{include:Teesworks - keywords - menu}

EN010103-001246-EA_NZT_OFFICIAL_171221_Redacted.pdf:15:There are so many subsurface historical constraints, therefore if construction

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:165: subsurface. From 2010 to 2013, TotalEnergies developed a pilot project

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:299: subsurface. From 2010 to 2013, TotalEnergies developed a pilot project

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:418: subsurface. From 2010 to 2013, TotalEnergies developed a pilot project operators differ in their measuring and reporting capabilities, but the

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:606: type, size, shape and depth of subsurface layers. figures. In general, special items relate to transactions that are

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:606: onshore, with a view to imaging the subsurface and implanting items although they may have occurred in prior years or are likely to

EN010103-002629-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 5 - Equinor - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:99:new business opportunities in an uncertain global, competitive substances, subsurface behaviour, technical integrity failures,

EN010103-002629-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 5 - Equinor - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:101:Compliance Risks”. A case of subsurface migration of hydraulic may be curtailed, delayed or cancelled for many reasons.

EN010103-002629-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 5 - Equinor - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:224:Equinor has Research and development (R&D) activities within exploration, subsurface, drilling and well, facilities, low carbon and

EN010103-001020-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP.pdf:10: membrane to prevent the leaching of any contaminants into the subsurface

EN010103-001979-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Tracked) August 2022 (D5).pdf:10: membrane to prevent the leaching of any contaminants into the subsurface

EN010103-000891-NZT DCO 6.2.5 ES Vol I Chapter 5 Construction Programme and Management.pdf:5:  turn-over of the man-made ground within the subsurface to a depth of up

EN010103-000891-NZT DCO 6.2.5 ES Vol I Chapter 5 Construction Programme and Management.pdf:22: membrane to prevent the leaching of any contaminants into the subsurface or

EN010103-000891-NZT DCO 6.2.5 ES Vol I Chapter 5 Construction Programme and Management.pdf:23: prevent the leaching of any contaminants into the subsurface or watercourses. If necessary,

EN010103-001197-NZT DCO 6.2.4 - ES Vol I Chapter 4 - Oct 2021.pdf:13: pipeline that will direct the dense phase fluid to the subsurface storage site.

EN010103-001913-NZT DCO 9.18 - Further information to Historic Environment Questions July 2022 (D4).pdf:10: uses are likely to have removed or significantly truncated subsurface

EN010103-001575-NZT DCO 9.2 - Written Summary ISH1 - May 2022.pdf:151: industry  Deep knowledge of subsurface

EN010103-001738-NZT DCO 9.8 Appendix GH.1.1b Preliminary Onshore Ground Investigation for GIR Report - June 2022.pdf:91:surface and subsurface survey techniques (AECOM (June 2021). Net Zero Teesside-Geophysical Investigation

EN010103-001738-NZT DCO 9.8 Appendix GH.1.1b Preliminary Onshore Ground Investigation for GIR Report - June 2022.pdf:245:nor suitability for plant health (re: any proposed landscaping), nor suitability for subsurface utilities.

EN010103-001579-NZT DCO 9.6 - Applicants' Comments on RRs - May 2022.pdf:115: so many subsurface historical constraints, therefore if construction on existing pipe racking or an extension to the existing pipe racking

EN010103-001603-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 4 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – SHELL U.K. LIMITED.pdf:29: of necessary technology and engineering resources; the availability of skilled labour; the existence of We use our subsurface, project and technical expertise,

EN010103-001603-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 4 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – SHELL U.K. LIMITED.pdf:54:Appomattox subsurface understanding. Also included was a net charge

EN010103-001603-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 4 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – SHELL U.K. LIMITED.pdf:113:or shale, consistent with these principles. the subsurface formation and surface environment around our operations

EN010103-002037-Orsted Hornsea Project Four Limited - Responses to the ExA’s ExQ2.pdf:58: • Many examples from UKCS (and worldwide) of improved complex subsurface imaging

EN010103-002037-Orsted Hornsea Project Four Limited - Responses to the ExA’s ExQ2.pdf:99: • Many examples from UKCS (and worldwide) of improved complex subsurface imaging

EN010103-002037-Orsted Hornsea Project Four Limited - Responses to the ExA’s ExQ2.pdf:110: • wind loading/speed, distance & size of turbine & subsurface properties

EN010103-001780-NZT DCO 9.7 - Applicants' Response to ExA's FWQs - June 2022.pdf:26: understand the subsurface aspects of the store and determine the safe storage

EN010103-001759-NZT DCO 9.8 Appendix GH.1.1a Factual Report Part 1 - June 2022.pdf:6:investigation at this site in order to provide information on the subsurface ground and groundwater conditions

EN010103-001759-NZT DCO 9.8 Appendix GH.1.1a Factual Report Part 1 - June 2022.pdf:12:were excavated in order to expose and identify known subsurface structures. The Trial Pit Records are

EN010103-001759-NZT DCO 9.8 Appendix GH.1.1a Factual Report Part 1 - June 2022.pdf:21:been produced using ' gINT®', which is an integrated software environment for the storage and manipulation of subsurface data.

EN010103-001759-NZT DCO 9.8 Appendix GH.1.1a Factual Report Part 1 - June 2022.pdf:21:this is not straightforward (especially without detailed information regarding anticipated subsurface conditions) and therefore no guarantee can be made

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:250: temporary installations, but with fixed surface installation or subsurface

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:251: imaging the subsurface.

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:251: subsurface scenarios that need to be addressed

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:256: imaging the subsurface

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:261: would (as proposed by Mr Sewell) be used to cover separate parts of the subsurface, using

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:261: shallow section of the subsurface would create gaps (REP5a-025, Annex 1, Appendix 1, electronic

EN010103-001978-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Clean) August 2022 (D5).pdf:10: membrane to prevent the leaching of any contaminants into the subsurface

EN010103-001145-NZT DCO 6.4.34 ES Vol III Appendix 15A Ornithology Baseline Part 1.pdf:8: subsurface storage site. This runs north- east across Coatham Dunes

EN010103-002309-NZT DCO 6.4.5 - ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Clean) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:10: membrane to prevent the leaching of any contaminants into the subsurface

EN010103-001776-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix GEN.1.2 Position Statement Hornsea Project Four and BP - June 2022.pdf:26: 3.1 Subsurface Characteristics of the Northern Endurance Store……………………………… 8

EN010103-001776-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix GEN.1.2 Position Statement Hornsea Project Four and BP - June 2022.pdf:38:This section looks to explore the primary subsurface characteristics of the Northern Endurance store

EN010103-001776-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix GEN.1.2 Position Statement Hornsea Project Four and BP - June 2022.pdf:38:3.1 Subsurface Characteristics of the Northern Endurance Store

EN010103-001776-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix GEN.1.2 Position Statement Hornsea Project Four and BP - June 2022.pdf:42:containment of stored CO2. Based on the subsurface characterisation of the storage site, monitoring

EN010103-001776-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix GEN.1.2 Position Statement Hornsea Project Four and BP - June 2022.pdf:63:compared to towed seismic and image quality of the seabed and shallow subsurface can be significantly

EN010103-001776-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix GEN.1.2 Position Statement Hornsea Project Four and BP - June 2022.pdf:63:subsurface imaging obtained from OBN acquisition, allowing sparse sampling and therefore helping to

EN010103-001776-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix GEN.1.2 Position Statement Hornsea Project Four and BP - June 2022.pdf:89:surface seismic, and image quality of the seabed and shallow subsurface can be significantly affected

EN010103-001776-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix GEN.1.2 Position Statement Hornsea Project Four and BP - June 2022.pdf:89:subsurface from OBN acquisition allowing sparse sampling and therefore help to keep acquisition costs

EN010103-001776-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix GEN.1.2 Position Statement Hornsea Project Four and BP - June 2022.pdf:92:5 Capture Power, “K40: Subsurface Geoscience and Production Chemistry Reports,” Feb 2016.

K40_Subsurface_Geoscience_and_Production_Chemistry.pdf. [Accessed 17

EN010103-001776-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix GEN.1.2 Position Statement Hornsea Project Four and BP - June 2022.pdf:123: been progressed through any subsurface exploration and appraisal analysis, with low

EN010103-001776-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix GEN.1.2 Position Statement Hornsea Project Four and BP - June 2022.pdf:149: 6.3. Subsurface uncertainty ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 22

EN010103-001776-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix GEN.1.2 Position Statement Hornsea Project Four and BP - June 2022.pdf:161:NEP and the Endurance reservoir require development flexibility in managing subsurface

EN010103-001776-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix GEN.1.2 Position Statement Hornsea Project Four and BP - June 2022.pdf:162:few stores have been progressed through any subsurface exploration and appraisal analysis,

EN010103-001776-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix GEN.1.2 Position Statement Hornsea Project Four and BP - June 2022.pdf:166:(FOAK) risk and inherent subsurface uncertainty whilst investing in the right technological and

EN010103-001776-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix GEN.1.2 Position Statement Hornsea Project Four and BP - June 2022.pdf:168:6.3. Subsurface uncertainty

EN010103-001776-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix GEN.1.2 Position Statement Hornsea Project Four and BP - June 2022.pdf:169:Figure 12: Cartoons to demonstrate the key subsurface uncertainties: In the simple scenario the CO2 rises inside

EN010103-001776-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix GEN.1.2 Position Statement Hornsea Project Four and BP - June 2022.pdf:170:injector is locally rising (high compartmentalisation), a full subsurface 4D image would be

EN010103-001776-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix GEN.1.2 Position Statement Hornsea Project Four and BP - June 2022.pdf:170:The need for seismic is driven by subsurface uncertainty and any potential barriers to the flow

EN010103-001776-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix GEN.1.2 Position Statement Hornsea Project Four and BP - June 2022.pdf:170:of CO2 through the reservoir. Subsurface imaging is a constantly evolving picture from

EN010103-001776-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix GEN.1.2 Position Statement Hornsea Project Four and BP - June 2022.pdf:194:28), making matching source-receiver pairs (to image the same piece of the subsurface) with

EN010103-001776-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix GEN.1.2 Position Statement Hornsea Project Four and BP - June 2022.pdf:194:different subsurface imaging even at the shallowest depths/nearest offsets.

