Statement - Clean - August 2022(D6).pdf:76: Attenuation

EN010103-002252-NZT DCO 2.1 - Draft DCO (Tracked) - Sept 2022(D8).pdf:44: (a) surface water drainage systems, storm water attenuation systems including storage basins,

EN010103-002331-NZT DCO 5.13 - Habitats Regulations Assessment Report (Tracked) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:133: provided in Figure 8 which shows limited attenuation of wave heights for a 1 in 10-year

EN010103-001161-NZT DCO 6.1 ES Non-Technical Summary.pdf:35:7.3.11 The proposed drainage system would provide attenuation capacity and

EN010103-001467-NZT DCO 5.4 - Design and Access Statement - Clean - Apr 2022.pdf:76: Attenuation

EN010103-001471-NZT DCO 2.1 - Draft DCO (Comparison with Oct 2021 version) - Apr 2022.pdf:38: (a) surface water drainage systems, storm water attenuation systems including storage basins,

EN010103-001738-NZT DCO 9.8 Appendix GH.1.1b Preliminary Onshore Ground Investigation for GIR Report - June 2022.pdf:19: the spatial distribution of the exceedances across the site and expected attenuation, it is

EN010103-001738-NZT DCO 9.8 Appendix GH.1.1b Preliminary Onshore Ground Investigation for GIR Report - June 2022.pdf:84:spatial distribution of the exceedances across the Site and expected attenuation, it is considered that the risk to

EN010103-001738-NZT DCO 9.8 Appendix GH.1.1b Preliminary Onshore Ground Investigation for GIR Report - June 2022.pdf:89:in relation to the EQS, the spatial distribution of the exceedances across the Site and expected attenuation, it is

EN010103-001738-NZT DCO 9.8 Appendix GH.1.1b Preliminary Onshore Ground Investigation for GIR Report - June 2022.pdf:123:expected attenuation, it is considered that the risk to surface waters and groundwater would remain low, despite of

EN010103-001738-NZT DCO 9.8 Appendix GH.1.1b Preliminary Onshore Ground Investigation for GIR Report - June 2022.pdf:255:attenuation for most contaminants before drainage reaches the receiving water, as well as upon entering the Tees

EN010103-001738-NZT DCO 9.8 Appendix GH.1.1b Preliminary Onshore Ground Investigation for GIR Report - June 2022.pdf:269:attenuation, it is considered that the soil and groundwater quality is unlikely to pose a significant risk to surface water

EN010103-000897-NZT DCO 6.2.11 ES Vol I Chapter 11 Noise and Vibration.pdf:6: should be mitigated by attenuation of exhausts to reduce any risk of low-

EN010103-000897-NZT DCO 6.2.11 ES Vol I Chapter 11 Noise and Vibration.pdf:12: ISO 9613-2:1996: Attenuation of Sound during Propagation Outdoors

EN010103-000897-NZT DCO 6.2.11 ES Vol I Chapter 11 Noise and Vibration.pdf:12:11.2.46 ISO 9613-2:1996 ‘Attenuation of Sound during Propagation Outdoors, Part 2:

EN010103-000897-NZT DCO 6.2.11 ES Vol I Chapter 11 Noise and Vibration.pdf:12: calculating the attenuation of sound during propagation outdoors in order to

EN010103-000897-NZT DCO 6.2.11 ES Vol I Chapter 11 Noise and Vibration.pdf:24: 1996 ‘Attenuation of sound during propagation outdoors’ (ISO, 1996), which has

EN010103-000897-NZT DCO 6.2.11 ES Vol I Chapter 11 Noise and Vibration.pdf:45:  the noise attenuation due to ground absorption, air absorption and barrier

EN010103-000897-NZT DCO 6.2.11 ES Vol I Chapter 11 Noise and Vibration.pdf:70: Attenuation of sound during propagation outdoors. Geneva: International

EN010103-001579-NZT DCO 9.6 - Applicants' Comments on RRs - May 2022.pdf:132: lined and positively drained (attenuation only) This will need to be

EN010103-000005-EN010103_Scoping Report.pdf:48:  International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) 9613-2: 1996 ‘Attenuation of

EN010103-002063-NZT DCO 7.12 - Habitats Regulations Assessment Report (Change Request) (Tracked) August 2022 (D6).pdf:134: model are provided in Figure 8Figure 7 which shows limited attenuation of wave heights

EN010103-000829-NZT DCO 5.4 - Design and Access Statement.pdf:73: Attenuation

EN010103-001609-Redcar and Clevland Council Local Impact Report.pdf:5:(a) surface water drainage systems, storm water attenuation systems including

EN010103-001794-NZT DCO 2.1 - Draft DCO - June 2022.pdf:41: (a) surface water drainage systems, storm water attenuation systems including storage basins,

EN010103-001443-NZT DCO 4.15.1 - Landscaping and Biodiversity Plan Rev 2 - Apr 22.pdf:1: Attenuation

EN010103-002037-Orsted Hornsea Project Four Limited - Responses to the ExA’s ExQ2.pdf:181: “water attenuation feature” means an area within which sustainable drainage systems

EN010103-002037-Orsted Hornsea Project Four Limited - Responses to the ExA’s ExQ2.pdf:181: measures are to be adopted to facilitate attenuation and/or storage of surface water drainage;

EN010103-002037-Orsted Hornsea Project Four Limited - Responses to the ExA’s ExQ2.pdf:208: (e) a water attenuation feature;

EN010103-002037-Orsted Hornsea Project Four Limited - Responses to the ExA’s ExQ2.pdf:218: (a) any necessary noise attenuation and mitigation measures to be taken to minimise noise

EN010103-002037-Orsted Hornsea Project Four Limited - Responses to the ExA’s ExQ2.pdf:218: (b) a scheme for monitoring attenuation and mitigation measures provided under sub-

EN010103-002037-Orsted Hornsea Project Four Limited - Responses to the ExA’s ExQ2.pdf:340: within that stage, including a desk-based assessment of attenuation of

EN010103-002037-Orsted Hornsea Project Four Limited - Responses to the ExA’s ExQ2.pdf:367: within that stage, including a desk-based assessment of attenuation of electro-

EN010103-001780-NZT DCO 9.7 - Applicants' Response to ExA's FWQs - June 2022.pdf:46: storm water attenuation pond with the intention being that the design of the pond design for each of the Work Nos (which encompasses any further development

EN010103-001780-NZT DCO 9.7 - Applicants' Response to ExA's FWQs - June 2022.pdf:140: The Applicants are asked to provide an estimate of the likely volume of attenuation given that it is proposed to be discharged to the sea via the outfall.

EN010103-001919-NZT DCO 2.1 - Draft DCO July 2022 (D4).pdf:41: (a) surface water drainage systems, storm water attenuation systems including storage basins,

EN010103-000882-NZT DCO 4.15.1 Landscaping and Biodiversity Plan.pdf:1: Attenuation

EN010103-001836-Birketts LLP on behalf of Northumbrian Water Limited - Comments on responses to the ExA’s ExQ1.pdf:3: The Applicants are asked to provide an does not require attenuation given that it is

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:83: mounding; on-site attenuation ponds, Swales commenced prior to the 14 August (R/2014/0626/FFM) was for amendments)

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:84: parking and helicopter landing site, attenuation MTS 39 months for Lady Cross (York Potash))

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:164: anticipated flows (e.g. in attenuation ponds in the

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:164: anticipated flows (e.g. in attenuation ponds in the

EN010103-002049-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons (Clean) August 2022 (D6).pdf:29: o surface water drainage systems, storm water attenuation systems

EN010103-001526-NZT-ExQ1.pdf:25: attenuation pond with the intention being that the design of the pond will be agreed later as a

EN010103-002509-NZT DCO 7.16 - HRA for Change Request (Tracked) - Nov 2022 (D12).pdf:135: provided in Figure 8 which shows limited attenuation of wave heights for a 1 in 10-year

EN010103-002056-NZT DCO 5.13 - Habitats Regulations Assessment Report (Clean) August 2022 (D6).pdf:133: provided in Figure 8 which shows limited attenuation of wave heights for a 1 in 10-year

EN010103-000827-NZT DCO 2.1 - Draft Development Consent Order.pdf:38: (a) surface water drainage systems, storm water attenuation systems including storage basins,

EN010103-002246-NZT DCO - 9.34 Updated List of Developments (Tracked) - Sept 2022 (D8).pdf:24: mounding; on-site attenuation ponds, Swales commenced prior to the 14 August (R/2014/0626/FFM) was for (minor amendments)

EN010103-002246-NZT DCO - 9.34 Updated List of Developments (Tracked) - Sept 2022 (D8).pdf:24: landing site, attenuation ponds, landscaping, MTS 39 months for Lady Cross

EN010103-001977-NZT DCO 5.12 - Landscape and Biodiversity Strategy - August 2022(D5) - Tracked.pdf:32:5.75.5 Storm Water Attenuation Pond (Sustainable Urban Drainage System)

EN010103-001977-NZT DCO 5.12 - Landscape and Biodiversity Strategy - August 2022(D5) - Tracked.pdf:32: attenuation pond. It is intended that the design of the pond will be agreed later as a

EN010103-001977-NZT DCO 5.12 - Landscape and Biodiversity Strategy - August 2022(D5) - Tracked.pdf:34: subject to ongoing design. For example, the stormwater attenuation basin is

EN010103-001153-NZT DCO 5.9 - Statutory Nuisance Statement.pdf:25: acoustic attenuation to the stack will help to reduce the overall predicted noise

EN010103-001766-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix PPL.1.3a - South Tees Regeneration Master Plan - June 2022.pdf:156:drainage attenuation may be considered where feasible. fully-integrated strategy for addressing the wide spectrum

EN010103-002330-NZT DCO 5.13 - Habitats Regulations Assessment Report (Clean) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:133: provided in Figure 8 which shows limited attenuation of wave heights for a 1 in 10-year

EN010103-001156-NZT DCO 5.12 - Landscape and Biodiversity Strategy.pdf:28:5.5 Storm Water Attenuation Pond (Sustainable Urban Drainage System)

EN010103-001156-NZT DCO 5.12 - Landscape and Biodiversity Strategy.pdf:28: attenuation pond. It is intended that the design of the pond will be agreed later as a

EN010103-001156-NZT DCO 5.12 - Landscape and Biodiversity Strategy.pdf:30: subject to ongoing design. For example, the stormwater attenuation basin is

EN010103-001976-NZT DCO 5.12 - Landscape and Biodiversity Strategy - August 2022(D5) - Clean.pdf:29:5.5 Storm Water Attenuation Pond (Sustainable Urban Drainage System)

EN010103-001976-NZT DCO 5.12 - Landscape and Biodiversity Strategy - August 2022(D5) - Clean.pdf:29: attenuation pond. It is intended that the design of the pond will be agreed later as a

EN010103-001976-NZT DCO 5.12 - Landscape and Biodiversity Strategy - August 2022(D5) - Clean.pdf:31: subject to ongoing design. For example, the stormwater attenuation basin is

EN010103-002185-NZT DCO - 9.34 Updated List of Developments - Response to SWQ GEN.2.2(i) - Sept 2022 (D7).pdf:25: mounding; on-site attenuation ponds, Swales commenced prior to the 14 August (R/2014/0626/FFM) was for amendments)

EN010103-002185-NZT DCO - 9.34 Updated List of Developments - Response to SWQ GEN.2.2(i) - Sept 2022 (D7).pdf:25: landing site, attenuation ponds, landscaping, Plantation and Lockwood Beck and 33

EN010103-002560-NZT DCO 6.3.7 - ES Vol II Figure 4-2 Indicative Landscape and Biodiversity Strategy  Nov 2022 (D12).pdf:1: Attenuation

EN010103-002083-NZT DCO 6.3.7 - ES Vol II Figure 4-2 Indicative Landscape and Biodiversity Strategy  August 2022 (D6).pdf:1: Attenuation

EN010103-002177-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Sept 2022(D7) (Tracked).pdf:19:Resources runoff will be discharged to an attenuation pond prior 11: Surface and foul water drainage

EN010103-002177-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Sept 2022(D7) (Tracked).pdf:25: the PCSW system, consisting of an attenuation pond,

EN010103-002177-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Sept 2022(D7) (Tracked).pdf:25: PCSW system (including attenuation pond, oil

EN010103-002177-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Sept 2022(D7) (Tracked).pdf:26: run-off back to the PCSW attenuation pond.

EN010103-002177-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Sept 2022(D7) (Tracked).pdf:51: in future flows (e.g. in attenuation ponds in the surface

EN010103-001151-NZT DCO 6.4.49 ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register.pdf:14:ES Chapter 9 - Surface All potentially contaminated surface water (PCSW) runoff will be discharged to an attenuation DCO Schedule 2 (Document Ref. 2.1):

EN010103-001151-NZT DCO 6.4.49 ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register.pdf:19: system, consisting of an attenuation pond, oil interceptor and outfall retention pond. The Environmental Permitting (England

EN010103-001151-NZT DCO 6.4.49 ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register.pdf:19: PCSW system (including attenuation pond, oil interceptor and outfall retention pond).

EN010103-001151-NZT DCO 6.4.49 ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register.pdf:20: a higher level overflow will route further firewater run-off back to the PCSW attenuation pond. The Environmental Permitting (England

EN010103-001151-NZT DCO 6.4.49 ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register.pdf:39: attenuation ponds in the surface water drainage system). drainage

EN010103-002156-NZT DCO 4.15_Landscape_and_Biodiversity_Plan August 2022 (D6).pdf:1: Attenuation

EN010103-002405-NZT DCO - 9.34 Updated List of Developments - Oct 2022 (D11) (Clean).pdf:25: mounding; on-site attenuation ponds, Swales commenced prior to the 14 August (R/2014/0626/FFM) was for (minor amendments)

EN010103-002405-NZT DCO - 9.34 Updated List of Developments - Oct 2022 (D11) (Clean).pdf:25: landing site, attenuation ponds, landscaping, MTS 39 months for Lady Cross

EN010103-001214-NZT DCO 2.1 - Draft Development Consent Order - Oct 2021 Rev.2.0.pdf:38: (a) surface water drainage systems, storm water attenuation systems including storage basins,

EN010103-000899-NZT DCO 6.2.13 ES Vol I Chapter 13 Aquatic Ecology and Nature Conservation.pdf:40: a storm water attenuation pond which could be designed so that it is also

EN010103-002050-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons (Tracked) August 2022 (D6).pdf:28: o surface water drainage systems, storm water attenuation systems including storage

EN010103-001304-NZT DCO - Notification of Proposed Changes - Document -Final - 18.02.22.pdf:23: attenuation barriers near the HDD drilling equipment.

EN010103-000906-NZT DCO 6.2.22 ES Vol I Chapter 22 Major Accidents and Natural Disasters.pdf:29: caused by mechanical failure attenuation system to have

EN010103-000906-NZT DCO 6.2.22 ES Vol I Chapter 22 Major Accidents and Natural Disasters.pdf:31: by mechanical failure or attenuation system to have

EN010103-001996-NZT DCO 2.1 - Draft DCO - August 2022(D5).pdf:43: (a) surface water drainage systems, storm water attenuation systems including storage basins,

EN010103-002423-NZT DCO - 6.4.11 ES Vol III Appendix 9C WFD Assessment - Oct 2022 (D11) (Clean).pdf:50:pollutants given the body), via attenuation

EN010103-002423-NZT DCO - 6.4.11 ES Vol III Appendix 9C WFD Assessment - Oct 2022 (D11) (Clean).pdf:64: the bay via an attenuation pond.

EN010103-002423-NZT DCO - 6.4.11 ES Vol III Appendix 9C WFD Assessment - Oct 2022 (D11) (Clean).pdf:88: attenuation capacity is required.

