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EN010103-001057-NZT DCO 6.4.1 ES Vol III Appendix 1A EIA Scoping Report Part 1.pdf:42:  construction dust and mobile plant exhaust emissions generated during

EN010103-001057-NZT DCO 6.4.1 ES Vol III Appendix 1A EIA Scoping Report Part 1.pdf:44:6.23 In addition, potential impacts and nuisance from site clearance, construction dust and

EN010103-001057-NZT DCO 6.4.1 ES Vol III Appendix 1A EIA Scoping Report Part 1.pdf:44: ‘Assessment of dust from demolition and construction’ (2014), supplemented by case

EN010103-001057-NZT DCO 6.4.1 ES Vol III Appendix 1A EIA Scoping Report Part 1.pdf:44: the control of dust and site plant emissions during site preparation and construction

EN010103-001057-NZT DCO 6.4.1 ES Vol III Appendix 1A EIA Scoping Report Part 1.pdf:54:  disturbance of ecological receptors (including noise, dust and light impacts) during

EN010103-001057-NZT DCO 6.4.1 ES Vol III Appendix 1A EIA Scoping Report Part 1.pdf:61:6.136 Potential traffic, noise, air quality/ dust and visual impacts on residential and other

EN010103-001057-NZT DCO 6.4.1 ES Vol III Appendix 1A EIA Scoping Report Part 1.pdf:68: quality/ dust impacts during construction on local residents), are referred to as

EN010103-001137-NZT DCO 6.4.46 ES Vol III Appendix 24A Planned Development and Development Allocations.pdf:3: construction noise and dust management plan, travel

EN010103-002080-NZT DCO 2.1 - Draft DCO (Comparison with (D5) August 2022) - August 2022 (D6).pdf:163: (b) air quality, including dust emissions;

EN010103-002461-DLA Piper UK LLP - Other- Protective provisions position statement requested by ExA 20.pdf:18: (b) air quality, including dust emissions;

EN010103-000910-NZT DCO 6.2.18 ES Vol Chapter 18 Archaeology and Cultural Heritage.pdf:6: factors such as noise, dust and vibration from other land uses in the vicinity,

EN010103-001582-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022 (Tracked).pdf:50: air quality and emissions; noise and vibration; dust, odour, artificial light, steam and

EN010103-001582-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022 (Tracked).pdf:120: include the condition/state of premises; smoke; fumes or gases; dust, steam, smell

EN010103-001582-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022 (Tracked).pdf:122: 2.5) of generating stations. Paragraph 5.2.4 human health and ecological receptions in terms of dust generation during

EN010103-001582-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022 (Tracked).pdf:123: area where air quality breaches any  Dust – unmitigated dust impacts are considered to be ‘low to medium

EN010103-001582-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022 (Tracked).pdf:127: Dust, odour, NPS EN-1 acknowledges that the Chapter 8 ‘Air Quality’ includes an assessment of dust impacts from

EN010103-001582-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022 (Tracked).pdf:127: artificial light, construction/demolition, operation and construction. It confirms that unmitigated dust impacts are considered to be

EN010103-001582-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022 (Tracked).pdf:128: and EN-2, 2.8) affect air quality through the release of the CEMP (Requirement 16). No other dust impacts are predicted.

EN010103-001582-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022 (Tracked).pdf:128: odour, dust, steam, smoke and artificial

EN010103-001582-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022 (Tracked).pdf:128: fumes or gases; dust, steam, smell or other effluvia; accumulations or deposits;

EN010103-001582-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022 (Tracked).pdf:129: light, dust, odour, smoke and steam has would be regulated by the EA through environmental permitting would

EN010103-001234-NZT - Regulation 32 Transboundary Screening (13).pdf:3:  air (eg dust, particulate matter, stack and vehicle

EN010103-002424-NZT DCO - 6.4.11 ES Vol III Appendix 9C WFD Assessment - Oct 2022 (D11) (Tracked).pdf:96: gases, liquids and dusts. Code of practice for precautions against fire and

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:461:resettlement of these populations. In addition, noise and dust emissions

EN010103-001652-Climate Emergency Policy and Planning - Written Representations.pdf:105: WMO (31), which found that measures to reduce methane such as dust and sea salt due to climatic changes affecting the

EN010103-001652-Climate Emergency Policy and Planning - Written Representations.pdf:107: of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Cambridge University Press, 2021), pp. 1–41. 61. K. D. Froyd et al., Dominant role of mineral dust in cirrus cloud formation revealed by global-scale

EN010103-001652-Climate Emergency Policy and Planning - Written Representations.pdf:277: stationary and mobile plant, emissions from traffic, dust from

EN010103-000902-NZT DCO 6.2.10 ES Vol I Chapter 10 Geology and Contaminated Land.pdf:12: phase to generate contaminated dusts associated with

EN010103-000902-NZT DCO 6.2.10 ES Vol I Chapter 10 Geology and Contaminated Land.pdf:12: impacted from dust.

EN010103-000902-NZT DCO 6.2.10 ES Vol I Chapter 10 Geology and Contaminated Land.pdf:35: construction workers to potentially contaminated dust;

EN010103-002460-DLA Piper UK LLP - Other- Protective provisions position statement requested by ExA 19.pdf:62: (b) air quality including dust emissions;

EN010103-001234-NZT - Regulation 32 Transboundary Screening (2).pdf:3:  air (eg dust, particulate matter, stack and vehicle

EN010103-001020-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP.pdf:11:and handling. appropriate dust suppression measures;

EN010103-001020-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP.pdf:11:  Damping down of dust-generating equipment and vehicles within the

EN010103-001020-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP.pdf:11: Site and the provision of dust suppression in all areas of the Site that

EN010103-001020-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP.pdf:11: are likely to generate dust;

EN010103-001020-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP.pdf:11: construction site for the purposes of preventing materials and dust

EN010103-001020-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP.pdf:12: roads, and control dust during earth moving activities;

EN010103-001020-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP.pdf:12:  Materials stockpiles likely to generate dust will be enclosed or

EN010103-001020-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP.pdf:12: appropriate techniques/mitigation suitable for the prevention of dust

EN010103-001020-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP.pdf:12: control dust emissions, as far as reasonably practicable. The

EN010103-001020-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP.pdf:13: dust emissions from the site boundaries;

EN010103-001020-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP.pdf:13: the purposes of suppressing dust emissions will be implemented.

EN010103-001020-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP.pdf:17: fugitive dust emissions;

EN010103-001020-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP.pdf:25: Equipment (PPE) such as dust masks as applicable;

EN010103-001020-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP.pdf:30: prevention of surface and ground water pollution, fugitive dust

EN010103-001020-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP.pdf:33:sites Teesmouth and Cleveland prevention of surface and ground water pollution, fugitive dust CEMP

EN010103-001020-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP.pdf:34:to marine ecology (habitats and prevention water pollution, fugitive dust management and noise CEMP

EN010103-001020-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP.pdf:50: dampening down as part of dust mitigation);

EN010103-001020-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP.pdf:51:  dust and noise monitoring;

EN010103-001234-NZT - Regulation 32 Transboundary Screening (7).pdf:3:  air (eg dust, particulate matter, stack and vehicle

EN010103-001979-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Tracked) August 2022 (D5).pdf:11:and handling. appropriate dust suppression measures;

EN010103-001979-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Tracked) August 2022 (D5).pdf:11: • Damping down of dust-generating equipment and vehicles within the

EN010103-001979-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Tracked) August 2022 (D5).pdf:11: Site and the provision of dust suppression in all areas of the Site that

EN010103-001979-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Tracked) August 2022 (D5).pdf:11: are likely to generate dust;

EN010103-001979-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Tracked) August 2022 (D5).pdf:11: construction site for the purposes of preventing materials and dust

EN010103-001979-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Tracked) August 2022 (D5).pdf:12: roads, and control dust during earth moving activities;

EN010103-001979-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Tracked) August 2022 (D5).pdf:12: • Materials stockpiles likely to generate dust will be enclosed or

EN010103-001979-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Tracked) August 2022 (D5).pdf:12: appropriate techniques/mitigation suitable for the prevention of dust

EN010103-001979-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Tracked) August 2022 (D5).pdf:12: control dust emissions, as far as reasonably practicable. The

EN010103-001979-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Tracked) August 2022 (D5).pdf:13: dust emissions from the site boundaries;

EN010103-001979-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Tracked) August 2022 (D5).pdf:13: the purposes of suppressing dust emissions will be implemented.

EN010103-001979-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Tracked) August 2022 (D5).pdf:17: fugitive dust emissions;

EN010103-001979-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Tracked) August 2022 (D5).pdf:25: Equipment (PPE) such as dust masks as applicable;

EN010103-001979-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Tracked) August 2022 (D5).pdf:30: prevention of surface and ground water pollution, fugitive dust

EN010103-001979-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Tracked) August 2022 (D5).pdf:34:sites Teesmouth and Cleveland prevention of surface and ground water pollution, fugitive dust CEMP

EN010103-001979-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Tracked) August 2022 (D5).pdf:38:to marine ecology (habitats and prevention water pollution, fugitive dust management and noise CEMP

EN010103-001979-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Tracked) August 2022 (D5).pdf:58: dampening down as part of dust mitigation);

EN010103-002623-DLA Piper UK LLP - Comments on any other information submitted at Deadline 12 1.pdf:9: (b) air quality, including dust emissions;

EN010103-001329-NZT DCO 7.7 - Environmental Statement Addendum - Non-Technical Summary - Apr 2022.pdf:7: underground pipeline). This results receptors and reduces dust

EN010103-000904-NZT DCO 6.2.20 ES Vol I Chapter 20 Socio-economics.pdf:36: and construction dusts during construction of the Proposed Development

EN010103-001064-NZT DCO 6.4.11 ES Vol III Appendix 9C WFD Assessment.pdf:84: gases, liquids and dusts. Code of practice for precautions against fire and

EN010103-001152-NZT DCO 5.1 - Consultation Report.pdf:105: noise, vibration and dust generation during construction and operation of the

EN010103-001152-NZT DCO 5.1 - Consultation Report.pdf:194: generate contaminated dusts, including into the assessment is presented in Table 11-17 in groundwater’; 16

EN010103-001152-NZT DCO 5.1 - Consultation Report.pdf:194: from being impacted from dust. 20 ‘Construction

EN010103-001152-NZT DCO 5.1 - Consultation Report.pdf:195: medium impact of dust emission during located at four corners of a defined area of the PCC

EN010103-001152-NZT DCO 5.1 - Consultation Report.pdf:496: New Duston

EN010103-001152-NZT DCO 5.1 - Consultation Report.pdf:994: New Duston

EN010103-000891-NZT DCO 6.2.5 ES Vol I Chapter 5 Construction Programme and Management.pdf:21: expected to be generated. Dust generation from soil and spoil management

EN010103-002406-NZT DCO - 9.34 Updated List of Developments - Oct 2022 (D11) (Tracked).pdf:14: flood risk, dust emissions etc) will be dealt with effectively through the measures set

EN010103-002406-NZT DCO - 9.34 Updated List of Developments - Oct 2022 (D11) (Tracked).pdf:14: dust generation are anticipated due to the distance between the two schemes.

EN010103-002406-NZT DCO - 9.34 Updated List of Developments - Oct 2022 (D11) (Tracked).pdf:15: pollution, flood risk, dust emissions etc) will be dealt with effectively through the

EN010103-002406-NZT DCO - 9.34 Updated List of Developments - Oct 2022 (D11) (Tracked).pdf:16: dust generation are anticipated due to the distance between the two schemes.

EN010103-002406-NZT DCO - 9.34 Updated List of Developments - Oct 2022 (D11) (Tracked).pdf:24: ent. associated dust, noise,

EN010103-002312-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Tracked Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:11:Hydrogeology and Contaminated Land, 11 - Noise and Volume III, Document Ref. 6.4). Emissions of dust and

EN010103-002312-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Tracked Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:16:ES Chapter 8 - Air Quality Emissions of dust and particulates from the DCO Schedule 2 (Document Ref. 2.1): Requirement

EN010103-002312-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Tracked Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:17: undertaken. The management of dust and particulates

EN010103-002312-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Tracked Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:17: including dust and particulates, and the application of 16: Construction environmental management plan

EN010103-002312-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Tracked Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:17: appropriate mitigation according to the risk of dust

EN010103-002312-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Tracked Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:26: dusts. Code of practice for precautions against fire

EN010103-002312-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Tracked Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:61: deposited dust from soil and spoil movements and

EN010103-002312-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Tracked Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:62: there is a risk of fugitive dust emissions.

EN010103-002312-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Tracked Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:72: pollution, fugitive dust management and noise

EN010103-002312-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Tracked Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:74: pollution, fugitive dust management and noise

EN010103-002312-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Tracked Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:83: construction dustk risks will be set out in the outline 16: Construction Environmental Management Plan

EN010103-002043-NZT DCO 2.1 - Draft DCO August 2022 (D6).pdf:161: (b) air quality, including dust emissions;

EN010103-000901-NZT DCO 6.2.15 ES Vol I Chapter 15 Ornithology.pdf:17: dust deposition and water abstractions/discharges were acknowledged. The

EN010103-000901-NZT DCO 6.2.15 ES Vol I Chapter 15 Ornithology.pdf:19:significant effects from dust and plant during appendices (ES Volume III, Document Ref.

EN010103-000901-NZT DCO 6.2.15 ES Vol I Chapter 15 Ornithology.pdf:59: pollution, fugitive dust management and noise prevention or amelioration.

EN010103-000901-NZT DCO 6.2.15 ES Vol I Chapter 15 Ornithology.pdf:61: prevention of surface and ground water pollution, fugitive dust management,

EN010103-000901-NZT DCO 6.2.15 ES Vol I Chapter 15 Ornithology.pdf:64: • emissions of dust and particulate matter from construction sites;

EN010103-000901-NZT DCO 6.2.15 ES Vol I Chapter 15 Ornithology.pdf:67:Emissions of dust and Effects on habitats on which birds Out Controlled through measures within the Chapter 8: Air Quality, Section 8.6

EN010103-000901-NZT DCO 6.2.15 ES Vol I Chapter 15 Ornithology.pdf:67:particulates. depend for foraging, breeding or CEMP2. No significant effect of dust on (‘Construction’).

EN010103-002533-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons Tracked Nov 2022 (D12).pdf:50: • Away from the dusty port operations.

EN010103-002533-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons Tracked Nov 2022 (D12).pdf:62: dust, odour, artificial light, steam and smoke; traffic and transport; civil and

EN010103-001466-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons - Apr 2022.pdf:49: • Away from the dusty port operations.

EN010103-001466-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons - Apr 2022.pdf:60: vibration; dust, odour, artificial light, steam and smoke; traffic and transport;

EN010103-001015-NZT DCO 6.4.2 ES Vol III Appendix 1B EIA Scoping Opinion Part 1.pdf:22: vehicles, construction dust and mobile plant exhaust emissions

EN010103-001015-NZT DCO 6.4.2 ES Vol III Appendix 1B EIA Scoping Opinion Part 1.pdf:22: The ES should also assess emissions (including dust) from activities

EN010103-001015-NZT DCO 6.4.2 ES Vol III Appendix 1B EIA Scoping Opinion Part 1.pdf:23: emissions to air (such as dust and traffic).

EN010103-001015-NZT DCO 6.4.2 ES Vol III Appendix 1B EIA Scoping Opinion Part 1.pdf:23:4.1.10 Para 6.23 Impacts from dust and mobile The ES should assess impacts from construction dust and mobile

EN010103-001015-NZT DCO 6.4.2 ES Vol III Appendix 1B EIA Scoping Opinion Part 1.pdf:40: quality should address any likely significant effects from dust and

EN010103-001015-NZT DCO 6.4.2 ES Vol III Appendix 1B EIA Scoping Opinion Part 1.pdf:42: assessments as relevant (for example noise, dust, recreation and

EN010103-000892-NZT DCO 6.2.6 ES Vol I Chapter 6 Alternatives and Design Evolution.pdf:6: (10)Away from the dusty port operations.

EN010103-002526-NZT DCO 2.1 - Final draft DCO (Tracked) - Nov 2022 (D12).pdf:189: (b) air quality, including dust emissions;

EN010103-002649-NTL Letter to Planning Inspectorate Deadline 13 Various matters EN010103 07.11.22v2.pdf:33: (b) air quality, including dust emissions;

EN010103-002320-NZT DCO 9.34 - Updated List of Developments (Tacked) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:14: flood risk, dust emissions etc) will be dealt with effectively through the measures set

EN010103-002320-NZT DCO 9.34 - Updated List of Developments (Tacked) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:14: dust generation are anticipated due to the distance between the two schemes.

EN010103-002320-NZT DCO 9.34 - Updated List of Developments (Tacked) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:23: ent. associated dust, noise,

EN010103-002240-NZT DCO 8.6 - Natural England SoCG (Tracked) - Sept 2022(D8).pdf:10: • Air quality assessment should include dust impacts on

EN010103-002240-NZT DCO 8.6 - Natural England SoCG (Tracked) - Sept 2022(D8).pdf:16: (including dust) or water. There are also no effects associated

EN010103-002462-DLA Piper UK LLP - Other- Protective provisions position statement requested by ExA.pdf:10: (b) air quality, including dust emissions;

EN010103-001234-NZT - Regulation 32 Transboundary Screening (4).pdf:3:  air (eg dust, particulate matter, stack and vehicle

EN010103-002319-NZT DCO 9.34 - Updated List of Developments (Clean) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:14: flood risk, dust emissions etc) will be dealt with effectively through the measures set

EN010103-002319-NZT DCO 9.34 - Updated List of Developments (Clean) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:14: dust generation are anticipated due to the distance between the two schemes.

EN010103-002319-NZT DCO 9.34 - Updated List of Developments (Clean) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:23: ent. associated dust, noise,

EN010103-000013-EN010103_Scoping Opinion.pdf:21: vehicles, construction dust and mobile plant exhaust emissions

EN010103-000013-EN010103_Scoping Opinion.pdf:21: The ES should also assess emissions (including dust) from activities

EN010103-000013-EN010103_Scoping Opinion.pdf:22: emissions to air (such as dust and traffic).

EN010103-000013-EN010103_Scoping Opinion.pdf:22:4.1.10 Para 6.23 Impacts from dust and mobile The ES should assess impacts from construction dust and mobile

EN010103-000013-EN010103_Scoping Opinion.pdf:39: quality should address any likely significant effects from dust and

EN010103-000013-EN010103_Scoping Opinion.pdf:41: assessments as relevant (for example noise, dust, recreation and

EN010103-000013-EN010103_Scoping Opinion.pdf:134:impacts arising from fugitive emissions such as dust), where it is possible to undertake a

EN010103-000824-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons.pdf:46: • Away from the dusty port operations.

EN010103-000824-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons.pdf:58: air quality and emissions; noise and vibration; dust, odour, artificial light, steam and

EN010103-001727-DLA Piper UK LLP - Written Representations (WRs), including summaries of all WRs exceeding 1500 words 1.pdf:36: (b) air quality, including dust emissions;

EN010103-001992-NZT DCO 9.24 - Written Summary of ISH4 August 2022 (D5).pdf:33: regeneration and development developm 17/12/2020. associated dust, noise, visual

EN010103-002176-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Sept 2022(D7) (Clean).pdf:12:Hydrogeology and Contaminated Land, 11 - Noise and Volume III, Document Ref. 6.4). Emissions of dust and

EN010103-002176-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Sept 2022(D7) (Clean).pdf:17:ES Chapter 8 - Air Quality Emissions of dust and particulates from the DCO Schedule 2 (Document Ref. 2.1): Requirement

EN010103-002176-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Sept 2022(D7) (Clean).pdf:17: undertaken. The management of dust and particulates

EN010103-002176-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Sept 2022(D7) (Clean).pdf:18: including dust and particulates, and the application of 16: Construction environmental management plan

EN010103-002176-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Sept 2022(D7) (Clean).pdf:18: appropriate mitigation according to the risk of dust

EN010103-002176-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Sept 2022(D7) (Clean).pdf:27: dusts. Code of practice for precautions against fire

EN010103-002176-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Sept 2022(D7) (Clean).pdf:61: deposited dust from soil and spoil movements and

EN010103-002176-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Sept 2022(D7) (Clean).pdf:62: there is a risk of fugitive dust emissions.

EN010103-002176-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Sept 2022(D7) (Clean).pdf:72: pollution, fugitive dust management and noise

EN010103-002176-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Sept 2022(D7) (Clean).pdf:74: pollution, fugitive dust management and noise

EN010103-002176-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Sept 2022(D7) (Clean).pdf:83: construction dust risks will be set out in the outline 16: Construction Environmental Management Plan

EN010103-002532-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons Clean Nov 2022 (D12).pdf:49: • Away from the dusty port operations.

EN010103-002532-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons Clean Nov 2022 (D12).pdf:61: dust, odour, artificial light, steam and smoke; traffic and transport; civil and

EN010103-000898-NZT DCO 6.2.12 ES Vol I Chapter 12 Terrestrial Ecology.pdf:17:significant effects from dust and plant during appendices which assess the impacts of

EN010103-000898-NZT DCO 6.2.12 ES Vol I Chapter 12 Terrestrial Ecology.pdf:35: pollution, fugitive dust management, and noise prevention or amelioration. It

EN010103-001918-NZT DCO 2.1 - Draft DCO (Comparison with June 2022) - July 2022 (D4).pdf:157: (b) air quality, including dust emissions;

EN010103-002251-NZT DCO 2.1 - Draft DCO (Clean) - Sept 2022(D8).pdf:168: (b) air quality, including dust emissions;

EN010103-001914-NZT DCO 9.19 - Further Response to Written Question GEN.1.37 - July 2022 (D4).pdf:24: regeneration and development developm 17/12/2020. associated dust, noise, visual

EN010103-002252-NZT DCO 2.1 - Draft DCO (Tracked) - Sept 2022(D8).pdf:175: (b) air quality, including dust emissions;

EN010103-001084-NZT DCO 6.4.12 ES Vol III Appendix 10A Annex B Part 11 EC2_C.pdf:39: Abstraction: Other Industrial/Commercial/Public Services: Dust Suppression

EN010103-001084-NZT DCO 6.4.12 ES Vol III Appendix 10A Annex B Part 11 EC2_C.pdf:39: Abstraction: Other Industrial/Commercial/Public Services: Dust Suppression

EN010103-001084-NZT DCO 6.4.12 ES Vol III Appendix 10A Annex B Part 11 EC2_C.pdf:71: Cast House Dust Ex Bag Filters

EN010103-001084-NZT DCO 6.4.12 ES Vol III Appendix 10A Annex B Part 11 EC2_C.pdf:71: Flue Dust Ex Dust Catcher

EN010103-001161-NZT DCO 6.1 ES Non-Technical Summary.pdf:32:  dust from demolition and construction activities;

EN010103-001161-NZT DCO 6.1 ES Non-Technical Summary.pdf:33: reduce dust and emissions from demolition, site clearance and site

EN010103-001161-NZT DCO 6.1 ES Non-Technical Summary.pdf:33: measures such as appropriate storage of materials, suppression of dust from

EN010103-001161-NZT DCO 6.1 ES Non-Technical Summary.pdf:42:  impacts from emissions such as dust, particulate matter, from construction

EN010103-001738-NZT DCO 9.8 Appendix GH.1.1b Preliminary Onshore Ground Investigation for GIR Report - June 2022.pdf:43:Deposits sandy slightly gravelly CLAY with occasional silt dustings on laminae. Gravel

EN010103-001738-NZT DCO 9.8 Appendix GH.1.1b Preliminary Onshore Ground Investigation for GIR Report - June 2022.pdf:46:CLAY with occasional silt dustings on laminae. Gravel is angular and subangular fine to coarse

EN010103-001738-NZT DCO 9.8 Appendix GH.1.1b Preliminary Onshore Ground Investigation for GIR Report - June 2022.pdf:85:High pH in dust in soil is a hazard for construction workers therefore control of dust will be particularly important

EN010103-001738-NZT DCO 9.8 Appendix GH.1.1b Preliminary Onshore Ground Investigation for GIR Report - June 2022.pdf:97:7. Soil contamination Dust management Threat Construction users to fibres and fine particles with acute and chronic health 3 3 9 Mitigate where possible through design. 2 3 6

EN010103-001738-NZT DCO 9.8 Appendix GH.1.1b Preliminary Onshore Ground Investigation for GIR Report - June 2022.pdf:97: impacts. Dust management plan.

EN010103-001738-NZT DCO 9.8 Appendix GH.1.1b Preliminary Onshore Ground Investigation for GIR Report - June 2022.pdf:101:7. Soil contamination Dust management Threat Construction High pH, asbestos fibres, mineral (slag) Fines/contamination released 3 2 6 - Mitigate where possible through design 2 2 4

EN010103-001738-NZT DCO 9.8 Appendix GH.1.1b Preliminary Onshore Ground Investigation for GIR Report - June 2022.pdf:101: wool, silica in soils below cover layer into air - Dust management plan

EN010103-001738-NZT DCO 9.8 Appendix GH.1.1b Preliminary Onshore Ground Investigation for GIR Report - June 2022.pdf:121:High pH in dust in soil is a hazard for construction workers. Therefore, control of dust will be particularly important

EN010103-001738-NZT DCO 9.8 Appendix GH.1.1b Preliminary Onshore Ground Investigation for GIR Report - June 2022.pdf:121:simultaneously open cut areas, damping down and water spraying as part of a managed system of dust control.

EN010103-001738-NZT DCO 9.8 Appendix GH.1.1b Preliminary Onshore Ground Investigation for GIR Report - June 2022.pdf:238:pH pH was found to be generally elevated in both High pH in soil derived dust is a hazard for construction workers therefore control

EN010103-001738-NZT DCO 9.8 Appendix GH.1.1b Preliminary Onshore Ground Investigation for GIR Report - June 2022.pdf:238: soil and groundwater. The highest values of dust will be particularly important during groundworks. High pH in surface soils

EN010103-001738-NZT DCO 9.8 Appendix GH.1.1b Preliminary Onshore Ground Investigation for GIR Report - June 2022.pdf:238: site. required for any planting and to prevent generation of dust from bare soil. pH was

EN010103-001738-NZT DCO 9.8 Appendix GH.1.1b Preliminary Onshore Ground Investigation for GIR Report - June 2022.pdf:242:• Dust Inhalation;

EN010103-001738-NZT DCO 9.8 Appendix GH.1.1b Preliminary Onshore Ground Investigation for GIR Report - June 2022.pdf:246:• Direct contact with, or ingestion of, contaminants within soils, groundwater, and soil derived dust;

EN010103-001738-NZT DCO 9.8 Appendix GH.1.1b Preliminary Onshore Ground Investigation for GIR Report - June 2022.pdf:246:• Inhalation of organic vapours from soils, groundwater, and soil derived dust (primarily asbestos); and

EN010103-001738-NZT DCO 9.8 Appendix GH.1.1b Preliminary Onshore Ground Investigation for GIR Report - June 2022.pdf:248:High pH in dust in soils is a hazard for construction workers therefore control of dust will be particularly important during

EN010103-001738-NZT DCO 9.8 Appendix GH.1.1b Preliminary Onshore Ground Investigation for GIR Report - June 2022.pdf:248:open cut areas, damping down and water spraying as part of a managed system of dust control.

EN010103-001738-NZT DCO 9.8 Appendix GH.1.1b Preliminary Onshore Ground Investigation for GIR Report - June 2022.pdf:251:• Inhalation exposure – short-term exposure via inhalation of dusts or vapours released from excavation activities

EN010103-001738-NZT DCO 9.8 Appendix GH.1.1b Preliminary Onshore Ground Investigation for GIR Report - June 2022.pdf:253:may pose harm. High pH in dust in soil is a hazard for construction workers therefore control of dust will be particularly

EN010103-001738-NZT DCO 9.8 Appendix GH.1.1b Preliminary Onshore Ground Investigation for GIR Report - June 2022.pdf:253:simultaneously open cut areas, damping down and water spraying as part of a managed system of dust control.

EN010103-001234-NZT - Regulation 32 Transboundary Screening (9).pdf:3:  air (eg dust, particulate matter, stack and vehicle

EN010103-000897-NZT DCO 6.2.11 ES Vol I Chapter 11 Noise and Vibration.pdf:37: vibration and dust emissions from site CEMP as discussed in

EN010103-001234-NZT - Regulation 32 Transboundary Screening (12).pdf:3:  air (eg dust, particulate matter, stack and vehicle

EN010103-000005-EN010103_Scoping Report.pdf:41:  construction dust and mobile plant exhaust emissions generated during

EN010103-000005-EN010103_Scoping Report.pdf:43:6.23 In addition, potential impacts and nuisance from site clearance, construction dust and

EN010103-000005-EN010103_Scoping Report.pdf:43: ‘Assessment of dust from demolition and construction’ (2014), supplemented by case

EN010103-000005-EN010103_Scoping Report.pdf:43: the control of dust and site plant emissions during site preparation and construction

EN010103-000005-EN010103_Scoping Report.pdf:53:  disturbance of ecological receptors (including noise, dust and light impacts) during

EN010103-000005-EN010103_Scoping Report.pdf:60:6.136 Potential traffic, noise, air quality/ dust and visual impacts on residential and other

EN010103-000005-EN010103_Scoping Report.pdf:67: quality/ dust impacts during construction on local residents), are referred to as

EN010103-001234-NZT - Regulation 32 Transboundary Screening (1).pdf:3:  air (eg dust, particulate matter, stack and vehicle

EN010103-001713-South Tees Development Corporation - Written Representations (WRs), including summaries of all WRs exceeding 1500 words.pdf:18: DUST SUPPRESSION HOUSE

EN010103-001713-South Tees Development Corporation - Written Representations (WRs), including summaries of all WRs exceeding 1500 words.pdf:18: STOCKHOUSE DE DUST

EN010103-001609-Redcar and Clevland Council Local Impact Report.pdf:10:the mitigation of odorous emissions and potentially contaminated dust during further GI

EN010103-001609-Redcar and Clevland Council Local Impact Report.pdf:12:• dust generation during construction;

EN010103-001609-Redcar and Clevland Council Local Impact Report.pdf:13:The risk assessment for construction dust indicates that there would be a low risk of

EN010103-001609-Redcar and Clevland Council Local Impact Report.pdf:13:unmitigated dust impacts on human health (PM10) and a low to medium risk of dust

EN010103-001609-Redcar and Clevland Council Local Impact Report.pdf:13:impacts on dust soiling from unmitigated earthworks, construction and track out activities

EN010103-001609-Redcar and Clevland Council Local Impact Report.pdf:13:short-term low to medium impact of dust emissions associated with the

EN010103-001609-Redcar and Clevland Council Local Impact Report.pdf:13:implementation of these measures, no significant dust effects are predicted on any

EN010103-001019-NZT DCO 6.4.4 ES Vol III Appendix 2A Transboundary Screening.pdf:3: • air (eg dust, particulate matter, stack and vehicle

EN010103-001330-NZT DCO 7.6 - Consultation Statement Proposed Changes - Apr 2022_Redacted.pdf:64: movements and the potential for associated dust generation. Removal of

EN010103-001330-NZT DCO 7.6 - Consultation Statement Proposed Changes - Apr 2022_Redacted.pdf:64: • reduced dust generation;

EN010103-001330-NZT DCO 7.6 - Consultation Statement Proposed Changes - Apr 2022_Redacted.pdf:66: associated with construction, and reduces dust generation with similar

EN010103-001330-NZT DCO 7.6 - Consultation Statement Proposed Changes - Apr 2022_Redacted.pdf:66: • reduced dust generation;

EN010103-001330-NZT DCO 7.6 - Consultation Statement Proposed Changes - Apr 2022_Redacted.pdf:70: • reduced dust generation;

EN010103-001330-NZT DCO 7.6 - Consultation Statement Proposed Changes - Apr 2022_Redacted.pdf:72: for associated dust generation. Use of the existing tunnel Infrastructure

EN010103-001330-NZT DCO 7.6 - Consultation Statement Proposed Changes - Apr 2022_Redacted.pdf:200:▪ Reduced dust generation

EN010103-001138-NZT DCO 6.4.47 ES Vol III Appendix 24B Assessment of Cumulative Effects Stages 1-3.pdf:17: associated dust, noise, visual

EN010103-001780-NZT DCO 9.7 - Applicants' Response to ExA's FWQs - June 2022.pdf:67:  loss of rights, eg to a parking space or access to a private property; potential nuisance effects such as noise, vibration and dust

EN010103-001919-NZT DCO 2.1 - Draft DCO July 2022 (D4).pdf:159: (b) air quality, including dust emissions;

EN010103-001759-NZT DCO 9.8 Appendix GH.1.1a Factual Report Part 1 - June 2022.pdf:61: dustings on the laminae. Sand is fine

EN010103-001759-NZT DCO 9.8 Appendix GH.1.1a Factual Report Part 1 - June 2022.pdf:96: 19.10m … ES69 sandy clay with some silt dustings.

EN010103-001759-NZT DCO 9.8 Appendix GH.1.1a Factual Report Part 1 - June 2022.pdf:128: 100 19.80m … J41 19.80m … laminated with silt dustings

EN010103-001759-NZT DCO 9.8 Appendix GH.1.1a Factual Report Part 1 - June 2022.pdf:146: -12.27 20.25 dustings on laminae. Clay is of

EN010103-001759-NZT DCO 9.8 Appendix GH.1.1a Factual Report Part 1 - June 2022.pdf:184: silt dustings on laminae. Sand is fine

EN010103-001759-NZT DCO 9.8 Appendix GH.1.1a Factual Report Part 1 - June 2022.pdf:185: silt dustings on laminae. Sand is fine

EN010103-001759-NZT DCO 9.8 Appendix GH.1.1a Factual Report Part 1 - June 2022.pdf:299:14.80 J57(SL11) gravelly CLAY with sand dustings. Gravel is fine to coarse

EN010103-001759-NZT DCO 9.8 Appendix GH.1.1a Factual Report Part 1 - June 2022.pdf:300:17.15 ES(M)73(SL12) at c.17.70m BGL … high strength and laminated with silt dustings

EN010103-001744-NZT DCO 9.8 Appendix GH.1.1a Factual Report Part 16 - June 2022.pdf:514: DETSC 1104 filtrate containing a sample of the respirable dust. The mass of respirable (PM10) dust per ml of the filtrate is HSG248, HSE Books, 2005

EN010103-001744-NZT DCO 9.8 Appendix GH.1.1a Factual Report Part 16 - June 2022.pdf:514: Respirable Fibres in Soil and Dust n/a Not Accredited

EN010103-001744-NZT DCO 9.8 Appendix GH.1.1a Factual Report Part 16 - June 2022.pdf:514: respirable fibres observed on the slide the number of respirable fibres per mg of dust is calculated.

EN010103-002060-NZT DCO 7.11.1 Second Environmental Statement Addendum - Volume I August 2022 (D6).pdf:17: stages. potential for dust

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:58: Dust Management Plan would be covered by limb (b), a scheme for the submitted to and to be approved by the relevant planning authority

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:83: regeneration and development developm 17/12/2020. associated dust, noise, visual

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:164:droughts construction dust incorporated into the (Framework CEMP e.g. reduce

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:164: dust emissions through the effective transportation

EN010103-002624-DLA Piper UK LLP - Comments on any other information submitted at Deadline 12 2.pdf:10: (b) air quality, including dust emissions;

EN010103-002049-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons (Clean) August 2022 (D6).pdf:50: • Away from the dusty port operations.

EN010103-002049-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons (Clean) August 2022 (D6).pdf:62: dust, odour, artificial light, steam and smoke; traffic and transport; civil and

EN010103-001234-NZT - Regulation 32 Transboundary Screening (11).pdf:3:  air (eg dust, particulate matter, stack and vehicle

EN010103-001588-NZT DCO 8.6 - NE SoCG - May 2022.pdf:11: • Air quality assessment should include dust impacts on

EN010103-001588-NZT DCO 8.6 - NE SoCG - May 2022.pdf:17: (including dust) or water. There are also no effects associated

EN010103-000890-NZT DCO 6.2 ES Vol I Cover and Contents.pdf:10: dust, concentration of air pollutants.

EN010103-001978-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Clean) August 2022 (D5).pdf:11:and handling. appropriate dust suppression measures;

EN010103-001978-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Clean) August 2022 (D5).pdf:11: • Damping down of dust-generating equipment and vehicles within the

EN010103-001978-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Clean) August 2022 (D5).pdf:11: Site and the provision of dust suppression in all areas of the Site that

EN010103-001978-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Clean) August 2022 (D5).pdf:11: are likely to generate dust;

EN010103-001978-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Clean) August 2022 (D5).pdf:11: construction site for the purposes of preventing materials and dust

EN010103-001978-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Clean) August 2022 (D5).pdf:12: roads, and control dust during earth moving activities;

EN010103-001978-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Clean) August 2022 (D5).pdf:12: • Materials stockpiles likely to generate dust will be enclosed or

EN010103-001978-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Clean) August 2022 (D5).pdf:12: appropriate techniques/mitigation suitable for the prevention of dust

EN010103-001978-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Clean) August 2022 (D5).pdf:12: control dust emissions, as far as reasonably practicable. The

EN010103-001978-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Clean) August 2022 (D5).pdf:13: dust emissions from the site boundaries;

EN010103-001978-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Clean) August 2022 (D5).pdf:13: the purposes of suppressing dust emissions will be implemented.

EN010103-001978-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Clean) August 2022 (D5).pdf:17: fugitive dust emissions;

EN010103-001978-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Clean) August 2022 (D5).pdf:25: Equipment (PPE) such as dust masks as applicable;

EN010103-001978-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Clean) August 2022 (D5).pdf:30: prevention of surface and ground water pollution, fugitive dust

EN010103-001978-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Clean) August 2022 (D5).pdf:34:sites Teesmouth and Cleveland prevention of surface and ground water pollution, fugitive dust CEMP

EN010103-001978-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Clean) August 2022 (D5).pdf:35:to marine ecology (habitats and prevention water pollution, fugitive dust management and noise CEMP

EN010103-001978-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Clean) August 2022 (D5).pdf:53: dampening down as part of dust mitigation);

EN010103-002425-Deadline 11 NTG Submission Deadline 11 - Various matters.pdf:34: (b) air quality, including dust emissions;

EN010103-002463-DLA Piper UK LLP - Other- Protective provisions position statement requested by ExA 1.pdf:10: (b) air quality, including dust emissions;

EN010103-001106-NZT DCO 6.4.19 ES Vol III Appendix 12B Ecological Impact Assessment Methods.pdf:7: practice would be applied (e.g. implementation of standard dust suppression

EN010103-002246-NZT DCO - 9.34 Updated List of Developments (Tracked) - Sept 2022 (D8).pdf:23: ent. associated dust, noise,

EN010103-001977-NZT DCO 5.12 - Landscape and Biodiversity Strategy - August 2022(D5) - Tracked.pdf:47:is advisable to wear gloves and a dust mask. It’s usually kept low relative to your body (ideally not above

EN010103-001234-NZT - Regulation 32 Transboundary Screening (6).pdf:3:  air (eg dust, particulate matter, stack and vehicle

EN010103-001153-NZT DCO 5.9 - Statutory Nuisance Statement.pdf:8: smoke, dust arising on premises, fumes, accumulations and keeping of animals.

EN010103-001153-NZT DCO 5.9 - Statutory Nuisance Statement.pdf:15: d) any dust, steam, smell or other effluvia arising on industrial, trade or business

EN010103-001153-NZT DCO 5.9 - Statutory Nuisance Statement.pdf:18:4.3.2 The Study Area for construction dust and Non-Road Mobile Machinery (NRMM)

EN010103-001153-NZT DCO 5.9 - Statutory Nuisance Statement.pdf:18:4.3.7 The potential impacts and mitigation for nuisance from smoke, fumes, gases, dust,

EN010103-001153-NZT DCO 5.9 - Statutory Nuisance Statement.pdf:20:4.4 EPA 1990 Section 79(1) d) Any Dust, Steam, Smell or Other Effluvia Arising on

EN010103-001153-NZT DCO 5.9 - Statutory Nuisance Statement.pdf:20: Dust, Accumulations and Deposits

EN010103-001153-NZT DCO 5.9 - Statutory Nuisance Statement.pdf:20: construction and operation have the potential to produce dust. ‘Dust’ is defined in

EN010103-001153-NZT DCO 5.9 - Statutory Nuisance Statement.pdf:20:4.4.2 Anticipated dust, accumulations and deposits from construction, operations

EN010103-001153-NZT DCO 5.9 - Statutory Nuisance Statement.pdf:20:4.4.3 The magnitude of effects for dust and Non-Road Mobile Machinery (NRMM)

EN010103-001153-NZT DCO 5.9 - Statutory Nuisance Statement.pdf:20: be ‘low’, whilst the area sensitivity to ecological dust impacts is considered to be

EN010103-001153-NZT DCO 5.9 - Statutory Nuisance Statement.pdf:20:  low to medium risk of impacts from dust soiling during earthworks, construction,

EN010103-001153-NZT DCO 5.9 - Statutory Nuisance Statement.pdf:20:4.4.5 Emissions of dust and particulates from the construction phase of the Proposed

EN010103-001153-NZT DCO 5.9 - Statutory Nuisance Statement.pdf:20: management of dust and particulates and application of adequate mitigation

EN010103-001153-NZT DCO 5.9 - Statutory Nuisance Statement.pdf:20: effects on receptors potentially affected by dust soiling and short-term

EN010103-001153-NZT DCO 5.9 - Statutory Nuisance Statement.pdf:21:  application of good practice dust management techniques;

EN010103-001153-NZT DCO 5.9 - Statutory Nuisance Statement.pdf:21:  using water suppression to minimise dust formation;

EN010103-001153-NZT DCO 5.9 - Statutory Nuisance Statement.pdf:21:  covering any potentially dusty loads of waste or spoil in vehicles leaving the Site;

EN010103-001153-NZT DCO 5.9 - Statutory Nuisance Statement.pdf:27: dust from demolition and construction. Version 1.1.

EN010103-001766-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix PPL.1.3a - South Tees Regeneration Master Plan - June 2022.pdf:146: • Dust issues may yield lower performance efficiency and have associated maintenance/cleaning costs

EN010103-001766-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix PPL.1.3a - South Tees Regeneration Master Plan - June 2022.pdf:146: emerging contracts will necessitate the manufacture of over 2,000 new wind turbines, to serve projects such as • Dust issues may yield lower performance efficiency and have associated maintenance/cleaning costs

EN010103-002309-NZT DCO 6.4.5 - ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Clean) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:11:and handling. appropriate dust suppression measures;

EN010103-002309-NZT DCO 6.4.5 - ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Clean) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:11: • Damping down of dust-generating equipment and vehicles within the

EN010103-002309-NZT DCO 6.4.5 - ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Clean) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:11: Site and the provision of dust suppression in all areas of the Site that

EN010103-002309-NZT DCO 6.4.5 - ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Clean) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:11: are likely to generate dust;

EN010103-002309-NZT DCO 6.4.5 - ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Clean) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:11: construction site for the purposes of preventing materials and dust

EN010103-002309-NZT DCO 6.4.5 - ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Clean) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:12: roads, and control dust during earth moving activities;

EN010103-002309-NZT DCO 6.4.5 - ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Clean) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:12: • Materials stockpiles likely to generate dust will be enclosed or

EN010103-002309-NZT DCO 6.4.5 - ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Clean) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:12: appropriate techniques/mitigation suitable for the prevention of dust

EN010103-002309-NZT DCO 6.4.5 - ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Clean) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:12: control dust emissions, as far as reasonably practicable. The

EN010103-002309-NZT DCO 6.4.5 - ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Clean) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:13: dust emissions from the site boundaries;

EN010103-002309-NZT DCO 6.4.5 - ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Clean) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:13: the purposes of suppressing dust emissions will be implemented.

EN010103-002309-NZT DCO 6.4.5 - ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Clean) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:17: fugitive dust emissions;

EN010103-002309-NZT DCO 6.4.5 - ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Clean) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:25: Equipment (PPE) such as dust masks as applicable;

EN010103-002309-NZT DCO 6.4.5 - ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Clean) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:30: prevention of surface and ground water pollution, fugitive dust

EN010103-002309-NZT DCO 6.4.5 - ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Clean) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:35:sites Teesmouth and Cleveland prevention of surface and ground water pollution, fugitive dust CEMP

EN010103-002309-NZT DCO 6.4.5 - ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Clean) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:37:to marine ecology (habitats and prevention water pollution, fugitive dust management and noise CEMP

EN010103-002309-NZT DCO 6.4.5 - ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Clean) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:57: dampening down as part of dust mitigation);

EN010103-001581-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022.pdf:48: air quality and emissions; noise and vibration; dust, odour, artificial light, steam and

EN010103-001581-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022.pdf:116: condition/state of premises; smoke; fumes or gases; dust, steam, smell or other

EN010103-001581-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022.pdf:118: 2.5) of generating stations. Paragraph 5.2.4 human health and ecological receptions in terms of dust generation during

EN010103-001581-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022.pdf:119: area where air quality breaches any • Dust – unmitigated dust impacts are considered to be ‘low to medium

EN010103-001581-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022.pdf:123: Dust, odour, NPS EN-1 acknowledges that the Chapter 8 ‘Air Quality’ includes an assessment of dust impacts from

EN010103-001581-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022.pdf:123: artificial light, construction/demolition, operation and construction. It confirms that unmitigated dust impacts are considered to be

EN010103-001581-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022.pdf:124: and EN-2, 2.8) affect air quality through the release of the CEMP (Requirement 16). No other dust impacts are predicted.

EN010103-001581-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022.pdf:124: odour, dust, steam, smoke and artificial

EN010103-001581-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022.pdf:124: fumes or gases; dust, steam, smell or other effluvia; accumulations or deposits;

EN010103-001581-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022.pdf:125: light, dust, odour, smoke and steam has would be regulated by the EA through environmental permitting would

EN010103-001954-Redcar and Cleveland Council - Revised Application Guide (clean and tracked versions).pdf:10: the mitigation of odorous emissions and potentially contaminated dust during further GI

EN010103-001156-NZT DCO 5.12 - Landscape and Biodiversity Strategy.pdf:44:is advisable to wear gloves and a dust mask. It’s usually kept low relative to your body (ideally not above

EN010103-002006-NZT-ExQ2-FINAL.pdf:31: the Framework CEMP. The Applicants indicated that a Dust Management Plan would be

EN010103-000907-NZT DCO 6.2.23 ES Vol I Chapter 23 Population and Human Health.pdf:4: impacts on health may include increased traffic, air or water pollution, dust,

EN010103-001976-NZT DCO 5.12 - Landscape and Biodiversity Strategy - August 2022(D5) - Clean.pdf:45:is advisable to wear gloves and a dust mask. It’s usually kept low relative to your body (ideally not above

EN010103-002185-NZT DCO - 9.34 Updated List of Developments - Response to SWQ GEN.2.2(i) - Sept 2022 (D7).pdf:24: regeneration and development developm 17/12/2020. associated dust, noise,

EN010103-002239-NZT DCO 8.6 - Natural England SoCG (Clean) - Sept 2022(D8).pdf:10: • Air quality assessment should include dust impacts on

EN010103-002239-NZT DCO 8.6 - Natural England SoCG (Clean) - Sept 2022(D8).pdf:16: (including dust) or water. There are also no effects associated

EN010103-002637-NZT DCO 8.6 - Natural England SoCG - Final (signed) - Oct 2022 (D13).pdf:10: Air quality assessment should include dust impacts on

EN010103-002637-NZT DCO 8.6 - Natural England SoCG - Final (signed) - Oct 2022 (D13).pdf:18: (including dust) or water. There are also no effects associated

EN010103-002177-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Sept 2022(D7) (Tracked).pdf:12:Hydrogeology and Contaminated Land, 11 - Noise and Volume III, Document Ref. 6.4). Emissions of dust and

EN010103-002177-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Sept 2022(D7) (Tracked).pdf:17:ES Chapter 8 - Air Quality Emissions of dust and particulates from the DCO Schedule 2 (Document Ref. 2.1): Requirement

EN010103-002177-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Sept 2022(D7) (Tracked).pdf:17: undertaken. The management of dust and particulates

EN010103-002177-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Sept 2022(D7) (Tracked).pdf:18: including dust and particulates, and the application of 16: Construction environmental management plan

EN010103-002177-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Sept 2022(D7) (Tracked).pdf:18: appropriate mitigation according to the risk of dust

EN010103-002177-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Sept 2022(D7) (Tracked).pdf:27: dusts. Code of practice for precautions against fire

EN010103-002177-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Sept 2022(D7) (Tracked).pdf:62: deposited dust from soil and spoil movements and

EN010103-002177-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Sept 2022(D7) (Tracked).pdf:63: there is a risk of fugitive dust emissions.

EN010103-002177-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Sept 2022(D7) (Tracked).pdf:73: pollution, fugitive dust management and noise

EN010103-002177-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Sept 2022(D7) (Tracked).pdf:75: pollution, fugitive dust management and noise

EN010103-002177-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Sept 2022(D7) (Tracked).pdf:84: construction dustk risks will be set out in the outline 16: Construction Environmental Management Plan

EN010103-001151-NZT DCO 6.4.49 ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register.pdf:9:and Management, 8 – Air 6.4). Emissions of dust and particulates from the construction phase of the Proposed environmental management plan

EN010103-001151-NZT DCO 6.4.49 ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register.pdf:13:ES Chapter 8 - Air Emissions of dust and particulates from the construction phase of the Proposed Development DCO Schedule 2 (Document Ref. 2.1):

EN010103-001151-NZT DCO 6.4.49 ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register.pdf:13: dust and particulates and application of adequate mitigation measures will be enforced through

EN010103-001151-NZT DCO 6.4.49 ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register.pdf:14:ES Chapter 8 - Air The management of construction phase emissions, including dust and particulates, and the DCO Schedule 2 (Document Ref. 2.1):

EN010103-001151-NZT DCO 6.4.49 ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register.pdf:14: through the application of appropriate mitigation according to the risk of dust emissions from environmental management plan

EN010103-001151-NZT DCO 6.4.49 ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register.pdf:22: dusts. Code of practice for precautions against fire and explosion in chemical plants,

EN010103-001151-NZT DCO 6.4.49 ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register.pdf:47:Framework CEMP deposited dust from soil and spoil movements and handling will be included in the Final CEMP. Requirement 16: Construction

EN010103-001151-NZT DCO 6.4.49 ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register.pdf:48:WFD Assessment suppression would be used if there is a risk of fugitive dust emissions. Environmental Management Plan

EN010103-001151-NZT DCO 6.4.49 ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register.pdf:59:Framework CEMP ground water pollution, fugitive dust management and noise prevention or amelioration where Requirement 16: Construction

EN010103-001151-NZT DCO 6.4.49 ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register.pdf:60:Framework CEMP ground water pollution, fugitive dust management and noise prevention or amelioration Requirement 16: Construction

EN010103-001875-Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council.pdf:10: the mitigation of odorous emissions and potentially contaminated dust during further GI

EN010103-001017-NZT DCO 6.4.2 ES Vol III Appendix 1B EIA Scoping Opinion Part 3.pdf:20:impacts arising from fugitive emissions such as dust), where it is possible to undertake a

EN010103-002405-NZT DCO - 9.34 Updated List of Developments - Oct 2022 (D11) (Clean).pdf:14: flood risk, dust emissions etc) will be dealt with effectively through the measures set

EN010103-002405-NZT DCO - 9.34 Updated List of Developments - Oct 2022 (D11) (Clean).pdf:14: dust generation are anticipated due to the distance between the two schemes.

EN010103-002405-NZT DCO - 9.34 Updated List of Developments - Oct 2022 (D11) (Clean).pdf:15: pollution, flood risk, dust emissions etc) will be dealt with effectively through the

EN010103-002405-NZT DCO - 9.34 Updated List of Developments - Oct 2022 (D11) (Clean).pdf:16: dust generation are anticipated due to the distance between the two schemes.

EN010103-002405-NZT DCO - 9.34 Updated List of Developments - Oct 2022 (D11) (Clean).pdf:24: ent. associated dust, noise,

EN010103-001087-NZT DCO 6.4.12 ES Vol III Appendix 10A Annex B Part 14 EC2_F.pdf:51: Pollutant: Atmospheric Pollutants And Effects: Dust

EN010103-000831-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement.pdf:46: air quality and emissions; noise and vibration; dust, odour, artificial light, steam and

EN010103-000831-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement.pdf:107: condition/state of premises; smoke; fumes or gases; dust, steam, smell or other

EN010103-000831-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement.pdf:109: 2.5) of generating stations. Paragraph 5.2.4 human health and ecological receptions in terms of dust generation during

EN010103-000831-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement.pdf:110: area where air quality breaches any • Dust – unmitigated dust impacts are considered to be ‘low to medium

EN010103-000831-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement.pdf:114: Dust, odour, NPS EN-1 acknowledges that the Chapter 8 ‘Air Quality’ includes an assessment of dust impacts from

EN010103-000831-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement.pdf:114: artificial light, construction/demolition, operation and construction. It confirms that unmitigated dust impacts are considered to be

EN010103-000831-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement.pdf:115: and EN-2, 2.8) affect air quality through the release of the CEMP (Requirement 16). No other dust impacts are predicted.

EN010103-000831-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement.pdf:115: odour, dust, steam, smoke and artificial

EN010103-000831-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement.pdf:115: fumes or gases; dust, steam, smell or other effluvia; accumulations or deposits;

EN010103-000831-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement.pdf:116: light, dust, odour, smoke and steam has would be regulated by the EA through environmental permitting would

EN010103-001280-Rule 6 Letter.pdf:16: • Potential impacts on human health and ecological receptors from dust during

EN010103-001234-NZT - Regulation 32 Transboundary Screening (8).pdf:3:  air (eg dust, particulate matter, stack and vehicle

EN010103-001021-NZT DCO 6.4.6 ES Vol III Appendix 8A Air Quality - Construction Phase.pdf:2:8.4 Construction Dust Assessment …………………………………………………………… 8-3

EN010103-001021-NZT DCO 6.4.6 ES Vol III Appendix 8A Air Quality - Construction Phase.pdf:2:Table 8A-2: Receptor Sensitivity to Construction/ Demolition Dust Effects …………. 8-4

EN010103-001021-NZT DCO 6.4.6 ES Vol III Appendix 8A Air Quality - Construction Phase.pdf:2:Table 8A-3: Sensitivity of the Area to Dust Soiling Effects on People/ Property …… 8-5

EN010103-001021-NZT DCO 6.4.6 ES Vol III Appendix 8A Air Quality - Construction Phase.pdf:2:Table 8A-7: Identification of Receptors for Construction Dust Assessment …………. 8-7

EN010103-001021-NZT DCO 6.4.6 ES Vol III Appendix 8A Air Quality - Construction Phase.pdf:2:Table 8A-8: Area Sensitivity for Receptors of Construction Dust ……………………….. 8-7

EN010103-001021-NZT DCO 6.4.6 ES Vol III Appendix 8A Air Quality - Construction Phase.pdf:3: localised air quality effects from traffic and dust generation, which have the

EN010103-001021-NZT DCO 6.4.6 ES Vol III Appendix 8A Air Quality - Construction Phase.pdf:3:8.2.2 The assessment comprises a review of the impacts of dust emissions from

EN010103-001021-NZT DCO 6.4.6 ES Vol III Appendix 8A Air Quality - Construction Phase.pdf:4:8.2.5 There is a risk that there could be cumulative impacts at dust sensitive

EN010103-001021-NZT DCO 6.4.6 ES Vol III Appendix 8A Air Quality - Construction Phase.pdf:4: receptors screened into the construction dust assessment for the proposed

EN010103-001021-NZT DCO 6.4.6 ES Vol III Appendix 8A Air Quality - Construction Phase.pdf:4: of the same receptors. The assessment of construction dust impacts reported

EN010103-001021-NZT DCO 6.4.6 ES Vol III Appendix 8A Air Quality - Construction Phase.pdf:4: guidance to demonstrate the level of dust control required to mitigate any

EN010103-001021-NZT DCO 6.4.6 ES Vol III Appendix 8A Air Quality - Construction Phase.pdf:4: the same and will control dust through mitigation that is standard practice on

EN010103-001021-NZT DCO 6.4.6 ES Vol III Appendix 8A Air Quality - Construction Phase.pdf:4: that the risk of cumulative construction dust impacts is low and not

EN010103-001021-NZT DCO 6.4.6 ES Vol III Appendix 8A Air Quality - Construction Phase.pdf:5: • Qualitative assessment of construction dust; and

EN010103-001021-NZT DCO 6.4.6 ES Vol III Appendix 8A Air Quality - Construction Phase.pdf:5:8.4 Construction Dust Assessment

EN010103-001021-NZT DCO 6.4.6 ES Vol III Appendix 8A Air Quality - Construction Phase.pdf:5:8.4.2 The potential magnitude of dust emissions is categorised1 as detailed in

EN010103-001021-NZT DCO 6.4.6 ES Vol III Appendix 8A Air Quality - Construction Phase.pdf:5: volume >50,000 potentially dusty >100,000 m3, on-site tonne) peak

EN010103-001021-NZT DCO 6.4.6 ES Vol III Appendix 8A Air Quality - Construction Phase.pdf:5: dust construction clay). >10 heavy sandblasting movements per

EN010103-001021-NZT DCO 6.4.6 ES Vol III Appendix 8A Air Quality - Construction Phase.pdf:5: concrete), on-site vehicles at once, dusty surface

EN010103-001021-NZT DCO 6.4.6 ES Vol III Appendix 8A Air Quality - Construction Phase.pdf:5: 50,000 m3, dusty soil type potentially dusty outward

EN010103-001021-NZT DCO 6.4.6 ES Vol III Appendix 8A Air Quality - Construction Phase.pdf:5: potentially dusty (e.g. silt), 5 – 10 materials e.g. movements per

EN010103-001021-NZT DCO 6.4.6 ES Vol III Appendix 8A Air Quality - Construction Phase.pdf:5: material, moving vehicles at concrete batching dusty surface

EN010103-001021-NZT DCO 6.4.6 ES Vol III Appendix 8A Air Quality - Construction Phase.pdf:5: IAQM (2014). Guidance on the assessment of dust from demolition and construction.

EN010103-001021-NZT DCO 6.4.6 ES Vol III Appendix 8A Air Quality - Construction Phase.pdf:6: volume ha, large grain soil <25,000m3, low dust tonnes) peak

EN010103-001021-NZT DCO 6.4.6 ES Vol III Appendix 8A Air Quality - Construction Phase.pdf:6: potential for dust once, bunds <4 material low dust

EN010103-001021-NZT DCO 6.4.6 ES Vol III Appendix 8A Air Quality - Construction Phase.pdf:6:8.4.3 The assessment of the significance of the effects of construction dust has

EN010103-001021-NZT DCO 6.4.6 ES Vol III Appendix 8A Air Quality - Construction Phase.pdf:6:Table 8A-2: Receptor Sensitivity to Construction/ Demolition Dust Effects

EN010103-001021-NZT DCO 6.4.6 ES Vol III Appendix 8A Air Quality - Construction Phase.pdf:6:Potential dust Human perception of dust PM10 Health effects Ecological effects

EN010103-001021-NZT DCO 6.4.6 ES Vol III Appendix 8A Air Quality - Construction Phase.pdf:6: expected to be present car homes may be affected by dust

EN010103-001021-NZT DCO 6.4.6 ES Vol III Appendix 8A Air Quality - Construction Phase.pdf:6: could be diminished by soiling; sensitivity receptors) where dust sensitivity is

EN010103-001021-NZT DCO 6.4.6 ES Vol III Appendix 8A Air Quality - Construction Phase.pdf:6: affected by dust

EN010103-001021-NZT DCO 6.4.6 ES Vol III Appendix 8A Air Quality - Construction Phase.pdf:7:Potential dust Human perception of dust PM10 Health effects Ecological effects

EN010103-001021-NZT DCO 6.4.6 ES Vol III Appendix 8A Air Quality - Construction Phase.pdf:7: appearance/ aesthetics/ value footpaths, playing be affected by dust

EN010103-001021-NZT DCO 6.4.6 ES Vol III Appendix 8A Air Quality - Construction Phase.pdf:7:Table 8A-3: Sensitivity of the Area to Dust Soiling Effects on People/ Property

EN010103-001021-NZT DCO 6.4.6 ES Vol III Appendix 8A Air Quality - Construction Phase.pdf:8: emissions source for fugitive dust emissions from construction related

EN010103-001021-NZT DCO 6.4.6 ES Vol III Appendix 8A Air Quality - Construction Phase.pdf:8: Area and are shown in Table 8A-7 (CDR = Construction Dust Receptor).

EN010103-001021-NZT DCO 6.4.6 ES Vol III Appendix 8A Air Quality - Construction Phase.pdf:9:Table 8A-7: Identification of Receptors for Construction Dust Assessment

EN010103-001021-NZT DCO 6.4.6 ES Vol III Appendix 8A Air Quality - Construction Phase.pdf:9: type distance distance to screening sensitivity to dust

EN010103-001021-NZT DCO 6.4.6 ES Vol III Appendix 8A Air Quality - Construction Phase.pdf:9:8.4.9 The receptor sensitivity to the effects of dust soiling and PM10 (human health)

EN010103-001021-NZT DCO 6.4.6 ES Vol III Appendix 8A Air Quality - Construction Phase.pdf:9: below. The overall area sensitivity to dust soiling and PM10 (human health) is

EN010103-001021-NZT DCO 6.4.6 ES Vol III Appendix 8A Air Quality - Construction Phase.pdf:9: considered to be ‘low’, whilst the area sensitivity to ecological dust impacts

EN010103-001021-NZT DCO 6.4.6 ES Vol III Appendix 8A Air Quality - Construction Phase.pdf:9:Table 8A-8: Area Sensitivity for Receptors of Construction Dust

EN010103-001021-NZT DCO 6.4.6 ES Vol III Appendix 8A Air Quality - Construction Phase.pdf:9:Demolition Dust soiling High sensitivity (<10 Medium

EN010103-001021-NZT DCO 6.4.6 ES Vol III Appendix 8A Air Quality - Construction Phase.pdf:9:Earthworks Dust soiling High sensitivity (<10 Medium

EN010103-001021-NZT DCO 6.4.6 ES Vol III Appendix 8A Air Quality - Construction Phase.pdf:9:Construction Dust soiling High sensitivity (<10 Medium

EN010103-001021-NZT DCO 6.4.6 ES Vol III Appendix 8A Air Quality - Construction Phase.pdf:10:Trackout Dust soiling High sensitivity (<10 Low

EN010103-001021-NZT DCO 6.4.6 ES Vol III Appendix 8A Air Quality - Construction Phase.pdf:10: combination of the potential dust emission magnitude and the sensitivity of

EN010103-001021-NZT DCO 6.4.6 ES Vol III Appendix 8A Air Quality - Construction Phase.pdf:10:8.4.12 The risk assessment for construction dust indicates that there would be a low

EN010103-001021-NZT DCO 6.4.6 ES Vol III Appendix 8A Air Quality - Construction Phase.pdf:10: risk of unmitigated dust impacts on human health (PM10) and a low to medium

EN010103-001021-NZT DCO 6.4.6 ES Vol III Appendix 8A Air Quality - Construction Phase.pdf:10: risk of dust impacts on dust soiling from unmitigated earthworks, construction

EN010103-001021-NZT DCO 6.4.6 ES Vol III Appendix 8A Air Quality - Construction Phase.pdf:26: Development of the anticipated dust arisings from the construction and

EN010103-001021-NZT DCO 6.4.6 ES Vol III Appendix 8A Air Quality - Construction Phase.pdf:27:8.6.2 The evaluation of expected dust arisings from the proposed construction and

EN010103-001021-NZT DCO 6.4.6 ES Vol III Appendix 8A Air Quality - Construction Phase.pdf:27: term low to medium impact of dust emissions associated with the

EN010103-001021-NZT DCO 6.4.6 ES Vol III Appendix 8A Air Quality - Construction Phase.pdf:27: significant dust effects are predicted on any sensitive receptors.

EN010103-001234-NZT - Regulation 32 Transboundary Screening (10).pdf:3:  air (eg dust, particulate matter, stack and vehicle

EN010103-000899-NZT DCO 6.2.13 ES Vol I Chapter 13 Aquatic Ecology and Nature Conservation.pdf:34: including dust and particulates, and the application of adequate mitigation

EN010103-002050-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons (Tracked) August 2022 (D6).pdf:47: • Away from the dusty port operations.

EN010103-002050-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons (Tracked) August 2022 (D6).pdf:59: air quality and emissions; noise and vibration; dust, odour, artificial light, steam and

EN010103-002465-NTL Letter to Planning Inspectorate Deadline 12 various EN010103 01.11.22.pdf:14: (b) air quality, including dust emissions;

EN010103-001861-9.14 - Assessment against North East Marine Plan - June 2022(D3).pdf:23: emissions of greenhouse gases must demonstrate consider and address where they may cause direct or indirect air minimise effects of dust.

EN010103-001304-NZT DCO - Notification of Proposed Changes - Document -Final - 18.02.22.pdf:20: potential for dust generation. It will also reduce visual impact due to the

EN010103-001304-NZT DCO - Notification of Proposed Changes - Document -Final - 18.02.22.pdf:21: generation associated with construction, and reduce dust generation.

EN010103-001304-NZT DCO - Notification of Proposed Changes - Document -Final - 18.02.22.pdf:22: the potential for dust generation. It will also reduce visual impact due to

EN010103-000906-NZT DCO 6.2.22 ES Vol I Chapter 22 Major Accidents and Natural Disasters.pdf:10: − events of reduced visibility (e.g. due to volcanic ash, dust sand or fog);

EN010103-002310-NZT DCO 6.4.5 - ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Tracked) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:11:and handling. appropriate dust suppression measures;

EN010103-002310-NZT DCO 6.4.5 - ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Tracked) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:11: • Damping down of dust-generating equipment and vehicles within the

EN010103-002310-NZT DCO 6.4.5 - ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Tracked) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:11: Site and the provision of dust suppression in all areas of the Site that

EN010103-002310-NZT DCO 6.4.5 - ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Tracked) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:11: are likely to generate dust;

EN010103-002310-NZT DCO 6.4.5 - ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Tracked) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:11: construction site for the purposes of preventing materials and dust

EN010103-002310-NZT DCO 6.4.5 - ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Tracked) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:12: roads, and control dust during earth moving activities;

EN010103-002310-NZT DCO 6.4.5 - ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Tracked) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:12: • Materials stockpiles likely to generate dust will be enclosed or

EN010103-002310-NZT DCO 6.4.5 - ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Tracked) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:12: appropriate techniques/mitigation suitable for the prevention of dust

EN010103-002310-NZT DCO 6.4.5 - ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Tracked) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:12: control dust emissions, as far as reasonably practicable. The

EN010103-002310-NZT DCO 6.4.5 - ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Tracked) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:13: dust emissions from the site boundaries;

EN010103-002310-NZT DCO 6.4.5 - ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Tracked) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:13: the purposes of suppressing dust emissions will be implemented.

EN010103-002310-NZT DCO 6.4.5 - ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Tracked) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:17: fugitive dust emissions;

EN010103-002310-NZT DCO 6.4.5 - ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Tracked) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:25: Equipment (PPE) such as dust masks as applicable;

EN010103-002310-NZT DCO 6.4.5 - ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Tracked) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:30: prevention of surface and ground water pollution, fugitive dust

EN010103-002310-NZT DCO 6.4.5 - ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Tracked) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:35:sites Teesmouth and Cleveland prevention of surface and ground water pollution, fugitive dust CEMP

EN010103-002310-NZT DCO 6.4.5 - ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Tracked) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:37:to marine ecology (habitats and prevention water pollution, fugitive dust management and noise CEMP

EN010103-002310-NZT DCO 6.4.5 - ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Tracked) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:57: dampening down as part of dust mitigation);

EN010103-001996-NZT DCO 2.1 - Draft DCO - August 2022(D5).pdf:161: (b) air quality, including dust emissions;

EN010103-001081-NZT DCO 6.4.12 ES Vol III Appendix 10A Annex B Part 8 EC1_H.pdf:20: Abstraction: Other Industrial/Commercial/Public Services: Dust Suppression

EN010103-001081-NZT DCO 6.4.12 ES Vol III Appendix 10A Annex B Part 8 EC1_H.pdf:20: Abstraction: Other Industrial/Commercial/Public Services: Dust Suppression

EN010103-002423-NZT DCO - 6.4.11 ES Vol III Appendix 9C WFD Assessment - Oct 2022 (D11) (Clean).pdf:92: gases, liquids and dusts. Code of practice for precautions against fire and

EN010103-001113-NZT DCO 6.4.29 ES Vol III Appendix 14A Intertidal Benthic Ecology Survey Report.pdf:57:Feature photo Middle Coal dust was present extensively at strand lines

EN010103-001997-NZT DCO 2.1 - Draft DCO (Comparison with July 2022) - August 2022(D5).pdf:160: (b) air quality, including dust emissions;

EN010103-002512-NZT DCO 8.6 - Natural England SoCG - Final (signed) - Nov 2022 (D12).pdf:10: • Air quality assessment should include dust impacts on

EN010103-002512-NZT DCO 8.6 - Natural England SoCG - Final (signed) - Nov 2022 (D12).pdf:18: (including dust) or water. There are also no effects associated

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:460:resettlement of these populations. In addition, noise and dust emissions

EN010103-002525-NZT DCO 2.1 - Final draft DCO (Clean) - Nov 2022 (D12).pdf:184: (b) air quality, including dust emissions;

EN010103-002245-NZT DCO - 9.34 Updated List of Developments (Clean) - Sept 2022(D8).pdf:23: ent. associated dust, noise,

EN010103-001150-NZT DCO 6.4.48 ES Vol III Appendix 24C Statement of Combined Effects.pdf:10:Air Quality Based on IAQM guidance (IAQM, 2014), during the construction phase receptors potentially affected by dust soiling and short-term concentrations

EN010103-001150-NZT DCO 6.4.48 ES Vol III Appendix 24C Statement of Combined Effects.pdf:17: • dust from demolition and construction Appropriate standard and best practice control measures during construction are outlined in full

EN010103-001150-NZT DCO 6.4.48 ES Vol III Appendix 24C Statement of Combined Effects.pdf:17: • emissions from construction phase road techniques that reduce emissions and incorporate appropriate dust suppression measures

EN010103-001150-NZT DCO 6.4.48 ES Vol III Appendix 24C Statement of Combined Effects.pdf:17: traffic (using traffic data in the form of traffic • damping down of dust-generating equipment and vehicles within the Site and the provision of

EN010103-001150-NZT DCO 6.4.48 ES Vol III Appendix 24C Statement of Combined Effects.pdf:17: flows, composition and speed). dust suppression in all areas of the Site that are likely to generate dust

EN010103-001150-NZT DCO 6.4.48 ES Vol III Appendix 24C Statement of Combined Effects.pdf:17: • materials stockpiles likely to generate dust will be enclosed or securely sheeted, damped down

EN010103-001150-NZT DCO 6.4.48 ES Vol III Appendix 24C Statement of Combined Effects.pdf:19: ground water pollution, fugitive dust management and noise prevention or amelioration;

EN010103-001150-NZT DCO 6.4.48 ES Vol III Appendix 24C Statement of Combined Effects.pdf:20: those associated with pollution and changes ground water pollution, fugitive dust management and noise prevention or amelioration;

EN010103-001150-NZT DCO 6.4.48 ES Vol III Appendix 24C Statement of Combined Effects.pdf:42: disturbance of dust; Document Ref. 6.2). Key potential of the Proposed Development.

EN010103-001150-NZT DCO 6.4.48 ES Vol III Appendix 24C Statement of Combined Effects.pdf:48: dust, particulate matter, from

EN010103-001234-NZT - Regulation 32 Transboundary Screening (14).pdf:3:  air (eg dust, particulate matter, stack and vehicle

EN010103-002622-DLA Piper UK LLP - Comments on any other information submitted at Deadline 12.pdf:9: (b) air quality, including dust emissions;

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:396: these populations. In addition, noise and dust emissions and other defenders of 1998 as “Everyone has the right, individually and in

EN010103-001073-NZT DCO 6.4.12 ES Vol III Appendix 10A PSSR.pdf:58: generate between 10 to 15 kg of dust or slurry for each tonne of

EN010103-001073-NZT DCO 6.4.12 ES Vol III Appendix 10A PSSR.pdf:215: anticipated pathway of direct contact, ingestion, dust or vapour inhalation,

EN010103-001073-NZT DCO 6.4.12 ES Vol III Appendix 10A PSSR.pdf:224: recycled dry dust from furnace cleaning and metal oxide scale from rolling

EN010103-001073-NZT DCO 6.4.12 ES Vol III Appendix 10A PSSR.pdf:225:10.10.75 The wastes from iron making comprise mainly blast furnace slag, dry dust

EN010103-001073-NZT DCO 6.4.12 ES Vol III Appendix 10A PSSR.pdf:225: reclamation. Dray dust may generally be re-used however the wet residues

EN010103-001073-NZT DCO 6.4.12 ES Vol III Appendix 10A PSSR.pdf:226:10.10.76 Steel making wastes include acid or basic slag, scrap, dust and slurries and

EN010103-001073-NZT DCO 6.4.12 ES Vol III Appendix 10A PSSR.pdf:226: around 10 to 15 kg of dust or slurry arise from each tonne of manufactured

EN010103-001073-NZT DCO 6.4.12 ES Vol III Appendix 10A PSSR.pdf:230: 2. Dust Inhalation

EN010103-001073-NZT DCO 6.4.12 ES Vol III Appendix 10A PSSR.pdf:231:Coal Dust Ground Workers (4) None n/a n/a

EN010103-001073-NZT DCO 6.4.12 ES Vol III Appendix 10A PSSR.pdf:232: 2. Dust Inhalation

EN010103-001073-NZT DCO 6.4.12 ES Vol III Appendix 10A PSSR.pdf:232: 2. Dust Inhalation

EN010103-001073-NZT DCO 6.4.12 ES Vol III Appendix 10A PSSR.pdf:233: 2. Dust Inhalation

EN010103-001073-NZT DCO 6.4.12 ES Vol III Appendix 10A PSSR.pdf:235: 2. Dust Inhalation

EN010103-001073-NZT DCO 6.4.12 ES Vol III Appendix 10A PSSR.pdf:237:Coal Dust Ground Workers (4) Minor Likely Low

EN010103-001073-NZT DCO 6.4.12 ES Vol III Appendix 10A PSSR.pdf:237: 2. Dust Inhalation

EN010103-001073-NZT DCO 6.4.12 ES Vol III Appendix 10A PSSR.pdf:239: 2. Dust Inhalation

EN010103-001073-NZT DCO 6.4.12 ES Vol III Appendix 10A PSSR.pdf:240: 2. Dust Inhalation

EN010103-001073-NZT DCO 6.4.12 ES Vol III Appendix 10A PSSR.pdf:242: 2. Dust Inhalation

EN010103-001073-NZT DCO 6.4.12 ES Vol III Appendix 10A PSSR.pdf:248: are ingestion, dermal contact and inhalation although exposure from dust

EN010103-001073-NZT DCO 6.4.12 ES Vol III Appendix 10A PSSR.pdf:249: contact with dust. Since risks associated with high pH and asbestos fibres

EN010103-001073-NZT DCO 6.4.12 ES Vol III Appendix 10A PSSR.pdf:249: generation of airborne dust, it is likely that a single solution will be selected

EN010103-001073-NZT DCO 6.4.12 ES Vol III Appendix 10A PSSR.pdf:257: from exposure to dust with high pH; therefore. both high pH and asbestos

EN010103-000895-NZT DCO 6.2.9 ES Vol I Chapter 9 Surface Water, Flood Risk and Water Resources.pdf:77: gases, liquids and dusts. Code of practice for precautions against fire and

EN010103-000894-NZT DCO 6.2.8 ES Vol 1 Chapter 8 Air Quality.pdf:2:  dust generation during construction;

EN010103-000894-NZT DCO 6.2.8 ES Vol 1 Chapter 8 Air Quality.pdf:8: EU legislation (including that applicable to wildlife). In addition, dust can also

EN010103-000894-NZT DCO 6.2.8 ES Vol 1 Chapter 8 Air Quality.pdf:9:  Expose people to existing sources of air pollutants, including dust. This

EN010103-000894-NZT DCO 6.2.8 ES Vol 1 Chapter 8 Air Quality.pdf:9:  Give rise to potentially unacceptable impact (such as dust) during

EN010103-000894-NZT DCO 6.2.8 ES Vol 1 Chapter 8 Air Quality.pdf:10: guidance documents relating to the potential effects of dust generation during

EN010103-000894-NZT DCO 6.2.8 ES Vol 1 Chapter 8 Air Quality.pdf:12: construction dust, construction and operational traffic and the stack

EN010103-000894-NZT DCO 6.2.8 ES Vol 1 Chapter 8 Air Quality.pdf:12: carried out (i.e. construction dust and Non-Road Mobile Machinery (NRMM),

EN010103-000894-NZT DCO 6.2.8 ES Vol 1 Chapter 8 Air Quality.pdf:12:8.3.3 The Study Area for the construction dust and NRMM emissions has been

EN010103-000894-NZT DCO 6.2.8 ES Vol 1 Chapter 8 Air Quality.pdf:13: Construction Phase – Construction Dust Assessment

EN010103-000894-NZT DCO 6.2.8 ES Vol 1 Chapter 8 Air Quality.pdf:13: some short-term airborne dust. The occurrence and significance of dust

EN010103-000894-NZT DCO 6.2.8 ES Vol 1 Chapter 8 Air Quality.pdf:13: assessment or control of dust. The emphasis of the regulation and control of

EN010103-000894-NZT DCO 6.2.8 ES Vol 1 Chapter 8 Air Quality.pdf:13: construction dust, therefore, is through the adoption of Best Practicable

EN010103-000894-NZT DCO 6.2.8 ES Vol 1 Chapter 8 Air Quality.pdf:13: use of good working practices to minimise dust formation which is detailed

EN010103-000894-NZT DCO 6.2.8 ES Vol 1 Chapter 8 Air Quality.pdf:13: assessment of risk of dust emissions from construction and demolition

EN010103-000894-NZT DCO 6.2.8 ES Vol 1 Chapter 8 Air Quality.pdf:13: activities (IAQM, 2014). The guidance considers the risk of dust emissions

EN010103-000894-NZT DCO 6.2.8 ES Vol 1 Chapter 8 Air Quality.pdf:13: PM10), dust soiling impacts, and ecological impacts (such as physical

EN010103-000894-NZT DCO 6.2.8 ES Vol 1 Chapter 8 Air Quality.pdf:14: control of dust.

EN010103-000894-NZT DCO 6.2.8 ES Vol 1 Chapter 8 Air Quality.pdf:19: Evaluation of Significance – Construction Phase Dust Assessment

EN010103-000894-NZT DCO 6.2.8 ES Vol 1 Chapter 8 Air Quality.pdf:19:8.3.44 For potential amenity effects, such as those related to dust deposition, the

EN010103-000894-NZT DCO 6.2.8 ES Vol 1 Chapter 8 Air Quality.pdf:19: evaluation of impacts on receptors from construction dust, rather a means to

EN010103-000894-NZT DCO 6.2.8 ES Vol 1 Chapter 8 Air Quality.pdf:21: dust, traffic and operational plant), the significance of all the reported effects

EN010103-000894-NZT DCO 6.2.8 ES Vol 1 Chapter 8 Air Quality.pdf:21: recognising that construction dust and traffic will occur in the same time

EN010103-000894-NZT DCO 6.2.8 ES Vol 1 Chapter 8 Air Quality.pdf:26: receptors potentially affected by dust soiling and short-term concentrations

EN010103-000894-NZT DCO 6.2.8 ES Vol 1 Chapter 8 Air Quality.pdf:32:8.5.1 Emissions of dust and particulates from the construction phase of the

EN010103-000894-NZT DCO 6.2.8 ES Vol 1 Chapter 8 Air Quality.pdf:32: assessment process. The management of dust and particulates and

EN010103-000894-NZT DCO 6.2.8 ES Vol 1 Chapter 8 Air Quality.pdf:33:8.5.2 Based on an initial assessment of the area, of its sensitivity to dust impacts

EN010103-000894-NZT DCO 6.2.8 ES Vol 1 Chapter 8 Air Quality.pdf:33: and control dust during earth moving activities;

EN010103-000894-NZT DCO 6.2.8 ES Vol 1 Chapter 8 Air Quality.pdf:35: Assessment of Construction Dust

EN010103-000894-NZT DCO 6.2.8 ES Vol 1 Chapter 8 Air Quality.pdf:35:8.6.1 The area sensitive to dust soiling and PM10 health effects has been assessed,

EN010103-000894-NZT DCO 6.2.8 ES Vol 1 Chapter 8 Air Quality.pdf:35: receptors to dust soiling and PM10 effects from construction works are

EN010103-000894-NZT DCO 6.2.8 ES Vol 1 Chapter 8 Air Quality.pdf:35: Document Ref. 6.4), unmitigated dust impacts are considered to be ‘low to

EN010103-000894-NZT DCO 6.2.8 ES Vol 1 Chapter 8 Air Quality.pdf:42:8.7.1 The management of construction phase emissions, including dust and

EN010103-000894-NZT DCO 6.2.8 ES Vol 1 Chapter 8 Air Quality.pdf:42: mitigation according to the risk of dust emissions from Site activities as

EN010103-000894-NZT DCO 6.2.8 ES Vol 1 Chapter 8 Air Quality.pdf:46: dust from demolition and construction. London: Institute of Air Quality

EN010103-000894-NZT DCO 6.2.8 ES Vol 1 Chapter 8 Air Quality.pdf:46: mineral dust impacts for planning. London: Institute of Air Quality

EN010103-000900-NZT DCO 6.2.14 ES Vol I Chapter 14 Marine Ecology and Nature Conservation.pdf:44: prevention water pollution, fugitive dust management and noise

EN010103-001234-NZT - Regulation 32 Transboundary Screening (5).pdf:3:  air (eg dust, particulate matter, stack and vehicle

EN010103-000917-NZT DCO 6.2.24 ES Vol I Chapter 24 Cumulative and Combined Effects.pdf:4: assessment of the potential impacts of construction dust and nitrogen

EN010103-000917-NZT DCO 6.2.24 ES Vol I Chapter 24 Cumulative and Combined Effects.pdf:5: dust and noise impacts and therefore how they could (in combination with

EN010103-000917-NZT DCO 6.2.24 ES Vol I Chapter 24 Cumulative and Combined Effects.pdf:5: to construction dust (i.e. at more than negligible risk) and receptors

EN010103-000917-NZT DCO 6.2.24 ES Vol I Chapter 24 Cumulative and Combined Effects.pdf:7: entrances. Construction impacts will be due to construction dust and ZoI changed:

EN010103-000917-NZT DCO 6.2.24 ES Vol I Chapter 24 Cumulative and Combined Effects.pdf:7: out’ of dust e.g. on vehicle wheels. construction

EN010103-000917-NZT DCO 6.2.24 ES Vol I Chapter 24 Cumulative and Combined Effects.pdf:7: dust and

EN010103-000917-NZT DCO 6.2.24 ES Vol I Chapter 24 Cumulative and Combined Effects.pdf:17: impacts arising from fugitive emissions such as dust), where it is possible to undertake a scoping stage, existing completed projects (in

EN010103-000917-NZT DCO 6.2.24 ES Vol I Chapter 24 Cumulative and Combined Effects.pdf:30: that there could be cumulative impacts at dust sensitive receptors due to

EN010103-000917-NZT DCO 6.2.24 ES Vol I Chapter 24 Cumulative and Combined Effects.pdf:30: The receptors affected would be those screened into the construction dust

EN010103-000917-NZT DCO 6.2.24 ES Vol I Chapter 24 Cumulative and Combined Effects.pdf:30: dust sensitive receptors for those other committed developments. The

EN010103-000917-NZT DCO 6.2.24 ES Vol I Chapter 24 Cumulative and Combined Effects.pdf:30: assessment of construction dust impacts reported in the air quality

EN010103-000917-NZT DCO 6.2.24 ES Vol I Chapter 24 Cumulative and Combined Effects.pdf:30: guidance to demonstrate the level of dust control required to mitigate any

EN010103-000917-NZT DCO 6.2.24 ES Vol I Chapter 24 Cumulative and Combined Effects.pdf:30: the same and will control dust through mitigation that is standard practice on

EN010103-000917-NZT DCO 6.2.24 ES Vol I Chapter 24 Cumulative and Combined Effects.pdf:30: that the risk of cumulative construction dust impacts is low and not

EN010103-000917-NZT DCO 6.2.24 ES Vol I Chapter 24 Cumulative and Combined Effects.pdf:95: human receptors sensitive to construction dust emissions, at Broadway. The

EN010103-000917-NZT DCO 6.2.24 ES Vol I Chapter 24 Cumulative and Combined Effects.pdf:95: assessment concluded that, without mitigation, dust impacts would be ‘low to

EN010103-000917-NZT DCO 6.2.24 ES Vol I Chapter 24 Cumulative and Combined Effects.pdf:95: human receptors associated with air quality or dust during construction.

EN010103-000917-NZT DCO 6.2.24 ES Vol I Chapter 24 Cumulative and Combined Effects.pdf:99: Air quality Dust Noise Vibration Visual Socio-economic

EN010103-000917-NZT DCO 6.2.24 ES Vol I Chapter 24 Cumulative and Combined Effects.pdf:100: Air quality Dust Noise Vibration Visual Socio-economic

EN010103-000917-NZT DCO 6.2.24 ES Vol I Chapter 24 Cumulative and Combined Effects.pdf:100: Air Dust Noise Vibration Visual Socio-economic effect

EN010103-001234-NZT - Regulation 32 Transboundary Screening (3).pdf:3:  air (eg dust, particulate matter, stack and vehicle

EN010103-002311-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Clean Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:11:Hydrogeology and Contaminated Land, 11 - Noise and Volume III, Document Ref. 6.4). Emissions of dust and

EN010103-002311-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Clean Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:16:ES Chapter 8 - Air Quality Emissions of dust and particulates from the DCO Schedule 2 (Document Ref. 2.1): Requirement

EN010103-002311-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Clean Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:16: undertaken. The management of dust and particulates

EN010103-002311-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Clean Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:17: including dust and particulates, and the application of 16: Construction environmental management plan

EN010103-002311-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Clean Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:17: appropriate mitigation according to the risk of dust

EN010103-002311-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Clean Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:26: dusts. Code of practice for precautions against fire

EN010103-002311-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Clean Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:60: deposited dust from soil and spoil movements and

EN010103-002311-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Clean Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:61: there is a risk of fugitive dust emissions.

EN010103-002311-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Clean Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:71: pollution, fugitive dust management and noise

EN010103-002311-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Clean Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:73: pollution, fugitive dust management and noise

EN010103-002311-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Clean Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:82: construction dust risks will be set out in the outline 16: Construction Environmental Management Plan

EN010103-001332-NZT DCO 7.8.1 - Environmental Statement Addendum - Volume I - Apr 2022.pdf:7: dust generation.

EN010103-001332-NZT DCO 7.8.1 - Environmental Statement Addendum - Volume I - Apr 2022.pdf:8: reduces dust generation. The effect of removing Option 1B is likely therefore

EN010103-001332-NZT DCO 7.8.1 - Environmental Statement Addendum - Volume I - Apr 2022.pdf:9: for associated dust generation. Use of the existing tunnel Infrastructure would

EN010103-001332-NZT DCO 7.8.1 - Environmental Statement Addendum - Volume I - Apr 2022.pdf:23: Ongoing evaluation and refinement of the - Reduced dust generation

EN010103-001332-NZT DCO 7.8.1 - Environmental Statement Addendum - Volume I - Apr 2022.pdf:23: Ongoing evaluation and refinement of the - Reduced dust generation

EN010103-001332-NZT DCO 7.8.1 - Environmental Statement Addendum - Volume I - Apr 2022.pdf:24: Ongoing evaluation and refinement of the - Reduced dust generation.

EN010103-001332-NZT DCO 7.8.1 - Environmental Statement Addendum - Volume I - Apr 2022.pdf:31: stages. the potential for dust

EN010103-000905-NZT DCO 6.2.21 ES Vol I Chapter 21 Climate Change.pdf:21: activities (including dampening down as part of dust mitigation);

EN010103-000905-NZT DCO 6.2.21 ES Vol I Chapter 21 Climate Change.pdf:24: construction water uses such as wheel-washing or dust suppression have

EN010103-000905-NZT DCO 6.2.21 ES Vol I Chapter 21 Climate Change.pdf:48:  Dust avoidance construction techniques, reducing chances of poorer air

EN010103-000905-NZT DCO 6.2.21 ES Vol I Chapter 21 Climate Change.pdf:51:droughts dust minimised through the

EN010103-000905-NZT DCO 6.2.21 ES Vol I Chapter 21 Climate Change.pdf:51: CEMP e.g. reduce dust

EN010103-000905-NZT DCO 6.2.21 ES Vol I Chapter 21 Climate Change.pdf:64: dust, wildfires.

EN010103-000905-NZT DCO 6.2.21 ES Vol I Chapter 21 Climate Change.pdf:69: dust, wildfires.