EN010103-001776-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix GEN.1.2 Position Statement Hornsea Project Four and BP - June 2022.pdf:197:for CO2 storage so there are many remaining uncertainties in the subsurface, in particular the

EN010103-001776-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix GEN.1.2 Position Statement Hornsea Project Four and BP - June 2022.pdf:197:stored, or injection has to completely stop in some or all of the wells if subsurface behaviour

K40 Subsurface Geoscience and Production Chemistry.pdf

EN010103-001779-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix BIO.1.39 Example Marine Pollution Contingency Plan - June 2022.pdf:60: Surface or subsurface Surface Depth 0.5m

EN010103-000896-NZT DCO 6.2.4 ES Vol I Chapter 4 Proposed Development.pdf:13: pipeline that will direct the dense phase fluid to the subsurface storage site.

EN010103-001915-NZT DCO 9.20 - Applicants response to Orsted HP4 D3 Submission July 2022 (D4).pdf:15: collaboration with bp technical personnel including subsurface geophysicists and reservoir

EN010103-001915-NZT DCO 9.20 - Applicants response to Orsted HP4 D3 Submission July 2022 (D4).pdf:22: shallow subsurface can be significantly affected depending on the spatial sampling of the

EN010103-001915-NZT DCO 9.20 - Applicants response to Orsted HP4 D3 Submission July 2022 (D4).pdf:33: shallow section of the subsurface. However, given the characteristics of the

EN010103-001824-Orsted Hornsea Project Four Limited - Comments on the Applicants’ dDCO.pdf:14:spatially sampled measure of subsurface reflectivity. In a properly migrated 3D seismic data set, events are placed

EN010103-001824-Orsted Hornsea Project Four Limited - Comments on the Applicants’ dDCO.pdf:14:in their proper vertical and horizontal positions, providing more accurate subsurface maps than can be constructed

EN010103-001824-Orsted Hornsea Project Four Limited - Comments on the Applicants’ dDCO.pdf:14:about fault distribution and subsurface structures.

EN010103-001824-Orsted Hornsea Project Four Limited - Comments on the Applicants’ dDCO.pdf:14:Seismic surveys can measure changes in acoustic properties between different layers of rock in the subsurface and

EN010103-001824-Orsted Hornsea Project Four Limited - Comments on the Applicants’ dDCO.pdf:15:Clay – Fine-grained sediments less than 0.0039 mm in size. Usually impermeable to fluids in the subsurface and

EN010103-001824-Orsted Hornsea Project Four Limited - Comments on the Applicants’ dDCO.pdf:15:subsurface. Imaging with the down-going wavefield is called the mirror imaging method.

EN010103-001824-Orsted Hornsea Project Four Limited - Comments on the Applicants’ dDCO.pdf:16:Overburden – Rocks which are overlying an area or point of interest in the subsurface

EN010103-001824-Orsted Hornsea Project Four Limited - Comments on the Applicants’ dDCO.pdf:17:Saline aquifer – A brine water-bearing porous and permeable subsurface reservoir.

EN010103-001824-Orsted Hornsea Project Four Limited - Comments on the Applicants’ dDCO.pdf:17:subsurface rock formation. This velocity is a function of the rock properties and the fluid that it contains.

EN010103-001824-Orsted Hornsea Project Four Limited - Comments on the Applicants’ dDCO.pdf:17:TVDSS – True Vertical Depth Subsea is the typical way of expressing depths of subsurface formations

EN010103-001824-Orsted Hornsea Project Four Limited - Comments on the Applicants’ dDCO.pdf:18:Endurance area to map the spread of the injected CO2 plume in the subsurface while the area is partially covered

EN010103-001824-Orsted Hornsea Project Four Limited - Comments on the Applicants’ dDCO.pdf:23:receiver combinations that record reflected energy from a given point in the subsurface) and a wider range of

EN010103-001824-Orsted Hornsea Project Four Limited - Comments on the Applicants’ dDCO.pdf:23:measuring of microseismic events generated by small changes in the stress state of the subsurface rocks is a

EN010103-001824-Orsted Hornsea Project Four Limited - Comments on the Applicants’ dDCO.pdf:23:subsurface imaging and monitoring of the spread of the CO2 plume. These permanent nodes for microseismic

EN010103-001824-Orsted Hornsea Project Four Limited - Comments on the Applicants’ dDCO.pdf:26:show the nearest offset in each subsurface bin. It is not explained how this map was created but the vertical stripes

EN010103-001824-Orsted Hornsea Project Four Limited - Comments on the Applicants’ dDCO.pdf:43:seismically derived subsurface images. However, seabed receiver or ocean bottom node surveys (OBN) are currently

EN010103-001824-Orsted Hornsea Project Four Limited - Comments on the Applicants’ dDCO.pdf:44:bp. Streamer length determines the depth of imaging in the subsurface, and bp conducted tests on streamer lengths”.

EN010103-001824-Orsted Hornsea Project Four Limited - Comments on the Applicants’ dDCO.pdf:50: Challenge, and Complex Subsurface on a Mature Field, Haller et al, 2019

EN010103-001824-Orsted Hornsea Project Four Limited - Comments on the Applicants’ dDCO.pdf:51: 27 Seismic monitoring for subsurface uncertainties at the Endurance CO2 store, Sutherland et al, TLE April

EN010103-001824-Orsted Hornsea Project Four Limited - Comments on the Applicants’ dDCO.pdf:52:Name & Position Andrew Sewell, Head of Subsurface, Xodus Group Limited

EN010103-001824-Orsted Hornsea Project Four Limited - Comments on the Applicants’ dDCO.pdf:52:subsurface manager in consultancy, including working either as a project manager or acting as a technical resource

EN010103-001824-Orsted Hornsea Project Four Limited - Comments on the Applicants’ dDCO.pdf:52:Planning and review of subsurface elements of CCUS projects

EN010103-002310-NZT DCO 6.4.5 - ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Tracked) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:10: membrane to prevent the leaching of any contaminants into the subsurface

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:164: subsurface. From 2010 to 2013, TotalEnergies developed a pilot project

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:298: subsurface. From 2010 to 2013, TotalEnergies developed a pilot project

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:417: subsurface. From 2010 to 2013, TotalEnergies developed a pilot project operators differ in their measuring and reporting capabilities, but the

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:605: type, size, shape and depth of subsurface layers. figures. In general, special items relate to transactions that are

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:605: onshore, with a view to imaging the subsurface and implanting items although they may have occurred in prior years or are likely to

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:506:shape and depth of subsurface layers.

EN010103-000895-NZT DCO 6.2.9 ES Vol I Chapter 9 Surface Water, Flood Risk and Water Resources.pdf:19:suspended within subsurface (Appendix 9C, ES Volume III,

EN010103-000895-NZT DCO 6.2.9 ES Vol I Chapter 9 Surface Water, Flood Risk and Water Resources.pdf:107: 33/16, Surface and Subsurface Drainage Systems for Highways.

EN010103-001602-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 3 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – EQUINOR NEW ENERGY LIMITED.pdf:100:new business opportunities in an uncertain global, competitive substances, subsurface behaviour, technical integrity failures,

EN010103-001602-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 3 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – EQUINOR NEW ENERGY LIMITED.pdf:102:Compliance Risks”. A case of subsurface migration of hydraulic may be curtailed, delayed or cancelled for many reasons.