EN010103-002423-NZT DCO - 6.4.11 ES Vol III Appendix 9C WFD Assessment - Oct 2022 (D11) (Clean).pdf:97: collected and discharged to Tees Bay via on-site attenuation storage

EN010103-002423-NZT DCO - 6.4.11 ES Vol III Appendix 9C WFD Assessment - Oct 2022 (D11) (Clean).pdf:106: the use of attenuation ponds. There are no planned discharges to

EN010103-002423-NZT DCO - 6.4.11 ES Vol III Appendix 9C WFD Assessment - Oct 2022 (D11) (Clean).pdf:151: to Tees Bay via on-site attenuation storage facilities. Where there is the potential for

EN010103-002423-NZT DCO - 6.4.11 ES Vol III Appendix 9C WFD Assessment - Oct 2022 (D11) (Clean).pdf:161:will include surface water attenuation features which will allow settlement of solids and breakdown of

EN010103-002257-NZT DCO - 5.13 - HRA (Clean) - Sept 2022(D8).pdf:130: provided in Figure 8 which shows limited attenuation of wave heights for a 1 in 10-year

EN010103-001997-NZT DCO 2.1 - Draft DCO (Comparison with July 2022) - August 2022(D5).pdf:43: (a) surface water drainage systems, storm water attenuation systems including storage basins,

EN010103-002525-NZT DCO 2.1 - Final draft DCO (Clean) - Nov 2022 (D12).pdf:43: (a) surface water drainage systems, storm water attenuation systems including storage basins,

EN010103-002245-NZT DCO - 9.34 Updated List of Developments (Clean) - Sept 2022(D8).pdf:24: mounding; on-site attenuation ponds, Swales commenced prior to the 14 August (R/2014/0626/FFM) was for (minor amendments)

EN010103-002245-NZT DCO - 9.34 Updated List of Developments (Clean) - Sept 2022(D8).pdf:24: landing site, attenuation ponds, landscaping, MTS 39 months for Lady Cross

EN010103-001637-ClientEarth - Written Representations (WRs), including summaries of all WRs exceeding 1500 words.pdf:38: (a) surface water drainage systems, storm water attenuation systems including storage basins,

EN010103-002057-NZT DCO 5.13 - Habitats Regulations Assessment Report (Tracked) August 2022 (D6).pdf:135: provided in Figure 8 which shows limited attenuation of wave heights for a 1 in 10-year

EN010103-001472-NZT DCO 2.1 - Draft DCO - Apr 2022.pdf:38: (a) surface water drainage systems, storm water attenuation systems including storage basins,

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:256: by recognized international bodies: the International Civil Aviation and assessed, and prevention or attenuation measures are implemented

EN010103-001793-NZT DCO 2.1 - Draft DCO (Comparison with April 2022) - June 2022.pdf:38: (a) surface water drainage systems, storm water attenuation systems including storage basins,

EN010103-001073-NZT DCO 6.4.12 ES Vol III Appendix 10A PSSR.pdf:217: likely to be significant attenuation for most contaminants before drainage

EN010103-000895-NZT DCO 6.2.9 ES Vol I Chapter 9 Surface Water, Flood Risk and Water Resources.pdf:84: attenuation pond prior to treatment (including chemical dosing and using an

EN010103-000895-NZT DCO 6.2.9 ES Vol I Chapter 9 Surface Water, Flood Risk and Water Resources.pdf:98: water quality or increase in flooding. Attenuation and treatment will be

EN010103-000900-NZT DCO 6.2.14 ES Vol I Chapter 14 Marine Ecology and Nature Conservation.pdf:63: B is an attenuation factor that is dependent on water depth and sea

EN010103-000900-NZT DCO 6.2.14 ES Vol I Chapter 14 Marine Ecology and Nature Conservation.pdf:63: C is a fixed attenuation due to acoustic screening. In open water this will

EN010103-000917-NZT DCO 6.2.24 ES Vol I Chapter 24 Cumulative and Combined Effects.pdf:25: landing site, attenuation ponds,

EN010103-000917-NZT DCO 6.2.24 ES Vol I Chapter 24 Cumulative and Combined Effects.pdf:44: Attenuation and treatment will be provided for runoff from the Proposed

EN010103-002508-NZT DCO 7.16 - HRA for Change Request (Clean) - Nov 2022 (D12).pdf:134: provided in Figure 8 which shows limited attenuation of wave heights for a 1 in 10-year

EN010103-002311-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Clean Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:17:Resources runoff will be discharged to an attenuation pond prior 11: Surface and foul water drainage

EN010103-002311-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Clean Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:23: the PCSW system, consisting of an attenuation pond,

EN010103-002311-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Clean Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:23: PCSW system (including attenuation pond, oil

EN010103-002311-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Clean Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:24: run-off back to the PCSW attenuation pond.

EN010103-002311-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Clean Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:49: in future flows (e.g. in attenuation ponds in the surface

EN010103-002322-NZT DCO 9.36 - Nutrient Nitrogen Briefing Paper Clean Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:37:attenuation storage facilities. Some additional effluent will be generated within the Carbon Capture Plant

EN010103-002322-NZT DCO 9.36 - Nutrient Nitrogen Briefing Paper Clean Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:42:attenuation features which will allow settlement of solids and breakdown of contaminants. Therefore, it

EN010103-002322-NZT DCO 9.36 - Nutrient Nitrogen Briefing Paper Clean Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:184: to Tees Bay via on-site attenuation storage facilities. Where there is the potential for

EN010103-002322-NZT DCO 9.36 - Nutrient Nitrogen Briefing Paper Clean Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:194:will include surface water attenuation features which will allow settlement of solids and breakdown of

EN010103-001332-NZT DCO 7.8.1 - Environmental Statement Addendum - Volume I - Apr 2022.pdf:71: be further mitigated by use of noise attenuation barriers around the drill site.

EN010103-001332-NZT DCO 7.8.1 - Environmental Statement Addendum - Volume I - Apr 2022.pdf:86: operations will be mitigated by use of noise attenuation barriers around the

EN010103-000905-NZT DCO 6.2.21 ES Vol I Chapter 21 Climate Change.pdf:51: in attenuation ponds in

EN010103-000905-NZT DCO 6.2.21 ES Vol I Chapter 21 Climate Change.pdf:53: attenuation ponds in the

EN010103-001114-NZT DCO 6.4.13 ES Vol III Appendix 10B Contaminated Land- Conceptual Site Model.pdf:9: likely to be significant attenuation for most contaminants before

EN010082-000211-EN010082-5.5-Planning Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:36: surface water attenuation that will assist in terms of reducing surface water run-off. Neither

EN010082-000211-EN010082-5.5-Planning Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:59: This includes appropriate flood risk mitigation and surface water attenuation that will assist in terms of reducing

EN010082-000499-_DOC_40066269(1)_DEADLINE 2_ EM v2 (Formatted - Clean).pdf:20:Control of noise during the management (including monitoring and attenuation) to be agreed by the

EN010082-000174-EN010082-6.2.3-ES Chapter 3-EIA Approach-Final-November 2017.pdf:15: wall provide additional acoustic attenuation

EN010082-000174-EN010082-6.2.3-ES Chapter 3-EIA Approach-Final-November 2017.pdf:15: enclosure to provide noise attenuation from the

EN010082-000174-EN010082-6.2.3-ES Chapter 3-EIA Approach-Final-November 2017.pdf:15: provide further noise attenuation from the steam

EN010082-000174-EN010082-6.2.3-ES Chapter 3-EIA Approach-Final-November 2017.pdf:37: parking, attenuation ponds, impact zone

EN010082-000174-EN010082-6.2.3-ES Chapter 3-EIA Approach-Final-November 2017.pdf:43: attenuation ponds, landscaping, impact zone

EN010082-000179-EN010082-6.2.8-ES-Chapter 8-Noise and Vibration-Final-November 2017.pdf:18: (1) Acoustics - Attenuation of sound during propagation outdoors - Part 2: General method of calculation

EN010082-000551-8.54 - Explanatory Memorandum - Tracked (v3).pdf:22:Control of noise during the management (including monitoring and attenuation) to be agreed by the

EN010082-000397-8 6 - Tees CCP - Applicant's Response to ExA's WQs - Deadline 2 - FINAL.pdf:47: can be expected that the predicted attenuation values will be realised (subject to inevitable tolerances between modelled and measured

EN010082-000216-EN010082-5.1-Consultation Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:282: and foul water drainage systems, connections to utilities, noise attenuation walls, security fencing and

EN010082-000216-EN010082-5.1-Consultation Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:287: surface and foul water drainage systems, connections to utilities, noise attenuation walls, security

EN010082-000216-EN010082-5.1-Consultation Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:298: • a noise attenuation wall (referred to as the western noise wall);

EN010082-000216-EN010082-5.1-Consultation Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:357: former gas-fired generating station within the south-western drainage systems, connections to utilities, noise attenuation and for inspection free of charge from 14 June to

EN010082-000430-Redcar and Cleveland Local Impact Report - signed_Redacted.pdf:6: The report assumes attenuation of the 6m high acoustic existing wall as a highly

EN010082-000430-Redcar and Cleveland Local Impact Report - signed_Redacted.pdf:10:9.23. The submitted report assumes attenuation of the 6m high acoustic existing wall as a

EN010082-000206-EN010082-6.3.16-ES Annex I1-Transport Assessment-Final-November 2017.pdf:175: attenuation ponds, landscaping,

EN010082-000206-EN010082-6.3.16-ES Annex I1-Transport Assessment-Final-November 2017.pdf:177: site, attenuation ponds,

EN010082-000212-EN010082-5.6-Design Access Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:7: • screening and noise attenuation provided by an existing southern noise control wall,

EN010082-000380-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 Air Quality - tracked Rev 2 with figures.pdf:47: landing site, attenuation ponds, would result in a

EN010082-000552-8.53 - Explanatory Memorandum - Clean (v3).pdf:21:Control of noise during the management (including monitoring and attenuation) to be agreed by the

EN010082-000170-EN010082-6.1-ES Non Technical Summary-Final-November 2017.pdf:10: • noise attenuation walls;

EN010082-000595-8.71 - Tees CCPP - Explanatory Memorandum - Tracked (Version 4).pdf:24:Control of noise during the for noise management and control (including monitoring and attenuation)

EN010082-000498-_DOC_40066241(1)_DEADLINE 2_ EM v2 (Formatted - Tracked).pdf:20:Control of noise during the management (including monitoring and attenuation) to be agreed by the

EN010082-000475-The Applicant's Cover letter_Redacted.pdf:2:optimised as described above, it can be expected that the predicted attenuation values will be

EN010082-000141-EN010082-1.4-Notices for Statutory Publicity-Final-November 2017.pdf:43: and foul water drainage systems, connections to utilities, noise attenuation walls, security fencing and

EN010082-000141-EN010082-1.4-Notices for Statutory Publicity-Final-November 2017.pdf:46: surface and foul water drainage systems, connections to utilities, noise attenuation walls, security

EN010082-000374-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 - Air Quality - clean Rev 2 with figures.pdf:47: landing site, attenuation ponds, result in a small to

EN010082-000182-EN010082-6.2.11-ES_Chapter 11-Land and Visual Amenity-Final-November 2017.pdf:44: attenuation ponds, landscaping, viewers

EN010082-000182-EN010082-6.2.11-ES_Chapter 11-Land and Visual Amenity-Final-November 2017.pdf:45: helicopter landing site, attenuation

EN010082-000290-EN010082-6.2.11-ES_Chapter 11-Land and Visual Amenity-Rev 2 -January 2018.pdf:44: attenuation ponds, landscaping, viewers

EN010082-000290-EN010082-6.2.11-ES_Chapter 11-Land and Visual Amenity-Rev 2 -January 2018.pdf:45: helicopter landing site, attenuation

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:144: attenuation ponds, landscaping, restoration and Cultural Heritage setting

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:144: landing site, attenuation ponds, landscaping, Construction dust

EN010082-000378-5.6 - Tees CCPP - Design & Access Statement - tracked Rev 3.pdf:7: • screening and noise attenuation provided by an existing southern noise control wall,

EN010082-000381-6.2.11 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 11 LVIA - tracked Rev 3 with figures.pdf:43: attenuation ponds, landscaping, viewers

EN010082-000381-6.2.11 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 11 LVIA - tracked Rev 3 with figures.pdf:44: attenuation ponds, landscaping,

EN010082-000375-6.2.11 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 11 - LVIA - clean Rev 3 with figures.pdf:43: attenuation ponds, landscaping, viewers

EN010082-000375-6.2.11 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 11 - LVIA - clean Rev 3 with figures.pdf:44: helicopter landing site, attenuation

EN010082-000145-EN010082-2.2-Explanatory Memorandum-Final-November 2017.pdf:20:Control of noise during the management (including monitoring and attenuation) to be agreed by the

EN010082-000372-5.6 - Tees CCPP - Design & Access Statement - clean Rev 3.pdf:7: • screening and noise attenuation provided by an existing southern noise control wall,

EN010082-000178-EN010082-6.2.7-ES Chapter 7-Air Quality-Final-November 2017.pdf:47: landing site, attenuation ponds, result in a small to

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:142: attenuation ponds, landscaping, restoration and Cultural Heritage setting

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:142: landing site, attenuation ponds, landscaping, Construction dust

TR030002-000733-York Potash Limited (Annual Report and Accounts). Appendix 2.pdf:32: Attenuation ponds and surface water

TR030002-000499-Section 17 App 17.1 Flood Risk Assessment.pdf:16:  RCBC stated that surface water attenuation may be required with regard to water quality.

TR030002-000499-Section 17 App 17.1 Flood Risk Assessment.pdf:16:  RCBC stated that drainage attenuation may be required if discharging from the proposed

TR030002-000499-Section 17 App 17.1 Flood Risk Assessment.pdf:26: from the site and there is no need for attenuation or SuDs. The RCBC SFRA highlights that the

TR030002-000567-Doc 7.3 Project Position Statement.pdf:7: helicopter landing site, attenuation ponds, landscaping,

TR030002-000567-Doc 7.3 Project Position Statement.pdf:9: treatment plant, internal access roads, car parking, attenuation

TR030002-000801-Document 6.8B - Governance Tracker.pdf:10: temporary noise attenuation barriers would be positioned: (Requirement 6)

TR030002-000801-Document 6.8B - Governance Tracker.pdf:10: investigated; this can provide a minimum of 10dB attenuation.

TR030002-000801-Document 6.8B - Governance Tracker.pdf:11: are positioned in the same locations as identified under item 30 for the noise attenuation barriers (it (Requirement 6)

TR030002-000470-Section 6 App 6.4 CEMP.pdf:21:27 As mitigation for the potential impact of noise disturbance, it is proposed that noise attenuation barriers would be position:

TR030002-000470-Section 6 App 6.4 CEMP.pdf:21: 10dB attenuation.

TR030002-000734-York Potash Limited (SoCG & Appendices 1-8).pdf:26: ATTENUATION PONDS, LANDSCAPING,

TR030002-000734-York Potash Limited (SoCG & Appendices 1-8).pdf:27: SITE, ATTENUATION PONDS,

TR030002-000671-Doc 6.1 Consultation Statement Appendices - 1 to 9.pdf:18: emergency landing site, attenuation ponds and landscaping restoration

TR030002-000671-Doc 6.1 Consultation Statement Appendices - 1 to 9.pdf:96: shaft locations to support the temporary ATTENUATION PONDS

TR030002-000459-ES Section 24 References.pdf:4:International Organization for Standardization, (1993). ISO9613-1:1993 Acoustics – Attenuation of

TR030002-000459-ES Section 24 References.pdf:4:International Organization for Standardization, (1996). ISO9613-2:1996 Acoustics – Attenuation of

TR030002-000459-ES Section 24 References.pdf:4:ISO9613 (1996) Acoustics – Attenuation of Sound During Propagation Outdoors – Part 2: General

TR030002-000675-Doc 6.3 Habitats Regulations Assessment_2 of 2.pdf:16: attenuation barriers would be positioned:

TR030002-000675-Doc 6.3 Habitats Regulations Assessment_2 of 2.pdf:16: 10.3.64 The noise attenuation barriers would most likely constitute a 3m high hoarding at ground level.

TR030002-000675-Doc 6.3 Habitats Regulations Assessment_2 of 2.pdf:78:Noise attenuation barriers are proposed as mitigation for the potential impact of noise and visual disturbance

TR030002-000675-Doc 6.3 Habitats Regulations Assessment_2 of 2.pdf:78:The noise attenuation barriers would most likely constitute a 3m high hoarding above ground level.

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:115: roads, car parking, attenuation

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:115: attenuation ponds, landscaping,

TR030002-000710-York Potash Limited (Document 6.8A).pdf:11: proposed that noise attenuation barriers would be positioned: (Requirement 6)

TR030002-000710-York Potash Limited (Document 6.8A).pdf:11: investigated; this can provide a minimum of 10dB attenuation.

TR030002-000725-York Potash Limited (Document 6.10).pdf:20:13 As mitigation for the potential impact of construction phase noise (and visual) disturbance, it is proposed that noise attenuation barriers would be

TR030002-000725-York Potash Limited (Document 6.10).pdf:20: 10dB attenuation.

TR030002-000736-Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council (Local Impact Report).pdf:2: treatment plant, internal access roads, car parking, attenuation ponds,

TR030002-000564-Doc 6.8 Governance Tracker.pdf:11:27 As mitigation for the potential impact of noise disturbance, it is proposed that noise attenuation barriers CEMP Requirement 6

TR030002-000564-Doc 6.8 Governance Tracker.pdf:11: investigated; this can provide a minimum of 10dB attenuation.

TR030002-000452-ES Section 17 Coastal protection and flood defence.pdf:8: x RCBC stated that surface water attenuation may be required with regard to water quality.