EN010103-001234-NZT - Regulation 32 Transboundary Screening.pdf:3:  air (eg dust, particulate matter, stack and vehicle

EN010103-001993-NZT DCO 9.25 - Applicants' Comments on Deadline 4 Submissions - August 2022(D5).pdf:27: potentially contaminated dust during underlying natural soils;

EN010103-001993-NZT DCO 9.25 - Applicants' Comments on Deadline 4 Submissions - August 2022(D5).pdf:28: It is understood that dust suppression

EN010103-001993-NZT DCO 9.25 - Applicants' Comments on Deadline 4 Submissions - August 2022(D5).pdf:28: undertaken dust monitoring. During

EN010103-001993-NZT DCO 9.25 - Applicants' Comments on Deadline 4 Submissions - August 2022(D5).pdf:28: sampled some of the dust for

EN010103-001114-NZT DCO 6.4.13 ES Vol III Appendix 10B Contaminated Land- Conceptual Site Model.pdf:3: pathway (e.g. direct contact, ingestion, dust or vapour inhalation); and

EN010103-001114-NZT DCO 6.4.13 ES Vol III Appendix 10B Contaminated Land- Conceptual Site Model.pdf:6:Iron & Steel Works The wastes from iron making comprise mainly blast furnace slag, dry dust from gas cleaning, wet solids from gas cleaning

EN010103-001114-NZT DCO 6.4.13 ES Vol III Appendix 10B Contaminated Land- Conceptual Site Model.pdf:6: Steel making wastes include acid or basic slag, scrap, dust and slurries and refractory material. . Due to the high

EN010103-001114-NZT DCO 6.4.13 ES Vol III Appendix 10B Contaminated Land- Conceptual Site Model.pdf:6: Fines from dust or slurry produced as a result of flume cleaning at steel works contain around 50% iron, lead, zinc and

EN010103-001114-NZT DCO 6.4.13 ES Vol III Appendix 10B Contaminated Land- Conceptual Site Model.pdf:10: 2. Dust Inhalation

EN010103-001114-NZT DCO 6.4.13 ES Vol III Appendix 10B Contaminated Land- Conceptual Site Model.pdf:11:Coal Dust Ground Workers (4) None n/a n/a

EN010103-001114-NZT DCO 6.4.13 ES Vol III Appendix 10B Contaminated Land- Conceptual Site Model.pdf:12: 2. Dust Inhalation

EN010103-001114-NZT DCO 6.4.13 ES Vol III Appendix 10B Contaminated Land- Conceptual Site Model.pdf:12:(TPH - LRO) 2. Dust Inhalation

EN010103-001114-NZT DCO 6.4.13 ES Vol III Appendix 10B Contaminated Land- Conceptual Site Model.pdf:13: 2. Dust Inhalation

EN010103-001114-NZT DCO 6.4.13 ES Vol III Appendix 10B Contaminated Land- Conceptual Site Model.pdf:15: 2. Dust Inhalation

EN010103-001114-NZT DCO 6.4.13 ES Vol III Appendix 10B Contaminated Land- Conceptual Site Model.pdf:17:Coal Dust Ground Workers (4) Minor Likely Low

EN010103-001114-NZT DCO 6.4.13 ES Vol III Appendix 10B Contaminated Land- Conceptual Site Model.pdf:18:(TPH - LRO) 2. Dust Inhalation

EN010103-001114-NZT DCO 6.4.13 ES Vol III Appendix 10B Contaminated Land- Conceptual Site Model.pdf:19:(TPH - LRO) 2. Dust Inhalation

EN010103-001114-NZT DCO 6.4.13 ES Vol III Appendix 10B Contaminated Land- Conceptual Site Model.pdf:20: 2. Dust Inhalation

EN010103-001114-NZT DCO 6.4.13 ES Vol III Appendix 10B Contaminated Land- Conceptual Site Model.pdf:22: 2. Dust Inhalation

EN010103-001576-NZT DCO 9.3 - Written Summary ISH2 - May 2022.pdf:28: consistent with that in the Framework CEMP. The ExA referred to a Dust

EN010082-000211-EN010082-5.5-Planning Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:20: noise and vibration; dust, odour, artificial light, steam and smoke; traffic and transport; civil

EN010082-000211-EN010082-5.5-Planning Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:43: • the predicted absolute emission levels of the proposed Development, after effects associated with dust emissions at nearby existing industrial facilities and, if the

EN010082-000211-EN010082-5.5-Planning Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:43: associated with dust emissions and deposition at any nearby industrial premises that might be

EN010082-000211-EN010082-5.5-Planning Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:44: Dust, odour, artificial light, NPS EN-1 acknowledges that the construction / demolition, operation and Dust has been addressed earlier in this table.

EN010082-000211-EN010082-5.5-Planning Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:44: and vermin infestation (EN- through the release of odour, dust, steam, smoke, artificial light and insect In terms of artificial light, there will be lighting associated with the Proposed development

EN010082-000211-EN010082-5.5-Planning Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:44: Paragraph 5.6.7 of EN-1 states that, in decision making, the SoS should be It is therefore considered that the impacts relating to dust, odour, artificial light, insect and

EN010082-000211-EN010082-5.5-Planning Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:44: dust, odour, smoke, steam and insect infestation has been carried out; and be

EN010082-000012-Scoping Opinion.pdf:34: that dust and PM10 and PM2.5 produced during construction will be

EN010082-000012-Scoping Opinion.pdf:34: considered, and that dust impacts could result in potentially

EN010082-000012-Scoping Opinion.pdf:35:3.81 Air quality and dust levels should be considered not only on site but

EN010082-000012-Scoping Opinion.pdf:35: way (PRoW). Consideration should be given to monitoring dust

EN010082-000012-Scoping Opinion.pdf:100:for impacts arising from fugitive emissions such as dust), where it is possible to

EN010082-000012-Scoping Opinion.pdf:105: the local authority for matters relating to noise, odour, vermin and dust nuisance

EN010082-000377-2.1 - Tees CCPP - Draft DCO with proposed change - tracked Rev 2.pdf:16: (iii) air quality including dust;

EN010082-000188-EN010082-6.2.17-ES Chapter 17-Mitigation Schedule-Final-November 2017.pdf:7: 14. Volume Dust suppression using industry-standard Construction Main Works CEMP 13.Construction

EN010082-000188-EN010082-6.2.17-ES Chapter 17-Mitigation Schedule-Final-November 2017.pdf:7: 17. Volume Dust management on site. Construction Main Works CEMP 13.Construction

EN010082-000188-EN010082-6.2.17-ES Chapter 17-Mitigation Schedule-Final-November 2017.pdf:13: mitigation of erosion and dust generation during

EN010082-000188-EN010082-6.2.17-ES Chapter 17-Mitigation Schedule-Final-November 2017.pdf:18: 71. Volume Dust suppression using industry-standard Decommissioning Main Works DCO 25. Decommissioning

EN010082-000188-EN010082-6.2.17-ES Chapter 17-Mitigation Schedule-Final-November 2017.pdf:21: 92. Volume Dust mitigation measures from the following Construction Main Works CEMP 13.Construction

EN010082-000188-EN010082-6.2.17-ES Chapter 17-Mitigation Schedule-Final-November 2017.pdf:21: 7, Section dust from demolition and construction.

EN010082-000188-EN010082-6.2.17-ES Chapter 17-Mitigation Schedule-Final-November 2017.pdf:25: • wheel washing and dust control;

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata.pdf:44: • effects on sensitive human receptors due to dust emissions from

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata.pdf:44:  dust arising from construction activity.

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata.pdf:46: dust, PM10 and PM2.5, a semi-quantitative assessment approach has been

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata.pdf:46: IAQM (2014) Assessment of dust from demolition and construction

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata.pdf:47:4.9.21. With regard to emissions of dust, PM10 and PM2.5 during construction, the

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata.pdf:47: nearby industrial receptors (which are considered to be sensitive to dust

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata.pdf:47: impacts from dust, PM10 and PM2.5 during construction would be negligible

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata.pdf:49: will need to be put in place for the control of dust, PM10 and PM2.5

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata.pdf:51: why the IAQM guidance6 on the assessment of dust from demolition and

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata.pdf:51: guidance is that all impacts of dust emissions from construction can be

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata.pdf:51:4.9.41. Q1.1.21 PD-008 sought further explanation of how dust mitigation

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata.pdf:51: Volume 2, Annex L) APP-081.10 The Applicant states that the dust

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata.pdf:51: 080]. I am content that dust mitigation during construction have been

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata.pdf:57: quality would be expected. The ES identifies a high risk of dust being

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata.pdf:58: dust and other environmental impacts. This is secured through

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata.pdf:83: arrangements, working hours, wheel washing and dust control. For the

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata.pdf:115:6.2.1. The construction process will emit plant exhaust and dust. However,

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata.pdf:123: minimum measures of dust mitigation during construction. At Deadline 2

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata.pdf:123: dust mitigation measures in tabular form (Table L4.3). The Applicant

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata.pdf:123: commented that the dust mitigation that will be used during the

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata.pdf:174: (iii) air quality including dust;

EN010082-000173-EN010082-6.2.2-ES Chapter 2-Legislation Policy and Guidance-Final-November 2017.pdf:8: increased traffic, air or water pollution, dust, odour, hazardous waste

EN010082-000173-EN010082-6.2.2-ES Chapter 2-Legislation Policy and Guidance-Final-November 2017.pdf:9: dust, odour, artificial light, steam and smoke; traffic and transport; civil and

EN010082-000173-EN010082-6.2.2-ES Chapter 2-Legislation Policy and Guidance-Final-November 2017.pdf:9: 5.6 Dust, Odour, Artificial Light, Smoke, Covered in Statutory Nuisance Statement (DCO

EN010082-000576-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Clean).pdf:8:Air Quality Environmental Protection Act 1990 Creates the main regulatory controls over ‘statutory nuisance’ including smoke, fumes, gases, dust,

EN010082-000576-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Clean).pdf:8: the Assessment of Dust from Demolition and undertake a construction impact assessment.

EN010082-000576-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Clean).pdf:8: Institute of Air Quality Management Guidance on Best practice recommendations for approaches to monitoring dust.

EN010082-000576-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Clean).pdf:14: activity, which may give rise to a particular issue such as dust.

EN010082-000576-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Clean).pdf:17: of airborne dust;

EN010082-000576-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Clean).pdf:23: nuisance dust and PM10 before work commences on site. confirmed in detailed CEMP.

EN010082-000576-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Clean).pdf:23: activities. Record all dust and air quality complaints, identify cause(s), take appropriate measures to reduce CEMP.

EN010082-000576-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Clean).pdf:23: Record any exceptional incidents that cause dust and/or air emissions, either on- or offsite, and the

EN010082-000576-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Clean).pdf:23: boundary, to ensure plans are co-ordinated and dust and particulate matter emissions are minimised. It

EN010082-000576-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Clean).pdf:23: Display the name and contact details of person(s) accountable for air quality and dust issues on the site

EN010082-000576-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Clean).pdf:23: Develop and implement a Dust Management Plan (DMP), which may include measures to control other

EN010082-000576-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Clean).pdf:23: should be included as appropriate for the site. The DMP may include monitoring of dust deposition,

EN010082-000576-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Clean).pdf:23: dust flux, real time PM10 continuous monitoring and/or visual inspections. The plan should include:

EN010082-000576-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Clean).pdf:23: monitor dust, record inspection results, and make the log available to the local authority when

EN010082-000576-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Clean).pdf:23: asked. This should include regular dust soiling checks of surfaces such as cars and window sills

EN010082-000576-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Clean).pdf:23: x Increase the frequency of site inspections by the person accountable for air quality and dust

EN010082-000576-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Clean).pdf:23: issues on site when activities with a high potential to produce dust are being carried out and

EN010082-000576-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Clean).pdf:23: x Agree dust deposition, dust flux, or real-time PM10 continuous monitoring locations with the

EN010082-000576-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Clean).pdf:24: x Plan site layout so that machinery and dust causing activities are located away from receptors,

EN010082-000576-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Clean).pdf:24: x Fully enclose site or specific operations where there is a high potential for dust production and

EN010082-000576-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Clean).pdf:24: x Remove materials that have a potential to produce dust from site as soon as possible, unless

EN010082-000576-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Clean).pdf:24: x Only use cutting, grinding or sawing equipment fitted or in conjunction with suitable dust

EN010082-000576-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Clean).pdf:24: x Ensure an adequate water supply on the site for effective dust/particulate matter

EN010082-000576-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Clean).pdf:24: appropriately to prevent dust.

EN010082-000576-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Clean).pdf:24: x Use water-assisted dust sweeper(s) on the access and local roads, to remove, as necessary, any

EN010082-000576-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Clean).pdf:25: x Implement a wheel washing system (with rumble grids to dislodge accumulated dust and mud

EN010082-000576-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Clean).pdf:30: dust emissions.

EN010082-000576-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Clean).pdf:31: on ecology. prevention of surface and ground water pollution, fugitive dust

EN010082-000576-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Clean).pdf:31: Dust deposition on sensitive compliance in relation to nesting birds, all clearance of suitable

EN010082-000576-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Clean).pdf:33: working and emergency procedures for the control and mitigation of erosion and dust

EN010082-000576-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Clean).pdf:33: dust masks;

EN010082-000576-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Clean).pdf:34: x the Contractor will implement a dust suppression/management system in order to

EN010082-000576-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Clean).pdf:41:Machinery and dust causing activities will be located away from sensitive receptors where possible. e.g. EPC Contractor

EN010082-000576-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Clean).pdf:41:Haul routes will be hard surfaced as soon as possible to reduce dust.

EN010082-000174-EN010082-6.2.3-ES Chapter 3-EIA Approach-Final-November 2017.pdf:20: activity giving rise to the impact (eg earthworks causing dust to be

EN010082-000174-EN010082-6.2.3-ES Chapter 3-EIA Approach-Final-November 2017.pdf:21: • construction working practices (eg routing of construction traffic, dust

EN010082-000174-EN010082-6.2.3-ES Chapter 3-EIA Approach-Final-November 2017.pdf:27: • Dust generating activities during construction could act cumulatively

EN010082-000174-EN010082-6.2.3-ES Chapter 3-EIA Approach-Final-November 2017.pdf:27: on receptors with dust generating activities from screened development

EN010082-000174-EN010082-6.2.3-ES Chapter 3-EIA Approach-Final-November 2017.pdf:28: A nominal impact zone of 250 m is considered for construction dust.

EN010082-000174-EN010082-6.2.3-ES Chapter 3-EIA Approach-Final-November 2017.pdf:30: Construction Dust (250m)

EN010082-000174-EN010082-6.2.3-ES Chapter 3-EIA Approach-Final-November 2017.pdf:31: Construction dust N Outside

EN010082-000174-EN010082-6.2.3-ES Chapter 3-EIA Approach-Final-November 2017.pdf:31: Park and Construction dust N Outside

EN010082-000174-EN010082-6.2.3-ES Chapter 3-EIA Approach-Final-November 2017.pdf:32: Flatts Lane matters reserved except for access). Construction dust N Outside

EN010082-000174-EN010082-6.2.3-ES Chapter 3-EIA Approach-Final-November 2017.pdf:32: associated with Dogger Bank Teesside Construction dust N Outside

EN010082-000174-EN010082-6.2.3-ES Chapter 3-EIA Approach-Final-November 2017.pdf:32: developed as a renewable energy plant Construction dust N Outside

EN010082-000174-EN010082-6.2.3-ES Chapter 3-EIA Approach-Final-November 2017.pdf:33: Construction dust N Outside

EN010082-000174-EN010082-6.2.3-ES Chapter 3-EIA Approach-Final-November 2017.pdf:33: Construction dust N Outside

EN010082-000174-EN010082-6.2.3-ES Chapter 3-EIA Approach-Final-November 2017.pdf:33: Ormesby with associated landscaping. Construction dust N Outside

EN010082-000174-EN010082-6.2.3-ES Chapter 3-EIA Approach-Final-November 2017.pdf:34: bounded by drive-thru; public house/restaurant Construction dust N Outside

EN010082-000174-EN010082-6.2.3-ES Chapter 3-EIA Approach-Final-November 2017.pdf:34: will be taken from the A1085 Construction dust N Outside

EN010082-000174-EN010082-6.2.3-ES Chapter 3-EIA Approach-Final-November 2017.pdf:34: Road conditions) associated landscaping. Construction dust N Outside

EN010082-000174-EN010082-6.2.3-ES Chapter 3-EIA Approach-Final-November 2017.pdf:35: Lane Construction dust N Outside

EN010082-000174-EN010082-6.2.3-ES Chapter 3-EIA Approach-Final-November 2017.pdf:35: Construction dust N Outside

EN010082-000174-EN010082-6.2.3-ES Chapter 3-EIA Approach-Final-November 2017.pdf:35: Construction dust N Outside

EN010082-000174-EN010082-6.2.3-ES Chapter 3-EIA Approach-Final-November 2017.pdf:36: Construction dust N Outside

EN010082-000174-EN010082-6.2.3-ES Chapter 3-EIA Approach-Final-November 2017.pdf:36: Poplar Construction dust N Outside

EN010082-000174-EN010082-6.2.3-ES Chapter 3-EIA Approach-Final-November 2017.pdf:37: Construction dust N Outside

EN010082-000174-EN010082-6.2.3-ES Chapter 3-EIA Approach-Final-November 2017.pdf:37: plant, internal access roads, car Construction dust N Outside

EN010082-000174-EN010082-6.2.3-ES Chapter 3-EIA Approach-Final-November 2017.pdf:38: Construction dust N Outside

EN010082-000174-EN010082-6.2.3-ES Chapter 3-EIA Approach-Final-November 2017.pdf:38: Construction dust N Outside

EN010082-000174-EN010082-6.2.3-ES Chapter 3-EIA Approach-Final-November 2017.pdf:38: Business Construction dust N Outside

EN010082-000174-EN010082-6.2.3-ES Chapter 3-EIA Approach-Final-November 2017.pdf:39: 4XZ Construction dust N Outside

EN010082-000174-EN010082-6.2.3-ES Chapter 3-EIA Approach-Final-November 2017.pdf:39: Road. Construction dust N Outside

EN010082-000174-EN010082-6.2.3-ES Chapter 3-EIA Approach-Final-November 2017.pdf:39: of A174, sites Construction dust N Outside

EN010082-000174-EN010082-6.2.3-ES Chapter 3-EIA Approach-Final-November 2017.pdf:40: Construction dust N Outside

EN010082-000174-EN010082-6.2.3-ES Chapter 3-EIA Approach-Final-November 2017.pdf:40: River Tees. separate planning application to Construction dust N Outside

EN010082-000174-EN010082-6.2.3-ES Chapter 3-EIA Approach-Final-November 2017.pdf:41: Construction dust N Outside

EN010082-000174-EN010082-6.2.3-ES Chapter 3-EIA Approach-Final-November 2017.pdf:41: Construction dust N Outside

EN010082-000174-EN010082-6.2.3-ES Chapter 3-EIA Approach-Final-November 2017.pdf:42: Construction dust N Outside

EN010082-000174-EN010082-6.2.3-ES Chapter 3-EIA Approach-Final-November 2017.pdf:42: Construction dust N Outside

EN010082-000174-EN010082-6.2.3-ES Chapter 3-EIA Approach-Final-November 2017.pdf:43: Construction dust N Outside

EN010082-000174-EN010082-6.2.3-ES Chapter 3-EIA Approach-Final-November 2017.pdf:43: and helicopter landing site, Construction dust N Outside

EN010082-000174-EN010082-6.2.3-ES Chapter 3-EIA Approach-Final-November 2017.pdf:44: Construction dust N Outside

EN010082-000177-EN010082-6.2.6-ES Chapter 6-Ground Conditions, Water Resources and Flooding-Final-November 2017.pdf:3: • exposure of construction workers to potentially contaminated dust during

EN010082-000177-EN010082-6.2.6-ES Chapter 6-Ground Conditions, Water Resources and Flooding-Final-November 2017.pdf:6: control plan to control dust during excavation. The Team will review the content of the CEMP

EN010082-000177-EN010082-6.2.6-ES Chapter 6-Ground Conditions, Water Resources and Flooding-Final-November 2017.pdf:33: • inhalation of particles in windblown dusts; and

EN010082-000177-EN010082-6.2.6-ES Chapter 6-Ground Conditions, Water Resources and Flooding-Final-November 2017.pdf:46:materials / workers exposed dust and appropriate procedures to Significant

EN010082-000177-EN010082-6.2.6-ES Chapter 6-Ground Conditions, Water Resources and Flooding-Final-November 2017.pdf:46:Traffic Construction Inhalation of Low High Small • Dust suppression using Negligible Not

EN010082-000177-EN010082-6.2.6-ES Chapter 6-Ground Conditions, Water Resources and Flooding-Final-November 2017.pdf:46:movement, workers, local airborne dust industry-standard Significant

EN010082-000177-EN010082-6.2.6-ES Chapter 6-Ground Conditions, Water Resources and Flooding-Final-November 2017.pdf:47: to dust from • Use of PPE

EN010082-000177-EN010082-6.2.6-ES Chapter 6-Ground Conditions, Water Resources and Flooding-Final-November 2017.pdf:47: • Dust management on site

EN010082-000177-EN010082-6.2.6-ES Chapter 6-Ground Conditions, Water Resources and Flooding-Final-November 2017.pdf:50:Increased Potential for Migration of Low Medium Small • Dust suppression using Negligible Not

EN010082-000177-EN010082-6.2.6-ES Chapter 6-Ground Conditions, Water Resources and Flooding-Final-November 2017.pdf:50:Increased Potential for Migration of Low High Small • Dust suppression using Negligible Not

EN010082-000177-EN010082-6.2.6-ES Chapter 6-Ground Conditions, Water Resources and Flooding-Final-November 2017.pdf:63:surface structures workers exposed to airborne dust implementation of Significant

EN010082-000177-EN010082-6.2.6-ES Chapter 6-Ground Conditions, Water Resources and Flooding-Final-November 2017.pdf:63:concrete/brick contaminated dust (DP)

EN010082-000177-EN010082-6.2.6-ES Chapter 6-Ground Conditions, Water Resources and Flooding-Final-November 2017.pdf:63: • Dust suppression

EN010082-000177-EN010082-6.2.6-ES Chapter 6-Ground Conditions, Water Resources and Flooding-Final-November 2017.pdf:63:movement, workers and airborne dust implementation of DP Significant

EN010082-000177-EN010082-6.2.6-ES Chapter 6-Ground Conditions, Water Resources and Flooding-Final-November 2017.pdf:63:creation of nearby residents / • Dust suppression

EN010082-000177-EN010082-6.2.6-ES Chapter 6-Ground Conditions, Water Resources and Flooding-Final-November 2017.pdf:63: contaminated dust such as vehicle and

EN010082-000177-EN010082-6.2.6-ES Chapter 6-Ground Conditions, Water Resources and Flooding-Final-November 2017.pdf:65:Increased traffic Potential for Migration of Low Medium Small • Dust suppression Negligible Not

EN010082-000177-EN010082-6.2.6-ES Chapter 6-Ground Conditions, Water Resources and Flooding-Final-November 2017.pdf:73: control and mitigation of erosion and dust generation during excavations and

EN010082-000177-EN010082-6.2.6-ES Chapter 6-Ground Conditions, Water Resources and Flooding-Final-November 2017.pdf:76: of erosion and dust generation during excavations and soil handling, such as

EN010082-000496-_CONSENTORDER_40063542(1)_DEADLINE 2_ DCOv2.pdf:15: (iii) air quality including dust;

EN010082-000314-TEES - Regulation 24 Transboundary Screening (1).pdf:2: (NO2), particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) and dust.

EN010082-000185-EN010082-6.2.14-ES Chapter 14-Human Health-Final-November 2017.pdf:8: health may include increased traffic, air or water pollution, dust, odour,

EN010082-000185-EN010082-6.2.14-ES Chapter 14-Human Health-Final-November 2017.pdf:15:14.49 Dust emissions and subsequent deposition arising from construction activities

EN010082-000185-EN010082-6.2.14-ES Chapter 14-Human Health-Final-November 2017.pdf:15: can cause annoyance. Dust can also irritate the eyes and aggravate pre-

EN010082-000185-EN010082-6.2.14-ES Chapter 14-Human Health-Final-November 2017.pdf:22:On site construction activities Dust from construction activity Physical Environment • Nuisance and annoyance due to

EN010082-000185-EN010082-6.2.14-ES Chapter 14-Human Health-Final-November 2017.pdf:22: dust deposition

EN010082-000185-EN010082-6.2.14-ES Chapter 14-Human Health-Final-November 2017.pdf:31: • Air Quality and Dust

EN010082-000185-EN010082-6.2.14-ES Chapter 14-Human Health-Final-November 2017.pdf:31:14.6.2 Air Quality and Dust

EN010082-000185-EN010082-6.2.14-ES Chapter 14-Human Health-Final-November 2017.pdf:31: • Health Pathway: construction dust, construction traffic and road traffic.

EN010082-000185-EN010082-6.2.14-ES Chapter 14-Human Health-Final-November 2017.pdf:31:14.123 Construction activities will result in a temporary increase in dust emissions

EN010082-000185-EN010082-6.2.14-ES Chapter 14-Human Health-Final-November 2017.pdf:31: industrial areas, and these facilities are sensitive to dust ingress and

EN010082-000185-EN010082-6.2.14-ES Chapter 14-Human Health-Final-November 2017.pdf:31: susceptible to damage due to ingress of dust, mitigation measures for a high

EN010082-000185-EN010082-6.2.14-ES Chapter 14-Human Health-Final-November 2017.pdf:31: construction dust would be transported especially with mitigation in place.

EN010082-000185-EN010082-6.2.14-ES Chapter 14-Human Health-Final-November 2017.pdf:32: Therefore there is no potential for negative health effects associated with dust

EN010082-000185-EN010082-6.2.14-ES Chapter 14-Human Health-Final-November 2017.pdf:38: increased traffic, air quality, dust and noise, landscape and visual effects.

EN010082-000185-EN010082-6.2.14-ES Chapter 14-Human Health-Final-November 2017.pdf:38: and dust control, the following measures will be adopted to minimise the

EN010082-000210-EN010082-6.3.20-ES Annex L-CEMP-Final-November 2017.pdf:9: fugitive dust emissions.

EN010082-000210-EN010082-6.3.20-ES Annex L-CEMP-Final-November 2017.pdf:10: associated with waste (PPE) such as dust masks; CEMP.

EN010082-000210-EN010082-6.3.20-ES Annex L-CEMP-Final-November 2017.pdf:11: dust suppression/management

EN010082-000210-EN010082-6.3.20-ES Annex L-CEMP-Final-November 2017.pdf:11: impact on ecology. dust management, noise prevention or

EN010082-000210-EN010082-6.3.20-ES Annex L-CEMP-Final-November 2017.pdf:11: Dust deposition on • to ensure legislative compliance in

EN010082-000210-EN010082-6.3.20-ES Annex L-CEMP-Final-November 2017.pdf:14: • dust and noise monitoring; and

EN010082-000404-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - UPDATED.pdf:8:Air Quality Environmental Protection Act 1990 Creates the main regulatory controls over ‘statutory nuisance’ including smoke, fumes, gases, dust,

EN010082-000404-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - UPDATED.pdf:8: the Assessment of Dust from Demolition and undertake a construction impact assessment.

EN010082-000404-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - UPDATED.pdf:8: Institute of Air Quality Management Guidance on Best practice recommendations for approaches to monitoring dust.

EN010082-000404-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - UPDATED.pdf:14: activity, which may give rise to a particular issue such as dust.

EN010082-000404-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - UPDATED.pdf:17: of airborne dust;

EN010082-000404-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - UPDATED.pdf:23: nuisance dust and before work commences on site. in detailed CEMP. detailed CEMP.

EN010082-000404-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - UPDATED.pdf:23: activities. Record all dust and air quality complaints, identify cause(s), take appropriate measures to reduce

EN010082-000404-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - UPDATED.pdf:23: Record any exceptional incidents that cause dust and/or air emissions, either on- or offsite, and the

EN010082-000404-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - UPDATED.pdf:23: boundary, to ensure plans are co-ordinated and dust and particulate matter emissions are minimised. It

EN010082-000404-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - UPDATED.pdf:23: Display the name and contact details of person(s) accountable for air quality and dust issues on the site

EN010082-000404-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - UPDATED.pdf:23: Develop and implement a Dust Management Plan (DMP), which may include measures to control other

EN010082-000404-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - UPDATED.pdf:23: should be included as appropriate for the site. The DMP may include monitoring of dust deposition,

EN010082-000404-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - UPDATED.pdf:23: dust flux, real time PM10 continuous monitoring and/or visual inspections. The plan should include:

EN010082-000404-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - UPDATED.pdf:23: to monitor dust, record inspection results, and make the log available to the local authority

EN010082-000404-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - UPDATED.pdf:23: when asked. This should include regular dust soiling checks of surfaces such as cars and

EN010082-000404-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - UPDATED.pdf:23:  Increase the frequency of site inspections by the person accountable for air quality and dust

EN010082-000404-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - UPDATED.pdf:23: issues on site when activities with a high potential to produce dust are being carried out and

EN010082-000404-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - UPDATED.pdf:24:  Agree dust deposition, dust flux, or real-time PM10 continuous monitoring locations with the

EN010082-000404-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - UPDATED.pdf:24:  Plan site layout so that machinery and dust causing activities are located away from receptors,

EN010082-000404-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - UPDATED.pdf:24:  Fully enclose site or specific operations where there is a high potential for dust production and

EN010082-000404-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - UPDATED.pdf:24:  Remove materials that have a potential to produce dust from site as soon as possible, unless

EN010082-000404-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - UPDATED.pdf:24:  Only use cutting, grinding or sawing equipment fitted or in conjunction with suitable dust

EN010082-000404-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - UPDATED.pdf:24:  Ensure an adequate water supply on the site for effective dust/particulate matter

EN010082-000404-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - UPDATED.pdf:25: appropriately to prevent dust.

EN010082-000404-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - UPDATED.pdf:25:  Use water-assisted dust sweeper(s) on the access and local roads, to remove, as necessary, any

EN010082-000404-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - UPDATED.pdf:25:  Implement a wheel washing system (with rumble grids to dislodge accumulated dust and mud

EN010082-000404-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - UPDATED.pdf:27: Water suppression will be used if there is a risk of fugitive dust emissions.

EN010082-000404-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - UPDATED.pdf:28: on ecology. prevention of surface and ground water pollution, fugitive dust

EN010082-000404-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - UPDATED.pdf:28: Dust deposition on sensitive  ensure legislative compliance in relation to nesting

EN010082-000404-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - UPDATED.pdf:30: working and emergency procedures for the control and mitigation of erosion and dust

EN010082-000404-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - UPDATED.pdf:31: dust masks;

EN010082-000404-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - UPDATED.pdf:31:  the Contractor will implement a dust suppression/management system in order to

EN010082-000404-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - UPDATED.pdf:38:Machinery and dust causing activities will be located away from sensitive receptors where possible. e.g. EPC Contractor

EN010082-000404-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - UPDATED.pdf:38:Haul routes will be hard surfaced as soon as possible to reduce dust.

EN010082-000184-EN010082-6.2.13-ES Chapter 13-Socio Economic Characteristics-Final-November 2017.pdf:35: impact on air quality, dust and noise effects. These effects are not anticipated

EN010082-000184-EN010082-6.2.13-ES Chapter 13-Socio Economic Characteristics-Final-November 2017.pdf:36: impact on air quality, dust and noise effects. These effects are not anticipated

EN010082-000184-EN010082-6.2.13-ES Chapter 13-Socio Economic Characteristics-Final-November 2017.pdf:41: local or wider areas of influence. No significant noise, air quality, dust and

EN010082-000184-EN010082-6.2.13-ES Chapter 13-Socio Economic Characteristics-Final-November 2017.pdf:42: decommissioning, as a result of increased traffic, impact on air quality, dust

EN010082-000184-EN010082-6.2.13-ES Chapter 13-Socio Economic Characteristics-Final-November 2017.pdf:44: may occur during construction, as a result of increased traffic, air construction, as a result of increased traffic, air quality, dust and noise

EN010082-000184-EN010082-6.2.13-ES Chapter 13-Socio Economic Characteristics-Final-November 2017.pdf:44: quality, dust and noise effects. These effects are not anticipated effects. Under Scenario Two the construction phase will be split over

EN010082-000184-EN010082-6.2.13-ES Chapter 13-Socio Economic Characteristics-Final-November 2017.pdf:45: wider areas of influence, and no significant noise, air quality, dust no significant noise, air quality, dust and traffic impacts are anticipated.

EN010082-000184-EN010082-6.2.13-ES Chapter 13-Socio Economic Characteristics-Final-November 2017.pdf:46: Scenarios as a result of increased traffic, air quality, dust and noise effects.

EN010082-000525-7.3 - Tees CCPP - SoCG with Redcar Cleveland - FINAL - 06.07.18.pdf:20: associated with dust emissions at nearby existing industrial facilities and, if the development is phased, on

EN010082-000525-7.3 - Tees CCPP - SoCG with Redcar Cleveland - FINAL - 06.07.18.pdf:20: with dust emissions and deposition at any nearby industrial premises that might be close to the Site

EN010082-000583-8.63 - Tees CCPP - Draft DCO - Tracked - Version 6.pdf:16: (iii) air quality including dust;

EN010082-000650-The Tees Combined Cycle Power Plant Order 2019 (Final) (Validated).pdf:16: (iii) air quality including dust;

EN010082-000405-8.10 - Tees CCPP - Updated Mitigation Table.pdf:5: 14. 5.13 Volume Dust suppression using industry-standard Construction Main Works CEMP 13.Construction Tertiary

EN010082-000405-8.10 - Tees CCPP - Updated Mitigation Table.pdf:5: 17. 5.16 Volume Dust management on site. Construction Main Works CEMP 13.Construction Tertiary

EN010082-000405-8.10 - Tees CCPP - Updated Mitigation Table.pdf:14: the control and mitigation of erosion and dust 14.Waste

EN010082-000405-8.10 - Tees CCPP - Updated Mitigation Table.pdf:20: 71. 5.72 Volume Dust suppression using industry-standard Decommissioning Main Works DCO 24. Tertiary

EN010082-000405-8.10 - Tees CCPP - Updated Mitigation Table.pdf:25: 92. 5.95 Volume Dust mitigation measures from the following Construction Main Works CEMP 13.Construction Tertiary

EN010082-000405-8.10 - Tees CCPP - Updated Mitigation Table.pdf:25: 7, Section of dust from demolition and construction. (‘CEMP’)

EN010082-000405-8.10 - Tees CCPP - Updated Mitigation Table.pdf:29:  wheel washing and dust control;

EN010082-000194-EN010082-6.3.4-ES Annex D1-Phase 1 Final-November 2017.pdf:28:  inhalation of particles in windblown dusts; and

EN010082-000396-8 5 - Tees CCP - Applicant's Comments on Relevant Reps - FINAL (2).pdf:7: noise levels at local receptors, dust, traffic, and working hours – to be submitted and approved by RCBC prior to

EN010082-000397-8 6 - Tees CCP - Applicant's Response to ExA's WQs - Deadline 2 - FINAL.pdf:10:Q1.1.13 Applicant In paragraph 7.108 of the ES APP-049 it is stated that the Institute of Air The principle underlying the IAQM guidance is that all impacts due to dust emissions from construction sites can be mitigated to such

EN010082-000397-8 6 - Tees CCP - Applicant's Response to ExA's WQs - Deadline 2 - FINAL.pdf:10: Quality Management (IAQM) guidance on the assessment of dust from a degree that residual impacts are negligible.

EN010082-000397-8 6 - Tees CCP - Applicant's Response to ExA's WQs - Deadline 2 - FINAL.pdf:10: made to how magnitude of impact is defined for construction dust at

EN010082-000397-8 6 - Tees CCP - Applicant's Response to ExA's WQs - Deadline 2 - FINAL.pdf:10:Q1.1.14 Applicant What distances have been considered in the context of the construction dust As detailed in the previous question, from the outset it was decided that the site would need to adopt mitigation suitable for a ‘high’

EN010082-000397-8 6 - Tees CCP - Applicant's Response to ExA's WQs - Deadline 2 - FINAL.pdf:10: of dust impacts separately (defining impact magnitude and impact and

EN010082-000397-8 6 - Tees CCP - Applicant's Response to ExA's WQs - Deadline 2 - FINAL.pdf:11:Q1.1.18 Applicant The potential effects of dust emissions at nearby industrial facilities as The framework Construction Environmental Management Plan (‘CEMP’) (ES Volume 2, Annex L) APP-081 sets out proposed

EN010082-000397-8 6 - Tees CCP - Applicant's Response to ExA's WQs - Deadline 2 - FINAL.pdf:11: described in paragraph 7.109 of the ES APP-049 require mitigation measures to manage and mitigate dust emissions. The frameworks CEMP set out the proposed management measures.

EN010082-000397-8 6 - Tees CCP - Applicant's Response to ExA's WQs - Deadline 2 - FINAL.pdf:11: It follows that the proposed mitigation for dust emissions is secured by Requirement 13 of the draft DCO. The proposed measures are

EN010082-000397-8 6 - Tees CCP - Applicant's Response to ExA's WQs - Deadline 2 - FINAL.pdf:12:Q1.1.21 Applicant Dust from construction is identified in the ES (7.130) APP-049 as having a The framework CEMP APP-081 has been updated to reflect the proposed mitigation measures in the ES air quality chapter [APP-

EN010082-000397-8 6 - Tees CCP - Applicant's Response to ExA's WQs - Deadline 2 - FINAL.pdf:12: quality chapter of the ES. Given the conclusions in ES paragraph 7.125 that The dust mitigation that will be used during the construction works is proven and has been used extensively on construction projects

EN010082-000397-8 6 - Tees CCP - Applicant's Response to ExA's WQs - Deadline 2 - FINAL.pdf:12: conclusions of residual effects? Please update the CEMP to include these statutory nuisances including dust which is prejudicial to health or is a nuisance.

EN010082-000397-8 6 - Tees CCP - Applicant's Response to ExA's WQs - Deadline 2 - FINAL.pdf:12: If best practice measures to control the effects of dust are not followed by

EN010082-000397-8 6 - Tees CCP - Applicant's Response to ExA's WQs - Deadline 2 - FINAL.pdf:49: traffic, air quality, dust and noise, landscape and visual effects. These effects will be appropriately managed and no significant adverse

EN010082-000216-EN010082-5.1-Consultation Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:71: details in respect of air quality and the management of dust.

EN010082-000216-EN010082-5.1-Consultation Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:83: sediment control plan to control dust during excavation. the assessment as it will be significantly below the crite-

EN010082-000216-EN010082-5.1-Consultation Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:302: phase for traffic and dust; the operational phase for combustion emissions

EN010082-000216-EN010082-5.1-Consultation Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:302: from the stacks; and the decommissioning phase for traffic and dust.

EN010082-000216-EN010082-5.1-Consultation Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:302: If unmitigated, the potential for significant effects associated with dust

EN010082-000216-EN010082-5.1-Consultation Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:302: applied to reduce dust emissions; residual effects are considered to be, at

EN010082-000216-EN010082-5.1-Consultation Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:306: increased traffic, air quality, dust and noise effects. These effects will be

EN010082-000216-EN010082-5.1-Consultation Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:327: waste management and a sediment control plan to control dust during

EN010082-000515-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Clean v3.pdf:8:Air Quality Environmental Protection Act 1990 Creates the main regulatory controls over ‘statutory nuisance’ including smoke, fumes, gases, dust,

EN010082-000515-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Clean v3.pdf:8: the Assessment of Dust from Demolition and undertake a construction impact assessment.

EN010082-000515-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Clean v3.pdf:8: Institute of Air Quality Management Guidance on Best practice recommendations for approaches to monitoring dust.

EN010082-000515-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Clean v3.pdf:14: activity, which may give rise to a particular issue such as dust.

EN010082-000515-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Clean v3.pdf:17: of airborne dust;

EN010082-000515-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Clean v3.pdf:23: nuisance dust and PM10 before work commences on site. confirmed in detailed CEMP.

EN010082-000515-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Clean v3.pdf:23: activities. Record all dust and air quality complaints, identify cause(s), take appropriate measures to reduce CEMP.

EN010082-000515-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Clean v3.pdf:23: Record any exceptional incidents that cause dust and/or air emissions, either on- or offsite, and the

EN010082-000515-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Clean v3.pdf:23: boundary, to ensure plans are co-ordinated and dust and particulate matter emissions are minimised. It

EN010082-000515-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Clean v3.pdf:23: Display the name and contact details of person(s) accountable for air quality and dust issues on the site

EN010082-000515-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Clean v3.pdf:23: Develop and implement a Dust Management Plan (DMP), which may include measures to control other

EN010082-000515-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Clean v3.pdf:23: should be included as appropriate for the site. The DMP may include monitoring of dust deposition,

EN010082-000515-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Clean v3.pdf:23: dust flux, real time PM10 continuous monitoring and/or visual inspections. The plan should include:

EN010082-000515-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Clean v3.pdf:23: monitor dust, record inspection results, and make the log available to the local authority when

EN010082-000515-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Clean v3.pdf:23: asked. This should include regular dust soiling checks of surfaces such as cars and window sills

EN010082-000515-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Clean v3.pdf:23:  Increase the frequency of site inspections by the person accountable for air quality and dust

EN010082-000515-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Clean v3.pdf:23: issues on site when activities with a high potential to produce dust are being carried out and

EN010082-000515-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Clean v3.pdf:23:  Agree dust deposition, dust flux, or real-time PM10 continuous monitoring locations with the

EN010082-000515-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Clean v3.pdf:24:  Plan site layout so that machinery and dust causing activities are located away from receptors,

EN010082-000515-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Clean v3.pdf:24:  Fully enclose site or specific operations where there is a high potential for dust production and

EN010082-000515-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Clean v3.pdf:24:  Remove materials that have a potential to produce dust from site as soon as possible, unless

EN010082-000515-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Clean v3.pdf:24:  Only use cutting, grinding or sawing equipment fitted or in conjunction with suitable dust

EN010082-000515-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Clean v3.pdf:24:  Ensure an adequate water supply on the site for effective dust/particulate matter

EN010082-000515-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Clean v3.pdf:24: appropriately to prevent dust.

EN010082-000515-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Clean v3.pdf:24:  Use water-assisted dust sweeper(s) on the access and local roads, to remove, as necessary, any

EN010082-000515-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Clean v3.pdf:25:  Implement a wheel washing system (with rumble grids to dislodge accumulated dust and mud

EN010082-000515-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Clean v3.pdf:28: dust emissions.

EN010082-000515-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Clean v3.pdf:29: on ecology. prevention of surface and ground water pollution, fugitive dust

EN010082-000515-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Clean v3.pdf:30: Dust deposition on sensitive vegetation/habitats during site preparation will be undertaken

EN010082-000515-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Clean v3.pdf:31: working and emergency procedures for the control and mitigation of erosion and dust

EN010082-000515-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Clean v3.pdf:32: dust masks;

EN010082-000515-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Clean v3.pdf:32:  the Contractor will implement a dust suppression/management system in order to

EN010082-000515-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Clean v3.pdf:40:Machinery and dust causing activities will be located away from sensitive receptors where possible. e.g. EPC Contractor

EN010082-000515-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Clean v3.pdf:40:Haul routes will be hard surfaced as soon as possible to reduce dust.

EN010082-000516-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Tracked v3.pdf:8: the Assessment of Dust from Demolition and undertake a construction impact assessment.

EN010082-000516-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Tracked v3.pdf:14: activity, which may give rise to a particular issue such as dust.

EN010082-000516-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Tracked v3.pdf:17: of airborne dust;

EN010082-000516-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Tracked v3.pdf:23: nuisance dust and PM10 before work commences on site.

EN010082-000516-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Tracked v3.pdf:23: activities. Record all dust and air quality complaints, identify cause(s), take appropriate measures to reduce

EN010082-000516-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Tracked v3.pdf:23: Record any exceptional incidents that cause dust and/or air emissions, either on- or offsite, and the

EN010082-000516-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Tracked v3.pdf:23: boundary, to ensure plans are co-ordinated and dust and particulate matter emissions are minimised. It

EN010082-000516-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Tracked v3.pdf:23: Display the name and contact details of person(s) accountable for air quality and dust issues on the site

EN010082-000516-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Tracked v3.pdf:23: Develop and implement a Dust Management Plan (DMP), which may include measures to control other

EN010082-000516-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Tracked v3.pdf:23: should be included as appropriate for the site. The DMP may include monitoring of dust deposition,

EN010082-000516-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Tracked v3.pdf:23: dust flux, real time PM10 continuous monitoring and/or visual inspections. The plan should include:

EN010082-000516-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Tracked v3.pdf:23: monitor dust, record inspection results, and make the log available to the local authority when

EN010082-000516-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Tracked v3.pdf:23: asked. This should include regular dust soiling checks of surfaces such as cars and window sills

EN010082-000516-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Tracked v3.pdf:23:  Increase the frequency of site inspections by the person accountable for air quality and dust

EN010082-000516-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Tracked v3.pdf:23: issues on site when activities with a high potential to produce dust are being carried out and

EN010082-000516-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Tracked v3.pdf:23:  Agree dust deposition, dust flux, or real-time PM10 continuous monitoring locations with the

EN010082-000516-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Tracked v3.pdf:24:  Plan site layout so that machinery and dust causing activities are located away from receptors,

EN010082-000516-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Tracked v3.pdf:24:  Fully enclose site or specific operations where there is a high potential for dust production and

EN010082-000516-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Tracked v3.pdf:24:  Remove materials that have a potential to produce dust from site as soon as possible, unless

EN010082-000516-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Tracked v3.pdf:24:  Only use cutting, grinding or sawing equipment fitted or in conjunction with suitable dust

EN010082-000516-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Tracked v3.pdf:24:  Ensure an adequate water supply on the site for effective dust/particulate matter

EN010082-000516-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Tracked v3.pdf:24: appropriately to prevent dust.

EN010082-000516-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Tracked v3.pdf:24:  Use water-assisted dust sweeper(s) on the access and local roads, to remove, as necessary, any

EN010082-000516-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Tracked v3.pdf:25:  Implement a wheel washing system (with rumble grids to dislodge accumulated dust and mud

EN010082-000516-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Tracked v3.pdf:29: dust emissions.

EN010082-000516-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Tracked v3.pdf:30: associated with waste generation, Equipment (PPE) such as dust masks; CEMP.

EN010082-000516-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Tracked v3.pdf:31: − the Contractor will implement a dust

EN010082-000516-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Tracked v3.pdf:31: on ecology. prevention of surface and ground water pollution, fugitive dust

EN010082-000516-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Tracked v3.pdf:31: Dust deposition on sensitive process;

EN010082-000516-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Tracked v3.pdf:33: working and emergency procedures for the control and mitigation of erosion and dust

EN010082-000516-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Tracked v3.pdf:34: dust masks;

EN010082-000516-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Tracked v3.pdf:34:  the Contractor will implement a dust suppression/management system in order to

EN010082-000516-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Tracked v3.pdf:40:  dust and responsibilities;

EN010082-000516-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Tracked v3.pdf:42:Machinery and dust causing activities will be located away from sensitive receptors where possible. e.g. EPC Contr

EN010082-000516-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Tracked v3.pdf:42:Haul routes will be hard surfaced as soon as possible to reduce dust.

EN010082-000314-TEES - Regulation 24 Transboundary Screening (3).pdf:2: (NO2), particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) and dust.

EN010082-000207-EN010082-6.3.17-ES Annex I2-Draft Construction Traffic Management Plan-Final-November 2017.pdf:11: In the interests of highway safety and for dust control measures, wheel

EN010082-000650-The Tees Combined Cycle Power Plant Order 2019 (Final) (Validated) (2).pdf:16: (iii) air quality including dust;

EN010082-000181-EN010082-6.2.10-ES Chapter 10-Traffic and Transport-Final-November 2017.pdf:17: atmosphere including dust (see Chapter 7), pedestrian delay, pedestrian

EN010082-000181-EN010082-6.2.10-ES Chapter 10-Traffic and Transport-Final-November 2017.pdf:30: • wheel washing and dust control; and

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (1).pdf:44: • effects on sensitive human receptors due to dust emissions from

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (1).pdf:44:  dust arising from construction activity.

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (1).pdf:46: dust, PM10 and PM2.5, a semi-quantitative assessment approach has been

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (1).pdf:46: IAQM (2014) Assessment of dust from demolition and construction

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (1).pdf:47:4.9.21. With regard to emissions of dust, PM10 and PM2.5 during construction, the

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (1).pdf:47: nearby industrial receptors (which are considered to be sensitive to dust

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (1).pdf:47: impacts from dust, PM10 and PM2.5 during construction would be negligible

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (1).pdf:49: will need to be put in place for the control of dust, PM10 and PM2.5

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (1).pdf:51: why the IAQM guidance6 on the assessment of dust from demolition and

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (1).pdf:51: guidance is that all impacts of dust emissions from construction can be

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (1).pdf:51:4.9.41. Q1.1.21 PD-008 sought further explanation of how dust mitigation

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (1).pdf:51: Volume 2, Annex L) APP-081.10 The Applicant states that the dust

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (1).pdf:51: 080]. I am content that dust mitigation during construction have been

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (1).pdf:57: quality would be expected. The ES identifies a high risk of dust being

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (1).pdf:58: dust and other environmental impacts. This is secured through

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (1).pdf:83: arrangements, working hours, wheel washing and dust control. For the

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (1).pdf:115:6.2.1. The construction process will emit plant exhaust and dust. However,

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (1).pdf:123: minimum measures of dust mitigation during construction. At Deadline 2

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (1).pdf:123: dust mitigation measures in tabular form (Table L4.3). The Applicant

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (1).pdf:123: commented that the dust mitigation that will be used during the

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (1).pdf:174: (iii) air quality including dust;

EN010082-000476-Applicant’s Comments on Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council’s Responses to the Examiner’s Written Questions D3.pdf:9:1.1.21 Dust from construction is identified in the ES (7.130) APP-049 as The applicant has produced a Statutory Nuisance Statement which states Please refer to the Applicant’s Response to Examining Authority’s Written Questions

EN010082-000476-Applicant’s Comments on Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council’s Responses to the Examiner’s Written Questions D3.pdf:9: having a potentially significant effect if unmitigated. Whilst that dust mitigation from IAQM for ‘High Risk’ sites will be adopted, (Application Document Ref: 8.6) submitted at Deadline 2 of the Examination.

EN010082-000476-Applicant’s Comments on Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council’s Responses to the Examiner’s Written Questions D3.pdf:9: If best practice measures to control the effects of dust are not

EN010082-000476-Applicant’s Comments on Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council’s Responses to the Examiner’s Written Questions D3.pdf:14:1.5.11 Annex L of the ES APP-081 presents a framework for the The CEMP should include measures to control the emission of noise dust Please refer to the Applicant’s Response to Examining Authority’s Written Questions

EN010082-000476-Applicant’s Comments on Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council’s Responses to the Examiner’s Written Questions D3.pdf:15: detailed CEMP being agreed with Redcar and Cleveland Borough dust and vibration during the construction period. (Application Document Ref: 8.6) submitted at Deadline 2 of the Examination.

EN010082-000476-Applicant’s Comments on Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council’s Responses to the Examiner’s Written Questions D3.pdf:18: sediment control plan to control dust during excavation. The Team

EN010082-000524-_DOC_150670236(1)_DEADLINE 4_ DCO (Validated).pdf:15: (iii) air quality including dust;

EN010082-000350-Placeholder for ExA's Written Questions.pdf:5: (IAQM) guidance on the assessment of dust from demolition and construction sites (2014) ‘has not

EN010082-000350-Placeholder for ExA's Written Questions.pdf:5: construction dust at the identified human health receptor. Please clarify.

EN010082-000350-Placeholder for ExA's Written Questions.pdf:6:Q1.1.14 Applicant What distances have been considered in the context of the construction dust assessment, taking

EN010082-000350-Placeholder for ExA's Written Questions.pdf:6: In addition, the IAQM guidance advocates a ‘Step 2’ process to consider risks of dust impacts

EN010082-000350-Placeholder for ExA's Written Questions.pdf:6:Q1.1.18 Applicant The potential effects of dust emissions at nearby industrial facilities as described in paragraph 7.109

EN010082-000350-Placeholder for ExA's Written Questions.pdf:7:Q1.1.21 Applicant Dust from construction is identified in the ES (7.130) APP-049 as having a potentially significant

EN010082-000350-Placeholder for ExA's Written Questions.pdf:7: If best practice measures to control the effects of dust are not followed by contractors or prove to be

EN010082-000369-2.1 - Tees CCPP - Draft DCO with proposed change - clean Rev 2.pdf:16: (iii) air quality including dust;

EN010082-000497-_DOC_40064625(1)_DEADLINE 2_ DCO showing changes.pdf:16: (iii) air quality including dust;

EN010082-000589-2.1 - Tees CCPP - Draft Development Consent Order – Final (Version 7).pdf:16: (iii) air quality including dust;

EN010082-000316-TEES - Final Rule 6 letter.pdf:8: • Construction impacts including dust and the application of the

EN010082-000380-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 Air Quality - tracked Rev 2 with figures.pdf:2: • effects on sensitive human receptors due to dust emissions from

EN010082-000380-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 Air Quality - tracked Rev 2 with figures.pdf:2: • dust during the construction phase; and

EN010082-000380-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 Air Quality - tracked Rev 2 with figures.pdf:3: • dust arising from construction activity.

EN010082-000380-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 Air Quality - tracked Rev 2 with figures.pdf:8: Sections 6.6.3 and 6.6.4 of the Scoping Report state, respectively, that dust and PM10 and PM2.5 produced The construction dust assessment

EN010082-000380-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 Air Quality - tracked Rev 2 with figures.pdf:8: during construction will be considered, and that dust impacts could result in potentially significant effects. The considers dust, PM 10 and PM 2.5 . No

EN010082-000380-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 Air Quality - tracked Rev 2 with figures.pdf:8: Development. The Applicant should also agree with RCBC and EA the appropriate use of background conclusion of the dust assessment is

EN010082-000380-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 Air Quality - tracked Rev 2 with figures.pdf:8: Air quality and dust levels should be considered not only on site but also off-site, including along access roads Mitigation measures are set out in

EN010082-000380-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 Air Quality - tracked Rev 2 with figures.pdf:8: and local public rights of way (PRoW). Consideration should be given to monitoring dust complaints. The Section 7.4.8 and will be reflected in

EN010082-000380-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 Air Quality - tracked Rev 2 with figures.pdf:17: (d) any dust, steam, smell or other effluvia arising on industrial, trade or

EN010082-000380-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 Air Quality - tracked Rev 2 with figures.pdf:17: (3) Institute of Air quality Management (2014) Guidance on the assessment of dust from demolition and construction

EN010082-000380-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 Air Quality - tracked Rev 2 with figures.pdf:18: dust that may arise from the construction or operation of the Project, such that

EN010082-000380-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 Air Quality - tracked Rev 2 with figures.pdf:18:7.43 In terms of construction phase traffic and dust, PM 10 and PM 2.5 emissions, a

EN010082-000380-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 Air Quality - tracked Rev 2 with figures.pdf:26:7.2.5 Construction Dust, PM10 and PM2.5

EN010082-000380-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 Air Quality - tracked Rev 2 with figures.pdf:26:7.67 The assessment of construction dust, PM 10 and PM 2.5 is based on identifying

EN010082-000380-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 Air Quality - tracked Rev 2 with figures.pdf:26: effects of construction dust, PM 10 and PM 2.5 is based upon guidance from the

EN010082-000380-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 Air Quality - tracked Rev 2 with figures.pdf:26: (1) IAQM (2014) Assessment of dust from demolition and construction

EN010082-000380-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 Air Quality - tracked Rev 2 with figures.pdf:37:7.105 Emissions of dust, PM 10 and PM 2.5 can lead to nuisance and soiling effects, and

EN010082-000380-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 Air Quality - tracked Rev 2 with figures.pdf:38: Impacts from Dust Emissions during Construction

EN010082-000380-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 Air Quality - tracked Rev 2 with figures.pdf:38:7.108 The assessment of the potential impacts of construction dust, PM 10 and PM 2.5

EN010082-000380-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 Air Quality - tracked Rev 2 with figures.pdf:38: adjacent to the first. These facilities are sensitive to dust ingress and

EN010082-000380-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 Air Quality - tracked Rev 2 with figures.pdf:38: susceptible to damage due to ingress of dust. Given the surrounding

EN010082-000380-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 Air Quality - tracked Rev 2 with figures.pdf:38: of significant dust, PM 10 and PM 2.5 effects on industrial receptors, and as a

EN010082-000380-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 Air Quality - tracked Rev 2 with figures.pdf:38: (1) IAQM (2014) Assessment of dust from demolition and construction

EN010082-000380-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 Air Quality - tracked Rev 2 with figures.pdf:45: dust, PM 10 and PM 2.5 emissions and impacts, and mitigation will be similar to

EN010082-000380-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 Air Quality - tracked Rev 2 with figures.pdf:52:7.125 Mitigation is required for mitigation of dust, PM 10 and PM 2.5 emissions during

EN010082-000380-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 Air Quality - tracked Rev 2 with figures.pdf:52: precautionary approach, are considered to be sensitive to dust. Whilst the

EN010082-000380-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 Air Quality - tracked Rev 2 with figures.pdf:52: be of high sensitivity to dust ingress. In the event of a phased development,

EN010082-000380-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 Air Quality - tracked Rev 2 with figures.pdf:52: to dust impacts from construction of the second phase, as CCGTs are

EN010082-000380-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 Air Quality - tracked Rev 2 with figures.pdf:52: susceptible to damage from dust ingestion, and filters may become clogged.

EN010082-000380-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 Air Quality - tracked Rev 2 with figures.pdf:52: On this basis, best practice mitigation will need to be adopted. Dust, PM 10 and

EN010082-000380-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 Air Quality - tracked Rev 2 with figures.pdf:52: Risk’ sits will be adopted: IAQM (2014) Guidance on the assessment of dust from

EN010082-000380-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 Air Quality - tracked Rev 2 with figures.pdf:52: minimise dust, PM 10 and PM 2.5 emissions to the extent that impacts are

EN010082-000380-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 Air Quality - tracked Rev 2 with figures.pdf:52: negligible. However, it should be noted that due to the nature of dust

EN010082-000380-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 Air Quality - tracked Rev 2 with figures.pdf:53: Construction Impacts associated with dust Mitigation as per IAQM (2014) guidance At worst Minor, or Not significant

EN010082-000380-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 Air Quality - tracked Rev 2 with figures.pdf:53: Decommissioning Impacts associated with dust Mitigation as per IAQM (2014) guidance (or At worst Minor, or Not significant

EN010082-000380-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 Air Quality - tracked Rev 2 with figures.pdf:54: phase for traffic and dust; operational phase for emissions from the Project

EN010082-000380-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 Air Quality - tracked Rev 2 with figures.pdf:54: CCGTs; and decommissioning phase for traffic and dust. Consideration was

EN010082-000380-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 Air Quality - tracked Rev 2 with figures.pdf:54:7.130 If unmitigated, there are potentially significant effects associated with dust

EN010082-000380-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 Air Quality - tracked Rev 2 with figures.pdf:54: significant effects associated with dust, PM 10 and PM 2.5 emissions and

EN010082-000554-8.51 - Draft DCO - Clean (v5).pdf:15: (iii) air quality including dust;

EN010082-000144-EN010082-2.1-Draft Development Consent Order-Final-November 2017.pdf:15:(iii) air quality, including dust;

EN010082-000650-The Tees Combined Cycle Power Plant Order 2019 (Final) (Validated) (3).pdf:16: (iii) air quality including dust;

EN010082-000170-EN010082-6.1-ES Non Technical Summary-Final-November 2017.pdf:14: phase from traffic and dust; the operational phase for combustion emissions

EN010082-000170-EN010082-6.1-ES Non Technical Summary-Final-November 2017.pdf:14: from the stacks; and the decommissioning phase for traffic and dust.

EN010082-000170-EN010082-6.1-ES Non Technical Summary-Final-November 2017.pdf:14:0.45 If unmitigated, the potential for significant effects associated with dust

EN010082-000170-EN010082-6.1-ES Non Technical Summary-Final-November 2017.pdf:14: applied to reduce dust emissions; residual effects are considered to be, at

EN010082-000170-EN010082-6.1-ES Non Technical Summary-Final-November 2017.pdf:19: increased traffic, air quality, dust and noise effects. These effects will be

EN010082-000517-8.43 - Tees CCPP - Written Summary of Oral Case - Env Matters ISH - FINAL - 05.07.18.pdf:11: CEMP measures to control dust

EN010082-000517-8.43 - Tees CCPP - Written Summary of Oral Case - Env Matters ISH - FINAL - 05.07.18.pdf:11: Requirement 13 and dust mitigation measures. The ExA confirmed that his concerns had been resolved

EN010082-000537-8.47 - Tees CCPP - Draft DCO - Clean (v4).pdf:15: (iii) air quality including dust;

EN010082-000577-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Tracked).pdf:8:Air Quality Environmental Protection Act 1990 Creates the main regulatory controls over ‘statutory nuisance’ including smoke, fumes, gases, dust,

EN010082-000577-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Tracked).pdf:8: the Assessment of Dust from Demolition and undertake a construction impact assessment.

EN010082-000577-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Tracked).pdf:8: Institute of Air Quality Management Guidance on Best practice recommendations for approaches to monitoring dust.

EN010082-000577-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Tracked).pdf:14: activity, which may give rise to a particular issue such as dust.

EN010082-000577-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Tracked).pdf:17: of airborne dust;

EN010082-000577-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Tracked).pdf:23: nuisance dust and PM10 before work commences on site. confirmed in detailed CEMP.

EN010082-000577-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Tracked).pdf:23: activities. Record all dust and air quality complaints, identify cause(s), take appropriate measures to reduce CEMP.

EN010082-000577-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Tracked).pdf:23: Record any exceptional incidents that cause dust and/or air emissions, either on- or offsite, and the

EN010082-000577-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Tracked).pdf:23: boundary, to ensure plans are co-ordinated and dust and particulate matter emissions are minimised. It

EN010082-000577-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Tracked).pdf:23: Display the name and contact details of person(s) accountable for air quality and dust issues on the site

EN010082-000577-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Tracked).pdf:23: Develop and implement a Dust Management Plan (DMP), which may include measures to control other

EN010082-000577-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Tracked).pdf:23: should be included as appropriate for the site. The DMP may include monitoring of dust deposition,

EN010082-000577-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Tracked).pdf:23: dust flux, real time PM10 continuous monitoring and/or visual inspections. The plan should include:

EN010082-000577-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Tracked).pdf:23: monitor dust, record inspection results, and make the log available to the local authority when

EN010082-000577-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Tracked).pdf:23: asked. This should include regular dust soiling checks of surfaces such as cars and window sills

EN010082-000577-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Tracked).pdf:23:  Increase the frequency of site inspections by the person accountable for air quality and dust

EN010082-000577-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Tracked).pdf:23: issues on site when activities with a high potential to produce dust are being carried out and

EN010082-000577-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Tracked).pdf:23:  Agree dust deposition, dust flux, or real-time PM10 continuous monitoring locations with the

EN010082-000577-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Tracked).pdf:24:  Plan site layout so that machinery and dust causing activities are located away from receptors,

EN010082-000577-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Tracked).pdf:24:  Fully enclose site or specific operations where there is a high potential for dust production and

EN010082-000577-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Tracked).pdf:24:  Remove materials that have a potential to produce dust from site as soon as possible, unless

EN010082-000577-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Tracked).pdf:24:  Only use cutting, grinding or sawing equipment fitted or in conjunction with suitable dust

EN010082-000577-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Tracked).pdf:24:  Ensure an adequate water supply on the site for effective dust/particulate matter

EN010082-000577-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Tracked).pdf:24: appropriately to prevent dust.

EN010082-000577-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Tracked).pdf:24:  Use water-assisted dust sweeper(s) on the access and local roads, to remove, as necessary, any

EN010082-000577-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Tracked).pdf:25:  Implement a wheel washing system (with rumble grids to dislodge accumulated dust and mud

EN010082-000577-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Tracked).pdf:30: dust emissions.

EN010082-000577-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Tracked).pdf:31: on ecology. prevention of surface and ground water pollution, fugitive dust

EN010082-000577-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Tracked).pdf:31: Dust deposition on sensitive compliance in relation to nesting birds, all clearance of suitable

EN010082-000577-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Tracked).pdf:33: working and emergency procedures for the control and mitigation of erosion and dust

EN010082-000577-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Tracked).pdf:33: dust masks;

EN010082-000577-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Tracked).pdf:34:  the Contractor will implement a dust suppression/management system in order to

EN010082-000577-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Tracked).pdf:41:Machinery and dust causing activities will be located away from sensitive receptors where possible. e.g. EPC Contractor

EN010082-000577-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Tracked).pdf:41:Haul routes will be hard surfaced as soon as possible to reduce dust.

EN010082-000189-EN010082-6.2.18-ES_Chapter 18-Conclusions-Final-November 2017.pdf:3: • If unmitigated, there is potential for significant effects associated with dust

EN010082-000189-EN010082-6.2.18-ES_Chapter 18-Conclusions-Final-November 2017.pdf:3: standard control measures to reduce dust emissions; residual effects are

EN010082-000409-8.14 - Table 3.2 update.pdf:1: worst case. No change from the site would result in a greater potential for dust to event of a phased development, the operating CCGT installed in the

EN010082-000409-8.14 - Table 3.2 update.pdf:1: scoping. be generated. first phase will also be a sensitive receptor to dust impacts from

EN010082-000409-8.14 - Table 3.2 update.pdf:1: damage from dust ingestion, and filters may become clogged. On

EN010082-000409-8.14 - Table 3.2 update.pdf:1: this basis, best practice mitigation will need to be adopted. Dust,

EN010082-000409-8.14 - Table 3.2 update.pdf:1: Guidance on the assessment of dust from demolition and

EN010082-000409-8.14 - Table 3.2 update.pdf:1: minimise dust, PM10 and PM2.5 emissions to the extent that

EN010082-000409-8.14 - Table 3.2 update.pdf:1: The power plant would not be constructed without dust

EN010082-000409-8.14 - Table 3.2 update.pdf:1: construction. Best practice for management of dust emissions

EN010082-000403-6.3.17 - Tees CCPP - Annex I2-Draft Construction Traffic Management Plan - UPDATED.pdf:12: In the interests of highway safety and for dust control measures, wheel

EN010082-000196-EN010082-6.3.6-ES Annex D3-Site Condition Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:37: agricultural land, and from dust and ingestion of for an industrial use of the site. Potential for soil contamination

EN010082-000196-EN010082-6.3.6-ES Annex D3-Site Condition Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:65: x Direct contact, ingestion and inhalation of dust from potentially contaminated soils by site

EN010082-000196-EN010082-6.3.6-ES Annex D3-Site Condition Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:66: inhalation of soil and dust

EN010082-000196-EN010082-6.3.6-ES Annex D3-Site Condition Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:99:and include inhalation, ingestion, dermal contact of soil and dust as pathways for commercial

EN010082-000429-Copy of EXA Questions 1.pdf:2: Dust from construction is identified in the ES (7.130) APP-049 as having

EN010082-000429-Copy of EXA Questions 1.pdf:2: If best practice measures to control the effects of dust are not followed

EN010082-000429-Copy of EXA Questions 1.pdf:21:The applicant has produced a Statutory Nuisance Statement which states that dust mitigation from IAQM for ‘High Risk’ sites will be adopted, however

EN010082-000429-Copy of EXA Questions 1.pdf:28:The CEMP should include measures to control the emission of noise dust and vibration during the construction period.

EN010082-000429-Copy of EXA Questions 1.pdf:28:The CEMP should include Measures to control the emission of noise dust and vibration during the construction period.

EN010082-000429-Copy of EXA Questions 1.pdf:33:also envisaged to include details of waste management and a sediment control plan to control dust during excavation. The Team will review the content of the

EN010082-000389-7 3 - Tees CCPP - SoCG with Redcar Cleveland - DRAFT.pdf:20: associated with dust emissions at nearby existing industrial facilities and, if the development is phased, on

EN010082-000389-7 3 - Tees CCPP - SoCG with Redcar Cleveland - DRAFT.pdf:20: with dust emissions and deposition at any nearby industrial premises that might be close to the Site

EN010082-000650-The Tees Combined Cycle Power Plant Order 2019 (Final) (Validated) (1).pdf:16: (iii) air quality including dust;

EN010082-000594-8.69 - Draft Development Consent Order - Tracked (Version 7).pdf:16: (iii) air quality including dust;

EN010082-000374-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 - Air Quality - clean Rev 2 with figures.pdf:2: • effects on sensitive human receptors due to dust emissions from

EN010082-000374-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 - Air Quality - clean Rev 2 with figures.pdf:2: • dust during the construction phase; and

EN010082-000374-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 - Air Quality - clean Rev 2 with figures.pdf:3: • dust arising from construction activity.

EN010082-000374-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 - Air Quality - clean Rev 2 with figures.pdf:8: Sections 6.6.3 and 6.6.4 of the Scoping Report state, respectively, that dust and PM10 and PM2.5 produced during The construction dust assessment

EN010082-000374-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 - Air Quality - clean Rev 2 with figures.pdf:8: construction will be considered, and that dust impacts could result in potentially significant effects. The SoS considers dust, PM 10 and PM 2.5 . No

EN010082-000374-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 - Air Quality - clean Rev 2 with figures.pdf:8: The Applicant should also agree with RCBC and EA the appropriate use of background mapping to inform the conclusion of the dust assessment is

EN010082-000374-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 - Air Quality - clean Rev 2 with figures.pdf:8: Air quality and dust levels should be considered not only on site but also off-site, including along access roads Mitigation measures are set out in

EN010082-000374-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 - Air Quality - clean Rev 2 with figures.pdf:8: and local public rights of way (PRoW). Consideration should be given to monitoring dust complaints. The Section 7.4.8 and will be reflected in a

EN010082-000374-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 - Air Quality - clean Rev 2 with figures.pdf:17: (d) any dust, steam, smell or other effluvia arising on industrial, trade or

EN010082-000374-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 - Air Quality - clean Rev 2 with figures.pdf:17: (3) Institute of Air quality Management (2014) Guidance on the assessment of dust from demolition and construction

EN010082-000374-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 - Air Quality - clean Rev 2 with figures.pdf:18: dust that may arise from the construction or operation of the Project, such that

EN010082-000374-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 - Air Quality - clean Rev 2 with figures.pdf:18:7.43 In terms of construction phase traffic and dust, PM 10 and PM 2.5 emissions, a

EN010082-000374-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 - Air Quality - clean Rev 2 with figures.pdf:26:7.2.5 Construction Dust, PM10 and PM2.5

EN010082-000374-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 - Air Quality - clean Rev 2 with figures.pdf:26:7.67 The assessment of construction dust, PM 10 and PM 2.5 is based on identifying

EN010082-000374-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 - Air Quality - clean Rev 2 with figures.pdf:26: effects of construction dust, PM 10 and PM 2.5 is based upon guidance from the

EN010082-000374-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 - Air Quality - clean Rev 2 with figures.pdf:26: (1) IAQM (2014) Assessment of dust from demolition and construction

EN010082-000374-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 - Air Quality - clean Rev 2 with figures.pdf:37:7.105 Emissions of dust, PM 10 and PM 2.5 can lead to nuisance and soiling effects, and

EN010082-000374-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 - Air Quality - clean Rev 2 with figures.pdf:38: Impacts from Dust Emissions during Construction

EN010082-000374-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 - Air Quality - clean Rev 2 with figures.pdf:38:7.108 The assessment of the potential impacts of construction dust, PM 10 and PM 2.5

EN010082-000374-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 - Air Quality - clean Rev 2 with figures.pdf:38: adjacent to the first. These facilities are sensitive to dust ingress and

EN010082-000374-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 - Air Quality - clean Rev 2 with figures.pdf:38: susceptible to damage due to ingress of dust. Given the surrounding

EN010082-000374-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 - Air Quality - clean Rev 2 with figures.pdf:38: of significant dust, PM 10 and PM 2.5 effects on industrial receptors, and as a

EN010082-000374-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 - Air Quality - clean Rev 2 with figures.pdf:38: (1) IAQM (2014) Assessment of dust from demolition and construction

EN010082-000374-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 - Air Quality - clean Rev 2 with figures.pdf:45: dust, PM 10 and PM 2.5 emissions and impacts, and mitigation will be similar to

EN010082-000374-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 - Air Quality - clean Rev 2 with figures.pdf:52:7.125 Mitigation is required for mitigation of dust, PM 10 and PM 2.5 emissions during

EN010082-000374-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 - Air Quality - clean Rev 2 with figures.pdf:52: precautionary approach, are considered to be sensitive to dust. Whilst the

EN010082-000374-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 - Air Quality - clean Rev 2 with figures.pdf:52: be of high sensitivity to dust ingress. In the event of a phased development,

EN010082-000374-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 - Air Quality - clean Rev 2 with figures.pdf:52: to dust impacts from construction of the second phase, as CCGTs are

EN010082-000374-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 - Air Quality - clean Rev 2 with figures.pdf:52: susceptible to damage from dust ingestion, and filters may become clogged.

EN010082-000374-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 - Air Quality - clean Rev 2 with figures.pdf:52: On this basis, best practice mitigation will need to be adopted. Dust, PM 10 and

EN010082-000374-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 - Air Quality - clean Rev 2 with figures.pdf:52: Risk’ sits will be adopted: IAQM (2014) Guidance on the assessment of dust from

EN010082-000374-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 - Air Quality - clean Rev 2 with figures.pdf:52: minimise dust, PM 10 and PM 2.5 emissions to the extent that impacts are

EN010082-000374-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 - Air Quality - clean Rev 2 with figures.pdf:52: negligible. However, it should be noted that due to the nature of dust

EN010082-000374-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 - Air Quality - clean Rev 2 with figures.pdf:53:Construction Impacts associated with dust Mitigation as per IAQM (2014) guidance At worst Minor, or Not significant

EN010082-000374-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 - Air Quality - clean Rev 2 with figures.pdf:53:Decommissioning Impacts associated with dust Mitigation as per IAQM (2014) guidance (or At worst Minor, or Not significant

EN010082-000374-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 - Air Quality - clean Rev 2 with figures.pdf:54: phase for traffic and dust; operational phase for emissions from the Project

EN010082-000374-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 - Air Quality - clean Rev 2 with figures.pdf:54: CCGTs; and decommissioning phase for traffic and dust. Consideration was

EN010082-000374-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 - Air Quality - clean Rev 2 with figures.pdf:54:7.130 If unmitigated, there are potentially significant effects associated with dust

EN010082-000374-6.2.7 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 7 - Air Quality - clean Rev 2 with figures.pdf:54: significant effects associated with dust, PM 10 and PM 2.5 emissions and

EN010082-000538-8.48 - Tees CCPP - Draft DCO - Tracked (v4).pdf:16: (iii) air quality including dust;

EN010082-000314-TEES - Regulation 24 Transboundary Screening (2).pdf:2: (NO2), particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) and dust.

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:33: noise and vibration; release of dust; residue management; and water quality

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:55: construction works (e.g. wheel washing and dust suppression) and hygiene.

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:89: the potential to arise from construction traffic and construction dust at nearby

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:89: dioxide (NO2), and particulate matter (as PM10 (1) and PM2.5 (2)). Dust and

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:91: by the Project, and dust as a result of construction activities. Changes in air

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:91: Dust impacts could have potentially significant effects. Guidance from the

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:91: (2) IAQM, 2016. Guidance on the assessment of dust from demolition and construction. Version 1.1.

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:107:quality, dust and noise effects. These effects are not anticipated to of greater

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:126: Dust and PM10/PM2.5 produced to NOx, nutrient nitrogen Airport) will b

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:136: Dust generating activities during construction could act cumulatively on

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:136: receptors with dust generating activities from screened development in

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:137: A nominal impact zone of 250 m is considered for construction dust.

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:139: Construction Dust (250m)

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:140: Construction dust

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:140: Construction dust

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:140: Construction dust

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:140: developed as a renewable energy plant with Construction dust

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:141: Construction dust

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:141: Construction dust

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:141: Construction dust

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:141: Construction dust

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:142: Construction dust

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:142: Construction dust

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:142: Construction dust

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:143: Construction dust

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:143: Construction dust

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:143: Construction dust

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:144: Construction dust

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:144: Construction dust

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:144: Construction dust

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:144: landing site, attenuation ponds, landscaping, Construction dust

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:145: Construction dust

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:145: Construction dust

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:145: Construction dust

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:146: Construction dust

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:146: Site TS10 4XZ Construction dust

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:146: Construction dust

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:147: Road including landscaping (resubmission). Construction dust

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:147: Construction dust

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:147: the south bank Facility (which is subject of a separate planning Construction dust

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:148: Construction dust

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:148: Construction dust

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:148: Construction dust

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:149: Construction dust

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:149: Construction dust

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:149: Construction dust

EN010082-000558-6.3.20 - Annex L CEMP Clean v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:8:Air Quality Environmental Protection Act 1990 Creates the main regulatory controls over ‘statutory nuisance’ including smoke, fumes, gases, dust,

EN010082-000558-6.3.20 - Annex L CEMP Clean v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:8: the Assessment of Dust from Demolition and undertake a construction impact assessment.

EN010082-000558-6.3.20 - Annex L CEMP Clean v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:8: Institute of Air Quality Management Guidance on Best practice recommendations for approaches to monitoring dust.

EN010082-000558-6.3.20 - Annex L CEMP Clean v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:14: activity, which may give rise to a particular issue such as dust.

EN010082-000558-6.3.20 - Annex L CEMP Clean v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:17: of airborne dust;

EN010082-000558-6.3.20 - Annex L CEMP Clean v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:23: nuisance dust and PM10 before work commences on site. confirmed in detailed CEMP.

EN010082-000558-6.3.20 - Annex L CEMP Clean v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:23: activities. Record all dust and air quality complaints, identify cause(s), take appropriate measures to reduce CEMP.

EN010082-000558-6.3.20 - Annex L CEMP Clean v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:23: Record any exceptional incidents that cause dust and/or air emissions, either on- or offsite, and the

EN010082-000558-6.3.20 - Annex L CEMP Clean v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:23: boundary, to ensure plans are co-ordinated and dust and particulate matter emissions are minimised. It

EN010082-000558-6.3.20 - Annex L CEMP Clean v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:23: Display the name and contact details of person(s) accountable for air quality and dust issues on the site

EN010082-000558-6.3.20 - Annex L CEMP Clean v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:23: Develop and implement a Dust Management Plan (DMP), which may include measures to control other

EN010082-000558-6.3.20 - Annex L CEMP Clean v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:23: should be included as appropriate for the site. The DMP may include monitoring of dust deposition,

EN010082-000558-6.3.20 - Annex L CEMP Clean v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:23: dust flux, real time PM10 continuous monitoring and/or visual inspections. The plan should include:

EN010082-000558-6.3.20 - Annex L CEMP Clean v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:23: monitor dust, record inspection results, and make the log available to the local authority when

EN010082-000558-6.3.20 - Annex L CEMP Clean v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:23: asked. This should include regular dust soiling checks of surfaces such as cars and window sills

EN010082-000558-6.3.20 - Annex L CEMP Clean v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:23:  Increase the frequency of site inspections by the person accountable for air quality and dust

EN010082-000558-6.3.20 - Annex L CEMP Clean v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:23: issues on site when activities with a high potential to produce dust are being carried out and

EN010082-000558-6.3.20 - Annex L CEMP Clean v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:23:  Agree dust deposition, dust flux, or real-time PM10 continuous monitoring locations with the

EN010082-000558-6.3.20 - Annex L CEMP Clean v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:24:  Plan site layout so that machinery and dust causing activities are located away from receptors,

EN010082-000558-6.3.20 - Annex L CEMP Clean v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:24:  Fully enclose site or specific operations where there is a high potential for dust production and

EN010082-000558-6.3.20 - Annex L CEMP Clean v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:24:  Remove materials that have a potential to produce dust from site as soon as possible, unless

EN010082-000558-6.3.20 - Annex L CEMP Clean v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:24:  Only use cutting, grinding or sawing equipment fitted or in conjunction with suitable dust

EN010082-000558-6.3.20 - Annex L CEMP Clean v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:24:  Ensure an adequate water supply on the site for effective dust/particulate matter

EN010082-000558-6.3.20 - Annex L CEMP Clean v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:24: appropriately to prevent dust.

EN010082-000558-6.3.20 - Annex L CEMP Clean v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:24:  Use water-assisted dust sweeper(s) on the access and local roads, to remove, as necessary, any

EN010082-000558-6.3.20 - Annex L CEMP Clean v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:25:  Implement a wheel washing system (with rumble grids to dislodge accumulated dust and mud

EN010082-000558-6.3.20 - Annex L CEMP Clean v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:28: dust emissions.

EN010082-000558-6.3.20 - Annex L CEMP Clean v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:30: on ecology. prevention of surface and ground water pollution, fugitive dust

EN010082-000558-6.3.20 - Annex L CEMP Clean v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:30: Dust deposition on sensitive compliance in relation to nesting birds, all clearance of suitable

EN010082-000558-6.3.20 - Annex L CEMP Clean v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:31: working and emergency procedures for the control and mitigation of erosion and dust

EN010082-000558-6.3.20 - Annex L CEMP Clean v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:32: dust masks;

EN010082-000558-6.3.20 - Annex L CEMP Clean v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:33:  the Contractor will implement a dust suppression/management system in order to

EN010082-000558-6.3.20 - Annex L CEMP Clean v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:40:Machinery and dust causing activities will be located away from sensitive receptors where possible. e.g. EPC Contractor

EN010082-000558-6.3.20 - Annex L CEMP Clean v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:40:Haul routes will be hard surfaced as soon as possible to reduce dust.

EN010082-000215-EN010082-5.9-Statutory Nuisance Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:4: dust;

EN010082-000215-EN010082-5.9-Statutory Nuisance Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:8: D. any dust, steam, smell or other effluvia arising on industrial, trade or

EN010082-000215-EN010082-5.9-Statutory Nuisance Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:8: quality (construction dust and operational emissions), noise, visible plumes

EN010082-000215-EN010082-5.9-Statutory Nuisance Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:10:1.17 In terms of the potential for dust to generate a nuisance during construction

EN010082-000215-EN010082-5.9-Statutory Nuisance Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:10: operation of the first), and these facilities are sensitive to dust ingress and

EN010082-000215-EN010082-5.9-Statutory Nuisance Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:10: susceptible to damage due to ingress of dust. As a consequence dust

EN010082-000192-EN010082-6.3.2-ES Annex B-Scoping Opinion-Final-November 2017.pdf:36: that dust and PM10 and PM2.5 produced during construction will be

EN010082-000192-EN010082-6.3.2-ES Annex B-Scoping Opinion-Final-November 2017.pdf:36: considered, and that dust impacts could result in potentially

EN010082-000192-EN010082-6.3.2-ES Annex B-Scoping Opinion-Final-November 2017.pdf:37:3.81 Air quality and dust levels should be considered not only on site but

EN010082-000192-EN010082-6.3.2-ES Annex B-Scoping Opinion-Final-November 2017.pdf:37: way (PRoW). Consideration should be given to monitoring dust

EN010082-000192-EN010082-6.3.2-ES Annex B-Scoping Opinion-Final-November 2017.pdf:102:for impacts arising from fugitive emissions such as dust), where it is possible to

EN010082-000192-EN010082-6.3.2-ES Annex B-Scoping Opinion-Final-November 2017.pdf:107: the local authority for matters relating to noise, odour, vermin and dust nuisance

EN010082-000519-8.45 - CONSENTORDER_150335454(1)_DEADLINE 4_ DCOv3.pdf:15: (iii) air quality including dust;

EN010082-000557-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP Tracked v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:8:Air Quality Environmental Protection Act 1990 Creates the main regulatory controls over ‘statutory nuisance’ including smoke, fumes, gases, dust,

EN010082-000557-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP Tracked v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:8: the Assessment of Dust from Demolition and undertake a construction impact assessment.

EN010082-000557-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP Tracked v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:8: Institute of Air Quality Management Guidance on Best practice recommendations for approaches to monitoring dust.

EN010082-000557-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP Tracked v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:14: activity, which may give rise to a particular issue such as dust.

EN010082-000557-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP Tracked v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:17: of airborne dust;

EN010082-000557-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP Tracked v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:23: nuisance dust and PM10 before work commences on site. confirmed in detailed CEMP.

EN010082-000557-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP Tracked v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:23: activities. Record all dust and air quality complaints, identify cause(s), take appropriate measures to reduce CEMP.

EN010082-000557-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP Tracked v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:23: Record any exceptional incidents that cause dust and/or air emissions, either on- or offsite, and the

EN010082-000557-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP Tracked v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:23: boundary, to ensure plans are co-ordinated and dust and particulate matter emissions are minimised. It

EN010082-000557-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP Tracked v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:23: Display the name and contact details of person(s) accountable for air quality and dust issues on the site

EN010082-000557-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP Tracked v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:23: Develop and implement a Dust Management Plan (DMP), which may include measures to control other

EN010082-000557-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP Tracked v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:23: should be included as appropriate for the site. The DMP may include monitoring of dust deposition,

EN010082-000557-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP Tracked v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:23: dust flux, real time PM10 continuous monitoring and/or visual inspections. The plan should include:

EN010082-000557-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP Tracked v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:23: monitor dust, record inspection results, and make the log available to the local authority when

EN010082-000557-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP Tracked v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:23: asked. This should include regular dust soiling checks of surfaces such as cars and window sills

EN010082-000557-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP Tracked v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:23:  Increase the frequency of site inspections by the person accountable for air quality and dust

EN010082-000557-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP Tracked v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:23: issues on site when activities with a high potential to produce dust are being carried out and

EN010082-000557-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP Tracked v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:23:  Agree dust deposition, dust flux, or real-time PM10 continuous monitoring locations with the

EN010082-000557-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP Tracked v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:24:  Plan site layout so that machinery and dust causing activities are located away from receptors,

EN010082-000557-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP Tracked v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:24:  Fully enclose site or specific operations where there is a high potential for dust production and

EN010082-000557-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP Tracked v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:24:  Remove materials that have a potential to produce dust from site as soon as possible, unless

EN010082-000557-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP Tracked v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:24:  Only use cutting, grinding or sawing equipment fitted or in conjunction with suitable dust

EN010082-000557-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP Tracked v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:24:  Ensure an adequate water supply on the site for effective dust/particulate matter

EN010082-000557-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP Tracked v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:24: appropriately to prevent dust.

EN010082-000557-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP Tracked v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:24:  Use water-assisted dust sweeper(s) on the access and local roads, to remove, as necessary, any

EN010082-000557-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP Tracked v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:25:  Implement a wheel washing system (with rumble grids to dislodge accumulated dust and mud

EN010082-000557-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP Tracked v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:28: dust emissions.

EN010082-000557-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP Tracked v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:30: on ecology. prevention of surface and ground water pollution, fugitive dust

EN010082-000557-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP Tracked v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:30: Dust deposition on sensitive compliance in relation to nesting birds, all clearance of suitable

EN010082-000557-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP Tracked v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:31: working and emergency procedures for the control and mitigation of erosion and dust

EN010082-000557-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP Tracked v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:32: dust masks;

EN010082-000557-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP Tracked v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:33:  the Contractor will implement a dust suppression/management system in order to

EN010082-000557-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP Tracked v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:40:Machinery and dust causing activities will be located away from sensitive receptors where possible. e.g. EPC Contractor

EN010082-000557-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP Tracked v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:40:Haul routes will be hard surfaced as soon as possible to reduce dust.

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (2).pdf:44: • effects on sensitive human receptors due to dust emissions from

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (2).pdf:44:  dust arising from construction activity.

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (2).pdf:46: dust, PM10 and PM2.5, a semi-quantitative assessment approach has been

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (2).pdf:46: IAQM (2014) Assessment of dust from demolition and construction

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (2).pdf:47:4.9.21. With regard to emissions of dust, PM10 and PM2.5 during construction, the

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (2).pdf:47: nearby industrial receptors (which are considered to be sensitive to dust

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (2).pdf:47: impacts from dust, PM10 and PM2.5 during construction would be negligible

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (2).pdf:49: will need to be put in place for the control of dust, PM10 and PM2.5

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (2).pdf:51: why the IAQM guidance6 on the assessment of dust from demolition and

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (2).pdf:51: guidance is that all impacts of dust emissions from construction can be

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (2).pdf:51:4.9.41. Q1.1.21 PD-008 sought further explanation of how dust mitigation

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (2).pdf:51: Volume 2, Annex L) APP-081.10 The Applicant states that the dust

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (2).pdf:51: 080]. I am content that dust mitigation during construction have been

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (2).pdf:57: quality would be expected. The ES identifies a high risk of dust being

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (2).pdf:58: dust and other environmental impacts. This is secured through

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (2).pdf:83: arrangements, working hours, wheel washing and dust control. For the

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (2).pdf:115:6.2.1. The construction process will emit plant exhaust and dust. However,

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (2).pdf:123: minimum measures of dust mitigation during construction. At Deadline 2

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (2).pdf:123: dust mitigation measures in tabular form (Table L4.3). The Applicant

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (2).pdf:123: commented that the dust mitigation that will be used during the

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (2).pdf:174: (iii) air quality including dust;

EN010082-000178-EN010082-6.2.7-ES Chapter 7-Air Quality-Final-November 2017.pdf:2: • effects on sensitive human receptors due to dust emissions from

EN010082-000178-EN010082-6.2.7-ES Chapter 7-Air Quality-Final-November 2017.pdf:2: • dust during the construction phase; and

EN010082-000178-EN010082-6.2.7-ES Chapter 7-Air Quality-Final-November 2017.pdf:3: • dust arising from construction activity.

