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EN010103-000902-NZT DCO 6.2.10 ES Vol I Chapter 10 Geology and Contaminated Land.pdf:51: pavements over existing of clean cover, soil treatment, soil

EN010103-000891-NZT DCO 6.2.5 ES Vol I Chapter 5 Construction Programme and Management.pdf:21: for treatment at Teesworks’ proposed soil treatment hub, or for off-site

EN010103-002406-NZT DCO - 9.34 Updated List of Developments - Oct 2022 (D11) (Tracked).pdf:29:117 Former Redcar Teesworks: Development Of Soil Treatment 4.2 4.5 No detais of the construction Granted 1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N Y Y N Y N N Only those developments No status change that the No status change that the No status change that the No status change that the No status change that the

EN010103-002320-NZT DCO 9.34 - Updated List of Developments (Tacked) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:29:117 Former Redcar Teesworks: Development Of Soil Treatment 4.2 4.5 No detais of the construction duration Granted 1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N Y Y N Y N N Only those developments No status change that the No status change that the No status change that the No status change that the Applicants are

EN010103-002319-NZT DCO 9.34 - Updated List of Developments (Clean) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:29:117 Former Redcar Teesworks: Development Of Soil Treatment 4.2 4.5 No detais of the construction duration Granted 1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N Y Y N Y N N Only those developments No status change that the No status change that the No status change that the No status change that the Applicants are

EN010103-001992-NZT DCO 9.24 - Written Summary of ISH4 August 2022 (D5).pdf:40:117 Former Redcar Teesworks: Development Of Soil Treatment 4.2 4.5 No detais of the construction duration Granted 1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N Y Y N Y N N Only those developments

EN010103-001914-NZT DCO 9.19 - Further Response to Written Question GEN.1.37 - July 2022 (D4).pdf:11:117 R/2021/0432/ Teesworks: Development of Soil Treatment No

EN010103-001914-NZT DCO 9.19 - Further Response to Written Question GEN.1.37 - July 2022 (D4).pdf:31:117 Former Redcar Teesworks: Development Of Soil Treatment 4.2 4.5 No detais of the construction duration Granted 1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N Y Y N Y N N Only those developments

EN010103-001914-NZT DCO 9.19 - Further Response to Written Question GEN.1.37 - July 2022 (D4).pdf:42:117 R/2021/0432/FFM Former Redcar Teesworks: Development Of Soil Treatment Area Comprising Of Hard Standing, 4.2 4.5 Granted N/A - new application identified since DCO Application 1

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:89:117 Former Redcar Teesworks: Development Of Soil Treatment 4.2 4.5 No detais of the construction duration Granted 1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N Y Y N Y N N Only those developments No status change that the

EN010103-002246-NZT DCO - 9.34 Updated List of Developments (Tracked) - Sept 2022 (D8).pdf:29:117 Former Redcar Teesworks: Development Of Soil Treatment 4.2 4.5 No detais of the construction Granted 1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N Y Y N Y N N Only those developments No status change that the No status change that the No status change that the

EN010103-002185-NZT DCO - 9.34 Updated List of Developments - Response to SWQ GEN.2.2(i) - Sept 2022 (D7).pdf:11: between soil treatment area south east of 07.10.21

EN010103-002185-NZT DCO - 9.34 Updated List of Developments - Response to SWQ GEN.2.2(i) - Sept 2022 (D7).pdf:30:117 Former Redcar Teesworks: Development Of Soil Treatment 4.2 4.5 No detais of the construction duration Granted 1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N Y Y N Y N N Only those developments No status change that the No status change that the

EN010103-002405-NZT DCO - 9.34 Updated List of Developments - Oct 2022 (D11) (Clean).pdf:29:117 Former Redcar Teesworks: Development Of Soil Treatment 4.2 4.5 No detais of the construction Granted 1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N Y Y N Y N N Only those developments No status change that the No status change that the No status change that the No status change that the No status change that the

EN010103-002245-NZT DCO - 9.34 Updated List of Developments (Clean) - Sept 2022(D8).pdf:29:117 Former Redcar Teesworks: Development Of Soil Treatment 4.2 4.5 No detais of the construction Granted 1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N Y Y N Y N N Only those developments No status change that the No status change that the No status change that the

EN010103-001771-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix GH.1.2 Foundations Options Report - June 2022.pdf:23: increased costs for soil treatment and disposal;

EN010103-001771-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix GH.1.2 Foundations Options Report - June 2022.pdf:28: they can be economically removed prior to piling or the ground increased cost due to soil treatment and/or disposal offsite.

EN010103-001771-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix GH.1.2 Foundations Options Report - June 2022.pdf:47: Provides engineered fill over the depth of excavation and replacement producing a substantial Significant volume of soil treatment and / or disposal of potentially contaminated soils. Ground Investigation.

