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EN010103-001057-NZT DCO 6.4.1 ES Vol III Appendix 1A EIA Scoping Report Part 1.pdf:38:5.23 Policies of particular relevance to the scope of the EIA include promoting sustainable

EN010103-001057-NZT DCO 6.4.1 ES Vol III Appendix 1A EIA Scoping Report Part 1.pdf:57: to promote sustainable journeys during the construction phase of the development

EN010103-001057-NZT DCO 6.4.1 ES Vol III Appendix 1A EIA Scoping Report Part 1.pdf:60:  ‘Conservation Principles: Policies and Guidance for the Sustainable Management

EN010103-002386-Environment Agency - Comments on any other information submitted at Deadline 10.pdf:1:Planning Technical Specialist - Sustainable Places

EN010103-001552-lucy Mo - Comments on Relevant Representations (RRs).pdf:2:Planning Technical Specialist - Sustainable Places

EN010103-001552-lucy Mo - Comments on Relevant Representations (RRs).pdf:3:Planning Technical Specialist - Sustainable Places

EN010103-001137-NZT DCO 6.4.46 ES Vol III Appendix 24A Planned Development and Development Allocations.pdf:9:(NS) Locations for Cleveland Plan Documents, Sustainable waste management will

EN010103-002421-NZT DCO 9.42 - Comments on D9 Submissions & Additional Submissions - Oct 2022 (D11).pdf:3: SuDS Sustainable urban drainage systems

EN010103-002080-NZT DCO 2.1 - Draft DCO (Comparison with (D5) August 2022) - August 2022 (D6).pdf:55: (a) measures to promote the use of sustainable transport modes to and from the authorised

EN010103-002528-NZT DCO 2.2 - Explanatory Memorandum (Clean) - Nov 2022 (D12).pdf:45: to encourage sustainable transport; details of the responsibility for and timetable for

EN010103-001772-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix GEN.1.41c - STDC Constitution - June 2022.pdf:4: 6. affected by the closure of the steelworks), inward investment, transport, sustainable development,

EN010103-002551-NZT DCO 5.4 - DAS (Tracked) - Nov 2022 (D12).pdf:17: ‘Sustainable development’ of the PA 2008 (subsection (3)(b)) states that in setting

EN010103-002551-NZT DCO 5.4 - DAS (Tracked) - Nov 2022 (D12).pdf:33:4.2.1 Section 10 ‘Sustainable development’ of the PA 2008 (subsection (3)(b)) states that

EN010103-002551-NZT DCO 5.4 - DAS (Tracked) - Nov 2022 (D12).pdf:34: should produce sustainable Infrastructure sensitive to place, efficient in the use of

EN010103-002551-NZT DCO 5.4 - DAS (Tracked) - Nov 2022 (D12).pdf:34: satisfied that energy Infrastructure developments are sustainable and, having regard

EN010103-002551-NZT DCO 5.4 - DAS (Tracked) - Nov 2022 (D12).pdf:36: Paragraph 126 confirms that good design is a key aspect of sustainable development.

EN010103-002551-NZT DCO 5.4 - DAS (Tracked) - Nov 2022 (D12).pdf:36: design should be an integral part of sustainable development. In designing new

EN010103-002551-NZT DCO 5.4 - DAS (Tracked) - Nov 2022 (D12).pdf:36: quality of the area; be sustainable in design and construction; minimise pollution;

EN010103-002254-NZT DCO 2.2 - Explanatory Memorandum (Clean) - Sept 2022(D8).pdf:46: to encourage sustainable transport; details of the responsibility for and timetable for

EN010103-001858-9.11 - Applicants' Comments on Deadline 2 Submissions - June 2022(D3).pdf:3: SuDS Sustainable urban drainage systems

EN010103-001667-Natural England - Written Representations (WRs), including summaries of all WRs exceeding 1500 words.pdf:1:generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

EN010103-001667-Natural England - Written Representations (WRs), including summaries of all WRs exceeding 1500 words.pdf:22:environment and contribute to sustainable development.

EN010103-001667-Natural England - Written Representations (WRs), including summaries of all WRs exceeding 1500 words.pdf:25:Sustainable Development Programme Director

EN010103-001667-Natural England - Written Representations (WRs), including summaries of all WRs exceeding 1500 words.pdf:29:constructed wetlands, land use change or retrofitting of Sustainable Urban Drainage systems

EN010103-000910-NZT DCO 6.2.18 ES Vol Chapter 18 Archaeology and Cultural Heritage.pdf:3: applied to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development. While

EN010103-000910-NZT DCO 6.2.18 ES Vol Chapter 18 Archaeology and Cultural Heritage.pdf:3: sustainable communities including their economic vitality;

EN010103-000910-NZT DCO 6.2.18 ES Vol Chapter 18 Archaeology and Cultural Heritage.pdf:5: Policy SD8 Sustainable Design Principles, other Development Plan polices,

EN010103-001764-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix PPL.1.3c - Teesworks Design Guide - June 2022.pdf:5:home to diverse, sustainable and ready to power Britain’s hydrogen Group and our colleagues at Redcar

EN010103-001764-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix PPL.1.3c - Teesworks Design Guide - June 2022.pdf:5: sustainable delivery of our future endorsement of the planning

EN010103-001764-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix PPL.1.3c - Teesworks Design Guide - June 2022.pdf:23:businesses engaged in advanced industrial parks as sustainable, attractive

EN010103-001764-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix PPL.1.3c - Teesworks Design Guide - June 2022.pdf:24: • Growing emphasis on sustainable and active

EN010103-001764-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix PPL.1.3c - Teesworks Design Guide - June 2022.pdf:27:welcoming, and sustainable buildings and environments Further details of the application of the guidance in

EN010103-001764-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix PPL.1.3c - Teesworks Design Guide - June 2022.pdf:27:• To encourage more sustainable and lower

EN010103-001764-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix PPL.1.3c - Teesworks Design Guide - June 2022.pdf:33:Developers should also consider trends in sustainable

EN010103-001764-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix PPL.1.3c - Teesworks Design Guide - June 2022.pdf:39:(e.g. Sustainable Urban Drainage or SUDs).

EN010103-001764-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix PPL.1.3c - Teesworks Design Guide - June 2022.pdf:39: Figure 23. Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems to be considered

EN010103-001764-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix PPL.1.3c - Teesworks Design Guide - June 2022.pdf:42: and brown roofs to contribute to sustainable drainage

EN010103-001764-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix PPL.1.3c - Teesworks Design Guide - June 2022.pdf:66: Proposed materials should be practical, durable, The main objectives of sustainable design are to reduce,

EN010103-001764-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix PPL.1.3c - Teesworks Design Guide - June 2022.pdf:69:• Green roofs contribute to the sustainable

EN010103-001119-NZT DCO 6.4.20 ES Vol III Appendix 12C Preliminary Ecological Appraisal Part 1.pdf:6: • Sustainable Development Policies SD1 and SD4 of the Redcar and

EN010103-001119-NZT DCO 6.4.20 ES Vol III Appendix 12C Preliminary Ecological Appraisal Part 1.pdf:6: • Sustainable Design Policies SD5 and SD8 of the Stockton-on-Tees Local

EN010103-001119-NZT DCO 6.4.20 ES Vol III Appendix 12C Preliminary Ecological Appraisal Part 1.pdf:7: • Supplementary Planning Document 1: Sustainable Design Guide

EN010103-001119-NZT DCO 6.4.20 ES Vol III Appendix 12C Preliminary Ecological Appraisal Part 1.pdf:35: Document 1: Sustainable Design Guide.

EN010103-001582-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022 (Tracked).pdf:6: sustainable way.

EN010103-001582-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022 (Tracked).pdf:6: generations, thereby contributing to sustainable

EN010103-001582-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022 (Tracked).pdf:57: Infrastructure development’. Paragraph 3.3.1 notes that a secure, sustainable and

EN010103-001582-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022 (Tracked).pdf:69: use to low carbon fuels such as sustainable biomass, in line with broader Government

EN010103-001582-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022 (Tracked).pdf:101: that applying 'good design' to energy NSIPs should produce sustainable

EN010103-001582-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022 (Tracked).pdf:101: satisfied that energy Infrastructure developments are sustainable and, having regard

EN010103-001582-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022 (Tracked).pdf:148: vegetation and using sustainable

EN010103-001582-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022 (Tracked).pdf:157: Section 2 ‘Achieving sustainable development’ confirms (paragraph 7) that the

EN010103-001582-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022 (Tracked).pdf:157: purpose of the planning system is to contribute to the achievement of sustainable

EN010103-001582-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022 (Tracked).pdf:157: 8 goes on to identify three overarching objectives to the achievement of sustainable

EN010103-001582-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022 (Tracked).pdf:158: Central to the NPPF is 'a presumption in favour of sustainable development'.

EN010103-001582-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022 (Tracked).pdf:158: fulfilling the objective of sustainable development listed at paragraph 8 under ‘a) an

EN010103-001582-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022 (Tracked).pdf:158: economy, promoting sustainable transport, achieving well-designed places, meeting

EN010103-001582-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022 (Tracked).pdf:159: Chapter 6 Confirms that the Government is The Proposed Development will contribute toward sustainable economic

EN010103-001582-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022 (Tracked).pdf:159: sustainable economic growth

EN010103-001582-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022 (Tracked).pdf:159: Promoting sustainable transport choices so during the construction phase. The assessment of traffic and transport in the ES

EN010103-001582-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022 (Tracked).pdf:159: sustainable as to contribute to wider is based on a worst-case scenario (all transport by road, including construction

EN010103-001582-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022 (Tracked).pdf:160: promote sustainable transport include measures to manage and minimise transport impacts during

EN010103-001582-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022 (Tracked).pdf:160: sustainable transport modes.

EN010103-001582-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022 (Tracked).pdf:161: is a key aspect of sustainable accordance with the Teesworks Design Guide. The appearance of the buildings

EN010103-001582-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022 (Tracked).pdf:166: SD1 RCBC Sustainable When considering The Proposed Development is consistent with the principles of

EN010103-001582-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022 (Tracked).pdf:166: Local Development development sustainable development. It will bring brownfield land back into

EN010103-001582-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022 (Tracked).pdf:166: of sustainable demonstrated that the Proposed Development it will not result in

EN010103-001582-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022 (Tracked).pdf:166: Plan sustainable locations in the South Tees Area/Teesworks. The routing of the connection corridors

EN010103-001582-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022 (Tracked).pdf:167: sustainable locations

EN010103-001582-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022 (Tracked).pdf:179: to promote sustainable also investigating, and are in discussion with relevant parties, over the

EN010103-001582-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022 (Tracked).pdf:179: sustainable modes.

EN010103-001582-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022 (Tracked).pdf:187: Local in favour of development principles of sustainable development by reusing brownfield land and

EN010103-001582-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022 (Tracked).pdf:187: Plan Sustainable proposals, the Council supporting the decarbonisation of power and industry on Teesside.

EN010103-001582-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022 (Tracked).pdf:187: of sustainable

EN010103-001582-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022 (Tracked).pdf:188: delivery of sustainable

EN010103-001582-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022 (Tracked).pdf:189: Local Infrastructure deliver a sustainable to manage traffic and transportation effects. Any operational traffic will

EN010103-001582-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022 (Tracked).pdf:190: SD7 STBC Sustainable Development proposals The design of the Proposed Development is appropriate in terms of its

EN010103-001582-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022 (Tracked).pdf:191: Local Infrastructure deliver a sustainable the construction phase to manage traffic and transportation effects. Any

EN010103-001582-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022 (Tracked).pdf:192: sustainable modes

EN010103-001582-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022 (Tracked).pdf:214: “comprise a significant facility of national sustainable energy supply”. The defendant directed that an application for the form

EN010103-001582-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022 (Tracked).pdf:219: sustainable pattern of waste management to achieve overall net self-sufficiency, an approach found

EN010103-001582-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022 (Tracked).pdf:220: That the WKN Proposed Development would provide a sustainable source of steam/heat to local

EN010103-001582-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022 (Tracked).pdf:224: WKN Proposed Development would provide a sustainable source of steam/heat to local customers

EN010103-001582-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022 (Tracked).pdf:225: of a clear and immediate sustainable source of steam/heat to local customers contrasts unfavourably

EN010103-001582-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022 (Tracked).pdf:233: need and urgency for new energy Infrastructure to be consented in order to make a contribution to sustainable development

EN010103-001582-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022 (Tracked).pdf:239: sustainable energy generation, with the impact on the waste hierarchy of the proposal occurs again in paragraphs 4.18–4.20

EN010103-001127-NZT DCO 6.4.38 ES Vol III Appendix 16C Framework Traffic Management Plan.pdf:5: implemented to encourage sustainable travel modes.

EN010103-001238-Natural England Net Zero Teesside NSIP Redcar_Redacted.pdf:1:thereby contributing to sustainable development.

EN010103-002069-NZT DCO 8.5 - Environment Agency SoCG (Tracked) August 2-22 (D6).pdf:8: of achieving sustainable development’ (Environment Act, 1995).

EN010103-002424-NZT DCO - 6.4.11 ES Vol III Appendix 9C WFD Assessment - Oct 2022 (D11) (Tracked).pdf:6: a holistic approach to the sustainable management of water by considering the

EN010103-002424-NZT DCO - 6.4.11 ES Vol III Appendix 9C WFD Assessment - Oct 2022 (D11) (Tracked).pdf:16: The failure is the result of new sustainable development activities, and

EN010103-002424-NZT DCO - 6.4.11 ES Vol III Appendix 9C WFD Assessment - Oct 2022 (D11) (Tracked).pdf:16: • The reasons for the modifications or alterations, or for the sustainable

EN010103-002424-NZT DCO - 6.4.11 ES Vol III Appendix 9C WFD Assessment - Oct 2022 (D11) (Tracked).pdf:16: of the sustainable development activities, to human health, to the

EN010103-002424-NZT DCO - 6.4.11 ES Vol III Appendix 9C WFD Assessment - Oct 2022 (D11) (Tracked).pdf:16: to sustainable development; and

EN010103-002424-NZT DCO - 6.4.11 ES Vol III Appendix 9C WFD Assessment - Oct 2022 (D11) (Tracked).pdf:16: the sustainable development activities, cannot, for reasons of technical

EN010103-002424-NZT DCO - 6.4.11 ES Vol III Appendix 9C WFD Assessment - Oct 2022 (D11) (Tracked).pdf:16: that the benefits of the project to human health, human safety or sustainable

EN010103-002424-NZT DCO - 6.4.11 ES Vol III Appendix 9C WFD Assessment - Oct 2022 (D11) (Tracked).pdf:75: • C609 (2004) Sustainable Drainage Systems, hydraulic, structural and

EN010103-002424-NZT DCO - 6.4.11 ES Vol III Appendix 9C WFD Assessment - Oct 2022 (D11) (Tracked).pdf:92: drainage system is to include the use of sustainable drainage systems

EN010103-002424-NZT DCO - 6.4.11 ES Vol III Appendix 9C WFD Assessment - Oct 2022 (D11) (Tracked).pdf:122: CIRIA (2004). C609 Sustainable Drainage Systems, hydraulic, structural

EN010103-002424-NZT DCO - 6.4.11 ES Vol III Appendix 9C WFD Assessment - Oct 2022 (D11) (Tracked).pdf:167:Permitting requirements. Sustainable drainage systems will be installed following redevelopment which

EN010103-001189-NZT DCO 5.2 Project Need Statement - Reprovided.pdf:17: use to low carbon fuels such as sustainable biomass, in line with broader Government

EN010103-002046-NZT DCO 2.2 - Explanatory Memorandum (Tracked) August 2022 (D6).pdf:46: measures to encourage sustainable transport; details of the responsibility for and timetable

EN010103-002053-NZT DCO 5.4 - Design and Access Statement - Tracked - August 2022(D6).pdf:17: ‘Sustainable development’ of the PA 2008 (subsection (3)(b)) states that in setting

EN010103-002053-NZT DCO 5.4 - Design and Access Statement - Tracked - August 2022(D6).pdf:31:4.2.1 Section 10 ‘Sustainable development’ of the PA 2008 (subsection (3)(b)) states that

EN010103-002053-NZT DCO 5.4 - Design and Access Statement - Tracked - August 2022(D6).pdf:32: should produce sustainable Infrastructure sensitive to place, efficient in the use of

EN010103-002053-NZT DCO 5.4 - Design and Access Statement - Tracked - August 2022(D6).pdf:32: satisfied that energy Infrastructure developments are sustainable and, having regard

EN010103-002053-NZT DCO 5.4 - Design and Access Statement - Tracked - August 2022(D6).pdf:34: Paragraph 126 confirms that good design is a key aspect of sustainable development.

EN010103-002053-NZT DCO 5.4 - Design and Access Statement - Tracked - August 2022(D6).pdf:34: design should be an integral part of sustainable development. In designing new

EN010103-002053-NZT DCO 5.4 - Design and Access Statement - Tracked - August 2022(D6).pdf:34: quality of the area; be sustainable in design and construction; minimise pollution;

EN010103-001586-NZT DCO 8.4 - MMO SoCG - May 2022.pdf:10: enabling sustainable marine development. The MMO is an interested party for the

EN010103-002630-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6 - NG - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:8: of scale and use sustainable and global

EN010103-002630-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6 - NG - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:8: strong and sustainable growth in our regulated per share growth in line with the rate of CPIH

EN010103-002630-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6 - NG - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:9: and sustainably for all our businesses. and servicing long-term sustainable

EN010103-002630-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6 - NG - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:28: 2020/21 28.9 Resources Institute and World Business Council for Sustainable

EN010103-002630-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6 - NG - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:35:are sustainable. testing latest business plan.

EN010103-002630-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6 - NG - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:38: accordance with our regulatory agreements and cash is important. By managing our achieve strong and sustainable growth

EN010103-002630-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6 - NG - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:45:and underpins our approach to sustainable decision-making. Value Growth, which is derived from Value Added, forms part of our long-term management

EN010103-002630-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6 - NG - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:53:changes to our policies and processes to ensure We are determined to achieve a sustainable decisions, we have committed that by 2028

EN010103-002630-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6 - NG - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:58: sustainable success of the business and which maintains a standard

EN010103-002630-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6 - NG - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:61: considers the long-term sustainable growth profile of the Group as key. headquarters in Bristol and offices in other key locations. WPD’s

EN010103-002630-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6 - NG - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:61: and others its sustainable dividend policy.

EN010103-002630-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6 - NG - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:63:such as the United Nations Global Compact Principles and Sustainable with the symbol .

EN010103-002630-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6 - NG - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:64: We will deliver sustainable energy UK ET – 99.99993% Our networks continue to run at a high

EN010103-002630-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6 - NG - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:70: Council for Sustainable Development

EN010103-002630-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6 - NG - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:75:long-term sustainable success. During the year

EN010103-002630-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6 - NG - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:76: • The Sustainable Electrical Gas Insulated Lines (SEGIL) project will

EN010103-002630-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6 - NG - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:94:objectives, business plan, dividend policy, viability and governance structure to help achieve long-term success and deliver sustainable shareholder value.

EN010103-002630-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6 - NG - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:98:diversity and inclusion, the clean energy keep the overall approach under review and Sustainable Supply Chain.

EN010103-002630-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6 - NG - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:110:Martha Wyrsch2 3/4 sustainable cost efficiencies per annum by 2024, Agg, both effective 1 July 2022. These changes

EN010103-002630-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6 - NG - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:111:Andy Agg respectively. This decision considers an in-employment together with long-term sustainable growth.

EN010103-002630-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6 - NG - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:117:Diversity (5%) Deliver sustainable improvement in gender and Improved diversity in six of the eight Group-wide measures most notably:

EN010103-002630-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6 - NG - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:119:demonstrating sustainable long-term value for our shareholders. Over the more recent three-year performance period for the 2019 LTPP, National Grid’s

EN010103-002630-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6 - NG - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:132:regulated and long-term nature of our businesses, earnings growth and sustainable investment returns are important measures of long-term shareholder

EN010103-002630-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6 - NG - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:132:measures act together to incentivise strong operational delivery in a year, and long-term efficient asset growth and a sustainable dividend. As such,

EN010103-002630-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6 - NG - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:132:Specifically in LTPP, Group RoE is averaged across the three-year performance period with targets set to ensure the company delivers sustainable

EN010103-002630-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6 - NG - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:132:performance period and sets out to incentivise sustainable long-term earnings growth and value creation for shareholders. As such, LTPP Underlying EPS

EN010103-002630-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6 - NG - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:249:which means that the ESO has greater flexibility the market through auctions. From 1 January delivering an environmentally sustainable service.

EN010103-002630-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6 - NG - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:251:We explain these terms in the table on sustainable heating options and new technologies

EN010103-002630-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6 - NG - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:281:performance and underpins our approach to sustainable decision making and long-term management incentive arrangements.

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:8:In accordance with the resolution approved by shareholders in May 2021 on TotalEnergies’ ambitions for sustainable development and

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:8:Confident in its ability to transform itself into a sustainable multi-energy company and increase the return to shareholders, the Company

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:55:sustainable development and the fight against poverty, and which aims to keep the increase in average global temperatures well below 2°C

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:67: Policies Scenario) and APS (Announced Pledges Scenario) for the short/mid-term, the SDS (Sustainable Development Scenario)

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:67: compared to pre-industrial levels by 2100, and the energy-related goals set in the “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:145:5.1 Sustainable development at the heart of the strategy 272 CERTAIN TEXT HAS BEEN REDACTED.

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:146:1.2.2 Rising to the challenges of the sustainable development 1.7.2 R&D at the heart of our strategy 34

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:147: possible. Active in more than 130 countries, TotalEnergies puts sustainable development in all its dimensions at the heart of its projects and operations

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:147: guide daily the actions and relations of the strong and sustainable growth for ourselves

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:151: segments. We have begun a transition towards renewable energies: solar, sustainable biofuels and electricity, mostly from renewable sources.

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:155: of the sustainable energy the world needs and make the most of these

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:155: 1.2.2 Rising to the challenges of the sustainable development of the planet

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:155: TotalEnergies places sustainable development in all its dimensions at the – Zero Tolerance is the rule in the fight against corruption and fraud.

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:155: Nations' Sustainable Development Goals.

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:155: TotalEnergies' commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals has

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:155: To that end, TotalEnergies leverages the principles of action at the core four dimensions addressed by this report: Climate and sustainable

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:155: sustainable development go hand in hand. suppliers, customers, partners, states and civil society

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:159: has a biofuel production capacity of 500 kt per year, primarily at the La renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel), bionaphtha (a precursor

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:160:CO2 is a promising avenue for decarbonizing transportation. The pace at decarbonize the aviation industry with sustainable aviation fuel. In early

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:160:advantage of recycling CO2. E-fuels are one of the solutions for getting to be used to convert CO2 into sustainable aviation fuel.

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:166:types of contracts (purchase contract, sustainable financing mechanism,

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:167: the energy transition is to gradually change the forms of energy its than 98% of the land vehicles on the road worldwide. Sustainable

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:167: strategy focused on the lowest-carbon products and scaling back its TotalEnergies distributed 3 Mt of sustainable biofuels(2) worldwide.

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:168:TotalEnergies is developing sustainable aviation fuels (SAFs). SAFs

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:168:produce and market sustainable aviation fuel in partnership with – Increase LNG bunkering to 1 Mt/year

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:168: – Produce in a sustainable way and propose 300 kt/year of biojet to

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:169: technologies aimed at promoting the development of renewable energies and sustainable bioenergies (biofuels, biogas) as well as energies and

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:169: committed to developing solutions for a sustainable, low-carbon future. In

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:170:TotalEnergies has placed sustainable development in all its dimensions at – Care for the environnement : To be exemplary in the management

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:170:in terms of commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). operations are managed according to the Avoid - Reduce -

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:170:– Climate and sustainable energy: Leading the transformation of the promotes the circular economy.

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:171: sustainable, active and positive manner in all of the Company’s host countries. The Company was one of the first in the industry to publish measurable

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:176:sustainable, low-cost projects, and ensuring the safe and timely delivery OneTech will offer long-term career paths in all of the Company’s

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:178: competitive technologies by focusing on increasingly sustainable evaluating the potential of emerging technologies for the Company’s

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:178: sustainable synthetic fuels and the storage of CO2, as well as the

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:180:integrated complexes (Port Arthur in the United States, Normandy and by its Axens subsidiary. It produces a sustainable, premium biofuel


EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:182:responsibly and integrate the long-term challenges of sustainable dialogue, proactive engagement and transparency, consistent with the

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:182:pages devoted to its sustainable development approach.

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:182:(1) Measuring Stakeholder Capitalism: Towards Common Metrics and Consistent Reporting of Sustainable Value Creation, white paper, September 2020.


EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:184: – Information on the Mero 4 project in Brazil terms of sustainable development and the energy transition

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:208:that will help to achieve TotalEnergies' carbon neutrality goals. This entities, while providing a coherent, efficient, sustainable and responsible

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:209: resulting in a sustainable carbon sink capacity of at least 5 Mt of CO2/ the country as carbon sinks.

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:214:In addition, TotalEnergies owns a 10% interest in the ADNOC Onshore sustainable development of the country's natural resources and to

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:215: Iraqi authorities for the sustainable development of natural resources in imposition of US secondary sanctions on the oil industry as of November

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:230: renewable diesel. In 2021, the site started producing sustainable project to modernize the Feluy site (production of high value-added

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:230: French sustainable aviation fuel production chain and thus to the unit) have started, while one of the three existing polypropylene units,

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:230:(2) Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) is a concrete alternative to fossil aviation fuel. It significantly reduces CO2 emissions from air transport. It can already be used, without changing

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:231: enabling it to pursue its development in order to supply growth regions. value-added sustainable applications and specialty markets, such as

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:233: Biofuels reduce CO2 emissions by at least 50% compared to their from Nice to Paris was operated using 30% sustainable aviation fuel

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:233: and ether (ETBE) produced from ethanol and isobutene for incorporation engine test campaign with 100% sustainable aviation fuel (SAF),

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:233: collaboration agreement to co-develop a demonstrator plant for green flagship sustainable urban development.

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:233: hydrogen production to convert carbon dioxide into sustainable aviation

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:238:transition to more sustainable energy and mobility. Marketing & Services

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:239: transition to more sustainable energies and mobility. TotalEnergies charge points in Europe by 2025, through concessions in major

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:239: order to deliver a profitable and sustainable performance. These

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:240: of spare parts (such as NEXUS). M&S is also developing a network of which contribute to Sustainable Development Goal n°12 on waste

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:243: Lubricants Sustainable aviation fuel

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:243: of inland lubricants in Europe, TotalEnergies produces and distributes Sustainable Aviation Fuels

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:243: (2) Sustainable Aviation Fuel.

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:245: commitment to sustainable growth on the global market and their

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:246:teams at TotalEnergies Off-grid Solar Solutions develop and market solar demand for sustainable consumption in the outdoor market. Since the

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:246:specifications that are increasingly oriented towards sustainable major European player in MaaS (Mobility as a Service).

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:250: A number of non-governmental organizations tend to increase the Regulations aimed at guiding investment flows towards sustainable

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:271: This Plan reflects the sustainable procurement principles applicable to relationships with Suppliers, but is not aimed at replacing the measures in place at those Suppliers.

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:272: vulnerable local populations. Its deployment continues in the economic and financial situation, as well as on sustainable development,

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:275:2021, illustrating the importance of the sustainable development issues Human Resources Policies division is responsible in particular for

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:275: to help implement TotalEnergies' climate and sustainable

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:279:Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including those relating to value of UNESCO’s world natural heritage sites, by not conducting oil

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:281:category. This risk mapping is periodically reviewed. Qualification of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO). TotalEnergies is

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:281:sustainable in accordance with the criteria required by the European is a serious shortcoming or repeated poor results, the freight company

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:284: business segments. It is chaired by the head of TotalEnergies’ within the Sustainable Procurement Committee, which monitors the

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:285: Transparency Ugandan NGOs whose objective is to work towards the sustainable

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:293:In order to contribute concrete responses to the issue of climate change, sustainable development and the energy transition towards carbon

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:296: TotalEnergies is reducing the share of petroleum products in its sales renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel), bionaphtha (a precursor

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:297:decarbonize the aviation industry with sustainable aviation fuel. In early Honeywell to promote advanced recycling of plastics in Europe and

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:297:be used to convert CO2 into sustainable aviation fuel. biopolymers made from biofeedstocks based on vegetable oils or

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:300: types of contracts (purchase contract, sustainable financing mechanism, The cumulative budget for all of the signed operations amounts to nearly

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:302: Global Procurement Management Committee and the sustainable this initiative is to promote better practices regarding respect for human

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:302: Specific initiatives are in place for certain categories of procurement. platform for establishing and collaborating on a sustainable battery value

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:303:TotalEnergies has set up a number of channels of communication to procurement and sustainable development aspects are now

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:303:and made available to buyers of the Company. All new employees of dedicated to sustainable procurement as well as two spotlight sessions,

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:303:section on sustainable procurement, presenting the Fundamental

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:303:Principles of Purchasing and the sustainable procurement roadmap.

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:303:completed the online human rights module. Finally, sustainable

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:307: Renewal of directorships priorities include the promotion of sustainable and responsible finance.

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:307: the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting to be held on May 25, 2022, the sustainable finance and to develop initiatives on the European and

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:307: Hoeven and Mr. Jean Lemierre for a three-year term, to expire at the end launched a new initiative “Paris Green & Sustainable Finance” in May

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:307: 2024 financial statements. initiative aims to promote sustainable finance in France and

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:307: sustainable finance, Jean Lemierre will continue to contribute to the

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:307: der Hoeven served on the advisory board of the UN Sustainable December 2, 2021;

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:310: Innovation and Sustainable Development Committee and member

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:320:– Director of Air France-KLM* and Chairwoman of the Sustainable – Director of Bouygues* until June 2021


EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:328: of sustainable development to numerous international forums such as the

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:328:has set TotalEnergies a new ambition in terms of sustainable development

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:329: investments in technologies and products. At the head of Valeo since Société Générale. His financial profile and his expertise in sustainable

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:329: favor of a more sustainable world. In 2021, Valeo presented its range of sustainable financing solutions and support for the development

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:329: She engaged Sonepar in a global Sustainable Development approach by Romain Garcia-Ivaldi

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:329: Sonepar implements a sustainable development approach in close

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:330:of a new strategy to integrate the main emerging players in the energy over the chairmanship of its Sustainable Development and Compliance

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:330:Sustainable Energy for All initiative. She was named a Senior Fellow of (IATA). In 2018, she was appointed as the senior official for the French

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:330: 2020 a director and Chairperson of the Bouygues Sustainable

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:330: of sustainable and responsible finance. In this context, Paris Europlace's

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:330: center's action in environmental and sustainable finance and to develop

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:330:economic research in the areas of the environment, natural resources Sustainable Finance“ in May 2016, which became “Finance for

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:330:and energy. Glenn Hubbard is also a director of BlackRock Fixed Income Tomorrow” in June 2017. This initiative aims to promote sustainable

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:330: With his experience and competence in sustainable finance, Jean

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:337: respect to sustainable development and energy transition towards carbon compensation policy applicable to the Chairman and Chief Executive

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:337: ambition with respect to sustainable development and energy transition compensation policy for directors

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:337: shareholders, on the Corporation's ambition with respect to sustainable

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:344: sustainable development and the energy transition.

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:344: the COVID-19 pandemic. The directors praised the action and ambitions with respect to sustainable development and energy transition

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:344: Corporation's ambition with respect to sustainable development and October 25, 2021. During this meeting, discussions focused on the

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:370: – The Corporation's ambition with respect to sustainable development electric vehicles in Antwerp

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:370: – The Corporation's ambition with respect to sustainable

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:370: third quarter of 2021, AGEL acquired SB Energy India's portfolio of compagnies of the United Nations Sustainable Development

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:395:5.1 Sustainable development at the heart of 5.7 Actions to respect human rights 334

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:395: 5.10.1 The Company’s sustainable procurement policy 350

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:395: 5.10.2 Implementation of the sustainable procurement roadmap

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:395: 5.10.3 The sustainable procurement approach 353

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:396: societal commitments in order to promote sustainable development and

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:396: 5.1 Sustainable development at the heart of the strategy

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:396: TotalEnergies places sustainable development in all its dimensions at the

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:396: (1) TotalEnergies has not made any specific societal commitments to prevent food waste and food poverty or to promote animal welfare and responsible, fair and sustainable food,

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:396: TotalEnergies' ambitions in terms of sustainable development. On the basis of the activities of each entity, this initiative aims to identify the SDGs on which a positive impact or

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:397: TotalEnergies SE for opinion, the Company's ambition in terms of sustainable

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:397: Chapter 5 / Non-financial performance / Sustainable development at the heart of the strategy

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:399: Chapter 5 / Non-financial performance / Sustainable development at the heart of the strategy

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:401: particular on lessons learned, which are included in the HSE (Health, Our contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:401: Robust Operations). achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:401:on stakeholders’ involvement and participation is implemented in order to – Climate and sustainable energy: leading the transformation of the

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:401: Chapter 5 / Non-financial performance / Sustainable development at the heart of the strategy

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:402: (1) Measuring Stakeholder Capitalism: Towards Common Metrics and Consistent Reporting of Sustainable Value Creation, white paper, September 2020.

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:410: sustainable development and eradicating poverty, and which aims to hold many people as possible. In this context, the Company’s ambition is to

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:410: In order to contribute concrete responses to the issue of climate change, sustainable development and energy transition towards carbon neutrality

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:412: Gas and sustainable biofuels(1) will be attractive and credible alternatives In addition, ecosystems, and forests in particular, store carbon naturally.

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:414: 2030. The objective is for the Company’s petroleum product sales renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel), bionaphtha (a precursor

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:415:renewable hydrogen a year by 2030(1) help accelerate decarbonized be used to convert CO2 into sustainable aviation fuel.

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:415:decarbonize the aviation industry with sustainable aviation fuel. In early tons.

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:419:types of contracts (purchase contract, sustainable financing mechanism, Company has set a specific target of reducing its Scope 1+2+3

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:420: Sustainable biofuels can reduce those vehicles’ CO2 emissions. In customers and the requirements of French legislation, which calls for

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:420: 2021, TotalEnergies distributed 3 million tons of sustainable biofuels(1) aircrafts to use at least 1% biojet fuel effective January 1, 2022.

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:420: TotalEnergies is developing sustainable aviation fuels (SAFs). SAFs include industrial centers. TotalEnergies is taking part in several large-scale

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:420: market sustainable aviation fuel in partnership with companies in the aviation capacity to more than 50 Mt CO2/year by 2050.

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:421: committed to developing solutions for a sustainable, low-carbon future. In

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:427: 4.1 in terms of sustainable development and

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:427:(2) Eni, Equinor, Shell and TotalEnergies, with the support of the WBCSD (World Business Council for Sustainable Development).

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:428: which is to identify the economic activities considered as sustainable, to climate change mitigation or climate change adaptation. It also

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:428: – the sustainable use and protection of water and marine resources; Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the UN Guiding Principles on

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:428: shall qualify as environmentally sustainable where that economic activity:

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:428: that qualify as environmentally sustainable under Articles 3 and 9 of this sustainable;

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:428: economic activities that qualify as environmentally sustainable.

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:429:sustainable economic activities and specifying the methodology to requires non-financial undertakings to disclose in 2022, only the

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:432: or solid discharge or unsustainable use of natural resources;


EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:436: Sustainable fresh water use In 2021, TotalEnergies responded to the CDP Water survey for the 2020

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:436: m3 of fresh water, with net consumption of 75 million m3. 54% this volume Sustainable soil use

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:436: to contribute to the achievement of the United Nations’ Sustainable plan, which aims to protect global biodiversity and updates its public

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:438: – Produce in a sustainable way 5 Mt/year of biofuels in 2030 – 500 kt of production capacity in 2021

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:438: through our purchases, our sales of our production and also the be produced in a sustainable way.

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:453: is now included in the sustainable procurement road map.

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:456: company bodies and its signing of agreements. as well as on matters relating to sustainable development, environmental

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:456: strategy commissions. The Sustainable Development Commission

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:458: sustainable development. On the basis of the activities of each entity, this perceptions of the Company, both at the local level and Company-wide.

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:466: short term tax benefits and is not compatible with a sustainable approach.

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:466: aim of promoting a sustainable form of economic and social development.

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:468: sustainable jobs in France by granting loans to SMEs, particularly those

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:471:province’s economic development with the education and vocational been working for 10 years with local goat farmers on a sustainable rural

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:473:TotalEnergies’ activities generate hundreds of thousands of direct and The Company attaches particular importance to working with sustainable

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:474: 5.10.1 The Company’s sustainable procurement policy


EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:474: The sustainable procurement approach was strengthened in 2020 with energy, human well-being, care for the environment and value creation

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:474: the creation of a dedicated department. Work on updating the sustainable for society. For each of these areas, sustainable procurement objectives

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:474: 2022. This roadmap is based on four pillars: climate and sustainable

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:474: sustainable environment for society

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:475:– Climate and sustainable energy: – Define an environmental audit framework for suppliers' sites in 2022

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:475: climate issues throughout the purchasing process”; sustainable use of resources and the circular economy) in calls for

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:475: – Ensure that any new supplier qualified from 2022 and likely to join – Deploy the local content roadmap to support the sustainable use of

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:475: – Raise awareness on human rights issues among the Company's – Engage the Company's suppliers in a sustainable development

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:475: – Raise awareness among the Company's suppliers: publish a – Launch and deploy mandatory sustainable purchasing training for

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:475: – Pilot innovative systems to collect live feedback from workers on The implementation of this roadmap is monitored by the Sustainable

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:475:5.10.2 Implementation of the sustainable procurement roadmap in 2021


EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:475: Company's sustainable development approach and its expectations of

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:476: Committee and the Sustainable procurement Department. disabilities office, to familiarize buyers with the Company’s commitments

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:477:5.10.3 The sustainable procurement approach

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:477:commitments, particularly in terms of human rights. In addition, all new sustainable procurement and sustainable development aspects are now

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:477:includes a section on sustainable procurement, presenting the International Procurement Day in June 2021, which brought together 452

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:477:Fundamental Principles of Purchasing and the sustainable procurement participants (buyers and procurement support functions) with a session

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:477:roadmap. Awareness-raising sessions are held regularly on specific dedicated to sustainable procurement as well as two spotlight sessions,

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:477:environment, compliance and safety were discussed. The subsidiaries of suppliers and to extend the program to all the topics of the sustainable

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:477: needed for each criterion (HSE; anti-corruption; sustainable manufactured by TotalEnergies SE or one of its consolidated companies

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:477:HSE, financial and sustainable development. This last criterion allows

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:477:be qualified on the sustainable development criterion. A non-qualification

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:478: ecosystem in favor of sustainable development and sustainable the IPIECA Supply Chain Working Group. As an extension of the

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:478: Since 2010 TotalEnergies has also been a signatory to the sustainable

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:478: Finance, which aims to develop sustainable and balanced relations

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:478: sustainable Purchasing Observatory's working groups since 2017.

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:488:Confident in TotalEnergies' ability to transform itself into a sustainable 0.66 euro per share, equal to the previous three quarters, thus set the

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:488:fiscal year 2021 of 0.66 euro per share, equal to the three interim growth. The Company had announced that this sustainable cash flow

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:498: 2021, regarding TotalEnergies' ambitions for sustainable development No admission card was therefore issued and shareholders were invited to

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:573: focusing on increasingly sustainable solutions. This research concerns the capture and

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:573: the use of CO2, for sustainable sythetic fuels and the storage of CO2, as well as the

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:574: The reporting below presents a set of sustainable development indicators at Company level, based on the American SASB EM-EP standard (Oil & Gas

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:577: Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including those relating to biodiversity. From 2018,

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:583: Finally, TotalEnergies supports the creation or maintenance of sustainable jobs in France by granting

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:593: partnership is committed to developing solutions for a sustainable, low-carbon future. In 2021, the

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:599:ADS: American depositary share (representing a share of a IEA (SDS): International Energy Agency (Sustainable Development

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:599:DACF: debt adjusted cash flow (refer to definition of operating cash SDG: sustainable development goal

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:604: Heavy gasoline used as a base in petrochemicals. Sustainable management and use of nature for tackling socio-

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:605:sustainable biomass, including vegetable oils and wastes and residues Synthetic indicator calculated from data published under ASC 932. Ratio

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:606: sustainable aviation fuel (SAF)

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:606: Sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) is a blend of conventional aviation fuel

EN010103-001604-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 5 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – TOTAL GAS & POWER CHARTERING LIMITED.pdf:606: Well drilled from a portion of an existing well (and not by starting from the (JET-A1) and sustainable biojet fuel made from waste and residue

EN010103-001652-Climate Emergency Policy and Planning - Written Representations.pdf:25:strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change, sustainable development, and efforts to

EN010103-001652-Climate Emergency Policy and Planning - Written Representations.pdf:38:d. Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University, The

EN010103-001652-Climate Emergency Policy and Planning - Written Representations.pdf:43:crucial for the evaluation of climate impacts of blue hydrogen. sustainable route than hydrogen to decarbonize such

EN010103-001652-Climate Emergency Policy and Planning - Written Representations.pdf:43:However, sustainable biomass availability is likely to be prioritization of demand areas is reflected.

EN010103-001652-Climate Emergency Policy and Planning - Written Representations.pdf:106: Author affiliations: aInstitute of Governance & Sustainable Development, Washington,

EN010103-001652-Climate Emergency Policy and Planning - Written Representations.pdf:106: 3. S. C. Herring et al., Explaining extreme events of 2016 from a climate perspective. Bull. Am. 21. J. Rogelj et al., “Mitigation pathways compatible with 1.5°C in the context of sustainable

EN010103-001652-Climate Emergency Policy and Planning - Written Representations.pdf:106: Working Group I to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Sustainable Development, and Efforts to Eradicate Poverty, V. Masson-Delmotte et al., Eds. (IPCC,

EN010103-001652-Climate Emergency Policy and Planning - Written Representations.pdf:107: Strengthening the Global Response To the Threat of Climate Change, Sustainable Development, and combustion: Results from GEOS-Chem. Environ. Res. 195, 110754 (2021).

EN010103-001652-Climate Emergency Policy and Planning - Written Representations.pdf:119:The IEA Sustainable Development Scenario (SDS) lays out a major transformation of

EN010103-001652-Climate Emergency Policy and Planning - Written Representations.pdf:119:the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); affordable and clean energy access

EN010103-001652-Climate Emergency Policy and Planning - Written Representations.pdf:124: In the Sustainable Development Scenarios (SDS): Across all sectors, around 0.7 Gt of CO2 emissions are captured each year by 2030; this

EN010103-001652-Climate Emergency Policy and Planning - Written Representations.pdf:129:alone in 2030 by the IEA’s Sustainable Development Scenario 15. This would require

EN010103-001652-Climate Emergency Policy and Planning - Written Representations.pdf:136:and GCCSI 6). Under the IEA Sustainable Development Scenario, the demand of

EN010103-001652-Climate Emergency Policy and Planning - Written Representations.pdf:141:2. Rogelj, J., et al. Mitigation Pathways Compatible with 1.5°C in the Context of Sustainable

EN010103-001652-Climate Emergency Policy and Planning - Written Representations.pdf:141: sustainable development goals without negative emission technologies. Nature Energy,

EN010103-001652-Climate Emergency Policy and Planning - Written Representations.pdf:143: change, desertification, land degradation, sustainable land management, food security, and

EN010103-001652-Climate Emergency Policy and Planning - Written Representations.pdf:143: (CCS): A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2014. 38: p. 848-863.

EN010103-001652-Climate Emergency Policy and Planning - Written Representations.pdf:148: WBCSD – World Business Council for Sustainable

EN010103-001652-Climate Emergency Policy and Planning - Written Representations.pdf:175: • Ecology, landscaping and Sustainable Urban

EN010103-001652-Climate Emergency Policy and Planning - Written Representations.pdf:178: (ICE) – University of Bath: Sustainable embodied energy and carbon database for building materials.

EN010103-001652-Climate Emergency Policy and Planning - Written Representations.pdf:179: declarations (Type III Environmental Labelling) – (WRI) and the World Business Council for Sustainable

EN010103-001652-Climate Emergency Policy and Planning - Written Representations.pdf:228:objective of achieving the sustainable use of marine resources. This Directive requires Member States

EN010103-001652-Climate Emergency Policy and Planning - Written Representations.pdf:229: the sustainable availability of these resources;

EN010103-001652-Climate Emergency Policy and Planning - Written Representations.pdf:229:The European Commission’s Thematic Strategy on the Sustainable Use of Natural Resources

EN010103-001652-Climate Emergency Policy and Planning - Written Representations.pdf:252:France (Conseil General de l'Environnement et du Développement Durable; General Council of Environmental and Sustainable

EN010103-001652-Climate Emergency Policy and Planning - Written Representations.pdf:253: Περιβαλλοντικών Sustainable impact assessment18 Environmental

EN010103-001652-Climate Emergency Policy and Planning - Written Representations.pdf:284:Prediction of Effects on Human Health and Sustainable Development Issues

EN010103-001652-Climate Emergency Policy and Planning - Written Representations.pdf:300:ecosystem and integrated approach whereby environmental protection and sustainable use go hand in

EN010103-001652-Climate Emergency Policy and Planning - Written Representations.pdf:303:secure and sustainable energy.

EN010103-001652-Climate Emergency Policy and Planning - Written Representations.pdf:306: Commission guidance document on Inland waterway transport and Natura 2000, Sustainable

EN010103-001652-Climate Emergency Policy and Planning - Written Representations.pdf:306: Commission guidance on Aquaculture and Natura 2000, Sustainable aquaculture activities in the

EN010103-000902-NZT DCO 6.2.10 ES Vol I Chapter 10 Geology and Contaminated Land.pdf:5: January 2019 (STBC, 2019) Establishes the framework for the sustainable growth and

EN010103-000902-NZT DCO 6.2.10 ES Vol I Chapter 10 Geology and Contaminated Land.pdf:5: Council et al, 2011b) Policy MWC1: Minerals Strategy - The sustainable use

EN010103-002629-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 5 - Equinor - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:7: p338 5.5 EU taxonomy for sustainable activities

EN010103-002629-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 5 - Equinor - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:13:Within low carbon solutions, we are contributing to decarbonisation of industries and sustainable growth. In Norway, construction

EN010103-002629-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 5 - Equinor - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:21: we are further strengthening our talent attraction and sustainable energy value chains for a net-zero future. The

EN010103-002629-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 5 - Equinor - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:28:sources like offshore wind. Key factors affecting competition in carbon and the commitment to contribute to a sustainable

EN010103-002629-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 5 - Equinor - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:29:Corporate structure transform the NCS to deliver sustainable value for many

EN010103-002629-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 5 - Equinor - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:30:Sustainable value is being created together with suppliers methodology for the oil and natural gas intercompany sales and

EN010103-002629-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 5 - Equinor - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:99:focus on delivering a sustainable and fit for purpose growth. resources or at least deferring development awaiting improved

EN010103-002629-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 5 - Equinor - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:102:as Equinor’s majority owner. Safe and sustainable operations,

EN010103-002629-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 5 - Equinor - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:112:supplier of fuel to the maritime sector, Equinor’s ambition is to Pledges Scenario (APS), and the Sustainable Development

EN010103-002629-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 5 - Equinor - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:114:some areas of our operations. In parallel, governments and • Providing reliable energy in a sustainable way

EN010103-002629-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 5 - Equinor - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:115:An ethical business culture is the cornerstone of a sustainable

EN010103-002629-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 5 - Equinor - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:124:governance is a prerequisite for a sound and sustainable Nominal value of shares

EN010103-002629-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 5 - Equinor - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:126:focusing its international portfolio to deliver sustainable value in current and future portfolio considerations. The focus is to strive

EN010103-002629-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 5 - Equinor - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:147:necessary condition for a sustainable business. Equinor’s Code ethics and anti-corruption compliance and has initiated dialogue

EN010103-002629-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 5 - Equinor - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:151:case, at least every fourth year. • Promote continuous improvement and a sustainable cost

EN010103-002629-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 5 - Equinor - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:152: values, driving the long-term and sustainable success of the

EN010103-002629-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 5 - Equinor - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:153: annual achievement of on remuneration policy for international executives. sustainable shareholder value.

EN010103-002629-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 5 - Equinor - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:154:the long-term sustainable success of the company. From time to payment of annual variable pay and award of LTI grant.

EN010103-002629-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 5 - Equinor - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:305:p338 5.5 EU Taxonomy for sustainable activities

EN010103-002629-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 5 - Equinor - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:340:5.5 EU Taxonomy for sustainable An economic activity qualifies as environmentally sustainable

EN010103-002629-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 5 - Equinor - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:340:environmentally sustainable and specifies quantitative economic

EN010103-002629-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 5 - Equinor - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:340:An economic activity is eligible under the Taxonomy regulation if sustainable if it enables other economic activities to make a

EN010103-002629-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 5 - Equinor - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:340:Environmentally sustainable economic activities with the Delegated Act related to Article 8 of EU Regulation

EN010103-002629-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 5 - Equinor - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:343:sustainable key to decarbonisation of the energy system going final product blends have a minor bio-fuel content. The co-

EN010103-002248-NZT DCO 9.36 - Nutrient Nitrogen Briefing Paper - Sept 2022(D8).pdf:41:Sustainable drainage systems will be installed following redevelopment which will include surface water

EN010103-002247-NZT DCO 9.35 - Applicants' Comments on Deadline 7 Submissions - Sept 2022(D8).pdf:3: SuDS Sustainable urban drainage systems

EN010103-001587-NZT DCO 8.5 - Environment Agency SoCG - May 2022.pdf:8: of achieving sustainable development’ (Environment Act, 1995).

EN010103-001020-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP.pdf:9:  Defra Construction Code of Practice for the Sustainable Use of Soil on

EN010103-001020-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP.pdf:38: that sustainable transport options are promoted;

EN010103-001020-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP.pdf:39: - encouraging and promoting the use of sustainable transport

EN010103-001020-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP.pdf:40:  Details of the sustainable transport options available for accessing

EN010103-001020-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP.pdf:40: safety briefing. It will include details of sustainable transport

EN010103-001979-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Tracked) August 2022 (D5).pdf:10: Defra Construction Code of Practice for the Sustainable Use of Soil on

EN010103-001979-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Tracked) August 2022 (D5).pdf:45: that sustainable transport options are promoted;

EN010103-001979-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Tracked) August 2022 (D5).pdf:47: - encouraging and promoting the use of sustainable transport

EN010103-001979-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Tracked) August 2022 (D5).pdf:48: • Details of the sustainable transport options available for accessing

EN010103-001979-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Tracked) August 2022 (D5).pdf:48: safety briefing. It will include details of sustainable transport

EN010103-001922-Natural England.pdf:2:Lead Adviser - Sustainable Development and Planning

EN010103-000904-NZT DCO 6.2.20 ES Vol I Chapter 20 Socio-economics.pdf:2: sustainable economic growth. It states that planning policies should help

EN010103-000904-NZT DCO 6.2.20 ES Vol I Chapter 20 Socio-economics.pdf:2:20.2.4 Paragraph 8 of the NPPF states that to achieve sustainable development and

EN010103-001239-South Tees Development Corporation - Relevant Representation to NZT DCO - 17.12.21.pdf:19: more efficient and sustainable access for construction workers to arrive and enter the

EN010103-001064-NZT DCO 6.4.11 ES Vol III Appendix 9C WFD Assessment.pdf:7: a holistic approach to the sustainable management of water by considering the

EN010103-001064-NZT DCO 6.4.11 ES Vol III Appendix 9C WFD Assessment.pdf:17: safety or sustainable development outweigh the benefits of achieving the

EN010103-001064-NZT DCO 6.4.11 ES Vol III Appendix 9C WFD Assessment.pdf:65: • C609 (2004) Sustainable Drainage Systems, hydraulic, structural and

EN010103-001064-NZT DCO 6.4.11 ES Vol III Appendix 9C WFD Assessment.pdf:80: drainage system is to include the use of sustainable drainage systems

EN010103-001064-NZT DCO 6.4.11 ES Vol III Appendix 9C WFD Assessment.pdf:100: CIRIA (2004). C609 Sustainable Drainage Systems, hydraulic, structural

EN010103-001152-NZT DCO 5.1 - Consultation Report.pdf:4: sustainable way.

EN010103-001152-NZT DCO 5.1 - Consultation Report.pdf:86: production of iron & steel and going forward with an environmentally sustainable

EN010103-001152-NZT DCO 5.1 - Consultation Report.pdf:163: to contribute toward the sustainable Plan (CTMP) and Framework Construction Travel Plan; and

EN010103-001152-NZT DCO 5.1 - Consultation Report.pdf:239: Energy Agency Sustainable Development Scenario, CCUS accounts for 7% of the cumulative

EN010103-001152-NZT DCO 5.1 - Consultation Report.pdf:311: International Energy Agency Sustainable Development Scenario, carbon capture

EN010103-001152-NZT DCO 5.1 - Consultation Report.pdf:364: International Energy Agency Sustainable Development Scenario, carbon capture

EN010103-001152-NZT DCO 5.1 - Consultation Report.pdf:406: Energy Agency Sustainable Development

EN010103-001152-NZT DCO 5.1 - Consultation Report.pdf:513:Energy Agency Sustainable Development Scenario, carbon capture accounts for 7% of the cumulative

EN010103-001152-NZT DCO 5.1 - Consultation Report.pdf:519:Energy Agency Sustainable Development Scenario, carbon capture accounts for 7% of the cumulative

EN010103-001152-NZT DCO 5.1 - Consultation Report.pdf:525:Energy Agency Sustainable Development Scenario, carbon capture accounts for 7% of the cumulative

EN010103-001152-NZT DCO 5.1 - Consultation Report.pdf:531:Energy Agency Sustainable Development Scenario, carbon capture accounts for 7% of the cumulative

EN010103-001152-NZT DCO 5.1 - Consultation Report.pdf:537:Energy Agency Sustainable Development Scenario, carbon capture accounts for 7% of the cumulative

EN010103-001152-NZT DCO 5.1 - Consultation Report.pdf:609:generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

EN010103-001152-NZT DCO 5.1 - Consultation Report.pdf:610:contribute to sustainable development. Please refer to the standing advice for further guidance on

EN010103-001152-NZT DCO 5.1 - Consultation Report.pdf:610:Team Leader – Sustainable Development and Marine

EN010103-001152-NZT DCO 5.1 - Consultation Report.pdf:645: development of strong sustainable communities living in a clean and safe environment

EN010103-001152-NZT DCO 5.1 - Consultation Report.pdf:668:using greener, more sustainable power generating facilities. It also owns much of the can be found at

EN010103-001152-NZT DCO 5.1 - Consultation Report.pdf:676:The regeneration of the Order Lands will contribute to sustainable development and accord with the national

EN010103-001152-NZT DCO 5.1 - Consultation Report.pdf:689: sustainable transport options are promoted. There is a risk that controlling the number of car

EN010103-001152-NZT DCO 5.1 - Consultation Report.pdf:785: The project is being developed to store In the IEA Sustainable Development Scenario, Net Zero Teesside is uniquely positioned

EN010103-001152-NZT DCO 5.1 - Consultation Report.pdf:796:Energy Agency future Sustainable Development Scenario, CCUS needs to achieve 7% of the cumulative

EN010103-001152-NZT DCO 5.1 - Consultation Report.pdf:800: Teesside industries account for 5.6% of The project can enable capture of emissions In the IEA Sustainable Development Scenario,

EN010103-001152-NZT DCO 5.1 - Consultation Report.pdf:896:Energy Agency Sustainable Development Scenario, carbon capture accounts for 7% of the cumulative

EN010103-001152-NZT DCO 5.1 - Consultation Report.pdf:1124:generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

EN010103-002238-NZT DCO 8.5 - SoCG - Environment Agency September (Tracked) 2022 (D8).pdf:8: of achieving sustainable development’ (Environment Act, 1995).

EN010103-000891-NZT DCO 6.2.5 ES Vol I Chapter 5 Construction Programme and Management.pdf:22:  Defra Construction Code of Practice for the Sustainable Use of Soil on

EN010103-000891-NZT DCO 6.2.5 ES Vol I Chapter 5 Construction Programme and Management.pdf:24:5.3.84 The Applicants will also seek to maximise sustainable transport options such

EN010103-000891-NZT DCO 6.2.5 ES Vol I Chapter 5 Construction Programme and Management.pdf:24: sustainable travel to the site by both construction workers and operational

EN010103-000891-NZT DCO 6.2.5 ES Vol I Chapter 5 Construction Programme and Management.pdf:29: Defra (2009). Construction Code of Practice for the Sustainable Use of

EN010103-002255-NZT DCO 2.2 - Explanatory Memorandum (Tracked) - Sept 2022(D8).pdf:46: to encourage sustainable transport; details of the responsibility for and timetable for

EN010103-002326-NZT DCO 9.40 - Applicants' Response to SWQ CA.2.19 Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:3: SuDS Sustainable urban drainage systems

EN010103-002406-NZT DCO - 9.34 Updated List of Developments - Oct 2022 (D11) (Tracked).pdf:23: Development Plan Documents, Sustainable proposed facilities are not allocations on their own Applicants are aware of. Applicants are aware of. Applicants are aware of. Applicants are aware of. Applicants are aware of.

EN010103-001711-Environment Agency - Responses to the ExA’s ExQ1.pdf:10:Planning Technical Specialist - Sustainable Places

EN010103-000908-NZT DCO 6.2.16 ES Vol I Chapter 16 Traffic and Transportation.pdf:2: part of Government’s wider policy objectives for sustainable development as

EN010103-000908-NZT DCO 6.2.16 ES Vol I Chapter 16 Traffic and Transportation.pdf:3: sustainable transport modes, giving people a real choice about how to travel.

EN010103-000908-NZT DCO 6.2.16 ES Vol I Chapter 16 Traffic and Transportation.pdf:3: sustainable modes of transport. Plans and decisions should ensure that

EN010103-000908-NZT DCO 6.2.16 ES Vol I Chapter 16 Traffic and Transportation.pdf:3: located where the need to travel will be minimised and the use of sustainable

EN010103-000908-NZT DCO 6.2.16 ES Vol I Chapter 16 Traffic and Transportation.pdf:4: taken into account and seek to promote sustainable travel to minimise

EN010103-000908-NZT DCO 6.2.16 ES Vol I Chapter 16 Traffic and Transportation.pdf:5: and the Delivery of Sustainable Development

EN010103-000908-NZT DCO 6.2.16 ES Vol I Chapter 16 Traffic and Transportation.pdf:5: with the development industry to deliver sustainable development and, thus,

EN010103-000908-NZT DCO 6.2.16 ES Vol I Chapter 16 Traffic and Transportation.pdf:43: Network and the Delivery of Sustainable Development. London:

EN010103-002550-NZT DCO 5.4 - DAS (Clean) - Nov 2022 (D12).pdf:17: ‘Sustainable development’ of the PA 2008 (subsection (3)(b)) states that in setting

EN010103-002550-NZT DCO 5.4 - DAS (Clean) - Nov 2022 (D12).pdf:28:4.2.1 Section 10 ‘Sustainable development’ of the PA 2008 (subsection (3)(b)) states that

EN010103-002550-NZT DCO 5.4 - DAS (Clean) - Nov 2022 (D12).pdf:29: should produce sustainable Infrastructure sensitive to place, efficient in the use of

EN010103-002550-NZT DCO 5.4 - DAS (Clean) - Nov 2022 (D12).pdf:29: satisfied that energy Infrastructure developments are sustainable and, having regard

EN010103-002550-NZT DCO 5.4 - DAS (Clean) - Nov 2022 (D12).pdf:31: Paragraph 126 confirms that good design is a key aspect of sustainable development.

EN010103-002550-NZT DCO 5.4 - DAS (Clean) - Nov 2022 (D12).pdf:31: design should be an integral part of sustainable development. In designing new

EN010103-002550-NZT DCO 5.4 - DAS (Clean) - Nov 2022 (D12).pdf:31: quality of the area; be sustainable in design and construction; minimise pollution;

EN010103-001683-Marine Management Organisation - Responses to the ExA’s ExQ1.pdf:27: maintenance of Sustainable Drainage Systems and surface water features proposed.

EN010103-002249-NZT DCO 9.37 - Justification of Corridor Widths - Sept 2022(D8).pdf:3: SuDS Sustainable urban drainage systems

EN010103-002312-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Tracked Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:12: Code of Practice for the Sustainable Use of Soil on

EN010103-002312-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Tracked Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:15:ES Chapters 5 - Construction Programme and The Applicants will seek to maximise sustainable DCO Schedule 2 (Document Ref. 2.1): Requirement

EN010103-002312-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Tracked Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:23: include the use of sustainable drainage systems

EN010103-002312-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Tracked Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:57: by the sustainable options provided in the final CWTP.

EN010103-002312-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Tracked Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:58: details of sustainable transport measures available for 19: Construction Workers Travel Plan

EN010103-002312-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Tracked Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:76:ES Appendices 5A -– Framework CEMP, 16B -– Details of the sustainable transport options available DCO Schedule 2 (Document Ref. 2.1): Requirement

EN010103-002321-NZT DCO 9.36 - Nutrient Nitrogen Briefing Paper (Tracked) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:52:Sustainable drainage systems will be installed following redevelopment which will include surface water

EN010103-002321-NZT DCO 9.36 - Nutrient Nitrogen Briefing Paper (Tracked) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:204:Permitting requirements. Sustainable drainage systems will be installed following redevelopment which

EN010103-001715-South Tees Development Corporation - Responses to comments on Relevant Representations.pdf:47: and sustainable access for construction workers to arrive and enter

EN010103-001105-NZT DCO 6.4.18 ES Vol III Appendix 12A Legislation and Planning Policy Relevant to Ecology.pdf:4: waterbodies better” through sustainable development for the joint benefits of aquatic

EN010103-001105-NZT DCO 6.4.18 ES Vol III Appendix 12A Legislation and Planning Policy Relevant to Ecology.pdf:12: key activities that take place in the marine environment. It promotes sustainable economic development to

EN010103-001105-NZT DCO 6.4.18 ES Vol III Appendix 12A Legislation and Planning Policy Relevant to Ecology.pdf:13:Redcar and Cleveland Local Policy SD1: Sustainable ‘When considering development proposals, the Council will take a positive approach that reflects the

EN010103-001105-NZT DCO 6.4.18 ES Vol III Appendix 12A Legislation and Planning Policy Relevant to Ecology.pdf:13:Plan (2018) Development presumption in favour of sustainable development contained in the National Planning Policy Framework.

EN010103-001105-NZT DCO 6.4.18 ES Vol III Appendix 12A Legislation and Planning Policy Relevant to Ecology.pdf:18: a. Ensuring that development proposals adhere to the sustainable design principles identified within

EN010103-001105-NZT DCO 6.4.18 ES Vol III Appendix 12A Legislation and Planning Policy Relevant to Ecology.pdf:18: Policy SD8: Sustainable Sets out the principles to ensure new developments are designed to the highest possible standard, taking

EN010103-001105-NZT DCO 6.4.18 ES Vol III Appendix 12A Legislation and Planning Policy Relevant to Ecology.pdf:19:Document 1: Sustainable

EN010103-001105-NZT DCO 6.4.18 ES Vol III Appendix 12A Legislation and Planning Policy Relevant to Ecology.pdf:23: Document 1: Sustainable Design Guide Online. Published October 2011.

EN010103-001105-NZT DCO 6.4.18 ES Vol III Appendix 12A Legislation and Planning Policy Relevant to Ecology.pdf:23: Available from:

EN010103-002043-NZT DCO 2.1 - Draft DCO August 2022 (D6).pdf:54: (a) measures to promote the use of sustainable transport modes to and from the authorised

EN010103-002237-NZT DCO 8.5 - SoCG - Environment Agency September (Clean) 2022 (D8).pdf:8: of achieving sustainable development’ (Environment Act, 1995).

EN010103-000901-NZT DCO 6.2.15 ES Vol I Chapter 15 Ornithology.pdf:4: • Sustainable Development Policies SD1 and SD4 of the Redcar and

EN010103-000901-NZT DCO 6.2.15 ES Vol I Chapter 15 Ornithology.pdf:5: requirements for sustainable development, respecting and enhancing

EN010103-000901-NZT DCO 6.2.15 ES Vol I Chapter 15 Ornithology.pdf:5: • Sustainable Development Policies SD5 and SD8 of the Stockton-on-Tees

EN010103-000901-NZT DCO 6.2.15 ES Vol I Chapter 15 Ornithology.pdf:5: • SPD 1: Sustainable Design Guide (STBC, 2011);

EN010103-000901-NZT DCO 6.2.15 ES Vol I Chapter 15 Ornithology.pdf:8: viable and sustainable”. This does not mean that efforts should not be made

EN010103-000901-NZT DCO 6.2.15 ES Vol I Chapter 15 Ornithology.pdf:101: Document 1: Sustainable Design Guide. Stockton-on-Tees Borough Local


EN010103-002368-Natural England - Responses to the ExA’s ExQ3 (if required).pdf:1:generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

EN010103-001583-NZT DCO 8.1 - RCBC SoCG - May 2022.pdf:14:  SD1 – Sustainable Development.

EN010103-002074-NZT DCO 9.28 - Applicants' Responses to Deadline 5 Submissions August 2022 (D6).pdf:3: SuDS Sustainable urban drainage systems

EN010103-002642-NZT DCO 9.50 - Applicants' Comments on D12 Submissons - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:3: SuDS Sustainable urban drainage systems

EN010103-002533-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons Tracked Nov 2022 (D12).pdf:65: sustainable and affordable supply of energy is of central importance to the

EN010103-002533-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons Tracked Nov 2022 (D12).pdf:66: contribute to the achievement of sustainable development and that the

EN010103-002533-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons Tracked Nov 2022 (D12).pdf:66: Government's view of what sustainable development in England means in

EN010103-002533-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons Tracked Nov 2022 (D12).pdf:66: achieving sustainable development:

EN010103-002533-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons Tracked Nov 2022 (D12).pdf:67:8.1.37 Central to the NPPF is 'a presumption in favour of sustainable development'.

EN010103-002533-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons Tracked Nov 2022 (D12).pdf:67: fulfilling the objective of sustainable development listed at paragraph 8a is

EN010103-002533-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons Tracked Nov 2022 (D12).pdf:67: economy, promoting healthy and safe communities, promoting sustainable

EN010103-002533-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons Tracked Nov 2022 (D12).pdf:68:SD1 RCBC Local Plan Sustainable Development

EN010103-002533-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons Tracked Nov 2022 (D12).pdf:69:SD1 STBC Local Plan Presumption in favour of Sustainable

EN010103-002533-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons Tracked Nov 2022 (D12).pdf:69:SD7 STBC Local Plan Sustainable Design Principles

EN010103-002604-Climate Emergency Policy and Planning (CEPP) - Other- Final submission.pdf:3: considering as far as possible the sustainable availability of these resources;

EN010103-001544-Stockton Borough Council - Local Impact Reports (LIRs) from Local Authorities.pdf:3: 2. In order to promote a thriving and sustainable airport, 50 ha of land is allocated for

EN010103-001544-Stockton Borough Council - Local Impact Reports (LIRs) from Local Authorities.pdf:4: Sustainable Urban Drainage System.

EN010103-001544-Stockton Borough Council - Local Impact Reports (LIRs) from Local Authorities.pdf:5: design and implementing sustainable drainage (SuDS) principles.

EN010103-001544-Stockton Borough Council - Local Impact Reports (LIRs) from Local Authorities.pdf:5: Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) are prioritised; and

EN010103-001544-Stockton Borough Council - Local Impact Reports (LIRs) from Local Authorities.pdf:5: d. SuDS have regard to Tees Valley Authorities Local Standards for Sustainable

EN010103-001544-Stockton Borough Council - Local Impact Reports (LIRs) from Local Authorities.pdf:5: 9. Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) should be provided on major development

EN010103-001544-Stockton Borough Council - Local Impact Reports (LIRs) from Local Authorities.pdf:6: a) Ensuring that development proposals adhere to the sustainable design principles

EN010103-001544-Stockton Borough Council - Local Impact Reports (LIRs) from Local Authorities.pdf:7: b. Delivering an effective and efficient sustainable transport network to deliver genuine

EN010103-001544-Stockton Borough Council - Local Impact Reports (LIRs) from Local Authorities.pdf:7: c. Supporting sustainable water management within development proposals.

EN010103-001466-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons - Apr 2022.pdf:63: sustainable and affordable supply of energy is of central importance to the

EN010103-001466-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons - Apr 2022.pdf:64: contribute to the achievement of sustainable development and that the

EN010103-001466-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons - Apr 2022.pdf:64: Government's view of what sustainable development in England means in

EN010103-001466-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons - Apr 2022.pdf:64: achieving sustainable development:

EN010103-001466-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons - Apr 2022.pdf:65:8.1.37 Central to the NPPF is 'a presumption in favour of sustainable development'.

EN010103-001466-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons - Apr 2022.pdf:65: fulfilling the objective of sustainable development listed at paragraph 8a is

EN010103-001466-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons - Apr 2022.pdf:65: economy, promoting healthy and safe communities, promoting sustainable

EN010103-001466-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons - Apr 2022.pdf:66: SD1 RCBC Local Plan Sustainable Development

EN010103-001466-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons - Apr 2022.pdf:66: SD1 STBC Local Plan Presumption in favour of Sustainable

EN010103-001466-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons - Apr 2022.pdf:66: SD7 STBC Local Plan Sustainable Design Principles

EN010103-001015-NZT DCO 6.4.2 ES Vol III Appendix 1B EIA Scoping Opinion Part 1.pdf:78:Planning Technical Specialist - Sustainable Places

EN010103-001015-NZT DCO 6.4.2 ES Vol III Appendix 1B EIA Scoping Opinion Part 1.pdf:86:cleaner, sustainable energy and protect threatened species and habitats.”

EN010103-001015-NZT DCO 6.4.2 ES Vol III Appendix 1B EIA Scoping Opinion Part 1.pdf:90:Para 7-9: Achieving sustainable development

EN010103-001015-NZT DCO 6.4.2 ES Vol III Appendix 1B EIA Scoping Opinion Part 1.pdf:90:Para 10-12: Presumption in favour of sustainable development

EN010103-001015-NZT DCO 6.4.2 ES Vol III Appendix 1B EIA Scoping Opinion Part 1.pdf:97:make a contribution to sustainable development in the marine area and to promote clean,

EN010103-002000-NZT DCO 2.2 - Explanatory Memorandum - August 2022(D5) - Tracked.pdf:45: measures to encourage sustainable transport; details of the responsibility for and timetable

EN010103-001913-NZT DCO 9.18 - Further information to Historic Environment Questions July 2022 (D4).pdf:3: SuDS Sustainable urban drainage systems

EN010103-001024-NZT DCO 6.4.9 ES Vol III Appendix 9A Flood Risk Assessment Part 1.pdf:78:water runoff according to sustainable drainage principles.

EN010103-001024-NZT DCO 6.4.9 ES Vol III Appendix 9A Flood Risk Assessment Part 1.pdf:84:Our Sustainable Places Team can give more detailed advice although there is a charge for this. Here is the link to the

EN010103-001575-NZT DCO 9.2 - Written Summary ISH1 - May 2022.pdf:27:The White Paper: Planning for a Sustainable Future

EN010103-001575-NZT DCO 9.2 - Written Summary ISH1 - May 2022.pdf:27: the White Paper published in May 2007, “Planning for a Sustainable Future” (Cm. 7120). A key problem which the legislation

EN010103-001575-NZT DCO 9.2 - Written Summary ISH1 - May 2022.pdf:28: targets, in order to deliver sustainable development.”

EN010103-001575-NZT DCO 9.2 - Written Summary ISH1 - May 2022.pdf:30: to the achievement of sustainable development.“ By s.10(3) the Secretary of State must (in particular) have regard to the

EN010103-001575-NZT DCO 9.2 - Written Summary ISH1 - May 2022.pdf:33: planning policies which both respect the principles of sustainable development and are capable of

EN010103-001575-NZT DCO 9.2 - Written Summary ISH1 - May 2022.pdf:40: and supporting the Government's politics on sustainable development, in particular by mitigating and adapting to climate

EN010103-001575-NZT DCO 9.2 - Written Summary ISH1 - May 2022.pdf:72: planning policies which both respect the principles of sustainable development and are capable of

EN010103-001575-NZT DCO 9.2 - Written Summary ISH1 - May 2022.pdf:78: specific planning policies which the Government believes both respect the principles of sustainable

EN010103-001575-NZT DCO 9.2 - Written Summary ISH1 - May 2022.pdf:98:doing so, the government has set its agenda for a clean, resilient and sustainable economic

EN010103-001575-NZT DCO 9.2 - Written Summary ISH1 - May 2022.pdf:118:government’s objective of supporting clean, resilient and sustainable economic growth as we

EN010103-001575-NZT DCO 9.2 - Written Summary ISH1 - May 2022.pdf:210: positive contribution that their conservation can make to sustainable communities – including their

EN010103-001469-NZT DCO 2.2 - Explanatory Memorandum (Tracked) - Apr 2022.pdf:54: preliminary works. The plan must include measures to encourage sustainable

EN010103-002526-NZT DCO 2.1 - Final draft DCO (Tracked) - Nov 2022 (D12).pdf:56: (a) measures to promote the use of sustainable transport modes to and from the authorised

EN010103-002526-NZT DCO 2.1 - Final draft DCO (Tracked) - Nov 2022 (D12).pdf:193: (a) the Head of Legal and the Head of Environment Permitting and Sustainable Development

EN010103-000825-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 2.pdf:9:sustainable value of your company through taken much faster.

EN010103-000825-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 2.pdf:9: Sustainable value.

EN010103-000825-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 2.pdf:10:The business environment is fundamentally changing. The world is on an unsustainable path

EN010103-000825-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 2.pdf:24: Investing at scale in business to generate sustainable cash flow. mobility. We formed a joint venture with Reliance

EN010103-000825-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 2.pdf:25:Sustainable through investment

EN010103-000825-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 2.pdf:28:We believe the world is on an unsustainable There are many different ways in which a anything a single company can achieve through

EN010103-000825-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 2.pdf:28: equity, and in the context of sustainable development and efforts to eradicate poverty.

EN010103-000825-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 2.pdf:30:and sustainable. for anticipated annual greenhouse gas (GHG) considerable judgement. The ranges are

EN010103-000825-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 2.pdf:41:We assess our performance Safety Sustainable operations

EN010103-000825-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 2.pdf:41: also involved, such as our deepening focus on safety Alaska operations, sustainable emissions reductions,

EN010103-000825-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 2.pdf:41:Changes to KPIs Reported recordable injury frequencya Sustainable GHG emissions reductions

EN010103-000825-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 2.pdf:41: We have seen a decrease in RIF compared with 2019 We delivered 1.0Mte of sustainable emissions reductions

EN010103-000825-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 2.pdf:42:Sustainable operations

EN010103-000825-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 2.pdf:54: sustainable success for the benefit of its purpose, the committee has oversight of

EN010103-000825-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 2.pdf:54:reliable ways, but it must also be sustainable success. This includes climate-

EN010103-000825-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 2.pdf:66:sustainable financial results.

EN010103-000825-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 2.pdf:82: responsible to bp’s owners for promoting the long-term sustainable

EN010103-000825-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 2.pdf:83: The world is on an unsustainable path

EN010103-000825-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 2.pdf:90:to promote the long-term sustainable success the leadership team focuses on the

EN010103-000825-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 2.pdf:90: bp’s purpose, strategy and values for the long-term sustainable

EN010103-000825-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 2.pdf:106: executive directors apart from the wider strategy and the refreshed commitments to the right thing to create a sustainable future.