EN010082-000178-EN010082-6.2.7-ES Chapter 7-Air Quality-Final-November 2017.pdf:8: Sections 6.6.3 and 6.6.4 of the Scoping Report state, respectively, that dust and PM10 and PM2.5 produced during The construction dust assessment

EN010082-000178-EN010082-6.2.7-ES Chapter 7-Air Quality-Final-November 2017.pdf:8: construction will be considered, and that dust impacts could result in potentially significant effects. The SoS considers dust, PM10 and PM2.5. No

EN010082-000178-EN010082-6.2.7-ES Chapter 7-Air Quality-Final-November 2017.pdf:8: The Applicant should also agree with RCBC and EA the appropriate use of background mapping to inform the conclusion of the dust assessment is

EN010082-000178-EN010082-6.2.7-ES Chapter 7-Air Quality-Final-November 2017.pdf:8: Air quality and dust levels should be considered not only on site but also off-site, including along access roads Mitigation measures are set out in

EN010082-000178-EN010082-6.2.7-ES Chapter 7-Air Quality-Final-November 2017.pdf:8: and local public rights of way (PRoW). Consideration should be given to monitoring dust complaints. The Section 7.4.8 and will be reflected in a

EN010082-000178-EN010082-6.2.7-ES Chapter 7-Air Quality-Final-November 2017.pdf:17: (d) any dust, steam, smell or other effluvia arising on industrial, trade or

EN010082-000178-EN010082-6.2.7-ES Chapter 7-Air Quality-Final-November 2017.pdf:17: (3) Institute of Air quality Management (2014) Guidance on the assessment of dust from demolition and construction

EN010082-000178-EN010082-6.2.7-ES Chapter 7-Air Quality-Final-November 2017.pdf:18: dust that may arise from the construction or operation of the Project, such that

EN010082-000178-EN010082-6.2.7-ES Chapter 7-Air Quality-Final-November 2017.pdf:18:7.43 In terms of construction phase traffic and dust, PM10 and PM2.5 emissions, a

EN010082-000178-EN010082-6.2.7-ES Chapter 7-Air Quality-Final-November 2017.pdf:26:7.2.5 Construction Dust, PM10 and PM2.5

EN010082-000178-EN010082-6.2.7-ES Chapter 7-Air Quality-Final-November 2017.pdf:26:7.67 The assessment of construction dust, PM10 and PM2.5 is based on identifying

EN010082-000178-EN010082-6.2.7-ES Chapter 7-Air Quality-Final-November 2017.pdf:26: effects of construction dust, PM10 and PM2.5 is based upon guidance from the

EN010082-000178-EN010082-6.2.7-ES Chapter 7-Air Quality-Final-November 2017.pdf:26: (1) IAQM (2014) Assessment of dust from demolition and construction

EN010082-000178-EN010082-6.2.7-ES Chapter 7-Air Quality-Final-November 2017.pdf:37:7.105 Emissions of dust, PM10 and PM2.5 can lead to nuisance and soiling effects, and

EN010082-000178-EN010082-6.2.7-ES Chapter 7-Air Quality-Final-November 2017.pdf:38: Impacts from Dust Emissions during Construction

EN010082-000178-EN010082-6.2.7-ES Chapter 7-Air Quality-Final-November 2017.pdf:38:7.108 The assessment of the potential impacts of construction dust, PM10 and PM2.5 is

EN010082-000178-EN010082-6.2.7-ES Chapter 7-Air Quality-Final-November 2017.pdf:38: adjacent to the first. These facilities are sensitive to dust ingress and

EN010082-000178-EN010082-6.2.7-ES Chapter 7-Air Quality-Final-November 2017.pdf:38: susceptible to damage due to ingress of dust. Given the surrounding

EN010082-000178-EN010082-6.2.7-ES Chapter 7-Air Quality-Final-November 2017.pdf:38: of significant dust, PM10 and PM2.5 effects on industrial receptors, and as a

EN010082-000178-EN010082-6.2.7-ES Chapter 7-Air Quality-Final-November 2017.pdf:38: (1) IAQM (2014) Assessment of dust from demolition and construction

EN010082-000178-EN010082-6.2.7-ES Chapter 7-Air Quality-Final-November 2017.pdf:45: dust, PM10 and PM2.5 emissions and impacts, and mitigation will be similar to

EN010082-000178-EN010082-6.2.7-ES Chapter 7-Air Quality-Final-November 2017.pdf:52:7.125 Mitigation is required for mitigation of dust, PM10 and PM2.5 emissions during

EN010082-000178-EN010082-6.2.7-ES Chapter 7-Air Quality-Final-November 2017.pdf:52: precautionary approach, are considered to be sensitive to dust. Whilst the

EN010082-000178-EN010082-6.2.7-ES Chapter 7-Air Quality-Final-November 2017.pdf:52: be of high sensitivity to dust ingress. In the event of a phased development,

EN010082-000178-EN010082-6.2.7-ES Chapter 7-Air Quality-Final-November 2017.pdf:52: to dust impacts from construction of the second phase, as CCGTs are

EN010082-000178-EN010082-6.2.7-ES Chapter 7-Air Quality-Final-November 2017.pdf:52: susceptible to damage from dust ingestion, and filters may become clogged.

EN010082-000178-EN010082-6.2.7-ES Chapter 7-Air Quality-Final-November 2017.pdf:52: On this basis, best practice mitigation will need to be adopted. Dust, PM10 and

EN010082-000178-EN010082-6.2.7-ES Chapter 7-Air Quality-Final-November 2017.pdf:52: Risk’ sits will be adopted: IAQM (2014) Guidance on the assessment of dust from

EN010082-000178-EN010082-6.2.7-ES Chapter 7-Air Quality-Final-November 2017.pdf:52: minimise dust, PM10 and PM2.5 emissions to the extent that impacts are

EN010082-000178-EN010082-6.2.7-ES Chapter 7-Air Quality-Final-November 2017.pdf:52: negligible. However, it should be noted that due to the nature of dust

EN010082-000178-EN010082-6.2.7-ES Chapter 7-Air Quality-Final-November 2017.pdf:53:Construction Impacts associated with dust Mitigation as per IAQM (2014) guidance At worst Minor, or Not significant

EN010082-000178-EN010082-6.2.7-ES Chapter 7-Air Quality-Final-November 2017.pdf:53:Decommissioning Impacts associated with dust Mitigation as per IAQM (2014) guidance (or At worst Minor, or Not significant

EN010082-000178-EN010082-6.2.7-ES Chapter 7-Air Quality-Final-November 2017.pdf:55: phase for traffic and dust; operational phase for emissions from the Project

EN010082-000178-EN010082-6.2.7-ES Chapter 7-Air Quality-Final-November 2017.pdf:55: CCGTs; and decommissioning phase for traffic and dust. Consideration was

EN010082-000178-EN010082-6.2.7-ES Chapter 7-Air Quality-Final-November 2017.pdf:55:7.130 If unmitigated, there are potentially significant effects associated with dust

EN010082-000178-EN010082-6.2.7-ES Chapter 7-Air Quality-Final-November 2017.pdf:55: significant effects associated with dust, PM10 and PM2.5 emissions and

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:31: noise and vibration; release of dust; residue management; and water quality

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:53: construction works (e.g. wheel washing and dust suppression) and hygiene.

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:87: the potential to arise from construction traffic and construction dust at nearby

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:87: dioxide (NO2), and particulate matter (as PM10 (1) and PM2.5 (2)). Dust and

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:89: by the Project, and dust as a result of construction activities. Changes in air

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:89: Dust impacts could have potentially significant effects. Guidance from the

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:89: (2) IAQM, 2016. Guidance on the assessment of dust from demolition and construction. Version 1.1.

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:105:quality, dust and noise effects. These effects are not anticipated to of greater

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:124: Dust and PM10/PM2.5 produced to NOx, nutrient nitrogen Airport) will b

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:134: Dust generating activities during construction could act cumulatively on

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:134: receptors with dust generating activities from screened development in

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:135: A nominal impact zone of 250 m is considered for construction dust.

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:137: Construction Dust (250m)

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:138: Construction dust

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:138: Construction dust

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:138: Construction dust

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:138: developed as a renewable energy plant with Construction dust

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:139: Construction dust

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:139: Construction dust

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:139: Construction dust

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:139: Construction dust

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:140: Construction dust

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:140: Construction dust

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:140: Construction dust

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:141: Construction dust

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:141: Construction dust

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:141: Construction dust

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:142: Construction dust

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:142: Construction dust

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:142: Construction dust

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:142: landing site, attenuation ponds, landscaping, Construction dust

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:143: Construction dust

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:143: Construction dust

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:143: Construction dust

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:144: Construction dust

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:144: Site TS10 4XZ Construction dust

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:144: Construction dust

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:145: Road including landscaping (resubmission). Construction dust

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:145: Construction dust

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:145: the south bank Facility (which is subject of a separate planning Construction dust

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:146: Construction dust

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:146: Construction dust

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:146: Construction dust

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:147: Construction dust

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:147: Construction dust

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:147: Construction dust

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (3).pdf:44: • effects on sensitive human receptors due to dust emissions from

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (3).pdf:44:  dust arising from construction activity.

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (3).pdf:46: dust, PM10 and PM2.5, a semi-quantitative assessment approach has been

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (3).pdf:46: IAQM (2014) Assessment of dust from demolition and construction

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (3).pdf:47:4.9.21. With regard to emissions of dust, PM10 and PM2.5 during construction, the

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (3).pdf:47: nearby industrial receptors (which are considered to be sensitive to dust

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (3).pdf:47: impacts from dust, PM10 and PM2.5 during construction would be negligible

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (3).pdf:49: will need to be put in place for the control of dust, PM10 and PM2.5

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (3).pdf:51: why the IAQM guidance6 on the assessment of dust from demolition and

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (3).pdf:51: guidance is that all impacts of dust emissions from construction can be

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (3).pdf:51:4.9.41. Q1.1.21 PD-008 sought further explanation of how dust mitigation

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (3).pdf:51: Volume 2, Annex L) APP-081.10 The Applicant states that the dust

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (3).pdf:51: 080]. I am content that dust mitigation during construction have been

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (3).pdf:57: quality would be expected. The ES identifies a high risk of dust being

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (3).pdf:58: dust and other environmental impacts. This is secured through

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (3).pdf:83: arrangements, working hours, wheel washing and dust control. For the

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (3).pdf:115:6.2.1. The construction process will emit plant exhaust and dust. However,

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (3).pdf:123: minimum measures of dust mitigation during construction. At Deadline 2

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (3).pdf:123: dust mitigation measures in tabular form (Table L4.3). The Applicant

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (3).pdf:123: commented that the dust mitigation that will be used during the

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (3).pdf:174: (iii) air quality including dust;

EN010082-000471-Copy of EXA Questions Updated.pdf:2: Dust from construction is identified in the ES (7.130) APP-049 as having

EN010082-000471-Copy of EXA Questions Updated.pdf:2: conclusions in ES paragraph 7.125 that IAQM mitigation measures will be The applicant has produced a Statutory Nuisance Statement which states that dust mitigation from IAQM for ‘High Risk’ sites will be adopted, however

EN010082-000471-Copy of EXA Questions Updated.pdf:2: If best practice measures to control the effects of dust are not followed

EN010082-000471-Copy of EXA Questions Updated.pdf:6:1.5.11 The CEMP should include measures to control the emission of noise dust and vibration during the construction period.

EN010082-000471-Copy of EXA Questions Updated.pdf:6:1.5.12 Environment Agency whilst paragraph L6 refers to the final scope also The CEMP should include Measures to control the emission of noise dust and vibration during the construction period.

EN010082-000471-Copy of EXA Questions Updated.pdf:9: also envisaged to include details of waste management and a sediment control plan to control dust during excavation. The Team will review the content of the

EN010082-000553-8.52 - Draft DCO - Tracked (v5).pdf:15: (iii) air quality including dust;

EN010082-000314-TEES - Regulation 24 Transboundary Screening.pdf:2: (NO2), particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) and dust.

EN010082-000493-Agenda for Issue Specific Hearing.pdf:2: o CEMP measures to control dust

EN010082-000582-8.62 - Tees CCPP - Draft DCO - Clean - Version 6.pdf:16: (iii) air quality including dust;

TR030002-000571-Doc 7.3 Appendix 3 - Habitats Regulation Assessment Sept 2014.pdf:49: The direct effect of dust generated during construction, for example from the Dust

TR030002-000571-Doc 7.3 Appendix 3 - Habitats Regulation Assessment Sept 2014.pdf:49: Indirect effects associated with airborne emissions in the form of dust generated

TR030002-000571-Doc 7.3 Appendix 3 - Habitats Regulation Assessment Sept 2014.pdf:50: The direct effect of dust generated during construction, for example from the

TR030002-000571-Doc 7.3 Appendix 3 - Habitats Regulation Assessment Sept 2014.pdf:50: Dust

TR030002-000571-Doc 7.3 Appendix 3 - Habitats Regulation Assessment Sept 2014.pdf:50: The direct effect of dust generated during construction, for example from the

TR030002-000571-Doc 7.3 Appendix 3 - Habitats Regulation Assessment Sept 2014.pdf:50: Dust

TR030002-000571-Doc 7.3 Appendix 3 - Habitats Regulation Assessment Sept 2014.pdf:52: Dust

TR030002-000571-Doc 7.3 Appendix 3 - Habitats Regulation Assessment Sept 2014.pdf:52: emissions in the form of dust which could be generated from earthworks and vehicles

TR030002-000571-Doc 7.3 Appendix 3 - Habitats Regulation Assessment Sept 2014.pdf:52: airborne dust. Any deposited material would then be removed by precipitation and, in

TR030002-000571-Doc 7.3 Appendix 3 - Habitats Regulation Assessment Sept 2014.pdf:52: prevailing (south westerly) wind direction, the potential for the deposition of dust onto the

TR030002-000571-Doc 7.3 Appendix 3 - Habitats Regulation Assessment Sept 2014.pdf:52: Given this, and proposed dust control measures (i.e. timing of the earthworks to avoid

TR030002-000571-Doc 7.3 Appendix 3 - Habitats Regulation Assessment Sept 2014.pdf:52: dry/windy conditions, and the installation of dust control measures such as rubble chutes

TR030002-000571-Doc 7.3 Appendix 3 - Habitats Regulation Assessment Sept 2014.pdf:54:Lockwood 0km Dust

TR030002-000571-Doc 7.3 Appendix 3 - Habitats Regulation Assessment Sept 2014.pdf:54: emissions in the form of dust generated from earthworks and construction vehicles using

TR030002-000571-Doc 7.3 Appendix 3 - Habitats Regulation Assessment Sept 2014.pdf:54: control dust impacts would be implemented and adhered to throughout the construction

TR030002-000571-Doc 7.3 Appendix 3 - Habitats Regulation Assessment Sept 2014.pdf:54: dry/windy conditions, and the installation of dust control measures such as rubble chutes

TR030002-000571-Doc 7.3 Appendix 3 - Habitats Regulation Assessment Sept 2014.pdf:73:features Dust Alteration to Emissions In-combination

TR030002-000571-Doc 7.3 Appendix 3 - Habitats Regulation Assessment Sept 2014.pdf:75: Dust Alteration to (surface In-combination

TR030002-000571-Doc 7.3 Appendix 3 - Habitats Regulation Assessment Sept 2014.pdf:81: • potential impacts from construction and operational phase dust emissions, including the potential for

TR030002-000571-Doc 7.3 Appendix 3 - Habitats Regulation Assessment Sept 2014.pdf:81: polyhalite dust escaping;

TR030002-000571-Doc 7.3 Appendix 3 - Habitats Regulation Assessment Sept 2014.pdf:87: and water quality in Bran Sands lagoon. The potential effect of dust generation from handling of

TR030002-000571-Doc 7.3 Appendix 3 - Habitats Regulation Assessment Sept 2014.pdf:92: Generation and settlement of polyhalite dust

TR030002-000571-Doc 7.3 Appendix 3 - Habitats Regulation Assessment Sept 2014.pdf:93:10.3.37 On the basis of the above, it is concluded that there is no significant potential for the release of dust

TR030002-000469-Section 6 App 6.3 Land Quality Preliminary Risk Assessment.pdf:207: Pollutant: Atmospheric Pollutants And Effects: Dust

TR030002-000346-York Potash Ltd.pdf:3: SPOT CASH For MEMORY FOAM HOOVER DUST 002539

TR030002-000778-151009 TR030002 Tata Steel UK Limited and Others.pdf:60: © details of the methods to be used to control dust and other emissions from the site

TR030002-000778-151009 TR030002 Tata Steel UK Limited and Others.pdf:60: including a Dust Management Plan;

TR030002-000425-Doc 5.2 Funding Statement Appendix 2 - Investor Presentation February 2015.pdf:28: possible during earthworks due to dust

TR030002-000801-Document 6.8B - Governance Tracker.pdf:14:  Display the name and contact details of person(s) accountable for air quality and dust issues

TR030002-000801-Document 6.8B - Governance Tracker.pdf:14:51 Mitigation measures relating to dust management include the following: Construction Environmental Management Plan

TR030002-000801-Document 6.8B - Governance Tracker.pdf:14:  Develop and implement a Dust Management Plan (DMP), which may include measures to

TR030002-000801-Document 6.8B - Governance Tracker.pdf:15:  Record all dust and air quality complaints, identify cause(s), take appropriate measures to

TR030002-000801-Document 6.8B - Governance Tracker.pdf:15:  Record any exceptional incidents that cause dust and/or air emissions, either on- or offsite,

TR030002-000801-Document 6.8B - Governance Tracker.pdf:15: are co-ordinated and dust and particulate matter emissions are minimised. It is important to

TR030002-000801-Document 6.8B - Governance Tracker.pdf:15: to note any dust deposition, record inspection results, and make the log available to the local

TR030002-000801-Document 6.8B - Governance Tracker.pdf:15: authority when asked. This should include regular dust soiling checks of surfaces such as

TR030002-000801-Document 6.8B - Governance Tracker.pdf:15:  Increase the frequency of site inspections by the person accountable for air quality and dust

TR030002-000801-Document 6.8B - Governance Tracker.pdf:15: issues on site when activities with a high potential to produce dust are being carried out and

TR030002-000801-Document 6.8B - Governance Tracker.pdf:15:  Plan site layout so that machinery and dust causing activities are located away from

TR030002-000801-Document 6.8B - Governance Tracker.pdf:15:  Erect solid screens or barriers around dusty activities or the site boundary that are at least as

TR030002-000801-Document 6.8B - Governance Tracker.pdf:15:  Consider enclosure of site or specific operations where there is a high potential for dust

TR030002-000801-Document 6.8B - Governance Tracker.pdf:15:  Remove materials that have a potential to produce dust from site as soon as possible.

TR030002-000801-Document 6.8B - Governance Tracker.pdf:16:  Only use cutting, grinding or sawing equipment fitted or in conjunction with suitable dust

TR030002-000801-Document 6.8B - Governance Tracker.pdf:16:  Ensure an adequate water supply on the site for effective dust/particulate matter

TR030002-000801-Document 6.8B - Governance Tracker.pdf:17: appropriately to prevent dust release.

TR030002-000801-Document 6.8B - Governance Tracker.pdf:17:  Use water-assisted dust sweeper(s) on the access and local roads, to remove, as necessary,

TR030002-000801-Document 6.8B - Governance Tracker.pdf:17:  Install a wheel washing system (with rumble grids to dislodge accumulated dust and mud prior

TR030002-000895-160113_TR03002_Draft DCO (Comparite with First Draft DCO (Document 4.1)).pdf:33: © details of the methods to be used to control dust and other emissions from the site including

TR030002-000895-160113_TR03002_Draft DCO (Comparite with First Draft DCO (Document 4.1)).pdf:33: a Dust Management Plan;

TR030002-000470-Section 6 App 6.4 CEMP.pdf:8: monitoring of (the control of) nuisance matters such as noise, dust, light, and conduct on site that

TR030002-000470-Section 6 App 6.4 CEMP.pdf:8: environmental disturbance (including noise, dust, light etc.), protected species etc. are addressed

TR030002-000470-Section 6 App 6.4 CEMP.pdf:9:  Implementation and monitoring of nuisance matters such as noise, dust, light, and conduct on

TR030002-000470-Section 6 App 6.4 CEMP.pdf:13: waste, water pollution, noise and vibration, dust, and their control measures.

TR030002-000470-Section 6 App 6.4 CEMP.pdf:23:  Display the name and contact details of person(s) accountable for air quality and dust issues on the site boundary. This may be the

TR030002-000470-Section 6 App 6.4 CEMP.pdf:23:47 Mitigation measures relating to dust management include the following:

TR030002-000470-Section 6 App 6.4 CEMP.pdf:24:  Develop and implement a Dust Management Plan (DMP), which may include measures to control other emissions, approved by the

TR030002-000470-Section 6 App 6.4 CEMP.pdf:24:  Record all dust and air quality complaints, identify cause(s), take appropriate measures to reduce emissions in a timely manner, and

TR030002-000470-Section 6 App 6.4 CEMP.pdf:24:  Record any exceptional incidents that cause dust and/or air emissions, either on- or offsite, and the action taken to resolve the situation

TR030002-000470-Section 6 App 6.4 CEMP.pdf:24:  Liaise with other high risk construction sites within 500m of the site boundary, to ensure plans are co-ordinated and dust and particulate

TR030002-000470-Section 6 App 6.4 CEMP.pdf:24:  Undertake daily on-site and off-site inspection, where receptors (including roads) are nearby, to note any dust deposition, record

TR030002-000470-Section 6 App 6.4 CEMP.pdf:24: inspection results, and make the log available to the local authority when asked. This should include regular dust soiling checks of

TR030002-000470-Section 6 App 6.4 CEMP.pdf:24:  Increase the frequency of site inspections by the person accountable for air quality and dust issues on site when activities with a high

TR030002-000470-Section 6 App 6.4 CEMP.pdf:24: potential to produce dust are being carried out and during prolonged dry or windy conditions.

TR030002-000470-Section 6 App 6.4 CEMP.pdf:24:  Plan site layout so that machinery and dust causing activities are located away from receptors, as far as is practicable.

TR030002-000470-Section 6 App 6.4 CEMP.pdf:24:  Erect solid screens or barriers around dusty activities or the site boundary that are at least as high as any stockpiles on site.

TR030002-000470-Section 6 App 6.4 CEMP.pdf:24:  Consider enclosure of site or specific operations where there is a high potential for dust production and the site is active for an extensive

TR030002-000470-Section 6 App 6.4 CEMP.pdf:24:  Remove materials that have a potential to produce dust from site as soon as possible.

TR030002-000470-Section 6 App 6.4 CEMP.pdf:24:  Only use cutting, grinding or sawing equipment fitted or in conjunction with suitable dust suppression techniques such as water sprays or

TR030002-000470-Section 6 App 6.4 CEMP.pdf:25:  Ensure an adequate water supply on the site for effective dust/particulate matter suppression/mitigation, using non-potable water where

TR030002-000470-Section 6 App 6.4 CEMP.pdf:25:  For smaller supplies of fine power materials ensure bags are sealed after use and stored appropriately to prevent dust release.

TR030002-000470-Section 6 App 6.4 CEMP.pdf:25:  Use water-assisted dust sweeper(s) on the access and local roads, to remove, as necessary, any material tracked out of the site. This

TR030002-000470-Section 6 App 6.4 CEMP.pdf:26:  Install a wheel washing system (with rumble grids to dislodge accumulated dust and mud prior to leaving the site where reasonably

TR030002-000671-Doc 6.1 Consultation Statement Appendices - 1 to 9.pdf:94: system would ensure any dust generated

TR030002-000671-Doc 6.1 Consultation Statement Appendices - 1 to 9.pdf:99: the polyhalite for granulation. dust mitigation. plant at Wilton by a conveyor facility.

TR030002-000671-Doc 6.1 Consultation Statement Appendices - 1 to 9.pdf:99: All the processing facilities are housed in fully-clad buildings to reduce both dust and noise from the process.

TR030002-000671-Doc 6.1 Consultation Statement Appendices - 1 to 9.pdf:101: environmental topics. A Construction Strategy as set out in our planning surrounding area. sets out approved routes for contractors. Management Plan with full dust control measures.

TR030002-000671-Doc 6.1 Consultation Statement Appendices - 1 to 9.pdf:161: Teesside not at the mine, eliminating dust etc. to a large degree. In addition

TR030002-000671-Doc 6.1 Consultation Statement Appendices - 1 to 9.pdf:223: principle of traffic the mine will n’t know on dust polutants from the impact

TR030002-000459-ES Section 24 References.pdf:4:Institute of Air Quality Management (2014) Guidance on the Assessment of Dust from Demolition and

TR030002-000463-Section 4 App 4.2 Scoping Opinion.pdf:17: (thickening and filtering, powder drying, dust collection,

TR030002-000463-Section 4 App 4.2 Scoping Opinion.pdf:17: conveyor system would be covered to reduce dust emissions to air

TR030002-000463-Section 4 App 4.2 Scoping Opinion.pdf:34: and air quality (including dust), and cross reference should be

TR030002-000463-Section 4 App 4.2 Scoping Opinion.pdf:36: such as increased dust, risk of spillages etc.

TR030002-000463-Section 4 App 4.2 Scoping Opinion.pdf:36:3.68 A fugitive dust assessment should be carried out for all proposed

TR030002-000463-Section 4 App 4.2 Scoping Opinion.pdf:36: include dust generating activities aside to those likely to be

TR030002-000463-Section 4 App 4.2 Scoping Opinion.pdf:36: pollution including fugitive dust especially during site preparation,

TR030002-000463-Section 4 App 4.2 Scoping Opinion.pdf:36:3.70 Air quality and dust levels should be considered not only on site

TR030002-000463-Section 4 App 4.2 Scoping Opinion.pdf:36: and to monitoring dust complaints. The applicant may wish to

TR030002-000463-Section 4 App 4.2 Scoping Opinion.pdf:111:for impacts arising from fugitive emissions such as dust), where it is possible to

TR030002-000463-Section 4 App 4.2 Scoping Opinion.pdf:116: the local authority for matters relating to noise, odour, vermin and dust nuisance

TR030002-000675-Doc 6.3 Habitats Regulations Assessment_2 of 2.pdf:3:  potential impacts from construction and operational phase dust emissions, including the

TR030002-000675-Doc 6.3 Habitats Regulations Assessment_2 of 2.pdf:3: potential for polyhalite dust escaping during operation and the implications of this for habitats;

TR030002-000675-Doc 6.3 Habitats Regulations Assessment_2 of 2.pdf:12: sediment deposition and water quality in Bran Sands lagoon. The potential effect of dust generation

TR030002-000675-Doc 6.3 Habitats Regulations Assessment_2 of 2.pdf:14: Generation and settlement of polyhalite dust

TR030002-000675-Doc 6.3 Habitats Regulations Assessment_2 of 2.pdf:15:10.3.54 On the basis of the above, it is concluded that there is no significant potential for the release of dust

TR030002-000675-Doc 6.3 Habitats Regulations Assessment_2 of 2.pdf:126: The direct effect of dust generated during construction, for example from the Dust

TR030002-000675-Doc 6.3 Habitats Regulations Assessment_2 of 2.pdf:126: Indirect effects associated with airborne emissions in the form of dust generated

TR030002-000675-Doc 6.3 Habitats Regulations Assessment_2 of 2.pdf:127: The direct effect of dust generated during construction, for example from the

TR030002-000675-Doc 6.3 Habitats Regulations Assessment_2 of 2.pdf:127: Dust

TR030002-000675-Doc 6.3 Habitats Regulations Assessment_2 of 2.pdf:128:features Dust Alteration to Emissions In-combination

TR030002-000675-Doc 6.3 Habitats Regulations Assessment_2 of 2.pdf:130: Dust Alteration to (surface In-combination

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:28: there are any airborne health risks associated with dust emissions,

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:47: 4. Dust, odour, artificial light, smoke, steam and insect infestation

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:47: and emissions of odour, dust, steam, smoke and artificial light that

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:54: and vibration, dust, odour,,,,,,

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:72: conveyor is on an open gantry, it would be covered to prevent dust and

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:82: dust, odour, light, hydrology and flood risk, coastal change, traffic and

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:83: detrimental effect on amenity including dust, smoke, etc.) (paragraph

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:86: such as dust or noise are minimised as far as is possible. It must

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:91: and machinery) as well as during its operation (e.g. due to fugitive dust

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:92: fugitive dust and particulate matter generation. This assessment has

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:92: sensitive to dust effects (e.g. areas of Dormanstown) and also that the

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:92: the pellets. Due to both of these factors, the potential for any dust

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:132:Noise and dust Environmental Statement (Section

TR030002-000750-Document 4.1A Draft DCO (Tracked).pdf:33: © details of the methods to be used to control dust and other emissions from the site including

TR030002-000750-Document 4.1A Draft DCO (Tracked).pdf:33: a Dust Management Plan;

TR030002-000710-York Potash Limited (Document 6.8A).pdf:15:  Display the name and contact details of person(s) accountable for air quality and dust issues

TR030002-000710-York Potash Limited (Document 6.8A).pdf:15:50 Mitigation measures relating to dust management include the following: Construction Environmental Management Plan

TR030002-000710-York Potash Limited (Document 6.8A).pdf:15:  Develop and implement a Dust Management Plan (DMP), which may include measures to

TR030002-000710-York Potash Limited (Document 6.8A).pdf:15:  Record all dust and air quality complaints, identify cause(s), take appropriate measures to

TR030002-000710-York Potash Limited (Document 6.8A).pdf:15:  Record any exceptional incidents that cause dust and/or air emissions, either on- or offsite,

TR030002-000710-York Potash Limited (Document 6.8A).pdf:16: are co-ordinated and dust and particulate matter emissions are minimised. It is important to

TR030002-000710-York Potash Limited (Document 6.8A).pdf:16: to note any dust deposition, record inspection results, and make the log available to the local

TR030002-000710-York Potash Limited (Document 6.8A).pdf:16: authority when asked. This should include regular dust soiling checks of surfaces such as

TR030002-000710-York Potash Limited (Document 6.8A).pdf:16:  Increase the frequency of site inspections by the person accountable for air quality and dust

TR030002-000710-York Potash Limited (Document 6.8A).pdf:16: issues on site when activities with a high potential to produce dust are being carried out and

TR030002-000710-York Potash Limited (Document 6.8A).pdf:16:  Plan site layout so that machinery and dust causing activities are located away from

TR030002-000710-York Potash Limited (Document 6.8A).pdf:16:  Erect solid screens or barriers around dusty activities or the site boundary that are at least as

TR030002-000710-York Potash Limited (Document 6.8A).pdf:16:  Consider enclosure of site or specific operations where there is a high potential for dust

TR030002-000710-York Potash Limited (Document 6.8A).pdf:16:  Remove materials that have a potential to produce dust from site as soon as possible.

TR030002-000710-York Potash Limited (Document 6.8A).pdf:17:  Only use cutting, grinding or sawing equipment fitted or in conjunction with suitable dust

TR030002-000710-York Potash Limited (Document 6.8A).pdf:17:  Ensure an adequate water supply on the site for effective dust/particulate matter

TR030002-000710-York Potash Limited (Document 6.8A).pdf:18: appropriately to prevent dust release.

TR030002-000710-York Potash Limited (Document 6.8A).pdf:18:  Use water-assisted dust sweeper(s) on the access and local roads, to remove, as necessary,

TR030002-000710-York Potash Limited (Document 6.8A).pdf:18:  Install a wheel washing system (with rumble grids to dislodge accumulated dust and mud prior

TR030002-000725-York Potash Limited (Document 6.10).pdf:10: monitoring of (the control of) nuisance matters such as noise, dust, light, and conduct on site that

TR030002-000725-York Potash Limited (Document 6.10).pdf:10: environmental disturbance (including noise, dust, light etc.), protected species etc. are addressed

TR030002-000725-York Potash Limited (Document 6.10).pdf:11:  Implementation and monitoring of nuisance matters such as noise, dust, light, and conduct on

TR030002-000725-York Potash Limited (Document 6.10).pdf:15: waste, water pollution, noise and vibration, dust, and their control measures.

TR030002-000725-York Potash Limited (Document 6.10).pdf:21:  Display the name and contact details of person(s) accountable for air quality and dust issues on the site boundary. This may be the

TR030002-000725-York Potash Limited (Document 6.10).pdf:22:21 Mitigation measures relating to dust management include the following:

TR030002-000725-York Potash Limited (Document 6.10).pdf:22:  Develop and implement a Dust Management Plan (DMP), which may include measures to control other emissions, approved by the

TR030002-000725-York Potash Limited (Document 6.10).pdf:22:  Record all dust and air quality complaints, identify cause(s), take appropriate measures to reduce emissions in a timely manner, and

TR030002-000725-York Potash Limited (Document 6.10).pdf:22:  Record any exceptional incidents that cause dust and/or air emissions, either on- or offsite, and the action taken to resolve the situation

TR030002-000725-York Potash Limited (Document 6.10).pdf:22:  Liaise with other high risk construction sites within 500m of the site boundary, to ensure plans are co-ordinated and dust and particulate

TR030002-000725-York Potash Limited (Document 6.10).pdf:22:  Undertake daily on-site and off-site inspection, where receptors (including roads) are nearby, to note any dust deposition, record

TR030002-000725-York Potash Limited (Document 6.10).pdf:22: inspection results, and make the log available to the local authority when asked. This should include regular dust soiling checks of

TR030002-000725-York Potash Limited (Document 6.10).pdf:22:  Increase the frequency of site inspections by the person accountable for air quality and dust issues on site when activities with a high

TR030002-000725-York Potash Limited (Document 6.10).pdf:22: potential to produce dust are being carried out and during prolonged dry or windy conditions.

TR030002-000725-York Potash Limited (Document 6.10).pdf:22:  Plan site layout so that machinery and dust causing activities are located away from receptors, as far as is practicable.

TR030002-000725-York Potash Limited (Document 6.10).pdf:22:  Erect solid screens or barriers around dusty activities or the site boundary that are at least as high as any stockpiles on site.

TR030002-000725-York Potash Limited (Document 6.10).pdf:22:  Consider enclosure of site or specific operations where there is a high potential for dust production and the site is active for an extensive

TR030002-000725-York Potash Limited (Document 6.10).pdf:22:  Remove materials that have a potential to produce dust from site as soon as possible.

TR030002-000725-York Potash Limited (Document 6.10).pdf:23:  Only use cutting, grinding or sawing equipment fitted or in conjunction with suitable dust suppression techniques such as water sprays or

TR030002-000725-York Potash Limited (Document 6.10).pdf:23:  Ensure an adequate water supply on the site for effective dust/particulate matter suppression/mitigation, using non-potable water where

TR030002-000725-York Potash Limited (Document 6.10).pdf:23:  For smaller supplies of fine power materials ensure bags are sealed after use and stored appropriately to prevent dust release.

TR030002-000725-York Potash Limited (Document 6.10).pdf:24:  Use water-assisted dust sweeper(s) on the access and local roads, to remove, as necessary, any material tracked out of the site. This

TR030002-000725-York Potash Limited (Document 6.10).pdf:24:  Install a wheel washing system (with rumble grids to dislodge accumulated dust and mud prior to leaving the site where reasonably

TR030002-000653-Doc 3.6B - Substation Elevations Sites A and C.pdf:1: Colour Dusty Grey RAL 7037

TR030002-000653-Doc 3.6B - Substation Elevations Sites A and C.pdf:1: Colour Dusty Grey RAL 7037

TR030002-000445-ES Section 10 Terrestrial ecology.pdf:3:The assessment should take account of impacts on noise, vibration and air quality (including dust) and cross reference Cross refer

TR030002-000769-York Potash Ltd (2).pdf:33: © details of the methods to be used to control dust and other emissions from the site including

TR030002-000769-York Potash Ltd (2).pdf:33: a Dust Management Plan;

TR030002-000736-Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council (Local Impact Report).pdf:18:8.62 As part of any construction works there is the potential for dust to

TR030002-000736-Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council (Local Impact Report).pdf:18:have adequate controls in place during dusty construction operations. YPL

TR030002-000736-Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council (Local Impact Report).pdf:18:controlling any potential dust emissions.

TR030002-000461-Section 3 App 3.2 Option study report.pdf:14:  Dust generation

TR030002-000461-Section 3 App 3.2 Option study report.pdf:14: maintenance and potential spillage and dust generation, should be minimised.

TR030002-001865-The York Potash Harbour Facilities Order 2016 - Tracked Changes showing non-material amendments.pdf:32: © details of the methods to be used to control dust and other emissions from the site

TR030002-001865-The York Potash Harbour Facilities Order 2016 - Tracked Changes showing non-material amendments.pdf:32: including a Dust Management Plan;

TR030002-000564-Doc 6.8 Governance Tracker.pdf:14:  Display the name and contact details of person(s) accountable for air quality and dust issues

TR030002-000564-Doc 6.8 Governance Tracker.pdf:14:46 Mitigation measures relating to dust management include the following: CEMP Requirement 6

TR030002-000564-Doc 6.8 Governance Tracker.pdf:14:  Develop and implement a Dust Management Plan (DMP), which may include measures to

TR030002-000564-Doc 6.8 Governance Tracker.pdf:14:  Record all dust and air quality complaints, identify cause(s), take appropriate measures to

TR030002-000564-Doc 6.8 Governance Tracker.pdf:14:  Record any exceptional incidents that cause dust and/or air emissions, either on- or offsite,

TR030002-000564-Doc 6.8 Governance Tracker.pdf:14: are co-ordinated and dust and particulate matter emissions are minimised. It is important to

TR030002-000564-Doc 6.8 Governance Tracker.pdf:14: to note any dust deposition, record inspection results, and make the log available to the local

TR030002-000564-Doc 6.8 Governance Tracker.pdf:14: authority when asked. This should include regular dust soiling checks of surfaces such as

TR030002-000564-Doc 6.8 Governance Tracker.pdf:14:  Increase the frequency of site inspections by the person accountable for air quality and dust

TR030002-000564-Doc 6.8 Governance Tracker.pdf:15: issues on site when activities with a high potential to produce dust are being carried out and

TR030002-000564-Doc 6.8 Governance Tracker.pdf:15:  Plan site layout so that machinery and dust causing activities are located away from

TR030002-000564-Doc 6.8 Governance Tracker.pdf:15:  Erect solid screens or barriers around dusty activities or the site boundary that are at least as

TR030002-000564-Doc 6.8 Governance Tracker.pdf:15:  Consider enclosure of site or specific operations where there is a high potential for dust

TR030002-000564-Doc 6.8 Governance Tracker.pdf:15:  Remove materials that have a potential to produce dust from site as soon as possible.

TR030002-000564-Doc 6.8 Governance Tracker.pdf:15:  Only use cutting, grinding or sawing equipment fitted or in conjunction with suitable dust

TR030002-000564-Doc 6.8 Governance Tracker.pdf:15:  Ensure an adequate water supply on the site for effective dust/particulate matter

TR030002-000564-Doc 6.8 Governance Tracker.pdf:16: appropriately to prevent dust release.

TR030002-000564-Doc 6.8 Governance Tracker.pdf:16:  Use water-assisted dust sweeper(s) on the access and local roads, to remove, as necessary,

TR030002-000564-Doc 6.8 Governance Tracker.pdf:17:  Install a wheel washing system (with rumble grids to dislodge accumulated dust and mud prior

TR030002-000738-York Potash Limited 3.pdf:15:  potential impacts from construction and operational phase dust emissions, including the

TR030002-000738-York Potash Limited 3.pdf:15: potential for polyhalite dust escaping during operation and the implications of this for

TR030002-000673-Doc 6.1 Consultation Statement Appendices - 22 to 31.pdf:11:prevent dust escaping, protect the product

TR030002-000673-Doc 6.1 Consultation Statement Appendices - 22 to 31.pdf:47: the local community (in this case, by residents in Dormanstown).7) Dust I Product Fines I Loss of Containment - It is noted

TR030002-000673-Doc 6.1 Consultation Statement Appendices - 22 to 31.pdf:47: (although it will have covers -with the aim being these protect both the product from the rain and prevent dust

TR030002-000673-Doc 6.1 Consultation Statement Appendices - 22 to 31.pdf:47: covers are adequate to prevent dust I product fines and/or any loss of containment is important (there being a continued

TR030002-000673-Doc 6.1 Consultation Statement Appendices - 22 to 31.pdf:59: minimise dust and noise. Other issues will be to ensure that the construction and operation of the conveyor do not impact on

TR030002-000450-ES Section 15 Archaeology and heritage.pdf:8: visually, or in the form of noise, vibration, dust etc.

TR030002-000492-Section 13 App 13.1 Air quality assessment methodology.pdf:5: 1 Construction Phase Fugitive Dust and Fine Particulate Matter Methodology and

TR030002-000492-Section 13 App 13.1 Air quality assessment methodology.pdf:5: 1.3 Step 2: Assess the Risk of Dust Impacts ……………………………………………………………………….. 7

TR030002-000492-Section 13 App 13.1 Air quality assessment methodology.pdf:5: 1.4 Step 2A: Define the Potential Dust Emission Magnitude …………………………………………………… 7

TR030002-000492-Section 13 App 13.1 Air quality assessment methodology.pdf:7:1 Construction Phase Fugitive Dust and Fine Particulate Matter Methodology and

TR030002-000492-Section 13 App 13.1 Air quality assessment methodology.pdf:7: potential dust deposition.

TR030002-000492-Section 13 App 13.1 Air quality assessment methodology.pdf:7:1.2.2 An ecological receptor refers to any sensitive habitat that is affected by dust soiling. For locations with

TR030002-000492-Section 13 App 13.1 Air quality assessment methodology.pdf:7: whether the particular site is sensitive to dust. Some non-statutory sites may also be considered if

TR030002-000492-Section 13 App 13.1 Air quality assessment methodology.pdf:7: was sought to determine the presence of the habitats sensitive to dust within the assessment study

TR030002-000492-Section 13 App 13.1 Air quality assessment methodology.pdf:7: phase dust assessment.

TR030002-000492-Section 13 App 13.1 Air quality assessment methodology.pdf:8:1.3 Step 2: Assess the Risk of Dust Impacts

TR030002-000492-Section 13 App 13.1 Air quality assessment methodology.pdf:8: sensitivity of the area to dust impacts (Step 2B). These two factors are combined in Step 2C to

TR030002-000492-Section 13 App 13.1 Air quality assessment methodology.pdf:8: determine the risk of dust impacts before the implementation of mitigation measures. The assigned risk

TR030002-000492-Section 13 App 13.1 Air quality assessment methodology.pdf:8:1.4 Step 2A: Define the Potential Dust Emission Magnitude

TR030002-000492-Section 13 App 13.1 Air quality assessment methodology.pdf:8:1.4.1 The dust emission magnitude was determined for demolition, earthworks, construction and trackout and

TR030002-000492-Section 13 App 13.1 Air quality assessment methodology.pdf:8: is based on the scale of the anticipated works. Table A13.1.1 describes the potential dust emission

TR030002-000492-Section 13 App 13.1 Air quality assessment methodology.pdf:8: Table A13.1.1 Criteria Used in the Determination of Dust Emission Class

TR030002-000492-Section 13 App 13.1 Air quality assessment methodology.pdf:8: Criteria used to Determine Dust Emission Class

TR030002-000492-Section 13 App 13.1 Air quality assessment methodology.pdf:8:  Material with low potential  Potentially dusty material

TR030002-000492-Section 13 App 13.1 Air quality assessment methodology.pdf:8:  Potentially dusty material

TR030002-000492-Section 13 App 13.1 Air quality assessment methodology.pdf:8: for dust release

TR030002-000492-Section 13 App 13.1 Air quality assessment methodology.pdf:8:  Potentially dusty

TR030002-000492-Section 13 App 13.1 Air quality assessment methodology.pdf:8: low potential for dust  Sandblasting

TR030002-000492-Section 13 App 13.1 Air quality assessment methodology.pdf:9:1.4.5 The potential dust emission magnitudes for the proposed development were determined using the

TR030002-000492-Section 13 App 13.1 Air quality assessment methodology.pdf:9: o Potentially dust construction material e.g. concrete will be used.

TR030002-000492-Section 13 App 13.1 Air quality assessment methodology.pdf:9: o The dust emission magnitude was therefore defined as medium.

TR030002-000492-Section 13 App 13.1 Air quality assessment methodology.pdf:9: o The dust emission magnitude for earthworks was therefore defined as large.

TR030002-000492-Section 13 App 13.1 Air quality assessment methodology.pdf:9: o Potentially dusty construction material e.g. concrete will be used.

TR030002-000492-Section 13 App 13.1 Air quality assessment methodology.pdf:9: o The dust emission magnitude for construction was therefore defined as large.

TR030002-000492-Section 13 App 13.1 Air quality assessment methodology.pdf:10: o The dust emission magnitude for trackout was therefore defined as large.

TR030002-000492-Section 13 App 13.1 Air quality assessment methodology.pdf:10: The dust magnitudes for earthworks, construction and trackout are summarised in Table A13.1.2.

TR030002-000492-Section 13 App 13.1 Air quality assessment methodology.pdf:10: Table A13.1.2 Dust Emission Magnitude for the Site.

TR030002-000492-Section 13 App 13.1 Air quality assessment methodology.pdf:10: Activity Dust Emission Magnitude

TR030002-000492-Section 13 App 13.1 Air quality assessment methodology.pdf:10: windblown dust.

TR030002-000492-Section 13 App 13.1 Air quality assessment methodology.pdf:10:1.5.2 The criteria for determining the sensitivity of receptors is detailed in Table A13.1.3 for dust soiling

TR030002-000492-Section 13 App 13.1 Air quality assessment methodology.pdf:10: Dust Soiling Effects Health Effects of PM10

TR030002-000492-Section 13 App 13.1 Air quality assessment methodology.pdf:11: Dust Soiling Effects Health Effects of PM10

TR030002-000492-Section 13 App 13.1 Air quality assessment methodology.pdf:11: area to dust soiling effects and human health impacts. Figure 13.1 details the distance bands, as

TR030002-000492-Section 13 App 13.1 Air quality assessment methodology.pdf:11: Table A13.1.4 Sensitivity of the Area to Dust Soiling Effects on People and Property.

TR030002-000492-Section 13 App 13.1 Air quality assessment methodology.pdf:12:Sensitivity of People to Dust Soiling

TR030002-000492-Section 13 App 13.1 Air quality assessment methodology.pdf:13:1.5.4 The sensitivity of the area to dust soiling and human health impacts for each activity is summarised in

TR030002-000492-Section 13 App 13.1 Air quality assessment methodology.pdf:13: Dust Soiling High High High Low

TR030002-000492-Section 13 App 13.1 Air quality assessment methodology.pdf:13:1.6.1 The dust emission magnitude and sensitivity of the area are combined and the risk of impacts from

TR030002-000492-Section 13 App 13.1 Air quality assessment methodology.pdf:13: determined. The risks of dust soiling and human health before mitigation are summarised in Tables

TR030002-000492-Section 13 App 13.1 Air quality assessment methodology.pdf:13: Table A13.1.7 Summary Dust Risk Table to Define Site-specific Mitigation

TR030002-000492-Section 13 App 13.1 Air quality assessment methodology.pdf:13: Dust Soiling Medium Risk High Risk High Risk Low Risk

TR030002-000492-Section 13 App 13.1 Air quality assessment methodology.pdf:14: Sensitivity of Surrounding Risk of Site Giving Rise to Dust Effects

TR030002-000492-Section 13 App 13.1 Air quality assessment methodology.pdf:14: Dust Soiling Slight Adverse Slight Adverse Slight Adverse Negligible

TR030002-000712-Applicant response to First Questions - Appendix 8.pdf:9: The direct effect of dust generated during construction, for example from the earthworks and use of Dust

TR030002-000712-Applicant response to First Questions - Appendix 8.pdf:10: Indirect effects associated with airborne emissions in the form of dust generated from earthworks and

TR030002-000712-Applicant response to First Questions - Appendix 8.pdf:10: The direct effect of dust generated during construction, for example from the earthworks, and

TR030002-000712-Applicant response to First Questions - Appendix 8.pdf:10: Dust

TR030002-000712-Applicant response to First Questions - Appendix 8.pdf:12: features Dust Alteration to (surface Emissions In-combination

TR030002-000712-Applicant response to First Questions - Appendix 8.pdf:16: Dust a Alteration to (surface water) In-combination a

TR030002-000410-ExA First Round Questions.pdf:25:during the construction phase (e.g. noise, dust) have been adequately assessed

TR030002-000410-ExA First Round Questions.pdf:25:Construction-related dust settling on adjacent habitats has been identified as a

TR030002-000410-ExA First Round Questions.pdf:25:potential impacts from dust being considered in detail in Chapter 13 of the

TR030002-000410-ExA First Round Questions.pdf:25:However, it is not evident that the impact of dust on all relevant habitats has

TR030002-000847-York Potash Ltd - Constructability Notes - BP CATS Pipeline Southern Route.pdf:9: dust.

TR030002-001855-Development Consent Order as made by the Secretary of State.pdf:31: © details of the methods to be used to control dust and other emissions from the site

TR030002-001855-Development Consent Order as made by the Secretary of State.pdf:31: including a Dust Management Plan;

TR030002-000732-DEA UK SNS Limited (Written Representation).pdf:23: as a stakeholder communications plan, control of dust and emissions. The approved

TR030002-000898-160113_TR030002_Draft Development Consent Order (Tracked).pdf:33: © details of the methods to be used to control dust and other emissions from the site including

TR030002-000898-160113_TR030002_Draft Development Consent Order (Tracked).pdf:33: a Dust Management Plan;

TR030002-001856-Examining Authority’s Recommendation Report.pdf:6: 5.2 AIR QUALITY AND EMISSIONS INCLUDING DUST AND SMOKE ………….. 44

TR030002-001856-Examining Authority’s Recommendation Report.pdf:48:5.2 AIR QUALITY AND EMISSIONS INCLUDING DUST AND SMOKE

TR030002-001856-Examining Authority’s Recommendation Report.pdf:48: operation, from shipping movements or the dusty nature of cargos.

TR030002-001856-Examining Authority’s Recommendation Report.pdf:48: fugitive dust and particulate emissions (PM10) from constructional

TR030002-001856-Examining Authority’s Recommendation Report.pdf:48: and the potential for fugitive dust emissions during operation having

TR030002-001856-Examining Authority’s Recommendation Report.pdf:49: assessment of the impact from fugitive dust and particulates during

TR030002-001856-Examining Authority’s Recommendation Report.pdf:49: some of the receptors assessed in the ES from dust soiling but a

TR030002-001856-Examining Authority’s Recommendation Report.pdf:50:5.2.9 Finally, with regard to the potential impact from fugitive dust and

TR030002-001856-Examining Authority’s Recommendation Report.pdf:50: REP1-046 are in respect of potential for smoke or dust during

TR030002-001856-Examining Authority’s Recommendation Report.pdf:60: insect infestation or other potential nuisances, dust having been

TR030002-001856-Examining Authority’s Recommendation Report.pdf:96: lagoon and the potential effect of dust generation from handling of

TR030002-001856-Examining Authority’s Recommendation Report.pdf:248: © details of the methods to be used to control dust and other emissions from the site

TR030002-001856-Examining Authority’s Recommendation Report.pdf:248: including a Dust Management Plan;

TR030002-000854-York Potash Limited - Document 4.1D - Draft Development Consent Order (Tracked).pdf:34: © details of the methods to be used to control dust and other emissions from the site including

TR030002-000854-York Potash Limited - Document 4.1D - Draft Development Consent Order (Tracked).pdf:34: a Dust Management Plan;

TR030002-000863-York Potash Limited - Document 4.1D - Draft Development Consent Order (Clean).pdf:34: © details of the methods to be used to control dust and other emissions from the site including

TR030002-000863-York Potash Limited - Document 4.1D - Draft Development Consent Order (Clean).pdf:34: a Dust Management Plan;

TR030002-000711-Applicants Response to First Questions.pdf:80: dust) have been adequately assessed and

TR030002-000711-Applicants Response to First Questions.pdf:80:Ec 1.6 Applicant Dust

TR030002-000711-Applicants Response to First Questions.pdf:80: Construction-related dust settling on The study area for the assessment of construction phase

TR030002-000711-Applicants Response to First Questions.pdf:80: adjacent habitats has been identified as a fugitive dust (and particulate matter), was defined in

TR030002-000711-Applicants Response to First Questions.pdf:80: potential impacts from dust being receptors within 50m of the site boundary or within 50m

TR030002-000711-Applicants Response to First Questions.pdf:80: of dust on all relevant habitats has been sensitivity of habitats and plant communities to potential

TR030002-000711-Applicants Response to First Questions.pdf:80: assessed. dust deposition). An ecological receptor refers to any

TR030002-000711-Applicants Response to First Questions.pdf:80: Show where this has been done and sensitive habitat that is affected by dust soiling.

TR030002-000711-Applicants Response to First Questions.pdf:80: that are sensitive to dust deposition, and no detailed

TR030002-000711-Applicants Response to First Questions.pdf:80: assessment of dust deposition during construction was

TR030002-000562-Doc 6.2 Section 79(1) of Environmental Protection Act 1990 Statement.pdf:6: dust, steam, smell or other effluvia. The final category is lighting which could

TR030002-000562-Doc 6.2 Section 79(1) of Environmental Protection Act 1990 Statement.pdf:8: development during the construction phase are fugitive dust and

TR030002-000562-Doc 6.2 Section 79(1) of Environmental Protection Act 1990 Statement.pdf:9: activities on identified nearby receptors for dust soiling and human

TR030002-000562-Doc 6.2 Section 79(1) of Environmental Protection Act 1990 Statement.pdf:9: detailed overview of the dust management at the site are set out within

TR030002-000562-Doc 6.2 Section 79(1) of Environmental Protection Act 1990 Statement.pdf:9: residual impact of construction phase dust and particulate matter on

TR030002-000562-Doc 6.2 Section 79(1) of Environmental Protection Act 1990 Statement.pdf:10:2.3.4 No nuisance related to dust or other particles is therefore anticipated

TR030002-000562-Doc 6.2 Section 79(1) of Environmental Protection Act 1990 Statement.pdf:10:2.3.6 The potential for dust emissions to be generated during the operational

TR030002-000562-Doc 6.2 Section 79(1) of Environmental Protection Act 1990 Statement.pdf:11: as to ensure that any breakdown of the product and associated dust

TR030002-000562-Doc 6.2 Section 79(1) of Environmental Protection Act 1990 Statement.pdf:11: 2.3.8 No nuisance related to dust or other particles or effect on air quality is

TR030002-000741-Huntsman Polyurethanes (IK) Limited (2).pdf:20: as a stakeholder communications plan, control of dust and emissions. The approved

TR030002-000735-Applicant response to First Questions - Appendix 4.pdf:10: generation of dust (both of which reduce product quality).

TR030002-000735-Applicant response to First Questions - Appendix 4.pdf:11: downs, spillage and dust generation must be minimised as much as

TR030002-000735-Applicant response to First Questions - Appendix 4.pdf:11: 5 The conveyance system needs to enclose the product to mitigate dust

TR030002-000735-Applicant response to First Questions - Appendix 4.pdf:15: potential spillage and dust generation. Their introduction should

TR030002-000449-ES Section 14 Noise and vibration.pdf:5: already made, all proposals likely to cause noise, grit, dust, fumes, smoke or vibration will be

TR030002-000840-Document 4.1C - Draft Development Consent Order (Tracked).pdf:33: © details of the methods to be used to control dust and other emissions from the site including

TR030002-000840-Document 4.1C - Draft Development Consent Order (Tracked).pdf:33: a Dust Management Plan;

TR030002-000672-Doc 6.1 Consultation Statement Appendices - 10 to 21.pdf:31: described in the following pages. to prevent dust escaping and to protect

TR030002-000672-Doc 6.1 Consultation Statement Appendices - 10 to 21.pdf:33:conveyor bridge to contain noise and prevent dust generation. create an attractive crossing

TR030002-000672-Doc 6.1 Consultation Statement Appendices - 10 to 21.pdf:295: conveyor will be covered to mitigate against dust emissions.

TR030002-000462-Section 4 App 4.1 Environmental Scoping Report.pdf:25: the dust collector to recover fine particles.

TR030002-000462-Section 4 App 4.1 Environmental Scoping Report.pdf:25: Dust collection

TR030002-000462-Section 4 App 4.1 Environmental Scoping Report.pdf:25: A dust collection building has been designed in conjunction with the dust collection

TR030002-000462-Section 4 App 4.1 Environmental Scoping Report.pdf:25: powder would be mixed with a binder (starch) (to reduce excessive dust and to increase

TR030002-000462-Section 4 App 4.1 Environmental Scoping Report.pdf:26: 0.47 tonnes of water vapour and 0.42kg of product dust per tonne of discharge air from

TR030002-000462-Section 4 App 4.1 Environmental Scoping Report.pdf:27: Dust generated during the loading of bulk product into the hold of the ships is also likely

TR030002-000462-Section 4 App 4.1 Environmental Scoping Report.pdf:27: specifically designed to minimise dust emissions during loading operations) would

TR030002-000462-Section 4 App 4.1 Environmental Scoping Report.pdf:27: dust emissions to air.

TR030002-000462-Section 4 App 4.1 Environmental Scoping Report.pdf:28: specifically designed to minimise dust emissions during loading operations.

TR030002-000462-Section 4 App 4.1 Environmental Scoping Report.pdf:78: Fugitive dust emissions may also occur from earthworks, construction and transport

TR030002-000462-Section 4 App 4.1 Environmental Scoping Report.pdf:78: During the operational phase, dust emissions may also arise from activities including

TR030002-000462-Section 4 App 4.1 Environmental Scoping Report.pdf:78: for dust generation. It is anticipated that the proposed materials handling facility would

TR030002-000462-Section 4 App 4.1 Environmental Scoping Report.pdf:80: Consideration of fugitive dust emissions during the operational phase of the facility will

TR030002-000462-Section 4 App 4.1 Environmental Scoping Report.pdf:80: be undertaken and measures to mitigate dust will be recommended as necessary.

TR030002-000462-Section 4 App 4.1 Environmental Scoping Report.pdf:80: Assessment of fugitive dust emissions and emissions from product dryer bag filters and

TR030002-000462-Section 4 App 4.1 Environmental Scoping Report.pdf:80: During the construction phase, dust emissions could be managed through following best

TR030002-000462-Section 4 App 4.1 Environmental Scoping Report.pdf:80: practice in the control of dust and dust emissions, such as that outlined in the Greater

TR030002-000462-Section 4 App 4.1 Environmental Scoping Report.pdf:80: London Authority and London Councils Control of Dust Emissions and Construction and

TR030002-000462-Section 4 App 4.1 Environmental Scoping Report.pdf:106:Marine and • Disturbance from vehicle, plant and personnel movements, dust • Desk based assessment proposed

TR030002-000462-Section 4 App 4.1 Environmental Scoping Report.pdf:106: • Fugitive dust emissions from earthworks. • Operational phase assessment of

TR030002-000462-Section 4 App 4.1 Environmental Scoping Report.pdf:106: • Dust emissions from loading and storage of product. filters and heat exchangers.

TR030002-000462-Section 4 App 4.1 Environmental Scoping Report.pdf:106: • Fugitive dust emissions from earthworks. within 100m.

TR030002-000462-Section 4 App 4.1 Environmental Scoping Report.pdf:107: • Dust emissions from loading and storage of product. • Operational phase assessment propo

TR030002-000462-Section 4 App 4.1 Environmental Scoping Report.pdf:107: exhausts and fugitive dust emissions

TR030002-000462-Section 4 App 4.1 Environmental Scoping Report.pdf:109: Greater London Authority and London Councils (2006). Control of Dust Emissions and

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:2: cause local dust pollution. As stated in Paragraph 5.7.5, where air quality impacts may arise from a

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:3: emissions, including smoke, fumes, gases, dust, steam, odour, noise and light”.

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:5: A fugitive dust assessment should be carried out for all proposed Section 13.5

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:5: options as ship loading and storage is likely to include dust generating

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:5: fugitive dust. screening criteria available. Sections

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:5: Air quality and dust levels should be considered not only on site but Sections 13.5 and 13.6

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:7: Construction phase fugitive dust and particulate matter

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:7:13.3.1 For the assessment of construction phase fugitive dust and particulate matter, the study area was

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:7:13.3.2 The study area for the assessment of fugitive dust and particulate matter from the construction phase

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:8: x Institute of Air Quality Management (IAQM) Guidance on the Assessment of Dust from

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:8: Construction phase fugitive dust and particulate matter

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:8:13.3.9 An assessment of potential construction phase fugitive dust and particulate matter emissions was

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:8: x trackout (the transfer of dust-making materials from the site onto the local road network via

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:8: (British Standards Institute, 1994). Dust impacts are considered in terms of the change in airborne

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:8: concentration and the change in the rate of deposition of dust onto surfaces.

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:8: and therefore is a constituent of the total dust fraction. Both annual and daily average air quality

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:9: Assessment of Fugitive Dust and Particulate Matter

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:11: dust. The emphasis for the management of dust should therefore be on control at source and the

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:11: a. determine potential dust emission magnitude;

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:11: c. establish the risk of dust impacts.

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:14: Operational phase fugitive dust emissions

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:14:13.3.37 The potential for fugitive dust emissions to be generated during the operational phase of the Harbour

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:17: Construction phase fugitive dust and fine particulate matter

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:17: proposed site activities (or a particular section of the site and/or phase of the works) giving rise to dust

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:17:13.3.39 For amenity effects (including that of dust), the aim is to bring forward a scheme, including mitigation

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:17: Sensitivity of Surrounding Risk of Site Giving Rise to Dust Effects

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:21:13.3.56 Locations potentially sensitive to construction dust emissions were identified with reference to guidance

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:21: provided by the IAQM (IAQM, 2014). The study area for the construction phase dust assessment is

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:22: Construction phase fugitive dust and particulate matter assessment

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:22:13.3.60 Full details of the assessment of construction phase dust and particulate matter emissions are provided

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:22: in Appendix 13.1. A summary of the construction phase dust and particulate matter assessment is

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:22: The dust emission magnitude of the site was determined based on the scale of the proposed works. A

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:22: summary of the dust emission magnitudes for the site is provided in Table 13-9.

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:22: Table 13-9 Dust emission magnitude for the site

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:22: Activity Dust Emission Magnitude

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:22:13.3.62 The sensitivity of nearby receptors to dust soiling and human health impacts associated with fugitive

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:22: dust and fine particulate matter from the Harbour facilities site was defined for each construction

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:22: Table 13-10 Sensitivity of the area to dust soiling and human health impacts

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:22: Dust Soiling High High High Low

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:25: The significance of impacts with mitigation applied was determined by combining the dust emission

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:25: Table 13-11 Summary dust risk table to define site-specific mitigation

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:25: Dust Soiling Medium Risk High Risk High Risk Low Risk

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:25: Construction phase fugitive dust and particulate matter – assessment summary

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:25:13.3.63 The significance of effects arising from construction activities on nearby receptors for dust soiling and

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:25: Table 13-12 Summary of construction phase dust impacts at the harbour facilities site, with mitigation

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:25: Dust Soiling Slight Adverse Slight Adverse Slight Adverse Negligible

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:25: Construction phase fugitive dust and particulate matter - mitigation

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:25:13.3.65 The proposed mitigation measures, along with a detailed overview of the dust management at the site,

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:25: Appendix 6.4. The CEMP provides an overview of potential dust emission sources, defines the

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:25: management and delegated personnel with appropriate procedures for monitoring and recording dust

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:25: conditions at the site and the actions that should be taken if and when significant levels of dust are

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:25:13.3.66 Measures to mitigate construction phase dust emissions are included within the project design. The

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:26: x Display the name and contact details of person(s) accountable for air quality and dust issues on

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:26: x Develop and implement a Dust Management Plan (DMP), which may include measures to

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:26: x Record all dust and air quality complaints, identify cause(s), take appropriate measures to

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:26: x Record any exceptional incidents that cause dust and/or air emissions, either on- or offsite, and

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:26: are co-ordinated and dust and particulate matter emissions are minimised. It is important to

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:26: note any dust deposition, record inspection results, and make the log available to the local

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:26: authority when asked. This should include regular dust soiling checks of surfaces such as street

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:26: x Increase the frequency of site inspections by the person accountable for air quality and dust

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:26: issues on site when activities with a high potential to produce dust are being carried out and

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:26: x Plan site layout so that machinery and dust causing activities are located away from receptors,

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:26: x Erect solid screens or barriers around dusty activities or the site boundary that are at least as

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:26: x Consider enclosure of site or specific operations where there is a high potential for dust

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:26: x Remove materials that have a potential to produce dust from site as soon as possible.

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:26: x Only use cutting, grinding or sawing equipment fitted or in conjunction with suitable dust

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:27: x Ensure an adequate water supply on the site for effective dust/particulate matter

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:27: fine water droplets that effectively bring the dust particles to the ground.

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:27: appropriately to prevent dust release.

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:27: x Use water-assisted dust sweeper(s) on the access and local roads, to remove, as necessary,

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:27: x Install a wheel washing system (with rumble grids to dislodge accumulated dust and mud prior

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:28: Construction phase fugitive dust and particulate matter residual impact

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:28: dust and particulate matter on local air quality, at identified receptor locations, is predicted to be ‘not

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:36: Operational phase fugitive dust and particulate matter assessment

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:36:13.4.20 The potential for dust emissions to be generated during the operational phase of the proposed scheme

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:36: and associated dust generation would be minimal.

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:37: Operational phase fugitive dust and particulate matter – mitigation

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:37:13.4.23 Operational phase activities are not predicted to represent a significant source of dust emissions.

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:37: Operational phase fugitive dust and particulate matter – residual impact

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:37:13.4.27 Such activities have the potential to generate fugitive dust emissions although, overall, the works

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:37:13.4.29 The potential for fugitive dust generation during the decommissioning works is considered to be less

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:38:13.5.2 A construction phase fugitive dust and particulate matter assessment was undertaken in accordance

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:38: with guidance provided by the IAQM (IAQM, 2014). Site specific dust emission classes for activities

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:39:13.5.7 Operational phase activities were also considered with regard to the potential for fugitive dust and

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:39: pellets and, therefore, the potential for any dust generation is considered to be minimal and any

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:39: to fugitive dust and particulate matter emissions, NRMM and onsite plant emissions and road traffic

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:39: Construction Dust

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:39: reduce the effects of dust Not

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:40:of Fugitive dust and significant

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:40: of dust soiling and human

TR030002-000771-York Potash Ltd (3).pdf:33: © details of the methods to be used to control dust and other emissions from the site including

TR030002-000771-York Potash Ltd (3).pdf:33: a Dust Management Plan;

TR030002-000578-Doc 7.3 Appendix 7 - Appendices to Alternative Sites Assessment - Part 3.pdf:30:  Construction phase dust at identified human receptor locations and identified

TR030002-000578-Doc 7.3 Appendix 7 - Appendices to Alternative Sites Assessment - Part 3.pdf:30: dust sensitive ecological sites;

TR030002-000578-Doc 7.3 Appendix 7 - Appendices to Alternative Sites Assessment - Part 3.pdf:30:  Operational phase fugitive dust releases at identified human receptor locations

TR030002-000578-Doc 7.3 Appendix 7 - Appendices to Alternative Sites Assessment - Part 3.pdf:30: and identified dust sensitive ecological sites;

TR030002-000578-Doc 7.3 Appendix 7 - Appendices to Alternative Sites Assessment - Part 3.pdf:37:Of the receptors identified above, construction and operational phase dust emissions

TR030002-000578-Doc 7.3 Appendix 7 - Appendices to Alternative Sites Assessment - Part 3.pdf:48: Of the receptors identified above, construction and operational phase dust emissions

TR030002-000578-Doc 7.3 Appendix 7 - Appendices to Alternative Sites Assessment - Part 3.pdf:59: Of the receptors identified above, construction and operational phase dust emissions

TR030002-000578-Doc 7.3 Appendix 7 - Appendices to Alternative Sites Assessment - Part 3.pdf:71: Of the receptors identified above, construction and operational phase dust emissions

TR030002-000578-Doc 7.3 Appendix 7 - Appendices to Alternative Sites Assessment - Part 3.pdf:82: Of the receptors identified above, construction and operational phase dust emissions

TR030002-000846-York Potash Ltd - Constructability Notes - BP CATS Pipeline Northern Route.pdf:9: dust.

TR030002-000561-Doc 6.7 Environmental Statement Non Technical Summary_2 of 2.pdf:19:2.10.2 A construction (and decommissioning) phase fugitive dust and particulate matter assessment was

TR030002-000561-Doc 6.7 Environmental Statement Non Technical Summary_2 of 2.pdf:19: Site specific dust emission classes for activities associated with demolition, earthworks, construction

TR030002-000561-Doc 6.7 Environmental Statement Non Technical Summary_2 of 2.pdf:20: potential for any dust generation is considered to be minimal.

TR030002-000561-Doc 6.7 Environmental Statement Non Technical Summary_2 of 2.pdf:29:3.5.2 The YPP cumulative impact assessment for air quality (including dust/fine particulates and the effect of

TR030002-000441-ES Section 6 Hydrology_hydrogeology_land quality.pdf:38: inhalation. Exposure to off-site receptors would be confined to ingestion and inhalation of fugitive dusts

TR030002-000441-ES Section 6 Hydrology_hydrogeology_land quality.pdf:43: of concern and impact human health via dermal contact, ingestion or inhalation of soil, dust and any

TR030002-000441-ES Section 6 Hydrology_hydrogeology_land quality.pdf:46: within the Made Ground as a result of wind-generated dust. However, the potential for wind-generated

TR030002-000441-ES Section 6 Hydrology_hydrogeology_land quality.pdf:46: dusts within the site during normal operation is considered unlikely as the site comprises crushed stone

TR030002-000441-ES Section 6 Hydrology_hydrogeology_land quality.pdf:47: potential contaminants of concern, including asbestos, exposure to ground gases, exposure to dust as

TR030002-000674-Doc 6.3 Habitats Regulations Assessment_1 of 2.pdf:48: 50m from either side of all highways used by the YPP traffic for construction dust.

TR030002-000674-Doc 6.3 Habitats Regulations Assessment_1 of 2.pdf:48: 700m radius from the boundary of the YPP components for construction dust.

TR030002-000674-Doc 6.3 Habitats Regulations Assessment_1 of 2.pdf:71: Dust

TR030002-000674-Doc 6.3 Habitats Regulations Assessment_1 of 2.pdf:71: emissions in the form of dust which could be generated from earthworks and

TR030002-000674-Doc 6.3 Habitats Regulations Assessment_1 of 2.pdf:71: expected to capture airborne dust. Any deposited material would then be removed

TR030002-000674-Doc 6.3 Habitats Regulations Assessment_1 of 2.pdf:71: for the deposition of dust onto the qualifying SAC habitats would be low.

TR030002-000674-Doc 6.3 Habitats Regulations Assessment_1 of 2.pdf:71: Given this, and proposed dust control measures (i.e. timing of the earthworks to

TR030002-000674-Doc 6.3 Habitats Regulations Assessment_1 of 2.pdf:71: avoid dry/windy conditions, and the installation of dust control measures such as

TR030002-000674-Doc 6.3 Habitats Regulations Assessment_1 of 2.pdf:74:Lockwood Beck 0km Dust

TR030002-000674-Doc 6.3 Habitats Regulations Assessment_1 of 2.pdf:74: emissions in the form of dust generated from earthworks and construction vehicles

TR030002-000674-Doc 6.3 Habitats Regulations Assessment_1 of 2.pdf:74: mitigation measures to control dust impacts would be implemented and adhered to

TR030002-000674-Doc 6.3 Habitats Regulations Assessment_1 of 2.pdf:74: timing of earthworks to avoid dry/windy conditions, and the installation of dust

TR030002-000074-131202_TR030002_York Potash Harbour Facilities_Scoping Report.pdf:23: the dust collector to recover fine particles.

TR030002-000074-131202_TR030002_York Potash Harbour Facilities_Scoping Report.pdf:23: Dust collection

TR030002-000074-131202_TR030002_York Potash Harbour Facilities_Scoping Report.pdf:23: A dust collection building has been designed in conjunction with the dust collection

TR030002-000074-131202_TR030002_York Potash Harbour Facilities_Scoping Report.pdf:23: powder would be mixed with a binder (starch) (to reduce excessive dust and to increase

TR030002-000074-131202_TR030002_York Potash Harbour Facilities_Scoping Report.pdf:24: 0.47 tonnes of water vapour and 0.42kg of product dust per tonne of discharge air from

TR030002-000074-131202_TR030002_York Potash Harbour Facilities_Scoping Report.pdf:25: Dust generated during the loading of bulk product into the hold of the ships is also likely

TR030002-000074-131202_TR030002_York Potash Harbour Facilities_Scoping Report.pdf:25: specifically designed to minimise dust emissions during loading operations) would

TR030002-000074-131202_TR030002_York Potash Harbour Facilities_Scoping Report.pdf:25: dust emissions to air.

TR030002-000074-131202_TR030002_York Potash Harbour Facilities_Scoping Report.pdf:26: specifically designed to minimise dust emissions during loading operations.

TR030002-000074-131202_TR030002_York Potash Harbour Facilities_Scoping Report.pdf:76: Fugitive dust emissions may also occur from earthworks, construction and transport

TR030002-000074-131202_TR030002_York Potash Harbour Facilities_Scoping Report.pdf:76: During the operational phase, dust emissions may also arise from activities including

TR030002-000074-131202_TR030002_York Potash Harbour Facilities_Scoping Report.pdf:76: for dust generation. It is anticipated that the proposed materials handling facility would

TR030002-000074-131202_TR030002_York Potash Harbour Facilities_Scoping Report.pdf:78: Consideration of fugitive dust emissions during the operational phase of the facility will

TR030002-000074-131202_TR030002_York Potash Harbour Facilities_Scoping Report.pdf:78: be undertaken and measures to mitigate dust will be recommended as necessary.

TR030002-000074-131202_TR030002_York Potash Harbour Facilities_Scoping Report.pdf:78: Assessment of fugitive dust emissions and emissions from product dryer bag filters and

TR030002-000074-131202_TR030002_York Potash Harbour Facilities_Scoping Report.pdf:78: During the construction phase, dust emissions could be managed through following best

TR030002-000074-131202_TR030002_York Potash Harbour Facilities_Scoping Report.pdf:78: practice in the control of dust and dust emissions, such as that outlined in the Greater

TR030002-000074-131202_TR030002_York Potash Harbour Facilities_Scoping Report.pdf:78: London Authority and London Councils Control of Dust Emissions and Construction and

TR030002-000074-131202_TR030002_York Potash Harbour Facilities_Scoping Report.pdf:104:Marine and • Disturbance from vehicle, plant and personnel movements, dust • Desk based assessment proposed

TR030002-000074-131202_TR030002_York Potash Harbour Facilities_Scoping Report.pdf:104: • Fugitive dust emissions from earthworks. • Operational phase assessment of

TR030002-000074-131202_TR030002_York Potash Harbour Facilities_Scoping Report.pdf:104: • Dust emissions from loading and storage of product. filters and heat exchangers.

TR030002-000074-131202_TR030002_York Potash Harbour Facilities_Scoping Report.pdf:104: • Fugitive dust emissions from earthworks. within 100m.

TR030002-000074-131202_TR030002_York Potash Harbour Facilities_Scoping Report.pdf:105: • Dust emissions from loading and storage of product. • Operational phase assessment propo

TR030002-000074-131202_TR030002_York Potash Harbour Facilities_Scoping Report.pdf:105: exhausts and fugitive dust emissions

TR030002-000074-131202_TR030002_York Potash Harbour Facilities_Scoping Report.pdf:107: Greater London Authority and London Councils (2006). Control of Dust Emissions and

TR030002-000573-Doc 7.3 Appendix 5 - MHF Planning Statement.pdf:54: ensure visual impacts associated with dust or other emissions are avoided.

TR030002-000573-Doc 7.3 Appendix 5 - MHF Planning Statement.pdf:59: b) Noise impacts are predicted to be negligible; dust emissions will be

TR030002-000573-Doc 7.3 Appendix 5 - MHF Planning Statement.pdf:62:  fugitive dust and particulate matter for the MHF construction phase

TR030002-000573-Doc 7.3 Appendix 5 - MHF Planning Statement.pdf:63: during the construction phase that would mitigate the impacts of fugitive dust

TR030002-000826-York Potash Ltd (2).pdf:68: dust.

TR030002-000826-York Potash Ltd (2).pdf:77: dust.

TR030002-000742-SABIC UK Petrochemicals Limited 2.pdf:20: as a stakeholder communications plan, control of dust and emissions. The approved

TR030002-000894-160113_TR030002 Draft DCO (Comparite with Deadline 4 Draft DCO (Document 4.1C)).pdf:33: © details of the methods to be used to control dust and other emissions from the site including

TR030002-000894-160113_TR030002 Draft DCO (Comparite with Deadline 4 Draft DCO (Document 4.1C)).pdf:33: a Dust Management Plan;

TR030002-000072-140113_TR030002_York Potash Harbour Facilities_Scoping Opinion Report.pdf:15: (thickening and filtering, powder drying, dust collection,

TR030002-000072-140113_TR030002_York Potash Harbour Facilities_Scoping Opinion Report.pdf:15: conveyor system would be covered to reduce dust emissions to air

TR030002-000072-140113_TR030002_York Potash Harbour Facilities_Scoping Opinion Report.pdf:32: and air quality (including dust), and cross reference should be

TR030002-000072-140113_TR030002_York Potash Harbour Facilities_Scoping Opinion Report.pdf:34: such as increased dust, risk of spillages etc.

TR030002-000072-140113_TR030002_York Potash Harbour Facilities_Scoping Opinion Report.pdf:34:3.68 A fugitive dust assessment should be carried out for all proposed

TR030002-000072-140113_TR030002_York Potash Harbour Facilities_Scoping Opinion Report.pdf:34: include dust generating activities aside to those likely to be

TR030002-000072-140113_TR030002_York Potash Harbour Facilities_Scoping Opinion Report.pdf:34: pollution including fugitive dust especially during site preparation,

TR030002-000072-140113_TR030002_York Potash Harbour Facilities_Scoping Opinion Report.pdf:34:3.70 Air quality and dust levels should be considered not only on site

TR030002-000072-140113_TR030002_York Potash Harbour Facilities_Scoping Opinion Report.pdf:34: and to monitoring dust complaints. The applicant may wish to

TR030002-000072-140113_TR030002_York Potash Harbour Facilities_Scoping Opinion Report.pdf:109:for impacts arising from fugitive emissions such as dust), where it is possible to

TR030002-000072-140113_TR030002_York Potash Harbour Facilities_Scoping Opinion Report.pdf:114: the local authority for matters relating to noise, odour, vermin and dust nuisance

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:72: b) Noise impacts are predicted to be minor to negligible; dust emissions

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:95: “…noise associated with the operation; dust; air quality… archaeological and

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:96: dust emissions

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:147: including from noise, dust, visual intrusion, traffic, tip- and quarry-slope

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:148:  ensure that any unavoidable noise, dust and particle emissions and any

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:148: published alongside the NPPF sets out how policies relating to noise, dust and

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:149:  dust;

TR030002-000670-Doc 6.1 Consultation Statement - Main Text.pdf:67: the A1085 crossing to minimise the potential for noise and dust

TR030002-000670-Doc 6.1 Consultation Statement - Main Text.pdf:77: associated with dust emissions, the types of shiploaders to be used and

TR030002-000483-Section 12 App 12.3 Construction Traffic Management Plan.pdf:3: 3.5 Control of dust and dirt ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 14

TR030002-000483-Section 12 App 12.3 Construction Traffic Management Plan.pdf:18:3.5 Control of dust and dirt

TR030002-000483-Section 12 App 12.3 Construction Traffic Management Plan.pdf:18:3.5.1 Proposed mitigation measures for controlling dust and dirt arising from vehicle movements off-site,

TR030002-000570-Doc 7.3 Appendix 2b - MDT Planning Statement Appendices.pdf:14: each dryer was equipped with its own dust emission control system.

TR030002-000570-Doc 7.3 Appendix 2b - MDT Planning Statement Appendices.pdf:120: obtained with a combination of rich cement kiln fine dust and distillery

TR030002-000570-Doc 7.3 Appendix 2b - MDT Planning Statement Appendices.pdf:120: cement kiln flue dust, distillery effluent as substitute for potassium

TR030002-000570-Doc 7.3 Appendix 2b - MDT Planning Statement Appendices.pdf:174: dust and distillery effluent as substitute for potassium fertilizer on growth, yield and quality

TR030002-000756-Document 8.3 Appendix 5 - Shipping Notes Part 3.pdf:16:o Emissions to the environment at Continuous Plant Discharges to Air Dust, fugitive emissions Non compliance Environmental impact assessment Emission control equipment

TR030002-000754-Document 4.1A Draft DCO (Clean).pdf:33: © details of the methods to be used to control dust and other emissions from the site including

TR030002-000754-Document 4.1A Draft DCO (Clean).pdf:33: a Dust Management Plan;

TR030002-000676-Doc 7.2 - Summary of Proposals Document.pdf:7: described in the following pages. to prevent dust escaping and to protect

TR030002-000676-Doc 7.2 - Summary of Proposals Document.pdf:9:conveyor bridge to contain noise and prevent dust generation. create an attractive crossing

TR030002-000576-Doc 7.3 Appendix 7 - Appendices to Alternative Sites Assessment - Part 1.pdf:106: • To dilute and remove dust and fumes produced during mining and by mining

TR030002-000576-Doc 7.3 Appendix 7 - Appendices to Alternative Sites Assessment - Part 1.pdf:185: been aeolian dust. It extends throughout the basin (merging with marls around the

TR030002-000857-151216 TR030002 York Potash Ltd - Document 6.10A - Outline Construction Environmental Management Plan.pdf:10: monitoring of (the control of) nuisance matters such as noise, dust, light, and conduct on site that

TR030002-000857-151216 TR030002 York Potash Ltd - Document 6.10A - Outline Construction Environmental Management Plan.pdf:10: environmental disturbance (including noise, dust, light etc.), protected species etc. are addressed

TR030002-000857-151216 TR030002 York Potash Ltd - Document 6.10A - Outline Construction Environmental Management Plan.pdf:11:  Implementation and monitoring of nuisance matters such as noise, dust, light, and conduct on

TR030002-000857-151216 TR030002 York Potash Ltd - Document 6.10A - Outline Construction Environmental Management Plan.pdf:15: waste, water pollution, noise and vibration, dust, and their control measures.

TR030002-000857-151216 TR030002 York Potash Ltd - Document 6.10A - Outline Construction Environmental Management Plan.pdf:22:  Display the name and contact details of person(s) accountable for air quality and dust issues on the site boundary. This may be the

TR030002-000857-151216 TR030002 York Potash Ltd - Document 6.10A - Outline Construction Environmental Management Plan.pdf:22:22 Mitigation measures relating to dust management include the following:

TR030002-000857-151216 TR030002 York Potash Ltd - Document 6.10A - Outline Construction Environmental Management Plan.pdf:22:  Develop and implement a Dust Management Plan (DMP), which may include measures to control other emissions, approved by the

TR030002-000857-151216 TR030002 York Potash Ltd - Document 6.10A - Outline Construction Environmental Management Plan.pdf:22:  Record all dust and air quality complaints, identify cause(s), take appropriate measures to reduce emissions in a timely manner, and

TR030002-000857-151216 TR030002 York Potash Ltd - Document 6.10A - Outline Construction Environmental Management Plan.pdf:22:  Record any exceptional incidents that cause dust and/or air emissions, either on- or offsite, and the action taken to resolve the situation

TR030002-000857-151216 TR030002 York Potash Ltd - Document 6.10A - Outline Construction Environmental Management Plan.pdf:23:  Liaise with other high risk construction sites within 500m of the site boundary, to ensure plans are co-ordinated and dust and particulate

TR030002-000857-151216 TR030002 York Potash Ltd - Document 6.10A - Outline Construction Environmental Management Plan.pdf:23:  Undertake daily on-site and off-site inspection, where receptors (including roads) are nearby, to note any dust deposition, record

TR030002-000857-151216 TR030002 York Potash Ltd - Document 6.10A - Outline Construction Environmental Management Plan.pdf:23: inspection results, and make the log available to the local authority when asked. This should include regular dust soiling checks of

TR030002-000857-151216 TR030002 York Potash Ltd - Document 6.10A - Outline Construction Environmental Management Plan.pdf:23:  Increase the frequency of site inspections by the person accountable for air quality and dust issues on site when activities with a high

TR030002-000857-151216 TR030002 York Potash Ltd - Document 6.10A - Outline Construction Environmental Management Plan.pdf:23: potential to produce dust are being carried out and during prolonged dry or windy conditions.

TR030002-000857-151216 TR030002 York Potash Ltd - Document 6.10A - Outline Construction Environmental Management Plan.pdf:23:  Plan site layout so that machinery and dust causing activities are located away from receptors, as far as is practicable.

TR030002-000857-151216 TR030002 York Potash Ltd - Document 6.10A - Outline Construction Environmental Management Plan.pdf:23:  Erect solid screens or barriers around dusty activities or the site boundary that are at least as high as any stockpiles on site.

TR030002-000857-151216 TR030002 York Potash Ltd - Document 6.10A - Outline Construction Environmental Management Plan.pdf:23:  Consider enclosure of site or specific operations where there is a high potential for dust production and the site is active for an extensive

TR030002-000857-151216 TR030002 York Potash Ltd - Document 6.10A - Outline Construction Environmental Management Plan.pdf:23:  Remove materials that have a potential to produce dust from site as soon as possible.

TR030002-000857-151216 TR030002 York Potash Ltd - Document 6.10A - Outline Construction Environmental Management Plan.pdf:23:  Only use cutting, grinding or sawing equipment fitted or in conjunction with suitable dust suppression techniques such as water sprays or

TR030002-000857-151216 TR030002 York Potash Ltd - Document 6.10A - Outline Construction Environmental Management Plan.pdf:23:  Ensure an adequate water supply on the site for effective dust/particulate matter suppression/mitigation, using non-potable water where

TR030002-000857-151216 TR030002 York Potash Ltd - Document 6.10A - Outline Construction Environmental Management Plan.pdf:24:  For smaller supplies of fine power materials ensure bags are sealed after use and stored appropriately to prevent dust release.

TR030002-000857-151216 TR030002 York Potash Ltd - Document 6.10A - Outline Construction Environmental Management Plan.pdf:24:  Use water-assisted dust sweeper(s) on the access and local roads, to remove, as necessary, any material tracked out of the site. This

TR030002-000857-151216 TR030002 York Potash Ltd - Document 6.10A - Outline Construction Environmental Management Plan.pdf:24:  Install a wheel washing system (with rumble grids to dislodge accumulated dust and mud prior to leaving the site where reasonably

TR030002-000249-York Potash_RIES_25 Nov 2015.pdf:24: of dust generation from handling of polyhalite and subsequent deposition

TR030002-000249-York Potash_RIES_25 Nov 2015.pdf:37: deposition and water quality in Bran Sands lagoon and the potential effect of dust generation from handling of

TR030002-000494-Section 15 App 15.1 Archaeology desk based appraisal.pdf:15: asset in its setting is also influenced by other environmental factors such as noise, dust and

TR030002-000434-ES Contents_index.pdf:23:Table 13-9 Dust emission magnitude for the site

TR030002-000434-ES Contents_index.pdf:23:Table 13-10 Sensitivity of the area to dust soiling and human health impacts

TR030002-000434-ES Contents_index.pdf:23:Table 13-11 Summary dust risk table to define site-specific mitigation

TR030002-000434-ES Contents_index.pdf:23:Table 13-12 Summary of construction phase dust impacts at the harbour facilities

TR030002-000434-ES Contents_index.pdf:24:Appendix 13-1 Details of assessment of construction phase dust and particulate matter

TR030002-000820-Document 4.1C - Draft Development Consent Order (Clean).pdf:33: © details of the methods to be used to control dust and other emissions from the site including

TR030002-000820-Document 4.1C - Draft Development Consent Order (Clean).pdf:33: a Dust Management Plan;

TR030002-000507-Doc 6.6 Environmental Statement_CIA.pdf:20: 50m from either side of all highways used by the YPP traffic for construction dust.

TR030002-000507-Doc 6.6 Environmental Statement_CIA.pdf:20: 700m radius from the boundary of the YPP components for construction dust.

TR030002-000507-Doc 6.6 Environmental Statement_CIA.pdf:71:  Air Quality - relevant to impacts on visitor amenity caused by dust and air pollution; effects on

TR030002-000507-Doc 6.6 Environmental Statement_CIA.pdf:80: raised concerns about the disruption caused by increased traffic and associated dust etc.

TR030002-000507-Doc 6.6 Environmental Statement_CIA.pdf:80:  Disturbance to users of PRoW from traffic, noise, dust, and landscape and visual changes.

TR030002-000507-Doc 6.6 Environmental Statement_CIA.pdf:80: traffic, noise, dust, and landscape and visual change during the various development stages.