EN010103-001602-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 3 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – EQUINOR NEW ENERGY LIMITED.pdf:225:Equinor has Research and development (R&D) activities within exploration, subsurface, drilling and well, facilities, low carbon and

EN010103-001131-NZT DCO 6.4.42 ES Vol III Appendix 18A Cultural Heritage Baseline Report.pdf:7:Very High natural geology resulting in the removal of all subsurface

EN010103-001131-NZT DCO 6.4.42 ES Vol III Appendix 18A Cultural Heritage Baseline Report.pdf:7: No known historic development impacts to subsurface archaeological

EN010103-001131-NZT DCO 6.4.42 ES Vol III Appendix 18A Cultural Heritage Baseline Report.pdf:28: to have removed or significantly truncated subsurface remains. Geotechnical

EN010082-000211-EN010082-5.5-Planning Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:45: 5.8) decommissioning of energy Infrastructure has the potential to result in adverse any subsurface archaeological remains from any period at the Site. Furthermore, given the

EN010082-000211-EN010082-5.5-Planning Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:55: Conserving and enhancing at Section 12 of the NPPF (paragraphs 126-141). Paragraph 128 states that any subsurface archaeological remains from any period at the Site. Furthermore, given the

EN010082-000211-EN010082-5.5-Planning Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:58: information assessed provides no indication that there are any subsurface archaeological remains from any period at

EN010082-000211-EN010082-5.5-Planning Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:61: DP10 Listed Buildings and DP11 Any development affecting the setting of a listed The ES confirms that the information assessed to date provides no indication that there are any subsurface

EN010082-000211-EN010082-5.5-Planning Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:63: HE 3 Archaeological Sites and Development that would adversely affect The ES confirms that the information assessed to date provides no indication that there are any subsurface

EN010082-000177-EN010082-6.2.6-ES Chapter 6-Ground Conditions, Water Resources and Flooding-Final-November 2017.pdf:33: • migration of water via preferentially permeable subsurface structures

EN010082-000525-7.3 - Tees CCPP - SoCG with Redcar Cleveland - FINAL - 06.07.18.pdf:23:17.2 The ES confirms that the information assessed to date provides no indication that there are any subsurface

EN010082-000393-7 7 - Tees CCPP - SoCG with Historic England - DRAFT.pdf:6: The assessment concludes that there is no indication that there are any subsurface archaeological remains

EN010082-000194-EN010082-6.3.4-ES Annex D1-Phase 1 Final-November 2017.pdf:16: subsurface voids, stated as including oily water pits, cable pull pits,

EN010082-000194-EN010082-6.3.4-ES Annex D1-Phase 1 Final-November 2017.pdf:28:  migration of water via preferentially permeable subsurface structures

EN010082-000194-EN010082-6.3.4-ES Annex D1-Phase 1 Final-November 2017.pdf:31: groundwater and subsequent migration through the unsaturated subsurface,

EN010082-000194-EN010082-6.3.4-ES Annex D1-Phase 1 Final-November 2017.pdf:31:D1.82 Based on the CSM, contaminants present in the subsurface soils may come

EN010082-000216-EN010082-5.1-Consultation Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:89: number of assets through alterations to their setting. provides no indication that there are any subsurface

EN010082-000216-EN010082-5.1-Consultation Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:305: subsurface archaeological remains from any period. Given the above and the

EN010082-000170-EN010082-6.1-ES Non Technical Summary-Final-November 2017.pdf:18: subsurface archaeological remains from any period. Given the above and the

EN010082-000389-7 3 - Tees CCPP - SoCG with Redcar Cleveland - DRAFT.pdf:23: The ES confirms that the information assessed to date provides no indication that there are any subsurface

EN010082-000183-EN010082-6.2.12-ES Chapter 12-Cultural Heritage-Final-November 2017.pdf:31: subsurface archaeological remains from any period. Furthermore, given the

TR030002-000733-York Potash Limited (Annual Report and Accounts). Appendix 2.pdf:92: Earth’s subsurface from reflected seismic waves

TR030002-000571-Doc 7.3 Appendix 3 - Habitats Regulation Assessment Sept 2014.pdf:12: • Subsurface Infrastructure.

TR030002-000425-Doc 5.2 Funding Statement Appendix 2 - Investor Presentation February 2015.pdf:21:  Construction – subsurface and  Construction – Lump sum EPC packages

TR030002-000671-Doc 6.1 Consultation Statement Appendices - 1 to 9.pdf:106: significant new information on the subsurface structure of North Yorkshire. for jobs in North principle principle would be good to use n’t know but I've not seen the the impact potash, and the

TR030002-000675-Doc 6.3 Habitats Regulations Assessment_2 of 2.pdf:39:  Subsurface Infrastructure.

TR030002-000509-Doc 6.6 App 1.1 Description of the YPP.pdf:3:  Subsurface Infrastructure.

TR030002-000576-Doc 7.3 Appendix 7 - Appendices to Alternative Sites Assessment - Part 1.pdf:64: the geological feature, allowing the geologist to develop an understanding of the subsurface

TR030002-000576-Doc 7.3 Appendix 7 - Appendices to Alternative Sites Assessment - Part 1.pdf:168: PROVINCE AT OUTCROP AND IN THE SUBSURFACE

TR030002-000576-Doc 7.3 Appendix 7 - Appendices to Alternative Sites Assessment - Part 1.pdf:206: legacy seismic data to produce a detailed subsurface model of the entire AOI.

TR030002-000495-Section 15 App 15.2 Northern Gateway Archaeological Appraisal.pdf:18: unknown subsurface remains possibly associated with maritime use of the River

TR030002-000575-Doc 7.3 Appendix 7 - Alternative Sites Assessment.pdf:35: schematic subsurface model of the entire AOI. From this, the results of YPL’s

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT(2).pdf:410: (mᶟ) subsurface

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT(2).pdf:417:Request to preclude subsurface sampling

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT(2).pdf:418: agree with the applicant’s stipulation that subsurface sediment samples are neither necessary nor

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT(2).pdf:633:Construction and presence of new container terminal source of contaminants into the subsurface. Piling could introduce a pathway

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT(2).pdf:633:Construction of landside elements source of contaminants into the subsurface. Piling could introduce a pathway

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT(2).pdf:638:which can leach from the soil. The migration of contaminants via the shallow subsurface into the

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT.pdf:410: (mᶟ) subsurface

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT.pdf:417:Request to preclude subsurface sampling

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT.pdf:418: agree with the applicant’s stipulation that subsurface sediment samples are neither necessary nor

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT.pdf:633:Construction and presence of new container terminal source of contaminants into the subsurface. Piling could introduce a pathway

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT.pdf:633:Construction of landside elements source of contaminants into the subsurface. Piling could introduce a pathway

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT.pdf:638:which can leach from the soil. The migration of contaminants via the shallow subsurface into the

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:186:infiltration of rainwater and surface water run-off to the subsurface. This could potentially mobilise

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1115_South Bank Quay supplementary report-16.pdf:319: bivalve is a subsurface and surface deposit-feeder, whose feeding activities result in sediment

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:186:infiltration of rainwater and surface water run-off to the subsurface. This could potentially mobilise

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1115_South Bank Quay supplementary report-31.pdf:319: bivalve is a subsurface and surface deposit-feeder, whose feeding activities result in sediment

Environmental Statement, Chapter H Ground Conditions and Remediation Section 6 Mitigation.pdf:1: relic subsurface obstructions (to ~2.5mbgl), vegetation clearance and infilling of voids. It

R-2021-0422-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0271-02-South Bank Priority Strategy.PDF:15:  Sulphate attack on subsurface concrete; and,

R-2021-0422-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0271-02-South Bank Priority Strategy.PDF:15:the Made Ground and associated with subsurface or former above ground structures and plant. Further

R-2021-0422-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0271-02-South Bank Priority Strategy.PDF:17:redevelopment. These works will include turnover of the Made Ground within the subsurface to a depth

R-2021-0422-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0271-02-South Bank Priority Strategy.PDF:26:subsurface structures, this will require removal to facilitate excavation and backfilling works.

R-2022-0342-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0395-03-GE Plot.pdf:76:provide information on the subsurface ground and groundwater conditions as well as to obtain samples for

R-2022-0342-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0395-03-GE Plot.pdf:87:been produced using ' gINT®', which is an integrated software environment for the storage and manipulation of subsurface data.

R-2022-0342-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0395-03-GE Plot.pdf:87:this is not straightforward (especially without detailed information regarding anticipated subsurface conditions) and therefore no guarantee can be made

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Flood_Risk_Assessment.pdf:10: groundwater within granular horizons and subsurface structures. Borehole logs from the

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_8. Land quality and geology.pdf:18:infiltration of rainwater and surface water run-off to the subsurface. This could potentially mobilise

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-TN-WM-0001_S2_P01.3 Soil Stockpiling Outline and Regulatory Regime.PDF:1:development platforms and backfilling subsurface voids associated with former tanks, basements and

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-TN-WM-0001_S2_P01.3 Soil Stockpiling Outline and Regulatory Regime.PDF:3:Material is also required for infilling subsurface voids and basements. The soils import from the Sirius site

R-2019-0427-FFM-1 Appendix D1 Enviro Insight Report.PDF:93:interest in subsurface activities such as onshore oil and gas exploration, ground source heating and

R-2019-0427-FFM-1 Appendix C1 Enviro Insight Report.PDF:72: interest in subsurface activities such as onshore oil and gas exploration, ground source heating and

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01.pdf:15:For the baseline conditions and as a conservative assumption, representation of any subsurface drainage

R-2021-0166-FFM-Environmental Risk Assessment.pdf:30:Significant contamination can pose a risk to subsurface structures and services, where these are in direct

R-2021-0166-FFM-Environmental Risk Assessment.pdf:30:Potential pollutant linkage J (attack on subsurface structures) cannot be discounted at this stage for either

R-2021-0166-FFM-Geotechnical Risk Assessment .pdf:13:that subsurface basements, service conduits etc. are present in Area B.

R-2021-0166-FFM-Geotechnical Risk Assessment .pdf:26: 3. Further investigation and assessment of the existing subsurface structures, in particular in Area B.

R-2021-0166-FFM-Ground Remediation Options Report.pdf:10: • Sulphate attack on subsurface concrete (including existing foundations if building is to be retained);

R-2021-0166-FFM-Ground Remediation Options Report.pdf:10:works will include turnover of the Made Ground within the subsurface to a depth of up to 2.5 m bg) (assuming

R-2021-0166-FFM-Ground Remediation Options Report.pdf:23:Groundwater and accumulated water is anticipated to be encountered within excavations and subsurface

R-2022-0494-FFM-21089271_1.pdf:17:chemically aggressive to concrete and subsurface Infrastructure.