EN010103-000825-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 2.pdf:113:over 1,400 sites in India with our Reliance joint venture. In our sustainable depositary share (ADS) prices of £5.00 and $39.85 respectively, while the

EN010103-000825-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 2.pdf:113:of sustainable aviation fuel. We have made a further $40 million investment Consequently, the share price fall has reduced the initial face value of these

EN010103-000825-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 2.pdf:127:Tier 1/2 process safety Sustainable emissions bp-operated plant reliability Free cash flow (25%)

EN010103-000825-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 2.pdf:143: Management has completed a root cause analysis and is implementing a sustainable forward looking governance and

EN010103-000825-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 2.pdf:164:2013. He is also chairman of the Rosneft board’s Strategic and Sustainable Development Committee. bp also holds the voting rights at general

EN010103-000825-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 2.pdf:308:distributions, profitable growth and sustainable value. The framework The group’s principal commodities, oil and gas, are priced internationally

EN010103-000825-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 2.pdf:308:hydrocarbons to generate sustainable cash flow, and then returning concentration risk. The group is not, therefore, exposed to significant

EN010103-000825-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 2.pdf:322:reaffirmed its commitment to the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals • Assessing opportunities in the downstream including advanced fuels,

EN010103-000825-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 2.pdf:322:Rosneft is the leading Russian refining company based on throughput. It • Sustainable development and social investment, including biodiversity.

EN010103-000825-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 2.pdf:322:Dudley is a chairman of the Rosneft board’s Strategy and Sustainable

EN010103-000825-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 2.pdf:324:Sustainable finance installations are in flux due to changes in approach between presidential

EN010103-000825-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 2.pdf:324:establishment of a framework to facilitate sustainable investment 2019, the EPA issued the final Affordable Clean Energy (ACE) Rule, which

EN010103-000825-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 2.pdf:324:whether an economic activity is environmentally sustainable for the filed regarding the legality of the ACE Rule and the repeal of the CPP

EN010103-000825-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 2.pdf:331:discipline, future sustainable free cash flow and shareholder distributions,

EN010103-000825-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 2.pdf:344: would significantly reduce the risks and impacts of climate change’. Sustainable emissions reductions (SER)

EN010103-000825-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 2.pdf:344: equity, and in the context of sustainable development and efforts to

EN010103-000825-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 2.pdf:344:equity, and in the context of sustainable development and efforts to a subsidiary nor a joint arrangement of the group. Significant influence is

EN010103-002235-NZT DCO 8.4 - MMO SoCG (Clean) - Sept 2022(D8).pdf:10: enabling sustainable marine development. The MMO is an interested party for the

EN010103-002320-NZT DCO 9.34 - Updated List of Developments (Tacked) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:22: Development Plan Documents, Sustainable proposed facilities are not allocations on their own Applicants are aware of. Applicants are aware of. Applicants are aware of. aware of.

EN010103-001895-NZT DCO 8.2 - STBC SoCG (Tracked) July 2022(D4) -.pdf:13: • SD1 – Presumption of Sustainable Development.

EN010103-001895-NZT DCO 8.2 - STBC SoCG (Tracked) July 2022(D4) -.pdf:13: • SD7 – Sustainable Design Principles.

EN010103-001142-NZT DCO 6.4.31 ES Vol III Appendix 14C Marine Mammal Baseline.pdf:22: unsustainable fishing, bio-contaminants and climate change (Tetley and

EN010103-002644-NZT DCO 9.52 - End of Examination Negotiation Status - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:3: SuDS Sustainable urban drainage systems

EN010103-002240-NZT DCO 8.6 - Natural England SoCG (Tracked) - Sept 2022(D8).pdf:7: of present and future generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

EN010103-002319-NZT DCO 9.34 - Updated List of Developments (Clean) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:22: Development Plan Documents, Sustainable proposed facilities are not allocations on their own Applicants are aware of. Applicants are aware of. Applicants are aware of. aware of.

EN010103-001994-NZT DCO 9.26 - Riparian Mammal Report - August 2022(D5).pdf:3: SuDS Sustainable urban drainage systems

EN010103-000013-EN010103_Scoping Opinion.pdf:77:Planning Technical Specialist - Sustainable Places

EN010103-000013-EN010103_Scoping Opinion.pdf:85:cleaner, sustainable energy and protect threatened species and habitats.”

EN010103-000013-EN010103_Scoping Opinion.pdf:89:Para 7-9: Achieving sustainable development

EN010103-000013-EN010103_Scoping Opinion.pdf:89:Para 10-12: Presumption in favour of sustainable development

EN010103-000013-EN010103_Scoping Opinion.pdf:96:make a contribution to sustainable development in the marine area and to promote clean,

EN010103-000013-EN010103_Scoping Opinion.pdf:118:generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

EN010103-000013-EN010103_Scoping Opinion.pdf:122:NPPF. We also recommend that soils should be considered in the context of the sustainable use of

EN010103-000013-EN010103_Scoping Opinion.pdf:125:sustainable transport of good and materials (during construction and operation) and employment.

EN010103-000013-EN010103_Scoping Opinion.pdf:143:to encourage more sustainable behaviours. Investment in travel plan related Infrastructure should be

EN010103-000013-EN010103_Scoping Opinion.pdf:144:sustainable going forward and has the potential to bring new large-scale industrial investment to the

EN010103-000824-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons.pdf:60: development'. Paragraph 3.3.1 notes that a secure, sustainable and affordable supply of

EN010103-000824-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons.pdf:62: to the achievement of sustainable development and that the policies that are set out in

EN010103-000824-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons.pdf:62: the NPPF, taken as a whole, constitute the Government's view of what sustainable

EN010103-000824-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons.pdf:62: overarching objectives to achieving sustainable development:

EN010103-000824-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons.pdf:62:8.1.37 Central to the NPPF is 'a presumption in favour of sustainable development'. This is

EN010103-000824-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons.pdf:62: objective of sustainable development listed at paragraph 8a is through the “provision of

EN010103-000824-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons.pdf:62: promoting healthy and safe communities, promoting sustainable transport, achieving

EN010103-000824-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons.pdf:63: SD1 RCBC Local Plan Sustainable Development

EN010103-000824-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons.pdf:64: SD1 STBC Local Plan Presumption in favour of Sustainable

EN010103-000824-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons.pdf:64: SD7 STBC Local Plan Sustainable Design Principles

EN010103-000893-NZT DCO 6.2.7 ES Vol I Chapter 7 Legislative Context and Planning Policy.pdf:9: secure, sustainable and affordable supply of energy is of central importance

EN010103-000893-NZT DCO 6.2.7 ES Vol I Chapter 7 Legislative Context and Planning Policy.pdf:16: fossil fuel use to low carbon fuels such as sustainable biomass, in line with

EN010103-000893-NZT DCO 6.2.7 ES Vol I Chapter 7 Legislative Context and Planning Policy.pdf:31:7.5.3 Section 2 ‘Achieving sustainable development’ confirms (paragraph 7) that

EN010103-000893-NZT DCO 6.2.7 ES Vol I Chapter 7 Legislative Context and Planning Policy.pdf:31: sustainable development, summarised as “meeting the needs of the present

EN010103-000893-NZT DCO 6.2.7 ES Vol I Chapter 7 Legislative Context and Planning Policy.pdf:31: achievement of sustainable development, which are interdependent and

EN010103-000893-NZT DCO 6.2.7 ES Vol I Chapter 7 Legislative Context and Planning Policy.pdf:31:7.5.4 Central to the NPPF is 'a presumption in favour of sustainable development'.

EN010103-000893-NZT DCO 6.2.7 ES Vol I Chapter 7 Legislative Context and Planning Policy.pdf:32: fulfilling the objective of sustainable development listed at paragraph 8 is

EN010103-000893-NZT DCO 6.2.7 ES Vol I Chapter 7 Legislative Context and Planning Policy.pdf:33:SD1 Sustainable When considering development proposals, the Council will take a

EN010103-000893-NZT DCO 6.2.7 ES Vol I Chapter 7 Legislative Context and Planning Policy.pdf:33: Development positive approach reflecting the presumption in favour of sustainable

EN010103-000893-NZT DCO 6.2.7 ES Vol I Chapter 7 Legislative Context and Planning Policy.pdf:33:SD2 Locational Policy Development will be directed to the most sustainable locations in the

EN010103-000893-NZT DCO 6.2.7 ES Vol I Chapter 7 Legislative Context and Planning Policy.pdf:33: sustainable locations that is not of high environmental value.

EN010103-000893-NZT DCO 6.2.7 ES Vol I Chapter 7 Legislative Context and Planning Policy.pdf:35: sustainable travel to minimise environmental impacts and support

EN010103-000893-NZT DCO 6.2.7 ES Vol I Chapter 7 Legislative Context and Planning Policy.pdf:35: of sustainable modes.

EN010103-000893-NZT DCO 6.2.7 ES Vol I Chapter 7 Legislative Context and Planning Policy.pdf:37: of Sustainable positive approach reflecting the presumption in favour of

EN010103-000893-NZT DCO 6.2.7 ES Vol I Chapter 7 Legislative Context and Planning Policy.pdf:37: Development sustainable development within the NPPF.

EN010103-000893-NZT DCO 6.2.7 ES Vol I Chapter 7 Legislative Context and Planning Policy.pdf:37: Strategy locations to ensure the delivery of sustainable economic growth.

EN010103-000893-NZT DCO 6.2.7 ES Vol I Chapter 7 Legislative Context and Planning Policy.pdf:37:SD6 Transport and Seeks to promote and deliver a sustainable transport network.

EN010103-000893-NZT DCO 6.2.7 ES Vol I Chapter 7 Legislative Context and Planning Policy.pdf:37:SD7 Sustainable Design Development proposals should be designed to the highest

EN010103-000893-NZT DCO 6.2.7 ES Vol I Chapter 7 Legislative Context and Planning Policy.pdf:37:T11 Transport Infrastructure Seeks to promote and deliver a sustainable transport network.

EN010103-000893-NZT DCO 6.2.7 ES Vol I Chapter 7 Legislative Context and Planning Policy.pdf:37: sustainable modes through travel plans.

EN010103-001605-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 6 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – NATIONAL GRID CARBON LIMITED.pdf:228:delivering sustainable, reliable and efficient energy. This is National Grid’s first ownership stake in wind generation and an expansion of our activities in solar

EN010103-001605-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 6 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – NATIONAL GRID CARBON LIMITED.pdf:272:underpins our approach to sustainable decision-making and long-term management incentive arrangements.

EN010103-001727-DLA Piper UK LLP - Written Representations (WRs), including summaries of all WRs exceeding 1500 words 1.pdf:3:2. Sembcorp is a Teesside based subsidiary of Sembcorp Energy UK, a leading provider of sustainable

EN010103-001727-DLA Piper UK LLP - Written Representations (WRs), including summaries of all WRs exceeding 1500 words 1.pdf:3: part in building a sustainable future through supporting the energy transition and delivering

EN010103-001727-DLA Piper UK LLP - Written Representations (WRs), including summaries of all WRs exceeding 1500 words 1.pdf:3: sustainable development. Listed on the main board of the Singapore Exchange, it is a component

EN010103-001727-DLA Piper UK LLP - Written Representations (WRs), including summaries of all WRs exceeding 1500 words 1.pdf:5: more sustainable power generating facilities. It also owns much of the land available for

EN010103-001727-DLA Piper UK LLP - Written Representations (WRs), including summaries of all WRs exceeding 1500 words 1.pdf:39: Energy UK, a leading provider of sustainable solutions supporting the UK’s transition to Net Zero.

EN010103-001992-NZT DCO 9.24 - Written Summary of ISH4 August 2022 (D5).pdf:32: Development Plan Documents, Sustainable proposed facilities are not allocations on their own have

EN010103-001892-NZT DCO 8.1 - RCBC SoCG (Clean) July 2022 (D4).pdf:14: • SD1 – Sustainable Development.

EN010103-002176-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Sept 2022(D7) (Clean).pdf:12: Code of Practice for the Sustainable Use of Soil on

EN010103-002176-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Sept 2022(D7) (Clean).pdf:15:ES Chapters 5 - Construction Programme and The Applicants will seek to maximise sustainable DCO Schedule 2 (Document Ref. 2.1): Requirement

EN010103-002176-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Sept 2022(D7) (Clean).pdf:23: sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) to provide

EN010103-002176-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Sept 2022(D7) (Clean).pdf:57: by the sustainable options provided in the final CWTP.

EN010103-002176-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Sept 2022(D7) (Clean).pdf:59: details of sustainable transport measures available for DCO Schedule 2 (Document Ref. 2.1): Requirement

EN010103-002176-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Sept 2022(D7) (Clean).pdf:76:ES Appendices 5A - Framework CEMP, 16B - Details of the sustainable transport options available DCO Schedule 2 (Document Ref. 2.1): Requirement

EN010103-002532-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons Clean Nov 2022 (D12).pdf:64: sustainable and affordable supply of energy is of central importance to the

EN010103-002532-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons Clean Nov 2022 (D12).pdf:65: contribute to the achievement of sustainable development and that the

EN010103-002532-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons Clean Nov 2022 (D12).pdf:65: Government's view of what sustainable development in England means in

EN010103-002532-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons Clean Nov 2022 (D12).pdf:65: achieving sustainable development:

EN010103-002532-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons Clean Nov 2022 (D12).pdf:66:8.1.37 Central to the NPPF is 'a presumption in favour of sustainable development'.

EN010103-002532-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons Clean Nov 2022 (D12).pdf:66: fulfilling the objective of sustainable development listed at paragraph 8a is

EN010103-002532-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons Clean Nov 2022 (D12).pdf:66: economy, promoting healthy and safe communities, promoting sustainable

EN010103-002532-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons Clean Nov 2022 (D12).pdf:67:SD1 RCBC Local Plan Sustainable Development

EN010103-002532-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons Clean Nov 2022 (D12).pdf:68:SD1 STBC Local Plan Presumption in favour of Sustainable

EN010103-002532-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons Clean Nov 2022 (D12).pdf:68:SD7 STBC Local Plan Sustainable Design Principles

EN010103-000898-NZT DCO 6.2.12 ES Vol I Chapter 12 Terrestrial Ecology.pdf:4:  Sustainable Development Policies SD1 and SD4 of the Redcar and

EN010103-000898-NZT DCO 6.2.12 ES Vol I Chapter 12 Terrestrial Ecology.pdf:4: requirements for sustainable development, respecting and enhancing

EN010103-000898-NZT DCO 6.2.12 ES Vol I Chapter 12 Terrestrial Ecology.pdf:4:  Sustainable Development Policies SD5 and SD8 of the Stockton-on-

EN010103-000898-NZT DCO 6.2.12 ES Vol I Chapter 12 Terrestrial Ecology.pdf:5:  Supplementary Planning Document 1: Sustainable Design Guide

EN010103-000898-NZT DCO 6.2.12 ES Vol I Chapter 12 Terrestrial Ecology.pdf:7: viable and sustainable”. This does not mean that efforts should not be made

EN010103-001918-NZT DCO 2.1 - Draft DCO (Comparison with June 2022) - July 2022 (D4).pdf:48: (a) measures to promote the use of sustainable transport modes to and from the authorised

EN010103-002251-NZT DCO 2.1 - Draft DCO (Clean) - Sept 2022(D8).pdf:55: (a) measures to promote the use of sustainable transport modes to and from the authorised

EN010103-002251-NZT DCO 2.1 - Draft DCO (Clean) - Sept 2022(D8).pdf:171: (a) the Head of Legal and the Head of Environment Permitting and Sustainable Development

EN010103-001914-NZT DCO 9.19 - Further Response to Written Question GEN.1.37 - July 2022 (D4).pdf:3: SuDS Sustainable urban drainage systems

EN010103-001914-NZT DCO 9.19 - Further Response to Written Question GEN.1.37 - July 2022 (D4).pdf:23: Development Plan Documents, Sustainable proposed facilities are not allocations on their own have

EN010103-001914-NZT DCO 9.19 - Further Response to Written Question GEN.1.37 - July 2022 (D4).pdf:37: Waste Management Sites Cleveland Sustainable waste management will be delivered through a combination of

EN010103-001468-NZT DCO 5.4 - Design and Access Statement - Tracked - Apr 2022.pdf:17: ‘Sustainable development’ of the PA 2008 (subsection (3)(b)) states that in setting

EN010103-001468-NZT DCO 5.4 - Design and Access Statement - Tracked - Apr 2022.pdf:31:4.2.1 Section 10 ‘Sustainable development’ of the PA 2008 (subsection (3)(b)) states that

EN010103-001468-NZT DCO 5.4 - Design and Access Statement - Tracked - Apr 2022.pdf:32: should produce sustainable Infrastructure sensitive to place, efficient in the use of

EN010103-001468-NZT DCO 5.4 - Design and Access Statement - Tracked - Apr 2022.pdf:32: satisfied that energy Infrastructure developments are sustainable and, having regard

EN010103-001468-NZT DCO 5.4 - Design and Access Statement - Tracked - Apr 2022.pdf:34: Paragraph 1264 confirms that good design is a key aspect of sustainable

EN010103-001468-NZT DCO 5.4 - Design and Access Statement - Tracked - Apr 2022.pdf:34: quality design should be an integral part of sustainable development. In designing

EN010103-001468-NZT DCO 5.4 - Design and Access Statement - Tracked - Apr 2022.pdf:34: quality of the area; be sustainable in design and construction; minimise pollution;

EN010103-001240-EN010103_Marine_Management_Organisation_Relevant_Representation_17122021_Redacted.pdf:4:make a contribution to sustainable development in the marine area and to promote clean,

EN010103-002052-NZT DCO 5.4 - Design and Access Statement - Clean - August 2022(D6).pdf:17: ‘Sustainable development’ of the PA 2008 (subsection (3)(b)) states that in setting

EN010103-002052-NZT DCO 5.4 - Design and Access Statement - Clean - August 2022(D6).pdf:30:4.2.1 Section 10 ‘Sustainable development’ of the PA 2008 (subsection (3)(b)) states that

EN010103-002052-NZT DCO 5.4 - Design and Access Statement - Clean - August 2022(D6).pdf:31: should produce sustainable Infrastructure sensitive to place, efficient in the use of

EN010103-002052-NZT DCO 5.4 - Design and Access Statement - Clean - August 2022(D6).pdf:31: satisfied that energy Infrastructure developments are sustainable and, having regard

EN010103-002052-NZT DCO 5.4 - Design and Access Statement - Clean - August 2022(D6).pdf:33: Paragraph 126 confirms that good design is a key aspect of sustainable development.

EN010103-002052-NZT DCO 5.4 - Design and Access Statement - Clean - August 2022(D6).pdf:33: design should be an integral part of sustainable development. In designing new

EN010103-002052-NZT DCO 5.4 - Design and Access Statement - Clean - August 2022(D6).pdf:33: quality of the area; be sustainable in design and construction; minimise pollution;

EN010103-000903-NZT DCO 6.2.19 ES Vol I Chapter 19 Marine Heritage.pdf:2: England to ensure they are carried out in a sustainable way.

EN010103-000903-NZT DCO 6.2.19 ES Vol I Chapter 19 Marine Heritage.pdf:4: • Conservation Principles, Policies and Guidance for the Sustainable

EN010103-000903-NZT DCO 6.2.19 ES Vol I Chapter 19 Marine Heritage.pdf:24: the Sustainable Management of the Historic Environment. London: Historic

EN010103-002252-NZT DCO 2.1 - Draft DCO (Tracked) - Sept 2022(D8).pdf:54: (a) measures to promote the use of sustainable transport modes to and from the authorised

EN010103-002252-NZT DCO 2.1 - Draft DCO (Tracked) - Sept 2022(D8).pdf:179: (a) the Head of Legal and the Head of Environment Permitting and Sustainable Development

EN010103-001187-NZT DCO 5.11 Indicative Lighting Strategy - Reprovided(2).pdf:16: system is to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development and

EN010103-001187-NZT DCO 5.11 Indicative Lighting Strategy - Reprovided(2).pdf:16: constitute the Government’s view on what sustainable development in England

EN010103-001187-NZT DCO 5.11 Indicative Lighting Strategy - Reprovided(2).pdf:16: NPPF is the presumption in favour of sustainable development and with regard to

EN010103-001859-9.12 - Applicants comments on written Representations - June 2022 (D3).pdf:3: SuDS Sustainable urban drainage systems

EN010103-001859-9.12 - Applicants comments on written Representations - June 2022 (D3).pdf:78: any alternatives to the use of Red Main have been considered by NZT. In the context of NZT’s expected using RBT’s facility is viable, efficient and sustainable, and it is noted that the use of water borne

EN010103-001859-9.12 - Applicants comments on written Representations - June 2022 (D3).pdf:85: 2. Sembcorp is a Teesside based subsidiary of Sembcorp Energy UK, a leading provider of sustainable

EN010103-001859-9.12 - Applicants comments on written Representations - June 2022 (D3).pdf:85: multi-national energy and urban solutions provider, which is playing its part in building a sustainable

EN010103-001859-9.12 - Applicants comments on written Representations - June 2022 (D3).pdf:85: future through supporting the energy transition and delivering sustainable development. Listed on the

EN010103-001859-9.12 - Applicants comments on written Representations - June 2022 (D3).pdf:87: more sustainable power generating facilities. It also owns much of the land available for development on

EN010103-002410-NZT DCO - 9.46 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Third Written Questions - Oct 2022 (D11).pdf:3: SuDS Sustainable urban drainage systems

EN010103-001161-NZT DCO 6.1 ES Non-Technical Summary.pdf:50: Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) to mitigate flood risk. The embedded

EN010103-001467-NZT DCO 5.4 - Design and Access Statement - Clean - Apr 2022.pdf:17: ‘Sustainable development’ of the PA 2008 (subsection (3)(b)) states that in setting

EN010103-001467-NZT DCO 5.4 - Design and Access Statement - Clean - Apr 2022.pdf:29:4.2.1 Section 10 ‘Sustainable development’ of the PA 2008 (subsection (3)(b)) states that

EN010103-001467-NZT DCO 5.4 - Design and Access Statement - Clean - Apr 2022.pdf:30: should produce sustainable Infrastructure sensitive to place, efficient in the use of

EN010103-001467-NZT DCO 5.4 - Design and Access Statement - Clean - Apr 2022.pdf:30: satisfied that energy Infrastructure developments are sustainable and, having regard

EN010103-001467-NZT DCO 5.4 - Design and Access Statement - Clean - Apr 2022.pdf:32: Paragraph 126 confirms that good design is a key aspect of sustainable development.

EN010103-001467-NZT DCO 5.4 - Design and Access Statement - Clean - Apr 2022.pdf:32: design should be an integral part of sustainable development. In designing new

EN010103-001467-NZT DCO 5.4 - Design and Access Statement - Clean - Apr 2022.pdf:32: quality of the area; be sustainable in design and construction; minimise pollution;

EN010103-001471-NZT DCO 2.1 - Draft DCO (Comparison with Oct 2021 version) - Apr 2022.pdf:47: (a) measures to promote the use of sustainable transport modes to and from the authorised

EN010103-001738-NZT DCO 9.8 Appendix GH.1.1b Preliminary Onshore Ground Investigation for GIR Report - June 2022.pdf:119: developed, with appropriate testing, to ensure minimal off-site waste and that sustainable material reuse is

EN010103-000897-NZT DCO 6.2.11 ES Vol I Chapter 11 Noise and Vibration.pdf:8: management of noise within the context of policy on sustainable development”.

EN010103-000897-NZT DCO 6.2.11 ES Vol I Chapter 11 Noise and Vibration.pdf:9: taking account of the guiding principles of sustainable development. It is

EN010103-001470-NZT DCO 2.2 - Explanatory Memorandum - Apr 2022.pdf:52: preliminary works. The plan must include measures to encourage sustainable

EN010103-001579-NZT DCO 9.6 - Applicants' Comments on RRs - May 2022.pdf:3: SuDS Sustainable urban drainage systems

EN010103-001579-NZT DCO 9.6 - Applicants' Comments on RRs - May 2022.pdf:88: faithfully redacted Planning Technical Specialist - Sustainable Places

EN010103-001579-NZT DCO 9.6 - Applicants' Comments on RRs - May 2022.pdf:136: generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development. paragraphs of the relevant representation dealing with the specific

EN010103-001579-NZT DCO 9.6 - Applicants' Comments on RRs - May 2022.pdf:172: subsidiary of Sembcorp Energy UK, a leading provider of sustainable acknowledgement of the benefits of the project.

EN010103-001579-NZT DCO 9.6 - Applicants' Comments on RRs - May 2022.pdf:173: steam, water, and other services, using greener, more sustainable

EN010103-001579-NZT DCO 9.6 - Applicants' Comments on RRs - May 2022.pdf:224: sustainable access for construction workers to arrive and enter the

EN010103-001579-NZT DCO 9.6 - Applicants' Comments on RRs - May 2022.pdf:230: sustainable development in the marine area and to

EN010103-002067-NZT DCO 8.4 - Marine Management Organisation SoCG (Tracked) August 2022 (D6).pdf:10: enabling sustainable marine development. The MMO is an interested party for the

EN010103-000005-EN010103_Scoping Report.pdf:37:5.23 Policies of particular relevance to the scope of the EIA include promoting sustainable

EN010103-000005-EN010103_Scoping Report.pdf:56: to promote sustainable journeys during the construction phase of the development

EN010103-000005-EN010103_Scoping Report.pdf:59:  ‘Conservation Principles: Policies and Guidance for the Sustainable Management

EN010103-002441-DLA Piper UK LLP - Other- Protective provisions position statement requested by ExA.pdf:3:3. Sembcorp is a Teesside based subsidiary of Sembcorp Energy UK, a leading provider of sustainable

EN010103-002441-DLA Piper UK LLP - Other- Protective provisions position statement requested by ExA.pdf:3: urban solutions provider, which is playing its part in building a sustainable future through

EN010103-002441-DLA Piper UK LLP - Other- Protective provisions position statement requested by ExA.pdf:3: supporting the energy transition and delivering sustainable development. Listed on the main board

EN010103-002441-DLA Piper UK LLP - Other- Protective provisions position statement requested by ExA.pdf:5: using a mix of combined heat and power (CHP), renewable and/or sustainable power generating

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:3: Responsible and sustainable approach 6

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:6:Sustainable Development rights, resilience and diversification of activities and ensuring sound financial discipline.

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:6:economically sustainable energy products and on a set of actions that will lead to the total decarbonization of pro-

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:6:sustainable way, for all. enhancement of the resources of the Countries where it operates, promoting access to

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:8:Responsible and sustainable approach

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:8:and sustainable approach progressively reduce the carbon footprint

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:8:sustainable access to energy FOR THE of natural resources and the safeguard of

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:8:Sustainable Development economy and identifying potential impacts

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:9:MAIN RESULTS 2020 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:10: from a sustainable perspective, with the objective of reducing its carbon footprint by scaling up

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:11:on the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), in order to integrate these aspects into

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:13:contribute to the achievement of the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals and to create sustainable value

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:14: increasingly sustainable due to the progressive elimination of the palm oil feedstock to the benefit of second

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:14: Versalis will focus on a more sustainable chemistry, circular economy projects such as recycled plastics and

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:17: groups: the Natural Resources business which has the task of valorizing the Oil & Gas portfolio in a sustainable

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:20: AND COMMERCIAL  Launch of JUST (Join Us in a Sustainable Transition) initiative to involve

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:20:knowledge and understanding INSTITUTIONS political and institutional representatives on energy, climate, sustainable

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:20:  Establishment with the CNR of 4 research centres in Southern Italy for sustainable

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:20: dei Materiali); National Agency for new technologies, energy and sustainable economic development (Agenzia nazionale per

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:20:interest sites by UNESCO b) Oil and Gas Climate Initiative; World Business Council for Sustainable Development; Inter-ministerial Committee for Hu-

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:21: Sustainable supply chain management

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:22:economically sustainable

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:22:in delivering sustainable

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:24: maximize the value of Eni’s Oil & Gas upstream portfolio from a sustainable perspective and develop projects

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:24: ii) efficient and sustainable management of traditional businesses ensuring high cash flow and returns and

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:26: enlarging the sustainable mobility.

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:34: goals, creating sustainable value for the long-term. Eni is committed to building a corporate governance sys-

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:34: The new Code identifies “sustainable success” as the objective that must guide the action of the management

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:38: of “sustainable success” as outlined in the new Corporate Governance Code, into its business model. The

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:39:a new corporate mission, which takes inspiration from the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:39:(8) For further information on the role of the Board of Directors in the process of energy transition and the pursuit of sustainable success, see the section of this Report relating

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:40: create long-term sustainable value, Eni’s stock has achieved the top positions in the most popular ESG ratings

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:40: pursuit of the Company’s long-term interests and is functional for sustainable success of the Company. It is

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:40: main risks, in order to contribute to the sustainable success of the Company.

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:42:The Natural Resources Business Group is committed to build up in a sustainable way,

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:46:  Launched initiatives focusing on the forest’s protection, conservation and sustainable management, mainly in

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:47: and to facilitate access to the labor market in a path of economic growth, inclusive and sustainable at the

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:60: reclaimed area of the Gela Refinery; (ii) the sustainable development initiatives supported by local institutions. In

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:63:well as training initiatives; (ii) initiatives to promote more sustainable domestic behaviors through clean

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:66: the sustainable development in the areas close to Eni’s activity in the Country.

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:66: tion, conservation and sustainable management projects, in particular in developing Countries. The for-

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:66: in line with sustainable management, forest protection and biodiversity conservation.

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:66: National Development Plans and, mainly, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of UN.

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:72:holders, and the enhancement and reuse of resources in order to make them available for sustainable initiatives, in Italy and abroad.

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:78: with other sustainable sources.

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:86: Transition to sustainable mobility

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:92:to rebuild the economy on more sustainable basis. These  Implemented widespread cost reduction initiatives across

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:133:Sustainable Development Scenario “IEA SDS” WEO 2020. total value-in-use of all of Eni’s Oil & Gas CGUs compared to the

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:138:issues. In addition, the main United Nations Sustainable Devel- Stakeholder Capitalism – Towards Common Metrics and

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:138:opment Goals (SDGs), that constitute an important reference Consistent Reporting of Sustainable Value Creation” were

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:139: REFERENCES models, p. 141; Sustainability material System; Principles and Management, pp. sustainable approach,

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:139: Responsible and sustainable approach,

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:139:  CGR - Responsible and sustainable

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:139: CHANGE 144-150 tools, guidelines and related mitigation actions sustainable approach,

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:139: paragraphs a)  CGR - Responsible and sustainable related to the scopes  NFI - Carbon Neutrality

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:139: Art. 3.2,  NFI - People (employment, diversity tools, guidelines and related mitigation actions and sustainable

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:139: FOR THE (circular economy, waste, water, tools, guidelines and related mitigation actions sustainable approach,

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:139: Art. 3.2, whistleblowing ), pp. 162-164 tools, guidelines and related mitigation actions and sustainable

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:139: paragraph e)  CGR - Responsible and sustainable management models pp. 142-143 approach, pp. 6-7

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:139: Art. 3.1, Suppliers, p. 165 tools, guidelines and related mitigation actions and sustainable

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:139: AND ANTI- and tax strategy, pp. 166-167 tools, guidelines and related mitigation actions and sustainable

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:139: COMMUNITIES of local development, pp. 168-169 tools, guidelines and related mitigation actions and sustainable

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:140:to efficient and sustainable energy for all, while reducing green- the passion and drive towards continuous innovation, respect

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:142: ensure sustainable biomass management to motivate and retain people with skills  establish links between environmental and

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:142: along the entire supply chain that best suit the needs of the business social aspects including the sustainable

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:142: activities of associations with Eni's strategy with agreements and regulations on  promote sustainable water resource

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:142: continuous improvement  act in a sustainable way, minimizing

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:142: minimize the necessity for intervention independent, long-lasting and sustainable

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:143: • Natural Resources, for the sustainable valorization of the upstream Oil & Gas portfolio, for energy efficiency and carbon capture

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:148:tax value aligned with IEA16 Sustainable Development Scenario between risk and opportunity management and Eni’s strate-

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:148:groups: Natural Resources, active in the sustainable devel- to long-term. Risks are:

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:148:objectives communicated to the market and with a view to energy objectives of sustainable development, including limit-

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:154:for the development of a sustainable business model. At in- assessment and impacts in the health field; (iii) implement-

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:160:tions to ensure its traceability up to its correct final disposal/ As part of the sustainable recovery of places that have been

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:160:and sustainable oil spill response capabilities at national, regional and international levels.

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:161:(such as the sustainable development of local communities) network with an increase in the related withdrawals). The

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:164:(e) List of wetlands of international importance identified by the Countries that signed the Ramsar Convention in Iran in 1971 and which aims to ensure the sustainable development and

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:167:(Join Us in a Sustainable Transition) initiative, aimed at involv-

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:167:ing suppliers in the fair and sustainable energy transition path,

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:167:to the respect of human rights; (ii) launched the “Sustainable subject to checks and assessments with reference to envi-

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:170:sustainable development in the innate respect for the dignity of the United Nations Guiding Principles (UNGPs) and promo-

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:170:license acquisition to decommissioning, Eni adopts tools and development players to contribute to the sustainable devel-

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:176:DEVELOPMENT communities to promote the improvement of the quality of life and sustainable socio-economic development of

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:186:project to extract the hydrocarbons must have commenced or UN SDGs The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:187:blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for Upstream GHG Emission Intensity Ratio between 100% Scope

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:198: sustainable basis. These developments had negative,

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:235:the expected expenditure for participating to forestry Energy Agency (IEA) in its Sustainable Development

EN010103-000820-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 6.pdf:304:World Business Council for Sustainable Development 75,811

EN010103-001603-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 4 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – SHELL U.K. LIMITED.pdf:10: approach to help build a sustainable energy future. Shell is ■ Our customers

EN010103-001603-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 4 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – SHELL U.K. LIMITED.pdf:14: to use more sustainable feedstocks in its supply chain.

EN010103-001603-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 4 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – SHELL U.K. LIMITED.pdf:14: sustainable aviation fuel and biodiesel. The pyrolysis oil it produces can be used to make chemicals that

EN010103-001603-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 4 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – SHELL U.K. LIMITED.pdf:14: sustainable aviation fuel a year by 2025. refining sites into energy and chemicals parks will help us achieve

EN010103-001603-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 4 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – SHELL U.K. LIMITED.pdf:15: We aim to do this while providing sustainable distributions today through

EN010103-001603-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 4 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – SHELL U.K. LIMITED.pdf:16:of affordable, reliable and sustainable energy is crucial for addressing

EN010103-001603-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 4 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – SHELL U.K. LIMITED.pdf:16:and shaping them to reflect the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

EN010103-001603-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 4 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – SHELL U.K. LIMITED.pdf:17:progress towards net-zero emissions and deliver sustainable cash flow.

EN010103-001603-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 4 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – SHELL U.K. LIMITED.pdf:57:Our share of production, onshore and offshore, in Nigeria was 175 a maintenance strategy to support sustainable equipment reliability

EN010103-001603-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 4 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – SHELL U.K. LIMITED.pdf:70:products and services, including biofuels, electric vehicle fast charging, will be among the largest in Europe producing sustainable aviation fuel

EN010103-001603-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 4 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – SHELL U.K. LIMITED.pdf:70:customers with the opportunity to offset their carbon emissions. sustainable fuels technology company.

EN010103-001603-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 4 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – SHELL U.K. LIMITED.pdf:75:include sustainable chemicals, more intermediates and performance

EN010103-001603-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 4 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – SHELL U.K. LIMITED.pdf:83: and sustainable energy products may reduce portfolios to a low-carbon and net-zero world, opportunities, as described in the “Transition

EN010103-001603-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 4 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – SHELL U.K. LIMITED.pdf:85: areas for seizing this opportunity are: we believe that sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) 4. Transforming refineries into energy and

EN010103-001603-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 4 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – SHELL U.K. LIMITED.pdf:85: capture and storage businesses. Electricity generated in the shipping, road freight and other sectors. sustainable products.

EN010103-001603-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 4 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – SHELL U.K. LIMITED.pdf:88: enable the energy transition. It produces sustainable cash flow and to climate change is to work collaboratively. We aim to make strategic

EN010103-001603-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 4 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – SHELL U.K. LIMITED.pdf:88:substantial investment. Under the IEA’s Paris-aligned Sustainable ■ developing our low-carbon Power business through wind and solar;

EN010103-001603-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 4 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – SHELL U.K. LIMITED.pdf:101:■ At our Gannet asset in the UK, we completed a project to enhance the is designed to encourage investment in an environmentally sustainable

EN010103-001603-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 4 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – SHELL U.K. LIMITED.pdf:102: Our commitment to contribute to sustainable development We seek the views of various groups and individuals about the role of

EN010103-001603-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 4 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – SHELL U.K. LIMITED.pdf:102: since 1997. These principles, together with our Code as the Paris Agreement and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

EN010103-001603-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 4 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – SHELL U.K. LIMITED.pdf:103:Sustainability reporting boundary and guidelines UNITED NATIONS SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS

EN010103-001603-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 4 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – SHELL U.K. LIMITED.pdf:103:Data in this section are reported on a 100% basis in respect of activities The UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) seek to address the

EN010103-001603-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 4 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – SHELL U.K. LIMITED.pdf:103:on an operational control basis differs from that applied for financial and education, making cities sustainable and tackling climate change.

EN010103-001603-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 4 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – SHELL U.K. LIMITED.pdf:103:issues: As a member of the World Business Council for Sustainable SDGs. The goals were one of the considerations in the development of our

EN010103-001603-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 4 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – SHELL U.K. LIMITED.pdf:107:find ways of reducing transport safety risks. and 2020. This is considered part of Sustainable Development Goal 3:

EN010103-001603-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 4 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – SHELL U.K. LIMITED.pdf:111:■ External partnerships: We will ensure external partnerships inform key areas developing, modifying, and applying sustainable remediation techniques.

EN010103-001603-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 4 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – SHELL U.K. LIMITED.pdf:124: Chair of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) the world. As an earth scientist, Sir Andrew has consistently pursued sustainable action on climate change

EN010103-001603-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 4 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – SHELL U.K. LIMITED.pdf:125: is not sustainable and as a result Jessica will step Shell’s delivery of industry-leading cash flow from operating activities.

EN010103-001603-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 4 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – SHELL U.K. LIMITED.pdf:129: helped transform the car company into a provider of electric vehicles that could offer sustainable mobility

EN010103-001603-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 4 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – SHELL U.K. LIMITED.pdf:135:Board should promote the long-term sustainable success of Shell, and respect for people. These underpin all the work we do and are

EN010103-001603-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 4 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – SHELL U.K. LIMITED.pdf:138: the year, worked hard to promote the long-term sustainable success of the Company, generating value for shareholders and contributing

EN010103-001603-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 4 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – SHELL U.K. LIMITED.pdf:153: navigates the energy transition. The successful candidate should have demonstrated sustainable actions with respect to the climate change

EN010103-001603-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 4 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – SHELL U.K. LIMITED.pdf:165:programme and function. sustainable finance (in particular management’s work on the EU

EN010103-001603-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 4 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – SHELL U.K. LIMITED.pdf:165:Discuss compliance with applicable external legal and regulatory Sustainable Finance Taxonomy); non-financial reporting (in particular

EN010103-001603-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 4 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – SHELL U.K. LIMITED.pdf:167:results of the audit. a sustainable audit quality programme;

EN010103-001603-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 4 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – SHELL U.K. LIMITED.pdf:190: which support sustainable growth based on

EN010103-001603-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 4 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – SHELL U.K. LIMITED.pdf:192:■ Long-term creation of shareholder value: Executive Directors should sustainable development and energy transition metrics. Any potential

EN010103-001603-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 4 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – SHELL U.K. LIMITED.pdf:193:shareholder interests, 50% is Target levels (as a percentage of base related to financial performance, operational excellence and sustainable

EN010103-001603-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 4 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – SHELL U.K. LIMITED.pdf:195:(50% weight) and sustainable development (20% weight). Targets are applied against a larger comparator group.

EN010103-001603-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 4 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – SHELL U.K. LIMITED.pdf:204: to sustainable development. They are designed to mitigate the risk of

EN010103-001603-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 4 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – SHELL U.K. LIMITED.pdf:246: of climate– and environment–related risk management in the financial sector and mobilising mainstream finance to support the transition toward a sustainable economy. This scenario results

EN010103-001603-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 4 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – SHELL U.K. LIMITED.pdf:305:sustainable economy by creating uniform definitions of sustainability for basis and expect to come into scope following the adoption of the EU’s

EN010103-001603-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 4 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – SHELL U.K. LIMITED.pdf:305:Shell supports efforts to develop sustainable finance tools that enable of the other objectives, is carried out in compliance with minimum

EN010103-001603-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 4 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – SHELL U.K. LIMITED.pdf:306:component is eligible. Similarly, our investments in sustainable aviation Under the Taxonomy, opex is defined as costs associated with

EN010103-001603-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 4 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – SHELL U.K. LIMITED.pdf:306:not sustainable. In addition, not all activities with the potential to make

EN010103-001603-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 4 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – SHELL U.K. LIMITED.pdf:332:lever to deliver sustainable cash flow.

EN010103-001603-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 4 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – SHELL U.K. LIMITED.pdf:359: to sustainable development

EN010103-002325-NZT DCO 9.39 - Applicants' Response to ExA's RFI Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:3: SuDS Sustainable urban drainage systems

EN010103-000829-NZT DCO 5.4 - Design and Access Statement.pdf:17: ‘Sustainable development’ of the PA 2008 (subsection (3)(b)) states that in setting

EN010103-000829-NZT DCO 5.4 - Design and Access Statement.pdf:28:4.2.1 Section 10 ‘Sustainable development’ of the PA 2008 (subsection (3)(b)) states that

EN010103-000829-NZT DCO 5.4 - Design and Access Statement.pdf:29: should produce sustainable Infrastructure sensitive to place, efficient in the use of

EN010103-000829-NZT DCO 5.4 - Design and Access Statement.pdf:29: satisfied that energy Infrastructure developments are sustainable and, having

EN010103-000829-NZT DCO 5.4 - Design and Access Statement.pdf:31: Paragraph 124 confirms that good design is a key aspect of sustainable

EN010103-000829-NZT DCO 5.4 - Design and Access Statement.pdf:31: quality design should be an integral part of sustainable development. In designing

EN010103-000829-NZT DCO 5.4 - Design and Access Statement.pdf:31: and quality of the area; be sustainable in design and construction; minimise

EN010103-001157-NZT DCO 5.2 - Project Need Statement.pdf:17: use to low carbon fuels such as sustainable biomass, in line with broader Government

EN010103-001609-Redcar and Clevland Council Local Impact Report.pdf:16: 9.4 The relevant policy within the Local Plan regarding sustainability is SD1 (Sustainable

EN010103-001609-Redcar and Clevland Council Local Impact Report.pdf:16: Development). The proposed development is considered to exhibit sustainable

EN010103-001609-Redcar and Clevland Council Local Impact Report.pdf:16: promote sustainable development.

EN010103-001609-Redcar and Clevland Council Local Impact Report.pdf:16: the potential to built upon sustainable modes of transport during both construction and

EN010103-002021-Natural England - Responses to the ExA’s ExQ2.pdf:1:thereby contributing to sustainable development.

EN010103-001794-NZT DCO 2.1 - Draft DCO - June 2022.pdf:51: (a) measures to promote the use of sustainable transport modes to and from the authorised

EN010103-002068-NZT DCO 8.5 - Environment Agency SoCG (Clean) August 2-22 (D6).pdf:8: of achieving sustainable development’ (Environment Act, 1995).

EN010103-001330-NZT DCO 7.6 - Consultation Statement Proposed Changes - Apr 2022_Redacted.pdf:59: • Use of the Sembcorp No. 2 Tunnel also presents a more sustainable

EN010103-001330-NZT DCO 7.6 - Consultation Statement Proposed Changes - Apr 2022_Redacted.pdf:148:Planning Technical Specialist, Sustainable Places, North East

EN010103-001971-Shepherd and Wedderburn on behalf of Teesside Gas & Liquids Processing and Teesside Gas Processing Plant Limited - Other- Affected Persons - CPO Land.pdf:3: interactions. The Project would be neither sustainable, durable nor adaptable if it were to have

EN010103-002037-Orsted Hornsea Project Four Limited - Responses to the ExA’s ExQ2.pdf:181: “water attenuation feature” means an area within which sustainable drainage systems

EN010103-002037-Orsted Hornsea Project Four Limited - Responses to the ExA’s ExQ2.pdf:217: (a) be based on sustainable drainage principles;

EN010103-001980-NZT DCO 8.2 - STBC SoCG - August 2022(D5) - Clean.pdf:13: • SD1 – Presumption of Sustainable Development.

EN010103-001980-NZT DCO 8.2 - STBC SoCG - August 2022(D5) - Clean.pdf:13: • SD7 – Sustainable Design Principles.

EN010103-001780-NZT DCO 9.7 - Applicants' Response to ExA's FWQs - June 2022.pdf:3: SuDS Sustainable urban drainage systems

EN010103-001780-NZT DCO 9.7 - Applicants' Response to ExA's FWQs - June 2022.pdf:48: information relating to access and maintenance of Sustainable Drainage intertidal or subtidal zone, although there is potential for some routine visual

EN010103-001780-NZT DCO 9.7 - Applicants' Response to ExA's FWQs - June 2022.pdf:122: marine activities (including the diversification or regeneration of sustainable

EN010103-002529-NZT DCO 2.2 - Explanatory Memorandum (Tracked) - Nov 2022 (D12).pdf:46: measures to encourage sustainable transport; details of the responsibility for and timetable

EN010103-001025-NZT DCO 6.4.9 ES Vol III Appendix 9A Flood Risk Assessment Part 2.pdf:28:sustainable drainage principles.

EN010103-001025-NZT DCO 6.4.9 ES Vol III Appendix 9A Flood Risk Assessment Part 2.pdf:31:surface water / groundwater issues on the site must be alleviated by the installation of sustainable drainage system

EN010103-001025-NZT DCO 6.4.9 ES Vol III Appendix 9A Flood Risk Assessment Part 2.pdf:32:The layout of any proposed development and the sustainable drainage system should be designed to mimic natural

EN010103-001025-NZT DCO 6.4.9 ES Vol III Appendix 9A Flood Risk Assessment Part 2.pdf:32:The applicant must consider local guidance detailed in the ‘Tees Valley Local Standards for Sustainable

EN010103-001919-NZT DCO 2.1 - Draft DCO July 2022 (D4).pdf:51: (a) measures to promote the use of sustainable transport modes to and from the authorised

EN010103-002522-NZT DCO 9.49 - Response to ISH6 actions Nov22(D12).pdf:3: SuDS Sustainable urban drainage systems

EN010103-000828-NZT DCO 2.2 - Explanatory Memorandum.pdf:51: preliminary works. The plan must include measures to encourage sustainable

EN010103-002029-Environment Agency - Comments on any other information submitted at Deadline 5.pdf:1:Planning Technical Specialist - Sustainable Places

EN010103-001910-NZT DCO 9.15 - Applicants' Responses to Deadline 3 Submissions July 2022 (D4).pdf:3: SuDS Sustainable urban drainage systems

EN010103-002066-NZT DCO 8.4 - Marine Management Organisation SoCG (Clean) August 2022 (D6).pdf:10: enabling sustainable marine development. The MMO is an interested party for the

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:3: SuDS Sustainable urban drainage systems

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:45: developments are sustainable and as attractive, durable and adaptable as As confirmed in response to DLV.2.1, the Applicants have taken a functional

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:82: Development Plan Documents, Sustainable proposed facilities are not allocations on their own have Applicants are aware of.

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:106: • collaboration: recognition that in order to build a strong, sustainable and viable carbon

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:119:22

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:128:CCUS sector and connecting the most sustainable users, without financially penalising users

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:131:sustainable model for T&SCo in the steady state. However, in the first regulatory period 36

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:138: to a reasonable and sustainable level of operational readiness. More detail on the likely

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:138: sustainable (for instance because it does not believe asset can be returned to a

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:138: reasonable and sustainable level of operational readiness and injection can

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:140:return assets to a reasonable and sustainable level of operational readiness are able to be

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:140:sustainable level of operational readiness would include further capex that would accrue to the

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:178: as to contribute to sustainable development.

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:184: development of carbon capture, sustainable fuels and zero-emission aircraft. The

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:204: policies must contribute to sustainable development, it must be inferred that the

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:204: definition of “sustainable development” adopted in Resolution 42/187 of the United

EN010103-002078-NZT DCO - 9.27 Applicants’ Response to the ExA's Second Written Questions - August 2022 (D6).pdf:205: accept that the concept of sustainable development can support the highly specific

EN010103-002049-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons (Clean) August 2022 (D6).pdf:65: sustainable and affordable supply of energy is of central importance to the

EN010103-002049-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons (Clean) August 2022 (D6).pdf:66: contribute to the achievement of sustainable development and that the

EN010103-002049-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons (Clean) August 2022 (D6).pdf:66: Government's view of what sustainable development in England means in

EN010103-002049-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons (Clean) August 2022 (D6).pdf:66: achieving sustainable development:

EN010103-002049-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons (Clean) August 2022 (D6).pdf:67:8.1.37 Central to the NPPF is 'a presumption in favour of sustainable development'.

EN010103-002049-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons (Clean) August 2022 (D6).pdf:67: fulfilling the objective of sustainable development listed at paragraph 8a is

EN010103-002049-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons (Clean) August 2022 (D6).pdf:67: economy, promoting healthy and safe communities, promoting sustainable

EN010103-002049-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons (Clean) August 2022 (D6).pdf:68:SD1 RCBC Local Plan Sustainable Development

EN010103-002049-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons (Clean) August 2022 (D6).pdf:69:SD1 STBC Local Plan Presumption in favour of Sustainable

EN010103-002049-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons (Clean) August 2022 (D6).pdf:69:SD7 STBC Local Plan Sustainable Design Principles

EN010103-001526-NZT-ExQ1.pdf:27: maintenance of Sustainable Drainage Systems and surface water features proposed.

EN010103-000064-S42 Letter.pdf:4:Energy Agency Sustainable Development Scenario, carbon capture accounts for 7% of the cumulative

EN010103-000064-S42 Letter.pdf:10:Energy Agency Sustainable Development Scenario, carbon capture accounts for 7% of the cumulative

EN010103-000064-S42 Letter.pdf:16:Energy Agency Sustainable Development Scenario, carbon capture accounts for 7% of the cumulative

EN010103-001939-NZT ISH3 S3.pdf:8:gathered here for that purpose is more sustainable than the alternative means of obtaining it. Why

EN010103-001939-NZT ISH3 S3.pdf:8:do that. And this is effectively stifling the opportunities that may exist for innovation in the sustainable

EN010103-002171-Environment Agency - Comments on any other information submitted at Deadline 6.pdf:1:Planning Technical Specialist - Sustainable Places

EN010103-001588-NZT DCO 8.6 - NE SoCG - May 2022.pdf:8: of present and future generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

EN010103-001588-NZT DCO 8.6 - NE SoCG - May 2022.pdf:28: AW – Sustainable Development Marine Team Leader

EN010103-001999-NZT DCO 2.2 - Explanatory Memorandum - August 2022(D5) - Clean.pdf:45: to encourage sustainable transport; details of the responsibility for and timetable for

EN010103-001584-NZT DCO 8.2 - STBC SoCG - May 2022.pdf:13:  SD1 – Presumption of Sustainable Development.

EN010103-001584-NZT DCO 8.2 - STBC SoCG - May 2022.pdf:13:  SD7 – Sustainable Design Principles.

EN010103-000890-NZT DCO 6.2 ES Vol I Cover and Contents.pdf:11: involved in sustainable land reuse

EN010103-000890-NZT DCO 6.2 ES Vol I Cover and Contents.pdf:16: food production, better air quality, sustainable energy production,

EN010103-000890-NZT DCO 6.2 ES Vol I Cover and Contents.pdf:20:LUP Land Use Planning - a potential solution for sustainable use of land in

EN010103-000890-NZT DCO 6.2 ES Vol I Cover and Contents.pdf:21: England so that they are carried out in a sustainable way.

EN010103-000890-NZT DCO 6.2 ES Vol I Cover and Contents.pdf:22: contributing to sustainable development.

EN010103-000890-NZT DCO 6.2 ES Vol I Cover and Contents.pdf:23: promote sustainable growth. It does not contain any specific policies

EN010103-000890-NZT DCO 6.2 ES Vol I Cover and Contents.pdf:28:Simple Index Risk-based method for selecting appropriate sustainable (urban)

EN010103-000890-NZT DCO 6.2 ES Vol I Cover and Contents.pdf:29:SuDS Sustainable (urban) Drainage Systems – drainage systems that are

EN010103-001978-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Clean) August 2022 (D5).pdf:9: Defra Construction Code of Practice for the Sustainable Use of Soil on

EN010103-001978-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Clean) August 2022 (D5).pdf:40: that sustainable transport options are promoted;

EN010103-001978-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Clean) August 2022 (D5).pdf:42: - encouraging and promoting the use of sustainable transport

EN010103-001978-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Clean) August 2022 (D5).pdf:43: • Details of the sustainable transport options available for accessing

EN010103-001978-NZT DCO 6.4.5 ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Clean) August 2022 (D5).pdf:43: safety briefing. It will include details of sustainable transport

EN010103-002045-NZT DCO 2.2 - Explanatory Memorandum (Clean) August 2022 (D6).pdf:45: to encourage sustainable transport; details of the responsibility for and timetable for

EN010103-000827-NZT DCO 2.1 - Draft Development Consent Order.pdf:47: (a) measures to promote the use of sustainable transport modes to and from the authorised

EN010103-002313-NZT DCO 8.1 - RCBC SoCG Sept 2022 (D9) - final signed.pdf:14: x SD1 – Sustainable Development.

EN010103-001145-NZT DCO 6.4.34 ES Vol III Appendix 15A Ornithology Baseline Part 1.pdf:6: • Sustainable Development Policies SD1 and SD4 of the Redcar and

EN010103-001145-NZT DCO 6.4.34 ES Vol III Appendix 15A Ornithology Baseline Part 1.pdf:6: • Sustainable Design Policies SD5 and SD8 of the Stockton-on-Tees

EN010103-001145-NZT DCO 6.4.34 ES Vol III Appendix 15A Ornithology Baseline Part 1.pdf:7: • Supplementary Planning Document 1: Sustainable Design Guide

EN010103-001145-NZT DCO 6.4.34 ES Vol III Appendix 15A Ornithology Baseline Part 1.pdf:37: sustainable”. The Tees estuary and its environs support a large and varied

EN010103-001106-NZT DCO 6.4.19 ES Vol III Appendix 12B Ecological Impact Assessment Methods.pdf:4: and will remain viable and sustainable”, although this does not mean that

EN010103-001215-NZT DCO 2.2 - Explanatory Memorandum - Oct 2021 Rev.2.0.pdf:53: preliminary works. The plan must include measures to encourage sustainable

EN010103-002246-NZT DCO - 9.34 Updated List of Developments (Tracked) - Sept 2022 (D8).pdf:22: Development Plan Documents, Sustainable proposed facilities are not allocations on their own Applicants are aware of. Applicants are aware of. Applicants are aware of.

EN010103-001977-NZT DCO 5.12 - Landscape and Biodiversity Strategy - August 2022(D5) - Tracked.pdf:11: • Redcar and Cleveland Local Plan Policy SD1: Sustainable Development;

EN010103-001977-NZT DCO 5.12 - Landscape and Biodiversity Strategy - August 2022(D5) - Tracked.pdf:12: • Stockton-on-Tees Supplementary Planning Document 1: Sustainable Design

EN010103-001977-NZT DCO 5.12 - Landscape and Biodiversity Strategy - August 2022(D5) - Tracked.pdf:32:5.75.5 Storm Water Attenuation Pond (Sustainable Urban Drainage System)

EN010103-002064-NZT DCO 8.1 - RCBC SoCG - August 2022(D6) - Final - Clean.pdf:14: • SD1 – Sustainable Development.

EN010103-002065-NZT DCO 8.1 - RCBC SoCG - August 2022(D6) - Final - Tracked.pdf:14: • SD1 – Sustainable Development.

EN010103-001766-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix PPL.1.3a - South Tees Regeneration Master Plan - June 2022.pdf:13:sustainable prosperous future. In response to the specific investment opportunity, and STDC Area in line with the adopted Masterplan and

EN010103-001766-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix PPL.1.3a - South Tees Regeneration Master Plan - June 2022.pdf:24:There is a presumption in favour of sustainable Local Plan was subject to independent examination in constraint is the Inner Zone and based on the location as a port area to attract inwards investment

EN010103-001766-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix PPL.1.3a - South Tees Regeneration Master Plan - June 2022.pdf:24:sustainable development in accordance with the NPPF. was effective and its strategy deliverable over the constraints will dissolve with the planned the STDC area afford very large development

EN010103-001766-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix PPL.1.3a - South Tees Regeneration Master Plan - June 2022.pdf:38: in from the North Sea fields, making it one of the UK’s the network of sustainable transport across the region.

EN010103-001766-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix PPL.1.3a - South Tees Regeneration Master Plan - June 2022.pdf:42:potential to provide sustainable access to employment.

EN010103-001766-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix PPL.1.3a - South Tees Regeneration Master Plan - June 2022.pdf:46:will consider Sustainable Drainage techniques that could

EN010103-001766-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix PPL.1.3a - South Tees Regeneration Master Plan - June 2022.pdf:62: and wharf facilities Zone completed and a further strategic access point in a safe and sustainable manner;

EN010103-001766-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix PPL.1.3a - South Tees Regeneration Master Plan - June 2022.pdf:76:promotion of long-term sustainable economic prosperity appraisal protocol for project evaluation. Options were

EN010103-001766-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix PPL.1.3a - South Tees Regeneration Master Plan - June 2022.pdf:147: • The process of generating electricity from tidal power is sustainable and does not consume any exhaustible • When pondage is utilised, hydroelectric power production is flexible, and supply can be adjusted to reflect

EN010103-001766-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix PPL.1.3a - South Tees Regeneration Master Plan - June 2022.pdf:148: sustainable process

EN010103-001766-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix PPL.1.3a - South Tees Regeneration Master Plan - June 2022.pdf:148: • Combustion of biomass can produce a variety of air pollutants, depending on the bio feedstock used • CCS does not address the need to reduce the unsustainable use of non-renewable resources like fossil fuels

EN010103-001766-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix PPL.1.3a - South Tees Regeneration Master Plan - June 2022.pdf:156:be woven into the overall landscaping and public realm sustainable way, that is operationally cost-effective and

EN010103-001766-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix PPL.1.3a - South Tees Regeneration Master Plan - June 2022.pdf:157: as fibre optic cable and towers, and lease use to providers. A single tower should provide adequate • Meets the principles of sustainable development

EN010103-001766-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix PPL.1.3a - South Tees Regeneration Master Plan - June 2022.pdf:157:telecommunications Infrastructure for FTTx distribution quality and sustainable development. Material

EN010103-002309-NZT DCO 6.4.5 - ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Clean) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:9: Defra Construction Code of Practice for the Sustainable Use of Soil on

EN010103-002309-NZT DCO 6.4.5 - ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Clean) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:43: that sustainable transport options are promoted;

EN010103-002309-NZT DCO 6.4.5 - ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Clean) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:45: - encouraging and promoting the use of sustainable transport

EN010103-002309-NZT DCO 6.4.5 - ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Clean) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:46: • Details of the sustainable transport options available for accessing

EN010103-002309-NZT DCO 6.4.5 - ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Clean) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:46: safety briefing. It will include details of sustainable transport

EN010103-001258-220204 - NZT DCO - Response to ExA let_31.01.22_re timing of PM_Exam - Final.pdf:2: proposed. If feasible this would be more sustainable, reduce construction impacts, and

EN010103-001776-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix GEN.1.2 Position Statement Hornsea Project Four and BP - June 2022.pdf:105: objective of supporting government’s policies on sustainable development, in particular by:

EN010103-002521-NZT DCO 9.48 - Applicants' Comments on D11 Submissons - Nov 2022 (D12).pdf:3: SuDS Sustainable urban drainage systems

EN010103-001120-NZT DCO 6.4.36 ES Vol III Appendix 16A Transportation Assessment Part 1.pdf:6: part of Government’s wider policy objectives for sustainable development as

EN010103-001120-NZT DCO 6.4.36 ES Vol III Appendix 16A Transportation Assessment Part 1.pdf:7:16.2.6 Section 9 of the NPPF, Promoting Sustainable Transport, outlines the

EN010103-001120-NZT DCO 6.4.36 ES Vol III Appendix 16A Transportation Assessment Part 1.pdf:7: important role that the planning system has in enabling sustainable

EN010103-001120-NZT DCO 6.4.36 ES Vol III Appendix 16A Transportation Assessment Part 1.pdf:7: be made sustainable, through limiting the need to travel and offering a

EN010103-001120-NZT DCO 6.4.36 ES Vol III Appendix 16A Transportation Assessment Part 1.pdf:7: taken into account and seek to promote sustainable travel to minimise

EN010103-001121-NZT DCO 6.4.36 ES Vol III Appendix 16A Transportation Assessment Part 2.pdf:5:down the traffic impact of proposals to support the promotion of sustainable transport and the

EN010103-001581-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022.pdf:6: sustainable way.

EN010103-001581-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022.pdf:6: generations, thereby contributing to sustainable

EN010103-001581-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022.pdf:55: Infrastructure development’. Paragraph 3.3.1 notes that a secure, sustainable and

EN010103-001581-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022.pdf:66: use to low carbon fuels such as sustainable biomass, in line with broader Government

EN010103-001581-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022.pdf:98: that applying 'good design' to energy NSIPs should produce sustainable

EN010103-001581-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022.pdf:98: satisfied that energy Infrastructure developments are sustainable and, having regard

EN010103-001581-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022.pdf:144: vegetation and using sustainable

EN010103-001581-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022.pdf:153:6.5.2 Section 2 ‘Achieving sustainable development’ confirms (paragraph 7) that the

EN010103-001581-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022.pdf:153: purpose of the planning system is to contribute to the achievement of sustainable

EN010103-001581-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022.pdf:153: 8 goes on to identify three overarching objectives to the achievement of sustainable

EN010103-001581-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022.pdf:154:6.5.3 Central to the NPPF is 'a presumption in favour of sustainable development'. This is

EN010103-001581-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022.pdf:154: the objective of sustainable development listed at paragraph 8 under ‘a) an

EN010103-001581-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022.pdf:154: promoting sustainable transport, achieving well-designed places, meeting the

EN010103-001581-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022.pdf:155: Chapter 6 Confirms that the Government is The Proposed Development will contribute toward sustainable economic

EN010103-001581-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022.pdf:155: sustainable economic growth

EN010103-001581-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022.pdf:155: Promoting sustainable transport choices so during the construction phase. The assessment of traffic and transport in the ES

EN010103-001581-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022.pdf:155: sustainable as to contribute to wider is based on a worst-case scenario (all transport by road, including construction

EN010103-001581-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022.pdf:156: promote sustainable transport include measures to manage and minimise transport impacts during

EN010103-001581-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022.pdf:156: sustainable transport modes.

EN010103-001581-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022.pdf:157: is a key aspect of sustainable accordance with the Teesworks Design Guide. The appearance of the buildings

EN010103-001581-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022.pdf:162: SD1 RCBC Sustainable When considering The Proposed Development is consistent with the principles of

EN010103-001581-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022.pdf:162: Local Development development sustainable development. It will bring brownfield land back into

EN010103-001581-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022.pdf:162: of sustainable demonstrated that the Proposed Development it will not result in

EN010103-001581-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022.pdf:162: Plan sustainable locations in the South Tees Area/Teesworks. The routing of the connection corridors

EN010103-001581-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022.pdf:163: sustainable locations

EN010103-001581-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022.pdf:175: to promote sustainable also investigating, and are in discussion with relevant parties, over the

EN010103-001581-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022.pdf:175: sustainable modes.

EN010103-001581-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022.pdf:183: Local in favour of development principles of sustainable development by reusing brownfield land and

EN010103-001581-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022.pdf:183: Plan Sustainable proposals, the Council supporting the decarbonisation of power and industry on Teesside.

EN010103-001581-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022.pdf:183: of sustainable

EN010103-001581-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022.pdf:184: delivery of sustainable

EN010103-001581-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022.pdf:185: Local Infrastructure deliver a sustainable to manage traffic and transportation effects. Any operational traffic will

EN010103-001581-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022.pdf:186: SD7 STBC Sustainable Development proposals The design of the Proposed Development is appropriate in terms of its

EN010103-001581-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022.pdf:187: Local Infrastructure deliver a sustainable the construction phase to manage traffic and transportation effects. Any

EN010103-001581-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022.pdf:188: sustainable modes

EN010103-001581-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022.pdf:210: “comprise a significant facility of national sustainable energy supply”. The defendant directed that an application for the form

EN010103-001581-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022.pdf:215: sustainable pattern of waste management to achieve overall net self-sufficiency, an approach found

EN010103-001581-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022.pdf:216: That the WKN Proposed Development would provide a sustainable source of steam/heat to local

EN010103-001581-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022.pdf:220: WKN Proposed Development would provide a sustainable source of steam/heat to local customers

EN010103-001581-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022.pdf:221: of a clear and immediate sustainable source of steam/heat to local customers contrasts unfavourably

EN010103-001581-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022.pdf:229: need and urgency for new energy Infrastructure to be consented in order to make a contribution to sustainable development

EN010103-001581-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement - May 2022.pdf:235: sustainable energy generation, with the impact on the waste hierarchy of the proposal occurs again in paragraphs 4.18–4.20

EN010103-001765-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix PPL.1.3b - South Tees Area SPD - June 2022.pdf:7: plan positively for sustainable development. In particular, the SPD has been prepared

EN010103-001765-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix PPL.1.3b - South Tees Area SPD - June 2022.pdf:7: the area, which positively and proactively encourages sustainable economic growth.

EN010103-001765-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix PPL.1.3b - South Tees Area SPD - June 2022.pdf:12: of users and includes sustainable travel measures, to realise optimal

EN010103-001765-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix PPL.1.3b - South Tees Area SPD - June 2022.pdf:17: To reduce pollution, contribute to sustainable flood risk management and habitat

EN010103-001765-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix PPL.1.3b - South Tees Area SPD - June 2022.pdf:44: in terms of utilities and other Infrastructure that secures the delivery of sustainable

EN010103-001765-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix PPL.1.3b - South Tees Area SPD - June 2022.pdf:46: in a sustainable way, that is operationally cost-effective and future-proofed.

EN010103-001765-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix PPL.1.3b - South Tees Area SPD - June 2022.pdf:46: courses and providing sustainable drainage systems can also create potential for

EN010103-001765-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix PPL.1.3b - South Tees Area SPD - June 2022.pdf:62: Management and maintenance arrangements for sustainable drainage features,

EN010103-001765-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix PPL.1.3b - South Tees Area SPD - June 2022.pdf:63:Policy SD1: Sustainable Development All

EN010103-001765-NZT DCO 9.8 - Appendix PPL.1.3b - South Tees Area SPD - June 2022.pdf:63:Policy TA3: Sustainable Transport STDC1, STDC5, STDC7, STDC8

EN010103-001156-NZT DCO 5.12 - Landscape and Biodiversity Strategy.pdf:10:  Redcar and Cleveland Local Plan Policy SD1: Sustainable Development;

EN010103-001156-NZT DCO 5.12 - Landscape and Biodiversity Strategy.pdf:11:  Stockton-on-Tees Supplementary Planning Document 1: Sustainable Design

EN010103-001156-NZT DCO 5.12 - Landscape and Biodiversity Strategy.pdf:28:5.5 Storm Water Attenuation Pond (Sustainable Urban Drainage System)

EN010103-002006-NZT-ExQ2-FINAL.pdf:25: sustainable and as attractive, durable and adaptable as they can be, taking into account both

EN010103-001139-NZT DCO 6.4.30 ES Vol III Appendix 14B Fisheries and Fish Ecology Baseline Part 1.pdf:10:1992 biodiversity and sustainable use of enhancing general biological

EN010103-000907-NZT DCO 6.2.23 ES Vol I Chapter 23 Population and Human Health.pdf:4: sustainable communities.”

EN010103-000907-NZT DCO 6.2.23 ES Vol I Chapter 23 Population and Human Health.pdf:5: described in the relevant technical chapters (e.g. promoting sustainable

EN010103-001976-NZT DCO 5.12 - Landscape and Biodiversity Strategy - August 2022(D5) - Clean.pdf:10: • Redcar and Cleveland Local Plan Policy SD1: Sustainable Development;

EN010103-001976-NZT DCO 5.12 - Landscape and Biodiversity Strategy - August 2022(D5) - Clean.pdf:11: • Stockton-on-Tees Supplementary Planning Document 1: Sustainable Design

EN010103-001976-NZT DCO 5.12 - Landscape and Biodiversity Strategy - August 2022(D5) - Clean.pdf:29:5.5 Storm Water Attenuation Pond (Sustainable Urban Drainage System)

EN010103-002422-NZT DCO 9.47 - Sensitivity Assessment of Construction Programme - Oct 2022 (D11).pdf:3: SuDS Sustainable urban drainage systems

EN010103-002185-NZT DCO - 9.34 Updated List of Developments - Response to SWQ GEN.2.2(i) - Sept 2022 (D7).pdf:23: Development Plan Documents, Sustainable proposed facilities are not allocations on their own Applicants are aware of. Applicants are aware of.

EN010103-002025-Environment Agency - Responses to the ExA’s ExQ2.pdf:1:Planning Technical Specialist - Sustainable Places

EN010103-001894-NZT DCO 8.2 - STBC SoCG (Clean) July 2022(D4) -.pdf:13: • SD1 – Presumption of Sustainable Development.

EN010103-001894-NZT DCO 8.2 - STBC SoCG (Clean) July 2022(D4) -.pdf:13: • SD7 – Sustainable Design Principles.

EN010103-002635-NZT DCO 8.4 - MMO SoCG - Final (signed) - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:10: enabling sustainable marine development. The MMO is an interested party for the

EN010103-002239-NZT DCO 8.6 - Natural England SoCG (Clean) - Sept 2022(D8).pdf:7: of present and future generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

EN010103-002637-NZT DCO 8.6 - Natural England SoCG - Final (signed) - Oct 2022 (D13).pdf:7: of present and future generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

EN010103-000821-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 7.pdf:14:stable, reliable and sustainable

EN010103-000821-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 7.pdf:15: Funding sustainable and global sourcing opportunities.

EN010103-000821-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 7.pdf:16:safe, efficient, reliable and sustainable long-term priorities:

EN010103-000821-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 7.pdf:17: economies grow in a sustainable, affordable Through constructive, transparent engagement

EN010103-000821-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 7.pdf:17: long-term sustainable consumer-led demands.

EN010103-000821-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 7.pdf:17: We invest efficiently in our networks to deliver strong and sustainable

EN010103-000821-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 7.pdf:21:while also delivering sustainable cost savings. This year we reduced our

EN010103-000821-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 7.pdf:22:and that no one gets left behind. management, and innovating more sustainable energy solutions.

EN010103-000821-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 7.pdf:30:going beyond regulatory requirements, Business Council on Sustainable Development Greenhouse Gas Protocol. 100% of our

EN010103-000821-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 7.pdf:31:affordable and sustainable supplies of energy in a fast-changing world. United Kingdom. We also successfully exited our positions in Pixeom

EN010103-000821-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 7.pdf:36:making sure our operations and finances are sustainable.

EN010103-000821-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 7.pdf:42:performance and underpins our approach to sustainable decision-making and long-term management incentive arrangements.

EN010103-000821-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 7.pdf:57: Strategic relationship meetings are conducted regularly between low-carbon and sustainable schemes for our projects. We

EN010103-000821-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 7.pdf:58: Ensuring that our governance Delivering sustainable

EN010103-000821-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 7.pdf:58: Delivering sustainable energy

EN010103-000821-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 7.pdf:59:We are committed to delivering sustainable energy safely, reliably and

EN010103-000821-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 7.pdf:60:Contribution”, to set a framework for embedding sustainable decision-

EN010103-000821-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 7.pdf:61: the World Resources Institute and World Business Council on Sustainable by 2050. Most of our Scope 3 emissions are

EN010103-000821-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 7.pdf:62:or adjacent companies and industries. Our employees are expected sustainable wellbeing behaviour change within our workforce. We do

EN010103-000821-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 7.pdf:78: sustainable shareholder value. The Board also plays a major role in control and risk management;

EN010103-000821-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 7.pdf:80: sustainable business model for the foreseeable governments

EN010103-000821-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 7.pdf:96:Company and deliver sustainable shareholder and stakeholder value. performance on the Board and Board Committees. The Board took into

EN010103-000821-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 7.pdf:97:business objectives that will promote long-term sustainable success.

EN010103-000821-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 7.pdf:218: developing and growing a large-scale renewable generation business in the US, and delivering sustainable, reliable and efficient energy. This is National Grid’s

EN010103-000821-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 7.pdf:234:enhance gas safety and promote a sustainable and affordable path 8 May 2020, we published a supplemental report with refined forecasts

EN010103-000821-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 7.pdf:248:creating a sustainable, low-carbon electricity system for the future that ‘Recommended Smart Inverter Settings for Grid Support and Test

EN010103-000821-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 7.pdf:260: underpins our approach to sustainable decision-making and long-term management incentive arrangements.

EN010103-002177-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Sept 2022(D7) (Tracked).pdf:13: Code of Practice for the Sustainable Use of Soil on

EN010103-002177-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Sept 2022(D7) (Tracked).pdf:16:ES Chapters 5 - Construction Programme and The Applicants will seek to maximise sustainable DCO Schedule 2 (Document Ref. 2.1): Requirement

EN010103-002177-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Sept 2022(D7) (Tracked).pdf:24: include the use of sustainable drainage systems

EN010103-002177-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Sept 2022(D7) (Tracked).pdf:58: by the sustainable options provided in the final CWTP.

EN010103-002177-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Sept 2022(D7) (Tracked).pdf:59: details of sustainable transport measures available for 19: Construction Workers Travel Plan

EN010103-002177-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Sept 2022(D7) (Tracked).pdf:77:ES Appendices 5A - Framework CEMP, 16B - Details of the sustainable transport options available DCO Schedule 2 (Document Ref. 2.1): Requirement

EN010103-001151-NZT DCO 6.4.49 ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register.pdf:9:Construction Programme will be manged in accordance with the Defra Construction Code of Practice for the Sustainable Requirement 16: Construction

EN010103-001151-NZT DCO 6.4.49 ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register.pdf:12:ES Chapters 5 - The Applicants will seek to maximise sustainable transport options such as public transport DCO Schedule 2 (Document Ref. 2.1):

EN010103-001151-NZT DCO 6.4.49 ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register.pdf:19: The proposed drainage system is to include the use of sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) to

EN010103-001151-NZT DCO 6.4.49 ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register.pdf:45: workers to travel to and from the Site by the sustainable options provided in the final CWTP. If

EN010103-001151-NZT DCO 6.4.49 ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register.pdf:46:Framework CEMP, 16B - commence work, incorporated into the Site safety briefing. It will include details of sustainable Requirement 16: Construction

EN010103-001151-NZT DCO 6.4.49 ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register.pdf:63:ES Appendices 5A - Details of the sustainable transport options available for accessing the Site would be provided DCO Schedule 2 (Document Ref. 2.1):

EN010103-001875-Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council.pdf:19: basis for making sustainable decisions

EN010103-001875-Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council.pdf:52:5. General criteria around site selection, sustainable design and the matters that the Council

EN010103-001875-Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council.pdf:61: conservation area. They are set out in basis for making sustainable decisions

EN010103-001875-Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council.pdf:92:7. General criteria around site selection, sustainable design and the matters that the Council

EN010103-001875-Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council.pdf:109: sustainable decisions about the

EN010103-001875-Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council.pdf:128:7 General criteria around site selection, sustainable design and the matters that the Council

EN010103-001875-Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council.pdf:137: sustainable decisions about the

EN010103-001875-Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council.pdf:154:5 General criteria around site selection, sustainable design and the matters that the Council

EN010103-001017-NZT DCO 6.4.2 ES Vol III Appendix 1B EIA Scoping Opinion Part 3.pdf:4:generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

EN010103-001017-NZT DCO 6.4.2 ES Vol III Appendix 1B EIA Scoping Opinion Part 3.pdf:8:NPPF. We also recommend that soils should be considered in the context of the sustainable use of

EN010103-001017-NZT DCO 6.4.2 ES Vol III Appendix 1B EIA Scoping Opinion Part 3.pdf:11:sustainable transport of good and materials (during construction and operation) and employment.