EN010103-001771-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix GH.1.2 Foundations Options Report - June 2022.pdf:50: / soft estuarine sands, clays and silts at depth. Increased cost due to soil treatment and/or disposal offsite is possible.

EN010103-001771-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix GH.1.2 Foundations Options Report - June 2022.pdf:50: Provides engineered fill over the depth of excavation and replacement producing a Significant volume of soil treatment and / or disposal of potentially contaminated soils. Not suitable

TR030002-000460-Section 3 App 3.1 Waste management.pdf:37:5.4.5 Contaminated excavated material should be sent to a soil treatment facility, where it has the potential to

TR030002-000460-Section 3 App 3.1 Waste management.pdf:37:5.4.7 Sending contaminated excavated material to a soil treatment facility with a view to recycling promotes

TR030002-000460-Section 3 App 3.1 Waste management.pdf:45: Construction Contaminated excavation waste Sampling and analysis; soil treatment off-site

TR030002-000460-Section 3 App 3.1 Waste management.pdf:46: Sampling and analysis; soil treatment off-site

R-2021-0473-ESM-EA R_2021_0473_ESM 8 July 2021 OFFICIAL.pdf:2:Environmental Permit for soil treatment and a water discharge. Please contact the

R-2021-0166-FFM-Ground Remediation Options Report.pdf:15:Table 1: Summary of Soil Treatment Technologies (Environment): Technical Parameters

R-2021-0166-FFM-Ground Remediation Options Report.pdf:38:SUMMARY OF SOIL TREATMENT TECHNOLOGIES: Technical Parameters

R-2021-0166-FFM-Ground Remediation Options Report.pdf:38:SUMMARY OF SOIL TREATMENT TECHNOLOGIES: Operational and Commercial Parameters

R-2021-1048-FFM-63262 NZT - Response to EA - 06.05.22.pdf:37: be impacted with contamination to be taken to the soil treatment facility and the works are likely to identify

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1633:Table 1: Summary of Soil Treatment Technologies (Environment): Technical Parameters

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1634:Table 2: Summary of Soil Treatment Technologies (Slag): Technical Parameters

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1635:Table 3: Summary of Soil Treatment Technologies (Aggressive Ground): Technical Parameters

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1655:SUMMARY OF SOIL TREATMENT TECHNOLOGIES: Technical Parameters

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1655:SUMMARY OF SOIL TREATMENT TECHNOLOGIES: Operational and Commercial Parameters

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1656:SUMMARY OF SOIL TREATMENT TECHNOLOGIES: Technical Parameters

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1656:SUMMARY OF SOIL TREATMENT TECHNOLOGIES: Operational and Commercial Parameters

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1657:SUMMARY OF SOIL TREATMENT TECHNOLOGIES: Technical Parameters

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1657:SUMMARY OF SOIL TREATMENT TECHNOLOGIES: Operational and Commercial Parameters

R-2021-0432-FFM-TSWK-STDC-LAC-ZZ-DR-C-0014 Lackenby Soil Treatment Hospital Area - Proposed Surface Water Drainage Arrangments.PDF:1: SOIL TREATMENT HOSPITAL



R-2021-0432-FFM-Decision.pdf:1: Soil Treatment Hospital Area Sections (Dwg No. TSWK-STDC-LAC-ZZ-DR-C-

R-2021-0432-FFM-TSWK-STDC-LAC-ZZ-DR-C-0013 Lackenby Soil Treatment Hospital Area - Sections.PDF:1: SOIL TREATMENT HOSPITAL AREA


R-2021-0432-FFM-10035118-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0250-02-EP_Deployment - Supporting Information.pdf:9:transported to the Soil Treatment Area. These materials are predominately impacted by Hydrocarbons Non-

R-2021-0432-FFM-10035118-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0250-02-EP_Deployment - Supporting Information.pdf:14: runoff from soil treatment remediation containing Sludge

R-2021-0432-FFM-10035118-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0250-02-EP_Deployment - Supporting Information.pdf:14: runoff from soil treatment Sludge

R-2021-0432-FFM-10035118-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0250-02-EP_Deployment - Supporting Information.pdf:15:It is anticipated that up to 25,000m3 of material can be actively treated (at any one time) on the soil treatment

R-2021-0432-FFM-10035118-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0250-02-EP_Deployment - Supporting Information.pdf:32: Human health dusts generated from soil Medium Medium Medium dismantling and processing of soil treatment piles

R-2021-0432-FFM-10035118-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0250-02-EP_Deployment - Supporting Information.pdf:32: Visual amenity impact Low Low Low dismantling and processing of soil treatment piles


R-2021-0432-FFM-Off Rep.pdf:1:Permission is sought for the development of soil treatment area comprising of

R-2021-0432-FFM-Off Rep.pdf:3:conveyed from the soil treatment area by tanker to a water treatment plant.