TR030002-000507-Doc 6.6 Environmental Statement_CIA.pdf:160: fugitive dust and fine MTS Portal of routes used by construction vehicles up to 500m from the

TR030002-000507-Doc 6.6 Environmental Statement_CIA.pdf:160: Fugitive construction phase dust and fine particulate matter

TR030002-000507-Doc 6.6 Environmental Statement_CIA.pdf:160: from construction sites beyond which impacts associated with dust soiling and on human health are not

TR030002-000507-Doc 6.6 Environmental Statement_CIA.pdf:160:8.2.2 Further details regarding the approach adopted to the assessment of fugitive construction dust and fine

TR030002-000507-Doc 6.6 Environmental Statement_CIA.pdf:161: Fugitive construction dust and fine particulate matter

TR030002-000507-Doc 6.6 Environmental Statement_CIA.pdf:161: MHF. Mitigation measures to minimise the risk of dust impacts at nearby receptors were included

TR030002-000507-Doc 6.6 Environmental Statement_CIA.pdf:161: impacts, as a result of construction phase dust and fine particulate matter emissions, are therefore

TR030002-000507-Doc 6.6 Environmental Statement_CIA.pdf:166: a measureable cumulative impact. Fugitive soil dust emissions (including those from soils

TR030002-000507-Doc 6.6 Environmental Statement_CIA.pdf:173: Dust emissions during construction

TR030002-000507-Doc 6.6 Environmental Statement_CIA.pdf:173:11.2.4 Cumulative impacts as a result of construction phase dust are predicted to be insignificant and,

TR030002-000507-Doc 6.6 Environmental Statement_CIA.pdf:204:18.1.1 Figure 18-1 presents the ZOI for air quality construction dust emissions, illustrating the non-YPP

TR030002-000507-Doc 6.6 Environmental Statement_CIA.pdf:204: potential for cumulative impacts to occur as a result of construction dust emissions in the vicinity of the

TR030002-000507-Doc 6.6 Environmental Statement_CIA.pdf:204: Fugitive construction dust and fine particulate emissions

TR030002-000507-Doc 6.6 Environmental Statement_CIA.pdf:204:18.2.1 Potential cumulative impacts as a result of fugitive construction dust and fine particulate matter

TR030002-000507-Doc 6.6 Environmental Statement_CIA.pdf:208: Fugitive construction dust Harbour facilities 105 Human receptors within 350m of the site

TR030002-000507-Doc 6.6 Environmental Statement_CIA.pdf:208: construction sites beyond which impacts on dust soiling and human health are not anticipated to occur.

TR030002-000507-Doc 6.6 Environmental Statement_CIA.pdf:208: 350m zone around the site. Further details regarding the assessment of fugitive construction dust and

TR030002-000507-Doc 6.6 Environmental Statement_CIA.pdf:208:18.2.3 There are six committed developments within the construction dust ZOI for the Harbour facilities that

TR030002-000507-Doc 6.6 Environmental Statement_CIA.pdf:208: planning applications for these developments, construction dust assessments would have been

TR030002-000507-Doc 6.6 Environmental Statement_CIA.pdf:208: measures, cumulative impacts of fugitive dust and fine particulate matter would be not significant.

TR030002-000507-Doc 6.6 Environmental Statement_CIA.pdf:210:  Human health, due to ground gas or dust inhalation.

TR030002-000458-ES Section 23 Impact interrelationships.pdf:1: considers the potential influence of noise, light and dust on ecological receptors. In addition, the YPL

TR030002-000458-ES Section 23 Impact interrelationships.pdf:5:construction activities to minimise dust releases would not materially affect and could benefit the noise environment.

TR030002-000575-Doc 7.3 Appendix 7 - Alternative Sites Assessment.pdf:105:7.136 Construction and operational phase dust emissions have the potential to

TR030002-000575-Doc 7.3 Appendix 7 - Alternative Sites Assessment.pdf:109:7.167 Construction and operational phase dust emissions have the potential to

TR030002-000371-141125_York_Potash_ExAs_Draft_DCO.PDF:33: © details of the methods to be used to control dust and other emissions from the site

TR030002-000371-141125_York_Potash_ExAs_Draft_DCO.PDF:33: including a Dust Management Plan;

TR030002-000427-Doc 4.1 Draft DCO (including requirements).pdf:28: © details of the methods to be used to control dust and other emissions from the site

TR030002-000427-Doc 4.1 Draft DCO (including requirements).pdf:28: including a Dust Management Plan;

TR030002-000698-Natural England 1.pdf:33:disturbance during the construction phase (e.g. noise, dust) have

TR030002-000897-160113_TR03002_Draft Development Consent Order (Clean).pdf:33: © details of the methods to be used to control dust and other emissions from the site including

TR030002-000897-160113_TR03002_Draft Development Consent Order (Clean).pdf:33: a Dust Management Plan;

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:11: 20.2.1 Generation of dust during the construction activities 407

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:53:Borough Able development. Also requested inclusion of issues to do with noise and dust emissions from the operation and nature

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:138: 13. During the construction period there will be some fugitive dust emissions from the

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:138: assessment concluded that the release of dust during construction would not be a

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:138: ES identifies good practice measures which should be taken to ensure that dust is

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:156: vibration and dust pollution, Policy ENV29 aims to minimise the potential

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:169: water, land or air, or due to emission of noise, dust, vibration light or heat, or other

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:436: 1. Poor air quality, in the form of gaseous pollutants, fine particles or dust, can

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:436:20.2.1 Generation of dust during the construction activities

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:436: 1. Fugitive dust emissions have the potential to cause significant nuisance at

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:436: fraction of dust emitted will be in the form of fine particles, which can have an

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:436: adverse effect on human health. Dust deposition by sedimentation under the

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:436: smothering and changes in photosynthesis and respiration. Alkaline dusts, such

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:436: 2. Operations that often result in dust emission include:

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:436: • Resuspension of road dust, particularly on unmade roads;

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:436: fugitive dust releases. For the purpose of review and assessment, the guidance

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:436: metres of the dust emissions source then there should be no need to proceed

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:436: release of dust during the construction phase is not considered to be a

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:437: 5. Although the predicted impacts are negligible, dust emissions during demolition

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:437: • Dampening of dusty materials using water sprays;

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:437: • Sheeting the sides and tops of vehicles carrying spoil and other dusty material;

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:506:Generation of dust during Negligible A number of mitigation Negligible

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:506: as dampening of dusty

20171212 MMO Letter with additional comments Teesport Scoping.pdf:2: works may involve increased dust, noise and traffic.

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT(2).pdf:206: from noise and dust

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT(2).pdf:206: include measures to minimise dust generation undertaken.

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT(2).pdf:207: from noise and dust Method in accordance with Condition 15, which

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT(2).pdf:207: include measures to minimise dust generation

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT(2).pdf:315:minimise dust generation and noise from the site. Thereafter all work shall be

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT(2).pdf:315:REASON: To prevent nuisance from noise and dust and in the interests of the visual

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT(2).pdf:328: works may involve increased dust, noise and traffic.

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT.pdf:206: from noise and dust

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT.pdf:206: include measures to minimise dust generation undertaken.

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT.pdf:207: from noise and dust Method in accordance with Condition 15, which

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT.pdf:207: include measures to minimise dust generation

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT.pdf:315:minimise dust generation and noise from the site. Thereafter all work shall be

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT.pdf:315:REASON: To prevent nuisance from noise and dust and in the interests of the visual

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT.pdf:328: works may involve increased dust, noise and traffic.

3 EIS Appendices (3).pdf:40: PCBs; Refrigerants; Acids; Solvents; Antifreeze; Dust; Radioactive

1911South-Tees-Master-Plan-Nov-19.2.pdf:146: • Dust issues may yield lower performance efficiency and have associated maintenance/cleaning costs

1911South-Tees-Master-Plan-Nov-19.2.pdf:146: emerging contracts will necessitate the manufacture of over 2,000 new wind turbines, to serve projects such as • Dust issues may yield lower performance efficiency and have associated maintenance/cleaning costs

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:181:750m north east of the proposed scheme footprint, for the purpose of general use and dust suppression.

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:188:pathway would be inhalation of contaminated dusts, vapours or gases that may be generated during

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:188:construction phase dust) would also be applicable to this impact. No further mitigation measures have been

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:267:Section 18 discusses potential impacts from dust and particulate matter from construction activities. With

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:360:scheme means that any noise or dust, for example, or activities associated with construction will be virtually

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:378: • construction phase dust and particulate matter emissions;

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:380: Impacts of dust emissions

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:380: emissions of odour, dust, steam, smoke and artificial light to have a

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:381: • people may be exposed to existing sources of pollution including dust;

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:381: • potentially unacceptable impacts (such as dust) may arise during construction; and

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:383: Guidance on the Assessment of Dust from Demolition and

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:383:18.2.2 Construction phase dust and particulate matter assessment

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:383: A. determine potential dust emission magnitude;

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:383: C. establish the risk of dust impacts.

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:383:In assessing the significance of construction dust and particulate matter impacts using the IAQM guidance

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:383:(IAQM, 2016), the dust emission magnitude is combined with the sensitivity of the area to determine the risk

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:383:It should be noted that trackout is defined as the transport of dust and dirt from the construction site onto

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:386:of the proposed scheme. Receptors in places of work are, however, sensitive to emissions of dust, and are

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:387:experience any significant effects as a result of pollutant or dust deposition.

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:387:18.4.1 Construction dust and particulate matter assessment

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:387:A qualitative assessment of construction phase dust and PM10 emissions was carried out in accordance

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:387:with the IAQM guidance (IAQM, 2016). The methodology for the dust assessment is provided in Appendix

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:387: • Dust emissions generated by demolition, excavation, construction and earthwork activities required

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:387:The potential for sensitive receptors to be affected will depend on where within the site the dust raising

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:389:impacts associated with dust deposition would occur. However, this receptor has been included to provide

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:389: Step 2A: Define the potential dust emission magnitude

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:389:The IAQM guidance recommends that the dust emission magnitude is determined for demolition,

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:389:earthworks, construction and trackout. The dust magnitudes for these activities were determined from site

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:389:The risk of potential impact of construction phase dust and particulate matter emissions during earthworks,

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:389:construction and trackout is used to recommend appropriate mitigation measures. The dust magnitude for

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:389:Table 18.8 Dust emission magnitude for the site

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:389: Dust emission

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:389: Demolition Large which is potentially dusty. It is proposed that all material (except timber) would

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:389: The quay would be constructed using concrete which is potentially dusty.

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:390: Construction Dust Distance Boundaries

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:390: Dust Distance Boundaries

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:391:The sensitivity of human receptors to dust soiling and health effects of particulate matter associated with

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:391:Sensitivity of people to dust soiling

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:391: features are intertidal and therefore unlikely to be affected by dust deposition. The sensitivity was

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:391: Dust soiling Medium Medium Medium Medium

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:391:The dust emission magnitude detailed in Table 18.8 is combined with the sensitivity of the area detailed in

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:391:Table 18.9 to determine the risk of impacts with no mitigation applied. The risks concluded for dust soiling

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:391: Dust soiling High Risk Medium Risk Medium Risk Negligible Risk

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:391:The risk of dust soiling impacts during the construction phase were therefore described as ‘high risk’ for

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:392:The dust assessment determined that there was a risk of impacts resulting from construction activities

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:392:relation to dust and air mitigation measures. It is recommended that the good practice measures outlined

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:392:The recommendations below will be included in a CEMP to prevent or minimise the release of dust entering

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:392:will ensure that any potential dust releases associated with the construction phase will be reduced.

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:392:by Step 2 of the construction dust and particulate matter assessment, is provided below. The mitigation

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:392: person(s) accountable for air quality and dust issues on the site boundary. This may be the

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:392: • Record all dust and air quality complaints, identify cause(s), take appropriate measures to reduce

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:392: • Record any exceptional incidents that cause dust and/or air emissions, either on- or offsite, and the

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:392: Increase the frequency of site inspections by the person accountable for air quality and dust issues

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:392: on site when activities with a high potential to produce dust are being carried out and during

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:392: • Plan site layout so that machinery and dust causing activities are located away from receptors, as

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:392: • Erect solid screens or barriers around dusty activities where practicable.

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:392: • Remove materials that have a potential to produce dust from site as soon as possible.

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:393: • Only use cutting, grinding or sawing equipment fitted or in conjunction with suitable dust suppression

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:393: • Ensure an adequate water supply on the site for effective dust/particulate matter

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:393: droplets that effectively bring the dust particles to the ground.

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:393: • Install a wheel washing system (with rumble grids to dislodge accumulated dust and mud prior to

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:518:During construction, cumulative impacts of dust emissions would only occur where the boundaries of the

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:518:works are within 700m of each other, as impacts of dust are not considered to be significant beyond 350m

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:518:Facilities would be required to implement best-practice construction dust minimisation methods during their

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:593:Institute of Air Quality Management (IAQM) (2016). Guidance on the Assessment of Dust from Demolition

19Neurotoxicity of Polychlorinated Biphenyls and Related Organohalogens - nihms-1526851.pdf:15: addition, PCBs in dust from caulking materials and light ballasts used in schools and other

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:181:750m north east of the proposed scheme footprint, for the purpose of general use and dust suppression.

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:188:pathway would be inhalation of contaminated dusts, vapours or gases that may be generated during

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:188:construction phase dust) would also be applicable to this impact. No further mitigation measures have been

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:267:Section 18 discusses potential impacts from dust and particulate matter from construction activities. With

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:360:scheme means that any noise or dust, for example, or activities associated with construction will be virtually

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:378: • construction phase dust and particulate matter emissions;

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:380: Impacts of dust emissions

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:380: emissions of odour, dust, steam, smoke and artificial light to have a

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:381: • people may be exposed to existing sources of pollution including dust;

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:381: • potentially unacceptable impacts (such as dust) may arise during construction; and

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:383: Guidance on the Assessment of Dust from Demolition and

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:383:18.2.2 Construction phase dust and particulate matter assessment

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:383: A. determine potential dust emission magnitude;

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:383: C. establish the risk of dust impacts.

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:383:In assessing the significance of construction dust and particulate matter impacts using the IAQM guidance

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:383:(IAQM, 2016), the dust emission magnitude is combined with the sensitivity of the area to determine the risk

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:383:It should be noted that trackout is defined as the transport of dust and dirt from the construction site onto

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:386:of the proposed scheme. Receptors in places of work are, however, sensitive to emissions of dust, and are

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:387:experience any significant effects as a result of pollutant or dust deposition.

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:387:18.4.1 Construction dust and particulate matter assessment

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:387:A qualitative assessment of construction phase dust and PM10 emissions was carried out in accordance

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:387:with the IAQM guidance (IAQM, 2016). The methodology for the dust assessment is provided in Appendix

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:387: • Dust emissions generated by demolition, excavation, construction and earthwork activities required

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:387:The potential for sensitive receptors to be affected will depend on where within the site the dust raising

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:389:impacts associated with dust deposition would occur. However, this receptor has been included to provide

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:389: Step 2A: Define the potential dust emission magnitude

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:389:The IAQM guidance recommends that the dust emission magnitude is determined for demolition,

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:389:earthworks, construction and trackout. The dust magnitudes for these activities were determined from site

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:389:The risk of potential impact of construction phase dust and particulate matter emissions during earthworks,

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:389:construction and trackout is used to recommend appropriate mitigation measures. The dust magnitude for

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:389:Table 18.8 Dust emission magnitude for the site

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:389: Dust emission

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:389: Demolition Large which is potentially dusty. It is proposed that all material (except timber) would

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:389: The quay would be constructed using concrete which is potentially dusty.

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:390: Construction Dust Distance Boundaries

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:390: Dust Distance Boundaries

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:391:The sensitivity of human receptors to dust soiling and health effects of particulate matter associated with

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:391:Sensitivity of people to dust soiling

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:391: features are intertidal and therefore unlikely to be affected by dust deposition. The sensitivity was

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:391: Dust soiling Medium Medium Medium Medium

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:391:The dust emission magnitude detailed in Table 18.8 is combined with the sensitivity of the area detailed in

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:391:Table 18.9 to determine the risk of impacts with no mitigation applied. The risks concluded for dust soiling

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:391: Dust soiling High Risk Medium Risk Medium Risk Negligible Risk

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:391:The risk of dust soiling impacts during the construction phase were therefore described as ‘high risk’ for

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:392:The dust assessment determined that there was a risk of impacts resulting from construction activities

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:392:relation to dust and air mitigation measures. It is recommended that the good practice measures outlined

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:392:The recommendations below will be included in a CEMP to prevent or minimise the release of dust entering

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:392:will ensure that any potential dust releases associated with the construction phase will be reduced.

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:392:by Step 2 of the construction dust and particulate matter assessment, is provided below. The mitigation

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:392: person(s) accountable for air quality and dust issues on the site boundary. This may be the

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:392: • Record all dust and air quality complaints, identify cause(s), take appropriate measures to reduce

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:392: • Record any exceptional incidents that cause dust and/or air emissions, either on- or offsite, and the

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:392: Increase the frequency of site inspections by the person accountable for air quality and dust issues

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:392: on site when activities with a high potential to produce dust are being carried out and during

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:392: • Plan site layout so that machinery and dust causing activities are located away from receptors, as

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:392: • Erect solid screens or barriers around dusty activities where practicable.

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:392: • Remove materials that have a potential to produce dust from site as soon as possible.

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:393: • Only use cutting, grinding or sawing equipment fitted or in conjunction with suitable dust suppression

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:393: • Ensure an adequate water supply on the site for effective dust/particulate matter

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:393: droplets that effectively bring the dust particles to the ground.

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:393: • Install a wheel washing system (with rumble grids to dislodge accumulated dust and mud prior to

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:518:During construction, cumulative impacts of dust emissions would only occur where the boundaries of the

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:518:works are within 700m of each other, as impacts of dust are not considered to be significant beyond 350m

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:518:Facilities would be required to implement best-practice construction dust minimisation methods during their

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:593:Institute of Air Quality Management (IAQM) (2016). Guidance on the Assessment of Dust from Demolition

PC1084-RHD-SB-EN-RP-EV-1123 Written Scheme of Investigation.pdf:7:that impacts upon their setting (i.e. in terms of noise, dust or visual disturbance) would not occur. However,

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1108_NTS-5.pdf:18:undertaken to consider the impacts of construction phase dust emissions and construction and operational

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1108_NTS-5.pdf:18:Mitigation and control measures are recommended to minimise the effects of dust and plant emissions

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part1-3.pdf:64:A risk-based construction phase dust assessment will be undertaken for quay construction works,

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part1-3.pdf:262:and for dust suppression.

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part1-3.pdf:274: • direct exposure through dermal contact, ingestion or inhalation of soils and dusts; and,

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part1-3.pdf:276: soils and dusts the site. The exact construction of the substation is

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part1-3.pdf:277: soils and dusts the creation of the berthing pocket and quay

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part1-3.pdf:283: soils and dusts. Groundwater flow across the adjacent sites is likely

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part1-3.pdf:283: migrated onto the the site either via windblown dusts or through

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part1-3.pdf:285:During construction there is the potential for the disturbance of soils resulting in dust generation and for site

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:293:Appendix 18.1: Construction Phase Dust and Fine Particulate Matter Assessment Methodology

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:293:potentially be affected by dust soiling. For locations with a statutory designation, such as a Sites of Specific

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:293:consideration should be given as to whether the particular site is sensitive to dust. Some non-statutory sites

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:293:Step 2: Assess the Risk of Dust Impacts

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:293:of the area to dust impacts (Step 2B). These two factors are combined in Step 2C to determine the risk of

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:293:Step 2A: Define the Potential Dust Emission Magnitude

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:293:The IAQM guidance (IAQM, 2016) recommends that the dust emission magnitude is determined for

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:293:demolition, earthworks, construction and trackout. The dust emission magnitude is based on the scale of

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:293:the anticipated works. Table A18.1 describes the potential dust emission class criteria for each outlined

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:293:Table A18.1 Criteria used in the determination of dust emission class

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:293: Criteria used to Determine Dust Emission Class

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:293: 50,000m3 • Potentially dusty material (e.g.

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:293: potential for dust release (e.g.

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:293: • Potentially dusty material (e.g. concrete)

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:294: Criteria used to Determine Dust Emission Class

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:294: • Potentially dusty construction

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:294: potential for dust release. • On site concrete batching.

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:294: windblown dust.

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:294: Dust Soiling Effects Health Effects of PM10 Ecological Effects

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:294: the designated features may be affected by dust soiling.

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:294: dust sensitive species such as vascular species included

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:294: Office and shop workers not species, where its dust sensitivity is uncertain or unknown.

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:294: may be affected by dust deposition.

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:294: be affected by dust deposition.

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:294:The criteria detailed in Tables A18.3 to A18.5 were used to determine the sensitivity of the area to dust

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:295:Table A18.3 Sensitivity of the area to dust soiling effects on people and property

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:296:The dust emission magnitude and sensitivity of the area are combined and the risk of impacts from each

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:296:Table A18.6 Risk of dust impacts - demolition

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:296: Dust Emission Magnitude

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:296:Table A18.7 Risk of dust impacts- earthworks

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:296: Dust Emission Magnitude

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:297:Table A18.8 Risk of dust impacts- construction

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:297: Dust Emission Magnitude

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:297:Table A18.9 Risk of dust impacts- trackout

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:297: Dust Emission Magnitude

R-2022-0816-FFM-PN 0816.pdf:1:Limerick road who could be affected from potential for dust to affect existing

R-2022-0816-FFM-PN 0816.pdf:1:  Prior to the commencement of construction details of a dust/asbestos

R-2022-0816-FFM-220831_ HRA for Steel House Park and Ride_INCA_RevA (002).pdf:9: Dust from earthworks and Indirect Dust mobilised by groundworks Y

R-2022-0816-FFM-220831_ HRA for Steel House Park and Ride_INCA_RevA (002).pdf:10: Dust Dust mobilised into the atmosphere during groundworks and

R-2022-0816-FFM-220831_ HRA for Steel House Park and Ride_INCA_RevA (002).pdf:10: Dust (operational phase) Dust will be supressed using measures such as Screened out

R-2022-0816-FFM-220831_ HRA for Steel House Park and Ride_INCA_RevA (002).pdf:10: dust is intercepted and neutralised.

R-2022-0816-FFM-INCA2022-42 EcIA Steel House Park and Ride.pdf:15: • Dust from earthworks and construction activities.

R-2022-0816-FFM-INCA2022-42 EcIA Steel House Park and Ride.pdf:15:invertebrate assemblage associated with sand dunes. The habitats could be impacted by dust and

R-2022-0816-FFM-INCA2022-42 EcIA Steel House Park and Ride.pdf:15:air from the proposed development would be dust and particulates generated by ground works during

R-2022-0816-FFM-INCA2022-42 EcIA Steel House Park and Ride.pdf:17: • Mitigation to control construction related dust

R-2022-0515-CD-L05858-CLK-XX-XX-RP-GT-0005 P01.pdf:11:soils are principally laminated clays with sand and silt dustings on laminate, thereby forming distinct

R-2022-0515-CD-L05858-CLK-XX-XX-RP-GT-0005 P01.pdf:14:unacceptable quantities of dust being generated during site activities and from soil being tracked into,

R-2022-0515-CD-L05858-CLK-XX-XX-RP-GT-0005 P01.pdf:14:vehicles and that suitable road cleaning equipment is available to maintain the highways. Dust

R-2021-0754-FFM-Officer Report 0754.pdf:11: i The method to be used to control the emission of dust, noise and

R-2021-0754-FFM-Decision Notice 0754.pdf:2: I The method to be used to control the emission of dust, noise and

Environmental Statement, Chapter H Ground Conditions and Remediation Section 6 Mitigation.pdf:1: remediation solutions (i.e. as part of the capping layer to break direct contact and dust

Environmental Statement, Chapter H Ground Conditions and Remediation Section 6 Mitigation.pdf:1: 1 measures to minimise dust generation;

Environmental Statement, Chapter H Ground Conditions and Remediation Section 6 Mitigation.pdf:2: 6 damping of ground with water to minimise dust;

Environmental Statement, Chapter H Ground Conditions and Remediation Section 6 Mitigation.pdf:2: 9 sheeting of lorries transporting any spoil off site and the use of dust suppression equipment

Environmental Statement, Chapter H Ground Conditions and Remediation Section 6 Mitigation.pdf:3: dust/fibre inhalation pathways. Maintain a watching brief for the presence of ACM in all

CHK-JBAU-00-00-RP-EN-0001-S3-P02-South_Bank_WFD_Report.pdf:91:to survey die to hazardous dust from site

TW-SIZ-XX-JBAU-SB-00-RP-EN-0011-S4-P01-HRA.pdf:24: sediment, dust, surface water

MLA_2022_00248-APPLICATION-FORM.pdf:13:generated during construction (e.g. dust or disturbance of contaminated spoil) will be

MLA_2022_00248-APPLICATION-FORM.pdf:15:movements associated with the construction phase of development and reduce dust

R-2021-0422-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0271-02-South Bank Priority Strategy.PDF:13:  Human Health - Risk to commercial workers via dust inhalation and direct contact with soils for

R-2021-0422-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0271-02-South Bank Priority Strategy.PDF:15:(GAC) in soil, driven by direct contact exposure and dust inhalation. These will need to be considered

R-2021-0422-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0271-02-South Bank Priority Strategy.PDF:30:potential dust generation.

R-2021-0422-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0271-02-South Bank Priority Strategy.PDF:33: Dust, Noise and Vibration

R-2021-0422-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0271-02-South Bank Priority Strategy.PDF:33:Air Quality and Dust Management Plan

R-2021-0422-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0271-02-South Bank Priority Strategy.PDF:33:An Air Quality and Dust Management Plan (AQDMP) will be prepared as a component of the CPEMP.

R-2021-0422-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0271-02-South Bank Priority Strategy.PDF:35:  Air quality and dust management

R-2021-0422-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0271-02-South Bank Priority Strategy.PDF:41: Inhalation of Dust Indoors

R-2021-0422-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0271-02-South Bank Priority Strategy.PDF:41: Inhalation of Dust Outdoors

R-2021-0422-CD-0422.pdf:2:inhalation/ingestion of dust pathways that may be associated with other

R-2021-0422-CD-Officer Report 0422.pdf:2:inhalation/ingestion of dust pathways that may be associated with other

R-2021-0610-PND-Officer Report 0610.pdf:2: • Noise Dust and Vibration Monitoring Plan

R-2021-0610-PND-SBCO Site - Planning Stage MS - Rev 01 - 15.07.21.pdf:2: • Noise Dust and Vibration Monitoring Plan

R-2022-0049-CD-Decision Notice 2020 0318.pdf:2: i The method to be used to control the emission of dust, noise and

R-2022-0342-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0395-03-GE Plot.pdf:51: Dust Extraction 1 Dust Extraction 2

R-2022-0342-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0395-03-GE Plot.pdf:51: Dust Extraction 4 Chillers Area 2 Dust Extraction 3

R-2022-0342-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0395-03-GE Plot.pdf:61: Dust Extraction 1 Dust Extraction 2

R-2022-0342-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0395-03-GE Plot.pdf:61: Dust Extraction 4 Chillers Area 2 Dust Extraction 3

R-2022-0342-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0395-03-GE Plot.pdf:99: dustings on the laminae and interbeds/lenses of silty sand with

R-2022-0342-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0395-03-GE Plot.pdf:113: Firm laminated brown CLAY with silt dustings on the laminae.

R-2022-0342-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0395-03-GE Plot.pdf:114: -0.75 8.20 Firm laminated brown CLAY with silt dustings on the laminae.

R-2022-0342-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0395-03-GE Plot.pdf:115: dustings on laminae.

R-2022-0342-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0395-03-GE Plot.pdf:116: dustings on laminae. (continued)

R-2022-0342-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0395-03-GE Plot.pdf:125:7.20-8.20 SL6(SS) Firm laminated brown CLAY with silt dustings on laminae.

R-2022-0342-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0395-03-GE Plot.pdf:126:8.00 B14(SL6) Firm laminated brown CLAY with silt dustings on laminae.

R-2022-0342-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0395-03-GE Plot.pdf:142:8.70-9.70 P1 Firm laminated brown CLAY with silt dustings on the laminae.

R-2022-0342-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0395-03-GE Plot.pdf:142: Firm laminated brown CLAY with silt dustings on laminae.

R-2022-0342-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0395-03-GE Plot.pdf:153: Firm laminated brown CLAY with silt dustings on laminae.

R-2022-0342-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0395-03-GE Plot.pdf:167:6.60 J8(U6) Firm laminated brown CLAY with silt dustings on the laminae.

R-2022-0342-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0395-03-GE Plot.pdf:168: (3.30) Firm laminated brown CLAY with silt dustings on the laminae.

R-2022-0342-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0395-03-GE Plot.pdf:177: Soft to firm laminated brown CLAY with silt dustings on the

R-2022-0342-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0395-03-GE Plot.pdf:178:7.70 PID <0.1ppm Soft to firm laminated brown CLAY with silt dustings on the

R-2022-0342-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0395-03-GE Plot.pdf:189: Firm laminated brown CLAY with silt dustings on laminae.

R-2022-0342-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0395-03-GE Plot.pdf:201: Firm laminated brown CLAY with silt dustings on laminae.

R-2022-0342-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0395-03-GE Plot.pdf:202: (2.30) Firm laminated brown CLAY with silt dustings on laminae.

R-2022-0342-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0395-03-GE Plot.pdf:213: Firm laminated brown CLAY with silt dustings on the laminae.

R-2022-0342-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0395-03-GE Plot.pdf:224:6.50-7.50 P1 Firm laminated brown CLAY with silt dustings on the laminae.

R-2022-0342-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0395-03-GE Plot.pdf:225: Firm laminated brown CLAY with silt dustings on the laminae.

R-2022-0342-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0395-03-GE Plot.pdf:235: Firm laminated brown CLAY with silt dustings on the laminae.

R-2022-0342-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0395-03-GE Plot.pdf:236: (1.10) Firm laminated brown CLAY with silt dustings on the laminae.

R-2022-0342-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0395-03-GE Plot.pdf:241: Firm laminated brown CLAY with silt dustings on the laminae.

R-2022-0342-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0395-03-GE Plot.pdf:654: DETSC 1104 filtrate containing a sample of the respirable dust. The mass of respirable (PM10) dust per ml of the filtrate is HSG248, HSE Books, 2005

R-2022-0342-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0395-03-GE Plot.pdf:654: Respirable Fibres in Soil and Dust n/a Not Accredited

R-2022-0342-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0395-03-GE Plot.pdf:654: respirable fibres observed on the slide the number of respirable fibres per mg of dust is calculated.

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:5: Dust……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 28

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:10: ERF will include embedded mitigation measures to reduce the risk of dust

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:11: prevents the release of odours and dust from the building when the doors

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:11: are opened for short periods for deliveries. As a result, the risk of dust and

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:21:5.22 Dust has been screened out as a potential impact on the NSN site in line

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:21: dust from demolition and construction. The intention of the IAQM guidance

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:21: is that 500m is the distance from the area of muddy ground where dust

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:22: leaving the ERF site, no detailed assessment of impacts related to dust is

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:22:5.24 Although the scheme includes embedded mitigation to contain dust and

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:22: from the SPA/Ramsar site, dust associated with construction, operation or

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:32: Dust

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:32:6.38 Dust was screened out as a potential impact on the NSN site in line with the

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:32: (IAQM) guidance document Guidance on the assessment of dust from

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:32: 500m is the distance from the area of muddy ground where dust could be

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:32:6.39 Dust generated during the operation of the plant was screened out as a

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:32: includes embedded mitigation to contain dust and odour during operation

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:33: Wintering/passage/ Dust Distance between site and No

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Preliminary_Ecological_Appraisal.pdf:15: measures to reduce run-off, noise, lighting, and dust impacts caused during the construction period,

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:27: such that it does not represent a fire or dust risk. Any oversize metals in the ash

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:28: dust-free loading of material directly into trucks for export off site.

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:33: Odour and dust controls

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:34:3.126 Potential emissions of dust and fumes from the ERF bottom ash discharger will be

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:34: ongoing occupational health protection dust level checks will be carried out on a

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:34: regular basis in operational areas of the ERF where high dust levels may be

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:34: present. This will provide an early warning of increasing dust levels, at which point

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:34: action will be taken to reduce dust levels.

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:34: conditions of an Environmental Permit. This will include conditions to control dust

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:41: receptors, for example, noise, dust and visual effects

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:68: emissions of dust and odour during the construction and operational phases,

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:69: are dust emissions arising from construction phase activities and vehicle

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:69: Construction phase dust emissions

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:69:11.10 The Outline AQA included a comprehensive assessment of dust emissions during

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:69: dust from demolition and construction’, published in 2014 and last updated in

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:70: • The potential dust emission magnitude from all construction phase activities is

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:70: site entrance. Therefore, the sensitivity of the area to dust soiling and human

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:70: • Based on the above, the overall risk of dust impacts is ‘low risk’

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:71: • Fugitive dust and odour emissions from waste deliveries and the ERF process

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:73: Operational phase dust and odour emissions

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:73:11.34 The Outline AQA did not contain an assessment of operational phase dust and

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:73: odour emissions. No guidance is available for the assessment of dust emissions

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:73: operational phase dust emissions, the principles from this guidance have been

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:73: applied to both dust and odour emissions.

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:74:11.36 The ERF will include embedded mitigation measures to reduce the risk of dust

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:74: release of odours and dust from the building when the doors are opened for short

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:74: periods for deliveries. As a result, the risk of dust and odour emissions from the

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:74:11.38 As the risk of dust and odour emissions is small and the pathway to high

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:74: operational phase dust and odour emissions and the need for a more detailed

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:74: in the Outline AQA to ensure that dust emissions during construction would be

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:74: ‘negligible’. The assessment of construction phase dust emissions is unchanged,

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:75: that the effect of construction phase dust emissions would be ‘not significant’ with

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:75: emissions or operational phase dust and odour emissions. The effect of these

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:75: part of the Outline AQA, such as operational phase dust and odour emissions.

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:79: addition, construction vehicles could carry mud or dust on to the local road

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:85: 12 associated with ground preparation Regeneration unsure if Include - air quality (traffic and construction dust)

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:86: Redcar & R/2020/0357/OOM Demolition possibly Include - air quality (traffic, construction dust)

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:87: Redcar & Include - air quality (traffic, construction dust)

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:88: underground high voltage electrical Engineering / Redcar & Include - air quality (traffic, construction dust)

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:88: capital dredging and development of new quay Cleveland dust emissions. Due to distance between TV ERF

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:88: (Phases 1 and 2) for cumulative construction dust effects

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:88: ground remediation and preparation, Redcar & Include - air quality (traffic, construction dust)

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:89: 30 access roads from a1085 trunk road, 4.62 and R/2022/0816/FFM going (As of Include – Air quality, traffic, construction dust.

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:89: 31 0 and R/2020/0819/ESM Include – Air quality, traffic, construction dust.

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:92: 42 0 N/A N/A Include – air quality (traffic, construction dust)

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:101:13.61 The potential for inter-project effects due to dust and odour emissions has been

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:101: control odour emissions during the operational phase and dust emissions during

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:101: dust impacts limits the screening distance to 350 m from the ERF site boundary.

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:102: operational phase dust and odour impacts. On this basis, only those projects

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:102: within 700 m of the ERF site boundary have the potential for inter-project dust and

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:102: operational and has no potential for ongoing dust emissions. Of the remaining

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:102: projects, there is the potential for cumulative effects from dust emissions during

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:102: development. As such, construction phase dust emissions from these projects

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:102: designed to minimise any cumulative dust impacts. In particular, it is noted that

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:102: including those related to construction phase dust emissions.

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:102: cumulative dust emissions, and best-practice dust management measures will be

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:102: for significant inter-project effects due to dust emissions.

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:114: Construction dust – precise measures to be determined

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:114: Air quality and Operational dust – to be managed through embedded

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Planning_Supporting_Statement.pdf:39: i. The method to be used to control the emission of dust, noise and

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Air_Quality_Dioxin_Pathway_Intake_Assessment.pdf:9: • ingestion of soil and dust;

R-2020-0800-CD-Grangetown Prairie CEMP - Rev D.pdf:14:5.11.1 Emissions to air including dust and exhaust fumes can be caused from certain construction

R-2020-0800-CD-Grangetown Prairie CEMP - Rev D.pdf:14:5.11.3 All necessary and practicable measures to control dust emissions through good

R-2020-0800-CD-Grangetown Prairie CEMP - Rev D.pdf:14: has the potential to give rise to dusty emissions from the vehicles during transit

R-2020-0800-CD-Grangetown Prairie CEMP - Rev D.pdf:14: site offices and over vehicle management areas, so that dust will be kept to a

R-2020-0800-CD-Grangetown Prairie CEMP - Rev D.pdf:14:  Water suppression is to be utilised to prevent air borne dust

R-2020-0800-CD-Grangetown Prairie CEMP - Rev D.pdf:14:  Prevention of wind‐blown dust arising from storage mounds will be suppressed by

R-2020-0800-CD-Grangetown Prairie CEMP - Rev D.pdf:14:  Visual analysis of dust will be carried out on a daily basis and recorded, using the

R-2020-0800-CD-Grangetown Prairie CEMP - Rev D.pdf:14: following dust rating:

R-2020-0800-CD-Grangetown Prairie CEMP - Rev D.pdf:14: 1 – not noticeable, 2 – slight dust, 3 – moderate dust, 4 – unacceptable dust

R-2020-0800-CD-Grangetown Prairie CEMP - Rev D.pdf:27:increased dust and pollution entering Holme Beck, the Cross Connector culvert

R-2020-0800-CD-Grangetown Prairie CEMP - Rev D.pdf:33:• Generation of some dust, which will be controlled by standard environmental

R-2020-0800-CD-Grangetown Prairie CEMP - Rev D.pdf:49:combination effects from increased dust and pollution entering Holme Beck,

R-2020-0800-CD-Grangetown Prairie CEMP - Rev D.pdf:50:construction related dust or leaks could also reach and impact this watercourse

R-2020-0800-CD-Grangetown Prairie CEMP - Rev D.pdf:54:Any contamination that might be generated during construction (e.g. dust or

R-2020-0800-CD-Grangetown Prairie CEMP - Rev D.pdf:54:soils and control of construction related dust.

R-2020-0800-CD-Grangetown Prairie CEMP - Rev D.pdf:55:and Ramsar. These CEMPs will detail how any potential dust, spills or leakages

R-2020-0800-CD-Grangetown Prairie CEMP - Rev D.pdf:70:• Generation of some dust, which will be controlled by standard environmental

R-2020-0800-CD-Grangetown Prairie CEMP - Rev D.pdf:115:combination effects from increased dust and pollution entering Holme Beck, and

R-2020-0800-CD-Grangetown Prairie CEMP - Rev D.pdf:117: Teesmouth and Pollution of Holme Beck, Dust, pollutants or contaminated Potential impact to the habitats within CEMP No significant residual

R-2020-0800-CD-Grangetown Prairie CEMP - Rev D.pdf:117: Teesmouth and Pollution of Holme Beck, Dust, water or contaminated soils Potential impact to qualifying species CEMP No significant residual

R-2020-0800-CD-Decision Notice.pdf:2: i The method to be used to control the emission of dust, noise and

R-2020-0800-CD-officer report.pdf:1:i The method to be used to control the emission of dust, noise and vibration

R-2021-0296-NM-Decision 0270.pdf:2: i The method to be used to control the emission of dust, noise and

R-2020-0302-PND-OFFICER REPORT.pdf:3:  Dust suppression will be used at all times during the demolition of any

R-2020-0302-PND-South Bank Wharf Minor Buildings Demolition V1.0.pdf:8:works a watching brief is to be in place to ensure the controls in place to control dust

R-2020-0302-PND-South Bank Wharf Minor Buildings Demolition V1.0.pdf:9: grab, shear, buckets, dust suppression nozzles)

R-2022-0779-CD-COMPLIANCE OFFICER REPORT.pdf:1:iv Dust Management Plan

R-2022-0779-CD-Sep 22 - CEMP - Steel House Park and Ride Relocation of stockpile mounds.pdf:9: • Ensure any monitoring (e.g., noise, dust) is undertaken as required.

R-2022-0779-CD-Sep 22 - CEMP - Steel House Park and Ride Relocation of stockpile mounds.pdf:11: • Do not cause unnecessary noise or dust.

R-2022-0779-CD-Sep 22 - CEMP - Steel House Park and Ride Relocation of stockpile mounds.pdf:12:Noise and dust issues may be a key subject of complaint where construction works take place.

R-2022-0779-CD-Sep 22 - CEMP - Steel House Park and Ride Relocation of stockpile mounds.pdf:12: working near watercourses, noise & dust management and ecological risks;

R-2022-0779-CD-Sep 22 - CEMP - Steel House Park and Ride Relocation of stockpile mounds.pdf:14: • Monitoring data (e.g., dust, noise);

R-2022-0779-CD-Sep 22 - CEMP - Steel House Park and Ride Relocation of stockpile mounds.pdf:17:Dust management measures, in accordance with the BRE Publication ‘Controlling Dust from

R-2022-0779-CD-Sep 22 - CEMP - Steel House Park and Ride Relocation of stockpile mounds.pdf:17:Site. Staff will be trained in the control of dust and will ensure the site is visually monitored twice

R-2022-0779-CD-Sep 22 - CEMP - Steel House Park and Ride Relocation of stockpile mounds.pdf:17:daily for levels of surface dust, the findings of which are to be recorded in the Site Diary. Should

R-2022-0779-CD-Sep 22 - CEMP - Steel House Park and Ride Relocation of stockpile mounds.pdf:17:Should a substantiated dust complaint be received, the site shall implement construction dust

R-2022-0779-CD-Sep 22 - CEMP - Steel House Park and Ride Relocation of stockpile mounds.pdf:17:monitoring at the site boundary to provide continuous ‘real-time’ dust monitoring throughout the

R-2022-0779-CD-Sep 22 - CEMP - Steel House Park and Ride Relocation of stockpile mounds.pdf:23:covered (if required) during dry weather to prevent wind-blown dust arising.

R-2022-0779-CD-Sep 22 - CEMP - Steel House Park and Ride Relocation of stockpile mounds.pdf:23:Any contamination that might be generated during construction (e.g., dust or disturbance of

R-2022-0779-CD-Sep 22 - CEMP - Steel House Park and Ride Relocation of stockpile mounds.pdf:25: • Excessive/high offsite emissions of dust and noise, leading to a substantiated

R-2022-0779-CD-COMPLIANCE DECISION NOTICE.pdf:2:iv Dust Management Plan

R-2022-0779-CD-DOC (CEMP) Covering Letter September 2022.pdf:1: iv. Dust Management Plan

R-2021-0832-CD-DECISION NOTICE 0318.pdf:2: i The method to be used to control the emission of dust, noise and

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1108_NTS.pdf:18:undertaken to consider the impacts of construction phase dust emissions and construction and operational

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1108_NTS.pdf:18:Mitigation and control measures are recommended to minimise the effects of dust and plant emissions

R-2020-0685-ESM-OFFICER REPORT.pdf:14:describes the risk of dust soiling impacts during the construction phase as

R-2020-0685-ESM-OFFICER REPORT.pdf:14:There is therefore a great potential for the generation of contaminated dust

R-2020-0685-ESM-OFFICER REPORT.pdf:14:The dust assessment determined that there was a risk of impacts resulting

R-2020-0685-ESM-OFFICER REPORT.pdf:38:water quality (minor significance), dust and particle matter (not significant) and

R-2020-0685-ESM-OFFICER REPORT.pdf:66:  construction phase dust and particulate matter emissions

R-2020-0685-ESM-OFFICER REPORT.pdf:66:  construction phase dust and particulate matter emissions

R-2020-0685-ESM-OFFICER REPORT.pdf:67:given to construction dust and particulate matter, road traffic emissions and

R-2020-0685-ESM-OFFICER REPORT.pdf:67:A qualitative assessment of construction phase dust and PM10 emissions has

R-2020-0685-ESM-OFFICER REPORT.pdf:67:  Dust emissions generated by demolition, excavation, construction and

R-2020-0685-ESM-OFFICER REPORT.pdf:67:depend on where within the site the dust raising activity takes place, the

R-2020-0685-ESM-OFFICER REPORT.pdf:69:describes the risk of dust soiling impacts during the construction phase as

R-2020-0685-ESM-OFFICER REPORT.pdf:69:There is therefore a great potential for the generation of contaminated dust

R-2020-0685-ESM-OFFICER REPORT.pdf:69:The dust assessment determined that there was a risk of impacts resulting

R-2020-0685-ESM-OFFICER REPORT.pdf:90:human receptors from the following; construction dust and particulate matter,

R-2020-0685-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:1:Appendix 18.1: Construction Phase Dust and Fine Particulate Matter Assessment Methodology

R-2020-0685-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:1:potentially be affected by dust soiling. For locations with a statutory designation, such as a Sites of Specific

R-2020-0685-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:1:consideration should be given as to whether the particular site is sensitive to dust. Some non-statutory sites

R-2020-0685-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:1:Step 2: Assess the Risk of Dust Impacts

R-2020-0685-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:1:of the area to dust impacts (Step 2B). These two factors are combined in Step 2C to determine the risk of

R-2020-0685-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:1:Step 2A: Define the Potential Dust Emission Magnitude

R-2020-0685-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:1:The IAQM guidance (IAQM, 2016) recommends that the dust emission magnitude is determined for

R-2020-0685-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:1:demolition, earthworks, construction and trackout. The dust emission magnitude is based on the scale of

R-2020-0685-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:1:the anticipated works. Table A18.1 describes the potential dust emission class criteria for each outlined

R-2020-0685-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:1:Table A18.1 Criteria used in the determination of dust emission class

R-2020-0685-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:1: Criteria used to Determine Dust Emission Class

R-2020-0685-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:1: 50,000m3 • Potentially dusty material (e.g.

R-2020-0685-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:1: potential for dust release (e.g.

R-2020-0685-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:1: • Potentially dusty material (e.g. concrete)

R-2020-0685-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:2: Criteria used to Determine Dust Emission Class

R-2020-0685-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:2: • Potentially dusty construction

R-2020-0685-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:2: potential for dust release. • On site concrete batching.

R-2020-0685-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:2: windblown dust.

R-2020-0685-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:2: Dust Soiling Effects Health Effects of PM10 Ecological Effects

R-2020-0685-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:2: the designated features may be affected by dust soiling.

R-2020-0685-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:2: dust sensitive species such as vascular species included

R-2020-0685-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:2: Office and shop workers not species, where its dust sensitivity is uncertain or unknown.

R-2020-0685-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:2: may be affected by dust deposition.

R-2020-0685-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:2: be affected by dust deposition.

R-2020-0685-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:2:The criteria detailed in Tables A18.3 to A18.5 were used to determine the sensitivity of the area to dust

R-2020-0685-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:3:Table A18.3 Sensitivity of the area to dust soiling effects on people and property

R-2020-0685-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:4:The dust emission magnitude and sensitivity of the area are combined and the risk of impacts from each

R-2020-0685-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:4:Table A18.6 Risk of dust impacts - demolition

R-2020-0685-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:4: Dust Emission Magnitude

R-2020-0685-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:4:Table A18.7 Risk of dust impacts- earthworks

R-2020-0685-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:4: Dust Emission Magnitude

R-2020-0685-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:5:Table A18.8 Risk of dust impacts- construction

R-2020-0685-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:5: Dust Emission Magnitude

R-2020-0685-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:5:Table A18.9 Risk of dust impacts- trackout

R-2020-0685-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:5: Dust Emission Magnitude

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_8. Land quality and geology.pdf:13:750m north east of the proposed scheme footprint, for the purpose of general use and dust suppression.

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_8. Land quality and geology.pdf:20:pathway would be inhalation of contaminated dusts, vapours or gases that may be generated during

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_8. Land quality and geology.pdf:20:construction phase dust) would also be applicable to this impact. No further mitigation measures have been

R-2020-0685-ESM-PN 685.pdf:2: I note a Construction Phase Dust and Fine Particulate Matter Assessment has been

R-2020-0685-ESM-PN 685.pdf:2:activity has the potential to emit contaminated dust.

R-2020-0685-ESM-PN 685.pdf:2:The dust assessment determined that there was a risk of impacts resulting from

R-2020-0685-ESM-PN 685.pdf:2:recommendations within the Construction Phase Dust and Fine Particulate Matter

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_11. Terrestrial ecology.pdf:24:Section 18 discusses potential impacts from dust and particulate matter from construction activities. With

R-2020-0685-ESM-61586 Quay Planning Statement 09-11-20.pdf:29: assessments were undertaken to consider the impacts of construction phase dust emissions and

R-2020-0685-ESM-61586 Quay Planning Statement 09-11-20.pdf:29:5.56 Mitigation and control measures are recommended to minimise the effects of dust and plant

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:1: • construction phase dust and particulate matter emissions;

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:3: Impacts of dust emissions

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:3: emissions of odour, dust, steam, smoke and artificial light to have a

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:4: • people may be exposed to existing sources of pollution including dust;

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:4: • potentially unacceptable impacts (such as dust) may arise during construction; and

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:6: Guidance on the Assessment of Dust from Demolition and

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:6:18.2.2 Construction phase dust and particulate matter assessment

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:6: A. determine potential dust emission magnitude;

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:6: C. establish the risk of dust impacts.

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:6:In assessing the significance of construction dust and particulate matter impacts using the IAQM guidance

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:6:(IAQM, 2016), the dust emission magnitude is combined with the sensitivity of the area to determine the risk

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:6:It should be noted that trackout is defined as the transport of dust and dirt from the construction site onto

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:9:of the proposed scheme. Receptors in places of work are, however, sensitive to emissions of dust, and are

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:10:experience any significant effects as a result of pollutant or dust deposition.

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:10:18.4.1 Construction dust and particulate matter assessment

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:10:A qualitative assessment of construction phase dust and PM10 emissions was carried out in accordance

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:10:with the IAQM guidance (IAQM, 2016). The methodology for the dust assessment is provided in Appendix

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:10: • Dust emissions generated by demolition, excavation, construction and earthwork activities required

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:10:The potential for sensitive receptors to be affected will depend on where within the site the dust raising

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:12:impacts associated with dust deposition would occur. However, this receptor has been included to provide

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:12: Step 2A: Define the potential dust emission magnitude

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:12:The IAQM guidance recommends that the dust emission magnitude is determined for demolition,

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:12:earthworks, construction and trackout. The dust magnitudes for these activities were determined from site

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:12:The risk of potential impact of construction phase dust and particulate matter emissions during earthworks,

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:12:construction and trackout is used to recommend appropriate mitigation measures. The dust magnitude for

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:12:Table 18.8 Dust emission magnitude for the site

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:12: Dust emission

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:12: Demolition Large which is potentially dusty. It is proposed that all material (except timber) would

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:12: The quay would be constructed using concrete which is potentially dusty.

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:13: Construction Dust Distance Boundaries

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:13: Dust Distance Boundaries

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:14:The sensitivity of human receptors to dust soiling and health effects of particulate matter associated with

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:14:Sensitivity of people to dust soiling

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:14: features are intertidal and therefore unlikely to be affected by dust deposition. The sensitivity was

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:14: Dust soiling Medium Medium Medium Medium

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:14:The dust emission magnitude detailed in Table 18.8 is combined with the sensitivity of the area detailed in

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:14:Table 18.9 to determine the risk of impacts with no mitigation applied. The risks concluded for dust soiling

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:14: Dust soiling High Risk Medium Risk Medium Risk Negligible Risk

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:14:The risk of dust soiling impacts during the construction phase were therefore described as ‘high risk’ for

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:15:The dust assessment determined that there was a risk of impacts resulting from construction activities

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:15:relation to dust and air mitigation measures. It is recommended that the good practice measures outlined

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:15:The recommendations below will be included in a CEMP to prevent or minimise the release of dust entering

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:15:will ensure that any potential dust releases associated with the construction phase will be reduced.

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:15:by Step 2 of the construction dust and particulate matter assessment, is provided below. The mitigation

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:15: person(s) accountable for air quality and dust issues on the site boundary. This may be the

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:15: • Record all dust and air quality complaints, identify cause(s), take appropriate measures to reduce

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:15: • Record any exceptional incidents that cause dust and/or air emissions, either on- or offsite, and the

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:15: Increase the frequency of site inspections by the person accountable for air quality and dust issues

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:15: on site when activities with a high potential to produce dust are being carried out and during

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:15: • Plan site layout so that machinery and dust causing activities are located away from receptors, as

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:15: • Erect solid screens or barriers around dusty activities where practicable.

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:15: • Remove materials that have a potential to produce dust from site as soon as possible.

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:16: • Only use cutting, grinding or sawing equipment fitted or in conjunction with suitable dust suppression

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:16: • Ensure an adequate water supply on the site for effective dust/particulate matter

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:16: droplets that effectively bring the dust particles to the ground.

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:16: • Install a wheel washing system (with rumble grids to dislodge accumulated dust and mud prior to

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084-RHD-SB-EN-RP-EV-1107_Appendix 7_Land quality desk study.pdf:16:and for dust suppression.

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084-RHD-SB-EN-RP-EV-1107_Appendix 7_Land quality desk study.pdf:28: • direct exposure through dermal contact, ingestion or inhalation of soils and dusts; and,

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084-RHD-SB-EN-RP-EV-1107_Appendix 7_Land quality desk study.pdf:30: soils and dusts the site. The exact construction of the substation is

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084-RHD-SB-EN-RP-EV-1107_Appendix 7_Land quality desk study.pdf:31: soils and dusts the creation of the berthing pocket and quay

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084-RHD-SB-EN-RP-EV-1107_Appendix 7_Land quality desk study.pdf:37: soils and dusts. Groundwater flow across the adjacent sites is likely

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084-RHD-SB-EN-RP-EV-1107_Appendix 7_Land quality desk study.pdf:37: migrated onto the the site either via windblown dusts or through

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084-RHD-SB-EN-RP-EV-1107_Appendix 7_Land quality desk study.pdf:39:During construction there is the potential for the disturbance of soils resulting in dust generation and for site

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_30. References.pdf:6:Institute of Air Quality Management (IAQM) (2016). Guidance on the Assessment of Dust from Demolition

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_27. Cumulative impact assessment.pdf:29:During construction, cumulative impacts of dust emissions would only occur where the boundaries of the

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_27. Cumulative impact assessment.pdf:29:works are within 700m of each other, as impacts of dust are not considered to be significant beyond 350m

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_27. Cumulative impact assessment.pdf:29:Facilities would be required to implement best-practice construction dust minimisation methods during their

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084-RHD-SB-EN-NT-EV-1106_Appendix 2_Scoping note.pdf:14:A risk-based construction phase dust assessment will be undertaken for quay construction works,

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_16. Archaeology and cultural heritage.pdf:22:scheme means that any noise or dust, for example, or activities associated with construction will be virtually

R-2019-0427-FFM-Consultee response - Network Rail.pdf:1:monitoring of stability and height of earth mounds and dust generated by the works.

R-2019-0427-FFM-Consultee response - Network Rail.pdf:3:Heaping, Dust and Litter

R-2019-0427-FFM-Consultee response - Network Rail.pdf:3:adequate measures for preventing dust and rubbish blowing onto Network Rail property are to be in operation.

R-2019-0427-FFM-Consultee response - Network Rail.pdf:3:I would advise that in particular the drainage, earthworks/excavations, method statements/OPE and dust/litter

R-2019-0427-FFM-Decision Notice_R20190427FFM.pdf:4: vi) Measures to control the emission of noise, dust and vibration during the

R-2019-0427-FFM-1 Appendix C1 Enviro Insight Report.PDF:71: Details: Dust suppression

R-2019-0427-FFM-Officer report _R20190427FFM.pdf:2: relating to dust emissions, contamination and traffic

R-2019-0427-FFM-Officer report _R20190427FFM.pdf:5:The strategy acknowledges that there is a potential that dust, noise and

R-2019-0427-FFM-Officer report _R20190427FFM.pdf:5:excavation, haulage, backfilling and soil stockpiling, particularly for dust during

R-2019-0427-FFM-Officer report _R20190427FFM.pdf:5:minimise the potential generation of dust.

R-2019-0427-FFM-Officer report _R20190427FFM.pdf:5:minimise potential for dust generation.

R-2019-0427-FFM-Officer report _R20190427FFM.pdf:5:vi) Measures to control the emission of noise dust and vibration during the

R-2019-0427-FFM-Officer report _R20190427FFM.pdf:13: vi) Measures to control the emission of noise, dust and vibration during

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0002_A_P02.pdf:39:  Coke and coke dust;

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0002_A_P02.pdf:83: Future site users (industrial end use) Dermal contact, accidental ingestion, inhalation of dusts, vapours,

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0002_A_P02.pdf:85: hydrocarbons, pH, users ingestion, inhalation of dusts, (Medium) Made Ground across the sit

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0002_A_P02.pdf:86: storage tanks users ingestion, inhalation of dusts (Medium) Previous SPMP monitoring

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0002_A_P02.pdf:87: tanks and South hydrocarbons users ingestion, inhalation of dusts, (Medium)] Naphthalene and TPH ident

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0002_A_P02.pdf:88: filled cables users ingestion, inhalation of dusts, (Medium) PCBs and oil have low mobi

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0002_A_P02.pdf:90: CL2 Future site users and dermal contact, accidental ingestion, inhalation of dusts, vapours, fibres and

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0002_A_P02.pdf:93:Exposure pathways for commercial/industrial end use include direct soil and indoor dust ingestion, skin

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0002_A_P02.pdf:93:contact with soils and dusts, and inhalation of dust and vapours. As it is not pragmatic to remove all

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0002_A_P02.pdf:104: generation of dust.

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0002_A_P02.pdf:104:  Water sprays to be used during operations as and when required to minimise potential for dust

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01.pdf:22:  All roads kept free of dust and mud deposits through regular cleaning or immediately after

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01.pdf:22: significant dust or mud deposits;

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01.pdf:23:  All roads kept free of dust and mud deposits through regular cleaning or immediately after

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01.pdf:23: significant dust or mud deposits;

R-2019-0427-FFM-MGE03868.pdf:1:The strategy acknowledges that there is a potential that dust, noise and vibration and

R-2019-0427-FFM-MGE03868.pdf:1:and soil stockpiling, particularly for dust during periods of dry weather.

R-2019-0427-FFM-MGE03868.pdf:1: the potential generation of dust.

R-2019-0427-FFM-MGE03868.pdf:1: potential for dust generation.

R-2019-0427-FFM-MGE03868.pdf:2: vi) Measures to control the emission of noise dust and vibration during the

R-2019-0427-FFM-201920 Ecology report final.pdf:29:iii) Impacts from dust related to the movement of earth.

R-2019-0427-FFM-201920 Ecology report final.pdf:29:sensitivity to dust deposition. In any case given the distances involved and standard dust

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0002_A_P01.pdf:37:  Coke and coke dust;

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0002_A_P01.pdf:81: Future site users (industrial end use) Dermal contact, accidental ingestion, inhalation of dusts, vapours,

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0002_A_P01.pdf:83: hydrocarbons, pH, users ingestion, inhalation of dusts, (Medium) Made Ground across the sit

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0002_A_P01.pdf:84: storage tanks users ingestion, inhalation of dusts (Medium) Previous SPMP monitoring

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0002_A_P01.pdf:85: tanks and South hydrocarbons users ingestion, inhalation of dusts, (Medium)] Naphthalene and TPH ident

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0002_A_P01.pdf:86: filled cables users ingestion, inhalation of dusts, (Medium) PCBs and oil have low mobi

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0002_A_P01.pdf:88: CL2 Future site users and dermal contact, accidental ingestion, inhalation of dusts, vapours, fibres and

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0002_A_P01.pdf:91:Exposure pathways for commercial/industrial end use include direct soil and indoor dust ingestion, skin

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0002_A_P01.pdf:91:contact with soils and dusts, and inhalation of dust and vapours. As it is not pragmatic to remove all

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0002_A_P01.pdf:102: generation of dust.

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0002_A_P01.pdf:102:  Water sprays to be used during operations as and when required to minimise potential for dust

R-2021-0473-ESM-LMW-RYD-00-00-DR-A-3000-S0-P1-BWS PWS and WRH Ground Floor GA Plan.pdf:1: Dust Extraction 1 Dust Extraction 2

R-2021-0473-ESM-LMW-RYD-00-00-DR-A-3000-S0-P1-BWS PWS and WRH Ground Floor GA Plan.pdf:1: Dust Extraction 4 Chillers Area 2 Dust Extraction 3

R-2023-0300-DCO-HIGHWAYS ENGLAND.pdf:8:• Vehicles carrying soil and other dusty materials to be fully sheeted when travelling

R-2023-0300-DCO-HIGHWAYS ENGLAND.pdf:12: i) Vehicles carrying soil and other dusty materials to be fully sheeted when

R-2021-0166-FFM-Environmental Risk Assessment.pdf:12: A. Dust inhalation from Made Ground from site and adjacent land (potential CoC include asbestos

R-2021-0166-FFM-Environmental Risk Assessment.pdf:36: dust creation and the movement of more impacted deep soil closer to the surface.

R-2021-0166-FFM-Environmental Risk Assessment.pdf:44:A = Dust inhalation from Made Ground from site and adjacent land

R-2021-0166-FFM-Environmental Risk Assessment.pdf:45:A = Dust inhalation from Made Ground from site and adjacent land

R-2021-0166-FFM-Environmental Risk Assessment.pdf:52:A = Dust inhalation from Made Ground from site and adjacent land

R-2021-0166-FFM-Environmental Risk Assessment.pdf:53:A = Dust inhalation from Made Ground from site and adjacent land

R-2021-0166-FFM-Officer Report 0166.pdf:4:contaminant of concern and therefore dust management is essential whilst

R-2021-0166-FFM-Officer Report 0166.pdf:5:vi) Measures to control the emission of noise dust and vibration during the

R-2021-0166-FFM-Officer Report 0166.pdf:8:to the generation of noise, dust and vibration from the proposed works. It has

R-2021-0166-FFM-Officer Report 0166.pdf:12: i The method to be used to control the emission of dust, noise and

R-2021-0166-FFM-HRA Grangetown Prairie Phase 4.pdf:5:Emissions to air could derive from construction activities (principally dust and particulates) However

R-2021-0166-FFM-Decision Notice 0166.pdf:2: I The method to be used to control the emission of dust, noise and

R-2021-0166-FFM-Geotechnical Risk Assessment .pdf:30:A = Dust inhalation from Made Ground from site and adjacent land

R-2021-0166-FFM-Geotechnical Risk Assessment .pdf:31:A = Dust inhalation from Made Ground from site and adjacent land

R-2021-0166-FFM-Ground Remediation Options Report.pdf:12:• Remove the potential for asbestos fibres to become airborne via dust generation at the site.

R-2021-0166-FFM-Ground Remediation Options Report.pdf:16:immediate surrounding area (e.g. noise, dust, traffic).

R-2021-0166-FFM-Ground Remediation Options Report.pdf:17: • Excavation activities can lead to excessive noise, dust and odour generation without proper controls;

R-2021-0166-FFM-Ground Remediation Options Report.pdf:18: • Excavation activities can lead to excessive noise, dust and odour generation without proper controls;

R-2021-0166-FFM-Ground Remediation Options Report.pdf:25:removal of structures it shall be separately stockpiled and covered to control potential dust generation. Soils

R-2021-0166-FFM-Ground Remediation Options Report.pdf:27: Dust, Noise and Vibration

R-2021-0166-FFM-Ground Remediation Options Report.pdf:27:Air Quality and Dust Management Plan

R-2021-0166-FFM-Ground Remediation Options Report.pdf:27:An Air Quality and Dust Management Plan will be prepared as a component of the CPEMP. Baseline data will

R-2021-0166-FFM-Ground Remediation Options Report.pdf:28: • Air quality and dust management

R-2021-0166-FFM-Ground Remediation Options Report.pdf:33:A = Dust inhalation from Made Ground from site and adjacent land

R-2021-0166-FFM-EP NU.pdf:1:concern and therefore dust management is essential whilst engineering operations

R-2021-0166-FFM-EP NU.pdf:1:vi) Measures to control the emission of noise dust and vibration during the

R-2022-0494-FFM-Shadow Habitats Regulation Assessment.pdf:9: Dust from earthworks and Indirect Dust mobilised by groundworks Y

R-2022-0494-FFM-Shadow Habitats Regulation Assessment.pdf:9: Dust from earthworks and Dust mobilised into the atmosphere during groundworks is

R-2022-0494-FFM-Shadow Habitats Regulation Assessment.pdf:10: Dust from earthworks and The only anticipated emission is dust, which will Screened out

R-2022-0494-FFM-OFFICER REPORT.pdf:3:railway operations and workers. Such materials and dust from the site should

R-2022-0494-FFM-OFFICER REPORT.pdf:4:  Dust management plan, to control construction related dust.

R-2022-0494-FFM-OFFICER REPORT.pdf:9:to the generation of noise, dust and vibration from the proposed works. It has

R-2022-0494-FFM-OFFICER REPORT.pdf:13: iv Dust Management Plan

R-2022-0494-FFM-NETWORK RAIL.pdf:1:and workers. Such materials and dust from the site should be contained and prevented from entering/blowing on to

R-2022-0494-FFM-DECISION NOTICE.pdf:2: iv Dust Management Plan

R-2022-0494-FFM-EA_R20220494FFM_OFFICIAL_130722.pdf:2: • Dust management plan, to control construction related dust.

R-2022-0494-FFM-Ecological Impact Assessment.pdf:15: • Dust from earthworks and construction activities.

R-2022-0494-FFM-Ecological Impact Assessment.pdf:15:growth. The principal emissions to air from the proposed development would be dust and

R-2022-0494-FFM-Ecological Impact Assessment.pdf:15: • Dust from earthworks and construction activities.

R-2022-0494-FFM-Ecological Impact Assessment.pdf:19: • Mitigation to control construction related dust

R-2022-0494-FFM-21089271_1.pdf:16: D. Dust inhalation (potential CoC include asbestos and heavy metals)

R-2022-0494-FFM-21089271_1.pdf:20:Asbestos is potentially hazardous when inhaled and therefore pollutant linkage D (inhalation of dust) is

R-2022-0494-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-CO-ZZ-0555-01-Steel_House_Mounds.pdf:2:to if a temporary cap should be installed to prevent dust/direct contact if required by the environmental

R-2021-0855-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0331-02_SB_DQRA_Part1.pdf:21: Inhalation or ingestion of dust comprising contaminated soils, including asbestos fibres, in indoor or

R-2020-0281-PND-officer report 0281.pdf:2:8 Water-based dust suppression equipment shall be fitted to direct water at

R-2020-0281-PND-officer report 0281.pdf:2:minimise the escape of dust and debris;

R-2020-0281-PND-officer report 0281.pdf:2:place to control dust migration are suitable. Demolition dust will typically be

R-2020-0281-PND-R-2020-0281-PND-STDC-HFO Tank Method Statement FOR ISSUE (003).PDF:7: Motofog 100 dust suppression unit.

R-2020-0281-PND-R-2020-0281-PND-STDC-HFO Tank Method Statement FOR ISSUE (003).PDF:8:brief is to be in place to ensure the controls in place to control dust migration are suitable.

R-2020-0281-PND-R-2020-0281-PND-STDC-HFO Tank Method Statement FOR ISSUE (003).PDF:8:Demolition dust will typically be controlled by applying water spray manually and remotely using a (MOTFOG 100

R-2020-0281-PND-R-2020-0281-PND-STDC-HFO Tank Method Statement FOR ISSUE (003).PDF:8:or similar) dust water spray cannon.

R-2020-0281-PND-R-2020-0281-PND-STDC-HFO Tank Method Statement FOR ISSUE (003).PDF:8:imposed also with the structures being of steel construction and cold cut using excavators reducing fume or dust

R-2020-0281-PND-R-2020-0281-PND-STDC-HFO Tank Method Statement FOR ISSUE (003).PDF:12: Water supply connected to the crusher and dust suppression used as required as crushing is carried out.

R-2022-0205-SC-Bran Sands EIA Screening Request_FINAL reduced signed.pdf:5:5.8 Noise, Vibration and Dust 35

R-2022-0205-SC-Bran Sands EIA Screening Request_FINAL reduced signed.pdf:34:  Good management of stockpiles to prevent windblown dust transport pathways or run

R-2022-0205-SC-Bran Sands EIA Screening Request_FINAL reduced signed.pdf:35:5.8 Noise, Vibration and Dust

R-2022-0205-SC-Bran Sands EIA Screening Request_FINAL reduced signed.pdf:35: 5.8.1 Sensitive receptors to impacts arising from noise, vibration and dust would include

R-2022-0205-SC-Bran Sands EIA Screening Request_FINAL reduced signed.pdf:35: noise, vibration and dust / air quality pollution through the course of the works and the

R-2022-0205-SC-Bran Sands EIA Screening Request_FINAL reduced signed.pdf:36: measures in regard to noise, vibration and dust control to be set out in an EMP (or

R-2022-0205-SC-Bran Sands EIA Screening Request_FINAL reduced signed.pdf:36: 5.8.5 In terms of dust emissions, it is considered that normal preventative measures such as

R-2022-0205-SC-Bran Sands EIA Screening Request_FINAL reduced signed.pdf:36: the use of wheel washing facilities (if required) and the dampening down of dust

R-2022-0205-SC-Bran Sands EIA Screening Request_FINAL reduced signed.pdf:36: nature of the immediate surroundings, no significant noise, vibration or dust impacts

R-2022-0205-SC-Bran Sands EIA Screening Request_FINAL reduced signed.pdf:51: noise, light and dust emissions. The Contractor will comply with all relevant quality

R-2022-0205-SC-Bran Sands EIA Screening Request_FINAL reduced signed.pdf:105:  Kukadia V, Upton S & Hall D (2003) Control of dust from construction and demolition

R-2021-1048-FFM-Redcar Steelworks-AUK-XX-XX-RP-GE-0001-02-SSI1_SSI2A_GI_SCR.pdf:26:composition of surface Made Ground adjacent to the site and the consequential potential for dust generation.

R-2021-1048-FFM-Redcar Steelworks-AUK-XX-XX-RP-GE-0001-02-SSI1_SSI2A_GI_SCR.pdf:33: The majority of the site is currently covered in soft landscaping, as such, particulate inhalation due to dust

R-2021-1048-FFM-Redcar Steelworks-AUK-XX-XX-RP-GE-0001-02-SSI1_SSI2A_GI_SCR.pdf:33: and or re-profiling requirements and therefore dust has the potential to be generated. Notwithstanding this,

R-2021-1048-FFM-Redcar Steelworks-AUK-XX-XX-RP-GE-0001-02-SSI1_SSI2A_GI_SCR.pdf:33: typical dust suppression techniques should be employed so that exposures would be minimised.

R-2021-1048-FFM-Redcar Steelworks-AUK-XX-XX-RP-GE-0001-02-SSI1_SSI2A_GI_SCR.pdf:52:A = Dust inhalation from Made Ground from site and adjacent land

R-2021-1048-FFM-Redcar Steelworks-AUK-XX-XX-RP-GE-0001-02-SSI1_SSI2A_GI_SCR.pdf:65: PCBs, flue dust, coal

R-2021-1048-FFM-Redcar Steelworks-AUK-XX-XX-RP-GE-0001-02-SSI1_SSI2A_GI_SCR.pdf:65: subsequently solidified. Flue dusts Slag Quencher Pump House and

R-2021-1048-FFM-Redcar Steelworks-AUK-XX-XX-RP-GE-0001-02-SSI1_SSI2A_GI_SCR.pdf:65: dust.

R-2021-1048-FFM-Redcar Steelworks-AUK-XX-XX-RP-GE-0001-02-SSI1_SSI2A_GI_SCR.pdf:67: area products but coal and coal dust could be before being transferred onto

R-2021-1048-FFM-Redcar Steelworks-AUK-XX-XX-RP-GE-0001-02-SSI1_SSI2A_GI_SCR.pdf:70: Stockhouse Coal dust

R-2021-1048-FFM-Redcar Steelworks-AUK-XX-XX-RP-GE-0001-02-SSI1_SSI2A_GI_SCR.pdf:70: northwest of to reduce grain size and screen metals, flue dust,

R-2021-1048-FFM-Redcar Steelworks-AUK-XX-XX-RP-GE-0001-02-SSI1_SSI2A_GI_SCR.pdf:70: SSI1 materials for intended usage. Dust coke/coal

R-2021-1048-FFM-Redcar Steelworks-AUK-XX-XX-RP-GE-0001-02-SSI1_SSI2A_GI_SCR.pdf:71: contentflue dust from the Basic

R-2021-1048-FFM-Redcar Steelworks-AUK-XX-XX-RP-GE-0001-02-SSI1_SSI2A_GI_SCR.pdf:71: plant flue dust, coke/coal

R-2021-1048-FFM-Redcar Steelworks-AUK-XX-XX-RP-GE-0001-02-SSI1_SSI2A_GI_SCR.pdf:71: flue dust, coke/coal

R-2021-1048-FFM-Redcar Steelworks-AUK-XX-XX-RP-GE-0001-02-SSI1_SSI2A_GI_SCR.pdf:71: feedstock for the blast furnace. It is flue dust, coke/coal

R-2021-1048-FFM-Redcar Steelworks-AUK-XX-XX-RP-GE-0001-02-SSI1_SSI2A_GI_SCR.pdf:71: Stocks running of the blast furnace. When flue dust, coke/coal

R-2021-1048-FFM-Redcar Steelworks-AUK-XX-XX-RP-GE-0001-02-SSI1_SSI2A_GI_SCR.pdf:71: 27a SSI1 Approx. 20 ha Blended Ore Handling CH2M Desk Study, Industry Material on-site Metals, flue dust

R-2021-1048-FFM-Redcar Steelworks-AUK-XX-XX-RP-GE-0001-02-SSI1_SSI2A_GI_SCR.pdf:71: with high-iron-content flue dust

R-2021-1048-FFM-Redcar Steelworks-AUK-XX-XX-RP-GE-0001-02-SSI1_SSI2A_GI_SCR.pdf:72: Blended Coal potential contaminants are not Metals, flue dust,

R-2021-1048-FFM-Redcar Steelworks-AUK-XX-XX-RP-GE-0001-02-SSI1_SSI2A_GI_SCR.pdf:127:The compacted dust is made up of particles ranging in size from less than 1 to

R-2021-1048-FFM-Decision Notice 1048(1).pdf:2: i The method to be used to control the emission of dust, noise and

R-2021-1048-FFM-Officer Report 1048.pdf:9:exposure pathway is driven by direct contact or dust inhalation only. Materials

R-2021-1048-FFM-Officer Report 1048.pdf:12:contact exposure with shallow soils or inhalation of dust generated from

R-2021-1048-FFM-Officer Report 1048.pdf:12: which would break the direct contact and dust pathways provided

R-2021-1048-FFM-Officer Report 1048.pdf:13:Strategy Report covers Dust, Noise and Vibration and states that an Air

R-2021-1048-FFM-Officer Report 1048.pdf:13:Quality and Dust Management Plan (AQDMP) will be prepared as a

R-2021-1048-FFM-Officer Report 1048.pdf:13: vibration and dust. The approved CEMP shall be adhered to

R-2021-1048-FFM-Officer Report 1048.pdf:22: i The method to be used to control the emission of dust, noise and

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-CO-ZZ-0486-01-Net_Zero_Rem_Clarification_EA.pdf:6: dust inhalation (e.g. as is typical for Polycyclic Aromatic

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-CO-ZZ-0486-01-Net_Zero_Rem_Clarification_EA.pdf:17:control dust generation. The applicant must ensure that stockpiles of

R-2021-1048-FFM-Factual REPORT SSI 2.pdf:9: cemented coal dust.

R-2021-1048-FFM-Factual REPORT SSI 2.pdf:13: Fine material is predominantly coal dust.

R-2021-1048-FFM-Factual REPORT SSI 2.pdf:14: to coarse SAND of coal dust.

R-2021-1048-FFM-Factual REPORT SSI 2.pdf:37: odour and black layer of coal dust/coal tar fragments.

R-2021-1048-FFM-Factual REPORT SSI 2.pdf:60: 0.40 cemented coal dust and various lithologies.

R-2021-1048-FFM-Factual REPORT SSI 2.pdf:67: pockets of loose black sand and gravel of coal dust.

R-2021-1048-FFM-MGE04717 Cont Land.pdf:1:driven by direct contact or dust inhalation only. Materials containing contaminants

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0520-03-Land West of Warrenby Redcar Preliminary Risk Assessment.pdf:96: Pollutant Description: Dust

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0520-03-Land West of Warrenby Redcar Preliminary Risk Assessment.pdf:126: Air pollution - Any development that could cause air pollution or dust either in its construction or operation

R-2021-1048-FFM-EA_R20211048FFM_OFFICIAL_270122.pdf:9:control dust generation. The applicant must ensure that stockpiles of

R-2021-1048-FFM-SSI 1 Desk Study_final(2).pdf:28:This process will have likely required considerable dust suppression, the treatment/drainage system for

R-2021-1048-FFM-SSI 1 Desk Study_final(2).pdf:28:flue dust from the Basic Oxygen Steel (BOS) plant to raise the iron content.

R-2021-1048-FFM-SSI 1 Desk Study_final(2).pdf:31: Flue Dust ✓

R-2021-1048-FFM-SSI 1 Desk Study_final(2).pdf:31: Flue Dust ✓

R-2021-1048-FFM-SSI 1 Desk Study_final(2).pdf:31: Flue Dust ✓

R-2021-1048-FFM-SSI 1 Desk Study_final(2).pdf:31: Flue Dust ✓

R-2021-1048-FFM-SSI 1 Desk Study_final(2).pdf:32: Flue Dust ✓

R-2021-1048-FFM-SSI 1 Desk Study_final(2).pdf:32: Flue Dust ✓

R-2021-1048-FFM-SSI 1 Desk Study_final(2).pdf:32: Flue Dust ✓

R-2021-1048-FFM-SSI 1 Desk Study_final(2).pdf:33: Metals & Flue Dust ✓ ✓ High

R-2021-1048-FFM-SSI 1 Desk Study_final(2).pdf:33: Metals & Flue Dust ✓ ✓ High

R-2021-1048-FFM-SSI 1 Desk Study_final(2).pdf:33: Sinter plant Metals & Flue Dust ✓ ✓ High

R-2021-1048-FFM-SSI 1 Desk Study_final(2).pdf:34: Pellet plant Metals & Flue Dust ✓ ✓ High

R-2021-1048-FFM-SSI 1 Desk Study_final(2).pdf:34: Sinter and Pellet stock Metals & Flue Dust ✓ ✓ High

R-2021-1048-FFM-SSI 1 Desk Study_final(2).pdf:34: Blended Ore Stocks Metals & Flue Dust ✓ ✓ High

R-2021-1048-FFM-SSI 1 Desk Study_final(2).pdf:34: Metals & Flue Dust ✓ ✓ High

R-2021-1048-FFM-SSI 1 Desk Study_final(2).pdf:34: Metals & Flue Dust ✓ ✓ High

R-2021-1048-FFM-SSI 1 Desk Study_final(2).pdf:71: Wind-blown dust. Greatest risk to

R-2021-1048-FFM-SSI 1 Desk Study_final(2).pdf:72: Dust and runoff the site

R-2021-1048-FFM-SSI 1 Desk Study_final(2).pdf:73: Moderate Leachate potential of flue dust

R-2021-1048-FFM-SSI 1 Desk Study_final(2).pdf:73: Wind-blown dust. Exposure can be

R-2021-1048-FFM-SSI 1 Desk Study_final(2).pdf:73: Wind blown dust migrating off-site.

R-2021-1048-FFM-SSI 1 Desk Study_final(2).pdf:74: Wind-blown dust. Exposure can be

R-2021-1048-FFM-SSI 1 Desk Study_final(2).pdf:74: Dust-blowing on to neighbouring sites

R-2021-1048-FFM-SSI 1 Desk Study_final(2).pdf:75: Wind-blown dust can migrate around

R-2021-1048-FFM-SSI 1 Desk Study_final(2).pdf:75: Wind-blown dust migrating offsite and

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0520-01-Land West of Warrenby Redcar Preliminary Risk Assessment(2).pdf:88: Pollutant Description: Dust

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0520-01-Land West of Warrenby Redcar Preliminary Risk Assessment(2).pdf:118: Air pollution - Any development that could cause air pollution or dust either in its construction or operation

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0417-02-Rem_Strat_NetZero.pdf:16: Inhalation of Dust Indoors

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0417-02-Rem_Strat_NetZero.pdf:16: Inhalation of Dust Outdoors

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0417-02-Rem_Strat_NetZero.pdf:17:contaminants is direct contact and dust inhalation. The majority of the exceedances were at depth

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0417-02-Rem_Strat_NetZero.pdf:24: materials to manage SPR linkages driven by direct contact and dust inhalation pathways;

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0417-02-Rem_Strat_NetZero.pdf:32:potential dust generation.

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0417-02-Rem_Strat_NetZero.pdf:34: Dust, Noise and Vibration

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0417-02-Rem_Strat_NetZero.pdf:34:Air Quality and Dust Management Plan

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0417-02-Rem_Strat_NetZero.pdf:34:An Air Quality and Dust Management Plan (AQDMP) will be prepared as a component of the CEMP.

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0417-02-Rem_Strat_NetZero.pdf:35: • Air quality and dust management

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0417-02-Rem_Strat_NetZero.pdf:40: Inhalation of Dust Indoors

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0417-02-Rem_Strat_NetZero.pdf:40: Inhalation of Dust Outdoors

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-02-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:12:Asbestos was noted to represent a potential risk via the inhalation pathways, including within dust. It was

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-02-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:29:• Soil and dust ingestion and inhalation

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-02-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:29:• Dermal contact, soil and dust ingestion and inhalation of dusts (indoor and outdoor) in relation to future on-

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-02-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:31:A. Dust inhalation from Made Ground from Site (potential CoC include primarily asbestos and heavy

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-02-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:33:contact pathways (including dust).

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-02-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:35:contact pathways, including within dust (linkages A and C) if the shallow soils remain uncovered post-

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-02-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:36:hazardous when inhaled and, therefore, pollutant linkage A (inhalation of dust) is considered potentially active

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-02-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:36:pathways including within dust) may represent a risk to human health receptors in two locations. It is considered

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-02-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:43:direct contact pathways, including within dust (linkages A and C). However, based on the composition of the

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-02-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:43:at a minimum depth of 0.3m bgl; therefore, the direct contact and dust inhalation pathways could be active in

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-02-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:43:contact exposure and dust inhalation, under the assumption that near-surface soils remain uncovered in the

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-02-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:62:inhalation of dust generated from shallow soils.

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-02-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:62: contact and dust pathways provided designed appropriately.

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-02-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:158: Top 0.5m: Occasional patches of white dust/sand. Possibly burnt lime

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-02-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:253: odour and black layer of coal dust/coal tar fragments.

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-02-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:276: 0.40 cemented coal dust and various lithologies.

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-02-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:283: pockets of loose black sand and gravel of coal dust.

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-02-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:290: cemented coal dust.

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-02-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:367: 15.70 J34 Firm laminated CLAY/SILT with occasional silt dustings and organic

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-02-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:368: 16.00-16.50 B36 Firm laminated CLAY/SILT with occasional silt dustings and organic

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-02-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:463: dustings on the laminae. Sand is fine

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-02-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:498: 19.10m … ES69 sandy clay with some silt dustings.

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-02-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:530: 100 19.80m … J41 19.80m … laminated with silt dustings

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-02-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:548: -12.27 20.25 dustings on laminae. Clay is of

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-02-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:586: silt dustings on laminae. Sand is fine

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-02-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:587: silt dustings on laminae. Sand is fine

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-02-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:701:14.80 J57(SL11) gravelly CLAY with sand dustings. Gravel is fine to coarse

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-02-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:702:17.15 ES(M)73(SL12) at c.17.70m BGL … high strength and laminated with silt dustings

R-2021-1048-FFM-4153 & 4154 Area A Former Steelworks Redcar Contract 1 & 2 (Area A) (Final report).pdf:165: 15.70 J34 Firm laminated CLAY/SILT with occasional silt dustings and organic

R-2021-1048-FFM-4153 & 4154 Area A Former Steelworks Redcar Contract 1 & 2 (Area A) (Final report).pdf:166: 16.00-16.50 B36 Firm laminated CLAY/SILT with occasional silt dustings and organic

R-2021-1048-FFM-4339 Preliminary Onshore GI for NZT (Draft Report).pdf:60: dustings on the laminae. Sand is fine

R-2021-1048-FFM-4339 Preliminary Onshore GI for NZT (Draft Report).pdf:95: 19.10m … ES69 sandy clay with some silt dustings

R-2021-1048-FFM-4339 Preliminary Onshore GI for NZT (Draft Report).pdf:127: 100 19.80m … J41 19.80m … laminated with silt dustings

R-2021-1048-FFM-4339 Preliminary Onshore GI for NZT (Draft Report).pdf:145: -12.27 20.25 dustings on laminae. Clay is of

R-2021-1048-FFM-4339 Preliminary Onshore GI for NZT (Draft Report).pdf:183: silt dustings on laminae. Sand is fine

R-2021-1048-FFM-4339 Preliminary Onshore GI for NZT (Draft Report).pdf:184: silt dustings on laminae. Sand is fine

R-2021-1048-FFM-4339 Preliminary Onshore GI for NZT (Draft Report).pdf:298:14.80 J57(SL11) gravelly CLAY with sand dustings. Gravel is fine to coarse

R-2021-1048-FFM-4339 Preliminary Onshore GI for NZT (Draft Report).pdf:299:17.15 ES(M)73(SL12) at c.17.70m BGL … high strength and laminated with silt dustings

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-03-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:12:Asbestos was noted to represent a potential risk via the inhalation pathways, including within dust. It was

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-03-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:28: of coal dust/coal tar fragments

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-03-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:31: Soil and dust ingestion and inhalation

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-03-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:31: Dermal contact, soil and dust ingestion and inhalation of dusts (indoor and outdoor) in relation to future on-

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-03-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:33:A. Dust inhalation from Made Ground from Site (potential CoC include primarily asbestos and heavy

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-03-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:35:contact pathways (including dust).

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-03-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:37:contact pathways, including within dust (linkages A and C) if the shallow soils remain uncovered post-

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-03-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:38:hazardous when inhaled and, therefore, pollutant linkage A (inhalation of dust) is considered potentially active

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-03-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:38:pathways including within dust) may represent a risk to human health receptors in two locations. It is considered

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-03-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:45:direct contact pathways, including within dust (linkages A and C). However, based on the composition of the

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-03-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:45:at a minimum depth of 0.3m bgl; therefore, the direct contact and dust inhalation pathways could be active in

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-03-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:45:contact exposure and dust inhalation, under the assumption that near-surface soils remain uncovered in the

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-03-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:64:inhalation of dust generated from shallow soils.

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-03-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:64: contact and dust pathways provided designed appropriately.

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-03-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:166: Top 0.5m: Occasional patches of white dust/sand. Possibly burnt lime

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-03-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:261: odour and black layer of coal dust/coal tar fragments.

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-03-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:284: 0.40 cemented coal dust and various lithologies.

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-03-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:291: pockets of loose black sand and gravel of coal dust.

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-03-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:298: cemented coal dust.

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-03-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:375: 15.70 J34 Firm laminated CLAY/SILT with occasional silt dustings and organic

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-03-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:376: 16.00-16.50 B36 Firm laminated CLAY/SILT with occasional silt dustings and organic

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-03-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:471: dustings on the laminae. Sand is fine

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-03-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:506: 19.10m … ES69 sandy clay with some silt dustings.

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-03-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:538: 100 19.80m … J41 19.80m … laminated with silt dustings

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-03-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:556: -12.27 20.25 dustings on laminae. Clay is of

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-03-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:594: silt dustings on laminae. Sand is fine

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-03-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:595: silt dustings on laminae. Sand is fine

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-03-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:709:14.80 J57(SL11) gravelly CLAY with sand dustings. Gravel is fine to coarse

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-03-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:710:17.15 ES(M)73(SL12) at c.17.70m BGL … high strength and laminated with silt dustings

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-03-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:954:S2-TPA59 Made Ground Strong hydrocarbon odour and black layer of coal dust/coal tar fragments CH2M 2017b

R-2021-1048-FFM-2021-81 HRA NZT remediation.PDF:6:The principal emissions to air from the proposed development would be dust and particulates

R-2021-1048-FFM-2021-81 HRA NZT remediation.PDF:6:generated by ground works rather than NOx is predicted to be negligible. Dust and particulates could

R-2021-1048-FFM-2021-81 HRA NZT remediation.PDF:6:consent. This will include measures to limit the spread of dust and particulates to acceptable levels.

R-2021-1048-FFM-SSI2 Desk Study_Final(1).pdf:16: Slag pits and flue dust

R-2021-1048-FFM-SSI2 Desk Study_Final(1).pdf:28:coal injection plant. This included a weighbridge hopper facility conveyors and dust suppression and

R-2021-1048-FFM-SSI2 Desk Study_Final(1).pdf:33:The nature of the waste produced by the process included slag and flue dusts with the later associated

R-2021-1048-FFM-SSI2 Desk Study_Final(1).pdf:34:residual coal and coal dust is likely to remain within the Made Ground.

R-2021-1048-FFM-SSI2 Desk Study_Final(1).pdf:39: Flue Dust/coal dust √

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-01-Net_Zero_DQRA.pdf:11:Asbestos was noted to represent a potential risk via the inhalation pathways, including within dust. It was

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-01-Net_Zero_DQRA.pdf:25: Dermal contact, soil and dust ingestion and inhalation of dusts (indoor and outdoor) in relation to future on-

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-01-Net_Zero_DQRA.pdf:27:A. Dust inhalation from Made Ground from Site (potential CoC include primarily asbestos and heavy

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-01-Net_Zero_DQRA.pdf:29:contact pathways (including dust).

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-01-Net_Zero_DQRA.pdf:31:contact pathways, including within dust (linkages A and C) if the shallow soils remain uncovered post-

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-01-Net_Zero_DQRA.pdf:32:hazardous when inhaled and, therefore, pollutant linkage A (inhalation of dust) is considered potentially active

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-01-Net_Zero_DQRA.pdf:32:pathways including within dust) may represent a risk to human health receptors in two locations. It is considered

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-01-Net_Zero_DQRA.pdf:38:direct contact pathways, including within dust (linkages A and C). However, based on the composition of the

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-01-Net_Zero_DQRA.pdf:38:at a minimum depth of 0.3m bgl; therefore, the direct contact and dust inhalation pathways could be active in

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-01-Net_Zero_DQRA.pdf:39:contact exposure and dust inhalation, under the assumption that near-surface soils remain uncovered in the

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-01-Net_Zero_DQRA.pdf:57:inhalation of dust generated from shallow soils.