EN010103-001017-NZT DCO 6.4.2 ES Vol III Appendix 1B EIA Scoping Opinion Part 3.pdf:29:to encourage more sustainable behaviours. Investment in travel plan related Infrastructure should be

EN010103-001017-NZT DCO 6.4.2 ES Vol III Appendix 1B EIA Scoping Opinion Part 3.pdf:30:sustainable going forward and has the potential to bring new large-scale industrial investment to the

EN010103-002405-NZT DCO - 9.34 Updated List of Developments - Oct 2022 (D11) (Clean).pdf:23: Development Plan Documents, Sustainable proposed facilities are not allocations on their own Applicants are aware of. Applicants are aware of. Applicants are aware of. Applicants are aware of. Applicants are aware of.

EN010103-001686-Orsted Hornsea Project Four Limited - Written Representations (WRs), including summaries of all WRs exceeding 1500 words.pdf:28: objective of supporting government’s policies on sustainable development, in particular by:

EN010103-000831-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement.pdf:6: sustainable way.

EN010103-000831-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement.pdf:6: generations, thereby contributing to sustainable

EN010103-000831-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement.pdf:48: Infrastructure development’. Paragraph 3.3.1 notes that a secure, sustainable and

EN010103-000831-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement.pdf:58: use to low carbon fuels such as sustainable biomass, in line with broader Government

EN010103-000831-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement.pdf:88: that applying 'good design' to energy NSIPs should produce sustainable

EN010103-000831-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement.pdf:88: satisfied that energy Infrastructure developments are sustainable and, having regard

EN010103-000831-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement.pdf:135: vegetation and using sustainable

EN010103-000831-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement.pdf:144:6.5.3 Section 2 ‘Achieving sustainable development’ confirms (paragraph 7) that the

EN010103-000831-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement.pdf:144: purpose of the planning system is to contribute to the achievement of sustainable

EN010103-000831-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement.pdf:144: 8 goes on to identify three overarching objectives to the achievement of sustainable

EN010103-000831-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement.pdf:144:6.5.4 Central to the NPPF is 'a presumption in favour of sustainable development'. This is

EN010103-000831-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement.pdf:145: the objective of sustainable development listed at paragraph 8 is through the

EN010103-000831-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement.pdf:145: promoting sustainable transport, achieving well-designed places, meeting the

EN010103-000831-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement.pdf:146: Chapter 6 Confirms that the Government is The Proposed Development will contribute toward sustainable economic

EN010103-000831-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement.pdf:146: it can to support sustainable

EN010103-000831-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement.pdf:146: Promoting sustainable transport choices so during the construction phase. The assessment of traffic and transport in the ES

EN010103-000831-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement.pdf:146: sustainable as to contribute to wider is based on a worst-case scenario (all transport by road, including construction

EN010103-000831-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement.pdf:147: promote sustainable transport include measures to manage and minimise transport impacts during

EN010103-000831-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement.pdf:147: make use of sustainable transport

EN010103-000831-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement.pdf:148: is a key aspect of sustainable accordance with the Teesworks Design Guide. The appearance of the buildings

EN010103-000831-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement.pdf:153: SD1 RCBC Sustainable When considering The Proposed Development is consistent with the principles of

EN010103-000831-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement.pdf:153: Local Plan Development development sustainable development. It will bring brownfield land back into

EN010103-000831-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement.pdf:153: of sustainable demonstrated that the Proposed Development it will not result in

EN010103-000831-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement.pdf:153: sustainable locations in the South Tees Area/Teesworks. The routing of the connection corridors

EN010103-000831-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement.pdf:154: sustainable locations

EN010103-000831-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement.pdf:165: to promote sustainable also investigating, and are in discussion with relevant parties, over the

EN010103-000831-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement.pdf:166: sustainable modes.

EN010103-000831-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement.pdf:173: Plan in favour of development principles of sustainable development by reusing brownfield land and

EN010103-000831-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement.pdf:173: Sustainable proposals, the Council supporting the decarbonisation of power and industry on Teesside.

EN010103-000831-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement.pdf:173: of sustainable

EN010103-000831-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement.pdf:174: delivery of sustainable

EN010103-000831-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement.pdf:175: Plan Infrastructure deliver a sustainable to manage traffic and transportation effects. Any operational traffic will

EN010103-000831-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement.pdf:176: SD7 STBC Local Sustainable Development proposals The design of the Proposed Development is appropriate in terms of its

EN010103-000831-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement.pdf:177: Plan Infrastructure deliver a sustainable the construction phase to manage traffic and transportation effects. Any

EN010103-000831-NZT DCO 5.3 - Planning Statement.pdf:177: sustainable modes

EN010103-001214-NZT DCO 2.1 - Draft Development Consent Order - Oct 2021 Rev.2.0.pdf:47: (a) measures to promote the use of sustainable transport modes to and from the authorised

EN010103-002643-NZT DCO 9.51 - Applicants' Response to ExA's RFI dated 2 Nov 2022 - Nov 22 (D13).pdf:3: SuDS Sustainable urban drainage systems

EN010103-000899-NZT DCO 6.2.13 ES Vol I Chapter 13 Aquatic Ecology and Nature Conservation.pdf:4: • Sustainable Development Policies SD1 and SD4 of the Redcar and

EN010103-000899-NZT DCO 6.2.13 ES Vol I Chapter 13 Aquatic Ecology and Nature Conservation.pdf:4: requirements for sustainable development, respecting and enhancing

EN010103-000899-NZT DCO 6.2.13 ES Vol I Chapter 13 Aquatic Ecology and Nature Conservation.pdf:4: • Sustainable Development Policies SD5 and SD8 of the Stockton-on-Tees

EN010103-000899-NZT DCO 6.2.13 ES Vol I Chapter 13 Aquatic Ecology and Nature Conservation.pdf:5: • Supplementary Planning Document 1: Sustainable Design Guide

EN010103-000899-NZT DCO 6.2.13 ES Vol I Chapter 13 Aquatic Ecology and Nature Conservation.pdf:6: and would remain viable and sustainable”. Efforts should be made to

EN010103-000899-NZT DCO 6.2.13 ES Vol I Chapter 13 Aquatic Ecology and Nature Conservation.pdf:33: The proposed drainage system is to include the use of sustainable

EN010103-002050-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons (Tracked) August 2022 (D6).pdf:61: development'. Paragraph 3.3.1 notes that a secure, sustainable and affordable supply of

EN010103-002050-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons (Tracked) August 2022 (D6).pdf:63: to the achievement of sustainable development and that the policies that are set out in

EN010103-002050-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons (Tracked) August 2022 (D6).pdf:63: the NPPF, taken as a whole, constitute the Government's view of what sustainable

EN010103-002050-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons (Tracked) August 2022 (D6).pdf:63: overarching objectives to achieving sustainable development:

EN010103-002050-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons (Tracked) August 2022 (D6).pdf:63:8.1.37 Central to the NPPF is 'a presumption in favour of sustainable development'. This is

EN010103-002050-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons (Tracked) August 2022 (D6).pdf:63: objective of sustainable development listed at paragraph 8a is through the “provision of

EN010103-002050-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons (Tracked) August 2022 (D6).pdf:63: promoting healthy and safe communities, promoting sustainable transport, achieving

EN010103-002050-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons (Tracked) August 2022 (D6).pdf:64: SD1 RCBC Local Plan Sustainable Development

EN010103-002050-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons (Tracked) August 2022 (D6).pdf:65: SD1 STBC Local Plan Presumption in favour of Sustainable

EN010103-002050-NZT DCO 3.2 - Statement of Reasons (Tracked) August 2022 (D6).pdf:65: SD7 STBC Local Plan Sustainable Design Principles

EN010103-001958-Environment Agency - Comments on any other information submitted at Deadline 4.pdf:1:Planning Technical Specialist - Sustainable Places

EN010103-001861-9.14 - Assessment against North East Marine Plan - June 2022(D3).pdf:7: used to maximise sustainable activity, prosperity however, the assessments presented in the Environmental

EN010103-001861-9.14 - Assessment against North East Marine Plan - June 2022(D3).pdf:7: environmental effects and maximise sustainable activity. As

EN010103-001861-9.14 - Assessment against North East Marine Plan - June 2022(D3).pdf:7: sustainable activity. The Proposed Development will respect

EN010103-001861-9.14 - Assessment against North East Marine Plan - June 2022(D3).pdf:9: based Infrastructure which facilitates marine land may also be reliant on marine Infrastructure. Supporting regeneration of sustainable marine industries (and vice versa) will

EN010103-001861-9.14 - Assessment against North East Marine Plan - June 2022(D3).pdf:9: regeneration of sustainable marine industries), provide socio-economic benefits and facilitate marine businesses, Development forms part of a full chain CCUS project, involving the

EN010103-001861-9.14 - Assessment against North East Marine Plan - June 2022(D3).pdf:9: improve existing, or provide new, sustainable marine or land-based

EN010103-001861-9.14 - Assessment against North East Marine Plan - June 2022(D3).pdf:10: cooperation with existing activities will be become limited. To realise sustainable social, environmental and description already submitted have been accepted by the ExA,

EN010103-001861-9.14 - Assessment against North East Marine Plan - June 2022(D3).pdf:11: Aquaculture areas of sustainable aquaculture production must the potential to grow, contributing to food supply and security. NE- aquaculture areas.

EN010103-001861-9.14 - Assessment against North East Marine Plan - June 2022(D3).pdf:11: with sustainable aquaculture production. Where as potential future opportunities for aquaculture, within spatially

EN010103-001861-9.14 - Assessment against North East Marine Plan - June 2022(D3).pdf:11: compatibility is not possible, proposals that may defined strategic areas of sustainable aquaculture production.

EN010103-001861-9.14 - Assessment against North East Marine Plan - June 2022(D3).pdf:11: have significant adverse impacts on sustainable These strategic areas have been spatially defined for species of

EN010103-001861-9.14 - Assessment against North East Marine Plan - June 2022(D3).pdf:12: c) mitigate - adverse impacts on sustainable activities; it supports sustainable aquaculture production by

EN010103-001861-9.14 - Assessment against North East Marine Plan - June 2022(D3).pdf:12: significant. demonstrate consideration of and compatibility with sustainable

EN010103-001861-9.14 - Assessment against North East Marine Plan - June 2022(D3).pdf:12: If it is not possible to mitigate significant adverse proposals that may have significant adverse impacts on sustainable

EN010103-001861-9.14 - Assessment against North East Marine Plan - June 2022(D3).pdf:12: for sustainable aquaculture production, the policy makes

EN010103-001861-9.14 - Assessment against North East Marine Plan - June 2022(D3).pdf:12: Aquaculture for sustainable aquaculture and related industries provision, maintenance and development of marine and land industry in the Tees area.

EN010103-001861-9.14 - Assessment against North East Marine Plan - June 2022(D3).pdf:12: will be supported. Infrastructure to support sustainable aquaculture and related

EN010103-001861-9.14 - Assessment against North East Marine Plan - June 2022(D3).pdf:12: industries. This policy supports sustainable aquaculture projects by

EN010103-001861-9.14 - Assessment against North East Marine Plan - June 2022(D3).pdf:15: Ports, harbours Ports, sustainable port and harbour development benefits for the north east marine plan areas and the UK. NE-PS-1 1 of the ES APP-341 identifies that the risks from the Proposed

EN010103-001861-9.14 - Assessment against North East Marine Plan - June 2022(D3).pdf:15: Code, will not be authorised unless there are Statement, Section 3.4.7). The sustainable development of ports

EN010103-001861-9.14 - Assessment against North East Marine Plan - June 2022(D3).pdf:15: impact upon future opportunity for sustainable for port growth in the context of the management and

EN010103-001861-9.14 - Assessment against North East Marine Plan - June 2022(D3).pdf:16: diversification and other sustainable port development that

EN010103-001861-9.14 - Assessment against North East Marine Plan - June 2022(D3).pdf:17: encourage sustainable transport.

EN010103-001861-9.14 - Assessment against North East Marine Plan - June 2022(D3).pdf:17: NE-PS-4 Policy NE-PS-4 Ports, harbours and shipping Short sea shipping provides a sustainable alternative for the The Proposed Development forms part of a full chain CCUS project,

EN010103-001861-9.14 - Assessment against North East Marine Plan - June 2022(D3).pdf:17: Ports, harbours Proposals promoting or facilitating sustainable transport of goods. NEPS-4 aims to support sustainable coastal or involving the offshore storage of CO2 emissions captured on

EN010103-001861-9.14 - Assessment against North East Marine Plan - June 2022(D3).pdf:19: NE-FISH-1 Proposals that support a sustainable fishing Commercial fisheries can be affected by changes to fish abundance, The Proposed Development is part of a CCUS Project. It does not

EN010103-001861-9.14 - Assessment against North East Marine Plan - June 2022(D3).pdf:20: opportunities for sustainable use of marine resources.

EN010103-001861-9.14 - Assessment against North East Marine Plan - June 2022(D3).pdf:20: NE-FISH-2 Proposals that enhance access for fishing A sustainable fishing industry provides benefits to coastal The Proposed Development will not impact upon fishing grounds.

EN010103-001861-9.14 - Assessment against North East Marine Plan - June 2022(D3).pdf:20: will, in order of preference: enhanced access for sustainable fishing activities and seeks to limit

EN010103-001861-9.14 - Assessment against North East Marine Plan - June 2022(D3).pdf:20: a) avoid for fishing activities, enabling continued sustainable marine

EN010103-001861-9.14 - Assessment against North East Marine Plan - June 2022(D3).pdf:20: NE-FISH-3 Proposals that enhance essential fish habitat, Sustainable fish populations rely upon specific habitats throughout Paragraph 14.10.16 of Chapter 14, Marine Ecology and Nature

EN010103-001861-9.14 - Assessment against North East Marine Plan - June 2022(D3).pdf:20: migratory routes, must demonstrate that they essential fish habitats. NE-FISH-3 enables sustainable use of marine

EN010103-001861-9.14 - Assessment against North East Marine Plan - June 2022(D3).pdf:20: Employment related employment will be supported, delivering sustainable economic growth, and for ensuring that ty, it is aligned to local skills providers and creates diverse

EN010103-001861-9.14 - Assessment against North East Marine Plan - June 2022(D3).pdf:21: to, the north east marine plan areas. NE-EMP-1 seeks to maximise sustainable economic activity,

EN010103-001861-9.14 - Assessment against North East Marine Plan - June 2022(D3).pdf:25: marine area, including the provision of services the growth of sustainable tourism and recreation within the north Development on public rights of way is presented in Chapter 20

EN010103-001861-9.14 - Assessment against North East Marine Plan - June 2022(D3).pdf:25: NE-TR-1 Proposals that promote or facilitate sustainable Tourism and recreation are widely recognised as important sectors The impact of the Proposed Development on tourism has been

EN010103-001861-9.14 - Assessment against North East Marine Plan - June 2022(D3).pdf:25: promotion of sustainable tourism and recreation at appropriate

EN010103-001304-NZT DCO - Notification of Proposed Changes - Document -Final - 18.02.22.pdf:11: • Use of the Sembcorp No. 2 Tunnel also presents a more sustainable

EN010103-002308-Environment Agency - Comments on any other information submitted at Deadline 8.pdf:1:Planning Technical Specialist - Sustainable Places

EN010103-002310-NZT DCO 6.4.5 - ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Tracked) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:9: Defra Construction Code of Practice for the Sustainable Use of Soil on

EN010103-002310-NZT DCO 6.4.5 - ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Tracked) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:43: that sustainable transport options are promoted;

EN010103-002310-NZT DCO 6.4.5 - ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Tracked) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:45: - encouraging and promoting the use of sustainable transport

EN010103-002310-NZT DCO 6.4.5 - ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Tracked) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:46: • Details of the sustainable transport options available for accessing

EN010103-002310-NZT DCO 6.4.5 - ES Vol III Appendix 5A - Framework CEMP (Tracked) Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:46: safety briefing. It will include details of sustainable transport

EN010103-001996-NZT DCO 2.1 - Draft DCO - August 2022(D5).pdf:53: (a) measures to promote the use of sustainable transport modes to and from the authorised

EN010103-002423-NZT DCO - 6.4.11 ES Vol III Appendix 9C WFD Assessment - Oct 2022 (D11) (Clean).pdf:6: a holistic approach to the sustainable management of water by considering the

EN010103-002423-NZT DCO - 6.4.11 ES Vol III Appendix 9C WFD Assessment - Oct 2022 (D11) (Clean).pdf:16: • The failure is the result of new sustainable development activities, and all

EN010103-002423-NZT DCO - 6.4.11 ES Vol III Appendix 9C WFD Assessment - Oct 2022 (D11) (Clean).pdf:16: • The reasons for the modifications or alterations, or for the sustainable

EN010103-002423-NZT DCO - 6.4.11 ES Vol III Appendix 9C WFD Assessment - Oct 2022 (D11) (Clean).pdf:16: of the sustainable development activities, to human health, to the

EN010103-002423-NZT DCO - 6.4.11 ES Vol III Appendix 9C WFD Assessment - Oct 2022 (D11) (Clean).pdf:16: to sustainable development; and

EN010103-002423-NZT DCO - 6.4.11 ES Vol III Appendix 9C WFD Assessment - Oct 2022 (D11) (Clean).pdf:16: the sustainable development activities, cannot, for reasons of technical

EN010103-002423-NZT DCO - 6.4.11 ES Vol III Appendix 9C WFD Assessment - Oct 2022 (D11) (Clean).pdf:72: • C609 (2004) Sustainable Drainage Systems, hydraulic, structural and

EN010103-002423-NZT DCO - 6.4.11 ES Vol III Appendix 9C WFD Assessment - Oct 2022 (D11) (Clean).pdf:88: drainage system is to include the use of sustainable drainage systems

EN010103-002423-NZT DCO - 6.4.11 ES Vol III Appendix 9C WFD Assessment - Oct 2022 (D11) (Clean).pdf:116: CIRIA (2004). C609 Sustainable Drainage Systems, hydraulic, structural

EN010103-002423-NZT DCO - 6.4.11 ES Vol III Appendix 9C WFD Assessment - Oct 2022 (D11) (Clean).pdf:161:Permitting requirements. Sustainable drainage systems will be installed following redevelopment which

EN010103-001981-NZT DCO 8.2 - STBC SoCG - August 2022(D5) - Tracked.pdf:13: • SD1 – Presumption of Sustainable Development.

EN010103-001981-NZT DCO 8.2 - STBC SoCG - August 2022(D5) - Tracked.pdf:13: • SD7 – Sustainable Design Principles.

EN010103-001155-NZT DCO 5.11 - Indicative Lighting Strategy.pdf:16: system is to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development and

EN010103-001155-NZT DCO 5.11 - Indicative Lighting Strategy.pdf:16: constitute the Government’s view on what sustainable development in England

EN010103-001155-NZT DCO 5.11 - Indicative Lighting Strategy.pdf:16: NPPF is the presumption in favour of sustainable development and with regard to

EN010103-001997-NZT DCO 2.1 - Draft DCO (Comparison with July 2022) - August 2022(D5).pdf:53: (a) measures to promote the use of sustainable transport modes to and from the authorised

EN010103-002512-NZT DCO 8.6 - Natural England SoCG - Final (signed) - Nov 2022 (D12).pdf:7: of present and future generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:7:In accordance with the resolution approved by shareholders in May 2021 on TotalEnergies’ ambitions for sustainable development and

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:7:Confident in its ability to transform itself into a sustainable multi-energy company and increase the return to shareholders, the Company

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:54:sustainable development and the fight against poverty, and which aims to keep the increase in average global temperatures well below 2°C

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:66: Policies Scenario) and APS (Announced Pledges Scenario) for the short/mid-term, the SDS (Sustainable Development Scenario)

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:66: compared to pre-industrial levels by 2100, and the energy-related goals set in the “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:144:5.1 Sustainable development at the heart of the strategy 272 CERTAIN TEXT HAS BEEN REDACTED.

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:145:1.2.2 Rising to the challenges of the sustainable development 1.7.2 R&D at the heart of our strategy 34

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:146: possible. Active in more than 130 countries, TotalEnergies puts sustainable development in all its dimensions at the heart of its projects and operations

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:146: guide daily the actions and relations of the strong and sustainable growth for ourselves

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:150: segments. We have begun a transition towards renewable energies: solar, sustainable biofuels and electricity, mostly from renewable sources.

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:154: of the sustainable energy the world needs and make the most of these

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:154: 1.2.2 Rising to the challenges of the sustainable development of the planet

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:154: TotalEnergies places sustainable development in all its dimensions at the – Zero Tolerance is the rule in the fight against corruption and fraud.

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:154: Nations' Sustainable Development Goals.

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:154: TotalEnergies' commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals has

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:154: To that end, TotalEnergies leverages the principles of action at the core four dimensions addressed by this report: Climate and sustainable

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:154: sustainable development go hand in hand. suppliers, customers, partners, states and civil society

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:158: has a biofuel production capacity of 500 kt per year, primarily at the La renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel), bionaphtha (a precursor

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:159:CO2 is a promising avenue for decarbonizing transportation. The pace at decarbonize the aviation industry with sustainable aviation fuel. In early

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:159:advantage of recycling CO2. E-fuels are one of the solutions for getting to be used to convert CO2 into sustainable aviation fuel.

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:165:types of contracts (purchase contract, sustainable financing mechanism,

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:166: the energy transition is to gradually change the forms of energy its than 98% of the land vehicles on the road worldwide. Sustainable

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:166: strategy focused on the lowest-carbon products and scaling back its TotalEnergies distributed 3 Mt of sustainable biofuels(2) worldwide.

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:167:TotalEnergies is developing sustainable aviation fuels (SAFs). SAFs

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:167:produce and market sustainable aviation fuel in partnership with – Increase LNG bunkering to 1 Mt/year

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:167: – Produce in a sustainable way and propose 300 kt/year of biojet to

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:168: technologies aimed at promoting the development of renewable energies and sustainable bioenergies (biofuels, biogas) as well as energies and

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:168: committed to developing solutions for a sustainable, low-carbon future. In

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:169:TotalEnergies has placed sustainable development in all its dimensions at – Care for the environnement : To be exemplary in the management

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:169:in terms of commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). operations are managed according to the Avoid - Reduce -

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:169:– Climate and sustainable energy: Leading the transformation of the promotes the circular economy.

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:170: sustainable, active and positive manner in all of the Company’s host countries. The Company was one of the first in the industry to publish measurable

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:175:sustainable, low-cost projects, and ensuring the safe and timely delivery OneTech will offer long-term career paths in all of the Company’s

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:177: competitive technologies by focusing on increasingly sustainable evaluating the potential of emerging technologies for the Company’s

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:177: sustainable synthetic fuels and the storage of CO2, as well as the

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:179:integrated complexes (Port Arthur in the United States, Normandy and by its Axens subsidiary. It produces a sustainable, premium biofuel

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:181:SUSTAINABLE VALUE CREATION ALONGSIDE REGIONS AND COMMUNITIES

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:181:responsibly and integrate the long-term challenges of sustainable dialogue, proactive engagement and transparency, consistent with the

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:181:pages devoted to its sustainable development approach.

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:181:(1) Measuring Stakeholder Capitalism: Towards Common Metrics and Consistent Reporting of Sustainable Value Creation, white paper, September 2020.

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:183:sustainable

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:183: – Information on the Mero 4 project in Brazil terms of sustainable development and the energy transition

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:207:that will help to achieve TotalEnergies' carbon neutrality goals. This entities, while providing a coherent, efficient, sustainable and responsible

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:208: resulting in a sustainable carbon sink capacity of at least 5 Mt of CO2/ the country as carbon sinks.

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:213:In addition, TotalEnergies owns a 10% interest in the ADNOC Onshore sustainable development of the country's natural resources and to

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:214: Iraqi authorities for the sustainable development of natural resources in imposition of US secondary sanctions on the oil industry as of November

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:229: renewable diesel. In 2021, the site started producing sustainable project to modernize the Feluy site (production of high value-added

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:229: French sustainable aviation fuel production chain and thus to the unit) have started, while one of the three existing polypropylene units,

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:229:(2) Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) is a concrete alternative to fossil aviation fuel. It significantly reduces CO2 emissions from air transport. It can already be used, without changing

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:230: enabling it to pursue its development in order to supply growth regions. value-added sustainable applications and specialty markets, such as

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:232: Biofuels reduce CO2 emissions by at least 50% compared to their from Nice to Paris was operated using 30% sustainable aviation fuel

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:232: and ether (ETBE) produced from ethanol and isobutene for incorporation engine test campaign with 100% sustainable aviation fuel (SAF),

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:232: collaboration agreement to co-develop a demonstrator plant for green flagship sustainable urban development.

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:232: hydrogen production to convert carbon dioxide into sustainable aviation

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:237:transition to more sustainable energy and mobility. Marketing & Services

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:238: transition to more sustainable energies and mobility. TotalEnergies charge points in Europe by 2025, through concessions in major

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:238: order to deliver a profitable and sustainable performance. These

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:239: of spare parts (such as NEXUS). M&S is also developing a network of which contribute to Sustainable Development Goal n°12 on waste

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:242: Lubricants Sustainable aviation fuel

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:242: of inland lubricants in Europe, TotalEnergies produces and distributes Sustainable Aviation Fuels

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:242: (2) Sustainable Aviation Fuel.

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:244: commitment to sustainable growth on the global market and their

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:245:teams at TotalEnergies Off-grid Solar Solutions develop and market solar demand for sustainable consumption in the outdoor market. Since the

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:245:specifications that are increasingly oriented towards sustainable major European player in MaaS (Mobility as a Service).

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:249: A number of non-governmental organizations tend to increase the Regulations aimed at guiding investment flows towards sustainable

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:270: This Plan reflects the sustainable procurement principles applicable to relationships with Suppliers, but is not aimed at replacing the measures in place at those Suppliers.

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:271: vulnerable local populations. Its deployment continues in the economic and financial situation, as well as on sustainable development,

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:274:2021, illustrating the importance of the sustainable development issues Human Resources Policies division is responsible in particular for

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:274: to help implement TotalEnergies' climate and sustainable

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:278:Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including those relating to value of UNESCO’s world natural heritage sites, by not conducting oil

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:280:category. This risk mapping is periodically reviewed. Qualification of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO). TotalEnergies is

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:280:sustainable in accordance with the criteria required by the European is a serious shortcoming or repeated poor results, the freight company

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:283: business segments. It is chaired by the head of TotalEnergies’ within the Sustainable Procurement Committee, which monitors the

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:284: Transparency Ugandan NGOs whose objective is to work towards the sustainable

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:292:In order to contribute concrete responses to the issue of climate change, sustainable development and the energy transition towards carbon

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:295: TotalEnergies is reducing the share of petroleum products in its sales renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel), bionaphtha (a precursor

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:296:decarbonize the aviation industry with sustainable aviation fuel. In early Honeywell to promote advanced recycling of plastics in Europe and

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:296:be used to convert CO2 into sustainable aviation fuel. biopolymers made from biofeedstocks based on vegetable oils or

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:299: types of contracts (purchase contract, sustainable financing mechanism, The cumulative budget for all of the signed operations amounts to nearly

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:301: Global Procurement Management Committee and the sustainable this initiative is to promote better practices regarding respect for human

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:301: Specific initiatives are in place for certain categories of procurement. platform for establishing and collaborating on a sustainable battery value

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:302:TotalEnergies has set up a number of channels of communication to procurement and sustainable development aspects are now

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:302:and made available to buyers of the Company. All new employees of dedicated to sustainable procurement as well as two spotlight sessions,

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:302:section on sustainable procurement, presenting the Fundamental

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:302:Principles of Purchasing and the sustainable procurement roadmap.

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:302:completed the online human rights module. Finally, sustainable

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:306: Renewal of directorships priorities include the promotion of sustainable and responsible finance.

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:306: the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting to be held on May 25, 2022, the sustainable finance and to develop initiatives on the European and

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:306: Hoeven and Mr. Jean Lemierre for a three-year term, to expire at the end launched a new initiative “Paris Green & Sustainable Finance” in May

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:306: 2024 financial statements. initiative aims to promote sustainable finance in France and

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:306: sustainable finance, Jean Lemierre will continue to contribute to the

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:306: der Hoeven served on the advisory board of the UN Sustainable December 2, 2021;

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:309: Innovation and Sustainable Development Committee and member

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:319:– Director of Air France-KLM* and Chairwoman of the Sustainable – Director of Bouygues* until June 2021

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:327:sustainable

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:327: of sustainable development to numerous international forums such as the

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:327:has set TotalEnergies a new ambition in terms of sustainable development

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:328: investments in technologies and products. At the head of Valeo since Société Générale. His financial profile and his expertise in sustainable

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:328: favor of a more sustainable world. In 2021, Valeo presented its range of sustainable financing solutions and support for the development

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:328: She engaged Sonepar in a global Sustainable Development approach by Romain Garcia-Ivaldi

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:328: Sonepar implements a sustainable development approach in close

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:329:of a new strategy to integrate the main emerging players in the energy over the chairmanship of its Sustainable Development and Compliance

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:329:Sustainable Energy for All initiative. She was named a Senior Fellow of (IATA). In 2018, she was appointed as the senior official for the French

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:329: 2020 a director and Chairperson of the Bouygues Sustainable

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:329: of sustainable and responsible finance. In this context, Paris Europlace's

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:329: center's action in environmental and sustainable finance and to develop

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:329:economic research in the areas of the environment, natural resources Sustainable Finance” in May 2016, which became “Finance for

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:329:and energy. Glenn Hubbard is also a director of BlackRock Fixed Income Tomorrow” in June 2017. This initiative aims to promote sustainable

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:329: With his experience and competence in sustainable finance, Jean

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:336: respect to sustainable development and energy transition towards carbon compensation policy applicable to the Chairman and Chief Executive

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:336: ambition with respect to sustainable development and energy transition compensation policy for directors

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:336: shareholders, on the Corporation's ambition with respect to sustainable

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:343: sustainable development and the energy transition.

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:343: the COVID-19 pandemic. The directors praised the action and ambitions with respect to sustainable development and energy transition

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:343: Corporation's ambition with respect to sustainable development and October 25, 2021. During this meeting, discussions focused on the

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:369: – The Corporation's ambition with respect to sustainable development electric vehicles in Antwerp

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:369: – The Corporation's ambition with respect to sustainable

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:369: third quarter of 2021, AGEL acquired SB Energy India's portfolio of compagnies of the United Nations Sustainable Development

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:394:5.1 Sustainable development at the heart of 5.7 Actions to respect human rights 334

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:394: 5.10.1 The Company’s sustainable procurement policy 350

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:394: 5.10.2 Implementation of the sustainable procurement roadmap

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:394: 5.10.3 The sustainable procurement approach 353

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:395: societal commitments in order to promote sustainable development and

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:395: 5.1 Sustainable development at the heart of the strategy

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:395: TotalEnergies places sustainable development in all its dimensions at the

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:395: (1) TotalEnergies has not made any specific societal commitments to prevent food waste and food poverty or to promote animal welfare and responsible, fair and sustainable food,

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:395: TotalEnergies' ambitions in terms of sustainable development. On the basis of the activities of each entity, this initiative aims to identify the SDGs on which a positive impact or

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:396: TotalEnergies SE for opinion, the Company's ambition in terms of sustainable

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:396: Chapter 5 / Non-financial performance / Sustainable development at the heart of the strategy

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:398: Chapter 5 / Non-financial performance / Sustainable development at the heart of the strategy

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:400: particular on lessons learned, which are included in the HSE (Health, Our contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:400: Robust Operations). achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:400:on stakeholders’ involvement and participation is implemented in order to – Climate and sustainable energy: leading the transformation of the

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:400: Chapter 5 / Non-financial performance / Sustainable development at the heart of the strategy

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:401: (1) Measuring Stakeholder Capitalism: Towards Common Metrics and Consistent Reporting of Sustainable Value Creation, white paper, September 2020.

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:409: sustainable development and eradicating poverty, and which aims to hold many people as possible. In this context, the Company’s ambition is to

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:409: In order to contribute concrete responses to the issue of climate change, sustainable development and energy transition towards carbon neutrality

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:411: Gas and sustainable biofuels(1) will be attractive and credible alternatives In addition, ecosystems, and forests in particular, store carbon naturally.

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:413: 2030. The objective is for the Company’s petroleum product sales renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel), bionaphtha (a precursor

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:414:renewable hydrogen a year by 2030(1) help accelerate decarbonized be used to convert CO2 into sustainable aviation fuel.

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:414:decarbonize the aviation industry with sustainable aviation fuel. In early tons.

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:418:types of contracts (purchase contract, sustainable financing mechanism, Company has set a specific target of reducing its Scope 1+2+3

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:419: Sustainable biofuels can reduce those vehicles’ CO2 emissions. In customers and the requirements of French legislation, which calls for

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:419: 2021, TotalEnergies distributed 3 million tons of sustainable biofuels(1) aircrafts to use at least 1% biojet fuel effective January 1, 2022.

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:419: TotalEnergies is developing sustainable aviation fuels (SAFs). SAFs include industrial centers. TotalEnergies is taking part in several large-scale

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:419: market sustainable aviation fuel in partnership with companies in the aviation capacity to more than 50 Mt CO2/year by 2050.

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:420: committed to developing solutions for a sustainable, low-carbon future. In

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:426: 4.1 in terms of sustainable development and

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:426:(2) Eni, Equinor, Shell and TotalEnergies, with the support of the WBCSD (World Business Council for Sustainable Development).

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:427: which is to identify the economic activities considered as sustainable, to climate change mitigation or climate change adaptation. It also

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:427: – the sustainable use and protection of water and marine resources; Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the UN Guiding Principles on

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:427: shall qualify as environmentally sustainable where that economic activity:

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:427: that qualify as environmentally sustainable under Articles 3 and 9 of this sustainable;

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:427: economic activities that qualify as environmentally sustainable.

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:428:sustainable economic activities and specifying the methodology to requires non-financial undertakings to disclose in 2022, only the

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:431: or solid discharge or unsustainable use of natural resources;

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:435: SUSTAINABLE USE OF RESOURCES

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:435: Sustainable fresh water use In 2021, TotalEnergies responded to the CDP Water survey for the 2020

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:435: m3 of fresh water, with net consumption of 75 million m3. 54% this volume Sustainable soil use

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:435: to contribute to the achievement of the United Nations’ Sustainable plan, which aims to protect global biodiversity and updates its public

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:437: – Produce in a sustainable way 5 Mt/year of biofuels in 2030 – 500 kt of production capacity in 2021

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:437: through our purchases, our sales of our production and also the be produced in a sustainable way.

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:452: is now included in the sustainable procurement road map.

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:455: company bodies and its signing of agreements. as well as on matters relating to sustainable development, environmental

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:455: strategy commissions. The Sustainable Development Commission

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:457: sustainable development. On the basis of the activities of each entity, this perceptions of the Company, both at the local level and Company-wide.

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:465: short term tax benefits and is not compatible with a sustainable approach.

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:465: aim of promoting a sustainable form of economic and social development.

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:467: sustainable jobs in France by granting loans to SMEs, particularly those

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:470:province’s economic development with the education and vocational been working for 10 years with local goat farmers on a sustainable rural

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:472:TotalEnergies’ activities generate hundreds of thousands of direct and The Company attaches particular importance to working with sustainable

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:473: 5.10.1 The Company’s sustainable procurement policy

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:473: SUSTAINABLE PROCUREMENT ROADMAP

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:473: The sustainable procurement approach was strengthened in 2020 with energy, human well-being, care for the environment and value creation

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:473: the creation of a dedicated department. Work on updating the sustainable for society. For each of these areas, sustainable procurement objectives

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:473: 2022. This roadmap is based on four pillars: climate and sustainable

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:473: sustainable environment for society

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:474:– Climate and sustainable energy: – Define an environmental audit framework for suppliers' sites in 2022

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:474: climate issues throughout the purchasing process”; sustainable use of resources and the circular economy) in calls for

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:474: – Ensure that any new supplier qualified from 2022 and likely to join – Deploy the local content roadmap to support the sustainable use of

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:474: – Raise awareness on human rights issues among the Company's – Engage the Company's suppliers in a sustainable development

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:474: – Raise awareness among the Company's suppliers: publish a – Launch and deploy mandatory sustainable purchasing training for

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:474: – Pilot innovative systems to collect live feedback from workers on The implementation of this roadmap is monitored by the Sustainable

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:474:5.10.2 Implementation of the sustainable procurement roadmap in 2021

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:474:CLIMATE AND SUSTAINABLE ENERGY

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:474: Company's sustainable development approach and its expectations of

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:475: Committee and the Sustainable procurement Department. disabilities office, to familiarize buyers with the Company’s commitments

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:476:5.10.3 The sustainable procurement approach

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:476:commitments, particularly in terms of human rights. In addition, all new sustainable procurement and sustainable development aspects are now

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:476:includes a section on sustainable procurement, presenting the International Procurement Day in June 2021, which brought together 452

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:476:Fundamental Principles of Purchasing and the sustainable procurement participants (buyers and procurement support functions) with a session

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:476:roadmap. Awareness-raising sessions are held regularly on specific dedicated to sustainable procurement as well as two spotlight sessions,

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:476:environment, compliance and safety were discussed. The subsidiaries of suppliers and to extend the program to all the topics of the sustainable

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:476: needed for each criterion (HSE; anti-corruption; sustainable manufactured by TotalEnergies SE or one of its consolidated companies

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:476:HSE, financial and sustainable development. This last criterion allows

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:476:be qualified on the sustainable development criterion. A non-qualification

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:477: ecosystem in favor of sustainable development and sustainable the IPIECA Supply Chain Working Group. As an extension of the

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:477: Since 2010 TotalEnergies has also been a signatory to the sustainable

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:477: Finance, which aims to develop sustainable and balanced relations

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:477: sustainable Purchasing Observatory's working groups since 2017.

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:487:Confident in TotalEnergies' ability to transform itself into a sustainable 0.66 euro per share, equal to the previous three quarters, thus set the

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:487:fiscal year 2021 of 0.66 euro per share, equal to the three interim growth. The Company had announced that this sustainable cash flow

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:497: 2021, regarding TotalEnergies' ambitions for sustainable development No admission card was therefore issued and shareholders were invited to

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:572: focusing on increasingly sustainable solutions. This research concerns the capture and

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:572: the use of CO2, for sustainable sythetic fuels and the storage of CO2, as well as the

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:573: The reporting below presents a set of sustainable development indicators at Company level, based on the American SASB EM-EP standard (Oil & Gas

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:576: Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including those relating to biodiversity. From 2018,

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:582: Finally, TotalEnergies supports the creation or maintenance of sustainable jobs in France by granting

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:592: partnership is committed to developing solutions for a sustainable, low-carbon future. In 2021, the

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:598:ADS: American depositary share (representing a share of a IEA (SDS): International Energy Agency (Sustainable Development

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:598:DACF: debt adjusted cash flow (refer to definition of operating cash SDG: sustainable development goal

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:603: Heavy gasoline used as a base in petrochemicals. Sustainable management and use of nature for tackling socio-

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:604:sustainable biomass, including vegetable oils and wastes and residues Synthetic indicator calculated from data published under ASC 932. Ratio

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:605: sustainable aviation fuel (SAF)

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:605: Sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) is a blend of conventional aviation fuel

EN010103-002628-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4 - Total - Nov 2022 (D13).pdf:605: Well drilled from a portion of an existing well (and not by starting from the (JET-A1) and sustainable biojet fuel made from waste and residue

EN010103-002525-NZT DCO 2.1 - Final draft DCO (Clean) - Nov 2022 (D12).pdf:55: (a) measures to promote the use of sustainable transport modes to and from the authorised

EN010103-002525-NZT DCO 2.1 - Final draft DCO (Clean) - Nov 2022 (D12).pdf:187: (a) the Head of Legal and the Head of Environment Permitting and Sustainable Development

EN010103-002245-NZT DCO - 9.34 Updated List of Developments (Clean) - Sept 2022(D8).pdf:22: Development Plan Documents, Sustainable proposed facilities are not allocations on their own Applicants are aware of. Applicants are aware of. Applicants are aware of.

EN010103-001637-ClientEarth - Written Representations (WRs), including summaries of all WRs exceeding 1500 words.pdf:588: • Sustainable financing – our policies should instil confidence among investors and attract

EN010103-001637-ClientEarth - Written Representations (WRs), including summaries of all WRs exceeding 1500 words.pdf:588: new domestic and international entrants to the market in a sustainable manner and

EN010103-002236-NZT DCO 8.4 - MMO SoCG (Tracked) - Sept 2022(D8).pdf:10: enabling sustainable marine development. The MMO is an interested party for the

EN010103-001241-SembcorpRepresentation_NZTApplication_171221(115054462.1).pdf:1:Sembcorp Energy UK, a leading provider of sustainable solutions supporting the

EN010103-001241-SembcorpRepresentation_NZTApplication_171221(115054462.1).pdf:1:power, steam, water, and other services, using greener, more sustainable power

EN010103-001472-NZT DCO 2.1 - Draft DCO - Apr 2022.pdf:47: (a) measures to promote the use of sustainable transport modes to and from the authorised

EN010103-002183-NZT DCO 9.32 - Applicants' Comments on Deadline 6 Submissions - Sept 2022(D7).pdf:3: SuDS Sustainable urban drainage systems

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:64: term and the SDS (Sustainable Development Scenario) for the mid/long term are important references for the Group.

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:64: goals set in the “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” adopted in 2015 by the UN members. The Group therefore establishes its

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:149: It is through strict adherence of its employees to these values and to this course of action that the Group intends to build strong and sustainable growth

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:153: petroleum product retailing, solar power, sustainable biofuels and electricity, primarily from renewable sources.

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:157: inseparable from the major global challenges of sustainable development. together with society. TOTAL supports the goals in the Paris Agreement.

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:157: developing world. Providing access to energy is one of the sustainable modifying the world energy mix.

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:157: affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all). To achieve carbon neutrality, the global energy mix will have to change.

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:157: The International Energy Agency’s Sustainable Development Scenario

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:157: (3) Sustainable Development Goal.

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:158:reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the context of sustainable ambition (net zero emissions) in 2050 or sooner, for all its worldwide

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:162:targeting sustainable capacity of sequestration of at least 5 Mt CO2 per in Norway, the first major project for the Group aimed at decarbonizing

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:162: investment budget Sustainable the accumulated

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:168: its Axens subsidiary. It produces a sustainable, premium biofuel similar to

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:170:Sustainable value creation alongside regions and The ability to cope with geopolitical uncertainty

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:170:the long-term challenges of sustainable development in its strategy and dialogue, proactive engagement and transparency, consistent with the

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:170:correspondence are available at external stakeholders.

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:170:information at, the website devoted informed, hear and address their concerns and expectations, report on

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:170:(1) Measuring Stakeholder Capitalism: Towards Common Metrics and Consistent Reporting of Sustainable Value Creation, white paper, September 2020.

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:179:17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which define a framework economic, social and cultural environments, where governments and civil

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:179:the challenges of sustainable development. TOTAL pledged in 2016 its

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:180: sustainable, active and positive manner in all of its host countries. The

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:182: TOTAL’s sustainability policy and the Sustainable Development Goals

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:182: sustainable biofuels compensate policy) promoting diversity Total Foundation

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:195:Agriculture that is attuned to cycles for resource regeneration will offer investments primarily target the energy access and sustainable mobility

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:195:2020 and 2030. This significant investment should allow the sustainable Energy efficiency services

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:195:use of those value chains. TOTAL’s target is to reach sustainable capacity

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:220: thanks to their innovative partnership, of the world’s first sustainable capital-intensive technology and is only at the industrial development

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:225: – Concerning hydrogen, TOTAL continues to roll out filling stations particularly in the area of sustainable mobility.

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:249: reflects the sustainable procurement principles applicable to relationships with Suppliers, but is not aimed at replacing the measures in place at those Suppliers.

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:250: also have in place a network of mediators with local communities, situation, as well as on sustainable development, environmental and

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:257:Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including those relating The safety datasheets for oil and gas produced by the Exploration &

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:257:( This new ambition has been and chemical products common to the different segments, as well as on

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:259: certified as sustainable according European Union criteria (EU ISCC

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:259: Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO).

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:265:available at The information set out from home as a result of this situation, the Group confirmed its resilience

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:270: generation capacity from renewables of 35 GW in 2025 and will continue (HVO) production capacity of 0.5 Mt, are certified sustainable(3) according

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:270: by 2030. At year-end 2020, gross production installed capacity of partners, with a requirement to join the RSPO (Round table on Sustainable

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:270: purchasing for operated facilities in Europe by 2025. The electricity needs In 2020, TOTAL incorporated 2.2 Mt of sustainable biofuels(5) in Europe,

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:270: Sustainable Development Scenario and TOTAL’s Rupture scenario. agronomy, with an annual investment budget of $100 million from 2020

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:270: The Group is changing its mix to reflect this trend. Oil products accounted onwards, and the goal of creating a sustainable capacity of sequestration

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:270: (4) International initiative created in 2004 with the aim of promoting the production and use of sustainable palm oil.

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:271:sustainable low emissions future. Launched in 2017, the OGCI Climate hydrocarbons activities below 0.2% of commercial gas

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:273:at: or mapping tool relating to procurement.

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:273:and collaborating on a sustainable battery value chain.

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:273: for sustainable procurement. The Group’s buyers also take part in

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:288:– Director of Air France-KLM* and Chairwoman of the Sustainable – Director of SANEF since October 2019

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:328: a series of financially material indicators concerning sustainable development

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:335: shareholders a sustainable yield. In this context, the Board of Directors unchanged relative to the variable portion allocated in respect of fiscal

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:354: produces; its societal commitments in order to promote sustainable methodology concerning the information in this chapter are presented

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:354: risks in order to develop sector-specific policies that reflect the desired Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), to which TOTAL committed its

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:354: (1) TOTAL has not made any specific societal commitments to prevent food waste and food poverty or to promote animal welfare and responsible, fair and sustainable food, as these

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:355: sustainable biofuels Manage impacts

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:355:icons and more in detail at It also follows the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:355:, its website devoted to its

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:355: Compact for its full commitment to sustainable development.

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:355:correspondence are available at

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:355:(1) Measuring Stakeholder Capitalism: Towards Common Metrics and Consistent Reporting of Sustainable Value Creation, white paper, September 2020.

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:366: principles (leadership; aspiration and goal setting; the Science, These results have been published at

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:369: relating to sustainable development, environmental and social

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:376: or solid discharge or unsustainable use of natural resources;

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:379:Sustainable use of resources industrial operations.

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:379:Gas, Renewables & Power segments, may potentially have an impact on, the Group in Europe are certified as sustainable ISCC EU type certification

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:379:risk management actions: for sustainable biofuels and were tightened in 2019 when the Directive on

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:380: Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including those relating to This ambition is currently being rolled out. An internal and external

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:380: field ( This ambition is based on four An overview of the steps already taken under the four main areas of the

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:380: – TOTAL has also made a commitment not to conduct – The Group publishes a list of its licenses in the Arctic on its website sustainable-

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:383:reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the context of sustainable in 2021 to become TotalEnergies, has set itself the ambition of being the

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:384: all needs, particularly those connected to transport. Gas and sustainable To accompany this development and achieve its carbon neutrality ambition

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:386: decade, as illustrated in the International Energy Agency (IEA)’s Sustainable

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:386: the acquisition of a 20% stake in AGEL, thereby strengthening TOTAL’s (HVO) production capacity of 0.5 Mt, are certified sustainable(4) according

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:386: partners, with a requirement to join the RSPO (Round table on Sustainable

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:386: (5) International initiative created in 2004 with the aim of promoting the production and use of sustainable palm oil.

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:387:In 2020, TOTAL incorporated 2.2 Mt of sustainable biofuels(1) in Europe, Through the Total Ecosolutions program, the Group is developing

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:387:as businesses (BtB) and public authorities (BtG). In September 2020, onwards, and the goal of creating a sustainable capacity of sequestration

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:387:technologies to address the challenges of sustainable mobility within the

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:388: sustainable low emissions future. Launched in 2017, the OGCI Climate Resilience of the organization’s strategy

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:392: is posted on the Group’s website ( – the emissions connected to the production and conversion of

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:392: (4) Eni, Equinor, Shell and TOTAL, with the support of the WBCSD (World Business Council for Sustainable Development).

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:393:2016 and 2018 publications are available on sustainable-performance.

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:396: website and at LNG project, with respect for human rights, to protect sites in accordance

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:399:regulations, which may be in conflict when combined or subject to varying the public at

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:399:of application of Directive DAC 6 aiming at fighting tax evasion. representatives of civil society with the aim of promoting a sustainable

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:403:– In France, Total Marketing France supported care workers by farmers on a sustainable rural development program in cooperation with

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:406: at or

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:407:which is designed to create a more sustainable and balanced relationship program to help ten of the Group’s small and medium-sized suppliers

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:407:phase of the Action Platform yielded a Decent Work Toolkit for Sustainable sector represent about €3 billion in 2020. TOTAL is a member of the

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:416:maintain a sustainable pre-dividend breakeven below $30/b and a solid its sustainability in a context of $40/b, particularly in view of the results of

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:416:its strategy for sustainable and profitable growth in oil and gas activities, and proposed the distribution of a final dividend for 2020 of €0.66 per

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:477: The reporting below presents a set of sustainable development indicators at Group level, based on the American SASB EM-EP standard (Oil & Gas –

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:479: EM-EP- ( This ambition is based on four core principles: (1) voluntary exclusion zones,

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:480: conduct any exploration activity in oil fields website In 2020, the

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:482: first company in the oil and gas industry to do this. The 2016 and 2018 publications are available on sustainable-

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:489: players. Its purpose is to develop solutions for a sustainable low emissions future. Launched in 2017, the OGCI

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:504:Sustainable management and use of nature for tackling socio- without financial charges (DACF)

EN010103-000818-NZT DCO 3.3 - Funding Statement - Appendix 4.pdf:505: renewable and sustainable biomass, including vegetable oils and

EN010103-001793-NZT DCO 2.1 - Draft DCO (Comparison with April 2022) - June 2022.pdf:49: (a) measures to promote the use of sustainable transport modes to and from the authorised

EN010103-001073-NZT DCO 6.4.12 ES Vol III Appendix 10A PSSR.pdf:26: ─ It will be a sustainable remediation approach.

EN010103-001073-NZT DCO 6.4.12 ES Vol III Appendix 10A PSSR.pdf:53: sustainable development objectives.

EN010103-000895-NZT DCO 6.2.9 ES Vol I Chapter 9 Surface Water, Flood Risk and Water Resources.pdf:6: and ensure the sustainable development of the UK marine area.

EN010103-000895-NZT DCO 6.2.9 ES Vol I Chapter 9 Surface Water, Flood Risk and Water Resources.pdf:6: objectives to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development, one

EN010103-000895-NZT DCO 6.2.9 ES Vol I Chapter 9 Surface Water, Flood Risk and Water Resources.pdf:7: wastewater Infrastructure is needed to support sustainable development.

EN010103-000895-NZT DCO 6.2.9 ES Vol I Chapter 9 Surface Water, Flood Risk and Water Resources.pdf:7: mitigating and adapting to climate change; using resources more sustainable

EN010103-000895-NZT DCO 6.2.9 ES Vol I Chapter 9 Surface Water, Flood Risk and Water Resources.pdf:7: for water management in England. It aims to enable sustainable and secure

EN010103-000895-NZT DCO 6.2.9 ES Vol I Chapter 9 Surface Water, Flood Risk and Water Resources.pdf:8: Sustainable Drainage Systems Guidance

EN010103-000895-NZT DCO 6.2.9 ES Vol I Chapter 9 Surface Water, Flood Risk and Water Resources.pdf:8:9.2.15 Planning policy encourages developers to include sustainable drainage

EN010103-000895-NZT DCO 6.2.9 ES Vol I Chapter 9 Surface Water, Flood Risk and Water Resources.pdf:10: Tees Valley Authorities – Local Standards for Sustainable Drainage

EN010103-000895-NZT DCO 6.2.9 ES Vol I Chapter 9 Surface Water, Flood Risk and Water Resources.pdf:10: document entitled ‘Local Standards for Sustainable Drainage’ in 2015 (The

EN010103-000895-NZT DCO 6.2.9 ES Vol I Chapter 9 Surface Water, Flood Risk and Water Resources.pdf:69: • C609 (2004) Sustainable Drainage Systems, hydraulic, structural and

EN010103-000895-NZT DCO 6.2.9 ES Vol I Chapter 9 Surface Water, Flood Risk and Water Resources.pdf:70: sustainable drainage systems installed.

EN010103-000895-NZT DCO 6.2.9 ES Vol I Chapter 9 Surface Water, Flood Risk and Water Resources.pdf:74: sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) to provide treatment of runoff from

EN010103-000895-NZT DCO 6.2.9 ES Vol I Chapter 9 Surface Water, Flood Risk and Water Resources.pdf:104: CIRIA (2004). C609 Sustainable Drainage Systems, hydraulic, structural

EN010103-000895-NZT DCO 6.2.9 ES Vol I Chapter 9 Surface Water, Flood Risk and Water Resources.pdf:105: Defra (2015). Sustainable Drainage Systems: non-statutory technical

EN010103-000895-NZT DCO 6.2.9 ES Vol I Chapter 9 Surface Water, Flood Risk and Water Resources.pdf:109: The Tees Valley Authorities (2015). Local Standards for Sustainable

EN010103-001141-NZT DCO 6.4.30 ES Vol III Appendix 14B Fisheries and Fish Ecology Baseline Part 3.pdf:44: and unsustainable fishing of the stock. The official total landings weight of

EN010103-001602-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 3 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – EQUINOR NEW ENERGY LIMITED.pdf:8: p338 5.5 EU taxonomy for sustainable activities

EN010103-001602-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 3 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – EQUINOR NEW ENERGY LIMITED.pdf:14:Within low carbon solutions, we are contributing to decarbonisation of industries and sustainable growth. In Norway, construction

EN010103-001602-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 3 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – EQUINOR NEW ENERGY LIMITED.pdf:22: we are further strengthening our talent attraction and sustainable energy value chains for a net-zero future. The

EN010103-001602-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 3 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – EQUINOR NEW ENERGY LIMITED.pdf:29:sources like offshore wind. Key factors affecting competition in carbon and the commitment to contribute to a sustainable

EN010103-001602-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 3 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – EQUINOR NEW ENERGY LIMITED.pdf:30:Corporate structure transform the NCS to deliver sustainable value for many

EN010103-001602-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 3 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – EQUINOR NEW ENERGY LIMITED.pdf:31:Sustainable value is being created together with suppliers methodology for the oil and natural gas intercompany sales and

EN010103-001602-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 3 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – EQUINOR NEW ENERGY LIMITED.pdf:100:focus on delivering a sustainable and fit for purpose growth. resources or at least deferring development awaiting improved

EN010103-001602-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 3 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – EQUINOR NEW ENERGY LIMITED.pdf:103:as Equinor’s majority owner. Safe and sustainable operations,

EN010103-001602-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 3 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – EQUINOR NEW ENERGY LIMITED.pdf:113:supplier of fuel to the maritime sector, Equinor’s ambition is to Pledges Scenario (APS), and the Sustainable Development

EN010103-001602-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 3 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – EQUINOR NEW ENERGY LIMITED.pdf:115:some areas of our operations. In parallel, governments and • Providing reliable energy in a sustainable way

EN010103-001602-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 3 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – EQUINOR NEW ENERGY LIMITED.pdf:116:An ethical business culture is the cornerstone of a sustainable

EN010103-001602-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 3 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – EQUINOR NEW ENERGY LIMITED.pdf:125:governance is a prerequisite for a sound and sustainable Nominal value of shares

EN010103-001602-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 3 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – EQUINOR NEW ENERGY LIMITED.pdf:127:focusing its international portfolio to deliver sustainable value in current and future portfolio considerations. The focus is to strive

EN010103-001602-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 3 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – EQUINOR NEW ENERGY LIMITED.pdf:148:necessary condition for a sustainable business. Equinor’s Code ethics and anti-corruption compliance and has initiated dialogue

EN010103-001602-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 3 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – EQUINOR NEW ENERGY LIMITED.pdf:152:case, at least every fourth year. • Promote continuous improvement and a sustainable cost

EN010103-001602-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 3 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – EQUINOR NEW ENERGY LIMITED.pdf:153: values, driving the long-term and sustainable success of the

EN010103-001602-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 3 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – EQUINOR NEW ENERGY LIMITED.pdf:154: annual achievement of on remuneration policy for international executives. sustainable shareholder value.

EN010103-001602-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 3 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – EQUINOR NEW ENERGY LIMITED.pdf:155:the long-term sustainable success of the company. From time to payment of annual variable pay and award of LTI grant.

EN010103-001602-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 3 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – EQUINOR NEW ENERGY LIMITED.pdf:306:p338 5.5 EU Taxonomy for sustainable activities

EN010103-001602-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 3 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – EQUINOR NEW ENERGY LIMITED.pdf:341:5.5 EU Taxonomy for sustainable An economic activity qualifies as environmentally sustainable

EN010103-001602-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 3 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – EQUINOR NEW ENERGY LIMITED.pdf:341:environmentally sustainable and specifies quantitative economic

EN010103-001602-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 3 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – EQUINOR NEW ENERGY LIMITED.pdf:341:An economic activity is eligible under the Taxonomy regulation if sustainable if it enables other economic activities to make a

EN010103-001602-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 3 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – EQUINOR NEW ENERGY LIMITED.pdf:341:Environmentally sustainable economic activities with the Delegated Act related to Article 8 of EU Regulation

EN010103-001602-NZT DCO 9.4 - APPENDIX 3 LATEST AUDITED ACCOUNTS – EQUINOR NEW ENERGY LIMITED.pdf:344:sustainable key to decarbonisation of the energy system going final product blends have a minor bio-fuel content. The co-

EN010103-002230-Environment Agency - Comments on any other information submitted at Deadline 7.pdf:1:Planning Technical Specialist - Sustainable Places

EN010103-000900-NZT DCO 6.2.14 ES Vol I Chapter 14 Marine Ecology and Nature Conservation.pdf:7: is on promoting sustainable economic development with respect to the marine

EN010103-000900-NZT DCO 6.2.14 ES Vol I Chapter 14 Marine Ecology and Nature Conservation.pdf:46: network (i.e. compliant Sustainable Drainage System (SuDS)) which will

EN010103-002418-NZT DCO 7.13a - Notification of Further Proposed Changes - Oct 2022 (D11).pdf:3: SuDS Sustainable urban drainage systems

EN010103-001126-NZT DCO 6.4.37 ES Vol III Appendix 16B Framework Construction Worker Travel Plan.pdf:3: sustainable transport modes and reduce reliance on the private car during

EN010103-001126-NZT DCO 6.4.37 ES Vol III Appendix 16B Framework Construction Worker Travel Plan.pdf:3: sustainable travel to the site.

EN010103-001126-NZT DCO 6.4.37 ES Vol III Appendix 16B Framework Construction Worker Travel Plan.pdf:9: advantages and potential for travel by more sustainable and environmentally

EN010103-001126-NZT DCO 6.4.37 ES Vol III Appendix 16B Framework Construction Worker Travel Plan.pdf:9: encourage sustainable travel behaviour;

EN010103-001126-NZT DCO 6.4.37 ES Vol III Appendix 16B Framework Construction Worker Travel Plan.pdf:9: • raise awareness of the sustainable transport measures serving the Site;

EN010103-001126-NZT DCO 6.4.37 ES Vol III Appendix 16B Framework Construction Worker Travel Plan.pdf:10: • encouraging and promoting the use of sustainable transport measures

EN010103-001126-NZT DCO 6.4.37 ES Vol III Appendix 16B Framework Construction Worker Travel Plan.pdf:11:16.6.1 To encourage sustainable travel behaviour by construction staff throughout

EN010103-001126-NZT DCO 6.4.37 ES Vol III Appendix 16B Framework Construction Worker Travel Plan.pdf:11: Travel Plan measure in promoting sustainable travel to and from the Site.

EN010103-001126-NZT DCO 6.4.37 ES Vol III Appendix 16B Framework Construction Worker Travel Plan.pdf:11: vehicles is controlled, and that sustainable transport options are promoted.

EN010103-001126-NZT DCO 6.4.37 ES Vol III Appendix 16B Framework Construction Worker Travel Plan.pdf:12:16.6.15 Details of the sustainable transport options available for accessing the Site

EN010103-001126-NZT DCO 6.4.37 ES Vol III Appendix 16B Framework Construction Worker Travel Plan.pdf:13: • details of sustainable transport measures available for accessing the

EN010103-001126-NZT DCO 6.4.37 ES Vol III Appendix 16B Framework Construction Worker Travel Plan.pdf:13: to and from the Site by the sustainable options provided in the final CWTP.

EN010103-002609-Natural England - Any further information requested by the ExA under Rule 17 of the Examination Rules.pdf:1:generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

EN010103-002311-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Clean Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:11: Code of Practice for the Sustainable Use of Soil on

EN010103-002311-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Clean Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:14:ES Chapters 5 - Construction Programme and The Applicants will seek to maximise sustainable DCO Schedule 2 (Document Ref. 2.1): Requirement

EN010103-002311-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Clean Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:22: sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) to provide

EN010103-002311-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Clean Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:56: by the sustainable options provided in the final CWTP.

EN010103-002311-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Clean Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:57: details of sustainable transport measures available for 19: Construction Workers Travel Plan

EN010103-002311-NZT DCO 6.4.49 - ES Vol III Appendix 25A Commitments Register Clean Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:75:ES Appendices 5A – Framework CEMP, 16B – Details of the sustainable transport options available DCO Schedule 2 (Document Ref. 2.1): Requirement

EN010103-001797-NZT DCO 9.10 - Applicants' Comments on Deadline 1 submissions - June 2022.pdf:3:SuDS Sustainable urban drainage systems

EN010103-002322-NZT DCO 9.36 - Nutrient Nitrogen Briefing Paper Clean Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:42:Sustainable drainage systems will be installed following redevelopment which will include surface water

EN010103-002322-NZT DCO 9.36 - Nutrient Nitrogen Briefing Paper Clean Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:194:Permitting requirements. Sustainable drainage systems will be installed following redevelopment which

EN010103-002324-NZT DCO 9.38 - Applicants' Comments on Deadline 8 Submissions Oct 2022 (D9).pdf:3: SuDS Sustainable urban drainage systems

EN010103-000905-NZT DCO 6.2.21 ES Vol I Chapter 21 Climate Change.pdf:10: developments to be “sustainable in design and construction, incorporating

EN010103-000905-NZT DCO 6.2.21 ES Vol I Chapter 21 Climate Change.pdf:12: Sustainable Development (WBCSD) GHG Protocol provides overarching

EN010103-000905-NZT DCO 6.2.21 ES Vol I Chapter 21 Climate Change.pdf:22: sustainable forms of travel will be promoted including provision of cycle

EN010103-000905-NZT DCO 6.2.21 ES Vol I Chapter 21 Climate Change.pdf:62: system, Sustainable drainage systems (SuDS), to protect the Site from

EN010103-000905-NZT DCO 6.2.21 ES Vol I Chapter 21 Climate Change.pdf:71: exposed sustainable

EN010103-000905-NZT DCO 6.2.21 ES Vol I Chapter 21 Climate Change.pdf:85: World Resource Institute & World Business Council for Sustainable

EN010103-001916-NZT DCO 9.21 - Notification of Further Proposed Changes and Update on Remaining Optionality July 2022 (D4).pdf:3: SuDS Sustainable urban drainage systems

EN010103-000909-NZT DCO 6.2.17 ES Vol I Chapter 17 Landscape and Visual Amenity.pdf:5: • SD8 – Sustainable Design Principles.

EN010103-000909-NZT DCO 6.2.17 ES Vol I Chapter 17 Landscape and Visual Amenity.pdf:5:17.2.29 Policy SD8 – Sustainable Design Principles states ‘new development to be

EN010103-002737-Response from The Environment Agency.pdf:1:Planning Technical Specialist - Sustainable Places

EN010103-001993-NZT DCO 9.25 - Applicants' Comments on Deadline 4 Submissions - August 2022(D5).pdf:3: SuDS Sustainable urban drainage systems

EN010103-001893-NZT DCO 8.1 - RCBC SoCG (Tracked) July 2022 (D4).pdf:14: • SD1 – Sustainable Development.

EN010103-002284-NZT DCO 8.2 - STBC SoCG - Sept 2022(D8) - final signed.pdf:13: x SD1 – Presumption of Sustainable Development.

EN010103-002284-NZT DCO 8.2 - STBC SoCG - Sept 2022(D8) - final signed.pdf:13: x SD7 – Sustainable Design Principles.

EN010082-000394-7 8 - Tees CCPP - SoCG with Highways England - DRAFT.pdf:17: Sustainable Development (and mindful of Highways England’s draft replacement policy

EN010082-000211-EN010082-5.5-Planning Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:21: the achievement of sustainable development and that the policies that are set out in the NPPF,

EN010082-000211-EN010082-5.5-Planning Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:21: taken as a whole, constitute the Government’s view of what sustainable development in England

EN010082-000211-EN010082-5.5-Planning Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:21: means in practice. Paragraph 7 goes on to identify three dimensions to sustainable development:

EN010082-000211-EN010082-5.5-Planning Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:22:3.35 Central to the NPPF is ‘a presumption in favour of sustainable development’. This is highlighted

EN010082-000211-EN010082-5.5-Planning Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:22: • proactively drive and support sustainable economic development

EN010082-000211-EN010082-5.5-Planning Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:22: development in locations which are or can be made sustainable.

EN010082-000211-EN010082-5.5-Planning Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:22:3.37 NPPF policies of particular relevance include promoting sustainable transport; requiring good

EN010082-000211-EN010082-5.5-Planning Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:23: • CS1 Securing a Better Quality of Life: focusing upon sustainable development underpinning

EN010082-000211-EN010082-5.5-Planning Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:24: • DP3 Sustainable Design: all development must be designed to a high standard;

EN010082-000211-EN010082-5.5-Planning Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:24: • SD1 Sustainable Development: when considering development proposals, the Council will

EN010082-000211-EN010082-5.5-Planning Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:24: take a positive approach that reflects the presumption in favour of sustainable development

EN010082-000211-EN010082-5.5-Planning Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:24: • SD2 Locational Policy: development will be directed to the most sustainable locations in the

EN010082-000211-EN010082-5.5-Planning Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:35: should produce sustainable Infrastructure sensitive to place, efficient in the use of natural

EN010082-000211-EN010082-5.5-Planning Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:35: energy Infrastructure developments are sustainable and, having regard to regulatory and other

EN010082-000211-EN010082-5.5-Planning Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:48: In order to promote sustainable transport, SCU will implement travel and traffic management plans

EN010082-000211-EN010082-5.5-Planning Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:48: during construction to minimise transport effects and encourage sustainable modes. The travel and

EN010082-000211-EN010082-5.5-Planning Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:52: achievement of sustainable development and that the policies that are set out in the Framework,

EN010082-000211-EN010082-5.5-Planning Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:52: taken as a whole, constitute the Government’s view of what sustainable development in England

EN010082-000211-EN010082-5.5-Planning Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:52: means in practice. Paragraph 7 goes on to identify three dimensions to sustainable development:

EN010082-000211-EN010082-5.5-Planning Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:52:5.95 Central to the NPPF is ‘a presumption in favour of sustainable development’. This is highlighted

EN010082-000211-EN010082-5.5-Planning Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:53: • proactively drive and support sustainable economic development to deliver the Infrastructure

EN010082-000211-EN010082-5.5-Planning Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:53: sustainable.

EN010082-000211-EN010082-5.5-Planning Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:53: • it would contribute toward sustainable economic development by providing new electricity

EN010082-000211-EN010082-5.5-Planning Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:54: Part 1 Confirms that the Government is committed to securing economic growth in The Proposed Development will support sustainable economic growth through the provision

EN010082-000211-EN010082-5.5-Planning Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:54: can to support sustainable economic growth through, amongst other measures, employment during the construction phase and a significant number of permanent

EN010082-000211-EN010082-5.5-Planning Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:54: Part 4 Aimed at facilitating more sustainable transport choices so as to contribute In order to promote sustainable transport, SCU will implement travel and traffic management

EN010082-000211-EN010082-5.5-Planning Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:54: Promoting sustainable to wider sustainability and health objectives. Paragraph 32 states that all plans during construction to minimise transport effects and encourage sustainable modes.

EN010082-000211-EN010082-5.5-Planning Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:54: the opportunities to make use of sustainable transport modes. Paragraph

EN010082-000211-EN010082-5.5-Planning Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:54: 36 identifies travel plans as being the key tool to facilitating more sustainable

EN010082-000211-EN010082-5.5-Planning Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:54: environment and that good design is a key aspect of sustainable development of engineering design development and consultation. In view of the heavily industrialised

EN010082-000211-EN010082-5.5-Planning Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:57: CS1 Securing a Better Quality of Life Sustainable development should underpin The Proposed Development would support sustainable economic growth through the provision electricity generating

EN010082-000211-EN010082-5.5-Planning Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:57: The Proposed Development will support sustainable economic growth through the provision electricity generating

EN010082-000211-EN010082-5.5-Planning Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:59: CS26 Managing Travel Demand Proposals will be supported that: In order to promote sustainable transport, SCU will implement travel and traffic management plans during

EN010082-000211-EN010082-5.5-Planning Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:59: a) Improve transport choice and encourage travel construction to minimise transport effects and encourage sustainable modes. The travel and traffic management

EN010082-000211-EN010082-5.5-Planning Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:59: to encourage the use of sustainable transport.

EN010082-000211-EN010082-5.5-Planning Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:59: DP3 Sustainable Design All development must be designed to a high Chapter 5 of ES Volume I ‘Project Description and Alternatives ‘ (Application Document Ref. 6.2.5) provides an

EN010082-000211-EN010082-5.5-Planning Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:59: It is therefore considered that the Proposed Development represents sustainable design for the purposes of energy

EN010082-000211-EN010082-5.5-Planning Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:61: SD 1 Sustainable Development When considering development proposals, The Proposed Development would support sustainable economic growth through the provision electricity generating

EN010082-000211-EN010082-5.5-Planning Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:61: reflects the presumption in favour of sustainable provision of secure energy supplies that are resilient to potential supply disruptions is critical to economic growth.

EN010082-000211-EN010082-5.5-Planning Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:61: sustainable locations in the borough. alternatives’ (Application Document Ref. 6.2.5) and below. The Site has been selected by SCU for the Proposed

EN010082-000211-EN010082-5.5-Planning Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:62: environmental aims for areas within South Tees The Proposed Development will support sustainable economic growth through the provision electricity generating

EN010082-000211-EN010082-5.5-Planning Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:63: In order to promote sustainable transport, SCU will implement travel and traffic management plans during

EN010082-000211-EN010082-5.5-Planning Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:63: construction to minimise transport effects and encourage sustainable modes. The travel and traffic management

EN010082-000211-EN010082-5.5-Planning Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:63: TA 2 Travel Plans Proposals will be supported that: In order to promote sustainable transport, SCU will implement travel and traffic management plans during

EN010082-000211-EN010082-5.5-Planning Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:63: a. improve transport choice and encourage travel construction to minimise transport effects and encourage sustainable modes. The travel and traffic management

EN010082-000211-EN010082-5.5-Planning Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:63: to encourage the use of sustainable transport.

EN010082-000012-Scoping Opinion.pdf:86:generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

EN010082-000012-Scoping Opinion.pdf:109:DP3 Sustainable Design

EN010082-000012-Scoping Opinion.pdf:109:SD1 Sustainable Development

EN010082-000188-EN010082-6.2.17-ES Chapter 17-Mitigation Schedule-Final-November 2017.pdf:27: sustainable long term benefits to its local area.

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata.pdf:33: on sustainable development”.

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata.pdf:34: Framework as the Government's approach to sustainable development;

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata.pdf:34: make up the dimensions of sustainable development.

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata.pdf:34: significant dissimilarities in the approach taken to sustainable

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata.pdf:63: growth and sustainable jobs at its core.’ A local resident was ‘very pro

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata.pdf:82: for sustainable development. The Applicant has produced a Transport

EN010082-000173-EN010082-6.2.2-ES Chapter 2-Legislation Policy and Guidance-Final-November 2017.pdf:7: 4.5 Criteria for Energy Infrastructure should be sustainable and, having regard to

EN010082-000173-EN010082-6.2.2-ES Chapter 2-Legislation Policy and Guidance-Final-November 2017.pdf:12: contribute to the achievement of sustainable development and that the policies

EN010082-000173-EN010082-6.2.2-ES Chapter 2-Legislation Policy and Guidance-Final-November 2017.pdf:12: view of what sustainable development in England means in practice.

EN010082-000173-EN010082-6.2.2-ES Chapter 2-Legislation Policy and Guidance-Final-November 2017.pdf:12:2.35 Paragraph 7 goes on to identify three dimensions to sustainable development:

EN010082-000173-EN010082-6.2.2-ES Chapter 2-Legislation Policy and Guidance-Final-November 2017.pdf:13:2.37 Central to the NPPF is ‘a presumption in favour of sustainable development’.

EN010082-000173-EN010082-6.2.2-ES Chapter 2-Legislation Policy and Guidance-Final-November 2017.pdf:13: • proactively drive and support sustainable economic development to

EN010082-000173-EN010082-6.2.2-ES Chapter 2-Legislation Policy and Guidance-Final-November 2017.pdf:13: in locations which are or can be made sustainable.

EN010082-000173-EN010082-6.2.2-ES Chapter 2-Legislation Policy and Guidance-Final-November 2017.pdf:13: planning system should do all it can to support sustainable

EN010082-000173-EN010082-6.2.2-ES Chapter 2-Legislation Policy and Guidance-Final-November 2017.pdf:14:Part 4 Promoting sustainable Aimed at facilitating more sustainable transport choices so

EN010082-000173-EN010082-6.2.2-ES Chapter 2-Legislation Policy and Guidance-Final-November 2017.pdf:14: sustainable transport modes. Paragraph 36 identifies

EN010082-000173-EN010082-6.2.2-ES Chapter 2-Legislation Policy and Guidance-Final-November 2017.pdf:14: sustainable transport choices

EN010082-000173-EN010082-6.2.2-ES Chapter 2-Legislation Policy and Guidance-Final-November 2017.pdf:14: good design is a key aspect of sustainable development

EN010082-000173-EN010082-6.2.2-ES Chapter 2-Legislation Policy and Guidance-Final-November 2017.pdf:14: environmental dimensions of sustainable development.

EN010082-000173-EN010082-6.2.2-ES Chapter 2-Legislation Policy and Guidance-Final-November 2017.pdf:16: • CS1 Securing a Better Quality of Life: focusing upon sustainable

EN010082-000173-EN010082-6.2.2-ES Chapter 2-Legislation Policy and Guidance-Final-November 2017.pdf:17: • DP3 Sustainable Design: all development must be designed to a high

EN010082-000173-EN010082-6.2.2-ES Chapter 2-Legislation Policy and Guidance-Final-November 2017.pdf:18: • SD 1 Sustainable Development: when considering development

EN010082-000173-EN010082-6.2.2-ES Chapter 2-Legislation Policy and Guidance-Final-November 2017.pdf:18: presumption in favour of sustainable development contained in the

EN010082-000173-EN010082-6.2.2-ES Chapter 2-Legislation Policy and Guidance-Final-November 2017.pdf:18: sustainable locations in the borough.