R-2021-1048-FFM-Redcar Steelworks-AUK-XX-XX-RP-GE-0001-02-SSI1_SSI2A_GI_SCR.pdf:33: Direct contact between made ground and gypsum bearing rock may present a risk to future subsurface

R-2021-1048-FFM-Officer Report 1048.pdf:2:the subsurface, removal and crushing of relic structures and obstructions,

R-2021-1048-FFM-Officer Report 1048.pdf:2:The subsurface material removed will be screened, separated, treated as

R-2021-1048-FFM-63262_01 NZT Site Remediation Cover Letter - 30.11.21.PDF:2:within the subsurface, removal and crushing of relic structures and obstructions, removal and treatment of

R-2021-1048-FFM-63262_01 NZT Site Remediation Cover Letter - 30.11.21.PDF:2:the site. The subsurface material removed will be screened, separated, treated as appropriate and crushed in

R-2021-1048-FFM-63262_01 NZT Site Remediation Cover Letter - 30.11.21.PDF:5:as previous land uses are likely to have removed or significantly truncated subsurface remains. It suggests

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0520-03-Land West of Warrenby Redcar Preliminary Risk Assessment.pdf:28:may pose a risk to built Infrastructure including new buildings, subsurface concrete and water supply pipes.

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0520-03-Land West of Warrenby Redcar Preliminary Risk Assessment.pdf:181: © Crown copyright and database rights 2022. Ordnance Survey licence 100035207 HS2 Subsurface Safeguarding

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0520-01-Land West of Warrenby Redcar Preliminary Risk Assessment(2).pdf:25:may pose a risk to built Infrastructure including new buildings, subsurface concrete and water supply pipes.

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0520-01-Land West of Warrenby Redcar Preliminary Risk Assessment(2).pdf:173: © Crown copyright and database rights 2022. Ordnance Survey licence 100035207 HS2 Subsurface Safeguarding

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0417-02-Rem_Strat_NetZero.pdf:17: • Sulphate attack on subsurface concrete; and,

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0417-02-Rem_Strat_NetZero.pdf:17:Ground and associated with subsurface or former above ground structures and plant. Further

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0417-02-Rem_Strat_NetZero.pdf:19:within the subsurface to a depth of up to 3.5 m Below Finished Level (bfl) depending on location as

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0417-02-Rem_Strat_NetZero.pdf:28:subsurface structures. Where present this will require removal to facilitate excavation and backfilling

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-02-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:4: associated with Contaminants of Concern (CoC) measured in the subsurface during the

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-02-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:7: subsurface during the redevelopment phase. However, these risks can be mitigated through

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-02-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:11:characterise the subsurface. This included three main phases of investigation on-Site (see Section 1.3 for

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-02-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:13:measured in the subsurface and to aid the development of a remedial strategy for the Site, if required. The

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-02-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:26:within the Made Ground and associated with subsurface or former above ground structures and plant during

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-02-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:30:• A risk to construction workers may be present in relation to potential contaminants in the subsurface during

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-02-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:43:within the Made Ground and associated with subsurface or former above ground structures and plant as detailed

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-02-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:63:• A risk to construction workers may be present in relation to potential contaminants in the subsurface during

R-2021-1048-FFM-4153 & 4154 Area A Former Steelworks Redcar Contract 1 & 2 (Area A) (Final report).pdf:6:provide information on the subsurface ground and groundwater conditions as well as to obtain samples for

R-2021-1048-FFM-4153 & 4154 Area A Former Steelworks Redcar Contract 1 & 2 (Area A) (Final report).pdf:16:been produced using ' gINT®', which is an integrated software environment for the storage and manipulation of subsurface data.

R-2021-1048-FFM-EN010103-001131-NZT DCO 6.4.42 ES Vol III Appendix 18A Cultural Heritage Baseline Report.PDF:7:Very High natural geology resulting in the removal of all subsurface

R-2021-1048-FFM-EN010103-001131-NZT DCO 6.4.42 ES Vol III Appendix 18A Cultural Heritage Baseline Report.PDF:7: No known historic development impacts to subsurface archaeological

R-2021-1048-FFM-EN010103-001131-NZT DCO 6.4.42 ES Vol III Appendix 18A Cultural Heritage Baseline Report.PDF:28: to have removed or significantly truncated subsurface remains. Geotechnical

R-2021-1048-FFM-4339 Preliminary Onshore GI for NZT (Draft Report).pdf:6:investigation at this site in order to provide information on the subsurface ground and groundwater conditions

R-2021-1048-FFM-4339 Preliminary Onshore GI for NZT (Draft Report).pdf:12:were excavated in order to expose and identify known subsurface structures. The Trial Pit Records are

R-2021-1048-FFM-4339 Preliminary Onshore GI for NZT (Draft Report).pdf:20:been produced using ' gINT®', which is an integrated software environment for the storage and manipulation of subsurface data.

R-2021-1048-FFM-4339 Preliminary Onshore GI for NZT (Draft Report).pdf:20:this is not straightforward (especially without detailed information regarding anticipated subsurface conditions) and therefore no guarantee can be made

R-2021-1048-FFM-UXO NS051-CV-REP-000-00001_Rev A01(18435).PDF:8: natures of foundation and other subsurface construction methodologies are known.

R-2021-1048-FFM-UXO NS051-CV-REP-000-00001_Rev A01(18435).PDF:12: medium of a tactical level addendum to this report, at the same time foundation and other subsurface

R-2021-1048-FFM-UXO NS051-CV-REP-000-00001_Rev A01(18435).PDF:12: might be further refined and reduced - at the tactical level once subsurface construction

R-2021-1048-FFM-UXO NS051-CV-REP-000-00001_Rev A01(18435).PDF:33: sensitive receptors. The latter include GI and construction site personnel, GI tools as well as subsurface

R-2021-1048-FFM-UXO NS051-CV-REP-000-00001_Rev A01(18435).PDF:52: subsurface construction methodologies are known.

R-2021-1048-FFM-UXO NS051-CV-REP-000-00001_Rev A01(18435).PDF:53: natures of foundation and other subsurface construction methodologies are known.

R-2021-1048-FFM-UXO NS051-CV-REP-000-00001_Rev A01(18435).PDF:56: refined and reduced - at the tactical level once subsurface construction methodologies are known.

R-2021-1048-FFM-UXO NS051-CV-REP-000-00001_Rev A01(18435).PDF:56: at the same time foundation and other subsurface construction methodologies have been designed

R-2021-1048-FFM-UXO NS051-CV-REP-000-00001_Rev A01(18435).PDF:59: of a tactical level addendum to this report, at the same time foundation and other subsurface

R-2021-1048-FFM-UXO NS051-CV-REP-000-00001_Rev A01(18435).PDF:59: might be further refined and reduced - at the tactical level, once subsurface construction

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-03-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:4: associated with Contaminants of Concern (CoC) measured in the subsurface during the

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-03-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:7: subsurface during the redevelopment phase. However, these risks can be mitigated through

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-03-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:11:characterise the subsurface. This included three main phases of investigation on-Site (see Section 1.3 for

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-03-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:13:measured in the subsurface and to aid the development of a remedial strategy for the Site, if required. The

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-03-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:27:within the Made Ground and associated with subsurface or former above ground structures and plant during

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-03-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:32: A risk to construction workers may be present in relation to potential contaminants in the subsurface during

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-03-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:45:within the Made Ground and associated with subsurface or former above ground structures and plant as detailed

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-03-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:64:in the subsurface is planned.

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-03-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:65: A risk to construction workers may be present in relation to potential contaminants in the subsurface during

R-2021-1048-FFM-SSI2 Desk Study_Final(1).pdf:47:Delineation of subsurface structures and commission inspections to assess condition/contamination risk.

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-01-Net_Zero_DQRA.pdf:4: associated with Contaminants of Concern (CoC) measured in the subsurface during the

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-01-Net_Zero_DQRA.pdf:7: subsurface during the redevelopment phase. However, these risks can be mitigated through

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-01-Net_Zero_DQRA.pdf:10:characterise the subsurface. This included three main phases of investigation on-Site (see Section 1.3 for

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-01-Net_Zero_DQRA.pdf:12:measured in the subsurface and to aid the development of a remedial strategy for the Site, if required. The

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-01-Net_Zero_DQRA.pdf:26: A risk to construction workers may be present in relation to potential contaminants in the subsurface during

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-01-Net_Zero_DQRA.pdf:37:within the Made Ground and associated with subsurface or former above ground structures and plant, as

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-01-Net_Zero_DQRA.pdf:58: A risk to construction workers may be present in relation to potential contaminants in the subsurface during

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0520-01-Land West of Warrenby Redcar Preliminary Risk Assessment.pdf:25:may pose a risk to built Infrastructure including new buildings, subsurface concrete and water supply pipes.