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-01-Net_Zero_DQRA.pdf:57: contact and dust pathways provided designed appropriately.

R-2021-1048-FFM-Appendix1.pdf:11: use of disposable overalls, dust masks, gloves etc.

R-2021-1048-FFM-Appendix1.pdf:11:• Damping down of soils where there is the potential to generate dust during

R-2021-1048-FFM-Appendix1.pdf:12: Heavy metals in Toxic Inhalation of Dust Mask t o be worn during excavation works. Yes

R-2021-1048-FFM-Appendix1.pdf:12: shallow soils. dusts Dust suppression to damp down open excavations.

R-2021-1048-FFM-Appendix1.pdf:18:ordinator or whenever the eyes are at risk from splashes, dust, grit or stones.

R-2021-1048-FFM-Appendix1.pdf:22:ordinator or whenever the eyes are at risk from splashes, dust, grit or stones.

R-2021-1048-FFM-MGE04767 Cont Land Response.pdf:2:soils or inhalation of dust generated from shallow soils.

R-2021-1048-FFM-MGE04767 Cont Land Response.pdf:2: direct contact and dust pathways provided designed appropriately.

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0520-01-Land West of Warrenby Redcar Preliminary Risk Assessment.pdf:88: Pollutant Description: Dust

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0520-01-Land West of Warrenby Redcar Preliminary Risk Assessment.pdf:118: Air pollution - Any development that could cause air pollution or dust either in its construction or operation

R-2021-1048-FFM-PN 1048.pdf:1:Report covers Dust, Noise and Vibration and states that an Air Quality and Dust

R-2021-1048-FFM-PN 1048.pdf:1: management of asbestos, noise & vibration and dust.

R-2021-1048-FFM-Factual Report SSI 1.pdf:33: Top 0.5m: Occasional patches of white dust/sand. Possibly burnt lime

R-2021-1048-FFM-Factual Report SSI 1.pdf:69: angular of coke, brick, cemented coal dust and pockets

R-2021-1048-FFM-Factual Report SSI 1.pdf:69: fine to coarse of weakly cemented coal dust, possible

R-2021-1048-FFM-Factual Report SSI 1.pdf:73: laminated sandy SILT and silty SAND of coal dust and

R-2021-1048-FFM-Factual Report SSI 1.pdf:94: dust and thinly laminated. Rootlets

R-2021-1048-FFM-Factual Report SSI 1.pdf:99: coal dust)

R-2021-1048-FFM-Factual Report SSI 1.pdf:100: MADE GROUND: Coal dust, loose black, silty, very

R-2021-1048-FFM-Factual Report SSI 1.pdf:101: coarse SAND. (coal dust) Gravel is fine to coarse

R-2021-1048-FFM-Factual Report SSI 1.pdf:102: fine to coarse SAND (coal dust). Gravel is fine to coarse

R-2021-1048-FFM-Factual Report SSI 1.pdf:103: 0.10 - 0.30 ES 0.10 fine to coarse SAND (coal dust). Gravel is fine to coarse

R-2021-1048-FFM-Factual Report SSI 1.pdf:108: fine to coarse SAND (coal dust). Gravel is fine to coarse,

R-2021-1048-FFM-Factual Report SSI 1.pdf:108: angular to subangular SAND, possibly coal dust.

R-2021-1048-FFM-Factual Report SSI 1.pdf:109: silty very gravelly fine to coarse SAND (Coal dust).

R-2021-1048-FFM-Factual Report SSI 1.pdf:109: content of weakly cemented coal dust.

R-2021-1048-FFM-Factual Report SSI 1.pdf:109: material, possibly coal dust. (Hydraulic fill) Water steady

R-2021-1048-FFM-Factual Report SSI 1.pdf:110: is of coal / slag. (Coal dust)

R-2021-1048-FFM-Factual Report SSI 1.pdf:111: 0.20 - 0.70 ES 0.20 GRAVEL of coal and slag (Coal dust).

R-2021-1048-FFM-Factual Report SSI 1.pdf:112: coal , coke, and minor slag. (Coal dust)

R-2021-1048-FFM-Factual Report SSI 1.pdf:113: subangular of coal. (Coal dust)

R-2021-1048-FFM-Factual Report SSI 1.pdf:114: is of coal (Coal dust).

R-2021-1048-FFM-Factual Report SSI 1.pdf:117: 0.20 - 0.40 ES poorly cemented coal dust, coke, coal and slag.

R-2021-1048-FFM-Factual Report SSI 1.pdf:118: cemented coal dust, coal and coke.

R-2021-1048-FFM-Factual Report SSI 1.pdf:121: cemented coal dust and rare slag. (Coal dust)

R-2021-1048-FFM-Factual Report SSI 1.pdf:123: 0.20 - 0.60 ES 0.20 subangular of coke, coal and slag. (Coal dust)

R-2021-1048-FFM-Factual Report SSI 1.pdf:124: subangular of of coke, coal and slag. (Coal dust)

R-2021-1048-FFM-Factual Report SSI 1.pdf:129: subangular of coke, coal and slag. (Coal dust)

R-2021-1048-FFM-Factual Report SSI 1.pdf:131: coal dust. (Coal dust)

R-2021-1048-FFM-Factual Report SSI 1.pdf:134: SAND (potentially coal dust).

R-2021-1048-FFM-Factual Report SSI 1.pdf:142: slightly gravelly SAND (coal dust) Gravel is fine to

R-2021-1048-FFM-Factual Report SSI 1.pdf:153: subangular of slag and clinker. Occasional white dusting

R-2021-1048-FFM-Factual Report SSI 1.pdf:161: ore and slag. Sand of coal dust and occasional BOS grit

R-2021-1048-FFM-Factual Report SSI 1.pdf:162: 0.20 - 0.50 ES compacted coal dust, slag, iron ore pellets and coke.

R-2021-1048-FFM-Factual Report SSI 1.pdf:165: coal dust, BOS grit, iron ore and slag.

R-2021-1048-FFM-Factual Report SSI 1.pdf:165: 0.70 SAND (coal dust)

R-2021-1048-FFM-Factual Report SSI 1.pdf:169: slag and compacted coal dust.

R-2021-1048-FFM-Factual Report SSI 1.pdf:173: slightly sandy SILT. Compacted coal dust with occasional

R-2021-1048-FFM-Factual Report SSI 1.pdf:194: gravelly SAND of coal and coke dust. Gravel is fine to

R-2021-1048-FFM-Factual Report SSI 1.pdf:205: 0.10 SAND. Gravel is fine to medium. Possibly ash/coke dust

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0417-05-Rem_Strat_LWoW.pdf:17:contaminants is direct contact and dust inhalation. The majority of the exceedances were at depth

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0417-05-Rem_Strat_LWoW.pdf:24: materials to manage SPR linkages driven by direct contact and dust inhalation pathways;

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0417-05-Rem_Strat_LWoW.pdf:33:potential dust generation.

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0417-05-Rem_Strat_LWoW.pdf:36: Dust, Noise and Vibration

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0417-05-Rem_Strat_LWoW.pdf:36:Air Quality and Dust Management Plan

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0417-05-Rem_Strat_LWoW.pdf:36:An Air Quality and Dust Management Plan (AQDMP) will be prepared as a component of the CEMP.

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0417-05-Rem_Strat_LWoW.pdf:37: • Air quality and dust management

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0417-05-Rem_Strat_LWoW.pdf:43: Inhalation of Dust Indoors

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0417-05-Rem_Strat_LWoW.pdf:43: Inhalation of Dust Outdoors

R-2021-1048-FFM-2021-83 EcIA NZT Remediation Rev A.PDF:15:However the principal emissions to air from the proposed development would be dust and

R-2021-1048-FFM-2021-83 EcIA NZT Remediation Rev A.PDF:15:particulates generated by ground works rather than any significant increase in NOx. Dust and

R-2021-1048-FFM-2021-83 EcIA NZT Remediation Rev A.PDF:15:conditioned as part of the consent. This will include measures to limit the spread of dust and

R-2021-1048-FFM-2021-83 EcIA NZT Remediation Rev A.PDF:17: limited to, spills, storage of soils and control of construction related dust;

R-2021-1048-FFM-GEO_STDCO_GEOENVIRONMENTALSUMMARYREPORT(002)sm.pdf:92:The compacted dust is made up of particles ranging in size from less than 1 to

R-2021-1048-FFM-GEO_STDCO_GEOENVIRONMENTALSUMMARYREPORT(002)sm.pdf:131: Top 0.5m: Occasional patches of white dust/sand. Possibly burnt lime

R-2021-1048-FFM-GEO_STDCO_GEOENVIRONMENTALSUMMARYREPORT(002)sm.pdf:167: angular of coke, brick, cemented coal dust and pockets

R-2021-1048-FFM-GEO_STDCO_GEOENVIRONMENTALSUMMARYREPORT(002)sm.pdf:167: fine to coarse of weakly cemented coal dust, possible

R-2021-1048-FFM-GEO_STDCO_GEOENVIRONMENTALSUMMARYREPORT(002)sm.pdf:171: laminated sandy SILT and silty SAND of coal dust and

R-2021-1048-FFM-GEO_STDCO_GEOENVIRONMENTALSUMMARYREPORT(002)sm.pdf:192: dust and thinly laminated. Rootlets

R-2021-1048-FFM-GEO_STDCO_GEOENVIRONMENTALSUMMARYREPORT(002)sm.pdf:197: coal dust)

R-2021-1048-FFM-GEO_STDCO_GEOENVIRONMENTALSUMMARYREPORT(002)sm.pdf:198: MADE GROUND: Coal dust, loose black, silty, very

R-2021-1048-FFM-GEO_STDCO_GEOENVIRONMENTALSUMMARYREPORT(002)sm.pdf:199: coarse SAND. (coal dust) Gravel is fine to coarse

R-2021-1048-FFM-GEO_STDCO_GEOENVIRONMENTALSUMMARYREPORT(002)sm.pdf:200: fine to coarse SAND (coal dust). Gravel is fine to coarse

R-2021-1048-FFM-GEO_STDCO_GEOENVIRONMENTALSUMMARYREPORT(002)sm.pdf:201: 0.10 - 0.30 ES 0.10 fine to coarse SAND (coal dust). Gravel is fine to coarse

R-2021-1048-FFM-GEO_STDCO_GEOENVIRONMENTALSUMMARYREPORT(002)sm.pdf:206: fine to coarse SAND (coal dust). Gravel is fine to coarse,

R-2021-1048-FFM-GEO_STDCO_GEOENVIRONMENTALSUMMARYREPORT(002)sm.pdf:206: angular to subangular SAND, possibly coal dust.

R-2021-1048-FFM-GEO_STDCO_GEOENVIRONMENTALSUMMARYREPORT(002)sm.pdf:207: silty very gravelly fine to coarse SAND (Coal dust).

R-2021-1048-FFM-GEO_STDCO_GEOENVIRONMENTALSUMMARYREPORT(002)sm.pdf:207: content of weakly cemented coal dust.

R-2021-1048-FFM-GEO_STDCO_GEOENVIRONMENTALSUMMARYREPORT(002)sm.pdf:207: material, possibly coal dust. (Hydraulic fill) Water steady

R-2021-1048-FFM-GEO_STDCO_GEOENVIRONMENTALSUMMARYREPORT(002)sm.pdf:208: is of coal / slag. (Coal dust)

R-2021-1048-FFM-GEO_STDCO_GEOENVIRONMENTALSUMMARYREPORT(002)sm.pdf:209: 0.20 - 0.70 ES 0.20 GRAVEL of coal and slag (Coal dust).

R-2021-1048-FFM-GEO_STDCO_GEOENVIRONMENTALSUMMARYREPORT(002)sm.pdf:210: coal , coke, and minor slag. (Coal dust)

R-2021-1048-FFM-GEO_STDCO_GEOENVIRONMENTALSUMMARYREPORT(002)sm.pdf:211: subangular of coal. (Coal dust)

R-2021-1048-FFM-GEO_STDCO_GEOENVIRONMENTALSUMMARYREPORT(002)sm.pdf:212: is of coal (Coal dust).

R-2021-1048-FFM-GEO_STDCO_GEOENVIRONMENTALSUMMARYREPORT(002)sm.pdf:215: 0.20 - 0.40 ES poorly cemented coal dust, coke, coal and slag.

R-2021-1048-FFM-GEO_STDCO_GEOENVIRONMENTALSUMMARYREPORT(002)sm.pdf:216: cemented coal dust, coal and coke.

R-2021-1048-FFM-GEO_STDCO_GEOENVIRONMENTALSUMMARYREPORT(002)sm.pdf:219: cemented coal dust and rare slag. (Coal dust)

R-2021-1048-FFM-GEO_STDCO_GEOENVIRONMENTALSUMMARYREPORT(002)sm.pdf:221: 0.20 - 0.60 ES 0.20 subangular of coke, coal and slag. (Coal dust)

R-2021-1048-FFM-GEO_STDCO_GEOENVIRONMENTALSUMMARYREPORT(002)sm.pdf:222: subangular of of coke, coal and slag. (Coal dust)

R-2021-1048-FFM-GEO_STDCO_GEOENVIRONMENTALSUMMARYREPORT(002)sm.pdf:227: subangular of coke, coal and slag. (Coal dust)

R-2021-1048-FFM-GEO_STDCO_GEOENVIRONMENTALSUMMARYREPORT(002)sm.pdf:229: coal dust. (Coal dust)

R-2021-1048-FFM-GEO_STDCO_GEOENVIRONMENTALSUMMARYREPORT(002)sm.pdf:232: SAND (potentially coal dust).

R-2021-1048-FFM-GEO_STDCO_GEOENVIRONMENTALSUMMARYREPORT(002)sm.pdf:240: slightly gravelly SAND (coal dust) Gravel is fine to

R-2021-1048-FFM-GEO_STDCO_GEOENVIRONMENTALSUMMARYREPORT(002)sm.pdf:251: subangular of slag and clinker. Occasional white dusting

R-2021-1048-FFM-GEO_STDCO_GEOENVIRONMENTALSUMMARYREPORT(002)sm.pdf:259: ore and slag. Sand of coal dust and occasional BOS grit

R-2021-1048-FFM-GEO_STDCO_GEOENVIRONMENTALSUMMARYREPORT(002)sm.pdf:260: 0.20 - 0.50 ES compacted coal dust, slag, iron ore pellets and coke.

R-2021-1048-FFM-GEO_STDCO_GEOENVIRONMENTALSUMMARYREPORT(002)sm.pdf:263: coal dust, BOS grit, iron ore and slag.

R-2021-1048-FFM-GEO_STDCO_GEOENVIRONMENTALSUMMARYREPORT(002)sm.pdf:263: 0.70 SAND (coal dust)

R-2021-1048-FFM-GEO_STDCO_GEOENVIRONMENTALSUMMARYREPORT(002)sm.pdf:267: slag and compacted coal dust.

R-2021-1048-FFM-GEO_STDCO_GEOENVIRONMENTALSUMMARYREPORT(002)sm.pdf:271: slightly sandy SILT. Compacted coal dust with occasional

R-2021-1048-FFM-GEO_STDCO_GEOENVIRONMENTALSUMMARYREPORT(002)sm.pdf:292: gravelly SAND of coal and coke dust. Gravel is fine to

R-2021-1048-FFM-GEO_STDCO_GEOENVIRONMENTALSUMMARYREPORT(002)sm.pdf:303: 0.10 SAND. Gravel is fine to medium. Possibly ash/coke dust

R-2021-0100-CD-STDC_HWY-ATK-HGT-PR-RP-CE-000004_App_B-1_Part3.pdf:32:1.50 J4 CLAY/SILT with fine yellow brown sand dusting on the laminae.

R-2021-0100-CD-STDC_HWY-ATK-HGT-PR-RP-CE-000004_App_B-1_Part3.pdf:41: (1.45) dusting on the laminae.

R-2021-0100-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0088-01-Prairie_Risk Assessment.pdf:12:  Dust inhalation

R-2021-0100-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0088-01-Prairie_Risk Assessment.pdf:12:GAC which were driven by the dermal contact and dust inhalation exposure pathways. Concentrations of

R-2021-0100-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0088-01-Prairie_Risk Assessment.pdf:12:from the site, representing a risk through the inhalation pathways (including within dust). It was suggested that

R-2021-0100-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0088-01-Prairie_Risk Assessment.pdf:13:The risk to future commercial workers from concentrations of contaminants via the direct contact and dust

R-2021-0100-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0088-01-Prairie_Risk Assessment.pdf:23:The remaining pathways including dermal, oral and dust inhalation are considered to have been addressed as

R-2021-0100-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0088-01-Prairie_Risk Assessment.pdf:24:may represent a risk to future users of the site via the direct contact and dust inhalation pathways. To break

R-2021-0100-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0088-01-Prairie_Risk Assessment.pdf:26:The risk to future commercial workers from concentrations of contaminants via the direct contact and dust

R-2021-0100-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0088-01-Prairie_Risk Assessment.pdf:40:soil and dust ingestion, dermal contact and dust inhalation) while RBCA has been used to assess the vapour

R-2021-0100-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0088-01-Prairie_Risk Assessment.pdf:42:  Inhalation of indoor dust impacted by a soil source*;

R-2021-0100-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0088-01-Prairie_Risk Assessment.pdf:42:  Inhalation of outdoor dust impacted by a soil source*;

R-2021-0100-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0088-01-Prairie_Risk Assessment.pdf:48:Exposure Frequency for Soil and Dust Ingestion events/year 230

R-2021-0100-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0088-01-Prairie_Risk Assessment.pdf:48:Exposure Frequency for Inhalation of Indoor Dust and Vapour events/year 230

R-2021-0100-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0088-01-Prairie_Risk Assessment.pdf:48:Exposure Frequency for Inhalation of Outdoor Dust and Vapour events/year 170

R-2021-0100-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0088-01-Prairie_Risk Assessment.pdf:48:Soil and Dust Ingestion Rate g/day 0.05

R-2021-0100-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0088-01-Prairie_Risk Assessment.pdf:51: direct soil dermal contact dermal contact inhalation of dust inhalation of dust inhalation of inhalation of vapour oral inhalation

R-2021-0100-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-01-Prairie_ESA_Addendum.pdf:107:2.50 PID <0.1ppm at c.2.00m BGL … engineer notes red brick dust coating on clay.

R-2021-0100-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-01-Prairie_ESA_Addendum.pdf:212:1.50 J4 CLAY with fine yellow brown sand dusting on the laminae.

R-2021-0100-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-01-Prairie_ESA_Addendum.pdf:221: (1.45) dusting on the laminae.

R-2021-0100-CD-STDC_HWY-ATK-HGT-PR-RP-CE-000004_App_B-1_Part1.pdf:45:2.50-2.95 U2 (75) dustings on the laminae. Sand is fine to medium.

R-2021-0100-CD-STDC_HWY-ATK-HGT-PR-RP-CE-000004_App_B-1_Part1.pdf:77:2.50 PID <0.1ppm at c.2.00m BGL … engineer notes red brick dust coating on clay.

R-2021-0100-CD-Phase II ESA.pdf:33: The majority of the site is currently covered in soft landscaping, as such, particulate inhalation due to dust

R-2021-0100-CD-Phase II ESA.pdf:33: and or re-profiling requirements and therefore dust has the potential to be generated. Notwithstanding this,

R-2021-0100-CD-Phase II ESA.pdf:33: typical dust suppression techniques should be employed so that exposures would be minimised.

R-2021-0100-CD-Phase II ESA.pdf:37: D. Dust inhalation (potential CoC include asbestos and heavy metals)

R-2021-0100-CD-Phase II ESA.pdf:43:therefore pollutant linkage D (inhalation of dust) is considered potentially active as surface soils may become

R-2021-0100-CD-Phase II ESA.pdf:56:via the direct contact and dust inhalation pathways could not be ruled out. Additionally the risk to human health

R-2021-0100-CD-Phase II ESA.pdf:72: Inhalation of Dust Indoors

R-2021-0100-CD-Phase II ESA.pdf:72: Inhalation of Dust Outdoors

R-2021-0100-CD-Phase II ESA.pdf:74: Inhalation of Dust Indoors

R-2021-0100-CD-Phase II ESA.pdf:74: Inhalation of Dust Outdoors

R-2021-0100-CD-Phase II ESA.pdf:93:2.50 PID <0.1ppm at c.2.00m BGL … engineer notes red brick dust coating on clay.

R-2021-0100-CD-Phase II ESA.pdf:191:1.50 J4 CLAY with fine yellow brown sand dusting on the laminae.

R-2021-0100-CD-Phase II ESA.pdf:200: dusting on the laminae.

R-2021-0100-CD-STDC_HWY-ATK-HGT-PR-RP-CE-000001_C01.pdf:13: o Ingestion of contaminated soils, soil-derived dust and groundwater;

R-2021-0100-CD-STDC_HWY-ATK-HGT-PR-RP-CE-000001_C01.pdf:13: o Inhalation of soil and soil-derived dust;

R-2021-0100-CD-STDC_HWY-ATK-HGT-PR-RP-CE-000001_C01.pdf:13: o Dermal contact with soil, soil-derived dust and groundwater; and,

R-2021-0100-CD-STDC_HWY-ATK-HGT-PR-RP-CE-000001_C01.pdf:15:  Made Ground including derived dust and comprises a roundabout and two spur roads being added to the

R-2021-0100-CD-STDC_HWY-ATK-HGT-PR-RP-CE-000001_C01.pdf:16: dust comprises a roundabout and two spur roads being added to the

R-2021-0100-CD-STDC_HWY-ATK-HGT-PR-RP-CE-000001_C01.pdf:24: derived dust. The main risk driving pathway below 1 m bgl is inhalation of volatile contaminants;

R-2021-0100-CD-STDC_HWY-ATK-HGT-PR-RP-CE-000001_C01.pdf:33:  Soil (arsenic, naphthalene and soil derived dust respectively recorded above GAC for commercial end use. No

R-2021-0100-CD-STDC_HWY-ATK-HGT-PR-RP-CE-000001_C01.pdf:34: soil derived dust respectively recorded above GAC Initial enabling works

R-2021-0100-CD-STDC_HWY-ATK-HGT-PR-RP-CE-000001_C01.pdf:34: dust generation during construction will need to be managed by

R-2021-0067-CD-Jan 20212366 CEMP Metals Recovery Processing Area.pdf:10: • Ensure any monitoring (e.g., noise, dust) is undertaken as required.

R-2021-0067-CD-Jan 20212366 CEMP Metals Recovery Processing Area.pdf:12: • Do not cause unnecessary noise or dust.

R-2021-0067-CD-Jan 20212366 CEMP Metals Recovery Processing Area.pdf:13:Noise and dust issues may be a key subject of complaint where construction works take place.

R-2021-0067-CD-Jan 20212366 CEMP Metals Recovery Processing Area.pdf:13: working near watercourses, noise & dust management and ecological risks;

R-2021-0067-CD-Jan 20212366 CEMP Metals Recovery Processing Area.pdf:15: • Monitoring data (e.g., dust, noise);

R-2021-0067-CD-Jan 20212366 CEMP Metals Recovery Processing Area.pdf:17:Dust management measures, in accordance with the BRE Publication ‘Controlling Dust from

R-2021-0067-CD-Jan 20212366 CEMP Metals Recovery Processing Area.pdf:17:Site. Staff will be trained in the control of dust and will ensure the site is visually monitored twice

R-2021-0067-CD-Jan 20212366 CEMP Metals Recovery Processing Area.pdf:17:daily for levels of surface dust, the findings of which are to be recorded in the Site Diary. Should

R-2021-0067-CD-Jan 20212366 CEMP Metals Recovery Processing Area.pdf:18:Should a substantiated dust complaint be received, the site shall implement construction dust

R-2021-0067-CD-Jan 20212366 CEMP Metals Recovery Processing Area.pdf:18:monitoring at the site boundary to provide continuous ‘real-time’ dust monitoring throughout the

R-2021-0067-CD-Jan 20212366 CEMP Metals Recovery Processing Area.pdf:21:To prevent sediment, dust, surface water run-off, or any other substance relating to construction

R-2021-0067-CD-Jan 20212366 CEMP Metals Recovery Processing Area.pdf:22:To prevent sediment, dust, surface water run-off, or any other substance relating to construction

R-2021-0067-CD-Jan 20212366 CEMP Metals Recovery Processing Area.pdf:22:To prevent sediment, dust, surface water run-off, or any other substance relating to construction

R-2021-0067-CD-Jan 20212366 CEMP Metals Recovery Processing Area.pdf:24:covered (if required) during dry weather to prevent wind-blown dust arising.

R-2021-0067-CD-Jan 20212366 CEMP Metals Recovery Processing Area.pdf:25:Any contamination that might be generated during construction (e.g. dust or disturbance of

R-2021-0067-CD-Jan 20212366 CEMP Metals Recovery Processing Area.pdf:26: • Excessive/high offsite emissions of dust and noise, leading to a substantiated

R-2021-0067-CD-Compliance Decision Notice_R20210067CD.pdf:2: • The method to be used to control the emission of dust, noise and

R-2021-0067-CD-Compliance Officer report _R20210067CD.pdf:1:• The method to be used to control the emission of dust, noise and vibration

R-2021-0753-FFM-Officer Report 0753.pdf:4:been submitted in support of this application. Section covers Dust,

R-2021-0753-FFM-Officer Report 0753.pdf:4:Noise and Vibration and states that an Air Quality and Dust Management Plan

R-2021-0753-FFM-Arcadis - South Bank Strategy.pdf:10: • Human Health - Risk to commercial workers via dust inhalation and direct contact with soils for

R-2021-0753-FFM-Arcadis - South Bank Strategy.pdf:12:in excess of the Generic Assessment Criteria (GAC) in soil, driven by direct contact exposure and dust

R-2021-0753-FFM-Arcadis - South Bank Strategy.pdf:25:potential dust generation.

R-2021-0753-FFM-Arcadis - South Bank Strategy.pdf:28: Dust, Noise and Vibration

R-2021-0753-FFM-Arcadis - South Bank Strategy.pdf:28:Air Quality and Dust Management Plan

R-2021-0753-FFM-Arcadis - South Bank Strategy.pdf:28:An Air Quality and Dust Management Plan (AQDMP) will be prepared as a component of the CEMP.

R-2021-0753-FFM-Arcadis - South Bank Strategy.pdf:30: • Air quality and dust management

R-2021-0753-FFM-Consultee Response - EPT Nuisance.pdf:1:Section covers Dust, Noise and Vibration and states that an Air Quality and Dust

R-2021-0753-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:22:  All roads kept free of dust and mud deposits through regular cleaning or immediately after

R-2021-0753-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:22: significant dust or mud deposits;

R-2021-0753-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:23:  All roads kept free of dust and mud deposits through regular cleaning or immediately after

R-2021-0753-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:23: significant dust or mud deposits;

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:41:  Coke and coke dust;

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:85: Future site users (industrial end use) Dermal contact, accidental ingestion, inhalation of dusts, vapours,

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:87: hydrocarbons, pH, users ingestion, inhalation of dusts, (Medium) Made Ground across the sit

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:88: storage tanks users ingestion, inhalation of dusts (Medium) Previous SPMP monitoring

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:89: tanks and South hydrocarbons users ingestion, inhalation of dusts, (Medium)] Naphthalene and TPH ident

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:90: filled cables users ingestion, inhalation of dusts, (Medium) PCBs and oil have low mobi

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:92: CL2 Future site users and dermal contact, accidental ingestion, inhalation of dusts, vapours, fibres and

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:95:Exposure pathways for commercial/industrial end use include direct soil and indoor dust ingestion, skin

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:95:contact with soils and dusts, and inhalation of dust and vapours. As it is not pragmatic to remove all

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:106: generation of dust.

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:106:  Water sprays to be used during operations as and when required to minimise potential for dust

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:131:Furnace (BOF) dust, which has a potential resale value in the manufacture of construction materials.

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:135: dust to 0.8

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:141:deposits within the landfill therefore appropriate PPE and dust suppression should be used to protect

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:141:place to prevent dust generation during transport.

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:292: (Engineer notes silt dustings on laminae).

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:295: (Engineer notes silt/fine sand dustings on laminae).

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:352:gravelly cobbles and boulders. Sand is typically ash, slag or coal dust, with gravel to cobble‐sized

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:376:footprint of the activity, with airborne dust and contaminants readily dispersed by the wind.

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:380:wind blow dust (ref. DOE profile – Dockyards and dockland). Whilst the presence of pipes suggests slurry

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:385:coal dust from open waggons and steam locomotives.

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:386:ingredient for the blast furnace. Sulphur dioxide and dust are produced by the process, with the latter

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:412: houses Ash and flue dust Elevated pH   Mod

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:415: Coal, dust and ash Elevated pH   Mod

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:426: installations. and Transformer House as well as the Dust

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:531: Inhalation of Potentially Contaminated Dusts

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:531: Inhalation of Potentially Contaminated Dusts

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:533:• Other PPE, such as gloves, overalls, dust-masks, respirators etc. should be worn where

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:534: 7. Consider the need for dust suppression methods, if excessive dust is being generated.

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:534: dusty / odorous conditions etc. are present, trial pits may be an INAPPROPRIATE

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:597:The SLEMS is used for Iron and Steel slurries and dusts drying prior to sale or landfill and final polishing

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:605:which is subsequently combined with BOS abatement dusts and dried hydrocyclone material from Redcar

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:620: Dusts, the EMS

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:620: Dusts

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:650: 14 ü Dust and dependent on clay content and pH.

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:726: Flue dust

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:726: Concrete works Cement dust - calcium, silica, aluminium and iron.

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:726: 2 ü ü dust movements, coke wharfs and conveyors.

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:726: ferromanganese dust, iron, lead, zinc, alkalis ,

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:839: inhalation of dusts or

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:851: dusts

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:862: ingestion of dust PPE utilised; normal precautions likely to be taken during any

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:863: ballast, dust and ingestion, inhalation M i l d Elevated levels of sulphate and sulphide d e t e c t e d i n s oil across the

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:864:l i nks ingestion of dust PPE utilised; normal precautions likely to be taken during any

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:865: ingestion of dust PPE utilised; normal precautions likely to be taken during any

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:867: ingestion of dust PPE utilised; normal precautions likely to be taken during any

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:869: ingestion of dust utilised. Normal precautions likely to be taken during any below

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:884: ferromanganese dust, and groundwater. Site workers would be appraised of potential

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter H - July 2020.pdf:21: boulders. Sand is typically ash, slag or coal dust, with gravel to cobble‐sized fragments of

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter H - July 2020.pdf:22: mottled slightly sandy clay of high plasticity with silt dustings on laminae and very soft to stiff

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter H - July 2020.pdf:27: receptors via dermal contact, accidental ingestion and dust

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter H - July 2020.pdf:29: disturb the soil and result in dust generation as well as provide opportunities for direct contact

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter H - July 2020.pdf:33: remediation solutions (i.e. as part of the capping layer to break direct contact and dust

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter H - July 2020.pdf:33: 1 measures to minimise dust generation;

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter H - July 2020.pdf:34: 6 damping of ground with water to minimise dust;

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter H - July 2020.pdf:34: 9 sheeting of lorries transporting any spoil off site and the use of dust suppression equipment

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter H - July 2020.pdf:35: dust/fibre inhalation pathways. Maintain a watching brief for the presence of ACM in all

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter H - July 2020.pdf:41: soil and dust, odour and noise monitoring.

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter O - July 2020.pdf:5: storage of soils and control of construction related dust; and the

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter O - July 2020.pdf:5: • Measures to prevent sediment, dust, surface water run-off and

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter O - July 2020.pdf:6: communication plans; develop and implement a Dust Management

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter O - July 2020.pdf:6: Plan; record all dust and air quality complaints; and plan site layout

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter O - July 2020.pdf:6: so machinery; dust causing activities are located away from

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter O - July 2020.pdf:6: receptors; remove materials that have the potential to produce dust

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter O - July 2020.pdf:7: These include, but are not limited to, measures to minimise dust

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter O - July 2020.pdf:7: dust; ground gas monitoring; groundwater monitoring; and odour

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter O - July 2020.pdf:13: b Measures to prevent sediment, dust, surface water run-off and any other substances

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter O - July 2020.pdf:14: implementation of a Dust Management Plan; the recording all dust and air quality

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter O - July 2020.pdf:14: minimise dust generation, monitoring of confined spaces for potential ground gas

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter O - July 2020.pdf:14: plan; damping of ground with water to minimise dust; ground gas monitoring;

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter O - July 2020.pdf:14: c Dust Management Plan, set out within the CEMP;

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:2: Methodology of Construction Dust Assessment 5

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:4: 1 Appendix F1: Construction dust methodology, supplementary information;

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:6: Institute of Air Quality Management Dust Guidance

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:6:F2.7 The IAQM dust guidance 4 provides guidance to development consultants and environmental

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:6: appropriate mitigation measures are applied, in most cases the resulting dust impacts can be

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:8: Methodology of Construction Dust Assessment

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:8:F3.8 For the purposes of the construction dust assessment, an ‘impact’ is described as a change in

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:8: pollutant concentrations or dust deposition, while an ‘effect’ is described as the consequence of

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:8: • Dust deposition, resulting in the soiling of surfaces;

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:8: • Visible dust plumes;

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:8: • Elevated PM10 concentrations as a result of dust generating activities on site; and

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:9:F3.10 The IAQM guidance considers the potential for dust emissions from activities such as

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:9: capping. Trackout is the transport of dust and dirt from the site of the proposed development

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:9: using the network. Trackout arises when vehicles leave the site with dust materials, which may

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:9: then spill onto the road, or when they travel over muddy ground on site and then transfer dust

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:9:F3.11 For each of these dust-generating activities, the guidance considers three separate effects:

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:9: • Annoyance due to dust soiling;

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:9:F3.12 The receptors can be human or ecological and are chosen based on their sensitivity to dust

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:9: where property may be impacted by dust. Ecological receptors include international and

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:9: European designations and habitats that might be sensitive to dust.

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:9: Step 2: Assess the risk of dust impacts

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:9: 2A. Define the potential dust emission magnitude;

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:9:F3.17 Each of the dust-generating activities is given a dust emission magnitude depending on the scale

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:9:F3.18 The sensitivity of the surrounding area is then determined (step 2B) for each dust effect from

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:9: the above dust-generating activities, based on the proximity and number of receptors, their

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:9: sensitivity to dust, the local PM10 background concentrations and any other site-specific factors.

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:10: The criteria for defining the sensitivity of the area to different dust effects is shown in Table 2,

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:10:F3.20 Once the risk of dust impacts has been determined and the appropriate dust mitigation

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:10: Step 5: Prepare a dust assessment report

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:10:F3.21 The last step of the assessment is the preparation of a Dust Assessment Report. This forms part

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:11: Figure F3.1 IAQM dust assessment methodology

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:14: and/or dust nuisance due to the construction or operation of the proposed development. A desk-

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:20: demolition quantities have been made. Details of these are provided in the construction dust

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:27: construction and hence potential HGV emissions and dust impacts associated with these HGV

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:27: Construction Dust

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:27: quality. The construction dust assessment has been carried out using the IAQM Construction

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:27: Dust Guidance 4.

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:27: coordination team to facilitate the construction dust assessment.

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:27: to experience a change in pollutant concentrations and/or dust nuisance due to the construction

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:28: further for human receptors (construction dust buffers are shown in Figure F5.1).

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:28:F5.10 The IAQM construction dust guidance states that the effects of trackout can be considered from

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:28: receptors within 500m of the site boundary, that may be impacted by construction dust

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:28:F5.11 There are ecologically designated sites that may be sensitive to dust soiling and PM10 exposure

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:28: keeping with the IAQM construction dust guidance.

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:28: Dust Emission Magnitude

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:28:F5.12 Following the methodology outlined in Section F3.0, each dust-generating activity has been

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:28: assigned a dust emission magnitude as shown in Table F5.1.

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:28: Table F5.1: Dust emission magnitude for all activities

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:28: Activity Dust emission magnitude Reasoning

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:28: Total building volume > 50,000m3, potentially dusty

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:28: development boundary. As such, the sensitivity of the area to dust soiling has been classified as

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:29:F5.17 Taking into consideration the dust emission magnitude and the sensitivity of the area, the

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:29: scheme has been classified as Low risk to dust soiling and Low risk to human health impacts

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:29:F5.18 Following the implementation of appropriate mitigation, the effects of dust soiling and effects

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:29: Table F5.2: Summary dust risk table prior to mitigation

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:29: Activity Dust soiling Human health Ecological

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:30: Figure F5.1: Construction dust buffers

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:34:F6.1 The dust emitting activities assessed can be greatly reduced or eliminated by applying the site-

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:34:F6.3 Specific mitigation to minimise the risk of dust soiling, human health and ecological impacts of

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:34:F6.4 Following the implementation of appropriate mitigation, the effects of dust soiling and effects

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:34: measures to protect the SSSI from dust soiling.

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:34: 1 Display the name and contact details of person(s) accountable for air quality and dust

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:34: 3 Develop and implement a Dust Management Plan, which will include measures to control

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:34: 1 Record all dust and air quality complaints, identify cause(s), take appropriate measures to

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:34: 3 Record any exceptional incidents that cause dust and/or air emissions, both on- or off-site

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:34: 1 Carry out regular site inspections to monitor compliance with the Dust Management Plan,

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:34: 2 It is highly recommended that dust deposition, dust flux, or real-time PM10 continuous

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:35: 3 Increase the frequency of site inspections by the person accountable for air quality and dust

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:35: issues on site when activities with a high potential to produce dust are being carried out and

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:35: 1 Plan site layout so that machinery and dust causing activities are located away from

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:35: 2 Erect solid screens or barriers around dusty activities or the site boundary that are at least

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:35: 3 Fully enclose site or specific operations where there is a high potential for dust production

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:35: 6 Remove materials that have a potential to produce dust from site as soon as possible, unless

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:35: 1 Only use cutting, grinding or sawing equipment fitted or in conjunction with suitable dust

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:35: 2 Ensure an adequate water supply on the site for effective dust/particulate matter

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:36: dust guidance.

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:36: 1 Use water-assisted dust sweeper(s) on the access and local roads, to remove, as necessary,

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:36: 5 Implement a wheel washing system (with rumble grids to dislodge accumulated dust and

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:36: building where possible, to provide a screen against dust);

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:36: produce fine water droplets that effectively bring the dust particles to the ground;

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:38: receptors from the dust-generating activities onsite.

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:38: Negligible effect Dust management None.

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:38: construction dust outlined above.

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:38: Negligible effect Dust management None.

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:38: construction dust outlined above.

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:42: 4 IAQM, 2016. Guidance on the Assessment of Dust from Demolition and Construction (Version

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - July 2020.pdf:32: site. The abstraction on the south bank of the River Tees is for dust suppression and power

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - July 2020.pdf:27: but not limited to: a Construction Traffic Environmental Management Plan (‘CTEMP’), a Dust

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 1 - Non-Tech Summary - July 2020.pdf:14: construction phase of development and reduce dust emissions.

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 1 - Non-Tech Summary - July 2020.pdf:15: activities. Taking into account dust emissions and the sensitivity of the site and surrounding

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 1 - Non-Tech Summary - July 2020.pdf:15: area, the development is classified as low risk to dust and human health impacts and following

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 1 - Non-Tech Summary - July 2020.pdf:15: on site, the implementation of a stakeholder engagement plan and a Dust Mitigation Plan. The

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 1 - Non-Tech Summary - July 2020.pdf:15: Dust Mitigation Plan will be part of the CEMP.

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 1 - Non-Tech Summary - July 2020.pdf:16: dust, with gravel, rubble and timber, coal, coke, metals and concrete. Underlying natural

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 1 - Non-Tech Summary - July 2020.pdf:17: dust generation and the potential for direct contact with contaminants. With mitigation

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 1 - Non-Tech Summary - July 2020.pdf:17: measures such as those aimed at reducing the generation of dust, requiring ground gas

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 1 - Non-Tech Summary - July 2020.pdf:22: Dust Management Plan, Construction Logistics Plan, Surface Water Management Plan and

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter E - July 2020.pdf:4: should…ensure that any unavoidable noise, dust and particle emissions and any blasting

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix F - July 2020.pdf:2: Appendix F1: Construction dust

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix F - July 2020.pdf:3:Construction Dust Methodology,

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix F - July 2020.pdf:3:Table 1: Dust emission magnitude

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix F - July 2020.pdf:3: low potential for dust 20,000 - 50,000m3 • potentially dusty construction

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix F - July 2020.pdf:3: release (e.g. metal cladding • potentially dusty material (e.g. concrete)

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix F - July 2020.pdf:3: • potentially dusty soil type

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix F - July 2020.pdf:3: • <5 heavy earth moving • moderately dusty soil type

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix F - July 2020.pdf:3: • construction material with • potentially dusty >100,000m3

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix F - July 2020.pdf:3: low potential for dust construction material (e.g. • on-site concrete batching

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix F - July 2020.pdf:3: • moderately dusty surface movements in any one day

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix F - July 2020.pdf:3: potential for dust release

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix F - July 2020.pdf:3: material (e.g. high clay • potentially dusty surface

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix F - July 2020.pdf:4: Sensitivity of the Area to Dust Soiling Effects

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix F - July 2020.pdf:4: Table 2: Sensitivity of the area to dust soiling effects

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix F - July 2020.pdf:5:Risk of Dust Impacts

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix F - July 2020.pdf:5:Table 5: Risk of dust impacts

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix F - July 2020.pdf:5: Dust emission magnitude

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix F - July 2020.pdf:21: • An assessment of construction dust and emissions during the construction phase of the

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix F - July 2020.pdf:21: (IAQM) guidance for the assessment of dust from demolition and construction will be

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Indsutrial Zone SES - Vol 1 - Non Technical Summary.PDF:17: construction phase of development and reduce dust emissions.

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Indsutrial Zone SES - Vol 1 - Non Technical Summary.PDF:17: activities. Taking into account dust emissions and the sensitivity of the site and surrounding

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Indsutrial Zone SES - Vol 1 - Non Technical Summary.PDF:17: area, the development is classified as low risk to dust and human health impacts and following

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Indsutrial Zone SES - Vol 1 - Non Technical Summary.PDF:17: on site, the implementation of a stakeholder engagement plan and a Dust Mitigation Plan. The

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Indsutrial Zone SES - Vol 1 - Non Technical Summary.PDF:17: Dust Mitigation Plan will be part of the CEMP.

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Indsutrial Zone SES - Vol 1 - Non Technical Summary.PDF:19: dust, with gravel, rubble and timber, coal, coke, metals and concrete. Underlying natural

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Indsutrial Zone SES - Vol 1 - Non Technical Summary.PDF:19: dust generation and the potential for direct contact with contaminants. With mitigation

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Indsutrial Zone SES - Vol 1 - Non Technical Summary.PDF:20: measures such as those aimed at reducing the generation of dust, requiring ground gas

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Indsutrial Zone SES - Vol 1 - Non Technical Summary.PDF:24: Dust Management Plan, Construction Logistics Plan, Surface Water Management Plan and

R-2020-0357-OOM-0357 MGent AirQual comments.pdf:1:concentrations and/or dust nuisance due to the construction and operation of the

R-2020-0357-OOM-0357 MGent AirQual comments.pdf:1:activities could be affected from dust emissions during demolition and construction

R-2020-0357-OOM-0357 MGent AirQual comments.pdf:2: construction dust guidance should also be referred to

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter D - July 2020.pdf:29: Management Plan (CEMP), which will outline measures to prevent sediment, dust,

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter D - July 2020.pdf:37: measures to prevent sediment, dust, surface water run-off, or any other substance

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter D - July 2020.pdf:39: and Cleveland environment during dust, and other construction-related negative liquids away from River Tees during effect

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter D - July 2020.pdf:39: level measures to prevent sediment and dust

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter D - July 2020.pdf:39: and Cleveland environment during dust, and other construction-related negative liquids away from River Tees during effect

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter D - July 2020.pdf:39: level measures to prevent sediment and dust

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter D - July 2020.pdf:43: construction-related harm migratory fish commuting through effect at a sediment and dust entering the river.

R-2020-0357-OOM-Planning Statement - July 2020.pdf:38: associated with the proposed development. The assessment covers construction dust and

R-2020-0357-OOM-Planning Statement - July 2020.pdf:38:5.57 The effects of construction dust have been considered using the industry standard guidance to

R-2020-0357-OOM-Planning Statement - July 2020.pdf:38: for construction dust (to be secured through a Construction Environmental Management Plan

R-2020-0357-OOM-Planning Statement - July 2020.pdf:38: (CEMP) along with a Dust Management Plan (DMP)), the impact of the construction of the

R-2020-0357-OOM-0357 Contam Land.pdf:2:1 measures to minimise dust generation;

R-2020-0357-OOM-0357 Contam Land.pdf:2:6 damping of ground with water to minimise dust;

R-2020-0357-OOM-0357 Contam Land.pdf:3:9 sheeting of lorries transporting any spoil off site and the use of dust suppression

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter A - July 2020.pdf:21: F – Air Quality Appendix F1: Construction dust methodology,

R-2020-0357-OOM-Officer report.pdf:32:1 measures to minimise dust generation;

R-2020-0357-OOM-Officer report.pdf:32:6 damping of ground with water to minimise dust;

R-2020-0357-OOM-Officer report.pdf:32:9 sheeting of lorries transporting any spoil off site and the use of dust

R-2020-0357-OOM-Officer report.pdf:34:in pollutant concentrations and/or dust nuisance due to the construction and

R-2020-0357-OOM-Officer report.pdf:35:operations whose activities could be affected from dust emissions during

R-2020-0357-OOM-Officer report.pdf:35:construction dust guidance should also be referred to

R-2020-0357-OOM-Officer report.pdf:53:prevent sediment, dust, surface water run-off, or any other substance relating

R-2020-0357-OOM-Officer report.pdf:63:Appendix F1: Construction dust methodology, supplementary information;

R-2020-0357-OOM-Officer report.pdf:64:associated with construction and hence potential HGV emissions and dust

R-2020-0357-OOM-Officer report.pdf:64:to be from dust. The construction dust assessment has been carried out

R-2020-0357-OOM-Officer report.pdf:64:using the IAQM Construction Dust Guidance. The effects of construction are

R-2020-0357-OOM-Officer report.pdf:64:coordination team to facilitate the construction dust assessment.

R-2020-0357-OOM-Officer report.pdf:65:in pollutant concentrations and/or dust nuisance due to the construction and

R-2020-0357-OOM-Officer report.pdf:65:IAQM construction dust guidance states that the effects of trackout can be

R-2020-0357-OOM-Officer report.pdf:65:There are ecologically designated sites that may be sensitive to dust soiling

R-2020-0357-OOM-Officer report.pdf:65:  Dust Emission Magnitude

R-2020-0357-OOM-Officer report.pdf:65:Activity Dust soiling Human health Ecological

R-2020-0357-OOM-Officer report.pdf:66:The issues relating to air quality during construction relate in the main to dust

R-2020-0357-OOM-Officer report.pdf:66:risk of dust soiling, human health and ecological matters. These are set out in

R-2020-0357-OOM-Officer report.pdf:67:place, there is likely to be a negligible effect on receptors from the dust-

R-2020-0357-OOM-Officer report.pdf:68:in pollutant concentrations and/or dust nuisance due to the construction and

R-2020-0357-OOM-Officer report.pdf:68:operations whose activities could be affected from dust emissions during

R-2020-0357-OOM-Officer report.pdf:74:  Dust generation resulting in contact and inhalation of contaminants

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone SES - Vol 2 - Supplementary Environmental Statement.PDF:52: surrounding the site are not considered to be sensitive to dust deposition, as per type guidance

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone SES - Vol 2 - Supplementary Environmental Statement.PDF:52: definitions in the Institute of Air Quality Management Construction dust guidance. The

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone SES - Vol 2 - Supplementary Environmental Statement.PDF:52: in the construction dust assessment (provided in the original ES (July 2020)). However,

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone SES - Vol 2 - Supplementary Environmental Statement.PDF:57: and/or dust nuisance due to the construction or operation of the proposed development. A desk-

R-2020-0357-OOM-Habitats Regulation Assessment.pdf:41:Any contamination that might be generated during construction (e.g. dust or

R-2020-0357-OOM-Habitats Regulation Assessment.pdf:41:control of construction related dust.

R-2019-0767-OOM-Chapter 6 HRA Screening Report(1).pdf:29: • Potential dust deposition;

R-2019-0767-OOM-2019s0951 - Energy Recovery Facility Environmental Statement.pdf:34: prevent the external release of dust, odours and emissions. Additionally, these will be

R-2019-0767-OOM-2019s0951 - Energy Recovery Facility Environmental Statement.pdf:137: exposure to soil-derived contaminants in the form of dusts, vapours and from dermal

R-2019-0767-OOM-2019s0951 - Energy Recovery Facility Environmental Statement.pdf:146: to dusts, Contaminated Land risk assessment should be from residual impacts.

R-2019-0767-OOM-2019s0951 - Energy Recovery Facility Environmental Statement.pdf:147: to dusts, will be in place to prevent impacts on the receptor, from residual impacts.

R-2019-0767-OOM-2019s0951 - Energy Recovery Facility Environmental Statement.pdf:195: as noise, dust, waste, water run-off/pollution.

R-2019-0767-OOM-2019s0951 - Energy Recovery Facility Environmental Statement.pdf:197: distances by weather systems. Odour and dust can also be a planning concern, for

R-2019-0767-OOM-2019s0951 - Energy Recovery Facility Environmental Statement.pdf:200: The main requirements with respect to dust control from industrial or trade premises

R-2019-0767-OOM-2019s0951 - Energy Recovery Facility Environmental Statement.pdf:200: “any dust, steam, smell or other effluvia arising on industrial trade or business premises

R-2019-0767-OOM-2019s0951 - Energy Recovery Facility Environmental Statement.pdf:202: Guidance on the Assessment of Dust from Demolition and Construction

R-2019-0767-OOM-2019s0951 - Energy Recovery Facility Environmental Statement.pdf:202: of dust from demolition and construction. This document provides a risk-based

R-2019-0767-OOM-2019s0951 - Energy Recovery Facility Environmental Statement.pdf:207: During the construction phase emissions of dust to air can occur. Emissions will vary

R-2019-0767-OOM-2019s0951 - Energy Recovery Facility Environmental Statement.pdf:207: scale of these impacts depends on the dust suppression and other mitigation measures

R-2019-0767-OOM-2019s0951 - Energy Recovery Facility Environmental Statement.pdf:212: accidents and safety, hazardous loads, air pollution, dust and dirt, ecological impact,

R-2019-0767-OOM-2019s0951 - Energy Recovery Facility Environmental Statement.pdf:227: vehicles could carry mud or dust on to the local road network.

R-2019-0767-OOM-Chapter 6 HRA Screening Report.pdf:29: • Potential dust deposition;

R-2019-0767-OOM-REP-1011778-AQ-CR-20200306-Grangetown Prairie Energy from Waste-AQA-R02.pdf:6:The construction works have the potential to create dust. During construction it will therefore be necessary to

R-2019-0767-OOM-REP-1011778-AQ-CR-20200306-Grangetown Prairie Energy from Waste-AQA-R02.pdf:6:implement a package of mitigation measures to minimise dust emissions. With these measures in place, it is

R-2019-0767-OOM-REP-1011778-AQ-CR-20200306-Grangetown Prairie Energy from Waste-AQA-R02.pdf:9:During the construction phase emissions of dust to air can occur. Emissions will vary substantially from day to

R-2019-0767-OOM-REP-1011778-AQ-CR-20200306-Grangetown Prairie Energy from Waste-AQA-R02.pdf:9:the weather conditions. The scale of these impacts depends on the dust suppression and other mitigation

R-2019-0767-OOM-REP-1011778-AQ-CR-20200306-Grangetown Prairie Energy from Waste-AQA-R02.pdf:9:– total dust, which includes fine airborne particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5);

R-2019-0767-OOM-REP-1011778-AQ-CR-20200306-Grangetown Prairie Energy from Waste-AQA-R02.pdf:15: 2.4.1 Guidance on the Assessment of Dust from Demolition and Construction 11

R-2019-0767-OOM-REP-1011778-AQ-CR-20200306-Grangetown Prairie Energy from Waste-AQA-R02.pdf:15:The Institute of Air Quality Management (IAQM) produced guidance on the assessment of dust from demolition

R-2019-0767-OOM-REP-1011778-AQ-CR-20200306-Grangetown Prairie Energy from Waste-AQA-R02.pdf:17: 3.3.1 Construction Dust

R-2019-0767-OOM-REP-1011778-AQ-CR-20200306-Grangetown Prairie Energy from Waste-AQA-R02.pdf:17:Fugitive dust emissions during the construction may give rise to increased PM 10 concentrations and dust

R-2019-0767-OOM-REP-1011778-AQ-CR-20200306-Grangetown Prairie Energy from Waste-AQA-R02.pdf:17:The risk of dust emissions was assessed for each activity with respect to:

R-2019-0767-OOM-REP-1011778-AQ-CR-20200306-Grangetown Prairie Energy from Waste-AQA-R02.pdf:17:– Potential loss of amenity due to dust soiling; and

R-2019-0767-OOM-REP-1011778-AQ-CR-20200306-Grangetown Prairie Energy from Waste-AQA-R02.pdf:18:No relevant ecological receptors within 50m of the Proposed Facility or roads where dust may be tracked out

R-2019-0767-OOM-REP-1011778-AQ-CR-20200306-Grangetown Prairie Energy from Waste-AQA-R02.pdf:18:First, the potential dust emission magnitude was defined based on the scale of the anticipated works and was

R-2019-0767-OOM-REP-1011778-AQ-CR-20200306-Grangetown Prairie Energy from Waste-AQA-R02.pdf:18:The potential dust emission magnitude and the sensitivity of the area were combined to define the risk of impacts.

R-2019-0767-OOM-REP-1011778-AQ-CR-20200306-Grangetown Prairie Energy from Waste-AQA-R02.pdf:18:Figure 3: Construction Dust Distance Bands and Site Location

R-2019-0767-OOM-REP-1011778-AQ-CR-20200306-Grangetown Prairie Energy from Waste-AQA-R02.pdf:19: 3.3.2 Construction Dust Significance

R-2019-0767-OOM-REP-1011778-AQ-CR-20200306-Grangetown Prairie Energy from Waste-AQA-R02.pdf:19:The IAQM guidance11 on the assessment of dust from demolition and construction states that the primary aim

R-2019-0767-OOM-REP-1011778-AQ-CR-20200306-Grangetown Prairie Energy from Waste-AQA-R02.pdf:46:The risk of dust impacts is based on the potential dust emissions magnitude and the sensitivity of the area. These

R-2019-0767-OOM-REP-1011778-AQ-CR-20200306-Grangetown Prairie Energy from Waste-AQA-R02.pdf:46:two factors are then combined to determine the risk of dust impacts with no mitigation applied.

R-2019-0767-OOM-REP-1011778-AQ-CR-20200306-Grangetown Prairie Energy from Waste-AQA-R02.pdf:46: 5.1.1 Potential Dust Emission Magnitude

R-2019-0767-OOM-REP-1011778-AQ-CR-20200306-Grangetown Prairie Energy from Waste-AQA-R02.pdf:46:loam to silty loam, medium to heavy grain sized. The potential dust emissions magnitude from earthworks is

R-2019-0767-OOM-REP-1011778-AQ-CR-20200306-Grangetown Prairie Energy from Waste-AQA-R02.pdf:46:with the IAQM criteria, the potential dust emission magnitude from construction is therefore considered to be

R-2019-0767-OOM-REP-1011778-AQ-CR-20200306-Grangetown Prairie Energy from Waste-AQA-R02.pdf:46:more than 50 HDV outward movements per day. The potential dust emissions magnitude from trackout is

R-2019-0767-OOM-REP-1011778-AQ-CR-20200306-Grangetown Prairie Energy from Waste-AQA-R02.pdf:46:Summary of Potential Dust Emission Magnitude

R-2019-0767-OOM-REP-1011778-AQ-CR-20200306-Grangetown Prairie Energy from Waste-AQA-R02.pdf:46:Table 25: Dust Emission Magnitude for the Proposed Development

R-2019-0767-OOM-REP-1011778-AQ-CR-20200306-Grangetown Prairie Energy from Waste-AQA-R02.pdf:46:Activity Dust Emission Magnitude

R-2019-0767-OOM-REP-1011778-AQ-CR-20200306-Grangetown Prairie Energy from Waste-AQA-R02.pdf:47: Sensitivity of the Study Area to Dust Soiling

R-2019-0767-OOM-REP-1011778-AQ-CR-20200306-Grangetown Prairie Energy from Waste-AQA-R02.pdf:47:The surrounding industrial area is considered to be of low sensitivity to dust soiling. There is one industrial

R-2019-0767-OOM-REP-1011778-AQ-CR-20200306-Grangetown Prairie Energy from Waste-AQA-R02.pdf:47:to dust soiling for trackout.

R-2019-0767-OOM-REP-1011778-AQ-CR-20200306-Grangetown Prairie Energy from Waste-AQA-R02.pdf:47: Dust Soiling Low Low Low

R-2019-0767-OOM-REP-1011778-AQ-CR-20200306-Grangetown Prairie Energy from Waste-AQA-R02.pdf:47: 5.1.3 Risk of Dust Effects

R-2019-0767-OOM-REP-1011778-AQ-CR-20200306-Grangetown Prairie Energy from Waste-AQA-R02.pdf:47:The dust emissions magnitude is combined with the sensitivity of the area to determine the risk of impacts with

R-2019-0767-OOM-REP-1011778-AQ-CR-20200306-Grangetown Prairie Energy from Waste-AQA-R02.pdf:47:Table 27 Summary of Potential Unmitigated Dust Risks

R-2019-0767-OOM-REP-1011778-AQ-CR-20200306-Grangetown Prairie Energy from Waste-AQA-R02.pdf:47: Dust Soiling Low Risk Low Risk Negligible

R-2019-0767-OOM-REP-1011778-AQ-CR-20200306-Grangetown Prairie Energy from Waste-AQA-R02.pdf:64:Proposed Development and are based upon the dust risk categories outlined in Section 5.1.3 of this assessment.

R-2019-0767-OOM-REP-1011778-AQ-CR-20200306-Grangetown Prairie Energy from Waste-AQA-R02.pdf:64:It is recommended that the local planning authority approve a Dust Management Plan prior to works commencing

R-2019-0767-OOM-REP-1011778-AQ-CR-20200306-Grangetown Prairie Energy from Waste-AQA-R02.pdf:64:the measures that should be incorporated in the Dust Management Plan.

R-2019-0767-OOM-REP-1011778-AQ-CR-20200306-Grangetown Prairie Energy from Waste-AQA-R02.pdf:64:Table 53: Fugitive dust mitigation measures that are applicable to the Proposed Development

R-2019-0767-OOM-REP-1011778-AQ-CR-20200306-Grangetown Prairie Energy from Waste-AQA-R02.pdf:64: accountable for air quality and dust issues on the site

R-2019-0767-OOM-REP-1011778-AQ-CR-20200306-Grangetown Prairie Energy from Waste-AQA-R02.pdf:64:Dust Management Plan Develop and implement a Dust Management Plan

R-2019-0767-OOM-REP-1011778-AQ-CR-20200306-Grangetown Prairie Energy from Waste-AQA-R02.pdf:64:Site Management Record all dust and air quality complaints, identify

R-2019-0767-OOM-REP-1011778-AQ-CR-20200306-Grangetown Prairie Energy from Waste-AQA-R02.pdf:64: Record any exceptional incidents that cause dust

R-2019-0767-OOM-REP-1011778-AQ-CR-20200306-Grangetown Prairie Energy from Waste-AQA-R02.pdf:64: dust, record inspection results, and make the log

R-2019-0767-OOM-REP-1011778-AQ-CR-20200306-Grangetown Prairie Energy from Waste-AQA-R02.pdf:64: should include regular dust soiling check of surfaces

R-2019-0767-OOM-REP-1011778-AQ-CR-20200306-Grangetown Prairie Energy from Waste-AQA-R02.pdf:65: person accountable for air quality and dust issues on

R-2019-0767-OOM-REP-1011778-AQ-CR-20200306-Grangetown Prairie Energy from Waste-AQA-R02.pdf:65: dust are being carried out and during prolonged dry or

R-2019-0767-OOM-REP-1011778-AQ-CR-20200306-Grangetown Prairie Energy from Waste-AQA-R02.pdf:65:Preparing and maintaining the site Plan site layout so that machinery and dust causing

R-2019-0767-OOM-REP-1011778-AQ-CR-20200306-Grangetown Prairie Energy from Waste-AQA-R02.pdf:65: Erect solid screens or barriers around dusty activities

R-2019-0767-OOM-REP-1011778-AQ-CR-20200306-Grangetown Prairie Energy from Waste-AQA-R02.pdf:65: a high potential for dust production and the site is

R-2019-0767-OOM-REP-1011778-AQ-CR-20200306-Grangetown Prairie Energy from Waste-AQA-R02.pdf:65: dust from site as soon as possible, unless being re-

R-2019-0767-OOM-REP-1011778-AQ-CR-20200306-Grangetown Prairie Energy from Waste-AQA-R02.pdf:65: or in conjunction with suitable dust suppression

R-2019-0767-OOM-REP-1011778-AQ-CR-20200306-Grangetown Prairie Energy from Waste-AQA-R02.pdf:66: effective dust/particulate matter

R-2019-0767-OOM-REP-1011778-AQ-CR-20200306-Grangetown Prairie Energy from Waste-AQA-R02.pdf:67:example, a planning condition, the residual effect from dust generating activities associated with this phase of

R-2019-0767-OOM-REP-1011778-AQ-CR-20200306-Grangetown Prairie Energy from Waste-AQA-R02.pdf:68:The impacts of the construction works on dust and ambient PM 10 concentrations have been assessed and the

R-2019-0767-OOM-REP-1011778-AQ-CR-20200306-Grangetown Prairie Energy from Waste-AQA-R02.pdf:68:risk of dust causing a loss of local amenity and increased exposure to PM10 concentrations during construction

R-2019-0767-OOM-REP-1011778-AQ-CR-20200306-Grangetown Prairie Energy from Waste-AQA-R02.pdf:71: IAQM, 2016, Guidance on the assessment of dust from demolition and construction v1.1

R-2019-0767-OOM-REP-1011778-AQ-CR-20200306-Grangetown Prairie Energy from Waste-AQA-R02.pdf:76: development using the IAQM document ‘Assessment of dust from demolition and construction’ June

R-2019-0767-OOM-REP-1011778-AQ-CR-20200306-Grangetown Prairie Energy from Waste-AQA-R02.pdf:77:Table 54: IAQM guidance on the sensitivity of the area to dust soiling effects on people and property

R-2019-0767-OOM-REP-1011778-AQ-CR-20200306-Grangetown Prairie Energy from Waste-AQA-R02.pdf:79:sciences. Austin has extensive experience of air quality, dust and odour assessments for a range of industries as

R-2019-0767-OOM-Chapter 8 WFD Assessment.pdf:14: prevent release of dust and odours. Odours will be controlled by continuously

R-2019-0767-OOM-20191201 ERF Planning DAS_Issued.pdf:10: shall be totally enclosed with roll-up doors to control the release of dust, odours and emissions.

R-2019-0767-OOM-Non Technical Summary_Final.pdf:5:be totally enclosed with roll-up doors to control the release of dust, odours and emissions. These will

R-2019-0767-OOM-BPM-JBAU-XX-00-RP-EN-0001-S3-P01.01-HRA Report_Issued_2020303.pdf:9: potential to create dust. During construction it will therefore be necessary to implement a

R-2019-0767-OOM-BPM-JBAU-XX-00-RP-EN-0001-S3-P01.01-HRA Report_Issued_2020303.pdf:9: package of mitigation measures to minimise dust emissions. With these measures in place,

R-2019-0767-OOM-BPM-JBAU-XX-00-RP-EN-0001-S3-P01.01-HRA Report_Issued_2020303.pdf:30: • Potential dust deposition;

R-2019-0767-OOM-officer report.pdf:65:construction impacts such as noise, dust, waste, water run-off/pollution.

R-2019-0767-OOM-officer report.pdf:65:The Executive Summary of the revised supporting report recognises that dust

R-2019-0767-OOM-officer report.pdf:67:The ES identifies dust emissions during the course of construction as one

R-2019-0767-OOM-officer report.pdf:67:The magnitude of potential dust emissions is judged to be large given the size

R-2019-0767-OOM-officer report.pdf:68:noise and dust emissions during the construction stage. Basic compliance will

R-2019-0767-OOM-officer report.pdf:68:• Adoption of a Dust Action Plan

R-2019-0767-OOM-officer report.pdf:68:The impacts of the construction works on dust and ambient PM10

R-2019-0767-OOM-officer report.pdf:68:concentrations have been assessed and the risk of dust causing a loss of

R-2019-0767-OOM-officer report.pdf:72:construction vehicles could carry mud or dust on to the local road network.

R-2019-0767-OOM-officer report.pdf:78: i. The method to be used to control the emission of dust, noise and

R-2019-0767-OOM-Decision Notice_R20190767OOM(4).pdf:2: i. The method to be used to control the emission of dust, noise and

R-2019-0767-OOM-MGE 04020.pdf:2: emission of noise dust and vibration during the construction period. viii) A

R-2022-0454-CD-SeAH Monopile Facility_Construction Environmental Management Plan Rev A.pdf:5: • Dust;

R-2022-0454-CD-SeAH Monopile Facility_Construction Environmental Management Plan Rev A.pdf:11:Referring to visible dust, it is imperative to prevent statutory nuisance arising from the demolition,

R-2022-0454-CD-SeAH Monopile Facility_Construction Environmental Management Plan Rev A.pdf:11:construction works or dusty activities. Therefore a philosophy of the prevention of dust formation in the first

R-2022-0454-CD-SeAH Monopile Facility_Construction Environmental Management Plan Rev A.pdf:11:place shall be adopted. Dealing with dust should be in the following fashion:

R-2022-0454-CD-SeAH Monopile Facility_Construction Environmental Management Plan Rev A.pdf:11:These three principles are well established and are central to the control strategies to control dust. They

R-2022-0454-CD-SeAH Monopile Facility_Construction Environmental Management Plan Rev A.pdf:11:Method statements shall identify all the dusty operations and establish the best available techniques that

R-2022-0454-CD-SeAH Monopile Facility_Construction Environmental Management Plan Rev A.pdf:11:are required to control dust emissions.

R-2022-0454-CD-SeAH Monopile Facility_Construction Environmental Management Plan Rev A.pdf:11:The main principles for preventing dust emissions are containment of dusty processes and suppression of

R-2022-0454-CD-SeAH Monopile Facility_Construction Environmental Management Plan Rev A.pdf:11: • All loaded vehicles leaving site with the potential to cause dust will be sheeted.

R-2022-0454-CD-SeAH Monopile Facility_Construction Environmental Management Plan Rev A.pdf:11: • Tipping height of potentially dust generating materials will be minimized.

R-2022-0454-CD-SeAH Monopile Facility_Construction Environmental Management Plan Rev A.pdf:12: • During demolition activities, water will be used for the suppression of dust.

R-2022-0454-CD-SeAH Monopile Facility_Construction Environmental Management Plan Rev A.pdf:12: in enclosed / shielded areas to prevent the escape of dust.

R-2022-0454-CD-SeAH Monopile Facility_Construction Environmental Management Plan Rev A.pdf:12: • After concrete pours, the surface of the concrete will be kept free of dust and mud until cured.

R-2022-0454-CD-SeAH Monopile Facility_Construction Environmental Management Plan Rev A.pdf:12:Measures will be taken to avoid causing nuisance from smoke, odours, dust and other air emissions including

R-2022-0454-CD-SeAH Monopile Facility_Construction Environmental Management Plan Rev A.pdf:12:carried out to include regular visual inspections of dust levels undertaken particularly during dry periods and

R-2022-0454-CD-SeAH Monopile Facility_Construction Environmental Management Plan Rev A.pdf:12:Where there is evidence of airborne dust from the building construction/demolition activities the site, the

R-2022-0454-CD-SeAH Monopile Facility_Construction Environmental Management Plan Rev A.pdf:12:monitoring with the aim of identifying those process operations giving rise to the dust. Once the source of

R-2022-0454-CD-SeAH Monopile Facility_Construction Environmental Management Plan Rev A.pdf:17:from noise, dust, or disruption of traffic. Clear information shall be given well in advance and in writing.

R-2022-0454-CD-SeAH Monopile Facility_Construction Environmental Management Plan Rev A.pdf:29:IAQM Guidance on the Assessment of Dust from Construction and Demolition 2014

R-2022-0454-CD-SeAH Monopile Facility_Construction Environmental Management Plan Rev A(1).pdf:5: • Dust;

R-2022-0454-CD-SeAH Monopile Facility_Construction Environmental Management Plan Rev A(1).pdf:11:Referring to visible dust, it is imperative to prevent statutory nuisance arising from the demolition,

R-2022-0454-CD-SeAH Monopile Facility_Construction Environmental Management Plan Rev A(1).pdf:11:construction works or dusty activities. Therefore a philosophy of the prevention of dust formation in the first

R-2022-0454-CD-SeAH Monopile Facility_Construction Environmental Management Plan Rev A(1).pdf:11:place shall be adopted. Dealing with dust should be in the following fashion:

R-2022-0454-CD-SeAH Monopile Facility_Construction Environmental Management Plan Rev A(1).pdf:11:These three principles are well established and are central to the control strategies to control dust. They

R-2022-0454-CD-SeAH Monopile Facility_Construction Environmental Management Plan Rev A(1).pdf:11:Method statements shall identify all the dusty operations and establish the best available techniques that

R-2022-0454-CD-SeAH Monopile Facility_Construction Environmental Management Plan Rev A(1).pdf:11:are required to control dust emissions.

R-2022-0454-CD-SeAH Monopile Facility_Construction Environmental Management Plan Rev A(1).pdf:11:The main principles for preventing dust emissions are containment of dusty processes and suppression of

R-2022-0454-CD-SeAH Monopile Facility_Construction Environmental Management Plan Rev A(1).pdf:11: • All loaded vehicles leaving site with the potential to cause dust will be sheeted.

R-2022-0454-CD-SeAH Monopile Facility_Construction Environmental Management Plan Rev A(1).pdf:11: • Tipping height of potentially dust generating materials will be minimized.

R-2022-0454-CD-SeAH Monopile Facility_Construction Environmental Management Plan Rev A(1).pdf:12: • During demolition activities, water will be used for the suppression of dust.

R-2022-0454-CD-SeAH Monopile Facility_Construction Environmental Management Plan Rev A(1).pdf:12: in enclosed / shielded areas to prevent the escape of dust.

R-2022-0454-CD-SeAH Monopile Facility_Construction Environmental Management Plan Rev A(1).pdf:12: • After concrete pours, the surface of the concrete will be kept free of dust and mud until cured.

R-2022-0454-CD-SeAH Monopile Facility_Construction Environmental Management Plan Rev A(1).pdf:12:Measures will be taken to avoid causing nuisance from smoke, odours, dust and other air emissions including

R-2022-0454-CD-SeAH Monopile Facility_Construction Environmental Management Plan Rev A(1).pdf:12:carried out to include regular visual inspections of dust levels undertaken particularly during dry periods and

R-2022-0454-CD-SeAH Monopile Facility_Construction Environmental Management Plan Rev A(1).pdf:12:Where there is evidence of airborne dust from the building construction/demolition activities the site, the

R-2022-0454-CD-SeAH Monopile Facility_Construction Environmental Management Plan Rev A(1).pdf:12:monitoring with the aim of identifying those process operations giving rise to the dust. Once the source of

R-2022-0454-CD-SeAH Monopile Facility_Construction Environmental Management Plan Rev A(1).pdf:17:from noise, dust, or disruption of traffic. Clear information shall be given well in advance and in writing.

R-2022-0454-CD-SeAH Monopile Facility_Construction Environmental Management Plan Rev A(1).pdf:29:IAQM Guidance on the Assessment of Dust from Construction and Demolition 2014

R-2021-0057-VC-Decision Notice_R20210057VC.pdf:5: vi) Measures to control the emission of noise, dust and vibration during the

R-2021-0057-VC-Officer report _R20210057VC.pdf:11: vi) Measures to control the emission of noise, dust and vibration during

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0125-02-MPA_Shallow_Soils_Part1.pdf:15:• The majority of the site is currently not formally surfaced, as such, particulate inhalation due to dust

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0125-02-MPA_Shallow_Soils_Part1.pdf:15: and or re-profiling requirements and therefore dust has the potential to be generated. Notwithstanding this,

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0125-02-MPA_Shallow_Soils_Part1.pdf:15: typical dust suppression techniques should be employed so that exposures would be minimised.

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0125-02-MPA_Shallow_Soils_Part1.pdf:19: D. Dust inhalation (potential CoC include asbestos, volatiles, and heavy metals)

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0125-02-MPA_Shallow_Soils_Part1.pdf:21:is encountered to the surface and therefore dust generation is considered a valid pathway.

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0125-02-MPA_Shallow_Soils_Part1.pdf:21:and therefore pollutant linkage D (inhalation of dust) is considered potentially active as surface soils may

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0125-02-MPA_Shallow_Soils_Part1.pdf:33: Inhalation of Dust Indoors

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0125-02-MPA_Shallow_Soils_Part1.pdf:33: Inhalation of Dust Outdoors

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0125-02-MPA_Shallow_Soils_Part1.pdf:37: Inhalation of Dust Indoors

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0125-02-MPA_Shallow_Soils_Part1.pdf:37: Inhalation of Dust Outdoors

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0125-02-MPA_Shallow_Soils.pdf:15:• The majority of the site is currently not formally surfaced, as such, particulate inhalation due to dust

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0125-02-MPA_Shallow_Soils.pdf:15: and or re-profiling requirements and therefore dust has the potential to be generated. Notwithstanding this,

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0125-02-MPA_Shallow_Soils.pdf:15: typical dust suppression techniques should be employed so that exposures would be minimised.

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0125-02-MPA_Shallow_Soils.pdf:19: D. Dust inhalation (potential CoC include asbestos, volatiles, and heavy metals)

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0125-02-MPA_Shallow_Soils.pdf:21:is encountered to the surface and therefore dust generation is considered a valid pathway.

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0125-02-MPA_Shallow_Soils.pdf:21:and therefore pollutant linkage D (inhalation of dust) is considered potentially active as surface soils may

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0125-02-MPA_Shallow_Soils.pdf:33: Inhalation of Dust Indoors

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0125-02-MPA_Shallow_Soils.pdf:33: Inhalation of Dust Outdoors

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0125-02-MPA_Shallow_Soils.pdf:37: Inhalation of Dust Indoors

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0125-02-MPA_Shallow_Soils.pdf:37: Inhalation of Dust Outdoors

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0181-MPA_ROA and Strategy.pdf:21: • Excavation activities can lead to excessive noise, dust and odour generation without proper

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0181-MPA_ROA and Strategy.pdf:29:to control potential dust generation. Soils containing asbestos in excess of the reuse criteria will not be

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0181-MPA_ROA and Strategy.pdf:31: Dust, Noise and Vibration

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0181-MPA_ROA and Strategy.pdf:31:Air Quality and Dust Management Plan

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0181-MPA_ROA and Strategy.pdf:31:An Air Quality and Dust Management Plan (AQDMP) will be prepared as a component of the CPEMP.

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0181-MPA_ROA and Strategy.pdf:31:(through the Lackenby Channel) measures shall be deployed to prevent sediment, dust, surface water

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0181-MPA_ROA and Strategy.pdf:32:During groundworks the Contractor shall take measures to prevent sediment, dust, surface water run-

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0181-MPA_ROA and Strategy.pdf:33: • Air quality and dust management,

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0181-MPA_ROA and Strategy.pdf:33: • measures to prevent sediment, dust, surface water run-off, or any other substance relating to

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0181-MPA_ROA and Strategy.pdf:40: Inhalation of Dust Indoors

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0181-MPA_ROA and Strategy.pdf:40: Inhalation of Dust Outdoors

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0181-MPA_ROA and Strategy.pdf:47: 9 Dust, noise, traffic and other

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0223-01-MPA_Deep_Soils.pdf:21:• The majority of the site is currently not formally surfaced, as such, particulate inhalation due to dust

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0223-01-MPA_Deep_Soils.pdf:21: and or re-profiling requirements and therefore dust has the potential to be generated. Notwithstanding this,

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0223-01-MPA_Deep_Soils.pdf:21: typical dust suppression techniques should be employed so that exposures would be minimised.

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0223-01-MPA_Deep_Soils.pdf:25: D. Dust inhalation (potential CoC include asbestos, volatiles, and heavy metals)

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0223-01-MPA_Deep_Soils.pdf:46: Inhalation of Dust Indoors

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0223-01-MPA_Deep_Soils.pdf:46: Inhalation of Dust Outdoors

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0223-01-MPA_Deep_Soils.pdf:47: Inhalation of Dust Indoors

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0223-01-MPA_Deep_Soils.pdf:47: Inhalation of Dust Outdoors

R-2023-0224-CD-50134151_1_CPP.pdf:4:5.38 Dust ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 61

R-2023-0224-CD-50134151_1_CPP.pdf:13:Dust Inhalation of Tasks or processes which create dust must be controlled at source

R-2023-0224-CD-50134151_1_CPP.pdf:13: Dusts with the inclusion of dust suppression equipment or damping down

R-2023-0224-CD-50134151_1_CPP.pdf:13: of work to ensure dust production is minimised or eliminated.

R-2023-0224-CD-50134151_1_CPP.pdf:25:required. Examples may include; use of ladders, waste management, dust mitigation measures

R-2023-0224-CD-50134151_1_CPP.pdf:40:• Implementing dust mitigation measures.

R-2023-0224-CD-50134151_1_CPP.pdf:41:Temporary distribution boards shall be provided with the right protection against water and dust and secured

R-2023-0224-CD-50134151_1_CPP.pdf:61:5.38 Dust

R-2023-0224-CD-50134151_1_CPP.pdf:61:Consideration shall be given to alternative methods of work to ensure dust production is minimised or

R-2023-0224-CD-50134151_1_CPP.pdf:61:eliminated. Tasks or processes which create dust must be controlled at source with the inclusion of dust

R-2023-0224-CD-50134151_1_CPP.pdf:61:suppression equipment or damping down where appropriate. Dust production should also be included in the

R-2023-0224-CD-50134151_1_CPP.pdf:61:The site speed limit shall be observed by all vehicles to ensure dust production is minimised and, if required,

R-2023-0224-CD-50134151_1_CPP.pdf:61:the access road and any other sources of dust, shall be damped down during warm weather.

R-2023-0224-CD-50134151_1_CPP.pdf:61:See Environmental Management and Mitigation Plan for more details of mitigations relating to dust.

R-2023-0224-CD-50134151_1_CPP.pdf:62:exposure to toxic dusts, high noise levels, and a range of other safety and health hazards.

R-2023-0224-CD-50134151_1_CPP.pdf:62: Use exhaust ventilation systems in containment structures to capture dust

R-2023-0224-CD-50134151_1_CPP.pdf:62: Clean and remove accumulated dust from tarps and other equipment on the worksite

R-2023-0224-CD-50134216_1_CEMP.pdf:3:8 Dust Management ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 20

R-2023-0224-CD-50134216_1_CEMP.pdf:9:when required. Examples may include; waste management and dust mitigation measures. Contractors shall

R-2023-0224-CD-50134216_1_CEMP.pdf:11:pollution of water, dust and light that may affect ecology are given in Sections 5, 8 and 10 respectively.

R-2023-0224-CD-50134216_1_CEMP.pdf:16:Impacts relating to contaminated land are covered in Section 6 and dust from excavations and stockpiles is

R-2023-0224-CD-50134216_1_CEMP.pdf:20:8 Dust Management

R-2023-0224-CD-50134216_1_CEMP.pdf:20:The dust generated by construction traffic and activities have the potential to impact protected species and

R-2023-0224-CD-50134216_1_CEMP.pdf:20:result in loss of resource. The dust control hierarchy for site shall be based on:

R-2023-0224-CD-50134216_1_CEMP.pdf:20:  abatement or control to reduce dust emissions

R-2023-0224-CD-50134216_1_CEMP.pdf:20:The potential dust impacts and associated mitigation measures are summarised in Table 6.

R-2023-0224-CD-50134216_1_CEMP.pdf:20:Table 6: Potential Impacts and Mitigations relating to Dust

R-2023-0224-CD-50134216_1_CEMP.pdf:20: General Dust generated, Wind speed and direction, and site surface conditions in planning activities

R-2023-0224-CD-50134216_1_CEMP.pdf:20: causing: at risk of causing air pollution, dust or odour shall be taken into account to

R-2023-0224-CD-50134216_1_CEMP.pdf:20: community Dust emitted during any site activity, including driving along site roads,

R-2023-0224-CD-50134216_1_CEMP.pdf:20: Potentially dusty materials will be handled as little as possible and

R-2023-0224-CD-50134216_1_CEMP.pdf:20: use and stored appropriately to prevent dust

R-2023-0224-CD-50134216_1_CEMP.pdf:20: Where appropriate plant will be fitted with dust suppression/ collection

R-2023-0224-CD-50134216_1_CEMP.pdf:20: measures relating to dust

R-2023-0224-CD-50134216_1_CEMP.pdf:20: dust off site and shall inform HZI.

R-2023-0224-CD-50134216_1_CEMP.pdf:20: Stockpiles / Dust generated, Earthworks and stockpiles will be kept damp or treated, especially during

R-2023-0224-CD-50134216_1_CEMP.pdf:20: Earthworks causing: dry weather, to prevent dust.

R-2023-0224-CD-50134216_1_CEMP.pdf:20:  Loss of Soil mounds with the potential to generate dust will be treated with surface

R-2023-0224-CD-50134216_1_CEMP.pdf:21: suitably profiled to minimise windblown dust emission and where possible

R-2023-0224-CD-50134216_1_CEMP.pdf:21:Haul Routes Dust generated, Uneven surfaces will be filled as necessary to minimise the potential for

R-2023-0224-CD-50134216_1_CEMP.pdf:24: or dust to blow out

R-2023-0224-CD-P20-1004 Grangetown Prairie shadow HRA.pdf:11: • Degradation of habitats arising from pollution, in particular airborne (e.g., dust) and water-borne

R-2023-0224-CD-P20-1004 Grangetown Prairie shadow HRA.pdf:11: dust generated during the decommissioning works, with other aerial discharges having ceased prior

R-2023-0224-CD-P20-1004 Grangetown Prairie shadow HRA.pdf:11: • Degradation of habitats (airborne pollution) - Air quality impacts due to dust production may

R-2023-0224-CD-P20-1004 Grangetown Prairie shadow HRA.pdf:11: advises that construction-related dust impacts only need to be considered for important

R-2023-0224-CD-P20-1004 Grangetown Prairie shadow HRA.pdf:11: developments (IAQM, 2016) advises that a significant effect from dust is unlikely beyond 400 m

R-2023-0224-CD-P20-1004 Grangetown Prairie shadow HRA.pdf:12: • Degradation of habitats (airborne pollution - dust) (ZoI is 400 m from the Site);

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.4 Issue 2 COMPRESSED.pdf:5: Dust Management Plan

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.4 Issue 2 COMPRESSED.pdf:7: are available during all weather conditions and to minimise any issues of dust / mud

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.4 Issue 2 COMPRESSED.pdf:7: In order to minimise the transfer of dust and debris to the adopted highway network from

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.4 Issue 2 COMPRESSED.pdf:7: In addition to wheel cleaning procedures, general dust suppression good practice

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.4 Issue 2 COMPRESSED.pdf:7: measures (e.g. correct packaging of potentially dusty materials, sheltering of stockpiles,

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.4 Issue 2 COMPRESSED.pdf:7: Site in order to limit the generation of dust and dirt during main construction activities. Full

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.4 Issue 2 COMPRESSED.pdf:7: details of on-site dust mitigation measures are set out in Dust Management Plan

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.4 Issue 2 COMPRESSED.pdf:7: practice implemented as necessary to ensure that dust and mud effects are minimised.

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.4 Issue 2 COMPRESSED.pdf:7: Site, which will be utilised to address any dust/ mud issues both within the Development

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.4 Issue 2 COMPRESSED.pdf:14: Environment (“HSE”) Team as part of regular inspections, to ensure no mud or dust is being

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01_ADM - Issue 1a (3 of 3).pdf:18: construction industry to ensure robust dust suppression techniques are

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01_ADM - Issue 1a (3 of 3).pdf:65: • Degradation of habitats arising from pollution, in particular airborne (e.g., dust) and water-borne

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01_ADM - Issue 1a (3 of 3).pdf:65: dust generated during the decommissioning works, with other aerial discharges having ceased prior

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01_ADM - Issue 1a (3 of 3).pdf:65: • Degradation of habitats (airborne pollution) - Air quality impacts due to dust production may

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01_ADM - Issue 1a (3 of 3).pdf:65: advises that construction-related dust impacts only need to be considered for important

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01_ADM - Issue 1a (3 of 3).pdf:65: developments (IAQM, 2016) advises that a significant effect from dust is unlikely beyond 400 m

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01_ADM - Issue 1a (3 of 3).pdf:66: • Degradation of habitats (airborne pollution - dust) (ZoI is 400 m from the Site);

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01_ADM - Issue 1a (3 of 3).pdf:124: degradation of habitats arising from pollution, in particular airborne (e.g., dust) and water-borne (e.g.,

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01_ADM - Issue 1a (3 of 3).pdf:124: • Degradation of habitats (airborne pollution) - Air quality impacts due to dust production may

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01_ADM - Issue 1a (3 of 3).pdf:124: advises that construction-related dust impacts only need to be considered for important

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01_ADM - Issue 1a (3 of 3).pdf:124: developments (IAQM, 2016) advises that a significant effect from dust is unlikely beyond 400 m

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01_ADM - Issue 1a (3 of 3).pdf:125: • Degradation of habitats (airborne pollution - dust) (ZoI is 400 m from the Site);

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.3 Issue 2.pdf:2: POTENTIAL DUST, MUD, AND DEBRIS SOURCES 3


R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.3 Issue 2.pdf:2: Control of Dust, Mud and Debris from Construction Plant and Vehicles 4

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.3 Issue 2.pdf:2: Control of Dust, Mud, and Debris Emissions from Material Transportation Off-Site 5

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.3 Issue 2.pdf:2: Control of Dust from Stockpiles 5

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.3 Issue 2.pdf:3: This document shall detail the methods to be used to control the emission of dust, mud

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.3 Issue 2.pdf:3: A copy of this Dust Management Plan (“DMP”) shall be provided to all contractor and


R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.3 Issue 2.pdf:5: have the potential to generate particle emissions arising from dust, mud, and debris.


R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.3 Issue 2.pdf:6: Contractors are required to manage dust, mud, and debris emissions during the

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.3 Issue 2.pdf:6: construction works to prevent the deposition of mud and debris on public roads and dust

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.3 Issue 2.pdf:6: cause dust to be emitted off site. HZI shall be informed of any such incidents as soon as is

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.3 Issue 2.pdf:6: Dust, mud, and debris control procedures will be implemented to avoid as far as is

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.3 Issue 2.pdf:6: reasonably practicable, the emission of dust and other particulate that would adversely

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.3 Issue 2.pdf:6: Control of Dust, Mud and Debris from Construction Plant and Vehicles

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.3 Issue 2.pdf:7:  dust suppression shall be reviewed and actioned daily during dry and/or windy

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.3 Issue 2.pdf:7:  devices such as dust extractor, filters, and collectors will be used on drilling and

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.3 Issue 2.pdf:7: Control of Dust, Mud, and Debris Emissions from Material Transportation Off-

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.3 Issue 2.pdf:7: of dust, mud, and debris emissions. Dust and air quality management measures will be

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.3 Issue 2.pdf:7:  road sweepers/bowsers will be in place in order to limit dust/clean roads on site;

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.3 Issue 2.pdf:7: for the purposes of preventing materials, mud, dust, and debris spillage; and

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.3 Issue 2.pdf:7: Control of Dust from Stockpiles

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.3 Issue 2.pdf:7:  materials stockpiles likely to generate dust will be enclosed or securely sheeted,

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.3 Issue 2.pdf:8: management of dust, mud, and debris.

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.3 Issue 2.pdf:8: training, plus specific training in relation to dust if their work activities are assessed as being

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.3 Issue 2.pdf:8: particularly dust emission prone. On- site 'Tool Box' training will enable site workers to

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.3 Issue 2.pdf:9: produce dust are being undertaken.

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.3 Issue 2.pdf:9: minimise the emission and/or deposition of dust, mud, and debris.

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.3 Issue 2.pdf:9: on the Development Site responsible for air quality and dust issues, will be displayed on a

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.3 Issue 2.pdf:9: board at the Development Site Boundary should any air quality or dust issues arise.