EN010082-000576-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Clean).pdf:25: x Produce a Construction Logistics Plan to manage the sustainable delivery of goods and

EN010082-000576-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Clean).pdf:25: x Implement a Travel Plan that supports and encourages sustainable travel (public transport,

EN010082-000177-EN010082-6.2.6-ES Chapter 6-Ground Conditions, Water Resources and Flooding-Final-November 2017.pdf:38: sustainable use of water resources and the water environment. The Tees

EN010082-000432-244690 EN010082 Natural England Written Representations Tees CCPP - Final.pdf:1:thereby contributing to sustainable development.

EN010082-000179-EN010082-6.2.8-ES-Chapter 8-Noise and Vibration-Final-November 2017.pdf:10:8.20 Government’s guiding principles of sustainable development include:

EN010082-000179-EN010082-6.2.8-ES-Chapter 8-Noise and Vibration-Final-November 2017.pdf:10: living within environmental limits; achieving a sustainable economy; and

EN010082-000185-EN010082-6.2.14-ES Chapter 14-Human Health-Final-November 2017.pdf:7: dimensions to sustainable development: economic, social and environmental.

EN010082-000193-EN010082-6.3.3-ES Annex C-Flood Risk Assessment-Final-November 2017.pdf:2:  proposals for the sustainable management of surface water runoff.

EN010082-000193-EN010082-6.3.3-ES Annex C-Flood Risk Assessment-Final-November 2017.pdf:7: sustainable drainage systems;

EN010082-000193-EN010082-6.3.3-ES Annex C-Flood Risk Assessment-Final-November 2017.pdf:7: may not be sustainable in the long-term.

EN010082-000193-EN010082-6.3.3-ES Annex C-Flood Risk Assessment-Final-November 2017.pdf:7:  prioritising the use of sustainable drainage systems (SuDs);

EN010082-000193-EN010082-6.3.3-ES Annex C-Flood Risk Assessment-Final-November 2017.pdf:11: flood risk and sustainable drainage. The most notable features of the FWMA

EN010082-000193-EN010082-6.3.3-ES Annex C-Flood Risk Assessment-Final-November 2017.pdf:11:C1.34 Schedule 3 of the FWMA introduced new National Standards for Sustainable

EN010082-000404-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - UPDATED.pdf:25:  Produce a Construction Logistics Plan to manage the sustainable delivery of goods and

EN010082-000404-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - UPDATED.pdf:25:  Implement a Travel Plan that supports and encourages sustainable travel (public transport,

EN010082-000184-EN010082-6.2.13-ES Chapter 13-Socio Economic Characteristics-Final-November 2017.pdf:6: and sustainable good quality jobs.

EN010082-000184-EN010082-6.2.13-ES Chapter 13-Socio Economic Characteristics-Final-November 2017.pdf:8: Planning Practice Guidance Paragraph 7 addresses three dimensions to sustainable

EN010082-000184-EN010082-6.2.13-ES Chapter 13-Socio Economic Characteristics-Final-November 2017.pdf:9: states that there are three dimensions to sustainable development: economic,

EN010082-000184-EN010082-6.2.13-ES Chapter 13-Socio Economic Characteristics-Final-November 2017.pdf:9: economy” the NPPF seeks to support and encourage sustainable economic

EN010082-000184-EN010082-6.2.13-ES Chapter 13-Socio Economic Characteristics-Final-November 2017.pdf:42: capabilities and grow local businesses to bring sustainable long term benefits

EN010082-000556-7.4 - Tees CCPP - Environment Agency SoCG - DRAFT UNSIGNED - 22.08.18.pdf:6: environment taken as a whole’, so as to contribute to ‘the objective of achieving sustainable

EN010082-000556-7.4 - Tees CCPP - Environment Agency SoCG - DRAFT UNSIGNED - 22.08.18.pdf:6: written feedback from the EA’s Planning Advisors in the Sustainable Places team, as detailed in the

EN010082-000525-7.3 - Tees CCPP - SoCG with Redcar Cleveland - FINAL - 06.07.18.pdf:10:  Policy SD 1 Sustainable Development;

EN010082-000525-7.3 - Tees CCPP - SoCG with Redcar Cleveland - FINAL - 06.07.18.pdf:13:7.2 The Proposed Development will support sustainable economic growth through the provision electricity

EN010082-000525-7.3 - Tees CCPP - SoCG with Redcar Cleveland - FINAL - 06.07.18.pdf:19:13.5 In order to promote sustainable transport, the Applicant would implement travel and traffic management

EN010082-000525-7.3 - Tees CCPP - SoCG with Redcar Cleveland - FINAL - 06.07.18.pdf:19: plans during construction to minimise transport effects and encourage sustainable modes. The travel and

EN010082-000405-8.10 - Tees CCPP - Updated Mitigation Table.pdf:32: sustainable long term benefits to its local area.

EN010082-000388-7 2 - Tees CCPP - SoCG with NE - Signed_Redacted.pdf:13: Print name and positon: Andrew Whitehead; Team Leader – Sustainable Development, Marine and Wildlife

EN010082-000388-7 2 - Tees CCPP - SoCG with NE - Signed_Redacted.pdf:20: generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

EN010082-000388-7 2 - Tees CCPP - SoCG with NE - Signed_Redacted.pdf:22: generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

EN010082-000388-7 2 - Tees CCPP - SoCG with NE - Signed_Redacted.pdf:22: Sustainable Development

EN010082-000542-EN010082 Tees CCPP SWQ Appendix 2.pdf:3:IMplementing MEasuRes for Sustainable Estuaries (IMMERSE) project. This

EN010082-000653-Tees CCPP - Correspondence received after the close of Examination (1).pdf:14:Planning Technical Specialist - Sustainable Places

EN010082-000396-8 5 - Tees CCP - Applicant's Comments on Relevant Reps - FINAL (2).pdf:7: identifies economic growth and sustainable jobs at its core.

EN010082-000396-8 5 - Tees CCP - Applicant's Comments on Relevant Reps - FINAL (2).pdf:7: long term sustainable businesses and employment opportunities and STDC are working

EN010082-000396-8 5 - Tees CCP - Applicant's Comments on Relevant Reps - FINAL (2).pdf:10: future generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

EN010082-000397-8 6 - Tees CCP - Applicant's Response to ExA's WQs - Deadline 2 - FINAL.pdf:29: The Proposed Development will support sustainable economic growth through the provision electricity generating capacity, for which

EN010082-000571-Natural England's Response to DL7.pdf:1:contributing to sustainable development.

EN010082-000216-EN010082-5.1-Consultation Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:76: generation at reasonable cost. The Proposed Development will support sustainable economic growth through

EN010082-000216-EN010082-5.1-Consultation Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:85: minimise transport effects and encourage sustainable

EN010082-000216-EN010082-5.1-Consultation Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:87: The concerns above are not considered insurmountable minimise transport effects and encourage sustainable

EN010082-000216-EN010082-5.1-Consultation Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:90: Principal Ecologist and encourage sustainable modes. The travel and

EN010082-000216-EN010082-5.1-Consultation Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:92: the area, creating jobs, and contributing to the ongoing The Proposed Development would support sustainable

EN010082-000515-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Clean v3.pdf:25:  Produce a Construction Logistics Plan to manage the sustainable delivery of goods and

EN010082-000515-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Clean v3.pdf:25:  Implement a Travel Plan that supports and encourages sustainable travel (public transport,

EN010082-000516-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Tracked v3.pdf:25:  Produce a Construction Logistics Plan to manage the sustainable delivery of goods and

EN010082-000516-6.3.19 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Final-2018 - Tracked v3.pdf:25:  Implement a Travel Plan that supports and encourages sustainable travel (public transport,

EN010082-000430-Redcar and Cleveland Local Impact Report - signed_Redacted.pdf:5: DP3 Sustainable Design;

EN010082-000430-Redcar and Cleveland Local Impact Report - signed_Redacted.pdf:5: SD1 Sustainable Development

EN010082-000430-Redcar and Cleveland Local Impact Report - signed_Redacted.pdf:8: with policy SD1 of the emerging Local Plan. The project exhibits sustainable

EN010082-000430-Redcar and Cleveland Local Impact Report - signed_Redacted.pdf:9: sustainable development.

EN010082-000640-EA response to TCCP 180219.pdf:2:Planning Technical Specialist - Sustainable Places

EN010082-000172-EN010082-6.2.1-ES Chapter 1-Introduction-Final-November 2017.pdf:16:• The use of natural resources; as far as possible the sustainable availability of of the 2017 Regulations.

EN010082-000206-EN010082-6.3.16-ES Annex I1-Transport Assessment-Final-November 2017.pdf:116: Sustainable Development (and mindful of Highways England’s draft replacement policy

EN010082-000207-EN010082-6.3.17-ES Annex I2-Draft Construction Traffic Management Plan-Final-November 2017.pdf:13: prioritise sustainable modes of transport With the following exception due to

EN010082-000541-EN010082 Tees CCPP SWQ Appendix 1.pdf:1:Senior Planning Advisor Sustainable Places-North East

EN010082-000181-EN010082-6.2.10-ES Chapter 10-Traffic and Transport-Final-November 2017.pdf:10:10.21 Sustainable travel modes are the key driver of the TA process, with the aim to

EN010082-000181-EN010082-6.2.10-ES Chapter 10-Traffic and Transport-Final-November 2017.pdf:10: wider policy objectives for sustainable development”.

EN010082-000181-EN010082-6.2.10-ES Chapter 10-Traffic and Transport-Final-November 2017.pdf:11: sustainable development” which is a contiguous key theme in development

EN010082-000181-EN010082-6.2.10-ES Chapter 10-Traffic and Transport-Final-November 2017.pdf:11: (paragraphs 29 to 41) considers the promotion of sustainable transport as a

EN010082-000181-EN010082-6.2.10-ES Chapter 10-Traffic and Transport-Final-November 2017.pdf:11: vital point in facilitating sustainable development. The Government does,

EN010082-000181-EN010082-6.2.10-ES Chapter 10-Traffic and Transport-Final-November 2017.pdf:11: required in different communities and opportunities to maximise sustainable

EN010082-000181-EN010082-6.2.10-ES Chapter 10-Traffic and Transport-Final-November 2017.pdf:11: • that the opportunities for sustainable transport modes have been taken up

EN010082-000181-EN010082-6.2.10-ES Chapter 10-Traffic and Transport-Final-November 2017.pdf:11: • CS28 – Sustainable Transport Networks.

EN010082-000181-EN010082-6.2.10-ES Chapter 10-Traffic and Transport-Final-November 2017.pdf:12:10.35 Policy CS28, Sustainable Transport Networks, seeks to support the

EN010082-000181-EN010082-6.2.10-ES Chapter 10-Traffic and Transport-Final-November 2017.pdf:12: Sustainable Design:

EN010082-000181-EN010082-6.2.10-ES Chapter 10-Traffic and Transport-Final-November 2017.pdf:12: • TA4 - Sustainable Transport Networks.

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (1).pdf:33: on sustainable development”.

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (1).pdf:34: Framework as the Government's approach to sustainable development;

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (1).pdf:34: make up the dimensions of sustainable development.

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (1).pdf:34: significant dissimilarities in the approach taken to sustainable

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (1).pdf:63: growth and sustainable jobs at its core.’ A local resident was ‘very pro

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (1).pdf:82: for sustainable development. The Applicant has produced a Transport

EN010082-000476-Applicant’s Comments on Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council’s Responses to the Examiner’s Written Questions D3.pdf:10: ‘traffic management and travel plan’, ‘construction traffic during the operation of the site and limited opportunities for sustainable (Application Document Ref: 8.6) submitted at Deadline 2 of the Examination.

EN010082-000476-Applicant’s Comments on Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council’s Responses to the Examiner’s Written Questions D3.pdf:10:  Please ensure that where appropriate there is consistency in not ideally located for sustainable access. Meaningful improvements are

EN010082-000653-Tees CCPP - Correspondence received after the close of Examination.pdf:14:Planning Technical Specialist - Sustainable Places

EN010082-000483-Natural England D3 Submission.pdf:1:generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

EN010082-000212-EN010082-5.6-Design Access Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:7: by a DAS. However, Section 10 ‘Sustainable development’ of the PA 2008 (subsection (3)(b))

EN010082-000212-EN010082-5.6-Design Access Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:9: 2.2 Section 10 ‘Sustainable development’ of the PA 2008 (subsection (3)(b)) states that in setting

EN010082-000212-EN010082-5.6-Design Access Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:10: sustainable Infrastructure sensitive to place, efficient in the use of natural resources and energy

EN010082-000212-EN010082-5.6-Design Access Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:10: energy Infrastructure developments are sustainable and, having regard to regulatory and other

EN010082-000212-EN010082-5.6-Design Access Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:11: key aspect of sustainable development. Much of the guidance is of limited relevance for energy

EN010082-000212-EN010082-5.6-Design Access Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:11: as with the NPPF, it states that good quality design should be an integral part of sustainable

EN010082-000212-EN010082-5.6-Design Access Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:11: states that the principle of sustainable development will underpin the policies and proposals for

EN010082-000212-EN010082-5.6-Design Access Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:12: 2.25 DP3 ‘Sustainable Design’ of the Development Policies Development Plan Document includes a

EN010082-000212-EN010082-5.6-Design Access Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:12: • incorporate sustainable design and construction techniques;

EN010082-000212-EN010082-5.6-Design Access Statement-Final-November 2017.pdf:12: facilities and Sustainable Drainage Systems if appropriate; and

EN010082-000180-EN010082-6.2.9-ES Chapter 9-Ecology and Nature Conservation-Final-November 2017.pdf:11: SD1 Sustainable Development

EN010082-000180-EN010082-6.2.9-ES Chapter 9-Ecology and Nature Conservation-Final-November 2017.pdf:12: Draft Publication Local Plan SD1 Sustainable Development

EN010082-000180-EN010082-6.2.9-ES Chapter 9-Ecology and Nature Conservation-Final-November 2017.pdf:13:9.19 SD1 Sustainable Development: aims to secure developments within the local

EN010082-000170-EN010082-6.1-ES Non Technical Summary-Final-November 2017.pdf:10: sustainable drainage system that is sized to cope with future projected

EN010082-000197-EN010082-6.3.7-ES Annex D4-Waste Management Plan-Final-November 2017.pdf:3: England (Defra, 2007)) introduced new underlying principles of sustainable

EN010082-000197-EN010082-6.3.7-ES Annex D4-Waste Management Plan-Final-November 2017.pdf:3: incorporated in Planning Policy Statement 10: Planning for Sustainable Waste

EN010082-000197-EN010082-6.3.7-ES Annex D4-Waste Management Plan-Final-November 2017.pdf:3: (1)

EN010082-000197-EN010082-6.3.7-ES Annex D4-Waste Management Plan-Final-November 2017.pdf:4: the Government's objectives in order to help achieve sustainable development.

EN010082-000197-EN010082-6.3.7-ES Annex D4-Waste Management Plan-Final-November 2017.pdf:5: Sembcorp is committed to delivering a Project that is sustainable in regards to

EN010082-000197-EN010082-6.3.7-ES Annex D4-Waste Management Plan-Final-November 2017.pdf:11: • develop a proactive and coordinated approach to sustainable waste

EN010082-000577-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Tracked).pdf:25:  Produce a Construction Logistics Plan to manage the sustainable delivery of goods and

EN010082-000577-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP - Version 5 (Tracked).pdf:25:  Implement a Travel Plan that supports and encourages sustainable travel (public transport,

EN010082-000403-6.3.17 - Tees CCPP - Annex I2-Draft Construction Traffic Management Plan - UPDATED.pdf:14: prioritise sustainable modes of transport With the following exception due to

EN010082-000415-8.20 - Natural England letter.pdf:1:generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

EN010082-000429-Copy of EXA Questions 1.pdf:23:Point 3 – There will only be 48 total staff employed over several shifts during the operation of the site and limited opportunities for sustainable access. There are

EN010082-000429-Copy of EXA Questions 1.pdf:23:Point 4 - This industrial site is ideal for the proposed development but is not ideally located for sustainable access. Meaningful improvements are unlikely to be

EN010082-000389-7 3 - Tees CCPP - SoCG with Redcar Cleveland - DRAFT.pdf:10: DP3 Sustainable Design;

EN010082-000389-7 3 - Tees CCPP - SoCG with Redcar Cleveland - DRAFT.pdf:11: - SD1 Sustainable Development;

EN010082-000389-7 3 - Tees CCPP - SoCG with Redcar Cleveland - DRAFT.pdf:13: The Proposed Development will support sustainable economic growth through the provision electricity

EN010082-000389-7 3 - Tees CCPP - SoCG with Redcar Cleveland - DRAFT.pdf:19: In order to promote sustainable transport, the Applicant would implement travel and traffic management

EN010082-000389-7 3 - Tees CCPP - SoCG with Redcar Cleveland - DRAFT.pdf:19: plans during construction to minimise transport effects and encourage sustainable modes. The travel and

EN010082-000501-8.9 - Tees CCPP - Abbreviation List.pdf:8: SUDS Sustainable Drainage Systems

EN010082-000182-EN010082-6.2.11-ES_Chapter 11-Land and Visual Amenity-Final-November 2017.pdf:6: Sustainable Design; and

EN010082-000182-EN010082-6.2.11-ES_Chapter 11-Land and Visual Amenity-Final-November 2017.pdf:11: applied with as part of the overall aim of achieving sustainable development.

EN010082-000290-EN010082-6.2.11-ES_Chapter 11-Land and Visual Amenity-Rev 2 -January 2018.pdf:6: Sustainable Design; and

EN010082-000290-EN010082-6.2.11-ES_Chapter 11-Land and Visual Amenity-Rev 2 -January 2018.pdf:11: applied with as part of the overall aim of achieving sustainable development.

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:34: contribute to the achievement of sustainable development and that the policies

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:34: view of what sustainable development in England means in practice.

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:34: Paragraph 7 goes on to identify three dimensions to sustainable development:

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:35:Central to the NPPF is ‘a presumption in favour of sustainable development’.

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:35: proactively drive and support sustainable economic development to

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:35: in locations which are or can be made sustainable.

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:35:NPPF policies of particular relevance include promoting sustainable transport;

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:36:  CS1 Securing a Better Quality of Life: focusing upon sustainable

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:37: DP3 Sustainable Design: all development must be designed to a high

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:38: SD 1 Sustainable Development: when considering development

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:38: presumption in favour of sustainable development contained in the

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:38: sustainable locations in the borough.

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:57: will be identified. A site drainage plan, which may incorporate a sustainable

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:59: RCBC’s Local Development Framework (2007) seeks to promote sustainable

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:84: Government’s guiding principles of sustainable development include:

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:84: living within environmental limits; achieving a sustainable economy; and

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:98: sustainable travel measures, including car sharing and appropriate cycle

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:98: facilitate travel by sustainable modes of transport.

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:125: desk based review of spillage and the mobilisation of sustainable urban drainage required.

EN010082-000191-EN010082-6.3.1-ES Annex A-Scoping Report-Final-November 2017.pdf:131:SuDS Sustainable Drainage System

EN010082-000378-5.6 - Tees CCPP - Design & Access Statement - tracked Rev 3.pdf:7: by a DAS. However, Section 10 ‘Sustainable development’ of the PA 2008 (subsection (3)(b)) states

EN010082-000378-5.6 - Tees CCPP - Design & Access Statement - tracked Rev 3.pdf:9:2.2 Section 10 ‘Sustainable development’ of the PA 2008 (subsection (3)(b)) states that in setting

EN010082-000378-5.6 - Tees CCPP - Design & Access Statement - tracked Rev 3.pdf:10: sustainable Infrastructure sensitive to place, efficient in the use of natural resources and energy

EN010082-000378-5.6 - Tees CCPP - Design & Access Statement - tracked Rev 3.pdf:10: energy Infrastructure developments are sustainable and, having regard to regulatory and other

EN010082-000378-5.6 - Tees CCPP - Design & Access Statement - tracked Rev 3.pdf:11: key aspect of sustainable development. Much of the guidance is of limited relevance for energy

EN010082-000378-5.6 - Tees CCPP - Design & Access Statement - tracked Rev 3.pdf:11: as with the NPPF, it states that good quality design should be an integral part of sustainable

EN010082-000378-5.6 - Tees CCPP - Design & Access Statement - tracked Rev 3.pdf:12: states that the principle of sustainable development will underpin the policies and proposals for

EN010082-000378-5.6 - Tees CCPP - Design & Access Statement - tracked Rev 3.pdf:12:2.25 DP3 ‘Sustainable Design’ of the Development Policies Development Plan Document includes a

EN010082-000378-5.6 - Tees CCPP - Design & Access Statement - tracked Rev 3.pdf:12: • incorporate sustainable design and construction techniques;

EN010082-000378-5.6 - Tees CCPP - Design & Access Statement - tracked Rev 3.pdf:12: facilities and Sustainable Drainage Systems if appropriate; and

EN010082-000381-6.2.11 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 11 LVIA - tracked Rev 3 with figures.pdf:5: Sustainable Design; and

EN010082-000381-6.2.11 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 11 LVIA - tracked Rev 3 with figures.pdf:10: applied with as part of the overall aim of achieving sustainable development.

EN010082-000549-Natural England Response to D5.pdf:1:contributing to sustainable development.

EN010082-000558-6.3.20 - Annex L CEMP Clean v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:25:  Produce a Construction Logistics Plan to manage the sustainable delivery of goods and

EN010082-000558-6.3.20 - Annex L CEMP Clean v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:25:  Implement a Travel Plan that supports and encourages sustainable travel (public transport,

EN010082-000375-6.2.11 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 11 - LVIA - clean Rev 3 with figures.pdf:5: Sustainable Design; and

EN010082-000375-6.2.11 - Tees CCPP - ES Chapter 11 - LVIA - clean Rev 3 with figures.pdf:10: applied with as part of the overall aim of achieving sustainable development.

EN010082-000192-EN010082-6.3.2-ES Annex B-Scoping Opinion-Final-November 2017.pdf:88:generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

EN010082-000192-EN010082-6.3.2-ES Annex B-Scoping Opinion-Final-November 2017.pdf:111:DP3 Sustainable Design

EN010082-000192-EN010082-6.3.2-ES Annex B-Scoping Opinion-Final-November 2017.pdf:111:SD1 Sustainable Development

EN010082-000183-EN010082-6.2.12-ES Chapter 12-Cultural Heritage-Final-November 2017.pdf:12: (3) Historic England, 2008, Conservation Principles – Policies and Guidance for the Sustainable Management of the Historic

EN010082-000557-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP Tracked v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:25:  Produce a Construction Logistics Plan to manage the sustainable delivery of goods and

EN010082-000557-6.3.20 - Tees CCPP - Annex L CEMP Tracked v4 - 22.08.18.pdf:25:  Implement a Travel Plan that supports and encourages sustainable travel (public transport,

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (2).pdf:33: on sustainable development”.

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (2).pdf:34: Framework as the Government's approach to sustainable development;

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (2).pdf:34: make up the dimensions of sustainable development.

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (2).pdf:34: significant dissimilarities in the approach taken to sustainable

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (2).pdf:63: growth and sustainable jobs at its core.’ A local resident was ‘very pro

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (2).pdf:82: for sustainable development. The Applicant has produced a Transport

EN010082-000372-5.6 - Tees CCPP - Design & Access Statement - clean Rev 3.pdf:7: by a DAS. However, Section 10 ‘Sustainable development’ of the PA 2008 (subsection (3)(b)) states

EN010082-000372-5.6 - Tees CCPP - Design & Access Statement - clean Rev 3.pdf:9:2.2 Section 10 ‘Sustainable development’ of the PA 2008 (subsection (3)(b)) states that in setting

EN010082-000372-5.6 - Tees CCPP - Design & Access Statement - clean Rev 3.pdf:10: sustainable Infrastructure sensitive to place, efficient in the use of natural resources and energy

EN010082-000372-5.6 - Tees CCPP - Design & Access Statement - clean Rev 3.pdf:10: energy Infrastructure developments are sustainable and, having regard to regulatory and other

EN010082-000372-5.6 - Tees CCPP - Design & Access Statement - clean Rev 3.pdf:11: key aspect of sustainable development. Much of the guidance is of limited relevance for energy

EN010082-000372-5.6 - Tees CCPP - Design & Access Statement - clean Rev 3.pdf:11: as with the NPPF, it states that good quality design should be an integral part of sustainable

EN010082-000372-5.6 - Tees CCPP - Design & Access Statement - clean Rev 3.pdf:12: states that the principle of sustainable development will underpin the policies and proposals for

EN010082-000372-5.6 - Tees CCPP - Design & Access Statement - clean Rev 3.pdf:12:2.25 DP3 ‘Sustainable Design’ of the Development Policies Development Plan Document includes a

EN010082-000372-5.6 - Tees CCPP - Design & Access Statement - clean Rev 3.pdf:12: • incorporate sustainable design and construction techniques;

EN010082-000372-5.6 - Tees CCPP - Design & Access Statement - clean Rev 3.pdf:12: facilities and Sustainable Drainage Systems if appropriate; and

EN010082-000653-Tees CCPP - Correspondence received after the close of Examination (2).pdf:14:Planning Technical Specialist - Sustainable Places

EN010082-000653-Tees CCPP - Correspondence received after the close of Examination (3).pdf:14:Planning Technical Specialist - Sustainable Places

EN010082-000390-7 4 - Tees CCPP - SoCG with Environment Agency - DRAFT (2).pdf:6: environment taken as a whole’, so as to contribute to ‘the objective of achieving sustainable

EN010082-000390-7 4 - Tees CCPP - SoCG with Environment Agency - DRAFT (2).pdf:6: written feedback from the EA’s Planning Advisors in the Sustainable Places team, as detailed in the

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:32: contribute to the achievement of sustainable development and that the policies

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:32: view of what sustainable development in England means in practice.

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:32: Paragraph 7 goes on to identify three dimensions to sustainable development:

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:33:Central to the NPPF is ‘a presumption in favour of sustainable development’.

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:33: proactively drive and support sustainable economic development to

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:33: in locations which are or can be made sustainable.

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:33:NPPF policies of particular relevance include promoting sustainable transport;

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:34:  CS1 Securing a Better Quality of Life: focusing upon sustainable

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:35: DP3 Sustainable Design: all development must be designed to a high

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:36: SD 1 Sustainable Development: when considering development

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:36: presumption in favour of sustainable development contained in the

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:36: sustainable locations in the borough.

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:55: will be identified. A site drainage plan, which may incorporate a sustainable

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:57: RCBC’s Local Development Framework (2007) seeks to promote sustainable

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:82: Government’s guiding principles of sustainable development include:

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:82: living within environmental limits; achieving a sustainable economy; and

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:96: sustainable travel measures, including car sharing and appropriate cycle

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:96: facilitate travel by sustainable modes of transport.

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:123: desk based review of spillage and the mobilisation of sustainable urban drainage required.

EN010082-000019-Scoping Report.pdf:129:SuDS Sustainable Drainage System

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (3).pdf:33: on sustainable development”.

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (3).pdf:34: Framework as the Government's approach to sustainable development;

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (3).pdf:34: make up the dimensions of sustainable development.

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (3).pdf:34: significant dissimilarities in the approach taken to sustainable

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (3).pdf:63: growth and sustainable jobs at its core.’ A local resident was ‘very pro

EN010082-000654-TEES Final Recommendation Report and Errata (3).pdf:82: for sustainable development. The Applicant has produced a Transport

EN010082-000569-Additional submission from the EA.pdf:1:Senior Planning Advisor Sustainable Places-North East

EN010082-000471-Copy of EXA Questions Updated.pdf:3:  As set out in the EM APP-006 with regard to Req. 15, the Council’ s Point 3 – There will only be 48 total staff employed over several shifts during the operation of the site and limited opportunities for sustainable access. There are

EN010082-000471-Copy of EXA Questions Updated.pdf:3: position is correct, why does the Council not seek to control parking or Point 4 - This industrial site is ideal for the proposed development but is not ideally located for sustainable access. Meaningful improvements are unlikely to be

EN010082-000510-CONSULTATION REPORT FOR NON-MATERIAL CHANGE.pdf:14: benefit of present and future generations, thereby contributing to sustainable ruled out at the SPAs and Ramsar

EN010082-000510-CONSULTATION REPORT FOR NON-MATERIAL CHANGE.pdf:75:generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

TR030002-000733-York Potash Limited (Annual Report and Accounts). Appendix 2.pdf:4: Sustainable development 27

TR030002-000733-York Potash Limited (Annual Report and Accounts). Appendix 2.pdf:10:AND QUALITY IN A SUSTAINABLE WAY.

TR030002-000733-York Potash Limited (Annual Report and Accounts). Appendix 2.pdf:11: responsibly is in line with a sustainable agriculture approach. expected to reach 200,500,000 tonnes by the end of 20185.

TR030002-000733-York Potash Limited (Annual Report and Accounts). Appendix 2.pdf:30:SUSTAINAbLE

TR030002-000733-York Potash Limited (Annual Report and Accounts). Appendix 2.pdf:30:PRINCIPLE OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND

TR030002-000733-York Potash Limited (Annual Report and Accounts). Appendix 2.pdf:31: SIRIUS MINERALS PLC > ANNUAL REPORT 2015 > STRATEGIC REPORT > SUSTAINAbLE dEvELOPMENT

TR030002-000733-York Potash Limited (Annual Report and Accounts). Appendix 2.pdf:31: York Moors National Park, and sets a new standard in sustainable

TR030002-000733-York Potash Limited (Annual Report and Accounts). Appendix 2.pdf:33: SIRIUS MINERALS PLC > ANNUAL REPORT 2015 > STRATEGIC REPORT > Sustainable development

TR030002-000733-York Potash Limited (Annual Report and Accounts). Appendix 2.pdf:33: Bring thousands of sustainable, skilled jobs

TR030002-000733-York Potash Limited (Annual Report and Accounts). Appendix 2.pdf:33: SUSTAINABLE ECONOMIC BENEFITS • £48 MILLION IN LOCAL PAYMENTS

TR030002-000733-York Potash Limited (Annual Report and Accounts). Appendix 2.pdf:37: against the budget through monthly reporting and meetings at least sustainable returns for shareholders and, in doing so, providing an

TR030002-000499-Section 17 App 17.1 Flood Risk Assessment.pdf:15:3.2.10 The role of the CFMP is to establish flood risk management policies which will deliver sustainable flood

TR030002-000499-Section 17 App 17.1 Flood Risk Assessment.pdf:15:  Development Policy DP3 (Sustainable Design) states a development should incorporate

TR030002-000499-Section 17 App 17.1 Flood Risk Assessment.pdf:15: and Sustainable Drainage Systems if appropriate

TR030002-000499-Section 17 App 17.1 Flood Risk Assessment.pdf:16:  RCBC confirmed that Sustainable urban Drainage Systems (SuDS) would not be obligatory

TR030002-000481-Section 12 App 12.2 Transport Assessment_1 of 2.pdf:3: 4.6 Sustainable Transport ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 24

TR030002-000481-Section 12 App 12.2 Transport Assessment_1 of 2.pdf:12:3.2.3 Section four of the NPPF considers ‘Promoting Sustainable Transport’ and opens with the statement

TR030002-000481-Section 12 App 12.2 Transport Assessment_1 of 2.pdf:12: that “Transport Policies have an important role to play in facilitating sustainable development but also

TR030002-000481-Section 12 App 12.2 Transport Assessment_1 of 2.pdf:12:  The opportunities for sustainable transport modes have been taken up depending on the nature

TR030002-000481-Section 12 App 12.2 Transport Assessment_1 of 2.pdf:12: NPPF requirements for sustainable transport modes and improvements to the transport network are

TR030002-000481-Section 12 App 12.2 Transport Assessment_1 of 2.pdf:12: notes that the Council will support the implementation of Travel Plans to encourage sustainable

TR030002-000481-Section 12 App 12.2 Transport Assessment_1 of 2.pdf:12:  Policy CS28 Sustainable Transport Networks, supports the development of pedestrian, cycling and

TR030002-000481-Section 12 App 12.2 Transport Assessment_1 of 2.pdf:13:  Policy CS17Transport Strategy, focuses on delivering a sustainable transport network with partner

TR030002-000481-Section 12 App 12.2 Transport Assessment_1 of 2.pdf:14:  Sustainable Living – MC will look to support employment premises located in areas of good public

TR030002-000481-Section 12 App 12.2 Transport Assessment_1 of 2.pdf:14: The Strategic Road Network and the Delivery of Sustainable Development

TR030002-000481-Section 12 App 12.2 Transport Assessment_1 of 2.pdf:14: of Sustainable Development’ was published in September 2013, replacing circular 02/2007 ‘Planning

TR030002-000481-Section 12 App 12.2 Transport Assessment_1 of 2.pdf:15: communities and developers to deliver sustainable development, and thus economic growth, whilst

TR030002-000481-Section 12 App 12.2 Transport Assessment_1 of 2.pdf:28:4.6 Sustainable Transport

TR030002-000481-Section 12 App 12.2 Transport Assessment_1 of 2.pdf:28:4.6.1 At the heart of the NPPF is a “presumption in favour of sustainable development”. The NPPF is a

TR030002-000481-Section 12 App 12.2 Transport Assessment_1 of 2.pdf:28: material consideration; in this context the following sections consider the sustainable travel options

TR030002-000481-Section 12 App 12.2 Transport Assessment_1 of 2.pdf:28:4.6.2 A review of the sustainable transport options available to employees of the Harbour facilities has been

TR030002-000481-Section 12 App 12.2 Transport Assessment_1 of 2.pdf:30: Summary of current sustainable travel options

TR030002-000481-Section 12 App 12.2 Transport Assessment_1 of 2.pdf:30:4.6.12 A review of the sustainable travel options demonstrates the Harbour facilities are accessible by cycle

TR030002-000481-Section 12 App 12.2 Transport Assessment_1 of 2.pdf:37:6.1.3 In context with the sustainable transport review in Section 4, the following embedded mitigation

TR030002-000481-Section 12 App 12.2 Transport Assessment_1 of 2.pdf:57: of baseline transport conditions in terms of highway characteristics, traffic flows, sustainable transport

TR030002-000425-Doc 5.2 Funding Statement Appendix 2 - Investor Presentation February 2015.pdf:15:Robust, sustainable cash operating margins

TR030002-000460-Section 3 App 3.1 Waste management.pdf:7:2.1.1 The Waste Strategy for England 2007 provided a vision for sustainable waste management. The

TR030002-000460-Section 3 App 3.1 Waste management.pdf:7: Planning Policy Statement 10: Planning for Sustainable Waste Management (PPS 10) 2011. The

TR030002-000460-Section 3 App 3.1 Waste management.pdf:8: The document sets out detailed waste planning policies to facilitate a more sustainable and efficient

TR030002-000460-Section 3 App 3.1 Waste management.pdf:8: residential and commercial development and other Infrastructure complements sustainable waste

TR030002-000460-Section 3 App 3.1 Waste management.pdf:9:2.2.3 The sustainable management of waste arisings in the Tees Valley will be delivered through (amongst

TR030002-000460-Section 3 App 3.1 Waste management.pdf:9: • safeguarding the necessary Infrastructure to enable the sustainable transport of waste, in particular

TR030002-000460-Section 3 App 3.1 Waste management.pdf:9: Redcar & Cleveland’s Sustainable Environment Strategy 2011 – 2016

TR030002-000460-Section 3 App 3.1 Waste management.pdf:47: for Sustainable waste management (July 2013) Source:

TR030002-000460-Section 3 App 3.1 Waste management.pdf:47: l_waste_planning_policy_-_Planning_for_sustainable_waste_management_-_Consultation.pdf

TR030002-000460-Section 3 App 3.1 Waste management.pdf:47: Planning Policy Statement 10: Planning for Sustainable Waste Management (PPS10), DCLG, 2011

TR030002-000460-Section 3 App 3.1 Waste management.pdf:48:Redcar & Cleveland’s Sustainable Environment Strategy 2011 – 2016

TR030002-000801-Document 6.8B - Governance Tracker.pdf:16:  Produce a Construction Logistics Plan to manage the sustainable delivery of goods and

TR030002-000801-Document 6.8B - Governance Tracker.pdf:16:  Implement a Travel Plan that supports and encourages sustainable travel for contractor

TR030002-000470-Section 6 App 6.4 CEMP.pdf:16: Contractor(s) and include where sustainable construction has been implemented or developed as

TR030002-000470-Section 6 App 6.4 CEMP.pdf:24:  Produce a Construction Logistics Plan to manage the sustainable delivery of goods and materials.

TR030002-000470-Section 6 App 6.4 CEMP.pdf:24:  Implement a Travel Plan that supports and encourages sustainable travel for contractor operatives and staff (public transport, cycling,

TR030002-000734-York Potash Limited (SoCG & Appendices 1-8).pdf:29: The principle of sustainable development will underpin the policies and proposals for

TR030002-000734-York Potash Limited (SoCG & Appendices 1-8).pdf:29: against their contribution to the sustainable objectives listed in Policy 2 of the RSS.

TR030002-000734-York Potash Limited (SoCG & Appendices 1-8).pdf:29: In securing a better quality of life, the LDF will seek to deliver sustainable

TR030002-000734-York Potash Limited (SoCG & Appendices 1-8).pdf:29: z PPS1 Delivering Sustainable Communities

TR030002-000734-York Potash Limited (SoCG & Appendices 1-8).pdf:29:3.1 Central to the LDF is the principle of sustainable development. This

TR030002-000734-York Potash Limited (SoCG & Appendices 1-8).pdf:29: terms, sustainable development is ensuring a better quality of life

TR030002-000734-York Potash Limited (SoCG & Appendices 1-8).pdf:29:3.2 The principle of sustainable development will not only underpin the

TR030002-000734-York Potash Limited (SoCG & Appendices 1-8).pdf:30: z PPS1 Delivering Sustainable Development

TR030002-000734-York Potash Limited (SoCG & Appendices 1-8).pdf:30: z PPS7 Sustainable Development in Rural Areas

TR030002-000734-York Potash Limited (SoCG & Appendices 1-8).pdf:30: allocated in the LDF will be essential in delivering sustainable

TR030002-000734-York Potash Limited (SoCG & Appendices 1-8).pdf:30: development and sustainable communities. The locational strategy

TR030002-000734-York Potash Limited (SoCG & Appendices 1-8).pdf:32:Sustainable Communities

TR030002-000734-York Potash Limited (SoCG & Appendices 1-8).pdf:33: dd) Promote and support the sustainable use of the foreshore and dunes in the

TR030002-000734-York Potash Limited (SoCG & Appendices 1-8).pdf:34: z PPS7 Sustainable Development in Rural Areas

TR030002-000734-York Potash Limited (SoCG & Appendices 1-8).pdf:37: c) Incorporate sustainable construction techniques and design concepts for

TR030002-000734-York Potash Limited (SoCG & Appendices 1-8).pdf:37: z Building in Sustainability: A Guide to Sustainable Construction and Development

TR030002-000734-York Potash Limited (SoCG & Appendices 1-8).pdf:37: z PPS1 Delivering Sustainable Development

TR030002-000734-York Potash Limited (SoCG & Appendices 1-8).pdf:37: environments that contribute to the delivery of sustainable

TR030002-000734-York Potash Limited (SoCG & Appendices 1-8).pdf:37: Sustainable

TR030002-000734-York Potash Limited (SoCG & Appendices 1-8).pdf:37: inclusion of sustainable construction techniques; in particular

TR030002-000734-York Potash Limited (SoCG & Appendices 1-8).pdf:38: Sustainable Environment

TR030002-000734-York Potash Limited (SoCG & Appendices 1-8).pdf:39: z PPS1 Delivering Sustainable Development

TR030002-000734-York Potash Limited (SoCG & Appendices 1-8).pdf:39: z PPS7 Sustainable Development in Rural Areas

TR030002-000734-York Potash Limited (SoCG & Appendices 1-8).pdf:43: other schemes such as Safer Routes to School to encourage the use of sustainable

TR030002-000734-York Potash Limited (SoCG & Appendices 1-8).pdf:43:7.5 One of the key transport objectives is to promote more sustainable

TR030002-000734-York Potash Limited (SoCG & Appendices 1-8).pdf:43: sustainable communities as well as reducing the impacts of travel.

TR030002-000734-York Potash Limited (SoCG & Appendices 1-8).pdf:43: consider and include measures to encourage the use of sustainable

TR030002-000734-York Potash Limited (SoCG & Appendices 1-8).pdf:45: z PPS7 Sustainable Developments in Rural Areas

TR030002-000734-York Potash Limited (SoCG & Appendices 1-8).pdf:45: surroundings, it is located in a sustainable and safe location and

TR030002-000734-York Potash Limited (SoCG & Appendices 1-8).pdf:46: Policy DP3 Sustainable Design

TR030002-000734-York Potash Limited (SoCG & Appendices 1-8).pdf:46: e) Incorporate sustainable design and construction techniques to meet high

TR030002-000734-York Potash Limited (SoCG & Appendices 1-8).pdf:46: recycling and waste facilities and Sustainable Drainage Systems if appropriate;

TR030002-000734-York Potash Limited (SoCG & Appendices 1-8).pdf:56:The sustainable use of minerals resources in the Tees Valley will be delivered through:

TR030002-000734-York Potash Limited (SoCG & Appendices 1-8).pdf:56: e) safeguarding the necessary Infrastructure to enable the sustainable transport of

TR030002-000734-York Potash Limited (SoCG & Appendices 1-8).pdf:57:6.1 Sustainable Transport

TR030002-000734-York Potash Limited (SoCG & Appendices 1-8).pdf:57:Policy MWC10: Sustainable Transport

TR030002-000734-York Potash Limited (SoCG & Appendices 1-8).pdf:69: is set out in Planning Policy Statement 1 (PPS 1) (Delivering Sustainable

TR030002-000734-York Potash Limited (SoCG & Appendices 1-8).pdf:69: Development), PPS7 (Sustainable Development in Rural Areas) and PPS 9

TR030002-000734-York Potash Limited (SoCG & Appendices 1-8).pdf:74: which is important in providing the Borough with a proactive approach to sustainable

TR030002-000734-York Potash Limited (SoCG & Appendices 1-8).pdf:99:Planning Policy Statement 1 (Delivering Sustainable Development)

TR030002-000734-York Potash Limited (SoCG & Appendices 1-8).pdf:99:‘Planning should facilitate and promote sustainable patterns of urban and rural development

TR030002-000734-York Potash Limited (SoCG & Appendices 1-8).pdf:99:Planning Policy Statement 7 (Sustainable Development in Rural Areas)

TR030002-000734-York Potash Limited (SoCG & Appendices 1-8).pdf:101:Redcar and Cleveland’s Sustainable Community Strategy: 'Building a Better

TR030002-000734-York Potash Limited (SoCG & Appendices 1-8).pdf:101:Building a Better Borough provides a long-term sustainable vision in the Borough and sets

TR030002-000734-York Potash Limited (SoCG & Appendices 1-8).pdf:101:There are four themes to the strategy. One of these is: ‘A high quality and sustainable living

TR030002-000734-York Potash Limited (SoCG & Appendices 1-8).pdf:109:Town and Country Planning Association (2004) Biodiversity By Design.A Guide for Sustainable

TR030002-000671-Doc 6.1 Consultation Statement Appendices - 1 to 9.pdf:94: IN SUSTAINABLE DESIGN

TR030002-000671-Doc 6.1 Consultation Statement Appendices - 1 to 9.pdf:94: is contained underground. A Sustainable

TR030002-000671-Doc 6.1 Consultation Statement Appendices - 1 to 9.pdf:94:THE MINE – A NEW BENCHMARK IN SUSTAINABLE DESIGN

TR030002-000671-Doc 6.1 Consultation Statement Appendices - 1 to 9.pdf:94: THE MINE – A NEW BENCHMARK IN SUSTAINABLE DESIGN

TR030002-000671-Doc 6.1 Consultation Statement Appendices - 1 to 9.pdf:97: LOW IMPACT SUSTAINABLE DESIGN

TR030002-000671-Doc 6.1 Consultation Statement Appendices - 1 to 9.pdf:97:MINERAL TRANSPORT SYSTEM - LOW IMPACT SUSTAINABLE DESIGN

TR030002-000671-Doc 6.1 Consultation Statement Appendices - 1 to 9.pdf:97: MINERAL TRANSPORT SYSTEM - LOW IMPACT SUSTAINABLE DESIGN

TR030002-000671-Doc 6.1 Consultation Statement Appendices - 1 to 9.pdf:100: TO ACHIEVE OUR STATED OBJECTIVES TO BECOME A SUSTAINABLE OPERATION HGVs MANAGING IMPACT The scheme would be rigorously

TR030002-000671-Doc 6.1 Consultation Statement Appendices - 1 to 9.pdf:101: Use proven Sustainable Drainage we build it to provide landscaped features to • Operate a Park & Ride scheme for those working at the mine Plan which sets out approved routes for contractors

TR030002-000671-Doc 6.1 Consultation Statement Appendices - 1 to 9.pdf:102:  Bring thousands of sustainable, skilled jobs

TR030002-000671-Doc 6.1 Consultation Statement Appendices - 1 to 9.pdf:105:6642500 Supportive In favour No concerns I give my full support for a project that can deliver worthwhile sustainable

TR030002-000671-Doc 6.1 Consultation Statement Appendices - 1 to 9.pdf:109: sustainable. Our main

TR030002-000671-Doc 6.1 Consultation Statement Appendices - 1 to 9.pdf:112:6781129 Supportive In favour good sustainable project

TR030002-000671-Doc 6.1 Consultation Statement Appendices - 1 to 9.pdf:127: proposing a sustainable and environmentally acceptable project which should structures which will However the current more than to any farm! outweighs the shifting but it will not will provide skilled within the leg

TR030002-000671-Doc 6.1 Consultation Statement Appendices - 1 to 9.pdf:127:7577087 Supportive In favour No concerns This project is crucial for the local economy eg sustainable jobs, this project Yes In favour Already done so. Support Supportive Yes The overall Positive

TR030002-000671-Doc 6.1 Consultation Statement Appendices - 1 to 9.pdf:135: it's a sustainable low impact mining solution. This scheme can really be the

TR030002-000671-Doc 6.1 Consultation Statement Appendices - 1 to 9.pdf:146: is now time to give some of that back in the form of sustainable and secure

TR030002-000671-Doc 6.1 Consultation Statement Appendices - 1 to 9.pdf:155: provide sustainable when compared with

TR030002-000671-Doc 6.1 Consultation Statement Appendices - 1 to 9.pdf:156: It will hopefully provide long term sustainable employment for its employees landscape I really do future will have some good for the country.

TR030002-000671-Doc 6.1 Consultation Statement Appendices - 1 to 9.pdf:159: needs to build the 'right type' of sustainable GDP growth and economic

TR030002-000671-Doc 6.1 Consultation Statement Appendices - 1 to 9.pdf:163:7963109 Supportive In favour No concerns This is a long term sustainable project that supports the local economy within

TR030002-000671-Doc 6.1 Consultation Statement Appendices - 1 to 9.pdf:176:8039759 Supportive In favour No concerns In my view it is a great sustainable project that will provide a wide area with Yes In favour The social and Satisfied in Enough has to be done Supportive Undecided/do real managed ecology The need for Positive

TR030002-000671-Doc 6.1 Consultation Statement Appendices - 1 to 9.pdf:176: sustainable future for and landscape beyond the mines temporary

TR030002-000671-Doc 6.1 Consultation Statement Appendices - 1 to 9.pdf:177: The physical impact on North Yorkshire pails into insignificance when sustainable impacts

TR030002-000671-Doc 6.1 Consultation Statement Appendices - 1 to 9.pdf:180: Provide sustainable careers outside of tourism and agriculture.

TR030002-000671-Doc 6.1 Consultation Statement Appendices - 1 to 9.pdf:184: sustainable long term employment but also support other local economies as temporary

TR030002-000671-Doc 6.1 Consultation Statement Appendices - 1 to 9.pdf:185: demonstrate the positive, sustainable benefits of this new project. mine and its transport no medium or long‐ impacts will impact

TR030002-000671-Doc 6.1 Consultation Statement Appendices - 1 to 9.pdf:195:8441674 Supportive In favour No concerns A truly professional team who are making great efforts to build a sustainable, Yes In favour The long term jobs Support York Potash could not Supportive Traffic on the roads Yes While the proposed The need for Looking forward to Positive I hope for a q

TR030002-000671-Doc 6.1 Consultation Statement Appendices - 1 to 9.pdf:216: the mine site would provide a sustainable (and healthy) alternative means of temporary

TR030002-000671-Doc 6.1 Consultation Statement Appendices - 1 to 9.pdf:224:9372402 Supportive In favour No concerns Fantastic opportunity to provide sustainable employment for the east coast

TR030002-000459-ES Section 24 References.pdf:2:English Heritage (2008). Conservation Principles: policies and guidance for the sustainable

TR030002-000463-Section 4 App 4.2 Scoping Opinion.pdf:38: EA in relation to the adopting sustainable urban drainage

TR030002-000463-Section 4 App 4.2 Scoping Opinion.pdf:70:We wish to promote the use of Sustainable Drainage systems (SuDS) and draw attention to

TR030002-000463-Section 4 App 4.2 Scoping Opinion.pdf:73:Technical Specialist - Sustainable Places Team

TR030002-000463-Section 4 App 4.2 Scoping Opinion.pdf:89:generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

TR030002-000463-Section 4 App 4.2 Scoping Opinion.pdf:94:good practice guidelines and contribute to sustainable development. Please refer to this Standing

TR030002-000675-Doc 6.3 Habitats Regulations Assessment_2 of 2.pdf:7: estuary would bring invertebrate larvae into the lagoon, thereby ensuring that a sustainable habitat can

TR030002-000675-Doc 6.3 Habitats Regulations Assessment_2 of 2.pdf:93:long term sustainable future for the site and the birds it contains. The reinstatement of the islands

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:7:benefits of the scheme; achievement of the principles of sustainable

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:7:prosperity and supporting sustainable transport objectives. Determining

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:7:efficient, sustainable and economic transport of the product, and

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:8: design. The proposals will create an efficient and sustainable operation,

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:9:The Harbour Facilities proposals inherently support sustainable

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:9:demonstrates that it exhibits sustainable credentials in accordance with

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:12: sustainable transport objectives establish shipping as the only effective

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:12: seen as key to promoting sustainable growth in the UK economy. The

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:13: Theme 5: Will the development achieve the principles of sustainable

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:17: sustainable development, with regard to economic, environmental

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:39: 2012) provides guidance on sustainable development more generally.

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:39: of the principles of sustainable development and the scope of the

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:40: sustainable, as well as the weight to be given to the need for new port

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:40: remain an essential element in ensuring sustainable growth in the UK

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:40: 1. Encourage sustainable port development to cater for long-term

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:41: sustainable port development, paragraph 3.3.3 states that new port

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:41: welfare through sustainable development (Paragraph 3.3.6). To achieve

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:41: 2. Support sustainable transport by offering more efficient transport

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:41: 3. Support sustainable development by providing additional capacity for

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:48: development can make a major contribution to sustainable

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:49: achievement of sustainable development. The MPS states, therefore,

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:49: that there will be a presumption in favour of sustainable development in

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:49: contribute to securing sustainable economic growth both in regeneration

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:51: prosperity and supporting sustainable transport objectives. These policy

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:54: sustainable development? MPS: Paragraphs 2.1.1 (and Box 1), 2.5,

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:59: sustainable and economic transport of the product, and consequently

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:68: “Good design is a key aspect of sustainable development, is indivisible

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:68: sustainable construction techniques and design concepts for buildings

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:69: whilst also embracing wider sustainable transport objectives.

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:73: sustainable transfer of polyhalite from the MHF to vessels for onward

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:73: Century…Minerals are essential to support sustainable economic

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:76: of sustainable development?

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:76: “…the Government seeks to: encourage sustainable port development

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:76: sustainable development of the UK marine area and deliver the UK

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:76: presumption in favour of sustainable development, which should be

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:76: “The principle of sustainable development will underpin the policies and

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:76:7.85 It is a key objective of the planning system to achieve sustainable

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:76: to achieve sustainable port development covering the economy and

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:78: 3. Transport – Promote sustainable transport alternatives and

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:78: Facilities as part of the YP Project inherently support sustainable

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:78: all that create a vibrant local economy and encourage sustainable

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:78: makes a considerable contribution to the principles of sustainable

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:79: 6. Design – Encourage high quality design and sustainable construction

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:79: including the potential to incorporate sustainable construction

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:81: sustainable benefits to the local community and its economy

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:81: to sustainable benefits to this sector.

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:81:7.87 The above appraisal (items 1 – 10) succinctly captures the sustainable

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:81: the principles of sustainable development in accordance with policy at

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:91: 2. the development of harbour facilities being inherently sustainable as

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:94: principles of sustainable development. This noted that there is a very

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:95: linked objectives for sustainable development and transport, and the

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:96: sustainable transport options (a

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:96: harbour facilities); and the sustainable

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:96: sustainable transport aims.

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:97: 1. There is a need for the Harbour Facilities to enable the sustainable

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:98: principles of sustainable development through the promotion of

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:98: for sustainable development and transport, and when considered

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:99: promoting sustainable growth in the UK economy. This key policy

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:100: inherently sustainable by facilitating the transport of freight by sea, the

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:101: its sustainable transport objectives. It will help to facilitate the delivery of

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:105: Sustainable Development

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:117: Paragraph 7 of the NPPF defines the three roles of sustainable

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:117: The presumption in favour of sustainable development is at the heart of

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:117: sustainable development is to be delivered which includes a focus on: -

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:117: on the need to support sustainable economic growth through the

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:118:● Promoting sustainable transport as a means to facilitate sustainable

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:118:sustainable development means:-

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:119: provision of viable Infrastructure necessary to support sustainable

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:119: and environmental aspects of sustainable development. As well as

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:120:of sustainable drainage systems (paragraph 103).

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:122:Section 13 of delivering sustainable development within NPPF relates to

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:122:facilitating the sustainable use of minerals and paragraph 142 states:

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:122:“Minerals are essential to support sustainable economic growth and our

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:122:environment in order to achieve sustainable development (Reference

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:123: sustainable development. As such “as a core planning principle, plan

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:125: ● Policy DP3 (‘Sustainable Design’) requires all development to be

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:126:can help achieve the sustainable use of minerals resources. This

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:126:sustainable transport of minerals, in particular the use of the existing rail

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:126:● Policy MWC10 (‘Sustainable Transport’) states that proposals for

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:127: ● Policy CS2 (‘Sustainable Transport and Travel’) requires development

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:127: to encourage sustainable forms of transport and supports the movement

TR030002-000566-Doc 7.1 Planning Statement.pdf:127: ● Policy CS3 (‘Sustainable Living and Climate Change’) encourages

TR030002-000438-ES Section 3 Project description_2 of 2.pdf:61: product is not economically sustainable as a business case for the proposed export volumes. As such,

TR030002-000710-York Potash Limited (Document 6.8A).pdf:16:  Produce a Construction Logistics Plan to manage the sustainable delivery of goods and

TR030002-000710-York Potash Limited (Document 6.8A).pdf:16:  Implement a Travel Plan that supports and encourages sustainable travel for contractor

TR030002-000725-York Potash Limited (Document 6.10).pdf:18: Contractor(s) and include where sustainable construction has been implemented or developed as

TR030002-000725-York Potash Limited (Document 6.10).pdf:22:  Produce a Construction Logistics Plan to manage the sustainable delivery of goods and materials.

TR030002-000725-York Potash Limited (Document 6.10).pdf:23:  Implement a Travel Plan that supports and encourages sustainable travel for contractor operatives and staff (public transport, cycling,

TR030002-001854-Secretary of State’s Decision Letter and Statement of Reasons.pdf:3:development plan and constitute sustainable development in relation to the National

TR030002-001854-Secretary of State’s Decision Letter and Statement of Reasons.pdf:6:would represent sustainable development because of the contribution that it would make to

TR030002-000453-ES Section 18 Infrastructure.pdf:1: is a key aspect of sustainable development, is indivisible from good planning, and should

TR030002-000453-ES Section 18 Infrastructure.pdf:1: states that all development proposals will incorporate sustainable construction techniques and

TR030002-000453-ES Section 18 Infrastructure.pdf:2: x DP3: Sustainable development – all development will need to be designed to a high standard.

TR030002-000572-Doc 7.3 Appendix 4 - Economic Impact Report.pdf:7: sustainable development (Paragraph 14).

TR030002-000572-Doc 7.3 Appendix 4 - Economic Impact Report.pdf:15: economic growth are set out in a range of policy strong and sustainable economies, local planning

TR030002-000572-Doc 7.3 Appendix 4 - Economic Impact Report.pdf:15: sustainable economic growth and our quality of

TR030002-000572-Doc 7.3 Appendix 4 - Economic Impact Report.pdf:15: support rather than impede sustainable economic is given significant weight, planning permission

TR030002-000572-Doc 7.3 Appendix 4 - Economic Impact Report.pdf:15: presumption in favour of sustainable development where it can be demonstrated that they are in

TR030002-000572-Doc 7.3 Appendix 4 - Economic Impact Report.pdf:15: roles of sustainable development as economic,

TR030002-000572-Doc 7.3 Appendix 4 - Economic Impact Report.pdf:15: does everything it can to support sustainable upon the local economy;

TR030002-000572-Doc 7.3 Appendix 4 - Economic Impact Report.pdf:15: not act as an impediment to sustainable growth,

TR030002-000572-Doc 7.3 Appendix 4 - Economic Impact Report.pdf:15: the planning system” (paragraph 19). Sustainable • Any detrimental effect on the environment,

TR030002-000572-Doc 7.3 Appendix 4 - Economic Impact Report.pdf:16:national policy priorities are set out in a range of establish a sustainable and growing private sector,

TR030002-000572-Doc 7.3 Appendix 4 - Economic Impact Report.pdf:16: towards the private sector; for - and work towards - sustainable local growth

TR030002-000572-Doc 7.3 Appendix 4 - Economic Impact Report.pdf:17: sector employment and with far too few jobs per achieving sustainable and balanced growth in the

TR030002-000572-Doc 7.3 Appendix 4 - Economic Impact Report.pdf:17: sustainable growth away from a reliance on a and existing technologies, products and services

TR030002-000736-Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council (Local Impact Report).pdf:7: • DP3 Sustainable Design

TR030002-000736-Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council (Local Impact Report).pdf:7: • MWC10 Sustainable Transport

TR030002-000736-Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council (Local Impact Report).pdf:8:8.2 The Harbour Facilities proposals inherently support sustainable

TR030002-000736-Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council (Local Impact Report).pdf:8:8.3 The application documentation advises that the sustainable credentials of

TR030002-000736-Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council (Local Impact Report).pdf:8:8.4 The project exhibits sustainable credentials and the application, along with

TR030002-000736-Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council (Local Impact Report).pdf:8:planning policy objectives that promote sustainable development.

TR030002-000736-Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council (Local Impact Report).pdf:12:sustainable use of

TR030002-000736-Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council (Local Impact Report).pdf:12:sustainable transport of minerals, in particular the use of the existing rail and

TR030002-000736-Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council (Local Impact Report).pdf:13:term sustainable employment, training and supply chain employment

TR030002-000422-Doc 5.1 Statement of Reasons.pdf:24: clear priorities for sustainable Infrastructure delivery, but also sets

TR030002-000422-Doc 5.1 Statement of Reasons.pdf:25: the sustainable growth in the UK economy.

TR030002-000422-Doc 5.1 Statement of Reasons.pdf:26: capacity will remain an essential element in ensuring sustainable

TR030002-000422-Doc 5.1 Statement of Reasons.pdf:26: “encourage sustainable port development to cater for long-term

TR030002-000422-Doc 5.1 Statement of Reasons.pdf:30: sustainable, growth-generating port developments, the nature,

TR030002-000849-151216 TR030002 MMO - Additional information in Response to ExAs Qs.pdf:1:Enabling sustainable growth in our marine area.

TR030002-000564-Doc 6.8 Governance Tracker.pdf:15:  Produce a Construction Logistics Plan to manage the sustainable delivery of goods and

TR030002-000564-Doc 6.8 Governance Tracker.pdf:15:  Implement a Travel Plan that supports and encourages sustainable travel for contractor

TR030002-000722-York Potash Limited 4.pdf:6: and restore clean water across Europe to ensure long-term, sustainable use. It applies to

TR030002-000841-151214 TR030002 MMO - Response to ExA's questions.pdf:1:Enabling sustainable growth in our marine area.

TR030002-000452-ES Section 17 Coastal protection and flood defence.pdf:5: policies which will deliver sustainable flood risk management over a long term timescale.

TR030002-000452-ES Section 17 Coastal protection and flood defence.pdf:6:The Environment Agency wish to promote the use of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SuDS) and The FRA notes that

TR030002-000673-Doc 6.1 Consultation Statement Appendices - 22 to 31.pdf:37:021-01 England is conserved, enhanced, and managed for the benefit of present and future generations, thereby contributing to sustainable

TR030002-000673-Doc 6.1 Consultation Statement Appendices - 22 to 31.pdf:40: Coastal Access Act 2009 (the “2009 Act”) to make a contribution to sustainable development in the marine area and to

TR030002-000673-Doc 6.1 Consultation Statement Appendices - 22 to 31.pdf:58: DEVELOPMENT POLICIES DPD – Policies DP1: Development Limits; DP2: Location of Development; DP3: Sustainable

TR030002-000673-Doc 6.1 Consultation Statement Appendices - 22 to 31.pdf:58: Sustainable Transport; MPWP1: Waste Audits

TR030002-000450-ES Section 15 Archaeology and heritage.pdf:4: x English Heritage Conservation Principles: policies and guidance for the sustainable

TR030002-000692-151120 TR030002 MMO - comments on responses to Ex Authority second written questions.pdf:1:Enabling sustainable growth in our marine area

TR030002-000296-151125 TR030002 MMO - answer to questions in DCO Hearing.pdf:1:Enabling sustainable growth in our marine area.

TR030002-000500-Section 19 App 19.1 Socio economic legislation_policy_guidance.pdf:10: sustainable development (Paragraph 14).

TR030002-000500-Section 19 App 19.1 Socio economic legislation_policy_guidance.pdf:19: economic growth are set out in a range of policy strong and sustainable economies, local planning

TR030002-000500-Section 19 App 19.1 Socio economic legislation_policy_guidance.pdf:19: sustainable economic growth and our quality of

TR030002-000500-Section 19 App 19.1 Socio economic legislation_policy_guidance.pdf:19: support rather than impede sustainable economic is given significant weight, planning permission

TR030002-000500-Section 19 App 19.1 Socio economic legislation_policy_guidance.pdf:19: presumption in favour of sustainable development where it can be demonstrated that they are in

TR030002-000500-Section 19 App 19.1 Socio economic legislation_policy_guidance.pdf:19: roles of sustainable development as economic,

TR030002-000500-Section 19 App 19.1 Socio economic legislation_policy_guidance.pdf:19: does everything it can to support sustainable upon the local economy;

TR030002-000500-Section 19 App 19.1 Socio economic legislation_policy_guidance.pdf:19: not act as an impediment to sustainable growth,

TR030002-000500-Section 19 App 19.1 Socio economic legislation_policy_guidance.pdf:19: the planning system” (paragraph 19). Sustainable • Any detrimental effect on the environment,

TR030002-000500-Section 19 App 19.1 Socio economic legislation_policy_guidance.pdf:20:national policy priorities are set out in a range of establish a sustainable and growing private sector,

TR030002-000500-Section 19 App 19.1 Socio economic legislation_policy_guidance.pdf:20: towards the private sector; for - and work towards - sustainable local growth

TR030002-000500-Section 19 App 19.1 Socio economic legislation_policy_guidance.pdf:21: sector employment and with far too few jobs per achieving sustainable and balanced growth in the

TR030002-000500-Section 19 App 19.1 Socio economic legislation_policy_guidance.pdf:21: sustainable growth away from a reliance on a and existing technologies, products and services

TR030002-001856-Examining Authority’s Recommendation Report.pdf:23: achievement of sustainable development in the UK marine area. The

TR030002-001856-Examining Authority’s Recommendation Report.pdf:30: achievement of sustainable development. In paragraph 7 it states that

TR030002-001856-Examining Authority’s Recommendation Report.pdf:30: there are three dimensions to sustainable development, namely

TR030002-001856-Examining Authority’s Recommendation Report.pdf:30:3.9.3 The presumption in favour of sustainable development referred to in

TR030002-001856-Examining Authority’s Recommendation Report.pdf:37: sustainable use of minerals resources including by safeguarding the

TR030002-001856-Examining Authority’s Recommendation Report.pdf:37: term sustainable employment, training and supply chain opportunities.

TR030002-001856-Examining Authority’s Recommendation Report.pdf:38: development plan. This means that it would also constitute sustainable

TR030002-001856-Examining Authority’s Recommendation Report.pdf:39: section 3.3. In summary it is to encourage sustainable port

TR030002-001856-Examining Authority’s Recommendation Report.pdf:39:4.6.3 To meet requirements of sustainable development, new port

TR030002-001856-Examining Authority’s Recommendation Report.pdf:42: sustainable development within the marine planning system just as for

TR030002-001856-Examining Authority’s Recommendation Report.pdf:47: design will therefore involve production of sustainable Infrastructure

TR030002-001856-Examining Authority’s Recommendation Report.pdf:73: those impacts that do arise and where possible sustainable

TR030002-001856-Examining Authority’s Recommendation Report.pdf:77: commented that the overall YPP scheme would represent sustainable

TR030002-001856-Examining Authority’s Recommendation Report.pdf:101: means that it would also constitute sustainable development in

TR030002-001856-Examining Authority’s Recommendation Report.pdf:103: sustainable development in terms of the NPPF. With regard to the

TR030002-001856-Examining Authority’s Recommendation Report.pdf:114: appropriately located port capacity is essential to the sustainable

TR030002-001856-Examining Authority’s Recommendation Report.pdf:119: sustainable development. While rail access to the MHF is not precluded

TR030002-001856-Examining Authority’s Recommendation Report.pdf:156: appropriately located port capacity is essential to the sustainable

TR030002-001856-Examining Authority’s Recommendation Report.pdf:172: plan. This means that it would also constitute sustainable development

TR030002-001856-Examining Authority’s Recommendation Report.pdf:173: with the development plan and would thereby constitute sustainable

TR030002-000455-ES Section 20 Landscape and visual environment.pdf:3:20.2.12 Policy DP3 Sustainable Design

TR030002-000455-ES Section 20 Landscape and visual environment.pdf:23: Sustainable Design

TR030002-000451-ES Section 16 Commercial navigation.pdf:1: in line with sustainable development principles.

TR030002-000449-ES Section 14 Noise and vibration.pdf:2: noise within the context of Government policy on sustainable development:

TR030002-000449-ES Section 14 Noise and vibration.pdf:2: health and quality of life while also taking into account the guiding principles of sustainable

TR030002-000767-151002 TR030002 MMO Response to ExA questions.pdf:1:Enabling sustainable growth in our marine area

TR030002-000705-Applicant response to First Questions - Appendix 7.pdf:9:sustainable solution for coastal squ ueeze.

TR030002-000497-Section 15 App 15.4 Additional settings assessment report.pdf:16: guidance for the sustainable management of the historic environment.

TR030002-000462-Section 4 App 4.1 Environmental Scoping Report.pdf:18: protect and restore clean water across Europe to ensure long-term, sustainable use. It

TR030002-000462-Section 4 App 4.1 Environmental Scoping Report.pdf:19: • Encourage sustainable port development to cater for long term forecast growth

TR030002-000462-Section 4 App 4.1 Environmental Scoping Report.pdf:20: In order to help meet the requirements of the government policies on sustainable

TR030002-000462-Section 4 App 4.1 Environmental Scoping Report.pdf:22: means of export of the product is not economically sustainable as a business case for

TR030002-000448-ES Section 13 Air quality.pdf:26: x Implement a Travel Plan that supports and encourages sustainable travel for contractor

TR030002-000578-Doc 7.3 Appendix 7 - Appendices to Alternative Sites Assessment - Part 3.pdf:29:  Accessibility (potential for the sustainable transport of people/freight); and

TR030002-000569-Doc 7.3 Appendix 2a - MDT Planning Statement.pdf:13: (‘Delivering National Park Purposes Sustainable Development’) and Core Policy B (‘Spatial

TR030002-000569-Doc 7.3 Appendix 2a - MDT Planning Statement.pdf:13: encouraging a more sustainable future for the Park and its communities whilst conserving and

TR030002-000569-Doc 7.3 Appendix 2a - MDT Planning Statement.pdf:14: i. Sustainable Development

TR030002-000569-Doc 7.3 Appendix 2a - MDT Planning Statement.pdf:15: everything it can to support rather than impede sustainable economic growth.

TR030002-000569-Doc 7.3 Appendix 2a - MDT Planning Statement.pdf:15:3.22 The NPPF is underpinned by an overarching presumption in favour of sustainable development.

TR030002-000569-Doc 7.3 Appendix 2a - MDT Planning Statement.pdf:15: favour of sustainable development, which should be seen as a golden thread

TR030002-000569-Doc 7.3 Appendix 2a - MDT Planning Statement.pdf:16: in favour of sustainable development. The consequence of this is that planning applications in the

TR030002-000569-Doc 7.3 Appendix 2a - MDT Planning Statement.pdf:16:3.24 Paragraph 7 of the NPPF defines the three roles of sustainable development (i.e. economic, social

TR030002-000569-Doc 7.3 Appendix 2a - MDT Planning Statement.pdf:17: everything it can to support sustainable economic growth. Planning should

TR030002-000569-Doc 7.3 Appendix 2a - MDT Planning Statement.pdf:17: encourage and not act as an impediment to sustainable growth, and as such,

TR030002-000569-Doc 7.3 Appendix 2a - MDT Planning Statement.pdf:19:3.31 Section 13 of the NPPF relates to ‘Facilitating the sustainable use of minerals’ and paragraph 142

TR030002-000569-Doc 7.3 Appendix 2a - MDT Planning Statement.pdf:19: “Minerals are essential to support sustainable economic growth and our

TR030002-000569-Doc 7.3 Appendix 2a - MDT Planning Statement.pdf:24: notable for their natural beauty and cultural heritage” and “sustainable development can be seen in

TR030002-000569-Doc 7.3 Appendix 2a - MDT Planning Statement.pdf:24:3.51 Paragraphs 28-30 relate specifically to the objective of achieving sustainable development:

TR030002-000569-Doc 7.3 Appendix 2a - MDT Planning Statement.pdf:24: “The principles of sustainable development include living within

TR030002-000569-Doc 7.3 Appendix 2a - MDT Planning Statement.pdf:24: environmental limits, achieving a sustainable economy and ensuring a strong,

TR030002-000569-Doc 7.3 Appendix 2a - MDT Planning Statement.pdf:24: exemplars in achieving sustainable development, helping rural communities

TR030002-000569-Doc 7.3 Appendix 2a - MDT Planning Statement.pdf:25: places where people can live and work by maintaining sustainable

TR030002-000569-Doc 7.3 Appendix 2a - MDT Planning Statement.pdf:27: leadership to drive sustainable private sector-led growth and job creation in their area. The

TR030002-000569-Doc 7.3 Appendix 2a - MDT Planning Statement.pdf:44: support for sustainable economic development and, more specifically, the requirement to support

TR030002-000569-Doc 7.3 Appendix 2a - MDT Planning Statement.pdf:44: a prosperous rural economy including the sustainable growth and expansion of all types of business

TR030002-000569-Doc 7.3 Appendix 2a - MDT Planning Statement.pdf:46: the application whose development would help to provide a financially sustainable footing for the

TR030002-000569-Doc 7.3 Appendix 2a - MDT Planning Statement.pdf:48: system places significant weight on the need to support sustainable economic growth. More

TR030002-000569-Doc 7.3 Appendix 2a - MDT Planning Statement.pdf:48: specifically, the NPPF states that minerals are essential to support sustainable economic growth

TR030002-000569-Doc 7.3 Appendix 2a - MDT Planning Statement.pdf:49: notably that minerals are essential to support sustainable economic growth and that,

TR030002-000569-Doc 7.3 Appendix 2a - MDT Planning Statement.pdf:68: are essential to support sustainable economic growth and our quality of life (paragraph 142) and

TR030002-000569-Doc 7.3 Appendix 2a - MDT Planning Statement.pdf:68: has set out its third ambition - creating sustainable growth away from a reliance on a narrow range

TR030002-000569-Doc 7.3 Appendix 2a - MDT Planning Statement.pdf:68:7.14 Exports are a key step in achieving sustainable and balanced growth in the UK. The UK is well

TR030002-000569-Doc 7.3 Appendix 2a - MDT Planning Statement.pdf:98: notably that minerals are essential to support sustainable economic growth (paragraph 142)

TR030002-000569-Doc 7.3 Appendix 2a - MDT Planning Statement.pdf:100: the planning system does everything it can to support sustainable economic growth, which is a

TR030002-000799-Document 6.12A - Mitigation and Monitoring Strategy - Rev 4.pdf:43:long term sustainable future for the site and the birds it contains. The reinstatement of the islands

TR030002-000444-ES Section 9 Marine and coastal ornithology.pdf:1: formulation of marine plans, ensuring that marine resources are used in a sustainable way in high level

TR030002-000444-ES Section 9 Marine and coastal ornithology.pdf:1: x promoting sustainable economic development;

TR030002-000444-ES Section 9 Marine and coastal ornithology.pdf:2: x ensuring a sustainable marine environment which promotes healthy, functioning marine

TR030002-000444-ES Section 9 Marine and coastal ornithology.pdf:2: x contributing to the societal benefits of the marine area, including the sustainable use of marine

TR030002-000444-ES Section 9 Marine and coastal ornithology.pdf:34: sustainable habitat is created. The creation of the new shallows / intertidal areas is expected to

TR030002-000561-Doc 6.7 Environmental Statement Non Technical Summary_2 of 2.pdf:6: product would not be economically sustainable for the proposed export volumes.

TR030002-000074-131202_TR030002_York Potash Harbour Facilities_Scoping Report.pdf:16: protect and restore clean water across Europe to ensure long-term, sustainable use. It

TR030002-000074-131202_TR030002_York Potash Harbour Facilities_Scoping Report.pdf:17: • Encourage sustainable port development to cater for long term forecast growth

TR030002-000074-131202_TR030002_York Potash Harbour Facilities_Scoping Report.pdf:18: In order to help meet the requirements of the government policies on sustainable

TR030002-000074-131202_TR030002_York Potash Harbour Facilities_Scoping Report.pdf:20: means of export of the product is not economically sustainable as a business case for

TR030002-000573-Doc 7.3 Appendix 5 - MHF Planning Statement.pdf:8:  The project exhibits sustainable credentials, and whilst it is

TR030002-000573-Doc 7.3 Appendix 5 - MHF Planning Statement.pdf:11: 8. What are the sustainable credentials of the scheme? …………………………… 43

TR030002-000573-Doc 7.3 Appendix 5 - MHF Planning Statement.pdf:37:5.34 A system of interlinked chains of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SuDS)

TR030002-000573-Doc 7.3 Appendix 5 - MHF Planning Statement.pdf:40: Sustainable Development

TR030002-000573-Doc 7.3 Appendix 5 - MHF Planning Statement.pdf:40:6.10 The cornerstone of the NPPF is to proactively deliver sustainable development

TR030002-000573-Doc 7.3 Appendix 5 - MHF Planning Statement.pdf:40: emphasis is the ‘presumption in favour of sustainable development’, which, the

TR030002-000573-Doc 7.3 Appendix 5 - MHF Planning Statement.pdf:41:6.12 The NPPF defines sustainable development as having three dimensions:

TR030002-000573-Doc 7.3 Appendix 5 - MHF Planning Statement.pdf:41: sustainable development and growth.

TR030002-000573-Doc 7.3 Appendix 5 - MHF Planning Statement.pdf:41:6.15 “Proactively drive and support sustainable economic development to deliver

TR030002-000573-Doc 7.3 Appendix 5 - MHF Planning Statement.pdf:41:6.17 Section 13 of the NPPF relates to ‘Facilitating the sustainable use of minerals’.