TR030002-000452-ES Section 17 Coastal protection and flood defence.pdf:8: x RCBC stated that drainage attenuation may be required if discharging from the proposed

TR030002-000738-York Potash Limited 3.pdf:16: attenuation barriers would be used between the construction works (for the port terminal and

TR030002-000410-ExA First Round Questions.pdf:38:Mitigation has been proposed in the form of noise attenuation barriers, likely to

TR030002-000410-ExA First Round Questions.pdf:39:attenuation barriers would be delivered through the CEMP (draft Requirement

TR030002-001856-Examining Authority’s Recommendation Report.pdf:58: discharge without attenuation or use of SuDS and also that the

TR030002-001856-Examining Authority’s Recommendation Report.pdf:94: attenuation barriers as mitigation for the potential impact of noise and

TR030002-000711-Applicants Response to First Questions.pdf:116: of noise attenuation barriers, likely to be

TR030002-000711-Applicants Response to First Questions.pdf:116: Please can the applicant confirm whether The noise attenuation barriers (acoustic fence) would also

TR030002-000711-Applicants Response to First Questions.pdf:117: attenuation barriers would be delivered

TR030002-000449-ES Section 14 Noise and vibration.pdf:19: proximity to the proposed scheme. The method takes account of air absorption, distance attenuation,

TR030002-000449-ES Section 14 Noise and vibration.pdf:20: of a property. BS8233 states that a partly open window will offer 15dBA attenuation against external

TR030002-000449-ES Section 14 Noise and vibration.pdf:43: can provide a minimum of 10dB attenuation (Hush Rig System, University of Hong Kong 1989);

TR030002-000578-Doc 7.3 Appendix 7 - Appendices to Alternative Sites Assessment - Part 3.pdf:30: absorption, distance attenuation, barriers and topography, and light downwind

TR030002-000569-Doc 7.3 Appendix 2a - MDT Planning Statement.pdf:7: buildings, access roads, car parking and helicopter landing site, attenuation

TR030002-000799-Document 6.12A - Mitigation and Monitoring Strategy - Rev 4.pdf:30:Noise attenuation barriers are proposed as mitigation for the potential impact of noise and visual disturbance

TR030002-000799-Document 6.12A - Mitigation and Monitoring Strategy - Rev 4.pdf:30:The noise attenuation barriers would most likely constitute a 3m high hoarding above ground level.

TR030002-000444-ES Section 9 Marine and coastal ornithology.pdf:27:9.5.18 As mitigation for the potential impact of noise disturbance, it is proposed that noise attenuation barriers

TR030002-000444-ES Section 9 Marine and coastal ornithology.pdf:27: investigated; this can provide a minimum of 10dB attenuation.

TR030002-000444-ES Section 9 Marine and coastal ornithology.pdf:42:Noise disturbance Very high Low Low adverse Use of noise attenuation barriers between the propose

TR030002-000444-ES Section 9 Marine and coastal ornithology.pdf:42:Visual disturbance Very high Very low Low adverse Use of noise attenuation barriers between the propose

TR030002-000443-ES Section 8 Marine ecology.pdf:23: Compressional wave attenuation αp 1.0

TR030002-000443-ES Section 8 Marine ecology.pdf:23: Shear wave attenuation αs 1.5

TR030002-000474-Section 8 App 8.2 Underwater noise modelling report.pdf:11: Compressional Wave Attenuation αp 1.0

TR030002-000474-Section 8 App 8.2 Underwater noise modelling report.pdf:11: Shear Wave Attenuation αs 1.5

TR030002-000474-Section 8 App 8.2 Underwater noise modelling report.pdf:16:below approximately 170dB re 1 µPa, where the bathymetry causes increased attenuation. Table

TR030002-000573-Doc 7.3 Appendix 5 - MHF Planning Statement.pdf:16: attenuation ponds, landscaping, restoration and aftercare, and the construction

TR030002-000573-Doc 7.3 Appendix 5 - MHF Planning Statement.pdf:63: be diverted into storm water wetlands and attenuation ponds, which would

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:5: landing site, attenuation ponds, landscaping, restoration and aftercare and

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:19: landing site, attenuation ponds, landscaping, restoration and aftercare and

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:31: roads and car parking, helicopter emergency landing site, attenuation

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:46:4.34 Surface Water Attenuation Ponds and Surface Water Wetlands will be

TR030002-000765-Document 8.4 Applicants Responses to Other Responses to ExA Q1.pdf:11:attenuation / visual barriers as well as lighting restrictions)

TR030002-000857-151216 TR030002 York Potash Ltd - Document 6.10A - Outline Construction Environmental Management Plan.pdf:20:13 As mitigation for the potential impact of construction phase noise disturbance, it is proposed that temporary noise attenuation barriers would be

TR030002-000857-151216 TR030002 York Potash Ltd - Document 6.10A - Outline Construction Environmental Management Plan.pdf:20: 10dB attenuation.

TR030002-000857-151216 TR030002 York Potash Ltd - Document 6.10A - Outline Construction Environmental Management Plan.pdf:21: identified under item 13 for the noise attenuation barriers (it should be noted that the barriers positioned for mitigation of potential noise

TR030002-000249-York Potash_RIES_25 Nov 2015.pdf:18: Report APP-127 and APP-128 proposes the use of noise attenuation

TR030002-000249-York Potash_RIES_25 Nov 2015.pdf:35: attenuation barriers as mitigation for the potential impact of noise and visual disturbance during the construction phase

TR030002-000758-Document 6.12 Mitigation and Monitoring Strategy.pdf:31:Noise attenuation barriers are proposed as mitigation for the potential impact of noise and visual disturbance

TR030002-000758-Document 6.12 Mitigation and Monitoring Strategy.pdf:31:The noise attenuation barriers would most likely constitute a 3m high hoarding above ground level.

TR030002-000512-Doc 6.6 App 6.2 In combination HGV.pdf:2:Sinking Settling (Attenuation) Pond (x2) (M&M and Mineral Shaft) Excavate, Compact and line with HDPE Lining 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TR030002-000512-Doc 6.6 App 6.2 In combination HGV.pdf:5:Shaft Sinking Settling (Attenuation) Pond 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TR030002-000512-Doc 6.6 App 6.2 In combination HGV.pdf:7:Sinking Settling (Attenuation) Pond Excavate, Compact and line with HDPE Lining 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TR030002-000512-Doc 6.6 App 6.2 In combination HGV.pdf:9:Shaft Settling (Attenuation) Pond Excavate, Compact and line with HDPE Lining 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TR030002-000512-Doc 6.6 App 6.2 In combination HGV.pdf:11:Sinking Settling (Attenuation) Pond Excavate, Compact and line with HDPE Lining 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TR030002-000512-Doc 6.6 App 6.2 In combination HGV.pdf:12:Portal Settling (Attenuation) Pond Excavate, Compact and line with HDPE Lining 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TR030002-000698-Natural England 1.pdf:39:undertaken on the assumption that construction works would not be attenuation / visual barriers as well as lighting restrictions) combined

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:25:Attenuation (sound) A reduction in the intensity of a sound signal

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:422: Road and an additional calculation is required to account for attenuation of noise

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:425: attenuation of noise through the air is strongly frequency dependant.

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:462: requirements for surface drainage attenuation. All existing and proposed

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT(2).pdf:162:noise attenuation barriers (i.e. temporary screens) are positioned along the western boundary of Dabholm

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT(2).pdf:162:be investigated with the contractor prior to starting works; this can provide a minimum of 10dB attenuation

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT(2).pdf:296:considered necessary to avoid an adverse effect on integrity, it is proposed that noise attenuation barriers

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT(2).pdf:512: Compressional Wave Attenuation αp 1.0

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT(2).pdf:512: Shear Wave Attenuation αs 1.5

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT(2).pdf:517:below approximately 170dB re 1 µPa, where the bathymetry causes increased attenuation. Table

20220302_EIA_Consent_Decision_Response MLA202000079.pdf:10:technique and stated “If the predicted levels of above-water noise attenuation (14-16

20220302_EIA_Consent_Decision_Response MLA202000079.pdf:10:confirmed “subject to the use of noise attenuation there will be no adverse effect on

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT.pdf:162:noise attenuation barriers (i.e. temporary screens) are positioned along the western boundary of Dabholm

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT.pdf:162:be investigated with the contractor prior to starting works; this can provide a minimum of 10dB attenuation

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT.pdf:296:considered necessary to avoid an adverse effect on integrity, it is proposed that noise attenuation barriers

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT.pdf:512: Compressional Wave Attenuation αp 1.0

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT.pdf:512: Shear Wave Attenuation αs 1.5

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT.pdf:517:below approximately 170dB re 1 µPa, where the bathymetry causes increased attenuation. Table

Schedule 8_ 20220302_EIA_Consent_Decision_Response MLA202000079.pdf:10:technique and stated “If the predicted levels of above-water noise attenuation (14-16

Schedule 8_ 20220302_EIA_Consent_Decision_Response MLA202000079.pdf:10:confirmed “subject to the use of noise attenuation there will be no adverse effect on

3 EIS Appendices (3).pdf:84: conditions where there is both distance and barrier attenuation. Sound power levels from

3 EIS Appendices (3).pdf:84: distance attenuation 48dB, the noise level at source on the quayside must have been

1911South-Tees-Master-Plan-Nov-19.2.pdf:156:drainage attenuation may be considered where feasible. fully-integrated strategy for addressing the wide spectrum

338486 - 338489, NE formal response to SBW MLA, 29.01.21.pdf:4: A noise reduction piling shroud (obtaining attenuation of ~14 dB) must be used

338486 - 338489, NE formal response to SBW MLA, 29.01.21.pdf:6: a minimum of 14 dB attenuation.

MLA202000506 and MLA202000507 Draft HRA (2).pdf:25: attenuation.

MLA202000506 and MLA202000507 Draft HRA (2).pdf:30: • Noise reduction piling shroud be used for all percussive piling, obtaining a minimum of 14 dB attenuation.

338486 - 338489, NE formal response to SBW MLA, 29.01.21 (1).pdf:4: A noise reduction piling shroud (obtaining attenuation of ~14 dB) must be used

338486 - 338489, NE formal response to SBW MLA, 29.01.21 (1).pdf:6: a minimum of 14 dB attenuation.

MLA202000506 and MLA202000507 Draft HRA.pdf:24: attenuation.

MLA202000506 and MLA202000507 Draft HRA.pdf:29: • Noise reduction piling shroud be used for all percussive piling, obtaining a minimum of 14 dB attenuation.

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:301:provide an estimated 14dB attenuation in impulsive noise. With the shrouding in place, and assuming a

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:301:14dB attenuation, the predicted noise levels reported above will be reduced to the levels presented in Table

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:327:Middlesbrough Dock) using a reasonable estimation for noise attenuation in the water, the noise level would

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:365: ISO 9613-2:1996 (ISO 9613-2) Specifies an engineering method for calculating the attenuation of sound

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:301:provide an estimated 14dB attenuation in impulsive noise. With the shrouding in place, and assuming a

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:301:14dB attenuation, the predicted noise levels reported above will be reduced to the levels presented in Table

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:327:Middlesbrough Dock) using a reasonable estimation for noise attenuation in the water, the noise level would

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:365: ISO 9613-2:1996 (ISO 9613-2) Specifies an engineering method for calculating the attenuation of sound

MLA_2020_00506-MLA202000506 and MLA202000507 Final HRA .pdf:24: attenuation.

MLA_2020_00506-MLA202000506 and MLA202000507 Final HRA .pdf:29: • Noise reduction piling shroud be used for all percussive piling, obtaining a minimum of 14 dB attenuation.

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:122:The attenuation of sound in the water as it propagates from the noise source must be considered in an

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:125:used and 5 dB attenuation by the piling on land.

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:127:attenuation in the water (15.log® geometric spreading), the noise level would drop to 139 dB SPLRMS.

MLA_2020_00506-NE formal response to SBW MLA, 29.01.21 (1)-12.pdf:4: A noise reduction piling shroud (obtaining attenuation of ~14 dB) must be used

MLA_2020_00506-NE formal response to SBW MLA, 29.01.21 (1)-12.pdf:6: a minimum of 14 dB attenuation.

R-2022-0816-FFM-TSWX-JBAC-SWD-XX-RP-CE-0001-S1-P03-Steel_House_Park_&_Ride_FRA (2).pdf:5:Table 4-2: Attenuation Volumes 14

R-2022-0816-FFM-TSWX-JBAC-SWD-XX-RP-CE-0001-S1-P03-Steel_House_Park_&_Ride_FRA (2).pdf:17: consider the management of surface water runoff from the site and associated attenuation

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:44: interceptors and then directed via gravity into the attenuation pond or tank

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:44: and attenuation tank it will, however, be necessary to pump the discharge

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:44: from the attenuation tank. In addition, the pond will also serve as

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:44: attenuation. Surface run off will be passed through an oil interceptor prior

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Preliminary_Ecological_Appraisal.pdf:16: A wildflower rich grass mix will be used around the attenuation pond and around the native woodland

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Preliminary_Ecological_Appraisal.pdf:16: mix to the bunds along the eastern, western and northern boundaries. While the attenuation pond

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_2of2.pdf:1: ground attenuation

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV-XX-ZZ-DR-L-P005_F_Shrub_Planting_2.pdf:1: above ground attenuation

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:20: gravity into an attenuation pond or tank, both of which will be situated to the west

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:20: site. Due to the anticipated depth of the upstream network and the attenuation

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:21: tank it will be necessary to pump the discharge from the attenuation tank. In

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:21: addition, the pond will also serve as attenuation. Surface run off will be passed

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:21:3.36 The proposed attenuation system will provide between 2,284 – 3,312m3 of

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:21: attenuation storage volume, which has been designed to contain the 1-in-100

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:21: sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) attenuation volumes has not been

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:21: considered in the current attenuation and discharge calculations, especially as

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:24: substantial climax tree species. Equally, around the attenuation pond, where the

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:24: used around the attenuation pond and around the native woodland mix to the

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:24: bunds along the eastern, western and northern boundaries. While the attenuation

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:44: site. The reserved matters application also includes the creation of an attenuation

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:48: proposed around the attenuation pond will, by this stage, be showing signs of

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:56: ES, it was further proposed that 4,823 m3 of attenuation would be provided within

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:56: surface flooding on the site. Ramboll proposed a hybrid system of an attenuation

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:56: pond and lined below-ground attenuation tank. The surface water attenuated to

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:99: drainage strategy incorporating attenuation solutions and restricting runoff rates.

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:106: STDC off-site. The proposed attenuation pond has not

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:107: The proposed attenuation pond has not been designed to

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:107: Water Quality The proposed attenuation pond has not been designed to

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:107: attenuation pond will also help reduce suspended

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:108: oil interceptors and then directed into an attenuation pond

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:109: Water Quality The proposed attenuation system will provide between

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:109: 2,284 – 3,312m3 of attenuation storage volume, which

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:109: attenuation pond or tank. As above, the attenuation

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:109: The attenuation requirements on site will be met through the use of a proposed system has been designed to control flows to the Holme

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:109: detention basin which will discharge via a flow control device to restrict outflow Beck. The proposed attenuation pond has not been

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:109: to the Holme Beck culvert. The attenuation pools will be designed to enhance designed to hold permanent water, nevertheless a wet

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:110: The proposed attenuation system has been designed to

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV-XX-ZZ-DR-L-P008_E_Shrub_Planting_5.pdf:1: above ground attenuation

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV-XX-ZZ-DR-L-P007_E_Shrub_Planting_4.pdf:1: above ground attenuation

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Planning_Supporting_Statement.pdf:22: substantial climax tree species. Equally, around the attenuation pond, where the

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Planning_Supporting_Statement.pdf:22: used around the attenuation pond and around the native woodland mix to the

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Planning_Supporting_Statement.pdf:22: bunds along the eastern, western and northern boundaries. While the attenuation

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Sustainable_Urban_Drainage_Systems_Technical_Note.pdf:8: been calculated that the proposed storm water attenuation system will require between 2284 and

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Sustainable_Urban_Drainage_Systems_Technical_Note.pdf:9: options may be available as an attenuation medium to provide the large volumes required:

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Sustainable_Urban_Drainage_Systems_Technical_Note.pdf:9: • Lined Below Ground Attenuation Tank

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Sustainable_Urban_Drainage_Systems_Technical_Note.pdf:9: following assumed catchments discharging into the two attenuation options.:

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Sustainable_Urban_Drainage_Systems_Technical_Note.pdf:10: Use restricted rate. Attenuation processes

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Sustainable_Urban_Drainage_Systems_Technical_Note.pdf:10: techniques providing attenuation tanks

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Sustainable_Urban_Drainage_Systems_Technical_Note.pdf:11: ponds or Provides both attenuation benefits.

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Sustainable_Urban_Drainage_Systems_Technical_Note.pdf:11: Attenuation storage tanks

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Sustainable_Urban_Drainage_Systems_Technical_Note.pdf:13: SuDs attenuation features are not full then any available water will be stored in the SUDs feature.

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Sustainable_Urban_Drainage_Systems_Technical_Note.pdf:13: Further analysis has been conducted to assess the capabilities of the SuDs attenuation system

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Sustainable_Urban_Drainage_Systems_Technical_Note.pdf:14: storage required for a 1 in 1 year, 1 in 10 year and 1 in 30 storm and the total attenuation

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Sustainable_Urban_Drainage_Systems_Technical_Note.pdf:14: capacity. Table 4 demonstrates that the attenuation system has sufficient capacity to store the

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Sustainable_Urban_Drainage_Systems_Technical_Note.pdf:16: lined pond, attenuation tank and localised permeable surfaces) should be undertaken following

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Sustainable_Urban_Drainage_Systems_Technical_Note.pdf:18: ATTENUATION TANK

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Sustainable_Urban_Drainage_Systems_Technical_Note.pdf:18: ATTENUATION POND

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Sustainable_Urban_Drainage_Systems_Technical_Note.pdf:18: SUDS ATTENUATION STRATEGY

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Sustainable_Urban_Drainage_Systems_Technical_Note.pdf:19: ATTENUATION TANK

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Sustainable_Urban_Drainage_Systems_Technical_Note.pdf:19: ATTENUATION POND

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Sustainable_Urban_Drainage_Systems_Technical_Note.pdf:19: SUDS ATTENUATION STRATEGY

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV-XX-ZZ-DR-L-P003_F_Tree_Planting_and_Grass_Mixes.pdf:1: above ground attenuation

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV-XX-ZZ-DR-L-P006_E_Shrub_Planting_3.pdf:1: above ground attenuation

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV-XX-ZZ-DR-L-P004_F_Shrub_Planting_1.pdf:1: CORNUS sanguinea 'Mid-Winter Fire' above ground attenuation

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV-XX-ZZ-DR-L-P002_F_Landscape_Masterplan.pdf:1: ground attenuation

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Noise_and_Vibration_Impact_Assessment.pdf:23: International Standards Organisation, 1996. Acoustics - Attenuation of sound during propagation outdoors - Part 2: General method of

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Noise_and_Vibration_Impact_Assessment.pdf:24: • Non-acoustic weather louvres, assumed to provide Rw 4 dB attenuation;

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Noise_and_Vibration_Impact_Assessment.pdf:29: Allowing for a minimum of 25 dB of attenuation of external noise levels through a glazed window, the

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Noise_and_Vibration_Impact_Assessment.pdf:29: attenuation through an open window, the resultant internal noise levels would be 37-38 dB LAeq,T.