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0520-01-Land West of Warrenby Redcar Preliminary Risk Assessment.pdf:173: © Crown copyright and database rights 2022. Ordnance Survey licence 100035207 HS2 Subsurface Safeguarding

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0417-05-Rem_Strat_LWoW.pdf:17: • Sulphate attack on subsurface concrete; and,

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0417-05-Rem_Strat_LWoW.pdf:17:Ground and associated with subsurface or former above ground structures and plant. Further

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0417-05-Rem_Strat_LWoW.pdf:19:within the subsurface to a depth of up to 3.5 m Below Finished Level (bfl) depending on location as

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0417-05-Rem_Strat_LWoW.pdf:28:subsurface structures. Where present this will require removal to facilitate excavation and backfilling

R-2021-0100-CD-COMPLIANCE OFFFICER REPORT.pdf:2:The general scheme is to remove subsurface material to be screened and treated

R-2021-0100-CD-MGE04321 Cont Land.pdf:1:The general scheme is to remove subsurface material to be screened and treated

R-2021-0100-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0088-01-Prairie_Risk Assessment.pdf:8:in the subsurface as a result of historical iron-making, steel-making and related activities at the site present a

R-2021-0100-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0088-01-Prairie_Risk Assessment.pdf:12:considered built receptors noting that significant contamination can pose a risk to subsurface structures and

R-2021-0100-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0088-01-Prairie_Risk Assessment.pdf:24:heavy metals, inorganic compounds and PAHs have been identified in the subsurface at concentrations which

R-2021-0100-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0088-01-Prairie_Risk Assessment.pdf:52:SUBSURFACE SOIL (1 - 3.6 m) Target Hazard Quotient 1.0E+0 Groundwater DAF Option:

R-2021-0100-CD-STDC_HWY-ATK-HGT-PR-RP-CE-000004_App_B-1_Part8.pdf:3: (1) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2021-0100-CD-STDC_HWY-ATK-HGT-PR-RP-CE-000004_App_B-1_Part8.pdf:10: (1) Various subsurface structures exposed during excavation - refer to following

R-2021-0100-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-01-Prairie_ESA_Addendum.pdf:17:contaminants. The boreholes screen subsurface geology as shown in the table below.

R-2021-0100-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-01-Prairie_ESA_Addendum.pdf:35:this site in order to provide information on the subsurface ground and groundwater conditions as well as to

R-2021-0100-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-01-Prairie_ESA_Addendum.pdf:44:been produced using ' gINT®', which is an integrated software environment for the storage and manipulation of subsurface data.

R-2021-0100-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-01-Prairie_ESA_Addendum.pdf:44:this is not straightforward (especially without detailed information regarding anticipated subsurface conditions) and therefore no guarantee can be made

R-2021-0100-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-01-Prairie_ESA_Addendum.pdf:180: subsurface structure.

R-2021-0100-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-01-Prairie_ESA_Addendum.pdf:423: (1) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2021-0100-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-01-Prairie_ESA_Addendum.pdf:428: (1) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2021-0100-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-01-Prairie_ESA_Addendum.pdf:432: (1) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2021-0100-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-01-Prairie_ESA_Addendum.pdf:436: (1) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2021-0100-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-01-Prairie_ESA_Addendum.pdf:440: (1) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2021-0100-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-01-Prairie_ESA_Addendum.pdf:444: (1) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2021-0100-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-01-Prairie_ESA_Addendum.pdf:461: Sketch Diagram: Sketch Taken (3) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2021-0100-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-01-Prairie_ESA_Addendum.pdf:465: (1) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2021-0100-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-01-Prairie_ESA_Addendum.pdf:472: (1) Various subsurface structures exposed during excavation - refer to following

R-2021-0100-CD-STDC_HWY-ATK-HGT-PR-RP-CE-000005_App_B-2_Part1.pdf:5:order to provide information on the subsurface ground and groundwater conditions as well as to obtain

R-2021-0100-CD-STDC_HWY-ATK-HGT-PR-RP-CE-000005_App_B-2_Part1.pdf:14:been produced using ' gINT®', which is an integrated software environment for the storage and manipulation of subsurface data.

R-2021-0100-CD-STDC_HWY-ATK-HGT-PR-RP-CE-000005_App_B-2_Part1.pdf:14:this is not straightforward (especially without detailed information regarding anticipated subsurface conditions) and therefore no guarantee can be made

R-2021-0100-CD-STDC_HWY-ATK-HGT-PR-RP-CE-000004_App_B-1_Part1.pdf:5:this site in order to provide information on the subsurface ground and groundwater conditions as well as to

R-2021-0100-CD-STDC_HWY-ATK-HGT-PR-RP-CE-000004_App_B-1_Part1.pdf:14:been produced using ' gINT®', which is an integrated software environment for the storage and manipulation of subsurface data.

R-2021-0100-CD-STDC_HWY-ATK-HGT-PR-RP-CE-000004_App_B-1_Part1.pdf:14:this is not straightforward (especially without detailed information regarding anticipated subsurface conditions) and therefore no guarantee can be made

R-2021-0100-CD-STDC_HWY-ATK-HGT-PR-RP-CE-000004_App_B-1_Part7.pdf:23: (1) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2021-0100-CD-STDC_HWY-ATK-HGT-PR-RP-CE-000004_App_B-1_Part7.pdf:28: (1) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2021-0100-CD-STDC_HWY-ATK-HGT-PR-RP-CE-000004_App_B-1_Part7.pdf:32: (1) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2021-0100-CD-STDC_HWY-ATK-HGT-PR-RP-CE-000004_App_B-1_Part7.pdf:36: (1) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2021-0100-CD-STDC_HWY-ATK-HGT-PR-RP-CE-000004_App_B-1_Part7.pdf:40: (1) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2021-0100-CD-STDC_HWY-ATK-HGT-PR-RP-CE-000004_App_B-1_Part7.pdf:44: (1) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2021-0100-CD-STDC_HWY-ATK-HGT-PR-RP-CE-000004_App_B-1_Part7.pdf:61: Sketch Diagram: Sketch Taken (3) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2021-0100-CD-Phase II ESA.pdf:22:deposits. Aquifer permeability testing of the subsurface geology is proposed during the next round of

R-2021-0100-CD-Phase II ESA.pdf:49:from trial pits and a ‘pond’ and analysed for a range of contaminants. The boreholes screen subsurface geology

R-2021-0100-CD-Phase II ESA.pdf:53:Significant contamination can pose a risk to subsurface structures and services, where these are in direct

R-2021-0100-CD-Phase II ESA.pdf:53:Potential pollutant linkage E (attack on subsurface structures) cannot be discounted at this stage and

R-2021-0100-CD-Phase II ESA.pdf:56:NAPL and tar has been identified primarily within the Made Ground and associated with subsurface or former

R-2021-0100-CD-Phase II ESA.pdf:399: (1) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2021-0100-CD-Phase II ESA.pdf:404: (1) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2021-0100-CD-Phase II ESA.pdf:408: (1) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2021-0100-CD-Phase II ESA.pdf:412: (1) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2021-0100-CD-Phase II ESA.pdf:416: (1) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2021-0100-CD-Phase II ESA.pdf:420: (1) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2021-0100-CD-Phase II ESA.pdf:435: Sketch Diagram: Sketch Taken (3) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2021-0100-CD-Phase II ESA.pdf:439: (1) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2021-0100-CD-Phase II ESA.pdf:445: (1) Various subsurface structures exposed during excavation - refer to following

R-2021-0100-CD-STDC_HWY-ATK-HGT-PR-RP-CE-000001_C01.pdf:11:subsurface up to 2.50m bgl. This is to include removal of relic structures, soil contamination removal and

R-2021-0100-CD-STDC_HWY-ATK-HGT-PR-RP-CE-000004_App_B-1_Part2.pdf:60: subsurface structure.

R-2021-0753-FFM-Arcadis - South Bank Strategy.pdf:11: • Sulphate attack on subsurface concrete; and,

R-2021-0753-FFM-Arcadis - South Bank Strategy.pdf:12:within the Made Ground and associated with subsurface or former above ground structures and plant.

R-2021-0753-FFM-Arcadis - South Bank Strategy.pdf:13:redevelopment. These works will include turnover of the Made Ground within the subsurface to a depth

R-2021-0753-FFM-Arcadis - South Bank Strategy.pdf:22:subsurface structures, this will require removal to facilitate excavation and backfilling works.

R-2021-0753-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:15:For the baseline conditions and as a conservative assumption, representation of any subsurface drainage

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:531:subsurface soils up to a maximum depth of 4 metres. Trial pitting involves the use of a tracked or

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:619: Code tonnes Exist? Adequate for Subsurface Preventative NO records of pr

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:619: Can the location of the subsurface

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:620:Code (capacity) Exist? Adequate for Subsurface Preventative NO records of proposals

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:620: Can the location of the subsurface

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter H - July 2020.pdf:30: is given in Section H5.1 which includes removal of relic subsurface obstructions, selective

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter H - July 2020.pdf:33: relic subsurface obstructions (to ~2.5mbgl), vegetation clearance and infilling of voids. It

R-2020-0357-OOM-0357 Contam Land.pdf:1:removal of relic subsurface obstructions (to ~2.5mbgl), vegetation clearance and

R-2020-0357-OOM-Officer report.pdf:31:removal of relic subsurface obstructions (to ~2.5mbgl), vegetation clearance

R-2020-0357-OOM-Officer report.pdf:75: including removal of relic subsurface obstructions (to ~2.5mbgl),

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0125-02-MPA_Shallow_Soils_Part1.pdf:25:Significant contamination can pose a risk to subsurface structures and services, where these are in direct

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0125-02-MPA_Shallow_Soils_Part1.pdf:25:Potential pollutant linkage E (attack on subsurface structures) cannot be discounted at this stage and

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0125-02-MPA_Shallow_Soils_Part1.pdf:42:order to provide information on the subsurface ground and groundwater conditions as well as to obtain

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0125-02-MPA_Shallow_Soils_Part1.pdf:50:been produced using ' gINT®', which is an integrated software environment for the storage and manipulation of subsurface data.