TR030002-000573-Doc 7.3 Appendix 5 - MHF Planning Statement.pdf:41: “Minerals are essential to support sustainable economic growth and our quality

TR030002-000573-Doc 7.3 Appendix 5 - MHF Planning Statement.pdf:42: Sustainable Transport

TR030002-000573-Doc 7.3 Appendix 5 - MHF Planning Statement.pdf:42:6.22 Transport policies have an important role to play in facilitating sustainable

TR030002-000573-Doc 7.3 Appendix 5 - MHF Planning Statement.pdf:42: objectives. The transport system should be balanced in favour of sustainable

TR030002-000573-Doc 7.3 Appendix 5 - MHF Planning Statement.pdf:42: located “where the need to travel will be minimised and the use of sustainable

TR030002-000573-Doc 7.3 Appendix 5 - MHF Planning Statement.pdf:45: (‘Sustainable Design’), including biodiversity designations. The policy includes

TR030002-000573-Doc 7.3 Appendix 5 - MHF Planning Statement.pdf:46: achieve the sustainable use of minerals resources. This includes ‘safeguarding

TR030002-000573-Doc 7.3 Appendix 5 - MHF Planning Statement.pdf:46: the necessary Infrastructure to enable the sustainable transport of minerals, in

TR030002-000573-Doc 7.3 Appendix 5 - MHF Planning Statement.pdf:47: 8 What are the sustainable credentials of the scheme?

TR030002-000573-Doc 7.3 Appendix 5 - MHF Planning Statement.pdf:47: economic environment is a core component of delivering sustainable

TR030002-000573-Doc 7.3 Appendix 5 - MHF Planning Statement.pdf:51: including through the use of sustainable modes of transport and reducing the

TR030002-000573-Doc 7.3 Appendix 5 - MHF Planning Statement.pdf:57: 8. What are the sustainable credentials of the

TR030002-000573-Doc 7.3 Appendix 5 - MHF Planning Statement.pdf:57:7.47 The sustainable credentials of the project are linked to the nature of the

TR030002-000573-Doc 7.3 Appendix 5 - MHF Planning Statement.pdf:57: sustainable credentials of the product, therefore, are substantial and this

TR030002-000573-Doc 7.3 Appendix 5 - MHF Planning Statement.pdf:57: subject of this application is itself sustainable in nature.

TR030002-000573-Doc 7.3 Appendix 5 - MHF Planning Statement.pdf:59: across the other sustainable criteria would enable the development to

TR030002-000573-Doc 7.3 Appendix 5 - MHF Planning Statement.pdf:60: 9. Design: promote high quality, safe and sustainable design techniques.

TR030002-000573-Doc 7.3 Appendix 5 - MHF Planning Statement.pdf:60: a) Theme 2 reviews the sustainable design approach to the project. In

TR030002-000573-Doc 7.3 Appendix 5 - MHF Planning Statement.pdf:60: achieve BREEAM ‘Good’, reflecting the sustainable approach to design

TR030002-000573-Doc 7.3 Appendix 5 - MHF Planning Statement.pdf:60: c) The economic role of sustainable development is singled out within the

TR030002-000573-Doc 7.3 Appendix 5 - MHF Planning Statement.pdf:60: do everything it can to support sustainable economic growth”) and hence

TR030002-000573-Doc 7.3 Appendix 5 - MHF Planning Statement.pdf:60: considerable weight when appraising sustainable credentials.

TR030002-000573-Doc 7.3 Appendix 5 - MHF Planning Statement.pdf:61: 12. Transport: promote sustainable transport alternatives.

TR030002-000573-Doc 7.3 Appendix 5 - MHF Planning Statement.pdf:61: proposed that are designed to deliver sustainable transport benefits.

TR030002-000573-Doc 7.3 Appendix 5 - MHF Planning Statement.pdf:61: 13. Recreation and Tourism: promote opportunities that provide sustainable

TR030002-000573-Doc 7.3 Appendix 5 - MHF Planning Statement.pdf:61: Sustainability Appraisal document, succinctly captures the sustainable

TR030002-000573-Doc 7.3 Appendix 5 - MHF Planning Statement.pdf:61: sustainable credentials, and whilst it is acknowledged that with regard to the

TR030002-000573-Doc 7.3 Appendix 5 - MHF Planning Statement.pdf:61: As referenced above, the particular weight given to sustainable economic

TR030002-000573-Doc 7.3 Appendix 5 - MHF Planning Statement.pdf:65: the NPPF – namely for the promotion of sustainable economic development,

TR030002-000573-Doc 7.3 Appendix 5 - MHF Planning Statement.pdf:65: and sustainable transport perspective, with the bulk of the mined material due

TR030002-000072-140113_TR030002_York Potash Harbour Facilities_Scoping Opinion Report.pdf:36: EA in relation to the adopting sustainable urban drainage

TR030002-000072-140113_TR030002_York Potash Harbour Facilities_Scoping Opinion Report.pdf:68:We wish to promote the use of Sustainable Drainage systems (SuDS) and draw attention to

TR030002-000072-140113_TR030002_York Potash Harbour Facilities_Scoping Opinion Report.pdf:71:Technical Specialist - Sustainable Places Team

TR030002-000072-140113_TR030002_York Potash Harbour Facilities_Scoping Opinion Report.pdf:87:generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

TR030002-000072-140113_TR030002_York Potash Harbour Facilities_Scoping Opinion Report.pdf:92:good practice guidelines and contribute to sustainable development. Please refer to this Standing

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:8:18 The ‘normal’ presumption in favour of sustainable development does not

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:8:20 The sustainable credentials of the Project are linked to the nature of the

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:8: exhibits sustainable credentials, and whilst it is acknowledged that with

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:8: sustainable economic growth in the NPPF creates a very favourable

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:10: characteristics; incorporates sustainable design principles alongside in-built

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:13: principles of sustainable development; respects the special qualities of the

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:13: sustainable economic growth is substantial; and with many years of mining

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:62: ‘Facilitating the sustainable use of minerals’ and paragraph 142 states:

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:62: “Minerals are essential to support sustainable economic growth and our

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:65: favour of sustainable development does not apply within National Parks.

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:69: The three roles of sustainable development:

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:69: everything it can to support sustainable economic growth. Planning should

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:69: encourage and not act as an impediment to sustainable growth …. significant

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:69: “The principle of sustainable development will underpin the policies and

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:69: “The principles of sustainable development include living within

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:69: environmental limits, achieving a sustainable economy and ensuring a

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:69:6.2 The sustainable credentials of the Project are linked to the nature of the

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:70: sustainable credentials of the product, therefore, are substantial and this

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:70: that is the subject of this application is itself sustainable in nature.

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:72: Welfare Building incorporates sustainable design to minimise energy

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:73: 9. Design: promote high quality, safe and sustainable design

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:73: a) Policy Theme 8 reviews the sustainable design approach to the

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:73: ‘Good’, reflecting the sustainable approach to design adopted.

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:73: c) The economic role of sustainable development is singled out within

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:73: should do everything it can to support sustainable economic growth”)

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:73: given considerable weight when appraising sustainable credentials.

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:74: 12. Transport: promote sustainable transport alternatives.

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:74: proposed that are designed to deliver sustainable transport benefits.

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:74: sustainable benefits to the local community and its economy.

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:74: account of the Project that follows, succinctly captures the sustainable

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:74: sustainable credentials, and whilst it is acknowledged that with regard to

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:74: scheme. As referenced above, the particular weight given to sustainable

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:90: “Support sustainable rural tourism and leisure developments that benefit

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:90: maintained and improved through adopting the principles of sustainable

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:92: essential to support sustainable economic growth and our quality of

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:93: as essential to support sustainable economic growth and quality of life

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:98: sustainable design …satisfactory landscaping… safety, security and access

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:98: sustainable construction techniques and design concepts for buildings and

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:98: “Good design is a key aspect of sustainable development, is indivisible from

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:98: as it provides an opportunity to present the sustainable design and

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:99: to prevailing site and surrounding characteristics; incorporates sustainable

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:103: opportunities for sustainable transport modes…safe and suitable access…

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:103: demand; promoting sustainable modes of transport over and above the

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:117: sustainable development, taking opportunities where possible to respect its

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:117: towards sustainable economic growth. The Special Qualities of the

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:117: that are focused on the promotion of sustainable transport alternatives,

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:118: sustainable economic growth is substantial; and with many years of mining

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:129: sustainable design, construction and energy use.”

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:130: 4 Promoting healthy and sustainable communities:

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:130:2.6 Core Policy A (‘Delivering National Park Purposes and Sustainable

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:130: and duty by encouraging a more sustainable future for the Park and its

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:130:  Applying the principles of sustainable design and energy use to new

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:131: change and promote the prudent and sustainable use of natural resources.

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:133: character and promote sustainable design and efficient energy use in new

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:133: historic assets and cultural heritage. It states that high quality sustainable

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:133:  Good quality sustainable design and construction techniques are

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:134: maintained and improved through adopting the principles of sustainable

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:134: to travel and facilitate alternative, more sustainable modes of travel to the

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:136:  Creating sustainable communities;

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:136: response, “building sustainable communities in the Borough” will be the central

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:136: sustainable development will underpin the policies and proposals for the use

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:137:  Incorporate sustainable construction techniques and design concepts

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:139:2.38 In terms of sustainable design, Policy DP3 states that all development must be

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:139: e) Incorporate sustainable design and construction techniques to meet high

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:139: including recycling and waste facilities and Sustainable Drainage

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:140:2.45 With regards to sustainable transport, Policy MWC10 states that proposals for

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:142: Sustainable Development

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:142:3.2 Paragraph 7 of the NPPF defines the three roles of sustainable development

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:142: sustainable development. Paragraph 14 of the NPPF states:

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:142: sustainable development, which should be seen as a golden thread running

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:143: sustainable development. The consequence of this is that planning

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:143:  “support sustainable rural tourism and leisure development that benefit

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:144: Sustainable Transport

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:144: facilitating sustainable development but also in contributing to wider

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:144:  the opportunities for sustainable transport modes have been taken up

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:144: of sustainable transport models can be maximised. However this needs to

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:144: “Good design is a key aspect of sustainable development, is indivisible from

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:147:3.19 Section 13 of delivering sustainable development within NPPF relates to

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:147: facilitating the sustainable use of minerals and paragraph 142 states:

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:147: “Minerals are essential to support sustainable economic growth and our quality

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:151: they provide (from clean water to sustainable food) are in good condition and

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:151: Sustainable development can be seen in action. The communities of the Parks

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:151: been pivotal in the transformation to a low carbon society and sustainable

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:151: living. Renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, low carbon transport and

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:151:3.34 Paragraphs 28-30 relate specifically to the objective of achieving sustainable

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:151: “The principles of sustainable development include living within environmental

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:151: limits, achieving a sustainable economy and ensuring a strong, healthy and

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:152: achieving sustainable development, helping rural communities in particular to

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:152: places where people can live and work by maintaining sustainable livelihoods.”

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:153: to facilitate the sustainable use of minerals), the self-assessment states, inter

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:156: the National Park in a more sustainable and integrated way.”

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:159: sustainable design. However, in the National Park careful consideration has to

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:160:  Use native hardwoods and softwoods from sustainable sources

TR030002-000568-Doc 7.3 Appendix 1 - Mine and MTS Planning Statement.pdf:161:3.71 In terms of drainage, Sustainable Drainage Systems should be incorporated

TR030002-000670-Doc 6.1 Consultation Statement - Main Text.pdf:26: sustainable development, the company is committed to effective and

TR030002-000842-151211 TR030002 Natural England - Response to ExA's queries on the RIES.pdf:1:Sustainable Development Team

TR030002-000842-151211 TR030002 Natural England - Response to ExA's queries on the RIES.pdf:3:generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

TR030002-000842-151211 TR030002 Natural England - Response to ExA's queries on the RIES.pdf:3:Sustainable Development

TR030002-000483-Section 12 App 12.3 Construction Traffic Management Plan.pdf:15:3.2.1 The MHF, MTS Portal and Harbour facilities are situated in an area where sustainable transport options

TR030002-000570-Doc 7.3 Appendix 2b - MDT Planning Statement Appendices.pdf:7:  Delivering sustainable waste management

TR030002-000570-Doc 7.3 Appendix 2b - MDT Planning Statement Appendices.pdf:33: and sustainable solution (paragraph 6.8.2). British Sugar indicated that it was prepared to investigate

TR030002-000570-Doc 7.3 Appendix 2b - MDT Planning Statement Appendices.pdf:34: (Sustainable Development in Rural Areas) and other national policy documents in March 2012. The

TR030002-000570-Doc 7.3 Appendix 2b - MDT Planning Statement Appendices.pdf:47:crops. In order to be sustainable and to maintain soil fertility, these nutrients must

TR030002-000570-Doc 7.3 Appendix 2b - MDT Planning Statement Appendices.pdf:49:sustainable supplies of fertiliser nutrients will be important. One example of a new

TR030002-000570-Doc 7.3 Appendix 2b - MDT Planning Statement Appendices.pdf:91:Primefacts. NSW Department of Profitable and Sustainable Primary Industries, leaflet

TR030002-000570-Doc 7.3 Appendix 2b - MDT Planning Statement Appendices.pdf:111: food imports. This may not be a sustainable way for the UK to ensure its future food

TR030002-000570-Doc 7.3 Appendix 2b - MDT Planning Statement Appendices.pdf:120: food security silicate rocks as an alternative review. Agronomy for Sustainable

TR030002-000570-Doc 7.3 Appendix 2b - MDT Planning Statement Appendices.pdf:120: Substitutes yields by 30% (although no reference bacteria as alternative, sustainable Mixed

TR030002-000570-Doc 7.3 Appendix 2b - MDT Planning Statement Appendices.pdf:120: to how this compares to commercial fertilizers. Agronomy for Sustainable

TR030002-000570-Doc 7.3 Appendix 2b - MDT Planning Statement Appendices.pdf:125: The low levels of fertiliser potash use are not sustainable in the long term if crop yields

TR030002-000570-Doc 7.3 Appendix 2b - MDT Planning Statement Appendices.pdf:138: society deals with problems, how farming has developed (sustainable or intensified) and how

TR030002-000570-Doc 7.3 Appendix 2b - MDT Planning Statement Appendices.pdf:142: Local food products are important. Sustainable management of resources is a

TR030002-000570-Doc 7.3 Appendix 2b - MDT Planning Statement Appendices.pdf:154:be seen in LS due to the sustainable agriculture and low severity of other impacts caused by the

TR030002-000570-Doc 7.3 Appendix 2b - MDT Planning Statement Appendices.pdf:154:worsen under high climate change. Scenarios with more sustainable, low input agricultural systems

TR030002-000570-Doc 7.3 Appendix 2b - MDT Planning Statement Appendices.pdf:157:but we would be heavily reliant on food imports which may not be sustainable in the long run,

TR030002-000570-Doc 7.3 Appendix 2b - MDT Planning Statement Appendices.pdf:163: be used to breed drought tolerant varieties). In scenarios with low input, sustainable farming

TR030002-000570-Doc 7.3 Appendix 2b - MDT Planning Statement Appendices.pdf:169:sustainable way for the UK to ensure its future food security due to the increased reliance on

TR030002-000570-Doc 7.3 Appendix 2b - MDT Planning Statement Appendices.pdf:172:Askegaard. M., Eriksen, J. and Johnston, A. E. 2004. Sustainable management of potassium. In

TR030002-000570-Doc 7.3 Appendix 2b - MDT Planning Statement Appendices.pdf:174: alternative, sustainable fertilizers. Agronomy for Sustainable Development. 26: 4, 233 –

TR030002-000570-Doc 7.3 Appendix 2b - MDT Planning Statement Appendices.pdf:175: Sustainable Development. 30: 2, 281 - 294.

TR030002-000570-Doc 7.3 Appendix 2b - MDT Planning Statement Appendices.pdf:180: Sustainable energy management and the built To assess the potential changes in the built environment

TR030002-000570-Doc 7.3 Appendix 2b - MDT Planning Statement Appendices.pdf:182: Ofgem - Project Discovery Energy Market Scenarios sustainable energy to 2020 No Does not go to 2060 and focuses on energy

TR030002-000442-ES Section 7 Marine sediment and water quality.pdf:5: environmental status’’ in Europe’s seas by 2020, to enable the sustainable use of the marine

TR030002-000436-ES Section 2 Legislation_regulation_policy.pdf:2: restore clean water across Europe to ensure long-term, sustainable use. It applies to waters out to one

TR030002-000436-ES Section 2 Legislation_regulation_policy.pdf:3: x Encourage sustainable port development to cater for long term forecast growth in volumes of

TR030002-000436-ES Section 2 Legislation_regulation_policy.pdf:4:2.7.3 In order to help meet the requirements of Government policies on sustainable development, Paragraph

TR030002-000436-ES Section 2 Legislation_regulation_policy.pdf:4: affecting the marine environment. The MPS is intended to contribute to the achievement of sustainable

TR030002-000436-ES Section 2 Legislation_regulation_policy.pdf:4: resources are used in a sustainable way, in line with high level marine objectives and thereby (HM

TR030002-000436-ES Section 2 Legislation_regulation_policy.pdf:4: x promotes sustainable economic development;

TR030002-000436-ES Section 2 Legislation_regulation_policy.pdf:4: x aims to ensure a sustainable marine environment which promotes healthy, functioning marine

TR030002-000436-ES Section 2 Legislation_regulation_policy.pdf:4: x contributes to the societal benefits of the marine area, including the sustainable use of marine

TR030002-000436-ES Section 2 Legislation_regulation_policy.pdf:5: regeneration, creation of sustainable communities, improved and enhanced access (to new

TR030002-000436-ES Section 2 Legislation_regulation_policy.pdf:5: respects and enhances the character of the local area, incorporating sustainable construction

TR030002-000436-ES Section 2 Legislation_regulation_policy.pdf:6: x Policy MWC1 outlines how the sustainable use of minerals in the Tees Valley will be delivered.

TR030002-001871-Natural England consultation response - Proposed non-material change to York Potash Harbour Facilities Order, Redcar.pdf:1:generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

TR030002-000857-151216 TR030002 York Potash Ltd - Document 6.10A - Outline Construction Environmental Management Plan.pdf:18: Contractor(s) and include where sustainable construction has been implemented or developed as

TR030002-000857-151216 TR030002 York Potash Ltd - Document 6.10A - Outline Construction Environmental Management Plan.pdf:23:  Produce a Construction Logistics Plan to manage the sustainable delivery of goods and materials.

TR030002-000857-151216 TR030002 York Potash Ltd - Document 6.10A - Outline Construction Environmental Management Plan.pdf:23:  Implement a Travel Plan that supports and encourages sustainable travel for contractor operatives and staff (public transport, cycling,

TR030002-000059-140113_TR030002_late scoping responses.pdf:20: DP3: Sustainable Design

TR030002-000059-140113_TR030002_late scoping responses.pdf:20: MCW10: Sustainable Transport

TR030002-000447-ES Section 12 Traffic and transport.pdf:2:12.2.4 Section four of the NPPF considers ‘Promoting Sustainable Transport’ and opens with the statement

TR030002-000447-ES Section 12 Traffic and transport.pdf:2: that “Transport policies have an important role to play in facilitating sustainable development but also

TR030002-000447-ES Section 12 Traffic and transport.pdf:2: x The opportunities for sustainable transport modes have been taken up depending on the nature

TR030002-000447-ES Section 12 Traffic and transport.pdf:2: NPPF requirements for sustainable transport modes and improvements to the transport network are

TR030002-000447-ES Section 12 Traffic and transport.pdf:3: sustainable transport.

TR030002-000447-ES Section 12 Traffic and transport.pdf:3: x Policy CS28 Sustainable Transport Networks - supports the development of pedestrian, cycling

TR030002-000447-ES Section 12 Traffic and transport.pdf:3: x Policy CS17 Transport Strategy - focuses on delivering a sustainable transport network with

TR030002-000447-ES Section 12 Traffic and transport.pdf:5: x Sustainable Living – the Council will look to support employment premises located in areas of

TR030002-000447-ES Section 12 Traffic and transport.pdf:5: The Strategic Road Network and the Delivery of Sustainable Development

TR030002-000447-ES Section 12 Traffic and transport.pdf:5: of Sustainable Development’ was published in September 2013, replacing circular 02/2007 ‘Planning

TR030002-000447-ES Section 12 Traffic and transport.pdf:5: communities and developers to deliver sustainable development, and thus economic growth, whilst

TR030002-000447-ES Section 12 Traffic and transport.pdf:22: Sustainable transport

TR030002-000447-ES Section 12 Traffic and transport.pdf:22:12.4.31 Table 12-12 provides a brief summary of the sustainable transport options available for the Harbour

TR030002-000447-ES Section 12 Traffic and transport.pdf:22: Summary of Sustainable Travel Options

TR030002-000447-ES Section 12 Traffic and transport.pdf:22:12.4.32 A review of the sustainable travel options demonstrates that the Harbour facilities is highly accessible

TR030002-000447-ES Section 12 Traffic and transport.pdf:23: Table 12-12 Summary of sustainable transport

TR030002-000762-Tata Steel UK Limited and others.pdf:3:b) As discussed above, the Applicant's reason for not confirming the conveyor route is unsustainable

TR030002-000494-Section 15 App 15.1 Archaeology desk based appraisal.pdf:14:3.3.2 This requirement is framed by a presumption in favour of sustainable development and the policy

TR030002-000701-Environment Agency.pdf:11: and restore clean water across Europe to ensure long-term, sustainable use. It applies to

TR030002-000434-ES Contents_index.pdf:22:Table 12-12 Summary of sustainable transport

TR030002-000507-Doc 6.6 Environmental Statement_CIA.pdf:107: Sustainable transport

TR030002-000507-Doc 6.6 Environmental Statement_CIA.pdf:107: workers to travel by more sustainable forms of transport.

TR030002-000507-Doc 6.6 Environmental Statement_CIA.pdf:219: management plan and a permanent Sustainable Drainage System. These both incorporate measures

TR030002-000761-Environment Agency.pdf:1:Technical Specialist - Sustainable Places Team

TR030002-000575-Doc 7.3 Appendix 7 - Alternative Sites Assessment.pdf:59: can include, for example, the use of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SUDS) to

TR030002-000575-Doc 7.3 Appendix 7 - Alternative Sites Assessment.pdf:65: of sustainable development that underpins planning decisions (Paragraph 14

TR030002-000575-Doc 7.3 Appendix 7 - Alternative Sites Assessment.pdf:73: exists to employ a series of measures designed to enhance sustainable

TR030002-000575-Doc 7.3 Appendix 7 - Alternative Sites Assessment.pdf:108: established would provide the opportunity to create sustainable access links

TR030002-000758-Document 6.12 Mitigation and Monitoring Strategy.pdf:44:long term sustainable future for the site and the birds it contains. The reinstatement of the islands

TR030002-000698-Natural England 1.pdf:4: contributing to sustainable development.’

TR030002-000879-Document 8 12 - Applicants responses to other parties submissions for deadline 6.pdf:23:platform and tanking facilities, pipelines to shore and Sustainable safety is at the heart of Royal HaskoningDHV’s

EIA_2017_00041-APPLICATION-FORM.pdf:7:future decision making, with the aim to ensure a sustainable future for our coastal and

EIA_2017_00041-APPLICATION-FORM.pdf:7:- manage the use of marine resources to ensure sustainable levels; and

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:4: 4.1.1 PPS 1: Delivering Sustainable Development and The Planning

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:126: accords with the principles of sustainable development in that it involves the reuse of

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:126: • PPS 1 - Delivering Sustainable Development (2005)

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:126:4.1.1 PPS 1: Delivering Sustainable Development and The Planning System: General

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:126: of sustainable development through the planning system, and ‘The Planning System:

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:127:Sustainable development

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:127: 2. Sustainable development is identified as being the core principle underpinning

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:127: planning, and in planning for sustainable development the guidance indicates that

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:127: • Sustainable economic development.

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:127: aims of sustainable development, as outlined above, for example by recognising that

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:127: 4. In pursuing sustainable economic development, the Government is committed to

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:127: planning framework for sustainable economic growth to support efficient, competitive

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:128: • Promote more sustainable consumption and production, and ensure that outputs are

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:128: 6. PPS1 also recognises that good design is a key element in achieving sustainable

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:128: sustainable development. One of the Government’s key objectives is to encourage

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:133: traffic, congestion, and pollution in order to promote sustainable distribution. The

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:133: sustainable transport choices for both people and for moving freight. The principle of

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:133: ports in sustainable distribution networks through encouraging good access to them

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:134: sustainable transport uses in the first instance and then for uses that will promote

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:136: Its commitment to the principles of sustainable development was set out in “A Better

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:136: Quality of Life – A Strategy for Sustainable Development for the UK” The strategy is

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:137: as a whole are proportionate, manageable and economically sustainable.

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:141: • Sustainable Distribution: A Strategy (1999, Modified 2004)

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:142: 4. The paper aims to encourage proposals for sustainable distribution through

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:142: to achieve sustainable distribution networks and suggests that there is potential to

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:142: sustainable, environmentally friendly alternative to road transport, which could have

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:143: used for the transport of freight and a sustainable integrated transport system. With

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:143: environmental standards, but supports sustainable projects for which there is a clear

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:143: • Support sustainable port projects for which there is a clear need, with each looked at

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:144: expansion is clear the Government will support sustainable port projects, but that

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:144: sustainable distribution, by promoting viable interchange facilities; encouraging

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:144: sustainable access and full use of existing facilities; ensure rigorous appraisal for

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:144: 15. The document highlights the Governments approach to a sustainable distribution

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:144: is one of the most environmentally sustainable means of transport and that the

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:144: sustainable distribution network.

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:145: 20. The document also recognises that in line with a sustainable distribution policy,

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:146: based Infrastructure which serves them. This approach relates to the sustainable

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:147: 31. In relation to sustainable distribution, the Government also agrees with the approach

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:148:Sustainable Distribution: A Strategy (1999, Modified 2004)

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:148: sustainable distribution strategy with the main aim of ensuring that the future

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:148: 34. The document sets out the role of the planning system in providing sustainable

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:148: Teesport is both desirable and sustainable and accords with national policy

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:149: based on sustainable development objectives. RPG1 is now the Regional Spatial

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:150: Draft aims to promote the objectives of sustainable development in the region.

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:150: 3. The RSS highlights the potential role of the region’s ports in sustainable distribution

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:150: more sustainable option to long distance road freight and thus help to take

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:150: unnecessary traffic off the region’s roads. Therefore maximising sustainable

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:151: Sustainable Environmental Assessment;

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:151: 6. With regards to the above policies, the RSS aims to establish sustainable freight

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:151: recognises the opportunity to develop sustainable freight distribution through port

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:152: policy, and investment decisions with the overriding theme of sustainable distribution.

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:154: further guidance on the strategy for a sustainable and inclusive economic growth

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:155: 2. The Structure Plan aims to set out a vision and strategy for sustainable development

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:155: guidance for the sustainable development of new proposals where it states that new

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:155: proposals must make a contribution to all three strands of sustainable development

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:157: 7. An important objective of the Structure Plan is to create a sustainable transport

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:157: providing better sustainable transport choices, their contribution towards restricting

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:157: plan’s aims of creating sustainable transport networks. Again the application

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:158: inclusion and create sustainable communities.

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:159: Borough, these policies refer to sustainable development. Policy GEN 1 states that in

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:159: effect towards establishing a sustainable economy and way of life in the Borough,

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:166: freight generators to employ sustainable freight management policies. The LTP

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:167: the growth of sustainable transport use. A new Tees Crossing is a long-term proposal

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:174: programme or strategy contributes to sustainable development. The requirement for

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:174: extent to which the proposals contribute to sustainable development has been

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:174: on the sustainable development of the region to be better understood.

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:176: • To provide housing in areas that provide a high quality of life and enable sustainable

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:176: • To promote development that makes sustainable use of water and is located outside

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:176: context of initiatives to foster sustainable development. This is not an exercise in

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:176: proposal is sustainable in the broader context, rather than the narrower, specific

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:179: To promote sustainable use of water resources*

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:179: Sustainable Land development site is a brownfield site in an industrial location and, second, the proposal is a Container Terminal

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:180: Sustainable Housing are met locally generation of significant direct and indirect employment can be considered a positive impact

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:180: sustainable economic growth

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:181: Sustainable Transport Middlesbrough which is accessible to all

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:181: To promote sustainable forms of transport* This proposal has addressed the impacts on the local transport Infrastructure and the regional Northern Gateway

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:181: actively enable more sustainable patterns of transportation in regard to the distribution of freight Transport

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:181: To provide sustainable levels of local vehicular traffic* The levels of increase in vehicular traffic have been established for Phases 1 and 2 of the Northern Gateway

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:182: To achieve high and sustainable levels of economic growth

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:182: sustainable levels of economic growth direct and indirect employment.

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:182: To achieve high and sustainable levels of economic growth, by The proposal is expected to increase total employment levels through generating additional Northern Gateway

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:186:Promotion of sustainable land management

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:186:Provision of equitable sustainable housing provision and access

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:186:Promotion of sustainable transport patterns

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:186: potential to offer more sustainable patterns of freight distribution around the UK.

NGCT_Final_ES at KK with figs.pdf:187: from efforts to improve the quality of life and sustainable development patterns

MLA_2020_00079-APPLICATION-FORM.pdf:5:Sustainable development

MLA_2020_00079-APPLICATION-FORM.pdf:7:sustainable marine economy, Infrastructure needs to be in place to support and

MLA_2020_00079-APPLICATION-FORM.pdf:7:2. The marine environment and its resources are used to maximise sustainable activity,

MLA_2020_00079-APPLICATION-FORM.pdf:28:future decision making, with the aim to ensure a sustainable future for our coastal and

MLA_2020_00079-APPLICATION-FORM.pdf:28:- manage the use of marine resources to ensure sustainable levels; and

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT(2).pdf:43:ensure long-term, sustainable use. It applies to waters out to one nautical mile from the baseline from which

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT(2).pdf:44: • Encourage sustainable port development to cater for long term forecast growth in volumes of

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT(2).pdf:44:In order to help meet the requirements of the government policies on sustainable development, new port

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT(2).pdf:45: • 2: The marine environment and its resources are used to maximise sustainable activity, prosperity

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT(2).pdf:45: opportunity for sustainable expansion of port and harbour activities will be supported. The

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT(2).pdf:140:and support the formulation of marine plans, ensuring that marine resources are used in a sustainable way

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT(2).pdf:141: • promoting sustainable economic development;

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT(2).pdf:141: • ensuring a sustainable marine environment which promotes healthy, functioning marine habitats,

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT(2).pdf:141: • contributing to the societal benefits of the marine area, including the sustainable use of marine

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT(2).pdf:195:sustainable development principles.

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT(2).pdf:202:summarised as managing demand and assigning trips to sustainable modes. Following full consideration

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT(2).pdf:202:of sustainable modes, Infrastructure solutions are to be considered to mitigate residual impacts. These

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT(2).pdf:228:benefits in contributing to the achievement of sustainable development. There will therefore be a

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT(2).pdf:228:presumption in favour of sustainable development in the marine planning system (HM Government, 2011).

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT(2).pdf:237:Resources Institute and World Business Council on Sustainable Development (2015). These emission

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT(2).pdf:242:resources, in particular land, soil, water and biodiversity, considering as far as possible the sustainable

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT(2).pdf:314:surface water drainage (including the provision of oil interceptors and sustainable

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT(2).pdf:315:REASON: In the interest of achieving a sustainable form of development.

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT(2).pdf:318:highway terms. The proposal represents a sustainable form of development, on previously

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT(2).pdf:419:Advisor (Sustainable Marine Management)

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT(2).pdf:440:(IMplementing MEasures for Sustainable Estuaries) project, an INTERREG-funded project that runs from

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT(2).pdf:570:3.1.2 The launch of NPPF led to a change in emphasis to enabling sustainable economic growth. With

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT(2).pdf:570: • The opportunities for sustainable transport modes have been taken up depending on the

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT(2).pdf:570: located where the need to travel will be minimised and the use of sustainable transport modes

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT(2).pdf:570: “Plans should protect and exploit opportunities for the use of sustainable transport modes for

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT(2).pdf:570: of Sustainable with prevailing policies and standards. This requirement applies in respect of the environmental

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT(2).pdf:571: February 2015. sustainable transport.

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT(2).pdf:572: summarised as managing demand and assigning trips to sustainable modes. Following full

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT(2).pdf:572: consideration of sustainable modes, Infrastructure solutions are to be considered to mitigate

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT(2).pdf:577: review of existing sustainable travel options local to the Proposed Development Area. The

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT(2).pdf:577:4.6.5 A review of the current (December 2017) sustainable transport options indicates little change

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT(2).pdf:581: can be summarise as managing demand and assigning trips to sustainable modes. Following

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT(2).pdf:581: full consideration of sustainable modes, Infrastructure solutions are to be considered to mitigate

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT.pdf:43:ensure long-term, sustainable use. It applies to waters out to one nautical mile from the baseline from which

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT.pdf:44: • Encourage sustainable port development to cater for long term forecast growth in volumes of

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT.pdf:44:In order to help meet the requirements of the government policies on sustainable development, new port

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT.pdf:45: • 2: The marine environment and its resources are used to maximise sustainable activity, prosperity

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT.pdf:45: opportunity for sustainable expansion of port and harbour activities will be supported. The

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT.pdf:140:and support the formulation of marine plans, ensuring that marine resources are used in a sustainable way

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT.pdf:141: • promoting sustainable economic development;

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT.pdf:141: • ensuring a sustainable marine environment which promotes healthy, functioning marine habitats,

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT.pdf:141: • contributing to the societal benefits of the marine area, including the sustainable use of marine

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT.pdf:195:sustainable development principles.

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT.pdf:202:summarised as managing demand and assigning trips to sustainable modes. Following full consideration

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT.pdf:202:of sustainable modes, Infrastructure solutions are to be considered to mitigate residual impacts. These

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT.pdf:228:benefits in contributing to the achievement of sustainable development. There will therefore be a

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT.pdf:228:presumption in favour of sustainable development in the marine planning system (HM Government, 2011).

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT.pdf:237:Resources Institute and World Business Council on Sustainable Development (2015). These emission

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT.pdf:242:resources, in particular land, soil, water and biodiversity, considering as far as possible the sustainable

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT.pdf:314:surface water drainage (including the provision of oil interceptors and sustainable

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT.pdf:315:REASON: In the interest of achieving a sustainable form of development.

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT.pdf:318:highway terms. The proposal represents a sustainable form of development, on previously

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT.pdf:419:Advisor (Sustainable Marine Management)

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT.pdf:440:(IMplementing MEasures for Sustainable Estuaries) project, an INTERREG-funded project that runs from

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT.pdf:570:3.1.2 The launch of NPPF led to a change in emphasis to enabling sustainable economic growth. With

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT.pdf:570: • The opportunities for sustainable transport modes have been taken up depending on the

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT.pdf:570: located where the need to travel will be minimised and the use of sustainable transport modes

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT.pdf:570: “Plans should protect and exploit opportunities for the use of sustainable transport modes for

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT.pdf:570: of Sustainable with prevailing policies and standards. This requirement applies in respect of the environmental

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT.pdf:571: February 2015. sustainable transport.

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT.pdf:572: summarised as managing demand and assigning trips to sustainable modes. Following full

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT.pdf:572: consideration of sustainable modes, Infrastructure solutions are to be considered to mitigate

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT.pdf:577: review of existing sustainable travel options local to the Proposed Development Area. The

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT.pdf:577:4.6.5 A review of the current (December 2017) sustainable transport options indicates little change

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT.pdf:581: can be summarise as managing demand and assigning trips to sustainable modes. Following

IBPB8270R001F01_EIA REPORT.pdf:581: full consideration of sustainable modes, Infrastructure solutions are to be considered to mitigate

MLA_2021_00215-APPLICATION-FORM.pdf:6:Sustainable development

MLA_2021_00215-APPLICATION-FORM.pdf:7:activity and NE-PS-1 supports the sustainable expansion of port and harbour activities.

MLA_2021_00215-APPLICATION-FORM.pdf:20:future decision making, with the aim to ensure a sustainable future for our coastal and

MLA_2021_00215-APPLICATION-FORM.pdf:20:- manage the use of marine resources to ensure sustainable levels; and

MLA_2021_00215-PB5051-RHD-106-ZZ-RP-Z-0021 Tees Dock Ro-Ro 2 Environmental Report_Final-1.pdf:23:sustainable expansion of port and harbour activities. The proposed scheme is therefore demonstrated to

MLA_2021_00215-Tees Dock Ro-Ro 2 Environmental Report-13.pdf:23:sustainable expansion of port and harbour activities. The proposed scheme is therefore demonstrated to

MLA_2015_00334-APPLICATION-FORM.pdf:5:Sustainable development

MLA_2015_00334-APPLICATION-FORM.pdf:29:future decision making, with the aim to ensure a sustainable future for our coastal and

MLA_2015_00334-APPLICATION-FORM.pdf:29:- manage the use of marine resources to ensure sustainable levels; and

Appendix 16.1a - DNV Report Rev1 2004.pdf:71:sustainable populations of invertebrate prey. These prey items in turn are dependent on such

3 EIS Appendices (3).pdf:186:sustainable populations of invertebrate prey. These prey items in turn are dependent on such

Appendix 16.1b - DNV Addendum Report 2005.pdf:18:sustainable stocks of juvenile fish. The rate of smolts produced per eggs and the survival rate at

1911South-Tees-Master-Plan-Nov-19.2.pdf:13:sustainable prosperous future. In response to the specific investment opportunity, and STDC Area in line with the adopted Masterplan and

1911South-Tees-Master-Plan-Nov-19.2.pdf:24:There is a presumption in favour of sustainable Local Plan was subject to independent examination in constraint is the Inner Zone and based on the location as a port area to attract inwards investment

1911South-Tees-Master-Plan-Nov-19.2.pdf:24:sustainable development in accordance with the NPPF. was effective and its strategy deliverable over the constraints will dissolve with the planned the STDC area afford very large development

1911South-Tees-Master-Plan-Nov-19.2.pdf:38: in from the North Sea fields, making it one of the UK’s the network of sustainable transport across the region.

1911South-Tees-Master-Plan-Nov-19.2.pdf:42:potential to provide sustainable access to employment.

1911South-Tees-Master-Plan-Nov-19.2.pdf:46:will consider Sustainable Drainage techniques that could

1911South-Tees-Master-Plan-Nov-19.2.pdf:62: and wharf facilities Zone completed and a further strategic access point in a safe and sustainable manner;

1911South-Tees-Master-Plan-Nov-19.2.pdf:76:promotion of long-term sustainable economic prosperity appraisal protocol for project evaluation. Options were

1911South-Tees-Master-Plan-Nov-19.2.pdf:147: • The process of generating electricity from tidal power is sustainable and does not consume any exhaustible • When pondage is utilised, hydroelectric power production is flexible, and supply can be adjusted to reflect

1911South-Tees-Master-Plan-Nov-19.2.pdf:148: sustainable process

1911South-Tees-Master-Plan-Nov-19.2.pdf:148: • Combustion of biomass can produce a variety of air pollutants, depending on the bio feedstock used • CCS does not address the need to reduce the unsustainable use of non-renewable resources like fossil fuels

1911South-Tees-Master-Plan-Nov-19.2.pdf:156:be woven into the overall landscaping and public realm sustainable way, that is operationally cost-effective and

1911South-Tees-Master-Plan-Nov-19.2.pdf:157: as fibre optic cable and towers, and lease use to providers. A single tower should provide adequate • Meets the principles of sustainable development

1911South-Tees-Master-Plan-Nov-19.2.pdf:157:telecommunications Infrastructure for FTTx distribution quality and sustainable development. Material

R-2021-0674-NM-Officer Report 0674.pdf:2:SD1 Sustainable Development

R-2021-0085-NM-OFFICER REPORT.pdf:2:SD1 Sustainable Development

MLA_2020_00506-20230224_S_Rennie_Comments_MMO_Response_v1.pdf:1: that they're carried out in a sustainable way that do not impact upon the

EA MLA_2020_00506 v2 29 June 2021 OFFICIAL.pdf:2:sustainable development and water based recreation.

EA_MLA2020005061_VAR_OFFICIAL200722.pdf:2:Planning Technical Specialist - Sustainable Places

EA_MLA2020005061_OFFICIAL_030822.pdf:1:Planning Technical Specialist - Sustainable Places

20210115 MLA202000506 South Bank Quay-phase 1 - Fisheries advice MG GE + JPQC.pdf:10: nearby developments and existing vessel traffic noise reaching an unsustainable threshold for fish

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:37:ensure long-term, sustainable use. It applies to waters out to one nautical mile from the baseline from which

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:38: • (2) The marine environment and its resources are used to maximise sustainable activity, prosperity

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:39: opportunity for sustainable expansion of port and harbour activities will be supported. The

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:39: • Encourage sustainable port development to cater for long term forecast growth in volumes of

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:40:In order to help meet the requirements of the government policies on sustainable development, new port

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:52:sustainable development in the UK marine area. The Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 requires all

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:177: • measurable habitat change that is sustainable / recoverable over the long-term (adverse

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:177: • observable habitat change that is sustainable / recoverable over the medium-term

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:177: • observable habitat change that is sustainable / recoverable over the short-term (adverse

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:218: conservation and sustainable use of biological

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:272:plans, ensuring that marine resources are used in a sustainable way in high level marine objectives, thereby:

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:272: • promoting sustainable economic development;

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:272: • ensuring a sustainable marine environment which promotes healthy, functioning marine habitats,

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:272: • contributing to the societal benefits of the marine area, including the sustainable use of marine

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:307: - The marine environment and its resources are used to maximise sustainable activity,

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:332:sustainable development principles.

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:363:within the context of Government policy on sustainable development:

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:364:life whilst also taking into consideration the guiding principles of sustainable development. This does not

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:392: • Implement a Travel Plan that supports and encourages sustainable travel for contractor operatives

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:428:The Sustainable Drainage Strategy for the site aims to reduce the surface water flood risk at the site. The

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:428:site, where run off will be collected and passed through appropriate Sustainable Drainage System (SuDS)

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:437:achievement of sustainable development.”

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:437:Achieving sustainable development means that the planning system has three objectives – economic, social

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:460: • contribute to the mitigation of GHG emissions and support sustainable development;

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:462: l. be sustainable in design and construction, incorporating best practice in resource management,

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:463: e. prioritising the use of sustainable drainage systems (SuDs);

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:464:Resources Institute and World Business Council on Sustainable Development 2015), and Institute for

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:464:World Business Council on Sustainable Development 2015). The ‘project boundary’ was defined as the

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:465:developed by the World Resources Institute and World Business Council on Sustainable Development

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:472: • Implement a Travel Plan that supports and encourages sustainable travel for contractor operatives

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:474:resources, in particular land, soil, water and biodiversity, considering as far as possible the sustainable

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-10.pdf:600:World Business Council for Sustainable Development and the World Resources Institute (2015);

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:37:ensure long-term, sustainable use. It applies to waters out to one nautical mile from the baseline from which

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:38: • (2) The marine environment and its resources are used to maximise sustainable activity, prosperity

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:39: opportunity for sustainable expansion of port and harbour activities will be supported. The

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:39: • Encourage sustainable port development to cater for long term forecast growth in volumes of

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:40:In order to help meet the requirements of the government policies on sustainable development, new port

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:52:sustainable development in the UK marine area. The Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 requires all

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:177: • measurable habitat change that is sustainable / recoverable over the long-term (adverse

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:177: • observable habitat change that is sustainable / recoverable over the medium-term

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:177: • observable habitat change that is sustainable / recoverable over the short-term (adverse

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:218: conservation and sustainable use of biological

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:272:plans, ensuring that marine resources are used in a sustainable way in high level marine objectives, thereby:

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:272: • promoting sustainable economic development;

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:272: • ensuring a sustainable marine environment which promotes healthy, functioning marine habitats,

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:272: • contributing to the societal benefits of the marine area, including the sustainable use of marine

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:307: - The marine environment and its resources are used to maximise sustainable activity,

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:332:sustainable development principles.

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:363:within the context of Government policy on sustainable development:

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:364:life whilst also taking into consideration the guiding principles of sustainable development. This does not

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:392: • Implement a Travel Plan that supports and encourages sustainable travel for contractor operatives

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:428:The Sustainable Drainage Strategy for the site aims to reduce the surface water flood risk at the site. The

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:428:site, where run off will be collected and passed through appropriate Sustainable Drainage System (SuDS)

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:437:achievement of sustainable development.”

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:437:Achieving sustainable development means that the planning system has three objectives – economic, social

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:460: • contribute to the mitigation of GHG emissions and support sustainable development;

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:462: l. be sustainable in design and construction, incorporating best practice in resource management,

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:463: e. prioritising the use of sustainable drainage systems (SuDs);

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:464:Resources Institute and World Business Council on Sustainable Development 2015), and Institute for

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:464:World Business Council on Sustainable Development 2015). The ‘project boundary’ was defined as the

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:465:developed by the World Resources Institute and World Business Council on Sustainable Development

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:472: • Implement a Travel Plan that supports and encourages sustainable travel for contractor operatives

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:474:resources, in particular land, soil, water and biodiversity, considering as far as possible the sustainable

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:600:World Business Council for Sustainable Development and the World Resources Institute (2015);

MLA_2020_00506-20230224_NEIFCA_Comments_MMO_Response_v1.pdf:1: that they're carried out in a sustainable way that do not impact upon the

MLA_2020_00506-20230224_Natural_England_Comments_MMO_Response_v1.pdf:1: that they're carried out in a sustainable way that do not impact upon the

MLA_2020_00506-APPLICATION-FORM.pdf:5:Sustainable development

MLA_2020_00506-APPLICATION-FORM.pdf:26:future decision making, with the aim to ensure a sustainable future for our coastal and

MLA_2020_00506-APPLICATION-FORM.pdf:26:- manage the use of marine resources to ensure sustainable levels; and

MLA_2020_00506-20230224_S_Bunce_Objection_MMO_Response_v1.pdf:1: that they're carried out in a sustainable way that do not impact upon the

MLA_2020_00506-EA_MLA2020005062_OFFICIAL_301122.pdf:2:Planning Technical Specialist - Sustainable Places

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part1-3.pdf:6:Planning Policy Statement 10 (Planning for Sustainable Waste Management – 2011)2: The updated policy

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part1-3.pdf:6: DCLG, 2011, Planning Policy Statement 10: Planning for Sustainable Waste Management, London: TSO

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part1-3.pdf:7:to a sustainable economy. In particular, this means using the “waste hierarchy” (waste prevention, re-use,

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part1-3.pdf:7:recycling, recovery and finally disposal as a last option) as a guide to sustainable waste management.

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part1-3.pdf:8: • encourage businesses to contribute to a more sustainable economy by building waste reduction

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part1-3.pdf:24:These measures would promote sustainable waste management practices by maximising waste prevention,

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part1-3.pdf:29:Local and sustainable products would be used to minimise the effects on the environment by reducing

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part1-3.pdf:75:generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

MLA_2020_00506-RE_ South Bank Phase 1 Variation MLA_2020_00506_1 - SEAL advice_PDF_redacted_Redacted-65.pdf:3:Enabling sustainable growth in our marine area

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:274: including details of sustainable transport provision and road safety;

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:275:Sustainable Transport “Development should only be prevented or refused on existing highway network

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:276: sustainable development across the borough.

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:276: promote sustainable travel to minimise

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:277:Policy INFRA 1 – A 21st century sustainable transport network will Section 3 details the existing highway

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:277:Strategy travel by improving non car connectivity within and sustainable transport Infrastructure.

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:277: sustainable transport modes.

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:283: construction activities, it is envisaged that sustainable transport would not be a prominent mode

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:288: use of sustainable transport has been considered for staff movements. On this basis, the 100 staff

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:290: sustainable modes of transport. It is however, envisaged that sustainable transport would not be

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:357:to assess whether there are socially and environmentally sustainable, technically viable and economically

MLA_2020_00506-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:357:sustainable manner.

R-2021-0830-CD-63262_01 - Biodiversity Strategy IB - Sept 2021.PDF:7: “The regeneration of the Order Lands will contribute to sustainable development and accord

R-2021-0830-CD-63262_01 - Biodiversity Strategy IB - Sept 2021.PDF:9: and heavy engineering. Accordingly, sustainable economic growth and regeneration are at the

R-2021-0830-CD-Teesworks Environment and Biodiversity Strategy - Sept 2021.pdf:7: “The regeneration of the Order Lands will contribute to sustainable development and accord

R-2021-0830-CD-Teesworks Environment and Biodiversity Strategy - Sept 2021.pdf:9: and heavy engineering. Accordingly, sustainable economic growth and regeneration are at the

R-2021-0830-CD-370819 393380 393440 R_2021_0830_CD R_2021_0831_CD R_2021_0832_CD - Discharge of conditoins relating to Environment and Biodiversity Strategy Teesworks Redcar_.pdf:1:generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

R-2021-0830-CD-370819 393380 393440 R_2021_0830_CD R_2021_0831_CD R_2021_0832_CD - Discharge of conditoins relating to Environment and Biodiversity Strategy Teesworks Redcar_.pdf:1:that it is an essential document to ensure the sustainable redevelopment of the Teesworks site,

R-2021-0830-CD-370819 393380 393440 R_2021_0830_CD R_2021_0831_CD R_2021_0832_CD - Discharge of conditoins relating to Environment and Biodiversity Strategy Teesworks Redcar_.pdf:2:Lead Adviser – Sustainable Development

R-2021-0830-CD-63262 - Teesworks Environment and Biodiversity Strategy May 2022.PDF:7: “The regeneration of the Order Lands will contribute to sustainable development and accord

R-2021-0830-CD-63262 - Teesworks Environment and Biodiversity Strategy May 2022.PDF:10: and heavy engineering. Accordingly, sustainable economic growth and regeneration are at the

R-2021-0372-NM-OFFICER REPORT.pdf:2:SD1 Sustainable Development

R-2022-0816-FFM-20220909 Steel House PandR TA Issue.pdf:7:enterprise, which will help the regeneration of the area and will contribute to the delivery of sustainable,

R-2022-0816-FFM-20220909 Steel House PandR TA Issue.pdf:7:met through the delivery of sustainable development across the Borough. The Local Plan also stresses the

R-2022-0816-FFM-20220909 Steel House PandR TA Issue.pdf:8:and includes sustainable travel measures.

R-2022-0816-FFM-Steel House PandR Cover Letter(1).pdf:4:and deliver sustainable development.

R-2022-0816-FFM-220831_ HRA for Steel House Park and Ride_INCA_RevA (002).pdf:10: Watercourse pollution A Sustainable Urban Drainage Scheme (SUDS) will Screened out

R-2022-0816-FFM-INCA2022-42 EcIA Steel House Park and Ride.pdf:15:Construction and Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) and a Sustainable Urban Drainage

R-2022-0816-FFM-INCA2022-42 EcIA Steel House Park and Ride.pdf:17:A Sustainable Urban Drainage Scheme (SUDS)

R-2022-0816-FFM-ApplicationFormRedacted.pdf:9: Sustainable drainage system

R-2022-0515-CD-R 2020 0357 OOM Decision Notice.pdf:6: method of sustainable transport.“

R-2022-0515-CD-R 2020 0357 OOM Decision Notice.pdf:8: REASON: To ensure the development is carried out in a sustainable form.

R-2022-0515-CD-R 2020 0357 OOM Decision Notice.pdf:10: 2 Details of how sustainable training opportunities will be provided for

R-2021-0754-FFM-Officer Report 0754.pdf:1:SD1 Sustainable Development

R-2021-0754-FFM-Officer Report 0754.pdf:3:and sustainable transport provision as part of their Masterplan.

R-2021-0754-FFM-Officer Report 0754.pdf:10:policy set out within the NPPF and policies SD1 (Sustainable Development)

R-2021-0754-FFM-ApplicationFormRedacted.pdf:4: Sustainable drainage system

R-2021-0754-FFM-South Industrial Zone Environmental Statement July 2020 Volume 2 Chapter C Transport.pdf:5: • Appropriate opportunities to promote sustainable transport modes can be – or have been –

R-2021-0754-FFM-South Industrial Zone Environmental Statement July 2020 Volume 2 Chapter C Transport.pdf:6: development is located in a sustainable and safe location, and ensuring there is adequate

R-2021-0754-FFM-South Industrial Zone Environmental Statement July 2020 Volume 2 Chapter C Transport.pdf:6: delivery of sustainable, inclusive and cohesive communities.

R-2021-0754-FFM-South Industrial Zone Environmental Statement July 2020 Volume 2 Chapter C Transport.pdf:6: for the growth of sustainable transport use.

R-2021-0754-FFM-South Industrial Zone Environmental Statement July 2020 Volume 2 Chapter C Transport.pdf:6: of users and includes sustainable travel measures.

R-2021-0754-FFM-South Industrial Zone Environmental Statement July 2020 Volume 2 Chapter C Transport.pdf:23: site by sustainable models.

R-2021-0754-FFM-371465 Natural England Response Letter REF R.2021.0754.FF Land East of Dockside Road, South Bank.pdf:1:generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

R-2021-0754-FFM-371465 Natural England Response Letter REF R.2021.0754.FF Land East of Dockside Road, South Bank.pdf:3:Guidance on soil protection is available in the Defra Construction Code of Practice for the Sustainable

R-2021-0754-FFM-highways.pdf:1:element, however, it would be worth having them outline their approach to Travel Plans and sustainable transport

R-2021-0754-FFM-63455 01 LM Wind Access Road - Cover Letter 18.08.21.pdf:2:• NPPF Part 2 – Achieving sustainable development

R-2021-0754-FFM-63455 01 LM Wind Access Road - Cover Letter 18.08.21.pdf:2:• NPPF Part 9 – Promoting sustainable transport

R-2021-0754-FFM-63455 01 LM Wind Access Road - Cover Letter 18.08.21.pdf:2:• Policy SD1 – Sustainable Development

R-2021-0754-FFM-South Industrial Zone Supplementary Environmental Statement September 2020 Volume 3 Technical Appendices Section 3 Transport.PDF:5:site by sustainable modes of transport. The Transport Strategy is still in

R-2021-0754-FFM-South Industrial Zone Supplementary Environmental Statement September 2020 Volume 3 Technical Appendices Section 3 Transport.PDF:26:implement initiatives to minimise car trips and promote sustainable travel.

Environmental Statement, Chapter G Water Management and Flooding Section 2 Policy Context(2).pdf:1: Paragraph 17 Achieving Sustainable Development principles (para 8c) include contributing to

Environmental Statement, Chapter G Water Management and Flooding Section 2 Policy Context(2).pdf:1: Major developments should incorporate sustainable drainage systems unless there

Environmental Statement, Chapter G Water Management and Flooding Section 2 Policy Context(2).pdf:1: 2019a) other sustainable drainage systems, removing artificial physical modifications (for

Environmental Statement, Chapter G Water Management and Flooding Section 2 Policy Context(2).pdf:2: Policy SD1: Sustainable Protect the quality and availability of water resources and maximise the efficient

Environmental Statement, Chapter G Water Management and Flooding Section 2 Policy Context.pdf:1: Paragraph 17 Achieving Sustainable Development principles (para 8c) include contributing to

Environmental Statement, Chapter G Water Management and Flooding Section 2 Policy Context.pdf:1: Major developments should incorporate sustainable drainage systems unless there

Environmental Statement, Chapter G Water Management and Flooding Section 2 Policy Context.pdf:1: 2019a) other sustainable drainage systems, removing artificial physical modifications (for

Environmental Statement, Chapter G Water Management and Flooding Section 2 Policy Context.pdf:2: Policy SD1: Sustainable Protect the quality and availability of water resources and maximise the efficient

Environmental Statement, Chapter G Water Management and Flooding Section 6 mitigation.pdf:1: sustainable drainage: Practice Guidance

Environmental Statement, Chapter G Water Management and Flooding Section 6 mitigation.pdf:1: iv Tees Valley Local Authorities Local Standards for Sustainable Drainage

CHK-JBAU-00-00-RP-EN-0001-S3-P02-South_Bank_WFD_Report.pdf:10: • Promote sustainable use of water as a natural resource.

CHK-JBAU-00-00-RP-EN-0001-S3-P02-South_Bank_WFD_Report.pdf:74: favour of sustainable development a core element of the framework.

CHK-JBAU-00-00-RP-EN-0001-S3-P02-South_Bank_WFD_Report.pdf:89:debris for a natural and sustainable

MLA_2022_00248-APPLICATION-FORM.pdf:3:Sustainable Places Officer

MLA_2022_00248-APPLICATION-FORM.pdf:6:Sustainable development

MLA_2022_00248-APPLICATION-FORM.pdf:18:The proposed works will not involve any proposal for sustainable fishing industry or

MLA_2022_00248-APPLICATION-FORM.pdf:18:sustainable fishing industry. NE-FISH-1 is therefore not considered to be applicable to

MLA_2022_00248-APPLICATION-FORM.pdf:22:The proposed works will not directly or indirectly adversely impact sustainable coastal

MLA_2022_00248-APPLICATION-FORM.pdf:26:future decision making, with the aim to ensure a sustainable future for our coastal and

MLA_2022_00248-APPLICATION-FORM.pdf:26:- manage the use of marine resources to ensure sustainable levels; and

R-2021-0422-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0271-02-South Bank Priority Strategy.PDF:7:The overarching aim of the works is to deliver a sustainable ground remediation strategy for the contract

R-2021-0422-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0271-02-South Bank Priority Strategy.PDF:23:The Contractor shall make arrangements to identify the most sustainable, compliant and cost-effective

R-2021-0422-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0271-02-South Bank Priority Strategy.PDF:30:sustainable use of these materials is to facilitate their reuse on site and as such treatment is required

R-2021-0422-CD-Decision Notice (1).pdf:6: method of sustainable transport.”

R-2021-0422-CD-Decision Notice (1).pdf:8: REASON: To ensure the development is carried out in a sustainable form.

R-2021-0422-CD-Decision Notice (1).pdf:10: 2 Details of how sustainable training opportunities will be provided for

R-2022-0231-FF-OFFICER REPORT.pdf:1:SD1 Sustainable Development

R-2022-0231-FF-ApplicationFormRedacted.pdf:6: Sustainable drainage system

R-2022-0342-CD-R 2020 0357 OOM Decision Notice.pdf:6: method of sustainable transport.“

R-2022-0342-CD-R 2020 0357 OOM Decision Notice.pdf:8: REASON: To ensure the development is carried out in a sustainable form.

R-2022-0342-CD-R 2020 0357 OOM Decision Notice.pdf:10: 2 Details of how sustainable training opportunities will be provided for

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:10: ecological enhancement and a sustainable urban drainage system.

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:19: to make sustainable aggregates for the construction industry. The second

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Design_Evolution_Documentlr_Part_1.pdf:9:• Incorpora on of onsite sustainable drainage solu ons

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Design_Evolution_Documentlr_Part_1.pdf:14:• Sustainable drainage system to connect to the relocated

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Preliminary_Ecological_Appraisal.pdf:27: It further advises the presumption in favour of sustainable development does not apply where

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Interim_Travel_Plan.pdf:6: The purpose of a Travel Plan is to present sustainable travel choices to and from the approved

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Interim_Travel_Plan.pdf:6: development, in order to encourage sustainable travel and reduce the single occupancy car journeys

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Interim_Travel_Plan.pdf:7: which encourages more sustainable travel. The travel plan

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Interim_Travel_Plan.pdf:7: includes measures to increase or improve more sustainable

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Interim_Travel_Plan.pdf:7: healthy and sustainable modes of travel and encouraging the use of public transport where walking

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Interim_Travel_Plan.pdf:8: the site which will facilitate sustainable travel choices;

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Interim_Travel_Plan.pdf:10: Development, emphasises the need that all new development is served by sustainable transport

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Interim_Travel_Plan.pdf:10: taking a sustainability approach. It helps them to successfully adopt sustainable solutions in a cost-

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Interim_Travel_Plan.pdf:11: for the development (see Tra 02 Sustainable transport measures: option 2)

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Interim_Travel_Plan.pdf:11: Sustainable transport measures: option 3)

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Interim_Travel_Plan.pdf:11: – Provision of electric recharging stations (see Tra 02 Sustainable transport measures: option

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Interim_Travel_Plan.pdf:11: – Provision of parking priority spaces for car sharers (see Tra 02 Sustainable transport

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Interim_Travel_Plan.pdf:11: improvements (see Tra 02 Sustainable transport measures: option 6)

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Interim_Travel_Plan.pdf:11: – Provision of dedicated and convenient cycle storage(see Tra 02 Sustainable transport

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Interim_Travel_Plan.pdf:11: – Provision of cyclists’ facilities (see Tra 02 Sustainable transport measures: option 8)

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Interim_Travel_Plan.pdf:18: iii. By providing information to allow staff to understand the benefits of sustainable transport;

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Interim_Travel_Plan.pdf:18: sustainable modes (as a main mode) within one Travel Plan cycle (two years).

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Interim_Travel_Plan.pdf:19: sustainable travel is maximised, e.g. marketing and management.

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Interim_Travel_Plan.pdf:19: Transport Statement to provide measures to increase or improve more sustainable modes of

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Interim_Travel_Plan.pdf:19: opportunity to encourage people to travel by more sustainable modes. ‘Hard’ measures that have

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Interim_Travel_Plan.pdf:19: been incorporated prior to occupation and funded by the developer to promote sustainable travel are

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Interim_Travel_Plan.pdf:19: • Use noticeboards, posters and electronic communications to promote sustainable travel,

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Interim_Travel_Plan.pdf:19: occupation wherever possible, in order to promote sustainable travel from the earliest possible time

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Interim_Travel_Plan.pdf:19: and avoid unsustainable habits becoming ingrained.

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Interim_Travel_Plan.pdf:20: development (see Tra 02 Sustainable transport

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Interim_Travel_Plan.pdf:20: publicly accessible area (see Tra 02 Sustainable transport boards and intranet sites

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Interim_Travel_Plan.pdf:20: Sustainable transport measures: option 4)

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Interim_Travel_Plan.pdf:20: Tra 02 Sustainable transport measures: option 5) which will be reviewed through Travel Plan process

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Interim_Travel_Plan.pdf:20: Sustainable transport measures: option 6)

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Interim_Travel_Plan.pdf:20: Tra 02 Sustainable transport measures: option 7) cycle parking spaces will be provided.

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Interim_Travel_Plan.pdf:20: Provision of cyclists’ facilities (see Tra 02 Sustainable Facilities such as showers and lockers will be provided

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Interim_Travel_Plan.pdf:21: sustainable travel amongst staff.

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Interim_Travel_Plan.pdf:22: • The extent to which people travel to and from the site by sustainable modes;

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Interim_Travel_Plan.pdf:22: • Attitudes to travel (e.g. reasons for mode choice, willingness to consider sustainable modes);

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Interim_Travel_Plan.pdf:34: providing sustainable public transport links from many areas,

R-2023-0246-RMM-428219 - R_2023_0246_RMM Reserved matters for R20190767OOM Construction of an energy recovery facility at Grangetown Prairie, Land East of John Boyle Road - Further Informat.pdf:1:generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

R-2023-0246-RMM-428219 - R_2023_0246_RMM Reserved matters for R20190767OOM Construction of an energy recovery facility at Grangetown Prairie, Land East of John Boyle Road - Further Informat.pdf:4:Guidance on soil protection is available in the Defra Construction Code of Practice for the Sustainable

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:11: implemented. The scheme would also contribute to sustainable drainage and

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:16: landscape planting, ecological enhancement and a sustainable urban drainage

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:18: promote the importance of sustainable waste management to all ages of the

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:21: sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) attenuation volumes has not been

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:21: site and flood risk is included within the Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:29: transported off-site where it will be used to make sustainable aggregates suitable

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:44: pond which serves as part of a sustainable drainage system, which will also

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:50: ground structures, sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) and soft landscaping).

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:50: • Achieving sustainable development principles (Para 8c) to protect and

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_EIA_SoC_Part_1of2.pdf:56:8.20 In 2023, the Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems Technical Note by Ramboll

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_RMs_Cover_Letter_220324.pdf:1: • Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems technical note

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Planning_Supporting_Statement.pdf:6: national and local policy and represents sustainable development which should be

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Planning_Supporting_Statement.pdf:9: • Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems technical note

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Planning_Supporting_Statement.pdf:17:3.18 The proposals also include a sustainable urban drainage strategy and foul water

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Planning_Supporting_Statement.pdf:24: • constitutes sustainable development in accordance with development plan

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Planning_Supporting_Statement.pdf:24: Policy SD1 (Sustainable Development) and the provisions of the NPPF

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Planning_Supporting_Statement.pdf:27:5.22. Criterion l sets an expectation for sustainable design and construction,

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Planning_Supporting_Statement.pdf:27:5.23. The ERF has been designed specifically to ensure that it is as sustainable as

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Planning_Supporting_Statement.pdf:29: in so far as mitigating flooding elsewhere, prioritising the use of sustainable

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Planning_Supporting_Statement.pdf:31: combine sustainable drainage and landscaping of the site. The on-site

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Planning_Supporting_Statement.pdf:34:6.2 The ERF will provide for the sustainable waste management needs of the Tees

R-2023-0246-RMM-EA_R20230246RMM_OFFICIAL_200423.pdf:2:Planning Technical Specialist - Sustainable Places

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Transport_Statement.pdf:7: which encourages more sustainable travel. The travel plan

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Transport_Statement.pdf:7: includes measures to increase or improve more sustainable

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Transport_Statement.pdf:8: Development, emphasises the need that all new development is served by sustainable transport

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Transport_Statement.pdf:9: sustainable solutions in a cost-effective manner and provides market recognition of their

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Transport_Statement.pdf:23: providing sustainable public transport links from many areas,

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Sustainable_Urban_Drainage_Systems_Technical_Note.pdf:1:Sustainable Urban Drainage

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Sustainable_Urban_Drainage_Systems_Technical_Note.pdf:2: SUSTAINABLE URBAN

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Sustainable_Urban_Drainage_Systems_Technical_Note.pdf:3:SUSTAINABLE URBAN DRAINAGE SYSTEMS TECHNICAL

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Sustainable_Urban_Drainage_Systems_Technical_Note.pdf:4:Ramboll - SUSTAINABLE URBAN DRAINAGE SYSTEMS TECHNICAL NOTE

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Sustainable_Urban_Drainage_Systems_Technical_Note.pdf:5:Ramboll - SUSTAINABLE URBAN DRAINAGE SYSTEMS TECHNICAL NOTE

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Sustainable_Urban_Drainage_Systems_Technical_Note.pdf:6:Ramboll - SUSTAINABLE URBAN DRAINAGE SYSTEMS TECHNICAL NOTE

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Sustainable_Urban_Drainage_Systems_Technical_Note.pdf:7:Ramboll - SUSTAINABLE URBAN DRAINAGE SYSTEMS TECHNICAL NOTE

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Sustainable_Urban_Drainage_Systems_Technical_Note.pdf:7: • Sustainable Drainage Systems - Design manual for England and Wales (CIRIA)

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Sustainable_Urban_Drainage_Systems_Technical_Note.pdf:7: Surface water drainage systems need to be developed in line with sustainable development

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Sustainable_Urban_Drainage_Systems_Technical_Note.pdf:7: collectively referred to as Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS). The objective of SuDS is to

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Sustainable_Urban_Drainage_Systems_Technical_Note.pdf:7: amenity and biodiversity opportunities. Surface water sustainable drainage systems will be

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Sustainable_Urban_Drainage_Systems_Technical_Note.pdf:8:Ramboll - SUSTAINABLE URBAN DRAINAGE SYSTEMS TECHNICAL NOTE

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Sustainable_Urban_Drainage_Systems_Technical_Note.pdf:8: by means of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems. Due to existing site contamination, and the

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Sustainable_Urban_Drainage_Systems_Technical_Note.pdf:9:Ramboll - SUSTAINABLE URBAN DRAINAGE SYSTEMS TECHNICAL NOTE

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Sustainable_Urban_Drainage_Systems_Technical_Note.pdf:10:Ramboll - SUSTAINABLE URBAN DRAINAGE SYSTEMS TECHNICAL NOTE

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Sustainable_Urban_Drainage_Systems_Technical_Note.pdf:11:Ramboll - SUSTAINABLE URBAN DRAINAGE SYSTEMS TECHNICAL NOTE

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Sustainable_Urban_Drainage_Systems_Technical_Note.pdf:12:Ramboll - SUSTAINABLE URBAN DRAINAGE SYSTEMS TECHNICAL NOTE

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Sustainable_Urban_Drainage_Systems_Technical_Note.pdf:13:Ramboll - SUSTAINABLE URBAN DRAINAGE SYSTEMS TECHNICAL NOTE

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Sustainable_Urban_Drainage_Systems_Technical_Note.pdf:14:Ramboll - SUSTAINABLE URBAN DRAINAGE SYSTEMS TECHNICAL NOTE

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Sustainable_Urban_Drainage_Systems_Technical_Note.pdf:15:Ramboll - SUSTAINABLE URBAN DRAINAGE SYSTEMS TECHNICAL NOTE

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Sustainable_Urban_Drainage_Systems_Technical_Note.pdf:16:Ramboll - SUSTAINABLE URBAN DRAINAGE SYSTEMS TECHNICAL NOTE

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Sustainable_Urban_Drainage_Systems_Technical_Note.pdf:17:Ramboll - SUSTAINABLE URBAN DRAINAGE SYSTEMS TECHNICAL NOTE

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Noise_and_Vibration_Impact_Assessment.pdf:8: Government policy on sustainable development.

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Water_Framework_Directive_Assessment_Review_and_Update.pdf:6: • Sustainable urban drainage.

R-2023-0246-RMM-TV_ERF_Water_Framework_Directive_Assessment_Review_and_Update.pdf:9: • Promote sustainable use of water as a natural resource;

R-2021-0296-NM-Officer report _R20210296NM.pdf:4:SD1 Sustainable Development

R-2022-0354-CD-R 2020 0357 OOM Decision Notice.pdf:6: method of sustainable transport.”

R-2022-0354-CD-R 2020 0357 OOM Decision Notice.pdf:8: REASON: To ensure the development is carried out in a sustainable form.

R-2022-0354-CD-R 2020 0357 OOM Decision Notice.pdf:10: 2 Details of how sustainable training opportunities will be provided for

R-2022-0779-CD-Sep 22 - CEMP - Steel House Park and Ride Relocation of stockpile mounds.pdf:6: • Include the full costs of more sustainable forms of transport in our financial proposals,

R-2022-0779-CD-Sep 22 - CEMP - Steel House Park and Ride Relocation of stockpile mounds.pdf:6: managed, sustainable sources and are Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified;

R-2022-0779-CD-Sep 22 - CEMP - Steel House Park and Ride Relocation of stockpile mounds.pdf:10: • Manage project waste in a sustainable manner in accordance with the waste hierarchy

R-2021-0832-CD-Teesworks Environment and Biodiversity Strategy - Sept 2021.pdf:7: “The regeneration of the Order Lands will contribute to sustainable development and accord

R-2021-0832-CD-Teesworks Environment and Biodiversity Strategy - Sept 2021.pdf:9: and heavy engineering. Accordingly, sustainable economic growth and regeneration are at the

R-2021-0832-CD-63262_01 - Biodiversity Strategy IB - Sept 2021.PDF:7: “The regeneration of the Order Lands will contribute to sustainable development and accord

R-2021-0832-CD-63262_01 - Biodiversity Strategy IB - Sept 2021.PDF:9: and heavy engineering. Accordingly, sustainable economic growth and regeneration are at the

R-2021-0832-CD-63262 - Teesworks Environment and Biodiversity Strategy May 2022.PDF:7: “The regeneration of the Order Lands will contribute to sustainable development and accord

R-2021-0832-CD-63262 - Teesworks Environment and Biodiversity Strategy May 2022.PDF:10: and heavy engineering. Accordingly, sustainable economic growth and regeneration are at the

R-2021-0832-CD-370819 393380 393440 R_2021_0830_CD R_2021_0831_CD R_2021_0832_CD - Discharge of conditoins relating to Environment and Biodiversity Strategy Teesworks Redcar_.pdf:1:generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

R-2021-0832-CD-370819 393380 393440 R_2021_0830_CD R_2021_0831_CD R_2021_0832_CD - Discharge of conditoins relating to Environment and Biodiversity Strategy Teesworks Redcar_.pdf:1:that it is an essential document to ensure the sustainable redevelopment of the Teesworks site,

R-2021-0832-CD-370819 393380 393440 R_2021_0830_CD R_2021_0831_CD R_2021_0832_CD - Discharge of conditoins relating to Environment and Biodiversity Strategy Teesworks Redcar_.pdf:2:Lead Adviser – Sustainable Development

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_23. Use of natural resources.pdf:1:resources, in particular land, soil, water and biodiversity, considering as far as possible the sustainable

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_4. Legislative framework.pdf:3:ensure long-term, sustainable use. It applies to waters out to one nautical mile from the baseline from which

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_4. Legislative framework.pdf:4: • (2) The marine environment and its resources are used to maximise sustainable activity, prosperity

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_4. Legislative framework.pdf:5: opportunity for sustainable expansion of port and harbour activities will be supported. The

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_4. Legislative framework.pdf:5: • Encourage sustainable port development to cater for long term forecast growth in volumes of

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_4. Legislative framework.pdf:6:In order to help meet the requirements of the government policies on sustainable development, new port

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_17. Noise and vibration.pdf:2:within the context of Government policy on sustainable development:

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_17. Noise and vibration.pdf:3:life whilst also taking into consideration the guiding principles of sustainable development. This does not

R-2020-0685-ESM-ApplicationFormRedacted.pdf:4: Sustainable drainage system

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_14. Commercial and recreational navigation.pdf:1:sustainable development principles.

R-2020-0685-ESM-OFFICER REPORT.pdf:2:SD1 Sustainable Development

R-2020-0685-ESM-OFFICER REPORT.pdf:2:TA3 Sustainable Transport Networks

R-2020-0685-ESM-OFFICER REPORT.pdf:56:of the construction activities, it is envisaged that sustainable transport would

R-2020-0685-ESM-61586 Quay Design and Access Statement November 2020.PDF:5: Policy SD 1 (Sustainable Development);

R-2020-0685-ESM-61586 Quay Design and Access Statement November 2020.PDF:5: Policy TA 3 (Sustainable Transport Networks).

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_8. Land quality and geology.pdf:9: • measurable habitat change that is sustainable / recoverable over the long-term (adverse

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_8. Land quality and geology.pdf:9: • observable habitat change that is sustainable / recoverable over the medium-term

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_8. Land quality and geology.pdf:9: • observable habitat change that is sustainable / recoverable over the short-term (adverse

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_20. Flood risk and coastal defence.pdf:8:The Sustainable Drainage Strategy for the site aims to reduce the surface water flood risk at the site. The

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_20. Flood risk and coastal defence.pdf:8:site, where run off will be collected and passed through appropriate Sustainable Drainage System (SuDS)

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084-RHD-SB-EN-RP-EV-1111_Appendix 1_Waste Report.pdf:5:Planning Policy Statement 10 (Planning for Sustainable Waste Management – 2011)2: The updated policy

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084-RHD-SB-EN-RP-EV-1111_Appendix 1_Waste Report.pdf:5: DCLG, 2011, Planning Policy Statement 10: Planning for Sustainable Waste Management, London: TSO

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084-RHD-SB-EN-RP-EV-1111_Appendix 1_Waste Report.pdf:6:to a sustainable economy. In particular, this means using the “waste hierarchy” (waste prevention, re-use,

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084-RHD-SB-EN-RP-EV-1111_Appendix 1_Waste Report.pdf:6:recycling, recovery and finally disposal as a last option) as a guide to sustainable waste management.