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Noise_and_Vibration_Impact_Assessment.pdf:30: Allowing for a minimum of 25 dB of attenuation of external noise levels through a glazed window, the

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Water_Framework_Directive_Assessment_Review_and_Update.pdf:7: oil interceptors and then directed via gravity into an attenuation pond or tank, both of which will be

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Water_Framework_Directive_Assessment_Review_and_Update.pdf:7: situated in the western part of the site. The proposed attenuation system will provide between 2,284

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Water_Framework_Directive_Assessment_Review_and_Update.pdf:7: – 3,312m3 of attenuation storage volume.

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Water_Framework_Directive_Assessment_Review_and_Update.pdf:13:Invertebrates Tees Estuary, there is potential system which includes both an construction and / or operation includes both an attenuation pond and

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Water_Framework_Directive_Assessment_Review_and_Update.pdf:13: to negatively impact fish, attenuation pond and lined of the ERF facility into the Tees lined below-ground attenuation tank.

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Water_Framework_Directive_Assessment_Review_and_Update.pdf:13: invertebrate, macrophyte and below-ground attenuation tank. Estuary have the potential to Runoff attenuated above Q bar will

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Water_Framework_Directive_Assessment_Review_and_Update.pdf:15:Thermal conditions Tees Estuary, there is potential system which includes both an / or operation of the ERF facility) includes both an attenuation pond and operation of the ERF facility) have the will discharge surface water into the

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Water_Framework_Directive_Assessment_Review_and_Update.pdf:15: to directly impact all these attenuation pond and lined below- have the potential to impact Tees lined below-ground attenuation tank. potential to impact Tees Estuary Tees Estuary above the Q bar

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Water_Framework_Directive_Assessment_Review_and_Update.pdf:15:Oxygenation conditions physico-chemical elements ground attenuation tank. Estuary resulting in impacts to resulting in impacts to all the physico- (subject to approval), and therefore

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Water_Framework_Directive_Assessment_Review_and_Update.pdf:18: attenuation pond and lined below-ground

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Water_Framework_Directive_Assessment_Review_and_Update.pdf:18: attenuation tank.

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Water_Framework_Directive_Assessment_Review_and_Update.pdf:20: Direct and which regulates levels of water abstraction. Discharges into the environment must Northumbrian Water and constructing both attenuation ponds and below ground attenuation tanks), reference should

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Water_Framework_Directive_Assessment_Review_and_Update.pdf:21: body of water Pollution by • Surface water runoff is proposed to be attenuated via a hybrid system which includes both a lined attenuation pond

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Water_Framework_Directive_Assessment_Review_and_Update.pdf:21: other substances and below-ground attenuation tank. Runoff attenuated above Q bar will discharge into Holme Beck which will in turn

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Flood_Risk_Assessment.pdf:5: drainage strategy. Proposed mitigation comprises the inclusion of an attenuation pond and lined

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Flood_Risk_Assessment.pdf:5: below-ground attenuation tank to retain surface water runoff. It is proposed to discharge surface

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Flood_Risk_Assessment.pdf:15: identified that a hybrid system of an attenuation pond and lined below-ground attenuation tank

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Flood_Risk_Assessment.pdf:16: • Attenuation of surface water flows up to and including the 1 in 100 year storm event


R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_17. Noise and vibration.pdf:4: ISO 9613-2:1996 (ISO 9613-2) Specifies an engineering method for calculating the attenuation of sound

R-2020-0685-ESM-Appendix 8_Underwater noise assessment.pdf:4:The attenuation of sound in the water as it propagates from the noise source must be considered in an

R-2020-0685-ESM-Appendix 8_Underwater noise assessment.pdf:7:used and 5 dB attenuation by the piling on land.

R-2020-0685-ESM-Appendix 8_Underwater noise assessment.pdf:9:attenuation in the water (15.log® geometric spreading), the noise level would drop to 139 dB SPLRMS.

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_12. Marine and coastal ornithology.pdf:32:provide an estimated 14dB attenuation in impulsive noise. With the shrouding in place, and assuming a

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_12. Marine and coastal ornithology.pdf:32:14dB attenuation, the predicted noise levels reported above will be reduced to the levels presented in Table

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_13. Fish and fisheries.pdf:21:Middlesbrough Dock) using a reasonable estimation for noise attenuation in the water, the noise level would

R-2019-0427-FFM-60686_01 - Planning Statement - 28.06.19.pdf:13: mound. These will gravitate flows westward for collection within a single attenuation pond

R-2019-0427-FFM-60686_01 - Planning Statement - 28.06.19.pdf:14: a single attenuation pond as shown on the plan ‘Metal Recovery Proposed Stockpile 2 Contours

R-2019-0427-FFM-60686_01 - Planning Statement - 28.06.19.pdf:14: other is in the south-western corner, each with its own attenuation pond as shown on the plan

R-2019-0427-FFM-60686_01 - Planning Statement - 28.06.19.pdf:14: gravitate flows to the southwest corner of the site for collection within a single attenuation pond

R-2019-0427-FFM-60686_01 - Planning Statement - 28.06.19.pdf:22: comprises drainage ditches around the storage mounds and attenuation ponds which will

R-2019-0427-FFM-60686_01 - Planning Statement - 28.06.19.pdf:22: ditches and attenuation ponds are set out, with secondary measures identified for removing

R-2019-0427-FFM-1 Appendix D1 Enviro Insight Report.PDF:94: rapid drainage and low attenuation

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0002_A_P02.pdf:92:however hydraulic or permeable reactive barriers together with natural attenuation may be considered in the

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0002_A_P02.pdf:95: Natural attenuation W W W W W

R-2019-0427-FFM-Management and Maintenance Plan v2.PDF:1:Attenuation and

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01.pdf:4: Table 4.4 Estimated Attenuation Volumes 21

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01.pdf:6:  To provide outline design and sizing of collection and drainage attenuation systems (SUDS);

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01.pdf:19:Proposed discharge rates and attenuation volumes were calculated based on the assumption that the six

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01.pdf:19:Other design assumptions considered in the calculations of the proposed discharge rates and attenuation

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01.pdf:19:  Attenuation structures will be designed to hold flows from events up to and include the 1%AEP

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01.pdf:20:rates, attenuation volume and areas are shown as follows and also summarised in Table 4.4 and the full

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01.pdf:20:flows westward for collection within a single attenuation pond located directly north of storage mound 1C.

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01.pdf:20:The 1% AEP attenuation volume required to restricted flows to the agreed rate is estimated to be 1,900m ,

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01.pdf:20:approximately 2,150m in area. It is anticipated that there will be a degree of settlement within attenuation

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01.pdf:20:the southeast corner of the site for collection within a single attenuation pond. Discharge from the pond will

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01.pdf:20:The 1% AEP attenuation volume required to restricted flows to the agreed rate is estimated to be 800m ,

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01.pdf:21:attenuation pond, which will be contribute to the removal of suspended sediment from the surface water

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01.pdf:21:western corner, each with its own attenuation pond. Discharge from the ponds will be into the Fleet

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01.pdf:21:The 1%AEP attenuation volumes required to restricted flows to the agreed rate is estimated to be 300m and

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01.pdf:21:the southwest corner of the site for collection within a single attenuation pond. Discharge from the pond will

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01.pdf:21:The 1%AEP attenuation volumes required to restricted flows to the agreed rate is estimated to be 1,400m ,

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01.pdf:21:It is anticipated that there will be a degree of settlement within the attenuation ponds, which will be

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01.pdf:21:Table 4.4 Estimated Attenuation Volumes

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01.pdf:21:Sites Site Area/Imp Discharge Rate Attenuation Estimated Critical Event Half Drain

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01.pdf:23:provided within the attenuation ponds and collection ditches.

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01.pdf:25:mounds and gravitate flow into the pond/basins. Associated discharge rates, attenuation volumes and areas

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01.pdf:25: Channel) at a maximum 100 year rate of 130.9l/s. This is result in a 100 year attenuation

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01.pdf:25: rate of 32.2 l/s. This will result in a 100 year attenuation volume of 800m requiring an

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01.pdf:26: 27.0l/s and 97.5l/s. This will result in a 100 year attenuation volumes of 300m and 900m

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01.pdf:26: result in a 100 year attenuation volume of 1,400m requiring an approximate area of

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01.pdf:26:All attenuation volumes will include a 20% uplift on rainfall intensities to take account of climate change

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0002_A_P01.pdf:90:however hydraulic or permeable reactive barriers together with natural attenuation may be considered in the

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0002_A_P01.pdf:93: Natural attenuation W W W W W

R-2021-0166-FFM-Environmental Risk Assessment.pdf:23:not take into account dilution and attenuation along the pathway.

R-2022-0494-FFM-19293141_1.pdf:6:FARL FEH index of flood attenuation due to reservoirs and lakes

R-2022-0494-FFM-19293141_1.pdf:6:FARL Flood Attenuation by Reservoirs or Lakes. This provides a guide to the degree

R-2022-0494-FFM-19293141_1.pdf:6: of flood attenuation by reservoirs or lakes in the catchment which will have

R-2022-0494-FFM-19293141_1.pdf:6: effect on flood response. A value of 1 indicates no attenuation, whereas 0.8

R-2022-0494-FFM-19293141_1.pdf:6: and under indicates substantial attenuation.

R-2021-0855-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0331-02_SB_DQRA_Part1.pdf:6: river. A lateral migration pathway along which contaminant attenuation may occur was not

R-2021-0855-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0331-02_SB_DQRA_Part1.pdf:7: attenuation occurring during lateral migration and subsequent dilution in the River Tees.

R-2021-0855-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0331-02_SB_DQRA_Part1.pdf:31:pathway along which contaminant attenuation may occur has not been modelled.

R-2021-0855-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0331-02_SB_DQRA_Part1.pdf:41:water resources was not present based on the attenuation occurring during lateral migration and subsequent

R-2022-0205-SC-Bran Sands EIA Screening Request_FINAL reduced signed.pdf:44: (frequency (Hz) and decibels (dB)), attenuation of the noise in the environment, the

R-2021-1048-FFM-TW-SIZ-XX-JBAU-00-00-RP-EN-0001-S1-P02-NZT_FRA.pdf:6:FARL FEH index of flood attenuation due to reservoirs and lakes

R-2021-1048-FFM-TW-SIZ-XX-JBAU-00-00-RP-EN-0001-S1-P02-NZT_FRA.pdf:6:FARL Flood Attenuation by Reservoirs or Lakes. This provides a guide to the degree

R-2021-1048-FFM-TW-SIZ-XX-JBAU-00-00-RP-EN-0001-S1-P02-NZT_FRA.pdf:6: of flood attenuation by reservoirs or lakes in the catchment which will have

R-2021-1048-FFM-TW-SIZ-XX-JBAU-00-00-RP-EN-0001-S1-P02-NZT_FRA.pdf:6: effect on flood response. A value of 1 indicates no attenuation, whereas 0.8

R-2021-1048-FFM-TW-SIZ-XX-JBAU-00-00-RP-EN-0001-S1-P02-NZT_FRA.pdf:6: and under indicates substantial attenuation.

R-2021-1048-FFM-Appendix5 - Screening criteria.pdf:3:then more complex processes such as attenuation or degradation (Tier 3 and 4). The initial Tier 1

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-02-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:6: to incorporate the mechanisms affecting the attenuation of inorganics and that a 200m

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-02-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:56:their attenuation in the environment can be more challenging to simulate. The fate and transport of metals and

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-02-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:60:Further to the above, the attenuation of ammoniacal nitrogen, cyanide, sulphate and thiocyanate in the dissolved

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-02-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:60:The primary model input parameters affecting attenuation within the aquifer comprising microbial degradation

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-02-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:60:coefficients adopted for all four compounds. As can be seen from the model output, little to no attenuation is

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-02-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:64:Buss, S. R. et al., 2004. A Review of Ammonium Attenuation in Soil and Groundwater, Quarterly Journal of

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-02-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:65:Attenuation. Environment Agency R&D Technical Report P2-228/TR.

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-02-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:838: R. et al., 2004. A Review of Ammonium Attenuation in Soil and Groundwater, Quarterly

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-02-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:839: Concentration on the Potential for Natural Attenuation.

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-02-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:847: dilution, Level 3 soils and groundwater – attenuation). RTW is a deterministic model.

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-02-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:851: Contaminant of Concern Attenuation Factor Level 3 Remedial Target (µg/l) Porewater Target > SOL?

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-02-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:852: Contaminant of Concern Attenuation Factor Level 3 Remedial Target (µg/l) Porewater Target > SOL?

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-02-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:853: Attenuation factor (one way vertical dispersion, CO/CED) AF 1.15E+02 Site being assessed: Redcar NetZero

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-02-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:854: Attenuation factor (one way vertical dispersion, CO/CED) AF 2.59E+05 Site being assessed: Redcar NetZero

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-03-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:6: to incorporate the mechanisms affecting the attenuation of inorganics and that a 200m

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-03-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:58:their attenuation in the environment can be more challenging to simulate. The fate and transport of metals and

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-03-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:62:Further to the above, the attenuation of ammoniacal nitrogen, cyanide, sulphate and thiocyanate in the dissolved

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-03-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:62:The primary model input parameters affecting attenuation within the aquifer comprising microbial degradation

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-03-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:62:coefficients adopted for all four compounds. As can be seen from the model output, little to no attenuation is

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-03-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:66:Buss, S. R. et al., 2004. A Review of Ammonium Attenuation in Soil and Groundwater, Quarterly Journal of

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-03-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:67:Attenuation. Environment Agency R&D Technical Report P2-228/TR.

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-03-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:968: 2004. A Review of Ammonium Attenuation in Soil and Groundwater, Quarterly Journal of

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-03-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:968: 8 Buss, S. R. et al., 2004. A Review of Ammonium Attenuation in Soil and Groundwater, Quarterly

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-03-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:969: Concentration on the Potential for Natural Attenuation.

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-03-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:977: dilution, Level 3 soils and groundwater – attenuation). RTW is a deterministic model.

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-03-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:981: Contaminant of Concern Attenuation Factor Level 3 Remedial Target (µg/l) Porewater Target > SOL? time exceeds

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-03-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:982: Contaminant of Concern Attenuation Factor Level 3 Remedial Target (µg/l) Porewater Target > SOL? time exceeds

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-03-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:983: Attenuation factor (one way vertical dispersion, CO/CED) AF 1.15E+02 Site being assessed: Redcar NetZero

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-03-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:984: Attenuation factor (one way vertical dispersion, CO/CED) AF 2.59E+05 Site being assessed: Redcar NetZero

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-01-Net_Zero_DQRA.pdf:6: to incorporate the mechanisms affecting the attenuation of inorganics and that a 200m

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-01-Net_Zero_DQRA.pdf:51:their attenuation in the environment can be more challenging to simulate. The fate and transport of metals and

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-01-Net_Zero_DQRA.pdf:54:Further to the above, the attenuation of ammoniacal nitrogen, cyanide, sulphate and thiocyanate in the dissolved

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-01-Net_Zero_DQRA.pdf:55:The primary model input parameters affecting attenuation within the aquifer comprising microbial degradation

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-01-Net_Zero_DQRA.pdf:55:coefficients adopted for all four compounds. As can be seen from the model output, little to no attenuation is

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-01-Net_Zero_DQRA.pdf:59:Buss, S. R. et al., 2004. A Review of Ammonium Attenuation in Soil and Groundwater, Quarterly Journal of

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-01-Net_Zero_DQRA.pdf:60:Attenuation. Environment Agency R&D Technical Report P2-228/TR.

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-01-Net_Zero_DQRA.pdf:169: et al., 2004. A Review of Ammonium Attenuation in Soil and Groundwater, Quarterly Journal

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-01-Net_Zero_DQRA.pdf:177: dilution, Level 3 soils and groundwater – attenuation). RTW is a deterministic model.