R-2023-0224-CD-PN 0224.pdf:1: neighbour’s to be affected from dust nuisance and offsite monitoring should be

R-2023-0224-CD-P20-1004 Grangetown Prairie Air Quality Impacts on SSSI.pdf:7: degradation of habitats arising from pollution, in particular airborne (e.g., dust) and water-borne (e.g.,

R-2023-0224-CD-P20-1004 Grangetown Prairie Air Quality Impacts on SSSI.pdf:7: • Degradation of habitats (airborne pollution) - Air quality impacts due to dust production may

R-2023-0224-CD-P20-1004 Grangetown Prairie Air Quality Impacts on SSSI.pdf:7: advises that construction-related dust impacts only need to be considered for important

R-2023-0224-CD-P20-1004 Grangetown Prairie Air Quality Impacts on SSSI.pdf:7: developments (IAQM, 2016) advises that a significant effect from dust is unlikely beyond 400 m

R-2023-0224-CD-P20-1004 Grangetown Prairie Air Quality Impacts on SSSI.pdf:8: • Degradation of habitats (airborne pollution - dust) (ZoI is 400 m from the Site);

R-2023-0224-CD-Decision Notice_R20190767OOM(4).pdf:2: i. The method to be used to control the emission of dust, noise and

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01_ADM - Issue 1a (2 of 3).pdf:38:8.2.2. Half-hourly limit values apply to total dust (30mg/Nm3), volatile organic compounds (as

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01_ADM - Issue 1a (2 of 3).pdf:40: exceedance of the ELVs only applies to total dust (maximum concentration of 150mg/Nm3,

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01_ADM - Issue 1a (2 of 3).pdf:40: apply to carbon monoxide (100mg/Nm3) and to total dust (150mg/Nm3).

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.2 Issue 2 COMPRESSED.pdf:5: Dust Management Plan

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.2 Issue 2 COMPRESSED.pdf:7: are available during all weather conditions and to minimise any issues of dust / mud

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.2 Issue 2 COMPRESSED.pdf:7: In order to minimise the transfer of dust and debris to the adopted highway network from

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.2 Issue 2 COMPRESSED.pdf:7: In addition to wheel cleaning procedures, general dust suppression good practice

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.2 Issue 2 COMPRESSED.pdf:7: measures (e.g. correct packaging of potentially dusty materials, sheltering of stockpiles,

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.2 Issue 2 COMPRESSED.pdf:7: Site in order to limit the generation of dust and dirt during main construction activities. Full

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.2 Issue 2 COMPRESSED.pdf:7: details of on-site dust mitigation measures are set out in Dust Management Plan

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.2 Issue 2 COMPRESSED.pdf:7: practice implemented as necessary to ensure that dust and mud effects are minimised.

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.2 Issue 2 COMPRESSED.pdf:7: Site, which will be utilised to address any dust/ mud issues both within the Development

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.2 Issue 2 COMPRESSED.pdf:14: Environment (“HSE”) Team as part of regular inspections, to ensure no mud or dust is being

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Contaminated_Land_Review.pdf:19: Construction workers and adjacent site users may be subject to accidental ingestion and inhalation of dust, fibres, vapour and ground

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Contaminated_Land_Review.pdf:19: Human health dusts/fibres and Operation (including maintenance):

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Contaminated_Land_Review.pdf:19: Maintenance workers may be subject to accidental ingestion and inhalation of dust, fibres, vapour and ground gases. Risk is anticipated

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Contaminated_Land_Review.pdf:23: soil/groundwater/dust/inhalation of dusts Construction/maintenance

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Contaminated_Land_Review.pdf:25: contact/ingestion with soils and/or groundwater or inhalation/ingestion of dust/fibres;

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Contaminated_Land_Review.pdf:37: Human health dusts/fibres and The pathway to future site users is expected to be minimised by the presence of concrete foundations and hardstanding beneath

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Contaminated_Land_Review.pdf:37: Maintenance workers may be subject to accidental ingestion and inhalation of dust, fibres, vapour and ground gases. Risk is

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Contaminated_Land_Review.pdf:41: of dusts Construction/maintenance workers Medium Likely Moderate*

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Contaminated_Land_Review.pdf:44: • Human health – risk to commercial workers via dust inhalation and direct contact with arsenic,

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:8:3.8 Dust arising from the process is likely to be limited based on experience of

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:8: contractors elsewhere. Nevertheless, some dust suppression measures will be

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:8: to provide dust suppression during loading of materials. A tractor with a water

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:8: bowser for dust suppression around site, including on roads and stockpiles, and a

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:8:3.9 For internal dust management, a bespoke dust suppression system will be

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:9: potential dust, for example loading of raw BA into the screening systems.

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:9: However, from experience elsewhere, dust will be limited as the BA is stored as

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:9: lagoon can be pumped out for use as external dust suppression for the site

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:16: Discharges / emissions to air (including dust and odour)

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:16: in support of the application. The assessment considered the impact of dust

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:16: construction phase, dust emissions from operational phase activities, and vehicle

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:16:4.33 The assessment of the impact of dust generating activities during the construction

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:16: overall risk of dust impacts from construction phase activities was assessed as

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:16:4.34 The impact of dust generating activities during the operational phase was

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:16: number of dust mitigation measures to suppress dust generation (e.g. the ash will

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:16: be stored as moist, the ash is processed whilst still humid, dust busters will be

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:16: for dust suppression around the site, a road sweeper will be used as necessary,

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:16: these measures, the residual impact of dust emissions will be negligible. As the

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:16: area around the proposed BA Facility is of low sensitivity to dust impacts, the

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:16: overall effect of dust emissions during the operational phase is considered not to

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:18: the Tees Valley ERF, is unlikely to give rise to significant effects on air quality, dust

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:18: level of mitigation for dust emissions during construction and operational phase

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:24: and dust impacts caused during the construction period, which in turn will avoid

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:25: implementation of standard and proven construction measures to control dust

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:34: • There is no potential for cumulative effects due to dust and odour

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:34: the ERF, so any addition the ERF makes to the dust and odour impacts of

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:34: are expected to manage their dust and odour emissions via a CEMP

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:67: such that it does not represent a fire or dust risk. Any oversize metals in the ash

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:68: dust-free loading of material directly into trucks for export off site.

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:73: Odour and dust controls

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:74:3.126 Potential emissions of dust and fumes from the ERF bottom ash discharger will be

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:74: ongoing occupational health protection dust level checks will be carried out on a

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:74: regular basis in operational areas of the ERF where high dust levels may be

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:74: present. This will provide an early warning of increasing dust levels, at which point

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:74: action will be taken to reduce dust levels.

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:74: conditions of an Environmental Permit. This will include conditions to control dust

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:81: receptors, for example, noise, dust and visual effects

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:108: emissions of dust and odour during the construction and operational phases,

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:109: are dust emissions arising from construction phase activities and vehicle

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:109: Construction phase dust emissions

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:109:11.10 The Outline AQA included a comprehensive assessment of dust emissions during

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:109: dust from demolition and construction’, published in 2014 and last updated in

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:110: • The potential dust emission magnitude from all construction phase activities is

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:110: site entrance. Therefore, the sensitivity of the area to dust soiling and human

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:110: • Based on the above, the overall risk of dust impacts is ‘low risk’

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:111: • Fugitive dust and odour emissions from waste deliveries and the ERF process

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:113: Operational phase dust and odour emissions

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:113:11.34 The Outline AQA did not contain an assessment of operational phase dust and

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:113: odour emissions. No guidance is available for the assessment of dust emissions

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:113: operational phase dust emissions, the principles from this guidance have been

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:113: applied to both dust and odour emissions.

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:114:11.36 The ERF will include embedded mitigation measures to reduce the risk of dust

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:114: release of odours and dust from the building when the doors are opened for short

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:114: periods for deliveries. As a result, the risk of dust and odour emissions from the

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:114:11.38 As the risk of dust and odour emissions is small and the pathway to high

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:114: operational phase dust and odour emissions and the need for a more detailed

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:114: in the Outline AQA to ensure that dust emissions during construction would be

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:114: ‘negligible’. The assessment of construction phase dust emissions is unchanged,

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:115: that the effect of construction phase dust emissions would be ‘not significant’ with

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:115: emissions or operational phase dust and odour emissions. The effect of these

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:115: part of the Outline AQA, such as operational phase dust and odour emissions.

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:119: addition, construction vehicles could carry mud or dust on to the local road

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:125: 12 associated with ground preparation Regeneration unsure if Include - air quality (traffic and construction dust)

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:126: Redcar & R/2020/0357/OOM Demolition possibly Include - air quality (traffic, construction dust)

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:127: Redcar & Include - air quality (traffic, construction dust)

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:128: underground high voltage electrical Engineering / Redcar & Include - air quality (traffic, construction dust)

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:128: capital dredging and development of new quay Cleveland dust emissions. Due to distance between TV ERF

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:128: (Phases 1 and 2) for cumulative construction dust effects

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:128: ground remediation and preparation, Redcar & Include - air quality (traffic, construction dust)

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:129: 30 access roads from a1085 trunk road, 4.62 and R/2022/0816/FFM going (As of Include – Air quality, traffic, construction dust.

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:129: 31 0 and R/2020/0819/ESM Include – Air quality, traffic, construction dust.

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:132: 42 0 N/A N/A Include – air quality (traffic, construction dust)

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:141:13.61 The potential for inter-project effects due to dust and odour emissions has been

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:141: control odour emissions during the operational phase and dust emissions during

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:141: dust impacts limits the screening distance to 350 m from the ERF site boundary.

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:142: operational phase dust and odour impacts. On this basis, only those projects

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:142: within 700 m of the ERF site boundary have the potential for inter-project dust and

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:142: operational and has no potential for ongoing dust emissions. Of the remaining

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:142: projects, there is the potential for cumulative effects from dust emissions during

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:142: development. As such, construction phase dust emissions from these projects

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:142: designed to minimise any cumulative dust impacts. In particular, it is noted that

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:142: including those related to construction phase dust emissions.

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:142: cumulative dust emissions, and best-practice dust management measures will be

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:142: for significant inter-project effects due to dust emissions.

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:154: Construction dust – precise measures to be determined

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:154: Air quality and Operational dust – to be managed through embedded

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Planning_and_Design_Statement.pdf:12: construction measures to control dust emissions, runoff, noise and traffic

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Planning_and_Design_Statement.pdf:14:3.8 Dust arising from the process is likely to be limited, but dust suppression

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Planning_and_Design_Statement.pdf:14: ash handling points to provide dust suppression during loading of materials.

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Planning_and_Design_Statement.pdf:14:3.9 For internal dust management, a bespoke dust suppression system will be

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Planning_and_Design_Statement.pdf:14: employed, such as overhead sprays (under ceiling) in areas of potential dust.

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Planning_and_Design_Statement.pdf:14: However, dust will be limited as the BA stored internally is moist and is processed

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Planning_and_Design_Statement.pdf:14: collected in water tanks and used for the internal dust suppression system, as well

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Planning_and_Design_Statement.pdf:14: as for site wide dust control. Some rainwater will also be collected in a proposed

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Planning_and_Design_Statement.pdf:14: as external dust suppression for the site roadways and BAA storage area if

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Planning_and_Design_Statement.pdf:42:5.135. The Air Quality report assessed the potential for dust impacts on neighbouring

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Planning_and_Design_Statement.pdf:42: sensitive receivers. The assessment has considered the impact of dust emissions

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Planning_and_Design_Statement.pdf:42: phase, dust emissions from operational phase activities, and vehicle emissions

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Planning_and_Design_Statement.pdf:42:5.136. The assessment of the impact of dust generating activities during the construction

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Planning_and_Design_Statement.pdf:42: overall risk of dust impacts from construction phase activities has been assessed

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Planning_and_Design_Statement.pdf:42:5.137. The impact of dust generating activities during the operational phase has been

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Planning_and_Design_Statement.pdf:42: includes a number of dust mitigation measures to suppress dust generation. With

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Planning_and_Design_Statement.pdf:42: the implementation of these measures, the residual impact of dust emissions will

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Planning_and_Design_Statement.pdf:42: to dust impacts, the overall effect of dust emissions during the operational phase

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Planning_and_Design_Statement.pdf:43: dust emissions during construction and operational phase activities, the proposed

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:11:3.7 Dust arising from the process is likely to be limited based on experience of

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:11: contractors elsewhere. Nevertheless, some dust suppression measures will be

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:11: points to provide dust suppression during loading of materials. A tractor

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:11: with a water bowser for dust suppression around site, including on roads

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:11:3.8 For internal dust management, a bespoke dust suppression system will be

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:11: areas of potential dust, for example loading of raw BA into the screening

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:11: systems. However, from experience elsewhere, dust will be limited as the BA

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:11: use as external dust suppression for the site roadways and BAA storage area

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:13: of dust emissions. As a result of these embedded measures, the risk of dust

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:19: will collect and reuse water (draining from stored material) to reduce dust.

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:20:5.17 Dust has been screened out as a potential impact on the NSN site in line

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:20: dust from demolition and construction. The intention of the IAQM guidance

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:20: is that 500m is the distance from the area of muddy ground where dust

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:20: related to dust is required in line with the IAQM guidance.

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:20:5.19 Although the scheme includes embedded mitigation to contain dust

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:20: site from the SPA/Ramsar site, dust associated with construction, operation

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:23: Wintering/passage/ Dust Distance between application No

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Ecological_Impact_Assessment.pdf:21: and dust impacts caused during the construction period, to avoid impacts on surrounding habitats

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:4: local air quality, comprising an assessment of dust and vehicle emissions during the construction

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:4: The assessment has considered the impact of dust emissions from construction, earthworks and

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:4: trackout activities during the construction phase, dust emissions from operational phase activities,

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:4: The assessment of the impact of dust generating activities during the construction takes into

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:4: receptors within set distances from these activities. The overall risk of dust impacts from

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:4: The impact of dust generating activities during the operational phase has been undertaken using

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:4: the same principles. The design of the Proposed Development includes a number of dust mitigation

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:4: measures to suppress dust generation. With the implementation of these measures, the residual

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:4: impact of dust emissions will be negligible. As the area around the Proposed Development is of ‘low

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:4: sensitivity’ to dust impacts, the overall effect of dust emissions during the operational phase is ‘not

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:5: This assessment has demonstrated that with the appropriate level of mitigation for dust emissions

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:6: 2.2 Control of dust and emissions during construction ……………………………………………………………………… 8

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:6: 3.1 Construction phase dust generating activities……………………………………………………………………………10

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:6: 3.2 Operational phase dust generating activities …………………………………………………………………………….11

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:6: 5.2 Dust emissions ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………14

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:6: 6.2 Dust emissions from operational phase activities ………………………………………………………………………19

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:6: 7.2 Dust emissions ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………21

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:6:B Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology ……………………………………………………………………………27

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:6: B.2 Dust emission magnitude………………………………………………………………………………………………………..27

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:6: B.4 Risk of dust impacts ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….32

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:6:C Construction Dust Mitigation Measures …………………………………………………………………………………………….33

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:7: • Dust emissions due to construction activities during the construction phase; and

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:7: • Dust emissions due from the processing, storage and handling of BA during the operational

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:7: • The impact of vehicle and dust emissions during the construction phase is assessed in section

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:7: • The impact of vehicle and dust emissions during the operational phase is assessed in section 6.

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:7: recommended construction phase dust mitigation measures.

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:8: of the PPG describes the circumstances when air quality, odour and dust can be a planning concern

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:8: • Expose people to harmful concentrations of air pollutants, including dust. This could be by

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:8: • Give rise to potentially unacceptable impact (such as dust) during construction for nearby

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:9: • controlling dust and emissions from construction, operation and demolition; and

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:9: 2.2 Control of dust and emissions during construction

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:9: The main requirements with respect to dust control from industrial or trade premises not regulated

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:9: “any dust, steam, smell or other effluvia arising on industrial trade or business premises and being

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:11: 3.1 Construction phase dust generating activities

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:11: There is the potential for dust to be released into the atmosphere as a result of construction and

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:11: demolition phase activities. These fugitive dust emissions have been assessed on a qualitative basis

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:11: the assessment of dust from demolition and construction' (2014) (“the IAQM 2014 Guidance”). This

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:11: quantity of dust emitted will be related to the area of land being worked and the nature, magnitude

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:11: The assessment methodology is based on the risk of a site giving rise to dust impacts and the

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:11: “The transport of dust and dirt from the construction / demolition site onto the public road network,

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:11: lorries leave the construction / demolition site with dusty materials, which may then spill onto the

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:11: road, and/or when lorries transfer dust and dirt onto the road having travelled over muddy ground

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:11: The assessment methodology considers three separate dust effects:

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:11: • annoyance due to dust soiling;

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:11: The first stage of the assessment of the impact of fugitive emissions of dust during construction is

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:11: effects of airborne dust or dust soiling or suffer exposure to PM10 over a period of time relevant to

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:12: If a detailed assessment is required, the second stage is to assess the risk of dust effects arising. A

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:12: site is allocated to a risk category based on two factors; dust emission magnitude; and the sensitivity

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:12: of the area. These factors are combined to give the risk of dust impact. Full details of the

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:12: methodology for assessing the risk of dust effects arising is presented in Appendix B.

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:12: 3.2 Operational phase dust generating activities

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:12: There is no specific guidance for the assessment of operational phase dust generation. In lieu of

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:12: any specific guidance, the principles of the construction phase dust guidance have been applied.

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:12: The dust mitigation measures proposed as part of the design of the Proposed Development have

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:12: been considered to assess the residual risk of dust emissions. Along with the sensitivity of the area

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:12: to dust emissions, this has been used to determine the residual risk of dust impacts as a result of

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:12: operational phase dust emissions.

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:15: • Dust emissions from on-site construction phase activities.

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:15: 5.2 Dust emissions

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:15: The assessment of dust emissions during the construction phase has been undertaken in

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:16: Table 2: Dust Sensitive Receptors - Number of Commercial and Industrial Receptors

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:16: source (m) From main dust generating areas From site access routes

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:16: As shown, there are no dust sensitive receptors within 50 m of the Proposed Development, one

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:16: sensitive receptors within 350 m. These receptors are all of medium or low sensitivity to dust soiling

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:16: 5.2.2 Stage two - risk of dust emissions

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:16: will be required and thus these have not been considered in the dust assessment.

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:16: Dust emission magnitude

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:16: The dust emission magnitude is based on the scale of anticipated works and is classified as small,

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:16: As a worst-case, it has been assumed that dust generating activities will occur in all parts of the site

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:16: that will be developed. The dust emission magnitude for each type of activity has been assessed

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:17: Table 3: Dust emission magnitudes

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:17: Activity Dust Justification

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:17: that it may be significant and therefore the dust emission

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:17: primarily of metal which has a relatively low dust emission

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:17: potential, the dust emission magnitude has conservatively been

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:17: The area has been assessed for its sensitivity to dust soiling effects, human health effects to PM10

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:17: each type of dust emission activity:

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:17: Table 4: Sensitivity of the Area to Dust

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:17: Dust soiling Low There are no receptors within 50 m of dust generating

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:17: Dust soiling Medium There is one medium sensitivity receptor (Teesworks

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:18: The risk of dust impacts from construction and earthworks is summarised as using the criteria

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:18: outlined in Appendix B.4. This is based on the dust emission magnitude and the sensitivity of the

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:18: Table 5: Summary of Dust Risk

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:18: Dust Soiling - Low Risk Low Risk Low Risk

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:18: The dust assessment has identified that the Proposed Development is of ‘low risk’ for dust soiling

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:18: and human health effects due to dust emissions from earthworks, construction and trackout. The

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:18: The assessment has screened out the need for a detailed assessment of dust impacts as a result of

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:18: construction phase activities to be undertaken, the site has been assessed to be of low risk for dust

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:20: 6.2 Dust emissions from operational phase activities

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:20: in water. As the BA will be wet, there will be minimal potential for dust emissions. The conveyor

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:20: will be fully enclosed, which will further reduce the risk of dust emissions.

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:20: of dust onto the public road network.

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:20: (but not necessarily enclosed) loading and unloading points, to provide dust suppression. In

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:20: addition, a tractor with a water bowser for dust suppression around site, including on roads and

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:20: As the BA will be stored as moist material and is processed while still humid, dust emissions will be

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:20: limited. Nonetheless, for any internal spaces a dust management system is proposed, comprising a

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:20: bespoke dust suppression system that is likely to comprise of overhead sprays (under ceiling) in

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:20: areas of potential dust generation, for example loading of raw BA into the screening systems.

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:20: limits to ensure that dust is controlled.

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:20: As detailed in, the area around the Proposed Development is of ‘low’ sensitivity to dust

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:20: residual risk of dust emissions will be ‘negligible’.

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:21: on-site dust emissions has been considered.

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:21: With the implementation of embedded on-site dust suppression measures to mitigate against dust

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:21: emissions, the residual effect of operational phase dust emissions will also be ‘not significant’.

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:22: 7.2 Dust emissions

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:22: Based on the screening criteria detailed in the IAQM 2014 Guidance, dust emissions during the

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:23: vehicles, up to 500 m from the site access point(s). As such, only dust sources within twice these

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:23: concurrent with that of the Proposed Development. The landfill will contribute to local dust

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:23: the TVERF will also cause localised dust emissions over the duration of the construction phase. As

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:23: detailed in the planning documents for the TVERF, the risk of dust impacts from the construction of

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:23: measures, is predicted to be ‘not significant’. Operational phase dust emissions from the TVERF are

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:23: receptors, none of which lie within 50 m of the site boundary. The dust emission magnitude for the

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:23: the inclusion of any cumulative dust sources would not affect the dust emission magnitude.

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:23: cumulative dust impacts.

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:23: Based on the above, the risk of a significant cumulative effect due to dust emissions is very low and

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:23: the cumulative effect of construction and operational phase dust emissions will be ‘not significant’.

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:24: The assessment of dust generating activities has deemed that the site is of low risk for dust soiling

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:24: effect of dust emissions during the construction phase on air quality will be ‘not significant’, either

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:24: A number of embedded mitigation measures to suppress dust are included as part of the design of

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:24: of operational phase dust emissions will also be ‘not significant’, either alone or cumulatively with

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:27: Figure 1 - Construction Phase Dust

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:28: B Construction Phase Dust Assessment

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:28: The assessment is based on the risk of a construction site giving rise to dust impacts and the

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:28: sensitivity of the surrounding area. The risk of dust emissions from a construction site causing loss

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:28: • The adequacy of the mitigation measures applied to reduce or eliminate dust; and

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:28: • The sensitivity of the receptors to dust.

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:28: The quantity of dust emitted is related to the area of land being worked and the level of

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:28: influence whether there is likely to be a dust impact. Atmospheric conditions which promote

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:28: also more likely to occur during drier periods as rainfall acts as a natural dust suppressant.

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:28: dust emission magnitude (Table 7); and

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:28: These factors are combined to give the risk of dust impacts (Table 14) in the absence of any

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:28: B.2 Dust emission magnitude

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:28: The dust emission magnitude is based on the scale of the anticipated works and should be classified

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:28: as Small, Medium or Large. The following are example of how the potential dust emissions

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:28: Table 7: Dust Emission Magnitude Criteria

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:28: Large total building volume > 50,000m3, potentially dusty construction material (i.e.

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:28: Medium total building volume 20,000 - 50,000m3, potentially dusty construction

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:29: for dust release (i.e. metal cladding or timber), demolition activities <10m

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:29: Large total size area > 10,000m², potentially dusty soil type (e.g. clay, which will be

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:29: Medium total size area 2,500 – 10,000m², moderately dusty soil type (i.e. silt), 5 – 10

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:29: Medium total building volume 25,000 – 100,000m³, potentially dusty construction

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:29: for dust release (e.g. metal cladding or timber)

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:29: Large > 50 HDV (> 3.5t) trips in any one day, potentially dusty surface material (e.g.

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:29: Medium 10 – 50 HDV (> 3.5t) trips in any one day, moderately dusty surface material

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:29: dust release, unpaved road length < 50 m

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:29: from the Site entrance(s) are considered to be at risk from the effects of dust.

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:29: vegetation, to reduce the risk of wind-blown dust.

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:30: The type of receptors at different distances from the site boundary or, if known, from the dust

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:30: Table 8: Sensitivity to Dust Soiling Effects

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:30: dust deposition; and

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:30: dust deposition; or

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:30: aesthetics or value by dust deposition; or

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:31: features may be affected by dust deposition; or

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:31: Locations where there is a community of a particularly dust sensitive species

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:31: Medium Locations where there is a particularly important plant species, where its dust

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:31: dust deposition.

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:31: Indicative example is a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) with dust

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:31: dust deposition.

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:31: Indicative example is a local Nature Reserve with dust sensitive features.

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:31: Table 11, Table 12 and Table 13 show how sensitivity of the area should be determined for dust

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:32: Table 11: Sensitivity of the Area to Dust and Soiling Impacts on People and Property

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:33: B.4 Risk of dust impacts

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:33: The dust magnitude and sensitivity of the area are then combined using the following matrices to

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:33: Table 14: Risk of Dust Impacts – Level of Mitigation Required

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:33: Sensitivity of Area Dust Emission Magnitude

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:34: C Construction Dust Mitigation Measures

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:34: The maximum dust emission risk category for the site has been assessed to be ‘low risk’. The

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:34: • Display the name and contact details of person(s) account-able for air quality and dust issues

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:34: • Record all dust and air quality complaints, identify cause(s), take appropriate measures to

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:34: • Record any exceptional incidents that cause dust and/or air emissions, either on- or off- site,

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:34: • Increase the frequency of site inspections by the person accountable for air quality and dust

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:34: issues on site when activities with a high potential to produce dust are being carried out and

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:34: • Plan site layout so that machinery and dust causing activities are located away from receptors,

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:34: • Erect solid screens or barriers around dusty activities or the site boundary that are at least as

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:34: • Only use cutting, grinding or sawing equipment fitted or in conjunction with suitable dust

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:34: • Ensure an adequate water supply on the site for effective dust/particulate matter

R-2021-0316-VC-Officer report _R20210316VC.pdf:10: vi) Measures to control the emission of noise, dust and vibration during

R-2021-0316-VC-Decision Notice_R20210316VC.pdf:5: vi) Measures to control the emission of noise, dust and vibration during the

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter E - Air Quality - Dec 2020.pdf:8: Dust Nuisance

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter E - Air Quality - Dec 2020.pdf:8:E2.12 Dust is the generic term that the British Standard document BS 6069 (Part Two) used to

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter E - Air Quality - Dec 2020.pdf:8: describe particulate matter in the size range 1 – 75 µm (micrometers) in diameter. Dust

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter E - Air Quality - Dec 2020.pdf:8: nuisance is the result of the perception of the soiling of surfaces by excessive rates of dust

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter E - Air Quality - Dec 2020.pdf:8: deposition. Under provisions in the Environmental Protection Act 1990, dust nuisance is

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter E - Air Quality - Dec 2020.pdf:8:E2.13 There are currently no standards or guidelines for dust nuisance in the UK, nor are formal dust

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter E - Air Quality - Dec 2020.pdf:8: deposition standards specified. This reflects the uncertainties in dust monitoring technology,

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter E - Air Quality - Dec 2020.pdf:8: perception of such events as a nuisance. In law, complaints about excessive dust deposition

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter E - Air Quality - Dec 2020.pdf:8: nuisance to occur. However, dust deposition is generally managed by suitable on-site practices

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter E - Air Quality - Dec 2020.pdf:8: Institute of Air Quality Management Dust Guidance

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter E - Air Quality - Dec 2020.pdf:8:E2.15 The IAQM dust guidance ix provides guidance to development consultants and environmental

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter E - Air Quality - Dec 2020.pdf:9: appropriate mitigation measures are applied, in most cases the resulting dust impacts can be

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter E - Air Quality - Dec 2020.pdf:10: Construction Dust

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter E - Air Quality - Dec 2020.pdf:10: development are dust deposition, resulting in the soiling of surfaces; visible dust plumes;

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter E - Air Quality - Dec 2020.pdf:10: elevated PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations as a result of dust generating activities on site; and an

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter E - Air Quality - Dec 2020.pdf:11: effect will normally be ‘not significant’. An assessment of effects from construction dust has

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter E - Air Quality - Dec 2020.pdf:14: and/or dust nuisance due to the construction or operation of the proposed development. A desk-

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter E - Air Quality - Dec 2020.pdf:25:E5.1 As described in Section E3.8, the best practice construction dust mitigation measures for high

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter E - Air Quality - Dec 2020.pdf:25: are considered as embedded mitigation and allowed construction dust to be scoped out of the

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter E - Air Quality - Dec 2020.pdf:25: i. Display the name and contact details of person(s) accountable for air quality and dust

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter E - Air Quality - Dec 2020.pdf:25: iii. Develop and implement a Dust Management Plan, which will include measures to

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter E - Air Quality - Dec 2020.pdf:25: i. Record all dust and air quality complaints, identify cause(s), take appropriate measures

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter E - Air Quality - Dec 2020.pdf:25: iii. Record any exceptional incidents that cause dust and/or air emissions, both on- or off-

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter E - Air Quality - Dec 2020.pdf:25: i. Carry out regular site inspections to monitor compliance with the Dust Management

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter E - Air Quality - Dec 2020.pdf:25: ii. It is highly recommended that dust deposition, dust flux, or real-time PM10 continuous

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter E - Air Quality - Dec 2020.pdf:25: dust issues on site when activities with a high potential to produce dust are being

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter E - Air Quality - Dec 2020.pdf:25: i. Plan site layout so that machinery and dust causing activities are located away from

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter E - Air Quality - Dec 2020.pdf:25: ii. Erect solid screens or barriers around dusty activities or the site boundary that are at

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter E - Air Quality - Dec 2020.pdf:26: iii. Fully enclose site or specific operations where there is a high potential for dust

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter E - Air Quality - Dec 2020.pdf:26: vi. Remove materials that have a potential to produce dust from site as soon as possible,

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter E - Air Quality - Dec 2020.pdf:26: dust suppression techniques, such as water sprays or local extraction;

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter E - Air Quality - Dec 2020.pdf:26: ii. Ensure an adequate water supply on the site for effective dust/particulate matter

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter E - Air Quality - Dec 2020.pdf:27: i. Use water-assisted dust sweeper(s) on the access and local roads, to remove, as

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter E - Air Quality - Dec 2020.pdf:27: v. Implement a wheel washing system (with rumble grids to dislodge accumulated dust

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter E - Air Quality - Dec 2020.pdf:35: effect on all receptors from the dust-generating activities onsite, as such this was scoped out of

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.PDF:29: receptors via dermal contact, accidental ingestion and dust

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.PDF:31: disturb the soil and could result in dust generation, as well as provide opportunities for direct

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.PDF:35: it shall be separately stockpiled and covered to control potential dust generation. If soils

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:21: 14 ü Dust and dependent on clay content and pH.

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:97: Flue dust

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:97: Concrete works Cement dust - calcium, silica, aluminium and iron.

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:97: 2 ü ü dust movements, coke wharfs and conveyors.

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:97: ferromanganese dust, iron, lead, zinc, alkalis ,

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:211: inhalation of dusts or

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:223: dusts

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:234: ingestion of dust PPE utilised; normal precautions likely to be taken during any

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:235: ballast, dust and ingestion, inhalation M i l d Elevated levels of sulphate and sulphide d e t e c t e d i n s oil across the

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:236:l i nks ingestion of dust PPE utilised; normal precautions likely to be taken during any

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:237: ingestion of dust PPE utilised; normal precautions likely to be taken during any

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:239: ingestion of dust PPE utilised; normal precautions likely to be taken during any

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:241: ingestion of dust utilised. Normal precautions likely to be taken during any below

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:256: ferromanganese dust, and groundwater. Site workers would be appraised of potential

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:323: Firm laminated brown CLAY with silt dustings on the laminae.

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:323: at c.2.00m BGL … clay is of intermediate plasticity with silt dustings on

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:323: 4.50 J10 at c.4.50m BGL … laminated with silt dustings on the laminae. Clay is of

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:335: 3.50-3.95 U*B6 (20) Soft to firm laminated brown CLAY with dustings of silt on the laminae.

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1423: A. Dust inhalation from Made Ground from site and adjacent land (potential CoC include asbestos

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1447: dust creation and the movement of more impacted deep soil closer to the surface.

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1455:A = Dust inhalation from Made Ground from site and adjacent land

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1456:A = Dust inhalation from Made Ground from site and adjacent land

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1463:A = Dust inhalation from Made Ground from site and adjacent land

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1464:A = Dust inhalation from Made Ground from site and adjacent land

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1512:composition of surface Made Ground adjacent to the site and the consequential potential for dust generation.

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1517:• The majority of the site is currently covered in soft landscaping, as such, particulate inhalation due to dust

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1517: and or re-profiling requirements and therefore dust has the potential to be generated. Notwithstanding this,

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1517: it is suggested typical dust suppression techniques should be employed so that exposures would be

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1522:composition of surface Made Ground adjacent to the site and the consequential potential for dust generation.

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1528: inhalation due to dust generation is a potentially active pathway.

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1528: and or re-profiling requirements and therefore dust has the potential to be generated. Notwithstanding this,

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1528: typical dust suppression techniques should be employed so that exposures would be minimised.

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1547:A = Dust inhalation from Made Ground from site and adjacent land

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1548:A = Dust inhalation from Made Ground from site and adjacent land

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1613:A = Dust inhalation from Made Ground from site and adjacent land

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1614:A = Dust inhalation from Made Ground from site and adjacent land

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1629: Remove the potential for asbestos fibres to become airborne via dust generation at the site.

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1636:immediate surrounding area (e.g. noise, dust, traffic).

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1639:  Excavation activities can lead to excessive noise, dust and odour generation without proper controls;

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1640:  Excavation activities can lead to excessive noise, dust and odour generation without proper controls;

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1650:A = Dust inhalation from Made Ground from site and adjacent land

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1651:A = Dust inhalation from Made Ground from site and adjacent land

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1698:  Coke and coke dust;

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1742: Future site users (industrial end use) Dermal contact, accidental ingestion, inhalation of dusts, vapours,

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1744: hydrocarbons, pH, users ingestion, inhalation of dusts, (Medium) Made Ground across the sit

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1745: storage tanks users ingestion, inhalation of dusts (Medium) Previous SPMP monitoring

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1746: tanks and South hydrocarbons users ingestion, inhalation of dusts, (Medium)] Naphthalene and TPH ident

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1747: filled cables users ingestion, inhalation of dusts, (Medium) PCBs and oil have low mobi

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1749: CL2 Future site users and dermal contact, accidental ingestion, inhalation of dusts, vapours, fibres and

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1752:Exposure pathways for commercial/industrial end use include direct soil and indoor dust ingestion, skin

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1752:contact with soils and dusts, and inhalation of dust and vapours. As it is not pragmatic to remove all

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1763: generation of dust.

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1763:  Water sprays to be used during operations as and when required to minimise potential for dust

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1971: Details: Dust suppression Original Application No: -

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter A Introduction and Background - Dec 2020.pdf:22: However, it will not consider the potential effects of dust generated by the construction of

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter A Introduction and Background - Dec 2020.pdf:22: B the ESs. This outlines all dust mitigation measures required for high risk receptors. With

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter A Introduction and Background - Dec 2020.pdf:22: the FCEMP in place (via a condition) there will be no significant construction dust effects

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter A Introduction and Background - Dec 2020.pdf:22: likely and therefore the effects of dust on sensitive receptors has been scoped out of the ES.

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackeny - Planning Statement - Dec 2020.pdf:35: limited to, spills, storage of soils and control of construction related dust and the

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackeny - Planning Statement - Dec 2020.pdf:35: • Measures will be implemented to prevent sediment, dust, surface water run-off and other

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackeny - Planning Statement - Dec 2020.pdf:37: that; “Measures will be implemented to prevent sediment, dust, surface water run-off and

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackeny - Planning Statement - Dec 2020.pdf:42: development are dust deposition, resulting in the soiling of surfaces; visible dust plumes;

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackeny - Planning Statement - Dec 2020.pdf:42: elevated PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations as a result of dust generating activities on site; and an

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackeny - Planning Statement - Dec 2020.pdf:42: negligible effect on receptors from the dust-generating activities onsite.

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackeny - Planning Statement - Dec 2020.pdf:49: and compaction will disturb the soil and could result in dust generation, as well as provide

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 1 - Non Technical Summary - Dec 2020.pdf:13:6.2 The assessment covers construction dust and operational traffic effects on human and ecological

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 1 - Non Technical Summary - Dec 2020.pdf:13:6.6 Construction dust mitigation measures have been included in the Framework CEMP. These

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 1 - Non Technical Summary - Dec 2020.pdf:13: should be accompanied by a Dust Management Plan (‘DMP’).

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 1 - Non Technical Summary - Dec 2020.pdf:13: implementation of best practice mitigation measures for construction dust that are embedded in

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 1 - Non Technical Summary - Dec 2020.pdf:13: the Framework CEMP, the effects of construction dust are expected to be Not Significant.

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 1 - Non Technical Summary - Dec 2020.pdf:16: dust generation and the potential for direct contact with contaminants. With mitigation

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 1 - Non Technical Summary - Dec 2020.pdf:25: Traffic Management Plan, a Construction Logistics Plan, a Dust Management Plan, a Health

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter A Introduction and Background - Dec 2020.PDF:11: consider the potential effects of dust generated by the construction of the proposed

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter A Introduction and Background - Dec 2020.PDF:11: of this ES. This outlines all dust mitigation measures required for high risk receptors. With

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter A Introduction and Background - Dec 2020.PDF:11: the FCEMP in place (via a condition) there will be no significant construction dust effects

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter A Introduction and Background - Dec 2020.PDF:11: likely and therefore the effects of dust on sensitive receptors has been scoped out of the ES.

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter E - Air Quality - Dec 2020.pdf:13:assessment (details of construction traffic approach in email below). For construction dust,

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter E - Air Quality - Dec 2020.pdf:14: similar timeframe, it is likely that the sites would require high risk dust mitigation

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter E - Air Quality - Dec 2020.pdf:14: measures. As such, it is proposed that we embed the high risk dust mitigation

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter E - Air Quality - Dec 2020.pdf:14: assessment of dust from demolition and construction into the CEMP from the outset,

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter E - Air Quality - Dec 2020.pdf:14: and scope out further assessment of construction dust;

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:31: 3 The construction site layout will be planned so that machinery and dust causing activities

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:31: 4 Solid screens or barriers shall be erected around dusty activities or at the site boundary

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:31: dust production;

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:31: limited to, spills, storage of soils and control of construction related dust and the

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:31: 2 Measures will be implemented to prevent sediment, dust, surface water run-off and other

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:32: Air Quality and Dust Management

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:32: Assessment of Dust from Demolition and Construction will be employed at the proposed

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:32: 1 Display the name and contact details of person(s) accountable for air quality and dust

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:32: 3 Develop and implement a Dust Management Plan, which will include measures to control

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:32: 5 Record all dust and air quality complaints, identify cause(s), take appropriate measures to

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:32: 7 Record any exceptional incidents that cause dust and/or air emissions, both on- or off-site

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:32: 8 Carry out regular site inspections to monitor compliance with the Dust Management Plan,

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:32: 9 It is highly recommended that dust deposition, dust flux, or real-time PM10 continuous

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:33: 10 Increase the frequency of site inspections by the person accountable for air quality and dust

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:33: issues on site when activities with a high potential to produce dust are being carried out and

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:33: 11 Plan site layout so that machinery and dust causing activities are located away from

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:33: 12 Erect solid screens or barriers around dusty activities or the site boundary that are at least

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:33: 13 Fully enclose site or specific operations where there is a high potential for dust production

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:33: 16 Remove materials that have a potential to produce dust from site as soon as possible, unless

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:33: 23 Only use cutting, grinding or sawing equipment fitted or in conjunction with suitable dust

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:33: 24 Ensure an adequate water supply on the site for effective dust/particulate matter

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:34: 1 Use water-assisted dust sweeper(s) on the access and local roads, to remove, as necessary,

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:34: 5 Implement a wheel washing system (with rumble grids to dislodge accumulated dust and

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:35: the generation of dust, monitoring for the accumulation of gas, dampening of ground water,

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:44: 12 DMP Dust Management Plan

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter M - Mitigation and Monitoring - Dec 2020.PDF:6: Construction Logistics Plan (‘CLP’), 3. Dust

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter M - Mitigation and Monitoring - Dec 2020.PDF:6: Plan (see below), Dust Plan;

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter M - Mitigation and Monitoring - Dec 2020.PDF:11: stockpiled and covered to control potential dust

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter M - Mitigation and Monitoring - Dec 2020.PDF:20: 15 DMP - Dust Management Plan

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby HRA Rev A(1).PDF:8:spills, storage of soils and control of construction related dust and the construction of site hoarding

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby HRA Rev A(1).PDF:8:sediment, dust, surface water run-off and other substances from entering watercourses”. Given this

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby HRA Rev A(1).PDF:8:Emissions to air could derive from both construction activities (principally dust and particulates) and

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby HRA Rev A(1).PDF:8:the CEMP should provide an effective defence against fugitive dust and particulates reaching the

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter D - Noise & Vibration - Dec 2020.pdf:15: • An assessment of construction dust and emissions during the construction phase of the proposed

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter D - Noise & Vibration - Dec 2020.pdf:15: assessment of dust from demolition and construction will be followed;

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Water Management - Dec 2020(1).PDF:34: site. The abstraction on the south bank of the River Tees is for dust suppression and power

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Water Management - Dec 2020(1).PDF:39: limited to, spills, storage of soils and control of construction related dust and the

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Water Management - Dec 2020(1).PDF:39: Measures will be implemented to prevent sediment, dust, surface water run-off and other

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby EcIA Rev A.pdf:15:the proposed access road. As such it could be affected by spills, dust, surface water run-off etc, from

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby EcIA Rev A.pdf:15: limited to, spills, storage of soils and control of construction related dust and the construction

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby EcIA Rev A.pdf:15:  Measures will be implemented to prevent sediment, dust, surface water run-off and other

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter L - Cumulative Effects - Dec 2020.PDF:40: Construction Dust

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter L - Cumulative Effects - Dec 2020.PDF:40:L5.34 With regards to construction dust, high risk mitigation measures from the best practice IAQM

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter L - Cumulative Effects - Dec 2020.PDF:40: dust guidance Ref 6 have been recommended for each of the proposed Tier 1 developments

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter L - Cumulative Effects - Dec 2020.PDF:40: appropriate to protect against cumulative construction dust impacts. It is not considered that

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter L - Cumulative Effects - Dec 2020.PDF:40: there will be any construction dust cumulative impacts resulting from Tier 1 sites. With the

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter L - Cumulative Effects - Dec 2020.PDF:62: Construction Dust

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter L - Cumulative Effects - Dec 2020.PDF:62:L5.140 With regards to construction dust, high risk mitigation measures from the best practice IAQM

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter L - Cumulative Effects - Dec 2020.PDF:62: dust guidance Error! Bookmark not defined. have been recommended for each of the

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter L - Cumulative Effects - Dec 2020.PDF:62: site, these measures will be appropriate to protect against cumulative construction dust impacts.

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter L - Cumulative Effects - Dec 2020.PDF:62: construction dust, the resulting effects would be Not Significant. The best practice IAQM

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter L - Cumulative Effects - Dec 2020.PDF:62: construction dust guidance uses the category ‘high’ as the most stringent level of mitigation

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter L - Cumulative Effects - Dec 2020.PDF:73: 6 IAQM, 2016. Guidance on the Assessment of Dust from Demolition and Construction

R-2020-0270-FFM-2020_05_29_STDC Eston Road EcIA_Issue.PDF:8:• Generation of some dust, which will be controlled by standard environmental

R-2020-0270-FFM-2020_05_29_STDC Eston Road EcIA_Issue.PDF:36: Teesmouth and Pollution of Holme Dust, water or contaminated soils Potential impact to the habitats CEMP No significant residual

R-2020-0270-FFM-2020_05_29_STDC Eston Road EcIA_Issue.PDF:36: Teesmouth and Pollution of Holme Dust, water or contaminated soils Potential impact to qualifying CEMP No significant residual

R-2020-0270-FFM-NUISANCE 0270.pdf:1:through construction activities including noise and dust.

R-2020-0270-FFM-NUISANCE 0270.pdf:1: emission of noise dust and vibration during the construction period. viii) A

R-2020-0270-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0_P01.PDF:43:  Coke and coke dust;

R-2020-0270-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0_P01.PDF:91: Future site users (industrial end use) Dermal contact, accidental ingestion, inhalation of dusts, vapours,

R-2020-0270-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0_P01.PDF:93: hydrocarbons, pH, users ingestion, inhalation of dusts, (Medium) Made Ground across the sit

R-2020-0270-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0_P01.PDF:94: storage tanks users ingestion, inhalation of dusts (Medium) Previous SPMP monitoring

R-2020-0270-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0_P01.PDF:95: tanks and South hydrocarbons users ingestion, inhalation of dusts, (Medium)] Naphthalene and TPH ident

R-2020-0270-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0_P01.PDF:96: filled cables users ingestion, inhalation of dusts, (Medium) PCBs and oil have low mobi

R-2020-0270-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0_P01.PDF:97: CL2 Future site users and dermal contact, accidental ingestion, inhalation of dusts, vapours, fibres and

R-2020-0270-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0_P01.PDF:101:Exposure pathways for commercial/industrial end use include direct soil and indoor dust ingestion, skin

R-2020-0270-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0_P01.PDF:101:contact with soils and dusts, and inhalation of dust and vapours. As it is not pragmatic to remove all

R-2020-0270-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0_P01.PDF:112: generation of dust.

R-2020-0270-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0_P01.PDF:112:  Water sprays to be used during operations as and when required to minimise potential for dust

R-2020-0270-FFM-Officer Report 0270.pdf:6:be affected through construction activities including noise and dust.

R-2020-0270-FFM-Officer Report 0270.pdf:6: demolition; vii) Measures to control the emission of noise dust and

R-2020-0270-FFM-Officer Report 0270.pdf:19:affected through construction activities including noise and dust. It is

R-2020-0270-FFM-Officer Report 0270.pdf:21: i The method to be used to control the emission of dust, noise and

R-2020-0270-FFM-Decision 0270.pdf:2: i The method to be used to control the emission of dust, noise and

R-2020-0270-FFM-2020_05_28_STDC Eston Road HRA_Issue.PDF:10:• Generation of some dust which will be controlled by standard environmental

R-2020-0270-FFM-2020_05_28_STDC Eston Road HRA_Issue.PDF:29:Any contamination that might be generated during construction (e.g. dust or

R-2020-0270-FFM-2020_05_28_STDC Eston Road HRA_Issue.PDF:29:soils and control of construction related dust.

R-2021-0432-FFM-10035118-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0250-02-EP_Deployment - Supporting Information.pdf:5:8.2 Dust (including Particulates and Fibres)……………………………………………………………………………… 12

R-2021-0432-FFM-10035118-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0250-02-EP_Deployment - Supporting Information.pdf:5:9.2.3 Monitoring Plan – Dust ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 17

R-2021-0432-FFM-10035118-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0250-02-EP_Deployment - Supporting Information.pdf:10:• Pozzolanic-based materials like fly ash, kiln dust, pumice, or blast furnace slag

R-2021-0432-FFM-10035118-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0250-02-EP_Deployment - Supporting Information.pdf:18:8.2 Dust (including Particulates and Fibres)

R-2021-0432-FFM-10035118-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0250-02-EP_Deployment - Supporting Information.pdf:18:As necessary prevention of wind-blown dust arising from Bioremediation process shall be undertaken through

R-2021-0432-FFM-10035118-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0250-02-EP_Deployment - Supporting Information.pdf:18:engineering the windrows to suppress the generation of dust, through the use of covers and through damping

R-2021-0432-FFM-10035118-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0250-02-EP_Deployment - Supporting Information.pdf:18:that the materials do not create an unacceptable level of dust generation. Where required dust suppression

R-2021-0432-FFM-10035118-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0250-02-EP_Deployment - Supporting Information.pdf:18:shall be deployed to prevent dust becoming mobile outside of the Operational Site.

R-2021-0432-FFM-10035118-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0250-02-EP_Deployment - Supporting Information.pdf:20: Dust

R-2021-0432-FFM-10035118-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0250-02-EP_Deployment - Supporting Information.pdf:23:9.2.3 Monitoring Plan – Dust

R-2021-0432-FFM-10035118-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0250-02-EP_Deployment - Supporting Information.pdf:23:for dust generation at an unacceptable level.

R-2021-0432-FFM-10035118-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0250-02-EP_Deployment - Supporting Information.pdf:23:To ensure that the remediation work does not result in complaints regarding dust, a dust emission monitoring

R-2021-0432-FFM-10035118-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0250-02-EP_Deployment - Supporting Information.pdf:23:regarding dust, operation of the remediation process / systems will be paused and action will be taken to

R-2021-0432-FFM-10035118-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0250-02-EP_Deployment - Supporting Information.pdf:23:reduce the dust level as appropriate.

R-2021-0432-FFM-10035118-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0250-02-EP_Deployment - Supporting Information.pdf:23:The dust emission monitoring plan is detailed below.

R-2021-0432-FFM-10035118-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0250-02-EP_Deployment - Supporting Information.pdf:23: Dust Emission Monitoring Plan

R-2021-0432-FFM-10035118-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0250-02-EP_Deployment - Supporting Information.pdf:23: Potential Pollutant Dust

R-2021-0432-FFM-10035118-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0250-02-EP_Deployment - Supporting Information.pdf:23: Levels residents be exposed to dusts generated by the processing of materials

R-2021-0432-FFM-10035118-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0250-02-EP_Deployment - Supporting Information.pdf:23: levels are proposed for the dust emission monitoring plan:

R-2021-0432-FFM-10035118-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0250-02-EP_Deployment - Supporting Information.pdf:23: Level 1 indicator – generation of unacceptable levels of dust are

R-2021-0432-FFM-10035118-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0250-02-EP_Deployment - Supporting Information.pdf:23: Level 2 indicator Visual unacceptable dust production from processing

R-2021-0432-FFM-10035118-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0250-02-EP_Deployment - Supporting Information.pdf:23: Level 3 trigger - visual monitoring identifies unacceptable dust

R-2021-0432-FFM-10035118-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0250-02-EP_Deployment - Supporting Information.pdf:23: generation / significant movement of dust across the boundary

R-2021-0432-FFM-10035118-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0250-02-EP_Deployment - Supporting Information.pdf:23: Monitoring Locations The proposed monitoring locations to undertake dust monitoring during

R-2021-0432-FFM-10035118-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0250-02-EP_Deployment - Supporting Information.pdf:23: Monitoring Scheme Arcadis proposes to undertake dust monitoring on a fortnightly basis at

R-2021-0432-FFM-10035118-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0250-02-EP_Deployment - Supporting Information.pdf:23: dust generation and transport is to be made.

R-2021-0432-FFM-10035118-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0250-02-EP_Deployment - Supporting Information.pdf:24: Dust Reduction Measures

R-2021-0432-FFM-10035118-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0250-02-EP_Deployment - Supporting Information.pdf:24: or where a substantiated dust complaint is received – active works shall

R-2021-0432-FFM-10035118-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0250-02-EP_Deployment - Supporting Information.pdf:24:Baseline Monitoring Plan A round of dust monitoring, following the proposed monitoring scheme

R-2021-0432-FFM-10035118-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0250-02-EP_Deployment - Supporting Information.pdf:32:Dust, Fibres & Particulates Exposure to contaminated Dust may be generated from the construction,

R-2021-0432-FFM-10035118-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0250-02-EP_Deployment - Supporting Information.pdf:32: Human health dusts generated from soil Medium Medium Medium dismantling and processing of soil treatment piles

R-2021-0432-FFM-10035118-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0250-02-EP_Deployment - Supporting Information.pdf:32: Spread of windblown dust/ Limited periods of construction, proc

R-2021-0432-FFM-10035118-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0250-02-EP_Deployment - Supporting Information.pdf:32:Dust, Fibres & Particulates Dust may be generated from the construction,

R-2021-0432-FFM-Off Rep.pdf:5:The document includes monitoring plans for noise, odour, dust and sets out

R-2021-0432-FFM-Off Rep.pdf:8:to the generation of noise, dust and vibration from the proposed works. It has

R-2021-0432-FFM-EP NU.pdf:1:The document includes monitoring plans for noise, odour, dust and sets out schemes

R-2021-0432-FFM-EP NU.pdf:2: Dust

R-2021-0432-FFM-170988 - Prairie WTP - OM Manual_Issued.pdf:5: movements, site conditions (e.g. rain, ice, mud, wind and dust, flying debris.)

R-2021-0432-FFM-4155 The Former SSI Steelworks, Redcar - Contract 3 (Final Report).PDF:30: Firm laminated brown CLAY with silt dustings on the laminae.

R-2021-0432-FFM-4155 The Former SSI Steelworks, Redcar - Contract 3 (Final Report).PDF:30: at c.2.00m BGL … clay is of intermediate plasticity with silt dustings on

R-2021-0432-FFM-4155 The Former SSI Steelworks, Redcar - Contract 3 (Final Report).PDF:30: 4.50 J10 at c.4.50m BGL … laminated with silt dustings on the laminae. Clay is of

R-2021-0432-FFM-4155 The Former SSI Steelworks, Redcar - Contract 3 (Final Report).PDF:42: 3.50-3.95 U*B6 (20) Soft to firm laminated brown CLAY with dustings of silt on the laminae.

R-2021-0432-FFM-Redcar Steelworks-AUK-XX-XX-RP-GE-0001-02-SSI3_GI_SCR.PDF:27:composition of surface Made Ground adjacent to the site and the consequential potential for dust generation.

R-2021-0432-FFM-Redcar Steelworks-AUK-XX-XX-RP-GE-0001-02-SSI3_GI_SCR.PDF:32:• The majority of the site is currently covered in soft landscaping, as such, particulate inhalation due to dust

R-2021-0432-FFM-Redcar Steelworks-AUK-XX-XX-RP-GE-0001-02-SSI3_GI_SCR.PDF:32: and or re-profiling requirements and therefore dust has the potential to be generated. Notwithstanding this,

R-2021-0432-FFM-Redcar Steelworks-AUK-XX-XX-RP-GE-0001-02-SSI3_GI_SCR.PDF:32: it is suggested typical dust suppression techniques should be employed so that exposures would be

R-2021-0432-FFM-Redcar Steelworks-AUK-XX-XX-RP-GE-0001-02-SSI3_GI_SCR.PDF:37:composition of surface Made Ground adjacent to the site and the consequential potential for dust generation.

R-2021-0432-FFM-Redcar Steelworks-AUK-XX-XX-RP-GE-0001-02-SSI3_GI_SCR.PDF:43: inhalation due to dust generation is a potentially active pathway.

R-2021-0432-FFM-Redcar Steelworks-AUK-XX-XX-RP-GE-0001-02-SSI3_GI_SCR.PDF:43: and or re-profiling requirements and therefore dust has the potential to be generated. Notwithstanding this,

R-2021-0432-FFM-Redcar Steelworks-AUK-XX-XX-RP-GE-0001-02-SSI3_GI_SCR.PDF:43: typical dust suppression techniques should be employed so that exposures would be minimised.

R-2021-0432-FFM-Redcar Steelworks-AUK-XX-XX-RP-GE-0001-02-SSI3_GI_SCR.PDF:62:A = Dust inhalation from Made Ground from site and adjacent land

R-2021-0432-FFM-Redcar Steelworks-AUK-XX-XX-RP-GE-0001-02-SSI3_GI_SCR.PDF:63:A = Dust inhalation from Made Ground from site and adjacent land

R-2020-0724-PND-STDC-Early Phase Demolition Outline MS_For Issue.PDF:9:  Baseline noise, dust and vibration assessments

R-2020-0724-PND-STDC-Early Phase Demolition Outline MS_For Issue.PDF:10:  Motofog 100 dust suppression unit.

R-2020-0724-PND-STDC-Early Phase Demolition Outline MS_For Issue.PDF:10:  Motofog 100 dust suppression unit.

R-2020-0724-PND-STDC-Early Phase Demolition Outline MS_For Issue.PDF:10:  Motofog 100 dust suppression unit.

R-2020-0724-PND-STDC-Early Phase Demolition Outline MS_For Issue.PDF:11:brief is to be in place to ensure the controls are in place to control dust migration and they are suitable and

R-2020-0724-PND-STDC-Early Phase Demolition Outline MS_For Issue.PDF:11:Demolition dust will typically be controlled by applying water spray manually and remotely using a (MOTFOG 100

R-2020-0724-PND-STDC-Early Phase Demolition Outline MS_For Issue.PDF:11:or similar) dust water spray cannon.

R-2020-0724-PND-STDC-Early Phase Demolition Outline MS_For Issue.PDF:11:Banksmen will be positioned as required during works to ensure the controls in place are suitable and dust is

R-2020-0724-PND-STDC-Early Phase Demolition Outline MS_For Issue.PDF:11:reducing fume or dust release. During the crushing and demolition of the brick structures it is envisaged expected

R-2020-0724-PND-STDC-Early Phase Demolition Outline MS_For Issue.PDF:11:that water and dust control will be in place.

R-2020-0724-PND-STDC-Early Phase Demolition Outline MS_For Issue.PDF:15: A motofog dust suppression unit will be positioned outside the demolition exclusion

R-2020-0724-PND-STDC-Early Phase Demolition Outline MS_For Issue.PDF:15: zone to secure the zone and supply dust suppression, as required.

R-2020-0724-PND-STDC-Early Phase Demolition Outline MS_For Issue.PDF:18: Water supply connected to the crusher and dust suppression used as required as crushing is carried out.

R-2023-0339-CD-JER10061_Redcar Energy Centre_V01_230314_Report Final V3.pdf:12: • Stockpiles of contaminated material will be stored such that cross-contamination from dust

R-2023-0339-CD-Appendix 9.1 Preliminary Phase 1 Risk Assessment.pdf:19: organic solvents, dust

R-2023-0339-CD-Appendix 9.1 Preliminary Phase 1 Risk Assessment.pdf:113: Air pollution - Any development that could cause AIR POLLUTION or DUST either in its construction or

R-2023-0339-CD-230328 JER10061 Redcar Energy Centre LPA Letter Final Rev 2.pdf:17: suppress dust generation

R-2023-0339-CD-Chapter 9 Geology Hydrogeology and Contamination.pdf:13: • the implementation of dust suppression measures in accordance with guidance provided by

R-2023-0339-CD-Chapter 9 Geology Hydrogeology and Contamination.pdf:14: dermal contact, ingestion or dust inhalation relevant to construction workers.

R-2023-0339-CD-Chapter 9 Geology Hydrogeology and Contamination.pdf:14: the CoCP , in particular dust suppression methods and appropriate storage of polluting chemicals.

R-2023-0339-CD-Chapter 9 Geology Hydrogeology and Contamination.pdf:15: implementation of the mitigation measures, in particular the dust control measures, the magnitude

R-2023-0339-CD-Chapter 9 Geology Hydrogeology and Contamination.pdf:17: plan, appropriate storage of potentially polluting materials and chemicals and dust suppression

R-2023-0339-CD-Chapter 9 Geology Hydrogeology and Contamination.pdf:23:Human Health - contaminants and dust, H&S risk

R-2023-0339-CD-Chapter 9 Geology Hydrogeology and Contamination.pdf:23: gas/vapours PPE and dust

R-2023-0339-CD-Chapter 9 Geology Hydrogeology and Contamination.pdf:23:Human Health – contaminants and dust, investigation, dust

R-2023-0339-CD-Chapter 9 Geology Hydrogeology and Contamination.pdf:23: dust and release of Dust management

R-2023-0339-CD-Chapter 9 Geology Hydrogeology and Contamination.pdf:23:Human Health - contaminants and dust, within buildings,

R-2023-0339-CD-Chapter 9 Geology Hydrogeology and Contamination.pdf:23:Adjacent site users contaminants and dust, surface cover beneficial

R-2023-0339-CD-Chapter 9 Geology Hydrogeology and Contamination.pdf:24: Release of dust and Environmental permit

R-2022-0355-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0271-02-South Bank Priority Strategy.pdf:13:  Human Health - Risk to commercial workers via dust inhalation and direct contact with soils for

R-2022-0355-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0271-02-South Bank Priority Strategy.pdf:15:(GAC) in soil, driven by direct contact exposure and dust inhalation. These will need to be considered

R-2022-0355-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0271-02-South Bank Priority Strategy.pdf:30:potential dust generation.

R-2022-0355-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0271-02-South Bank Priority Strategy.pdf:33: Dust, Noise and Vibration

R-2022-0355-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0271-02-South Bank Priority Strategy.pdf:33:Air Quality and Dust Management Plan

R-2022-0355-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0271-02-South Bank Priority Strategy.pdf:33:An Air Quality and Dust Management Plan (AQDMP) will be prepared as a component of the CPEMP.

R-2022-0355-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0271-02-South Bank Priority Strategy.pdf:35:  Air quality and dust management

R-2022-0355-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0271-02-South Bank Priority Strategy.pdf:41: Inhalation of Dust Indoors

R-2022-0355-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0271-02-South Bank Priority Strategy.pdf:41: Inhalation of Dust Outdoors

R-2022-0355-FFM-20857612_1.pdf:7:Emissions to air could derive from both construction activities (principally dust and particulates) and

R-2022-0355-FFM-CFB03707 Nuisance.pdf:1:I have considered this application in terms of noise, dust and vibration from the

R-2022-0355-FFM-CFB03707 Nuisance.pdf:1:include measures to control and monitor: noise, dust, and vibration from the

R-2022-0355-FFM-CFB03707 Nuisance.pdf:2: Methods of demolition; vii) Measures to control the emission of noise dust and

R-2022-0355-FFM-Officer report.pdf:7:I have considered this application in terms of noise, dust and vibration from

R-2022-0355-FFM-Officer report.pdf:7:proposal, which will include measures to control and monitor: noise, dust, and

R-2022-0355-FFM-Officer report.pdf:7: vii) Measures to control the emission of noise dust and vibration during the

R-2021-0846-FFM-Arcadis - South Bank Strategy.pdf:10: • Human Health - Risk to commercial workers via dust inhalation and direct contact with soils for

R-2021-0846-FFM-Arcadis - South Bank Strategy.pdf:12:in excess of the Generic Assessment Criteria (GAC) in soil, driven by direct contact exposure and dust

R-2021-0846-FFM-Arcadis - South Bank Strategy.pdf:25:potential dust generation.

R-2021-0846-FFM-Arcadis - South Bank Strategy.pdf:28: Dust, Noise and Vibration

R-2021-0846-FFM-Arcadis - South Bank Strategy.pdf:28:Air Quality and Dust Management Plan

R-2021-0846-FFM-Arcadis - South Bank Strategy.pdf:28:An Air Quality and Dust Management Plan (AQDMP) will be prepared as a component of the CEMP.

R-2021-0846-FFM-Arcadis - South Bank Strategy.pdf:30: • Air quality and dust management

R-2021-0846-FFM-Lighting Solutions.pdf:17: Sealed Water and dustproof to IP54 Rating

R-2021-0846-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:22:  All roads kept free of dust and mud deposits through regular cleaning or immediately after

R-2021-0846-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:22: significant dust or mud deposits;

R-2021-0846-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:23:  All roads kept free of dust and mud deposits through regular cleaning or immediately after

R-2021-0846-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:23: significant dust or mud deposits;

R-2020-0730-CD-Memo Prairies Conditions.PDF:2:direct contact with soil, or generation of dust. The contractor is preparing a CEMP which will detail how

R-2020-0730-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-02-Prairie_ESA_Addendum_Part1.PDF:75:2.50-2.95 U2 (75) dustings on the laminae. Sand is fine to medium.

R-2020-0730-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-02-Prairie_ESA_Addendum_Part1.PDF:107:2.50 PID <0.1ppm at c.2.00m BGL … engineer notes red brick dust coating on clay.

R-2020-0730-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-02-Prairie_ESA_Addendum_Part1.PDF:212:1.50 J4 CLAY/SILT with fine yellow brown sand dusting on the laminae.

R-2020-0730-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-02-Prairie_ESA_Addendum_Part2.PDF:6: (1.45) dusting on the laminae.

R-2020-0730-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part1.PDF:33:• The majority of the site is currently covered in soft landscaping, as such, particulate inhalation due to dust

R-2020-0730-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part1.PDF:33: and or re-profiling requirements and therefore dust has the potential to be generated. Notwithstanding this,

R-2020-0730-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part1.PDF:33: typical dust suppression techniques should be employed so that exposures would be minimised.

R-2020-0730-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part1.PDF:37: D. Dust inhalation (potential CoC include asbestos and heavy metals)

R-2020-0730-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part1.PDF:43:therefore pollutant linkage D (inhalation of dust) is considered potentially active as surface soils may become

R-2020-0730-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part1.PDF:56:via the direct contact and dust inhalation pathways could not be ruled out. Additionally the risk to human health

R-2020-0730-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part2.PDF:2: Inhalation of Dust Indoors

R-2020-0730-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part2.PDF:2: Inhalation of Dust Outdoors

R-2020-0730-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part2.PDF:4: Inhalation of Dust Indoors

R-2020-0730-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part2.PDF:4: Inhalation of Dust Outdoors

R-2020-0730-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part2.PDF:52:2.50-2.95 U2 (75) dustings on the laminae. Sand is fine to medium.

R-2020-0730-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part2.PDF:84:2.50 PID <0.1ppm at c.2.00m BGL … engineer notes red brick dust coating on clay.

R-2020-0730-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part2.PDF:189:1.50 J4 CLAY/SILT with fine yellow brown sand dusting on the laminae.

R-2020-0730-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part2.PDF:198: (1.45) dusting on the laminae.

R-2021-0439-CD-officer report.pdf:2:inhalation/ingestion of dust pathways that may be associated with other

R-2021-0439-CD-0439 Contam .pdf:2:inhalation/ingestion of dust pathways that may be associated with other

R-2021-0439-CD-South Bank Quay Strategy Rev. 1.pdf:12:  Human Health - Risk to commercial workers via dust inhalation and direct contact with soils for

R-2021-0439-CD-South Bank Quay Strategy Rev. 1.pdf:13:and dust inhalation. These will need to be considered in the remedial strategy for the site.

R-2021-0439-CD-South Bank Quay Strategy Rev. 1.pdf:31:potential dust generation.

R-2021-0439-CD-South Bank Quay Strategy Rev. 1.pdf:33: Dust, Noise and Vibration

R-2021-0439-CD-South Bank Quay Strategy Rev. 1.pdf:33:Air Quality and Dust Management Plan

R-2021-0439-CD-South Bank Quay Strategy Rev. 1.pdf:33:An Air Quality and Dust Management Plan (AQDMP) will be prepared as a component of the CPEMP.

R-2021-0439-CD-South Bank Quay Strategy Rev. 1.pdf:35:  Air quality and dust management

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.4 Issue 2 COMPRESSED.pdf:5: Dust Management Plan

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.4 Issue 2 COMPRESSED.pdf:7: are available during all weather conditions and to minimise any issues of dust / mud

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.4 Issue 2 COMPRESSED.pdf:7: In order to minimise the transfer of dust and debris to the adopted highway network from

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.4 Issue 2 COMPRESSED.pdf:7: In addition to wheel cleaning procedures, general dust suppression good practice

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.4 Issue 2 COMPRESSED.pdf:7: measures (e.g. correct packaging of potentially dusty materials, sheltering of stockpiles,

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.4 Issue 2 COMPRESSED.pdf:7: Site in order to limit the generation of dust and dirt during main construction activities. Full

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.4 Issue 2 COMPRESSED.pdf:7: details of on-site dust mitigation measures are set out in Dust Management Plan

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.4 Issue 2 COMPRESSED.pdf:7: practice implemented as necessary to ensure that dust and mud effects are minimised.

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.4 Issue 2 COMPRESSED.pdf:7: Site, which will be utilised to address any dust/ mud issues both within the Development

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.4 Issue 2 COMPRESSED.pdf:14: Environment (“HSE”) Team as part of regular inspections, to ensure no mud or dust is being

R-2023-0253-RMM-Grangetown ERF - PS - RM - Mar 23.pdf:26: of dust, of CEMP – Dust Management Plan

R-2023-0253-RMM-Grangetown ERF - PS - RM - Mar 23.pdf:26: including any details of any mitigation 5 of CEMP – Noise and Vibration Dust

R-2023-0253-RMM-Grangetown ERF - PS - RM - Mar 23.pdf:27: Vibration Dust Management Plan

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01_ADM - Issue 1a (1 of 3).pdf:130:8.2.2. Half-hourly limit values apply to total dust (30mg/Nm3), volatile organic compounds (as

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01_ADM - Issue 1a (1 of 3).pdf:132: exceedance of the ELVs only applies to total dust (maximum concentration of 150mg/Nm3,

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01_ADM - Issue 1a (1 of 3).pdf:132: apply to carbon monoxide (100mg/Nm3) and to total dust (150mg/Nm3).

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01_ADM - Issue 1a (1 of 3).pdf:203: construction industry to ensure robust dust suppression techniques are

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01_ADM - Issue 1a (1 of 3).pdf:250: • Degradation of habitats arising from pollution, in particular airborne (e.g., dust) and water-borne

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01_ADM - Issue 1a (1 of 3).pdf:250: dust generated during the decommissioning works, with other aerial discharges having ceased prior

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01_ADM - Issue 1a (1 of 3).pdf:250: • Degradation of habitats (airborne pollution) - Air quality impacts due to dust production may

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01_ADM - Issue 1a (1 of 3).pdf:250: advises that construction-related dust impacts only need to be considered for important

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01_ADM - Issue 1a (1 of 3).pdf:250: developments (IAQM, 2016) advises that a significant effect from dust is unlikely beyond 400 m

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01_ADM - Issue 1a (1 of 3).pdf:251: • Degradation of habitats (airborne pollution - dust) (ZoI is 400 m from the Site);

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01_ADM - Issue 1a (1 of 3).pdf:309: degradation of habitats arising from pollution, in particular airborne (e.g., dust) and water-borne (e.g.,

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01_ADM - Issue 1a (1 of 3).pdf:309: • Degradation of habitats (airborne pollution) - Air quality impacts due to dust production may

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01_ADM - Issue 1a (1 of 3).pdf:309: advises that construction-related dust impacts only need to be considered for important

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01_ADM - Issue 1a (1 of 3).pdf:309: developments (IAQM, 2016) advises that a significant effect from dust is unlikely beyond 400 m

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01_ADM - Issue 1a (1 of 3).pdf:310: • Degradation of habitats (airborne pollution - dust) (ZoI is 400 m from the Site);

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.3 Issue 2.pdf:2: POTENTIAL DUST, MUD, AND DEBRIS SOURCES 3


R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.3 Issue 2.pdf:2: Control of Dust, Mud and Debris from Construction Plant and Vehicles 4

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.3 Issue 2.pdf:2: Control of Dust, Mud, and Debris Emissions from Material Transportation Off-Site 5

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.3 Issue 2.pdf:2: Control of Dust from Stockpiles 5

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.3 Issue 2.pdf:3: This document shall detail the methods to be used to control the emission of dust, mud

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.3 Issue 2.pdf:3: A copy of this Dust Management Plan (“DMP”) shall be provided to all contractor and


R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.3 Issue 2.pdf:5: have the potential to generate particle emissions arising from dust, mud, and debris.


R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.3 Issue 2.pdf:6: Contractors are required to manage dust, mud, and debris emissions during the

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.3 Issue 2.pdf:6: construction works to prevent the deposition of mud and debris on public roads and dust

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.3 Issue 2.pdf:6: cause dust to be emitted off site. HZI shall be informed of any such incidents as soon as is

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.3 Issue 2.pdf:6: Dust, mud, and debris control procedures will be implemented to avoid as far as is

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.3 Issue 2.pdf:6: reasonably practicable, the emission of dust and other particulate that would adversely

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.3 Issue 2.pdf:6: Control of Dust, Mud and Debris from Construction Plant and Vehicles

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.3 Issue 2.pdf:7:  dust suppression shall be reviewed and actioned daily during dry and/or windy

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.3 Issue 2.pdf:7:  devices such as dust extractor, filters, and collectors will be used on drilling and

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.3 Issue 2.pdf:7: Control of Dust, Mud, and Debris Emissions from Material Transportation Off-

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.3 Issue 2.pdf:7: of dust, mud, and debris emissions. Dust and air quality management measures will be

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.3 Issue 2.pdf:7:  road sweepers/bowsers will be in place in order to limit dust/clean roads on site;

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.3 Issue 2.pdf:7: for the purposes of preventing materials, mud, dust, and debris spillage; and

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.3 Issue 2.pdf:7: Control of Dust from Stockpiles

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.3 Issue 2.pdf:7:  materials stockpiles likely to generate dust will be enclosed or securely sheeted,

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.3 Issue 2.pdf:8: management of dust, mud, and debris.

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.3 Issue 2.pdf:8: training, plus specific training in relation to dust if their work activities are assessed as being

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.3 Issue 2.pdf:8: particularly dust emission prone. On- site 'Tool Box' training will enable site workers to

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.3 Issue 2.pdf:9: produce dust are being undertaken.

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.3 Issue 2.pdf:9: minimise the emission and/or deposition of dust, mud, and debris.

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.3 Issue 2.pdf:9: on the Development Site responsible for air quality and dust issues, will be displayed on a

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.3 Issue 2.pdf:9: board at the Development Site Boundary should any air quality or dust issues arise.

R-2023-0253-RMM-P20-1004 Grangetown Prairie Air Quality Impacts on SSSI.pdf:7: degradation of habitats arising from pollution, in particular airborne (e.g., dust) and water-borne (e.g.,

R-2023-0253-RMM-P20-1004 Grangetown Prairie Air Quality Impacts on SSSI.pdf:7: • Degradation of habitats (airborne pollution) - Air quality impacts due to dust production may

R-2023-0253-RMM-P20-1004 Grangetown Prairie Air Quality Impacts on SSSI.pdf:7: advises that construction-related dust impacts only need to be considered for important

R-2023-0253-RMM-P20-1004 Grangetown Prairie Air Quality Impacts on SSSI.pdf:7: developments (IAQM, 2016) advises that a significant effect from dust is unlikely beyond 400 m

R-2023-0253-RMM-P20-1004 Grangetown Prairie Air Quality Impacts on SSSI.pdf:8: • Degradation of habitats (airborne pollution - dust) (ZoI is 400 m from the Site);

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.2 Issue 2 COMPRESSED.pdf:5: Dust Management Plan

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.2 Issue 2 COMPRESSED.pdf:7: are available during all weather conditions and to minimise any issues of dust / mud

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.2 Issue 2 COMPRESSED.pdf:7: In order to minimise the transfer of dust and debris to the adopted highway network from

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.2 Issue 2 COMPRESSED.pdf:7: In addition to wheel cleaning procedures, general dust suppression good practice

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.2 Issue 2 COMPRESSED.pdf:7: measures (e.g. correct packaging of potentially dusty materials, sheltering of stockpiles,

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.2 Issue 2 COMPRESSED.pdf:7: Site in order to limit the generation of dust and dirt during main construction activities. Full

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.2 Issue 2 COMPRESSED.pdf:7: details of on-site dust mitigation measures are set out in Dust Management Plan

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.2 Issue 2 COMPRESSED.pdf:7: practice implemented as necessary to ensure that dust and mud effects are minimised.

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.2 Issue 2 COMPRESSED.pdf:7: Site, which will be utilised to address any dust/ mud issues both within the Development

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.2 Issue 2 COMPRESSED.pdf:14: Environment (“HSE”) Team as part of regular inspections, to ensure no mud or dust is being

R-2023-0253-RMM-50134151_1_CPP.pdf:4:5.38 Dust ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 61

R-2023-0253-RMM-50134151_1_CPP.pdf:13:Dust Inhalation of Tasks or processes which create dust must be controlled at source

R-2023-0253-RMM-50134151_1_CPP.pdf:13: Dusts with the inclusion of dust suppression equipment or damping down

R-2023-0253-RMM-50134151_1_CPP.pdf:13: of work to ensure dust production is minimised or eliminated.

R-2023-0253-RMM-50134151_1_CPP.pdf:25:required. Examples may include; use of ladders, waste management, dust mitigation measures

R-2023-0253-RMM-50134151_1_CPP.pdf:40:• Implementing dust mitigation measures.

R-2023-0253-RMM-50134151_1_CPP.pdf:41:Temporary distribution boards shall be provided with the right protection against water and dust and secured

R-2023-0253-RMM-50134151_1_CPP.pdf:61:5.38 Dust

R-2023-0253-RMM-50134151_1_CPP.pdf:61:Consideration shall be given to alternative methods of work to ensure dust production is minimised or

R-2023-0253-RMM-50134151_1_CPP.pdf:61:eliminated. Tasks or processes which create dust must be controlled at source with the inclusion of dust

R-2023-0253-RMM-50134151_1_CPP.pdf:61:suppression equipment or damping down where appropriate. Dust production should also be included in the

R-2023-0253-RMM-50134151_1_CPP.pdf:61:The site speed limit shall be observed by all vehicles to ensure dust production is minimised and, if required,

R-2023-0253-RMM-50134151_1_CPP.pdf:61:the access road and any other sources of dust, shall be damped down during warm weather.

R-2023-0253-RMM-50134151_1_CPP.pdf:61:See Environmental Management and Mitigation Plan for more details of mitigations relating to dust.

R-2023-0253-RMM-50134151_1_CPP.pdf:62:exposure to toxic dusts, high noise levels, and a range of other safety and health hazards.

R-2023-0253-RMM-50134151_1_CPP.pdf:62: Use exhaust ventilation systems in containment structures to capture dust

R-2023-0253-RMM-50134151_1_CPP.pdf:62: Clean and remove accumulated dust from tarps and other equipment on the worksite

R-2023-0253-RMM-P20-1004 Grangetown Prairie shadow HRA.pdf:11: • Degradation of habitats arising from pollution, in particular airborne (e.g., dust) and water-borne

R-2023-0253-RMM-P20-1004 Grangetown Prairie shadow HRA.pdf:11: dust generated during the decommissioning works, with other aerial discharges having ceased prior

R-2023-0253-RMM-P20-1004 Grangetown Prairie shadow HRA.pdf:11: • Degradation of habitats (airborne pollution) - Air quality impacts due to dust production may

R-2023-0253-RMM-P20-1004 Grangetown Prairie shadow HRA.pdf:11: advises that construction-related dust impacts only need to be considered for important

R-2023-0253-RMM-P20-1004 Grangetown Prairie shadow HRA.pdf:11: developments (IAQM, 2016) advises that a significant effect from dust is unlikely beyond 400 m

R-2023-0253-RMM-P20-1004 Grangetown Prairie shadow HRA.pdf:12: • Degradation of habitats (airborne pollution - dust) (ZoI is 400 m from the Site);

R-2023-0253-RMM-50134216_1_CEMP.pdf:3:8 Dust Management ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 20

R-2023-0253-RMM-50134216_1_CEMP.pdf:9:when required. Examples may include; waste management and dust mitigation measures. Contractors shall

R-2023-0253-RMM-50134216_1_CEMP.pdf:11:pollution of water, dust and light that may affect ecology are given in Sections 5, 8 and 10 respectively.

R-2023-0253-RMM-50134216_1_CEMP.pdf:16:Impacts relating to contaminated land are covered in Section 6 and dust from excavations and stockpiles is

R-2023-0253-RMM-50134216_1_CEMP.pdf:20:8 Dust Management

R-2023-0253-RMM-50134216_1_CEMP.pdf:20:The dust generated by construction traffic and activities have the potential to impact protected species and

R-2023-0253-RMM-50134216_1_CEMP.pdf:20:result in loss of resource. The dust control hierarchy for site shall be based on:

R-2023-0253-RMM-50134216_1_CEMP.pdf:20:  abatement or control to reduce dust emissions

R-2023-0253-RMM-50134216_1_CEMP.pdf:20:The potential dust impacts and associated mitigation measures are summarised in Table 6.

R-2023-0253-RMM-50134216_1_CEMP.pdf:20:Table 6: Potential Impacts and Mitigations relating to Dust

R-2023-0253-RMM-50134216_1_CEMP.pdf:20: General Dust generated, Wind speed and direction, and site surface conditions in planning activities

R-2023-0253-RMM-50134216_1_CEMP.pdf:20: causing: at risk of causing air pollution, dust or odour shall be taken into account to

R-2023-0253-RMM-50134216_1_CEMP.pdf:20: community Dust emitted during any site activity, including driving along site roads,

R-2023-0253-RMM-50134216_1_CEMP.pdf:20: Potentially dusty materials will be handled as little as possible and

R-2023-0253-RMM-50134216_1_CEMP.pdf:20: use and stored appropriately to prevent dust

R-2023-0253-RMM-50134216_1_CEMP.pdf:20: Where appropriate plant will be fitted with dust suppression/ collection

R-2023-0253-RMM-50134216_1_CEMP.pdf:20: measures relating to dust

R-2023-0253-RMM-50134216_1_CEMP.pdf:20: dust off site and shall inform HZI.

R-2023-0253-RMM-50134216_1_CEMP.pdf:20: Stockpiles / Dust generated, Earthworks and stockpiles will be kept damp or treated, especially during

R-2023-0253-RMM-50134216_1_CEMP.pdf:20: Earthworks causing: dry weather, to prevent dust.

R-2023-0253-RMM-50134216_1_CEMP.pdf:20:  Loss of Soil mounds with the potential to generate dust will be treated with surface

R-2023-0253-RMM-50134216_1_CEMP.pdf:21: suitably profiled to minimise windblown dust emission and where possible

R-2023-0253-RMM-50134216_1_CEMP.pdf:21:Haul Routes Dust generated, Uneven surfaces will be filled as necessary to minimise the potential for

R-2023-0253-RMM-50134216_1_CEMP.pdf:24: or dust to blow out

R-2021-0943-CD-OFFICER REPORT.pdf:3:• Vehicles delivering material to Site, which have a dust potential, will be covered

R-2021-0943-CD-OFFICER REPORT.pdf:3:with tarpaulin or the like to minimise the release of dust.

R-2021-0943-CD-OFFICER REPORT.pdf:3:with tarpaulin to minimise the release of dust and odour, then condition 3 can be

R-2021-0943-CD-PN 943.pdf:1:• Vehicles delivering material to Site, which have a dust potential, will be covered with

R-2021-0943-CD-PN 943.pdf:1:tarpaulin or the like to minimise the release of dust.

R-2021-0943-CD-PN 943.pdf:1:with tarpaulin to minimise the release of dust and odour,

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:4:6.1 Dust and Air Quality Issues

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:4:6.4 Records of details and action taken in response to exceptional incidents or dust-causing

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:4:6.5 Dust and Air Pollution Mitigation Measures

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:15: noise, dust, light, and conduct on site that may have

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:24: • Environmental controls for statutory nuisance aspects – noise/ dust/ fumes/ lighting

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:46: • Increased dusting levels as a result of weather conditions or construction activities

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:63:• Dust Suppression

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:63:wash; or used to fill the water bottle of power saws and other similar power tools for dust suppression.

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:64:SECTION 6.0 Dust and Air Quality Management Plan

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:64:protection of air quality and dust prevention

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:64: 6.1 Dust and Air Quality Issues

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:64: dust-causing episodes

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:64: 6.5 Dust and Air Pollution Mitigation Measures

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:65:6.1 Dust and Air Quality Issues

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:65:Section 79 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 defines a number of factors relating to dust and

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:65:• Any dust, steam, smell or other effluvia arising on industrial, trade or business premise and

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:65:Our objective is to carry out the works in such a way that emissions of dust and other air pollutants

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:65: Work activities that may give rise to dust and air pollution

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:65:to prevent dust and air pollutant emissions and to avoid detrimental effects on the health of workers

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:65:or nuisance to sensitive receptors due to exposure to dust and air pollution are as follows:

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:65:• Daily inspection of areas adjacent to the construction site to monitor any dust and air pollution

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:65: which may be generated despite the use of best practicable means to prevent dust and air

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:66:6.4 Records of details and action taken in response to exceptional incidents or dust-

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:66:or dust-causing episodes.

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:66:Full details of any complaints in relation to dust will be recorded by the Site Management Team on

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:66:6.5 Dust and Air pollution mitigation measures

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:66: result of dust through design and different work methods

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:66:• The site will be laid out such that machinery and dust-causing activities will be located away

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:66: dust to any sensitive buildings or other environmental receptors

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:66:• Enclosing, shielding or provision of filters on plant likely to generate excessive quantities of dust

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:66:• Vehicle speeds will be restricted to 10m/h to prevent high levels of dust being released

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:67:• Vehicles either delivering or removing material from Site, which have a dust potential, will be

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:67: covered with tarpaulin or the like to minimise the release of dust

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:68: water droplets that effectively bring the dust particles to the ground.

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:68: • Install a wheel washing system (with rumble grids to dislodge accumulated dust and mud prior

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:118: 3.9 Dust and Air Quality Monitoring Plan

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:141:Appendix 3.9: Dust and Air Quality Monitoring Plan

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:195:13.1 Minimising construction dust Communications Contractor

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:195: and dust issues on the site boundary. This

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:195: Dust management

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:195: • Record all dust and air quality complaints,

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:195: dust and/or air emissions, either on- or offsite,

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:196: the person accountable for air quality and dust

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:196: potential to produce dust are being carried

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:196: • Plan site layout so that machinery and dust

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:196: • Erect solid screens or barriers around dusty

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:196: produce dust from site as soon as possible.

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:196: suitable dust suppression techniques such as

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:197: for effective dust/particulate matter

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:197: dust particles to the ground.

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:199: grids to dislodge accumulated dust and mud

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:4:6.1 Dust and Air Quality Issues

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:4:6.4 Records of details and action taken in response to exceptional incidents or dust-causing

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:4:6.5 Dust and Air Pollution Mitigation Measures

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:15: noise, dust, light, and conduct on site that may have

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:24: • Environmental controls for statutory nuisance aspects – noise/ dust/ fumes/ lighting

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:46: • Increased dusting levels as a result of weather conditions or construction activities

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:62:• Dust Suppression

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:63:wash; or used to fill the water bottle of power saws and other similar power tools for dust suppression.

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:64:SECTION 6.0 Dust and Air Quality Management Plan

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:64:protection of air quality and dust prevention

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:64: 6.1 Dust and Air Quality Issues

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:64: dust-causing episodes

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:64: 6.5 Dust and Air Pollution Mitigation Measures

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:65:6.1 Dust and Air Quality Issues

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:65:Section 79 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 defines a number of factors relating to dust and

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:65:• Any dust, steam, smell or other effluvia arising on industrial, trade or business premise and

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:65:Our objective is to carry out the works in such a way that emissions of dust and other air pollutants

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:65: Work activities that may give rise to dust and air pollution

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:65:to prevent dust and air pollutant emissions and to avoid detrimental effects on the health of workers

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:65:or nuisance to sensitive receptors due to exposure to dust and air pollution are as follows:

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:65:• Daily inspection of areas adjacent to the construction site to monitor any dust and air pollution

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:65: which may be generated despite the use of best practicable means to prevent dust and air

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:66:6.4 Records of details and action taken in response to exceptional incidents or dust-

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:66:or dust-causing episodes.

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:66:Full details of any complaints in relation to dust will be recorded by the Site Management Team on

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:66:6.5 Dust and Air pollution mitigation measures

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:66: result of dust through design and different work methods

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:66:• The site will be laid out such that machinery and dust-causing activities will be located away

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:66: dust to any sensitive buildings or other environmental receptors

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:66:• Enclosing, shielding or provision of filters on plant likely to generate excessive quantities of dust

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:66:• Vehicle speeds will be restricted to 10m/h to prevent high levels of dust being released

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:67:• Vehicles either delivering or removing material from Site, which have a dust potential, will be

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:67: covered with tarpaulin or the like to minimise the release of dust

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:68: water droplets that effectively bring the dust particles to the ground.

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:68: • Install a wheel washing system (with rumble grids to dislodge accumulated dust and mud prior

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:120: 3.9 Dust and Air Quality Monitoring Plan

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:143:Appendix 3.9: Dust and Air Quality Monitoring Plan

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:167:13.1 Minimising construction dust Communications Contractor

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:167: and dust issues on the site boundary. This

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:167: Dust management

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:167: • Record all dust and air quality complaints,

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:167: dust and/or air emissions, either on- or offsite,

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:168: the person accountable for air quality and dust

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:168: potential to produce dust are being carried

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:168: • Plan site layout so that machinery and dust

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:168: • Erect solid screens or barriers around dusty

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:168: produce dust from site as soon as possible.

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:168: suitable dust suppression techniques such as

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:169: for effective dust/particulate matter

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:169: dust particles to the ground.

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:171: grids to dislodge accumulated dust and mud

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-MS-WM-000001.pdf:1: 1 Airborne dust / smoke 1 8 Large amounts of waste 1

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-MS-WM-000001.pdf:2: health via a range of pathways including ingestion, • Implementation of dust suppression techniques

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-MS-WM-000001.pdf:3: would be inhalation of contaminated dusts,

R-2021-0397-PND-63262_Cover letter PDF_May 2021.PDF:2:Battery Welfare Block (including Battery Coke Wharf and Plough and Coke Hopper Dust Suppression Liquid

R-2021-0397-PND-63262_Cover letter PDF_May 2021.PDF:4: 2. Dust management measures, which will ensure no significant effects from dust on human health or

R-2021-0397-PND-63262_Cover letter PDF_May 2021.PDF:4:• As noted above the ecologist has advised that no significant effects from disturbance, dust or noise are

R-2021-0397-PND-Outline Method Statement - South Bank Coke Oven Battery Plant - Rev0 (002).PDF:3: 3. Battery Welfare Block (including Battery Coke Wharf and Ploughs and Coke Hopper Dust

R-2021-0397-PND-Outline Method Statement - South Bank Coke Oven Battery Plant - Rev0 (002).PDF:14: Dust: Thompsons will minimise the production of dust during all stages of the project.

R-2021-0397-PND-Outline Method Statement - South Bank Coke Oven Battery Plant - Rev0 (002).PDF:14: production of dusts.