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084-RHD-SB-EN-RP-EV-1111_Appendix 1_Waste Report.pdf:7: • encourage businesses to contribute to a more sustainable economy by building waste reduction

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084-RHD-SB-EN-RP-EV-1111_Appendix 1_Waste Report.pdf:23:These measures would promote sustainable waste management practices by maximising waste prevention,

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084-RHD-SB-EN-RP-EV-1111_Appendix 1_Waste Report.pdf:28:Local and sustainable products would be used to minimise the effects on the environment by reducing

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_6. Hydrodynamic and sedimentary regime.pdf:2:sustainable development in the UK marine area. The Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 requires all

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084-RHD-SB-EN-RP-EV-1109_Appendix 15_Flood Risk Assessment.pdf:15:to assess whether there are socially and environmentally sustainable, technically viable and economically

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084-RHD-SB-EN-RP-EV-1109_Appendix 15_Flood Risk Assessment.pdf:15:sustainable manner.

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_12. Marine and coastal ornithology.pdf:3:plans, ensuring that marine resources are used in a sustainable way in high level marine objectives, thereby:

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_12. Marine and coastal ornithology.pdf:3: • promoting sustainable economic development;

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_12. Marine and coastal ornithology.pdf:3: • ensuring a sustainable marine environment which promotes healthy, functioning marine habitats,

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_12. Marine and coastal ornithology.pdf:3: • contributing to the societal benefits of the marine area, including the sustainable use of marine

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084-RHD-SB-EN-RP-EV-1112_Appendix 10_Transport Statement.pdf:8: including details of sustainable transport provision and road safety;

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084-RHD-SB-EN-RP-EV-1112_Appendix 10_Transport Statement.pdf:9:Sustainable Transport “Development should only be prevented or refused on existing highway network

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084-RHD-SB-EN-RP-EV-1112_Appendix 10_Transport Statement.pdf:10: sustainable development across the borough.

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084-RHD-SB-EN-RP-EV-1112_Appendix 10_Transport Statement.pdf:10: promote sustainable travel to minimise

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084-RHD-SB-EN-RP-EV-1112_Appendix 10_Transport Statement.pdf:11:Policy INFRA 1 – A 21st century sustainable transport network will Section 3 details the existing highway

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084-RHD-SB-EN-RP-EV-1112_Appendix 10_Transport Statement.pdf:11:Strategy travel by improving non car connectivity within and sustainable transport Infrastructure.

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084-RHD-SB-EN-RP-EV-1112_Appendix 10_Transport Statement.pdf:11: sustainable transport modes.

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084-RHD-SB-EN-RP-EV-1112_Appendix 10_Transport Statement.pdf:17: construction activities, it is envisaged that sustainable transport would not be a prominent mode

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084-RHD-SB-EN-RP-EV-1112_Appendix 10_Transport Statement.pdf:22: use of sustainable transport has been considered for staff movements. On this basis, the 100 staff

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084-RHD-SB-EN-RP-EV-1112_Appendix 10_Transport Statement.pdf:24: sustainable modes of transport. It is however, envisaged that sustainable transport would not be

R-2020-0685-ESM-61586 Quay Planning Statement 09-11-20.pdf:16: • Policy SD 1 (Sustainable Development);

R-2020-0685-ESM-61586 Quay Planning Statement 09-11-20.pdf:16: • Policy TA 3 (Sustainable Transport Networks).

R-2020-0685-ESM-61586 Quay Planning Statement 09-11-20.pdf:16: favour of sustainable development is the corner-stone of the Framework and it has three

R-2020-0685-ESM-61586 Quay Planning Statement 09-11-20.pdf:16: play an active role in guiding development towards sustainable solutions and in doing so should

R-2020-0685-ESM-61586 Quay Planning Statement 09-11-20.pdf:17: • Chapter 9: Promoting sustainable transport;

R-2020-0685-ESM-61586 Quay Planning Statement 09-11-20.pdf:17: • Encourage sustainable port development to cater for long term forecast growth in volumes

R-2020-0685-ESM-61586 Quay Planning Statement 09-11-20.pdf:17:4.18 In order to help meet the requirements of the government policies on sustainable development,

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:15: • Implement a Travel Plan that supports and encourages sustainable travel for contractor operatives

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_10. Marine mammals.pdf:2: conservation and sustainable use of biological

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_21_Socio-economics.pdf:1:achievement of sustainable development.”

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_21_Socio-economics.pdf:1:Achieving sustainable development means that the planning system has three objectives – economic, social

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_30. References.pdf:13:World Business Council for Sustainable Development and the World Resources Institute (2015);

R-2020-0685-ESM-Appendix 3_Scoping consultation.pdf:2:generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_22. Climate change.pdf:1: • contribute to the mitigation of GHG emissions and support sustainable development;

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_22. Climate change.pdf:3: l. be sustainable in design and construction, incorporating best practice in resource management,

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_22. Climate change.pdf:4: e. prioritising the use of sustainable drainage systems (SuDs);

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_22. Climate change.pdf:5:Resources Institute and World Business Council on Sustainable Development 2015), and Institute for

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_22. Climate change.pdf:5:World Business Council on Sustainable Development 2015). The ‘project boundary’ was defined as the

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_22. Climate change.pdf:6:developed by the World Resources Institute and World Business Council on Sustainable Development

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_22. Climate change.pdf:13: • Implement a Travel Plan that supports and encourages sustainable travel for contractor operatives

R-2020-0685-ESM-RCBC scoping opinion.pdf:8:future generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

R-2020-0685-ESM-RCBC scoping opinion.pdf:15:SD1 Sustainable Development

R-2020-0685-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_13. Fish and fisheries.pdf:1: - The marine environment and its resources are used to maximise sustainable activity,

R-2020-0685-ESM-336540 R_2020_0685_ESM - Demolition of existing quay, capital dredge and development of new quay at South Bank Wharf, Grangetown, Redcar - Phase 2.pdf:1:generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

R-2019-0427-FFM-60686_01 - Planning Statement - 28.06.19.pdf:5: national planning policy, which establishes a presumption in favour of sustainable development.

R-2019-0427-FFM-60686_01 - Planning Statement - 28.06.19.pdf:16:5.2 At the heart of the NPPF is a presumption in favour of sustainable development which gives rise

R-2019-0427-FFM-60686_01 - Planning Statement - 28.06.19.pdf:16: apply a presumption in favour of sustainable development, and states that:

R-2019-0427-FFM-60686_01 - Planning Statement - 28.06.19.pdf:16: involving sites of one hectare or more and the inclusion of sustainable drainage systems on all

R-2019-0427-FFM-60686_01 - Planning Statement - 28.06.19.pdf:17: deprivation and decline in population. Accordingly, sustainable economic growth and

R-2019-0427-FFM-60686_01 - Planning Statement - 28.06.19.pdf:17: • Policy SD1 Sustainable Development which commits the Council to take a positive

R-2019-0427-FFM-60686_01 - Planning Statement - 28.06.19.pdf:17: approach reflective of the presumption in favour of sustainable development contained in

R-2019-0427-FFM-60686_01 - Planning Statement - 28.06.19.pdf:20: uncontrolled urban sprawl and deliver sustainable development.

R-2019-0427-FFM-60686_01 - Planning Statement - 28.06.19.pdf:29:9.5 It has also been shown that, overall, the proposals constitute sustainable development in the

R-2019-0427-FFM-Officer report _R20190427FFM.pdf:2:SD1 Sustainable Development

R-2019-0427-FFM-Officer report _R20190427FFM.pdf:6:and deliver sustainable development. Given the nature of the proposed works

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0002_A_P02.pdf:91:and an environmentally sustainable alternative to off-site disposal.

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0002_A_P02.pdf:96: CL1, CL2 & Excavation and disposal Excavation of the contaminated material Vast amounts of groundwork required. Removes source of contamination. Not a sustainable technique.

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0002_A_P02.pdf:96: Very unsustainable.

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0002_A_P02.pdf:96: CL1, CL2 & Hard Surfacing Use of concrete and or other appropriate Large scale concrete requirement. Significantly reduces hazard to human Not very sustainable.

R-2019-0427-FFM-R_2019_0427_FFM - Natural England.pdf:1:generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

R-2019-0427-FFM-R_2019_0427_FFM - Natural England.pdf:3: Sustainable Use of Soils on Construction Sites, and we recommend its use in the design and

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01.pdf:10: Advisor, further need to consult with the ‘ Sustainable Places’ team

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01.pdf:10: Sustainable

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0002_A_P01.pdf:89:and an environmentally sustainable alternative to off-site disposal.

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0002_A_P01.pdf:94: CL1, CL2 & Excavation and disposal Excavation of the contaminated material Vast amounts of groundwork required. Removes source of contamination. Not a sustainable technique.

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0002_A_P01.pdf:94: Very unsustainable.

R-2019-0427-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0002_A_P01.pdf:94: CL1, CL2 & Hard Surfacing Use of concrete and or other appropriate Large scale concrete requirement. Significantly reduces hazard to human Not very sustainable.

R-2021-0473-ESM-Officer Report 0473.pdf:2:SD1 Sustainable Development

R-2021-0473-ESM-Officer Report 0473.pdf:12:policy set out within the NPPF and policies SD1 (Sustainable Development)

R-2021-0473-ESM-356921 - R_2021_0473_ESM Reserved Matters for 76200sqm floor space at Land East of Smiths Dock Rd and West of Tees Dock Rd Tees South Bank - No Objections.pdf:1:generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

R-2021-0676-FF-SembcorpObjectionLetter_FINAL.PDF:1:Sembcorp is a leading provider of sustainable solutions supporting the UK’s transition to Net

R-2021-0676-FF-SembcorpObjectionLetter_FINAL.PDF:2:for companies to invest. Sembcorp’s power includes greener, more sustainable power

R-2021-0676-FF-ASQUITH R.pdf:6:Achieving sustainable development” in paragraphs 7 and 8. Paragraph 8a explains the

R-2021-0676-FF-ASQUITH R.pdf:7:our communities will be met through the delivery of sustainable development across the

R-2021-0676-FF-ASQUITH R.pdf:7:5.1 Creating local employment opportunities is a key element in delivering sustainable

R-2021-0676-FF-ApplicationFormRedacted.pdf:4: Sustainable drainage system

R-2021-0624-NM-Officer Report.pdf:3:SD1 Sustainable Development

R-2021-0624-NM-Decision Notice 0357.pdf:6: method of sustainable transport.“

R-2021-0624-NM-Decision Notice 0357.pdf:8: REASON: To ensure the development is carried out in a sustainable form.

R-2021-0624-NM-Decision Notice 0357.pdf:10: 2 Details of how sustainable training opportunities will be provided for

R-2023-0300-DCO-HIGHWAYS ENGLAND.pdf:6:of Sustainable Development. Circular 01/2022 sets out the way in which National

R-2023-0300-DCO-HIGHWAYS ENGLAND.pdf:6:to assist the delivery of sustainable development. The circular is applicable to the

R-2023-0300-DCO-HIGHWAYS ENGLAND.pdf:7: a package of measures that will be utilised to promote and incentivise sustainable

R-2023-0300-DCO-HIGHWAYS ENGLAND.pdf:10: Network and the Delivery of Sustainable Development.

R-2023-0300-DCO-HIGHWAYS ENGLAND.pdf:11: to promote and incentivise sustainable travel to / from the site, while

R-2021-0534-FF-OFFICER REPORT.pdf:1:SD1 Sustainable Development

R-2021-0534-FF-ApplicationFormRedacted.pdf:4: Sustainable drainage system

R-2022-0475-NM-Officer report.pdf:2:SD1 Sustainable Development

R-2022-0242-FF-0242 Off Rep.pdf:1:SD1 Sustainable Development

R-2022-0242-FF-ApplicationFormRedacted.pdf:7: Sustainable drainage system

R-2022-0186-CD-R 2020 0357 OOM Decision Notice.pdf:6: method of sustainable transport.”

R-2022-0186-CD-R 2020 0357 OOM Decision Notice.pdf:8: REASON: To ensure the development is carried out in a sustainable form.

R-2022-0186-CD-R 2020 0357 OOM Decision Notice.pdf:10: 2 Details of how sustainable training opportunities will be provided for

R-2021-0166-FFM-Archaeology - DBA.pdf:28:deliver high quality development and sustainable growth in England. In terms of heritage, guidance entitled

R-2021-0166-FFM-Application Form 0166.pdf:5: Sustainable drainage system  Existing watercourse

R-2021-0166-FFM-Environmental Risk Assessment.pdf:6:The overarching aim of the works was to deliver a sustainable ground remediation strategy for the contract

R-2021-0166-FFM-Officer Report 0166.pdf:2:SD1 Sustainable Development

R-2021-0166-FFM-347902 - R_2021_0166_FFM Engineering operations associated with ground remediation and preparation of the site at Phase 4 Grangetown Prairie - No Obj.pdf:1:generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

R-2021-0166-FFM-Geotechnical Risk Assessment .pdf:6:The overarching aim of the works was to deliver a sustainable ground remediation strategy for the contract

R-2021-0166-FFM-Ground Remediation Options Report.pdf:7:The overarching aim of the works was to deliver a sustainable ground remediation strategy for the contract

R-2021-0166-FFM-Ground Remediation Options Report.pdf:17: • Large scale excavation and disposal (landfilling) is not considered to be a sustainable remediation

R-2021-0166-FFM-Ground Remediation Options Report.pdf:17: • Sustainable remediation approach.

R-2022-0494-FFM-Desk Based Heritage Assessment.pdf:32:deliver high quality development and sustainable growth in England. In terms of heritage, guidance entitled

R-2022-0494-FFM-OFFICER REPORT.pdf:2:SD1 Sustainable Development

R-2022-0494-FFM-395561 - R_2022_0494_FFM - Engineering operations - removal of mounds - Land north of Teesworks area Redcar.pdf:1:generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

R-2022-0494-FFM-395561 - R_2022_0494_FFM - Engineering operations - removal of mounds - Land north of Teesworks area Redcar.pdf:2:Lead Sustainable Development Adviser

R-2022-0494-FFM-395561 - R_2022_0494_FFM - Engineering operations - removal of mounds - Land north of Teesworks area Redcar.pdf:3: Sustainable Use of Soils on Construction Sites, and we recommend its use in the design and

R-2022-0494-FFM-EA_R20220494FFM_OFFICIAL_130722.pdf:6:Planning Technical Specialist - Sustainable Places

R-2022-0494-FFM-19293141_1.pdf:36: part of delivering a sustainable eco-industrial park. The preliminary drainage strategy has

R-2022-0494-FFM-19293141_1.pdf:38: of a sustainable drainage strategy and aspiration for blue-green networks will create flow

R-2022-0494-FFM-Covering Letter.pdf:4:and deliver sustainable development.

R-2022-0494-FFM-ApplicationFormRedacted.pdf:6: Sustainable drainage system

R-2022-0048-NM-OFFICER REPORT.pdf:2:SD1 Sustainable Development

R-2022-0205-SC-Bran Sands EIA Screening Request_FINAL reduced signed.pdf:91:unthreatened, and resilient and with populations that will remain viable and sustainable irrespective of the proposed

R-2021-1048-FFM-Redcar Steelworks-AUK-XX-XX-RP-GE-0001-02-SSI1_SSI2A_GI_SCR.pdf:7:The overarching aim of the works was to deliver a sustainable ground remediation strategy for the contract

R-2021-1048-FFM-Officer Report 1048.pdf:2:SD1 Sustainable Development

R-2021-1048-FFM-63262 NZT - Response to EA - 06.05.22.pdf:3:5.1 In accordance with the ‘Presumption in favour of Sustainable Development’ set out in the

R-2021-1048-FFM-63262 NZT - Response to EA - 06.05.22.pdf:16:Planning Technical Specialist - Sustainable Places

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-CO-ZZ-0486-01-Net_Zero_Rem_Clarification_EA.pdf:11:To ensure the development is sustainable, the applicant must provide adequate

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-CO-ZZ-0486-01-Net_Zero_Rem_Clarification_EA.pdf:19:Planning Technical Specialist - Sustainable Places

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0520-03-Land West of Warrenby Redcar Preliminary Risk Assessment.pdf:7:The overarching aim of the works is to deliver a sustainable ground remediation strategy for the contract site

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0520-03-Land West of Warrenby Redcar Preliminary Risk Assessment.pdf:121:Biosphere (MAB) Programme with the aim of promoting sustainable development founded on the work of the

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0520-03-Land West of Warrenby Redcar Preliminary Risk Assessment.pdf:136:sustainable use of the natural resources of the area and the sustainable social and economic development of

R-2021-1048-FFM-EA_R20211048FFM_OFFICIAL_270122.pdf:3:To ensure the development is sustainable, the applicant must provide adequate

R-2021-1048-FFM-EA_R20211048FFM_OFFICIAL_270122.pdf:11:Planning Technical Specialist - Sustainable Places

R-2021-1048-FFM-377862 - R_2021_1048_FFM Ground remediation works at Former Redcar Steelworks Site - No Objection Subject to Mitigation.pdf:1:generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

R-2021-1048-FFM-377862 - R_2021_1048_FFM Ground remediation works at Former Redcar Steelworks Site - No Objection Subject to Mitigation.pdf:4:Guidance on soil protection is available in the Defra Construction Code of Practice for the Sustainable

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0520-01-Land West of Warrenby Redcar Preliminary Risk Assessment(2).pdf:113:Biosphere (MAB) Programme with the aim of promoting sustainable development founded on the work of the

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0520-01-Land West of Warrenby Redcar Preliminary Risk Assessment(2).pdf:128:sustainable use of the natural resources of the area and the sustainable social and economic development of

R-2021-1048-FFM-1048 Strategy.pdf:1:Policy SD1 Sustainable Development

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0417-02-Rem_Strat_NetZero.pdf:7:The overarching aim of the works is to deliver a sustainable ground remediation strategy for the contract

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0417-02-Rem_Strat_NetZero.pdf:25:The Contractor shall make arrangements to identify the most sustainable, compliant and cost-effective

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0417-02-Rem_Strat_NetZero.pdf:32:sustainable use of these materials is to facilitate their reuse on site and as such treatment is required

R-2021-1048-FFM-ApplicationFormRedacted.pdf:4: Sustainable drainage system

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0520-01-Land West of Warrenby Redcar Preliminary Risk Assessment.pdf:113:Biosphere (MAB) Programme with the aim of promoting sustainable development founded on the work of the

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0520-01-Land West of Warrenby Redcar Preliminary Risk Assessment.pdf:128:sustainable use of the natural resources of the area and the sustainable social and economic development of

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0417-05-Rem_Strat_LWoW.pdf:7:The overarching aim of the works is to deliver a sustainable ground remediation strategy for the contract

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0417-05-Rem_Strat_LWoW.pdf:25:The Contractor shall make arrangements to identify the most sustainable, compliant and cost-effective

R-2021-1048-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0417-05-Rem_Strat_LWoW.pdf:33:sustainable use of these materials is to facilitate their reuse on site and as such treatment is required

R-2021-0878-ESM-EA_R_2021_0878_ESM_OFFICIAL_191121.pdf:2:Planning Technical Specialist - Sustainable Places

R-2021-0878-ESM-Natural England.pdf:1:generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

R-2021-0878-ESM-Natural England.pdf:3:Guidance on soil protection is available in the Defra Construction Code of Practice for the Sustainable

R-2021-0878-ESM-Officer Report 0878.pdf:1:SD1 Sustainable Development

R-2021-0878-ESM-Officer Report 0878.pdf:9:policy set out within the NPPF and policies SD1 (Sustainable Development)

R-2021-0269-CD-Decision Notice.pdf:6: method of sustainable transport.“

R-2021-0269-CD-Decision Notice.pdf:8: REASON: To ensure the development is carried out in a sustainable form.

R-2021-0269-CD-Decision Notice.pdf:10: 2 Details of how sustainable training opportunities will be provided for

R-2021-0100-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-01-Prairie_ESA_Addendum.pdf:6:The overarching aim of the project is to deliver a sustainable ground remediation strategy for the contract site

R-2021-0100-CD-Phase II ESA.pdf:7:The overarching aim of the project is to deliver a sustainable ground remediation strategy for the contract site

R-2021-0100-CD-STDC_HWY-ATK-HGT-PR-RP-CE-000001_C01.pdf:46: unsustainable unsustainable/deaths Threat to public health or safety

R-2021-0067-CD-Jan 20212366 CEMP Metals Recovery Processing Area.pdf:7: • Include the full costs of more sustainable forms of transport in our financial proposals,

R-2021-0067-CD-Jan 20212366 CEMP Metals Recovery Processing Area.pdf:7: managed, sustainable sources and are Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified;

R-2021-0067-CD-Jan 20212366 CEMP Metals Recovery Processing Area.pdf:11: • Manage project waste in a sustainable manner in accordance with the waste hierarchy

R-2022-0050-FFM-ApplicationFormRedacted.pdf:4: Sustainable drainage system

R-2022-0050-FFM-0050 Off Rep.pdf:2:SD1 Sustainable Development

R-2022-0050-FFM-0050 Off Rep.pdf:8:policy set out within the NPPF and policies SD1 (Sustainable Development)

R-2022-0050-FFM-20648-8000-P01 Steel House D&A Updated.pdf:9:It is said that the most sustainable building is one

R-2022-0050-FFM-20648-8000-P01 Steel House D&A Updated.pdf:9:The proposals include several forms of sustainable

R-2021-0753-FFM-ApplicationFormRedacted.pdf:4: Sustainable drainage system

R-2021-0753-FFM-Officer Report 0753.pdf:1:SD1 Sustainable Development

R-2021-0753-FFM-Officer Report 0753.pdf:7:policy set out within the NPPF and policies SD1 (Sustainable Development)

R-2021-0753-FFM-Arcadis - South Bank Strategy.pdf:7:The overarching aim of the works is to deliver a sustainable ground remediation strategy for the contract

R-2021-0753-FFM-Arcadis - South Bank Strategy.pdf:19:The Contractor shall make arrangements to identify the most sustainable, compliant and cost-effective

R-2021-0753-FFM-Arcadis - South Bank Strategy.pdf:25:sustainable use of these materials is to facilitate their reuse on site and as such treatment is required

R-2021-0753-FFM-Teesworks Freeport - Cover Letter 18.08.21.pdf:1:• NPPF Part 2 – Achieving sustainable development

R-2021-0753-FFM-Teesworks Freeport - Cover Letter 18.08.21.pdf:2:• NPPF Part 9 – Promoting sustainable transport

R-2021-0753-FFM-Teesworks Freeport - Cover Letter 18.08.21.pdf:2:• Policy SD1 – Sustainable Development

R-2021-0753-FFM-POLICY 0753.pdf:1:Policy SD1 Sustainable Development

R-2021-0753-FFM-POLICY 0753.pdf:1:Policy MWC10 Sustainable Transport

R-2021-0753-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:10: Advisor, further need to consult with the ‘ Sustainable Places’ team

R-2021-0753-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:10: Sustainable

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:93:and an environmentally sustainable alternative to off-site disposal.

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:98: CL1, CL2 & Excavation and disposal Excavation of the contaminated material Vast amounts of groundwork required. Removes source of contamination. Not a sustainable technique.

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:98: Very unsustainable.

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix H - July 2020.pdf:98: CL1, CL2 & Hard Surfacing Use of concrete and or other appropriate Large scale concrete requirement. Significantly reduces hazard to human Not very sustainable.

R-2020-0357-OOM-322735 R_2020_0357_OOM - Remediation of land at Southern Industrial Zone STDC South Bank (1).pdf:1:generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter H - July 2020.pdf:31: promotes a more cost-effective and environmentally sustainable alternative to off-site disposal.

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix M - July 2020.pdf:42:deliver high quality development and sustainable growth in England. In terms of heritage, guidance entitled

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter O - July 2020.pdf:6: produce a Construction Logistics Plan to manage the sustainable

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter O - July 2020.pdf:8: waste generated on site; the sustainable procurement of

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter O - July 2020.pdf:14: Plan to manage the sustainable delivery of goods and materials; and ensure equipment

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter O - July 2020.pdf:14: ii The sustainable procurement of construction materials;

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:5: purpose of planning to achieve sustainable development. Paragraph 181 of the NPPF on air

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:5: sustainable, through limiting the need to travel and offering a genuine choice of transport

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:5: health. However, opportunities to maximise sustainable transport solutions will vary between

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:6: discusses how new developments should seek to promote sustainable travel to minimise

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:35: Operating Vehicle/Machinery and Sustainable Travel

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:35: 2 Produce a Construction Logistics Plan to manage the sustainable delivery of goods and

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - July 2020.pdf:35: 3 Implement a Travel Plan that supports and encourages sustainable travel (public transport,

R-2020-0357-OOM-POLICY.pdf:1:Policy SD1: Sustainable Development

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - July 2020.pdf:5: Paragraph 17 Achieving Sustainable Development principles (para 8c) include contributing to

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - July 2020.pdf:5: Major developments should incorporate sustainable drainage systems unless there

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - July 2020.pdf:5: 2019a) other sustainable drainage systems, removing artificial physical modifications (for

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - July 2020.pdf:6: Policy SD1: Sustainable Protect the quality and availability of water resources and maximise the efficient

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - July 2020.pdf:9: Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS). 'Major developments should incorporate

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - July 2020.pdf:9: sustainable drainage systems unless there is clear evidence that this would be

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - July 2020.pdf:10: located in sustainable locations. The adopted Local Plan sets out the long-term land allocations

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - July 2020.pdf:11: Tees Valley Sustainable Drainage Systems Design Guide and Local

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - July 2020.pdf:11: Local Standards for Sustainable Drainage (2017).

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - July 2020.pdf:11: formally published in 2020 and has been produced to strongly promote the use of sustainable

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - July 2020.pdf:13: Must help advise on sustainable development.

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - July 2020.pdf:14: Must aim to contribute to sustainable development;

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - July 2020.pdf:23: sustainable drainage: Practice Guidance

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - July 2020.pdf:23: iv Tees Valley Local Authorities Local Standards for Sustainable Drainage

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - July 2020.pdf:39: sustainable drainage: Practice Guidance

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - July 2020.pdf:39: iv Tees Valley Local Authorities Local Standards for Sustainable Drainage

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - July 2020.pdf:49: appropriate use of sustainable drainage during moderate beneficial impact.

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - July 2020.pdf:57: for Sustainable Drainage: Practice Guidance online. Available at:

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - July 2020.pdf:58: Tees Valley Authorities (2015). Tees Valley Authorities Local Standards for Sustainable

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - July 2020.pdf:23: climate change through the implementation of sustainable design;

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - July 2020.pdf:23: sustainable modes of travel in accordance with STDC’s emerging transport strategy.

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - July 2020.pdf:26: sustainable modes of transport.

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - July 2020.pdf:31: sustainable solutions and in doing so should take local circumstances into account to reflect the

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - July 2020.pdf:31: It promotes sustainable growth and Chapter 6 (Building a Strong and Competitive Economy)

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - July 2020.pdf:31: • Chapter 9: Promoting sustainable transport;

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - July 2020.pdf:36: sustainable transport across the region. A new roundabout access off Dockside Road has

R-2020-0357-OOM-Energy and Utilities Strategy.pdf:7: framework has three overarching themes related to achieving sustainable

R-2020-0357-OOM-Energy and Utilities Strategy.pdf:8: enabling Infrastructure, sustainable energy production and creating industrial

R-2020-0357-OOM-Energy and Utilities Strategy.pdf:9: • Policy SD4: New development proposals expected to be sustainable in design

R-2020-0357-OOM-Energy and Utilities Strategy.pdf:25:• Three overarching objectives for achieving sustainable development:

R-2020-0357-OOM-Energy and Utilities Strategy.pdf:25:• The environmental objective for achieving sustainable development within the

R-2020-0357-OOM-Energy and Utilities Strategy.pdf:27:• Outlines investment in enabling Infrastructure, investing in sustainable energy

R-2020-0357-OOM-Energy and Utilities Strategy.pdf:27:• As part of a wider economic plan developed to enable sustainable economic

R-2020-0357-OOM-Energy and Utilities Strategy.pdf:28: o Policy SD4: New development proposals expected to be sustainable in

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix C - July 2020.pdf:4: 3.2 Sustainable Transport Networks 12

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix C - July 2020.pdf:4: 6.1 Sustainable Transport Network Impact Assessment 26

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix C - July 2020.pdf:8:Core planning principles related to sustainable transport and relevant to the

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix C - July 2020.pdf:8: a. Appropriate opportunities to promote sustainable transport modes can

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix C - July 2020.pdf:13: surroundings, ensuring development is located in a sustainable and safe

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix C - July 2020.pdf:13:contribute to the delivery of sustainable, inclusive and cohesive communities.

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix C - July 2020.pdf:17:3.2 Sustainable Transport Networks

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix C - July 2020.pdf:31:6.1 Sustainable Transport Network Impact

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix C - July 2020.pdf:31:viability of sustainable transport networks in the vicinity of the site.

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix C - July 2020.pdf:31:travel and sustainable transport measures will aim to create a site that is not

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix C - July 2020.pdf:31:dominated by vehicles, but a site where trips by sustainable and active travel

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix C - July 2020.pdf:43:This framework proposes a list of measures to help promote the use of sustainable

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix C - July 2020.pdf:43: Briefing staff on sustainable transport provisions to / from the site and

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix C - July 2020.pdf:43:In addition to the measures to encourage travel by sustainable modes, it is

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix C - July 2020.pdf:43: whilst encouraging the use of sustainable transport;

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix C - July 2020.pdf:44: measures that will be developed to promote active and sustainable transport

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix C - July 2020.pdf:45: sustainable transport networks in the vicinity of the site;

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix C - July 2020.pdf:45: implement measures to promote sustainable transport and active travel

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix C - July 2020.pdf:46:sustainable and active travel networks.

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix C - July 2020.pdf:51: 3.2 Sustainable Transport Networks 4

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix C - July 2020.pdf:56:3.2 Sustainable Transport Networks

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix C - July 2020.pdf:128:and to promote the use of more sustainable alternatives.

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter M - July 2020.pdf:7: communities which will help deliver high quality development and sustainable growth in

R-2020-0357-OOM-EA R_2020_0357_OOM 29 October 2020 Please note, Sustainable Places North East are currently working under

R-2020-0357-OOM-Design and Access Statement.pdf:19: Policy SD 1 (Sustainable Development);

R-2020-0357-OOM-Design and Access Statement.pdf:19: Policy TA 3 (Sustainable Transport Networks).

R-2020-0357-OOM-Design and Access Statement.pdf:26: achieve a sustainable development.

R-2020-0357-OOM-NETWORK RAIL.pdf:1:developer towards station facility improvements that would help encourage use of sustainable transport links to the

R-2020-0357-OOM-Transport Assessment.pdf:2: 3.2 Sustainable Transport Networks 12

R-2020-0357-OOM-Transport Assessment.pdf:2: 6.1 Sustainable Transport Network Impact Assessment 26

R-2020-0357-OOM-Transport Assessment.pdf:6:Core planning principles related to sustainable transport and relevant to the

R-2020-0357-OOM-Transport Assessment.pdf:6: a. Appropriate opportunities to promote sustainable transport modes can

R-2020-0357-OOM-Transport Assessment.pdf:7: impact on the local highway network, as well as encourage sustainable travel

R-2020-0357-OOM-Transport Assessment.pdf:7: part of the wider STDC site, a sustainable strategy for which is currently being

R-2020-0357-OOM-Transport Assessment.pdf:9:transport supports sustainable economic growth, excellent quality of life and

R-2020-0357-OOM-Transport Assessment.pdf:10: The development will also benefit from new sustainable transport provisions

R-2020-0357-OOM-Transport Assessment.pdf:10:communities will be met through the delivery of sustainable development across

R-2020-0357-OOM-Transport Assessment.pdf:11: surroundings, ensuring development is located in a sustainable and safe

R-2020-0357-OOM-Transport Assessment.pdf:11:contribute to the delivery of sustainable, inclusive and cohesive communities.

R-2020-0357-OOM-Transport Assessment.pdf:12:undermine strategies for the growth of sustainable transport use. A new Tees

R-2020-0357-OOM-Transport Assessment.pdf:12: provided as part of the sustainable transport measures of the wider STDC site

R-2020-0357-OOM-Transport Assessment.pdf:12:includes sustainable travel measures.

R-2020-0357-OOM-Transport Assessment.pdf:14: network to allow access to the development by sustainable and active travel

R-2020-0357-OOM-Transport Assessment.pdf:14: the form of sustainable transport initiatives from the emerging site-wide

R-2020-0357-OOM-Transport Assessment.pdf:15:3.2 Sustainable Transport Networks

R-2020-0357-OOM-Transport Assessment.pdf:29:6.1 Sustainable Transport Network Impact

R-2020-0357-OOM-Transport Assessment.pdf:29:viability of sustainable transport networks in the vicinity of the site.

R-2020-0357-OOM-Transport Assessment.pdf:29:travel and sustainable transport measures will aim to create a site that is not

R-2020-0357-OOM-Transport Assessment.pdf:29:dominated by vehicles, but a site where trips by sustainable and active travel

R-2020-0357-OOM-Transport Assessment.pdf:41:This framework proposes a list of measures to help promote the use of sustainable

R-2020-0357-OOM-Transport Assessment.pdf:41: Briefing staff on sustainable transport provisions to / from the site and

R-2020-0357-OOM-Transport Assessment.pdf:41:In addition to the measures to encourage travel by sustainable modes, it is

R-2020-0357-OOM-Transport Assessment.pdf:41: whilst encouraging the use of sustainable transport;

R-2020-0357-OOM-Transport Assessment.pdf:42: measures that will be developed to promote active and sustainable transport

R-2020-0357-OOM-Transport Assessment.pdf:43: sustainable transport networks in the vicinity of the site;

R-2020-0357-OOM-Transport Assessment.pdf:43: implement measures to promote sustainable transport and active travel

R-2020-0357-OOM-Transport Assessment.pdf:44:sustainable and active travel networks.

R-2020-0357-OOM-Transport Assessment.pdf:49: 3.2 Sustainable Transport Networks 4

R-2020-0357-OOM-Transport Assessment.pdf:54:3.2 Sustainable Transport Networks

R-2020-0357-OOM-Transport Assessment.pdf:56:usual standards, in support of a more sustainable travel policy for the site.

R-2020-0357-OOM-Transport Assessment.pdf:124: suppress the demand for journeys to and from the site by car and to promote the use of more sustainable

R-2020-0357-OOM-Transport Assessment.pdf:126:and to promote the use of more sustainable alternatives.

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter E - July 2020.pdf:5: quality of life while also taking into account the guiding principles of sustainable development.

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter D - July 2020.pdf:45:D6.7 It is important that development is sustainable and that projects produce a net gain for

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter J - July 2020.pdf:3: consequence of all forms of development and the sustainable management of waste is an

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter J - July 2020.pdf:6: objective for achieving sustainable development is:

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter J - July 2020.pdf:6:J2.15 In Chapter 17, Facilitating the sustainable use of minerals, the NPPF states that planning

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter J - July 2020.pdf:7: strategy sets out the joint approach to sustainable management of local authority collected waste

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter J - July 2020.pdf:8:J2.24 The sustainable use of mineral resources in the Tees Valley will be delivered through:

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter J - July 2020.pdf:8: e Safeguarding the necessary Infrastructure to enable the sustainable transport of

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter J - July 2020.pdf:9:J2.27 The sustainable management of waste arisings in the Tees Valley should:

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter J - July 2020.pdf:9: d safeguard the necessary Infrastructure to enable the sustainable transport of waste, in

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter J - July 2020.pdf:12: and/or comprise no sustainable features and benefits compared to industry-standard

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter J - July 2020.pdf:12: known issues regarding supply and stock; and/or comprise little or no sustainable

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter J - July 2020.pdf:12: sustainable features and benefits compared to industry-standard materials.

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter J - July 2020.pdf:12: high proportion of sustainable features and benefits compared to industry-standard

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter J - July 2020.pdf:12: proportion of sustainable features and benefits compared to industry-standard

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter J - July 2020.pdf:12:J3.14 * Subject to supporting evidence, sustainable features and benefits could include, for example,

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter J - July 2020.pdf:17: of reuse of materials within construction projects is a fundamental component of sustainable

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter J - July 2020.pdf:22: • Sustainable management of wastes requiring treatment and/ or off-site disposal to

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter J - July 2020.pdf:23:J6.6 The contractors will work to ensure sustainable procurement of construction materials and

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter I - July 2020.pdf:5: “the purpose of the planning system is to contribute to the achievement of sustainable

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter I - July 2020.pdf:5:I2.4 Achieving sustainable development means that the planning system has three objectives –

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter C - July 2020.pdf:5: • Appropriate opportunities to promote sustainable transport modes can be – or have been –

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter C - July 2020.pdf:6: development is located in a sustainable and safe location, and ensuring there is adequate

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter C - July 2020.pdf:6: delivery of sustainable, inclusive and cohesive communities.

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter C - July 2020.pdf:6: for the growth of sustainable transport use.

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter C - July 2020.pdf:6: of users and includes sustainable travel measures.

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter C - July 2020.pdf:23: site by sustainable models.

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix G - July 2020.pdf:15:more sustainable and attractive development. information with your application in support of the sequential test.

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix G - July 2020.pdf:17:As we have to be certain that the data which informs our flood map is fit-for- Do I need to install sustainable drainage systems?

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix G - July 2020.pdf:17: Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) should always be carefully considered in

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix G - July 2020.pdf:20:The Environmental Permitting Regulations (England and Wales) 2015 cover design a more sustainable development. If you’d like to take advantage of this

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix G - July 2020.pdf:20:water discharges, groundwater activities, flood risk activities, radioactive service, please email our Sustainable Places team so that we can provide

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix G - July 2020.pdf:53: part of delivering a sustainable eco-industrial park. The preliminary drainage strategy has

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone ES - Vol 3 - Appendix G - July 2020.pdf:55: the development of a sustainable drainage strategy and aspiration for blue-green networks

R-2020-0357-OOM-Planning Statement - July 2020.pdf:20: • Policy SD 1 (Sustainable Development);

R-2020-0357-OOM-Planning Statement - July 2020.pdf:21: • Policy TA 3 (Sustainable Transport Networks).

R-2020-0357-OOM-Planning Statement - July 2020.pdf:21: favour of sustainable development is the corner-stone of the Framework and it has three

R-2020-0357-OOM-Planning Statement - July 2020.pdf:21: play an active role in guiding development towards sustainable solutions and in doing so should

R-2020-0357-OOM-Planning Statement - July 2020.pdf:21: • Chapter 9: Promoting sustainable transport;

R-2020-0357-OOM-Planning Statement - July 2020.pdf:30: sustainable transport across the region. A new roundabout access off Dockside Road has

R-2020-0357-OOM-Planning Statement - July 2020.pdf:33:5.29 It is important that development is sustainable and that projects produce a net gain for

R-2020-0357-OOM-Planning Statement - July 2020.pdf:36: the development of a sustainable drainage strategy and aspiration for blue-green networks

R-2020-0357-OOM-Planning Statement - July 2020.pdf:41: development is located in a sustainable and safe location, and ensuring there is adequate

R-2020-0357-OOM-Planning Statement - July 2020.pdf:43: provided as part of the sustainable transport measures of the wider STDC site transport strategy

R-2020-0357-OOM-Planning Statement - July 2020.pdf:43: sustainable and active travel modes. The development will be incorporated into the wider South

R-2020-0357-OOM-Planning Statement - July 2020.pdf:43: sustainable and active travel networks.

R-2020-0357-OOM-Planning Statement - July 2020.pdf:46: achieving sustainable development and the National Planning Policy for Waste explains that it is

R-2020-0357-OOM-Planning Statement - July 2020.pdf:50: achievement of sustainable development. In practice this means development meeting three

R-2020-0357-OOM-Planning Statement - July 2020.pdf:50: role in guiding development towards sustainable solutions, but in doing so should take local

R-2020-0357-OOM-Planning Statement - July 2020.pdf:50: sustainable modes of travel in accordance with STDC’s emerging transport strategy.

R-2020-0357-OOM-Planning Statement - July 2020.pdf:51: sustainable, solution is delivered quickly to resolve the ongoing issue of safe-keeping of the area.

R-2020-0357-OOM-Planning Statement - July 2020.pdf:51: It is not sustainable and does not provide acceptable assurances to the local communities, to

R-2020-0357-OOM-Planning Statement - July 2020.pdf:52:6.15 Overall it is clear that the proposed development represents a sustainable form of development

R-2020-0357-OOM-Decision Notice.pdf:6: method of sustainable transport.”

R-2020-0357-OOM-Decision Notice.pdf:8: REASON: To ensure the development is carried out in a sustainable form.

R-2020-0357-OOM-Decision Notice.pdf:10: 2 Details of how sustainable training opportunities will be provided for

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter A - July 2020.pdf:24: and biodiversity, considering as far as possible the sustainable

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter A - July 2020.pdf:32: 13 SuDS Sustainable Drainage System

R-2020-0357-OOM-Officer report.pdf:2:Policy SD1 Sustainable Development

R-2020-0357-OOM-Officer Please note, Sustainable Places

R-2020-0357-OOM-Officer report.pdf:20:use of sustainable transport links to the site. This could include improvements

R-2020-0357-OOM-Officer report.pdf:36:Policy SD1(Sustainable Development) of the plan promotes sustainable

R-2020-0357-OOM-Officer report.pdf:36:sustainable development in accordance with policy set out in the NPPF and

R-2020-0357-OOM-Officer report.pdf:66:  Operating Vehicle/Machinery and Sustainable Travel

R-2020-0357-OOM-Officer report.pdf:88:expected to ensure sustainable procurement of construction materials and

R-2020-0357-OOM-Officer report.pdf:115: to the method of sustainable transport.“

R-2020-0357-OOM-Officer report.pdf:117: REASON: To ensure the development is carried out in a sustainable

R-2020-0357-OOM-Officer report.pdf:119: 2 Details of how sustainable training opportunities will be provided for

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter K - July 2020.pdf:9: Sustainable Energy Research Team Ref 16.

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial ES - Vol 2 - Chapter K - July 2020.pdf:20: to provide lower carbon energy to Development of sustainable

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone SES - Vol 3 - Technical Appendices (Section 3).PDF:5:site by sustainable modes of transport. The Transport Strategy is still in

R-2020-0357-OOM-South Industrial Zone SES - Vol 3 - Technical Appendices (Section 3).PDF:26:implement initiatives to minimise car trips and promote sustainable travel.

R-2020-0357-OOM-322735 R_2020_0357_OOM - Remediation of land at Southern Industrial Zone STDC South Bank.pdf:1:generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

R-2020-0357-OOM-Habitats Regulation Assessment.pdf:14:At this stage, it is assumed that the site will be cut and fill sustainable. All

R-2020-0357-OOM-ApplicationFormRedacted.pdf:4: Sustainable drainage system

R-2019-0767-OOM-2019s0951 - Energy Recovery Facility Environmental Statement.pdf:20: purpose of the planning system is to contribute to achieving sustainable development.

R-2019-0767-OOM-2019s0951 - Energy Recovery Facility Environmental Statement.pdf:20: sustainable development;

R-2019-0767-OOM-2019s0951 - Energy Recovery Facility Environmental Statement.pdf:20: SD 1 (Sustainable Development) states that the Council will take a positive approach

R-2019-0767-OOM-2019s0951 - Energy Recovery Facility Environmental Statement.pdf:20: that reflects the presumption in favour of sustainable development contained in the

R-2019-0767-OOM-2019s0951 - Energy Recovery Facility Environmental Statement.pdf:22: sustainable methods of dealing with waste. In 2002, the Tees Valley Authorities, except

R-2019-0767-OOM-2019s0951 - Energy Recovery Facility Environmental Statement.pdf:23: The JWMS identified that consideration would need to be given for sustainable waste

R-2019-0767-OOM-2019s0951 - Energy Recovery Facility Environmental Statement.pdf:23: document focus is the sustainable management of waste within the Tees Valley.

R-2019-0767-OOM-2019s0951 - Energy Recovery Facility Environmental Statement.pdf:24: MWC6 (Waste Strategy) seeks to deliver sustainable management of waste arisings

R-2019-0767-OOM-2019s0951 - Energy Recovery Facility Environmental Statement.pdf:26: The Tees Valley Authorities are seeking to deliver a sustainable waste treatment option

R-2019-0767-OOM-2019s0951 - Energy Recovery Facility Environmental Statement.pdf:26: that will provide a long-term sustainable solution for the region for residual waste

R-2019-0767-OOM-2019s0951 - Energy Recovery Facility Environmental Statement.pdf:50: presumption in favour of sustainable development a core element of the framework.

R-2019-0767-OOM-2019s0951 - Energy Recovery Facility Environmental Statement.pdf:90: achievement of sustainable development. Paragraph 8 outlines the three dimensions

R-2019-0767-OOM-2019s0951 - Energy Recovery Facility Environmental Statement.pdf:90: guiding development towards sustainable solutions, but in doing so should take local

R-2019-0767-OOM-2019s0951 - Energy Recovery Facility Environmental Statement.pdf:91: Good design is an important part of sustainable development. Achieving good design is

R-2019-0767-OOM-2019s0951 - Energy Recovery Facility Environmental Statement.pdf:92: component of sustainable transport links and should be protected or enhanced.

R-2019-0767-OOM-2019s0951 - Energy Recovery Facility Environmental Statement.pdf:95: • Public Rights of Way (policy TA3 Sustainable Transport Networks)

R-2019-0767-OOM-2019s0951 - Energy Recovery Facility Environmental Statement.pdf:96: • Public Rights of Way (policy TA3 Sustainable Transport Networks)

R-2019-0767-OOM-2019s0951 - Energy Recovery Facility Environmental Statement.pdf:115: character consistent with its role - the use of sustainable energy generation technology

R-2019-0767-OOM-2019s0951 - Energy Recovery Facility Environmental Statement.pdf:115: The site should also be considered as a driver for high quality ‘clean’ and sustainable

R-2019-0767-OOM-2019s0951 - Energy Recovery Facility Environmental Statement.pdf:115: on the smaller ancillary buildings, sustainable cladding where possible and an external

R-2019-0767-OOM-2019s0951 - Energy Recovery Facility Environmental Statement.pdf:118: Paragraph 17 Achieving Sustainable Development principles (para 8c) include

R-2019-0767-OOM-2019s0951 - Energy Recovery Facility Environmental Statement.pdf:118: Major developments should incorporate sustainable drainage systems

R-2019-0767-OOM-2019s0951 - Energy Recovery Facility Environmental Statement.pdf:119: development that includes permeable surfaces and other sustainable

R-2019-0767-OOM-2019s0951 - Energy Recovery Facility Environmental Statement.pdf:119: Sustainable efficient use of water.

R-2019-0767-OOM-2019s0951 - Energy Recovery Facility Environmental Statement.pdf:119: Framework Directive (WFD) protection and sustainable use of the water environment on a

R-2019-0767-OOM-2019s0951 - Energy Recovery Facility Environmental Statement.pdf:128: • SD1 Sustainable

R-2019-0767-OOM-2019s0951 - Energy Recovery Facility Environmental Statement.pdf:167: The National Planning Policy Framework sets out the vision for sustainable development

R-2019-0767-OOM-2019s0951 - Energy Recovery Facility Environmental Statement.pdf:180: The Tees Valley Authorities are seeking to deliver a sustainable waste treatment option

R-2019-0767-OOM-2019s0951 - Energy Recovery Facility Environmental Statement.pdf:180: that will provide a long-term sustainable solution for the region for residual waste

R-2019-0767-OOM-2019s0951 - Energy Recovery Facility Environmental Statement.pdf:198: presumption in favour of sustainable development a core element of the framework.

R-2019-0767-OOM-2019s0951 - Energy Recovery Facility Environmental Statement.pdf:201: “To reduce pollution, contribute to sustainable flood risk management and habitat

R-2019-0767-OOM-2019s0951 - Energy Recovery Facility Environmental Statement.pdf:209: out how the planning system will contribute to achieving sustainable development. In

R-2019-0767-OOM-2019s0951 - Energy Recovery Facility Environmental Statement.pdf:209: The NPPF sets out a presumption in favour of sustainable development. This effectively

R-2019-0767-OOM-2019s0951 - Energy Recovery Facility Environmental Statement.pdf:209: Paragraph 102 of the NPPF states that in order to promote sustainable transport,

R-2019-0767-OOM-2019s0951 - Energy Recovery Facility Environmental Statement.pdf:210: on locations which are or can be made sustainable, through limiting the need to travel

R-2019-0767-OOM-2019s0951 - Energy Recovery Facility Environmental Statement.pdf:210: • “Appropriate opportunities to promote sustainable transport modes can be – or

R-2019-0767-OOM-2019s0951 - Energy Recovery Facility Environmental Statement.pdf:211: document provides the policy framework to deliver sustainable development across the

R-2019-0767-OOM-2019s0951 - Energy Recovery Facility Environmental Statement.pdf:211: promotion of sustainable travel at new developments to minimise environmental

R-2019-0767-OOM-REP-1011778-AQ-CR-20200306-Grangetown Prairie Energy from Waste-AQA-R02.pdf:13:“To reduce pollution, contribute to sustainable flood risk management and habitat protection and encourage

R-2019-0767-OOM-REP-1011778-AQ-CR-20200306-Grangetown Prairie Energy from Waste-AQA-R02.pdf:65:Operating vehicle/machinery and sustainable travel Ensure all vehicles switch off engines when stationary

R-2019-0767-OOM-312932 R_2019_0767_OOM - Further info for Energy from Waste facility, John Boyle Rd, Grangetown, Redcar.pdf:1:generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

R-2019-0767-OOM-ApplicationFormRedacted.pdf:4: Sustainable drainage system

R-2019-0767-OOM-Chapter 8 WFD Assessment.pdf:7: • Promote sustainable use of water as a natural resource.

R-2019-0767-OOM-Chapter 8 WFD Assessment.pdf:21: objectives resulting from new modifications or sustainable human development

R-2019-0767-OOM-20191201 ERF Planning DAS_Issued.pdf:5: sustainable contribution to sustainable waste management and low carbon energy;

R-2019-0767-OOM-20191201 ERF Planning DAS_Issued.pdf:18: The Tees Valley Authorities have for several years been working to develop efficient and sustainable

R-2019-0767-OOM-20191201 ERF Planning DAS_Issued.pdf:19: for sustainable waste management until 2025, which is when the EfW contract with SITA and the

R-2019-0767-OOM-20191201 ERF Planning DAS_Issued.pdf:19: sustainable management of waste within the Tees Valley.

R-2019-0767-OOM-20191201 ERF Planning DAS_Issued.pdf:26: sets out the government’s planning policies for sustainable development in England, based on

R-2019-0767-OOM-20191201 ERF Planning DAS_Issued.pdf:28: SD1: Sustainable Development states that the Council will take a positive approach that reflects

R-2019-0767-OOM-20191201 ERF Planning DAS_Issued.pdf:28: the presumption in favour of sustainable development contained in the NPPF. The council will also

R-2019-0767-OOM-20191201 ERF Planning DAS_Issued.pdf:28: the most sustainable locations such as urban and coastal areas. Only limited development of an

R-2019-0767-OOM-20191201 ERF Planning DAS_Issued.pdf:29: sustainable travel is promoted to minimise environmental impacts and support residents' health

R-2019-0767-OOM-20191201 ERF Planning DAS_Issued.pdf:29: MWC6: Waste Strategy seeks to deliver sustainable management of waste arisings through the

R-2019-0767-OOM-20191201 ERF Planning DAS_Issued.pdf:29: MWC10: Sustainable Transport requires proposals for minerals and waste development to

R-2019-0767-OOM-20191201 ERF Planning DAS_Issued.pdf:30: The current strategy sets out the joint approach to the sustainable management of waste within

R-2019-0767-OOM-20191201 ERF Planning DAS_Issued.pdf:30: find the most sustainable solution to deal with any waste that remains.

R-2019-0767-OOM-20191201 ERF Planning DAS_Issued.pdf:31: in order to ensure sustainable waste management within the Tees Valley to protect the natural

R-2019-0767-OOM-20191201 ERF Planning DAS_Issued.pdf:31: Policy 2: Sustainable Waste Management We will ensure that the services delivered by the

R-2019-0767-OOM-20191201 ERF Planning DAS_Issued.pdf:31: Tees Valley Authorities implement methods of sustainable waste management in line with the

R-2019-0767-OOM-20191201 ERF Planning DAS_Issued.pdf:33: National and local planning policies and strategies on sustainable waste management focus on the

R-2019-0767-OOM-20191201 ERF Planning DAS_Issued.pdf:33: sustainable waste management and low carbon energy in the North East

R-2019-0767-OOM-20191201 ERF Planning DAS_Issued.pdf:33: The need for a sustainable, long term-waste treatment option beyond 2020 (when the existing Tees

R-2019-0767-OOM-20191201 ERF Planning DAS_Issued.pdf:33: sector’ in line with policies LS4, ED6 and other sustainable development and locational polices SD1,

R-2019-0767-OOM-20191201 ERF Planning DAS_Issued.pdf:35: which could include removal of Sea Buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides), Sustainable Drainage

R-2019-0767-OOM-20191201 ERF Planning DAS_Issued.pdf:38: several strategies over the years to develop a joint approach to the sustainable waste management.

R-2019-0767-OOM-20191201 ERF Planning DAS_Issued.pdf:38: sustainable waste management and low carbon energy in the North East. Residual waste would be

R-2019-0767-OOM-Appendix B Scoping Response.pdf:5:thereby contributing to sustainable development.

R-2019-0767-OOM-Appendix B Scoping Response.pdf:7:Policy SD1: Sustainable Development

R-2019-0767-OOM-Appendix B Scoping Response.pdf:7:Policy MWC10: Sustainable Transport

R-2019-0767-OOM-Appendix B Scoping Response.pdf:8:Policy MWC10: Sustainable Transport

R-2019-0767-OOM-Chapter 13 Grangetown Prairie Transport Statement.pdf:3:3 Sustainable Access 9

R-2019-0767-OOM-Chapter 13 Grangetown Prairie Transport Statement.pdf:6:  Section 3 describes the opportunities to access the site by sustainable modes of

R-2019-0767-OOM-Chapter 13 Grangetown Prairie Transport Statement.pdf:10:3 Sustainable Access

R-2019-0767-OOM-Chapter 13 Grangetown Prairie Transport Statement.pdf:10: This Section describes the opportunities to access the site by sustainable modes of travel

R-2019-0767-OOM-Chapter 13 Grangetown Prairie Transport Statement.pdf:16: sustainable travel modes including walking, cycling and public transport.

R-2019-0767-OOM-Chapter 13 Grangetown Prairie Transport Statement.pdf:17: planning system will contribute to achieving sustainable development. In effect, this

R-2019-0767-OOM-Chapter 13 Grangetown Prairie Transport Statement.pdf:17: The NPPF sets out a presumption in favour of sustainable development. This effectively

R-2019-0767-OOM-Chapter 13 Grangetown Prairie Transport Statement.pdf:17: Paragraph 102 of the NPPF states that in order to promote sustainable transport, transport

R-2019-0767-OOM-Chapter 13 Grangetown Prairie Transport Statement.pdf:18: on locations which are or can be made sustainable, through limiting the need to travel

R-2019-0767-OOM-Chapter 13 Grangetown Prairie Transport Statement.pdf:19:  “Appropriate opportunities to promote sustainable transport modes can be – or

R-2019-0767-OOM-Chapter 13 Grangetown Prairie Transport Statement.pdf:21: The document provides the policy framework to deliver sustainable development across

R-2019-0767-OOM-Chapter 13 Grangetown Prairie Transport Statement.pdf:21: of sustainable travel at new developments to minimise environmental impacts and to

R-2019-0767-OOM-Chapter 13 Grangetown Prairie Transport Statement.pdf:21: the site by sustainable travel modes including walking, cycling and public transport.

R-2019-0767-OOM-Chapter 13 Grangetown Prairie Transport Statement.pdf:31:  Examined the opportunities to access the site by sustainable modes of travel

R-2019-0767-OOM-Chapter 13 Grangetown Prairie Transport Statement.pdf:31: trips are made by car, there are some opportunities to access the site by sustainable

R-2019-0767-OOM-Chapter 13 Grangetown Prairie Transport Statement.pdf:48:thereby contributing to sustainable development.

R-2019-0767-OOM-Chapter 13 Grangetown Prairie Transport Statement.pdf:57:Policy SD1: Sustainable Development

R-2019-0767-OOM-Chapter 13 Grangetown Prairie Transport Statement.pdf:58:Policy MWC10: Sustainable Transport

R-2019-0767-OOM-officer report.pdf:2:  SD1 Sustainable Development

R-2019-0767-OOM-officer report.pdf:13:Policy SD1 Sustainable Development

R-2019-0767-OOM-officer report.pdf:21:Policy SD1(Sustainable Development) of the plan promotes sustainable

R-2019-0767-OOM-officer report.pdf:21:sustainable development in accordance with policy set out in the NPPF and

R-2019-0767-OOM-officer report.pdf:24:previous and current JWMS, the revised document focus is the sustainable

R-2019-0767-OOM-officer report.pdf:29:objective of securing a long-term sustainable waste treatment option for the

R-2019-0767-OOM-officer report.pdf:44:incorporated as part of a sustainable drainage strategy. The biodiversity area

R-2019-0767-OOM-officer report.pdf:45:be implemented that combine sustainable drainage and landscaping of the

R-2019-0767-OOM-officer report.pdf:48: sustainable cladding where possible and an external environment which

R-2019-0767-OOM-officer report.pdf:50:development complies with policy SD1 (Sustainable Development) in that the

R-2019-0767-OOM-officer report.pdf:56:  the adoption of appropriate sustainable drainage systems and features

R-2019-0767-OOM-officer report.pdf:65:Development Plan. The application promotes sustainable development in

R-2019-0767-OOM-Chapter 12 Grangetown Prairie Baseline Noise Survey Report.pdf:9: context of Government policy on sustainable development.”

R-2019-0767-OOM-Chapter 12 Grangetown Prairie Baseline Noise Survey Report.pdf:9: noise within the context of Government policy on sustainable development:”

R-2019-0767-OOM-Chapter 12 Grangetown Prairie Baseline Noise Survey Report.pdf:9: quality of life while also taking into account the guiding principles of sustainable development…..

R-2019-0767-OOM-Chapter 9 Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy.pdf:6: Authorities Local Standards for Sustainable Drainage (version July 2017) and is included in

R-2019-0767-OOM-Chapter 9 Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy.pdf:15: event in accordance with Tees Valley Authorities Local Standards for Sustainable Drainage

R-2021-0831-CD-63262_01 - Biodiversity Strategy IB - Sept 2021.PDF:7: “The regeneration of the Order Lands will contribute to sustainable development and accord

R-2021-0831-CD-63262_01 - Biodiversity Strategy IB - Sept 2021.PDF:9: and heavy engineering. Accordingly, sustainable economic growth and regeneration are at the

R-2021-0831-CD-370819 393380 393440 R_2021_0830_CD R_2021_0831_CD R_2021_0832_CD - Discharge of conditoins relating to Environment and Biodiversity Strategy Teesworks Redcar_.pdf:1:generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

R-2021-0831-CD-370819 393380 393440 R_2021_0830_CD R_2021_0831_CD R_2021_0832_CD - Discharge of conditoins relating to Environment and Biodiversity Strategy Teesworks Redcar_.pdf:1:that it is an essential document to ensure the sustainable redevelopment of the Teesworks site,

R-2021-0831-CD-370819 393380 393440 R_2021_0830_CD R_2021_0831_CD R_2021_0832_CD - Discharge of conditoins relating to Environment and Biodiversity Strategy Teesworks Redcar_.pdf:2:Lead Adviser – Sustainable Development

R-2021-0831-CD-393340-R_2021_0831_CD-NE_Response.pdf:2:Guidance on soil protection is available in the Defra Construction Code of Practice for the Sustainable

R-2021-0831-CD-DECISION NOTICE 0357.pdf:6: method of sustainable transport.”

R-2021-0831-CD-DECISION NOTICE 0357.pdf:8: REASON: To ensure the development is carried out in a sustainable form.

R-2021-0831-CD-DECISION NOTICE 0357.pdf:10: 2 Details of how sustainable training opportunities will be provided for

R-2021-0831-CD-63262 - Teesworks Environment and Biodiversity Strategy May 2022.PDF:7: “The regeneration of the Order Lands will contribute to sustainable development and accord

R-2021-0831-CD-63262 - Teesworks Environment and Biodiversity Strategy May 2022.PDF:10: and heavy engineering. Accordingly, sustainable economic growth and regeneration are at the

R-2021-0831-CD-Teesworks Environment and Biodiversity Strategy - Sept 2021.pdf:7: “The regeneration of the Order Lands will contribute to sustainable development and accord

R-2021-0831-CD-Teesworks Environment and Biodiversity Strategy - Sept 2021.pdf:9: and heavy engineering. Accordingly, sustainable economic growth and regeneration are at the

R-2022-0454-CD-EA_R20220454CD_OFFICIAL_080622.pdf:1:Planning Technical Specialist - Sustainable Places

R-2022-0454-CD-EA_R20220454CD_OFFICIAL_300622.pdf:1:Planning Technical Specialist - Sustainable Places

R-2021-0057-VC-Officer report _R20210057VC.pdf:2:SD1 Sustainable Development

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0181-MPA_ROA and Strategy.pdf:7:The overarching aim of the works is to deliver a sustainable ground remediation strategy for the contract

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0181-MPA_ROA and Strategy.pdf:21: • Sustainable remediation approach.

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0181-MPA_ROA and Strategy.pdf:22: • Large scale excavation and disposal (landfilling) is not considered to be a sustainable or cost

R-2020-0743-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0181-MPA_ROA and Strategy.pdf:47: Reuse of materials sourced Landfill unsustainable solution,

R-2023-0224-CD-Ulticolour Brochure.pdf:5: Porous 10mm sustainable drainage

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL. 007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.1 Issue 2.pdf:10: hierarchy is a key element of sustainable waste management and is a legal requirement of

R-2023-0224-CD-50134216_1_CEMP.pdf:30:I encourage a policy of sustainable procurement and environmental stewardship amongst

R-2023-0224-CD-50134216_1_CEMP.pdf:31:MSc Environmental Management and Sustainable Development, University of Staffordshire

R-2023-0224-CD-P20-1004 Grangetown Prairie shadow HRA.pdf:5: Sustainable Development, Marine & Wildlife Licensing Northumbria Area Team) Natural England

R-2023-0224-CD-P20-1004 Grangetown Prairie shadow HRA.pdf:5: (reference 312932, Andrew Whitehead, Team Leader - Sustainable Development, Marine & Wildlife

R-2023-0224-CD-212018-DC-RP-C-01_P07-Drainage Strategy Report COMPRESSED.pdf:9:surface water drainage system has been undertaken to provide a sustainable solution,

R-2023-0224-CD-212018-DC-RP-C-01_P07-Drainage Strategy Report COMPRESSED.pdf:9:measures can be employed to limit the rate of discharge to a sustainable level.

R-2023-0224-CD-212018-DC-RP-C-01_P07-Drainage Strategy Report COMPRESSED.pdf:13:5.8 Sustainable Drainage Systems

R-2023-0224-CD-212018-DC-RP-C-01_P07-Drainage Strategy Report COMPRESSED.pdf:22:The proposed surface water and foul water drainage systems have resulted in sustainable

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.4 Issue 2 COMPRESSED.pdf:11: Cycling is recognised as a sustainable, healthy and environmentally friendly form of

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.4 Issue 2 COMPRESSED.pdf:13: Development Site to maximise demand for sustainable travel use (public transport, car-

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.4 Issue 2 COMPRESSED.pdf:13: Facilities to be provided at the construction site to encourage the use of sustainable travel

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.4 Issue 2 COMPRESSED.pdf:13: undertake their journey to the Development Site by more sustainable modes; and

R-2023-0224-CD-GrasscreteBrochure.pdf:3: • SUDS (sustainable urban drainage system) • Spillways

R-2023-0224-CD-GrasscreteBrochure.pdf:7:sustainable drainage technology(SUDS)

R-2023-0224-CD-P20-1004 Grangetown Prairie Biodiversity Improvement Plan.pdf:10: Paragraph 8: “Achieving sustainable development… (so that opportunities can be taken to secure

R-2023-0224-CD-P20-1004 Grangetown Prairie Biodiversity Improvement Plan.pdf:15: Sustainable Drainage Scheme range of invertebrates, but may also

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01_ADM - Issue 1a (3 of 3).pdf:59: Sustainable Development, Marine & Wildlife Licensing Northumbria Area Team) Natural England

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01_ADM - Issue 1a (3 of 3).pdf:59: (reference 312932, Andrew Whitehead, Team Leader - Sustainable Development, Marine & Wildlife

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.2 Issue 2 COMPRESSED.pdf:11: Cycling is recognised as a sustainable, healthy and environmentally friendly form of

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.2 Issue 2 COMPRESSED.pdf:13: Development Site to maximise demand for sustainable travel use (public transport, car-

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.2 Issue 2 COMPRESSED.pdf:13: Facilities to be provided at the construction site to encourage the use of sustainable travel

R-2023-0224-CD-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.2 Issue 2 COMPRESSED.pdf:13: undertake their journey to the Development Site by more sustainable modes; and

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Landscape_and_Visual_Appraisal_Part_1of2.pdf:9: Achieving sustainable development

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Landscape_and_Visual_Appraisal_Part_1of2.pdf:9: • Paragraph 8 – achieving sustainable development

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Landscape_and_Visual_Appraisal_Part_1of2.pdf:10: and are innovative, of high quality and sustainable

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Landscape_and_Visual_Appraisal_Part_1of2.pdf:37: Achieving sustainable development

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Landscape_and_Visual_Appraisal_Part_1of2.pdf:37:A1.2 The purpose of the NPPF is to contribute to the achievement of sustainable

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Landscape_and_Visual_Appraisal_Part_1of2.pdf:37: “Achieving sustainable development means that the planning system has three

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Landscape_and_Visual_Appraisal_Part_1of2.pdf:38: promote sustainable travel modes that limit future car use;

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Landscape_and_Visual_Appraisal_Part_1of2.pdf:39: and sustainable places. Where there is an existing or anticipated shortage of land

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Landscape_and_Visual_Appraisal_Part_1of2.pdf:39: “The creation of high quality beautiful and sustainable buildings and places is

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Landscape_and_Visual_Appraisal_Part_1of2.pdf:39: Good design is a key aspect of sustainable development, creates better places in

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Landscape_and_Visual_Appraisal_Part_1of2.pdf:42: sustainable communities including their economic vitality; and

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Landscape_and_Visual_Appraisal_Part_1of2.pdf:45: multifunctional sustainable drainage and natural flood risk management.

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Landscape_and_Visual_Appraisal_Part_1of2.pdf:45: Green Infrastructure will require sustainable management and maintenance if it is

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Noise_Impact_Assessment.pdf:9: Government policy on sustainable development.

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Heritage_Statement_Part_1of2.pdf:8: sustainable communities including their economic vitality; and

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Heritage_Statement_Part_1of2.pdf:9: heritage into proposals in an environmentally sustainable way.

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Heritage_Statement_Part_1of2.pdf:17: the sustainable management of the historic environment, 2008, and the revised

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Heritage_Statement_Part_1of2.pdf:19:sustainable management of the historic environment

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Heritage_Statement_Part_1of2.pdf:19:Historic England, 2017, Conservation principles for the sustainable management of the

R-2023-0247-OOM-428285 - R_2023_0247_OOM Outline application for bottom ash facility Grangetown Prairie Land East of John Boyle Road - No Objection subject to mitigation.pdf:1:generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

R-2023-0247-OOM-428285 - R_2023_0247_OOM Outline application for bottom ash facility Grangetown Prairie Land East of John Boyle Road - No Objection subject to mitigation.pdf:3:Guidance on soil protection is available in the Defra Construction Code of Practice for the Sustainable

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Contaminated_Land_Review.pdf:18: sustainable drainage Areas of soft landscaping and sustainable drainage solutions forming part of the

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Contaminated_Land_Review.pdf:35: Areas of soft landscaping and sustainable drainage solutions forming part of the

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Contaminated_Land_Review.pdf:47: For sustainable management of surface water runoff from a new development, the use of Sustainable

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:8: to make sustainable aggregates suitable for construction projects and road

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:51: implemented. The scheme would also contribute to sustainable drainage and

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:56: landscape planting, ecological enhancement and a sustainable urban drainage

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:58: promote the importance of sustainable waste management to all ages of the

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:61: sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) attenuation volumes has not been

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:61: site and flood risk is included within the Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:69: transported off-site where it will be used to make sustainable aggregates suitable

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:84: pond which serves as part of a sustainable drainage system, which will also

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:90: ground structures, sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) and soft landscaping).

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:90: • Achieving sustainable development principles (Para 8c) to protect and

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_EIA_Screening_Report_Part_1of2.pdf:96:8.20 In 2023, the Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems Technical Note by Ramboll

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Flood_Risk_Assessment_and_Drainage_Strategy_Part_1of3.pdf:16: Surface water drainage systems need to be developed in line with sustainable development

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Flood_Risk_Assessment_and_Drainage_Strategy_Part_1of3.pdf:16: collectively referred to as Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS). The objective of SuDS is to

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Flood_Risk_Assessment_and_Drainage_Strategy_Part_1of3.pdf:16: amenity and biodiversity opportunities. Surface water sustainable drainage systems will be

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Flood_Risk_Assessment_and_Drainage_Strategy_Part_1of3.pdf:16: by means of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems. Because the site layout of the proposed

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Flood_Risk_Assessment_and_Drainage_Strategy_Part_1of3.pdf:17: For sustainable management of surface water runoff from a new development, the use of

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Flood_Risk_Assessment_and_Drainage_Strategy_Part_1of3.pdf:17: Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) is recommended. The SuDS options potentially available

R-2023-0247-OOM-EA_R20230247OOM_OFFICIAL_180423.pdf:2:Planning Technical Specialist - Sustainable Places

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Planning_and_Design_Statement.pdf:6:1.4 The recycling process removes metals from the BA, contributing to sustainable

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Planning_and_Design_Statement.pdf:6: plan. The development represents sustainable development which should be

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Planning_and_Design_Statement.pdf:7: contributes to sustainable aggregates production and is in accordance with

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Planning_and_Design_Statement.pdf:14: sustainable aggregates (BAA) suitable for construction projects and road

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Planning_and_Design_Statement.pdf:27: policy framework for achieving sustainable development, providing guidance for

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Planning_and_Design_Statement.pdf:27: • Achieving sustainable development

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Planning_and_Design_Statement.pdf:27: • Promoting sustainable transport

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Planning_and_Design_Statement.pdf:27: Achieving sustainable development

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Planning_and_Design_Statement.pdf:27: achievement of sustainable development. The NPPF sets out the three

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Planning_and_Design_Statement.pdf:27: overarching objectives to achieve sustainable development. These are:

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Planning_and_Design_Statement.pdf:28:5.8. The NPPF carries a presumption in favour of sustainable development. This

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Planning_and_Design_Statement.pdf:28: sustainable development. For decision making this means approving

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Planning_and_Design_Statement.pdf:28:5.9. The proposed BA Facility is inherently sustainable, designed to perform an

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Planning_and_Design_Statement.pdf:28: important role within the waste hierarchy and the UK’s network of sustainable

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Planning_and_Design_Statement.pdf:28: (the least sustainable option) thus reducing the amount of waste landfilled and

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Planning_and_Design_Statement.pdf:28: for sustainable development where possible.

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Planning_and_Design_Statement.pdf:28:5.11. The government expects the planning system to support sustainable economic

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Planning_and_Design_Statement.pdf:28: managing waste in a sustainable way, helping to reduce the environmental

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Planning_and_Design_Statement.pdf:30: supporting documents, that the proposal for the BA Facility is sustainable

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Planning_and_Design_Statement.pdf:31: out the government’s ambition to work towards a more sustainable and efficient

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Planning_and_Design_Statement.pdf:31:5.41. The proposals provide sustainable, modern and efficient waste management

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Planning_and_Design_Statement.pdf:32:5.45. Overall, in respect to planning for sustainable waste management the proposal is

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Planning_and_Design_Statement.pdf:33:5.54. SD1: Sustainable Development. This states that the Council will take a positive

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Planning_and_Design_Statement.pdf:33: approach that reflects the presumption in favour of sustainable development

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Planning_and_Design_Statement.pdf:33: Facility is sustainable development and is compliant with the NPPF when read as

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Planning_and_Design_Statement.pdf:33: guide development to the most sustainable locations such as urban areas. The

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Planning_and_Design_Statement.pdf:35: scale and type of development and that sustainable travel is promoted to minimise

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Planning_and_Design_Statement.pdf:36:5.81. MWC6: Waste Strategy. This seeks to deliver sustainable management of waste

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Planning_and_Design_Statement.pdf:36:5.86. MWC10: Sustainable Transport requires proposals for minerals and waste

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Planning_and_Design_Statement.pdf:37: flood prevention, local labour and training, transport, public realm, and sustainable

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Planning_and_Design_Statement.pdf:39:5.106. National and local planning policies and strategies on sustainable waste

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Planning_and_Design_Statement.pdf:39:5.107. The proposed BA Facility will make a positive contribution to sustainable waste

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Planning_and_Design_Statement.pdf:39: and other sustainable development and locational polices SD1, SD2, SD4.

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Planning_and_Design_Statement.pdf:44: or environmental impacts. A presumption in favour of sustainable development

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Planning_and_Design_Statement.pdf:44: sustainable solution), contributing positively to achieving landfill diversion

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Planning_and_Design_Statement.pdf:44: • constitutes sustainable development in accordance with development plan

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Planning_and_Design_Statement.pdf:44: Policy SD1 (Sustainable Development) and the provisions of the NPPF

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:10: transport the BA off-site where it will be used to make sustainable

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:11:3.11 Other surface water will be stored on site by means of Sustainable Urban

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:19:5.14 Surface water will be collected and stored on site by means of Sustainable

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Transport_Statement.pdf:6: New Development, emphasises the need that all new development is served by sustainable

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Transport_Statement.pdf:24: providing sustainable public transport links from many areas,

R-2023-0247-OOM-ApplicationFormRedacted.pdf:9: Sustainable drainage system

R-2023-0247-OOM-TV_BAF_Air_Quality_Assessment.pdf:34: Operating vehicle/machinery and sustainable travel:

R-2021-0316-VC-Officer report _R20210316VC.pdf:1:SD1 Sustainable Development

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter D - Noise & Vibration - Dec 2020.pdf:6: within the context of Government policy on sustainable development”, and its aims are:

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter D - Noise & Vibration - Dec 2020.pdf:7: quality of life while also taking into account the guiding principles of sustainable development.

R-2020-0820-ESM-Application Form(1).pdf:4: Sustainable drainage system

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter E - Air Quality - Dec 2020.pdf:6: February 2019 i with the purpose of planning to achieve sustainable development. Paragraph

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter E - Air Quality - Dec 2020.pdf:6: sustainable, through limiting the need to travel and offering a genuine choice of transport

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter E - Air Quality - Dec 2020.pdf:6: health. However, opportunities to maximise sustainable transport solutions will vary between

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter E - Air Quality - Dec 2020.pdf:8: discusses how new developments should seek to promote sustainable travel to minimise

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter E - Air Quality - Dec 2020.pdf:26: Operating Vehicle/Machinery and Sustainable Travel

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter E - Air Quality - Dec 2020.pdf:26: ii. Produce a Construction Logistics Plan (CTMP) to manage the sustainable delivery of

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter E - Air Quality - Dec 2020.pdf:26: iii. Implement a Travel Plan that supports and encourages sustainable travel (public

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1417:The overarching aim of the works was to deliver a sustainable ground remediation strategy for the contract

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1493:The overarching aim of the works was to deliver a sustainable ground remediation strategy for the contract

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1589:The overarching aim of the works was to deliver a sustainable ground remediation strategy for the contract

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1625:The overarching aim of the works was to deliver a sustainable ground remediation strategy for the contract

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1639:  Large scale excavation and disposal (landfilling) is not considered to be a sustainable remediation

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1640:  Sustainable remediation approach.