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-01-Net_Zero_DQRA.pdf:181: Contaminant of Concern Compliance Criteria (µg/l) Attenuation Factor Level 3 Remedial Target (µg/l) Porewate

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-01-Net_Zero_DQRA.pdf:182: Contaminant of Concern Compliance Criteria (µg/l) Attenuation Factor Level 3 Remedial Target (µg/l) Porewate

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-01-Net_Zero_DQRA.pdf:183: Attenuation factor (one way vertical dispersion, CO/CED) AF 1.15E+02 Site being assessed: Redcar Ne

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-01-Net_Zero_DQRA.pdf:184: Attenuation factor (one way vertical dispersion, CO/CED) AF 2.59E+05 Site being assessed: Redcar N

R-2021-0100-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0088-01-Prairie_Risk Assessment.pdf:20:Given the distance to the River Tees, there is considerable time for contaminants to undergo attenuation,

R-2021-0100-CD-Phase II ESA.pdf:48:does not take into account dilution and attenuation along the pathway.

R-2021-0100-CD-STDC_HWY-ATK-HGT-PR-RP-CE-000001_C01.pdf:31: the likelihood of attenuation along with the limited potential for migration due to the low permeability

R-2021-0753-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:4: Table 4.4 Estimated Attenuation Volumes 21

R-2021-0753-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:6:  To provide outline design and sizing of collection and drainage attenuation systems (SUDS);

R-2021-0753-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:19:Proposed discharge rates and attenuation volumes were calculated based on the assumption that the six

R-2021-0753-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:19:Other design assumptions considered in the calculations of the proposed discharge rates and attenuation

R-2021-0753-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:19:  Attenuation structures will be designed to hold flows from events up to and include the 1%AEP

R-2021-0753-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:20:rates, attenuation volume and areas are shown as follows and also summarised in Table 4.4 and the full

R-2021-0753-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:20:flows westward for collection within a single attenuation pond located directly north of storage mound 1C.

R-2021-0753-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:20:The 1% AEP attenuation volume required to restricted flows to the agreed rate is estimated to be 1,900m ,

R-2021-0753-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:20:approximately 2,150m in area. It is anticipated that there will be a degree of settlement within attenuation

R-2021-0753-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:20:the southeast corner of the site for collection within a single attenuation pond. Discharge from the pond will

R-2021-0753-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:20:The 1% AEP attenuation volume required to restricted flows to the agreed rate is estimated to be 800m ,

R-2021-0753-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:21:attenuation pond, which will be contribute to the removal of suspended sediment from the surface water

R-2021-0753-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:21:western corner, each with its own attenuation pond. Discharge from the ponds will be into the Fleet

R-2021-0753-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:21:The 1%AEP attenuation volumes required to restricted flows to the agreed rate is estimated to be 300m and

R-2021-0753-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:21:the southwest corner of the site for collection within a single attenuation pond. Discharge from the pond will

R-2021-0753-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:21:The 1%AEP attenuation volumes required to restricted flows to the agreed rate is estimated to be 1,400m ,

R-2021-0753-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:21:It is anticipated that there will be a degree of settlement within the attenuation ponds, which will be

R-2021-0753-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:21:Table 4.4 Estimated Attenuation Volumes

R-2021-0753-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:21:Sites Site Area/Imp Discharge Rate Attenuation Estimated Critical Event Half Drain

R-2021-0753-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:23:provided within the attenuation ponds and collection ditches.

R-2021-0753-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:25:mounds and gravitate flow into the pond/basins. Associated discharge rates, attenuation volumes and areas

R-2021-0753-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:25: Channel) at a maximum 100 year rate of 130.9l/s. This is result in a 100 year attenuation

R-2021-0753-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:25: rate of 32.2 l/s. This will result in a 100 year attenuation volume of 800m requiring an

R-2021-0753-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:26: 27.0l/s and 97.5l/s. This will result in a 100 year attenuation volumes of 300m and 900m

R-2021-0753-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:26: result in a 100 year attenuation volume of 1,400m requiring an approximate area of

R-2021-0753-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:26:All attenuation volumes will include a 20% uplift on rainfall intensities to take account of climate change

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:94:however hydraulic or permeable reactive barriers together with natural attenuation may be considered in the

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:97: Natural attenuation W W W W W

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter N - July 2020.pdf:13: Buildings; site mounding; on-site attenuation ponds,

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter N - July 2020.pdf:14: attenuation ponds, landscaping, restoration and

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - July 2020.pdf:10: volume control standards (attenuation requirement) need not apply. This may be the

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - July 2020.pdf:22: treatment and attenuation prior to discharge into the Tees or local watercourses.

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - July 2020.pdf:24: i It is assumed that all surface water runoff will require SuDS treatment and attenuation

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - July 2020.pdf:56: FARL FEH index of flood attenuation due to reservoirs and lakes

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - July 2020.pdf:22: surface water runoff will require SuDS treatment and attenuation prior to discharge. However,

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 1 - Non-Tech Summary - July 2020.pdf:10: surface water runoff will require SuDS treatment and attenuation prior to discharge. However,

R-2020-0357-OOM-NETWORK RAIL.pdf:1: 3. Attenuation should be included as necessary to protect the existing surface water drainage systems from

R-2020-0357-OOM-NETWORK RAIL.pdf:1: 4. Attenuation ponds, next to the railway, should be designed by a competent specialist engineer and should

R-2020-0357-OOM-NETWORK RAIL.pdf:1: 5. There should be no attenuation or SUDs features within 30m of the railway boundary where the site is

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter E - July 2020.pdf:5: • ISO9613 Acoustics – Attenuation of Sound during Propagation Outdoors: Part 2: General

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter E - July 2020.pdf:22: Attenuation of Sound during Propagation Outdoors: Part 2: General Method of Calculation 10.

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter E - July 2020.pdf:30: 10 International Organization for Standardization (1996). ISO9613 Acoustics – Attenuation of

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Indsutrial Zone SES - Vol 1 - Non Technical Summary.PDF:12: it is assumed that all surface water runoff will require SuDS treatment and attenuation prior to

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix G - July 2020.pdf:6: • Water quality - It is assumed that all surface water runoff will require SuDS treatment and attenuation prior to

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix G - July 2020.pdf:7: • Water quality - It is assumed that all surface water runoff will require SuDS treatment and attenuation prior to

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix G - July 2020.pdf:27:FARL FEH index of flood attenuation due to reservoirs and lakes

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix G - July 2020.pdf:27:FARL Flood Attenuation by Reservoirs or Lakes. This provides a guide to the degree

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix G - July 2020.pdf:27: of flood attenuation by reservoirs or lakes in the catchment which will have

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix G - July 2020.pdf:27: effect on flood response. A value of 1 indicates no attenuation, whereas 0.8

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix G - July 2020.pdf:27: and under indicates substantial attenuation.

R-2020-0357-OOM-Planning Statement - July 2020.pdf:14: surface water runoff will require SuDS treatment and attenuation prior to discharge. However,

R-2020-0357-OOM-Planning Statement - July 2020.pdf:35: standards (attenuation requirement) need not apply. This may be the case for development

R-2020-0357-OOM-Planning Statement - July 2020.pdf:36: 5 It is assumed that all surface water runoff will require SuDS treatment and attenuation

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter A - July 2020.pdf:11: treatment and attenuation prior

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter A - July 2020.pdf:16: attenuation ponds,

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter A - July 2020.pdf:16: attenuation ponds, landscaping,

R-2020-0357-OOM-Officer report.pdf:21:3. Attenuation should be included as necessary to protect the existing surface

R-2020-0357-OOM-Officer report.pdf:21:4. Attenuation ponds, next to the railway, should be designed by a competent

R-2020-0357-OOM-Officer report.pdf:21:5. There should be no attenuation or SUDs features within 30m of the railway

R-2020-0357-OOM-Officer report.pdf:59: ISO9613 Acoustics – Attenuation of Sound during Propagation

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone SES - Vol 3 - Technical Appendices (Section 1).PDF:4: Buildings; site mounding; on-site attenuation

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone SES - Vol 3 - Technical Appendices (Section 1).PDF:4: landing site, attenuation ponds, landscaping,

R-2019-0767-OOM-2019s0951 - Energy Recovery Facility Environmental Statement.pdf:48: landscape screening or attenuation / storage of drainage.

R-2019-0767-OOM-2019s0951 - Energy Recovery Facility Environmental Statement.pdf:69: lifetime of the facility. These will be integrated with the attenuation areas and designed

R-2019-0767-OOM-2019s0951 - Energy Recovery Facility Environmental Statement.pdf:70: attenuation of water. This is assessed as a more suitable mitigation option for the loss

R-2019-0767-OOM-2019s0951 - Energy Recovery Facility Environmental Statement.pdf:138: Lackenby The attenuation requirements on site will be met

R-2019-0767-OOM-2019s0951 - Energy Recovery Facility Environmental Statement.pdf:162: attenuation requirements for proposed development. It is assumed that discharging to

R-2019-0767-OOM-2019s0951 - Energy Recovery Facility Environmental Statement.pdf:165: • Three flood attenuation basins will be

R-2019-0767-OOM-2019s0951 - Energy Recovery Facility Environmental Statement.pdf:252: • The attenuation requirements on site will be met through the use of a proposed detention

R-2019-0767-OOM-2019s0951 - Energy Recovery Facility Environmental Statement.pdf:252: culvert. The attenuation pools will be design to enhance the ecology of the site.

R-2019-0767-OOM-EA R_2019_0767_OOM 29 Jan 2020 OFFICIAL.pdf:2:litres of water per day from the attenuation pond for any intervening purpose they may

R-2019-0767-OOM-20191201 ERF Planning DAS_Issued.pdf:34: location (Flood Zone 1) acceptable. Providing the consideration is given to attenuation and surface

R-2019-0767-OOM-20191201 ERF Planning DAS_Issued.pdf:36: The FRA recommended attenuation of surface water on site so that flood risk downstream can be

R-2019-0767-OOM-Non Technical Summary_Final.pdf:8:This attenuation ponds will be designed to contribute

R-2019-0767-OOM-officer report.pdf:9:they plan to abstract over 20,000 litres of water per day from the attenuation

R-2019-0767-OOM-officer report.pdf:32: or new planting, landscape screening or attenuation / storage of drainage.

R-2019-0767-OOM-officer report.pdf:74: • Appropriate on-site water attenuation

R-2019-0767-OOM-officer report.pdf:86:they plan to abstract over 20,000 litres of water per day from the attenuation

R-2019-0767-OOM-Chapter 9 Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy.pdf:4:5.2.3 Attenuation 11

R-2019-0767-OOM-Chapter 9 Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy.pdf:5:Table 5-1 - Required Attenuation 11

R-2019-0767-OOM-Chapter 9 Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy.pdf:15: to surface water attenuation has been assumed.

R-2019-0767-OOM-Chapter 9 Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy.pdf:15: the required attenuation volumes.

R-2019-0767-OOM-Chapter 9 Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy.pdf:16:5.2.3 Attenuation

R-2019-0767-OOM-Chapter 9 Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy.pdf:16: defines the attenuation requirements for surface water management. It is assumed that

R-2019-0767-OOM-Chapter 9 Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy.pdf:16: have also been used to provide conservative attenuation volumes, however, this approach

R-2019-0767-OOM-Chapter 9 Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy.pdf:16: Table 5-1 - Required Attenuation

R-2019-0767-OOM-Chapter 9 Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy.pdf:16: Design Flood Critical Inflow Outflow Attenuation Time to Area of

R-2019-0767-OOM-Chapter 9 Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy.pdf:18: contaminated areas entering attenuation features.

R-2019-0767-OOM-Decision Notice_R20190767OOM(4).pdf:9: they plan to abstract over 20,000 litres of water per day from the attenuation

R-2021-0057-VC-FAO-JBAU-XX-XX-TN-Z-0001-S3-P01-South_Tees_Stockpile_5_FRA.PDF:5:Table 4-2: Estimate Attenuation Volumes 4

R-2021-0057-VC-FAO-JBAU-XX-XX-TN-Z-0001-S3-P01-South_Tees_Stockpile_5_FRA.PDF:8: restrict runoff to provide attenuation and a level of surface water treatment through

R-2021-0057-VC-FAO-JBAU-XX-XX-TN-Z-0001-S3-P01-South_Tees_Stockpile_5_FRA.PDF:9: Following the original report methodology, estimated attenuation volumes for the 1% AEP

R-2021-0057-VC-FAO-JBAU-XX-XX-TN-Z-0001-S3-P01-South_Tees_Stockpile_5_FRA.PDF:9: surface attenuation. Between 1410 and 2248m 3 of attenuation should be provided to

R-2021-0057-VC-FAO-JBAU-XX-XX-TN-Z-0001-S3-P01-South_Tees_Stockpile_5_FRA.PDF:9: Table 4-2: Estimate Attenuation Volumes

R-2021-0057-VC-FAO-JBAU-XX-XX-TN-Z-0001-S3-P01-South_Tees_Stockpile_5_FRA.PDF:9: Area (ha) (l/s) Attenuation Attenuation

R-2021-0057-VC-FAO-JBAU-XX-XX-TN-Z-0001-S3-P01-South_Tees_Stockpile_5_FRA.PDF:10: South Bank storage mounds, it is likely that all will drain to the same surface attenuation.

R-2021-0057-VC-FAO-JBAU-XX-XX-TN-Z-0001-S3-P01-South_Tees_Stockpile_5_FRA.PDF:10: from each storage mound (23.6l/s). Between 1410 and 2248m3 of attenuation should be



R-2020-0743-CD-Redcar - MPA Area Summary.pdf:3: Water Planned attenuation Infrastructure

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0125-02-MPA_Shallow_Soils_Part1.pdf:24:account dilution and attenuation along the pathway.

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0125-02-MPA_Shallow_Soils.pdf:24:account dilution and attenuation along the pathway.

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0223-01-MPA_Deep_Soils.pdf:31:account dilution and attenuation along the pathway.

R-2023-0224-CD-50134216_1_CEMP.pdf:12: attenuation areas and designed for wildlife benefit.

R-2023-0224-CD-50134216_1_CEMP.pdf:14: Excavations / Changes in Surface water run-off is routed to either the attenuation pond or to a local

R-2023-0224-CD-50134216_1_CEMP.pdf:14: protected species attenuation pond, siltbusters, silt fences or other mitigations shall be

R-2023-0224-CD-50134216_1_CEMP.pdf:14: attenuation pond and to prevent water / silt flowing off-site.

R-2023-0224-CD-212018-DC-RP-C-01_P07-Drainage Strategy Report COMPRESSED.pdf:9:of a vortex flow control and an attenuation basin. The total volume of attenuation to be provided

R-2023-0224-CD-212018-DC-RP-C-01_P07-Drainage Strategy Report COMPRESSED.pdf:9:rate of surface water run-off from the site, it is proposed that surface water attenuation

R-2023-0224-CD-212018-DC-RP-C-01_P07-Drainage Strategy Report COMPRESSED.pdf:10:a proposed attenuation basin to be located within the southern landscaping area of the

R-2023-0224-CD-212018-DC-RP-C-01_P07-Drainage Strategy Report COMPRESSED.pdf:10:that the volume to the attenuation basin shall be c. 6,000 m3 (4000m3 of surface water

R-2023-0224-CD-212018-DC-RP-C-01_P07-Drainage Strategy Report COMPRESSED.pdf:10:attenuation required). Where possible, separate pipework systems shall be provided for roof

R-2023-0224-CD-212018-DC-RP-C-01_P07-Drainage Strategy Report COMPRESSED.pdf:10:Flow restriction downstream of the attenuation shall be achieved via the provision of a vortex

R-2023-0224-CD-212018-DC-RP-C-01_P07-Drainage Strategy Report COMPRESSED.pdf:10:attenuation basin.

R-2023-0224-CD-212018-DC-RP-C-01_P07-Drainage Strategy Report COMPRESSED.pdf:11: Attenuation

R-2023-0224-CD-212018-DC-RP-C-01_P07-Drainage Strategy Report COMPRESSED.pdf:11: Flow from the surface water attenuation system shall be limited used a vortex flow control unit,

R-2023-0224-CD-212018-DC-RP-C-01_P07-Drainage Strategy Report COMPRESSED.pdf:11: approach, that the surface water attenuation system be constructed to be large enough to

R-2023-0224-CD-212018-DC-RP-C-01_P07-Drainage Strategy Report COMPRESSED.pdf:14:• Attenuation Basin

R-2023-0224-CD-212018-DC-RP-C-01_P07-Drainage Strategy Report COMPRESSED.pdf:14: It is proposed to provide an online attenuation basin in the south of the site to provide

R-2023-0224-CD-212018-DC-RP-C-01_P07-Drainage Strategy Report COMPRESSED.pdf:14:attenuation basin prior to out-falling into the public sewer system. Silt pit manholes shall also

R-2023-0224-CD-212018-DC-RP-C-01_P07-Drainage Strategy Report COMPRESSED.pdf:14:source. A section of the proposed attenuation basin shall also have a permanent water level,

R-2023-0224-CD-212018-DC-RP-C-01_P07-Drainage Strategy Report COMPRESSED.pdf:18:• Attenuation Basin

R-2023-0224-CD-212018-DC-RP-C-01_P07-Drainage Strategy Report COMPRESSED.pdf:19:8.1 Attenuation Basin

R-2023-0224-CD-212018-DC-RP-C-01_P07-Drainage Strategy Report COMPRESSED.pdf:19:An online attenuation basin is proposed to attenuate surface water flows generated from the

R-2023-0224-CD-212018-DC-RP-C-01_P07-Drainage Strategy Report COMPRESSED.pdf:21:It is envisaged that the attenuation basin shall be formed (at least in part) early within the

R-2023-0224-CD-212018-DC-RP-C-01_P07-Drainage Strategy Report COMPRESSED.pdf:89:Attenuation Basin Site Operator Inspect inlets and facility surface for silt accumulation. Monthly (for first year)

R-2023-0224-CD-GrasscreteBrochure.pdf:7:Advanced attenuation/rainwater harvesting

R-2023-0224-CD-P20-1004 Grangetown Prairie Biodiversity Improvement Plan.pdf:15: (SUDS) attenuation basin. Part benefit foraging birds and bats

R-2023-0224-CD-1425_PL104_C - Finished Floor Levels.pdf:1: Attenuation Lagoon

R-2023-0224-CD-1425_PL101_N - Site Layout.pdf:1: Attenuation Lagoon

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.5 Issue 2.pdf:7:  the attenuation due to ground absorption or barrier screening effects; and

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.5 Issue 2.pdf:10: screening attenuation.