R-2021-0432-FFM-Off Rep.pdf:9: Soil Treatment Hospital Area Sections (Dwg No. TSWK-STDC-LAC-ZZ-

R-2021-0432-FFM-19736928_1.PDF:1:STDC Soil Treatment Hospital,

R-2021-0432-FFM-19736928_1.PDF:5:and Drainage Strategy to support a detailed planning application for a proposed temporary soil treatment

R-2021-0432-FFM-19736928_1.PDF:10:The Proposed Development comprises a compacted steel fines surface to form soil treatment area, an

R-2021-0432-FFM-19736928_1.PDF:12:• The soil treatment area is bounded in the eastern, southern and western edges by a 600mm high bund.

R-2021-0432-FFM-19736928_1.PDF:12: The northern edge is approximately 1m higher than the adjacent ground level and the soil treatment area

R-2021-0432-FFM-19736928_1.PDF:13: section 6, that will intercept run-off from the soil treatment area.

R-2021-0432-FFM-19736928_1.PDF:13:of the soil treatment area and, in extreme cases, may overtop the 600mm high bund and flow onto the

R-2021-0432-FFM-19736928_1.PDF:14:been included within the design. The soil treatment hospital is anticipated to be required for a period of up to 5-

R-2021-0432-FFM-19736928_1.PDF:14:The peak run-off flow rate from the soil treatment area during the 20% AEP rainfall event has been calculated

R-2021-0432-FFM-19736928_1.PDF:15: along the southern edge of the soil treatment area).

R-2021-0432-FFM-19736928_1.PDF:15:proposed soil treatment area is surrounded by a 600mm high bund which will retain water within the area if it is

R-2021-0432-FFM-19736928_1.PDF:15:enable water to accumulate within the soil treatment area to a depth of 0.2m. This will provide a further 142m3

R-2021-0432-FFM-19736928_1.PDF:15:the soil treatment area. Under these circumstances, the water will tend to flow in a south-easterly and south-

R-2021-0432-FFM-19736928_1.PDF:16:• A 600mm high bund bounding the soil treatment area’s eastern, southern and western edges.

R-2021-0432-FFM-19736928_1.PDF:16:• The northern edge of the soil treatment area is approximately 1m higher than the adjacent ground level

R-2021-0432-FFM-19736928_1.PDF:16: with the soil treatment area sloping in a southerly direction.

R-2021-0432-FFM-19736928_1.PDF:16:proposed soil treatment area is surrounded by a 600mm high bund which will retain water within the area if it is

R-2021-0432-FFM-19736928_1.PDF:16:the soil treatment area. Under these circumstances, the water will tend to flow in a south-easterly and south-

R-2021-0432-FFM-19736928_1.PDF:21:We are contacting you with reference to a proposed temporary soil treatment facility plant (lasting approximately five

R-2021-0432-FFM-19736928_1.PDF:24:We are contacting you, as the LLFA, with reference to a proposed temporary soil treatment facility plant (lasting


R-2021-0432-FFM-19736928_1.PDF:32: 9.857 SOIL TREATMENT HOSPITAL

R-2021-0432-FFM-19736928_1.PDF:33: SOIL TREATMENT HOSPITAL

R-2021-0432-FFM-TSWK-STDC-LAC-ZZ-DR-C-0011 Lackenby Soil Treatment Hospital Location Plan.PDF:1: SOIL TREATMENT HOSPITAL AREA

R-2021-0432-FFM-TSWK-STDC-LAC-ZZ-DR-C-0011 Lackenby Soil Treatment Hospital Location Plan.PDF:1: SOIL TREATMENT HOSPITAL AREA

R-2021-0432-FFM-63262_Cover Letter_ May 2021.PDF:1:Submission of Full Planning Application: Proposed Soil Treatment Hospital,

R-2021-0432-FFM-63262_Cover Letter_ May 2021.PDF:1:“Development of soil treatment area comprising of hardstanding, water treatment area and associated

R-2021-0432-FFM-63262_Cover Letter_ May 2021.PDF:1:following soil treatment has been removed of any pollutants. Further details are available within the attached


R-2021-0432-FFM-TSWK-STDC-LAC-ZZ-DR-C-0010 Lackenby Soil Treatment Hospital Existing Site Location Plan.PDF:1: SOIL TREATMENT HOSPITAL AREA

R-2021-0432-FFM-TSWK-STDC-LAC-ZZ-DR-C-0010 Lackenby Soil Treatment Hospital Existing Site Location Plan.PDF:1: SOIL TREATMENT HOSPITAL AREA

R-2021-0432-FFM-TSWK-STDC-LAC-ZZ-DR-C-0018 Lackenby Soil Treatment Hospital Area - Water Treatment Plant - Proposed Surface Water Discharge.pdf:1: ARRANGEMENTS AT SOIL TREATMENT HOSPITAL.