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1750:and an environmentally sustainable alternative to off-site disposal.

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1755: CL1, CL2 & Excavation and disposal Excavation of the contaminated material Vast amounts of groundwork required. Removes source of contamination. Not a sustainable technique.

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1755: Very unsustainable.

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1755: CL1, CL2 & Hard Surfacing Use of concrete and or other appropriate Large scale concrete requirement. Significantly reduces hazard to human Not very sustainable.

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1984:Biosphere (MAB) Programme with the aim of promoting sustainable development founded on the work of the

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Ground Conditions - Dec 2020.pdf:1990:sustainable use of the natural resources of the area and the sustainable social and economic development of

R-2020-0820-ESM-341100 R_2020_0820_ESM - Natural England.pdf:1:generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter F - Water Management - Dec 2020.pdf:17:Planning Adviser – Sustainable Places, North East

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter F - Water Management - Dec 2020.pdf:22:more sustainable and attractive development. information with your application in support of the sequential test.

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter F - Water Management - Dec 2020.pdf:24:As we have to be certain that the data which informs our flood map is fit-for- Do I need to install sustainable drainage systems?

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter F - Water Management - Dec 2020.pdf:24: Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) should always be carefully considered in

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter F - Water Management - Dec 2020.pdf:27:The Environmental Permitting Regulations (England and Wales) 2015 cover design a more sustainable development. If you’d like to take advantage of this

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter F - Water Management - Dec 2020.pdf:27:water discharges, groundwater activities, flood risk activities, radioactive service, please email our Sustainable Places team so that we can provide

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter F - Water Management - Dec 2020.pdf:61: part of delivering a sustainable eco-industrial park. The preliminary drainage strategy has

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter F - Water Management - Dec 2020.pdf:63: clear overland flow paths. The aspiration for the development of a sustainable drainage

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter H - Socio Economic - Dec 2020.PDF:7: “the purpose of the planning system is to contribute to the achievement of sustainable

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter H - Socio Economic - Dec 2020.PDF:7:H2.4 Achieving sustainable development means that the planning system has three objectives –

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter H - Socio Economic - Dec 2020.PDF:9: Teesworks area as a leading location for environmentally sustainable industrial growth. The LIS

R-2020-0820-ESM-R 2020 0820 ESM STDC.pdf:1:Policy SD1: Sustainable Development

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackeny - Planning Statement - Dec 2020.pdf:21:4.13 TA 3 (Sustainable Transport Networks)

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackeny - Planning Statement - Dec 2020.pdf:21: • Policy SD 1 (Sustainable Development);

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackeny - Planning Statement - Dec 2020.pdf:22: favour of sustainable development is the corner-stone of the Framework and it has three

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackeny - Planning Statement - Dec 2020.pdf:22: play an active role in guiding development towards sustainable solutions and in doing so should

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackeny - Planning Statement - Dec 2020.pdf:22:4.19 Paragraph 11 sets out that a presumption in favour of sustainable development should apply to

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackeny - Planning Statement - Dec 2020.pdf:22: sustainable economic growth, having regard to Local Industrial Strategies and other local

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackeny - Planning Statement - Dec 2020.pdf:23: • Chapter 9: Promoting sustainable transport;

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackeny - Planning Statement - Dec 2020.pdf:33: sustainable transport across the region. A new roundabout access off Dockside Road has

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackeny - Planning Statement - Dec 2020.pdf:45: development is located in a sustainable and safe location, and ensuring there is adequate

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackeny - Planning Statement - Dec 2020.pdf:45: network, which takes account of the needs of a variety of users and includes sustainable travel

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackeny - Planning Statement - Dec 2020.pdf:46: be submitted for approval to promote sustainable modes of travel. This is expected to form part

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackeny - Planning Statement - Dec 2020.pdf:47: 2 Wider travel planning measures, to reduce development traffic, encourage sustainable

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackeny - Planning Statement - Dec 2020.pdf:47: sustainable travel choices should have a long-term positive impact on the regeneration of the

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackeny - Planning Statement - Dec 2020.pdf:51: achieving sustainable development and the National Planning Policy for Waste explains that it is

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackeny - Planning Statement - Dec 2020.pdf:57: achievement of sustainable development. In practice this means development meeting three

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackeny - Planning Statement - Dec 2020.pdf:57: role in guiding development towards sustainable solutions, but in doing so should take local

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackeny - Planning Statement - Dec 2020.pdf:57: sustainable modes of travel in accordance with STDC’s emerging transport strategy.

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackeny - Planning Statement - Dec 2020.pdf:58: sustainable, solution is delivered quickly to resolve the ongoing issue of safe-keeping of the area.

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackeny - Planning Statement - Dec 2020.pdf:59:6.14 Overall it is clear that the proposed development represents a sustainable form of development

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackeny - Planning Statement - Dec 2020.pdf:60: account active and sustainable Infrastructure measures which should be implemented to reduce

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackeny - Planning Statement - Dec 2020.pdf:60: The Transport Strategy measures will aim to promote sustainable transport and active travel

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackeny - Planning Statement - Dec 2020.pdf:61: consent and its commitment to providing sustainable travel choices should have a long-term

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter K - Waste and Materials - Dec 2020(1).PDF:4: consequence of all forms of development and the sustainable management of waste is an

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter K - Waste and Materials - Dec 2020(1).PDF:7: objective for achieving sustainable development is:

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter K - Waste and Materials - Dec 2020(1).PDF:7:K2.15 In Chapter 17, ‘Facilitating the sustainable use of minerals’, the NPPF states that planning

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter K - Waste and Materials - Dec 2020(1).PDF:8: strategy sets out the joint approach to sustainable management of local authority collected waste

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter K - Waste and Materials - Dec 2020(1).PDF:9:K2.24 The sustainable use of mineral resources in the Tees Valley will be delivered through:

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter K - Waste and Materials - Dec 2020(1).PDF:9: e Safeguarding the necessary Infrastructure to enable the sustainable transport of

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter K - Waste and Materials - Dec 2020(1).PDF:10:K2.27 The sustainable management of waste arisings in the Tees Valley should:

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter K - Waste and Materials - Dec 2020(1).PDF:10: d safeguard the necessary Infrastructure to enable the sustainable transport of waste, in

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter K - Waste and Materials - Dec 2020(1).PDF:12: comprise no sustainable features and benefits compared to industry-standard materials.

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter K - Waste and Materials - Dec 2020(1).PDF:13: regarding supply and stock; and/or comprise little or no sustainable features and benefits

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter K - Waste and Materials - Dec 2020(1).PDF:13: issues regarding supply and stock; and/or are available comprising some sustainable features and

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter K - Waste and Materials - Dec 2020(1).PDF:13: sustainable features and benefits compared to industry-standard materials.

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter K - Waste and Materials - Dec 2020(1).PDF:13: regarding supply and stock; and/or are available comprising a very high proportion of sustainable

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter K - Waste and Materials - Dec 2020(1).PDF:13:* Subject to supporting evidence, sustainable features and benefits could include, for example, materials or products that: comprise reused,

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter K - Waste and Materials - Dec 2020(1).PDF:18: of reuse of materials within construction projects is a fundamental component of sustainable

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter K - Waste and Materials - Dec 2020(1).PDF:23: 4 Sustainable management of wastes requiring treatment and/ or off-site disposal to

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter K - Waste and Materials - Dec 2020(1).PDF:23: 9 The contractors will work to ensure sustainable procurement of construction materials and

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter K - Waste and Materials - Dec 2020(1).PDF:31: 26 WRAP; Practical solutions for sustainable construction, Achieving good practice Waste

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:5: 3.2 Sustainable Transport Networks 12

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:5:6 Sustainable Transport Network Impact Assessment 25

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:10:Core planning principles related to sustainable transport and relevant to the

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:10: a. Appropriate opportunities to promote sustainable transport modes can

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:11: sustainable travel behaviours. The development meets these stated objectives as

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:11: it will form part of the wider Teesworks site, for which a sustainable Transport

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:11:the regeneration of the area and will contribute to the delivery of sustainable,

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:13:transport supports sustainable economic growth, excellent quality of life and

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:14: The development will also benefit from new sustainable transport provisions

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:14:communities will be met through the delivery of sustainable development across

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:15: surroundings, ensuring development is located in a sustainable and safe

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:15: that will be provided as part of the sustainable transport measures of the

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:15: sustainable modes across the wider site.

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:16:includes sustainable travel measures.

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:17: network to allow access to the development by sustainable and active travel

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:17: the form of sustainable transport initiatives from the emerging site-wide

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:18:3.2 Sustainable Transport Networks

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:31:6 Sustainable Transport Network Impact

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:31:proposed development will have a positive impact on the viability of sustainable

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:31:active travel and sustainable transport measures will aim to create a site that is not

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:31:dominated by vehicles, but a site where trips by sustainable and active travel

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:37:encourage sustainable and active travel in line with Regional and National policy

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:50:sustainable and active travel in line with Regional and National policy to reduce

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:54:also be noted that sustainable and active travel measures should be implemented,

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:56:with sustainable transport routing and timetable information, active travel routes

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:56:and walking times etc. Such a Travel Plan would make sustainable and active

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:56:This framework proposes a list of measures to help promote the use of sustainable

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:56: establishing sustainable travel patterns and to ensure the site is fully accessible

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:56: Briefing staff on sustainable transport provisions to / from the site and

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:58:In addition to the measures to encourage travel by sustainable modes, it is

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:58: whilst encouraging the use of sustainable transport;

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:58: measures that will be developed to promote active and sustainable transport

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:59: Clear and customisable graphics can provide and combine sustainable and

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:60: future sustainable transport networks in the vicinity of the site;

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:60: junctions must take into account active and sustainable Infrastructure measures

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:61: to promote sustainable transport and active travel patterns to / from the site,

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:61:commitment to providing sustainable travel choices should have a long-term

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:67: 3.2 Sustainable Transport Networks 4

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:71:3.2 Sustainable Transport Networks

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:74:standards, in support of a more sustainable travel policy for the site.

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:77:It is proposed that measures will be implemented to support sustainable

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:78:around 200 trips from private cars in the morning peak hour onto more sustainable

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:79: proposed bus service and other sustainable travel initiatives. This results in

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:88:It is identified that it is proposed that measures will be implemented to support sustainable

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:89: the sustainable measure targets have not been achieved.

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:90:sustainable transport framework for the site, in terms of the Travel Plans, as discussed earlier, it will

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:90: the sustainable measure targets have not been achieved.

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:263: 3.2 Sustainable Transport Networks 4

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:267:3.2 Sustainable Transport Networks

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:270:standards, in support of a more sustainable travel policy for the site.

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:273:It is proposed that measures will be implemented to support sustainable

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:274:around 200 trips from private cars in the morning peak hour onto more sustainable

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:275: proposed bus service and other sustainable travel initiatives. This results in

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:284:It is identified that it is proposed that measures will be implemented to support sustainable

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:285: the sustainable measure targets have not been achieved.

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:286:sustainable transport framework for the site, in terms of the Travel Plans, as discussed earlier, it will

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:286: the sustainable measure targets have not been achieved.

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 1 - Non Technical Summary - Dec 2020.pdf:11: embedded into the scheme and this promotes sustainable modes of travel. In addition, a bus

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 1 - Non Technical Summary - Dec 2020.pdf:11: each of the end occupiers of the site; wider travel planning measures to encourage sustainable

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter I - Climate Change - Dec 2020.PDF:12: Sustainable Energy Research Team Ref 16.

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter I - Climate Change - Dec 2020.PDF:25: to provide lower carbon energy to Development of sustainable

R-2020-0820-ESM-1401-Lackenby DAS.pdf:18: Policy SD 1 (Sustainable Development);

R-2020-0820-ESM-1401-Lackenby DAS.pdf:18: Policy TA 3 (Sustainable Transport Networks).

R-2020-0820-ESM-1401-Lackenby DAS.pdf:25: strategies to achieve a sustainable development. products including purlins and rails. Add exceptional energy efficiency

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter A Introduction and Background - Dec 2020.PDF:27: and biodiversity, considering as far as possible the sustainable

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:21: sustainable solutions and in doing so should take local circumstances into account to reflect the

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:21:B5.10 It promotes sustainable growth and Chapter 6 (Building a Strong and Competitive Economy)

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:22: • Chapter 9: Promoting sustainable transport;

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:26:B6.21 All surface water runoff within the site will require sustainable urban drainage system (‘SuDS’)

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:26: climate change through the implementation of sustainable design;

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:26: sustainable modes of travel in accordance with STDC’s emerging transport strategy.

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:33: Operating Vehicle/Machinery and Sustainable Travel

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:33: the sustainable delivery of goods and materials (see Chapter C (Transport));

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:33: 21 Implement a Travel Plan that supports and encourages sustainable travel (public transport,

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:38: sustainable modes of travel in accordance with STDC’s emerging transport strategy;

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:40: measures and benefits of the development (such as active and sustainable

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:41: Teesworks area and this will implement a sustainable strategy for the

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:45: 42 SuDs Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter M - Mitigation and Monitoring - Dec 2020.PDF:8: sustainable modes of travel in accordance Condition/Planning

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter M - Mitigation and Monitoring - Dec 2020.PDF:13: Sustainable management of wastes requiring Planning Condition Applicant /

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter M - Mitigation and Monitoring - Dec 2020.PDF:14: development traffic, encourage sustainable

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter M - Mitigation and Monitoring - Dec 2020.PDF:15: (‘CIRIA’) The Sustainable

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter M - Mitigation and Monitoring - Dec 2020.PDF:15: Local Standards of Sustainable

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter M - Mitigation and Monitoring - Dec 2020.PDF:20: 33 SuDS – Sustainable Drainage Systems

R-2020-0820-ESM-Decision Notice 0820.pdf:4: method of sustainable transport.

R-2020-0820-ESM-Decision Notice 0820.pdf:6: REASON: To ensure the development is carried out in a sustainable form.

R-2020-0820-ESM-Decision Notice 0820.pdf:6: 2. Details of how sustainable training opportunities will be provided for

R-2020-0820-ESM-Decision Notice 0820.pdf:11: sustainable Transport measures and introduce targets to reduce the number

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Water Management - Dec 2020(1).PDF:5: risk assessment and sustainable drainage.

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Water Management - Dec 2020(1).PDF:7: Paragraph 17 Achieving Sustainable Development principles (para 8c) include contributing to

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Water Management - Dec 2020(1).PDF:7: Major developments should incorporate sustainable drainage systems unless there

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Water Management - Dec 2020(1).PDF:7: other sustainable drainage systems, removing artificial physical modifications (for

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Water Management - Dec 2020(1).PDF:8: Policy SD1: Sustainable Protect the quality and availability of water resources and maximise the efficient

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Water Management - Dec 2020(1).PDF:11: 4 Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS). 'Major developments should incorporate

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Water Management - Dec 2020(1).PDF:11: sustainable drainage systems unless there is clear evidence that this would be

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Water Management - Dec 2020(1).PDF:12: ‘residual risk’ which can be managed through mitigation measures such as sustainable drainage

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Water Management - Dec 2020(1).PDF:12: is located in sustainable locations. The adopted Local Plan sets out the long-term land

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Water Management - Dec 2020(1).PDF:12: the mitigation of flooding elsewhere are taken”; “prioritising the use of sustainable

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Water Management - Dec 2020(1).PDF:13: Tees Valley Sustainable Drainage Systems Design Guide and Local

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Water Management - Dec 2020(1).PDF:13: Local Standards for Sustainable Drainage (2017) (Ref 41).

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Water Management - Dec 2020(1).PDF:13: be formally published in 2020 and has been produced to strongly promote the use of sustainable

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Water Management - Dec 2020(1).PDF:15: 5 Must help advise on sustainable development.

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Water Management - Dec 2020(1).PDF:16: 14 Must aim to contribute to sustainable development;

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Water Management - Dec 2020(1).PDF:46: sustainable drainage: Practice Guidance; (Ref 41) and

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Water Management - Dec 2020(1).PDF:46: iv Tees Valley Local Authorities Local Standards for Sustainable Drainage (Ref 53).

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Water Management - Dec 2020(1).PDF:54: sustainable drainage during

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Water Management - Dec 2020(1).PDF:61: 33 SuDs Sustainable Urban Drainage System

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Water Management - Dec 2020(1).PDF:64: Sustainable Drainage: Practice Guidance online. Available at:

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Water Management - Dec 2020(1).PDF:65: 53 Tees Valley Authorities (2015). Tees Valley Authorities Local Standards for Sustainable

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:6: • Appropriate opportunities to promote sustainable transport modes can be – or have been –

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:7: development is located in a sustainable and safe location, and ensuring there is adequate

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:7: delivery of sustainable, inclusive and cohesive communities.

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:7: for the growth of sustainable transport use.

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:7: of users and includes sustainable travel measures.

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:17: Travel Plans will be submitted for approval to promote sustainable modes of travel. This is

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:23: 2 Wider travel planning measures, to reduce development traffic, encourage sustainable

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:24: sustainable travel and contribute towards

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:26:C8.5 Similarly, a bus service is proposed as embedded mitigation to encourage sustainable transport

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.pdf:26: sustainable travel and

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter L - Cumulative Effects - Dec 2020.PDF:42: sustainable drainage systems (‘SuDS’) such as soakaways to limit connection to contaminated

R-2020-0820-ESM-Lackenby ES - Vol 2 - Chapter L - Cumulative Effects - Dec 2020.PDF:72: 27 SuDS – Sustainable Drainage Systems

R-2020-0270-FFM-2020_05_29_STDC Eston Road EcIA_Issue.PDF:7: a sustainable drainage system (SuDS) where excess water during high rain

R-2020-0270-FFM-STRATEGY.pdf:1:Policy SD1: Sustainable Development

R-2020-0270-FFM-STRATEGY.pdf:1:Policy TA3: Sustainable Transport Networks

R-2020-0270-FFM-319577 Response Letter.pdf:1:generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

R-2020-0270-FFM-319577 Response Letter.pdf:4:Guidance on soil protection is available in the Defra Construction Code of Practice for the Sustainable

R-2020-0270-FFM-60722_FINAL Application Form_29.05.2020(1).PDF:5: x Sustainable drainage system x Existing watercourse

R-2020-0270-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0_P01.PDF:99:and an environmentally sustainable alternative to off-site disposal.

R-2020-0270-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0_P01.PDF:104: CL1, CL2 & Excavation and disposal Excavation of the contaminated material Vast amounts of groundwork required. Removes source of contamination. Not a sustainable technique.

R-2020-0270-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0_P01.PDF:104: Very unsustainable.

R-2020-0270-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0_P01.PDF:104: CL1, CL2 & Hard Surfacing Use of concrete and or other appropriate Large scale concrete requirement. Significantly reduces hazard to human Not very sustainable.

R-2020-0270-FFM-Officer Report 0270.pdf:2:SD1 Sustainable Development

R-2020-0270-FFM-Officer Report 0270.pdf:2:TA3 Sustainable Transport Networks

R-2020-0270-FFM-Officer Report 0270.pdf:7:(Sustainable Development) and SD2 (Locational Policy) of the Local Plan, the

R-2020-0270-FFM-Officer Report 0270.pdf:8:Borough) and TA3 (Sustainable Transport Networks) of the Local Plan.

R-2020-0270-FFM-Officer Report 0270.pdf:9:of enabling sustainable development to come forward in this area we will

R-2020-0270-FFM-DXL-JBAU-00-00-C-RP-0001-S03-P01-FRA_and_Design_Justification.PDF:14: open channel and incorporating a Sustainable Drainage System (SuDS) together making

R-2020-0270-FFM-DXL-JBAU-00-00-C-RP-0001-S03-P01-FRA_and_Design_Justification.PDF:14: Local Standards for Sustainable Drainage3. It is envisaged that surface water runoff from

R-2020-0270-FFM-DXL-JBAU-00-00-C-RP-0001-S03-P01-FRA_and_Design_Justification.PDF:14: Tees Valley Sustainable Draiange Systems (SuDS) Guidance, Design Guide and Local Standards,

R-2020-0270-FFM-2020_05_28_STDC Eston Road HRA_Issue.PDF:10: a sustainable drainage system (SuDS) where excess water during high rain

R-2021-0432-FFM-Off Rep.pdf:2:SD1 Sustainable Development

R-2021-0432-FFM-19736928_1.PDF:20:Our Sustainable Places Team can give more detailed advice although there is a charge for this. Here is the link to the

R-2021-0432-FFM-Application Form - 24.05.21(1).pdf:5: Sustainable drainage system Existing watercourse

R-2021-0432-FFM-Redcar Steelworks-AUK-XX-XX-RP-GE-0001-02-SSI3_GI_SCR.PDF:8:The overarching aim of the works was to deliver a sustainable ground remediation strategy for the contract

R-2023-0339-CD-Appendix 9.1 Preliminary Phase 1 Risk Assessment.pdf:109:Biosphere (MAB) Programme with the aim of promoting sustainable development founded on the work of the

R-2023-0339-CD-Appendix 9.1 Preliminary Phase 1 Risk Assessment.pdf:119:sustainable use of the natural resources of the area and the sustainable social and economic development of

R-2022-0355-FFM-SEAH-ASA-XX-XX.XX-A-A-0001-Design and Access Statement - 31.3.22.pdf:9:Ecology and biodiversity will also be considered by including in the sustainable source, us

R-2022-0355-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0271-02-South Bank Priority Strategy.pdf:7:The overarching aim of the works is to deliver a sustainable ground remediation strategy for the contract

R-2022-0355-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0271-02-South Bank Priority Strategy.pdf:23:The Contractor shall make arrangements to identify the most sustainable, compliant and cost-effective

R-2022-0355-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0271-02-South Bank Priority Strategy.pdf:30:sustainable use of these materials is to facilitate their reuse on site and as such treatment is required

R-2022-0355-FFM-ApplicationFormRedacted.pdf:7: Sustainable drainage system

R-2022-0355-FFM-EA_R20220355FFM_OFFICIAL_150622.pdf:2:Planning Technical Specialist - Sustainable Places

R-2022-0355-FFM-Officer report.pdf:2:SD1 Sustainable Development

R-2022-0355-FFM-Officer report.pdf:8:the surrounding area; be sustainable in design and construction; not

R-2022-0355-FFM-Officer report.pdf:14:policy set out within the NPPF and policies SD1 (Sustainable Development)

R-2022-0355-FFM-Application Form.pdf:5: Sustainable drainage system x Existing watercourse

R-2022-0355-FFM-390614 - Erection of Industrial Facility. Land at South Bank, Off Tees Dock Road, South Bank - No Objection.pdf:1:generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

R-2022-0355-FFM-390614 - Erection of Industrial Facility. Land at South Bank, Off Tees Dock Road, South Bank - No Objection.pdf:3:Guidance on soil protection is available in the Defra Construction Code of Practice for the Sustainable

R-2022-0355-FFM-0355.pdf:1:Policy SD1 Sustainable Development

R-2022-0355-FFM-0355.pdf:2:sustainable in design and construction; not increasing flood risk; and avoiding impacts on

R-2021-0846-FFM-ApplicationFormRedacted.pdf:4: Sustainable drainage system

R-2021-0846-FFM-Arcadis - South Bank Strategy.pdf:7:The overarching aim of the works is to deliver a sustainable ground remediation strategy for the contract

R-2021-0846-FFM-Arcadis - South Bank Strategy.pdf:19:The Contractor shall make arrangements to identify the most sustainable, compliant and cost-effective

R-2021-0846-FFM-Arcadis - South Bank Strategy.pdf:25:sustainable use of these materials is to facilitate their reuse on site and as such treatment is required

R-2021-0846-FFM-Lighting Solutions.pdf:3: Environmental Most sustainable Eco

R-2021-0846-FFM-Lighting Solutions.pdf:13: Lighting Maximum coverage Environmental Most sustainable

R-2021-0846-FFM-63455 01 Free Port - Cover Letter 05.10.21.pdf:2:• NPPF Part 2 – Achieving sustainable development

R-2021-0846-FFM-63455 01 Free Port - Cover Letter 05.10.21.pdf:2:• NPPF Part 9 – Promoting sustainable transport

R-2021-0846-FFM-63455 01 Free Port - Cover Letter 05.10.21.pdf:2:• Policy SD1 – Sustainable Development

R-2021-0846-FFM-OFFICER REPORT.pdf:2:SD1 Sustainable Development

R-2021-0846-FFM-OFFICER REPORT.pdf:6:policy set out within the NPPF and policies SD1 (Sustainable Development)

R-2021-0846-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:10: Advisor, further need to consult with the ‘ Sustainable Places’ team

R-2021-0846-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OW-0001_A_P01 Drainage Strategy.pdf:10: Sustainable

R-2020-0730-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-02-Prairie_ESA_Addendum_Part1.PDF:6:The overarching aim of the project is to deliver a sustainable ground remediation strategy for the contract site

R-2020-0730-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part1.PDF:7:The overarching aim of the project is to deliver a sustainable ground remediation strategy for the contract site

R-2021-0439-CD-R 2020 0357 OOM Decision Notice.pdf:6: method of sustainable transport.“

R-2021-0439-CD-R 2020 0357 OOM Decision Notice.pdf:8: REASON: To ensure the development is carried out in a sustainable form.

R-2021-0439-CD-R 2020 0357 OOM Decision Notice.pdf:10: 2 Details of how sustainable training opportunities will be provided for

R-2021-0439-CD-South Bank Quay Strategy Rev. 1.pdf:7:The overarching aim of the works is to deliver a sustainable ground remediation strategy for the contract

R-2021-0439-CD-South Bank Quay Strategy Rev. 1.pdf:22:The Contractor shall make arrangements to identify the most sustainable, compliant and cost-effective

R-2021-0439-CD-South Bank Quay Strategy Rev. 1.pdf:31:sustainable use of these materials is to facilitate their reuse on site and as such treatment is required

R-2023-0253-RMM-EA_R20230253RMM_OFFICIAL_200423.pdf:1:Planning Technical Specialist - Sustainable Places

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL. 007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.1 Issue 2.pdf:10: hierarchy is a key element of sustainable waste management and is a legal requirement of

R-2023-0253-RMM-Ulticolour Brochure.pdf:5: Porous 10mm sustainable drainage

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.4 Issue 2 COMPRESSED.pdf:11: Cycling is recognised as a sustainable, healthy and environmentally friendly form of

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.4 Issue 2 COMPRESSED.pdf:13: Development Site to maximise demand for sustainable travel use (public transport, car-

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.4 Issue 2 COMPRESSED.pdf:13: Facilities to be provided at the construction site to encourage the use of sustainable travel

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.4 Issue 2 COMPRESSED.pdf:13: undertake their journey to the Development Site by more sustainable modes; and

R-2023-0253-RMM-GrasscreteBrochure.pdf:3: • SUDS (sustainable urban drainage system) • Spillways

R-2023-0253-RMM-GrasscreteBrochure.pdf:7:sustainable drainage technology(SUDS)

R-2023-0253-RMM-Grangetown ERF - PS - RM - Mar 23.pdf:9:3.4 At the heart of the revised NPPF is a presumption in favour of sustainable development,

R-2023-0253-RMM-Grangetown ERF - PS - RM - Mar 23.pdf:9: encompassing social, environmental and economic roles. The approach to sustainable development

R-2023-0253-RMM-Grangetown ERF - PS - RM - Mar 23.pdf:9: - Paragraph 11 – presumption in favour of sustainable development;

R-2023-0253-RMM-Grangetown ERF - PS - RM - Mar 23.pdf:10: - Paragraphs 105 and 110 – maximising sustainable transport;

R-2023-0253-RMM-Grangetown ERF - PS - RM - Mar 23.pdf:10: SD1 Reflects the NPPF’s presumption in favour of sustainable development and

R-2023-0253-RMM-Grangetown ERF - PS - RM - Mar 23.pdf:10: SD2 Directs development to the most sustainable locations in the borough comprising

R-2023-0253-RMM-Grangetown ERF - PS - RM - Mar 23.pdf:11: promoting sustainable travel and minimising environmental impact.

R-2023-0253-RMM-Grangetown ERF - PS - RM - Mar 23.pdf:31: - Pond – Priority habitat - The Site landscaping will include the creation of a Sustainable Drainage

R-2023-0253-RMM-Grangetown ERF - PS - RM - Mar 23.pdf:32:5.13 Thus, it follows the core threads of sustainable design including for public/employee safety,

R-2023-0253-RMM-Grangetown ERF - PS - RM - Mar 23.pdf:33:5.18 Excavated material from the build process and Sustainable Drainage System (SuDS) features will

R-2023-0253-RMM-Grangetown ERF - PS - RM - Mar 23.pdf:34:5.28 The primary purpose of this area is to deliver a sustainable drainage strategy for the site. Sufficient

R-2023-0253-RMM-Grangetown ERF - PS - RM - Mar 23.pdf:43: is considered to be sustainable development in terms of its economic, environmental and social

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01_ADM - Issue 1a (1 of 3).pdf:244: Sustainable Development, Marine & Wildlife Licensing Northumbria Area Team) Natural England

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01_ADM - Issue 1a (1 of 3).pdf:244: (reference 312932, Andrew Whitehead, Team Leader - Sustainable Development, Marine & Wildlife

R-2023-0253-RMM-P20-1004 Grangetown Prairie Biodiversity Improvement Plan.pdf:10: Paragraph 8: “Achieving sustainable development… (so that opportunities can be taken to secure

R-2023-0253-RMM-P20-1004 Grangetown Prairie Biodiversity Improvement Plan.pdf:15: Sustainable Drainage Scheme range of invertebrates, but may also

R-2023-0253-RMM-212018-DC-RP-C-01_P07-Drainage Strategy Report COMPRESSED.pdf:9:surface water drainage system has been undertaken to provide a sustainable solution,

R-2023-0253-RMM-212018-DC-RP-C-01_P07-Drainage Strategy Report COMPRESSED.pdf:9:measures can be employed to limit the rate of discharge to a sustainable level.

R-2023-0253-RMM-212018-DC-RP-C-01_P07-Drainage Strategy Report COMPRESSED.pdf:13:5.8 Sustainable Drainage Systems

R-2023-0253-RMM-212018-DC-RP-C-01_P07-Drainage Strategy Report COMPRESSED.pdf:22:The proposed surface water and foul water drainage systems have resulted in sustainable

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.2 Issue 2 COMPRESSED.pdf:11: Cycling is recognised as a sustainable, healthy and environmentally friendly form of

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.2 Issue 2 COMPRESSED.pdf:13: Development Site to maximise demand for sustainable travel use (public transport, car-

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.2 Issue 2 COMPRESSED.pdf:13: Facilities to be provided at the construction site to encourage the use of sustainable travel

R-2023-0253-RMM-ECL.007.04.01CEMP-ANNEX.2 Issue 2 COMPRESSED.pdf:13: undertake their journey to the Development Site by more sustainable modes; and

R-2023-0253-RMM-P20-1004 Grangetown Prairie shadow HRA.pdf:5: Sustainable Development, Marine & Wildlife Licensing Northumbria Area Team) Natural England

R-2023-0253-RMM-P20-1004 Grangetown Prairie shadow HRA.pdf:5: (reference 312932, Andrew Whitehead, Team Leader - Sustainable Development, Marine & Wildlife

R-2023-0253-RMM-428233 - R_2023_0253_RMM Reserved matters application following R20190767OOM - No Objection Subject to Mitigation.pdf:1:generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

R-2023-0253-RMM-428233 - R_2023_0253_RMM Reserved matters application following R20190767OOM - No Objection Subject to Mitigation.pdf:3:Guidance on soil protection is available in the Defra Construction Code of Practice for the Sustainable

R-2023-0253-RMM-50134216_1_CEMP.pdf:30:I encourage a policy of sustainable procurement and environmental stewardship amongst

R-2023-0253-RMM-50134216_1_CEMP.pdf:31:MSc Environmental Management and Sustainable Development, University of Staffordshire

R-2021-0943-CD-EA_R20210943CD_OFFICIAL_060422.pdf:1:Planning Technical Specialist - Sustainable Places

R-2021-0943-CD-Natural England.pdf:1:generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

R-2021-0943-CD-Natural England.pdf:3:Guidance on soil protection is available in the Defra Construction Code of Practice for the Sustainable

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:1:GRAHAM is committed to supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals, a blueprint to achieve a more

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:1:sustainable future for all.

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:10:the UN Sustainable Development goals will also underpin the

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:10:Project ethos toward “Sustainable Development” and

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:19: Introduction to Sustainable

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:19: sustainability, sustainable development and

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:19: sustainable construction

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:80: • GRAHAM have partnered with energy management broker Sustainable Advantage to assist

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:80: travel and encouraging the use of more sustainable forms of transport across our operations.

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:92: - Create sustainable jobs, as well as training and volunteering opportunities, for local

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:196: encourages sustainable travel for contractor

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001_CEMP_A (Fit for Construction)_C03.pdf:202: encourages sustainable travel for contractor

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:1:GRAHAM is committed to supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals, a blueprint to achieve a more

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:1:sustainable future for all.

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:10:the UN Sustainable Development goals will also underpin the

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:10:Project ethos toward “Sustainable Development” and

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:19: Introduction to Sustainable

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:19: sustainability, sustainable development and

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:19: sustainable construction

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:80: • GRAHAM have partnered with energy management broker Sustainable Advantage to assist

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:80: travel and encouraging the use of more sustainable forms of transport across our operations.

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:92: - Create sustainable jobs, as well as training and volunteering opportunities, for local

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:168: encourages sustainable travel for contractor

R-2021-0943-CD-SBQ1-GCL-ENV-SBKXX-PL-WM-000001.pdf:174: encourages sustainable travel for contractor

R-2020-0598-FF-Officer report _R20200598FF.pdf:1:SD1 Sustainable Development

R-2020-0598-FF-0598 NWL.pdf:1:Northumbrian Water actively promotes sustainable surface water management across the region.

R-2020-0598-FF-Application Form(2).pdf:5: C] Sustainable drainage system Existing watercourse

R-2022-0411-CD-R 2020 0357 OOM Decision Notice.pdf:6: method of sustainable transport.”

R-2022-0411-CD-R 2020 0357 OOM Decision Notice.pdf:8: REASON: To ensure the development is carried out in a sustainable form.

R-2022-0411-CD-R 2020 0357 OOM Decision Notice.pdf:10: 2 Details of how sustainable training opportunities will be provided for

R-2022-0411-CD-32435-HM-AC-RP-01_00 ISSUE.pdf:6: effective management of noise within the context of policy on sustainable development’ is

R-2021-1077-CD-R 2020 0357 OOM Decision Notice.pdf:6: method of sustainable transport.“

R-2021-1077-CD-R 2020 0357 OOM Decision Notice.pdf:8: REASON: To ensure the development is carried out in a sustainable form.

R-2021-1077-CD-R 2020 0357 OOM Decision Notice.pdf:10: 2 Details of how sustainable training opportunities will be provided for

R-2021-1077-CD-EA_R20211077CD_OFFICIAL_030322.pdf:1:Planning Technical Specialist - Sustainable Places

R-2021-1077-CD-21156 FHA v1.PDF:19: 177 The presumption in favour of sustainable development does not apply where the plan or project

R-2020-0318-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-01-Prairie_ESA_Addendum.pdf:6:The overarching aim of the project is to deliver a sustainable ground remediation strategy for the contract site

R-2020-0318-FFM-322582 R_2020_0318_FFM - Ground remediation works at Grangetown Prairie, STDC land, Redcar.pdf:1:generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

R-2020-0318-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0_P01.PDF:99:and an environmentally sustainable alternative to off-site disposal.

R-2020-0318-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0_P01.PDF:104: CL1, CL2 & Excavation and disposal Excavation of the contaminated material Vast amounts of groundwork required. Removes source of contamination. Not a sustainable technique.

R-2020-0318-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0_P01.PDF:104: Very unsustainable.

R-2020-0318-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0_P01.PDF:104: CL1, CL2 & Hard Surfacing Use of concrete and or other appropriate Large scale concrete requirement. Significantly reduces hazard to human Not very sustainable.

R-2020-0318-FFM-Prairie Site, Desk Based Heritage Assessment.PDF:37:deliver high quality development and sustainable growth in England. In terms of heritage, guidance entitled

R-2020-0318-FFM-Phase II ESA.PDF:7:The overarching aim of the project is to deliver a sustainable ground remediation strategy for the contract site

R-2020-0318-FFM-officer report.pdf:2:SD1 Sustainable Development

R-2020-0318-FFM-ROA and Remediation Strategy.PDF:7:The overarching aim of the works was to deliver a sustainable ground remediation strategy for the

R-2020-0318-FFM-ROA and Remediation Strategy.PDF:26:  Sustainable remediation approach.

R-2020-0318-FFM-ROA and Remediation Strategy.PDF:26:  Sustainable remediation approach.

R-2020-0318-FFM-ROA and Remediation Strategy.PDF:26:sustainable approach than traditional thermal rotary kilns. The basis of the technology is using the

R-2020-0318-FFM-ROA and Remediation Strategy.PDF:26:  High levels of contaminant reduction in a more sustainable manner than traditional thermal

R-2020-0318-FFM-ROA and Remediation Strategy.PDF:27:  Large scale excavation and disposal (landfilling) is not considered to be a sustainable or cost

R-2020-0318-FFM-ROA and Remediation Strategy.PDF:29:sustainable use of these materials is to facilitate their reuse on site and as such treatment is required

R-2021-0924-CD-CHK-JBAU-00-00-RP-EN-0001-S3-P02-South_Bank_WFD_Report.pdf:10: • Promote sustainable use of water as a natural resource.

R-2021-0924-CD-CHK-JBAU-00-00-RP-EN-0001-S3-P02-South_Bank_WFD_Report.pdf:74: favour of sustainable development a core element of the framework.

R-2021-0924-CD-CHK-JBAU-00-00-RP-EN-0001-S3-P02-South_Bank_WFD_Report.pdf:89:debris for a natural and sustainable

R-2021-0924-CD-Decision Notice 0357.pdf:6: method of sustainable transport.”

R-2021-0924-CD-Decision Notice 0357.pdf:8: REASON: To ensure the development is carried out in a sustainable form.

R-2021-0924-CD-Decision Notice 0357.pdf:10: 2 Details of how sustainable training opportunities will be provided for

R-2021-0924-CD-EA_R_2021_0924_CD_OFFICIAL_221221.pdf:1:Planning Technical Specialist - Sustainable Places

R-2021-0729-CD-Decision Notice.pdf:6: method of sustainable transport.“

R-2021-0729-CD-Decision Notice.pdf:8: REASON: To ensure the development is carried out in a sustainable form.

R-2021-0729-CD-Decision Notice.pdf:10: 2 Details of how sustainable training opportunities will be provided for

R-2021-0729-CD-365770 R_2021_0729_CD - Discharge of Condition 6 for outline permission R_2020_0357_OOM, South Industrial Zone, REdcar .pdf:1:generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 13 Climate Change and GHG.pdf:3: favour of sustainable development together with strong encouragement to projects that would

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR Statement of Community Engagement Annex 1 - EIA Screening Response.pdf:4:and also the tees valley sustainable urban drainage systems (suds) guidance design guide & local

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 9 Flood Risk and Drainage.pdf:11: provided for new developments, sustainable design measures would need to be adopted to minimise

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 9 Flood Risk and Drainage.pdf:13: Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS). Any additional mitigation measures that are not shown within the

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 9 Flood Risk and Drainage.pdf:24: foul drainage demand have to be offset by sustainable design and water efficiency measures and

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR Statement of Community Engagement Annex 3.B - Sample Letter to Councillors.pdf:2:We intend our development to be highly sustainable and be an exemplar development

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 14 Contaminated Lands.pdf:8: in favour of sustainable development.

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Green Lithium Appendix 12 - Noise.pdf:2: Government’s vision of sustainable development, which should be interpreted and applied locally to

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Green Lithium Appendix 12 - Noise.pdf:3: the context of Government policy on sustainable development”.

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Green Lithium Appendix 12 - Noise.pdf:3: practicable having regard to the underlying principles of sustainable development.

R-2023-0291-ESM-PD Teeside Heritage Statement 0323.pdf:6: means of delivering the development which leads to a more sustainable result which reduces

R-2023-0291-ESM-PD Teeside Heritage Statement 0323.pdf:7: b) The positive contribution that conservation of heritage assets can make to sustainable

R-2023-0291-ESM-ApplicationFormRedacted.pdf:8: Sustainable drainage system

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 10 Landscape.pdf:3: in favour of sustainable development.

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 10 Landscape.pdf:3: the planning and development process should achieve. Good design is a key aspect of sustainable

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Green Lithium Appendix 8 - Ecology.pdf:10: The presumption in favour of sustainable development does not apply where the plan or project is likely to

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 15 Summary and Conclusions.pdf:5:15.32. During the construction phase demolition rubble and excavated soils will be generated. Sustainable

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR Planning Statement.pdf:58:4.11. Beyond the general principles of the plan-led system, sustainable development and the approach to

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR Planning Statement.pdf:58:Sustainable Development

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR Planning Statement.pdf:58:4.12. At the heart of the NPPF is a presumption in favour of sustainable development. The applicant has

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR Planning Statement.pdf:58: in mid the Proposed Development is highly sustainable and will be an exemplar development within the

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR Planning Statement.pdf:58:4.13. For decision making, paragraph 11 of the NPPF indicates that for highly sustainable developments, this

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR Planning Statement.pdf:59: sustainable development (para 7). It indicates (para 8) that sustainable development means that the

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR Planning Statement.pdf:60:4.15. It is thus concluded that the Proposed Development represents a sustainable development, which is

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR Planning Statement.pdf:60: entitled to the presumption in favour of granting permission for sustainable development, noting the

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR Planning Statement.pdf:60: advice in NPPF that for decision taking, the presumption in favour of sustainable development means

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR Planning Statement.pdf:60: towards sustainable solutions, but in doing so should take local circumstances into account, to reflect the

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR Planning Statement.pdf:61: • Chapter 2: Achieving sustainable development.

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR Planning Statement.pdf:61: • Chapter 9: Promoting sustainable transport.

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR Planning Statement.pdf:61:Chapter 2 Achieving Sustainable Development

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR Planning Statement.pdf:62: address the planning system and how it is vital that it focuses on supporting sustainable economic

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR Planning Statement.pdf:62:Chapter 9 Promoting Sustainable Transport

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR Planning Statement.pdf:62: sustainable methods, including walking, cycling and utilising public transport methods. In particular

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR Planning Statement.pdf:63: appropriate consideration for sustainable methods of transport and appropriate accommodation for

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR Planning Statement.pdf:63: facility. It also demonstrates that there are suitable existing sustainable transport methods to be used

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR Planning Statement.pdf:64:4.42. The Proposed Development will be a highly sustainable LHM production facility, which is required to

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR Planning Statement.pdf:64: • All drainage from the facility has been designed to meet the Sustainable Urban Drainage (SUDs)

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR Planning Statement.pdf:68: • MWC10 – Sustainable Transport;

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR Planning Statement.pdf:68: • SD1 – Sustainable Development;

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR Planning Statement.pdf:69: sustainable travel to minimise environmental impacts to support residents’ health and wellbeing.

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR Planning Statement.pdf:69: is both sustainable and does not adversely affect the public highway. The transport assessment

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR Planning Statement.pdf:69: Travel Plan, to ensure sustainable transport is both available and promoted. Both of these documents

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR Planning Statement.pdf:70:MWC10 – Sustainable Transport

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR Planning Statement.pdf:70: within a sustainable distance from the site. A transport statement has been prepared the demonstrates

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR Planning Statement.pdf:73:SD1 – Sustainable Development

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR Planning Statement.pdf:86: • Appropriate opportunities to promote sustainable transport modes can be – or have been –

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR Planning Statement.pdf:88: development of brownfield land in sustainable locations, providing it is not of high environmental value,

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR Planning Statement.pdf:89: mitigation measures and sustainable designs. The development should also help to reduce carbon

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR Planning Statement.pdf:89: should be “sustainable in design and construction, incorporating best practice in resource

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR Planning Statement.pdf:89: e. prioritising the use of sustainable drainage systems (SuDS);

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR Planning Statement.pdf:96:7.24 This strategy is based around £12 billion in funding towards a more sustainable future. It aims to

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Appendix 14.1 A. Groundsure.pdf:84:Biosphere (MAB) Programme with the aim of promoting sustainable development founded on the work of the

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Appendix 14.1 A. Groundsure.pdf:91:sustainable use of the natural resources of the area and the sustainable social and economic development of

R-2023-0291-ESM-Officer Letter_R20220675SCP.pdf:3:and also the tees valley sustainable urban drainage systems (suds) guidance design guide & local

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 11 Waste.pdf:2: the Proposed Development in order to evaluate potential impacts and identify options for sustainable

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 11 Waste.pdf:4: sustainable approach to the use of materials, delivering environmental benefits and supporting

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 11 Waste.pdf:5: to bring waste management in line with the objectives of sustainable development.

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 11 Waste.pdf:5: This Strategy sets clear policy and actions to build and successful and sustainable future County

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 11 Waste.pdf:5:11.27. One of the main objectives for the plan is sustainable development and encouragement of regional

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 11 Waste.pdf:5: • Objective: Sustainable Development – This policy favours developments that improve the economic,

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 11 Waste.pdf:9: as a sustainable recycled product.

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 11 Waste.pdf:12:11.48. To ensure best practice is achieved, in-line with current sustainable construction practices, Waste and

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 11 Waste.pdf:13:11.58. Sustainable solutions (in-line with WRAP current guidelines) will be implemented to enable, as far as

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 11 Waste.pdf:15:REF 11.6: Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP), Practical solutions for sustainable construction,

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Green Lithium Appendix 9 - Water.pdf:5: Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) ………………………………………………………………………………….. 26

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Green Lithium Appendix 9 - Water.pdf:7:After consideration of sustainable drainage (SuDS) options, the use of rainwater harvesting, pervious

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Green Lithium Appendix 9 - Water.pdf:10:policy relating to sustainable flood risk management (MHCLG, 2021).

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Green Lithium Appendix 9 - Water.pdf:10: not be sustainable in the long-term, seeking opportunities to facilitate the relocation of

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Green Lithium Appendix 9 - Water.pdf:10: development, including housing, to more sustainable locations.

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Green Lithium Appendix 9 - Water.pdf:25:The NPPF states that major developments should incorporate sustainable drainage systems (SuDS)

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Green Lithium Appendix 9 - Water.pdf:27: Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS)

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Green Lithium Appendix 9 - Water.pdf:27:Sustainable Drainage Systems or SuDS are a variety of surface water management techniques which

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 2 Green Lithium Appendix 9 - Water.pdf:28:After consideration of sustainable drainage (SuDS) options, the use of rainwater harvesting, pervious

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 1 to 6.pdf:10: SuDS Sustainable Drainage Systems

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 1 to 6.pdf:18: the decision-making process that are fully informed. This leads to more sustainable choices which have

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 1 to 6.pdf:68: importation of Lithium Hydroxide batteries, and result in a more sustainable process.

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 1 to 6.pdf:68:5.63. The failure to supply a sustainable national source of Lithium Hydroxide;

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 1 to 6.pdf:74: Development requiring sufficient travel plans, as well as promotion of sustainable travel to minimise

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 1 to 6.pdf:75: Sustainable

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 1 to 6.pdf:75: RCBC have created this policy piece to show the viewpoint of favouring sustainable

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 1 to 6.pdf:75: SD1- Sustainable

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 1 to 6.pdf:78:6.16. Beyond the general principles of the plan-led system, sustainable development and the approach to

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 1 to 6.pdf:78:6.17. Paragraph 8 states that that achieving sustainable development means that the planning system has

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 1 to 6.pdf:79:6.18. It is thus concluded that the scheme represents a sustainable development, which is entitled to the

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 1 to 6.pdf:79: presumption in favour of granting permission for sustainable development, noting the advice in NPPF

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 1 to 6.pdf:79: that for decision taking, the presumption in favour of sustainable development means approving

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 1 to 6.pdf:79: towards sustainable solutions, but in doing so should take local circumstances into account, to reflect

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 1 to 6.pdf:79: • Chapter 2: Achieving sustainable development.

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 1 to 6.pdf:80: • Chapter 9: Promoting sustainable transport.

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR_DAS.pdf:2: 5.1 Sustainable Development

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR_DAS.pdf:18:5.1 Sustainable Development A Transport Statement has been prepared that The Proposed Development Site is found in close

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR_DAS.pdf:18:MWC10 – Sustainable Transport and the need for developments to provide adequate European Union.

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR_DAS.pdf:18:sustainable distance from the site. A transport

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR_DAS.pdf:19: 5.1 Sustainable Development (cont.)

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR_DAS.pdf:19: This policy has the objective to encourage renewable and In further efforts to produce a sustainable project

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR_DAS.pdf:19: solar, tidal, district heating, biomass and energy from systems for a sustainable built environment. The

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR_DAS.pdf:19: surrounding area and will ensure a more sustainable

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR ES Vol 3 Exec Summary.pdf:15: these will be minimised where possible. Sustainable solutions will be implemented to enable, as far as

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR Statement of Community Engagement Annex 3.C - Online Public Consultation Page.pdf:2: “Enable our planet’s transition to sustainable energy”

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR Statement of Community Engagement Annex 3.C - Online Public Consultation Page.pdf:3: Highly sustainable process that will produce lithium products with the lowest possible

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR Statement of Community Engagement Annex 3.C - Online Public Consultation Page.pdf:3: sustainable re-use of co-products.

R-2023-0291-ESM-SOL_23_P016_GLR Statement of Community Engagement Annex 3.C - Online Public Consultation Page.pdf:9: Green Lithium is dedicated to creating an exemplary sustainable development, with

R-2023-0291-ESM-Green Lithium_BREEAM NC 2018 Pre-Assessment Report_1 (with Appendices).pdf:8: a view to encouraging continuous improvement in sustainable building techniques.

R-2023-0291-ESM-Green Lithium_BREEAM NC 2018 Pre-Assessment Report_1 (with Appendices).pdf:8: BREEAM covers nine categories of sustainable design (each of which contains a number of

R-2023-0291-ESM-Green Lithium_BREEAM NC 2018 Pre-Assessment Report_1 (with Appendices).pdf:15: Tra 02 Sustainable The following additional measures should be 1.67%

R-2023-0291-ESM-Green Lithium_BREEAM NC 2018 Pre-Assessment Report_1 (with Appendices).pdf:15: Wst 01 Sustainable Sustainable and recycle aggregates to be used 0.60%

R-2023-0291-ESM-Green Lithium_BREEAM NC 2018 Pre-Assessment Report_1 (with Appendices).pdf:27:Tra 02 Sustainable Transport Sustainable Transport Measures Up to 10 credits could be achieved where sustainable transport measures have been considered; 16.02.2023: Assessor Comment

R-2023-0291-ESM-Green Lithium_BREEAM NC 2018 Pre-Assessment Report_1 (with Appendices).pdf:29:Mat 03 Responsible sourcing Legal and sustainable timber MANDATORY: All timber used on the project shall be legally harvested and traded i.e. CoC 16.02.2023: Assessor Comment

R-2023-0291-ESM-Green Lithium_BREEAM NC 2018 Pre-Assessment Report_1 (with Appendices).pdf:30: Enabling sustainable procurement One credit could be achieved where the client operates a Sustainable Procurement Plan SPP 03.02.2023: Initial review

R-2023-0291-ESM-Green Lithium_BREEAM NC 2018 Pre-Assessment Report_1 (with Appendices).pdf:30: (covering procurement of materials for construction). Sustainable Procurement Plan (SPP) to be prepared by Client -

R-2023-0291-ESM-Green Lithium_BREEAM NC 2018 Pre-Assessment Report_1 (with Appendices).pdf:30: Sustainable Procurement Plan required to be issued to Assessor

R-2023-0291-ESM-Green Lithium_BREEAM NC 2018 Pre-Assessment Report_1 (with Appendices).pdf:31:Wst 02 Use of sustainable Use of recycled aggregate Pre Demolition Audit (WST1) is a Pre-Requisite 03.02.2023: Initial review

R-2023-0291-ESM-Green Lithium_BREEAM NC 2018 Pre-Assessment Report_1 (with Appendices).pdf:41: and operational, fire engineering, building control, technology, health and safety, construction, travel plan, sustainable

R-2023-0291-ESM-Green Lithium_BREEAM NC 2018 Pre-Assessment Report_1 (with Appendices).pdf:47:formulating sustainable design solutions, commenting or inputting on the practicality and buildability

R-2023-0291-ESM-Green Lithium_BREEAM NC 2018 Pre-Assessment Report_1 (with Appendices).pdf:48:SuDS: As defined in the SuDS manual, sustainable drainage systems are an approach to surface water

R-2023-0291-ESM-Green Lithium_BREEAM NC 2018 Pre-Assessment Report_1 (with Appendices).pdf:48:drain surface water in a more sustainable fashion than some conventional techniques.

R-2023-0291-ESM-20230328 Green Lithium TS_RG_RF.pdf:17: means of promoting sustainable travel choices and shared mobility.

R-2023-0291-ESM-20230328 Green Lithium TS_RG_RF.pdf:18: single occupancy vehicle trips by actively promoting sustainable travel choices and shared mobility.

R-2023-0291-ESM-20230328 Green Lithium TS_RG_RF.pdf:20: will promote sustainable travel choices and shared mobility which provides the opportunity to reduce

R-2023-0291-ESM-20230328 Green Lithium TS_RG_RF.pdf:20: means of promoting sustainable travel choices and shared mobility.

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:20: favour of sustainable development. It requires Local Plans to be consistent with the principles and

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:20: policies set out in the NPPF with the objective of contributing to the achievement of sustainable

R-2023-0291-ESM-ES Vol 1 Chapter 7 Air Quality.pdf:20:7.70. The NPPF states that the planning system has three overarching objectives in achieving sustainable

R-2021-0905-CD-Decision Notice.pdf:6: method of sustainable transport.”

R-2021-0905-CD-Decision Notice.pdf:8: REASON: To ensure the development is carried out in a sustainable form.

R-2021-0905-CD-Decision Notice.pdf:10: 2 Details of how sustainable training opportunities will be provided for

R-2020-0799-CD-Nov 2020 - 2383 - CEMP - Prairie Phase 2 Works Prairie Rev 2 (1).pdf:6: • Include the full costs of more sustainable forms of transport in our financial proposals,

R-2020-0799-CD-Nov 2020 - 2383 - CEMP - Prairie Phase 2 Works Prairie Rev 2 (1).pdf:6: managed, sustainable sources and are Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified;

R-2020-0799-CD-Nov 2020 - 2383 - CEMP - Prairie Phase 2 Works Prairie Rev 2 (1).pdf:10: • Manage project waste in a sustainable manner in accordance with the waste hierarchy

R-2020-0799-CD-338784 R_2020_0799_CD - Discharge of Condition 4 for remediation of Prairie site, Grangetown, Redcar.pdf:1:generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

R-2022-0746-CD-406263 response.pdf:2:Guidance on soil protection is available in the Defra Construction Code of Practice for the Sustainable Use

R-2022-0746-CD-Decision Notice (4).pdf:6: method of sustainable transport.“

R-2022-0746-CD-Decision Notice (4).pdf:8: REASON: To ensure the development is carried out in a sustainable form.

R-2022-0746-CD-Decision Notice (4).pdf:10: 2 Details of how sustainable training opportunities will be provided for

R-2022-0096-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0408-02-Rem_Strat_South_Bank_West_Rev01 (Part 1).pdf:7:The overarching aim of the works is to deliver a sustainable ground remediation strategy for the contract

R-2022-0096-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0408-02-Rem_Strat_South_Bank_West_Rev01 (Part 1).pdf:24:The Contractor shall make arrangements to identify the most sustainable, compliant and cost-effective

R-2022-0096-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0408-02-Rem_Strat_South_Bank_West_Rev01 (Part 1).pdf:30:sustainable use of these materials is to facilitate their reuse on site and, as such, treatment is required

R-2022-0096-CD-Decision Notice.pdf:6: method of sustainable transport.”

R-2022-0096-CD-Decision Notice.pdf:8: REASON: To ensure the development is carried out in a sustainable form.

R-2022-0096-CD-Decision Notice.pdf:10: 2 Details of how sustainable training opportunities will be provided for

R-2022-0096-CD-con land.pdf:1:The overarching aim of the works is to deliver a sustainable ground remediation

R-2022-0096-CD-COMPLIANCE OFFICER REPORT.pdf:2:The overarching aim of the works is to deliver a sustainable ground remediation

R-2022-0237-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0452-01-P4_GI_AD Part 1.pdf:6:The overarching aim of the works was to deliver a sustainable ground remediation strategy for the contract

R-2021-0713-CD-Arcadis - South Bank Strategy.pdf:7:The overarching aim of the works is to deliver a sustainable ground remediation strategy for the contract

R-2021-0713-CD-Arcadis - South Bank Strategy.pdf:19:The Contractor shall make arrangements to identify the most sustainable, compliant and cost-effective

R-2021-0713-CD-Arcadis - South Bank Strategy.pdf:25:sustainable use of these materials is to facilitate their reuse on site and as such treatment is required

R-2021-0608-PND-363937 - R_2021_0608_PND Prior Notification for demolition of structures at Former Redcar Steel Works Site (Teesworks), Redcar.pdf:1:generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

20210115 MLA202000507 South Bank Quay-phase 2 - Fisheries advice MG GE + JPQC.pdf:10: nearby developments and existing vessel traffic noise reaching an unsustainable threshold for fish

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:37:ensure long-term, sustainable use. It applies to waters out to one nautical mile from the baseline from which

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:38: • (2) The marine environment and its resources are used to maximise sustainable activity, prosperity

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:39: opportunity for sustainable expansion of port and harbour activities will be supported. The

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:39: • Encourage sustainable port development to cater for long term forecast growth in volumes of

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:40:In order to help meet the requirements of the government policies on sustainable development, new port

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:52:sustainable development in the UK marine area. The Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 requires all

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:177: • measurable habitat change that is sustainable / recoverable over the long-term (adverse

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:177: • observable habitat change that is sustainable / recoverable over the medium-term

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:177: • observable habitat change that is sustainable / recoverable over the short-term (adverse

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:218: conservation and sustainable use of biological

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:272:plans, ensuring that marine resources are used in a sustainable way in high level marine objectives, thereby:

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:272: • promoting sustainable economic development;

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:272: • ensuring a sustainable marine environment which promotes healthy, functioning marine habitats,

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:272: • contributing to the societal benefits of the marine area, including the sustainable use of marine

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:307: - The marine environment and its resources are used to maximise sustainable activity,

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:332:sustainable development principles.

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:363:within the context of Government policy on sustainable development:

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:364:life whilst also taking into consideration the guiding principles of sustainable development. This does not

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:392: • Implement a Travel Plan that supports and encourages sustainable travel for contractor operatives

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:428:The Sustainable Drainage Strategy for the site aims to reduce the surface water flood risk at the site. The

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:428:site, where run off will be collected and passed through appropriate Sustainable Drainage System (SuDS)

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:437:achievement of sustainable development.”

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:437:Achieving sustainable development means that the planning system has three objectives – economic, social

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:460: • contribute to the mitigation of GHG emissions and support sustainable development;

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:462: l. be sustainable in design and construction, incorporating best practice in resource management,

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:463: e. prioritising the use of sustainable drainage systems (SuDs);

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:464:Resources Institute and World Business Council on Sustainable Development 2015), and Institute for

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:464:World Business Council on Sustainable Development 2015). The ‘project boundary’ was defined as the

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:465:developed by the World Resources Institute and World Business Council on Sustainable Development

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:472: • Implement a Travel Plan that supports and encourages sustainable travel for contractor operatives

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:474:resources, in particular land, soil, water and biodiversity, considering as far as possible the sustainable

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-9.pdf:600:World Business Council for Sustainable Development and the World Resources Institute (2015);

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part1-3.pdf:6:Planning Policy Statement 10 (Planning for Sustainable Waste Management – 2011)2: The updated policy

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part1-3.pdf:6: DCLG, 2011, Planning Policy Statement 10: Planning for Sustainable Waste Management, London: TSO

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part1-3.pdf:7:to a sustainable economy. In particular, this means using the “waste hierarchy” (waste prevention, re-use,

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part1-3.pdf:7:recycling, recovery and finally disposal as a last option) as a guide to sustainable waste management.

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part1-3.pdf:8: • encourage businesses to contribute to a more sustainable economy by building waste reduction

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part1-3.pdf:24:These measures would promote sustainable waste management practices by maximising waste prevention,

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part1-3.pdf:29:Local and sustainable products would be used to minimise the effects on the environment by reducing

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part1-3.pdf:75:generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:37:ensure long-term, sustainable use. It applies to waters out to one nautical mile from the baseline from which

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:38: • (2) The marine environment and its resources are used to maximise sustainable activity, prosperity

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:39: opportunity for sustainable expansion of port and harbour activities will be supported. The

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:39: • Encourage sustainable port development to cater for long term forecast growth in volumes of

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:40:In order to help meet the requirements of the government policies on sustainable development, new port

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:52:sustainable development in the UK marine area. The Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 requires all

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:177: • measurable habitat change that is sustainable / recoverable over the long-term (adverse

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:177: • observable habitat change that is sustainable / recoverable over the medium-term

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:177: • observable habitat change that is sustainable / recoverable over the short-term (adverse

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:218: conservation and sustainable use of biological

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:272:plans, ensuring that marine resources are used in a sustainable way in high level marine objectives, thereby:

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:272: • promoting sustainable economic development;

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:272: • ensuring a sustainable marine environment which promotes healthy, functioning marine habitats,

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:272: • contributing to the societal benefits of the marine area, including the sustainable use of marine

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:307: - The marine environment and its resources are used to maximise sustainable activity,

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:332:sustainable development principles.

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:363:within the context of Government policy on sustainable development:

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:364:life whilst also taking into consideration the guiding principles of sustainable development. This does not

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:392: • Implement a Travel Plan that supports and encourages sustainable travel for contractor operatives

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:428:The Sustainable Drainage Strategy for the site aims to reduce the surface water flood risk at the site. The

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:428:site, where run off will be collected and passed through appropriate Sustainable Drainage System (SuDS)

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:437:achievement of sustainable development.”

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:437:Achieving sustainable development means that the planning system has three objectives – economic, social

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:460: • contribute to the mitigation of GHG emissions and support sustainable development;

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:462: l. be sustainable in design and construction, incorporating best practice in resource management,

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:463: e. prioritising the use of sustainable drainage systems (SuDs);

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:464:Resources Institute and World Business Council on Sustainable Development 2015), and Institute for

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:464:World Business Council on Sustainable Development 2015). The ‘project boundary’ was defined as the

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:465:developed by the World Resources Institute and World Business Council on Sustainable Development

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:472: • Implement a Travel Plan that supports and encourages sustainable travel for contractor operatives

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:474:resources, in particular land, soil, water and biodiversity, considering as far as possible the sustainable

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_main body-8.pdf:600:World Business Council for Sustainable Development and the World Resources Institute (2015);

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:274: including details of sustainable transport provision and road safety;

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:275:Sustainable Transport “Development should only be prevented or refused on existing highway network

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:276: sustainable development across the borough.

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:276: promote sustainable travel to minimise

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:277:Policy INFRA 1 – A 21st century sustainable transport network will Section 3 details the existing highway

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:277:Strategy travel by improving non car connectivity within and sustainable transport Infrastructure.

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:277: sustainable transport modes.

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:283: construction activities, it is envisaged that sustainable transport would not be a prominent mode

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:288: use of sustainable transport has been considered for staff movements. On this basis, the 100 staff

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:290: sustainable modes of transport. It is however, envisaged that sustainable transport would not be

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:357:to assess whether there are socially and environmentally sustainable, technically viable and economically

MLA_2020_00507-PC1084-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA Report_Appendices_Part2-4.pdf:357:sustainable manner.

MLA_2020_00507-APPLICATION-FORM.pdf:5:Sustainable development

MLA_2020_00507-APPLICATION-FORM.pdf:23:future decision making, with the aim to ensure a sustainable future for our coastal and

MLA_2020_00507-APPLICATION-FORM.pdf:23:- manage the use of marine resources to ensure sustainable levels; and

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:37:ensure long-term, sustainable use. It applies to waters out to one nautical mile from the baseline from which

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:38: • (2) The marine environment and its resources are used to maximise sustainable activity, prosperity

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:39: opportunity for sustainable expansion of port and harbour activities will be supported. The

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:39: • Encourage sustainable port development to cater for long term forecast growth in volumes of

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:40:In order to help meet the requirements of the government policies on sustainable development, new port

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:52:sustainable development in the UK marine area. The Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 requires all

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:177: • measurable habitat change that is sustainable / recoverable over the long-term (adverse

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:177: • observable habitat change that is sustainable / recoverable over the medium-term

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:177: • observable habitat change that is sustainable / recoverable over the short-term (adverse

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:218: conservation and sustainable use of biological

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:272:plans, ensuring that marine resources are used in a sustainable way in high level marine objectives, thereby:

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:272: • promoting sustainable economic development;

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:272: • ensuring a sustainable marine environment which promotes healthy, functioning marine habitats,

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:272: • contributing to the societal benefits of the marine area, including the sustainable use of marine

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:307: - The marine environment and its resources are used to maximise sustainable activity,

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:332:sustainable development principles.

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:363:within the context of Government policy on sustainable development:

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:364:life whilst also taking into consideration the guiding principles of sustainable development. This does not

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:392: • Implement a Travel Plan that supports and encourages sustainable travel for contractor operatives

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:428:The Sustainable Drainage Strategy for the site aims to reduce the surface water flood risk at the site. The

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:428:site, where run off will be collected and passed through appropriate Sustainable Drainage System (SuDS)

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:437:achievement of sustainable development.”

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:437:Achieving sustainable development means that the planning system has three objectives – economic, social

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:460: • contribute to the mitigation of GHG emissions and support sustainable development;

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:462: l. be sustainable in design and construction, incorporating best practice in resource management,

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:463: e. prioritising the use of sustainable drainage systems (SuDs);

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:464:Resources Institute and World Business Council on Sustainable Development 2015), and Institute for

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:464:World Business Council on Sustainable Development 2015). The ‘project boundary’ was defined as the

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:465:developed by the World Resources Institute and World Business Council on Sustainable Development

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:472: • Implement a Travel Plan that supports and encourages sustainable travel for contractor operatives

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:474:resources, in particular land, soil, water and biodiversity, considering as far as possible the sustainable

R-2020-0371-SCP-PC1084_R-2020-0371-SCP-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_EIA_Report_main_body-from-gov-uk.pdf:600:World Business Council for Sustainable Development and the World Resources Institute (2015);

R-2020-0371-SCP-EA R_2020_0371_SCP 14 August 2020 OFFICIAL.pdf:2:  Whether the proposed development will be sustainable and allow for a resilient

R-2020-0371-SCP-323395 R_2020_0371_SCP - Natural England.pdf:1:generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_13. Fish and fisheries.pdf:1: - The marine environment and its resources are used to maximise sustainable activity,

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084-RHD-SB-EN-RP-EV-1112_Appendix 10_Transport Statement.pdf:8: including details of sustainable transport provision and road safety;

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084-RHD-SB-EN-RP-EV-1112_Appendix 10_Transport Statement.pdf:9:Sustainable Transport “Development should only be prevented or refused on existing highway network

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084-RHD-SB-EN-RP-EV-1112_Appendix 10_Transport Statement.pdf:10: sustainable development across the borough.

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084-RHD-SB-EN-RP-EV-1112_Appendix 10_Transport Statement.pdf:10: promote sustainable travel to minimise

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084-RHD-SB-EN-RP-EV-1112_Appendix 10_Transport Statement.pdf:11:Policy INFRA 1 – A 21st century sustainable transport network will Section 3 details the existing highway

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084-RHD-SB-EN-RP-EV-1112_Appendix 10_Transport Statement.pdf:11:Strategy travel by improving non car connectivity within and sustainable transport Infrastructure.

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084-RHD-SB-EN-RP-EV-1112_Appendix 10_Transport Statement.pdf:11: sustainable transport modes.

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084-RHD-SB-EN-RP-EV-1112_Appendix 10_Transport Statement.pdf:17: construction activities, it is envisaged that sustainable transport would not be a prominent mode

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084-RHD-SB-EN-RP-EV-1112_Appendix 10_Transport Statement.pdf:22: use of sustainable transport has been considered for staff movements. On this basis, the 100 staff

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084-RHD-SB-EN-RP-EV-1112_Appendix 10_Transport Statement.pdf:24: sustainable modes of transport. It is however, envisaged that sustainable transport would not be

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_21_Socio-economics.pdf:1:achievement of sustainable development.”

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_21_Socio-economics.pdf:1:Achieving sustainable development means that the planning system has three objectives – economic, social

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_20. Flood risk and coastal defence.pdf:8:The Sustainable Drainage Strategy for the site aims to reduce the surface water flood risk at the site. The

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_20. Flood risk and coastal defence.pdf:8:site, where run off will be collected and passed through appropriate Sustainable Drainage System (SuDS)

R-2020-0684-ESM-ApplicationFormRedacted.pdf:4: Sustainable drainage system

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_8. Land quality and geology.pdf:9: • measurable habitat change that is sustainable / recoverable over the long-term (adverse

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_8. Land quality and geology.pdf:9: • observable habitat change that is sustainable / recoverable over the medium-term

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_8. Land quality and geology.pdf:9: • observable habitat change that is sustainable / recoverable over the short-term (adverse

R-2020-0684-ESM-61586 Quay Design and Access Statement November 2020.PDF:5: Policy SD 1 (Sustainable Development);

R-2020-0684-ESM-61586 Quay Design and Access Statement November 2020.PDF:5: Policy TA 3 (Sustainable Transport Networks).

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084-RHD-SB-EN-RP-EV-1111_Appendix 1_Waste Report.pdf:5:Planning Policy Statement 10 (Planning for Sustainable Waste Management – 2011)2: The updated policy

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084-RHD-SB-EN-RP-EV-1111_Appendix 1_Waste Report.pdf:5: DCLG, 2011, Planning Policy Statement 10: Planning for Sustainable Waste Management, London: TSO

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084-RHD-SB-EN-RP-EV-1111_Appendix 1_Waste Report.pdf:6:to a sustainable economy. In particular, this means using the “waste hierarchy” (waste prevention, re-use,

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084-RHD-SB-EN-RP-EV-1111_Appendix 1_Waste Report.pdf:6:recycling, recovery and finally disposal as a last option) as a guide to sustainable waste management.

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084-RHD-SB-EN-RP-EV-1111_Appendix 1_Waste Report.pdf:7: • encourage businesses to contribute to a more sustainable economy by building waste reduction

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084-RHD-SB-EN-RP-EV-1111_Appendix 1_Waste Report.pdf:23:These measures would promote sustainable waste management practices by maximising waste prevention,

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084-RHD-SB-EN-RP-EV-1111_Appendix 1_Waste Report.pdf:28:Local and sustainable products would be used to minimise the effects on the environment by reducing

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_17. Noise and vibration.pdf:2:within the context of Government policy on sustainable development:

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_17. Noise and vibration.pdf:3:life whilst also taking into consideration the guiding principles of sustainable development. This does not

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_4. Legislative framework.pdf:3:ensure long-term, sustainable use. It applies to waters out to one nautical mile from the baseline from which

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_4. Legislative framework.pdf:4: • (2) The marine environment and its resources are used to maximise sustainable activity, prosperity

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_4. Legislative framework.pdf:5: opportunity for sustainable expansion of port and harbour activities will be supported. The

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_4. Legislative framework.pdf:5: • Encourage sustainable port development to cater for long term forecast growth in volumes of

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_4. Legislative framework.pdf:6:In order to help meet the requirements of the government policies on sustainable development, new port

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_22. Climate change.pdf:1: • contribute to the mitigation of GHG emissions and support sustainable development;

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_22. Climate change.pdf:3: l. be sustainable in design and construction, incorporating best practice in resource management,

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_22. Climate change.pdf:4: e. prioritising the use of sustainable drainage systems (SuDs);

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_22. Climate change.pdf:5:Resources Institute and World Business Council on Sustainable Development 2015), and Institute for

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_22. Climate change.pdf:5:World Business Council on Sustainable Development 2015). The ‘project boundary’ was defined as the

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_22. Climate change.pdf:6:developed by the World Resources Institute and World Business Council on Sustainable Development

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_22. Climate change.pdf:13: • Implement a Travel Plan that supports and encourages sustainable travel for contractor operatives

R-2020-0684-ESM-Officer Report 0684.pdf:2:SD1 Sustainable Development

R-2020-0684-ESM-Officer Report 0684.pdf:2:TA3 Sustainable Transport Networks

R-2020-0684-ESM-Officer Report 0684.pdf:56:of the construction activities, it is envisaged that sustainable transport would

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_14. Commercial and recreational navigation.pdf:1:sustainable development principles.

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084-RHD-SB-EN-RP-EV-1109_Appendix 15_Flood Risk Assessment.pdf:15:to assess whether there are socially and environmentally sustainable, technically viable and economically

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084-RHD-SB-EN-RP-EV-1109_Appendix 15_Flood Risk Assessment.pdf:15:sustainable manner.

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_30. References.pdf:13:World Business Council for Sustainable Development and the World Resources Institute (2015);

R-2020-0684-ESM-Appendix 3_Scoping consultation.pdf:2:generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_12. Marine and coastal ornithology.pdf:3:plans, ensuring that marine resources are used in a sustainable way in high level marine objectives, thereby:

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_12. Marine and coastal ornithology.pdf:3: • promoting sustainable economic development;

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_12. Marine and coastal ornithology.pdf:3: • ensuring a sustainable marine environment which promotes healthy, functioning marine habitats,

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_12. Marine and coastal ornithology.pdf:3: • contributing to the societal benefits of the marine area, including the sustainable use of marine

R-2020-0684-ESM-61586 Quay Planning Statement 09-11-20.pdf:16: • Policy SD 1 (Sustainable Development);

R-2020-0684-ESM-61586 Quay Planning Statement 09-11-20.pdf:16: • Policy TA 3 (Sustainable Transport Networks).

R-2020-0684-ESM-61586 Quay Planning Statement 09-11-20.pdf:16: favour of sustainable development is the corner-stone of the Framework and it has three

R-2020-0684-ESM-61586 Quay Planning Statement 09-11-20.pdf:16: play an active role in guiding development towards sustainable solutions and in doing so should

R-2020-0684-ESM-61586 Quay Planning Statement 09-11-20.pdf:17: • Chapter 9: Promoting sustainable transport;

R-2020-0684-ESM-61586 Quay Planning Statement 09-11-20.pdf:17: • Encourage sustainable port development to cater for long term forecast growth in volumes

R-2020-0684-ESM-61586 Quay Planning Statement 09-11-20.pdf:17:4.18 In order to help meet the requirements of the government policies on sustainable development,

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_10. Marine mammals.pdf:2: conservation and sustainable use of biological

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_6. Hydrodynamic and sedimentary regime.pdf:2:sustainable development in the UK marine area. The Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 requires all

R-2020-0684-ESM-336521 R_2020_0684_ESM - Demolition of existing quay, capital dredge and development of new quay at South Bank Wharf, Grangetown, Redcar - Phase 1.pdf:1:generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_18. Air quality.pdf:15: • Implement a Travel Plan that supports and encourages sustainable travel for contractor operatives

R-2020-0684-ESM-PC1084_RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-1100_23. Use of natural resources.pdf:1:resources, in particular land, soil, water and biodiversity, considering as far as possible the sustainable

R-2020-0684-ESM-RCBC scoping opinion.pdf:8:future generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

R-2020-0684-ESM-RCBC scoping opinion.pdf:15:SD1 Sustainable Development

R-2021-0405-FFM-355679 - R_2021_0405_FFM Engineering operations associated with ground remediation and preparation at Land at South Bank South Industrial Zone Redcar - No Objs Sub Mit.pdf:1:generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

R-2021-0405-FFM-Strategy 0405.pdf:1:Policy SD1 Sustainable Development

R-2021-0405-FFM-Strategy 0405.pdf:1:Policy MWC10 Sustainable Transport

R-2021-0405-FFM-63262_01 - Application Form.PDF:5: Sustainable drainage system x Existing watercourse

R-2021-0405-FFM-OFFICER REPORT.pdf:3:SD1 Sustainable Development

R-2021-0405-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0293-01-South Bank Quay Strategy rev1.PDF:7:The overarching aim of the works is to deliver a sustainable ground remediation strategy for the contract

R-2021-0405-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0293-01-South Bank Quay Strategy rev1.PDF:22:The Contractor shall make arrangements to identify the most sustainable, compliant and cost-effective

R-2021-0405-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0293-01-South Bank Quay Strategy rev1.PDF:31:sustainable use of these materials is to facilitate their reuse on site and as such treatment is required

R-2021-0268-CD-Decision Notice.pdf:6: method of sustainable transport.“

R-2021-0268-CD-Decision Notice.pdf:8: REASON: To ensure the development is carried out in a sustainable form.