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0125-02-MPA_Shallow_Soils_Part1.pdf:50:this is not straightforward (especially without detailed information regarding anticipated subsurface conditions) and therefore no guarantee can be made

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0125-02-MPA_Shallow_Soils.pdf:25:Significant contamination can pose a risk to subsurface structures and services, where these are in direct

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0125-02-MPA_Shallow_Soils.pdf:25:Potential pollutant linkage E (attack on subsurface structures) cannot be discounted at this stage and

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0125-02-MPA_Shallow_Soils.pdf:42:order to provide information on the subsurface ground and groundwater conditions as well as to obtain

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0125-02-MPA_Shallow_Soils.pdf:50:been produced using ' gINT®', which is an integrated software environment for the storage and manipulation of subsurface data.

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0125-02-MPA_Shallow_Soils.pdf:50:this is not straightforward (especially without detailed information regarding anticipated subsurface conditions) and therefore no guarantee can be made

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0181-MPA_ROA and Strategy.pdf:14: • Sulphate attack on subsurface concrete; and,

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0181-MPA_ROA and Strategy.pdf:17:• Remove subsurface obstructions within the Made Ground to a depth of +6.3m OD. Where

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0181-MPA_ROA and Strategy.pdf:18: porosity, subsurface geochemistry.

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0181-MPA_ROA and Strategy.pdf:27:Groundwater and accumulated water may be encountered within excavations and subsurface

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0223-01-MPA_Deep_Soils.pdf:14:within Glacial Till deposits. Aquifer permeability testing of the subsurface geology is proposed during the next

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0223-01-MPA_Deep_Soils.pdf:31:subsurface geology as shown in the table below.

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0223-01-MPA_Deep_Soils.pdf:36:Certain forms of land contamination can pose a risk to subsurface structures and services, where these are in

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0223-01-MPA_Deep_Soils.pdf:36:Potential pollutant linkage E (attack on subsurface structures) cannot be discounted at this stage and

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Heritage_Statement_Part_1of2.pdf:18: truncating much of any subsurface features across the former steel works.

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Contaminated_Land_Review.pdf:20: structures services through Aggressive ground conditions or organic contaminants such as hydrocarbons may affect subsurface construction materials such as

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Contaminated_Land_Review.pdf:38: structures Aggressive ground conditions or organic contaminants such as hydrocarbons may affect subsurface construction materials such as

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Flood_Risk_Assessment_and_Drainage_Strategy_Part_1of3.pdf:11: to be perched groundwater within granular horizons and subsurface structures. Borehole logs

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:299:provide information on the subsurface ground and groundwater conditions as well as to obtain samples for

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:309:been produced using ' gINT®', which is an integrated software environment for the storage and manipulation of subsurface data.

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1441:Significant contamination can pose a risk to subsurface structures and services, where these are in direct

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1441:Potential pollutant linkage J (attack on subsurface structures) cannot be discounted at this stage for either

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1596:that subsurface basements, service conduits etc. are present in Area B.

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1609: 3. Further investigation and assessment of the existing subsurface structures, in particular in Area B.

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1628:  Sulphate attack on subsurface concrete (including existing foundations if building is to be retained);

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:2034: © Crown copyright and database rights 2020. Ordnance Survey licence 100035207 HS2 Subsurface Safeguarding

R-2021-0432-FFM-4155 The Former SSI Steelworks, Redcar - Contract 3 (Final Report).PDF:6:provide information on the subsurface ground and groundwater conditions as well as to obtain samples for

R-2021-0432-FFM-4155 The Former SSI Steelworks, Redcar - Contract 3 (Final Report).PDF:16:been produced using ' gINT®', which is an integrated software environment for the storage and manipulation of subsurface data.

R-2023-0339-CD-Appendix 9.1 Preliminary Phase 1 Risk Assessment.pdf:154: © Crown copyright and database rights 2020. Ordnance Survey licence 100035207 HS2 Subsurface Safeguarding

R-2022-0355-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0271-02-South Bank Priority Strategy.pdf:15:  Sulphate attack on subsurface concrete; and,

R-2022-0355-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0271-02-South Bank Priority Strategy.pdf:15:the Made Ground and associated with subsurface or former above ground structures and plant. Further

R-2022-0355-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0271-02-South Bank Priority Strategy.pdf:17:redevelopment. These works will include turnover of the Made Ground within the subsurface to a depth

R-2022-0355-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0271-02-South Bank Priority Strategy.pdf:26:subsurface structures, this will require removal to facilitate excavation and backfilling works.

R-2021-0846-FFM-Arcadis - South Bank Strategy.pdf:11: • Sulphate attack on subsurface concrete; and,

R-2021-0846-FFM-Arcadis - South Bank Strategy.pdf:12:within the Made Ground and associated with subsurface or former above ground structures and plant.

R-2021-0846-FFM-Arcadis - South Bank Strategy.pdf:13:redevelopment. These works will include turnover of the Made Ground within the subsurface to a depth

R-2021-0846-FFM-Arcadis - South Bank Strategy.pdf:22:subsurface structures, this will require removal to facilitate excavation and backfilling works.

R-2021-0846-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:15:For the baseline conditions and as a conservative assumption, representation of any subsurface drainage

R-2020-0730-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-02-Prairie_ESA_Addendum_Part5.PDF:146:order to provide information on the subsurface ground and groundwater conditions as well as to obtain

R-2020-0730-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-02-Prairie_ESA_Addendum_Part5.PDF:155:been produced using ' gINT®', which is an integrated software environment for the storage and manipulation of subsurface data.

R-2020-0730-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-02-Prairie_ESA_Addendum_Part5.PDF:155:this is not straightforward (especially without detailed information regarding anticipated subsurface conditions) and therefore no guarantee can be made

R-2020-0730-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-02-Prairie_ESA_Addendum_Part1.PDF:17:contaminants. The boreholes screen subsurface geology as shown in the table below.

R-2020-0730-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-02-Prairie_ESA_Addendum_Part1.PDF:35:this site in order to provide information on the subsurface ground and groundwater conditions as well as to

R-2020-0730-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-02-Prairie_ESA_Addendum_Part1.PDF:44:been produced using ' gINT®', which is an integrated software environment for the storage and manipulation of subsurface data.

R-2020-0730-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-02-Prairie_ESA_Addendum_Part1.PDF:44:this is not straightforward (especially without detailed information regarding anticipated subsurface conditions) and therefore no guarantee can be made

R-2020-0730-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-02-Prairie_ESA_Addendum_Part1.PDF:180: subsurface structure.

R-2020-0730-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-02-Prairie_ESA_Addendum_Part2.PDF:208: (1) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2020-0730-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-02-Prairie_ESA_Addendum_Part2.PDF:213: (1) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2020-0730-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-02-Prairie_ESA_Addendum_Part2.PDF:217: (1) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2020-0730-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-02-Prairie_ESA_Addendum_Part2.PDF:221: (1) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2020-0730-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-02-Prairie_ESA_Addendum_Part2.PDF:225: (1) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2020-0730-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-02-Prairie_ESA_Addendum_Part2.PDF:229: (1) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2020-0730-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part1.PDF:22:deposits. Aquifer permeability testing of the subsurface geology is proposed during the next round of

R-2020-0730-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part1.PDF:49:from trial pits and a ‘pond’ and analysed for a range of contaminants. The boreholes screen subsurface geology

R-2020-0730-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part1.PDF:53:Significant contamination can pose a risk to subsurface structures and services, where these are in direct

R-2020-0730-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part1.PDF:53:Potential pollutant linkage E (attack on subsurface structures) cannot be discounted at this stage and

R-2020-0730-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part1.PDF:56:NAPL and tar has been identified primarily within the Made Ground and associated with subsurface or former

R-2020-0730-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part3.PDF:162: (1) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2020-0730-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part3.PDF:167: (1) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2020-0730-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part3.PDF:171: (1) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2020-0730-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part3.PDF:175: (1) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2020-0730-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part3.PDF:179: (1) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2020-0730-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part3.PDF:183: (1) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2020-0730-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part3.PDF:200: Sketch Diagram: Sketch Taken (3) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2020-0730-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part3.PDF:204: (1) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2020-0730-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part3.PDF:211: (1) Various subsurface structures exposed during excavation - refer to following

R-2020-0730-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-02-Prairie_ESA_Addendum_Part3.PDF:13: Sketch Diagram: Sketch Taken (3) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2020-0730-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-02-Prairie_ESA_Addendum_Part3.PDF:17: (1) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2020-0730-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-02-Prairie_ESA_Addendum_Part3.PDF:24: (1) Various subsurface structures exposed during excavation - refer to following

R-2020-0730-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part2.PDF:12:this site in order to provide information on the subsurface ground and groundwater conditions as well as to

R-2020-0730-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part2.PDF:21:been produced using ' gINT®', which is an integrated software environment for the storage and manipulation of subsurface data.

R-2020-0730-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part2.PDF:21:this is not straightforward (especially without detailed information regarding anticipated subsurface conditions) and therefore no guarantee can be made

R-2020-0730-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part2.PDF:157: subsurface structure.