R-2021-0432-FFM-TSWK-STDC-LAC-ZZ-DR-C-0018 Lackenby Soil Treatment Hospital Area - Water Treatment Plant - Proposed Surface Water Discharge.pdf:1: SOIL TREATMENT PLANNING

R-2021-0432-FFM-TSWK-STDC-LAC-ZZ-DR-C-0018 Lackenby Soil Treatment Hospital Area - Water Treatment Plant - Proposed Surface Water Discharge.pdf:1: SOIL TREATMENT AREA


R-2021-0432-FFM-EA R_2021_0432_FFM 15 July 2021 OFFICIAL .pdf:2:The soil treatment area is likely to require an environmental permit.

R-2021-0432-FFM-Application Form - 24.05.21(1).pdf:2: Development of soil treatment area comprising of hardstanding, water treatment area and associated apparatus and structures.


R-2021-0432-FFM-TSWK-STDC-LAC-ZZ-DR-C-0012 Lackenby Soil Treatment Hospital Area - GA.PDF:1: PROPOSED SOIL TREATMENT 10.656 10.641 OUTFLOW RATE TO THE TREATMENT PLANT OF 5l/s. IF THIS

R-2021-0432-FFM-TSWK-STDC-LAC-ZZ-DR-C-0012 Lackenby Soil Treatment Hospital Area - GA.PDF:1: 9.857 SOIL TREATMENT HOSPITAL

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0417-06-Rem_Strat_LWoW(1).pdf:53:SUMMARY OF SOIL TREATMENT TECHNOLOGIES: Technical Parameters

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0417-06-Rem_Strat_LWoW(1).pdf:53:SUMMARY OF SOIL TREATMENT TECHNOLGIES: Operational and Commercial Parameters

R-2021-0465-FFM-EA R_2021_0465_FFM 8 July 2021 OFFICIAL .pdf:2:Environmental Permit for soil treatment and a water discharge.

R-2021-0906-CD-Condition 4 Discharge Cover Letter.pdf:1:“Development of soil treatment area comprising of hard standing, water treatment area and associated

R-2021-0906-CD-TSWK-STDC-LAC-ZZ-DO-PL-0001.pdf:1:Development of soil treatment area

R-2021-0906-CD-TSWK-STDC-LAC-ZZ-DO-PL-0001.pdf:2:Document title: Development of soil treatment area comprising of hard standing,

R-2021-0906-CD-TSWK-STDC-LAC-ZZ-DO-PL-0001.pdf:4:R/2021/0432/FFM in relation to the development of soil treatment area comprising of hard

R-2021-0906-CD-TSWK-STDC-LAC-ZZ-DO-PL-0001.pdf:4: • Soil Treatment Area Water Collection: surface water runoff from the soil treatment

R-2021-0906-CD-TSWK-STDC-LAC-ZZ-DO-PL-0001.pdf:4: • LNAPL/ Water Separator: The water abstracted from the soil treatment area is

R-2021-0906-CD-TSWK-STDC-LAC-ZZ-DO-PL-0001.pdf:8: Soil Treatment Area flow/volume

R-2021-0906-CD-TSWK-STDC-LAC-ZZ-DO-PL-0001.pdf:8: Soil Treatment

R-2021-0906-CD-TSWK-STDC-LAC-ZZ-DO-PL-0001.pdf:9:Soil Treatment Area Surface Water Discharge Overview Plan




R-2021-0906-CD-Agent email.pdf:1:The proposed impermeable surface of the soil treatment area is to be constructed above existing ground utilising tested

R-2021-0906-CD-Agent email.pdf:1:contaminated soils will be placed in windrows within the soil treatment until construction of the impermeable surface,

R-2021-0906-CD-Decision Notice 0906.pdf:1: R/2021/0432/FFM - DEVELOPMENT OF SOIL TREATMENT AREA

R-2021-0906-CD-Decision Notice 0906.pdf:2: R/2021/0432/FFM - DEVELOPMENT OF SOIL TREATMENT AREA


R-2021-0906-CD-EA_R20210906CD_OFFICIAL_240222.pdf:1:R/2021/0432/FFM - DEVELOPMENT OF SOIL TREATMENT AREA

R-2021-0906-CD-Officer Report 0906.pdf:1: DEVELOPMENT OF SOIL TREATMENT AREA

R-2021-0906-CD-Officer Report 0906.pdf:1:The planning permission sought consent for development of soil treatment area

teesworks_-_keywords_-_soil_treatment.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/02 18:11 by