R-2023-0224-CD-Decision Notice_R20190767OOM(4).pdf:9: they plan to abstract over 20,000 litres of water per day from the attenuation

R-2023-0224-CD-ArborSystem-Manual-2019.pdf:7: rooting; bioretention soil for tree rooting and stormwater attenuation and pollutant removal;

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Landscape_and_Visual_Appraisal_Part_1of2.pdf:23: • The possibility of earthworks and a surface water attenuation basin (To be

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Noise_Impact_Assessment.pdf:24: 8 International Standards Organisation, 1996. Acoustics - Attenuation of sound during propagation outdoors - Part 2: General method of

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Noise_Impact_Assessment.pdf:30: Allowing for a minimum of 25 dB of attenuation of external noise levels through a glazed window, the

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Noise_Impact_Assessment.pdf:30: attenuation through an open window, the resultant internal noise level would be 19 dB L Aeq,T. This

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Noise_Impact_Assessment.pdf:30: Allowing for a minimum of 25 dB of attenuation of external noise levels through a glazed window, the

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Noise_Impact_Assessment.pdf:31: for a minimum of 25 dB of attenuation of external noise levels through a glazed window, the

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Contaminated_Land_Review.pdf:38: development may also include SuDS (lined pond/attenuation tank and localised permeable surfaces), which may form preferential

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Contaminated_Land_Review.pdf:48: attenuation ponds, permeable paving and/orgeo-cellular tanks with flow control installed at strategic

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Contaminated_Land_Review.pdf:48: attenuation cannot be determined at this time until further site details are confirmed.

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Flood_Risk_Assessment_and_Drainage_Strategy_Part_3of3.pdf:6:1 in 1 year (l/s): 14 14 Attenuation storage 1/100 years (m³): 3474 3474

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:15: ERF site, which will use a hybrid system of an attenuation pond and lined below-

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:15: ground attenuation tank to retain a 1 in 100 year 24-hour storm event (inclusive of

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:33: water drainage strategy incorporating attenuation solutions and restricting

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:60: gravity into an attenuation pond or tank, both of which will be situated to the west

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:60: site. Due to the anticipated depth of the upstream network and the attenuation

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:61: tank it will be necessary to pump the discharge from the attenuation tank. In

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:61: addition, the pond will also serve as attenuation. Surface run off will be passed

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:61:3.36 The proposed attenuation system will provide between 2,284 – 3,312m3 of

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:61: attenuation storage volume, which has been designed to contain the 1-in-100

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:61: sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) attenuation volumes has not been

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:61: considered in the current attenuation and discharge calculations, especially as

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:64: substantial climax tree species. Equally, around the attenuation pond, where the

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:64: used around the attenuation pond and around the native woodland mix to the

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:64: bunds along the eastern, western and northern boundaries. While the attenuation

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:84: site. The reserved matters application also includes the creation of an attenuation

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:88: proposed around the attenuation pond will, by this stage, be showing signs of

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:96: ES, it was further proposed that 4,823 m3 of attenuation would be provided within

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:96: surface flooding on the site. Ramboll proposed a hybrid system of an attenuation

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:96: pond and lined below-ground attenuation tank. The surface water attenuated to

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:139: drainage strategy incorporating attenuation solutions and restricting runoff rates.

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:146: STDC off-site. The proposed attenuation pond has not

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:147: The proposed attenuation pond has not been designed to

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:147: Water Quality The proposed attenuation pond has not been designed to

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:147: attenuation pond will also help reduce suspended

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:148: oil interceptors and then directed into an attenuation pond

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:149: Water Quality The proposed attenuation system will provide between

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:149: 2,284 – 3,312m3 of attenuation storage volume, which

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:149: attenuation pond or tank. As above, the attenuation

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:149: The attenuation requirements on site will be met through the use of a proposed system has been designed to control flows to the Holme

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:149: detention basin which will discharge via a flow control device to restrict outflow Beck. The proposed attenuation pond has not been

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:149: to the Holme Beck culvert. The attenuation pools will be designed to enhance designed to hold permanent water, nevertheless a wet

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:150: The proposed attenuation system has been designed to

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Flood_Risk_Assessment_and_Drainage_Strategy_Part_1of3.pdf:4:5.3 Assessment of Attenuation Options 12

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Flood_Risk_Assessment_and_Drainage_Strategy_Part_1of3.pdf:16: practicality and location of ponds and open drainage features for attenuation cannot be

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Flood_Risk_Assessment_and_Drainage_Strategy_Part_1of3.pdf:17: the discharge rates to Qbar greenfield rate, attenuation storage will be required. Because the

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Flood_Risk_Assessment_and_Drainage_Strategy_Part_1of3.pdf:17: used to calculate estimated attenuation volumes required. The full estimation report is included in

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Flood_Risk_Assessment_and_Drainage_Strategy_Part_1of3.pdf:17: Attenuation storage (1 in 100) 3500

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Flood_Risk_Assessment_and_Drainage_Strategy_Part_1of3.pdf:17:5.3 Assessment of Attenuation Options

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Flood_Risk_Assessment_and_Drainage_Strategy_Part_1of3.pdf:18: restricted rate. Attenuation

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Flood_Risk_Assessment_and_Drainage_Strategy_Part_1of3.pdf:18: providing attenuation tanks contribute to reducing runoff

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Flood_Risk_Assessment_and_Drainage_Strategy_Part_1of3.pdf:19: ponds or Provides both attenuation benefits.

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Flood_Risk_Assessment_and_Drainage_Strategy_Part_1of3.pdf:19: Attenuation storage tanks

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Flood_Risk_Assessment_and_Drainage_Strategy_Part_1of3.pdf:22: impermeable. Specific forms of SuDS and attenuation cannot be determined at this time until

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Planning_and_Design_Statement.pdf:42: 100-year scenario. Specific forms of SuDS and attenuation will be included in the

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_2of2.pdf:13: ground attenuation

R-2021-0316-VC-Metals Recovery Area Stockpile 2 FRA and DS Addendum.pdf:5:Table 4-2: Estimate Attenuation Volumes 5

R-2021-0316-VC-Metals Recovery Area Stockpile 2 FRA and DS Addendum.pdf:9: provide attenuation and a level of surface water treatment through settlement of

R-2021-0316-VC-Metals Recovery Area Stockpile 2 FRA and DS Addendum.pdf:10: Following the original report methodology, estimated attenuation volumes for the 1% AEP

R-2021-0316-VC-Metals Recovery Area Stockpile 2 FRA and DS Addendum.pdf:10: surface attenuation to the east of the site (as shown in the drawing in Appendix A).

R-2021-0316-VC-Metals Recovery Area Stockpile 2 FRA and DS Addendum.pdf:10: Between 2142m3 and 3415m3 of attenuation should be provided to restrict runoff to 36.1

R-2021-0316-VC-Metals Recovery Area Stockpile 2 FRA and DS Addendum.pdf:10: Table 4-2: Estimate Attenuation Volumes

R-2021-0316-VC-Metals Recovery Area Stockpile 2 FRA and DS Addendum.pdf:10: Area (ha) (l/s) Attenuation Attenuation

R-2021-0316-VC-Metals Recovery Area Stockpile 2 FRA and DS Addendum.pdf:11: is proposed to provide surface attenuation to the east of the site. Runoff from the new

R-2021-0316-VC-Metals Recovery Area Stockpile 2 FRA and DS Addendum.pdf:11: 2142m3 and 3415m3 of attenuation should be provided to attenuate the 1% AEP event plus

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter D - Noise & Vibration - Dec 2020.pdf:7: 7 ISO9613 Acoustics – Attenuation of Sound during Propagation Outdoors: Part 2: General

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter D - Noise & Vibration - Dec 2020.pdf:38: 10 International Organization for Standardization (1996). ISO9613 Acoustics – Attenuation of

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1434:not take into account dilution and attenuation along the pathway.

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1639: deposits would reduce by natural attenuation;

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1751:however hydraulic or permeable reactive barriers together with natural attenuation may be considered in the

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1754: Natural attenuation W W W W W

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter A Introduction and Background - Dec 2020.pdf:26: layout and size of buildings; site mounding; on-site attenuation ponds,

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter A Introduction and Background - Dec 2020.pdf:26: buildings, access roads, car parking and helicopter landing site, attenuation

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter F - Water Management - Dec 2020.pdf:15: • Water quality - It is assumed that all surface water runoff will require SuDS treatment and attenuation prior

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter F - Water Management - Dec 2020.pdf:34:FARL FEH index of flood attenuation due to reservoirs and lakes

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter F - Water Management - Dec 2020.pdf:34:FARL Flood Attenuation by Reservoirs or Lakes. This provides a guide to the degree

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter F - Water Management - Dec 2020.pdf:34: of flood attenuation by reservoirs or lakes in the catchment which will have

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter F - Water Management - Dec 2020.pdf:34: effect on flood response. A value of 1 indicates no attenuation, whereas 0.8

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter F - Water Management - Dec 2020.pdf:34: and under indicates substantial attenuation.

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter F - Water Management - Dec 2020.pdf:62: environment should be taken into account, including surface runoff attenuation.

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter F - Water Management - Dec 2020.pdf:63: taken into account, including the need for any attenuation to reduce flood risk to the

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackeny - Planning Statement - Dec 2020.pdf:14: and that it is assumed that all surface water runoff will require SuDS treatment and attenuation

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackeny - Planning Statement - Dec 2020.pdf:38: standards (attenuation requirement) need not apply. This may be the case for development

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter A Introduction and Background - Dec 2020.PDF:18: attenuation ponds,

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter A Introduction and Background - Dec 2020.PDF:18: landing site, attenuation ponds, includes the constr

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:26: treatment and attenuation prior to discharge.

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter D - Noise & Vibration - Dec 2020.pdf:10:propagation using ISO9613 Acoustics – Attenuation of Sound during Propagation Outdoors: Part 2: General

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Water Management - Dec 2020(1).PDF:12: volume control standards attenuation requirement need not apply.” This may be the

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Water Management - Dec 2020(1).PDF:24: require SuDS treatment and attenuation prior to discharge into the Tees or local watercourses.

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Water Management - Dec 2020(1).PDF:51: Boundary Beck Culvert is very low. There is an opportunity for improved attenuation, as noted

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Water Management - Dec 2020(1).PDF:61: 15 FARL FEH index of flood attenuation due to reservoirs and lakes

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter L - Cumulative Effects - Dec 2020.PDF:18: site mounding; on-site attenuation ponds, the Wilton International Complex.

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter L - Cumulative Effects - Dec 2020.PDF:18: helicopter landing site, attenuation ponds, landscaping, International Complex. The most

R-2020-0270-FFM-(90) LP007 - Illustrative Masterplan_P03.PDF:1: 14. SUD/ATTENUATION AREA

R-2020-0270-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0_P01.PDF:100:however hydraulic or permeable reactive barriers together with natural attenuation may be considered in the

R-2020-0270-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0_P01.PDF:103: Natural attenuation W W W W W

R-2020-0270-FFM-DXL-JBAU-00-00-C-RP-0001-S03-P01-FRA_and_Design_Justification.PDF:3:4.4 Attenuation Volumes 10

R-2020-0270-FFM-DXL-JBAU-00-00-C-RP-0001-S03-P01-FRA_and_Design_Justification.PDF:14: detention basin. Runoff will receive passive treatment and attenuation to greenfield runoff

R-2020-0270-FFM-DXL-JBAU-00-00-C-RP-0001-S03-P01-FRA_and_Design_Justification.PDF:14: 4.4 Attenuation Volumes

R-2020-0270-FFM-DXL-JBAU-00-00-C-RP-0001-S03-P01-FRA_and_Design_Justification.PDF:14: an assessment of surface water attenuation has been undertaken using the Quick Storage

R-2020-0270-FFM-DXL-JBAU-00-00-C-RP-0001-S03-P01-FRA_and_Design_Justification.PDF:14: The attenuation volume has been estimated for runoff from an impermeable area of 1.22

R-2020-0270-FFM-DXL-JBAU-00-00-C-RP-0001-S03-P01-FRA_and_Design_Justification.PDF:15: It is proposed to provide the necessary attenuation in a detention basin utilising a Hydro-

R-2020-0270-FFM-DXL-JBAU-00-00-C-RP-0001-S03-P01-FRA_and_Design_Justification.PDF:26: FARL …………………………. FEH index of flood attenuation due to reservoirs and lakes

R-2021-0432-FFM-10035118-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0250-02-EP_Deployment - Supporting Information.pdf:8:an approximate 1:100 fall and collected via grid drainage. The drainage shall be connected to attenuation

R-2021-0432-FFM-10035118-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0250-02-EP_Deployment - Supporting Information.pdf:13:Primary water treatment shall be undertaken with gravity fed attenuation / settlement tanks and an oil / water

R-2021-0432-FFM-10035118-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0250-02-EP_Deployment - Supporting Information.pdf:15:  Attenuation tanks to capture runoff.

R-2023-0339-CD-JER10061_Redcar Energy Centre_V01_230314_Report Final V3.pdf:16: ATTENUATION WASTE

R-2023-0339-CD-19216-RPS-SI-XX-DR-A-5015 - Phase 1 of implementation of planning permission ref - R-2020-0411-FFM.pdf:1: ATTENUATION WASTE

R-2023-0339-CD-230328 JER10061 Redcar Energy Centre LPA Letter Final Rev 2.pdf:6: ATTENUATION WASTE

R-2021-0846-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:4: Table 4.4 Estimated Attenuation Volumes 21

R-2021-0846-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:6:  To provide outline design and sizing of collection and drainage attenuation systems (SUDS);

R-2021-0846-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:19:Proposed discharge rates and attenuation volumes were calculated based on the assumption that the six

R-2021-0846-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:19:Other design assumptions considered in the calculations of the proposed discharge rates and attenuation

R-2021-0846-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:19:  Attenuation structures will be designed to hold flows from events up to and include the 1%AEP

R-2021-0846-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:20:rates, attenuation volume and areas are shown as follows and also summarised in Table 4.4 and the full

R-2021-0846-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:20:flows westward for collection within a single attenuation pond located directly north of storage mound 1C.

R-2021-0846-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:20:The 1% AEP attenuation volume required to restricted flows to the agreed rate is estimated to be 1,900m ,

R-2021-0846-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:20:approximately 2,150m in area. It is anticipated that there will be a degree of settlement within attenuation

R-2021-0846-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:20:the southeast corner of the site for collection within a single attenuation pond. Discharge from the pond will

R-2021-0846-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:20:The 1% AEP attenuation volume required to restricted flows to the agreed rate is estimated to be 800m ,

R-2021-0846-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:21:attenuation pond, which will be contribute to the removal of suspended sediment from the surface water

R-2021-0846-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:21:western corner, each with its own attenuation pond. Discharge from the ponds will be into the Fleet

R-2021-0846-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:21:The 1%AEP attenuation volumes required to restricted flows to the agreed rate is estimated to be 300m and

R-2021-0846-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:21:the southwest corner of the site for collection within a single attenuation pond. Discharge from the pond will

R-2021-0846-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:21:The 1%AEP attenuation volumes required to restricted flows to the agreed rate is estimated to be 1,400m ,

R-2021-0846-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:21:It is anticipated that there will be a degree of settlement within the attenuation ponds, which will be

R-2021-0846-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:21:Table 4.4 Estimated Attenuation Volumes

R-2021-0846-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:21:Sites Site Area/Imp Discharge Rate Attenuation Estimated Critical Event Half Drain

R-2021-0846-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:23:provided within the attenuation ponds and collection ditches.

R-2021-0846-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:25:mounds and gravitate flow into the pond/basins. Associated discharge rates, attenuation volumes and areas

R-2021-0846-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:25: Channel) at a maximum 100 year rate of 130.9l/s. This is result in a 100 year attenuation

R-2021-0846-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:25: rate of 32.2 l/s. This will result in a 100 year attenuation volume of 800m requiring an

R-2021-0846-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:26: 27.0l/s and 97.5l/s. This will result in a 100 year attenuation volumes of 300m and 900m

R-2021-0846-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:26: result in a 100 year attenuation volume of 1,400m requiring an approximate area of

R-2021-0846-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:26:All attenuation volumes will include a 20% uplift on rainfall intensities to take account of climate change

R-2020-0730-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part1.PDF:48:does not take into account dilution and attenuation along the pathway.