R-2021-0397-PND-Outline Method Statement - South Bank Coke Oven Battery Plant - Rev0 (002).PDF:14: During the demolition phase of the works Thompsons will minimize dust

R-2021-0397-PND-Outline Method Statement - South Bank Coke Oven Battery Plant - Rev0 (002).PDF:14: emissions by utilizing machine dust suppression systems, pressure washer

R-2021-0397-PND-Outline Method Statement - South Bank Coke Oven Battery Plant - Rev0 (002).PDF:14: of the Conveyors has highlighted that accumulated dust maybe present;

R-2021-0397-PND-Outline Method Statement - South Bank Coke Oven Battery Plant - Rev0 (002).PDF:14: The excavator machines are equipped with a dust suppression system to reduce

R-2021-0397-PND-Outline Method Statement - South Bank Coke Oven Battery Plant - Rev0 (002).PDF:14: the dust at source, Thompsons will also use a pressure washer / water hose at

R-2021-0397-PND-Outline Method Statement - South Bank Coke Oven Battery Plant - Rev0 (002).PDF:14: ground level to reduce dust exposure.

R-2021-0397-PND-Outline Method Statement - South Bank Coke Oven Battery Plant - Rev0 (002).PDF:14: prevent the arising of dust during transportation. All waste will be transferred to

R-2021-0397-PND-Outline Method Statement - South Bank Coke Oven Battery Plant - Rev0 (002).PDF:15: minimise noise, vibration and airborne dust as much as possible.

R-2021-0397-PND-Outline Method Statement - South Bank Coke Oven Battery Plant - Rev0 (002).PDF:15: nuisance noise, windblown dust, spillages etc and will prevent polluting materials

R-2021-0397-PND-Outline Method Statement - South Bank Coke Oven Battery Plant - Rev0 (002).PDF:18: • Dust

R-2021-0397-PND-officer report.pdf:1:Hopper Dust Suppression Liquid

R-2021-0397-PND-officer report.pdf:3:2. Dust management measures, which will ensure no significant effects from

R-2021-0397-PND-officer report.pdf:3:disturbance, dust or noise are likely on the SPA and that there would be no

R-2020-0318-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0088-01-Prairie_Risk Assessment (1).pdf:12:  Dust inhalation

R-2020-0318-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0088-01-Prairie_Risk Assessment (1).pdf:12:GAC which were driven by the dermal contact and dust inhalation exposure pathways. Concentrations of

R-2020-0318-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0088-01-Prairie_Risk Assessment (1).pdf:12:from the site, representing a risk through the inhalation pathways (including within dust). It was suggested that

R-2020-0318-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0088-01-Prairie_Risk Assessment (1).pdf:13:The risk to future commercial workers from concentrations of contaminants via the direct contact and dust

R-2020-0318-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0088-01-Prairie_Risk Assessment (1).pdf:23:The remaining pathways including dermal, oral and dust inhalation are considered to have been addressed as

R-2020-0318-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0088-01-Prairie_Risk Assessment (1).pdf:24:may represent a risk to future users of the site via the direct contact and dust inhalation pathways. To break

R-2020-0318-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0088-01-Prairie_Risk Assessment (1).pdf:26:The risk to future commercial workers from concentrations of contaminants via the direct contact and dust

R-2020-0318-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0088-01-Prairie_Risk Assessment (1).pdf:40:soil and dust ingestion, dermal contact and dust inhalation) while RBCA has been used to assess the vapour

R-2020-0318-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0088-01-Prairie_Risk Assessment (1).pdf:42:  Inhalation of indoor dust impacted by a soil source*;

R-2020-0318-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0088-01-Prairie_Risk Assessment (1).pdf:42:  Inhalation of outdoor dust impacted by a soil source*;

R-2020-0318-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0088-01-Prairie_Risk Assessment (1).pdf:48:Exposure Frequency for Soil and Dust Ingestion events/year 230

R-2020-0318-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0088-01-Prairie_Risk Assessment (1).pdf:48:Exposure Frequency for Inhalation of Indoor Dust and Vapour events/year 230

R-2020-0318-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0088-01-Prairie_Risk Assessment (1).pdf:48:Exposure Frequency for Inhalation of Outdoor Dust and Vapour events/year 170

R-2020-0318-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0088-01-Prairie_Risk Assessment (1).pdf:48:Soil and Dust Ingestion Rate g/day 0.05

R-2020-0318-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0088-01-Prairie_Risk Assessment (1).pdf:51: direct soil dermal contact dermal contact inhalation of dust inhalation of dust inhalation of inhalation of vapour oral inhalation

R-2020-0318-FFM-Decision Notice.pdf:2: i The method to be used to control the emission of dust, noise and

R-2020-0318-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-01-Prairie_ESA_Addendum.pdf:107:2.50 PID <0.1ppm at c.2.00m BGL … engineer notes red brick dust coating on clay.

R-2020-0318-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-01-Prairie_ESA_Addendum.pdf:212:1.50 J4 CLAY with fine yellow brown sand dusting on the laminae.

R-2020-0318-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-01-Prairie_ESA_Addendum.pdf:221: (1.45) dusting on the laminae.

R-2020-0318-FFM-Prairie Site Remediation EcIA_Issue.PDF:8:• Generation of some dust, which will be controlled by standard environmental

R-2020-0318-FFM-Prairie Site Remediation EcIA_Issue.PDF:53:combination effects from increased dust and pollution entering Holme Beck, and

R-2020-0318-FFM-Prairie Site Remediation EcIA_Issue.PDF:55: Teesmouth and Pollution of Holme Beck, Dust, pollutants or contaminated Potential impact to the habitats within CEMP No significant residual

R-2020-0318-FFM-Prairie Site Remediation EcIA_Issue.PDF:55: Teesmouth and Pollution of Holme Beck, Dust, water or contaminated soils Potential impact to qualifying species CEMP No significant residual

R-2020-0318-FFM-Prairie Site Remediation HRA_Issue.PDF:4:increased dust and pollution entering Holme Beck, the Cross Connector culvert

R-2020-0318-FFM-Prairie Site Remediation HRA_Issue.PDF:10:• Generation of some dust, which will be controlled by standard environmental

R-2020-0318-FFM-Prairie Site Remediation HRA_Issue.PDF:26:combination effects from increased dust and pollution entering Holme Beck,

R-2020-0318-FFM-Prairie Site Remediation HRA_Issue.PDF:27:construction related dust or leaks could also reach and impact this watercourse

R-2020-0318-FFM-Prairie Site Remediation HRA_Issue.PDF:31:Any contamination that might be generated during construction (e.g. dust or

R-2020-0318-FFM-Prairie Site Remediation HRA_Issue.PDF:31:soils and control of construction related dust.

R-2020-0318-FFM-Prairie Site Remediation HRA_Issue.PDF:32:and Ramsar. These CEMPs will detail how any potential dust, spills or leakages

R-2020-0318-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0_P01.PDF:43:  Coke and coke dust;

R-2020-0318-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0_P01.PDF:91: Future site users (industrial end use) Dermal contact, accidental ingestion, inhalation of dusts, vapours,

R-2020-0318-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0_P01.PDF:93: hydrocarbons, pH, users ingestion, inhalation of dusts, (Medium) Made Ground across the sit

R-2020-0318-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0_P01.PDF:94: storage tanks users ingestion, inhalation of dusts (Medium) Previous SPMP monitoring

R-2020-0318-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0_P01.PDF:95: tanks and South hydrocarbons users ingestion, inhalation of dusts, (Medium)] Naphthalene and TPH ident

R-2020-0318-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0_P01.PDF:96: filled cables users ingestion, inhalation of dusts, (Medium) PCBs and oil have low mobi

R-2020-0318-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0_P01.PDF:97: CL2 Future site users and dermal contact, accidental ingestion, inhalation of dusts, vapours, fibres and

R-2020-0318-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0_P01.PDF:101:Exposure pathways for commercial/industrial end use include direct soil and indoor dust ingestion, skin

R-2020-0318-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0_P01.PDF:101:contact with soils and dusts, and inhalation of dust and vapours. As it is not pragmatic to remove all

R-2020-0318-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0_P01.PDF:112: generation of dust.

R-2020-0318-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0_P01.PDF:112:  Water sprays to be used during operations as and when required to minimise potential for dust

R-2020-0318-FFM-318 contam land.pdf:2:• Air quality and dust management (to include the management of potential

R-2020-0318-FFM-EP CL.pdf:2: Air quality and dust management

R-2020-0318-FFM-EP CL.pdf:2:generate dust potentially liberating asbestos into the air which could affect

R-2020-0318-FFM-EP CL.pdf:3: • Air quality and dust management (to include the management of potential

R-2020-0318-FFM-Phase II ESA.PDF:33: The majority of the site is currently covered in soft landscaping, as such, particulate inhalation due to dust

R-2020-0318-FFM-Phase II ESA.PDF:33: and or re-profiling requirements and therefore dust has the potential to be generated. Notwithstanding this,

R-2020-0318-FFM-Phase II ESA.PDF:33: typical dust suppression techniques should be employed so that exposures would be minimised.

R-2020-0318-FFM-Phase II ESA.PDF:37: D. Dust inhalation (potential CoC include asbestos and heavy metals)

R-2020-0318-FFM-Phase II ESA.PDF:43:therefore pollutant linkage D (inhalation of dust) is considered potentially active as surface soils may become

R-2020-0318-FFM-Phase II ESA.PDF:56:via the direct contact and dust inhalation pathways could not be ruled out. Additionally the risk to human health

R-2020-0318-FFM-Phase II ESA.PDF:72: Inhalation of Dust Indoors

R-2020-0318-FFM-Phase II ESA.PDF:72: Inhalation of Dust Outdoors

R-2020-0318-FFM-Phase II ESA.PDF:74: Inhalation of Dust Indoors

R-2020-0318-FFM-Phase II ESA.PDF:74: Inhalation of Dust Outdoors

R-2020-0318-FFM-Phase II ESA.PDF:93:2.50 PID <0.1ppm at c.2.00m BGL … engineer notes red brick dust coating on clay.

R-2020-0318-FFM-Phase II ESA.PDF:191:1.50 J4 CLAY with fine yellow brown sand dusting on the laminae.

R-2020-0318-FFM-Phase II ESA.PDF:200: dusting on the laminae.

R-2020-0318-FFM-EP NUI.pdf:1:Comments: Noise /vibration and dust minimisation will be covered by the submission of a

R-2020-0318-FFM-officer report.pdf:8:  Air quality and dust management

R-2020-0318-FFM-officer report.pdf:9:ground preparation will generate dust potentially liberating asbestos into the

R-2020-0318-FFM-officer report.pdf:9:• Air quality and dust management (to include the management of potential

R-2020-0318-FFM-officer report.pdf:10:• Air quality and dust management (to include the management of potential

R-2020-0318-FFM-officer report.pdf:11:Noise /vibration and dust minimisation will be covered by the submission of a

R-2020-0318-FFM-officer report.pdf:14:to the generation of noise, dust and vibration from the proposed works. It has

R-2020-0318-FFM-officer report.pdf:23: i The method to be used to control the emission of dust, noise and

R-2020-0318-FFM-ROA and Remediation Strategy.PDF:13:  Human Health - Risk to commercial workers via dust inhalation and direct contact with soils for

R-2020-0318-FFM-ROA and Remediation Strategy.PDF:18:direct contact exposure and dust inhalation. Contaminants without GACs were qualitatively reviewed

R-2020-0318-FFM-ROA and Remediation Strategy.PDF:25:  Dust, air quality, noise and vibration monitoring will be required to manage potential risk to site

R-2020-0318-FFM-ROA and Remediation Strategy.PDF:26:  Pozzolanic-based materials like fly ash, kiln dust, pumice, or blast furnace slag

R-2020-0318-FFM-ROA and Remediation Strategy.PDF:27:  Dust, air quality, noise and vibration monitoring will be required to manage potential risk to site

R-2020-0318-FFM-ROA and Remediation Strategy.PDF:27:  Excavation activities can lead to excessive noise, dust and odour generation without proper

R-2020-0318-FFM-ROA and Remediation Strategy.PDF:28:  Excavation activities can lead to excessive noise, dust and odour generation without proper

R-2020-0318-FFM-ROA and Remediation Strategy.PDF:37:to control potential dust generation. Soils containing asbestos in excess of the reuse criteria will not be

R-2020-0318-FFM-ROA and Remediation Strategy.PDF:40: Dust, Noise and Vibration

R-2020-0318-FFM-ROA and Remediation Strategy.PDF:40:Air Quality and Dust Management Plan

R-2020-0318-FFM-ROA and Remediation Strategy.PDF:40:An Air Quality and Dust Management Plan (AQDMP) will be prepared as a component of the CPEMP.

R-2020-0318-FFM-ROA and Remediation Strategy.PDF:42:  Air quality and dust management

R-2021-0924-CD-CHK-JBAU-00-00-RP-EN-0001-S3-P02-South_Bank_WFD_Report.pdf:91:to survey die to hazardous dust from site

R-2021-0729-CD-INCA2021-59 HRA - South Bank reserved matters.pdf:6:Emissions to air could derive from both construction activities (principally dust and particulates) and

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR Statement of Community Engagement Annex 1 - EIA Screening Response.pdf:5:For construction dust and noise, a CEMP has stated in the scoping report should be submitted as part

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 14 Contaminated Lands.pdf:18: abstraction was located 666m west for dust suppression at Tees Bulk Handling Ltd.

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 14 Contaminated Lands.pdf:24: the risk of exposure to potentially contaminated soils, dust, ACMs, vapour, ground gases and

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 14 Contaminated Lands.pdf:24: excavated materials), dust could be generated during dry and windy conditions. Under these conditions,

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 14 Contaminated Lands.pdf:24: surrounding public could temporarily be exposed to potentially contaminated dust or asbestos fibres. In

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 14 Contaminated Lands.pdf:28: • The use of dust suppression techniques;

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Green Lithium Appendix 12 - Noise.pdf:18: Bin vent dust collector 3 80 Attenuator or similar

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 15 Summary and Conclusions.pdf:2: deal with complaints, and outline management practices to control dust, traffic and access, waste, water

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 15 Summary and Conclusions.pdf:2:15.7. A qualitative assessment of the impact of dust generating activities has been carried out in accordance

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 15 Summary and Conclusions.pdf:2:15.8. The construction works on site would represent a low risk to dust soiling and human health effects.

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 15 Summary and Conclusions.pdf:8: Construction / Demolition Construction Environment Management Plan (CEMP) will have measures for minimising dust generation and

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 15 Summary and Conclusions.pdf:8: Phase Dust associated impacts

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 15 Summary and Conclusions.pdf:8: Operational Dust

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR Planning Statement.pdf:39: to enable the feedstock to be stored safely and to mitigate against the risk of dust diffusion.

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR Planning Statement.pdf:39:3.35. All storage buildings will be designed to ensure dust that may arise during material handling operations

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR Planning Statement.pdf:40:3.42. The I.D. fan pulls the process gases to the gas cleaning system to remove fugitive dust, acid gas and other

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR Planning Statement.pdf:40: combustion emissions. Recovered dust is recycled back to the calcination process in order to minimise

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR Planning Statement.pdf:51: the periphery of the site to ameliorate the effects of construction dust and noise. Certain areas of

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR Planning Statement.pdf:53:3.115. Any recycling of materials will take place off-site where noise and dust are more easily managed and

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR Planning Statement.pdf:87:6.55 The key local pollution impact of the proposed development are limited to the generation of dust,

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR Planning Statement.pdf:88: (paragraphs 019 to 02284). Secondly, the ability to adequately control and mitigate dust emissions is

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Appendix 14.1 A. Groundsure.pdf:69: Details: Dust suppression Original Application No: -

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Green Lithium Appendix 14 - Contaminated Lands.pdf:38: dusts and fibres.

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Green Lithium Appendix 14 - Contaminated Lands.pdf:38: Offsite users: commercial/industrial sites. Dermal contact, ingestion and/or inhalation of soil dusts

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Green Lithium Appendix 7 - Air Quality.pdf:11: • display the name and contact details of the person accountable for air quality and dust issues on

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Green Lithium Appendix 7 - Air Quality.pdf:11: • record all dust and air quality complaints, identify cause, take appropriate measures to reduce

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Green Lithium Appendix 7 - Air Quality.pdf:11: • record any exceptional incidents that cause dust and/or air emissions, either on- or off- site and

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Green Lithium Appendix 7 - Air Quality.pdf:11: • increase frequency of site inspection by the person accountable for air quality and dust issues on

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Green Lithium Appendix 7 - Air Quality.pdf:11: site when activities with a high potential to produce dust are being carried out and during

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Green Lithium Appendix 7 - Air Quality.pdf:11: • plan site layout so that machinery and dust causing activities are located away from receptors, as

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Green Lithium Appendix 7 - Air Quality.pdf:11: • erect solid screens or barriers around dusty activities or the site boundary that are at least as high

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Green Lithium Appendix 7 - Air Quality.pdf:11: • only use cutting, grinding or sawing equipment fitted or in conjunction with suitable dust

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Green Lithium Appendix 7 - Air Quality.pdf:11: • ensure an adequate water supply on site for effective dust/particulate matter

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Green Lithium Appendix 7 - Air Quality.pdf:11: • Develop and implement a Dust Management Plan (DMP), which may include measures to control

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Green Lithium Appendix 7 - Air Quality.pdf:12: monitor dust, record inspections results, and make the log available to the local authority when

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Green Lithium Appendix 7 - Air Quality.pdf:12: asked. This should include regular dust soiling checks of surfaces such as street furniture, cars and

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Green Lithium Appendix 7 - Air Quality.pdf:12:• Fully enclose site or specific operations where there is a high potential for dust production and

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Green Lithium Appendix 7 - Air Quality.pdf:12:• Remove materials that have a potential to produce dust from site as soon as possible unless being

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Green Lithium Appendix 7 - Air Quality.pdf:12:• Use water-assisted dust sweeper(s) on the access and local roads, to remove, as necessary, any

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Green Lithium Appendix 7 - Air Quality.pdf:12:• Implement a wheel washing system (with rumble grids to dislodge accumulated dust and mud

R-2023-0291-ESM-Officer Letter_R20220675SCP.pdf:4:For construction dust and noise, a CEMP has stated in the scoping report should be submitted as part

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 11 Waste.pdf:8: • Dust filters from flue gas cleaning equipment (i.e., Air Pollution Control (APC) residues);

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 11 Waste.pdf:9: Dust filters from flue gas Operational Small to Moderate Removal to licensed disposal/recycling

R-2023-0291-ESM-INCA 2023-11 HRA.pdf:6: Emissions to air from There is the potential for dust and Y

R-2023-0291-ESM-INCA 2023-11 HRA.pdf:6:It is anticipated that there will be some emissions to air from construction works, in the form of dust.

R-2023-0291-ESM-INCA 2023-11 HRA.pdf:6:will be put in place to limit the effects of dust on human health in those employment zones, which

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 1 to 6.pdf:4: Table 7.1: Dust Emission Magnitude Criteria 77

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 1 to 6.pdf:4: Table 7.3: Sensitivity of the Area to Dust Soiling Effects on People and Property 79

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 1 to 6.pdf:4: Table 7.4: Sensitivity of the Area to Dust Soiling Effects on People and Property 80

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 1 to 6.pdf:4: Table 7.6: Risk of Dust Impacts – Demolition 81

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 1 to 6.pdf:4: Table 7.7: Risk of Dust Impacts – Earthworks and Construction 82

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 1 to 6.pdf:4: Table 7.8: Risk of Dust Impacts – Track Out 82

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 1 to 6.pdf:4: Table 7.19: Summary of Risk of Dust Impacts Prior to Mitigation 96

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 1 to 6.pdf:8: DMP Dust Management Plan

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 1 to 6.pdf:51: where noise and dust are less likely to result in effects to the occupants of surrounding properties.

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 1 to 6.pdf:52:Air Quality and Dust

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 1 to 6.pdf:52: • Providing appropriate hoarding and / or fencing to reduce dust dispersion and restrict public

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 1 to 6.pdf:52: • Sheeting buildings, chutes, skips and vehicles removing wastes with the potential for dust

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 1 to 6.pdf:52: • Fitting all equipment with dust control measures such as water sprays wherever possible;

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 1 to 6.pdf:53: • Implementation of dust suppression methods; and

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 1 to 6.pdf:55: deal with complaints, and outline management practices to control dust, traffic and access, waste, water

R-2023-0291-ESM-PN 0291.pdf:2:For construction activities the assessment states that dust impacts are dependent on

R-2023-0291-ESM-PN 0291.pdf:2:by the IAQM suggests that effects of dust and particulate matter generated from a

R-2023-0291-ESM-PN 0291.pdf:2: The area is therefore considered to be of low sensitivity to dust soiling. The

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR ES Vol 3 Exec Summary.pdf:11: a low risk to dust soiling and human health effects. However, with the proposed mitigation measures

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Appendix 14.1 G. PRA.pdf:3: and rubble) cyanide). Organics soil dusts. status of site is unknown. However, the gravel cover or soft landscaped

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Appendix 14.1 G. PRA.pdf:3: soil dusts. status of site is unknown. However, the gravel cover or soft landscaped

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Appendix 14.1 G. PRA.pdf:4: commercial/industrial dusts and fibres Made Ground is a potential source of The proposed development will be

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Appendix 14.1 G. PRA.pdf:4: commercial/industrial dusts and fibres Made Ground is a potential source of The proposed development will be

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Appendix 14.1 G. PRA.pdf:4: gantry, excluding cyanide). Organics dusts. site. It is possible there are areas of gravel cover or soft landscaped

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Appendix 14.1 G. PRA.pdf:5: soil dusts. Made Ground and groundwater within gravel cover or soft landscaped

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Appendix 14.1 G. PRA.pdf:5: commercial/industrial dusts and fibres Made Ground containing demolition The proposed development will be

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Appendix 14.1 G. PRA.pdf:5: commercial/industrial dusts and fibres Made Ground containing demolition The proposed development will be

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Appendix 14.1 G. PRA.pdf:6: dusts. potentially present. However, the site is gravel cover or soft landscaped

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Appendix 14.1 G. PRA.pdf:6: soil dusts. potentially present. However, the site is gravel cover or soft landscaped

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Appendix 14.1 G. PRA.pdf:7: cyanide). Organics dusts. contamination. However, the site is gravel cover or soft landscaped

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Appendix 14.1 G. PRA.pdf:7: soil dusts. contamination. gravel cover or soft landscaped

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Appendix 14.1 G. PRA.pdf:7: commercial/industrial dusts and fibres Made Ground is a potential source of The proposed development will be

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Appendix 14.1 G. PRA.pdf:7: commercial/industrial dusts and fibres Made Ground is a potential source of The proposed development will be

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Appendix 14.1 G. PRA.pdf:8: and workshops) TPH, VOCs and dusts. have been as significant a source as gravel cover or soft landscaped

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Appendix 14.1 G. PRA.pdf:8: soil dusts. have been as significant a source as gravel cover or soft landscaped

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Appendix 14.1 G. PRA.pdf:9: TPH, VOCs and dusts pathway is via direct contact with groundwater is considered

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Appendix 14.1 G. PRA.pdf:9: commercial/industrial dusts and fibres The BOC works is completely The BOC works is completely /Low

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Appendix 14.1 G. PRA.pdf:9: hardstanding therefore dust and fibre hardstanding therefore dust and

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Appendix 14.1 G. PRA.pdf:10: cyanide). Organics dusts only viable pathway is via direct contact unlikely.

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Appendix 14.1 G. PRA.pdf:10: breaking and Tees TPH, VOCs and dusts migrated onsite. Under normal forms of unlikely.

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Appendix 14.1 G. PRA.pdf:11: commercial/industrial dusts and fibres Both sources have complete hard Both sources have complete hard

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Appendix 14.1 G. PRA.pdf:11: cover therefore dust and fibre cover therefore dust and fibre

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Appendix 14.1 G. PRA.pdf:11: TPH, VOCs and dusts migrated onsite. Under normal forms of unlikely.

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Appendix 14.1 G. PRA.pdf:11: commercial/industrial dusts and fibres The source has vegetation cover. /Low The source areas have a

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR Ventilation and Extraction Statement.pdf:1:cooked food, and commercial premises requiring dust and/or odour extraction, cooling or air handling equipment.

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR Ventilation and Extraction Statement.pdf:1: Emission Point 7 Dust filter from Salt cake storage area

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR Ventilation and Extraction Statement.pdf:1: Emission Point 10 Dust from Spodumene Storage Silo

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR Statement of Community Engagement Annex 3.C - Online Public Consultation Page.pdf:7: with all necessary pollution controls to prevent any releases of dust and noise.

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR Statement of Community Engagement Annex 3.C - Online Public Consultation Page.pdf:10: Odour, dust and pollution

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:2: • Construction impacts including construction dust and emissions from on-site construction plant;

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:2: • Emissions of dust generated during the operational phase.

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:3: Institute of Air Quality Management (IAQM) construction dust methodology.

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:3: • Total dust (as PM10 and PM2.5).

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:3:7.11. Dust may be generated during the operational phase arising from the handling and storage of feedstock

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:3: and products. A qualitative assessment of dust during the operational phase has been included.

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:3:7.12. To assess the potential impacts associated with dust and PM10 releases during the construction phase

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:3:7.13. This approach divides construction activities into the following dust emission sources:

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:4:7.14. The risk of dust effects (negligible, low, medium or high) is determined by the scale (magnitude) and

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:4:7.16. An assessment should also be carried out where there are dust-sensitive ecological receptors:

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:4:7.17. The significance of the dust effects is based on professional judgement, taking into account the sensitivity

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:4:7.18. The magnitude of the dust emissions for each source is classified as Small, Medium or Large depending

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:4: determine the magnitude of the dust emission. These criteria are used in combination with site specific

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:4: Table 7.1 Dust Emission Magnitude Criteria

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:4: • Potentially dusty material • Potentially dusty material potential for dust release

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:5: • Potentially dusty soil type 10,000m2 • Soil type with large grain size

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:5: (e.g., clay • Moderately dusty soil (e.g., sand)

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:5: • On site, concrete • Potentially dusty dust release (e.g., metal cladding

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:5: • Potentially dusty day (a) • Surface material with low

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:5: surface material (e.g., • Moderately dusty potential for dust release

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:5: dust generating activities in the area, likely cumulative dust impacts from nearby construction sites, any

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:5: Sensitivity Human Health Dust Soiling Ecological

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:6: to the air quality objectives of the property would be dust sensitive

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:6: for PM10 (a) affected by dust soiling.

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:6: are exposed over a time • Moderate level of amenity site with dust sensitive

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:6: • Examples include office and dust soiling important plant species

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:6: shop workers (d) • Examples include parks and where dust sensitivity

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:6: • Examples include public • Enjoyment of amenity not with dust sensitive

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:6: (b) Ecosystems that are particularly sensitive to dust deposition include lichens and acid heathland (for alkaline dust, such

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:6:7.21. The sensitivity of the area to dust soiling and health impacts is dependent on the number of receptors

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:7: for determining the overall sensitivity of the area to dust soiling and health impacts, respectively. Table

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:7: Table 7.3: Sensitivity of the Area to Dust Soiling Effects on People and Property

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:8: Table 7.4: Sensitivity of the Area to Dust Soiling Effects on People and Property

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:9:7.22. For each dust emission source (demolition, construction, earthworks and track out), the worst-case area

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:9: sensitivity is used in combination with the dust emission magnitude to determine the risk of dust

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:9:Risk of Dust Impacts

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:9:7.23. The risk of dust impacts prior to mitigation for each emission source is determined based on the dust

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:9: Table 7.6: Risk of Dust Impacts – Demolition

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:9: Dust Emission Magnitude

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:10: Table 7.7: Risk of Dust Impacts – Earthworks and Construction

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:10: Dust Emission Magnitude

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:10: Table 7.8: Risk of Dust Impacts - Track out

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:10: Dust Emission Magnitude

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:25:7.91. The assessment of dust impacts is dependent on the proximity of the most sensitive receptors to the

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:25: to be of low sensitivity to dust soiling. The background PM10 concentration in the vicinity of the Site is

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:25: entrance, the sensitivity of the area to impacts on dust soiling and human health from trackout is

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:26:7.94. The precise behaviour of the dust, its residence time in the atmosphere, and the distance it may travel

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:26: dust before it reaches sensitive locations. Furthermore, dust would be naturally suppressed by rainfall.

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:26: the north and northeast of the Site are the most likely to experience dust impacts from construction

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:26: / structures to be demolished / dismantled is less than 20,000m3, the dust emission magnitude is

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:26: of the potential dust emission for the earthworks phase is considered to be ‘large’.

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:26:7.98. Dust emissions during construction will depend on the scale of the works, method of construction,

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:26: construction dust emission magnitude is considered to be ‘large’.

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:27: Dock Lane. The number of HGV movements (leaving the Site) is not known therefore the dust emission

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:27:7.100. The dust emission magnitude and sensitivity of the area are combined to determine the risk of impacts.

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:27: Table 7.19: Summary of Risk of Dust Impacts Prior to Mitigation

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:27: Source Impact Magnitude Human Health Risk Dust Soiling Risk

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:27:7.101. For earthworks, construction and track-out, the risk of dust impacts was assessed as low risk.

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:36:7.130. During the operational phase dust and particulate matter emissions may be generated by the operations

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:36: of the IAQM guidance for assessment of dust and particulate matter from construction sites has been

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:36:7.131. As discussed in the assessment of construction dust, the sensitivity of the area to impacts from nuisance

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:36: dust and human health effects from PM10 concentrations is low.

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:36:7.132. Dust and particulate matter may potentially be generated during the unloading and treatment of raw

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:36: minimise the risk of dust generation from the Site.

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:36: area, it is considered that the impact of dust and particulate matter generated by the on-site operations

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:36: During the construction phase, cumulative effects of dust and particulate matter generated from on-site

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:36:7.135. Guidance provided by the IAQM suggests that effects of dust and particulate matter generated from a

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:39:7.145. Emissions to air arising from the operation of this plant would be dust and steam, with all other impurities

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:39: dust will be recovered. The emissions from the baghouse filters are at the lower end of the range

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:39: assessment concluded that the emissions of dust and NOx from the proposed plant will be negligible.

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:39: potential fugitive emissions and dust. Emissions arising from this plant may potentially impact some of

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:42:7.154. The control of dust emissions from construction site activities relies upon management provision and

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:42: mitigation techniques to reduce emissions of dust and limit dispersion. Where dust emission controls

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:42:7.155. Overall, the Site is considered to be a low risk of dust soiling and human health effects from particulate

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:42: housekeeping measures be maintained to minimise the risk of emissions of dust and particulate matter

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:43: receptors. The construction works on site would represent a low risk to dust soiling and human health

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:44: Dust generated

R-2020-0799-CD-Nov 2020 - 2383 - CEMP - Prairie Phase 2 Works Prairie Rev 2 (1).pdf:9: • Ensure any monitoring (e.g., noise, dust) is undertaken as required.

R-2020-0799-CD-Nov 2020 - 2383 - CEMP - Prairie Phase 2 Works Prairie Rev 2 (1).pdf:11: • Do not cause unnecessary noise or dust.

R-2020-0799-CD-Nov 2020 - 2383 - CEMP - Prairie Phase 2 Works Prairie Rev 2 (1).pdf:12:Noise and dust issues may be a key subject of complaint where construction works take place.

R-2020-0799-CD-Nov 2020 - 2383 - CEMP - Prairie Phase 2 Works Prairie Rev 2 (1).pdf:12: working near watercourses, noise & dust management and ecological risks;

R-2020-0799-CD-Nov 2020 - 2383 - CEMP - Prairie Phase 2 Works Prairie Rev 2 (1).pdf:14: • Monitoring data (e.g., dust, noise);

R-2020-0799-CD-Nov 2020 - 2383 - CEMP - Prairie Phase 2 Works Prairie Rev 2 (1).pdf:16:Dust management measures, in accordance with the BRE Publication ‘Controlling Dust from

R-2020-0799-CD-Nov 2020 - 2383 - CEMP - Prairie Phase 2 Works Prairie Rev 2 (1).pdf:16:Site. Staff will be trained in the control of dust and will ensure the site is visually monitored twice

R-2020-0799-CD-Nov 2020 - 2383 - CEMP - Prairie Phase 2 Works Prairie Rev 2 (1).pdf:16:daily for levels of surface dust, the findings of which are to be recorded in the Site Diary. Should

R-2020-0799-CD-Nov 2020 - 2383 - CEMP - Prairie Phase 2 Works Prairie Rev 2 (1).pdf:16:Should a substantiated dust complaint be received, the site shall implement construction dust

R-2020-0799-CD-Nov 2020 - 2383 - CEMP - Prairie Phase 2 Works Prairie Rev 2 (1).pdf:16:monitoring at the site boundary to provide continuous ‘real-time’ dust monitoring throughout the

R-2020-0799-CD-Nov 2020 - 2383 - CEMP - Prairie Phase 2 Works Prairie Rev 2 (1).pdf:20:To prevent sediment, dust, surface water run-off, or any other substance relating to construction

R-2020-0799-CD-Nov 2020 - 2383 - CEMP - Prairie Phase 2 Works Prairie Rev 2 (1).pdf:22:covered (if required) during dry weather to prevent wind-blown dust arising.

R-2020-0799-CD-Nov 2020 - 2383 - CEMP - Prairie Phase 2 Works Prairie Rev 2 (1).pdf:22:Any contamination that might be generated during construction (e.g. dust or disturbance of

R-2020-0799-CD-Nov 2020 - 2383 - CEMP - Prairie Phase 2 Works Prairie Rev 2 (1).pdf:24: • Excessive/high offsite emissions of dust and noise, leading to a substantiated

R-2020-0799-CD-Decision Notice.pdf:2: i The method to be used to control the emission of dust, noise and

R-2020-0799-CD-Decision Notice R 2020 0318.pdf:2: i The method to be used to control the emission of dust, noise and

R-2020-0799-CD-Grangetown Prairie CEMP - Rev D.pdf:14:5.11.1 Emissions to air including dust and exhaust fumes can be caused from certain construction

R-2020-0799-CD-Grangetown Prairie CEMP - Rev D.pdf:14:5.11.3 All necessary and practicable measures to control dust emissions through good

R-2020-0799-CD-Grangetown Prairie CEMP - Rev D.pdf:14: has the potential to give rise to dusty emissions from the vehicles during transit

R-2020-0799-CD-Grangetown Prairie CEMP - Rev D.pdf:14: site offices and over vehicle management areas, so that dust will be kept to a

R-2020-0799-CD-Grangetown Prairie CEMP - Rev D.pdf:14:  Water suppression is to be utilised to prevent air borne dust

R-2020-0799-CD-Grangetown Prairie CEMP - Rev D.pdf:14:  Prevention of wind‐blown dust arising from storage mounds will be suppressed by

R-2020-0799-CD-Grangetown Prairie CEMP - Rev D.pdf:14:  Visual analysis of dust will be carried out on a daily basis and recorded, using the

R-2020-0799-CD-Grangetown Prairie CEMP - Rev D.pdf:14: following dust rating:

R-2020-0799-CD-Grangetown Prairie CEMP - Rev D.pdf:14: 1 – not noticeable, 2 – slight dust, 3 – moderate dust, 4 – unacceptable dust

R-2020-0799-CD-Grangetown Prairie CEMP - Rev D.pdf:27:increased dust and pollution entering Holme Beck, the Cross Connector culvert

R-2020-0799-CD-Grangetown Prairie CEMP - Rev D.pdf:33:• Generation of some dust, which will be controlled by standard environmental

R-2020-0799-CD-Grangetown Prairie CEMP - Rev D.pdf:49:combination effects from increased dust and pollution entering Holme Beck,

R-2020-0799-CD-Grangetown Prairie CEMP - Rev D.pdf:50:construction related dust or leaks could also reach and impact this watercourse

R-2020-0799-CD-Grangetown Prairie CEMP - Rev D.pdf:54:Any contamination that might be generated during construction (e.g. dust or

R-2020-0799-CD-Grangetown Prairie CEMP - Rev D.pdf:54:soils and control of construction related dust.

R-2020-0799-CD-Grangetown Prairie CEMP - Rev D.pdf:55:and Ramsar. These CEMPs will detail how any potential dust, spills or leakages

R-2020-0799-CD-Grangetown Prairie CEMP - Rev D.pdf:70:• Generation of some dust, which will be controlled by standard environmental

R-2020-0799-CD-Grangetown Prairie CEMP - Rev D.pdf:115:combination effects from increased dust and pollution entering Holme Beck, and

R-2020-0799-CD-Grangetown Prairie CEMP - Rev D.pdf:117: Teesmouth and Pollution of Holme Beck, Dust, pollutants or contaminated Potential impact to the habitats within CEMP No significant residual

R-2020-0799-CD-Grangetown Prairie CEMP - Rev D.pdf:117: Teesmouth and Pollution of Holme Beck, Dust, water or contaminated soils Potential impact to qualifying species CEMP No significant residual

R-2020-0799-CD-officer report.pdf:1:i The method to be used to control the emission of dust, noise and vibration

R-2022-0746-CD-SeAH Monopile Facility_Construction Environmental Management Plan Rev B.pdf:5: • Dust;

R-2022-0746-CD-SeAH Monopile Facility_Construction Environmental Management Plan Rev B.pdf:11:Referring to visible dust, it is imperative to prevent statutory nuisance arising from the demolition,

R-2022-0746-CD-SeAH Monopile Facility_Construction Environmental Management Plan Rev B.pdf:11:construction works or dusty activities. Therefore a philosophy of the prevention of dust formation in the first

R-2022-0746-CD-SeAH Monopile Facility_Construction Environmental Management Plan Rev B.pdf:11:place shall be adopted. Dealing with dust should be in the following fashion:

R-2022-0746-CD-SeAH Monopile Facility_Construction Environmental Management Plan Rev B.pdf:11:These three principles are well established and are central to the control strategies to control dust. They

R-2022-0746-CD-SeAH Monopile Facility_Construction Environmental Management Plan Rev B.pdf:11:Method statements shall identify all the dusty operations and establish the best available techniques that

R-2022-0746-CD-SeAH Monopile Facility_Construction Environmental Management Plan Rev B.pdf:11:are required to control dust emissions.

R-2022-0746-CD-SeAH Monopile Facility_Construction Environmental Management Plan Rev B.pdf:11:The main principles for preventing dust emissions are containment of dusty processes and suppression of

R-2022-0746-CD-SeAH Monopile Facility_Construction Environmental Management Plan Rev B.pdf:11: • All loaded vehicles leaving site with the potential to cause dust will be sheeted.

R-2022-0746-CD-SeAH Monopile Facility_Construction Environmental Management Plan Rev B.pdf:11: • Tipping height of potentially dust generating materials will be minimized.

R-2022-0746-CD-SeAH Monopile Facility_Construction Environmental Management Plan Rev B.pdf:12: • During demolition activities, water will be used for the suppression of dust.

R-2022-0746-CD-SeAH Monopile Facility_Construction Environmental Management Plan Rev B.pdf:12: in enclosed / shielded areas to prevent the escape of dust.

R-2022-0746-CD-SeAH Monopile Facility_Construction Environmental Management Plan Rev B.pdf:12: • After concrete pours, the surface of the concrete will be kept free of dust and mud until cured.

R-2022-0746-CD-SeAH Monopile Facility_Construction Environmental Management Plan Rev B.pdf:12:Measures will be taken to avoid causing nuisance from smoke, odours, dust and other air emissions including

R-2022-0746-CD-SeAH Monopile Facility_Construction Environmental Management Plan Rev B.pdf:12:carried out to include regular visual inspections of dust levels undertaken particularly during dry periods and

R-2022-0746-CD-SeAH Monopile Facility_Construction Environmental Management Plan Rev B.pdf:12:Where there is evidence of airborne dust from the building construction/demolition activities the site, the

R-2022-0746-CD-SeAH Monopile Facility_Construction Environmental Management Plan Rev B.pdf:12:monitoring with the aim of identifying those process operations giving rise to the dust. Once the source of

R-2022-0746-CD-SeAH Monopile Facility_Construction Environmental Management Plan Rev B.pdf:17:from noise, dust, or disruption of traffic. Clear information shall be given well in advance and in writing.

R-2022-0746-CD-SeAH Monopile Facility_Construction Environmental Management Plan Rev B.pdf:30:IAQM Guidance on the Assessment of Dust from Construction and Demolition 2014

R-2022-0096-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0408-02-Rem_Strat_South_Bank_West_Rev01 (Part 1).pdf:13: Human Health - Risk to commercial workers via dust inhalation and direct contact with soils for

R-2022-0096-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0408-02-Rem_Strat_South_Bank_West_Rev01 (Part 1).pdf:15:(GAC) in soil, driven by direct contact exposure and dust inhalation. These will need to be considered

R-2022-0096-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0408-02-Rem_Strat_South_Bank_West_Rev01 (Part 1).pdf:31:potential dust generation.

R-2022-0096-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0408-02-Rem_Strat_South_Bank_West_Rev01 (Part 1).pdf:32: Dust, Noise and Vibration

R-2022-0096-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0408-02-Rem_Strat_South_Bank_West_Rev01 (Part 1).pdf:32:Air Quality and Dust Management Plan

R-2022-0096-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0408-02-Rem_Strat_South_Bank_West_Rev01 (Part 1).pdf:32:An Air Quality and Dust Management Plan (AQDMP) will be prepared as a component of the CEMP.

R-2022-0096-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0408-02-Rem_Strat_South_Bank_West_Rev01 (Part 1).pdf:34: Air quality and dust management

R-2022-0096-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0331-02-SB_DQRA - Detailed Quantitative Risk Assessment - South Bank.pdf:21:  Inhalation or ingestion of dust comprising contaminated soils, including asbestos fibres, in indoor or

R-2022-0096-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0331-02-SB_DQRA.pdf:21:  Inhalation or ingestion of dust comprising contaminated soils, including asbestos fibres, in indoor or

R-2022-0096-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0408-02-Rem_Strat_South_Bank_West_Rev01 (Part 2).pdf:2: Inhalation of Dust Indoors

R-2022-0096-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0408-02-Rem_Strat_South_Bank_West_Rev01 (Part 2).pdf:2: Inhalation of Dust Outdoors

R-2022-0096-CD-con land.pdf:2:direct contact exposure and dust inhalation with respect to the risk to human health

R-2022-0096-CD-COMPLIANCE OFFICER REPORT.pdf:2:by direct contact exposure and dust inhalation with respect to the risk to human

R-2022-0237-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0452-01-P4_GI_AD Part 2.pdf:2: Inhalation of Dust Indoors

R-2022-0237-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0452-01-P4_GI_AD Part 2.pdf:2: Inhalation of Dust Outdoors

R-2022-0237-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0452-01-P4_GI_AD Part 2.pdf:3: Inhalation of Dust Indoors

R-2022-0237-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0452-01-P4_GI_AD Part 2.pdf:3: Inhalation of Dust Outdoors

R-2022-0237-CD-Decision Notice R 2021 0166 FFM.pdf:2: I The method to be used to control the emission of dust, noise and

R-2022-0237-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0452-01-P4_GI_AD Part 13.pdf:73: DETSC 1104 filtrate containing a sample of the respirable dust. The mass of respirable (PM10) dust per ml of the filtrate is HSG248, HSE Books, 2005

R-2022-0237-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0452-01-P4_GI_AD Part 13.pdf:73: Respirable Fibres in Soil and Dust n/a Not Accredited

R-2022-0237-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0452-01-P4_GI_AD Part 13.pdf:73: respirable fibres observed on the slide the number of respirable fibres per mg of dust is calculated.

R-2022-0237-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0452-01-P4_GI_AD Part 1.pdf:15: • Particulate inhalation due to dust generation is a potentially active pathway in areas not covered in hard

R-2022-0237-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0452-01-P4_GI_AD Part 1.pdf:15: trenching and or re-profiling requirements and therefore dust has the potential to be generated. It is

R-2022-0237-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0452-01-P4_GI_AD Part 1.pdf:16:Particulate inhalation of dust has been identified as a potentially active pathway, users of the adjacent buildings

R-2022-0237-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0452-01-P4_GI_AD Part 1.pdf:16:during the construction phase, however it is expected that dust will be managed under the Construction Phase

R-2022-0237-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0452-01-P4_GI_AD Part 1.pdf:20: D. Dust inhalation (potential CoC include asbestos, volatiles, and heavy metals)

R-2022-0237-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0452-01-P4_GI_AD Part 1.pdf:22:pollutant linkage D (inhalation of dust) is considered potentially active as surface soils may become airborne

R-2022-0237-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0452-01-P4_GI_AD Part 1.pdf:31:Asbestos fibres were identified within the shallow Made Ground, therefore a potential dust inhalation pathway

R-2021-0713-CD-Arcadis - South Bank Strategy.pdf:10: • Human Health - Risk to commercial workers via dust inhalation and direct contact with soils for

R-2021-0713-CD-Arcadis - South Bank Strategy.pdf:12:in excess of the Generic Assessment Criteria (GAC) in soil, driven by direct contact exposure and dust

R-2021-0713-CD-Arcadis - South Bank Strategy.pdf:25:potential dust generation.

R-2021-0713-CD-Arcadis - South Bank Strategy.pdf:28: Dust, Noise and Vibration

R-2021-0713-CD-Arcadis - South Bank Strategy.pdf:28:Air Quality and Dust Management Plan

R-2021-0713-CD-Arcadis - South Bank Strategy.pdf:28:An Air Quality and Dust Management Plan (AQDMP) will be prepared as a component of the CEMP.

R-2021-0713-CD-Arcadis - South Bank Strategy.pdf:30: • Air quality and dust management

R-2021-0713-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0331-01-SB_DQRA.pdf:21:  Inhalation or ingestion of dust comprising contaminated soils, including asbestos fibres, in indoor or

R-2021-0608-PND-Officer Report 0608.pdf:1:impacts arising from dust, vibration, and waterborne pollution will be sufficient to

R-2021-0608-PND-hra.pdf:11:Disturbance of Embedded mitigation for potential dust contamination No AEoI

R-2021-0608-PND-hra.pdf:11: minimise noise, vibration and airborne dust as much

R-2021-0608-PND-hra.pdf:11:Contamination of Embedded mitigation for potential dust contamination No AEoI

R-2021-0608-PND-hra.pdf:11: dust, spillages etc and will prevent polluting materials

R-2021-0608-PND-hra.pdf:11:N2K sites by dust sprayed from bowsers to reduce dust. Embedded

R-2021-0608-PND-hra.pdf:11: mitigation for potential dust contamination in the

R-2021-0608-PND-hra.pdf:11: Thompsons will minimise the production of dust

R-2021-0608-PND-hra.pdf:11: place to minimize the production of dusts.

R-2021-0608-PND-hra.pdf:11: will minimize dust emissions by utilizing machine

R-2021-0608-PND-hra.pdf:11: dust suppression systems, pressure washer bowsers

R-2021-0608-PND-hra.pdf:11: has highlighted that accumulated dust maybe

R-2021-0608-PND-hra.pdf:11: Excavator machines are equipped with a dust

R-2021-0608-PND-hra.pdf:11: suppression system to reduce the dust at source,

R-2021-0608-PND-hra.pdf:11: hose at ground level to reduce dust exposure.

R-2021-0608-PND-hra.pdf:12: sprayed from bowsers to reduce dust. Embedded

R-2021-0608-PND-210801_Ecolgy screening (EIA criteria) for Teesworks demolitions_INCA_RevA.pdf:7: • Airborne contamination via dust

R-2021-0608-PND-210801_Ecolgy screening (EIA criteria) for Teesworks demolitions_INCA_RevA.pdf:7:Airborne contamination via dust Dust suppression detailed in Outline Method Statement.

R-2021-0608-PND-210801_Ecolgy screening (EIA criteria) for Teesworks demolitions_INCA_RevA.pdf:8:Dust Thompsons will minimise the production of dust during all stages of the project.

R-2021-0608-PND-210801_Ecolgy screening (EIA criteria) for Teesworks demolitions_INCA_RevA.pdf:8: production of dusts.

R-2021-0608-PND-210801_Ecolgy screening (EIA criteria) for Teesworks demolitions_INCA_RevA.pdf:8: During the demolition phase of the works Thompsons will minimize dust

R-2021-0608-PND-210801_Ecolgy screening (EIA criteria) for Teesworks demolitions_INCA_RevA.pdf:8: emissions by utilizing machine dust suppression systems, pressure washer

R-2021-0608-PND-210801_Ecolgy screening (EIA criteria) for Teesworks demolitions_INCA_RevA.pdf:8: assessment of the Conveyors has highlighted that accumulated dust maybe

R-2021-0608-PND-210801_Ecolgy screening (EIA criteria) for Teesworks demolitions_INCA_RevA.pdf:9: excavator machines are equipped with a dust suppression system to reduce the

R-2021-0608-PND-210801_Ecolgy screening (EIA criteria) for Teesworks demolitions_INCA_RevA.pdf:9: dust at source, Thompsons will also use a pressure washer / water hose at

R-2021-0608-PND-210801_Ecolgy screening (EIA criteria) for Teesworks demolitions_INCA_RevA.pdf:9: ground level to reduce dust exposure.

R-2021-0608-PND-210801_Ecolgy screening (EIA criteria) for Teesworks demolitions_INCA_RevA.pdf:9: airborne dust as much as possible.

R-2021-0608-PND-210801_Ecolgy screening (EIA criteria) for Teesworks demolitions_INCA_RevA.pdf:9: nuisance noise, windblown dust, spillages etc and will prevent polluting materials

R-2021-0608-PND-363937 - R_2021_0608_PND Prior Notification for demolition of structures at Former Redcar Steel Works Site (Teesworks), Redcar.pdf:1: arising from dust, vibration, and waterborne pollution will be sufficient to minimise the

R-2021-0608-PND-19931629_1.pdf:14: Dust: Thompsons will minimise the production of dust during all stages of the project.

R-2021-0608-PND-19931629_1.pdf:14: production of dusts.

R-2021-0608-PND-19931629_1.pdf:14: During the demolition phase of the works Thompsons will minimize dust

R-2021-0608-PND-19931629_1.pdf:14: emissions by utilizing machine dust suppression systems, pressure washer

R-2021-0608-PND-19931629_1.pdf:14: of the Conveyors has highlighted that accumulated dust maybe present;

R-2021-0608-PND-19931629_1.pdf:14: The excavator machines are equipped with a dust suppression system to reduce

R-2021-0608-PND-19931629_1.pdf:14: the dust at source, Thompsons will also use a pressure washer / water hose at

R-2021-0608-PND-19931629_1.pdf:14: ground level to reduce dust exposure.

R-2021-0608-PND-19931629_1.pdf:14: prevent the arising of dust during transportation. All waste will be transferred to

R-2021-0608-PND-19931629_1.pdf:15: minimise noise, vibration and airborne dust as much as possible.

R-2021-0608-PND-19931629_1.pdf:15: nuisance noise, windblown dust, spillages etc and will prevent polluting materials

R-2021-0608-PND-19931629_1.pdf:19: • Dust

R-2021-0608-PND-19931630_1.pdf:1: DUST SUPPRESSION HOUSE

R-2021-0608-PND-19931630_1.pdf:1: STOCKHOUSE DE DUST

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1108_NTS-5.pdf:18:undertaken to consider the impacts of construction phase dust emissions and construction and operational

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1108_NTS-5.pdf:18:Mitigation and control measures are recommended to minimise the effects of dust and plant emissions

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:181:750m north east of the proposed scheme footprint, for the purpose of general use and dust suppression.

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:188:pathway would be inhalation of contaminated dusts, vapours or gases that may be generated during

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:188:construction phase dust) would also be applicable to this impact. No further mitigation measures have been

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:267:Section 18 discusses potential impacts from dust and particulate matter from construction activities. With

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:360:scheme means that any noise or dust, for example, or activities associated with construction will be virtually

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:378: • construction phase dust and particulate matter emissions;

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:380: Impacts of dust emissions

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:380: emissions of odour, dust, steam, smoke and artificial light to have a

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:381: • people may be exposed to existing sources of pollution including dust;

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:381: • potentially unacceptable impacts (such as dust) may arise during construction; and

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:383: Guidance on the Assessment of Dust from Demolition and

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:383:18.2.2 Construction phase dust and particulate matter assessment

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:383: A. determine potential dust emission magnitude;

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:383: C. establish the risk of dust impacts.

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:383:In assessing the significance of construction dust and particulate matter impacts using the IAQM guidance

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:383:(IAQM, 2016), the dust emission magnitude is combined with the sensitivity of the area to determine the risk

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:383:It should be noted that trackout is defined as the transport of dust and dirt from the construction site onto

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:386:of the proposed scheme. Receptors in places of work are, however, sensitive to emissions of dust, and are

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:387:experience any significant effects as a result of pollutant or dust deposition.

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:387:18.4.1 Construction dust and particulate matter assessment

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:387:A qualitative assessment of construction phase dust and PM10 emissions was carried out in accordance

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:387:with the IAQM guidance (IAQM, 2016). The methodology for the dust assessment is provided in Appendix

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:387: • Dust emissions generated by demolition, excavation, construction and earthwork activities required

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:387:The potential for sensitive receptors to be affected will depend on where within the site the dust raising

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:389:impacts associated with dust deposition would occur. However, this receptor has been included to provide

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:389: Step 2A: Define the potential dust emission magnitude

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:389:The IAQM guidance recommends that the dust emission magnitude is determined for demolition,

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:389:earthworks, construction and trackout. The dust magnitudes for these activities were determined from site

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:389:The risk of potential impact of construction phase dust and particulate matter emissions during earthworks,

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:389:construction and trackout is used to recommend appropriate mitigation measures. The dust magnitude for

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:389:Table 18.8 Dust emission magnitude for the site

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:389: Dust emission

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:389: Demolition Large which is potentially dusty. It is proposed that all material (except timber) would

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:389: The quay would be constructed using concrete which is potentially dusty.

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:390: Construction Dust Distance Boundaries

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:390: Dust Distance Boundaries

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:391:The sensitivity of human receptors to dust soiling and health effects of particulate matter associated with

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:391:Sensitivity of people to dust soiling

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:391: features are intertidal and therefore unlikely to be affected by dust deposition. The sensitivity was

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:391: Dust soiling Medium Medium Medium Medium

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:391:The dust emission magnitude detailed in Table 18.8 is combined with the sensitivity of the area detailed in

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:391:Table 18.9 to determine the risk of impacts with no mitigation applied. The risks concluded for dust soiling

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:391: Dust soiling High Risk Medium Risk Medium Risk Negligible Risk

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:391:The risk of dust soiling impacts during the construction phase were therefore described as ‘high risk’ for

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:392:The dust assessment determined that there was a risk of impacts resulting from construction activities

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:392:relation to dust and air mitigation measures. It is recommended that the good practice measures outlined

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:392:The recommendations below will be included in a CEMP to prevent or minimise the release of dust entering

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:392:will ensure that any potential dust releases associated with the construction phase will be reduced.

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:392:by Step 2 of the construction dust and particulate matter assessment, is provided below. The mitigation

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:392: person(s) accountable for air quality and dust issues on the site boundary. This may be the

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:392: • Record all dust and air quality complaints, identify cause(s), take appropriate measures to reduce

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:392: • Record any exceptional incidents that cause dust and/or air emissions, either on- or offsite, and the

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:392: Increase the frequency of site inspections by the person accountable for air quality and dust issues

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:392: on site when activities with a high potential to produce dust are being carried out and during

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:392: • Plan site layout so that machinery and dust causing activities are located away from receptors, as

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:392: • Erect solid screens or barriers around dusty activities where practicable.

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:392: • Remove materials that have a potential to produce dust from site as soon as possible.

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:393: • Only use cutting, grinding or sawing equipment fitted or in conjunction with suitable dust suppression

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:393: • Ensure an adequate water supply on the site for effective dust/particulate matter

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:393: droplets that effectively bring the dust particles to the ground.

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:393: • Install a wheel washing system (with rumble grids to dislodge accumulated dust and mud prior to

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:518:During construction, cumulative impacts of dust emissions would only occur where the boundaries of the

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:518:works are within 700m of each other, as impacts of dust are not considered to be significant beyond 350m

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:518:Facilities would be required to implement best-practice construction dust minimisation methods during their

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:593:Institute of Air Quality Management (IAQM) (2016). Guidance on the Assessment of Dust from Demolition

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part1-3.pdf:64:A risk-based construction phase dust assessment will be undertaken for quay construction works,

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part1-3.pdf:262:and for dust suppression.

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part1-3.pdf:274: • direct exposure through dermal contact, ingestion or inhalation of soils and dusts; and,

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part1-3.pdf:276: soils and dusts the site. The exact construction of the substation is

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part1-3.pdf:277: soils and dusts the creation of the berthing pocket and quay

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part1-3.pdf:283: soils and dusts. Groundwater flow across the adjacent sites is likely

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part1-3.pdf:283: migrated onto the the site either via windblown dusts or through

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part1-3.pdf:285:During construction there is the potential for the disturbance of soils resulting in dust generation and for site

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:181:750m north east of the proposed scheme footprint, for the purpose of general use and dust suppression.

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:188:pathway would be inhalation of contaminated dusts, vapours or gases that may be generated during

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:188:construction phase dust) would also be applicable to this impact. No further mitigation measures have been

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:267:Section 18 discusses potential impacts from dust and particulate matter from construction activities. With

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:360:scheme means that any noise or dust, for example, or activities associated with construction will be virtually

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:378: • construction phase dust and particulate matter emissions;

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:380: Impacts of dust emissions

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:380: emissions of odour, dust, steam, smoke and artificial light to have a

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:381: • people may be exposed to existing sources of pollution including dust;

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:381: • potentially unacceptable impacts (such as dust) may arise during construction; and

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:383: Guidance on the Assessment of Dust from Demolition and

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:383:18.2.2 Construction phase dust and particulate matter assessment

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:383: A. determine potential dust emission magnitude;

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:383: C. establish the risk of dust impacts.

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:383:In assessing the significance of construction dust and particulate matter impacts using the IAQM guidance

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:383:(IAQM, 2016), the dust emission magnitude is combined with the sensitivity of the area to determine the risk

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:383:It should be noted that trackout is defined as the transport of dust and dirt from the construction site onto

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:386:of the proposed scheme. Receptors in places of work are, however, sensitive to emissions of dust, and are

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:387:experience any significant effects as a result of pollutant or dust deposition.

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:387:18.4.1 Construction dust and particulate matter assessment

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:387:A qualitative assessment of construction phase dust and PM10 emissions was carried out in accordance

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:387:with the IAQM guidance (IAQM, 2016). The methodology for the dust assessment is provided in Appendix

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:387: • Dust emissions generated by demolition, excavation, construction and earthwork activities required

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:387:The potential for sensitive receptors to be affected will depend on where within the site the dust raising

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:389:impacts associated with dust deposition would occur. However, this receptor has been included to provide

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:389: Step 2A: Define the potential dust emission magnitude

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:389:The IAQM guidance recommends that the dust emission magnitude is determined for demolition,

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:389:earthworks, construction and trackout. The dust magnitudes for these activities were determined from site

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:389:The risk of potential impact of construction phase dust and particulate matter emissions during earthworks,

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:389:construction and trackout is used to recommend appropriate mitigation measures. The dust magnitude for

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:389:Table 18.8 Dust emission magnitude for the site

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:389: Dust emission

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:389: Demolition Large which is potentially dusty. It is proposed that all material (except timber) would

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:389: The quay would be constructed using concrete which is potentially dusty.

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:390: Construction Dust Distance Boundaries

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:390: Dust Distance Boundaries

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:391:The sensitivity of human receptors to dust soiling and health effects of particulate matter associated with

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:391:Sensitivity of people to dust soiling

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:391: features are intertidal and therefore unlikely to be affected by dust deposition. The sensitivity was

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:391: Dust soiling Medium Medium Medium Medium

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:391:The dust emission magnitude detailed in Table 18.8 is combined with the sensitivity of the area detailed in

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:391:Table 18.9 to determine the risk of impacts with no mitigation applied. The risks concluded for dust soiling

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:391: Dust soiling High Risk Medium Risk Medium Risk Negligible Risk

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:391:The risk of dust soiling impacts during the construction phase were therefore described as ‘high risk’ for

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:392:The dust assessment determined that there was a risk of impacts resulting from construction activities

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:392:relation to dust and air mitigation measures. It is recommended that the good practice measures outlined

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:392:The recommendations below will be included in a CEMP to prevent or minimise the release of dust entering

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:392:will ensure that any potential dust releases associated with the construction phase will be reduced.

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:392:by Step 2 of the construction dust and particulate matter assessment, is provided below. The mitigation

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:392: person(s) accountable for air quality and dust issues on the site boundary. This may be the

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:392: • Record all dust and air quality complaints, identify cause(s), take appropriate measures to reduce

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:392: • Record any exceptional incidents that cause dust and/or air emissions, either on- or offsite, and the

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:392: Increase the frequency of site inspections by the person accountable for air quality and dust issues

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:392: on site when activities with a high potential to produce dust are being carried out and during

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:392: • Plan site layout so that machinery and dust causing activities are located away from receptors, as

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:392: • Erect solid screens or barriers around dusty activities where practicable.

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:392: • Remove materials that have a potential to produce dust from site as soon as possible.

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:393: • Only use cutting, grinding or sawing equipment fitted or in conjunction with suitable dust suppression

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:393: • Ensure an adequate water supply on the site for effective dust/particulate matter

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:393: droplets that effectively bring the dust particles to the ground.

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:393: • Install a wheel washing system (with rumble grids to dislodge accumulated dust and mud prior to

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:518:During construction, cumulative impacts of dust emissions would only occur where the boundaries of the

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:518:works are within 700m of each other, as impacts of dust are not considered to be significant beyond 350m

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:518:Facilities would be required to implement best-practice construction dust minimisation methods during their

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:593:Institute of Air Quality Management (IAQM) (2016). Guidance on the Assessment of Dust from Demolition

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:293:Appendix 18.1: Construction Phase Dust and Fine Particulate Matter Assessment Methodology

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:293:potentially be affected by dust soiling. For locations with a statutory designation, such as a Sites of Specific

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:293:consideration should be given as to whether the particular site is sensitive to dust. Some non-statutory sites

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:293:Step 2: Assess the Risk of Dust Impacts

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:293:of the area to dust impacts (Step 2B). These two factors are combined in Step 2C to determine the risk of

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:293:Step 2A: Define the Potential Dust Emission Magnitude

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:293:The IAQM guidance (IAQM, 2016) recommends that the dust emission magnitude is determined for

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:293:demolition, earthworks, construction and trackout. The dust emission magnitude is based on the scale of

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:293:the anticipated works. Table A18.1 describes the potential dust emission class criteria for each outlined

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:293:Table A18.1 Criteria used in the determination of dust emission class

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:293: Criteria used to Determine Dust Emission Class

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:293: 50,000m3 • Potentially dusty material (e.g.

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:293: potential for dust release (e.g.

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:293: • Potentially dusty material (e.g. concrete)

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:294: Criteria used to Determine Dust Emission Class

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:294: • Potentially dusty construction

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:294: potential for dust release. • On site concrete batching.

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:294: windblown dust.

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:294: Dust Soiling Effects Health Effects of PM10 Ecological Effects

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:294: the designated features may be affected by dust soiling.

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:294: dust sensitive species such as vascular species included

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:294: Office and shop workers not species, where its dust sensitivity is uncertain or unknown.

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:294: may be affected by dust deposition.

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:294: be affected by dust deposition.

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:294:The criteria detailed in Tables A18.3 to A18.5 were used to determine the sensitivity of the area to dust

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:295:Table A18.3 Sensitivity of the area to dust soiling effects on people and property

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:296:The dust emission magnitude and sensitivity of the area are combined and the risk of impacts from each

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:296:Table A18.6 Risk of dust impacts - demolition

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:296: Dust Emission Magnitude

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:296:Table A18.7 Risk of dust impacts- earthworks

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:296: Dust Emission Magnitude

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:297:Table A18.8 Risk of dust impacts- construction

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:297: Dust Emission Magnitude

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:297:Table A18.9 Risk of dust impacts- trackout

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:297: Dust Emission Magnitude

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:181:750m north east of the proposed scheme footprint, for the purpose of general use and dust suppression.

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:188:pathway would be inhalation of contaminated dusts, vapours or gases that may be generated during

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:188:construction phase dust) would also be applicable to this impact. No further mitigation measures have been

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:267:Section 18 discusses potential impacts from dust and particulate matter from construction activities. With

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:360:scheme means that any noise or dust, for example, or activities associated with construction will be virtually

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:378: • construction phase dust and particulate matter emissions;

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:380: Impacts of dust emissions

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:380: emissions of odour, dust, steam, smoke and artificial light to have a

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:381: • people may be exposed to existing sources of pollution including dust;

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:381: • potentially unacceptable impacts (such as dust) may arise during construction; and

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:383: Guidance on the Assessment of Dust from Demolition and

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:383:18.2.2 Construction phase dust and particulate matter assessment

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:383: A. determine potential dust emission magnitude;

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:383: C. establish the risk of dust impacts.

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:383:In assessing the significance of construction dust and particulate matter impacts using the IAQM guidance

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:383:(IAQM, 2016), the dust emission magnitude is combined with the sensitivity of the area to determine the risk

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:383:It should be noted that trackout is defined as the transport of dust and dirt from the construction site onto

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:386:of the proposed scheme. Receptors in places of work are, however, sensitive to emissions of dust, and are

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:387:experience any significant effects as a result of pollutant or dust deposition.

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:387:18.4.1 Construction dust and particulate matter assessment

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:387:A qualitative assessment of construction phase dust and PM10 emissions was carried out in accordance

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:387:with the IAQM guidance (IAQM, 2016). The methodology for the dust assessment is provided in Appendix

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:387: • Dust emissions generated by demolition, excavation, construction and earthwork activities required

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:387:The potential for sensitive receptors to be affected will depend on where within the site the dust raising

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:389:impacts associated with dust deposition would occur. However, this receptor has been included to provide

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:389: Step 2A: Define the potential dust emission magnitude

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:389:The IAQM guidance recommends that the dust emission magnitude is determined for demolition,

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:389:earthworks, construction and trackout. The dust magnitudes for these activities were determined from site

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:389:The risk of potential impact of construction phase dust and particulate matter emissions during earthworks,

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:389:construction and trackout is used to recommend appropriate mitigation measures. The dust magnitude for

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:389:Table 18.8 Dust emission magnitude for the site

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:389: Dust emission

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:389: Demolition Large which is potentially dusty. It is proposed that all material (except timber) would

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:389: The quay would be constructed using concrete which is potentially dusty.

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:390: Construction Dust Distance Boundaries

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:390: Dust Distance Boundaries

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:391:The sensitivity of human receptors to dust soiling and health effects of particulate matter associated with

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:391:Sensitivity of people to dust soiling

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:391: features are intertidal and therefore unlikely to be affected by dust deposition. The sensitivity was

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:391: Dust soiling Medium Medium Medium Medium

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:391:The dust emission magnitude detailed in Table 18.8 is combined with the sensitivity of the area detailed in

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:391:Table 18.9 to determine the risk of impacts with no mitigation applied. The risks concluded for dust soiling

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:391: Dust soiling High Risk Medium Risk Medium Risk Negligible Risk

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:391:The risk of dust soiling impacts during the construction phase were therefore described as ‘high risk’ for

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:392:The dust assessment determined that there was a risk of impacts resulting from construction activities

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:392:relation to dust and air mitigation measures. It is recommended that the good practice measures outlined

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:392:The recommendations below will be included in a CEMP to prevent or minimise the release of dust entering

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:392:will ensure that any potential dust releases associated with the construction phase will be reduced.

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:392:by Step 2 of the construction dust and particulate matter assessment, is provided below. The mitigation

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:392: person(s) accountable for air quality and dust issues on the site boundary. This may be the

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:392: • Record all dust and air quality complaints, identify cause(s), take appropriate measures to reduce

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:392: • Record any exceptional incidents that cause dust and/or air emissions, either on- or offsite, and the

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:392: Increase the frequency of site inspections by the person accountable for air quality and dust issues

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:392: on site when activities with a high potential to produce dust are being carried out and during

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:392: • Plan site layout so that machinery and dust causing activities are located away from receptors, as

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:392: • Erect solid screens or barriers around dusty activities where practicable.

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:392: • Remove materials that have a potential to produce dust from site as soon as possible.

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:393: • Only use cutting, grinding or sawing equipment fitted or in conjunction with suitable dust suppression

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:393: • Ensure an adequate water supply on the site for effective dust/particulate matter

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:393: droplets that effectively bring the dust particles to the ground.

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:393: • Install a wheel washing system (with rumble grids to dislodge accumulated dust and mud prior to

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:518:During construction, cumulative impacts of dust emissions would only occur where the boundaries of the

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:518:works are within 700m of each other, as impacts of dust are not considered to be significant beyond 350m

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:518:Facilities would be required to implement best-practice construction dust minimisation methods during their

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:593:Institute of Air Quality Management (IAQM) (2016). Guidance on the Assessment of Dust from Demolition

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084-RHD-SB-EN-NT-EV-1106.pdf:14:A risk-based construction phase dust assessment will be undertaken for quay construction works,

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084-RHD-SB-EN-NT-EV-1106_Appendix 2_Scoping note.pdf:14:A risk-based construction phase dust assessment will be undertaken for quay construction works,

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1108_NTS.pdf:18:undertaken to consider the impacts of construction phase dust emissions and construction and operational

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1108_NTS.pdf:18:Mitigation and control measures are recommended to minimise the effects of dust and plant emissions

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_27. Cumulative impact assessment.pdf:29:During construction, cumulative impacts of dust emissions would only occur where the boundaries of the

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_27. Cumulative impact assessment.pdf:29:works are within 700m of each other, as impacts of dust are not considered to be significant beyond 350m

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_27. Cumulative impact assessment.pdf:29:Facilities would be required to implement best-practice construction dust minimisation methods during their

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_8. Land quality and geology.pdf:13:750m north east of the proposed scheme footprint, for the purpose of general use and dust suppression.

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_8. Land quality and geology.pdf:20:pathway would be inhalation of contaminated dusts, vapours or gases that may be generated during

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_8. Land quality and geology.pdf:20:construction phase dust) would also be applicable to this impact. No further mitigation measures have been

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_11. Terrestrial ecology.pdf:24:Section 18 discusses potential impacts from dust and particulate matter from construction activities. With

R-2020-0684-ESM-Officer Report 0684.pdf:14:describes the risk of dust soiling impacts during the construction phase as

R-2020-0684-ESM-Officer Report 0684.pdf:14:There is therefore a great potential for the generation of contaminated dust

R-2020-0684-ESM-Officer Report 0684.pdf:14:The dust assessment determined that there was a risk of impacts resulting

R-2020-0684-ESM-Officer Report 0684.pdf:37:water quality (minor significance), dust and particle matter (not significant) and

R-2020-0684-ESM-Officer Report 0684.pdf:66: construction phase dust and particulate matter emissions

R-2020-0684-ESM-Officer Report 0684.pdf:66: construction phase dust and particulate matter emissions

R-2020-0684-ESM-Officer Report 0684.pdf:67:given to construction dust and particulate matter, road traffic emissions and

R-2020-0684-ESM-Officer Report 0684.pdf:67:A qualitative assessment of construction phase dust and PM10 emissions has

R-2020-0684-ESM-Officer Report 0684.pdf:67: Dust emissions generated by demolition, excavation, construction and

R-2020-0684-ESM-Officer Report 0684.pdf:67:depend on where within the site the dust raising activity takes place, the

R-2020-0684-ESM-Officer Report 0684.pdf:69:describes the risk of dust soiling impacts during the construction phase as

R-2020-0684-ESM-Officer Report 0684.pdf:69:There is therefore a great potential for the generation of contaminated dust

R-2020-0684-ESM-Officer Report 0684.pdf:69:The dust assessment determined that there was a risk of impacts resulting

R-2020-0684-ESM-Officer Report 0684.pdf:90:human receptors from the following; construction dust and particulate matter,

R-2020-0684-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:1:Appendix 18.1: Construction Phase Dust and Fine Particulate Matter Assessment Methodology

R-2020-0684-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:1:potentially be affected by dust soiling. For locations with a statutory designation, such as a Sites of Specific

R-2020-0684-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:1:consideration should be given as to whether the particular site is sensitive to dust. Some non-statutory sites

R-2020-0684-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:1:Step 2: Assess the Risk of Dust Impacts

R-2020-0684-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:1:of the area to dust impacts (Step 2B). These two factors are combined in Step 2C to determine the risk of

R-2020-0684-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:1:Step 2A: Define the Potential Dust Emission Magnitude

R-2020-0684-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:1:The IAQM guidance (IAQM, 2016) recommends that the dust emission magnitude is determined for

R-2020-0684-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:1:demolition, earthworks, construction and trackout. The dust emission magnitude is based on the scale of

R-2020-0684-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:1:the anticipated works. Table A18.1 describes the potential dust emission class criteria for each outlined

R-2020-0684-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:1:Table A18.1 Criteria used in the determination of dust emission class

R-2020-0684-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:1: Criteria used to Determine Dust Emission Class

R-2020-0684-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:1: 50,000m3 • Potentially dusty material (e.g.

R-2020-0684-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:1: potential for dust release (e.g.

R-2020-0684-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:1: • Potentially dusty material (e.g. concrete)

R-2020-0684-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:2: Criteria used to Determine Dust Emission Class

R-2020-0684-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:2: • Potentially dusty construction

R-2020-0684-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:2: potential for dust release. • On site concrete batching.

R-2020-0684-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:2: windblown dust.

R-2020-0684-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:2: Dust Soiling Effects Health Effects of PM10 Ecological Effects

R-2020-0684-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:2: the designated features may be affected by dust soiling.

R-2020-0684-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:2: dust sensitive species such as vascular species included

R-2020-0684-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:2: Office and shop workers not species, where its dust sensitivity is uncertain or unknown.

R-2020-0684-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:2: may be affected by dust deposition.

R-2020-0684-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:2: be affected by dust deposition.

R-2020-0684-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:2:The criteria detailed in Tables A18.3 to A18.5 were used to determine the sensitivity of the area to dust

R-2020-0684-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:3:Table A18.3 Sensitivity of the area to dust soiling effects on people and property

R-2020-0684-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:4:The dust emission magnitude and sensitivity of the area are combined and the risk of impacts from each

R-2020-0684-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:4:Table A18.6 Risk of dust impacts - demolition

R-2020-0684-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:4: Dust Emission Magnitude

R-2020-0684-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:4:Table A18.7 Risk of dust impacts- earthworks

R-2020-0684-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:4: Dust Emission Magnitude

R-2020-0684-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:5:Table A18.8 Risk of dust impacts- construction

R-2020-0684-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:5: Dust Emission Magnitude

R-2020-0684-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:5:Table A18.9 Risk of dust impacts- trackout

R-2020-0684-ESM-Appendix 11_Air quality assessment method.pdf:5: Dust Emission Magnitude

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_30. References.pdf:6:Institute of Air Quality Management (IAQM) (2016). Guidance on the Assessment of Dust from Demolition

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084-RHD-SB-EN-RP-EV-1107_Appendix 7_Land quality desk study.pdf:16:and for dust suppression.

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084-RHD-SB-EN-RP-EV-1107_Appendix 7_Land quality desk study.pdf:28: • direct exposure through dermal contact, ingestion or inhalation of soils and dusts; and,

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084-RHD-SB-EN-RP-EV-1107_Appendix 7_Land quality desk study.pdf:30: soils and dusts the site. The exact construction of the substation is

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084-RHD-SB-EN-RP-EV-1107_Appendix 7_Land quality desk study.pdf:31: soils and dusts the creation of the berthing pocket and quay

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084-RHD-SB-EN-RP-EV-1107_Appendix 7_Land quality desk study.pdf:37: soils and dusts. Groundwater flow across the adjacent sites is likely

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084-RHD-SB-EN-RP-EV-1107_Appendix 7_Land quality desk study.pdf:37: migrated onto the the site either via windblown dusts or through

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084-RHD-SB-EN-RP-EV-1107_Appendix 7_Land quality desk study.pdf:39:During construction there is the potential for the disturbance of soils resulting in dust generation and for site

R-2020-0684-ESM-61586 Quay Planning Statement 09-11-20.pdf:29: assessments were undertaken to consider the impacts of construction phase dust emissions and

R-2020-0684-ESM-61586 Quay Planning Statement 09-11-20.pdf:29:5.56 Mitigation and control measures are recommended to minimise the effects of dust and plant

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_16. Archaeology and cultural heritage.pdf:22:scheme means that any noise or dust, for example, or activities associated with construction will be virtually

R-2020-0684-ESM-PN 0684.pdf:2:contamination on site and the Air Quality impact statement describes the risk of dust

R-2020-0684-ESM-PN 0684.pdf:2:There is therefore a great potential for the generation of contaminated dust and

R-2020-0684-ESM-PN 0684.pdf:2:The dust assessment determined that there was a risk of impacts resulting from

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:1: • construction phase dust and particulate matter emissions;

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:3: Impacts of dust emissions

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:3: emissions of odour, dust, steam, smoke and artificial light to have a

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:4: • people may be exposed to existing sources of pollution including dust;

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:4: • potentially unacceptable impacts (such as dust) may arise during construction; and

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:6: Guidance on the Assessment of Dust from Demolition and

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:6:18.2.2 Construction phase dust and particulate matter assessment

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:6: A. determine potential dust emission magnitude;

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:6: C. establish the risk of dust impacts.

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:6:In assessing the significance of construction dust and particulate matter impacts using the IAQM guidance

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:6:(IAQM, 2016), the dust emission magnitude is combined with the sensitivity of the area to determine the risk

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:6:It should be noted that trackout is defined as the transport of dust and dirt from the construction site onto

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:9:of the proposed scheme. Receptors in places of work are, however, sensitive to emissions of dust, and are

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:10:experience any significant effects as a result of pollutant or dust deposition.

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:10:18.4.1 Construction dust and particulate matter assessment

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:10:A qualitative assessment of construction phase dust and PM10 emissions was carried out in accordance

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:10:with the IAQM guidance (IAQM, 2016). The methodology for the dust assessment is provided in Appendix

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:10: • Dust emissions generated by demolition, excavation, construction and earthwork activities required

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:10:The potential for sensitive receptors to be affected will depend on where within the site the dust raising

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:12:impacts associated with dust deposition would occur. However, this receptor has been included to provide

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:12: Step 2A: Define the potential dust emission magnitude

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:12:The IAQM guidance recommends that the dust emission magnitude is determined for demolition,

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:12:earthworks, construction and trackout. The dust magnitudes for these activities were determined from site

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:12:The risk of potential impact of construction phase dust and particulate matter emissions during earthworks,

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:12:construction and trackout is used to recommend appropriate mitigation measures. The dust magnitude for

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:12:Table 18.8 Dust emission magnitude for the site

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:12: Dust emission

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:12: Demolition Large which is potentially dusty. It is proposed that all material (except timber) would

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:12: The quay would be constructed using concrete which is potentially dusty.

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:13: Construction Dust Distance Boundaries

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:13: Dust Distance Boundaries

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:14:The sensitivity of human receptors to dust soiling and health effects of particulate matter associated with

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:14:Sensitivity of people to dust soiling

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:14: features are intertidal and therefore unlikely to be affected by dust deposition. The sensitivity was

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:14: Dust soiling Medium Medium Medium Medium

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:14:The dust emission magnitude detailed in Table 18.8 is combined with the sensitivity of the area detailed in

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:14:Table 18.9 to determine the risk of impacts with no mitigation applied. The risks concluded for dust soiling

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:14: Dust soiling High Risk Medium Risk Medium Risk Negligible Risk

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:14:The risk of dust soiling impacts during the construction phase were therefore described as ‘high risk’ for

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:15:The dust assessment determined that there was a risk of impacts resulting from construction activities

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:15:relation to dust and air mitigation measures. It is recommended that the good practice measures outlined

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:15:The recommendations below will be included in a CEMP to prevent or minimise the release of dust entering

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:15:will ensure that any potential dust releases associated with the construction phase will be reduced.

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:15:by Step 2 of the construction dust and particulate matter assessment, is provided below. The mitigation

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:15: person(s) accountable for air quality and dust issues on the site boundary. This may be the

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:15: • Record all dust and air quality complaints, identify cause(s), take appropriate measures to reduce

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:15: • Record any exceptional incidents that cause dust and/or air emissions, either on- or offsite, and the

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:15: Increase the frequency of site inspections by the person accountable for air quality and dust issues

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:15: on site when activities with a high potential to produce dust are being carried out and during

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:15: • Plan site layout so that machinery and dust causing activities are located away from receptors, as

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:15: • Erect solid screens or barriers around dusty activities where practicable.

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:15: • Remove materials that have a potential to produce dust from site as soon as possible.

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:16: • Only use cutting, grinding or sawing equipment fitted or in conjunction with suitable dust suppression

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:16: • Ensure an adequate water supply on the site for effective dust/particulate matter

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:16: droplets that effectively bring the dust particles to the ground.

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:16: • Install a wheel washing system (with rumble grids to dislodge accumulated dust and mud prior to

R-2021-0405-FFM-355679 - R_2021_0405_FFM Engineering operations associated with ground remediation and preparation at Land at South Bank South Industrial Zone Redcar - No Objs Sub Mit.pdf:2: aerial emissions (i.e. dust), water pollution, and noise/visual (including lightspill) disturbance

R-2021-0405-FFM-DECISION NOTICE.pdf:2: i The method to be used to control the emission of dust, noise and

R-2021-0405-FFM-0405.pdf:1:inhalation/ingestion of dust pathways that may be associated with other

R-2021-0405-FFM-0405.pdf:3: 2. Air Quality and Dust Management Plan- to ensure adequate dust

R-2021-0405-FFM-OFFICER REPORT.pdf:6:contact, or inhalation/ingestion of dust pathways that may be associated with

R-2021-0405-FFM-OFFICER REPORT.pdf:8:2. Air Quality and Dust Management Plan- to ensure adequate dust control

R-2021-0405-FFM-OFFICER REPORT.pdf:9:for contaminated land to cover the control of dust, vapours and

R-2021-0405-FFM-OFFICER REPORT.pdf:11:Plan (CEMP) relating to ground water, dust/air pollution and asbestos, there

R-2021-0405-FFM-OFFICER REPORT.pdf:11:to the generation of noise, dust and vibration from the proposed works. It has

R-2021-0405-FFM-OFFICER REPORT.pdf:16: i The method to be used to control the emission of dust, noise and

R-2021-0405-FFM-210512, HRA for South Bank Site Remediation_INCA_RevA Final.PDF:9:development works (water will be needed for dust suppression) and

R-2021-0405-FFM-210512, HRA for South Bank Site Remediation_INCA_RevA Final.PDF:9:Emissions to air caused by the The only anticipated emission is dust, and this will be

R-2021-0405-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0293-01-South Bank Quay Strategy rev1.PDF:12:  Human Health - Risk to commercial workers via dust inhalation and direct contact with soils for

R-2021-0405-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0293-01-South Bank Quay Strategy rev1.PDF:13:and dust inhalation. These will need to be considered in the remedial strategy for the site.

R-2021-0405-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0293-01-South Bank Quay Strategy rev1.PDF:31:potential dust generation.

R-2021-0405-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0293-01-South Bank Quay Strategy rev1.PDF:33: Dust, Noise and Vibration

R-2021-0405-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0293-01-South Bank Quay Strategy rev1.PDF:33:Air Quality and Dust Management Plan

R-2021-0405-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0293-01-South Bank Quay Strategy rev1.PDF:33:An Air Quality and Dust Management Plan (AQDMP) will be prepared as a component of the CPEMP.

R-2021-0405-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0293-01-South Bank Quay Strategy rev1.PDF:35:  Air quality and dust management

R-2021-0268-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-CO-ZZ-0279-01-Railway_Bund_Memo.pdf:1:(LQM S4UL and Arcadis derived) for human health via the direct contact and dust inhalation

R-2021-0268-CD-OFFICER REPORT.pdf:2:contact and dust inhalation pathways, and that, measurable quantities of asbestos

R-2021-0268-CD-0268 Con Land.pdf:1:contact and dust inhalation pathways, and that, measurable quantities of asbestos

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:3:2.3.4. Guidance on the Assessment of Dust from Demolition and Construction ………………………………….. 8

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:3:3.2.1. Construction Dust ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:4:5.1.1. Construction Dust ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 25

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:4:6.1.1. Construction Dust ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 30

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:5: risk of dust soiling and fugitive PM10 emissions during the demolition, earthworks, construction

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:5: measures, the impact of dust and PM10 releases will be minimised. The residual effect of the

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:7: During the construction phase, activities on the Development Site could give rise to dust, which, if

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:9: • “Any dust, steam, smell or other effluvia arising on industrial, trade or business premises and

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:11: • Paragraph 211c, which states “ensure that any unavoidable noise, dust and particulate

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:12:2.3.4. Guidance on the Assessment of Dust from Demolition and Construction

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:12: reference to dust and PM10 on sensitive human and ecological receptors) and, where applicable,

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:13: • Dust and particulate matter generated by on-site activities during the construction phase; and,

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:13:3.2.1. Construction Dust

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:13: Assessment of the risk of impact associated with the generation of dust during the construction

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:13: classification of the likely magnitude of dust emissions; characterisation of the area of influence

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:13: and establishment of its sensitivity to dust; and establishment of the overall risk of impact. The risk

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:13: of impact from dust emissions from the Proposed Development considers effects on human

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:13: health, nuisance as a result of dust soiling and ecological receptors from four main activities:

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:13: demolition; earthworks; construction; and trackout. The potential for dust emissions from each

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:13: dust from construction sites will be required where:

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:14: The magnitude of dust emissions for each activity is classified as small, medium or large depending

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:14: Table 3.1 Dust Emission Magnitude (Source: IAQM Guidance, v1.1 Updated June 2016)

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:14: • Construction material • Potentially dusty • Potentially dusty

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:14: dust release (e.g. metal • Demolition activities 10- concrete)

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:14: • Soil type with large grain 10,000m2 • Potentially dusty soil type

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:14: size (e.g sand) • Moderately dusty soil (e.g. clay)

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:14: • Construction material • Potentially dusty • On-site concrete batching,

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:14: dust (e.g. metal cladding (e.g. concrete)

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:14: • Surface material with low • Moderately dusty surface • Potentially dusty surface

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:14: potential for dust release material (e.g. high clay material (e.g. high clay

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:15: Consideration is given to the likely sensitivity of the area to the impacts of dust, establishing a

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:15: sensitivity of low, medium or high for dust soiling, human health and ecological receptors. The

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:15: receptor, number of receptors (in the case of human health and dust soiling) and the distance

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:15: Dust Soiling • Enjoyment of amenity • Users would expect to • Users can reasonably

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:15: dust. care homes.

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:16: by dust deposition, e.g. dust sensitivity is designated features may

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:16: Local Nature Reserve. uncertain or unknown; be affected by dust

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:16: by dust deposition, e.g. • Location where there is a

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:16: Interest. particularly dust sensitive

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:16: Table 3.3 Sensitivity of the Area to Dust Soiling Effects on People and Property (Source:

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:17: The risk of dust related impacts from the Proposed Development is established from the sensitivity

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:17: of the area and the likely dust emission magnitude. The risk should be established, on the worst-

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:17: Table 3.6 Risk of Dust Impacts from Each Activity (Source: IAQM Guidance, v1.1 Updated

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:17: Sensitivity of Dust Emission Magnitude

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:17: effects of dust from construction sites, and identify their likely applicability to a development

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:18: within the construction dust assessment. This meteorological site is considered representative of

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:22: Professional judgement has been used in the completion of the construction phase dust

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:29:5.1.1. Construction Dust

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:29: Assessment of Potential Dust Emission Magnitude

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:29: The likely magnitude of dust emissions from the Proposed Development for the four main

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:29: Table 5.1 Predicted Magnitude of Dust Emissions from Proposed Development

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:29: m2 and all below 20 m above ground level, with potentially dusty

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:29: Earthworks Large total site area threshold, with a potentially dusty soil type

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:29: is of a construction material that has a low potential for dust. In

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:29: construction material that has a low potential for dust

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:29: The surface material has a high potential for dust generation and

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:30: Sensitivity of Receptors to Dust Emission Effects

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:30: dust emissions generated by the construction phase.

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:30: The majority of dust generated by the construction phase is likely to be deposited in close

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:31: Table 5.2 Sensitivity of Receptors to Dust Emission Effects

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:31: Dust Soiling Low Low Low Low

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:31: The sensitivity of the surrounding area is Low for Dust Soiling and Human Health, and Medium for

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:31: To determine the risk of impacts prior to the implementation of mitigation the dust emission

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:31: Table 5.3 Risk of Dust Related Impacts from the Proposed Development

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:31: Dust Soiling Low Risk Low Risk Low Risk Low Risk

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:31: The risk of dust related impacts from the Proposed Development on existing receptors in the

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:31: vicinity of the Application Site ranges from Low Risk to Medium Risk for dust soiling, human health

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:34:6.1.1. Construction Dust

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:34: for inclusion within the Proposed Development, based on the level of risk of dust related impacts

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:34: and dust issues on the site boundary. This may be the environment

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:34: Planning Develop and implement a Dust Management Plan (DMP), which may include

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:34: Site Record all dust and air quality complaints, identify cause(s), take appropriate

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:34: Record any exceptional incidents that cause dust and/or emissions, either on-

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:34: roads) are nearby, to monitor dust, record inspection results, and make the

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:34: dust soiling checks of surfaces such as street furniture, cars and window sills

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:35: quality and dust issues on site when activities with a high potential to

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:35: produce dust are being carried out and during prolonged dry or windy

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:35: Agree dust deposition, dust flux, or real-time PM10 continuous monitoring

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:35: Preparing and Plan site layout so that machinery and dust causing activities are located

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:35: Erect solid screens or barriers around dusty activities or the site boundary

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:35: dust production and the site is active for an extensive period.