R-2021-0439-CD-South Bank Quay Strategy Rev. 1.pdf:13:  Sulphate attack on subsurface concrete; and,

R-2021-0439-CD-South Bank Quay Strategy Rev. 1.pdf:13:subsurface or former above ground structures and plant. Further consideration of the NAPL with respect

R-2021-0439-CD-South Bank Quay Strategy Rev. 1.pdf:15:The enabling works will include turnover of the Made Ground within the subsurface to a defined depth

R-2021-0439-CD-South Bank Quay Strategy Rev. 1.pdf:27:subsurface structures, this will require removal to facilitate excavation and backfilling works. In areas in

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:166: (Bender & Davis, 2012) and has not been previously reported in the UK. This bivalve is a subsurface ✓ (GS03, GS07, GS09, GS10, GS11,

R-2020-0318-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0088-01-Prairie_Risk Assessment (1).pdf:8:in the subsurface as a result of historical iron-making, steel-making and related activities at the site present a

R-2020-0318-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0088-01-Prairie_Risk Assessment (1).pdf:12:considered built receptors noting that significant contamination can pose a risk to subsurface structures and

R-2020-0318-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0088-01-Prairie_Risk Assessment (1).pdf:24:heavy metals, inorganic compounds and PAHs have been identified in the subsurface at concentrations which

R-2020-0318-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0088-01-Prairie_Risk Assessment (1).pdf:52:SUBSURFACE SOIL (1 - 3.6 m) Target Hazard Quotient 1.0E+0 Groundwater DAF Option:

R-2020-0318-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-01-Prairie_ESA_Addendum.pdf:17:contaminants. The boreholes screen subsurface geology as shown in the table below.

R-2020-0318-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-01-Prairie_ESA_Addendum.pdf:35:this site in order to provide information on the subsurface ground and groundwater conditions as well as to

R-2020-0318-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-01-Prairie_ESA_Addendum.pdf:44:been produced using ' gINT®', which is an integrated software environment for the storage and manipulation of subsurface data.

R-2020-0318-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-01-Prairie_ESA_Addendum.pdf:44:this is not straightforward (especially without detailed information regarding anticipated subsurface conditions) and therefore no guarantee can be made

R-2020-0318-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-01-Prairie_ESA_Addendum.pdf:180: subsurface structure.

R-2020-0318-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-01-Prairie_ESA_Addendum.pdf:423: (1) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2020-0318-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-01-Prairie_ESA_Addendum.pdf:428: (1) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2020-0318-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-01-Prairie_ESA_Addendum.pdf:432: (1) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2020-0318-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-01-Prairie_ESA_Addendum.pdf:436: (1) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2020-0318-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-01-Prairie_ESA_Addendum.pdf:440: (1) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2020-0318-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-01-Prairie_ESA_Addendum.pdf:444: (1) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2020-0318-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-01-Prairie_ESA_Addendum.pdf:461: Sketch Diagram: Sketch Taken (3) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2020-0318-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-01-Prairie_ESA_Addendum.pdf:465: (1) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2020-0318-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-01-Prairie_ESA_Addendum.pdf:472: (1) Various subsurface structures exposed during excavation - refer to following

R-2020-0318-FFM-Phase II ESA.PDF:22:deposits. Aquifer permeability testing of the subsurface geology is proposed during the next round of

R-2020-0318-FFM-Phase II ESA.PDF:49:from trial pits and a ‘pond’ and analysed for a range of contaminants. The boreholes screen subsurface geology

R-2020-0318-FFM-Phase II ESA.PDF:53:Significant contamination can pose a risk to subsurface structures and services, where these are in direct

R-2020-0318-FFM-Phase II ESA.PDF:53:Potential pollutant linkage E (attack on subsurface structures) cannot be discounted at this stage and

R-2020-0318-FFM-Phase II ESA.PDF:56:NAPL and tar has been identified primarily within the Made Ground and associated with subsurface or former

R-2020-0318-FFM-Phase II ESA.PDF:399: (1) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2020-0318-FFM-Phase II ESA.PDF:404: (1) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2020-0318-FFM-Phase II ESA.PDF:408: (1) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2020-0318-FFM-Phase II ESA.PDF:412: (1) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2020-0318-FFM-Phase II ESA.PDF:416: (1) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2020-0318-FFM-Phase II ESA.PDF:420: (1) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2020-0318-FFM-Phase II ESA.PDF:435: Sketch Diagram: Sketch Taken (3) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2020-0318-FFM-Phase II ESA.PDF:439: (1) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2020-0318-FFM-Phase II ESA.PDF:445: (1) Various subsurface structures exposed during excavation - refer to following

R-2020-0318-FFM-officer report.pdf:1:subsurface, removal and crushing of relic structures and obstructions,

R-2020-0318-FFM-ROA and Remediation Strategy.PDF:14:  Sulphate attack on subsurface concrete; and,

R-2020-0318-FFM-ROA and Remediation Strategy.PDF:15:redevelopment. These works will include turnover of the Made Ground within the subsurface to a depth

R-2020-0318-FFM-ROA and Remediation Strategy.PDF:18:NAPL and tar has been identified primarily within the Made Ground and associated with subsurface or

R-2020-0318-FFM-ROA and Remediation Strategy.PDF:21: porosity, subsurface geochemistry.

R-2020-0318-FFM-ROA and Remediation Strategy.PDF:34:subsurface structures, this will require removal to facilitate excavation and backfilling works.

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 14 Contaminated Lands.pdf:25: run-off infiltration to the subsurface. This could potentially mobilise localised areas of contamination

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR Planning Statement.pdf:73: subsurface contamination issues.

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Appendix 14.1 A. Groundsure.pdf:130: © Crown copyright and database rights 2022. Ordnance Survey licence 100035207 HS2 Subsurface Safeguarding

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Green Lithium Appendix 9 - Water.pdf:27:trenches, which create temporary subsurface storage for attenuation, conveyance and filtration of

R-2022-0096-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0408-02-Rem_Strat_South_Bank_West_Rev01 (Part 1).pdf:15: Sulphate attack on subsurface concrete; and,

R-2022-0096-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0408-02-Rem_Strat_South_Bank_West_Rev01 (Part 1).pdf:17:Ground and associated with subsurface or former above ground structures and plant. Further

R-2022-0096-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0408-02-Rem_Strat_South_Bank_West_Rev01 (Part 1).pdf:18:within the subsurface to a depth of up to 2.5 m Below Finished Level (bfl). The finished level for the

R-2022-0096-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0408-02-Rem_Strat_South_Bank_West_Rev01 (Part 1).pdf:27:subsurface structures, this will require removal to facilitate excavation and backfilling works.

R-2022-0237-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0452-01-P4_GI_AD Part 2.pdf:10:Engineer to perform a ground investigation at this site in order to provide information on the subsurface

R-2022-0237-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0452-01-P4_GI_AD Part 2.pdf:20:been produced using ' gINT®', which is an integrated software environment for the storage and manipulation of subsurface data.

R-2022-0237-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0452-01-P4_GI_AD Part 2.pdf:20:this is not straightforward (especially without detailed information regarding anticipated subsurface conditions) and therefore no guarantee can be made

R-2022-0237-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0452-01-P4_GI_AD Part 1.pdf:23:The monitoring wells installed in the boreholes screen subsurface geology as shown in the table below:

R-2022-0237-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0452-01-P4_GI_AD Part 1.pdf:27:Significant contamination can pose a risk to subsurface structures and services, where these are in direct

R-2022-0237-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0452-01-P4_GI_AD Part 1.pdf:31:Samples taken from subsurface soils were screened against GAC protective of a future commercial / industrial

R-2022-0237-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0452-01-P4_GI_AD Part 1.pdf:31:end use (considered protective of off-site residents). All contaminants tested within subsurface soils were

R-2022-0237-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0452-01-P4_GI_AD Part 1.pdf:31:recorded below the relevant GAC, indicating that the risk posed to human health from subsurface soils via

R-2021-0713-CD-Arcadis - South Bank Strategy.pdf:11: • Sulphate attack on subsurface concrete; and,

R-2021-0713-CD-Arcadis - South Bank Strategy.pdf:12:within the Made Ground and associated with subsurface or former above ground structures and plant.

R-2021-0713-CD-Arcadis - South Bank Strategy.pdf:13:redevelopment. These works will include turnover of the Made Ground within the subsurface to a depth

R-2021-0713-CD-Arcadis - South Bank Strategy.pdf:22:subsurface structures, this will require removal to facilitate excavation and backfilling works.

R-2021-0713-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0270-01-SBA_DQRA.pdf:26:considering the time that measured CoC have likely been in the subsurface.

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:186:infiltration of rainwater and surface water run-off to the subsurface. This could potentially mobilise

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:186:infiltration of rainwater and surface water run-off to the subsurface. This could potentially mobilise

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:186:infiltration of rainwater and surface water run-off to the subsurface. This could potentially mobilise

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_8. Land quality and geology.pdf:18:infiltration of rainwater and surface water run-off to the subsurface. This could potentially mobilise

R-2021-0405-FFM-OFFICER REPORT.pdf:2:ground within the subsurface, removal and crushing of relic structures and

R-2021-0405-FFM-OFFICER REPORT.pdf:2:or off the site. The subsurface material removed will be screened, separated,

R-2021-0405-FFM-63262_01 - South Bank Remediation Cover Letter - 13.05.21.PDF:2:These works will include turnover of the made ground within the subsurface, removal and crushing of relic

R-2021-0405-FFM-63262_01 - South Bank Remediation Cover Letter - 13.05.21.PDF:3:the site. The subsurface material removed will be screened, separated, treated as appropriate and crushed in

R-2021-0405-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0293-01-South Bank Quay Strategy rev1.PDF:13:  Sulphate attack on subsurface concrete; and,

R-2021-0405-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0293-01-South Bank Quay Strategy rev1.PDF:13:subsurface or former above ground structures and plant. Further consideration of the NAPL with respect

R-2021-0405-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0293-01-South Bank Quay Strategy rev1.PDF:15:The enabling works will include turnover of the Made Ground within the subsurface to a defined depth

R-2021-0405-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0293-01-South Bank Quay Strategy rev1.PDF:27:subsurface structures, this will require removal to facilitate excavation and backfilling works. In areas in

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0520-04-Land West of Warrenby Redcar.pdf:29:may pose a risk to built Infrastructure including new buildings, subsurface concrete and water supply pipes.