R-2023-0253-RMM-1425_PL133_C - Vehicle Swept Path Analysis_Weighbridge to Fuel Oil - Articulated Tanker.pdf:1: Attenuation Lagoon

R-2023-0253-RMM-1425_PL305_C - Site Wide Elevations N and E.pdf:1: Attenuation Lagoon

R-2023-0253-RMM-1425_PL305_C - Site Wide Elevations N and E.pdf:1: Attenuation Lagoon Steel Louvre Fence (Foreground) Paladin Security Fence

R-2023-0253-RMM-1425_PL305_C - Site Wide Elevations N and E.pdf:1: Screening Bund Crew W. Outbound Traffic Inbound Queuing Attenuation Lagoon Manoeuvring Apron Waste Reception Hall Bunker Hall Boiler Hall FGT Enclosure Residue Silos

R-2023-0253-RMM-1425_PL136_A - Vehicle Swept Path Analysis_Weighbridge to Inspection Bay.pdf:1: Attenuation Lagoon

R-2023-0253-RMM-1425_PL104_C - Finished Floor Levels.pdf:1: Attenuation Lagoon

R-2023-0253-RMM-1425_PL201_C - Site Sections A-A and B-B.pdf:1: Attenuation Lagoon

R-2023-0253-RMM-1425_PL201_C - Site Sections A-A and B-B.pdf:1: Attenuation Lagoon Paladin Security Fence

R-2023-0253-RMM-1425_PL201_C - Site Sections A-A and B-B.pdf:1: Screening Bund Crew W. Outbound Traffic Inbound Queuing Attenuation Lagoon Manoeuvring Apron Waste Reception Hall Bunker Hall Boiler Hall FGT Enclosure Residue Silos

R-2023-0253-RMM-1425_PL306_C - Site Wide Elevations S and W.pdf:1: Attenuation Lagoon

R-2023-0253-RMM-1425_PL306_C - Site Wide Elevations S and W.pdf:1: ACCs Attenuation Lagoon

R-2023-0253-RMM-1425_PL135_A - Vehicle Swept Path Analysis_Weighbridge to WTS and Tipping Hall - Articulated and RCV.pdf:1: Attenuation Lagoon

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.5 Issue 2.pdf:7:  the attenuation due to ground absorption or barrier screening effects; and

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.5 Issue 2.pdf:10: screening attenuation.

R-2023-0253-RMM-ArborSystem-Manual-2019.pdf:7: rooting; bioretention soil for tree rooting and stormwater attenuation and pollutant removal;

R-2023-0253-RMM-1425_PL106_B - Planning Layout Key.pdf:1: Attenuation Lagoon

R-2023-0253-RMM-1425_PL107 - STDC Fencing Layout.pdf:1: Attenuation Lagoon

R-2023-0253-RMM-GrasscreteBrochure.pdf:7:Advanced attenuation/rainwater harvesting

R-2023-0253-RMM-Grangetown ERF - PS - RM - Mar 23.pdf:7: - Surface water attenuation lagoon;

R-2023-0253-RMM-Grangetown ERF - PS - RM - Mar 23.pdf:18: this is the case, an appropriately designed and sized attenuation lagoon is proposed which will store

R-2023-0253-RMM-Grangetown ERF - PS - RM - Mar 23.pdf:31: Scheme (SUDS) attenuation basin. Part of this will be engineered so that standing water is

R-2023-0253-RMM-1425_PL101_N - Site Layout.pdf:1: Attenuation Lagoon

R-2023-0253-RMM-1425_PL102_G - Proposed Fencing Layout.pdf:1: Attenuation Lagoon

R-2023-0253-RMM-1425_PL131_C - Vehicle Swept Path Analysis_Weighbridge to Silos - Articulated Tanker.pdf:1: Attenuation Lagoon

R-2023-0253-RMM-1425_PL105_C - EV Charging Layout.pdf:1: Attenuation Lagoon

R-2023-0253-RMM-P20-1004 Grangetown Prairie Biodiversity Improvement Plan.pdf:15: (SUDS) attenuation basin. Part benefit foraging birds and bats

R-2023-0253-RMM-212018-DC-RP-C-01_P07-Drainage Strategy Report COMPRESSED.pdf:9:of a vortex flow control and an attenuation basin. The total volume of attenuation to be provided

R-2023-0253-RMM-212018-DC-RP-C-01_P07-Drainage Strategy Report COMPRESSED.pdf:9:rate of surface water run-off from the site, it is proposed that surface water attenuation

R-2023-0253-RMM-212018-DC-RP-C-01_P07-Drainage Strategy Report COMPRESSED.pdf:10:a proposed attenuation basin to be located within the southern landscaping area of the

R-2023-0253-RMM-212018-DC-RP-C-01_P07-Drainage Strategy Report COMPRESSED.pdf:10:that the volume to the attenuation basin shall be c. 6,000 m3 (4000m3 of surface water

R-2023-0253-RMM-212018-DC-RP-C-01_P07-Drainage Strategy Report COMPRESSED.pdf:10:attenuation required). Where possible, separate pipework systems shall be provided for roof

R-2023-0253-RMM-212018-DC-RP-C-01_P07-Drainage Strategy Report COMPRESSED.pdf:10:Flow restriction downstream of the attenuation shall be achieved via the provision of a vortex

R-2023-0253-RMM-212018-DC-RP-C-01_P07-Drainage Strategy Report COMPRESSED.pdf:10:attenuation basin.

R-2023-0253-RMM-212018-DC-RP-C-01_P07-Drainage Strategy Report COMPRESSED.pdf:11: Attenuation

R-2023-0253-RMM-212018-DC-RP-C-01_P07-Drainage Strategy Report COMPRESSED.pdf:11: Flow from the surface water attenuation system shall be limited used a vortex flow control unit,

R-2023-0253-RMM-212018-DC-RP-C-01_P07-Drainage Strategy Report COMPRESSED.pdf:11: approach, that the surface water attenuation system be constructed to be large enough to

R-2023-0253-RMM-212018-DC-RP-C-01_P07-Drainage Strategy Report COMPRESSED.pdf:14:• Attenuation Basin

R-2023-0253-RMM-212018-DC-RP-C-01_P07-Drainage Strategy Report COMPRESSED.pdf:14: It is proposed to provide an online attenuation basin in the south of the site to provide

R-2023-0253-RMM-212018-DC-RP-C-01_P07-Drainage Strategy Report COMPRESSED.pdf:14:attenuation basin prior to out-falling into the public sewer system. Silt pit manholes shall also

R-2023-0253-RMM-212018-DC-RP-C-01_P07-Drainage Strategy Report COMPRESSED.pdf:14:source. A section of the proposed attenuation basin shall also have a permanent water level,

R-2023-0253-RMM-212018-DC-RP-C-01_P07-Drainage Strategy Report COMPRESSED.pdf:18:• Attenuation Basin

R-2023-0253-RMM-212018-DC-RP-C-01_P07-Drainage Strategy Report COMPRESSED.pdf:19:8.1 Attenuation Basin

R-2023-0253-RMM-212018-DC-RP-C-01_P07-Drainage Strategy Report COMPRESSED.pdf:19:An online attenuation basin is proposed to attenuate surface water flows generated from the

R-2023-0253-RMM-212018-DC-RP-C-01_P07-Drainage Strategy Report COMPRESSED.pdf:21:It is envisaged that the attenuation basin shall be formed (at least in part) early within the

R-2023-0253-RMM-212018-DC-RP-C-01_P07-Drainage Strategy Report COMPRESSED.pdf:89:Attenuation Basin Site Operator Inspect inlets and facility surface for silt accumulation. Monthly (for first year)

R-2023-0253-RMM-1425_PL103_C - Access and Circulation.pdf:1: Attenuation Lagoon

R-2023-0253-RMM-1425_PL132_C - Vehicle Swept Path Analysis_Weighbridge to IBA and Ammonia - Articulated Tanker.pdf:1: Attenuation Lagoon

R-2023-0253-RMM-1425_PL134_C - Vehicle Swept Path Analysis_Car Park - Visitors Coach and Cars.pdf:1: Attenuation Lagoon

R-2023-0253-RMM-50134216_1_CEMP.pdf:12: attenuation areas and designed for wildlife benefit.

R-2023-0253-RMM-50134216_1_CEMP.pdf:14: Excavations / Changes in Surface water run-off is routed to either the attenuation pond or to a local

R-2023-0253-RMM-50134216_1_CEMP.pdf:14: protected species attenuation pond, siltbusters, silt fences or other mitigations shall be

R-2023-0253-RMM-50134216_1_CEMP.pdf:14: attenuation pond and to prevent water / silt flowing off-site.

R-2023-0253-RMM-1425_PL130_C - Vehicle Swept Path Analysis_Weighbridge to Tipping Hall - Articulated and RCV.pdf:1: Attenuation Lagoon

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:34: noise shrouds may provide 14dB noise attenuation.

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:34: noise shrouds may provide 14dB noise attenuation.

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-MS-WM-000001.pdf:2: at offices in South Tees Business Park. Other may provide 14dB noise attenuation.

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-MS-WM-000001.pdf:3: Ecological receptors include waterbird and seabird may provide 14dB noise attenuation.

R-2020-0318-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0088-01-Prairie_Risk Assessment (1).pdf:20:Given the distance to the River Tees, there is considerable time for contaminants to undergo attenuation,

R-2020-0318-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0_P01.PDF:100:however hydraulic or permeable reactive barriers together with natural attenuation may be considered in the

R-2020-0318-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0_P01.PDF:103: Natural attenuation W W W W W

R-2020-0318-FFM-Phase II ESA.PDF:48:does not take into account dilution and attenuation along the pathway.

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 9 Flood Risk and Drainage.pdf:14:9.60. As each element of the Proposed Development is constructed, surface water attenuation measures will

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 9 Flood Risk and Drainage.pdf:16: Earthworks’. As each element of the Proposed Development is constructed, surface water attenuation

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 9 Flood Risk and Drainage.pdf:20: drainage system and attenuation storage will be designed to ensure flows off-site are limited to 99 l/s/ha

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 9 Flood Risk and Drainage.pdf:20:9.106. Attenuation will be provided on Site in order to limit surface water runoff to the greenfield runoff rate.

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 9 Flood Risk and Drainage.pdf:21: suitable means of discharge of runoff, the drainage strategy includes an attenuation-based strategy in

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 9 Flood Risk and Drainage.pdf:21: the form of an attenuation tank. Runoff from roofs is generally considered to be clean and will be

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 9 Flood Risk and Drainage.pdf:21: a gravel cover which provide attenuation storage and reduce peak runoff rates.

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 9 Flood Risk and Drainage.pdf:21:9.113. The proposed attenuation tank proposed would have a conservative storage volume of 20,100 m 3 and

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 9 Flood Risk and Drainage.pdf:26: runoff and attenuation measures

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Green Lithium Appendix 12 - Noise.pdf:15: ISO 9613-2: ‘Acoustics – Attenuation of Sound propagation outdoors – Part 2: General Method

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 15 Summary and Conclusions.pdf:8: Negligible Installation of drainage works and attenuation measures

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR Planning Statement.pdf:64: natural attenuation and surface water retention;

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 12 Noise.pdf:3: • The level of likely attenuation is due to ground absorption and barrier effects.

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 12 Noise.pdf:12:12.42. With regard to barrier attenuation effects, acoustic screening would be provided by permanent

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 12 Noise.pdf:12: robust assessment however, the construction noise predictions assume no attenuation from site

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Green Lithium Appendix 9 - Water.pdf:7:paving, filter drains, gravel cover and attenuation storage tanks are recommended. These will capture,

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Green Lithium Appendix 9 - Water.pdf:25:development as it could increase the flood risk posed downstream of the site. Attenuation and/or

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Green Lithium Appendix 9 - Water.pdf:25: Attenuation storage aims to limit the rate of runoff into the receiving water to similar rates of

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Green Lithium Appendix 9 - Water.pdf:26: Long Term storage is similar to attenuation storage but aims to specifically address the additional

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Green Lithium Appendix 9 - Water.pdf:26: Attenuation Storage 1/100 years (m3) 14,400

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Green Lithium Appendix 9 - Water.pdf:27:reduce the volume of runoff generated and will contribute to reduced attenuation storage.

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Green Lithium Appendix 9 - Water.pdf:27:peak runoff through the provision of attenuation storage and offer filtration, adsorption,

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Green Lithium Appendix 9 - Water.pdf:27:trenches, which create temporary subsurface storage for attenuation, conveyance and filtration of

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Green Lithium Appendix 9 - Water.pdf:27:spaces within the gravel matrix provide attenuation storage, reducing peak runoff rates. In additional

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Green Lithium Appendix 9 - Water.pdf:27:The drainage system and attenuation storage will be designed to ensure flows off-site are limited to

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Green Lithium Appendix 9 - Water.pdf:28:paving, filter drains, gravel cover and attenuation storage tanks are recommended. These will capture,

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Green Lithium Appendix 10.6 Viewpoint Figures - LVIA.pdf:14: interest to the Proposed Development. Water-Attenuation

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 1 to 6.pdf:34: onsite are designed to include an attenuation pond designed for all events up to and including the 100

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 1 to 6.pdf:44: and attenuation of surface water.

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR_DAS.pdf:14:Attenuation 9,295m2 Lithium Hydroxide Monohydrate.

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR_DAS.pdf:15: Attenuation

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR_DAS.pdf:15: Attenuation areas are placed at the centre, North and

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR Statement of Community Engagement Annex 3.C - Online Public Consultation Page.pdf:7: with noise-attenuation hoods fitted to key noise-generating components. The units have

R-2023-0291-ESM-20230328 Green Lithium TS_RG_RF.pdf:22: 30 ATTENUATION VARIOUS (SEE

R-2022-0096-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0331-02-SB_DQRA - Detailed Quantitative Risk Assessment - South Bank.pdf:6: river. A lateral migration pathway along which contaminant attenuation may occur was not

R-2022-0096-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0331-02-SB_DQRA - Detailed Quantitative Risk Assessment - South Bank.pdf:7: attenuation occurring during lateral migration and subsequent dilution in the River Tees.

R-2022-0096-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0331-02-SB_DQRA - Detailed Quantitative Risk Assessment - South Bank.pdf:31:pathway along which contaminant attenuation may occur has not been modelled.

R-2022-0096-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0331-02-SB_DQRA - Detailed Quantitative Risk Assessment - South Bank.pdf:41:water resources was not present based on the attenuation occurring during lateral migration and subsequent

R-2022-0096-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0331-02-SB_DQRA.pdf:6: river. A lateral migration pathway along which contaminant attenuation may occur was not

R-2022-0096-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0331-02-SB_DQRA.pdf:7: attenuation occurring during lateral migration and subsequent dilution in the River Tees.

R-2022-0096-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0331-02-SB_DQRA.pdf:31:pathway along which contaminant attenuation may occur has not been modelled.

R-2022-0096-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0331-02-SB_DQRA.pdf:41:water resources was not present based on the attenuation occurring during lateral migration and subsequent

R-2022-0237-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0452-01-P4_GI_AD Part 1.pdf:26:The DWS are protective of water quality at the consumers tap (not accounting for attenuation or dilution along

R-2022-0237-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0452-01-P4_GI_AD Part 1.pdf:26:some attenuation and dilution along the pathway. The receptors are also culverted watercourses underneath

R-2022-0237-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0452-01-P4_GI_AD Part 1.pdf:31:conceptualised attenuation, and dilution along the pathway, and the likely limited interaction between the

R-2021-0713-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0270-01-SBA_DQRA.pdf:70: Concentration on the Potential for Natural Attenuation.

R-2021-0713-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0270-01-SBA_DQRA.pdf:78: attenuation). RTW is a deterministic model.

R-2021-0713-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0270-01-SBA_DQRA.pdf:84: Attenuation factor (one way vertical dispersion, CO/CED) AF 4.96E+00 Site being assessed: Redcar SBA

R-2021-0713-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0331-01-SB_DQRA.pdf:6: river. A lateral migration pathway along which contaminant attenuation may occur was not

R-2021-0713-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0331-01-SB_DQRA.pdf:7: attenuation occurring during lateral migration and subsequent dilution in the River Tees.

R-2021-0713-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0331-01-SB_DQRA.pdf:30:pathway along which contaminant attenuation may occur has not been modelled.

R-2021-0713-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0331-01-SB_DQRA.pdf:38:water resources was not present based on the attenuation occurring during lateral migration and subsequent

338486 - 338489, NE formal response to SBW MLA, 29.01.21.pdf:4: A noise reduction piling shroud (obtaining attenuation of ~14 dB) must be used

338486 - 338489, NE formal response to SBW MLA, 29.01.21.pdf:6: a minimum of 14 dB attenuation.