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:35: Remove materials that have a potential to produce dust from site as soon as

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:36: suitable dust suppression techniques such as water sprays or local extraction,

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:36: Ensure an adequate water supply on the site for effective dust/particulate

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:36: and stored appropriately to prevent dust.

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:36: Trackout Use water-assisted dust sweeper(s) on the access and local roads, to remove, as

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:37: dust and mud prior to leaving the site where reasonably practicable).

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:37: The residual effects of dust and PM10 generated by construction activities following the application

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:38: risk of dust soiling and fugitive PM10 emissions during the demolition, earthworks, construction

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:38: measures, the impact of dust and PM10 releases will be minimised. The residual effect of the

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:39:Dust Dust comprises particles typically in the size range 1-75 micrometres (μm) in

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:39:Trackout The transport of dust and dirt from the construction/demolition site onto the

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:39: the construction/ demolition site with dusty materials, which may then spill

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:39: onto the road, and/or when HDV’s transfer dust and dirt onto the road

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:52: Institute of Air Quality Management (IAQM) (2016). Guidance on the Assessment of Dust from Demolition and

R-2020-0539-PND-South Bank Wharf Riverside Buildings Demolition V1.1 reviewed.PDF:7:methods in place to control dust migration are suitable, as outlined below. Banksmen will be

R-2020-0539-PND-South Bank Wharf Riverside Buildings Demolition V1.1 reviewed.PDF:8: grab, shear, buckets, dust suppression nozzles)

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0520-04-Land West of Warrenby Redcar.pdf:106: Pollutant Description: Dust

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0520-04-Land West of Warrenby Redcar.pdf:136: Air pollution - Any development that could cause air pollution or dust either in its construction or operation

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0520-01-Land West of Warrenby Redcar Preliminary Risk Assessment.pdf:88: Pollutant Description: Dust

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0520-01-Land West of Warrenby Redcar Preliminary Risk Assessment.pdf:118: Air pollution - Any development that could cause air pollution or dust either in its construction or operation

R-2022-0755-CD-Aug 22 - CEMP - Land West of Warrenby - Site Preparation Remediation Works.pdf:10:  Ensure any monitoring (e.g., noise, dust) is undertaken as required.

R-2022-0755-CD-Aug 22 - CEMP - Land West of Warrenby - Site Preparation Remediation Works.pdf:12:  Do not cause unnecessary noise or dust.

R-2022-0755-CD-Aug 22 - CEMP - Land West of Warrenby - Site Preparation Remediation Works.pdf:13:Noise and dust issues may be a key subject of complaint where construction works take place.

R-2022-0755-CD-Aug 22 - CEMP - Land West of Warrenby - Site Preparation Remediation Works.pdf:13: working near watercourses, noise & dust management and ecological risks;

R-2022-0755-CD-Aug 22 - CEMP - Land West of Warrenby - Site Preparation Remediation Works.pdf:15:  Monitoring data (e.g., dust, noise);

R-2022-0755-CD-Aug 22 - CEMP - Land West of Warrenby - Site Preparation Remediation Works.pdf:17:Dust management measures, in accordance with the BRE Publication ‘Controlling Dust from

R-2022-0755-CD-Aug 22 - CEMP - Land West of Warrenby - Site Preparation Remediation Works.pdf:17:Site. Staff will be trained in the control of dust and will ensure the site is visually monitored twice

R-2022-0755-CD-Aug 22 - CEMP - Land West of Warrenby - Site Preparation Remediation Works.pdf:17:daily for levels of surface dust, the findings of which are to be recorded in the Site Diary. Should

R-2022-0755-CD-Aug 22 - CEMP - Land West of Warrenby - Site Preparation Remediation Works.pdf:17:Should a substantiated dust complaint be received, the site shall implement construction dust

R-2022-0755-CD-Aug 22 - CEMP - Land West of Warrenby - Site Preparation Remediation Works.pdf:17:monitoring at the site boundary to provide continuous ‘real-time’ dust monitoring throughout the

R-2022-0755-CD-Aug 22 - CEMP - Land West of Warrenby - Site Preparation Remediation Works.pdf:21:To prevent sediment, dust, surface water run-off, or any other substance relating to construction

R-2022-0755-CD-Aug 22 - CEMP - Land West of Warrenby - Site Preparation Remediation Works.pdf:21:To prevent sediment, dust, surface water run-off, or any other substance relating to construction

R-2022-0755-CD-Aug 22 - CEMP - Land West of Warrenby - Site Preparation Remediation Works.pdf:22:To prevent sediment, dust, surface water run-off, or any other substance relating to construction

R-2022-0755-CD-Aug 22 - CEMP - Land West of Warrenby - Site Preparation Remediation Works.pdf:24:covered (if required) during dry weather to prevent wind-blown dust arising.

R-2022-0755-CD-Aug 22 - CEMP - Land West of Warrenby - Site Preparation Remediation Works.pdf:24:Any contamination that might be generated during construction (e.g., dust or disturbance of

R-2022-0755-CD-Aug 22 - CEMP - Land West of Warrenby - Site Preparation Remediation Works.pdf:26:  Excessive/high offsite emissions of dust and noise, leading to a substantiated

R-2022-0755-CD-63262 Covering Letter NZT DoC 13.09.22.pdf:1: i. The method to be used to control the emission of dust, noise and vibration from

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-04-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:14:Asbestos was noted to represent a potential risk via the inhalation pathways, including within dust. It was

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-04-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:30: of coal dust/coal tar fragments

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-04-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:33:• Soil and dust ingestion and inhalation

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-04-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:33:• Dermal contact, soil and dust ingestion and inhalation of dusts (indoor and outdoor) in relation to future on-

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-04-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:35:A. Dust inhalation from Made Ground from Site (potential CoC include primarily asbestos and heavy

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-04-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:37:contact pathways (including dust).

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-04-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:39:contact pathways, including within dust (linkages A and C) if the shallow soils remain uncovered post-

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-04-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:40:hazardous when inhaled and, therefore, pollutant linkage A (inhalation of dust) is considered potentially active

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-04-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:40:pathways including within dust) may represent a risk to human health receptors in two locations. It is considered

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-04-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:47:direct contact pathways, including within dust (linkages A and C). However, based on the composition of the

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-04-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:47:at a minimum depth of 0.3m bgl; therefore, the direct contact and dust inhalation pathways could be active in

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-04-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:47:contact exposure and dust inhalation, under the assumption that near-surface soils remain uncovered in the

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-04-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:66:inhalation of dust generated from shallow soils.

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-04-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:66: contact and dust pathways provided designed appropriately.

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-04-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:177: Top 0.5m: Occasional patches of white dust/sand. Possibly burnt lime

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-04-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:272: odour and black layer of coal dust/coal tar fragments.

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-04-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:295: 0.40 cemented coal dust and various lithologies.

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-04-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:302: pockets of loose black sand and gravel of coal dust.

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-04-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:309: cemented coal dust.

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-04-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:386: 15.70 J34 Firm laminated CLAY/SILT with occasional silt dustings and organic

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-04-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:387: 16.00-16.50 B36 Firm laminated CLAY/SILT with occasional silt dustings and organic

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-04-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:482: dustings on the laminae. Sand is fine

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-04-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:517: 19.10m … ES69 sandy clay with some silt dustings.

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-04-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:549: 100 19.80m … J41 19.80m … laminated with silt dustings

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-04-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:567: -12.27 20.25 dustings on laminae. Clay is of

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-04-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:605: silt dustings on laminae. Sand is fine

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-04-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:606: silt dustings on laminae. Sand is fine

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-04-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:720:14.80 J57(SL11) gravelly CLAY with sand dustings. Gravel is fine to coarse

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-04-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:721:17.15 ES(M)73(SL12) at c.17.70m BGL … high strength and laminated with silt dustings

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0428-04-LWoW_DQRA.pdf:965:S2-TPA59 Made Ground Strong hydrocarbon odour and black layer of coal dust/coal tar fragments CH2M 2017b

R-2022-0755-CD-COMPLIANCE OFFICER REPORT.pdf:1:i The method to be used to control the emission of dust, noise and vibration

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0417-06-Rem_Strat_LWoW(1).pdf:18:contaminants is direct contact and dust inhalation. The majority of the exceedances were at depth

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0417-06-Rem_Strat_LWoW(1).pdf:25: materials to manage SPR linkages driven by direct contact and dust inhalation pathways;

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0417-06-Rem_Strat_LWoW(1).pdf:25: criteria, as the SPL linkage for these contaminants is direct contact and dust inhalation. The ROA

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0417-06-Rem_Strat_LWoW(1).pdf:34:potential dust generation.

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0417-06-Rem_Strat_LWoW(1).pdf:37: Dust, Noise and Vibration

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0417-06-Rem_Strat_LWoW(1).pdf:37:Air Quality and Dust Management Plan

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0417-06-Rem_Strat_LWoW(1).pdf:37:An Air Quality and Dust Management Plan (AQDMP) will be prepared as a component of the CEMP.

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0417-06-Rem_Strat_LWoW(1).pdf:38: • Air quality and dust management

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0417-06-Rem_Strat_LWoW(1).pdf:49: Inhalation of Dust Indoors

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0417-06-Rem_Strat_LWoW(1).pdf:49: Inhalation of Dust Outdoors

R-2022-0435-CD-INCA2022-12 HRA - SeAH South Bank Rev 1.pdf:7:Emissions to air could derive from both construction activities (principally dust and particulates) and

R-2020-0283-PND-C1096 Prairie Method Statement Demolition works.pdf:2: Falling materials Dust

R-2020-0283-PND-C1096 Prairie Method Statement Demolition works.pdf:4: Dust suppression will be used at all times during the demolition of any brickwork or concrete

R-2020-0283-PND-C1096 Prairie Method Statement Demolition works.pdf:8: Dust and noise to be kept as low as possible during the works

R-2020-0283-PND-Officer report.pdf:2:4. Dust suppression will be used at all times during the demolition of any

R-2021-1058-NM-Decision 0270.pdf:2: i The method to be used to control the emission of dust, noise and

R-2020-0679-PND-STDC-Torpedo Workshop Demolition_Outline MS_For Issue.PDF:5:disconnected away from the building but will be in use for dust suppression and fire control during hot works. The

R-2020-0679-PND-STDC-Torpedo Workshop Demolition_Outline MS_For Issue.PDF:9:  Baseline noise, dust and vibration assessments

R-2020-0679-PND-STDC-Torpedo Workshop Demolition_Outline MS_For Issue.PDF:9:  Motofog 100 dust suppression unit or similar

R-2020-0679-PND-STDC-Torpedo Workshop Demolition_Outline MS_For Issue.PDF:10:brief is to be in place to ensure the controls are in place to control dust migration and they are suitable and

R-2020-0679-PND-STDC-Torpedo Workshop Demolition_Outline MS_For Issue.PDF:10:Demolition dust will typically be controlled by applying water spray manually and remotely using a (MOTFOG 100

R-2020-0679-PND-STDC-Torpedo Workshop Demolition_Outline MS_For Issue.PDF:10:or similar) dust water spray cannon as required.

R-2020-0679-PND-STDC-Torpedo Workshop Demolition_Outline MS_For Issue.PDF:10:Banksmen will be positioned as required during works to ensure the controls in place are suitable and dust is

R-2020-0679-PND-STDC-Torpedo Workshop Demolition_Outline MS_For Issue.PDF:10:and during the crushing and demolition of the brick structures it is expected that water and dust control will be in

R-2020-0679-PND-STDC-Torpedo Workshop Demolition_Outline MS_For Issue.PDF:18:  Water supply connected to the crusher and dust suppression used as required as crushing is carried out.

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0066-01-Prairie ROA and Strategy.PDF:13:  Human Health - Risk to commercial workers via dust inhalation and direct contact with soils for

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0066-01-Prairie ROA and Strategy.PDF:18:direct contact exposure and dust inhalation. Contaminants without GACs were qualitatively reviewed

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0066-01-Prairie ROA and Strategy.PDF:25:  Dust, air quality, noise and vibration monitoring will be required to manage potential risk to site

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0066-01-Prairie ROA and Strategy.PDF:26:  Pozzolanic-based materials like fly ash, kiln dust, pumice, or blast furnace slag

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0066-01-Prairie ROA and Strategy.PDF:27:  Dust, air quality, noise and vibration monitoring will be required to manage potential risk to site

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0066-01-Prairie ROA and Strategy.PDF:27:  Excavation activities can lead to excessive noise, dust and odour generation without proper

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0066-01-Prairie ROA and Strategy.PDF:28:  Excavation activities can lead to excessive noise, dust and odour generation without proper

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0066-01-Prairie ROA and Strategy.PDF:37:to control potential dust generation. Soils containing asbestos in excess of the reuse criteria will not be

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0066-01-Prairie ROA and Strategy.PDF:40: Dust, Noise and Vibration

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0066-01-Prairie ROA and Strategy.PDF:40:Air Quality and Dust Management Plan

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0066-01-Prairie ROA and Strategy.PDF:40:An Air Quality and Dust Management Plan (AQDMP) will be prepared as a component of the CPEMP.

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0066-01-Prairie ROA and Strategy.PDF:42:  Air quality and dust management

R-2021-0879-FF-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0-P01 (Part 1).pdf:43: Coke and coke dust;

R-2021-0879-FF-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0-P01 (Part 1).pdf:91: Future site users (industrial end use) Dermal contact, accidental ingestion, inhalation of dusts, vapours,

R-2021-0879-FF-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0-P01 (Part 1).pdf:93: hydrocarbons, pH, users ingestion, inhalation of dusts, (Medium) Made Ground across the site is typically

R-2021-0879-FF-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0-P01 (Part 1).pdf:94: storage tanks users ingestion, inhalation of dusts (Medium) Previous SPMP monitoring in 2004 and 2007 for

R-2021-0879-FF-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0-P01 (Part 1).pdf:95: tanks and South hydrocarbons users ingestion, inhalation of dusts, (Medium)] Naphthalene and TPH identified in soil near the

R-2021-0879-FF-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0-P01 (Part 1).pdf:96: filled cables users ingestion, inhalation of dusts, (Medium) PCBs and oil have low mobility. Likely to be near

R-2021-0879-FF-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0-P01 (Part 1).pdf:97: CL2 Future site users and dermal contact, accidental ingestion, inhalation of dusts, vapours, fibres and

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part1.PDF:33:• The majority of the site is currently covered in soft landscaping, as such, particulate inhalation due to dust

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part1.PDF:33: and or re-profiling requirements and therefore dust has the potential to be generated. Notwithstanding this,

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part1.PDF:33: typical dust suppression techniques should be employed so that exposures would be minimised.

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part1.PDF:37: D. Dust inhalation (potential CoC include asbestos and heavy metals)

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part1.PDF:43:therefore pollutant linkage D (inhalation of dust) is considered potentially active as surface soils may become

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part1.PDF:56:via the direct contact and dust inhalation pathways could not be ruled out. Additionally the risk to human health

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part2.PDF:2: Inhalation of Dust Indoors

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part2.PDF:2: Inhalation of Dust Outdoors

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part2.PDF:4: Inhalation of Dust Indoors

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part2.PDF:4: Inhalation of Dust Outdoors

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part2.PDF:52:2.50-2.95 U2 (75) dustings on the laminae. Sand is fine to medium.

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part2.PDF:84:2.50 PID <0.1ppm at c.2.00m BGL … engineer notes red brick dust coating on clay.

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part2.PDF:189:1.50 J4 CLAY/SILT with fine yellow brown sand dusting on the laminae.

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part2.PDF:198: (1.45) dusting on the laminae.

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-02-Prairie_ESA_Addendum_Part1.PDF:75:2.50-2.95 U2 (75) dustings on the laminae. Sand is fine to medium.

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-02-Prairie_ESA_Addendum_Part1.PDF:107:2.50 PID <0.1ppm at c.2.00m BGL … engineer notes red brick dust coating on clay.

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-02-Prairie_ESA_Addendum_Part1.PDF:212:1.50 J4 CLAY/SILT with fine yellow brown sand dusting on the laminae.

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-02-Prairie_ESA_Addendum_Part2.PDF:6: (1.45) dusting on the laminae.

R-2021-0879-FF-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0-P01 (Part 2).pdf:1:Exposure pathways for commercial/industrial end use include direct soil and indoor dust ingestion, skin

R-2021-0879-FF-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0-P01 (Part 2).pdf:1:contact with soils and dusts, and inhalation of dust and vapours. As it is not pragmatic to remove all

R-2021-0879-FF-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0-P01 (Part 2).pdf:12: generation of dust.

R-2021-0879-FF-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0-P01 (Part 2).pdf:12: Water sprays to be used during operations as and when required to minimise potential for dust

R-2021-0589-PND-Outline Method Statement - BOS Plant - Rev0.PDF:14: Dust: Thompsons will minimise the production of dust during all stages of the project.

R-2021-0589-PND-Outline Method Statement - BOS Plant - Rev0.PDF:14: production of dusts.

R-2021-0589-PND-Outline Method Statement - BOS Plant - Rev0.PDF:14: During the demolition phase of the works Thompsons will minimize dust

R-2021-0589-PND-Outline Method Statement - BOS Plant - Rev0.PDF:14: emissions by utilizing machine dust suppression systems, pressure washer

R-2021-0589-PND-Outline Method Statement - BOS Plant - Rev0.PDF:14: of the Conveyors has highlighted that accumulated dust maybe present;

R-2021-0589-PND-Outline Method Statement - BOS Plant - Rev0.PDF:14: The excavator machines are equipped with a dust suppression system to reduce

R-2021-0589-PND-Outline Method Statement - BOS Plant - Rev0.PDF:14: the dust at source, Thompsons will also use a pressure washer / water hose at

R-2021-0589-PND-Outline Method Statement - BOS Plant - Rev0.PDF:14: ground level to reduce dust exposure.

R-2021-0589-PND-Outline Method Statement - BOS Plant - Rev0.PDF:14: prevent the arising of dust during transportation. All waste will be transferred to

R-2021-0589-PND-Outline Method Statement - BOS Plant - Rev0.PDF:15: minimise noise, vibration and airborne dust as much as possible.

R-2021-0589-PND-Outline Method Statement - BOS Plant - Rev0.PDF:15: nuisance noise, windblown dust, spillages etc and will prevent polluting materials

R-2021-0589-PND-Outline Method Statement - BOS Plant - Rev0.PDF:19: • Dust

R-2021-0589-PND-Officer Report 0589.pdf:2:2 Dust management measures, which will ensure no significant effects from

R-2021-0589-PND-63262_Cover letter Prior Approval_July 2021.PDF:3:2 Dust management measures, which will ensure no significant effects from dust on human health or

R-2021-0589-PND-Outline Risk Assessment - BOS Plant - Rev0.PDF:9: public and third parties and to reduce dust, noise and vibration to a

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 1.2 Statement of Expertise - formatted.pdf:6: monitoring of NO2 using diffusion tubes, monitoring of suspended and deposited dust from

R-2020-0411-FFM-Decision 0411.pdf:4:5. Prior to the commencement of construction details of a detailed dust

R-2020-0411-FFM-Decision 0411.pdf:4: REASON: In the interests of minimising dust emissions and protecting

R-2020-0411-FFM-Decision 0411.pdf:7: (j) Measures to control the emission of noise dust and vibration during the

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 9 Geology Hydrogeology and Contamination.pdf:13: • the implementation of dust suppression measures in accordance with guidance provided by

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 9 Geology Hydrogeology and Contamination.pdf:14: dermal contact, ingestion or dust inhalation relevant to construction workers.

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 9 Geology Hydrogeology and Contamination.pdf:14: the CoCP , in particular dust suppression methods and appropriate storage of polluting chemicals.

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 9 Geology Hydrogeology and Contamination.pdf:15: implementation of the mitigation measures, in particular the dust control measures, the magnitude

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 9 Geology Hydrogeology and Contamination.pdf:17: plan, appropriate storage of potentially polluting materials and chemicals and dust suppression

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 9 Geology Hydrogeology and Contamination.pdf:23:Human Health - contaminants and dust, H&S risk

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 9 Geology Hydrogeology and Contamination.pdf:23: gas/vapours PPE and dust

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 9 Geology Hydrogeology and Contamination.pdf:23:Human Health – contaminants and dust, investigation, dust

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 9 Geology Hydrogeology and Contamination.pdf:23: dust and release of Dust management

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 9 Geology Hydrogeology and Contamination.pdf:23:Human Health - contaminants and dust, within buildings,

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 9 Geology Hydrogeology and Contamination.pdf:23:Adjacent site users contaminants and dust, surface cover beneficial

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 9 Geology Hydrogeology and Contamination.pdf:24: Release of dust and Environmental permit

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 8.2 Outline Drainage Strategy.pdf:9: as a dust suppressant. In the event of a contamination incident it will be possible to tanker

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 8.3 WFD.pdf:17: • covers for lorries transporting materials to / from site to prevent releases of dust/sediment to

R-2020-0411-FFM-Figure 11.3 Construction Dust Figure.pdf:1: Title Construction dust figure

R-2020-0411-FFM-Redcar Volume 3 Front Cover.pdf:2:Appendix 11.3: Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 5 Planning Policy.pdf:10: g. air emission, including dust…

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 5 Planning Policy.pdf:26: operational issues such as dust, noise, vibration and the visual effect of stockpiles.

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:1: • construction effects – potential dust effects from construction activities and emissions from

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:1: stack; potential fugitive emissions and dust.

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:7:11.2.25 In overview, the study area for construction phase dust impacts is up to 350 metres from the

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:9: for dust.

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:10:11.2.36 Dust is the generic term used to describe particulate matter in the size range 1-75 µm in diameter

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:10: than dust. Dusts can contain a wide range of particles of different sizes. The normal fate of

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:10: suspended (i.e. airborne) dust is deposition. The rate of deposition depends largely on the size of

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:10:11.2.37 The effects of dust are linked to particle size and two main categories are usually considered:

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:10: • Dust, generally considered to be particles larger than 10 µm which fall out of the air quite

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:10: quickly and can soil surfaces (e.g. a car, window sill, laundry). Additionally, dust can

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:10:11.2.38 The IAQM Guidance on the assessment of dust from demolition and construction (IAQM, 2014)

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:10: receptors, within which there could potentially be nuisance dust and PM10 effects on human and

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:10: fraction, but no statutory or official numerical air quality criterion for dust annoyance has been set

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:10: at a UK, European or WHO level. Construction dust assessments have tended to be risk based,

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:10: focusing on the appropriate measures to be used to keep dust impacts at an acceptable level.

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:10:11.2.40 The IAQM dust guidance aims to estimate the impacts of both PM10 and dust through a risk-based

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:10: assessment procedure. The IAQM dust guidance document states: “The impacts depend on the

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:10: dust impacts from a site, which will then allow mitigation measures commensurate with that risk to

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:10:11.2.41 The IAQM dust guidance provides a methodological framework, but notes that professional

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:10: that are likely to be subject to dust impact assessment means that it is not possible to be

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:10: dust that may arise, and these are not readily quantified.”

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:11:11.2.42 Consistent with the recommendations in the IAQM dust guidance, a risk-based assessment has

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:11:11.2.43 The dust impact (the change in dust levels attributable to the development activity) at a particular

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:11: receptor will depend on the magnitude of the dust source and the effectiveness of the pathway (i.e.

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:11:11.2.44 The effects of the dust are the results of these changes in dust levels on the exposed receptors,

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:11: depends on the sensitivity of the particular receptor to dust. An assessment of the overall dust

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:11: both the change in dust levels (as indicated by the dust impact risk for individual receptors) and

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:11: the absolute dust levels, together with the sensitivities of local receptors and other relevant factors

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:11:11.2.45 The detail of the dust assessment methodology is provided in Appendix 11.3.

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:11:11.2.46 The assessment methodology does not consider the air quality impacts of dust from any

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:11: • Fugitive emissions of dust during the operational phase.

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:15:11.2.69 The risk of dust impacts during the decommissioning phase, including demolition, would be the

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:16:11.2.75 Dust impact risk categories have been determined for demolition, earthworks, construction and

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:16: on those described in the IAQM dust guidance (IAQM, 2014). The guidance states that provided

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:16: the mitigation measures are successfully implemented, the resultant effects of the dust exposure

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:20:11.4.2 The IAQM dust guidance lists mitigation measures for low, medium and high dust risks.

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:20:11.4.3 As summarised in Table 10.18, the predicted dust impact risk is classified as low for demolition

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:20: those described in the IAQM dust guidance as ‘highly recommended’ for medium risks are listed in

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:20: Table 11.15: Designed-in Dust Control Measures Adopted as part of the Project Design

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:20: • Display the name and contact details of person(s) accountable for air quality and dust issues on the site

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:20: Dust Management Plan

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:20: • Develop and implement a Dust Management Plan (DMP) (which may include measures to control other

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:20: included as appropriate for the site. The DMP may include monitoring of dust deposition, dust flux, real-

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:20: • Record all dust and air quality complaints, identify cause(s), take appropriate measures to reduce

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:20: • Record any exceptional incidents that cause dust and/or air emissions, either on- or off- site, and the action

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:20: • Increase the frequency of site inspections by the person accountable for air quality and dust issues on site

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:20: when activities with a high potential to produce dust are being carried out and during prolonged dry or

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:20: • Agree dust deposition, dust flux, or real-time PM10 continuous monitoring locations with the Local Authority.

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:20: • Plan site layout so that machinery and dust causing activities are located away from receptors, as far as is

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:20: possible. Use screening intelligently where possible – e.g. locating site offices between potentially dusty

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:20: • Fully enclose site or specific operations where there is a high potential for dust production and the site is

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:21: • Remove materials that have a potential to produce dust from site as soon as possible, unless being re-

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:21: • Only use cutting, grinding or sawing equipment fitted or in conjunction with suitable dust suppression

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:21: • Ensure an adequate water supply on the site for effective dust/particulate matter suppression/mitigation,

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:21: effectively bring the dust particles to the ground.

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:21: Dust

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:21:11.4.4 The accepted best practice approach for the primary control of dust releases is containment within

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:21: dust releases. The dust levels inside the MRF and energy recovery facility would be managed so

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:22: Construction Dust Impacts

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:22:11.5.1 The main effect of any dust emissions, if not mitigated, could be annoyance due to soiling of

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:22: transpiration. However, the implementation of proper control measures would ensure that dust

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:22: IAQM methodology (IAQM, 2014), predicts the risk of dust impacts and the level of mitigation that

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:22: less than 20,000 m3 so the dust emission magnitude for the demolition phase is classified, using

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:22: the IAQM dust guidance, as small.

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:22:11.5.3 The Application Site area is more than 10,000 m2 so the dust emission magnitude for the

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:22: the dust emission magnitude for the construction phase is classified as medium.

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:22: HDVs. The dust emission magnitude for trackout is classified as large but would be contained

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:22: Table 11.16: Dust Emission Magnitude for Demolition, Earthworks, Construction and

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:22: Dust Soiling Low >1 low sensitivity receptor located within 350 metres

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:23:11.5.8 The dust emission magnitude for trackout is classified as large. Trackout may occur on roads up to

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:23: Dust Soiling Low Redcar bulk terminal place of work located to the west.

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:23: Overall Dust Risk

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:23:11.5.9 The dust emission magnitude has been considered in the context of the sensitivity of the area

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:23: (Appendix 11.3, Tables 11.3.8 to 11.3.10) to give the dust impact risk. Table 11.19 summarises

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:23: the dust impact risk for demolition, earthworks, construction and trackout prior to the

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:23: Table 11.19: Dust Impact Risk for Demolition, Earthworks, Construction and Trackout –

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:23: Dust Soiling Negligible Low Low Low

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:23: proposed development, the residual construction dust effects will not be significant. The IAQM

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:23: dust guidance states that “For almost all construction activity, the aim should be to prevent

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:23: is normally possible. Hence the residual effect will normally be ‘not significant’.” The IAQM dust

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:24: Table 11.20: Desirable Dust Mitigation Measures as set out by the IAQM

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:24: dust, record inspection results, and make the log available to the local authority when asked. This should

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:24: include regular dust soiling checks of surfaces within 100 metres of the Application Site boundary with

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:24: possible, to provide a screen against dust).

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:24: • Use water-assisted dust sweeper(s) on the access and local roads, to remove, as necessary, any material

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:24: • Implement a wheel washing system (with rumble grids to dislodge accumulated dust and mud prior to

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:24: prevent dust.

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:24: • increase the frequency of site inspections by the person accountable for air quality and dust

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:24: issues on site when activities with a high potential to produce dust are being carried out and

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:28: Dust Emissions

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:28: 11.6.18 The operation of the REC could potentially cause dust emissions. The key activities likely to

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:28: generate dust during the operation of the REC are delivery of waste, handling of waste on site,

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:28: proximity to the Application Site and the risk of dust impacts from the site is considered to be very

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:28: potential to be affected by dust emissions. The northern part of the Application Site would include

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:28: the IBA recycling facility, which has the potential to generate dust. Several measures to ensure

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:28: that fugitive dust emissions are kept to a minimum have been incorporated into the design. Most of

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:28: the processing would be within buildings which would contain the dust. Once processed, the

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:29: of dust emissions is considered to be small.

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:29:11.6.21 On that basis, the overall risk of dust impacts from the process is considered to be very low. No

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:29: potential for cumulative construction dust

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:30: Construction Dust Impacts

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:30:11.7.2 During the construction phase, cumulative dust effects are only likely to occur where two or more

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:30: mitigation measures at both developments should ensure the risk of cumulative dust effects is

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:31:11.9.2 The results of the risk assessment of construction dust impacts undertaken using the IAQM dust

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:31: of dust impacts will be medium. Implementation of the ‘highly recommended’ mitigation measures

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:31: described in the IAQM construction dust guidance is likely to reduce the residual dust effects to a

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:31:11.9.4 The main dust mitigation measure is containment. Taking into account the fact that the processes

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:31: would be largely contained, and the distance to sensitive receptors, the risk of dust impacts during

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:32: IAQM (2014) Guidance on the assessment of dust from demolition and construction

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:33: range from low matter and deposited dust

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:33: Medium Dust Long-term Small Negligible Not significant

R-2020-0411-FFM-411 air quality.pdf:1:and therefore it is essential to minimise any dust during the construction phase

R-2020-0411-FFM-411 air quality.pdf:2:The statement recommends measures within a dust management plan.

R-2020-0411-FFM-411 air quality.pdf:2: • Prior to the commencement of construction details of a detailed dust mitigation

R-2020-0411-FFM-411 air quality.pdf:2:REASON: In the interests of minimising dust emissions and protecting neighbour

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 2 Project Description.pdf:13: gas neutralisation, activated carbon powder and any dust particles collect on the outside of the

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 2 Project Description.pdf:13: used to knock off the excess dust build up, which falls down into hoppers at the base of the filter

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 2 Project Description.pdf:13: is conveyed to the residue storage silos. The complete system is sealed to prevent any dust

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 2 Project Description.pdf:16: measures will avoid the release of dust from handling and transfer of this material. All transfers

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 2 Project Description.pdf:24: • Dust suppression equipment would be used to reduce the migration of sediment

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 2 Project Description.pdf:24: within the Application Site. The dust suppression equipment would be used in

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 2 Project Description.pdf:24: Hydrogeology and • the implementation of dust suppression measures in accordance with guidance

R-2020-0411-FFM-Non Technical Summary.pdf:7: disposal vehicles to avoid the release of dust from handling and transfer of this material. All

R-2020-0411-FFM-Non Technical Summary.pdf:19: excavation, wheel washing, and dust and mud on site. Suspended sediments can reach surface

R-2020-0411-FFM-Non Technical Summary.pdf:21:5.6.2 Impacts during the construction of REC, such as dust generation and exhaust emissions from

R-2020-0411-FFM-Non Technical Summary.pdf:21: assessment of construction dust impacts, undertaken using the Institute of Air Quality

R-2020-0411-FFM-Non Technical Summary.pdf:21: Management (IAQM) dust guidance, indicate that that the risk of dust impacts will be medium.

R-2020-0411-FFM-Non Technical Summary.pdf:21: construction dust guidance will reduce the residual dust effects to a level categorised as “not

R-2020-0411-FFM-Non Technical Summary.pdf:22: cumulative impacts were associated with either construction dust or stack emissions.

R-2020-0411-FFM-Non Technical Summary.pdf:25:5.8.20 Exposure to dust during construction has been considered in Chapter 11 (Air Quality) of this ES.

R-2020-0411-FFM-Non Technical Summary.pdf:25: The dust assessment concluded that with the implementation of the Institute of Air Quality

R-2020-0411-FFM-Non Technical Summary.pdf:25: Management (IAQM) highly recommended dust controls, the residual dust impacts would be not

R-2020-0411-FFM-Non Technical Summary.pdf:25:5.8.23 The main dust mitigation measure is containment. Taking into account the fact that the processes

R-2020-0411-FFM-Non Technical Summary.pdf:25: would be largely contained, and the distance to sensitive receptors, the risk of dust impacts during

R-2020-0411-FFM-Non Technical Summary.pdf:29: Institute of Air Quality Management (IAQM) (2014) Guidance on the assessment of dust from

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 8 Hydrology and Flood Risk.pdf:18: • Dust suppression equipment would be used to reduce the migration of sediment within the

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 8 Hydrology and Flood Risk.pdf:18: Application Site. The dust suppression equipment would be used in areas where construction

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 8 Hydrology and Flood Risk.pdf:19: recycled into ash as a dust suppressant. No surface water drainage from the IBA area would

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 3 Needs and Alternatives - formatted.pdf:5: visual, noise, vibration, dust and odour impacts arising from the redevelopment and eventual

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 13 - Other Environmental Effects.pdf:3:13.5.3 Exposure to dust during construction has been considered in Chapter 11 (Air Quality) of this ES.

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 13 - Other Environmental Effects.pdf:3: The dust assessment concluded that with the implementation of the Institute of Air Quality

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 13 - Other Environmental Effects.pdf:3: Management (IAQM) highly recommended dust controls, the residual dust impacts would be not

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 13 - Other Environmental Effects.pdf:3:13.5.6 The main dust mitigation measure is containment. Taking into account the fact that the processes

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 13 - Other Environmental Effects.pdf:3: would be largely contained, and the distance to sensitive receptors, the risk of dust impacts during

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 4 - EIA Methodology.pdf:4: construction dust) are included in Chapter 11 (Air Quality) of the ES.

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 11.1 - Air Quality Planning Policy Context.pdf:4: describes the circumstances when air quality, odour and dust can be a planning concern, requiring

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 11.1 - Air Quality Planning Policy Context.pdf:4: • Expose people to harmful concentrations of air pollutants, including dust. This could be by

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 11.1 - Air Quality Planning Policy Context.pdf:4: • Give rise to potentially unacceptable impacts (such as dust) during construction for nearby

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:9: • Appendix 11.3: Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:23: acid gas neutralisation, activated carbon powder and any dust particles collect on the outside of

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:23: would be used to knock off the excess dust build up, which falls down into hoppers at the base of

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:23: is conveyed to the residue storage silos. The complete system is sealed to prevent any dust

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:26: measures will avoid the release of dust from handling and transfer of this material. All transfers

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:47: g. air emission, including dust…

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:85: subject to the minimisation of impacts arising from operational issues including dust.

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:85: • construction effects – potential dust effects from construction activities and emissions from on-

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:85: stack; potential fugitive emissions and dust.

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:85:6.6.6 The study area for construction phase dust impacts is up to 350 metres from the Application Site

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:85:6.6.8 It concludes that during the construction phase with mitigation measures the residual dust effects

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:85: on human health, dust soiling, and ecology during demolition, earth works, construction and

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:86:6.6.14 The ES identifies that the key activities likely to generate dust during the operation of the proposed

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:86: industrialised land and the nearest residential receptors are over 2km away such the risk of dust is

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:86: the potential to be affected by dust emissions. The northern part of the Application Site would

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:86: include the IBA recycling facility, which has the potential to generate dust. Several measures to

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:86: ensure that fugitive dust emissions are kept to a minimum have been incorporated into the design.

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:86: Most of the processing would be within buildings which would contain the dust. Once processed,

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:86: source of dust emissions is considered to be small.

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:86:6.6.16 The overall risk of dust impacts from the process is considered to be very low, with no significant

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 11.3 - Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology.pdf:1:Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 11.3 - Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology.pdf:2: 1.1 Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology……………………………………………….1

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 11.3 - Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology.pdf:2:Table 1.2: Sensitivities of People and Property Receptors to Dust …………………………………………………………..2

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 11.3 - Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology.pdf:2:Table 1.4: Sensitivities of Ecological Receptors to Dust …………………………………………………………………………3

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 11.3 - Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology.pdf:2:Table 1.5: Sensitivity of the Area to Dust Soiling Effects on People and Property ……………………………………..3

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 11.3 - Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology.pdf:2:Table 1.8: Risk of Dust Impacts – Demolition ……………………………………………………………………………………….5

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 11.3 - Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology.pdf:2:Table 1.9: Risk of Dust Impacts – Earthworks ………………………………………………………………………………………5

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 11.3 - Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology.pdf:2:Table 1.10: Risk of Dust Impacts – Construction …………………………………………………………………………………..6

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 11.3 - Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology.pdf:2:Table 1.11: Risk of Dust Impacts – Trackout ………………………………………………………………………………………..6

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 11.3 - Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology.pdf:2:Redcar Energy Centre Environmental Statement | Appendix 11.3 Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology | July 2020

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 11.3 - Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology.pdf:3:1.1 Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 11.3 - Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology.pdf:3:1.1.1 The IAQM dust guidance gives examples of the dust emission magnitudes for demolition,

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 11.3 - Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology.pdf:3: earthworks and construction activities and trackout. These example dust emission magnitudes are

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 11.3 - Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology.pdf:3:Features of the Source of Dust Emissions Dust

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 11.3 - Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology.pdf:3:Demolition - building over 50,000 m3, potentially dusty construction material (e.g. concrete), on- Large

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 11.3 - Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology.pdf:3:Earthworks – total site area over 10,000 m2, potentially dusty soil type (e.g. clay), >10 heavy

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 11.3 - Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology.pdf:3:Trackout – 50 HDV outwards movements in any one day, potentially dusty surface material (e.g.

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 11.3 - Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology.pdf:3:Demolition - building between 20,000 to 50,000 m3, potentially dusty construction material and Medium

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 11.3 - Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology.pdf:3:Earthworks – total site area between 2,500 to 10,000 m2, moderately dusty soil type (e.g. silt), 5

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 11.3 - Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology.pdf:3:materials with high potential for dust release (e.g. concrete), activities include piling, on-site

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 11.3 - Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology.pdf:3:Trackout – 10 - 50 HDV outwards movements in any one day, moderately dusty surface material

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 11.3 - Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology.pdf:3:Demolition - building less than 20,000 m3, construction material with low potential for dust release Small

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 11.3 - Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology.pdf:3:potential for dust release (e.g. metal cladding or timber). Period of construction activities less than

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 11.3 - Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology.pdf:3:1.1.2 Pathway means the route by which dust and particulate matter may be carried from the source to

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 11.3 - Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology.pdf:3:Redcar Energy Centre Environmental Statement | Appendix 11.3 Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology | July 2020

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 11.3 - Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology.pdf:4:1.1.3 As set out in the IAQM dust guidance, a number of attempts have been made to categorise

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 11.3 - Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology.pdf:4: property to dust and PM10 respectively.

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 11.3 - Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology.pdf:4:1.1.4 Table 1.4 sets out the basis for determining the sensitivity of ecological receptors to dust.

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 11.3 - Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology.pdf:4:Table 1.2: Sensitivities of People and Property Receptors to Dust

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 11.3 - Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology.pdf:4:Redcar Energy Centre Environmental Statement | Appendix 11.3 Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology | July 2020

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 11.3 - Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology.pdf:5:Table 1.4: Sensitivities of Ecological Receptors to Dust

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 11.3 - Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology.pdf:5: affected by dust soiling; or

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 11.3 - Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology.pdf:5:• locations where there is a community of a particularly dust sensitive species such as vascular

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 11.3 - Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology.pdf:5:• Locations where there is a particularly important plant species, where its dust sensitivity is

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 11.3 - Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology.pdf:5:• Locations with a national desingation where the features may be affected by dust deposition.

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 11.3 - Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology.pdf:5:• Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) with dust sensitive features.

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 11.3 - Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology.pdf:5:• Locations with a local designation where the features may be affected by dust deposition.

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 11.3 - Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology.pdf:5:• A Local Nature Reserve with dust sensitive features.

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 11.3 - Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology.pdf:5:Table 1.5: Sensitivity of the Area to Dust Soiling Effects on People and Property

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 11.3 - Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology.pdf:5:Redcar Energy Centre Environmental Statement | Appendix 11.3 Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology | July 2020

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 11.3 - Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology.pdf:6:Redcar Energy Centre Environmental Statement | Appendix 11.3 Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology | July 2020

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 11.3 - Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology.pdf:7:1.1.6 The IAQM dust guidance lists the following additional factors that can potentially affect the

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 11.3 - Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology.pdf:7: • any history of dust generating activities in the area;

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 11.3 - Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology.pdf:7: • the likelihood of concurrent dust generating activity on nearby sites;

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 11.3 - Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology.pdf:7:Redcar Energy Centre Environmental Statement | Appendix 11.3 Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology | July 2020

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 11.3 - Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology.pdf:8:Table 1.8: Risk of Dust Impacts – Demolition

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 11.3 - Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology.pdf:8: Dust Emission Magnitude

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 11.3 - Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology.pdf:8:Table 1.9: Risk of Dust Impacts – Earthworks

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 11.3 - Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology.pdf:8: Dust Emission Magnitude

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 11.3 - Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology.pdf:8:Redcar Energy Centre Environmental Statement | Appendix 11.3 Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology | July 2020

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 11.3 - Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology.pdf:9:Table 1.10: Risk of Dust Impacts – Construction

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 11.3 - Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology.pdf:9: Dust Emission Magnitude

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 11.3 - Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology.pdf:9:Table 1.11: Risk of Dust Impacts – Trackout

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 11.3 - Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology.pdf:9: Dust Emission Magnitude

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 11.3 - Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology.pdf:9:IAQM (2014) Guidance on the assessment of dust from demolition and construction

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 11.3 - Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology.pdf:9:Redcar Energy Centre Environmental Statement | Appendix 11.3 Detailed Construction Phase Dust Assessment Methodology | July 2020

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 4.1 Redcar Energy Centre Scoping Report and Scoping Opinion.pdf:21: (including construction dust) would be included in the Air Quality chapter of the ES respectively

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 4.1 Redcar Energy Centre Scoping Report and Scoping Opinion.pdf:35:5.85 The risk of impacts from dust and emissions during demolition / construction of the proposed

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 4.1 Redcar Energy Centre Scoping Report and Scoping Opinion.pdf:35: ‘Guidance on the assessment of dust from demolition and construction’ (IAQM, 2014).

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 4.1 Redcar Energy Centre Scoping Report and Scoping Opinion.pdf:36:5.86 Generic mitigation measures designed to control dust nuisance effects and emissions during

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 4.1 Redcar Energy Centre Scoping Report and Scoping Opinion.pdf:36: IAQM ‘Guidance on the assessment of dust from demolition and construction’.

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 4.1 Redcar Energy Centre Scoping Report and Scoping Opinion.pdf:36:5.92 The accepted best practice approach for the primary control of dust releases is containment within

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 4.1 Redcar Energy Centre Scoping Report and Scoping Opinion.pdf:36: proposed that a risk assessment of dust emissions once the MRF is operational is scoped out.

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 7 Ecology and Ornithology.pdf:26:7.5.23 Construction activities have the potential to cause air borne dust pollution within close proximity to

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 7 Ecology and Ornithology.pdf:26: the proposed development. The only receptor within the ZoI of impacts from dust pollution is the

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 7 Ecology and Ornithology.pdf:26: with the designated site. The impacts of dust pollution due to construction activities on these

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 7 Ecology and Ornithology.pdf:33: Dust Pollution CoCP to be prepared post consent Low Minor Adverse Not Significant

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 7 Ecology and Ornithology.pdf:35: Holman et al (2014). IAQM Guidance on the assessment of dust from demolition and construction,

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 10 Transport.pdf:3: Dust and Dirt

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 10 Transport.pdf:3:10.2.15 Certain types of development, particularly construction sites, can give rise to deposition of dust

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 10 Transport.pdf:3:10.2.16 Problems with dust and dirt are unlikely to occur at distances greater than 50 metres from the road

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 10 Transport.pdf:3: long between the site and the highway. Dust and dirt transported from the Application Site onto

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 10 Transport.pdf:3: the highway is therefore not expected. An assessment of potential dust impacts is provided in

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 10 Transport.pdf:20: from a noise and vibration, visual, air quality, dust and dirt, population and health, ecology or

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 9.1 Preliminary Phase 1 Risk Assessment.pdf:19: organic solvents, dust

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 9.1 Preliminary Phase 1 Risk Assessment.pdf:113: Air pollution - Any development that could cause AIR POLLUTION or DUST either in its construction or

R-2020-0247-CD-Compliance Officer report _R20200247CD.pdf:2: vi) Measures to control the emission of noise, dust and vibration during the

R-2020-0247-CD-R-2020-0247-CD-60686_01 DOC 6 and 11 06.05.20.pdf:2: vi) Measures to control the emission of noise, dust and vibration during the formation of the

R-2020-0247-CD-t.pdf:2: vi) Measures to control the emission of noise, dust and vibration during the

R-2020-0247-CD-Decision Notice_R20190427FFM.pdf:4: vi) Measures to control the emission of noise, dust and vibration during the

R-2020-0247-CD-Warrenby 3B Enabling Works - CEMP (Rev C).pdf:11:5.11.1 Emissions to air including dust and exhaust fumes can be caused from certain construction

R-2020-0247-CD-Warrenby 3B Enabling Works - CEMP (Rev C).pdf:11:5.11.2 All necessary and practicable measures to control dust emissions through good

R-2020-0247-CD-Warrenby 3B Enabling Works - CEMP (Rev C).pdf:11: has the potential to give rise to dusty emissions from the vehicles during transit

R-2020-0247-CD-Warrenby 3B Enabling Works - CEMP (Rev C).pdf:11: site offices and over vehicle management areas, so that dust will be kept to a

R-2020-0247-CD-Warrenby 3B Enabling Works - CEMP (Rev C).pdf:11: borne dust

R-2020-0247-CD-Warrenby 3B Enabling Works - CEMP (Rev C).pdf:11:  Prevention of wind-blown dust arising from storage mounds

R-2020-0247-CD-Compliance Decision Notice_R20200247CD.pdf:2: vi) Measures to control the emission of noise, dust and vibration during the

R-2022-0176-CD-2015-10 Section 36 Consent (Conditions) (12).pdf:5:Suppression of Dust and Dirt during Demolition and Construction

R-2022-0176-CD-2015-10 Section 36 Consent (Conditions) (12).pdf:6: the best practicable means for the suppression of dust during the

R-2022-0176-CD-2015-10 Section 36 Consent (Conditions) (12).pdf:6:alleviate any impact dust and dirt may have on the local environment

R-2022-0176-CD-2015-10 Section 36 Consent (Conditions) (12).pdf:16:Reason: To suppress dust during the operation of the Development.

R-2022-0587-CD-SBQ1-DCL-CIV-SBKXX-CA-CE-000006 (1).pdf:76:Construction Dust Code of Practice for Demolition CIS36 - Construction dust

R-2022-0587-CD-SBQ1-DCL-CIV-SBKXX-CA-CE-000006 (1).pdf:77:Silica The Control of Substances INDG463 - Control of exposure to silica dust

R-2022-0587-CD-SBQ1-DCL-CIV-SBKXX-CA-CE-000006 (1).pdf:77:Paint The Control of Substances See: ‘Solvents’, ‘lead’, ‘construction dust’ and asbestos’

R-2021-0728-PND-COMMENTS Kirsty email.pdf:2:the building is intended to be taken down by using explosives that will send harmful dust into the air. During

R-2021-0728-PND-COMMENTS Kirsty email.pdf:2:some of the current demolition of the former steelworks site, black dust has reached as far as Eston,

R-2021-0728-PND-COMMENTS Kirsty email.pdf:3:that will send harmful dust into the air. During some of the current demolition of the

R-2021-0728-PND-COMMENTS Kirsty email.pdf:4:former steelworks site, black dust has reached as far as Eston, indicating potential to

R-2021-0728-PND-COMMENTS Gregory R.pdf:2:that will send dust into the air, I'm alarmed to see nothing about their possible presence and

R-2021-0728-PND-COMMENTS Gregory R.pdf:2:impact. During some of the current demolition of the former steelworks site, black dust has

R-2021-0728-PND-Demolition of Dorman Long Tower.pdf:23: 10. Use of rotary percussive Hearing damage and dust Med Operatives carrying out work Med Med Hours of work / location of work to be Low

R-2021-0728-PND-Demolition of Dorman Long Tower.pdf:23: Operatives to wear P2 dust masks and

R-2021-0728-PND-Demolition of Dorman Long Tower.pdf:23: 11. Detonation of Explosives Noise, Dust, Flying debris / High All personnel within exclusion Med High Personnel out side of the exclusion Med

R-2021-0728-PND-Officer Report(1).pdf:2: Impact on health of dust from explosion

R-2021-0728-PND-Neighbour Comments - Cllr V Smith.pdf:2: that will send dust into the air, I'm alarmed to see nothing

R-2021-0728-PND-Neighbour Comments - Cllr V Smith.pdf:2: current demolition of the former steelworks site, black dust

R-2021-0465-FFM-Officer Report 0465.pdf:11: i The method to be used to control the emission of dust, noise and

R-2021-0465-FFM-INCA 2021-30 HRA South Bank Quay enabling works.pdf:9:development works (water will be needed for dust suppression) and

R-2021-0465-FFM-INCA 2021-30 HRA South Bank Quay enabling works.pdf:9:Emissions to air caused by the The only anticipated emission is dust, and this will be

R-2021-0465-FFM-LMW-RYD-00-ZZ-DR-A-3050-S2-P1-BWS PWS and WRH Ground Floor GA Plan.pdf:1: Dust Extraction 2

R-2021-0465-FFM-LMW-RYD-00-ZZ-DR-A-3050-S2-P1-BWS PWS and WRH Ground Floor GA Plan.pdf:1: Chillers Area 2 Dust Extraction 3

R-2021-0465-FFM-Decision Notice 0465.pdf:2: i The method to be used to control the emission of dust, noise and

R-2021-0465-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0271-02-South Bank Priority Strategy.pdf:13:  Human Health - Risk to commercial workers via dust inhalation and direct contact with soils for

R-2021-0465-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0271-02-South Bank Priority Strategy.pdf:15:(GAC) in soil, driven by direct contact exposure and dust inhalation. These will need to be considered

R-2021-0465-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0271-02-South Bank Priority Strategy.pdf:30:potential dust generation.

R-2021-0465-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0271-02-South Bank Priority Strategy.pdf:33: Dust, Noise and Vibration

R-2021-0465-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0271-02-South Bank Priority Strategy.pdf:33:Air Quality and Dust Management Plan

R-2021-0465-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0271-02-South Bank Priority Strategy.pdf:33:An Air Quality and Dust Management Plan (AQDMP) will be prepared as a component of the CPEMP.

R-2021-0465-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0271-02-South Bank Priority Strategy.pdf:35:  Air quality and dust management

R-2021-0465-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0271-02-South Bank Priority Strategy.pdf:41: Inhalation of Dust Indoors

R-2021-0465-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0271-02-South Bank Priority Strategy.pdf:41: Inhalation of Dust Outdoors

R-2021-0465-FFM-INCA2021-56 HRA land at South Bank.pdf:6:Emissions to air could derive from both construction activities (principally dust and particulates) and

R-2021-0465-FFM-INCA2021-56 HRA land at South Bank.pdf:6:SPA (1km), should be sufficient to ensure that no significant quantities of dust or particulates would

R-2021-0152-CD-Compliance Decision.pdf:2: i. The method to be used to control the emission of dust, noise and

R-2023-0179-SCP-HyGreen Production Facility Scoping Report_FINAL.pdf:28: • Dust generation; and

R-2023-0179-SCP-HyGreen Production Facility Scoping Report_FINAL.pdf:42: air quality and emissions; noise and vibration; dust, odour, artificial light, steam and

R-2023-0179-SCP-HyGreen Production Facility Scoping Report_FINAL.pdf:77: relation to dust management or water quality). Measures during construction,

R-2023-0179-SCP-HyGreen Production Facility Scoping Report_FINAL.pdf:77: surface and ground water pollution, fugitive dust management, noise prevention

R-2023-0179-SCP-HyGreen Production Facility Scoping Report_FINAL.pdf:90: Construction Dust and Mobile Plant

R-2023-0179-SCP-HyGreen Production Facility Scoping Report_FINAL.pdf:90:6.1.176 Construction phase dust impacts, and the level of recommended mitigation will be

R-2023-0179-SCP-HyGreen Production Facility Scoping Report_FINAL.pdf:90: IAQM guidance for construction dust (IAQM, 2016). The aim of such an assessment

R-2023-0179-SCP-HyGreen Production Facility Scoping Report_FINAL.pdf:90: risk of dust impacts at human health and amenity receptors within 350 m of the

R-2023-0179-SCP-HyGreen Production Facility Scoping Report_FINAL.pdf:91: construction phase dust assessment.

R-2023-0179-SCP-HyGreen Production Facility Scoping Report_FINAL.pdf:91:6.1.177 In addition to construction dust, the use of Non-Road Mobile Machinery (NRMM),

R-2023-0179-SCP-HyGreen Production Facility Scoping Report_FINAL.pdf:131: dust from demolition and construction V1.1 online. Available at:

R-2020-0819-ESM-VOL 2 CHAPTER H.pdf:12: to break direct contact and dust inhalation pathways;

R-2020-0819-ESM-VOL 2 CHAPTER H.pdf:35: 3 Dust inhalation of asbestos.

R-2020-0819-ESM-VOL 2 CHAPTER H.pdf:37: 4 Installation of a capping layer to provide short term protection from dust or direct contact

R-2020-0819-ESM-VOL 2 CHAPTER H.pdf:37: disturb the soil and result in dust generation as well as provide opportunities for direct contact

R-2020-0819-ESM-VOL 2 CHAPTER H.pdf:37: inhalation of dust is considered an active pollutant linkage (Section H4.87) as surface soils may

R-2020-0819-ESM-VOL 2 CHAPTER H.pdf:41: dust generation. Soils containing asbestos will not be subject to mechanical screening where free

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter A - Introduction and Background - Dec 2020.PDF:22: However, it will not consider the potential effects of dust generated by the construction of

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter A - Introduction and Background - Dec 2020.PDF:22: B the ESs. This outlines all dust mitigation measures required for high risk receptors. With

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter A - Introduction and Background - Dec 2020.PDF:22: the FCEMP in place (via a condition) there will be no significant construction dust effects

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter A - Introduction and Background - Dec 2020.PDF:22: likely and therefore the effects of dust on sensitive receptors has been scoped out of the ES.

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter E - Noise & Vibration - Dec 2020.PDF:15: • An assessment of construction dust and emissions during the construction phase of the proposed

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter E - Noise & Vibration - Dec 2020.PDF:15: assessment of dust from demolition and construction will be followed;

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter O - Mitigation and Monitoring - Dec 2020.PDF:6: documents including; Construction Logistics 3. Dust Management

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter O - Mitigation and Monitoring - Dec 2020.PDF:6: Management Plan (see below), Dust 4. Health and Safety Plan;

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter O - Mitigation and Monitoring - Dec 2020.PDF:12: to control potential dust generation.

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter O - Mitigation and Monitoring - Dec 2020.PDF:23: 16 DMP - Dust Management Plan

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point - Planning Statement - Dec 2020.pdf:40: that; “Measures will be implemented to prevent sediment, dust, surface water run-off and

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point - Planning Statement - Dec 2020.pdf:45: development are dust deposition, resulting in the soiling of surfaces; visible dust plumes;

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point - Planning Statement - Dec 2020.pdf:45: elevated PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations as a result of dust generating activities on site; and an

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point - Planning Statement - Dec 2020.pdf:45: risk sites in place, there is likely to be a negligible effect on receptors from the dust-generating

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point - Planning Statement - Dec 2020.pdf:52: and compaction may disturb the soil and result in dust generation as well as provide

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:13:assessment (details of construction traffic approach in email below). For construction dust,

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:14: similar timeframe, it is likely that the sites would require high risk dust mitigation

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:14: measures. As such, it is proposed that we embed the high risk dust mitigation

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:14: assessment of dust from demolition and construction into the CEMP from the outset,

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:14: and scope out further assessment of construction dust;

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:8: Dust Nuisance

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:8:F2.13 Dust is the generic term that the British Standard document BS 6069 (Part Two) used to

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:8: describe particulate matter in the size range 1 – 75 µm (micrometers) in diameter. Dust

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:8: nuisance is the result of the perception of the soiling of surfaces by excessive rates of dust

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:8: deposition. Under provisions in the Environmental Protection Act 1990, dust nuisance is

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:8:F2.14 There are currently no standards or guidelines for dust nuisance in the UK, nor are formal dust

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:8: deposition standards specified. This reflects the uncertainties in dust monitoring technology,

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:8: perception of such events as a nuisance. In law, complaints about excessive dust deposition

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:8: nuisance to occur. However, dust deposition is generally managed by suitable on-site practices

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:8: Institute of Air Quality Management Dust Guidance

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:8:F2.16 The IAQM dust guidance ix provides guidance to development consultants and environmental

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:9: appropriate mitigation measures are applied, in most cases the resulting dust impacts can be

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:10: Construction Dust

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:10: development are dust deposition, resulting in the soiling of surfaces; visible dust plumes;

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:10: elevated PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations as a result of dust generating activities on site; and an

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:11: effect will normally be ‘not significant’. An assessment of effects from construction dust has

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:14: and/or dust nuisance due to the construction or operation of the proposed development. A desk-

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:26:F5.1 As described in Section F3.8, the best practice construction dust mitigation measures for high

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:26: are considered as embedded mitigation and allowed construction dust to be scoped out of the

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:26: i. Display the name and contact details of person(s) accountable for air quality and dust

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:26: iii. Develop and implement a Dust Management Plan, which will include measures to

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:26: i. Record all dust and air quality complaints, identify cause(s), take appropriate measures

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:26: iii. Record any exceptional incidents that cause dust and/or air emissions, both on- or off-

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:26: i. Carry out regular site inspections to monitor compliance with the Dust Management

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:26: ii. It is highly recommended that dust deposition, dust flux, or real-time PM10 continuous

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:26: dust issues on site when activities with a high potential to produce dust are being

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:26: i. Plan site layout so that machinery and dust causing activities are located away from

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:27: ii. Erect solid screens or barriers around dusty activities or the site boundary that are at

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:27: iii. Fully enclose site or specific operations where there is a high potential for dust

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:27: vi. Remove materials that have a potential to produce dust from site as soon as possible,

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:27: dust suppression techniques, such as water sprays or local extraction;

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:27: ii. Ensure an adequate water supply on the site for effective dust/particulate matter

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:28: i. Use water-assisted dust sweeper(s) on the access and local roads, to remove, as

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:28: v. Implement a wheel washing system (with rumble grids to dislodge accumulated dust

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:37: effect on all receptors from the dust-generating activities onsite, as such this was scoped out of

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:40:i IAQM, 2016. Guidance on the Assessment of Dust from Demolition and Construction (Version 1.1)

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B -Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:31: 3 The construction site layout will be planned so that machinery and dust causing activities

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B -Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:31: 4 Solid screens or barriers shall be erected around dusty activities or at the site boun dary

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B -Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:32: dust production;

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B -Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:32: limited to, spills, storage of soils and control of construction related dust and the

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B -Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:32: 2 Measures will be implemented to prevent sediment, dust, surface water run -off and other

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B -Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:33: Air Quality and Dust Management

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B -Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:33: Assessment of Dust from Demolition and Construction will be employed at the proposed

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B -Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:33: 1 Display the name and contact details of person(s) accountable for air quality and dust

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B -Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:33: 3 Develop and implement a Dust Management Plan, which will include measures to control

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B -Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:33: 1 Record all dust and air quality complaints, identify cause(s), take appropriate measures to

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B -Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:33: 3 Record any exceptional incidents that cause dust and/or air emissions, both on - or off-site

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B -Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:33: 1 Carry out regular site inspections to monitor compliance with the Dust Management Plan,

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B -Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:33: 2 It is highly recommended that dust deposition, dust flux, or real-time PM10 continuous

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B -Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:33: 3 Increase the frequency of site inspections by the person accountable for air quality and dust

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B -Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:33: issues on site when activities with a high potential to produce dust are being carried out and

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B -Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:33: 1 Plan site layout so that machinery and dust causing activities are located away from

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B -Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:33: 2 Erect solid screens or barriers around dusty activities or the site boundary that are at least

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B -Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:33: 3 Fully enclose site or specific operations where there is a high potential for dust production

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B -Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:34: 6 Remove materials that have a potential to produce dust from site as soon as possible, unless

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B -Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:34: 1 Only use cutting, grinding or sawing equipment fitted or in conjunction with suitable dust

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B -Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:34: 2 Ensure an adequate water supply on the site for effective dust/particulate matter

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B -Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:35: 1 Use water-assisted dust sweeper(s) on the access and local roads, to remove, as necessary,

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B -Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:35: 5 Implement a wheel washing system (with rumble grids to dislodge accumulated dust and

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B -Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:35: the generation of dust, monitoring for the accumulation of gas, dampening of ground water,

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B -Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:45: 14 DMP Dust Management Plan

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter N - Cumulative Effects - Dec 2020.PDF:23: However, it will not consider the potential effects of dust generated by the construction of

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter N - Cumulative Effects - Dec 2020.PDF:23: B the ESs. This outlines all dust mitigation measures required for high risk receptors. With

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter N - Cumulative Effects - Dec 2020.PDF:23: the FCEMP in place (via a condition) there will be no significant construction dust effects

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter N - Cumulative Effects - Dec 2020.PDF:23: likely and therefore the effects of dust on sensitive receptors has been scoped out of the ES.

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - Water Management and Flooding - Dec 2020.PDF:34: site. The abstraction on the south bank of the River Tees is for dust suppression and power

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - Water Management and Flooding - Dec 2020.PDF:38: limited to, spills, storage of soils and control of construction related dust and the

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - Water Management and Flooding - Dec 2020.PDF:38: Measures will be implemented to prevent sediment, dust, surface water run-off and other

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 1 - Non Technical Summary - Dec 2020.pdf:13: limited to, spills, storage of soils and control of construction related dust and the

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 1 - Non Technical Summary - Dec 2020.pdf:13: 2 Measures will be implemented to prevent sediment, dust, surface water run-off and other

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 1 - Non Technical Summary - Dec 2020.pdf:15: assessment covers construction dust and operational traffic effects on human and ecological

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 1 - Non Technical Summary - Dec 2020.pdf:15:7.5 Construction dust mitigation measures have been included in the Framework CEMP. These

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 1 - Non Technical Summary - Dec 2020.pdf:15: should be accompanied by a Dust Management Plan (‘DMP’).

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 1 - Non Technical Summary - Dec 2020.pdf:15: successful implementation of best practice mitigation measures for construction dust that are

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 1 - Non Technical Summary - Dec 2020.pdf:15: embedded in the Framework CEMP, the effects of construction dust are expected to be Not

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 1 - Non Technical Summary - Dec 2020.pdf:19: backfilling and compaction, may disturb the soil and result in dust generation and the potential

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 1 - Non Technical Summary - Dec 2020.pdf:28: Traffic Management Plan, a Construction Logistics Plan, a Dust Management Plan, a Health

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter N - Cumulative and Residual Effects - Dec 2020.PDF:41: Construction Dust

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter N - Cumulative and Residual Effects - Dec 2020.PDF:41:N5.41 With regards to construction dust, high risk mitigation measures from the best practice IAQM

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter N - Cumulative and Residual Effects - Dec 2020.PDF:41: dust guidance Ref 6 have been recommended for each of the proposed Tier 1 developments

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter N - Cumulative and Residual Effects - Dec 2020.PDF:41: appropriate to protect against cumulative construction dust impacts. It is not considered that

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter N - Cumulative and Residual Effects - Dec 2020.PDF:41: there will be any construction dust cumulative impacts resulting from Tier 1 sites. With the

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter N - Cumulative and Residual Effects - Dec 2020.PDF:64: Construction Dust

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter N - Cumulative and Residual Effects - Dec 2020.PDF:64:N5.154 With regards to construction dust, high risk mitigation measures from the best practice IAQM

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter N - Cumulative and Residual Effects - Dec 2020.PDF:64: dust guidance Error! Bookmark not defined. have been recommended for each of the

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter N - Cumulative and Residual Effects - Dec 2020.PDF:64: site, these measures will be appropriate to protect against cumulative construction dust impacts.

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter N - Cumulative and Residual Effects - Dec 2020.PDF:64: construction dust, the resulting effects would be Not Significant. The best practice IAQM

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter N - Cumulative and Residual Effects - Dec 2020.PDF:64: construction dust guidance uses the category ‘high’ as the most stringent level of mitigation

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter N - Cumulative and Residual Effects - Dec 2020.PDF:76: 6 IAQM, 2016. Guidance on the Assessment of Dust from Demolition and Construction

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point HRA Rev B(1).PDF:7:spills, storage of soils and control of construction related dust and the construction of site hoarding

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point HRA Rev B(1).PDF:8:sediment, dust, surface water run-off and other substances from entering watercourses”. Given this

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point HRA Rev B(1).PDF:8:Emissions to air could derive from both construction activities (principally dust and particulates) and

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point HRA Rev B(1).PDF:8:the CEMP should provide an effective defence against fugitive dust and particulates reaching the

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter D - Biodiversity and Ecology - Dec 2020.PDF:26: limited to, spills, storage of soils and control of construction related dust and the

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter D - Biodiversity and Ecology - Dec 2020.PDF:26: 2 Measures will be implemented to prevent sediment, dust, surface water run-off and other

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter D - Biodiversity and Ecology - Dec 2020.PDF:27: measures, in particular that; “Measures will be implemented to prevent sediment, dust, surface

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter A - Introduction and Background - Dec 2020.PDF:9: consider the potential effects of dust generated by the construction of the proposed

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter A - Introduction and Background - Dec 2020.PDF:9: of this ES. This outlines all dust mitigation measures required for high risk receptors. With

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter A - Introduction and Background - Dec 2020.PDF:9: the FCEMP in place (via a condition) there will be no significant construction dust effects

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter A - Introduction and Background - Dec 2020.PDF:9: likely and therefore the effects of dust on sensitive receptors has been scoped out of the ES.

R-2023-0277-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-623-01-Data Gap Areas GQRA.pdf:4: • Soil and dust ingestion and inhalation

R-2023-0277-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-623-01-Data Gap Areas GQRA.pdf:21:• Soil and dust ingestion and inhalation.

R-2023-0277-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-623-01-Data Gap Areas GQRA.pdf:21:• Dermal contact, soil and dust ingestion and inhalation of dusts (indoor and outdoor) in relation to future on-

R-2023-0277-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-623-01-Data Gap Areas GQRA.pdf:23: A. Dust inhalation from Made Ground from Site (potential CoC include primarily asbestos and heavy

R-2023-0277-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-623-01-Data Gap Areas GQRA.pdf:25:pathways (including dust).

R-2023-0277-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-623-01-Data Gap Areas GQRA.pdf:45: i The method to be used to control the emission of dust, noise and

R-2023-0277-CD-DECISION NOTICE.pdf:2: i The method to be used to control the emission of dust, noise and

R-2021-0906-CD-TSWK-STDC-LAC-ZZ-DO-PL-0001.pdf:16: movements, site conditions (e.g. rain, ice, mud, wind and dust, flying debris.)

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter N - Cumulative Effects - Dec 2020.PDF:43: Construction Dust

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter N - Cumulative Effects - Dec 2020.PDF:43:N5.39 With regards to construction dust, high risk mitigation measures from the best practice IAQM

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter N - Cumulative Effects - Dec 2020.PDF:43: dust guidance Ref 6 have been recommended for each of the proposed Tier 1 developments

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter N - Cumulative Effects - Dec 2020.PDF:43: appropriate to protect against cumulative construction dust impacts. It is not considered that

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter N - Cumulative Effects - Dec 2020.PDF:43: there will be any construction dust cumulative impacts resulting from Tier 1 sites. With the

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter N - Cumulative Effects - Dec 2020.PDF:66: Construction Dust

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter N - Cumulative Effects - Dec 2020.PDF:66:N5.153 With regards to construction dust, high risk mitigation measures from the best practice IAQM

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter N - Cumulative Effects - Dec 2020.PDF:66: dust guidance Error! Bookmark not defined. have been recommended for each of the

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter N - Cumulative Effects - Dec 2020.PDF:66: site, these measures will be appropriate to protect against cumulative construction dust impacts.

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter N - Cumulative Effects - Dec 2020.PDF:67: construction dust, the resulting effects would be Not Significant. The best practice IAQM

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter N - Cumulative Effects - Dec 2020.PDF:67: construction dust guidance uses the category ‘high’ as the most stringent level of mitigation

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter N - Cumulative Effects - Dec 2020.PDF:79: 6 IAQM, 2016. Guidance on the Assessment of Dust from Demolition and Construction

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - Water - Dec 2020.PDF:42: but not limited to, spills, storage of soils and control of construction related dust and

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - Water - Dec 2020.PDF:42: Measures will be implemented to prevent sediment, dust, surface water run-off and

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter H - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.PDF:29: dermal contact, accidental ingestion and dust inhalation of

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter H - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.PDF:32: disturb the soil and result in dust generation as well as provide opportunities for direct contact

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter H - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.PDF:32: soil and result in dust generation as well as provide opportunities for direct contact and

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter H - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.PDF:35: stockpiled and covered to control potential dust generation. Any soils containing asbestos that

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter O - Mitigation and Monitoring - Dec 2020.PDF:6: Plan (see below), Dust Management plan 3. Dust

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter O - Mitigation and Monitoring - Dec 2020.PDF:11: and covered to control potential dust

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter O - Mitigation and Monitoring - Dec 2020.PDF:23: 16 DMP - Dust Management Plan

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 1 - Non Technical Summary - Dec 2020.pdf:13: limited to, spills, storage of soils and control of construction related dust and the

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 1 - Non Technical Summary - Dec 2020.pdf:13: 2 Measures will be implemented to prevent sediment, dust, surface water run-off and other

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 1 - Non Technical Summary - Dec 2020.pdf:15: assessment covers construction dust and operational traffic effects on human and ecological

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 1 - Non Technical Summary - Dec 2020.pdf:15:7.5 Construction dust mitigation measures have been included in the Framework CEMP. These

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 1 - Non Technical Summary - Dec 2020.pdf:15: should be accompanied by a Dust Management Plan (‘DMP’).

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 1 - Non Technical Summary - Dec 2020.pdf:16: successful implementation of best practice mitigation measures for construction dust that are

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 1 - Non Technical Summary - Dec 2020.pdf:16: embedded in the Framework CEMP, the effects of construction dust are expected to be Not

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 1 - Non Technical Summary - Dec 2020.pdf:20: backfilling, and compaction may disturb the soil and result in dust generation and the potential

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 1 - Non Technical Summary - Dec 2020.pdf:29: Traffic Management Plan, a Construction Logistics Plan, a Dust Management Plan, a Health

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:13:assessment (details of construction traffic approach in email below). For construction dust,

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:14: similar timeframe, it is likely that the sites would require high risk dust mitigation

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:14: measures. As such, it is proposed that we embed the high risk dust mitigation

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:14: assessment of dust from demolition and construction into the CEMP from the outset,

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:14: and scope out further assessment of construction dust;

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter A - Intro and Background - Dec 2020.PDF:22: However, it will not consider the potential effects of dust generated by the construction of

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter A - Intro and Background - Dec 2020.PDF:22: B the ESs. This outlines all dust mitigation measures required for high risk receptors. With

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter A - Intro and Background - Dec 2020.PDF:22: the FCEMP in place (via a condition) there will be no significant construction dust effects

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter A - Intro and Background - Dec 2020.PDF:22: likely and therefore the effects of dust on sensitive receptors has been scoped out of the ES.

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site and Scheme Description - Dec 2020.PDF:31: 3 The construction site layout will be planned so that machinery and dust causing activities

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site and Scheme Description - Dec 2020.PDF:31: 4 Solid screens or barriers shall be erected around dusty activities or at the site boundary

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site and Scheme Description - Dec 2020.PDF:31: dust production;

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site and Scheme Description - Dec 2020.PDF:31: limited to, spills, storage of soils and control of construction related dust and the

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site and Scheme Description - Dec 2020.PDF:31: 8 Measures will be implemented to prevent sediment, dust, surface water run-off and other

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site and Scheme Description - Dec 2020.PDF:32: Air Quality and Dust Management

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site and Scheme Description - Dec 2020.PDF:32: Assessment of Dust from Demolition and Construction will be employed at the proposed

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site and Scheme Description - Dec 2020.PDF:32: 1 Display the name and contact details of person(s) accountable for air quality and dust

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site and Scheme Description - Dec 2020.PDF:32: 3 Develop and implement a Dust Management Plan, which will include measures to control

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site and Scheme Description - Dec 2020.PDF:32: 5 Record all dust and air quality complaints, identify cause(s), take appropriate measures to

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site and Scheme Description - Dec 2020.PDF:32: 7 Record any exceptional incidents that cause dust and/or air emissions, both on- or off-site

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site and Scheme Description - Dec 2020.PDF:32: 8 Carry out regular site inspections to monitor compliance with the Dust Management Plan,

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site and Scheme Description - Dec 2020.PDF:32: 9 It is highly recommended that dust deposition, dust flux, or real-time PM10 continuous

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site and Scheme Description - Dec 2020.PDF:32: 10 Increase the frequency of site inspections by the person accountable for air quality and dust

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site and Scheme Description - Dec 2020.PDF:32: issues on site when activities with a high potential to produce dust are being carried out and

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site and Scheme Description - Dec 2020.PDF:32: 11 Plan site layout so that machinery and dust causing activities are located away from

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site and Scheme Description - Dec 2020.PDF:32: 12 Erect solid screens or barriers around dusty activities or the site boundary that are at least

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site and Scheme Description - Dec 2020.PDF:33: 13 Fully enclose site or specific operations where there is a high potential for dust production

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site and Scheme Description - Dec 2020.PDF:33: 16 Remove materials that have a potential to produce dust from site as soon as possible, unless

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site and Scheme Description - Dec 2020.PDF:33: 23 Only use cutting, grinding or sawing equipment fitted or in conjunction with suitable dust

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site and Scheme Description - Dec 2020.PDF:33: 24 Ensure an adequate water supply on the site for effective dust/particulate matter

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site and Scheme Description - Dec 2020.PDF:34: 1 Use water-assisted dust sweeper(s) on the access and local roads, to remove, as necessary,

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site and Scheme Description - Dec 2020.PDF:34: 5 Implement a wheel washing system (with rumble grids to dislodge accumulated dust and

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site and Scheme Description - Dec 2020.PDF:34: the generation of dust, monitoring for the accumulation of gas, dampening of ground water,

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site and Scheme Description - Dec 2020.PDF:43: 11 DMP Dust Management Plan

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter A - Intro and Background - Dec 2020.PDF:9: consider the potential effects of dust generated by the construction of the proposed

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter A - Intro and Background - Dec 2020.PDF:9: of this ES. This outlines all dust mitigation measures required for high risk receptors. With

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter A - Intro and Background - Dec 2020.PDF:9: the FCEMP in place (via a condition) there will be no significant construction dust effects

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter A - Intro and Background - Dec 2020.PDF:9: likely and therefore the effects of dust on sensitive receptors has been scoped out of the ES.

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter E - Noise & Vibration - Dec 2020.PDF:15: • An assessment of construction dust and emissions during the construction phase of the proposed

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter E - Noise & Vibration - Dec 2020.PDF:15: assessment of dust from demolition and construction will be followed;

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter D - Biodiversity and Ecology - Dec 2020(1).PDF:26: limited to, spills, storage of soils and control of construction related dust and the

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter D - Biodiversity and Ecology - Dec 2020(1).PDF:26: 2 Measures will be implemented to prevent sediment, dust, surface water run-off and other

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:8: Dust Nuisance

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:8:F2.12 Dust is the generic term that the British Standard document BS 6069 (Part Two) used to

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:8: describe particulate matter in the size range 1 – 75 µm (micrometers) in diameter. Dust

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:8: nuisance is the result of the perception of the soiling of surfaces by excessive rates of dust

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:8: deposition. Under provisions in the Environmental Protection Act 1990, dust nuisance is

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:8:F2.13 There are currently no standards or guidelines for dust nuisance in the UK, nor are formal dust

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:8: deposition standards specified. This reflects the uncertainties in dust monitoring technology,

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:8: perception of such events as a nuisance. In law, complaints about excessive dust deposition

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:8: nuisance to occur. However, dust deposition is generally managed by suitable on-site practices

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:8: Institute of Air Quality Management Dust Guidance

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:8:F2.15 The IAQM dust guidance 9 provides guidance to development consultants and environmental

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:9: appropriate mitigation measures are applied, in most cases the resulting dust impacts can be

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:10: Construction Dust

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:10: development are dust deposition, resulting in the soiling of surfaces; visible dust plumes;

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:10: elevated PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations as a result of dust generating activities on site; and an

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:11: effect will normally be ‘not significant’. An assessment of effects from construction dust has

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:14: and/or dust nuisance due to the construction or operation of the proposed development. A desk-

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:27:F5.1 As described in Section F3.8, the best practice construction dust mitigation measures for high

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:27: are considered as embedded mitigation, and allowed construction dust to be scoped out of the

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:27: dust issues on the site boundary. This may be the environment manager/engineer

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:27: iii Develop and implement a Dust Management Plan, which will include measures to

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:27: i Record all dust and air quality complaints, identify cause(s), take appropriate

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:27: iii Record any exceptional incidents that cause dust and/or air emissions, both on- or

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:27: i Carry out regular site inspections to monitor compliance with the Dust

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:27: ii It is highly recommended that dust deposition, dust flux, or real-time PM10

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:27: and dust issues on site when activities with a high potential to produce dust are

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:27: i Plan site layout so that machinery and dust causing activities are located away

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:28: ii Erect solid screens or barriers around dusty activities or the site boundary that are

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:28: iii Fully enclose site or specific operations where there is a high potential for dust

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:28: vi Remove materials that have a potential to produce dust from site as soon as

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:28: suitable dust suppression techniques, such as water sprays or local extraction;

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:28: ii Ensure an adequate water supply on the site for effective dust/particulate matter

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:29: i Use water-assisted dust sweeper(s) on the access and local roads, to remove, as

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:29: dust and mud prior to leaving the site where reasonably practicable); and

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:37: effect on all receptors from the dust-generating activities onsite, as such this was scoped out of

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:40:9 IAQM, 2016. Guidance on the Assessment of Dust from Demolition and Construction (Version 1.1)

R-2020-0465-FFM-Officer report _R20200465FFM.pdf:6:inhalation due to dust generation is a potentially active pathway particularly

R-2020-0465-FFM-Officer report _R20200465FFM.pdf:6: • Prior to the commencement of construction details of a dust mitigation

R-2020-0465-FFM-Officer report _R20200465FFM.pdf:6: generation of potentially contaminated dust

R-2020-0465-FFM-Officer report _R20200465FFM.pdf:10:to the generation of noise, dust and vibration from the proposed works. It has

R-2020-0465-FFM-Officer report _R20200465FFM.pdf:15:There is also the potential for dust and pollution to negatively impact the

R-2020-0465-FFM-Officer report _R20200465FFM.pdf:15:(capping layer) to reduce dust from the remediation works.

R-2020-0465-FFM-Officer report _R20200465FFM.pdf:15:significant adverse effect from dust on the wintering bird population at up to

R-2020-0465-FFM-Officer report _R20200465FFM.pdf:15:measures to prevent sediment, dust, surface water run-off, or any other

R-2020-0465-FFM-Officer report _R20200465FFM.pdf:15:to prevent sediment, dust, surface water run-off, or any other substance

R-2020-0465-FFM-Officer report _R20200465FFM.pdf:16:to prevent sediment, dust, surface water run-off, or any other substance

R-2020-0465-FFM-Officer report _R20200465FFM.pdf:16:to prevent sediment, dust, surface water run-off, or any other substance

R-2020-0465-FFM-Officer report _R20200465FFM.pdf:19: • The method to be used to control the emission of dust, noise and

R-2020-0465-FFM-Metals Recovery Site HRA_Issue.PDF:10:• Installation of thin capping layer to prevent dust generation.

R-2020-0465-FFM-Metals Recovery Site HRA_Issue.PDF:10:• Generation of some dust, which will be controlled by standard environmental

R-2020-0465-FFM-Metals Recovery Site HRA_Issue.PDF:35:Any contamination that might be generated during construction (e.g. dust or

R-2020-0465-FFM-Metals Recovery Site HRA_Issue.PDF:35:control of construction related dust.

R-2020-0465-FFM-Decision Notice_R20200465FFM.pdf:2: • The method to be used to control the emission of dust, noise and

R-2020-0465-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0_P01.PDF:43:  Coke and coke dust;

R-2020-0465-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0_P01.PDF:91: Future site users (industrial end use) Dermal contact, accidental ingestion, inhalation of dusts, vapours,

R-2020-0465-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0_P01.PDF:93: hydrocarbons, pH, users ingestion, inhalation of dusts, (Medium) Made Ground across the sit

R-2020-0465-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0_P01.PDF:94: storage tanks users ingestion, inhalation of dusts (Medium) Previous SPMP monitoring

R-2020-0465-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0_P01.PDF:95: tanks and South hydrocarbons users ingestion, inhalation of dusts, (Medium)] Naphthalene and TPH ident

R-2020-0465-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0_P01.PDF:96: filled cables users ingestion, inhalation of dusts, (Medium) PCBs and oil have low mobi

R-2020-0465-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0_P01.PDF:97: CL2 Future site users and dermal contact, accidental ingestion, inhalation of dusts, vapours, fibres and

R-2020-0465-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0_P01.PDF:101:Exposure pathways for commercial/industrial end use include direct soil and indoor dust ingestion, skin

R-2020-0465-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0_P01.PDF:101:contact with soils and dusts, and inhalation of dust and vapours. As it is not pragmatic to remove all

R-2020-0465-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0_P01.PDF:112: generation of dust.

R-2020-0465-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0_P01.PDF:112:  Water sprays to be used during operations as and when required to minimise potential for dust

R-2020-0465-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0125-01-MPA_Shallow_Soils.PDF:15: The majority of the site is currently not formally surfaced, as such, particulate inhalation due to dust

R-2020-0465-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0125-01-MPA_Shallow_Soils.PDF:15: and or re-profiling requirements and therefore dust has the potential to be generated. Notwithstanding this,

R-2020-0465-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0125-01-MPA_Shallow_Soils.PDF:15: typical dust suppression techniques should be employed so that exposures would be minimised.

R-2020-0465-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0125-01-MPA_Shallow_Soils.PDF:19: D. Dust inhalation (potential CoC include asbestos, volatiles, and heavy metals)

R-2020-0465-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0125-01-MPA_Shallow_Soils.PDF:21:and therefore dust generation is considered a valid pathway.

R-2020-0465-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0125-01-MPA_Shallow_Soils.PDF:21:and therefore pollutant linkage D (inhalation of dust) is considered potentially active as surface soils may

R-2020-0465-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0125-01-MPA_Shallow_Soils.PDF:33: Inhalation of Dust Indoors

R-2020-0465-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0125-01-MPA_Shallow_Soils.PDF:33: Inhalation of Dust Outdoors

R-2020-0465-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0125-01-MPA_Shallow_Soils.PDF:34: Inhalation of Dust Indoors

R-2020-0465-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0125-01-MPA_Shallow_Soils.PDF:34: Inhalation of Dust Outdoors

R-2020-0465-FFM-R 20 0465 Nuisance.pdf:1:inhalation due to dust generation is a potentially active pathway particularly during

R-2020-0465-FFM-R 20 0465 Nuisance.pdf:1:  Prior to the commencement of construction details of a dust mitigation

R-2020-0465-FFM-R 20 0465 Nuisance.pdf:1: potentially contaminated dust

R-2020-0465-FFM-MRS EcIA Report_Issue.PDF:8:• Installation of thin capping layer to prevent dust generation.

R-2020-0465-FFM-MRS EcIA Report_Issue.PDF:8:• Generation of some dust, which will be controlled by standard environmental

R-2020-0465-FFM-MRS EcIA Report_Issue.PDF:35:pollution such as dust as well as noise and/or visual disturbance either to the

R-2020-0465-FFM-MRS EcIA Report_Issue.PDF:35: prevent sediment, dust, surface water run-off, or any other substance relating

R-2020-0465-FFM-MRS EcIA Report_Issue.PDF:37:There is also the potential for dust and pollution to negatively impact the habitats

R-2020-0465-FFM-MRS EcIA Report_Issue.PDF:37:to reduce dust from the remediation works.

R-2020-0465-FFM-MRS EcIA Report_Issue.PDF:37:adverse effect from dust on the wintering bird population at up to the county

R-2020-0465-FFM-MRS EcIA Report_Issue.PDF:37: measures to prevent sediment, dust, surface water run-off, or any other

R-2020-0465-FFM-MRS EcIA Report_Issue.PDF:38:prevent sediment, dust, surface water run-off, or any other substance relating to

R-2020-0465-FFM-MRS EcIA Report_Issue.PDF:38:prevent sediment, dust, surface water run-off, or any other substance relating to

R-2020-0465-FFM-MRS EcIA Report_Issue.PDF:39:prevent sediment, dust, surface water run-off, or any other substance relating to

R-2020-0465-FFM-MRS EcIA Report_Issue.PDF:42: and Ramsar (sediment, oil, dust) entering the within the proposed construction.

R-2020-0465-FFM-MRS EcIA Report_Issue.PDF:42: Lackenby Channel. commuting activities, and/or sediment and dust entering the River Tees

R-2020-0465-FFM-MRS EcIA Report_Issue.PDF:42: (sediment, oil, dust) to enter the within the proposed construction and operation.

R-2020-0465-FFM-MRS EcIA Report_Issue.PDF:42: hydrological connection of the support foraging and measures to prevent sediment and dust

R-2020-0465-FFM-MRS EcIA Report_Issue.PDF:43: sediment and dust entering the Lackenby

R-2020-0465-FFM-MRS EcIA Report_Issue.PDF:43: waterbird species from development that support population sediment and dust entering The Slems and following the

R-2020-0465-FFM-MRS EcIA Report_Issue.PDF:43: such as dust the loss of foraging mitigation.

R-2020-0465-FFM-MRS EcIA Report_Issue.PDF:43: Tees. prevent sediment and dust entering the River

R-2020-0465-FFM-MRS EcIA Report_Issue.PDF:44: Tees. prevent sediment and dust entering the River

R-2020-0465-FFM-MRS EcIA Report_Issue.PDF:44: Tees. prevent sediment and dust entering the River

R-2020-0465-FFM-MRS EcIA Report_Issue.PDF:51: measures to prevent sediment, dust, surface water run-off, or any other

R-2023-0227-CD-Decision Notice_R20190767OOM(4).pdf:2: i. The method to be used to control the emission of dust, noise and

R-2023-0227-CD-TV_ERF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:4: Dust……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 28

R-2023-0227-CD-TV_ERF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:9: ERF will include embedded mitigation measures to reduce the risk of dust

R-2023-0227-CD-TV_ERF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:10: prevents the release of odours and dust from the building when the doors

R-2023-0227-CD-TV_ERF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:10: are opened for short periods for deliveries. As a result, the risk of dust and

R-2023-0227-CD-TV_ERF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:20:5.22 Dust has been screened out as a potential impact on the NSN site in line

R-2023-0227-CD-TV_ERF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:20: dust from demolition and construction. The intention of the IAQM guidance

R-2023-0227-CD-TV_ERF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:20: is that 500m is the distance from the area of muddy ground where dust

R-2023-0227-CD-TV_ERF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:21: leaving the ERF site, no detailed assessment of impacts related to dust is

R-2023-0227-CD-TV_ERF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:21:5.24 Although the scheme includes embedded mitigation to contain dust and

R-2023-0227-CD-TV_ERF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:21: from the SPA/Ramsar site, dust associated with construction, operation or

R-2023-0227-CD-TV_ERF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:31: Dust

R-2023-0227-CD-TV_ERF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:31:6.38 Dust was screened out as a potential impact on the NSN site in line with the

R-2023-0227-CD-TV_ERF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:31: (IAQM) guidance document Guidance on the assessment of dust from

R-2023-0227-CD-TV_ERF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:31: 500m is the distance from the area of muddy ground where dust could be

R-2023-0227-CD-TV_ERF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:31:6.39 Dust generated during the operation of the plant was screened out as a

R-2023-0227-CD-TV_ERF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:31: includes embedded mitigation to contain dust and odour during operation

R-2023-0227-CD-TV_ERF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:32: Wintering/passage/ Dust Distance between site and No

R-2023-0227-CD-TV_ERF_Air_Quality_Dioxin_Pathway_Intake_Assessment.pdf:9: • ingestion of soil and dust;

171019South-Tees-Master-Plan-19-Nov-17.pdf:142: • Dust issues may yield lower performance efficiency and have associated maintenance/cleaning costs

171019South-Tees-Master-Plan-19-Nov-17.pdf:142: • Dust issues may yield lower performance efficiency and have associated maintenance/cleaning costs

teesworks_-_keywords_-_dust.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/02 18:10 by