R-2021-0268-CD-Decision Notice.pdf:10: 2 Details of how sustainable training opportunities will be provided for

R-2022-0526-CD-R 2020 0357 OOM Decision Notice.pdf:6: method of sustainable transport.”

R-2022-0526-CD-R 2020 0357 OOM Decision Notice.pdf:8: REASON: To ensure the development is carried out in a sustainable form.

R-2022-0526-CD-R 2020 0357 OOM Decision Notice.pdf:10: 2 Details of how sustainable training opportunities will be provided for

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:10: these policies articulate the Government’s vision of sustainable development, which should be

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:10: are or can be made sustainable, through limiting the need to travel and offering a genuine

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:10: quality and public health. However, opportunities to maximise sustainable transport solutions

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:11: aspirations of our communities will be met through the delivery of sustainable development across

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:11: sustainable development, with Policy SD 1 on Sustainable Development identifying that “when

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:11: presumption in favour of sustainable development contained in the National Planning Policy

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:12: identifies the priority for development to “reduce pollution, contribute to sustainable flood risk

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:35: Produce a Construction Logistics Plan to manage the sustainable delivery of

R-2022-0526-CD-AQIA_FINAL.pdf:35: Implement a Travel Plan that supports and encourages sustainable travel

R-2019-0468-FF-ApplicationFormNoPersonalData.pdf:4: Sustainable drainage system

R-2023-0211-CD-64764_01 Covering Letter 24.01.23.PDF:2:• Sustainable Procurement Plan (Ref. Mat 03 Sustainable Procurement Plan).

R-2023-0211-CD-Mat 03 Sustainable Procurement Plan.PDF:1: SUSTAINABLE PROCUREMENT PLAN

R-2023-0211-CD-Mat 03 Sustainable Procurement Plan.PDF:1:consideration to sustainable procurement principles at both design and construction stages.

R-2023-0211-CD-Mat 03 Sustainable Procurement Plan.PDF:1:A sustainable procurement plan has been developed to demonstrate how this can be achieved

R-2023-0211-CD-Mat 03 Sustainable Procurement Plan.PDF:1:What is sustainable procurement?

R-2023-0211-CD-Mat 03 Sustainable Procurement Plan.PDF:1:Sustainable procurement can be taken to mean the consideration of sustainable development within

R-2023-0211-CD-Mat 03 Sustainable Procurement Plan.PDF:1:the procurement of products. One of the most recognised ways of demonstrating sustainable

R-2023-0211-CD-Mat 03 Sustainable Procurement Plan.PDF:1:On other construction materials, other schemes have been used to demonstrate their sustainable

R-2023-0211-CD-Mat 03 Sustainable Procurement Plan.PDF:2: guidance given in BS 8900:2006 Guidance for managing sustainable development.

R-2023-0211-CD-Mat 03 Sustainable Procurement Plan.PDF:2:will be reviewed during tendering and selection processes to ensure sustainable procurement

R-2023-0211-CD-Mat 03 Sustainable Procurement Plan.PDF:2:The key principles of policy for delivering on the commitment to sustainable procurement are as

R-2023-0211-CD-Mat 03 Sustainable Procurement Plan.PDF:2: ▪ Encourage the supply chain to introduce sustainable processes and products.

R-2023-0211-CD-Mat 03 Sustainable Procurement Plan.PDF:3:To verify that the sustainable procurement plan is being implemented, a number of processes and

R-2023-0211-CD-Mat 03 Sustainable Procurement Plan.PDF:3: ▪ The sustainable procurement plan will be reviewed annually to identify opportunities for

R-2023-0211-CD-Mat 03 Sustainable Procurement Plan.PDF:3: ▪ The sustainable procurement plan will be circulated to all employees and to the supply

R-2023-0211-CD-Mat 03 Sustainable Procurement Plan.PDF:3: sustainable and responsible principles.

R-2023-0211-CD-Mat 03 Sustainable Procurement Plan.PDF:3: ▪ Procurement decisions will be evaluated against sustainable procurement principles

R-2023-0211-CD-Mat 03 Sustainable Procurement Plan.PDF:3: decision makers to inform sustainable procurement strategies in future developments or

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0520-04-Land West of Warrenby Redcar.pdf:131:Biosphere (MAB) Programme with the aim of promoting sustainable development founded on the work of the

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0520-04-Land West of Warrenby Redcar.pdf:146:sustainable use of the natural resources of the area and the sustainable social and economic development of

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0520-01-Land West of Warrenby Redcar Preliminary Risk Assessment.pdf:113:Biosphere (MAB) Programme with the aim of promoting sustainable development founded on the work of the

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0520-01-Land West of Warrenby Redcar Preliminary Risk Assessment.pdf:128:sustainable use of the natural resources of the area and the sustainable social and economic development of

R-2022-0755-CD-Aug 22 - CEMP - Land West of Warrenby - Site Preparation Remediation Works.pdf:6:  Include the full costs of more sustainable forms of transport in our financial proposals,

R-2022-0755-CD-Aug 22 - CEMP - Land West of Warrenby - Site Preparation Remediation Works.pdf:7: managed, sustainable sources and are Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified;

R-2022-0755-CD-Aug 22 - CEMP - Land West of Warrenby - Site Preparation Remediation Works.pdf:11:  Manage project waste in a sustainable manner in accordance with the waste hierarchy

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0417-06-Rem_Strat_LWoW(1).pdf:26:The Contractor shall make arrangements to identify the most sustainable, compliant and cost-effective

R-2022-0755-CD-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0417-06-Rem_Strat_LWoW(1).pdf:34:sustainable use of these materials is to facilitate their reuse on site and as such treatment is required

R-2022-0435-CD-395126 - R_2022_0435_CD Partial discharge of Condition 6. Land at South Tees Development Corporation, South Bank - No Objections.pdf:1:generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

R-2022-0435-CD-395126 - R_2022_0435_CD Partial discharge of Condition 6. Land at South Tees Development Corporation, South Bank - No Objections.pdf:3:Guidance on soil protection is available in the Defra Construction Code of Practice for the Sustainable

R-2022-0435-CD-391845-R20220435CD.pdf:2:Guidance on soil protection is available in the Defra Construction Code of Practice for the Sustainable

R-2021-1058-NM-OFFICER REPORT.pdf:3:SD1 Sustainable Development

R-2019-0331-SCP-284160 R_2019_0331_SCP - EIA Scoping, South Bank Wharf Redevelopment, South Bank, Middlesbrough.pdf:1:generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

R-2019-0331-SCP-MMO(1).pdf:2:“Enabling sustainable growth in our marine area.”

R-2019-0331-SCP Land at South Bank Wharf.pdf:1: • SD1 Sustainable Development

R-2019-0331-SCP-Officer Letter_R20190331SCP.pdf:8:future generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

R-2019-0331-SCP-Officer Letter_R20190331SCP.pdf:15:SD1 Sustainable Development

R-2021-0871-FF South Tees.pdf:1:Policy SD1 Sustainable Development

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0066-01-Prairie ROA and Strategy.PDF:7:The overarching aim of the works was to deliver a sustainable ground remediation strategy for the

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0066-01-Prairie ROA and Strategy.PDF:26:  Sustainable remediation approach.

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0066-01-Prairie ROA and Strategy.PDF:26:  Sustainable remediation approach.

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0066-01-Prairie ROA and Strategy.PDF:26:sustainable approach than traditional thermal rotary kilns. The basis of the technology is using the

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0066-01-Prairie ROA and Strategy.PDF:26:  High levels of contaminant reduction in a more sustainable manner than traditional thermal

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0066-01-Prairie ROA and Strategy.PDF:27:  Large scale excavation and disposal (landfilling) is not considered to be a sustainable or cost

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0066-01-Prairie ROA and Strategy.PDF:29:sustainable use of these materials is to facilitate their reuse on site and as such treatment is required

R-2021-0879-FF-Officer report.pdf:2:SD1 Sustainable Development

R-2021-0879-FF-Officer report.pdf:8:policy set out within the NPPF and policies SD1 (Sustainable Development)

R-2021-0879-FF-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0-P01 (Part 1).pdf:99:and an environmentally sustainable alternative to off-site disposal.

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0062-02-Prairie_ESA_Part1.PDF:7:The overarching aim of the project is to deliver a sustainable ground remediation strategy for the contract site

R-2021-0879-FF-ApplicationFormRedacted.pdf:4: Sustainable drainage system

R-2021-0879-FF-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0117-02-Prairie_ESA_Addendum_Part1.PDF:6:The overarching aim of the project is to deliver a sustainable ground remediation strategy for the contract site

R-2021-0879-FF-Prairie Site, Desk Based Heritage Assessment.PDF:37:deliver high quality development and sustainable growth in England. In terms of heritage, guidance entitled

R-2021-0879-FF-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0-P01 (Part 2).pdf:4: construction and placement of utilities and placement of suitable cover material. A no health. site specific assessment criteria and be Environmentally sustainable for the

R-2021-0879-FF-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0-P01 (Part 2).pdf:4: The installation of positive drainage and a works, thereby a sustainable approach.

R-2021-0879-FF-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0-P01 (Part 2).pdf:4: CL1, CL2 & Excavation and disposal Excavation of the contaminated material Vast amounts of groundwork required. Removes source of contamination. Not a sustainable technique. Very high Standalone remediation option: Relative

R-2021-0879-FF-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0-P01 (Part 2).pdf:4: those within STDC wider area) or off-site characterise and delineate conditions to Easily incorporated into the Waste would require segregation environmentally sustainable.

R-2021-0879-FF-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0-P01 (Part 2).pdf:4: Very unsustainable.

R-2021-0879-FF-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0-P01 (Part 2).pdf:4: CL1, CL2 & Hard Surfacing Use of concrete and or other appropriate Large scale concrete requirement. Significantly reduces hazard to human Not very sustainable. High to very high Standalone remediation option: Relative

R-2021-0879-FF-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0-P01 (Part 2).pdf:4: pipes (see below) likely to be required. Well established / proven technique. management and maintenance of the site. environmentally sustainable.

R-2021-0879-FF-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0-P01 (Part 2).pdf:4: Relatively easily incorporated into the Protection of in ground workers and assets Cost effective and sustainable when

R-2022-0343-ESM-Officer report 0343.pdf:2:SD1 Sustainable Development

R-2022-0343-ESM-Officer report 0343.pdf:12:policy set out within the NPPF and policies SD1 (Sustainable Development)

R-2022-0343-ESM-SEAH-ASA-XX-XX.XX-A-A-0001-Design and Access Statement - 31.3.22.pdf:9:Ecology and biodiversity will also be considered by including in the sustainable source, us

R-2022-0343-ESM-EA_R20220343ESM_OFFICIAL_310522.pdf:2:Planning Technical Specialist - Sustainable Places

R-2020-0599-AD-Application Form(1).PDF:5: Sustainable drainage system Existing watercourse

R-2020-0411-FFM-Decision 0411.pdf:7: method of sustainable transport.

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 6.1 LVIA Planning Policy Context.pdf:4:1.1.2 The NPPF places ‘sustainable development’ at the heart of the planning system. Chapter 2, page

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 6.1 LVIA Planning Policy Context.pdf:4: “The purpose of the planning system is to contribute to the achievement of sustainable

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 6.1 LVIA Planning Policy Context.pdf:4:1.1.3 The NPPF identifies three objectives to sustainable development which (as well as a social and an

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 6.1 LVIA Planning Policy Context.pdf:8: Policy MWC 8: Sustainable waste management will be delivered through a combination of

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 1.1 Information Required with an ES.pdf:4: as possible the sustainable availability of these resources;

R-2020-0411-FFM-2020 12 29 Redcar Energy Centre Conditions.pdf:3:including DfT Circular 02/2013: ‘The Strategic Road Network and the Delivery of Sustainable

R-2020-0411-FFM-2020 12 29 Redcar Energy Centre Conditions.pdf:4:The TA identifies that the REC involves a long-term sustainable waste management and energy

R-2020-0411-FFM-2020 12 29 Redcar Energy Centre Conditions.pdf:5:sustainable network provisions and therefore a robust assumption has been made that each staff

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 8.2 Outline Drainage Strategy.pdf:5: drainage strategy has been devised using the Tees Valley Sustainable Drainage (SuDS) Guidance

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 8.2 Outline Drainage Strategy.pdf:11:Borough Council, Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council, 2019. Sustainable Drainage (SuDS) Guidance -

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_Response to Anglo American_AS_S.pdf:3: site/in-situ remediation methodologies are likely to be more cost effective and sustainable.

R-2020-0411-FFM-ApplicationFormRedacted.pdf:5: Sustainable drainage system

R-2020-0411-FFM-325067 R_2020_0411_FFM - Proposed Redcar Energy Centre, Land at Redcar Bulk Terminal, Redcar.pdf:1:generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 13.1 Archaeological Desk Based Assessment - Formatted.pdf:5: • delivery of sustainable development;

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 13.1 Archaeological Desk Based Assessment - Formatted.pdf:16:Sustainable Management of the Historic Environment 2008 (new draft 2017)

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 12 Noise and Vibration.pdf:2: it can be demonstrated to be sustainable. In relation to noise, Paragraph 180 of the Framework

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 12 Noise and Vibration.pdf:3: the context of Government policy on sustainable development.”

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 12 Noise and Vibration.pdf:3: noise within the context of Government policy on sustainable development:

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 12 Noise and Vibration.pdf:3: sustainable development, which include social, economic, environmental and health

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 5 Planning Policy.pdf:3: guide to sustainable waste management. The Plan recognises that the objectives of the Directive

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 5 Planning Policy.pdf:3:5.2.14 In England, the waste hierarchy is both a guide to sustainable waste management and a legal

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 5 Planning Policy.pdf:4: achievement of sustainable development. Paragraph 8 sets out that achieving sustainable

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 5 Planning Policy.pdf:5:5.2.26 Paragraph 11 sets out the presumption in favour of sustainable development and its application for

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 5 Planning Policy.pdf:5: “Plans and decisions should apply a presumption in favour of sustainable development.”.

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 5 Planning Policy.pdf:5: over the plan period, in line with the presumption in favour of sustainable development including

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 5 Planning Policy.pdf:5:5.2.29 Section 9 sets out the Government's policy for promoting sustainable transport. It sets out that

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 5 Planning Policy.pdf:5: (Paragraph 102); that significant development should be focused on locations that are sustainable

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 5 Planning Policy.pdf:5: ensured that opportunities to promote sustainable transport have been taken given the type of

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 5 Planning Policy.pdf:6: development process should achieve, and that good design is a key aspect of sustainable

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 5 Planning Policy.pdf:9:5.2.56 It recites that the WMPE sets out the Government’s ambition to move towards a more sustainable

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 5 Planning Policy.pdf:9: things, the delivery of sustainable development and resource efficiency, including the provision of

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 5 Planning Policy.pdf:9: • The capacity of existing and potential transport Infrastructure to support the sustainable

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 5 Planning Policy.pdf:13: aspirations of its community will be met through the delivery of sustainable development across

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 5 Planning Policy.pdf:13:5.2.84 The majority of development will take place in the most sustainable locations in our urban and

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 5 Planning Policy.pdf:14:5.2.87 Policy SD2 – Locational Policy - sets out that ‘development will be directed to the most sustainable

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 5 Planning Policy.pdf:14: brownfield land in sustainable locations providing it is not of high environmental value.

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 5 Planning Policy.pdf:18: c. can be provided with appropriate vehicular access, and supports access to sustainable transport

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 5 Planning Policy.pdf:24: sustainable travel to minimise environmental impacts and support residents' health and wellbeing.

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 5 Planning Policy.pdf:24: is served by sustainable transport modes including public transport, footways and cycle routes.

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 5 Planning Policy.pdf:24: and other mechanisms to encourage the use of sustainable transport modes.”

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 5 Planning Policy.pdf:25: I. to safeguard sustainable minerals transport Infrastructure and promote the use of sustainable

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 5 Planning Policy.pdf:25: “The sustainable use of minerals resources in the Tees Valley will be delivered through:

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 5 Planning Policy.pdf:26: e) safeguarding the necessary Infrastructure to enable the sustainable transport of minerals, in

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 5 Planning Policy.pdf:26: “The sustainable management of waste arisings in the Tees Valley will be delivered

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 5 Planning Policy.pdf:27: d) safeguarding the necessary Infrastructure to enable the sustainable transport of waste, in

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 5 Planning Policy.pdf:28: “General Locations for Waste Management Sites Sustainable waste management will be delivered

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 5 Planning Policy.pdf:28:5.2.107 Policy MWC10 – Sustainable Transport sets out that:

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 5 Planning Policy.pdf:31: takes account of the needs of a variety of users and includes sustainable travel measures,

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 5 Planning Policy.pdf:32: utilities and other Infrastructure that secures the delivery of sustainable development and is in line

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 5 Planning Policy.pdf:33: • To reduce pollution, contribute to sustainable flood risk management and habitat protection

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:21: Operating vehicle/machinery and sustainable travel

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:21: • Produce a Construction Logistics Plan to manage the sustainable delivery of goods and materials.

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:24: Operating vehicle/machinery and sustainable travel

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 11 Air Quality.pdf:24: • Implement a Travel Plan that supports and encourages sustainable travel (public transport, cycling,

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 2 Project Description.pdf:18: point of need in a more sustainable way than landfill, in accordance with the waste hierarchy. Use

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 2 Project Description.pdf:18:2.5.28 Good sustainable design proactively considers resilience, requiring the integration of hazard

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 2 Project Description.pdf:23: Sustainable Use of Soils on Construction Sites (including the Toolbox Talks) (Defra, 2009).

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 2 Project Description.pdf:28: Department for Food and Rural Affairs (2009) Construction Code of Practice for the Sustainable

R-2020-0411-FFM-Non Technical Summary.pdf:11: which is the generation of renewable, sustainable and low carbon energy through the combustion

R-2020-0411-FFM-Non Technical Summary.pdf:11: energy, whilst also providing sustainable waste management. The proposed Materials Recovery

R-2020-0411-FFM-Non Technical Summary.pdf:11: sustainable waste management facilities which divert waste from landfill.

R-2020-0411-FFM-Non Technical Summary.pdf:12: • the Application Site is also well connected to sustainable transport modes with access to the

R-2020-0411-FFM-Non Technical Summary.pdf:13: • provides the added benefits of sustainable waste management through energy recovery

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 8 Hydrology and Flood Risk.pdf:2: applied and aims to contribute towards sustainable development.

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 8 Hydrology and Flood Risk.pdf:3: • National SuDS Working Group, Interim Code of Practice for Sustainable Drainage Systems,

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 8 Hydrology and Flood Risk.pdf:5: Plan and also the Tees Valley Sustainable Urban

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 8 Hydrology and Flood Risk.pdf:24: CIRIA Report (2004). National SuDs Working Group, Interim Code of Practice for Sustainable

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 8 Hydrology and Flood Risk.pdf:25: National SuDs Working Group (2004) Interim Code of Practice for Sustainable Drainage Systems.

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 8 Hydrology and Flood Risk.pdf:27: suitable sustainable

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 8 Hydrology and Flood Risk.pdf:27: sustainable drainage

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 3 Needs and Alternatives - formatted.pdf:1: proposed ERF also performs the function of sustainable waste management. That function is,

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 3 Needs and Alternatives - formatted.pdf:1: both the need for the energy in the case of the proposed ERF, and from the need for sustainable

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 3 Needs and Alternatives - formatted.pdf:1: sustainable waste management.

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 3 Needs and Alternatives - formatted.pdf:1: those which generate renewable, sustainable and low carbon energy; and for sustainable waste

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 3 Needs and Alternatives - formatted.pdf:4: • Sustainable Transport Links – the site is also well connected to sustainable transport modes

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 3 Needs and Alternatives - formatted.pdf:4: ‒ provide the added benefits of sustainable waste management through collocating energy

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 3 Needs and Alternatives - formatted.pdf:6: • Employ sustainable construction methods promoting the development of a low carbon/energy

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 3 Needs and Alternatives - formatted.pdf:6: • Ensure appropriate sustainable drainage solutions sensitive to the need to protect adjacent

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 11.1 - Air Quality Planning Policy Context.pdf:3: achieve sustainable development. The relevant objective in the context of this air quality

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 11.1 - Air Quality Planning Policy Context.pdf:3:1.2.2 Under the heading ‘Promoting sustainable transport’, the NPPF states:

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 11.1 - Air Quality Planning Policy Context.pdf:3: Significant development should be focused on locations which are or can be made sustainable,

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 11.1 - Air Quality Planning Policy Context.pdf:3: opportunities to maximise sustainable transport solutions will vary between urban and rural areas,

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:3:The principle purpose of the proposed ERF is to generate dispatchable, renewable, sustainable and low

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:3:C&I waste, or RDF sourced locally, regionally or nationally. In doing so it would also provide a sustainable

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:3:draft Joint Tees Valley Waste Management Strategy. It will provide a sustainable waste management

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:3:• Generation of a secure and supply of dispatchable renewable, sustainable and low carbon energy within

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:4:• the proposed REC, through the proposed ERF, will generate renewable, sustainable and low carbon

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:5: recognised as such by the development plan and is well served by sustainable transport Infrastructure.

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:5:The proposed REC would essentially provide a cluster of co-located sustainable waste management

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:5:potentially able to provide a secure source of renewable, sustainable and low carbon energy to the

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:5:could therefore become one of the most sustainable of its type, providing an exemplar for future

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:5:compelling, and invite the planning authority to grant planning permission for this sustainable development.

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:6: 6.5 Effects on Sustainable Transport ………………………………………………………………………………. 76

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:28: point of need in a more sustainable way than landfill, in accordance with the waste hierarchy. Use

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:28:3.1.93 Good sustainable design proactively considers resilience, requiring the integration of hazard

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:33: Sustainable Use of Soils on Construction Sites (including the Toolbox Talks) (Defra, 2009).

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:36: and other European sites, the sustainable waste management of waste arisings in the Tees

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:37: d) safeguarding the necessary Infrastructure to enable the sustainable transport of waste, in

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:37: – sustainable waste management will be delivered through a combination of large sites

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:39: • Section 9: Promoting sustainable transport;

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:39: achievement of sustainable development. Paragraph 8 sets out that achieving sustainable

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:39:4.4.7 The proposed REC would generate 49.9MWe of renewable, sustainable and low carbon energy

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:39: users in the South Tees area, with a sustainable and secure energy supply with the potential

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:39: IBA Recycling facility will along with the proposed ERF provide sustainable waste management.

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:40:4.4.11 Section 9 sets out the Government's policy for promoting sustainable transport. It sets out that

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:40: (Paragraph 102); that significant development should be focused on locations that are sustainable

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:40: ensured that opportunities to promote sustainable transport have been taken given the type of

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:40: sustainable modes of transport. Moreover, should it be viable to do so the proposed REC would

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:40: sustainable waste management operations, the potential to use non-road transport for its waste

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:40: fuel would make the proposed REC one of the most environmentally and economically sustainable

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:40: of sustainable transport.

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:41: development process should achieve, and that good design is a key aspect of sustainable

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:42:4.4.26 The proposed REC would generate a combination of up to 49.9MWe of low carbon, sustainable

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:45: ambition to move towards a more sustainable and efficient approach to resource use and

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:45: ambitions. This should be delivered through, amongst other things, the delivery of sustainable

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:46: • The capacity of existing and potential transport Infrastructure to support the sustainable

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:47:4.4.58 In addition, the proposal will allow renewable, sustainable and low carbon energy to be recovered

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:47: sustainable energy, and dispatchable energy in particular.

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:51: sustainable waste management. The Plan recognises that the objectives of the Directive cannot

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:51:4.5.12 In England, the waste hierarchy is both a guide to sustainable waste management and a legal

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:54:5.1.5 The NPPF (paragraph 11) adopts a presumption in favour of sustainable development and its

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:55:5.1.6 The presumption in favour of sustainable development does not, however, change the position of

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:55:5.2.1 In summary, in line with the presumption in favour of sustainable development, the NPPF requires

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:55: period in line with presumption in favour of sustainable development. This should include

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:55: development takes place in sustainable location within urban area, and to maximise the re-use of

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:55: brownfield development. Policy SD2 and SD3 seek to direct development to the most sustainable

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:56: and potentially sustainable energy sources critical to the to the successful redevelopment of the

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:56: sustainable and low carbon energy including 49.9MWe would potentially be available to the

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:56: secure and sustainable energy supply required to maximise its redevelopment through attracting

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:57:5.2.20 Policy MWC6 sets out the waste strategy which seeks to deliver the sustainable management of

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:59: generation of renewable, sustainable and low carbon energy through the combustion of fuel in the

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:59:5.3.4 In so doing, it also performs the function of sustainable waste management. That function is,

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:59: commercial advantages associated with its ancillary sustainable waste management function, the

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:59: associated with the sustainable waste management are unlikely to be sufficient on their own to

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:59: both the need for the energy in the case of the proposed ERF and from the need for sustainable

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:59: sustainable waste management.

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:60: The Need for Renewable, Sustainable and Low Carbon Energy

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:60: renewable, sustainable and low carbon energy which it generates.

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:60: sustainable and low carbon sources including energy from waste facilities is well established

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:60: sustainable and low carbon energy, in order to achieve energy security and reducing carbon

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:61: sustainable and low carbon) energy NSIPs to be brought forward as soon as possible and

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:62: sustainable and low carbon development local authorities should not require applicants to

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:62: demonstrate the overall need for renewable, sustainable or low carbon energy, and recognise that

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:62:5.3.33 Consistent with these provisions RCLP policy SD6 is permissive of renewable, sustainable and

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:62:5.3.34 On that basis, not only is there a demonstrable need for renewable, sustainable and low carbon

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:62: The Need for Sustainable Waste Management

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:63: of the JMWCS which identifies the need for and how the sustainable management of waste

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:63: consider further whether a need for sustainable waste management.

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:65:5.3.54 This is clearly contrary to the waste hierarchy and a less sustainable management of waste in

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:65: comparison with energy recovery. Whereas the sustainable management of this residual waste in

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:65: sustainable and low carbon energy which would otherwise be generated outside the UK. This is an

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:66: • Generation of a secure and reliable supply of dispatchable renewable, sustainable and low

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:66:5.3.57 The proposed ERF will ensure that the secure supply of dispatchable renewable, sustainable and

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:67: sustainable and low carbon energy which is not currently being generated.

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:67: approach to the sustainable management of waste within the Tees Valley and priorities actions for

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:67: possible, and find the most sustainable solution to deal with nay waste that remains. It is informed

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:68:5.3.70 It is therefore clear that the proposed strategy for sustainable waste management for the next 15

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:68: would maximise the recovery of renewable, sustainable and low carbon energy, be located in the

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:69: recover secure, dispatchable, renewable, sustainable and low carbon energy for which there is an

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:69: urgent national need from waste fuel with complimentary sustainable waste management

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:70: from the CHP which would potentially be available to them and from the renewable, sustainable

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:71: • Effects on Sustainable Transportation;

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:82:6.5 Effects on Sustainable Transport

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:82: sustainable travel to minimise environmental impacts and support residents' health and wellbeing.

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:82: is served by sustainable transport modes including public transport, footways and cycle routes.

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:82: and other mechanisms to encourage the use of sustainable transport modes.”

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:82:6.5.4 JTVMWCS policy MWCS10 Sustainable Transport requires proposals for waste development to

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:84: not impact upon sustainable modes of transport.

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:84: • The site is accessible by a range of sustainable modes of transport modes and accords with

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:84: feasible, sustainable and commercially viable) the proposed REC would not in any way adversely

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:88: e. prioritising the use of sustainable drainage systems (SuDs);

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:93:7.1.3 The principle purpose of the proposed ERF is to generate dispatchable, renewable, sustainable,

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:93: nationally. In doing so it would also provide a sustainable waste management solution.

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:93: sustainable waste management solution for diverting C&I waste from landfill and RDF from export

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:93: • Generation of a secure and supply of dispatchable renewable, sustainable and low carbon

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:94:7.1.13 RCLP policy SD6 provides strategic ‘in principle’ policy support for renewable, sustainable and low

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:94: • the proposed REC, through the proposed ERF, will generate renewable, sustainable and low

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:95: which is recognised as such by the development plan and is well served by sustainable

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:95:7.2.1 The proposed REC would essentially provide a cluster of co-located sustainable waste

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:95: employment site in the country. It would provide a secure source of renewable, sustainable, and

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:95: road transport facilities; and could therefore become one of the most sustainable facilities of its

R-2020-0411-FFM-11366_REC Planning Statement_S_AS.pdf:96: sustainable development.

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 10.1 Transport Assessment.pdf:2: 7.4 Impact upon Sustainable Modes of Transport …………………………………………………………….. 26

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 10.1 Transport Assessment.pdf:4:1.1.2 The proposed REC would provide a long-term sustainable waste management and energy

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 10.1 Transport Assessment.pdf:4: and the Delivery of Sustainable Development’, 2013.

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 10.1 Transport Assessment.pdf:13: 2019) . Section 9 ‘Providing Sustainable Transport – Considering Development Proposals’ states

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 10.1 Transport Assessment.pdf:13: a) Appropriate opportunities to promote sustainable transport modes can be – or have been

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 10.1 Transport Assessment.pdf:14: • “encouraging sustainable travel;

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 10.1 Transport Assessment.pdf:14: these challenges and to deliver sustainable development across the borough.

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 10.1 Transport Assessment.pdf:16: in a manner that does not undermine strategies for the growth of sustainable transport use.”

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 10.1 Transport Assessment.pdf:23: via sustainable means to the site, the length of the internal access road from the A1085 Trunk

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 10.1 Transport Assessment.pdf:23: for staff to travel via sustainable means to the site.

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 10.1 Transport Assessment.pdf:29:7.4 Impact upon Sustainable Modes of Transport

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 10.1 Transport Assessment.pdf:29:7.4.1 REC staff may use sustainable modes of transport. During the periods when REC staff would

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 10.1 Transport Assessment.pdf:29: transport, and it is considered that the proposed development would not impact upon sustainable

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 10.1 Transport Assessment.pdf:30:8.1.2 The proposed REC would provide a long-term sustainable waste management and energy

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 10.1 Transport Assessment.pdf:30:8.1.7 The site is accessible by a range of sustainable modes of transport modes and accords with

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 4.1 Redcar Energy Centre Scoping Report and Scoping Opinion.pdf:14: as far as possible the sustainable availability of these resources;

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 4.1 Redcar Energy Centre Scoping Report and Scoping Opinion.pdf:30: design will utilise appropriate mitigation measures such as the use of SuDS (sustainable drainage

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 4.1 Redcar Energy Centre Scoping Report and Scoping Opinion.pdf:33: (2019) which sets out the Government’s policies to enable sustainable development and PPG

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 4.1 Redcar Energy Centre Scoping Report and Scoping Opinion.pdf:50:generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 4.1 Redcar Energy Centre Scoping Report and Scoping Opinion.pdf:54:Applicant should consider Policy SD7 of the Local Plan and also the TEES VALLEY SUSTAINABLE

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 7 Ecology and Ornithology.pdf:4: aspirations of its community will be met through the delivery of sustainable development across

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 7 Ecology and Ornithology.pdf:9: unthreatened and resilient to project impacts and would remain viable and sustainable. However,

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 7 Ecology and Ornithology.pdf:18: sustainable throughout each phase of the proposed development. For each Ecological Receptor

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 10 Transport.pdf:1: NPPF ‘Providing Sustainable Transport – considering development proposals’, full details of which

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 9.1 Preliminary Phase 1 Risk Assessment.pdf:109:Biosphere (MAB) Programme with the aim of promoting sustainable development founded on the work of the

R-2020-0411-FFM-Appendix 9.1 Preliminary Phase 1 Risk Assessment.pdf:119:sustainable use of the natural resources of the area and the sustainable social and economic development of

R-2020-0411-FFM-Chapter 6 Landscape and Visual Impact.pdf:43:6.9.3 The provision of sustainable drainage features has also been considered as part of the landscape

R-2022-0176-CD-2015-10 Section 36 Consent (Memo).pdf:1:sustainable biomass fuel feedstocks at any time when the Development is receiving

R-2022-0176-CD-2015-10 Section 36 Consent (Conditions) (12).pdf:15:Reason: In the interests of establishing sustainable patterns of transport.

R-2022-0176-CD-2015-10 Section 36 Consent (Conditions) (12).pdf:16:Reason: To ensure that sustainable modes of transport are considered

R-2022-0176-CD-2015-10 Section 36 Consent (Conditions) (12).pdf:20:Reason: To ensure the scheme is fuelled only by sustainable biomass fuel

R-2022-0176-CD-TRAVEL PLAN UPDATE.pdf:4:  Sustainable travel will be encouraged through the staff induction process and by the display of cycle

R-2021-0465-FFM-356907 - R_2021_0465_FFM - Erection of 3396sqm of B2_B8 floorspace. Tees Dock Road. Grangetown.pdf:1:generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

R-2021-0465-FFM-356907 - R_2021_0465_FFM - Erection of 3396sqm of B2_B8 floorspace. Tees Dock Road. Grangetown.pdf:3:Lead Sustainable Development Adviser

R-2021-0465-FFM-Officer Report 0465.pdf:2:SD1 Sustainable Development

R-2021-0465-FFM-Officer Report 0465.pdf:10:policy set out within the NPPF and policies SD1 (Sustainable Development)

R-2021-0465-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0271-02-South Bank Priority Strategy.pdf:7:The overarching aim of the works is to deliver a sustainable ground remediation strategy for the contract

R-2021-0465-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0271-02-South Bank Priority Strategy.pdf:23:The Contractor shall make arrangements to identify the most sustainable, compliant and cost-effective

R-2021-0465-FFM-10035117-AUK-XX-XX-RP-ZZ-0271-02-South Bank Priority Strategy.pdf:30:sustainable use of these materials is to facilitate their reuse on site and as such treatment is required

R-2021-0465-FFM-363781 - R_2021_0465_FFM - Erection of 3396Sqm of B2 and B8 floorspace. Tees Dock Road Grangetown.pdf:1:generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

R-2021-0465-FFM-363781 - R_2021_0465_FFM - Erection of 3396Sqm of B2 and B8 floorspace. Tees Dock Road Grangetown.pdf:2:Lead Sustainable Development Adviser

R-2021-0465-FFM-ApplicationFormRedacted.pdf:4: Sustainable drainage system

R-2021-0152-CD-Officer report _R20210152CD.pdf:2: • SD1 Sustainable Development

R-2023-0179-SCP-424840_HyGreen_Redcar_EIA_Scoping_NEresponse_28.3.23.pdf:1:generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

R-2023-0179-SCP-424840_HyGreen_Redcar_EIA_Scoping_NEresponse_28.3.23.pdf:8: biodiversity net gain. The aim will be to minimise soil handling and maximise the sustainable

R-2023-0179-SCP-424840_HyGreen_Redcar_EIA_Scoping_NEresponse_28.3.23.pdf:8:Further information is available in the Defra Construction Code of Practice for the Sustainable Use

R-2023-0179-SCP-HyGreen Production Facility Scoping Report_FINAL.pdf:5: SuDS Sustainable (urban) Drainage System

R-2023-0179-SCP-HyGreen Production Facility Scoping Report_FINAL.pdf:28: all necessary permits, with the intention that construction activities are sustainable

R-2023-0179-SCP-HyGreen Production Facility Scoping Report_FINAL.pdf:34: SD1 – Sustainable When considering development proposals, the Council will take a

R-2023-0179-SCP-HyGreen Production Facility Scoping Report_FINAL.pdf:34: Development positive approach reflecting the presumption in favour of sustainable

R-2023-0179-SCP-HyGreen Production Facility Scoping Report_FINAL.pdf:34: SD2 – Locational Development will be directed to the most sustainable locations in the

R-2023-0179-SCP-HyGreen Production Facility Scoping Report_FINAL.pdf:34: coastal areas. Priority will be given to brownfield land in sustainable

R-2023-0179-SCP-HyGreen Production Facility Scoping Report_FINAL.pdf:34: sustainable locations, providing it is not of high environmental value, the

R-2023-0179-SCP-HyGreen Production Facility Scoping Report_FINAL.pdf:35: of sustainable urban drainage systems; ensure the separation of foul and

R-2023-0179-SCP-HyGreen Production Facility Scoping Report_FINAL.pdf:37: development, are taken into account and seek to promote sustainable

R-2023-0179-SCP-HyGreen Production Facility Scoping Report_FINAL.pdf:37: mechanisms to encourage the use of sustainable transport modes.

R-2023-0179-SCP-HyGreen Production Facility Scoping Report_FINAL.pdf:39:5.1.21 Section 2 ‘Achieving sustainable development’ confirms (Paragraph 7) that the

R-2023-0179-SCP-HyGreen Production Facility Scoping Report_FINAL.pdf:39: purpose of the planning system is to contribute to the achievement of sustainable

R-2023-0179-SCP-HyGreen Production Facility Scoping Report_FINAL.pdf:39: 8 goes on to identify three overarching objectives to the achievement of sustainable

R-2023-0179-SCP-HyGreen Production Facility Scoping Report_FINAL.pdf:39:5.1.22 Central to the NPPF ‘s 'a presumption in favour of sustainable development'. This is

R-2023-0179-SCP-HyGreen Production Facility Scoping Report_FINAL.pdf:39: the objective of sustainable development listed at Paragraph 8 under ‘a) an

R-2023-0179-SCP-HyGreen Production Facility Scoping Report_FINAL.pdf:40: all it can to support sustainable economic growth though, amongst other

R-2023-0179-SCP-HyGreen Production Facility Scoping Report_FINAL.pdf:45: ➢ Create a sustainable future for UK manufacturing industry through improved

R-2023-0179-SCP-HyGreen Production Facility Scoping Report_FINAL.pdf:57: above ground Infrastructure using the Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SuDS)

R-2023-0179-SCP-HyGreen Production Facility Scoping Report_FINAL.pdf:76: project impacts and will remain viable and sustainable”. This does not mean that

R-2023-0179-SCP-HyGreen Production Facility Scoping Report_FINAL.pdf:87: Plan (CWTP) to promote sustainable journeys during the construction phase of

R-2023-0179-SCP-SCOPING OPINION DECISION.pdf:7:generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

R-2023-0179-SCP-SCOPING OPINION DECISION.pdf:16:will be to minimise soil handling and maximise the sustainable use and management of the

R-2023-0179-SCP-SCOPING OPINION DECISION.pdf:16:Further information is available in the Defra Construction Code of Practice for the Sustainable

R-2020-0819-ESM-341083 R_2020_0819_ESM - Outline permission for development of general industrial, storage and distribution facilities at Dorman Point for Teesworks, Redcar.pdf:1:generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

R-2020-0819-ESM-2022 03 08 Other Four Teesworks Appns(Not Foundry)- response letter.pdf:1: Network and the Delivery of Sustainable Development’ at paragraph 11 and ‘The

R-2020-0819-ESM-R 2020 0819 ESM STDC.pdf:1:Policy SD1: Sustainable Development

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter O - Mitigation and Monitoring - Dec 2020.PDF:8: promote sustainable modes of travel in accordance Condition/Planning Obligation. Occupiers.

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter O - Mitigation and Monitoring - Dec 2020.PDF:15: Sustainable management of wastes requiring Planning Applicant /

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter O - Mitigation and Monitoring - Dec 2020.PDF:16: sustainable travel and the

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter O - Mitigation and Monitoring - Dec 2020.PDF:18: Sustainable Drainage

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter O - Mitigation and Monitoring - Dec 2020.PDF:18: of Sustainable Drainage

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter O - Mitigation and Monitoring - Dec 2020.PDF:24: 37 SuDS – Sustainable Drainage Systems

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Water Management and Flooding - Dec 2020.PDF:17:Planning Adviser – Sustainable Places, North East

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Water Management and Flooding - Dec 2020.PDF:22:more sustainable and attractive development. information with your application in support of the sequential test.

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Water Management and Flooding - Dec 2020.PDF:24:As we have to be certain that the data which informs our flood map is fit-for- Do I need to install sustainable drainage systems?

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Water Management and Flooding - Dec 2020.PDF:24: Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) should always be carefully considered in

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Water Management and Flooding - Dec 2020.PDF:27:The Environmental Permitting Regulations (England and Wales) 2015 cover design a more sustainable development. If you’d like to take advantage of this

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Water Management and Flooding - Dec 2020.PDF:27:water discharges, groundwater activities, flood risk activities, radioactive service, please email our Sustainable Places team so that we can provide

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Water Management and Flooding - Dec 2020.PDF:60: part of delivering a sustainable eco-industrial park. The preliminary drainage strategy has

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter G - Water Management and Flooding - Dec 2020.PDF:62: overland flow paths. The aspiration for the development of a sustainable drainage strategy

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:5: 3.2 Sustainable Transport Networks 12

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:5:6 Sustainable Transport Impact Assessment 25

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:10:Core planning principles related to sustainable transport and relevant to the

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:10: a. Appropriate opportunities to promote sustainable transport modes can

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:11: sustainable travel behaviours. The development meets these stated objectives as

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:11: it will form part of the wider Teesworks site, for which a sustainable strategy is

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:11:the regeneration of the area and will contribute to the delivery of sustainable,

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:13:transport supports sustainable economic growth, excellent quality of life and

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:14: The development will also benefit from new sustainable transport provisions

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:14:communities will be met through the delivery of sustainable development across

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:15: surroundings, ensuring development is located in a sustainable and safe

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:15: that will be provided as part of the sustainable transport measures of the

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:16:includes sustainable travel measures.

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:17: network to allow access to the development by sustainable and active travel

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:17: the form of sustainable transport initiatives from the emerging site-wide

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:18:3.2 Sustainable Transport Networks

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:31:6 Sustainable Transport Impact Assessment

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:31:proposed development will have a positive impact on the viability of sustainable

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:31:active travel and sustainable transport measures will aim to create a site that is not

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:31:dominated by vehicles, but a site where trips by sustainable and active travel

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:38:sustainable and active travel in line with Regional and National policy to reduce

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:50:Transport Strategy for the wider Teesworks site to encourage sustainable and

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:54:will need to be undertaken. However, it should also be noted that sustainable and

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:55:with sustainable transport routing and timetable information, active travel routes

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:55:and walking times etc. Such a Travel Plan would make sustainable and active

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:55:This framework proposes a list of measures to help promote the use of sustainable

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:55: establish sustainable travel patterns and ensure the site is fully accessible to

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:55: Briefing staff on sustainable transport provisions to / from the site and

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:57:In addition to the measures to encourage travel by sustainable modes, it is

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:57: whilst encouraging the use of sustainable transport;

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:57: measures that will be developed to promote active and sustainable transport

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:58: Clear and customisable graphics can provide and combine sustainable and

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:59: future sustainable transport networks in the vicinity of the site;

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:59: junctions must take into account active and sustainable Infrastructure measures

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:60: to promote sustainable transport and active travel patterns to/from the site, and

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:60:commitment to providing sustainable travel choices should have a long-term

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:66: 3.2 Sustainable Transport Networks 4

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:70:3.2 Sustainable Transport Networks

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:73:standards, in support of a more sustainable travel policy for the site.

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:76:It is proposed that measures will be implemented to support sustainable

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:77:around 200 trips from private cars in the morning peak hour onto more sustainable

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:78: proposed bus service and other sustainable travel initiatives. This results in

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:87:It is identified that it is proposed that measures will be implemented to support sustainable

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:88: the sustainable measure targets have not been achieved.

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:89:sustainable transport framework for the site, in terms of the Travel Plans, as discussed earlier, it will

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:89: the sustainable measure targets have not been achieved.

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:252: 3.2 Sustainable Transport Networks 4

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:256:3.2 Sustainable Transport Networks

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:259:standards, in support of a more sustainable travel policy for the site.

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:262:It is proposed that measures will be implemented to support sustainable

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:263:around 200 trips from private cars in the morning peak hour onto more sustainable

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:264: proposed bus service and other sustainable travel initiatives. This results in

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:273:It is identified that it is proposed that measures will be implemented to support sustainable

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:274: the sustainable measure targets have not been achieved.

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:275:sustainable transport framework for the site, in terms of the Travel Plans, as discussed earlier, it will

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:275: the sustainable measure targets have not been achieved.

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point - Planning Statement - Dec 2020.pdf:18:3.19 All surface water runoff within the site will require sustainable urban drainage system (‘SuDS’)

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point - Planning Statement - Dec 2020.pdf:23: TA 3 (Sustainable Transport Networks)

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point - Planning Statement - Dec 2020.pdf:24: • Policy SD 1 (Sustainable Development);

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point - Planning Statement - Dec 2020.pdf:25: favour of sustainable development is the corner-stone of the Framework and it has three

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point - Planning Statement - Dec 2020.pdf:25: play an active role in guiding development towards sustainable solutions and in doing so should

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point - Planning Statement - Dec 2020.pdf:25:4.19 Paragraph 11 sets out that a presumption in favour of sustainable development should apply to

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point - Planning Statement - Dec 2020.pdf:25: sustainable economic growth, having regard to Local Industrial Strategies and other local

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point - Planning Statement - Dec 2020.pdf:25: • Chapter 9: Promoting sustainable transport;

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point - Planning Statement - Dec 2020.pdf:36: sustainable transport across the region. A new roundabout access off Dockside Road has

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point - Planning Statement - Dec 2020.pdf:39:5.25 It is important that development is sustainable and that projects produce a net gain for

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point - Planning Statement - Dec 2020.pdf:43: in low spots. The aspiration for the development of a sustainable drainage strategy and

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point - Planning Statement - Dec 2020.pdf:48: development is located in a sustainable and safe location, and ensuring there is adequate

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point - Planning Statement - Dec 2020.pdf:49: network, which takes account of the needs of a variety of users and includes sustainable travel

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point - Planning Statement - Dec 2020.pdf:50: be submitted for approval to promote sustainable modes of travel. This is expected to form part

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point - Planning Statement - Dec 2020.pdf:50: 2 Wider travel planning measures, to reduce development traffic, encourage sustainable

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point - Planning Statement - Dec 2020.pdf:51: sustainable travel choices should have a long-term positive impact on the regeneration of the

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point - Planning Statement - Dec 2020.pdf:55: achieving sustainable development and the National Planning Policy for Waste explains that it is

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point - Planning Statement - Dec 2020.pdf:61: achievement of sustainable development. In practice this means development meeting three

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point - Planning Statement - Dec 2020.pdf:61: role in guiding development towards sustainable solutions, but in doing so should take local

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point - Planning Statement - Dec 2020.pdf:61: sustainable modes of travel in accordance with STDC’s emerging transport strategy.

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point - Planning Statement - Dec 2020.pdf:62: important to the communities of Redcar and Tees Valley that a permanent, sustainable, solution

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point - Planning Statement - Dec 2020.pdf:63:6.15 Overall it is clear that the proposed development represents a sustainable form of development

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point - Planning Statement - Dec 2020.pdf:64: account active and sustainable Infrastructure measures which should be implemented to reduce

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point - Planning Statement - Dec 2020.pdf:64: The Transport Strategy measures will aim to promote sustainable transport and active travel

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point - Planning Statement - Dec 2020.pdf:65: sustainable travel choices should have a long-term positive impact on the regeneration of the

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter J - Climate Change - Dec 2020.PDF:10: Sustainable Energy Research Team Ref 16.

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter J - Climate Change - Dec 2020.PDF:23: to provide lower carbon energy to Development of sustainable

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter K - Below Ground Heritage - Dec 2020.PDF:9: communities which will help deliver high quality development and sustainable growth in

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:6:F2.3 i] with the purpose of planning to achieve sustainable development. Paragraph 181 of the NPPF

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:6: sustainable, through limiting the need to travel and offering a genuine choice of transport

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:6: health. However, opportunities to maximise sustainable transport solutions will vary between

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:8: discusses how new developments should seek to promote sustainable travel to minimise

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:27: Operating Vehicle/Machinery and Sustainable Travel

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:27: ii. Produce a Construction Logistics Plan (CTMP) to manage the sustainable delivery of

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:27: iii. Implement a Travel Plan that supports and encourages sustainable travel (public

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B -Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:22: sustainable solutions and in doing so should take local circumstances into account to reflect the

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B -Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:23:B5.11 It promotes sustainable growth and Chapter 6 (Building a Strong and Competitive Economy)

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B -Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:23: • Chapter 9: Promoting sustainable transport;

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B -Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:27:B6.21 All surface water runoff within the site will require sustainable urban drainage system (‘SuDS’)

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B -Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:27: climate change through the implementation of sustainable design;

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B -Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:27: sustainable modes of travel in accordance with STDC’s emerging transport strategy.

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B -Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:34: Operating Vehicle/Machinery and Sustainable Travel

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B -Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:34: the sustainable delivery of goods and materials (see Chapter C (Transport));

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B -Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:34: 3 Implement a Travel Plan that supports and encourages sustainable travel (public transport,

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B -Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:38: sustainable modes of travel in accordance with STDC’s emerging transport strategy ;

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B -Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:40: measures and benefits of the development (such as active and sustainable

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B -Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:42: Teesworks area and this will implement a sustainable strategy for the

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B -Site Description and Scheme Proposals - Dec 2020.PDF:46: 45 SuDs Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - Water Management and Flooding - Dec 2020.PDF:4: risk assessment and sustainable drainage.

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - Water Management and Flooding - Dec 2020.PDF:6: Paragraph 17 Achieving Sustainable Development principles (para 8c) include contributing

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - Water Management and Flooding - Dec 2020.PDF:6: Major developments should incorporate sustainable drainage systems unless

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - Water Management and Flooding - Dec 2020.PDF:6: permeable surfaces and other sustainable drainage systems, removing

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - Water Management and Flooding - Dec 2020.PDF:7: Policy SD1: Sustainable Protect the quality and availability of water resources and maximise the

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - Water Management and Flooding - Dec 2020.PDF:10: 4 Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS). 'Major developments should incorporate sustainable

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - Water Management and Flooding - Dec 2020.PDF:11: ‘residual risk’ which can be managed through mitigation measures such as sustainable drainage

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - Water Management and Flooding - Dec 2020.PDF:11: is located in sustainable locations. The adopted Local Plan sets out the long-term land

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - Water Management and Flooding - Dec 2020.PDF:11: mitigation of flooding elsewhere are taken”; “prioritising the use of sustainable drainage

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - Water Management and Flooding - Dec 2020.PDF:12: Tees Valley Sustainable Drainage Systems Design Guide and Local

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - Water Management and Flooding - Dec 2020.PDF:12: Local Standards for Sustainable Drainage (2017) (Ref 41).

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - Water Management and Flooding - Dec 2020.PDF:12: be formally published in 2020 and has been produced to strongly promote the use of sustainable

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - Water Management and Flooding - Dec 2020.PDF:14: 5 Must help advise on sustainable development.

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - Water Management and Flooding - Dec 2020.PDF:15: 9 Must aim to contribute to sustainable development;

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - Water Management and Flooding - Dec 2020.PDF:45: sustainable drainage: Practice Guidance (Ref 41); and

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - Water Management and Flooding - Dec 2020.PDF:45: iv Tees Valley Local Authorities Local Standards for Sustainable Drainage (Ref 53).

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - Water Management and Flooding - Dec 2020.PDF:52: sustainable drainage

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - Water Management and Flooding - Dec 2020.PDF:60: 33 SuDs Sustainable Urban Drainage System

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - Water Management and Flooding - Dec 2020.PDF:63: Sustainable Drainage: Practice Guidance online. Available at:

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - Water Management and Flooding - Dec 2020.PDF:64: 53 Tees Valley Authorities (2015). Tees Valley Authorities Local Standards for Sustainable

R-2020-0819-ESM-1401-Dorman Point DAS.pdf:17: Policy SD 1 (Sustainable Development);

R-2020-0819-ESM-1401-Dorman Point DAS.pdf:17: Policy TA 3 (Sustainable Transport Networks).

R-2020-0819-ESM-1401-Dorman Point DAS.pdf:24: strategies to achieve a sustainable development. products including purlins and rails. Add exceptional energy efficiency

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter E - Noise & Vibration - Dec 2020.PDF:6: within the context of Government policy on sustainable development”, and its aims are:

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter E - Noise & Vibration - Dec 2020.PDF:7: quality of life while also taking into account the guiding principles of sustainable development.

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 1 - Non Technical Summary - Dec 2020.pdf:11: (‘FTP’) is embedded into the scheme and this promotes sustainable modes of travel. In addition,

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 1 - Non Technical Summary - Dec 2020.pdf:12: encourage sustainable transport (such as, ensuring footway and cycleway connections are

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter M - Waste and Materials Management - Dec 2020(1).PDF:4: consequence of all forms of development and the sustainable management of waste is an

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter M - Waste and Materials Management - Dec 2020(1).PDF:7: objective for achieving sustainable development is:

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter M - Waste and Materials Management - Dec 2020(1).PDF:8:M2.15 In Chapter 17, ‘Facilitating the sustainable use of minerals’, the NPPF states that planning

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter M - Waste and Materials Management - Dec 2020(1).PDF:9: strategy sets out the joint approach to sustainable management of local authority collected waste

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter M - Waste and Materials Management - Dec 2020(1).PDF:9:M2.24 The sustainable use of mineral resources in the Tees Valley will be delivered through:

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter M - Waste and Materials Management - Dec 2020(1).PDF:9: e Safeguarding the necessary Infrastructure to enable the sustainable transport of

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter M - Waste and Materials Management - Dec 2020(1).PDF:10:M2.27 The sustainable management of waste arisings in the Tees Valley should:

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter M - Waste and Materials Management - Dec 2020(1).PDF:10: d safeguard the necessary Infrastructure to enable the sustainable transport of waste, in

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter M - Waste and Materials Management - Dec 2020(1).PDF:12: stock; and/or comprise no sustainable features and benefits compared to

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter M - Waste and Materials Management - Dec 2020(1).PDF:13: sustainable features and benefits compared to industry-standard materials.

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter M - Waste and Materials Management - Dec 2020(1).PDF:13: comprising some sustainable features and benefits compared to industry-

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter M - Waste and Materials Management - Dec 2020(1).PDF:13: available comprising a high proportion of sustainable features and benefits

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter M - Waste and Materials Management - Dec 2020(1).PDF:13: very high proportion of sustainable features and benefits compared to industry-

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter M - Waste and Materials Management - Dec 2020(1).PDF:13: * Subject to supporting evidence, sustainable features and benefits could include, for example, materials or products that:

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter M - Waste and Materials Management - Dec 2020(1).PDF:18: of reuse of materials within construction projects is a fundamental component of sustainable

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter M - Waste and Materials Management - Dec 2020(1).PDF:23: 4 Sustainable management of wastes requiring treatment and/ or off-site disposal to

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter M - Waste and Materials Management - Dec 2020(1).PDF:23: 9 The contractors will work to ensure sustainable procurement of construction materials and

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter M - Waste and Materials Management - Dec 2020(1).PDF:31: 26 WRAP; Practical solutions for sustainable construction, Achieving good practice Waste

R-2020-0819-ESM-SBC RESPONSE.pdf:3: the proposals remain sustainable as required by the NPPF. It will be necessary to ensure that any

R-2020-0819-ESM-Decision Notice 0819.pdf:6: method of sustainable transport.

R-2020-0819-ESM-Decision Notice 0819.pdf:7: REASON: To ensure the development is carried out in a sustainable form.

R-2020-0819-ESM-Decision Notice 0819.pdf:7: 2. Details of how sustainable training opportunities will be provided for

R-2020-0819-ESM-Decision Notice 0819.pdf:12: sustainable Transport measures and introduce targets to reduce the number

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter N - Cumulative and Residual Effects - Dec 2020.PDF:43: sustainable drainage systems (‘SuDS’) such as soakaways to limit connection to contaminated

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter N - Cumulative and Residual Effects - Dec 2020.PDF:74: 33 SuDS - Sustainable Drainage Systems

R-2020-0819-ESM-ApplicationFormRedacted.pdf:4: Sustainable drainage system

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter I - Socio-Economic - Dec 2020.PDF:6: “the purpose of the planning system is to contribute to the achievement of sustainable

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter I - Socio-Economic - Dec 2020.PDF:6:I2.4 Achieving sustainable development means that the planning system has three objectives –

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter I - Socio-Economic - Dec 2020.PDF:8: Teesworks area as a leading location for environmentally sustainable industrial growth. The LIS

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:6: • Appropriate opportunities to promote sustainable transport modes can be – or have been –

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:7: development is located in a sustainable and safe location, and ensuring there is adequate

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:7: delivery of sustainable, inclusive and cohesive communities.

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:7: for the growth of sustainable transport use.

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:7: of users and includes sustainable travel measures.

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:26: 2 Wider travel planning measures, to reduce development traffic, encourage sustainable

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:27: sustainable travel and contribute towards

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:27: sustainable travel and contribute towards

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:29:C8.5 Similarly, a bus service is proposed as embedded mitigation to encourage sustainable transport

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:29: sustainable travel and and reduce

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:30: sustainable travel and travel planning

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:30: sustainable travel and measures

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:30: sustainable travel and reduced

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:30: crossroads adverse effect on cyclists and the increased sustainable travel and access the

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:31: crossroads adverse effect on cyclists and the increased sustainable travel and should reduce

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 2 - Chapter A - Introduction and Background - Dec 2020.PDF:25: and biodiversity, considering as far as possible the sustainable

R-2020-0819-ESM-Dorman Point ES - Vol 3 - Chapter K - Below Ground Heritage - Dec 2020.PDF:41:deliver high quality development and sustainable growth in England. In terms of heritage, guidance entitled

R-2021-0906-CD-EA_R20210906CD_OFFICIAL_240222.pdf:1:Planning Technical Specialist - Sustainable Places

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter M - Waste and Materials Management - Dec 2020.PDF:4: consequence of all forms of development and the sustainable management of waste is an

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter M - Waste and Materials Management - Dec 2020.PDF:7: objective for achieving sustainable development is:

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter M - Waste and Materials Management - Dec 2020.PDF:7:M2.15 In Chapter 17, ‘Facilitating the sustainable use of minerals’, the NPPF states that planning

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter M - Waste and Materials Management - Dec 2020.PDF:8: strategy sets out the joint approach to sustainable management of local authority collected waste

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter M - Waste and Materials Management - Dec 2020.PDF:9:M2.24 The sustainable use of mineral resources in the Tees Valley will be delivered through:

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter M - Waste and Materials Management - Dec 2020.PDF:9: e Safeguarding the necessary Infrastructure to enable the sustainable transport of

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter M - Waste and Materials Management - Dec 2020.PDF:10:M2.27 The sustainable management of waste arisings in the Tees Valley should:

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter M - Waste and Materials Management - Dec 2020.PDF:10: d safeguard the necessary Infrastructure to enable the sustainable transport of waste, in

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter M - Waste and Materials Management - Dec 2020.PDF:13: and/or comprise no sustainable features and benefits compared to industry-standard

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter M - Waste and Materials Management - Dec 2020.PDF:13: known issues regarding supply and stock; and/or comprise little or no sustainable

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter M - Waste and Materials Management - Dec 2020.PDF:13: some sustainable features and benefits compared to industry-standard materials.

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter M - Waste and Materials Management - Dec 2020.PDF:13: high proportion of sustainable features and benefits compared to industry-standard

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter M - Waste and Materials Management - Dec 2020.PDF:13: proportion of sustainable features and benefits compared to industry-standard

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter M - Waste and Materials Management - Dec 2020.PDF:13: * Subject to supporting evidence, sustainable features and benefits could include, for example, materials or products that:

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter M - Waste and Materials Management - Dec 2020.PDF:18: of reuse of materials within construction projects is a fundamental component of sustainable

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter M - Waste and Materials Management - Dec 2020.PDF:23: e Sustainable management of wastes requiring treatment and/ or off-site disposal to

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter M - Waste and Materials Management - Dec 2020.PDF:24: 9. The contractors will work to ensure sustainable procurement of construction materials and

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter M - Waste and Materials Management - Dec 2020.PDF:31: 26. WRAP; Practical solutions for sustainable construction, Achieving good practice Waste

R-2020-0822-ESM-SBC RESPONSE.pdf:3: the proposals remain sustainable as required by the NPPF. It will be necessary to ensure that any

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter N - Cumulative Effects - Dec 2020.PDF:45: not include infiltration sustainable drainage systems (‘SuDS’) such as soakaways to limit

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter N - Cumulative Effects - Dec 2020.PDF:77: 32 SuDS - Sustainable Drainage Systems

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - Water - Dec 2020.PDF:5: risk assessment and sustainable drainage.

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - Water - Dec 2020.PDF:7: Paragraph 17 Achieving Sustainable Development principles (para 8c) include contributing to

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - Water - Dec 2020.PDF:7: Major developments should incorporate sustainable drainage systems unless there

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - Water - Dec 2020.PDF:7: other sustainable drainage systems, removing artificial physical modifications (for

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - Water - Dec 2020.PDF:8: Policy SD1: Sustainable Protect the quality and availability of water resources and maximise the efficient

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - Water - Dec 2020.PDF:11: 4 Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS). 'Major developments should incorporate

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - Water - Dec 2020.PDF:11: sustainable drainage systems unless there is clear evidence that this would be

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - Water - Dec 2020.PDF:12: is located in sustainable locations. The adopted Local Plan sets out the long-term land

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - Water - Dec 2020.PDF:12: the mitigation of flooding elsewhere are taken”; “prioritising the use of sustainable

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - Water - Dec 2020.PDF:13: Tees Valley Sustainable Drainage Systems Design Guide and Local

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - Water - Dec 2020.PDF:13: Local Standards for Sustainable Drainage (2017) (Ref 41).

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - Water - Dec 2020.PDF:13: be formally published in 2020 and has been produced to strongly promote the use of sustainable

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - Water - Dec 2020.PDF:15: 5 Must help advise on sustainable development.

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - Water - Dec 2020.PDF:16: 9 Must aim to contribute to sustainable development;

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - Water - Dec 2020.PDF:51: standards for sustainable drainage: Practice Guidance; (Ref 41) and

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - Water - Dec 2020.PDF:51: iv Tees Valley Local Authorities Local Standards for Sustainable Drainage (Ref

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - Water - Dec 2020.PDF:60: sustainable drainage during

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - Water - Dec 2020.PDF:72: for Sustainable Drainage: Practice Guidance online. Available at:

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter G - Water - Dec 2020.PDF:73: 56 Tees Valley Authorities (2015). Tees Valley Authorities Local Standards for Sustainable

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:6: 1 Appropriate opportunities to promote sustainable transport modes can be – or have been –

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:7: development is located in a sustainable and safe location, and ensuring there is adequate

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:7: delivery of sustainable, inclusive and cohesive communities.

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:7: for the growth of sustainable transport use.

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:7: of users and includes sustainable travel measures.

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:11: account for trips transferred onto the proposed bus service and other sustainable travel

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:25: 2 Wider travel planning measures to reduce development traffic, encourage sustainable travel

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:28:C8.5 Similarly, a bus service is proposed as embedded mitigation to encourage sustainable transport

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:29: sustainable travel and forecast traffic

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:29: cyclists and the increased sustainable travel and should reduce

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter E - Noise & Vibration - Dec 2020.PDF:6: within the context of Government policy on sustainable development”, and its aims are:

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter E - Noise & Vibration - Dec 2020.PDF:7: quality of life while also taking into account the guiding principles of sustainable development.

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter O - Mitigation and Monitoring - Dec 2020.PDF:8: promote sustainable modes of travel in accordance with secured via Planning

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter O - Mitigation and Monitoring - Dec 2020.PDF:14: Sustainable management of wastes Planning Condition Applicant /

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter O - Mitigation and Monitoring - Dec 2020.PDF:14: encourage sustainable travel and the

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter O - Mitigation and Monitoring - Dec 2020.PDF:16: Sustainable Drainage

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter O - Mitigation and Monitoring - Dec 2020.PDF:17: Standards of Sustainable

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter O - Mitigation and Monitoring - Dec 2020.PDF:24: 36 SuDS – Sustainable Drainage Systems

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 1 - Non Technical Summary - Dec 2020.pdf:11: (‘FTP’) is embedded into the scheme and this promotes sustainable modes of travel. In addition,

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 1 - Non Technical Summary - Dec 2020.pdf:12: each end occupier; wider travel planning measures to encourage sustainable transport (for

R-2020-0822-ESM-1401-Long Acres DAS.pdf:19: Policy SD 1 (Sustainable Development);

R-2020-0822-ESM-1401-Long Acres DAS.pdf:19: Policy TA 3 (Sustainable Transport Networks).

R-2020-0822-ESM-1401-Long Acres DAS.pdf:26: strategies to achieve a sustainable development. products including purlins and rails. Add exceptional energy efficiency

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter K - Below Ground Heritage - Dec 2020(1).PDF:9: communities which will help deliver high quality development and sustainable growth in

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter I - Socio-Economics - Dec 2020.PDF:6: “the purpose of the planning system is to contribute to the achievement of sustainable

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter I - Socio-Economics - Dec 2020.PDF:6:I2.4 Achieving sustainable development means that the planning system has three objectives –

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter I - Socio-Economics - Dec 2020.PDF:8: Teesworks area as a leading location for environmentally sustainable industrial growth. The LIS

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site and Scheme Description - Dec 2020.PDF:21: sustainable solutions and in doing so should take local circumstances into account to reflect the

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site and Scheme Description - Dec 2020.PDF:21:B5.12 It promotes sustainable growth and Chapter 6 (Building a Strong and Competitive Economy)

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site and Scheme Description - Dec 2020.PDF:21: • Chapter 9: Promoting sustainable transport;

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site and Scheme Description - Dec 2020.PDF:25:B6.20 All surface water runoff within the site will require sustainable urban drainage system (‘SuDS’)

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site and Scheme Description - Dec 2020.PDF:26: climate change through the implementation of sustainable design;

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site and Scheme Description - Dec 2020.PDF:26: sustainable modes of travel in accordance with STDC’s emerging transport strategy.

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site and Scheme Description - Dec 2020.PDF:33: Operating Vehicle/Machinery and Sustainable Travel

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site and Scheme Description - Dec 2020.PDF:33: the sustainable delivery of goods and materials (see Chapter C (Transport));

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site and Scheme Description - Dec 2020.PDF:33: 21 Implement a Travel Plan that supports and encourages sustainable travel (public transport,

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site and Scheme Description - Dec 2020.PDF:37: sustainable modes of travel in accordance with STDC’s emerging transport strategy;

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site and Scheme Description - Dec 2020.PDF:39: measures and benefits of the development (such as active and sustainable

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site and Scheme Description - Dec 2020.PDF:40: Teesworks area and this will implement a sustainable strategy for the

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter B - Site and Scheme Description - Dec 2020.PDF:44: 40 SuDs Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter A - Intro and Background - Dec 2020.PDF:25: and biodiversity, considering as far as possible the sustainable

R-2020-0822-ESM-ApplicationFormRedacted.pdf:4: Sustainable drainage system

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:5: 3.2 Sustainable Transport Networks 12

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:5:6 Sustainable Transport Impact Assessment 23

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:10:Core planning principles related to sustainable transport and relevant to the

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:10: a. Appropriate opportunities to promote sustainable transport modes can

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:11: sustainable travel behaviours. The development meets these stated objectives as

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:11: it will form part of the wider Teesworks site, for which a sustainable Transport

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:11:the regeneration of the area and will contribute to the delivery of sustainable,

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:13:transport supports sustainable economic growth, excellent quality of life and

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:14: sustainable transport provisions across the wider site and improvements to

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:14:communities will be met through the delivery of sustainable development across

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:15: surroundings, ensuring development is located in a sustainable and safe

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:15: that will be provided as part of the sustainable transport measures of the

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:16:includes sustainable travel measures.

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:17: network to allow access to the development by sustainable and active travel

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:17: the form of sustainable transport initiatives from the emerging site-wide

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:18:3.2 Sustainable Transport Networks

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:29:6 Sustainable Transport Impact Assessment

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:29:proposed development will have a positive impact on the viability of sustainable

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:29:active travel and sustainable transport measures will aim to create a site that is not

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:29:dominated by vehicles, but a site where trips by sustainable and active travel

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:34:sustainable and active travel in line with Regional and National policy to reduce

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:42:the wider Teesworks site to encourage sustainable and active travel in line with

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:45:However, it should also be noted that sustainable and active travel measures

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:47:with sustainable transport routing and timetable information, active travel routes

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:47:and walking times etc. Such a Travel Plan would make sustainable and active

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:47:This framework proposes a list of measures to help promote the use of sustainable

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:47: establishing sustainable travel patterns and to ensure the site is fully accessible

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:47: Briefing staff on sustainable transport provisions to / from the site and

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:49:In addition to the measures to encourage travel by sustainable modes, it is

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:49: whilst encouraging the use of sustainable transport;

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:49: measures that will be developed to promote active and sustainable transport

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:50: Clear and customisable graphics can provide and combine sustainable and

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:51: future sustainable transport networks in the vicinity of the site;

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:51: junctions must take into account active and sustainable Infrastructure measures

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:52: to promote sustainable transport and active travel patterns to / from the site,

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:52:commitment to providing sustainable travel choices should have a long-term

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:58: 3.2 Sustainable Transport Networks 4

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:62:3.2 Sustainable Transport Networks

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:65:standards, in support of a more sustainable travel policy for the site.

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:68:It is proposed that measures will be implemented to support sustainable

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:69:around 200 trips from private cars in the morning peak hour onto more sustainable

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:70: proposed bus service and other sustainable travel initiatives. This results in

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:79:It is identified that it is proposed that measures will be implemented to support sustainable

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:80: the sustainable measure targets have not been achieved.

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:81:sustainable transport framework for the site, in terms of the Travel Plans, as discussed earlier, it will

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:81: the sustainable measure targets have not been achieved.

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:208: 3.2 Sustainable Transport Networks 4

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:212:3.2 Sustainable Transport Networks

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:215:standards, in support of a more sustainable travel policy for the site.

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:218:It is proposed that measures will be implemented to support sustainable

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:219:around 200 trips from private cars in the morning peak hour onto more sustainable

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:220: proposed bus service and other sustainable travel initiatives. This results in

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:229:It is identified that it is proposed that measures will be implemented to support sustainable

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:230: the sustainable measure targets have not been achieved.

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:231:sustainable transport framework for the site, in terms of the Travel Plans, as discussed earlier, it will

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 3 - Chapter C - Transport - Dec 2020.PDF:231: the sustainable measure targets have not been achieved.

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:6: February 2019 1 with the purpose of planning to achieve sustainable development. Paragraph

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:6: sustainable, through limiting the need to travel and offering a genuine choice of transport

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:6: health. However, opportunities to maximise sustainable transport solutions will vary between

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:8: discusses how new developments should seek to promote sustainable travel to minimise

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:28: Operating Vehicle/Machinery and Sustainable Travel

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:28: ii Produce a Construction Logistics Plan (CTMP) to manage the sustainable delivery

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter F - Air Quality - Dec 2020.PDF:28: iii Implement a Travel Plan that supports and encourages sustainable travel (public

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter J - Climate Change - Dec 2020.PDF:10: Sustainable Energy Research Team Ref 16.

R-2020-0822-ESM-Long Acres ES - Vol 2 - Chapter J - Climate Change - Dec 2020.PDF:24: to provide lower carbon energy to Development of sustainable

R-2020-0822-ESM-2022 03 08 Other Four Teesworks Appns(Not Foundry)- response letter.pdf:1: Network and the Delivery of Sustainable Development’ at paragraph 11 and ‘The

R-2020-0465-FFM-Officer report _R20200465FFM.pdf:3:SD1 Sustainable Development

R-2020-0465-FFM-Officer report _R20200465FFM.pdf:20: sustainable use of materials already existing on the site where

R-2020-0465-FFM-Officer report _R20200465FFM.pdf:20: REASON: In the interests of sustainable development.

R-2020-0465-FFM-Decision Notice_R20200465FFM.pdf:3:6. The development hereby approved shall be considerate of the sustainable

R-2020-0465-FFM-Decision Notice_R20200465FFM.pdf:3: REASON: In the interests of sustainable development.

R-2020-0465-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0_P01.PDF:99:and an environmentally sustainable alternative to off-site disposal.

R-2020-0465-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0_P01.PDF:104: CL1, CL2 & Excavation and disposal Excavation of the contaminated material Vast amounts of groundwork required. Removes source of contamination. Not a sustainable technique.

R-2020-0465-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0_P01.PDF:104: Very unsustainable.

R-2020-0465-FFM-41825-WOOD-XX-XX-RP-OC-0001_S0_P01.PDF:104: CL1, CL2 & Hard Surfacing Use of concrete and or other appropriate Large scale concrete requirement. Significantly reduces hazard to human Not very sustainable.

R-2020-0465-FFM-MRA Application Form Rev.pdf:5: Sustainable drainage system 9 Existing watercourse

R-2020-0465-FFM-R 20 0465 nat eng.pdf:1:generations, thereby contributing to sustainable development.

R-2020-0465-FFM-Metals Recovery Site, South Bank, Redcar DBA.PDF:34:deliver high quality development and sustainable growth in England. In terms of heritage, guidance entitled

R-2020-0465-FFM-MRS EcIA Report_Issue.PDF:45:It is important that development is sustainable and that projects produce a net gain

R-2023-0227-CD-TV_ERF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:9: ecological enhancement and a sustainable urban drainage system.

R-2023-0227-CD-TV_ERF_Shadow_HRA.pdf:18: to make sustainable aggregates for the construction industry. The second

171019South-Tees-Master-Plan-19-Nov-17.pdf:13:sustainable prosperous future. In response to the specific

171019South-Tees-Master-Plan-19-Nov-17.pdf:45: blanket to prevent ignition. The heavy fuel oil line has will consider Sustainable Drainage techniques that could

171019South-Tees-Master-Plan-19-Nov-17.pdf:143: • The process of generating electricity from tidal power is sustainable and does not consume any exhaustible • When pondage is utilised, hydroelectric power production is flexible, and supply can be adjusted to reflect

171019South-Tees-Master-Plan-19-Nov-17.pdf:144: sustainable process

171019South-Tees-Master-Plan-19-Nov-17.pdf:144: • Combustion of biomass can produce a variety of air pollutants, depending on the bio feedstock used • CCS does not address the need to reduce the unsustainable use of non-renewable resources like fossil fuels

171019South-Tees-Master-Plan-19-Nov-17.pdf:152:be woven into the overall landscaping and public realm sustainable way, that is operationally cost-effective and

171019South-Tees-Master-Plan-19-Nov-17.pdf:153: and lease use to the telecom providers • Meets the principles of sustainable development 11.14 Recycling and Zero Waste Strategy

171019South-Tees-Master-Plan-19-Nov-17.pdf:153: quality and sustainable development. Material

teesworks_-_keywords_-_sustainable.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/02 18:11 by