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:301:provide an estimated 14dB attenuation in impulsive noise. With the shrouding in place, and assuming a

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:301:14dB attenuation, the predicted noise levels reported above will be reduced to the levels presented in Table

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:327:Middlesbrough Dock) using a reasonable estimation for noise attenuation in the water, the noise level would

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:365: ISO 9613-2:1996 (ISO 9613-2) Specifies an engineering method for calculating the attenuation of sound

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:301:provide an estimated 14dB attenuation in impulsive noise. With the shrouding in place, and assuming a

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:301:14dB attenuation, the predicted noise levels reported above will be reduced to the levels presented in Table

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:327:Middlesbrough Dock) using a reasonable estimation for noise attenuation in the water, the noise level would

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:365: ISO 9613-2:1996 (ISO 9613-2) Specifies an engineering method for calculating the attenuation of sound

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:122:The attenuation of sound in the water as it propagates from the noise source must be considered in an

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:125:used and 5 dB attenuation by the piling on land.

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:127:attenuation in the water (15.log® geometric spreading), the noise level would drop to 139 dB SPLRMS.

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:301:provide an estimated 14dB attenuation in impulsive noise. With the shrouding in place, and assuming a

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:301:14dB attenuation, the predicted noise levels reported above will be reduced to the levels presented in Table

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:327:Middlesbrough Dock) using a reasonable estimation for noise attenuation in the water, the noise level would

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:365: ISO 9613-2:1996 (ISO 9613-2) Specifies an engineering method for calculating the attenuation of sound

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_13. Fish and fisheries.pdf:21:Middlesbrough Dock) using a reasonable estimation for noise attenuation in the water, the noise level would

R-2020-0684-ESM-Appendix 8_Underwater noise assessment.pdf:4:The attenuation of sound in the water as it propagates from the noise source must be considered in an

R-2020-0684-ESM-Appendix 8_Underwater noise assessment.pdf:7:used and 5 dB attenuation by the piling on land.

R-2020-0684-ESM-Appendix 8_Underwater noise assessment.pdf:9:attenuation in the water (15.log® geometric spreading), the noise level would drop to 139 dB SPLRMS.

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_17. Noise and vibration.pdf:4: ISO 9613-2:1996 (ISO 9613-2) Specifies an engineering method for calculating the attenuation of sound

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_12. Marine and coastal ornithology.pdf:32:provide an estimated 14dB attenuation in impulsive noise. With the shrouding in place, and assuming a

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_12. Marine and coastal ornithology.pdf:32:14dB attenuation, the predicted noise levels reported above will be reduced to the levels presented in Table

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-04-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:6: to incorporate the mechanisms affecting the attenuation of inorganics and that a 200m

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-04-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:60:their attenuation in the environment can be more challenging to simulate. The fate and transport of metals and

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-04-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:64:Further to the above, the attenuation of ammoniacal nitrogen, cyanide, sulphate and thiocyanate in the dissolved

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-04-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:64:The primary model input parameters affecting attenuation within the aquifer comprising microbial degradation

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-04-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:64:coefficients adopted for all four compounds. As can be seen from the model output, little to no attenuation is

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-04-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:68:Buss, S. R. et al., 2004. A Review of Ammonium Attenuation in Soil and Groundwater, Quarterly Journal of

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-04-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:69:Attenuation. Environment Agency R&D Technical Report P2-228/TR.

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-04-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:979: 2004. A Review of Ammonium Attenuation in Soil and Groundwater, Quarterly Journal of

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-04-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:979: 8 Buss, S. R. et al., 2004. A Review of Ammonium Attenuation in Soil and Groundwater, Quarterly

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-04-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:980: Concentration on the Potential for Natural Attenuation.

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-04-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:988: dilution, Level 3 soils and groundwater – attenuation). RTW is a deterministic model.

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-04-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:992: Contaminant of Concern Attenuation Factor Level 3 Remedial Target (µg/l) Porewater Target > SOL? time exceeds

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-04-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:993: Contaminant of Concern Attenuation Factor Level 3 Remedial Target (µg/l) Porewater Target > SOL? time exceeds

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-04-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:994: Attenuation factor (one way vertical dispersion, CO/CED) AF 1.15E+02 Site being assessed: Redcar NetZero

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-04-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:995: Attenuation factor (one way vertical dispersion, CO/CED) AF 2.59E+05 Site being assessed: Redcar NetZero

R-2021-0879-FF-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0-P01 (Part 1).pdf:100:however hydraulic or permeable reactive barriers together with natural attenuation may be considered in the

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part1.PDF:48:does not take into account dilution and attenuation along the pathway.

R-2021-0879-FF-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0-P01 (Part 2).pdf:3: Natural attenuation W W W W W W W W

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 8.2 Outline Drainage Strategy.pdf:5:2.5 Although there is no specific requirement for surface water attenuation, an onsite attenuation pond

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 8.2 Outline Drainage Strategy.pdf:5: attenuation pond also offers surface water quality benefits and provides an opportunity for

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 8.2 Outline Drainage Strategy.pdf:6:2.13 Although there is no significant requirement for attenuation, an onsite attenuation pond provides

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 8.2 Outline Drainage Strategy.pdf:9:5.5 A manual penstock will be located immediately downstream of the attenuation pond and in the

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 8.2 Outline Drainage Strategy.pdf:13: Manual penstock to allow Attenuation Pond Full Retention oil

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 8.2 Outline Drainage Strategy.pdf:13: Attenuation Pond

R-2020-0411-FFM-Figure 6.9 Landscape Strategy.pdf:1: ATTENUATION °

R-2020-0411-FFM-Figure 6.9 Landscape Strategy.pdf:1: LOADING BAY HALL Re-use excavated land from attenuation pond to form

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_Response to Anglo American_AS_S.pdf:4: attenuation pond plus a 12m depth of excavation for the bunker, then a total volume of 60,000m3 would

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 8.3 WFD.pdf:18: transitional water body. A failsafe attenuation pond for the receipt of firefighting water is to be

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 8.3 WFD.pdf:18:4.4.17 A manual penstock/valve will be located immediately downstream of the attenuation pond and in the

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 8.3 WFD.pdf:30: attenuation pond.

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 8.3 WFD.pdf:31: interceptor and attenuation pond.

R-2020-0411-FFM-19216-RPS-SI-XX-DR-A-5002-P05-Proposed Site Plan.pdf:1: ATTENUATION WASTE

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 12 Noise and Vibration.pdf:7: • International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9613-2:1996 ‘Acoustics: Attenuation of

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 12 Noise and Vibration.pdf:7: Site are located approximately 2.3 km to the south-east (Marsh Farm). Due to attenuation effects,

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 12 Noise and Vibration.pdf:8: and atmospheric attenuation effects, assuming a typical industrial spectrum. On this basis,

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 12 Noise and Vibration.pdf:16: Boiler, Turbine Hall) building modelled as Kingspan KS1000RW with an overall attenuation of 25 dB

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 12 Noise and Vibration.pdf:17: very likely not be discernible at the NSR location, due to attenuation. As such, the calculated

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 12 Noise and Vibration.pdf:20: 9613-2:1996. Acoustics - Attenuation of sound during propagation outdoors - Part 2: General

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 2 Project Description.pdf:17: a discharge into the River Tees. Runoff would be directed to the attenuation pond in the north

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 2 Project Description.pdf:17: Facility and to the attenuation and firewater retention pond to the north of the MRF building,

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 2 Project Description.pdf:18: uncontrolled contaminated runoff entering the surface water network. The attenuation pond in the

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 2 Project Description.pdf:18:2.5.32 A manual penstock/valve would be located immediately downstream of the attenuation pond and

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 2 Project Description.pdf:27: interceptors to an attenuation pond and onward via an off-site gravity discharge to

R-2020-0411-FFM-Non Technical Summary.pdf:7: Application Site as well as around and between the car parks and office entrances. An attenuation

R-2020-0411-FFM-Non Technical Summary.pdf:7: drainage strategy. It is intended that the planting on the northern boundary and the attenuation

R-2020-0411-FFM-Non Technical Summary.pdf:7: through a discharge into the River Tees. This water would be directed to the attenuation pond in

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 8 Hydrology and Flood Risk.pdf:19: traditional slot / channel drains before discharging via suitable oil interceptors to an attenuation

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 8 Hydrology and Flood Risk.pdf:22: site attenuation pond, which would be designed to accommodate the 1 in 30 year critical event,

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 8 Hydrology and Flood Risk.pdf:22: required. However, sufficient attenuation storage would be provided taking into account UKCP18

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 3 Needs and Alternatives - formatted.pdf:7: including the attenuation pond, boundary buffer zone with native planting, landscaping along the

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:27: a discharge into the River Tees. Runoff would be directed to the attenuation pond in the north

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:27: Facility and to the attenuation and firewater retention pond to the north of the MRF building,

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:28: uncontrolled contaminated runoff entering the surface water network. The attenuation pond in the

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:28:3.1.97 A manual penstock/valve would be located immediately downstream of the attenuation pond and

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:87: (Marsh Farm). Due to attenuation effects, noise and vibration levels received at these NSRs,

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:89: attenuation pond, which would be designed to accommodate the 1 in 30 year critical rainfall event,

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:89: reduction of existing runoff rates is required. However, sufficient attenuation storage would be

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:90: directed to the attenuation pond in the north west of the Application Site and through oil

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 10.1 Transport Assessment.pdf:35: ATTENUATION WASTE

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 10.1 Transport Assessment.pdf:35: ATTENUATION

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 4.1 Redcar Energy Centre Scoping Report and Scoping Opinion.pdf:30: systems) and/or attenuation basins as appropriate.

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 7 Ecology and Ornithology.pdf:22: traditional slot / channel drains before discharging via suitable oil interceptors to an attenuation

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 7 Ecology and Ornithology.pdf:24: around the IBA building and these structures would offer noise attenuation, reducing noise levels

R-2020-0411-FFM-411 nuisance.pdf:1:located approximately 2.3 km to the south-east (Marsh Farm). Due to attenuation

R-2023-0179-SCP-HyGreen Production Facility Scoping Report_FINAL.pdf:93: • ISO 9613-2: 1996 ‘Attenuation of sound during propagation outdoors. Part 2:

R-2023-0179-SCP-HyGreen Production Facility Scoping Report_FINAL.pdf:132: Attenuation of sound during propagation outdoors. Part 2: General method of

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter A - Introduction and Background - Dec 2020.PDF:26: layout and size of buildings; site mounding; on-site attenuation ponds,

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter A - Introduction and Background - Dec 2020.PDF:26: buildings, access roads, car parking and helicopter landing site, attenuation

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter E - Noise & Vibration - Dec 2020.PDF:10:propagation using ISO9613 Acoustics – Attenuation of Sound during Propagation Outdoors: Part 2: General

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Water Management and Flooding - Dec 2020.PDF:15: • Water quality - It is assumed that all surface water runoff will require SuDS treatment and attenuation prior

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Water Management and Flooding - Dec 2020.PDF:34:FARL FEH index of flood attenuation due to reservoirs and lakes

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Water Management and Flooding - Dec 2020.PDF:34:FARL Flood Attenuation by Reservoirs or Lakes. This provides a guide to the degree

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Water Management and Flooding - Dec 2020.PDF:34: of flood attenuation by reservoirs or lakes in the catchment which will have

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Water Management and Flooding - Dec 2020.PDF:34: effect on flood response. A value of 1 indicates no attenuation, whereas 0.8

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Water Management and Flooding - Dec 2020.PDF:34: and under indicates substantial attenuation.

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Water Management and Flooding - Dec 2020.PDF:61: the fluvial environment should be taken into account, including surface runoff attenuation.

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Water Management and Flooding - Dec 2020.PDF:62: taken into account, including the need for any attenuation to reduce flood risk to the

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point - Planning Statement - Dec 2020.pdf:18: treatment and attenuation prior to discharge.

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point - Planning Statement - Dec 2020.pdf:41: standards (attenuation requirement) need not apply. This may be the case for development

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B -Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:27: treatment and attenuation prior to discharge.

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter N - Cumulative Effects - Dec 2020.PDF:27: layout and size of buildings; site mounding; on-site attenuation ponds,

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter N - Cumulative Effects - Dec 2020.PDF:27: buildings, access roads, car parking and helicopter landing site, attenuation

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - Water Management and Flooding - Dec 2020.PDF:11: standards attenuation requirement need not apply.” This may be the case for

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - Water Management and Flooding - Dec 2020.PDF:24: require SuDS treatment and attenuation prior to discharge into the Tees or local watercourses.

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - Water Management and Flooding - Dec 2020.PDF:60: 15 FARL FEH index of flood attenuation due to reservoirs and lakes

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter E - Noise & Vibration - Dec 2020.PDF:7: 7 ISO9613 Acoustics – Attenuation of Sound during Propagation Outdoors: Part 2: General

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter E - Noise & Vibration - Dec 2020.PDF:39: 10 International Organization for Standardization (1996). ISO9613 Acoustics – Attenuation of

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter N - Cumulative and Residual Effects - Dec 2020.PDF:18: site mounding; on-site attenuation ponds, the Wilton International Complex.

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter N - Cumulative and Residual Effects - Dec 2020.PDF:18: helicopter landing site, attenuation ponds, landscaping, International Complex. The most

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter A - Introduction and Background - Dec 2020.PDF:16: attenuation ponds,

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter A - Introduction and Background - Dec 2020.PDF:17: landing site, attenuation ponds, includes the construction of an

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter N - Cumulative Effects - Dec 2020.PDF:20: site mounding; on-site attenuation ponds, the Wilton International Complex.

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter N - Cumulative Effects - Dec 2020.PDF:20: helicopter landing site, attenuation ponds, landscaping, International Complex. The most

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - Water - Dec 2020.PDF:12: volume control standards attenuation requirement need not apply.” This may be the

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - Water - Dec 2020.PDF:25: require SuDS treatment and attenuation prior to discharge into the Tees or local watercourses.

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - Water - Dec 2020.PDF:27:G4.10 The FARL (FEH index of flood attenuation due to reservoirs and lakes) values for both The Fleet

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - Water - Dec 2020.PDF:48: opportunity for better attenuation (discussed in the Mitigation section). The receptor sensitivity

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - Water - Dec 2020.PDF:69: 14 FARL FEH index of flood attenuation due to reservoirs and lakes

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter E - Noise & Vibration - Dec 2020.PDF:7: 7 ISO9613 Acoustics – Attenuation of Sound during Propagation Outdoors: Part 2: General

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter E - Noise & Vibration - Dec 2020.PDF:39: 10 International Organization for Standardization (1996). ISO9613 Acoustics – Attenuation of

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter A - Intro and Background - Dec 2020.PDF:26: layout and size of buildings; site mounding; on-site attenuation ponds,

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter A - Intro and Background - Dec 2020.PDF:26: buildings, access roads, car parking and helicopter landing site, attenuation

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site and Scheme Description - Dec 2020.PDF:25: treatment and attenuation prior to discharge.

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter A - Intro and Background - Dec 2020.PDF:16: attenuation ponds,

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter A - Intro and Background - Dec 2020.PDF:17: landing site, attenuation ponds, includes the construction of an

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter E - Noise & Vibration - Dec 2020.PDF:10:propagation using ISO9613 Acoustics – Attenuation of Sound during Propagation Outdoors: Part 2: General

R-2020-0465-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0_P01.PDF:100:however hydraulic or permeable reactive barriers together with natural attenuation may be considered in the

R-2020-0465-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0_P01.PDF:103: Natural attenuation W W W W W

R-2020-0465-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0125-01-MPA_Shallow_Soils.PDF:24:account dilution and attenuation along the pathway.

R-2023-0227-CD-TV-XX-ZZ-DR-L-P002_F_Landscape_Masterplan.pdf:1: ground attenuation

R-2023-0227-CD-TV-XX-ZZ-DR-L-P008_E_Shrub_Planting_5.pdf:1: above ground attenuation

R-2023-0227-CD-TV-XX-ZZ-DR-L-P003_F_Tree_Planting_and_Grass_Mixes.pdf:1: above ground attenuation

R-2023-0227-CD-TV-XX-ZZ-DR-L-P007_E_Shrub_Planting_4.pdf:1: above ground attenuation

R-2023-0227-CD-Decision Notice_R20190767OOM(4).pdf:9: they plan to abstract over 20,000 litres of water per day from the attenuation

R-2023-0227-CD-TV-XX-ZZ-DR-L-P006_E_Shrub_Planting_3.pdf:1: above ground attenuation

R-2023-0227-CD-TV-XX-ZZ-DR-L-P004_F_Shrub_Planting_1.pdf:1: CORNUS sanguinea 'Mid-Winter Fire' above ground attenuation

R-2023-0227-CD-TV_ERF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:43: interceptors and then directed via gravity into the attenuation pond or tank

R-2023-0227-CD-TV_ERF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:43: and attenuation tank it will, however, be necessary to pump the discharge

R-2023-0227-CD-TV_ERF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:43: from the attenuation tank. In addition, the pond will also serve as

R-2023-0227-CD-TV_ERF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:43: attenuation. Surface run off will be passed through an oil interceptor prior

R-2023-0227-CD-TV-XX-ZZ-DR-L-P005_F_Shrub_Planting_2.pdf:1: above ground attenuation

171019South-Tees-Master-Plan-19-Nov-17.pdf:152:drainage attenuation may be considered where feasible. fully-integrated strategy for addressing the wide spectrum and re-use of water, particularly for industrial needs.

teesworks_-_keywords_-_attenuation.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/02 18:09 by