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0520-04-Land West of Warrenby Redcar.pdf:191: © Crown copyright and database rights 2022. Ordnance Survey licence 100035207 HS2 Subsurface Safeguarding

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0520-01-Land West of Warrenby Redcar Preliminary Risk Assessment.pdf:25:may pose a risk to built Infrastructure including new buildings, subsurface concrete and water supply pipes.

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0520-01-Land West of Warrenby Redcar Preliminary Risk Assessment.pdf:173: © Crown copyright and database rights 2022. Ordnance Survey licence 100035207 HS2 Subsurface Safeguarding

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-04-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:4: associated with Contaminants of Concern (CoC) measured in the subsurface during the

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-04-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:7: subsurface during the redevelopment phase. However, these risks can be mitigated through

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-04-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:13:characterise the subsurface. This included three main phases of investigation on-Site (see Section 1.3 for

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-04-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:15:measured in the subsurface and to aid the development of a remedial strategy for the Site, if required. The

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-04-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:29:within the Made Ground and associated with subsurface or former above ground structures and plant during

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-04-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:34:• A risk to construction workers may be present in relation to potential contaminants in the subsurface during

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-04-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:47:within the Made Ground and associated with subsurface or former above ground structures and plant as detailed

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-04-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:66:in the subsurface is planned.

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-04-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:67:• A risk to construction workers may be present in relation to potential contaminants in the subsurface during

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0417-06-Rem_Strat_LWoW(1).pdf:18: • Sulphate attack on subsurface concrete; and,

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0417-06-Rem_Strat_LWoW(1).pdf:18:Ground and associated with subsurface or former above ground structures and plant. Further

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0417-06-Rem_Strat_LWoW(1).pdf:20:within the subsurface to a depth of up to 3.5 m Below Finished Level (bfl) depending on location as

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0417-06-Rem_Strat_LWoW(1).pdf:29:subsurface structures. Where present this will require removal to facilitate excavation and backfilling

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0066-01-Prairie ROA and Strategy.PDF:14:  Sulphate attack on subsurface concrete; and,

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0066-01-Prairie ROA and Strategy.PDF:15:redevelopment. These works will include turnover of the Made Ground within the subsurface to a depth

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0066-01-Prairie ROA and Strategy.PDF:18:NAPL and tar has been identified primarily within the Made Ground and associated with subsurface or

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0066-01-Prairie ROA and Strategy.PDF:21: porosity, subsurface geochemistry.

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0066-01-Prairie ROA and Strategy.PDF:34:subsurface structures, this will require removal to facilitate excavation and backfilling works.

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part1.PDF:22:deposits. Aquifer permeability testing of the subsurface geology is proposed during the next round of

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part1.PDF:49:from trial pits and a ‘pond’ and analysed for a range of contaminants. The boreholes screen subsurface geology

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part1.PDF:53:Significant contamination can pose a risk to subsurface structures and services, where these are in direct

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part1.PDF:53:Potential pollutant linkage E (attack on subsurface structures) cannot be discounted at this stage and

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part1.PDF:56:NAPL and tar has been identified primarily within the Made Ground and associated with subsurface or former

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part2.PDF:12:this site in order to provide information on the subsurface ground and groundwater conditions as well as to

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part2.PDF:21:been produced using ' gINT®', which is an integrated software environment for the storage and manipulation of subsurface data.

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part2.PDF:21:this is not straightforward (especially without detailed information regarding anticipated subsurface conditions) and therefore no guarantee can be made

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part2.PDF:157: subsurface structure.

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-02-Prairie_ESA_Addendum_Part5.PDF:146:order to provide information on the subsurface ground and groundwater conditions as well as to obtain

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-02-Prairie_ESA_Addendum_Part5.PDF:155:been produced using ' gINT®', which is an integrated software environment for the storage and manipulation of subsurface data.

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-02-Prairie_ESA_Addendum_Part5.PDF:155:this is not straightforward (especially without detailed information regarding anticipated subsurface conditions) and therefore no guarantee can be made

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-02-Prairie_ESA_Addendum_Part1.PDF:17:contaminants. The boreholes screen subsurface geology as shown in the table below.

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-02-Prairie_ESA_Addendum_Part1.PDF:35:this site in order to provide information on the subsurface ground and groundwater conditions as well as to

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-02-Prairie_ESA_Addendum_Part1.PDF:44:been produced using ' gINT®', which is an integrated software environment for the storage and manipulation of subsurface data.

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-02-Prairie_ESA_Addendum_Part1.PDF:44:this is not straightforward (especially without detailed information regarding anticipated subsurface conditions) and therefore no guarantee can be made

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-02-Prairie_ESA_Addendum_Part1.PDF:180: subsurface structure.

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-02-Prairie_ESA_Addendum_Part2.PDF:208: (1) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-02-Prairie_ESA_Addendum_Part2.PDF:213: (1) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-02-Prairie_ESA_Addendum_Part2.PDF:217: (1) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-02-Prairie_ESA_Addendum_Part2.PDF:221: (1) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-02-Prairie_ESA_Addendum_Part2.PDF:225: (1) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-02-Prairie_ESA_Addendum_Part2.PDF:229: (1) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-02-Prairie_ESA_Addendum_Part3.PDF:13: Sketch Diagram: Sketch Taken (3) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-02-Prairie_ESA_Addendum_Part3.PDF:17: (1) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-02-Prairie_ESA_Addendum_Part3.PDF:24: (1) Various subsurface structures exposed during excavation - refer to following

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part3.PDF:162: (1) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part3.PDF:167: (1) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part3.PDF:171: (1) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part3.PDF:175: (1) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part3.PDF:179: (1) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part3.PDF:183: (1) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part3.PDF:200: Sketch Diagram: Sketch Taken (3) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part3.PDF:204: (1) Trial pit excavated across slope exposing various subsurface structures - refer to

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part3.PDF:211: (1) Various subsurface structures exposed during excavation - refer to following

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 8.3 WFD.pdf:18: subsurface flows.

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 8 Hydrology and Flood Risk.pdf:24: Application Site. This is likely to comprise subsurface works and are unlikely to lead to any

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 9.1 Preliminary Phase 1 Risk Assessment.pdf:154: © Crown copyright and database rights 2020. Ordnance Survey licence 100035207 HS2 Subsurface Safeguarding

R-2021-0465-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0271-02-South Bank Priority Strategy.pdf:15:  Sulphate attack on subsurface concrete; and,

R-2021-0465-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0271-02-South Bank Priority Strategy.pdf:15:the Made Ground and associated with subsurface or former above ground structures and plant. Further

R-2021-0465-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0271-02-South Bank Priority Strategy.pdf:17:redevelopment. These works will include turnover of the Made Ground within the subsurface to a depth

R-2021-0465-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0271-02-South Bank Priority Strategy.pdf:26:subsurface structures, this will require removal to facilitate excavation and backfilling works.

R-2023-0179-SCP-HyGreen Production Facility Scoping Report_FINAL.pdf:26: Proposed Development in third-party subsurface storage (supplied and consented

R-2023-0179-SCP-HyGreen Production Facility Scoping Report_FINAL.pdf:82: These assets are no longer extant but there is a potential for subsurface foundation

R-2020-0819-ESM-VOL 2 CHAPTER H.pdf:25: quantity of potentially expansive slag deposits, settlement, subsurface obstructions and

R-2020-0819-ESM-VOL 2 CHAPTER H.pdf:26: characterised by elevated sulphate content CH2M 2017 H18 which may attack subsurface

R-2020-0819-ESM-VOL 2 CHAPTER H.pdf:27: 6 Sulphate attack on subsurface concrete; and,

R-2020-0819-ESM-VOL 2 CHAPTER H.pdf:34: Made Ground may also present risks to the built environment notably subsurface concrete

R-2020-0819-ESM-VOL 2 CHAPTER H.pdf:35: elevated pH may also present risks to the built environment notably subsurface concrete

R-2023-0277-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-623-01-Data Gap Areas GQRA.pdf:3: associated with contaminants of concern (CoC) measured in the subsurface and to

R-2023-0277-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-623-01-Data Gap Areas GQRA.pdf:9:the subsurface (see Section 1.4 for further details on related reports). The investigation phases included trial

R-2023-0277-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-623-01-Data Gap Areas GQRA.pdf:11:associated with Contaminants of Concern (CoC) measured in the subsurface and to determine if the CoCs

R-2023-0277-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-623-01-Data Gap Areas GQRA.pdf:21:A risk to construction workers may be present in relation to potential contaminants in the subsurface during the

R-2020-0465-FFM-Officer report _R20200465FFM.pdf:2:ground within the subsurface and the reuse of excavated material as fill for

R-2020-0465-FFM-60722_01 - Cover Letter - 24.08.20.PDF:2:turnover of the ground within the subsurface and the reuse of excavated material as fill for the levelling of the

R-2020-0465-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0125-01-MPA_Shallow_Soils.PDF:25:Significant contamination can pose a risk to subsurface structures and services, where these are in direct

R-2020-0465-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0125-01-MPA_Shallow_Soils.PDF:25:Potential pollutant linkage E (attack on subsurface structures) cannot be discounted at this stage and